eloisemarieedmunds · 7 years
Obscurity: Eloise & Vlad
Hearing the distinctive Skype ringtone from her computer, Eloise ignored it as she had been for the past week. Talking to her friends was the absolute last thing she wanted right now. They had questions and wanted answers that she didn’t have to give them. No doubt, Allison had spread the false story she'd been fed. What could Eloise say to that? Not the truth obviously. If she said the words 'vampire prostitute' they'd stage intervention again and she could not be put through another one of those. She couldn't carry the lie on either because then they'd want to vet him themselves.
And that can't happen because he's not around, she thought bitterly as she blotted away her excess lipstick with a tissue. Of course, as soon as it occurred to her, she cursed herself. She'd decided the morning after the car incident that she wasn't going to acknowledge his existence anymore. He'd gotten what he needed from her and that was that. Which, what the fuck ever, right? She was fine. Just fucking perfect.
Forcing her mind back into the present, she checked her look one more time to make sure everything was precise. The burgundy cowl neck bodycon dress reached only her mid-thigh and fit her like a glove. It accentuated every curve and distracted from her rather lackluster chest, lengthening her legs and most importantly displaying her neck. She turned, examining the look from the rear. The cross-back strappy design slimmed her waist while also showing off ample skin and the fabric made her ass look more enticing. It was rather obvious why this had been Chad's favorite dress of hers. Yeah. He maybe a total shithead, but he certainly has an eye.
Turning once more to face the mirror, Eloise examined her loosely waved hair, using her freshly painted gold nails to secure the front strands on either side of her face behind her ears. With lips coated in a color to match her dress and eyes shadowed in a glittering gold with mascara and eyeliner, Eloise figured she was as ready as she would ever be.
Padding out into her bedroom on bare feet, she checked all the items she'd laid out on her bed. Her clutch, still containing the condom and breath mints from the last time she'd ventured into the club scene, was soon additionally stuffed with her identification and apartment key.
"What am I forgetting?" She mused allowed, letting her green eyes roam the room. The small plastic bag on her dresser top caught her attention and she hurried over to grab it. Once the expensive treat was secured in her bag, she headed for the door to her apartment. She stopped for only a moment to ensure that her cellphone was indeed charging where she'd left it and grabbed her kitten heels before walking out the door. On the stoop of her building she slid her feet into her shoes prior to going to the curb to hail a regular old yellow taxi; that was one major downside of unplugging for the night, she couldn't use any applications. It was epically old school.
Having scoped out her various possibilities and having ruled out Nite Life immediately, Eloise knew exactly where she was heading. She gave the driver, a middle-aged man who seemed remarkably well-kept for a taxi driver out doing rounds at such a late hour, the address and they were off. Determined not to let her mind wander, Eloise reached into her clutch and took out the tiny zip lock bag containing her four special pills: two lavender & two seafoam green. It was a new designer drug called Heartsome, that supposedly made the world ‘colorful’ and relaxed you all at once. Ellie wasn’t exactly clear on what her dealer meant by ‘colorful,’ but she wasn’t sticking around to ask. He would have started teasing her for thinking she was done with his drugs just because her friends said so and she was in no mood for his shit. She tucked the baggie back into her purse as the vehicle slowed down.
The car came to rumbling stop outside Obscurity, a sleek, modern building that gleamed like black onyx against the night sky. With sincere thanks and handing over cash to the driver, Eloise climbed out, straightening the fabric of her tight dress before confidently approaching the two bouncers guarding the entrance. They requested her identification and shown both their flashlights upon the lamented surface. Convinced that she was indeed twenty-six-years-old, the bulky men moved aside to allow her entrance to the upscale club.
The interior of the club was just as sleek as the exterior, all the surfaces a shiny material reflected the color lights that descended from the ceiling. People milled about everywhere, human and vampire alike, but there was a touch more decorum in Obscurity then there had been in Nite Life. With a soft smile molded to her lips, Eloise made her way to the bar and almost immediately one of the bartenders was there to take her order. After inquiring what he’d suggest for a human seeking to have a thrilling night, he made her a trio of flaming shots.
“Remember to blow them out before downing them,” the bartender warned before darting off to attend another customer.
Lifting the shots up one by one, blowing them out and downing them was an interesting experience. The liquids were warm as they slide down her throat before settling in her stomach, like she swallowed a simmering glow.
“How did you like the Earth, Wind, & Fire?” It was clearly a line, but the young woman no longer gave a shit. She was here for one thing and one thing only: to forget he-who-shall-not-be-thought-of and to feel uncomplicated pleasure. With her goal in mind, Eloise turned and found herself staring at a man’s broad chest, covered by a black dress. Tilting her head upwards, Ellie met soulful brown eyes.
“Yes,” she answered easily enough, “it was a shot experience. I’d recommend it if you’re thinking of trying it.”
He laughed, a full body sound that shook his broad shoulders and light up his handsome face, “I’m glad to hear it. I invented the trio, you see.
“You did?” she assumed this was just the puffing typical of the bar atmosphere.
