#thread: archer and kota
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WHERE: All Night Diner 2: Electric Bugaloo WHO: Kota Pluto (@mercurysunstar)
Archer slid into the booth across from Kota, "So...they gave me September. Like I couldn't get a cooler month than that? No one even uses the calendar by that point, least not ill October for the spookiness," he complained. "I didn't even want to do the calendar this year, so I feel like I shouldn't even be as salty as I am."
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do you have a fav thread?
I’ve always been partial to red embroidery thread, but it unravels a lot if you’re not careful...
hehe, though in all seriousness, that’s a hard one to answer!
There’s old ones from before the muse merge, specifically an america vs Matt. It was one of the few actual fight threads, and I loved it so much! (as did the other mun! they told me it was so refreshing to have a thread like it :D)
Another one, oof course, was the winter children’s event with @lambofthelions. many peoples muses were turned to children, and of course vanya and madeline (when they were still together) took the children in until the MA wore off. It was so fun, with Mattie following a child Siegfried around, while also being a nervous wreak because some of the other kids were fighting, and Matt would often follow either Mads around or Vanya, trying to help as best as he could. Then there was a point near the end that he and Siegfried went into the forest to try to find the old man, instead finding Ded Moroz if i’m correct, and barely surviving the encounter before Vanya showed up. That whole event was so much fun, and dealing with so many other muses was really fun!
The Archer event was interesting as well, though it’s what tarnished Mattie’s name to Vanya, and then there was the last fight against the thing and Mundi
also a lot of threads I had with a different nyo canada, one who was in the same occupation as Matt were fun, and it was nice to see matt finally get the peace in his life he so wanted.
then there’s Mads now, and they’re all quite good, expecially the latest one, letting her start to know more about Matt’s tragic past.
then there’s all the threads with Kota-mun! I love Mattie’s and Ezhno’s dynamics together, and have always so dearly enjoyed all the lil aus we think up, whether we rp it or not lol not to mention breaking each other’s feels is always fun too :P
Cazza’s another long time partner that I always did enjoy as well. We had a vamp Matt and cazza thread, and i still have her sketch of her in the maid outfit in my asks still :P
also threads with secondplayercanada’s a;ways fun too, especially dealing with Charlotte lol
that’s another one actually! she was originally supposed to be a temporary muse, but she practically melted mine and everyone else’s hearts, i just had to keep the lil bab =w= need to do more shenanigans with her tbh...
that’s all i can think of rn that are my favs! there’s honestly so many more, I just can’t quite recall them atm qwq
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January 4th, 17:00 from the Tokyo Dome
It’s January 4th. It’s Wrestle Kingdom. Let’s get to it.
This will be a straightforward recap of the show, but if you’re looking for some context you can read my Wrestle Kingdom Preview here.
Here we go…
New Japan Rumble
The pre-show battle royal saw a couple of the favourites make early exits as Katsuya Kitamura and YOSHI-HASHI were pinned by Chase Owens and David Finlay respectively. Henare debuted a new gimmick – that of a stereotypical Pacific Islander – so it would appear his time as a young lion is over. The juniors of Suzuki-gun controlled the middle portion, but were thankfully dealt with before long, and the late appearances of Kojima and Tenzan went down well with the crowd. Cheeseburger again made it to the last two, but also again came up short, this time to surprise final entrant Masahito Kakihara. Kakihara, who is known for his time in UWFi, nailed his legsweep STO and got the three-count to earn the win then spoke on the mic about beating cancer. Wearing a Takayamania t-shirt, he asked the crowd to support Takayama’s efforts to stand in the Tokyo Dome once more, then Takayama’s music played us out.
IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship
Roppongi 3K (SHO & YOH) (w/ Rocky Romero) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson)
Stereo sharpshooters from Yoh and Matt gave way to a portion of control from Roppongi 3K, whose slick double-teaming led to stereo tope con hilos. It looked like Yoh had hurt his back, though, and the Bucks were quick to capitalise with a German suplex on the apron, followed by a powerbomb to manager Romero on the ramp! Back in, an apron powerbomb on Yoh got a near-fall and the punishment continued, with the Bucks cutting off an attempted hot tag. Matt was hoist by his own petard by a back body drop on the ramp, however, then Yoh avoided a dive which saw the Bucks take each other out and finally the hot tag was made.
Sho received a nasty back elbow from Nick, but recovered to deliver a German suplex to both opponents! A double-team Dominator earned two, then 3K ran wild with signature offence until Nick stopped the rot and Matt was tagged back in. He clubbed Yoh’s injured back and scored a buckle bomb before a nasty double-team swanton/rope-hung DDT got a near-fall. Matt cinched in the sharpshooter, but somehow Yoh was able to scramble to the ropes. Sho intervened to enable stereo single-leg crabs from 3K, but the Bucks eventually freed themselves. Nick and Sho then punished the other’s partner in a funny moment before Nick took out Sho with a step-up corkscrew dive to the floor. Yoh was isolated, subjected to the Meltzer Driver, and Nick’s sharpshooter earned the tap-out to give the Bucks the titles for a seventh time.
Good match. The focus on Yoh’s back provided a strong thread for the match and personally I found the result a surprise. ***1/2
NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship Gauntlet Match
Suzuki-gun (Taichi, Takashi Iizuka & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Michael Elgin & War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe)
Elgin scored the combination Samoan Drop/Fallaway Slam to Sabre and Taichi, then landed a slingshot splash and delayed suplex to Iizuka, before Hanson was subject to some customary Suzuki-gun cheating. Next, Rowe got the better of Sabre with some huge strikes and the match broke down. Hanson missed a moonsault, but War Machine scored a pop-up slam, only for Iizuka to interject with his metal mitten, and this allowed Sabre to wrap Rowe up like a pretzel for the submission.
