#three gayass queers
noodles-mcdoodles · 11 months
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Some fun shark ocs for me and my three lovelies~! uwu
I had fun designing them :3c
Edit: I can’t fucking count apparently and I just realized i said three instead of two 😭
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odetokeons · 1 year
I just KNOW that all of the Papas enjoy musical theatre, so here's my headcanon about each Papa's favourite musical
Primo ⸸ Little Shop of Horrors
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A classic
Funky tunes, spooky vibes and alien sentient carnivorous plants taking over the world, OF COURSE peepaw would love it
He definitely has at least one venus flytrap in his garden that he named after Audrey II
Secondo ⸸ The Phantom of the Opera
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He may not seem like it, but he's a romantic at heart
In Papaganda, Special Ghoul said “Papa is from the same bloodline as Leonard Cohen and Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, all the Vincent Price's and Don Corleone's.”, so it's only fitting that POTO would be his favourite musical
The Phantom being a misunderstood, scary-looking, lonely, 'miserable old wounded bitter man' who just craves companionship and understanding? Sounds familiar.
Terzo ⸸ The Rocky Horror Picture Show
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It's spooky and queer and horny just like him <3
Terzo (especially in the From the Pinnacle to the Pit and Square Hammer mvs) gives me the vibes of someone who would be into both witchcraft AND science alike, I can just picture him in his secret lab doing his silly little mischievous rituals and experiments and his gayass would DEFINITELY try to 'make a man to relieve his tension' (that's how he ended up summoning Omega)
I bet he made Omega dress up as Rocky (while he dressed up as Frank-n-Furter, of course) at least once, perhaps on Halloween (hc inspired by these two gorgeous fanarts)
Copia ⸸ Repo! The Genetic Opera
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"Hope this doesn't awaken anything in me" [realizes he's bisexual AND trans right after watching this movie] I'm definitely not projecting WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT (also he took one look at Pavi Largo and said 'I WANT HIS GENDER'. No, I will not elaborate further.)
He has daddy issues, OF COURSE he would eat this up (and be super invested in Shilo's storyline in particular) again I am NOT projecting
A (shitty) father deeming none of his three children worthy of carrying on his legacy and instead leaving everything to an outsider (who's the child of the woman the aforementioned father loved in his youth)? Sounds familiar.
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burr-ell · 5 months
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn’t seem queer to you?
I'm gonna talk Fire Emblem. YOU DIDN'T SPECIFY SO HA.
I do happen to think more characters in Three Houses are mlm/wlw than a number of people are willing to acknowledge (I don't consider "can be romanced by either gender Byleth" to be the only metric when some of them kids got gayass endings); like, Dimitri is absolutely bisexual. Claude, though...?
So this isn't really "I don't think Claude is queer at all"—I personally headcanon him as aspec—but I think he's exclusively attracted to women. Like, compare his supports and paired endings with Lorenz (where "diplomatic relations" is the furthest thing from a euphemism) and Balthus (where Balthus straight-up just marries an unnamed woman) to Dimitri's endings with Dedue (fellas is it gay to take up vigil at your liege's graveside and then be buried alongside him) or Felix (I'm grieving for him harder than his unnamed wife did because we're PLATONIC FRIENDS obviously). As I just said, a character's relationship to Byleth isn't the only metric for this, but I think it's pretty telling that nothing about Dimitri's interactions with or about Byleth change based on their gender, while some of Claude's dialogue adds in lines specifically about finding female Byleth attractive.
I mean, both Claude and Dimitri have paired endings with female characters that are giving contractually obligated (I can't imagine Dimitri/Ingrid or Claude/Leonie are terribly popular), but I feel like people interpret Claude as bisexual because he's charming and Dimitri as straight because...I guess his route has the most traditional Fire Emblem elements? Meanwhile, the actual situation is the complete opposite in terms of like, raw homoeroticism.
(As far as Critical Role is concerned, while I don't have a preference either way, I do see where @revvethasmythh is coming from that Jester has some ally energy. I do like bi4bi Fjorester too though!)
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
For FE3H, I think Teacher Theory is still very stupid and hasn't been ridiculed enough*. Like Edelgard works with a mole man death cult that does human experimentation and kidnapping and she personally has a secret pet serial killer and starts a war, but hiring bandits to kill her political rivals is suddenly beyond the pale and El Would Never**? And the obviously smarter 4d chess play would be to...get the church to hire the aforementioned secret pet serial killer (who already works there) to be the head teacher of her house, thus putting him under increased scrutiny? lmao ok
For Critical Role...okay, this is retroactive, but I gotta admit that the "'did she know' was actually Rashinna!" theory was not good, at all, and would have been incredibly boring if it had been true. (Also, just logically, why would Rashinna have ONLY sent that message to the two Ruidusborn?) If my understanding is correct people didn't want to say anything on the slim chance it was right, but once the episode aired the general consensus was "PHEW we're good c'mon man, seriously? We gave airtime to that?".
*I'd address the fanon coming out of the hardcore "genocide is okay" Edelstans (straight up just "source: I made it up"), but like, the question specifies 'popular' and that portion of the fandom has only gone more insane because they know everyone thinks they're all absolutely corncobs.
**If in an attempt at media analysis you call fictional characters by nicknames, cutesy or otherwise, you have waived the right to be taken seriously.
unpopular opinions asks
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thiefbird · 4 months
tell us about ainsworth??? we the people are not immune to gay ass fencibles captain
Poor Ainsworth was invented about 2 or 3 hours ago because I needed some guy to flirt with Stephen in Halifax in order to upset Diana. He got way too enthusiastic about birds because he saw Stephen at a previous dinner party and got a Vibe off him, asked around how best to get the weirdo short doctor with the terrible wig to talk to him, and someone mentioned the Rodrigues Solitaire and gave him a copy of Stephen's paper on it. He read it like three times, memorised all of one Bird Fact, and started blindly making things up about Strange Birds He Has Known In Nova Scotia.
