#thread02: lana and ryder
archxngxl · 2 years
Closed Starter
For @deocde​
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About two weeks had passed since Rocco disappeared. Missing persons posters hung up on the walls of every cafe, restaurant, and telephone pole. Lana shot a smirk at the photo that stared back at her as she crossed the street. Not all was well and good. The waitress unfortunately lost the baby, and that fact alone made Lana’s blood boil. It was like Rocco’s last victory, even though he was dead. Lana paid a visit to her while in the hospital. The blonde left behind an envelope, with five hundred dollars cash inside it. She wore gloves, of course. Couldn’t have prints all over the place, it was too risky.
Something else haunted the woman. Or rather, someone. Lana never thought that anyone would have that impact on her. The man that helped her get rid of a body, that helped her dispose of a scum as well as all the evidence. People like that were hard to come by, almost impossible in fact. That night, after everything was said and done, he handed her a piece of paper with a number. To call whenever she needed him. It was so odd. It sounded crazy, but Lana wanted to see him again. To know why he helped her, why he was doing what he was doing. She may have found the only person that could truly understand what she was doing. 
Lana decided to shoot him a message, to meet at the roof top of the abandoned ‘Monarch Hotel.’ A hotel located north of the city, a mostly crime ridden area. Lana figured that it was time to put a long established plan into action. Despite having her reservations about the man, she was willing to place her hesitation aside. The sun was making it’s way down, Lana stared into the city. “I half expected you not to show up.” 
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