sheena-1990 · 3 years
2 Famous Bedtime Stories Read Online Under 5 Minutes
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
3 Well-Known Bedtime Stories Read Online Under 6 Minutes
3 well-known bedtime stories read online under 6 minutes and make your kids happy to tell these amazing stories.
1:Potatoes, Egg, and Coffee Beans Story
A boy named John was upset. Her father found her crying.
When her father asked John why he was crying, he said that he had many problems in his life.
Her father just smiled and asked her to get some potatoes, an egg, and coffee beans. He placed them in three bowls.
He then asked John to taste their texture and fill each bowl with water.
John did as he was told. His father then boiled all three dishes.
When the dishes had cooled, John's father asked him to taste some different recipes.
John noticed that the potatoes were soft and the skin peeled off easily; the egg became hard and firm; the coffee beans had completely changed and filled the water bowl with aroma and flavor.
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
2 Bedtime Stories For Kids To Read Under 4 Minutes
2 bedtime stories for kids to read under 4 minutes, today we are going to read the best 2 stories and I hope you will be enjoying them.
The Lion And Three Cows StoryThe Lion And Three Cows Story
Three cows lived in a pasture situated on the edge of the forest. All three were of different colours: one black, one white and one brown. They had a close friendship. The three lived together throughout the day, grazed the grass in the pasture, and slept next to each other at night.
Three cows lived in a pasture situated on the edge of the forest. All three were of different colours: one black, one white and one brown. They had a close friendship. The three lived together throughout the day, grazed the grass in the pasture, and slept next to each other at night.
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
3 Incredible Bedtime Stories Under 10 Minutes
Hello, kids and parents today we have 3 Incredible Bedtime Stories In 10 minutes, we are going to read and enjoy the stories and learn good manners from this series of bedtime stories.
The Speaking Cave
In ancient times, a large lion lived in a dense jungle. All the wild beasts of the field also trembled at his presence. He used to hunt wild animals every day and fill his stomach.
In ancient times, a large lion lived in a dense jungle. All the wild beasts of the field also trembled at his presence. He used to hunt wild animals every day and fill his stomach.
In ancient times, a large lion lived in a dense jungle. All the wild beasts of the field also trembled at his presence. He used to hunt wild animals every day and fill his stomach.
In ancient times, a large lion lived in a dense jungle. All the wild beasts of the field also trembled at his presence. He used to hunt wild animals every day and fill his stomach.In ancient times, a large lion lived in a dense jungle. All the wild beasts of the field also trembled at his presence. He used to hunt wild animals every day and fill his stomach. One day he wandered in the woods all day, but he did not find a single victim. In the evening he wanders around and his condition worsens due to starvation. The lion saw the cave. The lion wondered why he did not stay in the cave waiting for its owner and as soon as he arrived, he would kill him and satisfy his hunger. Thinking about this, the lion ran and sat down in the cave. The cave belonged to a fox that had come out in the afternoon. When he returned to his cave at night, he saw the footsteps of a lion outside the cave. Seeing this, he was cautious. Upon closer inspection of the marks, he realized that the nail marks were not the entrance to the cave, but the exit. Now he was sure that the lion was sitting in the cave. However, to prove this, the jackal came up with a plan. He shouted outside the cave, "Oh cave! What's the matter, you didn't call me today. You call every day, but today you are very quiet. What happened?"
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
Best friend quotes to make them feel special
Friendship is such a best relationship in this world and today we are going to share some best friend quotes to make them feel special.
Best Friend Quotes
1: How will we pay the debt of this friendship, With whom will we be friends when we are no more? Or keep safe my friends, Because only my friends will pray for my life. 2: Let the rising face light you, May the blossoming flower give you the fragrance, We are not capable of giving happiness, May the giver offer you thousand happiness. 3: Relationship should come to play, There should be loyalty in friendship, No matter how deep the clouds of sorrow become, Just a friend should be there.
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
5 tips how to save a long distance relationship from breaking up
They say that nonattendance causes the heart to become fonder, however that doesn't mean it's not difficult to be away from your lover.Today I need to discuss something that I get asked regularly, and that is the manner by which to endure the distance and have a solid, sound relationship. Presently, I know direct that significant distance connections are difficult, I've been there previously and I should say, it takes responsibility and commitment to keep your sparkle alive. All things considered, the tips I'm going to impart to you do assist with keeping you and your man close, regardless of the miles between you. Presently, we should bounce into my five hints that how to save a long distance relationship.
1. Have an end date in mind.
Probably the hardest thing about being away from your accomplice isn't realizing when you'll see each other once more. Why? Since it passes on space for the creative mind to go crazy, and in the event that you begin questioning your relationship, it's a predicament to escape. Rather make arrangements with your accomplice, and know when you will see each other next. Regardless of whether that implies arranging a visit for quite a long time not too far off, or seeing each other on the ends of the week, whatever the case, just having a thought of when you're been together again makes the distance more feasible, and you'll feel more associated. At the point when you are together make certain to choose when you'll see each other next. All things considered, bidding farewell is much simpler when you as of now have another outing to anticipate.
Obviously this can be simpler said than done,but on the off chance that you're both truly dedicated to the relationship, you ought to have the option to think of an arrangement between you.
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
how to make a long distance relationship work according to experts in 10 ways
The Internet Highway has changed the way we live and therefore the manner during which we love. It has changed the way during which we mingle and it's additionally improved the probability of discovering love over the online . Discussions are not difficult to hit up with consistency and it's not difficult to find that you have unmistakable inclinations for somebody who lives hundreds or thousands of miles from you! Many individuals are deciding to have significant distance connections (LDRs), long distance relationship may feel brilliant from the get go. Notwithstanding, they accompany their own arrangement of extraordinary difficulties too. Many couples are walloped by the effect a LDR can have on their day by day life. This individual would now be able to feel so near you in light of the web but then actually, remain so distant. The mystery is significant. The more pre-arranged you are to deal with the circumstance, the better prepared you both will be to settle on choices en route that will help you and your accomplice and potentially make it a more secure and agreeable experience. In this article, I have tended to 10 regions that you should give unique consideration to while thinking about that how to make long distance relationship work.
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sheena-1990 · 3 years
Use humor to improve your relationship in simple tips for happy life
Humor has for quite some time been viewed as perhaps the best apparatuses to pass judgment on the nature of any relationship. In case there is chuckling present you can accept that the relationship is a solid one. At the point when the chuckling stops you can be very sure that the relationship is on the down slide. This giggling indicator can be applied to any relationship at home, busy working and at play. Giggling implies that you're having some good times and fun implies that things are working out positively.. Investigate the connections around you. Do the couples giggle much together? Has the giggling halted in a portion of your connections?
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