#thread: the employee part 2
affableramen · 3 months
୨୧ Pantalone in a relationship with you ༄ 🎀
Ship: Pantalone & You, the Reader 🌙
Special tags: not nsfw yet. Safe for any read
Note: the Reader is implied fem. Also, in case you prefer Dom/Sub and BDSM relationship type, this thread isn’t fit for you.
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Ur not just his employee, ur first and foremost his girlfriend (or wife😉)
˙✧˖ He asks you to be present on important business meetings with him
Pantalone feels secure when he has you by his side, after all he was longing to keep you close for a long time. And seeing you follow him brings him utter joy. Not only your presence cuts his image less lonely old man-ish figure, but having you present drives a hope that you’d correct or add some ideas into his project if by any means he fails. It’s some sort of soul repair for him.
˙✧˖ He seeks advice from you
Pantalone cherishes your opinion and respects your views and decisions. Even if he had already subconsciously decided how he is going to assert certain powers, he will quietly, even subtly ask your opinion. There are times when you have huge arguments with him over wealth gap and social issues. It often results with him spilling all his pent up anger and stress into you, as he has distinct anger issues. However, as he cools down, he always, always, al-ways, comes back to you. First asking forgiveness for his outburst and then engaging into the proper conversation about the issue with you in a much calmer manner.
˙✧˖ He eats and drinks A LOT with you
Pantalone is a simple person. He was raised in destitution and used to eat trash. You may say he has some sort of immunity to cringe. However, apart from it, he loves quick and effortless food. Steamed rice still tastes wonderfully for him, after all these ears. His favourite will be the honey chicken you cook for him. Although he hates when you cook (not in a bad way), because he has a personal chef and doesn’t want you to spend time and ruin your hands, but you insist. Honey chicken from you is his comfort food. There are days where he would sit with you on the balcony, drinking nothing but beer, a cigarette in his mouth while he enjoys your home-cooked meal. And yes, he drinks beer with you, cause it’s comfy and satisfying. And wine reminds him of formal occasions that used to keep you and him on long distance.
That’s it for now. Tell me if you enjoyed reading my stuff and I’ll make a part 2!
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syoddeye · 8 months
the reward
ceo!price x reader / ~2.5k words
This can be considered the first half of part 4 of Business or Pleasure? my lil ceo!price x reader side project. Please enjoy! 🖤
Parts 1, 2, and 3
CW: hinted possessiveness, power imbalance, alcohol
The reward was never a choice. Cute, in hindsight, how you thought it was and politely declined to exit the car. 
Mr. Price squashed your resolve with one look. Both of his eyebrows raised in an expression of almost tired disbelief, mouth a firm line, and a disapproving sound pushing through it. "Hmm. You sure? Store's open just for us, y'really going to make them stay on longer?"
Sufficiently guilt-tripped, you concede.
You expect the pair of sales associates to be miffed, all tight smiles and wringing hands, for working past posted hours. They are not. Quite the opposite. It makes you wonder the true reach of the man beside you. 
John ushers you past the display of tote bags in the front of the store. 
You try to protest. "But they're the most useful type here. The others are impractical."
You try to reason. "I can use it for work. For travel. See, my laptop will fit."
You want something closer to the reliable carry-all you currently own. He clicks his tongue as if you are an unruly pet, affectionately scolding. "You're not walking out of here 'til you pick something impractical. Think of it as an indulgence."
You are left to reluctantly marvel at the rows of clutches and handbags. They sit under warm, glowing lights designed to underscore the soft luster of their leather. The kind of brand to hide the price tags, you silently make estimates as you peruse. Just one could pay two month's rent.
A sales associate sidles up when you linger too long near a pinkish-gray, compact handbag. Her voice is low and bubbly, explaining the history of the silhouette and model, the leather and detailing. She shows the optional shoulder strap, threads it over your side, and insists you look in the mirror. Feels funny using a full-body mirror for an accessory, but it does make you like it more. A nicer outfit and you could pass for a real customer.
You meet John's gaze in the reflection. Comfortably settled in one of the shop's armchairs, he smiles languorously and nods.
Before you know it, John offers a shiny metal card to the associate, and you walk out of the store with a four-digit handbag. 
In the car, it's as if nothing happened. John returns to his phone and padfolio, all business, and you sit slightly dumbfounded cradling a shopping bag. Whiplash does not even begin to cover the feeling.
He likes you, has to. Men, no matter how wealthy, do not spend this amount of money on people they do not care for. It is not your experience, at least. The gift is troubling, though. What precisely does it mean? What did drinks mean? What does his requisitioning you from Kyle mean? You've seen this show before, and it never ends well.
When the car pulls onto your street, it is fuel on the fire. Of course, John has access to employee information; you try not to dwell on the fact he shouldn't use it; there are policies against that. Clearly, he is not one for rules.
When Alex opens your door, John is on the phone, looking out his window. You make a split-second decision. You gather your things, murmur a goodbye, and then climb out of the car. Locking eyes with the bodyguard, you take advantage of his friendliness and mirror his warm energy. It works. Distracted, he does not notice the shopping bag left at the foot of your seat.
But John does. He calls your name as you attempt to distance yourself from the car, stopping you in your tracks.
"Forgetting something?"
Flustered and foiled, you retrieve the shopping bag. He smiles amusedly from his seat.
"Email me the notes. See you Monday, love."
"You're hiding something." 
"Jordan, please. I've barely touched my coffee."
"There's got to be more to it," Jordan whispers excitedly over the edge of your desk, ignoring your withering look. 
You do not lift your gaze from the packed, colorful calendar on the screen. "Like I told you over text and FaceTime, that's it. Mr. Price only needed me for notes for a partner meeting. He was impressed by the summary I wrote up for Kyle about Project Intercontinental."
As if summoned, a message pops up on screen. 
kgarrick - online
> Need to speak with you about meeting the technology directors.
What meeting? He's already met with them this quarter. Nevertheless, you stand and smooth your skirt. "Boss man needs me, talk later?"
The other woman huffs. "Yeah, yeah. Talk later."
You slip into Kyle's office and shut the door. "What's this about the tech directors?"
Kyle smiles, but it does not quite reach his eyes. He gestures to the padded lounge chair across his desk. "Please."
Pins and needles. This was not about the directors. 
"O…kay." You sink into the chair, back straight as a board. 
He takes a moment to lean forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface, one hand rubbing the knuckles of the other. "I understand John took you to meet with Graves."
"Yes, I was under the impression you knew." The fear that Price possibly lied about that instantly surfaces.
"I knew, told him it was fine. I'm curious about your first impression.
So that's it. Kyle wants to know more about the new contractor. You relax a bit and recall the sportive, if not roguish American. "Oh. Well, he is certainly different. I am curious if his company's style will align with ours, given how–"
Kyle raises a hand to stop you, and his smile is almost pained. "No, sorry, I meant John."
Your eyes widen a little in surprise. Crossing your legs, you force your fingers to lace around a knee. "I see. Um, he's...Assertive."
It prompts a snort of laughter, seemingly breaking Kyle's odd nervousness. "Sorry, go on."
Pursing your lips a moment, you tread carefully. "Perhaps 'confident' is the better term," It isn't. It is kinder. "Strategic and intelligent." Strategic in how he basically used you and intelligent but clueless with office equipment. You think to tag on 'generous', but rather not be forced to explain.
Kyle chuckles, and his grin slowly returns to an uncertain curve. "Did he talk to you much?"
Yes and no. Yet, what was the correct response? 'Yes, Kyle, and he admitted to using me as the adult equivalent of a ring of keys to a toddler or monkey to gauge Mr. Graves's attentiveness. Oh, and this was after he described my clothing in detail over the phone to an unknown party. Did I mention the five thousand pound gift back at my flat?' Complete honesty was out of the question.
"He did not ignore me. We had a polite conversation."
"Did he say anything about me? Ask?"
You smirk. "Only that you gave him your blessing."
The spot of levity is lost on him. Your smirk fades.
Kyle almost looks worried. "And he…He didn't…"
Your face heats. What does he know? Does he know about drinks? The message? The handbag? The conversation teeters into minefield territory. You play dumb. Best to let him get out with it. "What?" 
"He didn't ask you to move over to his desk full-time?"
Relief floods your worried nerves, quelling the fretful thing in your chest. You understand now. Kyle doesn't want to lose his assistant. Your smile nearly splits your face. "No, he did not."
The man slumps some and chuckles. "Excellent. Had me worried. I don't think either of us could refuse if he asked, y'know."
That is a discomforting piece of knowledge.
"I still would," You reassure, lean forward, and tap the surface of his desk. "Now. Was that all? I don't know about you, but I've got work to do." 
He shakes his head. "No, but you tell me if he tries to snipe you, yeah?" 
The earnestness throws you, despite how accustomed you've grown to it during your tenure. It makes keeping this thing with Price a secret all the more difficult.
"Of course. Now. Message me when you decide on lunch, dates for the Mexico trip, and what you'd like to give me for my fifth anniversary since I know you've already forgotten."
"Shit. That's–?"
"Next Monday."
"Pick out something nice."
And you will. Just not Moynat nice.
The rest of Monday keeps you hellishly occupied. Your head's above water for the first time in the day, and it's nearly quitting time. Kyle's off at his last appointment, some check-in meeting on tax season preparations, when you power off your desktop. You slip on your coat, pack your bag, and discreetly slip off to the elevators. There's time to beat the evening rush.
The elevator arrives from a higher floor and for a moment, you briefly consider diving out of view. You come face-to-face with Alex and behind him, Mr. Price. Both of their faces shift for different reasons.
"Miss," Alex drawls. 
You give the bodyguard a rigid smile, then glance at your employer. 
"Going down?"
"I can–"
Alex holds the elevator doors open when they try to close, his smile warm and clueless. "C'mon in."
Price speaks when the car starts to descend. "You're not using your new bag."
Your eyes flick to Alex's back then focus on the LED panel indicating the floor. It feels inappropriate to talk about it in front of the other man, despite his presence on the 'errand'. 
"I can't."
"Something wrong with it?"
"Yes, it's too nice."
Price chuckles and Alex's shoulders shudder in a clear attempt to suppress a laugh. 
"I fail to see how that's a problem."
"Mr. Price, while my compensation is fair," You continue carefully, still avoiding looking at him. "It is not within my budget to afford luxury brands. If I turn up to the office with that nice of a bag, all of a sudden, people would talk. And besides, it's my bag, and I decided it is not for work."
You don't miss how he ignores the first part of your answer. "What's it for, then?"
Do not look at him. Oh, what you would do for the elevator to stop.
"Socializing," He repeats, elongating the word as if it's in a foreign language. "Dates?"
He has to be deliberately trying to get under your skin.
"Yes," A single word. A confirmation and a warning. 
"Go on many of those?" 
Even Alex tenses, back muscles tightening beneath his suit jacket. Your head finally snaps toward Price, who, irritatingly, wears a controlled smile.
"Yes," You answer again and push through the absurd embarrassment. "My fair share."
He hums. "Your anniversary with us is next Monday, yeah?"
The sudden change in topic does not bode well. "Yes, sir." 
"You free Friday?"
The lie is out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. "I have a date this Friday." Whatever this baffling situation is between you, it needs to stop. Should've all the way back at the malfunctioning copier. He does not need to know your 'date' is celebratory drinks with Jordan. You just need him to drop it. 
It's as if the elevator car turns into an icebox. The mirth bleeds from Price's gaze, but his smile remains. "And Saturday?"
There is a tacit warning in his tone. In the slight turn of Alex's head in your periphery. Your mouth dries, and you swallow hard.
"I'm free on Saturday."
The lights come back on in his eyes, and miraculously, the car reaches the lobby. "Wonderful to hear. Pick you up at eight."
Alex steps aside to let you out. 
"Have a good evening, miss," the bodyguard says softly as you pass before hitting the number for your office's floor to head back upstairs.
You meet eyes with Price as the doors close, and a shiver runs down your spine. It's unsettling. You can't tell if it was good or bad.
Thankfully, you do not run into Mr. Price the rest of the week. You take care not to. If Kyle suspects something from your excuses to sit out on meetings, avoiding any whiffs of the CEO, he says nothing. When you leave on Friday to meet Jordan, you take the stairs all the way down to the lobby and claim exercise. She wrinkles her nose at the idea of trekking a half hour away to a pub closer to yours, but after the first two rounds, she forgets her griping. 
And after four rounds, you forget yourself. You slip up.
Giggling, you sip your gin and tonic, poking at the lime wedge. "The bartender reminds me of the place I went to with John–" 
The way Jordan's face lights up makes you try to backpedal, but it's too late. 
Her voice slurs some, part alcohol and part explosive excitement. "Waitwaitwait. John? Like capital 'J' John? Not my John? What place? When? Whatdoyoumean?!"
