#threads || w. liliana jackson
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lennyxclairmont · 25 days ago
"I will if you are not going to be fine," she stated, knowing it would not be an inconvenience for her to do that at all if Liliana was not going stay warm on their walk. "Thank you," Leonora smiled with the woman's words. She was not a person to brag to about her life but the joy she had in adopting Natalie, Claire and Leah was often too much to keep inside. "Of course," she continued to smile at Lili, "Travis is a good man," that much was a given, "I love their laughter at any age, but especially as they are discovering it," Lenny laughed softly, having been around many friends with babies in her years, "it really melts your heart when it fills the air, doesn't it?" @lilianaxjackson
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"Don't be silly, you don't have to walk all the way back. I'll be fine." Liliana answered, though appreciative of the woman's concerns. She'd have Travis take care of her feet and warm them up when she'd get back home. That'd suffice. "I can imagine." The joys of starting a family. Liliana found herself in the same place, finally having a daughter with the man of her dreams. "I'm so happy for you guys." Her voice resonated, her hand tugging her scarf up a little to make it more comfortable. "She's a champion that one. Very happy whenever Travis is around, which makes sense. He was all she knew for a while." And she was blessed for it. A lesser man would've rejected the child, blaming them for what happened to their spouse. But not Travis. "She has the most adorable laugh, that's for sure. Starts looking more like her father every day." @lennyxclairmont
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anthonyxblake · 1 year ago
The suggestion had led to him having to get it. Tony side stepped past the man and his passed out wife, careful not to knock into either of them as he did so. The kitchen. By the sink. Drawer. The instructions repeated in broken up phases as he moved through the strange house. He didn't recognize anything, fumbling his way with shaking hands as he made it into the kitchen. He found the sink, found the drawer before opening it up. Once the rag was in his hand, he dampened it, wringing out the water so not to drip it all over the floors as he returned. Anthony knelt down by the woman and the man she was with before gently placing it on her forehead, "Here," he offered, removing his hand after a moment and standing back up. "I'm sorry, uh, I'm staying at the hotel downtown if she wants to talk." Anthony said as he moved back around the other man and headed back down the driveway to where his vehicle was parked in the street. @travisjackson @lilianaxsantos
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He didn't know that to do with Lili in his arms like that. He wanted her to wake up or even for him to pass out and this all to have been a dream. He didn't know which would be better. Hearing Anthony speak up, he looked up at him and pointed to the kitchen. "Go get one. Drawer by the sink has some rags. Please." He begged while still holding his fiance in his arms. @anthonyxblake
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anthonyxblake · 4 months ago
Anthony nodded his head along to her words, “Hopefully this winter isn’t too bad, either,” he wasn’t sure that he was ready for a brutal winter his first year in Kismet. Regardless, Anthony had always been able to overcome any situation, especially something as small as weather. “Of course,” his tongue wet his lips as she questioned about his work. “I think there will be enough work, people still like clean cars in the winter,” at least, he assumed they would. “But I guess there’s only one way to find out. If it gets too slow than then I will look for something else.” He told  Liliana, “I, uh,” he reached up to rub the back of his head, “I’ll let you go, I know it’s not late but wouldn’t want to keep you. It was nice seeing you,” and he wasn’t entirely certain if it was, not yet, but he wasn’t going to say otherwise because he wasn’t really sure how he felt. @lilianaxjackson
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Liliana figured that acting normal was key. Walking around him as if on egg shells wasn't going to do either of them any good. Besides, the last thing she wanted was for them dreading running into each other. So she took a breath to shake off the nerves, and then shrugged. "They're pretty okay. The wind can be very cold, we had a snow storm almost two years back, but last winter was okay in my eyes. Nothing a scarf and beanie couldn't fix." She answered, waving away his apology concerning her migraines. "It'll be fine. The sooner I can sleep the better." Since her migraine medication wasn't allowed during the pregnancy, she just had to suck it up. "Yeah? Will you be looking for something else for the season, or will there still be enough to do?" Truthfully, she had no idea what it was he did these days. They'd discussed it briefly when they had attempted to revive their relationship, but it hadn't stuck with all the noise happening. @anthonyxblake
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julietaxalvarez · 3 months ago
She smiled at her friend, though it ripped her from the inside out to see her laying in the hospital bed like she was. "Of course," she walked over to the bed to press the button for Liliana before turning around to bring the chair near the bed as it was against the wall. "I will stay as long as you like," she moved the chair, but stepped back as the nursing staff came in and Julieta asked if they could sit Liliana up. As expected, they were quick to do so and once they left the room, Julieta sat down in the chair next to her best friend's bed. "I've brought my gel manicure stuff if you want some pampering," she offered to her, "or I can drone on about how ridiculous some of my clients are." She teased, wanting to distract Liliana in any way that she could. @lilianaxjackson
