#thread: 006.
notbirdnorplane · 2 months
- - continued from x with @bloodyfixation --
Izuku's face was a deadpan expression of exasperation as he tried to patch his ally up. What was once a face vibrant with passion had wilted, paling with lack of sleep and overwork. Even the green of his hair had become a morose brackish hue. As she removed her hand, he pressed his down instead. It was warm, like pudding that'd been left in the sun too long. The sight of it didn't phase him; he'd seen enough to desensitize any hesitance he had to the deep red liquid.
"You don't regen like me, Himiko." He sighed, working with his med pack to bandage her up. "You bleed out and die if they put too many holes in you. Can't lose you just yet." He'd need to put stitches in this once they were back to base, and another blood transfusion, likely his own. Gauze and cotton would keep her in the land of the living until then. "......but thank you." She did this for them, their friends and allies, and the mission. If it'd been merely for her own sake, maybe he'd have scolded her more thoroughly. How could he do that while she was sacrificing for his goals and aspirations?
"What did he know?" Best to keep the mind busy while working. Having Himiko report would keep his train of thoughts active and hers off the pain. "Anything sensitive?"
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thirtecnth · 5 months
@itsallegra / closed event starter / allegra hayes setting: minnie's dancehall - the ball
Benjamin knew he should be staying away from Allegra... Sorting himself out as he told her he was going to-- but one look at her from where his spot at the bar and he was done for. Ben really should've known she wouldn't be dressed anything less than perfect. Sighing, he swallowed back his drink and left it for the bartender, nodding thanks before he caught her line of sight and made his way over.
"You're making it very hard for me to work on myself, Allegra Hayes," he said, offering her a smile. "You're beautiful."
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tonibeltran · 21 days
x. status -> closed for @theromandaniels x. location -> o'shea's
Some might find it amusingly redundant, just how often Antonio finds himself at a bar when he’s already drunk himself silly at home. Others might find it concerning, he thinks to himself with a quiet snort, but whatever opinion might win out — most people would just have to find it. He hadn’t planned on getting any higher or any drunker today before coming into O’Shea’s, not really, but then he got stupidly mouthy in his text thread to Roman. He thinks of it as an insurance policy — the more he drinks, the more his emotions are in control, and the less chance of spontaneous vulnerability. Whatever the fuck is happening in his head nowadays around Roman is better off quiet, somewhere in a deep, dark corner Antonio can’t find it, and his subconscious can’t reach it.
There’s a guy across the bar that’s been giving him bedroom eyes since he walked in, and a part of him almost entertains the idea of going for it — the bathroom’s right there, Leon doesn’t seem to be in, and it’d be a great way to blow off some steam before Roman shows up. Another part of him, however, seems to balk at the idea of doing something like that specifically because Roman’s about to show up, and he’s already made it abundantly clear to Antonio what he feels about his screwing around. He’s set his boundaries, Toni reminds himself — all he’s gotta do is tamper down whatever’s wrong with him to help him respect them. No over-the-top flirting, no sexual innuendos, no whatever the hell else comes out of him so naturally it almost feels like spit: things he can do, easily, with a body full of bourbon and Blue Dream. 
He forgets he’s not in charge of other people, though, and he panics slightly when the man seems to convince himself to approach him — luckily, they’re both distracted by the door opening, and in walks Roman, looking as Roman as ever. Antonio quickly waves him over before the other man decides to take the seat he’d been saving for his friend, and when he approaches, Antonio offers him a casual, lazy grin. “Sure your store didn’t spontaneously combust into flames the second you stepped out?” 
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damianesco · 22 days
x. status -> closed for @thephoebeyates x. location -> phoebe's apartment
Damian’s not sure what he expects when he arrives at Phoebe’s apartment. She’d warned him about the mess, but where the mess the last time he was here had been almost deliberate, this time around it just looks — in shambles. The place is small, so walking through it doesn’t take too long, nor does it take too long to spot exactly what feels off  this time around. There are a couple of trash bags full of what Damian can only imagine are Foster’s things, and in the kitchen, some sort of powder all over the floor coated with splattered glass shards, to boot. His immediate instinct is to berate Phoebe for leaving glass on the floor, but when he turns to look at his friend, she’s sitting on the couch staring at the wall, barely acknowledging his existence.
Grimacing, he sends a quick text to Grayson, telling him he’s gonna have to bail on their plans today. He sends a picture of the scene in the kitchen, explains it’s for Phoebe, then pockets his phone and gets to work. He knows what this is like — he’s been in this state, or something similar to it, before. It’s never easy. It’s never pretty. And coming out of it to a mess? Just makes it worse, in his experience.
He carefully dusts up the glass shards, vacuums the powder. He does the remaining dishes in the sink, dries and puts them away. He folds the remaining clothes in Phoebe’s laundry basket, careful not to touch her intimates. (He’s not super sure she’d appreciate that.) He wipes down the counter, empties the trash, vacuums the rest of the apartment. He works around Phoebe, allowing her her space, and it all leads to him grabbing all the trash bags with Foster’s things and setting them outside of the apartment door, so that Phoebe won’t have to look at them anymore. When he’s done, it’s been over an hour, the place is spotless, and Phoebe hasn’t moved an inch.
