aurheatum · 3 years
@gricencchos @verseandrhyme
So this was to be the stage Rion chose. Her memories, as vast as they now were, still held nothing of his shape except what had been initially shown to her. No matter. She would just have make sure to memorize his dying moments, for that was often the only measure of a man.
Stepping into the pillar of light, Rhea catches the concerned gaze of Seteth and the lowered eye of the Mitama. She opens her mouth to say something but in the next moment there is nothing, white, and in the next after that she stands in the void with the rest of her charges missing.
“So,” she says instead of whatever would have fallen out of her mouth before, “he has separated us yet again. Stay close.”
Up ahead comes the laughter of a child. Her scales are a white, purer than even Rhea’s own and her eyes that crinkle in delight the shade of her father’s pelt. She is speaking but Rhea is not listening.
How much of a fool did Rion take her for? She had mistaken the faceless ghost in the catacombs for her sister, slipping on its blood. But this. So vivid and real was the happy family before her she knew they could not be true. Her son would simply have to step up his game.
“Rion!” She shouts. “It matters not how many forms you choose or what manner of deceptions you display. I will tear the truth from you if I have to,” her eyes narrow and her gaze falls upon the light dragon, heedless of the tiger’s roar of outrage, “let this be the first judgement.”
Rhea rolls a 5 to hit Leto, miss.
Charging forward, Sword of Seiros raised, Rhea aims for the soft underbelly of the younger illusion but as the dragon flies, feathers ruffled in surprise, she sees to look of fear in her eyes. That was real. 
Her sword rings harmlessly off of the tiger’s claws and Rhea thinks perhaps Rion has done a bit better than she first had given him credit for. Gricenchos takes a swipe at her with his other hand and Rhea is pushed back, wincing at the tear in her shoulder.
A particular set of skills, discovered!
When Gricenchos is >= 50% HP, all attacks and counterattacks directed at Leto are absorbed and countered by him with +2 damage dealt
“I shall not miss again,” Rhea breathes out, “and if you want to be the first to fall then so be it.”
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