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Having Julieta visit her gave her a sense of normalcy, even though nothing was the same. She missed her daughter, missed her husband. Missed the fact she couldn't walk around just to use the toilet. "Aw, you shouldn't have ." Liliana joked, turning her head when Julieta came into view. "Would you mind pushing the call button. I need to sit up." She could ask Juli, but nurses were efficient, doing it every day. Plus the last thing she wanted was for her best friend having to take care of her. "Will you stay a while? My dad will be here around two.. I think." @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 5 months ago
Julieta looked up at Liliana as two mugs of tea were put down. The woman had insisted on making it for Liliana but they both knew it was a battle that Julieta would not win. "Clearly the universe is out to get you," she pouted at her best friend, "now I will have to take care of that problem for you," Julieta would always help Liliana fight her battles, even those against the universe. "Please, you can complain to me all you want, even while looking like the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen." Julieta complimented with a smile, "As for me, Quentin and I have been together for almost a year." It wouldn't be long before their one year anniversary was upon them, "Isn't that kind of wild?" It was to her, which is why she questioned it. "I hadn't planned on being together seriously with anyone." But she loved Quentin, more than she had been willing to admit thus far. "I've even signed up with a local photographer to take some boudoir photos." Her brows wiggled teasingly. @lilianaxjackson
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"I swear, at this point the universe is just out to get me." Liliana sighed, making her way over to the couch where she put two mugs of tea down. "Fall has just arrived and I'm already feeling like my nose is stuffed. Peeing hurts like I had flaming cheetos dipped in hot chili sauce for breakfast. My migraines are acting up more frequently and Bells decided now is the time for her to move into the right position and she's not being subtle about it." Liliana motioned with her hands, as if clearing the air from bad auras -- if she was the one to believe in such things -- and then sat own, covering her lap with a fleece blanket. "But enough about my complaining. I need some good stuff. Give me the good stuff, what's new with you, work, life, love -- all of it. @julietaxalvarez
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lennyxclairmont · 1 month ago
"It is winter," that part had never been lost on her with the near constant rain and gloomy skies. "Are you warm enough?" She questioned, "I have some extra blankets in my car," Lenny rarely ended up somewhere not prepared and with three kids, there was no telling when one of them was going to get cold. "We are ecstatic," she grinned at the other, "it's been a dream come true, honestly," Lenny had always wanted to be a mom, knowing it was something she was meant to be. "How is your sweet girl fairing? I love when you send photo updates." @lilianaxjackson
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Truthfully, Liliana hated every minute spend away from her little girl. Especially since she had missed so many already. But she couldn't deny that she needed the fresh air and some alone time. Or, well. Alone time with Len. "A little chilly, but it is winter." At least her paralysis had developed into having lost just the muscle strength, but she still felt the stinging cold, or when she was hot or itchy. It was a positive, probably. It meant there was improvement, right? "They are?? That's great, congratulations, Lenny. You and Ray must be ecstatic, the girls must be." She looked up at her, moving her right arm upwards so she could half reach for her friend. "I'm happy for you." @lennyxclairmont
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anthonyxblake · 5 months ago
Seeing Liliana in public was bound to happen and the man was unsure how to act around her since the official end of them trying to be together again. Anthony was glad that it had ended, in the sense that she seemed much happier and he knew in time, he'd find that same happiness. Or if he didn't well, all he had ever wanted was for Liliana to be happy. "Winters pretty rough around here?" Anthony questioned, having only experienced the tail end of winter with his arrival. "I'm sorry," he knew he couldn't fix that for her. "Oh, uh," he reached up, rubbing the back of his head, "I've been good, work's been keepin' me busy but I'm sure with winter it'll slow down some." Anthony wondered if he might end up working elsewhere, as he really didn't have a solid career path ahead of him. @lilianaxjackson
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Though it was evident Anthony wasn't exactly thrilled to see her, she was at least glad he didn't ignore or her tell her to beat it. She took the little smile as a step in the right direction, considering how things had ended. "Bet the teen gave you a run for your money, huh?" She teased, pressing her hand against her back to stretch out the sore, but kept it lowkey. "I'm good, actually. Glad that the colder weather is coming, I was about done with the constant sun." Winter had always been a favourite, so she was certain it came as no surprise to him. "Though my migraines have been acting up the last few days, but if that's all, I can't complain." She let out with a shrug, adjusting her shirt on the front. In her mind, she tried to conceal her pregnant state from him as to not rub it in her face. Even though at this point it was a challenge. "How about you? You look good." @anthonyxblake