Carefully, he approaches her and drops a soft kiss to the top of her head. “Hey,” he greets her for the first time. “You want something to eat?”
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cali-cabrera · 3 months
Location: Marco's house Starter for: @mcrcosantos
She had tried everything but as Cali rolled over and her clocked ticked to 2am, she just knew she wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon. She was too hot, too cold, not comfortable enough, it was too dark, it wasn't dark enough, there was just nothing she could do. Lying on her back, she sighed, looking over at her dog who was sleeping happily at the end of her bed. At least one of them could sleep.
She had nights like this every so often and had done ever since she was a teenager. Back then, she'd had a remedy. The only way she had ever been able to sleep on those nights was sneaking out of her room and through her best friend's window and after setting an early alarm so they didn't get caught, she had slept tucked up against Marco's side.
Sliding out of bed, Cali grabbed her phone after settling Alba and quickly descended the stairs. It didn't take her long to lock the house back up and get around to Marco's backyard, the two same fence panels still loose after all these years. "You've got this, Cabrera, you are still young and nimble." Tucking her phone and her keys into her shorts, she climbed up the trellis on the side of the house, tapping on Marco's window before she opened it and slid through. "You really need to start locking your window at night, you never know who might slip through at crazy hours of the morning, you know?"
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ryanlockheart · 3 months
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— ₊ ° . ☆ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒊𝒏 was practically gabriel's second home. he'd never expected to love his job so much, but he guessed it made sense when his oh so cute boyfriend spent as much time in there as he did. it always brightened his day to see rory with his nose buried in a book in the corner of the quaint little bakery. he'd been there all day, silently giving gabriel the motivation to get through the day. rude customers and huge orders were 𝒏𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 for the joy that his tiny little boyfriend brought him. — ₊ ° . ☆ 𝒈𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 to rory's table as the night came to an end. the two boys were the only people still left in the store. gabriel had stacked up all the chairs on their tables, wiped down all the counters, and made sure that the freezer was locked shut. his only task left was to pry rory from his computer screen. he'd spent all day studying — and, of course, he always wanted the 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 for rory... but he always wanted to make sure rory was taking proper care of himself, too. gabriel had to remind him to take breaks to eat a little snack and drink water. the raven-haired boy's hand came to shut rory's laptop with a gentle smile on his face. "hi, honey bee," gabriel chirped. "no more studying — i'm putting an 𝒆𝒏𝒅 to it. 's time to spend time with me," he singsonged playfully. before rory could protest, he was swooping up all of rory's things and tucking them away in his bag. gabriel slung his bag over his shoulder, and soon enough he was lifting his tiny boyfriend up in his arms bridal style. "y'can't work yourself too hard, y'know?" he said with a little pout. he pecked rory's cheek quickly. "besides, 'm sure shakespeare and emily dickinson don't have 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 on what i've got planned for ya when i getcha home!" / @kitbogart
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ofmoonlitmagic · 6 months
( @fragmcntedsouls | uncle dad. )
Briggs searched the compound for his uncle because despite what Billie had said about not needing one, he was still determined to find her a proper ring for her finger. Yet, he didn't want just any one. He wanted it to have meaning.
"Uncle Klaus?" He called as he entered the room to find the closest thing to a father he'd ever had. If there was a chance he had some sort of heirloom he'd be willing to part with, that's exactly what the hybrid wanted to give his bride-to-be. "I was wonderin', do you have any rings you would have, I dunno, passed down if you hadn't been like the only generation for millennia?" Subtle.
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thedcvilherself · 7 months
"oh, thank god your home." less a sigh and more a groan of relief as ivy waltzes through the front door of her penthouse apartment. she knew lainey was set to be out of town, some kind of venture with friends that she was worried lacey would also be joining her for, pleased to instead find the twin settled comfortably on the living room's large sectional. "you'd never believe the shit those assholes at work pulled today." a rant that becomes harder to hear when the blonde disappears into her kitchen, reappearing moments later with a glass of wine and her blouse undone, the white top tossed carelessly onto the back of the couch as she grabs the remote and turns off whatever lacey had been watching. "come be a good girl and get on your knees for your big sister. i've been thinking about a pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock for hours." the relief she needed after a long day, free hand undoing her dress pants in order to free her member from its confines, smiling sweetly at the younger blonde. "make sure to strip first too. i don't mind my sweet, baby sisters coming to crash, but the least you two can do is put your body's on display for me like good little bimbos."
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babyitsmagic · 8 months
@shxfting did not ask but. is getting a thing.
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"so i don't want to worry you, but i do think you should know about this." he lets out an annoyed sigh. "remember when i punched that guy last night? apparently there was probably a more peaceful way of solving that problem that i did not even think to consider so... my magic's gone. not the first time, probably won't be the last. i'll get it back. but, and i cannot emphasize this enough, please do not get hurt before that happens."
