#thread: nobody
booxed · 2 years
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rui has a heavily modded samsung s20 with 2 terabytes of storage and %300 battery
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saintmouthed · 1 month
thinking about when Spenser asks Sean what he sees as he shoots the scary eldritch monster at the end of Eye for an Eye and Brennan doesn't start with "We received orders from Dr. Nero" or WHATEVER... he starts with "I hadn't seen Marion in over a year" and then—
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Luis drops his head down.
me too buddy me too. i'm in agony.
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silencedrowns · 1 year
hi I’m a very long time cosplayer (20+ years experience) who has chronic headache and migraine problems and this is a post about how to prevent your cosplay wigs from giving you painful headaches! Nobody likes wandering around the con in blinding pain and so hopefully this post will help you reduce the chances of this happening.
1. If your wig is way too tight, don’t use it. Get something with a bigger cap. tbh I often wear slightly too big wigs to reduce the pressure! Find out what brands and sellers sell wigs that are comfy on your head and prioritize buying wigs from them! I made a big master list of cosplay wig sellers a while back so here’s a few you might not have known about. Arda (and its Canadian and European sites) sells by far the biggest wigs, but I personally find Classe the most comfortable for my specific head. It’s all very YMMV and it’s totally possible for a wig to not actually be too small but fit your head in an uncomfortable way (Blue Beard on taobao does this to me every time), so just don’t buy from suppliers that do that. Also consider resizing wigs to be larger! For wig clients with extra large heads I like to nip the edge of the wig right behind the ear where your ear and hair from above will cover it and add in a little godet of elastic.
2. Reduce weight! A heavy wig will make head pain much more likely, so here’s a few tips on wig weight reduction!
A) if your wig doesn’t need a ton of volume and is already very dense, rip out some wefts in the bottom half. Anything on the part of your head from the ridge where your head starts going in towards your neck won’t really show unless your wig is very short and it’ll obviously reduce weight instantly! You can replace any missing volume with light crimping or light heat and tease, or leave the wig as is for a natural and silky look without the unnatural volume of a cosplay wig.
B) if you need more volume in your wig, instead of going straight to adding wefts for more volume, see first if combining crimping with heat and tease at the roots will give you the extra volume you need! Crimping or heat and tease adds volume and if you straight up destroy the fiber in the first two inches from the scalp by doing both repeatedly, it’ll add huge volume without you needing to add extra hair! When I do this I like to heat the fiber near the roots, tease it, let it cool, crimp the teased part, let THAT cool, and then brush it out. You can flat out double the perceived volume in the back of the wig this way!
C) if your character has a high ponytail or high pigtails, consider using clip on ponytails that you can easily remove if you need the weight off your head right the fuck now. here’s two tutorials I swear by for making a short wig + clip on combination look more natural! They’re in Japanese but easily comprehensible if you use machine translation thanks to the clear photography. They also help with spreading out the weight on the wig itself, and if your hair is long enough, using a clip on with a fishnet wig cap and clipping through the wig and into your real hair will also he lp make it more secure and distribute weight more evenly.
if your character has high pigtails
if your character has a high ponytail
D) when you need extra wefts, opt for sewing in wefts rather than gluing whenever possible. Glue doesn’t seem heavy but enough of it can make a wig get real heavy REAL fast.
E) redirecting the weight to your entire head and not just the front hairline will feel lighter and give you less forehead tension, which is one of the biggest causes of wig headache. Toupee clips sewn evenly around the edges and a Wig Fix https://therenatural.com (the name brand one, the knockoffs genuinely don’t work half as well) can help with doing this. A Wig Fix will also let you use fewer pins to keep your wig on, which is another cause of wig headache. Can’t suggest trying those enough. There are also some velvet wig grips out there but I find those don’t work quite as well, but they’re by far better than nothing.
3) make sure your wig is easy to remove. A lot of characters have horns or veils or other head things on top of the wig so make sure those can easily come off if you need a wig break! I’m a big proponent of using wig glue or double stick tape to glue strands (face framing layers etc) to your face for a more natural and more flattering look, but if you get headaches from wigs, keep that glue or tape in your bag so if you have to de-wig for a bit, you can get it back on!
4) take the ibuprofen or whatever BEFORE you put the wig on, and not when your wig is already making your head miserable! It’s like taking the ibuprofen before you wear the horrible shoes for a special event; it’s more effective in advance.
