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blindspct · 2 months ago
priscilla couldn't help but to laugh at her boyfriend's dramatics. it was hard not to, especially with things going as well as they seemed to be going at this point in time. "i can work with that. we'll add it to breakfast and then maybe later, we could make a grocery store run. you know, i'd like to contribute some if i'm going to be spending more time here..."
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"That's right, one crease out of place on a shirt and the whole of middle school education as we know it might collapse!" Leo chuckled. Walking over to the fridge at her request he hummed quietly as he moved containers around. "I have a few strawberries in here.....and there's some melon." Pulling the boxes out he looked around, "I'm sure there are a couple of bananas as well if you want them."
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blindspct · 2 months ago
priscilla had admittedly missed leo when he was going but now that he was back and the two of them had tickets to the new year ball, she made sure to do what she could to look good for him. as he rang the doorbell, she smiled and made her way to the door to open it up for him, a champagne colored dress hugging her curves. she giggled at his response and intertwined their fingers, pushing herself closer. "we have plenty of time for you to take this off of me when i get home."
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Leo had been away for a few days after Christmas visiting his daughter and now that he was back he was looking forward to spending some time with Priscilla before he was back into what was always a heavy time at work. He had got tickets for the New Year Ball and arrived at her door to pick her up, leaving the taxi waiting. He rang the bell and then straightened his tie, his face lighting up as he saw her. "Good evening madam. You look...incredible. Maybe we should change our plans and stay in for the night!"
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blindspct · 3 months ago
priscilla grinned, "i'll bring the necessities only, i promise." the fact that he was making any space for her at all meant a lot to her. no one had ever done anything like this for her. "i'll bring very little to hang. i know my boyfriend has to look professional at work and i don't want to ruin your shirts." stealing one last kiss, she turned back to the task at hand and started on their french toast. "i didn't look but you don't happen to have any fruit i could put with it, do you?"
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Leo kissed her forehead with a grin. "Yes, a whole shelf in the bathroom...so you will have to limit what you bring," he teased her. "I might even make you a little hanging space but you are going to have to use it wisely because my shirts cannot get wrinkled by squashing everything in." He slowly released Priscilla, "I'd better let you get breakfast made because all this clearing out is going to need energy."
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blindspct · 3 months ago
priscilla definitely just wanted to try to do better this time around, especially since she hadn't been the best partner herself. she was needy and she knew it but at the end of the day, all she ever wanted was to love and be loved. as the two spoke and cleared things up, she felt better about what was happening between the two of them. "i hope it is." she smiled at the other, eyes peering over at him in a loving manner. "oh yeah? a shelf in the bathroom too? i definitely feel special now." she cooed.
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Leo's arms rested against the worktop as he watched Priscilla move around, getting out ingredients. "I want to, I want you to feel comfortable when you are here," he insisted. Getting some of her favourite snack treats was a small price to pay for making her happy, something that he felt just a little bit guilty about as he thought back over the previous evening and even the previous month. He smiled brightly at her as she suggested clearing out a drawer for him in her house. "A whole drawer, this must be serious," he teased though he walked over and kissed the top of her head. "That's very kind of you and I will do the same....and at least a shelf in my bathroom!"
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blindspct · 3 months ago
priscilla couldn't help but to smile at the feeling of his lips pressing against her skin. things definitely seemed to be going really well since the two of them had been honest with each other and managed to make up the night before. as she got the ingredients ready, she leaned back against the man. she smiled wider at his words, "you don't have to do that," she spoke and regardless of what she said, she liked that he wanted some of her favorites here. "i was thinking maybe i could clean out a drawer at my house for you to keep some of your things in..."
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"I think French toast sounds amazing," Leo replied as he kissed the exposed skin on her neck as she moved her head. "I know I have syrup but I might have some berries in the fridge as well if you want. There's some bacon left too but I really need to get to the grocery store later." He squeezed her slightly as he spoke softer, "Maybe you should let me know of any favorites that you want me to stock up on for when you are here, cookies, chips, juice. Anything you want to have handy."
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blindspct · 4 months ago
priscilla couldn't help but feel even closer to leo after the night the two of them shared. after all, she'd gotten everything out in the open and agreed to change her own ways in order to further improve their relationship. she couldn't help but to let out a giggle as he spoke and glanced between them as the sound of his stomach, "sounds that way. what do you think about french toast?" she asked, tilting her head to one side as she rested in his arms.