Through no small amount of lovable torment, she coaxes the story out. It is heavily redacted despite your inebriation, but now she knows. And she is not known for her tight-lippedness.
"Swear on your mother, you won't breathe a word."
"I swear."
"'Cause I'll tell MacTavish you steal–"
"I swear. Now. What are you going to wear for your date?"
Only then does it hit you: you know nothing about this…'date'. If it's anything like the other places you've accompanied him, it's somewhere beyond your wallet and comprehension.
Jordan might as well sit on your shoulder, the devil. "Message him. Ask. Bet it won't matter by the end of the evening."
"Shut it, I'm not gonna message him."
Yet, on the ride home in the taxi, you do. It takes a few tries, with the drunkenness making everything fuzzy and sluggish.
johnprice - invisible
Hi, what should i wear tomorrow?
It's late. You don't expect a reply. The phone nearly launches out of your hand when he swiftly messages back.
> Something nice. I liked the green dress.
The dress from the Christmas party. He remembered. Clearly, it made an impression, given his current fascination. Before you can respond, he messages again.
> Date go poorly?
> Might want to take this to text, love. Don't want to get chewed out for misuse of company resources.
He sends his personal number like it's nothing. Asks about your 'date' like it's nothing. Infuriatingly confusing man. Still, you save his contact information and switch platforms. You swear it's the gin moving your fingers, the liquid puppeteer.
Only texting because I wouldn't want to get you in trouble sir
And my date was wonderful
Were you possessed by a flirtatious spirit between the bar and cab?
> I wouldn't be the one getting into trouble.
Price is fishing for it. You oblige him.
What if I'm the trouble
It takes two, no, three minutes for him to reply. Worrying your lip, you think you've gone and royally fucked yourself now. Pushed the envelope too far, flew too close to the sun, all the turns of phrase. Then those three dots appear. You've really done it now.
> I know just what to do with you. 
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sinisteryanderescribe · 8 months
Hello Sia I was thinking of what Norton's reaction if Nurse Reader if she got invited into the manor
Maybe in the ashes of memories timeline Nurse Reader is like an employee that the manor hired to help with Alice, because she isn't feeling well during the part 2
Then Nurse Reader saw Norton doing during the night or something
A Memorable Face
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Norton is likely to experience a range of emotions upon encountering you at the manor. Given his experiences in the mines, he might initially feel a mix of surprise, confusion, and perhaps even a tinge of gratitude upon seeing you again. The memories of the explosion, as well as the care and kindness you showed him during his recovery, could resurface, evoking a sense of nostalgia and perhaps even a renewed appreciation for you.
Moreover, Norton might undergo a transformation as he realizes the significance of you being at the manor. He may be compelled to reflect on his past behavior towards you, recognising how you had treated him with kindness and respect despite his initial coldness. This realisation may lead Norton to feel a sense of remorse and a desire to make amends for his past demeanor. Even though you may be a class higher than him, he couldn’t help but admit to having a soft spot for you.
Norton's heart raced as he stepped into the opulent halls of the manor, his mind still reeling from the enigmatic invitation that had brought him to this place. The memories of the mine explosion, the acrid scent of smoke, and the agonizing pain that had wracked his body flooded back with every echoing footstep. As he navigated the grand corridors, his thoughts drifted to the you who had tended to him during those dark days of recovery, your unwavering kindness a stark contrast to his own initial aloofness.
Meanwhile, you who was just hired by a strange manor just walked out of Alice’s room after tending to her, a sweet but noisy little thing she is. As you wandered the ornate halls of the manor, a sense of anticipation mingled with trepidation, your thoughts inevitably turning to the enigmatic figure of Norton, whose distant demeanor had not dulled the empathy and care you had shown him during his convalescence.
You’ve always wondered what could have happened to the man. After the accident of the explosion the news stated that there were no survivors but there was a few who got heavily injured and some who were reported missing…
It was under the moon's silvery gaze that your paths converged once more. Norton, his troubled gaze scanning the dimly lit ballroom, caught sight of you, a familiar figure amidst the gathering. Time seemed to stand still as your eyes met across the room, a torrent of unspoken emotions swirling between them. The years had etched lines of wisdom and resilience on your faces, yet the bond forged in the crucible of adversity remained palpable, an invisible thread that connected their souls.
For Norton, the sight of you reignited a long-buried ember of gratitude and remorse. His steps faltered as he approached you, the weight of unspoken apologies and newfound appreciation heavy on his tongue. As he stood before you, the flickering candlelight casting a soft glow on your features, he found himself at a loss for words.
…you were still as beautiful as ever.
In that fleeting moment, you beheld the man you had once nursed back to health, your hand tenderly cubbing his cheek, grazing your thumb on his cheek. His gruff exterior now softened by the passage of time. The echo of distant pain lingered in his eyes, yet beneath the surface, you glimpsed a glimmer of vulnerability that had eluded you before. As your gazes locked, an unspoken understanding passed between you, bridging the chasm of silence that had separated you for so long.
The touch of your soft skin stirred a tempest of emotions within Norton, kindling a fervent desire to express the depths of his guilt and remorse. Yet he didn’t know when to start.
With a reverent touch Norton gently wrapped his arms around you, drawing you into the shelter of his embrace. He found solace in the gentle curve of your waist, his touch a whispered vow of unyielding devotion. Pressing his lips against the crown of your head, his breath mingling with the soft tendrils of your hair.
“ Norton…”
The man said nothing but with a whispered sigh, he nuzzled his nose and face in your hair, inhaling the delicate fragrance that enveloped you. The heavy scent of your perfume stirred a symphony of memories, each note a testament to the enduring imprint you had left on his heart.
There’s so much to ask but right now, you stayed silent as you melted in Norton’s arms…
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absolutebl · 4 months
Hi P’ABL, building off an earlier ask you answered, what are your top recommendations if I want to watch a BL where the main focus is the romance between two characters? Something along the lines of Semantic Error for example? Or even Old Fashioned cupcake?
Hum, you mean where there is little to no outside plots, external pressure, or secondary characters? Most KBLs are pretty closed systems but they of have external pressures. Lemme think... there are shorts of course. Okay I did a ratings sort and then just read through my favorites with this in mind... this is pretty darn subjective tho.
BLs that are just simple sweet romances
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High School Setting
I Cannot Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan 2023) - a very simple friends to lovers romance.
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line (Taiwan 2018) - classic sports romance
My School President (Thailand 2023) - the high school version of soft boys being soft, there's a side "plot" and a band but who cares?
About Youth (Taiwan 2022)
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University Setting
Semantic Error (Korea 2022) - asker chose this as their primary example.
A Breeze of Love (Korea 2023) - reunion romance
A First Love Story (Korea 2021) - 2 part short that is exactly what you want.
Oxygen the series (Thailand 2020) - the university version of soft boys being soft, this one is a hyung with the young rich boy chasing the older orphan
We Best Love (Taiwan 20210 - part one is enemies to lovers, part 2 is office reunion enemies to lovers 2nd chance.
2gether (Thailand 2020) - oh the pining ridiculousness
Star in My Mind Star and Sky (Thailand 2022)
Hidden Agenda (Thailand 2023) - that isn't hidden at all
Love By Chance (Thailand 2018) - watch for AePete and TinCan but don't bother with the other threads
Why R U? (Thai 2020) - I mean it's madness but there is no other plot but the romances
Why R U? (Korean adaptation of Thai original) (Korea 2023)
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2 Moons 2 is kinda the same thing, but I don't rate it as high as the Why R U?s. There are many who would call me crazy for this.
I thought about including the Love Class series but both of them have stalking sub plots. And I'm inferring you don't want any darkness or stress at all.
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Office Romances
Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan 2022) - asker chose this as a second example, although I would call it a bit more complex given the themes of self discovery and worth.
Our Dating Sim (Korea 2023) - basically a reunion romance (second chance) but there is a bit of work stuff.
Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan 2021) - office romance, it's Taiwan so like We Best Love it'll be a little chaotic but I think it's what you're looking for.
Love is Science? BL Cut (Taiwan 2021) - the gays are the side couple there is a noona romance lead and a mature romance side, everything soft romance all day long.
Step By Step (Thailand 2023) - pretty classic office romance, Korea's version is called The New Employee and is also good but there is a lot more about the actual job as part of the plot.
Love Mate (Korea 2023) - aggressive pursuit from the new intern but it's a Kdrama so its ultimately soft...
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea 2022) - cohabitation and office enemies to lovers
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Foodie Romances
Bon Appetit (Korea 2023) - reunion romance
The Tasty Florida (Korea 2021) - love at first sight
What Zabb Man! (Thailand 2022) - he knows him by the taste of that one dish!
You Are Ma Boy (Vietnam 2021) - had to throw in something from Vietnam
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Countryside Setting
Love Tractor (Korea 2023) - city boy meets country boy, they fall in love, opposites attract
A Tale of Thousand Stars (Thailand 2021) - okay this does have lots of extra characters and some complexity because it's GMMTV and Thailand but it is the most classic "romance" that Thailand has ever done gay. Kissing on cliffs at sunset and parting at airports and everything.
Some More (Korea 2018) - another great short that meets your criteria
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Okay I think that's it, if you want to give more restrictions I could tailor the list down more.
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jaiden-zhou · 11 months
(3) casual iso <3
contents: headcannons, reader is a uniqlo employee for plot purposes, self indulget
this should tie this mini-series up haha unless..
also, i just threw some stuff in through google translate and it might not be accurate, just lmk lol
i said this too a little while back but if you see a uniqlo employee maybe it might be me lol
i procrastinated so hard on this lol
part 1, part 2
iso who, even after what happened at the tea shop, still is trying to build up the courage to properly ask you out, even after knowing you feel the same
iso who still is very subtle with his affection towards you, even when acknowledging you both like each other, occasionally holding hands under the table, hugs that last a little longer than normal
iso who at this current stage is not very good at initiating affection and anything physical is started from you, but it isn't unwelcomed.. please.. keep initiating it.. he's still really shy
iso whose affection is more often shown verbally, even still a bit quiet "you look really nice today.." "i missed you," "rúcǐ měilì (so beautiful).."
iso who stumbles over his words, red-faced and eyes averted for his confession "i want to be your boyfriend.." (he got jealous again)
iso stated, you think you hear a little bit of desperation in his voice and finally sighs a breath of relief (even though he already knew, baby's a little nervous) when you said you wanted to be his <3
iso who becomes more secure and even a little more confident in your relationship with him !
iso who starts silently holding your hand in public, he says it's because he doesn't want you to get lost or something like that,,
iso who likes to pull you by your side so you'd avoid running into anything, usually. (sometimes he just likes to feel you close and see that slight blush on your cheeks for once)
iso who still sometimes gets a little jealous
iso who keeps pda at a minimum to holding hands and maybe sneaky quick kisses
iso, if jealous, will hundred percent latch to you from behind, arms firmly around your waist with an indifferent expression on his face while you're still mid-conversation with someone (who is taking up too much of your attention he feels)
iso who likes to call you other things besides your lovely name, like 'dear', 'love', 'darling', 'tiánxīn (sweetheart)'
iso who likes physical touch like cuddles every night after work, intertwined fingers whenever possible, kisses of any kind behind closed doors
iso who just likes being really close to you <3
iso who makes a playlist about you, whether it songs that describe you, describe how you make him feel, or even just a song that he listened to while he was with you
iso who sometimes misses you when you work those long hours at uniqlo so he listens to the playlist wishing he was in your arms
iso likes going on casual dates with you, maybe visiting an aquarium or the movies, or just cooking dinner together and having fun in the comfort of his or your place
iso who likes shopping with you, he likes seeing the sparkle in your eyes when you spot something of interest. he thinks it's very cute
iso who gets a little flustered when you bring up wanting to do a matching thing with him, you two deciding on braided bracelets that both of you would make
iso's bracelet for you is with violet, black, and white threads that are a little messily braided together, he tried <3 while your bracelet for him is a little more cleanly done with colors of your choice
iso likes the idea of the bracelets a lot, he's very fond of them being made and exchanged with each other as a way of keeping close despite the distance. gives a lot of sentimental value to them (a way of him being a little possessive but he'll never admit it hehe)
iso, who even if the bracelet you made him doesn't match his style or outfit, wears it. doesn't take it off unless he's taking a shower (he wants to preserve it for as long as possible)
iso who still a little bit like a puppy in love, attention is on you, and is loyal like a dog, pays for you every chance he gets when you're not fighting back for the bill so he doesn't always be the one paying
iso who still gets flushed in the cheeks when you tease or outwardly flirt with him, again not unwelcomed but he is going to expect a kiss as compensation
iso who (it's pretty funny, and cute, to you) vehemently denies it when you tease that he's only dating you for your uniqlo employee discount
iso who is so poetically romantic and a little cheesy but is also so genuine and raw with his verbal affection to you that it leaves you a little taken aback with a hitched breath and pink cheeks <3
after a good little shopping session, wallets drained but it was alright, you two decided to grab a snack from a street-food vendor.