5) what are your normal headache triggers? Make sure you’re doing the work to EXTRA avoid them before wearing a cosplay wig. Stay hydrated. Keep up with your electrolytes. If you have any food triggers, make sure you’re managing them properly.
6) try multiple types of wig cap before deciding which ones to use! I’m a big fan of the fishnet kind because I’m in agony every time I try to use the stocking kind. Some people find relief in doing pin curls under their cap, and @/battleangelgif on twitter suggested doing this with damp hair the night before you wear the wig. There are tons of methods! Stretching out fishnet caps can be done more effectively when they’re slightly damp and that’ll make them pinch less. Experiment with what you like best to keep your irl hair in place and once you find a method you like, go for it! Make that your go-to!
7) always remember: wearing a short wig is less miserable than wearing a wig to your ankles. consider very carefully whether or not you can actually handle that wig that’s as long as you are tall. sometimes you just can’t and that’s okay! reduce the length of any super long haired character to hip length and it’ll be FINE. I swear. It’ll still read as super long and it won’t be as terrible.
8) always remember you can just. take the entire wig and cosplay off if you’re in agony. it’s not worth it. don’t do that to yourself. If the migraine hits anyway, just take it off.
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Hope some of this might help you out! Focusing on reducing and redistributing weight is what helps me out the most 😌 feel free to reply or reblog or message with questions and I’ll try and get back to you ASAP!
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girlfriendline · 9 months
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cherienymphe · 5 months
They don't let Pope look like this on the show bc they know he'd be too powerful
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beemovieerotica · 4 months
sorry i don't find it funny at all when people share stories from their childhood of a doctor not using any anesthesia on them during a procedure, holding them down with force, covering their mouth, and telling them to "shut the fuck up" !!! please do tell me to unclench my jaw. i hope that a child never comes to you for help when an adult has crossed their boundaries.
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ravewing · 4 months
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bro i tried to make radiohead stuffed animals for my best friends birthday. what the fuck happened
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lautakwah · 9 months
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[ID: a tweet by Who_amI @/Max_NotMe, reading "I hate that he's Blackbeard, cause I love the character, but I cannot STAND Taika. He's a self centered person, that only talks about his roots when it's convenient. He's a jerk." /END ID]
being white is a fucking disease man how can you see a major celebrity be callous and dismissive about palestinian suffering bc he/his people dont get the same recognition and ur immediate thought is about the quirky tv show about gay slave owners
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xlillyle · 7 months
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"We can delay the mission for another two minutes."
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nelyoslegalteam · 5 months
#WOULD KILL DRACULA AND SURVIVE#listen maedhros feanorion and jonathan harker are fundamentally the same genre of person. no im not elaborating just trust me. #actually that’s a lie i made a long unhinged post elaborating but like #‘​‘his spirit burned like a white fire within’’ / ‘‘in fact he is like a living flame’’
PLEASE elaborate on Maedhros and Jonathan being the same kind of person! Is Jonathan the living flame quote?
YES LISTEN OKAY YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND. first of all i have been unhinged already here but. look i just really love a character who makes decisions they know are putting them in danger because they’re bound to some duty beyond themself. love a character who was trapped and imprisoned and makes for a juicy study of what the power structure of that entrapment was like (and for maedhros i have to shout out @outofangband for just utterly sinking their TEETH into this in the BEST way). love a character who SHOULD’VE died, who DIDN’T, except they did go through some kind of metaphorical death. and now they’re back. and they’re not as soft and measured as they used to be. and now they’re spurred on by rage and trauma - and also the desire to protect their people (maedhros has his little brothers and also All Of The Noldor, jonathan has mina) from the horrors that they faced. and they WILL face those horrors. violently. with a knife. no matter how much it opens their own trauma, they’re taking the blow. and fuck do i LOVE a character who’s willing to meet the worst version of themself along the way, who’s willing to Become The Thing They Fear for the people they love. (maedhros, who refused to burn the ships, doesn’t want to be the kind of person who slaughters refugees. but he will be that, for his family. jonathan doesn’t want to be dracula. but for mina, he’ll turn to vampirism without second thought.)
also listen. a character who is physically changed by what they went through, as a metaphor for the way their trauma has altered who they are. maedhros losing his right hand. jonathan’s hair turning white. you see. you get me.