Suzuki-gun (Taichi, Takashi Iizuka & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Beretta)
Sabre’s Penalty Kick almost put paid to Yano immediately, but he bested Taichi, nailed a low-blow and rolled him up for the three-count!
CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Beretta) vs. Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi, Juice Robinson & Togi Makabe)
Juice started well with right hands to every member of CHAOS, then Makabe kept things rolling with mounted punches and a lariat. Captain Taguchi directed traffic as his teammates hit running clotheslines and he followed with a springboard hip attack. Ishii and Beretta were clotheslined by Makabe then taken out by Juice’s plancha, but in the ring Yano countered the BomAss Ye to school boy for the three-count!
CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Beretta) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) (c)
Loa dumped Beretta with a Death Valley Driver on the apron while Fale took care of Yano. Ishii dealt with both Tama and Tanga, but he couldn’t lift Fale – that is until duelling clotheslines and a headbutt weakened the big man and Ishii scored the suplex! The advantage was short-lived, however, with the Guerrillas hitting a Tongan Twist on Beretta. An attempted back suplex was twice blocked, but the moonsault was countered mid-air to a Gun Stun! Tama stalked Beretta for another, but Beretta blocked it and nailed the Dudebuster. One, two, three! New champions! Whole lotta stuff, little downtime and decent overall. ***
Special Singles Match
Kota Ibushi vs. Cody (w/ Brandi)
A slick early exchange saw Ibushi outmanoeuvre Cody, who responded with a middle finger and by briefly applying his American Nightmare submission. Ibushi sent him to the floor with a frankensteiner, but his plancha had the unfortunate side-effect of taking out Brandi and his concern was met with a right hand from Cody. Dastardly. Back in, the springboard kick earned a two-count and a butterfly lock targeted the neck. With the referee distracted by Brandi, Cody jabbed at Ibushi’s neck with a chair, but Kota fired up to hit a baseball slide dropkick and the Golden Triangle moonsault! Springboard dropkick and a strike flurry, and the standing moonsault earned two. Out on the apron, Ibushi looked for a piledriver, but Cody blocked it and delivered Cross Rhodes to the floor! Oof, that was a nasty landing for Ibushi.
Ibushi just rolled back in at 19, much to Cody’s chagrin, so he lifted the deadweight Golden Star to the top-rope and hit a springboard super frankensteiner for two! An attempted second Cross Rhodes was countered and Ibushi lawn-darted Cody into the turnbuckle! Both men threw right hands, but Ibushi landed a palm strike and nailed the sit-out powerbomb! Two-count only. The Kamigoye was avoided and a short-arm lariat earned a near-fall, but the Disaster Kick was ducked and Ibushi nailed a head kick. Arm-trapped German for two. Kamigoye! Phoenix Splash! One, two, three!
Wow, I was not expecting a match this good. Yes, there was some convenient no-selling, but the layout was tremendous and everyone played their part, including Brandi. One of Cody’s best singles matches ever and Ibushi delivers as always. ****1/4
IWGP Tag Team Championship
Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) (c) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japón (EVIL & SANADA)
KES immediately hit Evil with the Killer Bomb and only a diving save from Sanada prevented the three-count! The prone Evil was left isolated for a few minutes, then when Sanada was tagged in, Davey Boy casually slammed him over the top-rope to the floor. KES proceeded to slaughter the young lions before Archer chokeslammed Evil onto everyone! Back in, Davey Boy kept Sanada grounded and a double-team sidewalk slam/splash got a two-count. Clotheslines from Archer were eventually counteracted by an enzuigiri by Sanada, but Evil was charged from the apron to prevent the tag. Gutwrench and double-arm suplexes from Davey Boy, both for two, then a chinlock was applied. Archer scored a huge Rock Bottom for a near-fall, then Sanada finally landed a ‘rana to make the hot tag. Evil smashed Archer with a discus clotheslines and bulldog, blocked a chokeslam, then downed him with a lariat for two. Evil was blocked up top and Archer landed a top-rope T-Bone superplex! Sanada tagged in and scored the leapfrog dropkick to Davey Boy, but Archer scored a chokeslam. Hart Attack to Evil followed by a Killer Bomb to Sanada! Two-count only! Evil blocked a second and flattened Archer with the STO, then he and Sanada delivered the Magic Killer to Davey Boy. One, two, no! Moonsault from Sanada – one, two three! New champions!
Archer and Davey Boy pummelled their opponents throughout and the LIJ boys looked significantly worse for wear by the end of the match, but we arrived at the right result. Hard-hitting and a pretty good match. ***1/4
NEVER Openweight Championship (Hair vs. Hair)
Minoru Suzuki (c) vs. Hirooki Goto
Suzuki delivered a big slap to start us off and Goto replied with the same, then both men threw elbows before Suzuki went for an early Sleeper. They backed onto the middle-rope in the corner where Suzuki effectively hanged Goto. Suzuki pushed away the ring doctor and sent the barely-conscious Goto to the floor, where he rammed him into the guardrail then smashed him with a chair. Again the ring doctor tried to take a look and somehow the referee managed to convince Suzuki to give him some space. Back in, Goto fired up to a laughing Suzuki, who flattened him with an elbow strike. More fire from Goto, more strikes from Suzuki – the Penalty Kick was caught, but Suzuki still landed an elbow. At last Goto went on a run with a spinning heel kick and backdrop, but Suzuki twice countered the Ushigoroshi. At the third attempt, after blocking the piledriver, Goto finally nailed it.