Despite being just Some Guy who exists entirely to make plot happen, I am now inordinately attached to this gayass little man who knows nothing about birds except for the fact that the only new person he's seen in a year who might possibly not be straight likes them, and therefore he has to pretend he likes birds So Much. Honestly so relatable of him, I have gotten into many things because a cute person mentioned it and I wanted them to think I was cool.
I had not made up a single bit of backstory for him before I started writing this, but he's Scottish and unfortunately has terrible luck with men - hence trying so hard to win Stephen's attention. His terrible luck strikes again: Stephen IS very much bisexual, but he is also very much at this point a) in love with Jack Aubrey and b) deluding himself into thinking he is not in love with Diana Villiers (he is, very much). The only other queer men he knows in Halifax are either his ex, his ex's new guy, a lesbian teacher couple who are blatantly living together and everyone in Halifax thinks its sweet that they're such Good Friends, and now Stephen Maturin (and Diana, ofc, but he has absolutely no idea about Diana. Or about her knowing Stephen/being engaged to Stephen), and he was not at all prepared for this eventuality.
I will probably either make him the Captain of the Marines in my original novel HMS Solace, or an NPC in my Temeraire homebrew setting for the TTRPG Empire, or both! Probably both. Poor little gay guy deserves to have a dragon and more queer friends.
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azeofspades · 7 months
ok starting off with the first one (and lowkey the most embarrassing): LEO
The reason he's the most embarrassing of the three is because he's loosely based on this gayass from Fairy Tail
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Except he has 0 backstory in the canon so I gave him two sisters, queerness and a fuckton of childhood trauma.
He's the oldest of the three, two years older than Marisa and five years older than Elisabeth. He came out as trans at 17, aided by Marisa who advocated for him and even cut his hair for him. His father tried to abuse the trans out of him until he turned 18 and ran away to never come back. All he left was a note for his sisters telling them not to look for him until they were out of their parents' house.
He's generally more of a coward than his sisters (especially Marisa), preferring to run from his problems instead of facing them head on. He acts mostly in his very own interest, his security sidelining other people's in most cases. The only exceptions to this are his sisters, whom he is protective towards even as adults.
During the GMG arc of Fairy Tail, he's 32 years old (which is also the age at which I insert him into Dresden Files and Checquy Files). This makes him 25 years old pre-timeskip. During the Mashle canon, he is 20 years old. He's already run away from home at this point and has no contact with his sisters; they don't even know if he's alive.
I haven't quite decided on his birthday yet, I'm still on the fence between the 3rd and 5th of March. He just feels like very early March and odd birth date.
Aside from being trans and gay, Leo has crippling anxiety. He also suffered from depression due to gender dysphoria, culminating in a suicide attempt when he was 16. He hast PTSD due to the abuse he endured at his father's hands. It didn't start with his coming-out, his father was just generally a piece of shit. To the point mans might need his own post because GOD DAMN has he fucked up his kids.
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thereyvan · 3 years
the queerest Doctors and why they’re the queerest
remember that this is my opinion and also i’m right 
-Two because he has a Scottish boyfriend and adopts lesbians 
-Three because he’s a dandy and acts Like That with Delgado! Master 
-Thirteen because she wears some rainbow stuff, has a bisexual bob, and obvs wants to date Yaz 
-Five because he defines found family, adopts random kids, wears a vegetable, and is the definition of tired twink 
-Eight because he kisses everyone regardless of gender, has a gayass haircut(the tv movie one’s gayest), is dating Fitz, has had many queer companions, and dresses like Oscar Wilde 
-Six because he’s a walking rainbow, likes theatre, is very flamboyant in every way, is a drama queen, adopts lesbians, is filled with sass, has a gayass haircut(esp in season 23), really likes cats, and is overall just Like That 
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gnomecity · 3 years
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Literally one of my first ships ever and important to me realizing I was queer!!! I love them they are so cute I love them so much gayass homosexual gay gay I love them
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speaking of being a fake/npc person, i'm a queer gayass gay nonhetero gay and yet ive never dated anyone and don't really plan on it, at least not in terms of anything i'd call dating. plus, ive hardly ever kissed anybody and even then it was same-gender but in a friend way, haha, a joke, but i dont have words to use for it even though "platonic kissing" is a Joke Ha. the other thing thats a joke is that ive never slept with anyone and dont see that happening anytime soon, ha-ha. ive never even really had real crushes, i say "real" because i would describe my experiences in other ways with terminology i dont have. and as of rn what i want is to be extremely left alone in this general field. anyhow that all makes me Fake at least when people start defining being non-straight as going thru these certain Relationship Experiences or wanting them at least or etc. i'm bitter because i'm bitter about it, but not in that i care a lot about it / take it very seriously, but that i dont much love to talk about it especially cuz im the only one who can laugh about it but being as old as i am, which obviously isnt really old at all, and never having dated/had sex with/kissed anyone is obvs ridiculous. but also because i dont see myself much in any kind of stuff about being a gayass homo and i cant talk abt it without making an autobio i dont want to make, coz i literally dont have the words beyond a useless loop of calling stuff nonromantic implies a lack of commitment/intimacy/love that isnt accurate but using any of those three words on their own or anything else implies romance which isnt what i mean. who cares, not even me. except it still bothers me so
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