#thread003 | jasper
ofdelicatesx · 5 years
It was about a few days later that Clara heard from Jasper, and as difficult as it had been she had left him alone because she had realized he still needed time to himself. Clara on the other, who prided herself in being patient, quickly realized when it came to her best friend she didn’t have the trait at all. At least, not when she’d seen him in danger but she also knew she couldn’t continue to hover over him as she did when he was staying over. There was a part of her that wanted to trust Jasper that he wouldn’t jump the gun and do something so reckless again. While she couldn’t fully say she did, she took him appearing a few days later at her place as a good sign that he hadn’t gotten up to anything in time she hadn’t seen him. Looks can be deciving of course, and while Jasper looked more like himself she knew his intertnal battle was far from over. Still, the brunette was glad to see him relax a bit as he began spending time with her more than usual. The fact that he sought out of her company told her that he didn’t want to be alone and he seemed to find some sort of peace the moments they did meet up.
It was about a week later that Clara decided the pair had not done anything remotely fun or even gone out for the longest time. She honestly couldn’t think of a better time than now, between what happened about a week an half ago and Jasper’s heartbreak, getting out of the house might do him some good. It might not be the solution but it was a good way to at least clear his mind and maybe be help him temporaily. More importantly. Clara wanted him to forget his troubles for one night before he went back to being back to his old self and continued to give himself a hard time. She also selfishly wanted to take advantage of the time he was spending with her before he closed himself off once more. So that evening, Clara appeared at his house all dressed up, something she had not done in a while as well. They had plans to meet up that night but Clara didn’t specify them and instead asked him to be ready by the time she arrived.
Jasper wasn’t the easiest to convince but eventually she had managed to get to agree to see a new bar that had opened. It had been quite the hype and maybe she might have guilt tripped him a tiny bit before he sucked it up and came along. The two had just arrived at the bar, and from the exterior by itself, Clara could tell the inside would appealling as well. “WIll you put on a small smile at least? You’re going to scare away some people with that look.” She told him as she walked beside him and towards the entrance and held the door open for him, letting him walk in before she too stepped inside. Her brown hues took in the interior and atmosphere and from what she was seeing, it had not diminished her expectations in the slightest. “Here I thought seeing me dressed up might soften you up a bit.” Clara teased him as she linked her arm through his and tugged him inside further as she scanned the room for an empty table or bar space. It was about a minute later a table by the bar section cleared up and she led them in that direction.
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