The young lions blocked as many charging Suzuki-gun members as they could and YOSHI-HASHI was on hand to stop Taichi interfering, but in the ring Suzuki absolutely levelled Goto with a running dropkick. Slaps from Suzuki, loads of them, and the Sleeper was locked in again! Goto was out of it, but he recovered to block the piledriver and followed by placing Suzuki on the top-rope. Suzuki cinched in a guillotine choke, but Goto powered up and nailed the super Ushigoroshi! Two-count only. Goto’s weak elbows were met by hammer blows from Suzuki until Goto resorted to a headbutt and landed the inverted GTR. GTR! One, two, three!
The Suzuki-gun minions tried to usher their leader to the back, but the referee ensured the deed was done. Suzuki demanded to sit on his own chair in the ring and then shaved his own head! Suzuki, you are an honourable man indeed. This was an intense, heated affair that built slowly and effectively and benefitted from an engaged crowd. The hair vs. hair stipulation undoubtedly helped too. ***3/4
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship
Marty Scurll (c) vs. Will Ospreay vs. KUSHIDA vs. Hiromu Takahashi
Special mention for Daryl the Cat’s glittery mask and Marty Scurll’s full-size wings – very impressive.
Faithful reader, I hope you don’t mind if I forego the play-by-play here – I tried to keep up, I really did. Safe to say this was crazy-town banana-pants in terms of incident. Early on, Kushida forced the match to the floor by landing a somersault from the top-rope then out beyond the guardrail Ospreay wiped out everyone with a moonsault from the scaffolding structure! He and Kushida had several great exchanges, all of which were cut-off by Scurll, while Hiromu struggled to get anything going for the majority of the match. Scurll hit Ospreay with his own OsCutter then taped Hiromu by his arm to the guardrail and snapped his fingers! In the ring, it looked like Kushida might earn the win with an armbar, but Ospreay powered up and powerbombed Kushida into the turnbuckle. Scurll returned to the ring with a handful of powder and blinded Kushida, but Kushida managed to land Back to the Future and after the pin was broken up by Ospreay all hell broke loose. Hiromu eventually succeeded in working his way back into contention and looked like he had it won when he planted Ospreay with the Time Bomb, only for Scurll to drag the referee out of the ring. Moments later, Ospreay worked an opening for the OsCutter, planted Scurll to the mat and got the three-count to regain the title!
A thoroughly entertaining spotfest. Not everything went smoothly, but the pace was relentless and they worked some fun stories in amongst the madness. I’m sure it won’t be everyone’s thing, but I had a great time watching this. ****
IWGP Intercontinental Championship
Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. “Switchblade” Jay White
Neither man was able to claim an advantage early on, that is until Tanahashi sent White to the floor and missed his follow-up plancha, damaging the knee which kept him off the last tour and giving White an easy target to aim at. Back in, a snapped backdrop earned two and White used grounded Dragon Screws to set up an Indian Deathlock. Tanahashi stretched for the ropes, but White stayed on top with another Dragon Screw after Tanahashi landed awkwardly. Eventually Tanahashi scored one of his own and followed with a flipping senton from the middle-rope for two, then twice ripped White’s leg over the ropes to send him to the floor. Because he’s still a crazy bastard, Tanahashi then hit a huge crossbody from the top-rope to the floor!
Back in, Tanahashi couldn’t capitalise and White dumped him with a very nice deadlift German suplex. A suplex onto the apron followed, but Tanahashi denied him a diving crossbody by rolling across the ring, then slapped the young upstart. Hatch suplex into the buckle and a Death Valley Driver by White, but Tanahashi countered the missile dropkick into another Dragon Screw and swinging neckbreaker. Up top, White blocked Tanahashi, but the Ace recovered and hit a super swinging neckbreaker! Sling Blade to Switchblade! And another! Two-count only. High Fly Flow crossbody! High Fly Flow missed! Grounded elbow strikes left Tanahashi laying and White planted him with the Kiwi Crusher. Two-count only. Tanahashi blocked the Blade Runner and scored a Dragon suplex for a near-fall, then delivered a crossbody to the back of a standing White. High Fly Flow! One, two, three – Tanahashi retains.
This was fine. The layout was actually good, but the crowd were unfamiliar with the newly-returned White and lack of heat hurt the match throughout. It was also in the impossible position between the junior four-way and Jericho/Omega – a tough break. White will learn from the experience, but ultimately it was the right decision to keep the belt on Tanahashi (but someone please convince him to take some time off). ***
IWGP United States Championship (No Disqualification)
Kenny Omega (w/ The Young Bucks) (c) vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho entered to Fozzy’s “Judas”, resplendent in his light-up jacket. Omega was presumably cosplaying as a game character (I must plead ignorance).
After the Young Lions and Young Bucks were sent from the ring, we were off. Omega threw himself at Jericho, but the veteran used an eye rake to take control with chops then countered a ‘rana into the Walls of Jericho! Omega used the ropes to free himself, sent Jericho to the floor, then dropkicked him over the guardrail. Springboard crossbody from Omega, but Jericho moved and Omega smashed through the English commentary table! Holy shit. After Jericho pushed referee Red Shoes to the floor and gave a young lion the Walls of Jericho, Omega fought back and flung a monitor at Jericho. He laid a table on top of Jericho, climbed up the scaffold and double stomped his prone opponent! Jericho recovered to suplex Omega back over the guardrail, then beautifully timed a dropkick as Omega attempted to springboard back in. “Shut your mouth, fuckface!” said Jericho to no-one in particular after setting up a table, then he powerbombed Omega onto the floor! He took a photographer’s camera and gave the crowd the middle finger, then stayed on top in the ring with a diving back elbow. A middle-rope missile dropkick followed for two and he cut off a comeback with the Lionsault for a two-count! Hurricanrana from Omega, Jericho sent to the floor, and Kenny capitalised with a tope con hilo!
