#threat detector // tevis larsen
gaygxnslinger · 5 months
@fireteam-silent "i came all this way to help you, and this is the thanks i get?" from khalom to tevis
tevis looks at the risen who seems insistent on following him. normally, he'd cast a glance at most before vanishing into the shadows, never to be seen again, and hopefully never needing a hand to be rezzed again, but this one? he squints his eyes.
he's met her before, hasn't he?
"what d'you want from me, kid? a medal? you rez me, and i don't turn on you. ain't that thanks enough?"
right. she was the nightstalker who sought him out for advice. he never had the heart to turn her away -- hell, he still keeps the cloak piece in one of his pockets -- but at the same time, it's not as if tevis had been expecting to see her again. she-- what was her name again? something to do with dreams- tevis isn't sure, it'll come back to him eventually. doesn't matter. she knows cayde, but it doesn't seem as if the two of them are all buddy-buddy.
well, you ask chance to topple a mountain and it'll either send a breeze, or a warsat crashing down on top of you, there's no way to predict what'll happen next.
guess of all people he was bound to meet again, it has to be another nightstalker. they have a way of congregating.
he sighs. maybe he is being a little harsh. "...just ain't used to havin' someone close enough to reach any distress signals." tevis also isn't used to his ghost sending them out in the first place. that isn't to say she doesn't try, but the last thing tevis wants is the wrong person finding him in a vulnerable spot, and cedar respects that.
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
some pack headcanons i said id post
I like to think that Tevis is the oldest Hunter out of the four of them. He’s a very experienced Nightstalker who’s used to being alone, then good ol’ Andal comes along who also turns out to be a Nightstalker. He knows how much it sucks to learn how to control the Void, so he decides to help out, in his Tevis-like ‘I’m not teaching, you’re just doing it wrong’ way.
And then the pack forms around them. A few other Hunters that I might make NPC sheets for, then Andal finds Cayde in a situation, rescues him, and convinces him to join too. A while later they find Shiro, who begrudgingly joins too.
This is entirely my hc and I will not force it onto any muns but. I do really like the idea of Tevis and Andal being close. The definition of not romantic, not platonic, but some secret third thing. They’ve been through so much together and they know each other better than most; Andal is one of the few who gets to see Tevis open up and relax, and he’s also one of the few who can read Tevis’ feelings beyond grumpy.
Andal really is the glue that keeps them together. After his death, Cayde, Tevis and Shiro stick around together for a lil while, but especially once Cayde becomes Vanguard, Tevis and Shiro split off, sometimes sticking together, but mostly wandering alone aside from their necessary reports back to Cayde. Shiro probably regrets it now that he’s actually alone.
i have more thoughts but i dont want this post to be too long LOL
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
word prompts // accepting!
[ cover ] ++ — from my Cayde to Tevis :3 
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket -- reversed
He’s tired. It’s been a long day filled with monotonous but equally as long missions, and Tevis wants to do nothing more than rest. Not sleep, because sleep continues to escape him the vast majority of the time, but getting to sit down and rest somewhere no one else will bother him, or try to talk to him is good enough.
Tevis is about to make his way up into the rafters (or whatever other hideyhole he can find) of the den that Andal has brought them to, pointedly ignoring the small group of Hunters that make their way inside, at least until he notices Cayde with them.
He expects some kind of chatter, but none comes.
Instead, the Exo makes his way towards one of the couches, flopping down onto it with the same exhaustion the Nightstalker feels. Tevis debates with himself for a few moments, eventually sighing and making his way over, lifting the blanket off of the back of the couch and laying it over him. “Do I really have to do everything for you?” He huffs, more playfully than anything else.
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
"You're an idiot."
Cayde looks to Tevis with a glint in his optics. He pulls out what, at first, appears to be a cigarette from a box, placing it between his mouthplates to rest there for a moment, mirroring the Nightstalker. Instead of lighting it though, he bites into it.
It's a candy stick.
Tevis rolls his eyes with a huff while lighting his very real cigarette.
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gaygxnslinger · 1 year
Tumblr media
aliases: too many over the years to count. gender: male; he/him. sexuality: pansexual. greyromantic, very demi. species: human. class: hunter.
summary: tevis larsen is a lightbearer who has been around since the tail end of the dark ages, and because of all the time he’s had to practice and put his light to use, he’s probably one of the most experienced void-wielding hunters out there.
for the first years of his life he ran entirely solo, given there’s no room to trust people when they could so easily turn and backstab you. over time he gained a few more trusted allies, but no one could really be considered his friend until he joined up with andal brask, slowly but surely opening up to him and the other hunters that begun to gather with them to form the pack.
he has all the personality of a rose that’s been stripped of its petals and only the thorns remain -- that is to say, you will rarely get a kind word from him that isn’t dripping with sarcasm upon first meeting. getting to know him doesn’t soften him much, given he judges most people rather harshly, but the few who do break through the cold exterior have earned themselves an incredibly loyal friend who cares endlessly in his own ways.
appearance: since he has no canon appearance, i base my tevis’ appearance pretty heavily off of sylenth-l’s art of him. he is pale-skinned with short, dark hair, equally dark circles around his eyes almost permanently and scruffy facial hair that he does his best to trim regularly, even if he has to use a knife to do so.
he’s 5′8.5″, so generally smaller than the rest of the pack. his armour is not too dissimilar to the wildwood set with green and brown camouflage colourations, although his cloak has little tufts of fabric almost like leaves sticking up from it.
verses & aus:
threat detector // tevis larsen his general tag. tevis in the mainverse follows what we know of his canon story, where he eventually dies physically in the black garden and the young wolf claims the void from him.
alacrity // tevis lives au everything is the same, except tevis survives his encounter in the black garden. he remains as elusive as ever, with some never even realising that he’s still alive.
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