"you know yu," you pause to take another bite. "if i didn't think any better i would've thought you'd be dating me only to get my store discount haha,"
"nonsense," iso rebutted, not taking your teasing. "i could say the same thing about the drink discount i give you."
"haha, yeah you have a good point. it's funny though."
"mm even then," iso takes a small piece from his snack. "my adoration for you is deeper than the depths of the ocean, and farther than any star in the sky."
iso looks at you with such seriousness and intensity, yet his words are heartfelt and profound, it makes you flush for once and mouth agape.
"jeez, yu.." you use your free hand to cover your face as you avert your eyes to the side. "what, is this payback for all the other times i got you all shy?"
he gently guides your hand away from your face, moving in so close you can feel his breath. he tilts his head a bit and closes his eyes, leaning to connect with your lips for a soft peck.
"possibly," he pulls away with a small smirk.
"you know damn well i'm gonna get you back for this,"
"mhm, i love you."
tags: @arzhelzoe @animeisforkings
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
a/n: inspired from all the prev posts!
your insta but you're dating aaron hotchner part 2 :")
part 1, 3, 4
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liked by kate.callahan, the.davidrossi and 497 others
y/n_xo: look at my faves 🫶🥹.... and then there's aaron
view all 211 comments
its.emilyp: jumpscare warning next time 😨
d.morgan: nah he looks like he's concocting some evil plan
penny.garcia: he looks like he's going to steal christmas
reid.gram: he looks like he kidnapped my mom and held her hostage somewhere 😦
itsjj: just smile and wave, kids. smile and wave 🥲
d.morgan: crop him out next time fr 🙏
a.hotch: i'll crop you out of the team
d.morgan: say less 😍😮‍💨 least ion have an ugly smile
a.hotch: what smile? you just bare your teeth
y/n_xo: oh 😭
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liked by penny.garcia, reid.gram and 489 others
y/n_xo: meme jack really quickly 🫣
view all 278 comments
reid.gram: jack is me when hotch is asking me to get to the point even though my point was the whole theory 🙂
penny.garcia: omg me when he tells me to search something more quickly even though i'm already working high speed 🙂
itsjj: me when he plants more files on my desk even though i'm drowning in the last ones 🙂
its.emilyp: he's me that one time hotch did "team building" and then proceeded to complain the whole time 🙂
d.morgan: me when i made one mistake and he held it against me for months but goes on about forgiving and how its important to move on 🙂
the.davidrossi: me looking at him ogling @/y/n_xo for months and then passionately disagreeing he was in love
y/n_xo: so i'm sensing some of you need therapy 🧍‍♀️
a.hotch: all of you are dead to me
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liked by its.emilyp, itsjj and 524 others
y/n_xo: i really got replaced 💔
view all 200 comments
the.davidrossi: WHERE are you finding these???
itsjj: so... who's the wife in the relationship? 🤔
its.emilyp: it's rossi for sure
reid.gram: i would say hotch. the angle of the selfie says it all
d.morgan: nah it gotta be rossi, he types and cooks like a mom. sometimes he even be smelling like one
the.davidrossi: all of you are out of my will
d.morgan: i complimented your cooking and this is the attitude i get? choke
its.emilyp: you're probably immortal at this point, poisoning and sucking the life out of other people so you can drive us to insanity which would inevitably lead us to our doom. but i see right through you 😒
itsjj: sweetheart we need to stop watching horror movies at night time, okay?
a.hotch: it's not what it looks like!
y/n_xo: i don't know if i should cry or be disgusted >:(
a.hotch: baby, i haven't cheated. i promise you ❤
y/n_xo: omg could you imagine if you did with rossi? 💀
the.davidrossi: what is that supposed to mean? 🤨
reid.gram: she means you're old and embarrassing. and maybe even disgusting 🤷‍♂️
y/n_xo: i will physically mutilate you and feed you to wild dogs
itsjj: thanks for that, my kids are crying
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liked by the.davidrossi, a.hotch and 478 others
y/n_xo: my bae 😍
view all 234 comments
reid.gram: we literally have a pending case right now y/n
y/n_xo: okay? he's still a bae 😍
reid.gram: awww really? hope you guys find out you're related 😍🤞
penny.garcia: well... at least we know those frown lines are removable 😌
reid.gram: in a time like this, his frown lines are what matters to you? imagine if he was dead
itsjj: omg imagine he was and you guys were discussing his frown lines. i'd resurrect and haunt everyone on this thread
reid.gram: don't worry, your cheeto breath would give you away instantly 🤢
penny.garcia: all i'm saying is i'd want to make sure our boss got a nice makeover one last time in the coffin. and you can't do that if you have bad indentations on your forehead 💗💗
itsjj: this alone should give you employee of the year 😍
a.hotch: i think we need to have a serious talk
d.morgan: seeing hotch not angry makes me feel deeply uncomfortable
its.emilyp: no cause same. someone poke him and see if he's alive
y/n_xo: you'd think i'd kill him? 😡
its.emilyp: if you did, there'd be no one between us would there? 😏
y/n_xo: 😳
a.hotch: i'm wide awake, thank you 😠
its.emilyp: its like he's still with us 😢 i can almost feel his presence 💔
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the-broken-truth · 9 months
Missing Piece - Yandere Leona Kingscholar [Part 2]
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Summary: Leona closed the business partnership deal with the new company and learned a few new things in the process. Now, he can focus on more important matters.
Broken (Pulling the shirt collar while blushing under her mask): There might be some language in this one that is not something I would usually write, but it fits the theme, so I will wear the Hat of Shame later. Now, let the words weave together.
Tag-List: @vee-love
Leona stood in the middle of the COO's Office with his hands in his pockets while he wanted for her to arrive; the receptionist told him that he was a few minutes early and the COO was currently taking a call with her mother - The CEO of United Industries. United Industries used to be a simple start-up company a few years ago but their message and motto, coupled with their drive to get things done with swiftness and certainty made them liked by everyone and businesses started signing up with them left and right; Leona hated to admit it, but this company radiated an aura that was more peaceful than his Father's Company.
He passed by the break room while being led to the COO's Office and caught a glimpse of it; it was fully furnished with everything a break room needed and even more. There was even a flat-screen television and 2 of the workers - a Wolf Beastman & a Human Woman - were playing some kind of video game while two others were talking between the vending machines, one containing snacks while the other contained drinks, however, they didn't charge money; a simple swipe of an Employee or Guest ID Card allowed anyone to get their treats.
He just stood there looking at the ground, calm upon his face but a storm of emotions dancing in his emerald green eyes. After seven years, he found her again; the one who had consumed his very thoughts since the moment he met her at the festival. Yuu was his world - the only person who understood him and his desires without judging him about them; he wanted her forever but he had to go and mess everything up by telling her to get rid of the symbol of their unity; the child that would grow into the Young Leonis. Leona cracked a smile when a thought crossed his mind.
'Leonis... She wanted to give him my name but made it unique; just like he is. He looks just like me with his mother's eyes and kind nature. My boy...' His hand reached up and grabbed the side of his head gently as he envisioned himself holding Leonis in his arms with Yuu by his side as the 3 of them took a family photo that would be converted into a grand painting to hang in the Kingscholar Estate. That's when the thoughts came back and started to taint his fantasy.
He remembered when Yuu texted him all those years ago and told him that her child would have no knowledge of Leona or his ties to the illustrious Kingscholar Family; which meant that Leonis had no idea that he was a rightful heir to the Kingscholar Family. The anger within Leona kicked up again when he realized that his son - his one and only son - had been robbed of the life he was meant to have as a member of the Kingscholar Bloodline.
He was meant to be draped in silks and sleep under blankets with thousand thread counts.
He should be dining on the finest meats and drinking the purest of juices for breakfast.
He should have been driven around and defended by the best guard while he attended the best possible schools!
He should have been decorated with the finest gems - a crown fit for a prince. He was a Prince!
Leona exhaled as the thoughts slowed down, he lowed his hand when he realized a very critical point, 'I was one the who robbed him of the life he was meant to have.'. He closed his eyes and hung his head in shame before inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth, he opened his eyes and started looking around the office when his green eyes landed on something on the wall behind the COO's Desk.
5 Large Images were hanging on the wall by 4 large embedded nails, and 4 smaller squares were surrounded by a larger square in the center. Leona walked closer to the image without crossing the desk and his eyes widened: He saw Leonis & Yuu in the images taken at different times.
In the upper left corner, there are two people - Leonis and Yuu. The picture seems to have been taken at a party location, as the room is decorated for some kind of celebration. They are holding a large Vanilla Sheet Cake with rainbow sprinkles scattered all over it. Some words are written in blue icing, but it's not clear what they say from the angle of the photo. However, the large candle in the shape of the number 5 placed in the center of the cake suggests that it's Leonis' 5th birthday party. As Leona looks at his son's face in the picture, he is saddened by the fact that he couldn't be there for any of his birthday parties. Leonis looks happy with a wide smile on his face, which breaks his heart.
In the lower left was a single image of Leonis in some kind of Dojo, dressed in a white karate gi with his long hair tied in a back ponytail, his blue eyes narrowed in focus, his lion ears narrowed back, and a fist thrust out as he stood in perfect form. From what Leona could gather, this image was of Leonis' First Ever Karate Class judging by the white belt tied around his waist. Leona smiled at the sight and thought of his son taking up fighting styles as a hobby; the Kingscholar Male smiled at his son's visage in the photo.
The picture in the lower right was of Leonis and Yuu in the kitchen of some house; their house, Leona hoped. They were wearing aprons and their faces were covered in flour along with smiles on their faces as they were rolling out fresh dough with rolling pins; were they making pizza or cookies? What season was this taken in? Could they be making Christmas Cookies?
'Yuu still makes cookies? I love cookies. Now I want cookies. There's a store down the street, maybe I can get some.' Leona was thinking for a while before he shook his head, 'No, it won't taste the same. I want Yuu's Cookies.'.
In the upper right corner, there was a man carrying Leonis on his shoulders. This man had black hair with silver on the sides and blue eyes like Yuu's, but his skin was slightly darker. He appeared to be strong and muscular, with two silver dog tags around his neck shining in the sunlight. The tight black shirt he was wearing showed off his muscles, indicating that he was a man of action. Leona remembered Yuu telling him about her father's military background. Leona looked at the man holding his grandson with a look of pride on his face and felt irritated. That was the look that should only be reserved for him as Leonis was his son, his pride and joy. Despite Leonis being that man's grandson, Leona was eager to have his own son soon.
It was the picture in the center that really broke Leona's Heart. It was the day Leonis was born. Yuu sat in the middle of a hospital bed with a small bundle in her arms; that bundle was the newborn Leonis with his eyes closed, very little hair that poked from under the blue blanket he was wrapped up with and his small ears resting on the top of his head as he slept peacefully. Around the newborn and new mother were surrounded by people - people that Leona didn't know; complete strangers in Leona's eyes but he understood that these people were important to Yuu and he was not there at the moment. He lowered his gaze to the nameplate under the central image and his fist balled up as his eyes narrowed.
Leonis Sato - Lion Strength of the Sato Family
He is a Kingscholar Heir!
Leona's teeth locked in a snarl as he looked at the nameplate; he wanted to reach and scratch out the surname before engraving his name over the ruin. Leonis was his son, his flesh and blood; his only heir. Just like Yuu, she was destined to be his from the first moment; he would dream about her taking his last name and becoming one with him entirely. Leona was drifting off into his fantasy world when the door opened and he looked over his shoulder, coming face-to-face with the COO of United Industries.
"Hello, Mr. Kingscholar. Thank you for arriving for our meeting." She held her hand out to him, "I am Marianna Walker - The COO of United Industries."
"Leona Kingscholar - President of Kingscholar Incorparated. A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Walker." Leona said before shaking her hand with a firm hand.
"Indeed. I noticed you looking at the pictures I have on my wall; nine pictures, don't you think?" Marianna asked as she looked over at the images with a smile on her face.
"I was actually more interested in the picture frame - I never saw a shape like that, however, the pictures are nice as well. Relatives of yours?" Leona asked; he had to play his cards right to find out just how the COO knew his son and future wife but he couldn't risk her knowing that he was Leonis' Biological Family; there were too many Madols riding on this deal.
"I suppose you can say that! The boy is my God-Nephew: Leonis! The woman with him is his mother and my God-Sister: Yuu. That little boy is the light of all of our lives and I love watching him grow up." Marianna explained; Leona wanted to glare at her, but he kept a smile on his face. "Oh, dear! We are getting side-tracked! I'm sure you are very busy on this day; let us get on with our meeting! Do you have the contract?"