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Leo wrapped his arms around Priscilla tightly as she turned to face him. Sighing softly as her arms fastened around his neck, gave a soft laugh at the question. "Now that very much depends on what you are offering," he grinned squeezing her waist. Right at that moment his stomach gave a loud rumble and he eased off his hold on her with a shake of his head, "I guess my stomach wants to answer for me. What were you thinking for breakfast?"
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blindspct · 5 months ago
priscilla couldn't help but to smile as she felt him snake his arms around her waist and she leaned back into him slightly. last night had definitely ended on a positive note and she had high hopes when it came to their relationship. "you think so?" she asked, a giggle spilling from her lips the moment he kissed against her neck. "well, i wasn't ready to get dressed yet. i was hoping to spend some quality time with you before we have to part ways later." she turned in his arms, arms coming around his neck. "you hungry?"
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Leo slept surprisingly well given the drama of the previous night but when he woke to an empty bed he did wonder for a moment if he had infact imagined the whole thing. Spotting Pricilla's dress hanging over a chair he knew that the evening had indeed ended well and he pulled himself out of bed. Pulling on his boxers and a T-shirt and making a quick stop at the bathroom he went to find her, smiling at the sight of her in his shirt. "You know you look super hot like that," Leo muttered as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. "Especially when you are serving me coffee in that outfit."
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blindspct · 6 months ago
smiling against his lips, she relaxed against the man. "good night." she cooed softly. priscilla was happy to have moved on from what happened between the two of them and she was definitely going to do better from here on out.
priscilla managed to wake up before her boyfriend did. her eyes peered up at him, smiling at the sight of him sleeping so peacefully. she slowly slipped out of his arms and pulled both her underwear and his shirt from the night before on before moving into his kitchen to make the two of them some coffee. after all, they had a late night and she wanted to treat him, especially after what happened.
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Leo shivered lightly as her hand brushed over his skin and he chose not to respond any further. The fight happened, he had no doubt it would happen again, but they had moved on for the evening and now he felt sated and relaxed and ready for sleep. Leaning over he kissed her softly. "Good night baby," he whispered as he settled down in his bed. "Sleep well."
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blindspct · 6 months ago
priscilla panted softly, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as he responded. her heart felt full and she was thankful that they were able to fix things. she curled against him and tilted her head back slightly to press a kiss against his chin. "mm, noted." she breathed out, her hand rubbing over his bare chest. "i'm glad we...worked through everything. i didn't want to lose you. i mean, i don't want to lose you."
Leo felt her tighten around him as they both had their moment and as she eased up he rolled off her. Lying on the bed next to her he was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling in a steady pattern as he came down from his release. "I love you too," he muttered as he closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the last ripples of pleasure. Dealing first with the protection he reached over and hugged Priscilla to his bare chest. "Next time let's see if we can get here without the fight first," he remarked as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.
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blindspct · 10 months ago
she wondered for a moment if he caught her hints but she also didn't mind being forward if he didn't. priscilla didn't want to part ways from her boyfriend and instead, show him what he meant to her. the woman couldn't help but smile at his movements. she kissed him back, her arms coming around his neck and her body pressing into his. "mm," she paused, tilting her head to one side. "do you want me to?" she didn't want to assume but she definitely wasn't ready to leave, especially if the two of them were going to spend the night making up for things.
Leo was clearly being slow at reading her signals but given all that had happened that evening it was understandable. He let her get into the position she wanted before he slipped one arm around her waist. His eyes fluttered for a moment as she played with his hair at the back and the small amount of attention was sending the right signals through his body. "Mmm, I think that sounds like an excellent idea," he agreed as he leaned forward to connect their lips.
Kissing her soundly Leo's arm other arm slid along her leg and began to rub the side of her thigh slowly. "Are you staying the night?" he whispered against her ear before he placed more kisses down her jaw and down her neck.
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blindspct · 10 months ago
if priscilla was being honest, this wasn't how she wanted to end the night. she didn't care what the two of them got into but she wanted to clear some of the air. she slowly slid into his lap, her arms coming around his neck as her eyes met his. "well, i was kind of hoping we could make up a little..." she suggested, her fingers playing with the back of his hair.