“Mhmm,” he said, smiling brightly, his fangs appearing in an instant, “My cousin owns this place and he gave him all my good drink ideas.”
“What about all your bad drink ideas? Did you give him them too?”
“I did,” he agreed with a light wink, “What’s your name, tiny human?”
He reached out and grabbed her hand with the speed of his kind, “My name is Clifton.” His index finger came to rest upon the inside of her wrist, the opposite of the one that Vlad had bitten, “It’s a true pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Eloise.”
Miss Eloise? So formal. A small smile tilted the corners of her lips upwards, “You too, Clifton.”
“Can I get you a more substantial drink?”
She shook her head softly, “I get my own drinks for safety reasons. No offense.”
Again, he chuckled lightly, “No offense is taken. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders; it’s…appealing.”
Turning back to the bar for just a moment, Eloise flagged down a bartender and ordered a dirty martini. Clifton fitted himself between her and the next bar patron, his chest mere inches from Eloise. His left hip rested upon the bar’s solid structure. “After you get your drink, would you care to dance?”
“Are you a good dancer?” She asked teasingly, “I don’t want my feet trampled upon. Not in these shoes.”
He looked down at her feet, eyeing the golden kitten heels, before looking up again, “It would be travesty to step upon such cute feet. You’re in luck though, Eloise, I’m a marvelous dancer. “
The sound of a glass being set down upon the bar’s top drew Eloise’s attention from the charming vampire. She thanked the bar tender and handed off the necessary money. She tugged the tiny baggy from her clutch again and took out two of the tablets, one lavender and one seafoam green and popped them into her mouth. Taking a sip of the alcohol to chase the pills down her throat, Eloise returned her focus to Clifton. He was still gazing down on her, a wicked gleam in his eye.
“Has anyone told you tonight that dress looks fabulous on you?”
“No.” Eloise said with a small smile over the wide rim of her glass.
“Well, it does,” he assured her,” he reached and grasped her elbow to steer her away from the crowded bar and onto the dance floor, “You look quite…delectable. Red is a very tempting color on you.”
Among the crush of the bodies upon the dance floor, the colored lights playing upon the various individuals and surfaces as Clifton pulled her close. His right hand rested on her lower back, his cool hand standing out against her heated skin, bringing her pelvis against his own. There was no mistaking his interest or intent. He spun her away with the music before pulling her back into him, this time with her back to his chest.
An arm encircled her waist, securing her to his larger frame. He nosed at her throat, bringing up memories of Vlad that she didn’t wish to recall. Luckily for her the Heartsome was beginning to kick, chasing away her unwanted thoughts and concerns. Indeed, all the colors, that had once been dulled by her weak human eyes, were bright, vivid, magical.
“You smell fantastic, tiny human.” Clifton’s voice sounded slightly distant, but she could still feel the press of his solid body behind her so she knew that he hadn’t moved. “Have you ever been bitten, Eloise?”
“Yes once.”
“Mmm,” He mumbled, the vibrations of the sound against her skin, lighting up her nerve-endings. “Were you being fucked at the time, princess?”
“N-no.” His hand slid up her stomach slowly. The music was fading away to nothing, the other people melting away into nothingness. Her fingers relaxed unconsciously around the stem of the martini glass, sending the item crashing to the ground and shattering.
His fangs scraped over her tender neck teasingly, making her shiver, “You missed out, Eloise….” He paused, his lower lip dragging slightly on her skin, “Maybe we should rectify that tonight. Let’s go outside, yes?”
Clifton was directing her towards a backdoor, but Eloise barely noticed. Her eyes felt too wide and the rainbow of colors that encompassed the club were very distracting. “O-okay.”
The bracing cold of outside was a shock to her system for only a moment before the buzz of the pills came back full-force. The darkened alley was a great deal less interesting for the drugged young woman, but before she could complain, Clifton was pressing her back against the sleek wall of the club. Her eyes rolled in her head as he hands pinned her hips to the walls. There was so much happening in her drugged-out state that Eloise failed to notice when the door, they’d just come out of, banged open and another person exited Obscurity.
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annihilyza · 7 years
s-r-a-j-o answered your ask “Good Evening, Lord of Mystery. It's been some time, how go your...”
Srajo looked up from the plants they’ve been grinding with a mortar and pestle. The lenses upon their mask shone from the cowl of their hood. They put down their small, stone utensils, and stood to their feet.
[Good evening, Annihilator.] A smooth flurry of gestures. [The rumours are true. You have returned. My travels are fair. The same always. I was bit, but my leg is good now. How goes you?]
[Good evening, Obscure!] Lyza repeats in gesture with a smile. Having gotten Srajo’s attention, she moves to Orthian Standard Sign in deference. [ Indeed I have! I am pleased to see you well. I hope your recovery was smooth.]
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She stops to think for a moment with a hum. [I am good, but unsure. Others feel undecided about my return. The world is familiar, but I am surrounded by change.]
Lyza motions to the plants being ground. [What are you working on?]
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