"Yes, Ma'am." Leona said as he reached into the satchel and withdrew the folder that contained the contact; while Marianna was reading the contract, Leona kept looking at the images behind her head. He needed to get his hands on some pictures; he did have some empty frames he never got around to using.
[After The Meeting (I'm Too Lazy To Write The Meeting)]
"Thank you for your time, Ms. Walker; thank you for agreeing to do business with us. We look forward to future projects." Leona said as he started walking to the door.
"To you as well, Mr. Kingscholar! Have a pleasant day!" Marianna waved him goodbye as he walked out of the office and left the business building. Marianna smiled at her job before her personal phone started ringing, she pulled it out and smiled at the contact before answering her phone before putting it to her ear.
"Hey! What's going on?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, I just got done with the meeting! We signed another deal with a major corporation! Things are really looking up for us! I'm so glad the meeting is over, that guy was really intimidating even though he was so kind." Marianna smiled.
"Yeah! When you are sitting across from a Freaking Lion Beastman from a powerful family like the Kingscholars with nothing but a desk between the two of you, you tend to get the shivers." Marianna said.
"His name? I believe it was Leona Kingscholar - He's the President of his father's company. Why do you ask? Do you happen to know him?" Marianna said.
"You went to school with him? Wait, why do you sound so pissed off right now?" Marianna asked.
"He what?!" Marianna yells before exhaling, "I need the whole story. NOW!"
[With Leona]
"Here is your order, Sir." The barista said as she handed the coffee to Leona.
"Thank you." Leona pulled out his wallet and placed a generous amount of madols into the tip jar before taking his coffee and going to go sit in a booth in a quick corner of the cafe. He looked at the coffee before he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone, he dialed a number and placed the phone to his ear. The call was connected on the 3rd ring.
"It's me." Leona said.
[Kingscholar? It's been a long time since I've heard your voice.]
"I usually wouldn't, however, I require your services. I need someone discreet and accurate to do a delicate task and you were the first person I thought about." Leona said.
[At least you know greatness when you see it. What's the job, Kingscholar?]
"I found her. After all this time, I finally found her, and I need to collect as much information as I possibly can about her." Leona said.
[Her? Wait, are you talking about Yuu? You found her after all these years?!"]
"Yes, and she wasn't alone." Leona said.
[What? Did she get married?]
"No, she's currently unwed but that is going to change in the future. When I said that she wasn't alone, I was talking about her son. My son. Our son." Leona said.
[What?! She had the kid?! She had a son?! Whoa, I guess that means Cheka has a cousin now! Have you told your family yet?"]
"No, I need to make sure I have what belongs to be back before I even think about bringing them around the rest of the pride." Leona growled.
[Oh... So, what do you need from me?]
"Information. Everything you can find. I want to know where they live, where Leonis goes to school, where Yuu works, who she hangs out with, who my son's friends and teachers are, any possible events or activities he participates in, the location of the Sato Family house, as well as the location of Marianna Walker - she's Yuu's God-Sister and Leonis' God-Aunt. I need everything you can find and I need it as soon as possible." Leona stated his demands.
[You're asking for a lot, Kingscholar.]
"This means a lot to me. I'll pay whatever you want, just do all that you can to get me the information you can get your hands on." Leona said.
[Alright, fine. Give me some time and I will call when have everything for the presentation. Talk to you later, Kingscholar.]
[Call Disconects]
Leona pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at the background of his phone - a picture of himself and Yuu when they first started dating. A smile crept along his face.
"We'll be together again. All 3 of us. I let you both go once before... I will not make that same mistake again." Leona swore as he looked at the photo before sipping his coffee and leaning back in his chair, "Yuu makes it better."
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edgeray · 9 months
Part 2: Sweeter Than Wine(Nico Robin x Fem! Reader)
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Part I
A/N: A friend said I couldn't write fluff. I wrote this as a 'fuck you' to her. Never fucking doubt me again. Anyways, enjoy this 2.6k sequel.
Warnings: Reader uses female pronouns, Robin may be OOC, heavily implied sexual content (not actually there and not described detailedly, but still there), pet names, if there is more that needs to be added to this please feel free to tell me
Your body violently convulsed with a final guttural scream expelling from your lips and your arched back fell onto the soiled covers beneath you. An indecent, moist squelch followed shortly after, a hollowness now felt in your lower body, making you sigh disappointedly. The aftereffects of your indulgent activity had yet to pass: your limbs twitched at random intervals, an impossibly scorching heat coiled around your entire form, and your breathing matched your racing heartbeat. Your mind swam in an abyss of haziness, briefly toeing the boundaries between consciousness and subconsciousness. Time became an irrelevant concept as you floated in a sea of white. Gradually, reality returned to you, piecing back together both your memory and vision. 
There was a dip in the mattress beside you and, with a lazy turn of your head, your drooping eyes traversed over the form of another person lying adjacent to you. Your lips turned to a soft smile at the recognition of the other woman who was sitting up on the mattress and she gifted back a sweet half-smirk on her temping lips as she viewed your exhausted and heaving figure. An extended hand reached down towards you, overshadowing your vision for a moment. Slender fingers entangled themselves in the nest of your locks, an instant wave of appreciated comfort washing over you from the ginger threading. You nudged your head against her palm, a wordless request for further engagement. 
Your body ached for more of her contact, wishing to experience the naturalness of your bodies sliding against one another like you had minutes prior. Perhaps you were insatiable, or perhaps that was just how alluring the woman was. In any case, you were just content that she didn't leave your presence after she guided you through the gates of heaven, then to the depths of hell, then back, like the angelic devil she was. She tired your muscles and nerves to the point of ache, bruised and branded your skin with impurities and blessings, and ripped parts of your soul away with masterful hands–all while making you want more. As expected, of course, from the vice-president of the all-powerful Baroque Works. 
“Thank you,” you found yourself whispering, more to yourself than her. For the unforgettable and inexplicable night she created, for an unmatched intimacy and pleasure that you’ve yet experienced until tonight, for gracing you with her presence and more than you had originally imagined. You didn’t say your inner monologue out loud, though it wasn’t necessary. It was apparent your gratitude reached her ears as she caressed your flushed cheeks with her knuckles in response and a sultry chuckle came from her. 
“There’s no need to thank me,” Miss All Sunday answered alongside a slight shake of her head. “You were just as exquisite,” her fingers cascaded down to the side of your neck, its sensitivity compelling you to shiver from a faint brush, “as I’d hoped for.”   
If your cheeks could redden more than they already were, you were sure you would resemble a tomato. Ignoring the inflammatory heat on your face, you etched her words on your mind before another greedy desire came to you. Your lips parted, a request on the tip of your tongue, but you quickly clamped down before any rash utterance came out of you. Now that she had already withdrawn from you, you two were no longer cosplaying as lovers. 
When your lips first met with hers hours ago in the dainty little bar, the margin between boss and employee was quickly swept away just like your breath; forgotten just like the garments thrown carelessly across the inn room in each other’s haste to explore the other. When she had led you by hand, you followed compliantly with not even more than one step behind her. When she had pinned you against the wall the moment you two were behind locked doors, you welcomed every touch and sensation that came your way. When her hands slinked underneath your layers of fabric, yours roamed around the fringes of her skirt and the strings of her corset. When she peeled away layer by layer of fabric from your form, your fingers scrambled to unbutton and loosen every obstacle in her way. And when she coaxed you over the edge again and again, she had not done it as Miss All Sunday, and when you had surrounded your restraint to her, you had not done it as a Million. But now that both of your desires were sated, was there any need to practice this informality between you two for any longer? 
Her keen gaze didn’t miss your hesitance, however. Curious sapphire gems locked with your eyes. “What is it?” 
You wanted to feel more of her, but not in the fervent, animalistic manner the two of you had just participated in minutes ago. Somewhere amid the entanglement of limbs, the ardent exchange of kisses, and the wild passion that brimmed the room spawned more than just a sensual yearning for the woman beside you. You wanted her in the way you wanted to stay in her embrace for one second longer because her warmth melted away the cold reality of the world. In the way you wanted her to kiss you, leaving you senseless and gasping by the end of it and intoxicated off of her sweet wine-tasting lips. In the way you wanted to surrender your entire soul, body, and mind to her so long as she kept you close. But such desires were unobtainable and ridiculous, and so the most you coveted at the moment was to feel her arms around you again.
Your attention wandered over her form. She lounged adjacent to you, her plush thighs just a few inches away from brushing against your shoulders and her lanky legs crossed over one another. Even after the shared intimacy, her form always succeeded in wringing out the oxygen from your lungs. She looked so ethereal, then, and even more so now. This time, you weren’t observing her prior flawless skin. Instead, like yours, hers was littered with marks across her body; a bit of giddiness swelled inside you with the knowledge that those prints were your doing. Impulsively, your arm outstretched towards her, and your fingertips landed on one of the bite marks on her outer thigh, trailing over the shallow dents formed by teeth. However, the taller woman jerked from the contact and you swiftly retracted your finger.
“I'm sorry,” you apologized quickly in panic. “I shouldn't have-” 
The vice president interrupted you with a shake of your head, and the continuous playful weaving of your hair dispelled your anxiety. 
“You wanted to say something, am I correct?” While she still wore her attractive smile, her eyes darkened with just a bit of edge to them, reminding you of the power she possessed in her palm, a power that is mountainous compared to your meager status as a Million.
You averted your eyes from her glower and you chose your next words carefully. “I... I’m afraid I’ll offend you.” 
Her demand is met with hesitant silence. When it was clear you would not oblige, the hand in your hair trailed down your face and grasped your chin, forcing you to gaze up into her expression, which was hardened like stone and lacked its prior softness. That in itself made you shrink into yourself, a spasmodic ball of anxiety forming in the pit of your stomach. In the few hours you’ve familiarized yourself with the woman, you have never met with those turbulent, roaring ocean eyes until now. 
“Darling,” she called out and the lack of adoration that usually accompanied your nickname made you succumb. 
“I... I want to feel your embrace again,” you admitted feebly. A silence fell between you two again, and you wondered if you had just uttered your last words until a breathy laughter came from the other woman. The grip on your chin dissipated and her fingertips traced down your jaw before wandering up to stroking your cheeks. Your facial tissue laxed spontaneously and the warmth from her touch contaminated your cheeks.  
“Good girl,” she praised you for obeying, and the nickname made you feel like putty in her hands again.
“You really are such a sweet little thing,” the woman purred archly. She shifted herself forward and then laid on the covers adjacent to you. A lanky arm curved around each side of your form, your hips cupped by both her hands, and sweltering heat pressed against your front as you were pulled into her body. The bare contact of her chest against yours made you gasp out loud, a bolt of ecstasy shooting through your body. Her chin tucked your head into her neck and an enticing floral scent wafted through your nostrils while you nuzzled into her skin. From the proximity of her chest to yours, through her skin you felt the faint thumping of her heart–and it was racing. You had that effect on her, her heart was racing just like yours for you. Your being was kindled ablaze with exhilaration, an untreatable fever befalling you as you ravenously absorbed her warmth like a sponge. Your palms linked behind her lower back, ensuring your bodies had as little distance between one another as possible. 
“Was this what you wanted?” You felt her teasing words vibrate through her throat and you meekly nodded. One of the Miss’s hands left your hip to caress your nape, making you shudder from the sensitivity. The two of you laid comfortably in each other’s company, soaking in one another’s presence before you broke the silence.
“I wish that we didn’t have these codenames,” you thoughtlessly rambled, which piqued her attention. “I’d love to call you by your real name, Miss All Sunday.” 
When Miss All Sunday didn’t reply, your shoulders deflated, but you weren’t yet discouraged. “I know it’s forbidden and that you won’t tell me. I won’t ask. But I think you’d have the prettiest name.” 
It took several seconds for her to respond. “And how’d you come to that conclusion?” 
One of your hands found themselves in Devil Fruit user’s silky black hair and you carded your fingers through her locks. A quick peck was placed on the taller woman's throat. “Just a feeling,” you sighed.
“That’s my first initial.” 
You smiled into her skin, nuzzling your face further into the snug of her neck. “R..." you repeated her words with a whisper akin to a sacred prayer. 
Maybe that was what Miss All Sunday was to you: a superior, a divine being, a deity–your goddess. Technically speaking, you answered to her and you did her bidding because she was your superior, a higher official in the criminal organization you found yourself a part of. Yet, you also worshipped her body, chanted and praised her name, sang melodic hymns for her satisfaction, and devoted yourself to her tonight. Wouldn’t that make you her devotee? You’d inscribe her touch and voice into your cerebrum, etching down every utterance articulated from her lips like a passage in your religious scripture, ensuring that you were faithful to her and her alone. And the first thing engraved in your newly converted religion’s scripture? A dedication to the letter ‘R’ on the opening page. 
That thought would have amused her, you humored yourself. 