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Leo nodded along with her words but his eyes widened as she stood up, wondering where she was going . A slow smile grew on his lips as she sat down on the arm of his chair and he turned slightly so he was looking at her. "So where do we go from here? Set our next date for next weekend? Or do you have something else in mind?"
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blindspct · 11 months ago
priscilla couldn't help but smile as he spoke. her heart genuinely felt full in this moment and she was thankful that the other seemed to be just as invested as she was. "there are," but talking about things made her feel hopeful about where their relationship was going to go. "i think if we get working on things and we're aware of what the problems are then it can only go up from here, right?" she spoke softly and shifted toward the other, getting up from her seat as she did so and then sitting on the arm of the chair close to leo.
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Leo stared at her in surprise for a few seconds. Her question was not what he had expected and he needed to properly consider his answer. Leaning forward with his hands clasped he nodded slowly, "Yes I want something with you. I wouldn't be here trying to fix things if I didn't and I'm sorry if you feel that somehow I'm not invested in us. I care about you a lot as well and I was excited to see where things went but as we have discovered there are some pretty large cracks that need to be addressed in our relationship before we can move properly forward."
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blindspct · 11 months ago
priscilla knew that was he was saying was valid. there was no way for them to know whether or not things would end up lasting between them but what they could do is attempt to fix the problems they'd addressed. "i know. i just," she took in a deep breath, "you want this with me, right? i mean, you want to work things out? i guess that's a stupid question considering but i just want to make sure is all. i really care about you, leo."
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Leo pursed his lips as he listened to her explanation. With a shrug he reached for his glass and slowly took a drink as he mused over his response. "I'm not sure what I can say honestly. I appreciate that we both have things to work on and it seems we are both willing to try but I can't sit here and promise you that everything is going to be perfect and last. I'm sorry if that is not enough for you but I'm not going to make promises that don't mean anything. We both know what the issues are so only time will tell if we can overcome them."
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blindspct · 11 months ago
priscilla wanted to be the one he wanted but she wasn't sure if at the end of the day, he wound find her to be worth the fight. "no." she shook her head and settled her hands in her lap, "it's just that i know how difficult i can be and i know i said i'd worth on it, which i meant, but i wonder if that's going to be enough? i don't know. i really care about you and i don't want you to change your mind about me."
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Leo finished his piece and then listened as Priscilla responded. It certainly felt like they were both more willing to make this work out and that was reassuring so he was very willing to do his part. He was pleased to hear her agree to be more patient and could agree that saving date nights for the weekend was better given the conflicts that had already arisen but it was her confession that he had to come back to. "Why do you feel you are not enough for me? Have I made you feel like I am only filling time with you until someone else comes along?"
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blindspct · 11 months ago
priscilla wanted to believe that the two of them could fix things, especially if they were both willing to work on themselves. she took the glass of wine he poured for her and offered him a smile before lifting the glass up and taking a sip. she wasn't good at this but she was going to try. "i know," she sighed and shifted to place her glass on the coffee table. "i guess, you know, a part of me is afraid that you're going to realize how much better you deserve but i promise to work on myself. i promise to be more patient because i owe you that." she shifted slightly, "and maybe we could save date nights for fridays or weekend days, just to avoid issues all together."
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Leo poured them both a glass and brought it through to the living room. Sitting down in the arm chair he took a long drink and placed the glass down before looking over at her. He took a moment to take in her beauty and then he sat up a little straighter, ready to face the issues. "Ok so we are here to talk so let's start. I have already apologised for being late tonight and I accept that I can try harder to be on time but with that comes limiting the days that we can meet because there are certain days where I will almost certainly be late. However I am not going to be made to feel guilty every single time I am five minutes late, particularly when I have already said if you book a table before 8pm there is a chance I will be delayed getting there."
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blindspct · 11 months ago
priscilla followed him to his place and shifted up toward the door, her head bobbing in a nod. "wine sounds great." she replied as she stepped further inside. the blonde got rid of her heels at the door and made her way into his living room, tucking her legs under herself. she couldn't help but hope this was going to go better than their initial conversation, especially since she didn't want to lose him.
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Leo watched Priscilla across the parking lot until he saw her safely get in and then he climbed into his own car and drove home. Arriving just a minute before her he had opened the door before she made it up the path. "So let's get some drinks and then we can talk. Do you want some wine or something else?" Waiting for her reply he nodded, "Go make yourself comfortable and I'll be back in a moment."
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