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lennyxclairmont · 2 months ago
"Hey, I don't mind it one bit," Lenny stated to Liliana. She was happy to get to spend some time with the woman, having not seen in her in a while. Lenny could only imagine the number of visitors that they were having not only with the birth of their daughter but with Liliana not being back to her full self yet. She'd visit, but didn't want to overwhelm the Jacksons. So, Lenny graciously pushed the wheelchair, or she hoped she was, despite the chilled winds. "Are you warm enough?" She questioned Liliana before a grin broke across her lips, "We're great, honestly," Lenny hated to brag, really, but she also knew better than to sugarcoat things. "It was their first Christmas with us and I don't know if I mentioned, but they're officially Clairmonts as well." @lilianaxjackson
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"Bet you didn't think you had to put this much energy into this outing when you dragged me out of the house, huh?" She laughed at Leonora. Travis had been a doll enough to get her to the park, where her and Leonora had agreed to meet. Or well, Liliana had insisted they'd meet there rather than Lenny coming to pick her up, since she rather Travis would carry her in and out of the car rather than Len having to get her through it. Having her push her on the wheelchair, with the current wind. Still, Liliana appreciated getting outside for a bit. "How've you been? How're the girls?" @lennyxclairmont
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julietaxalvarez · 3 months ago
Almost losing Liliana had taken a toll on Julieta. Her mind often felt like it was anywhere than where needed to be. She visited the woman, often, but she did not want to overwhelm her best friend. A smile reached onto her lips as she heard Liliana's voice. The other's back was to her as she walked into the room, but Julieta knew it was the familiar click of her heels against the hospital floors that gave her away. "I told you I'd come whenever I can and it just so happens the rest of my court cases were delayed for the day. The judge got food poisoning." @lilianaxjackson
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Liliana had always been a side sleeper, but her current condition had made that harder on her. She'd managed, with the nurse's help, to lay on her stronger side, her right side, and being able to look outside where the world continued on like as if her world hadn't partially fallen apart. With Travis having gone home with Bella for a few hours, all she had to do was wait. That was, until she heard the clicking of heels enter her room, instantly conjuring a smile to her lips. "Hey you." She softly spoke, her back turned towards the entrance but even then, she knew when her best friend was in the same room as her. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you today." @julietaxalvarez
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anthonyxblake · 5 months ago
Opposing his brother in the spoon and egg race was not something a former version of Anthony would have done. Fun was not something that had come easily to him but when Cohen suggested it, Anthony found himself getting involved and having a good time. Anthony had parted ways with Cohen, leaving him to spend time with his wife when he was roped into another round against a teenager. The teenager gave Anthony a run for his money and ultimately, he lost. As he stepped off what was considered the field, he heard his name. "Lili," he gave the woman a weakened smile, though a smile nonetheless. "Cohen first," he told her, "then the teen," Anthony looked over his shoulder before looking back at Liliana. "How, uh, how are you doing?" @lilianaxjackson
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At this point of her pregnancy, Liliana wasn't able to do much of the activities, so instead she spent her time walking about while Travis was getting her some food. She witnessed the egg and spoon race when she saw that Anthony left the playfield. At that point, it was too late for her to turn around and pretend she hadn't seen him. Besides, she didn't want things to be awkward between them, so instead she just stood there, tugging her jacket more together to protect her from a breeze. "Anthony, hey." She greeted him, wobbling on her feet. "Had a worthy opponent? She asked, nodding towards the teen he had just gone to battle against. @anthonyxblake
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anthonyxblake · 1 year ago
Anthony stepped forward in the same instance that Liliana's knees collapsed underneath her and the other man caught her. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach as he watched her in the arms of another man, the man in which she was engaged to. "Lili," he breathed her name, not knowing whether he should reach out to her, so he didn't. He clenched his hands at his sides, feeling lost in his own life, "I- I can go," Anthony offered, not sure what to do as he had not expected any of this to happen when he came to find Liliana. "Cool washcloth to the forehead should help her." @travisjackson
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For a moment, he stared at the man when he admitted who was. Her husband. Anthony Blake. That's where he knew him from. He had seen pictures over the years of knowing Lili and that's why he looked so familiar. He looked different, of course, from those images he saw, but it was him, alright. It was definitely him. He turned back to Lili just in time to catch her as she started to go down. "Liliana." He said and held her close, going down to the ground with her in his arms. "Hey, come on." @anthonyxblake
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anthonyxblake · 1 year ago