You wanted to ask more about her. You wanted to ask about what amused her the most so that on the off chance of you two meeting again, you could drink in the dulcet chords of her laughter. You wanted to ask her what flower was the scent of her perfume so that you could indulge in the scent to remember her. You wanted to ask what made her eyes shine so brightly like the star you’ve found yourself orbiting. You wanted to ask her exactly why she chose you of all people, and why she decided to show you a compassion and vulnerability you doubted she shared with many people. 
But you didn’t part your lips to utter any of those wonderings in fear that it would dismantle the pleasant atmosphere shared between the two of you. Miss All Sunday was a woman shrouded in mystery and secrecy; that much was obvious when you didn’t recognize her even as the vice president of Baroque Works. Any further prodding would do you no good. 
Instead, you unburied your face from her neck and gazed up into her. You were met with warm azure pits and the smallest of smiles. 
“Can I kiss you?” came your abrupt request. 
Wordlessly, she obliged to your request without any stalling, leaning forward to press her pillowy lips against yours and you swore you were sampling heaven itself. Each kiss is just as succulent as the last, no matter the dozen times you’ve already indulged yourself in her, but this one distinguished itself from the rest: it was by far the most tender. Miss All Sunday relished you with a certain precision, you’d think she was framing the structure of your mouth with precise measurements. Her tongue caressed the plumpness of your lips with a matching meticulousness, a slowness to it that only signified her sincerity. 
A muffled whimper left your throat as you were melting from the sensation of her. You closed your eyes to revel in Miss All Sunday unreservedly, accepting every movement of her mouth by replicating it back. Your body felt like liquid magma was poured all over it and every nerve of yours was ignited. Your heart was singing again, pitter-pattering joyously, and threatened to leap out of your throat. You grasped one of the other woman’s cheeks gently with your hands, intimately kneading the facial tissue like she had done for you. A small force was applied to the back of your head as Miss All Sunday made a futile attempt to push you impossibly nearer than you two already were. 
Unfortunately, due to the necessity of oxygen, the two of you pulled away, and it was only then when you opened your eyes you realized the difficulty in that. A briefly forgotten fatigue made itself prominent by weighing down your bones and a stretched yawn was involuntarily extracted from you.
“You should rest, darling.” 
Her suggestion was attractive–falling asleep in her embrace–but a fear crossed your thoughts before you allowed yourself to succumb. “Will you be there when I wake up?”
Her pursed lips already answered your question before she spoke. “I have something I need to do.” 
A childish pout made its way onto your face, but it didn’t prevent the second yawn coming from you. Sleepiness overtook your form, coercing you to shut your eyes and yield to the comfort of Miss All Sunday’s hold. 
“Go to sleep, my sweet thing. For me, if you will.” 
The hold around you tightened and that brought you enough comfort to drift away. 
“Sweet dreams, my dear.” 
When you woke up, nude and alone on the bed, you should have felt a deep disappointment in your chest. Instead, excitement wormed its way into your heart and you grinned stupidly. When you woke up, you were met with blackness; something that was weighing over your face was blocking out the light from a nearby burning candle. Pulling it off revealed to you that it was a purple felt hat, and in an instant, you recognized it as Miss All Sunday’s. 
In the hat was a note, reading: 
‘Be a good girl for me, won’t you? Keep this until I find you again. Wait for me, my dear.
-Your 'R'’
Can you tell I'm in love? I love her.
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rubixa-seraph · 11 months
My random AU thought for VashWood that emulates the spirit of Reddit threads... which I don't frequent by the way so I tried my best.
"Help, I hired a bodyguard for my precious twin, they disappeared for 2 years, and I just found out my brother eloped with my employee."
Comments in this thread may include:
"The first part of this story sounds suspiciously like the breaking news from two years ago where SEEDS Corporation CEO Nai Saverem's twin brother Vash went missing with his bodyguard. Not sure how subtle you were trying to be. But, uh, congrats at least your brother isn't dead?"
"Dude, you stopped giving me pay since we dropped off your radar, so I haven't been your employee for two years. If I'm still considered employed, you owe me back pay. Contract said to keep him safe. I keep him safe AND happy. Think you should give me a raise for that, *boss*."
And, cheekily:
"Thanks for introducing me to my husband, Nai! Love and Peace!"
Bonus, suggested by my friend:
"OP, the whole company saw this coming... and you didn't? We thought you knew!"
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slow-writer · 7 months
TMAGP Episodes 7 & 8 Reactions
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That was totally my face during both episodes, I swear.
Spoilers below!
Okay, I'm freaking out on a cellular level, it feels like.
Episode 6 had the introduction of new OIAR employee, Celia Ripley, who is voiced by Lowri Ann Davies. Those of us from the TMA fandom recognize her as the voice of Lynne Hammond who later became Celia because her name was taken from her after the Change. There have been speculations on whether she is playing the same Celia (even though this is a separate universe) or if this is just a little wink from Jonny and Alex behind the scenes. But then came the next 2 episodes.
The sheer amount of lore that was dropped in these 2 episodes has the fandom REELING. So, let's get into what we've heard!!
EPISODE 7: Right off the bat, Celia not only references that the dated computer system is basically better than "wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders." This feels like a TARGETED MISSILE at the TMA fandom. But right after that, she asks if any of the spoken cases have anything in common, and if there's a way to search the cases that have common threads, like, "Oh I don’t know. Every case about being buried alive or meat or… whatever." And if that wasn't enough, she recognizes the voice that Alice calls Chester (AKA, John!).
Those statements alone have me thinking with 99.99999999% certainty that this is the SAME Celia from TMA (or at least, she's tapped into her memories in some way).
Apart from Celia, we have Hilltop being referenced in a case, which could very well mean that it's a similar situation from TMA. Very possibly a rift in space-time or whatever. Some nexus of power or something.
Then Sam received a supposedly internal email from someone called "John" that contained an address and a name. Does this mean that John is truly trapped in the computer system like we've all been theorizing? Is this his attempt at making contact and warning Sam not to follow in his footsteps? AGH!
And then we have poor Colin, driven mad by whatever's corrupting the code he's been trying to maintain, taped over his webcam, and full on refusing any electronics to enter his office (that weren't already there, and he must have clearly tampered with them so they cannot spy on him). He even attacks Sam when he pulls out his phone. That man has a lifetime subscription to Paranoia Plus, if you ask me, poor thing.
Lastly, we get confirmation that Lena at least tried to kill Klaus, but may not have succeeded, and Gwen's blackmail of her puts her in a new role of "External Liaison," whatever that may be. (Oh boy, oh boy.)
And if that wasn't enough, we have today's episode....
EPISODE 8: No preamble on this one, just straight into a case. And man, are we having fun with the whole liminal horror plus Stranger vibes in this one! But the GOOD SH*T comes after the case ends.
Poor Colin's been put on Mental Health Leave, so I'm really hoping that wasn't the last we'll 'see' of him. And the banter between Gwen and Alice has much more of an edge now that Gwen's been promoted. But!!!
Sam and Celia went off together after they ended their shifts early (ooooh), and who did they meet?
And I checked, yes, they are 100% voiced by their TMA counterparts, Jon Gracey and Sue Sims (Jonny's mom).
Gertrude calls Gerry her grandson (though I'm curious if this means Gerry's actual mother is dead here too, and when Gertrude stepped in as a surrogate, or if she's actually his grandmother).
When Sam and Celia ask about the Magnus Institute, they both kind of go quiet, like they don't know what they're allowed to say or if they can trust these strangers who randomly showed up to their house. Sam reveals that he was part of their "gifted kids" program (hello, ARG info!) and saw Gerry was also listed and wanted to "swap stories." Gertrude seems to want to push them away, all protective, but Gerry just says he doesn't remember much.
Did Gertrude blow up the Magnus Institute in this universe and adopt Gerry after she found him there?!?
And finally, after Gertrude kind of rushes them out, Celia makes a deal with Sam. They agree to keep track of anything that falls under each other's mystery interests. Because she's "doing a favor for Georgie" (HFGJHFD!), she needs to look into "Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff."
Was Celia sent here from the TMA dimension to do recon?!?
Anyway, there's so much more to dive into, but those are the things that are currently making my brain buzz. How has your Thursday been?
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it-was-me-sorry · 2 years
A Thing You Can't Touch
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A/N Hi guys !! This is probably this first fic I've ever written so it might not be the best, but I just love this grumpy old man so much, I just had to write him.
SO!! Quick Summary: This takes place after the events of the movie. Scrooge sees reader walking them home in the cold, lets them warm up in his home, and then invites her as his guest to Harry's Christmas party.
I SO hope you like this! If you have any suggestions, or want a part 2, please do let me know !!
---Word Count--4345-----------
Winter was not the most popular season, and for good reason. It was intensely cold, chilling every townsperson to their bones. Work was scarce, and everyone was penniless. The short days seemed to drive most mad. Even so, Christmas was the one day that brought people together, and for this reason, it was your favorite day of the year. 
This year, though, was different. You had moved away from your family this past spring to start a new life in a bigger town. You visited often, somehow finding the time outside of work to make the trip back home, but this year, your boss had kept his employees for the holiday, and you weren’t able to convince him otherwise. 
So there you were, at work, on Christmas Eve, spinning cotton into delicate threads for a few measly pounds. You let yourself fall deep into your work, not allowing your sad and lonely thoughts distract you. You’d surely lose your job then. Your coworkers were doing the same, so the only sounds in the mill were the sounds of the machine. You had just over an hour left until you were due to go home when the entrance door was roughly thrown open, and your boss entered, hitting the sides of his boots on the doorway so as to not track snow indoors. You looked up for a quick second, startled, then back down to your work before your employer noticed. He shut the door, and cleared his throat to gather the attention of your coworkers. You paused your work and turned to face him.
“Attention employees,” he began. “I know you were all disappointed to be working today. But, I’ve decided to be quite generous, and let you leave an hour early. The snow is picking up quite a bit, I feel it appropriate to send you on your ways before it gets colder, so no one gets sick, and I can see all of your smiling, ready to work faces tomorrow.” 
A few of your coworkers gave quiet cheers, and your boss smiled at the crowd of employees. “Merry Christmas, everyone. Now, wrap up whatever you are working on, and please, get home safely.” With that, he passed through the room and into his office in the back of the building, shutting the door behind him. 
A missing hours worth of wages was almost devastating to you, but you didn’t let your emotions on this show, instead focusing your gratitude on being able to leave early while the sun was still showing it’s very last rays of the day. You cleared your workspace, grabbed your coat, and left. 
Your boss was not exaggerating. The winds whipped your hair around your face and chilled your skin instantly. You almost had to fight to take a step forward. You didn’t live too far from the mill, but the trip in this weather was still an intense journey nonetheless. 
You had only been walking for a few minutes, but your cheeks were bright red, and your fingers burned from the cold. You were walking alone on the cobblestone streets, everyone else smart enough to have kept themselves indoors during this winter storm. Your extremities were beginning to go numb, surely the start of frostbite, and you shoved them deeper into your skirt pockets as if that would warm them up. 
You debated on running into a shop for a few minutes to let your body regain some of its heat, when you heard a voice call out, “You there! What are you doing outside in such a storm?” 
You looked up from the ground, trying to find where the voice was coming from, and you spotted him. An older man, robes wrapped tightly around himself, and cheeks already rosy, was calling out to you. He was standing in the doorway of his ginormous house, the door shut slightly so that snow did not get inside.
“I’m just walking home, sir,” you answered, still walking. The wind blew a particularly strong gust, and you had to stop to catch your balance. The man frowned. 
“It is far too cold to walk in this weather,” he pointed out. “Come inside and warm up at least, please.” 
You stared blankly at this total stranger. Sure, the gesture was kind, but his intentions could be otherwise. You didn’t have much time to come up with a way to turn his offer down nicely, when he spoke again. 
“Please,” he repeated. “Before we both catch a cold!” 
You looked around you, as if searching for any excuse not to, but felt your feet moving to the door anyway. Once you were closer, he pushed the door open enough for you to come through, and he ushered you inside. 
“Come, sit by the fireplace and warm up.” He gestured to his living room, a nice, bright fire already roaring in his very expensive looking fireplace. In fact, his entire home was expensive looking. This man must be someone very important, or at least someone very rich. Despite this, the walls were mostly barren, lacking in decorations. His home was empty, except for a few pieces of furniture and photographs, and a large dog watching you from her place beside the couch.
You smiled at him politely, walking toward the fire. “Thank you, sir.” 
“Ah, none of that, please. It’s no trouble. You might’ve frozen solid out there.” He stood behind a chair, putting his hands on the back of it. 
You knelt in front of the warmth of the fire, lifting your hands to let the heat run over them. “It was very kind of you to invite me into your home for a few moments,” you started, turning to face him. “May I ask for your name?” 
