#threads: amber.
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lvciddreamt · 8 months ago
“wow. didn’t think i’d find you in this part of town.” amber’s tone was mocking, all bravado and bitterness as she stepped closer. she’d come back to get the last of her clothes from the motel room, but clearly she wasn’t the only one with unfinished business. “i got a fancy new place now.” she was clearly bragging, even if she tried to play it cool. “you wouldn’t believe it was mine if you saw it. especially after months of living in this dump.” disdain filled her voice as she smacked the bedside lamp to the floor, shattering it. “so what are you doing here, huh? come to kiss and make up?”
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mythrilthread · 5 months ago
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These past months I’ve not been dead, but rather multitasking (making author’s copies of books I’ve bound previously to send a box of them to the US, experiencing a severe depressive episode, and also, working on this!). And now: Behold, the best fucking thing I’ve made in my life so far! ✨
These two books are basically step-fanfiction, or maybe fanfiction times two, seeing as it's the story (co-athored by my darling spouse and I) featuring NPCs from our long and passionate TTRPG campaign (played in the setting of Tessa Gratton’s United States of Asgard). Do not be fooled by the books’ papery appearance, they are primarily made from my heart’s blood and tears.
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🌟 The story takes place in 6 (ish) locations over the course of a year (and that year is 2000, which is why people are still into paper maps), with one of the protagonists being very fond of various maps and the other keeping his notes in a Pigpen-style cypher, which informed a lot of design decisions. The constellation (featured on the cover and on the title page) is formed of all the mentioned locations as marked on the road map (which I stitched from two pictures and painstakingly edited all the state names, some borders etc etc to replace the actual US names with the ones Tessa mentioned in her books and some that we came up with as the need arose). Every chapter starts with an additional map, marking the location and date, and with coded (and decoded) prompts from the Star-Crossed TTRPG that we used for inspiration.
🌟 It’s a bit of a tradition that spouse and I use different fonts when writing together, with their usual font being Arial and mine (surprising absolutely no one) Georgia, but for this I wanted a more matching pair of sans/serif fonts, so the body text fonts are DejaVu Condensed.
🌟 The title page illustration is by the fantastic @erebus0dora (my request was basically that I wanted it to look like one of the Bridgerton promo posters but less glossy, and oh, they delivered! The Major & I (referencing, of course, The Duke & I) is a joke name for the hypothetical crack version of this book where every chapter ends with “And then they fucked.”) When we finish the definitive edition (with many deleted scenes and other bonus content), it is also going to be on the dust jacket.
🌟 All additional illustrations are ephemera that I made for the story, added as extra-illustrations in my copy, and as scanned images in the spouse’s copy.
🌟 The bookmark charms are actual (plot relevant, of course) apricot pits, sanded, polished and waxed by hand.
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youlooklikeasixtiesqueen · 26 days ago
it is the year 2025 and i just saw a "screenshot" of a fake news article with the only purpose of contributing to the defamation campaign against amber heard that was started by her abuser and his fans. when will this end.
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chaosandcrimson · 2 months ago
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LOCATION: Amber's Place FOR: Amber Ryan ( @theluckyonerp )
"Thanks for letting me crash here," Safiya said from where she was sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the couch. She was grateful that she had already been at Amber's when the snow storm hit, having reached out to her friends to make sure that they were okay, as well as trying (in vain) to get ahold of her sibling. With a smile, she took another hit off her pen before offering it to Amber. "Are you hungry?"
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lxvenderhxzehv · 1 year ago
Where: The bar
Who: Amber and Noah (@thirtecnth)
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Noah had drank a bit too much and Amber could tell. She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around his waist "Baby, I think you might have hit your limit....why don't we get you some water..." She said with a concerned smile. She never wanted to overstep, but of course she was going to look after.
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thechosenanubis · 2 years ago
Fabian in S1 be like:
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ofyorkshire · 7 months ago
ouhh, what i wouldn't give for someone's face to soften completely when they see bj and coo a quiet, warm, "hey, baby."
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thirtecnth · 8 months ago
@lxvenderhxzehv / closed starter / amber ryan setting: noah & amber's place
After the news, Noah was walked to his house by James, eyes on him since he couldn't be trusted. He hadn't talked much-- his brain was fried and simply didn't want work at all. He really hadn't known when the shift change occurred or what Amber might've known about what was going on... He was just simply there. Seething but blank. "He just put them in the ground," he said, swallowing hard. His knee bounced with anxiety. "Torn to pieces. With no stone, no flowers, just fucking earth."