Leapfrog bulldog in the ring and a cross-legged Ushigoroshi. Jericho blocked the V-Trigger, Omega scored a jumping knee, Jericho countered into the Walls! Omega crawled to the apron, retrieved some cold spray and broke the hold by spraying Jericho in the face, but Jericho managed to send him into a chair that was wedged in the turnbuckle. And again. And a third time. And Kenny was busted open. Jericho targeted the cut with right hands, but Omega smashed him with a knee and hit a pair of Snapdragon suplexes. A third followed when the One-Winged Angel was blocked, but Jericho turned the tide with a huge chairshot to Omega’s face. Many more chairshots rained down on Omega until Jericho made the mistake of heading up top – Omega smacked him with a jumping knee and Jericho went crashing through the table outside!
Back in, Omega cracked Jericho with a trio of knee strikes and the double underhook piledriver for a near-fall, then another brutal knee strike connected, but Jericho rolled through the One-Winged Angel and again applied the Walls of Jericho! Jericho cranked the hold and placed a knee in Omega’s back, but Omega reached the ropes and Jericho released the hold. Codebreaker blocked, jumping knee strike, One-Winged Angel! One, two, and Jericho grabbed the bottom-rope! Omega headed up top, got crotched, but recovered to dump Jericho face-first onto the turnbuckle. Middle-rope moonsault missed and Jericho hit the Codebreaker – two-count only! Jericho placed a chair on Omega and looked for the Lionsault once more, but Omega threw said chair at him, then spiked him with the One-Winged Angel onto the chair! One, two, three!
That was a wild ride. An epic which made good on the promise of the build and was a fantastic effort by both men. Jericho’s best singles match in years and very different kind of performance by Omega, who was on the receiving end of most of the punishment. Great stuff. ****3/4
IWGP Heavyweight Championship
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito
Okada in long trousers – what sorcery is this? Very strange.
Naito flustered Okada by upsetting his usual routine then took a little wander around ringside. Upon returning he scored a hip toss and seated dropkick, but Okada blocked the corner dropkick and sent Naito to the floor with one of his own. Outside, he kicked Naito over the barrier, but Naito hit back by scoring a neckbreaker over the top of the guardrail! A neckbreaker on the apron came next, followed by a big missile dropkick for two, then elbows targeted Okada’s neck and a spitwad landed right in his face. Naito dropped Okada across his knee and this time the slingshot corner dropkick hit the mark. Neckbreaker for two and a cravat lock was applied, until finally Okada managed to score a DDT. Kip up, back elbows, and Okada ran three-quarters of the way around the ring to deliver a big boot. A barrier-hung DDT spiked Naito and now Okada looked firmly in control.
Back in the ring, however, Naito avoided a charge and again dropped Okada over his knee before hitting a reverse DDT for two. Okada flipped out of Gloria, planted Naito with a flapjack and we were back to square one. Okada landed his reverse neckbreaker out of the corner, slammed Naito, then delivered a picture-perfect diving elbow before signalling the Rainmaker. Naito blocked it, but Okada was twice able to apply the Cobra Clutch, dragging Naito to the mat and denying his escape attempts until Naito scrambled to a rope-break. Okada landed elbows in the corner, but Naito was able to legsweep him on the apron and followed with a rope-hung neckbreaker! Up top, and the super reverse frankensteiner connected! Two-count only! Gloria – two-count only! Naito headed up top again, but the rarely-seen Stardust Press missed the mark!
They traded elbows and kicks. Shotgun dropkick from Okada, flying forearm from Naito. Okada was lifted to the top-rope, but he smashed Naito to the mat and… missed the diving shotgun dropkick. He blocked Naito in the corner, though, pulling him away from the turnbuckle with a huge German! Rainmaker! Two-count only! Naito struggled and blocked the tombstone, but he looked beaten, so Okada calmly ducked his enzuigiri and reapplied the Cobra Clutch but out of nowhere Naito nailed Destino!
They traded elbows as they got up from the mat and as they stood and exchanged blows the crowd noise was incredible. Naito launched a spitwad and slapped Okada to the mat. Spinning reverse frankensteiner out of the corner!. Two-count only! Destino blocked and countered into the Rainmaker! Good lord. An exhausted Okada lifted Naito once more, but Naito ducked and landed a counter-Destino! 2.9!!! Elbows from Okada, enzuigiri from Naito, The Dropkick from Okada! The tombstone planted Naito, but he countered the Rainmaker to Destino! He lifted Okada for another, but this proved to be a huge mistake – Okada blocked it and nailed the spinning tombstone! Rainmaker!!! One, two, three!
Amazing match and the crowd noise towards the end was monumental. Ridiculous as it sounds, I really thought that Okada’s change of outfit was sign that he’d lose. Poor Naito… I’m gutted for him. Where does he go from here? And who can possibly challenge Okada’s throne? I’ll let you discuss that. This was killer main event – I loved it. *****
Post-match promo from Gedo and Okada and we’re out.
Final thoughts: Spectacular.
New Year’s Dash is tomorrow, so I’ll back for a quick recap of that. See you then.
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August 13th, 15:00 from Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo
It’s the final, and Tetsuya Naito vs. Kenny Omega is the main event to determine the winner of the G1 Climax. This is the 19th show since the tournament started on July 17th and I’m feeling fresh as a daisy (mostly). Let’s get to it!