“Forgive me, miss. How improper of me to not even introduce myself. My name is Ebenezer. Scrooge,” he added. “And might I ask for yours as well?” He offered a polite smile. 
“(Y/N).” You answered. His name felt very familiar to you, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on why. The fire was delightful. Your body was already much warmer now, and you were thankful that this stranger was as insistent as he was on getting you indoors. “You must have a family around with a house this size. Are they alright with an unfamiliar person in their home?” 
Scrooge had found his seat now, soaking up the warmth himself. “It’s just me, so I suppose everyone here is perfectly fine with your company.” 
You were slightly surprised. At this man’s age, and especially on Christmas Eve, you would’ve assumed his children would have brought their children over to celebrate the holidays. “Oh, they couldn’t make the trip?” 
He shook his head. “I simply do not have any family, besides my nephew. I’ll be spending Christmas at his home tomorrow. Don’t you have a family to spend the holidays with?” 
You gave a frustrated sigh. “Unfortunately, sir, my boss is expecting me to work in the morning, so I was unable to be with my family for Christmas.” 
“I see. I’m very sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s alright, I’m grateful for the opportunity to earn my keep.” 
You allowed yourself to take in more of Scrooge’s face. He was an attractive man for his age. You wondered what he looked like in his youth, and why he didn’t have a wife. “What do you do for work?” 
He chuckled slightly. “You must be newer to town. You have no idea who I am. That’s quite refreshing, actually. I run a loan and savings office with my business partner.” 
Your cheeks grew warm, and not from the fire. Of course, that’s why his name was familiar. You had heard all the stories of a cruel old man having mended his ways for the better. Scrooge had made a name for himself in this town. You were embarrassed to have not made this connection. 
“I moved here this spring, actually, and I’ve never heard of you,” you joked. 
“Well, that’s very surprising. You must live under a rock, or simply not get out much,” he countered. 
The air felt friendly and warm. The two of you continued bantering back and forth, and you were enjoying yourself, even though you had initially been very reluctant to enter this man’s home. He was a very pleasant person, you almost couldn’t believe the stories you had heard about his past. You were enjoying getting to know him, and you couldn’t lie, you enjoyed his face as well. He was quite charming, very polite, and your conversation was non-stop, no awkward pauses while you searched for something else to talk about. In fact, you kept talking long after you had warmed up, but after a while, you stood up, tidying your skirts. 
“Well, Mr. Scrooge,” 
“Ebenezer, please,” he corrected with a smile. 
“Ebenezer then. Thank you very much for letting me warm up here. I should be going now so you can carry on with your evening. Your kindness is very much appreciated.” You pulled your gloves, slightly torn, back over your hands. 
Scrooge stood up himself. “Let me walk you to the door.” 
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
Scrooge led the way to the front door. “Thank you for your company. Maybe I’ll see more of you around town, and you’ll actually know who I am,” he said with a chuckle. 
“Ah, but you have such a forgettable face. We’ll have to see,” you teased back. This was of course a lie. He was very attractive, and his grey-blue eyes were breathtaking, almost to the point where you didn’t want to look away. 
He pulled the door open. The wind had died down considerably, and only a few gentle flakes fell from the darkened sky. You tightened your scarf around your neck when you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Why don’t you join me for my nephew’s Christmas party? I know it might seem..odd.. Because we’ve only just met, but I would hate to know that you’re spending the holiday alone. We would all love another guest.” 
You looked up at him, blinking in surprise. Yes, this was quite odd, but what was more odd was the words that fell from your mouth. “Oh, if it’s no trouble, I would love to attend!” 
Scrooge smiled brightly down at you, his blue eyes shining. “Lovely! I look forward to it.” 
You agreed to meet him tomorrow back at his place after your shift, and then the two of you would make your way to his nephew’s place for his Christmas dinner and party. 
You left, waving him a smiling goodbye as he shut the door, and made your way home, excited for the first time this year for Christmas.
The following day, your shift couldn’t end soon enough. You were nervous, but excited for this party. For some odd reason, you were mostly excited to see Ebenezer again. You had brought your nicest dress with you to work to change into afterwards. It was a steel blue dress that accented your waist beautifully, and showed off just a little of your shoulders. You had also brought a necklace that your mother had given you before you had moved away, a gorgeous silver chain with a gem that matched your dress almost perfectly. 
The moment the clock struck 6, you excused yourself, running into the alley outside to quickly change your clothes, hopefully in sight of no one else. You took your old dress off, shoving it in your bag, and put the nicer one over your petticoat, smoothing out the wrinkles. Before you could get too cold, you rushed to get your coat back on along with your hat, gloves, and scarf. 
Finally ready, you slung your bag over your shoulder, and exited the alleyway to make your way to Ebenezer’s house. 
It didn’t take long for you to reach your destination. The weather today was considerably nicer compared to last night, and you were grateful. Once you’d made your way to the door, you rapped your knuckles on the wood. Almost instantly, the door swung open, and there stood Ebenezer. You were a bit taken aback. He was dressed quite nicely, a stark difference from the pajamas you had met him in yesterday. His hair was laid nicely back, a small chunk swooping across his forehead. He was wearing a lavish suit, black and forest green, and a matching cravat. He greeted you, and welcomed you inside. 
“Let me just grab my coat, and we can be on our way then, (Y/N),” Scrooge smiled, then turned away to make his way to his coat closet. 
“Thank you again for inviting me to come along. It’ll be nice to spend some time with people other than at work.” You thanked him. 
“It’s no trouble, I’m pleased that you were able to make it,” he replied, making his way back from the closet, coat already tossed over broad shoulders, and a fancy top hot atop his head. “Shall we make our way over?” He held out his arm for you to grab, as any gentleman might, and you took it, nodding to him. 
Scrooge led you outside, and down the sidewalk to make your way to his nephew, Harry’s home. This was so odd, but he felt compelled to invite you to this party after spending last evening with you. 
Recalling last night, he remembered looking outside his window at the storm. The snow was coming down in large amounts, and the wind blew strong and cold. He must’ve been looking outside at just the right moment, though, because he was surprised to see someone outside walking in this atrocious weather. He turned away for a second, minding his own business, but found himself looking back out to check on whoever was walking out there. Just as he did, he watched as they nearly fell, either having slipped on ice, or the wind having blown them over. He rolled his eyes. Who in their right mind would be out in this storm? But then, who knows how long they had been out there, and if they even had a warm place to be. 
He had found himself standing outside his front door, urging this stranger to come inside and warm up at the very least. And then he found himself enjoying her company immensely. Thus, led to him inviting her to this gathering, celebrating silently when she agreed to accompany him. 
He had met with Harry the next morning to let him know he was bringing a last minute guest. Of course, it was no problem, and Harry was pleased that his uncle had found someone to bring along. 
Throughout the day, as his worked his way through his errands, he kept finding himself thinking about (Y/N). How lovely she looked once she had opened up and was chatting freely with him. How her eyes had sparkled with every playful joke she made. He almost felt shame at the thought of a potential dance with her at the party, knowing he was at least twice her age. He was a gentleman, and would treat you appropriately. You were joining him at this dinner as his new friend. That was enough. 
And so the two of you made your way down the road, chattering as you walked. Scrooge enjoyed the sound of your voice, the cadence in the way you spoke, and felt his chest flutter with nerves. Friend, friend, friend. This was simply a friendly occasion. He was supposed to be doing you a favor, not allowing you to be alone on Christmas. But he almost wanted to skip it and just invite you back to his home to talk to you more alone without the distractions of a party. 
It didn’t take too long for the two of your to make your way to Harry’s house. Scrooge knocked on his door, and a gentleman opened the door, greeting the both of you and asking to take your coats. Scrooge handed over his coat and hat, and a few shiny coins as thanks. 
“One moment, my apologies!” (Y/N) was digging in her pocket, searching for something. You must have found it soon enough, and handed your coat to the man as well, thanking him. You turned to Scrooge, almost sheepishly. “I didn’t want my necklace to get damaged underneath my coat.” 
You raised your hands behind your neck to clasp the chain. Scrooge, for the first time that night, was able to see you fully. Your dress was stunning on you, hugging your curves where proper. Your hair was done neatly, it must have taken a long time, so you had to have done it before work, or scandalously, during. And your eyes were shining, just as they had last night. He felt his chest flutter again for the umpteenth time that night, swallowing thickly. 
“What do you think?” You asked, the necklace now fixed around your throat and your arms down by your sides. 
“You look..lovely. Absolutely lovely.” Ah, yes. Ever the gentleman. This answer seemed to have satisfied you, as you smiled up at him and took the arm he had held out. Go time. 
The night was going well. Harry had met you after you made your way from the mudroom, greeting his uncle with a big hug, and giving you a hearty handshake. His behavior reminded you of a puppy, and you were happy to meet him and his wife and new baby. 
Scrooge apologized to you, saying he would be back soon, but was going to greet the rest of the guests and catch up with them. You assured him that this was fine, and you would be alright mingling alone. And you were, having made quick friends with Hela and her small group of friends that she had over.
Guests had begun to dance with each other, as a small orchestral band played in the corner, and Scrooge still hadn’t returned. He caught your eye, mouthing you a silent ‘sorry’. You gave him a smile and a thumbs up, assuring him that he was alright, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“My, you look extravagant tonight,” a voice whispered to you as you turned to see who had touched you. 
“Oh, thank you!” You responded, smiling sweetly. The stranger smiled back. 
“Do you mind if I have a dance with you?” His voice was smooth and charming. He held a hand out. 
“Ah, not at all! A dance would be nice, rather than standing around.” You laughed, placing your hand on the stranger’s. 
The band was placing a slower, romantic sounding song, so the stranger led you into a slow dance. He had introduced himself as Charles. He was a close friend of Harry’s from work. He was nice to you, attractive too, and as a bonus, was a good dancer. He was a bit too flirty for your liking, his hand moving ever so lower down your back, his other hand holding yours perhaps a bit too tenderly. Despite this, you continued to make conversation with him. 
When the song ended, Charles seemed genuinely disappointed, pulling away from you. “Perhaps I could have another dance before the night is over?” You agreed, assuring him that he could find you again for another song later. 
“(Y/N), hello.” Scrooge had made his way back to you. 
Your eyes shone brightly. “Oh, Ebenezer!” You smiled, turning around to face him. “How is everyone?” 
“Everyone is fine. All excited for the holiday.” Scrooge gave you a small smile back in return. 
Charles looked at you, at the way you looked at Scrooge, then to Scrooge himself. “Ah, old man!” He threw his arm around Scrooge’s shoulder, as if they were old friends. Scrooge glowered at him for a moment, obviously not liking both the name calling, or the breaching of his personal space. “I suppose you want a dance with her too, huh? Be careful, (Y/N), he’s aged quite a bit. You might have to lead.” He laughed and smacked Ebenzer’s back, then parted, waving at you as he made his way over to Harry. 
“What a dunce.” Scrooge rolled his eyes. 
The band started another song. “Don’t mind him. Would you like to dance? I can lead if you’d rather,” you joked, grinning.
“It’s been years since I’ve last danced, but I’ve still got it, I assure you.” He laughed back, taking your outstretched hand. 
He had you held out at almost arm’s length, as if he was afraid to touch you. He spun the two of you through the dance floor. “I don’t bite, you know.” You teased.
“Oh, well that’s exactly what I was afraid of. Now that I know you don’t, I can show you how it’s really done,” He countered, pulling you closer, to a more appropriate distance. This caught you by surprise, and you had butterflies almost instantly. 
This dance was considerably less quiet than your dance with Charles. You spent most of the dance staring into Ebenezer’s stone blue eyes. He was much more polite than your previous dance partner as well. Scrooge had held his hand at your waist. He was right, he was very good at dancing, and..were you blushing? 
All too soon, the song ended, and Scrooge pulled away. “Thank you for the dance, dear. It made an ‘old man’ feel young again’.” He winked at you, holding his arm out again, and you took it, laughing. 
You didn’t talk much to Ebenezer during dinner. You were sat across from him, but as the seating arrangements would have it, you were also seated next to Charles. He was very insistent on holding your conversation the entire time. He wasn’t unpleasant, and was actually quite funny if you were being honest, but you wanted to speak to Scrooge more. 
Eventually, the night came to a close, and guests began to head home. Scrooge excused himself from yours (and by extension, Charles’) side to bid farewell to Harry and thank him for the party. 
“Would you mind if I walked you home, darling?” Charles asked you as soon as Scrooge had disappeared. “I’ve had a wonderful time with you tonight.” 
“Oh, thank you for the offer, Charles, but Ebenezer has promised his company for my walk home! You’re so sweet to ask, though.” You smiled up at him, but faltered when you saw his glare. 
“I suppose you think he likes you, hm? You think that he’s taken you to this party as some sort of courtship.” 