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mercurysunstar · 8 days ago
who: judgement and amber where: ambers place @theluckyonerp
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jay knocked on the door and leaned against the side wall. he wasn't one to do house calls but he was at a point where most of his regulars weren't acting like a regular. "amber come on, i can see your car out front can you open the door?" he had no malicious intentions, well not other than the usual selling intention which some would say is malicious.
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mythrilthread · 1 year ago
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So, today I found out that I never posted the first iteration of this project here, so I guess it's time to remedy that.
The Vampire Box is a remix of Tessa Gratton's short story by the same name, written by me and my beloved spouse. It was inspired by ttrpg characters very near and dear to our hearts, and a screenshot from Castle Rock because fancasting actors as your NPCs will get you like that. It is a story about growing up and learning what's important to you, and also about keeping a vampire in a cage in your basemet to bring your family prosperity. It's short, and sweet, and I love it.
The original version (the one with a cage on the cover) is one of my first projects in general (so it was made about a year ago), and my first ever A6 book. It was a lot of firsts—first debossing on the cover, first quarto, first book printed on that good white paper to make the illustrations (there are two, the second one is a full spread) pop. I made it in a frenzy, as my darling was returning home from a trip and I wanted to give them a surprise gift, and I messed it up, and they cried anyway, and we made the version in the pictures together.
The second one also gave me hell, I think I redid it three or four times? I finished it about a week ago. It's ridiculously tiny (this is the format that prints 60 pages per side of A4 sheet, it's like an inch and a half tall). I used a different approach to typesetting: the vampire's pov is set in red, and not in a cage like in A6 version, I dropped the illustrations here. But I still love that they are very obviously the same book while also being different.
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theluckyonerp · 1 month ago
Where: Amber's Place Who: Amber and Ward (@cyberneticatoms)
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"You know you didn't have to come all this way, we could have waited for the snow to clear. I'm a big girl I don't have to celebrate my birthday the day of anymore..." She shook her head bringing in something for them both to drink. She never wanted to be a burden to her siblings especially her older brothers, but she never struggled to speak up when she hung out with Keaton. "Regardless, I appreciate you stopping by and bringing take out...I really didn't want to cook tonight"
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iamrhyme · 3 months ago
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Listen 🎧 to, download ⬇️, click the heart-shaped ♥️ like button, and share 🔄 episode 406 of the Narrative Podcast across all social media platforms at the link below 👇https://www.spreaker.com/episode/episode-406-the-narrative-podcast--63085161
The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture.
The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.
The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.
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Visit the virtual online bookstore on Poetizer.com and purchase my original book of poetry "The Black Card. Purchase The Black Card today or get your black card revoked!
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emblazonet · 1 year ago
Honestly the thing that is starting to impress me the most about Pern is how wide a cast of characters Ann McCaffrey is constantly juggling and how consistent they are from one book to another. Not just that, but constellations, planetary bodies, seasons, all these tiny worldbuilding details.
Meanwhile here I am writing my novels by changing spellings halfway through, forgetting what gender various characters are, and barely remembering who said what.
What system of organization did she use? Spreadsheets? What is her secret???!!!!
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inklver · 1 year ago
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@dutystricken and i's beloved fish boy
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lxvenderhxzehv · 1 year ago
Where: Huntsville Lake
Who: Amber and Noah (@thirtecnth)
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Amber walked around town holding her ice skates. She came up behind Noah and wrapped her arms around him "Hey there handsome" she teased. Taking one of his hands placing a gentle kiss to it. "Are you going to join me on the ice?" She looked up at him with a bright smile. "I'll catch you if you fall...."
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demongemz · 10 months ago
I’m seeing visions. ( amber ) @daydrcamings
Abigail found herself taking a moment to assess just what was before her, she’d started prowling around the other. “Well clearly imitation is the greatest form of flattery, I don’t like the idea of another walking around with my face.” She mused, stopping her prowler to face the other “Who put you up to this little plaything? Taunting me isn’t something that can be easily ignored so paint me curious why someone is daring to walk around with my face in this weird little place we now have to call home.”
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