Anthony was not surprised that Liliana stood before him, speechless. He didn't know that he'd be able to muster up anything to say if he thought she had passed away several years ago and found her standing on his doorstep. So, he didn't say anything for a moment. He was going to begin again when a man's voice sounded before approaching Liliana from the inside of her home. Inside his chest, his heart dropped into the pit of his stomach as he stared between the two of them. This time, Anthony's eyes caught the glimmer of a ring on her finger of the hand that was clutching her robe and if he were staring at it right - it was an engagement ring. Now, Anthony was feeling speechless as his gaze lingered on the ring a moment longer before looking to Liliana and then the other that had come up to her. "I'm -" he paused, not even knowing if he should say something. "I'm her husband." The admittance making itself out. @lilianaxsantos
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Her keen mind was failing her. She stood glued to the ground rock solid, not moving an inch as she stared at her husband. His hair was longer, his cheeks clad with a beard she had barely seen on him before which made it harder to grasp that yes, this was her Anthony. Her heart was beating with such hard thumps she felt like her body was swaying every time the drums sounded, resonating within her. When he spoke, the woman blinked, colour draining from her previously rosy cheeks. It sounded like him, but it also didn’t. She had the urge to close the door and go back inside, for this had to be a cruel joke. Her husband died years ago, this man before her couldn’t be him. Her lips parted but still no words came out as her entire being was on survival mode, knowing that if she was to move or speak her knees would buckle. @travisjackson
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anthonyxblake · 1 year ago
When the door opened, there she stood. His eyes locked on her face, having not seen it in many years. The look she wore, facing him as her eyes stared at his face, probably wondering how in the hell he was even standing right in front of her. Anthony didn't look anywhere else except for her face, ashamed that he had ever treated her any way but with unconditional love. "Liliana," Anthony spoke, finally, clearing his throat as he lifted a hand to rub it over his scruff. "uh, I could have - should have called, but I didn't think you'd believe it and well, I wouldn't have believed it either if I were you." His voice was quiet as he spoke aloud, sounding like a stranger in front of the woman that he remained married to. @lilianaxsantos
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The last few years had been focused on Liliana's recovery to feeling like her own person again. Ever since her husband's untimely demise, she had been a lost sheep, making mistakes left to right, even mistakes she would never forgive herself for. But through therapy, she had been able to give it a place. She had never spoken an ill word of her husband ever since she had gotten the call, remembering him the way she wanted to: a good man who had her best interest at heart, even though the truth was misshaped.
She had her support system, and though unplanned, part of that support system had let her to this very moment. Freshly engaged to the man she had dubbed the love of her life; unknown to herself how much of an insult this would be to the man that had been making his way to her home address in Mount Aston. She was blissfully unaware of the world outside of her bedroom, filled with laughter and sweet talk as they celebrated their engagement. "You're killing me." She groaned, her hands soothingly running over the marks on Travis' back that her nails had left mere moments ago when she had reached the peak of their celebrations. Her lips were abruptly torn from Travis' lips when she heard Max' barking downstairs, alerting her to a presence at her front door. She hadn't heard the doorbell, but that's why Max was a good substitute.
Taking advantage of the interruption, she pushed her weight against him to roll them over, leaning down now that she was straddling him instead to press a last kiss on his lips. "Round two when I come back?" She winked before she hopped off, grabbing the thin kimono that was on a nearby chair, covering to just above her knees when she put it on, fastening the rope around her waist. "If I take too long, come and save me." Liliana mused before she made her way downstairs, shouting a clear coming! to indicate she was on her way. "Max, bed!" She commanded the doberman, who retreated to his corner and lay down with a huff. She ran her hands through her hair, smoothing the bed hair before she fumbled with the lock of the door, opening it just enough to see who was on the other hand.
The first millisecond, she didn't realise who it was. Then there was a shudder that ran through her spine, with the eerie sensation of wow you look very much like my late husband, she had every once in a while. She wasn't sure if she had even said anything, be it a Can I help you? or a simple yes? For she found herself staring at the man before her. His cheeks weren't as full as those of her Tony. The eyes were less alive, his shoulders less proud, his hair duller, grayer even?
"Wha--" She couldn't managed to even finish the word, blue eyes staring at him in disbelief, shock, terror. The longer she stared, the more she found herself realising. Had it not been for the fact she was holding onto the door knob, she would have lost her balance. Her other hand clutched onto the fabric of the kimono around her chest, where her heart had once more started to rampage against her ribcage, her breathing quickening. What was happening? @travisjackson
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