“Well, no, I-” 
“You know all the stories of how awful that man was. I don’t think he’s changed. He just wants a pretty little minx on his hip to make him look good. And I bet he’s hoping to get lucky tonight.” He gave you a toothy grin. “But maybe that’s what you’re wishing for too. Well! I’ll be off then. Goodnight, (Y/N).” 
And you were left in stunned silence, watching him walk off and then out the door. You had barely had any time to recover before Scrooge was back at your side. “Are you ready to go? We’ll just grab our coats and be on our way.” 
You looked up to him, quickly glancing out the door that Charles had left. “Oh, uhm, yes. Let’s get going then.” 
The two of you met the coatman, and he returned the coats to their appropriate owners. You raised a hand to your throat, feeling the necklace. You needed to take off the delicate chain before putting your coat back on. You reached behind you, fiddling with the clasp, but for all the life of you, you could not get it undone. 
You were growing frustrated, and at this point, Scrooge noticed. “Ah, my dear, let me help.” Without waiting for an answer, he moved behind you. He gathered your hair and lifted it off of your neck, and masterfully undid the clasp, his fingers brushing your neck. Goosebumps rose up on your skin, and you shivered, but he did not notice. He held it out to you, a smile on his face, obviously pleased with himself for getting it on the first try. 
You looked down at the chain. In his hand, then back up at him. You took it delicately, returning it to the box in your coat pocket. “Thank you.” 
He held his arm for you, but you pretended to not notice, and walked ahead of him. He stared at you, puzzled, and followed, matching your pace. 
Of course Scrooge had just wanted you by his side for appearances. Charles was absolutely right. All the closeness you had grown to feel for this man had been replaced by hurt feelings, and you couldn’t bring yourself to joke and chatter with him like you had before. All he saw you as was some cheap brothel woman who would make his move at your doorstep. 
Scrooge noticed your discomfort almost immediately, but didn’t ask you about it until you two had made your way to your home. “Did something happen? Did you not enjoy yourself?” 
You refused to meet his eyes. “I had a lovely time, actually, thank you.” 
He frowned. “I don’t think that someone that had a good time would be acting so cold after the fact, don’t you agree.” 
You met his gaze now. “No, I had a great time. It was after that’s what gets me. It all makes sense! You just want some young lady to make you look like you’ve got it all, and then have a screw after. Well, I will not be that lady. Now, good night, Sir.” You turned your doorknob and threw the door open. 
Just as you were about to enter, Ebenezer grabbed your wrist. “(Y/N), listen-” 
You yanked your arm back, and Ebenezer looked sad, as if he were a sad dog that had been struck. “No, Mr. Scrooge. Leave.” And with that, you slammed your door. 
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liwanags · 2 years
mumu plots i wanna do bc ive been binging 2000s movies & shows
cruise/travelling tour - (insp. the lizzie mcguire movie) 2 week cruise to certain european cities? concerning cruise ship employees too not just the guests! subplots: getting lost in the city they docked in, entering the wrong cabin, missing the cruise ship bc of a late night out, mysterious guest that one employee took an interest in, bffs joining the cruise bc of a pact/bucketlist, sightseeing, flirting with locals, couple on a honeymoon, couple on a Fake honeymoon
modern royals - (insp. princess diaries) young royals in training (gives room for 25+ muses) to assume their thrones or just royal etiquette. arranged marriages, galas, banquets, sneaking out, missing lessons, flying off to a diff country (or at least attempting to), a muse like Mia Thermopolis shielded from the pressures of royalty until the age of 18 so when she starts it’s all very new, dinners with politicians, dancing at balls, newly-wed royal couple, etc!
university town square - (insp. gilmore girls) with a focus on town square shops, boutiques, stores, bakery, and the like! purely reliant on character stories. we can set up category channels for each shop and have threads. a mix of a university x small town setting if u will! give me tired college students! college students that dont care! part time student/part-time shop attendant, etc!
tv show set - (insp. sonny with a chance) there’s so many ideas for this! main actors hating each other, secretly dating the second lead, manager and stylist, editing staff, the tension in the writers room, navigating the press, making friends/enemies with fellow actors of the show, making friends with actors from a rival show, stylists knowing all the drama and beef between their clients, paparazzi, trying to get through filming during ungodly hours.
mystery gang - (insp. scooby doo) could be a group of friends that have a youtube channel together for fun, or could be a professional bunch of ghost hunters. each case they get is purely for work but somehow they get entangled with unsolved crimes and uncovering secrets while they’re at it.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL  - solid showing
Jan 20232 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) 7 of 12 - Tinn flirting using a periodic table is such a simp. I can’t with this boy. This ep made me laugh so flipping hard. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? GMMTV you tricksters, you. I’m sorry to say that even the catfishing part made me laugh. What a wonderful show. 
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) 6 of 12 - I loved the part where Pawin speaks multiple languages: English Thai, and Mandarin. Pawin is good! Lovely diction. I like the discussion over The Kiss and I liked how clear N is about who he is and what he wants. P is the opposite, doesn’t really know what he wants, and wouldn’t know how to express himself even if he did. Yet they are still somehow sweet with each other. Pond is so cute when he smiles. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 10 of 12 - I gotta say that this level of miscommunication at this point in the drama is merely ep 11 bullshit manipulation. And it is annoying. Even though i know the story has no other vehicle to drive crisis at this point in the show, I’m not happy about it. Dare I say this BL is a touch disappointing? Well, if I don’t say it, who will? WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 9 of 11 - OhmFluke are always good, but because of the cheating thread I find it really hard to support this couple. I liked the “who done it” twist. I did see it coming, but I watch too much TV. I love GamesVee but Vee’s hair is truly terrible. 
Cutie Pie 2 You (special) 3 of 4 - Disastrous sun glasses, Zee. TutorYim did an awesome job on their sexitimes. I admit to being worried, I was a little scared they couldn’t carry physical intimacy off (holding down 3 series this year). But they did good job. Although, Nuer, if your boy is that twitchy and ticklish? Strap him down and bite. Hard. Presumably he’s not called Syn for nothing. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 10 of 12 - Just too much blushing maiden for me to stand. And Noey’s odd blinking thing? What is with that?
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) 5 of 8 - Backstory of the pen is explained, and daddy forces a conversation about it, which I LOVE. I thought his first reaction was a bit harsh, but I’m on his side. Get over your college crush, baby. Pay attention to the guy that’s in front of you. Also cat fucking things up more = classic. The guy walking by in the street who called them “cute” for a hug is my hero. I love this show so much. 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) 4 of 10 (or 7&8 of 20) - Rich boy getting jelly. Jonny getting savvy. Boys holding hands and falling asleep together after an earthquake is cute. Office sides = best couple on air right now. I love how Vincent just casually cuts up his food and gives it to his baby boy. Tony remains evil and manipulative but hot, I shall call him: Pouty McHotterton 
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) 5 of 8 - I think they made a mistake of putting Izuka Kenta into this one. He’s so good everyone else‘s performances look weak by comparison. 
Individual Circumstances (Korea Thurs Viki) 8 eps - A reunion romance between a movie director who was once promising and a writer who disappeared due to past wounds. Stars JunQ (main rapper of 2nd gen group MYNAME) and Han Jung Wan (Mr International Korea winner). I like this more than I thought I would (reunion romances are not my thing) mostly because of the bratty director character. Using a guitar to torture someone is entirely appropriate, in my book/BL world it happens all the damn time. It’s an interesting promise, I do want to know what happened in the past. The bike is silly. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
GMMTV’s Midnight series - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen. Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) 1 of 8 eventually.  
Be On Cloud (the KinnPorsche people) announced its 2023 line up. Descriptions and discussion here. 
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In Case You Missed It
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) ended amorphously so yeah not my thing. 
I posted a meta of all my 2022 wraps, top picks, industry stats, etc..
I ALSO posted the 2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments some are inaccurate) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Frigay is BACK with a vengeance. Honestly, I like this line up. This is about the number I can handle in a week. 
Still (supposedly) to come in January:
The End Of The World, With You
Hit Bite Love
Time the series
BL Fashion Hall of Shame
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They are my children. MUST PROTECT. 
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World’s best wingman. 
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What did I say about biting? Tinn gets it. 
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(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? And this week my OG bias has a single, two actually, but the comeback isn’t good, so I’m opting for: Letter from Park Jinyoung (GOT7). If you listen you’ll understand why I also love Leo so much. Honey voices are my weakness. 
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Promise Me?
Lost Memory Files :: Part 2
Characters: Damien, Dark, GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,268
Spicy Rating: Implied intimacy, mentions of partial undress, nothing actually spicy.
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You've known Damien for years now. He doesn't talk much about his pain.
It's not something he really wants to talk about, and he knows that some of his political opponents would use it against him. You only know because you knew him before he was the beloved mayor, there for him through the early days, when his bad pain days were far between. However, this year hasn't been kind to him, and he's rarely seen without his cane. Some think it's just a simple of the financial wealth he was born to, some think it makes him look regal and composed.
You know that it might be showy, but it's very practical, even if you wish the head was better shaped for supporting his weight.
No matter what, it's better for him to say that he's spending days at home working intensely, having lost sleep rather than keeping people in city hall later than they need to be. He claims he's working on the proposals and needs of the city. He is, in all honesty, even if he doesn't tell them that the real reason he doesn't come into the office is because he can't actually get his body to support his weight long enough to get out of bed. His focus is worse on those days, describing it like a thick fog that steals his train of thoughts.
And really, it's not all that unusual for you, the district attorney, to go follow up on things, or grab files from his office that he needs. All of the city hall employees know you, have known you since before you were elected to the position. If you don't show up in city hall at least once a day, they start to get worried about you. It's kind of sweet, in a gossip-inducing sort of way. The point stands that as the DA, you need to have your thumb on the pulse of the city too. You may be new to the position, but no one can deny your work ethic.
Besides, you were friends in school, and well-known to be close friends even now.
Even if friends isn't exactly what you want to be known as.
You've definitely crossed that line at several points with him. More than, truly. You're not sure that a single day has gone by since you first stole that kiss from him during a late night study session in university that you haven't spent part of the day mussing his perfectly coiffed hair by threading your hands through it before pulling him into slow, heavy, passionate kisses. More nights than not, you spend it together in either his bed or your own, legs tangled together, a soft sort of intimacy.
Neither of you have put a word on it yet, unsure if you even want to. Neither of you is terribly certain this is going to last, or impact your careers, and a myriad of other excuses that have existed for years now.
It's still your excuse now, however, as you watch him flush that pretty shade of red you enjoy seeing paint his cheeks and tips of his ears, as he looks away from you, where you're gently massaging along his bare hip bone, down to his knee and back, trying to help ease some of the worst of his rheumatism pain. The cold, wet autumn weather was the perfect storm to leave him in agony, as had been evidenced by his exhausted, pain-tight voice when he rang you an hour ago, asking you only to swing by his office and grab the paperwork he needed. Even with the travel and stops, by the time you got to his house, he had barely gotten half-way up the stairs, hissing in pain as he tried to get up the next step.
The indignant squawk of you hauling him upright, taking most of his weight off his bad side was as traditional as his embarrassed thanks, and the unnecessarily shy behaviors as you worked on his leg. Damien was nothing but a gentleman, even now, as you breathed in deep, letting the bite of the wintergreen oil overtake all the other scents in the room, sharp and herbal as you worked it into the aching joints.
"Let me get the hot water packs," you said as you stood, watching as the glassy look in his eyes started to fade with the relief from the pain.
"Please," he sighs out. "Never leave, I don't know what I'd do without you."
All you can do is laugh, pressing a kiss to his forehead with a quiet promise to stay.
You nearly miss the soft groan of pain.
Your head turns as you look at Dark, where he sits at his desk. He's hunched forward, fingers pressed deep into either side of his neck.
The constant needs of overseeing so many things, of trying to make sure every little detail is accounted for, that until the right time for something that he refuses to tell you about comes to pass. It doesn't help that it's already October, and the date he dreads each year is nearly here. You didn't fully understand why, and he's always waved you off when you ask about it.
Regardless of anything else, you know that pose. Some part of your brain reminds you that once, a very long time ago, you'd sit like that often. You can never remember why, the mental fog that steals away your memories from before you came to this house blurring too many details every time you try to focus.
"You're holding tension in your shoulders again." Your simple words pull him up out of his thoughts, looking up with a wince as the muscles tense. You know you're lucky, that Dark doesn't often let others see any sign of weakness, and most people who do see him roll his neck think he's displaying his boredom with them. The truth is that his neck always hurts.  You just know this because of your complicated, quiet, budding relationship with the man who isn't truly human. "That's going to make the pain worse."
"I'm...aware." He tries his best to keep his short temper in check, for you.
"Where's the salve?"
Dark sighed, letting the breath he didn't really need to take punch into the air. "The usual place."