AND YEAH. YEAH THAT’S A DIRECT QUOTE ABOUT JONATHAN!!!!!!! it’s from the october 3rd entry, where jack describes jonathan as such:
The poor fellow is overwhelmed in a misery that is appalling to see. Last night he was a frank, happy-looking man, with strong, youthful face, full of energy, and with dark brown hair. Today he is a drawn, haggard old man, whose white hair matches well with the hollow burning eyes and grief-written lines of his face. His energy is still intact; in fact, he is like a living flame. This may yet be his salvation, for, if all go well, it will tide him over the despairing period; he will then, in a kind of way, wake again to the realities of life.
anyhow. i love them both dearly. and the living flame quote is one of my favorite lines of all time <3
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skunkes · 7 months
it obviously has existed before then but new readers/watchers of dungeon meshi have had interactions that have solidified my hatred of a certain phenomenon, which is when somebody has a question or just observation about a piece of media, which is answered later in the piece of media, and is therefore currently a spoiler to them
and you get swathes of people being like "lol do they know" "nobody tell them xD" "do they know?" "oh sweet summer child 😅" "ermmmmm no spoilers but *heavily vaguely implied spoiler*" "do they know?" "Who's gonna tell them"
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
Did a little bit of googling for something unrelated which led me to think of something. Y’all do know that Suika volunteered to do the official mdzs, right? Like, she was not scouted for the project, she was an opportunist that hopped onto it before 7seas reached out to any of the actual mdzs fan translators? Is this common knowledge in the fandom?
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vellichorom · 9 months
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ok this is the year we retire the old template & start using new ones hello
( & SO, this template credit to @ necromosss on twt! (( date edited slightly by me, in case you're confused )) )
WHAT a year, am I right?
2023 opened the door to a lot more experiences, events, fandoms, people, & all KINDS of hectic craziness for me, but it was REALLY fun, & while I don't think I really made HEFTY leaps & bounds in terms of doing something different with my art, every day - with every small change & improvement, I come to love my art all the more.
& that, I will contribute some to YOU! yes, YOU - reading this right now! to casual viewers, to those who have been with me since the premiere of this blog, to those who've come around in 2023 for one thing or another; to those of you of whom I've never spoken with, to those who have made me something or complemented my work, to those who've become my friends, my gratitude is IMMEASURABLE.
this last year, while its had its bumpier moments - I will confess, it's been truly incredible, & I thank you, every single one of you, who's had even the slightest hand to make it so. you are all TOO KIND, & I appreciate you sticking by & enjoying what I do.
hopefully, I can continue to make things that grab your attention, AWE & AMAZE YOU, & beyond anything, make you smile, if only to repay you some for all the joy you provide me.
HERE'S TO 2024! with hopes & prayers & wishes aplenty that we'll be better people in better situations before it's over!
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truly-quirkless · 3 months
[ @themultiversebundle || DM'd to plot!]
It had been a relatively normal day..as normal as things got, now that Yagi and Fin had somewhat(?) befriended a strange Quirk-holder kid who went by 'Cody'. It had been maybe a week since the teen had started crashing in an empty dorm in the faculty's dorm building, and the two were out and about. They had gone to buy groceries since their supplies were getting low, and it was such a bright, peaceful day...
Until an explosion rang out from a nearby street. Almost on instinct, the two were rushing over- Fin with a hand on their hidden pocket knife, and Yagi on his own recently-acquired pocket knife (he may have been retired, but Hell if he'd go down without a fight). The two paused, however, as they came across the street in question... And the child currently going haywire.
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"We needa calm that kid down...!" Before more damage was done. The duo let go of their handles,- Yagi rushing to knock a civilian out of the way before he could get crushed by a light pole, while Fin shot forward- hands latching onto two youths that were standing stock-still, staring at the scene.
"Y'gotta move, kids!"
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3416 · 1 year
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anyway. this is maybe my favorite thread i’ve found on twitter the past couple days about why empathy directly translates to being able to enjoy sports regardless of the outcome. we’d all be better off and less bitter if we were willing to embrace the randomness of sport (especially ice hockey) or admit that the people we’re watching are actual people, lol. thank you twitter user himbeaux_on_ice for the logic in a sea of ugliness lkjsdklfjsdkl
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rosyjuly · 1 month
“If it were my decision, I would tend to favour Mick. Of course I'm a bit biased because he's my friend, but in my eyes he's the best solution. I'm sure that he could impress at Williams. I hope he gets the chance and can show the world what he's capable of.” (source)
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