The story so far…
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Here we go…
Hirai Kawato, Tiger Mask IV, Jushin Thunder Liger & KUSHIDA vs. Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Taichi, TAKA Michinoku & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Suzuki-gun’s initial blitz settled downed as future Jr. title opponents El Desperado and Kushida faced off in a great sequence, culminating in a crazy flipping suicide dive from Desperado. Next came Kawato’s spirited effort against Kanemaru, and he did pretty well until he was smashed with a lariat, then Taichi powerbombed him and Kanemaru followed with the Deep Impact DDT for the win. Desperado once again tried to leave with Kushida’s belt, but this time he was chased down and they brawled in the crowd and out to the back. A very lively opener. **3/4
Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)
Nagata was imperilled by the Guerrillas in short order, and they cutoff his determined comebacks until the tag was eventually made, then Nakanishi was in the ring for the first time this tournament to double suplex Tama and Tanga. The Guerrillas survived stereo submissions and got on a good run of offence, ending with a neckbreaker and senton for a two-count, then Tanga Loa planted Nakanishi with the Ape Shit reverse piledriver for the win. Post-match, the Guerrillas bowed to Nagata before leaving and Nagata enjoyed the crowd’s adulation once more. **
David Finlay & Togi Makabe vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Makabe)
Finlay got himself on the wrong end of Goto before enlisting the help of dessert enthusiast Makabe, who landed mounted punches in the corner but couldn’t do much in the way of a follow-up. Finlay was back in with Yoshi-Hashi, and soon found himself caught in the Butterfly Lock, but it was broken up by Makabe who then brawled out to the floor with Goto. Finlay almost got the win with the Granby Roll, only to received a lariat from Yoshi followed by Karma for the three-count. Just a match. **
Juice Robinson, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima vs. Chase Owens, Yujiro Takahashi & Bad Luck Fale
Our heroes started well, wisely isolating Owens, until Tenzan was tripped as he hit the ropes and from there the tide turned. Yujiro was in for some offence, but Tenzan hit the Mountain Bomb and Kojima was in to deliver machine gun chops, then Fale did his best to spoil the party. Kojima blocked the Grenade, though, clotheslining the big man to the floor, and Juice got the hot tag and ran wild with cannonballs before hitting Owens with a crossbody for two. A haymaker and Pulp Friction later and Owens was down for the count. A fun little match, with Juice apparently as fresh as he was on July 17th. **1/2
IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship
The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson) (c) vs. Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi & Ricochet)
Taguchi got knocked down and demanded Matt “Suck It!” then an ass-based standoff brought in Ricochet and Nick, and the Bucks were soon sent to the floor where Ricochet landed a twisting tope. The springboard elbow connected, but Ricochet had he knee taken out and the Bucks settled into targeting his right leg until the tag was made to Taguchi, who was quickly sent to the floor. Ricochet’s attempted Benadryller led to him kicking the ringpost and Taguchi was powerbombed onto the apron to put the Bucks firmly in control. They focused their offence on Taguchi’s (very lower) back and a step-up knee strike earned two, but the Funky Weapon scored a DDT/neckbreaker combo to bring Ricochet back in. Nick landed a superkick to block the Benadryller, but his sharpshooter was short-lived, so Matt was in to stomp the leg as the referee checked on Ricochet. He dived for the hot tag to Taguchi, who hit a series of ass strikes before nailing a plancha, a tope, and a springboard hip attack to Matt for a near-fall! He was stopped in his tracks by a double atomic drop and superkicks to the ass, then Ricochet caught Nick in mid-air to block the Indytaker, but had his leg taken out again and Matt applied the sharpshooter until Ricochet reached the ropes. The Bucks held on, though, and a springboard swanton set up a double submission only for Taguchi to eventually break it up. The Bucks double-kicked Ricochet in the corner, but their top-rope dive combo hit the knees, and Taguchi blocked the Meltzer Driver with a springboard hip attack. He planted Nick with Dodon’s Throne and Ricochet followed up with the Shooting Star Press. One, two, three! New champions!
Taguchi celebrated with a delightful dance sequence and I was amused. This was good fun, with the Bucks continuing their thread of going for the sharpshooter, but on this occasion Taguchi’s ass-based determination allowed Ricochet to do his thing and add more titles to the Taguchi Japan dynasty. ***1/2
We got an advert for Wrestle Kingdom 12 then Katsuyori Shibata’s music hit! He emerged to a huge ovation and sat cross-legged in the ring, smiling. He got on the mic and said “I’m alive!” then added “That’s all.” before leaving. That was quite a moment (and five years on from his return to the company in 2012, no less).
Post-intermission we got a video teaser to hype the return/debut of an unseen figure. Place your bets.
IWGP Tag Team Championship
War Machine (Hanson & Raymond Rowe) (c) vs. Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Cody)
The Bullet Club boys started brightly, but Hanson was in to slam Page on top of Cody, then Rowe slammed Hanson onto them! Rowe then missed a charge, allowing Page and Cody to take control, and the American Nightmare blew a kiss to the ringside photographers. Tag made, and Hanson got rolling with a whole lotta corner clotheslines to both opponents, but was thrown to the apron and Cody planted him back in with a reverse STO. A rope-hung kick to the gut was followed by a senton by legal man Page, then Cody returned for some well-placed punches and stomps and Hanson received a double suplex despite his best efforts to block it. Duelling cartwheels eventually preceded a simultaneous clotheslines, and Page and Rowe were tagged.
Rowe nailed Cody with a headbutt then threw Page down on top of him and hit the majority of his slam combo before being cut off. Cody scored the Cross Rhodes to send him outside, but Hanson hit a handspring elbow to keep War Machine on top! The German suplex double team combo earned two, as did the pop-up powerslam, while Hanson wiped out Cody with a suicide dive. Rowe fired up after being dumped on his head with a German suplex by Page, but a second kept him down. Outside, Page floored Hanson with the apron SSP, then back in, the springboard kick (Cody) and slingshot lariat (Page) combo earned two. Page flattened Hanson with flipping senton from the top-rope to the floor(!), meanwhile Cody’s moonsault press to Rowe set up a diving moonsault from Page for a near-fall. Rowe fired up and hit back with a slam/powerbomb combo, then Hanson was encouraged to go all the way up top and the moonsault landed, but Cody put Page’s foot on the ropes. Another suicide dive, this one from Rowe, took out Cody, then Hanson took out everyone with his own flipping senton to the floor! Back in the ring, War Machine delivered the Fallout to Page! One, two, three!