You nod, nudging him gently to get out of his desk chair, prompting him to sit on the floor in front of the couch you spent most of your time reading, so you can better work the salve into his neck. The tin lived in the top drawer of his desk, and something about it always made you feel nostalgic. You breathed in deep, letting the sharp, herbal notes fill your lungs as you sighed softly. Looking up, Dark was staring at you with that expression again. The one that you couldn't ever truly understand, despite late nights lying awake, staring at the ceiling.
It always made him look lighter, younger almost somehow, as if the weight of the world wasn't pressing down upon his shoulders. It held some note of something that said he wanted to tell you something but you never could quite figure out what. Shortly after, usually, his expression would slide into something akin to guilt, and he'd turn to his paperwork. But he couldn't wave off your questioning now.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Dark stared, lowering his hands from his neck as you approached, his words soft and as close to a whisper as he could manage.
"Just...please. Never leave. I don't know what I would do without you."
You smiled, taking a moment to bend down and press a kiss to his forehead, quietly promising to stay.
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meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello mcsm community. this is a repost of a long ass twitter thread i made so i apologize in advance if its formatted weird (and sort of disorganized). but heres some of my Thoughts and analysis on radar. i have much more to say than just this of course but HERE WE GO! radar insaneposting tumblr edition. long post incoming (i worked very hard on this)
- he idolizes the new order and puts them on a pedestal above himself a bit. i mean from some dialogue it's clear he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself but he treats the new order smiliarly to how they felt about the old order in thw wither storm arc
- i have mentioned this several times but the "prison radar" thing definitely comes across to me as him trying to overcompensate (and mimic those he sees as "strong" like petra and jack) sort of. like if you contextualise it with how a lot of the characters called him weak an episode prior and it definitely seemed to have an impact on him its like. yeah. especially being thrown into a situation like w/ the sunshine institute and the whole iron breathtaker thing that has Got to fuck you up. idk i jusy see a lot of people take that at face value like "oh look he's being silly" when it comes across to me as more like insecurity ig?
- hes so autism its unreal
but yeah the whole thing kinda fucks him up
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ig the only thing thay kinda bothers me is that arc doesnt feel finished. and also jesse can ENCOURAGW him to act like someone hes not??? OH AND. id like to point out this thing also involves him trying to break his own strict patterns which is p interesting to me. by this i mean the "disregard my bedtime! break whatever rules I feel like! within reason!" he seems to feel that in order to become stronf he has to be like. less caring of the rules w/e but the "within reason" line and the fact that he dislikes things being disorganized still is like. he doesnt Want to act like this. he doesnt seem to like thag but he feels iys the only way he can be strong and adapt to such a lifethreatening situation (to act like someone he clearly isnt)
another point id like to make is his relationship with Stella. it isnt really explored past this one scene in episode 2 of s2 but god there's a lot to unpack here
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"you'll never change" - has stella... always been like this?  even when radar worked under her (which HAS to be at least a year before s2 bc apparently he's been working for jesse for about a year)
 also she calls him a "quitter" which. 1. has a negative connotation meaning that she Does Not Approve of him leaving 2. implies he quit of his own accord. this isn't normal former boss/former employee interaction though something definitely happened. like theyre both Weirdly Hostile and this is never brought up again....... ehat happened.
also "he doesn't even know how to use a sword" this part stuck out to me but Considering this thing i noticed a few months ago about how the mcsm world is very. survival oriented and people who can slay powerful monsters (i.e. old order) are looked at with high respect. so basically she's calling him weak here which is. Huh. also "you don't know anything" girl what happened.... why does radar feel he has to prove himself like that...
"id be careful about counting on him for anything" what did she mean by this. did radar fuck up in some way unintentionally and it pissed stella off or something??? because something clearly happened and im very sad this is never explored further bc this is a fucking interesting plot point.
also. the last image...... this is so fucking interesting regarding radar as a character because it does actually provide context for the whole prison radar thing. like holy shit this says a lot. the first line kinda shows his insecurity already. he's aware people don't believe in him and think he's weak and a coward, but he's going to try anyway. he feels he has to prove himself kinda.. like "you'll see! i can do it watch!" and considering his behavior in this episode it shows. he's overcompensating for that fear and trying to prove that he can be enough to make a difference. especially shown by how he reacts when "Vos" tells him he's not up for the task. he's trying, it isn't enough, so he decides to mimic his heroes and pretend to be someone he isn't (which... unfortunately half the cast doesn't take seriously)
the second line proves my points more. "im not the person she thinks i am anymore" raises a lot of questions on what happened ofc but there's also the "I can be different. Braver. If that's what the situation requires... I'll do it." and guess what! he *does* do that! a combination of pressure from people telling him that he can't do it and he'd just get hurt in the process and is too weak and cowardly to really do much + the stress of the situations he's thrust into seems to sort of catalyze his decision to put on the "prison radar" persona and pretend to mimic his heroes and act strong to not only make a difference and mean something but also to survive The Horrors . but he doesn't want to do this, that isn't who he is as a person, moreso what he feels he has to do. also thinking of pne line where he says something abojt the "incredible misery in the world crushing down on you". like this is a random throwaway line?? clearly the entire situation of s2 is Getting to him but he never really gets to Express that
now ofc like i mentioned this arc is in no way perfect. it's fucking interesting but it feels unresolved and forgotten by episode 5 along with the other characters completely ignoring the fact that that isn't who he is along with jesse even praising that in some dialogue options. like the writing of this kinda confuses me because everything radar says and feels up to that point implies that it's a façade built to be what others want him to be and as a stress response but some later things kinda treat the way he acts as a Good Thing and like ???? like i get it if they wanted to do the "being more courageous" arc sure. fine. but this doesn't seem like it was simply written as that. he does Not usually act like how he does during the "prison radar" thing and its just never addressed. which fucks me up bc this is personally one of my favorite character arcs of mcsm due to how complicated and insane it is + hes one of my favorite characters ever and i relate to his issues a lot but instead thw writings kinda ????? but yeah. its always bothered me really but to be Fair mcsm was hit by a lot of budget cuts that affected the plot like dont even get me started on the scrapped assistant to the warden who sesms to be meant to be the antithesis to radar kind of... and im p sure some episodes had different writers. so yeah this sucks but it isnt gonna piss me off that bad I just wish his arc was handled a bit differently. might potentially write something or w/e about this but anyways if you read this entire thread 1. you're insane 2. we do a little trolling. follow me mcsm truthers
original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1659130820999753730?s=20
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misty-caligula · 1 year
I like season 2. I think that it’s a very well put together, well paced, well acted story. I know that I’m not necessarily agreed with on this by everybody, but I want to just say a thing about that.
The modern media machine is brutal and messy. The many cast and crew members that work on any given project are remarkably limited in their individual power, regardless of how high their positions are within the system, they’re all expendable, all just... employees, able to be swapped out if they step out of line according to the corporate interest. They sign contracts that limit their ability to speak openly to us about the realities on the ground, and beyond that they have to acknowledge their own careers in a VERY insular, rumor-heavy community, where being marked as “difficult” destroys you.
I know that a portion of the fandom is unhappy with the pacing in S2. Feels that certain story lines are not given enough time. Kristen felt like she popped out of nowhere. Some folk feel that the adult timeline is too heavily pushed. That the original hunt wasn’t talked about enough. That it’s all just a bit... messy. And I can see how you get there. It’s not been enough to bother me, watching it, but I see how you get there.
I think that I am part of a lucky group, because I find almost all of the characters, in both the teen and adult timelines, equally interesting. But I imagine that if you’re PRIMARILY here for the teens or certain characters it must be very frustrating when your favorites seem AWOL.
But what I do not get is how people go from that to “The writers have no idea what they’re doing, they LIED to us about having a plan, they’re all incompetent, they don’t know what they’re doing.”
Firstly, the writers make the blueprint, sure, but it needs to then be built, filmed, put together, directed, you need to get hours and hours and hours and hours of footage and then edit it all together. We have no IDEA what’s left behind. What was in the script that got dumped for time. Or for the sake of pacing. Or because it was too expensive. Or because of... who knows. We don’t know what we don’t know. The writers do not magically create their ideal version of the show, they only make path for others to follow.
I mean consider you’re an editor and you have 3 different versions of the same line from the same actor, and you have to use the one that most accurately gives a certain energy. One is 2 seconds longer, but clearly the best. You now have to shave 2 seconds off SOMETHING else. Extrapolate that out to 10 hours’ runtime, make sure you never miss anything, and keep the pacing going.
Which leads me onto my big ... Thing. Season 2 only has 9 episodes. Some people in the fandom are really amazing at finding behind the scenes sources on what’s happening, but I cannot find a single word on the reasoning behind cutting back this season. I thus cannot say conclusively that an episode was stolen from the show, that it wasn’t originally planned to be 9 episodes long. But it seems odd. And, IF it WAS meant to be 10 episodes, I can reason out the consequences.
1 episode is 60 minutes. So if you were a writer and you assumed, when you were making the overall outline pre- season 1 that you’d get 10 eps per season, you’d create certain overarching threads. Then you’d sit down to write S2. At what point do you find out that the decision’s been made and you’re an episode short? At the start? Half way? Assume you have 600 minutes of story. Now you have to fit it into 540 minutes. That’s a lot of slices.
Look at what you’ve got. What conversations don’t strictly HAVE to be had? What character development doesn’t HAVE to be done? How much can you rely on what you put into s1, and how much can you rely on the intelligence of your audience, that you can use vibes and the strength of correlating scenes to imply things you WERE going to explicitly state?
I mean... I think about the first hunt. I think about why it’s got so little build up, because ... sure I buy what you’re saying. It’s a bit fast. It FEELS a little like they shot some stuff, or wrote some stuff, that’s missing. Right? So why is it like that?
Well, imagine a hypothetical 10 ep season.
S2E7 Shauna beats down Lottie.
S2E8 Misty takes care of her. The rest of the teens struggle without her. More hallucinations, more issues, not having her is a real problem, and it’s made VERY clear that she’s been the glue that holds them together. Without her they’re falling apart. Van, for example has a reconstruction of her faith, realising that the reality of facing a world where Lott might die is worse than she had thought in the abstract. The last scene of S2E8 Lottie says “If I die, eat me.”
S2E9 Some stuff happens where it’s clear they NEED her. They notice Coach has vanished. Some more stuff about how bad they’re starving, they need food, it’s all they can think about. Then, 1/3rd the way thru, Misty says “Lottie’s dying, she said we should eat her if she does.” They say “No way, we should save her.” They spend 1/3rd of the episode talking it through. Van takes the place as the high priestess of Lottie, Tai’s converted fast, Mari agrees, Misty follows because she’s Misty. They slowly convince the others via calls to needing Lottie OR needing food. Nat holds out til the end, but is eventually persuaded because she realises either she joins in or they’ll just kill her as an outsider.  They come to an uneasy peace with the idea, kind of. Last 1/3rd of the episode is the first hunt.
MEANWHILE S2E8 adult world is stuff with Adam, Jeff, Walter, who knows what, maybe more therapy stuff. I feel like a lot of Walter stuff probably got cut, he’s easy to cut stuff from. The women get deeper into the wilderness cult, it’s more clear how far they’re losing their grip, how much they’re buying into Lottie’s new wilderness. End of S2E8, Jeff gives the call about Adam’s body.
S2E9 is the adults sitting around the table. At the end of S2E9 Lottie suggests the poison, with the context of the teens talking about the hunt taking place behind it. Then we have the teens deciding that yes they should do the hunt, and watching it go the way it does. We have more context about WHY the teens decided to do the hunt (it’s not context we do not have now, in the vibes, but it’s more explicit) and we see more why it’s a convincing argument for them when Lottie says it in the adult timeline.
S2E10 probably plays out the same way that S2E9 will in real life.
That is WAY smoother. But that would also make sense as to why it is the way it is right now. Because people are like “Why is the hunt happening NOW?” and honestly? I think it’s because they HAVE to have it now so that S2E9 makes sense for the adults. So that Lott can bring out her kool aid and not have it come out of nowhere. They NEEDED to juxtapose the hunt and the kool aid together, and the hunt always had to happen off- set just slightly to give that context.
This is just a theory. I can’t PROVE that they lost an episode. But I will say this, that making a big project like this is the work of many many hands, and I have faith in the intentions of the creatives involved. I don’t think that people are trying to lie to us, to pretend like there’s all these cool ideas when there aren’t. I think that modern capitalism is a nightmare for making art, and that they’re doing the best in the framework they’re given. I think that Yellowjackets is a fantastic sculpture, and it’s reasonable to say it has its rough edges, as long as we’re acknowledging that literally everything does.
I, for one, am incredibly excited to see what happens in S2E9, and I hope that once the strike is over S3, 4 and 5 will be able to be as close to their vision as they can make them.
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