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luckylewis · 2 months
closed for: @aylinxc-s
where: driftwood
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"There she is," Lucky beams, giving Aylin a wave along with the greeting as he rises to his feet and moves around the table he had been sat at, looking nothing but pleased to see her as he pulled out the chair opposite him for her. He's gotten accustomed to people moving out and moving on, it was a rare silver lining when someone came back.
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silascody · 10 months
silas 📲 jordan.
Silas: This dog got the devil in him
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santiagodeleons · 4 months
closed for: @bradley-banner
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"I could have executed this better," Santiago observes as he joins her at her side, bordering on overconfident in his statement but it was hard not to be when he was in attendance with her.
( In a sense at least, somewhat undefined. )
"Though fraudulent cowboy might be pushing it considering the whole Irish bit."
If anyone knew a thing or two about committing to a bit, it was his ex-wife who had embodied a whole different person when they had first met just for the hell of it. Even then, she was on theme in a way that made it difficult to look anywhere else.
"What's the odds of getting you on the mechanical bull?"
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thirtecnth · 5 months
@ofescapisms / closed event starter / sandra quispe setting: minnie’s dancehall - the ball
The second that Jacob had heard that Sandra would be at the ball, he had made his decision. He didn’t have much to wear, especially considering the theme, but he was insistent on at least trying. And in the time he got dressed, he had his very personal conversation with God… Really, he had such little time. To apologize, to beg for forgiveness, to explain himself, to discuss how wonderful he believed Sandra to be. No matter the amount of conversations he’d had with those around town, nothing could compare to actually speaking with the big man he was afraid of.
Jacob just couldn’t keep her waiting. Not when she deserved the absolute world.
And so, in the mirror above his dresser, as he held both a green tie and his Roman collar in his hands, he finished his prayer and slowly rested the collar down. Tonight— he was just a man... Truly, he always had been.
Still, did there have to be so many faces in the room already? As he finally arrived, Jacob nervously adjusted his father’s watch on his wrist until he finally caught Sandra’s gaze and smiled. A wave of calm only she could cause hit him… He only glanced away again for a moment as he approached her and gently rested a hand on her arm. “Sandra, I—” He was already stuck. He felt awful and she looked so beautiful. How was this supposed to go again? “I am so sorry.” And that was all he could really get out before gently resting his other hand on the small of her back and pulling her in for a kiss.
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mackmontgomery · 8 months
mack 📲 mac.
Mack: Can you help me with what to wear for this blind date Mack: Only say yes if you'll legit help me Mack: I dont want to look stupid again😃
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saburaito · 2 months
was she well aware that her hands should have been nowhere near his things? of course, but chiasa felt this was crossing a line. he couldn't control the things he learned from the school, but that was no excuse to her - a spell to summon a companion? was she not enough?? the audacity of it was too much for her. he seemed a little annoyed with her at the moment, she couldn't have imagined why. the torn up, now glittery papers on his desk certainly weren't HER fault - it wasn't as if it was a spell he needed, regardless.
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HIS DESK IS IN COMPLETE DISARRAY, in the comfort of his own dorm room; he never imagined that he would have to worry about his belongings getting destroyed. especially not by his own personal companion. but all of the clues hinted towards her, from the glitter, to the little slashes on the parchment. his NEW SPELL is no longer usable, the words had rips & tears through them. no one would have been able to read them in the state that it was in. seemingly the intention behind the handiwork. she didn't want him to have this knowledge, and he couldn't quite understand why. fairies were known for being incredibly jealous creatures. never did he imagine that would equate to her disliking him using golems in combat. she wanted to be his sole partner, when she couldn't do much besides throw a little glitter & provide minor healing. she was his favorite companion by far, but that didn't mean that she was the most useful when it came to combat. now, here he was, standing face to face with her; holding the destroyed documents in his hands. ❝ don't say that it wasn't you. we both know the truth. ❞ his words come out evenly paced, a hint of disappointment in them. he trusted her with his personal belongings, and this was one of them.
❝ why did you destroy my classwork? you know that we have to pass. if we don't, it looks bad on our school. we already have a poor reputation. we can't afford poor marks on top of that. ❞ a lecture? perhaps in some terms, he was lecturing her on behalf of his own teacher. they wouldn't have believed him if he told them that a fairy tore up his homework. that was one of the most basic excuses. ❝ do you want to make me look bad? ❞ SABU knows that he can't appeal to her conscience so easily, but she does seem to have a care about him in particular. while her own thoughts of him were high, it wasn't the same for everyone else. he was a diehard for his school, not something that the teachers were impressed by. they expected death students to be apologetic for the actions of their mentor, he was anything but. he understood where malistaire was coming from. he would have done the same. to think that all students of the school were equally as rotten as him was unfair; but he would wear the symbol with pride. shaking some of the glitter off the paperwork in front of her; it was a message, i know you did it.
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ziggykyeons · 3 months
ziggy 📲 mila.
Ziggy: Question. Ziggy: I'd make for an excellent jouster, right? 🤺 @milaxclarke
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