Great match! Wasn’t expecting a huge amount from this, but they took their time and built – in a refreshingly traditional manner – to some craziness in the extended closing stretch. Easily the best I’ve seen from Cody and Page in Japan, while the affection for War Machine continues to grow. ****
The Guerrillas of Destiny were out to challenge post-match, but before War Machine could agree to a rematch Lance Archer and Davey Boy Smith Jr. of Killer Elite Squad/Suzuki-gun ran in to take out everyone! Well, that was unexpected.
Michael Elgin, Kota Ibushi & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Suzuki-gun (Takashi Iizuka, Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki)
Naturally, Suzuki-gun attacked before the bell, and once that settled down Iizuka targeted Ibushi in the ring, but the Golden Star replied with a flurry of offence, including a standing moonsault for two. Suzuki caught him in the rope-hung armbar, however, and that set off another brawl on the floor. Ibushi and Elgin were smashed with chairs and Tanahashi was whipped into the guardrail, until finally the referee started the count to gain some kind of control. A battered Ibushi was left at the mercy of Iizuka, who choked him with a wire as the referee was distracted until our heroes interjected, but Suzuki-gun retained control as Sabre and Suzuki did their worst. Ibushi fired up, though, and floored Suzuki with a dropkick, finally making the hot tag to Elgin. TAKA, Taichi and Kanemaru got involved, but Elgin soon got rid of them, leaving him alone with the boss man. He acquitted himself well, as he did in their G1 match, but Suzuki slid into a sleeper. Tags made to Tanahashi and Sabre, with the former almost getting caught in an armbar. Iizuka choked out Tanahashi behind the ref’s back and a Penalty Kick from Sabre got two, but Tanahashi countered a guillotine choke to a spinning neckbreaker. An Elgin-assisted splash was countered to a triangle choke by Sabre, then into an armbar, and the Englishman avoided being rolled-up to apply a modified Octopus Hold! He wrenched Tanahashi’s arm and Tanahashi was forced to submit – again!
Sabre Jr. now holds two submission victories over Tanahashi. Very impressive. Elgin and Suzuki, meanwhile, faced off with chairs before getting into a brawl, so it looks like we have two title matches set up for the Destruction shows. This was a very successful set up match, heated and intense, with plenty of warranted Suzuki-gun shenanigans. ***1/4
CHAOS (Gedo, Toru Yano, Tomohiro Ishii & Kazuchika Okada) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japón (Hiromu Takahashi, BUSHI, EVIL & SANADA)
Evil and Okada faced off, but LIJ rushed the ring to claim an advantage only for the champion to get rid of them and land some signature offence. Evil hit the ref-aided side kick after Okada’s neck had failed him, then Hiromu was in and he flattened Okada with a running dropkick. Sanada was then flapjacked, and Yano was tagged, but he was soon tied up in the Paradise Lock as LIJ battered CHAOS out on the floor. Evil whipped Okada into the guardrail, and Sanada finally dropkicked Yano after about a minute of him being stuck in the hold. Bushi let the side down, and Ishii was able to be tagged in, whereupon he ran wild, nailing every member of LIJ with signature offence until Bushi caught him with a neckbreaker. Ishii hit back, but Sanada’s dropkick and Bushi’s backstabber brought in Hiromu. Gedo was in for CHAOS, but he promptly received a Dragon Screw and Falcon Arrow for two, then match broke down into a parade of signature offence culminating in The Dropkick from Okada. Evil and Hiromu teamed to get rid of Okada, then despite almost winning with the Gedo Clutch, Gedo was trapped in Hiromu’s triangle choke and forced to tap!
Post-match, Evil set up a pile of chairs in the ring and slammed Okada onto them with Darkness Falls! Another set up match, reinforcing the victory Evil claimed over Okada during the tournament, with the added bonus establishing a submission finisher for Hiromu. ***1/4
G1 Climax 27 Final
Tetsuya Naito (A Block) vs. Kenny Omega (B Block)
Omega was accompanied by The Young Bucks, Naito was out on his own (not including the significant support of the crowd).
Naito opted against locking up, then Omega did the same and mocked Naito’s pose. Naito launched a spitwad, so Omega chopped him, then Naito threw Omega outside and did his reclining pose. Out on the floor, Omega landed a barrier moonsault press, then drove Naito into the guardrail, before returning to the ring to hit a leapfrog bulldog for two. More chops, but Naito used a leg sweep to drop Omega, then he hit a neckbreaker onto the apron and followed with an apron-hung neckbreaker to the floor. He clubbed at Omega’s neck, hitting the over-the-knee drop and seated dropkick to stay in control, then – for once – actually nailed a suicide dive, sending Omega over the guardrail onto the announce table! He then used a piledriver, which only caught the edge of the table and mostly landed on the floor. Ouch! Back in, a German suplex hold earned two, but Omega blocked the slingshot corner dropkick, still clutching his head from the piledriver. Knife edge chops rang out and a running pendulum backbreaker earned two, as did a running chop. A modified camel clutch was applied to wrench Naito’s back, then Omega twice drove him into the turnbuckle side-first with hard Irish whips. Back suplex for two. Naito fought back with elbows, then Omega was unable to complete the Finlay Roll combo and Naito nailed his with a leaping super neckbreaker from the middle-rope! Very nice. Hip toss and a seated dropkick, inverted atomic drop, and this time the slingshot dropkick connected, but a counter ‘rana sent Naito to the floor and Omega flattened him with a huge tope con hilo!
