#thread:Amma and Eric
entangledmuses · 4 months
@putyourbabyfangsaway asked: [ GO ] for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one and carry them away from a potential/just started fight. {Feel free to surprise me with your muse. Though a Vikings muse could be interesting?}
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Have Amma
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Amma grunted as Eric lift her up. "Put me down, I want to fight, put me down." She snapped.
This was embarrassing, she was a shield maiden, born and raised to fight. And she was a fierce fighter. Yet for some reason, he was carrying her away from the fight.
"Eric, I swear, if you do not put me down, it will be your guts on my blade." She told him, trying to wiggle free from his grip. "Do you not think I can handle it? Trust me, I can." She growled.
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