Missile dropkick to the back of the head from Omega for two and he signalled that it was over. Dragon suplex blocked with a slap, but Omega scored a deadlift German suplex! Cross-legged Ushigoroshi! The V-Trigger was dodged, however, and Naito planted Omega with the tornado DDT. Both men down. Naito lifted Omega up top, but Omega slid underneath and dumped Naito face-first onto the turnbuckle! Snapdragon suplex and a running knee strike! Two-count only! Piledriver blocked, and Naito countered the powerbomb to a DDT! Naito hit the rope-hung over-the-knee drop, an enzuigiri and the leaping elbow. Gloria! One, two, no! Destino countered to a modified tombstone! Good lord. Naito caught Omega up top, and both men stood on the top-rope, but Omega drove Naito’s head into the ringpost with a DDT! Fuck! Omega pulled Naito up and went for the top-rope powerbomb, but Naito countered to a frankensteiner!!! Holy shit! Insanity. He placed Omega back up top and spiked him with a reverse super frankensteiner! One, two, NO! Naito ascended to the top and the Stardust Press… missed. Double underhook piledriver from Omega! 2.9! This is nuts. Two brutal knee lifts floored Naito and he collapsed as Omega went for a third. Another attempt was initially caught, but Omega smashed him then hit a deadlift Doctor Bomb for a near-fall. The V-Trigger connected, but the One-Winged Angel was half-countered to a reverse frankensteiner. Running Destino! 2.9! Destino blocked and countered to Croyt’s Wrath by Omega! 2.9! Rainmaker knee strike from Omega. A final V-Trigger absolutely clocked Naito, but the One-Winged Angel was reversed to a spiked Destino! Both men down, and they struggled to their feet to trade exhausted elbows and chops, then slaps. Knee strike from Omega, Koppu kick from Naito, Drgaon suplex for two. Destino blocked, but hit at the second time of asking! 2.999! A final, definitive Destino dumped Omega square on his head! One, two, three!
Tetsuya Naito wins the G1 Climax!
This was the first time in a while that I’ve actually been nervous for a match and, genuinely, it was so intense that I was short of breath and my heart rate was raised for almost the entire thing. I swear I got a headrush of relief after the three-count. From the moment the bell rang it felt like a huge occasion and I’ve rarely felt so into a match. Wow. Some of the stuff they did was nuts and they took it to the absolute limit, but this was the final after all. For reasons of emotional connection alone, I have no problem giving this: *****
Naito threatened to throw the trophy into the crowd, but thankfully didn’t and he received the flag from Masahiro Chono with respect, with Chono even fisting bumping the LIJ leader. Naito promised to make the most of this G1 victory and signed off in the usual manner. He celebrated with the rest of Los Ingobernables (including the resurrected Daryl) as the confetti fell, and after 19 shows the G1 Climax 2017 is over!
Final thoughts: A good junior tag title match, a great heavyweight tag title match, loads of angle development, and an unbelievable G1 decider made this a very satisfying G1 final indeed. The surprise of seeing Shibata was the cherry on top. Outstanding.
There will be one more G1 Climax post coming tomorrow – a roundup of the whole tournament. See you then.
Nineteen down, none to go.
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Archer paused before nodding after thinking it over, "Yeah you're right, guess I'm still getting use to them wanting me around." It wasn't like Nora had tried to exclude him, but her husband had never been his biggest fan even before he got outed. "I'll make sure to save you a calendar, and no it won't be your Xmas gift," he quipped, with a wink for good measure.
Archer nervously wiped his hands on his jeans, he'd been working overtime thanks to the storm, but he finally had a day off with the weather clearing up. Spotting Kota, he lifted his hand up and waved, "Hey so, you sure you wanna hang at your work when you're off? Kind of feel like a dick that I can't return the favor, fire station isn't nearly as fun."
"well that's lame if they do, there's plenty of joke stuff you can do for april fools than just looking like a clowm." kota should know, he had a prank channel for most of his teenage years to early twenties until he 'grew out of it'. "kind of? i'm not sure if it's cause my parents actually like the holidays or if it was cause of me but either way and i agree with your nephew. if you got the family to spend it with then do it, lotta people don't have that plus you don't have to celebrate the holiday you can just use it as an excuse to see family."
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"April fools, doing some clown bit with a red nose and big shoes, I think," Archer said trying to remember, "Guess I could just do like a construction hat or something." Taking a bite of his food and sip of his drink before asking, "Holidays big with your family then?" For a while the holidays had sucked for him, he'd been alone until Nora and Blake reentered his life. "I use to just take shifts on Christmas, now I think my nephew would be annoyed about it," he admitted.
kota help up his hands in defense for a quick second and laughed. "you're right you're right, it's for charity we gotta make it family friendly. okay um, well what are the other firefighters doing for the months that also don't have holidays? like april or whatever." he took a bite of his food, swallowing quickly to answer. "if you want to i won't stop you, i just like looking at all the pretty christmas stuff all the time. probably my favorite holiday actually."
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Archer felt a small flush form at the smirk on Kota's face, "You know this is starting to feel less like an acceptable photoshoot for charity." He nodded along as he explained how things work, "If you want I'll leave a review complaining about it, see if we can start a pro light movement," he said with a grin.
"there's other colors you can go with if you really don't want to wear any clothes." kota quipped right back with a smirk as he took a sip of his drink. "not yet, the 28th is when everything starts but they're slowly setting things up. i kind of wish we were like disney and had the park light up and decked out all day but we only do it at night which is lame."
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"Ok so don't do the shoot in just my tighty whities, got it," Archer quipped before shaking his head. For someone he'd met during a work call, his friendship with Kota was surprisingly light and fun. "So y'all still all fall themed or did Santa Claus take over the park yet? That hot chocolate is like my fave part about going in the winter, but y'all need to make that all day refill mug like x3 bigger."
kota took the napkin and wiped his nose with it, sniffling a few times to make that sensation go away. "well whatever you decide to do just don't wear white, heard there was this whole thing on it back in the day and maybe it followed to now. better safe than sorry," he said with a grin.
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Archer winced in sympathy handing Kota a few napkins, shaking his head at him. "Thanks so much for the sympathy," he said sarcastically even if he was also cracking a grin. "But yeah that's what I said! Like what holiday is even in September? Labor Day? The hell do I do for that? I'm a firefighter not a construction worker," pausing before shrugging, "No offense to construction workers. Least if I was July I could rock the Uncle Sam beard."
kota was in the middle of drinking his soda when archer said he was september, causing him to choke on it for a second as he pinched his nose. it burned, soda came out of it, he was laughing sue him. "dude there's no way they gave you september, you really can't do shit." he said in between laughs. "i think the fact you didn't want to do it and then you got that month means you can be disappointed, now you don't even have anything to look forward to."
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kota chuckled a little bit, “i mean we can, depends on if we’re open or not. with how much snow we’ve been getting we haven’t really been open for safety reasons, don’t operate in the rain so we’re not about to operate in the snow.” it was the one downside of his job because he’d love to be open during those times but he also understood the safety precautions. “fire station can be fun, you got a pole.”
Archer paused before nodding after thinking it over, "Yeah you're right, guess I'm still getting use to them wanting me around." It wasn't like Nora had tried to exclude him, but her husband had never been his biggest fan even before he got outed. "I'll make sure to save you a calendar, and no it won't be your Xmas gift," he quipped, with a wink for good measure.
Archer nervously wiped his hands on his jeans, he'd been working overtime thanks to the storm, but he finally had a day off with the weather clearing up. Spotting Kota, he lifted his hand up and waved, "Hey so, you sure you wanna hang at your work when you're off? Kind of feel like a dick that I can't return the favor, fire station isn't nearly as fun."
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"well that's lame if they do, there's plenty of joke stuff you can do for april fools than just looking like a clowm." kota should know, he had a prank channel for most of his teenage years to early twenties until he 'grew out of it'. "kind of? i'm not sure if it's cause my parents actually like the holidays or if it was cause of me but either way and i agree with your nephew. if you got the family to spend it with then do it, lotta people don't have that plus you don't have to celebrate the holiday you can just use it as an excuse to see family."
"April fools, doing some clown bit with a red nose and big shoes, I think," Archer said trying to remember, "Guess I could just do like a construction hat or something." Taking a bite of his food and sip of his drink before asking, "Holidays big with your family then?" For a while the holidays had sucked for him, he'd been alone until Nora and Blake reentered his life. "I use to just take shifts on Christmas, now I think my nephew would be annoyed about it," he admitted.
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kota help up his hands in defense for a quick second and laughed. "you're right you're right, it's for charity we gotta make it family friendly. okay um, well what are the other firefighters doing for the months that also don't have holidays? like april or whatever." he took a bite of his food, swallowing quickly to answer. "if you want to i won't stop you, i just like looking at all the pretty christmas stuff all the time. probably my favorite holiday actually."
Archer felt a small flush form at the smirk on Kota's face, "You know this is starting to feel less like an acceptable photoshoot for charity." He nodded along as he explained how things work, "If you want I'll leave a review complaining about it, see if we can start a pro light movement," he said with a grin.
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"there's other colors you can go with if you really don't want to wear any clothes." kota quipped right back with a smirk as he took a sip of his drink. "not yet, the 28th is when everything starts but they're slowly setting things up. i kind of wish we were like disney and had the park light up and decked out all day but we only do it at night which is lame."
"Ok so don't do the shoot in just my tighty whities, got it," Archer quipped before shaking his head. For someone he'd met during a work call, his friendship with Kota was surprisingly light and fun. "So y'all still all fall themed or did Santa Claus take over the park yet? That hot chocolate is like my fave part about going in the winter, but y'all need to make that all day refill mug like x3 bigger."
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kota took the napkin and wiped his nose with it, sniffling a few times to make that sensation go away. "well whatever you decide to do just don't wear white, heard there was this whole thing on it back in the day and maybe it followed to now. better safe than sorry," he said with a grin.
Archer winced in sympathy handing Kota a few napkins, shaking his head at him. "Thanks so much for the sympathy," he said sarcastically even if he was also cracking a grin. "But yeah that's what I said! Like what holiday is even in September? Labor Day? The hell do I do for that? I'm a firefighter not a construction worker," pausing before shrugging, "No offense to construction workers. Least if I was July I could rock the Uncle Sam beard."
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kota was in the middle of drinking his soda when archer said he was september, causing him to choke on it for a second as he pinched his nose. it burned, soda came out of it, he was laughing sue him. "dude there's no way they gave you september, you really can't do shit." he said in between laughs. "i think the fact you didn't want to do it and then you got that month means you can be disappointed, now you don't even have anything to look forward to."
WHERE: All Night Diner 2: Electric Bugaloo WHO: Kota Pluto (@mercurysunstar)
Archer slid into the booth across from Kota, "So...they gave me September. Like I couldn't get a cooler month than that? No one even uses the calendar by that point, least not ill October for the spookiness," he complained. "I didn't even want to do the calendar this year, so I feel like I shouldn't even be as salty as I am."
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