veesbees · 1 year
The Edge of Everything ¹ The Last Of Us  season one
Penelope was born into an already dead and bare world. Her parents only stuck around for about five years, before ditching her and leaving. For the past nine years, Penelope's been living alone, fending for herself in the Boston QZ. One day, she finds a hidden radio where her long-gone mother tells her that she needs to go with the Fireflies without any explanation.
For those long nine years, Penelope had thought her parents were dead. So being told by her supposed mother that she needs to be with the Fireflies was surely a surprise. On top of that, being completely disregarded by Marlene, the head of the Fireflies, and handed to two grumpy people to be smuggled out of the QZ? Not Penelope's cup of tea. But as their adventure goes on, with a protector, Joel, a jokester, Ellie, and Penelope silently observing the two, Penelope doesn't think that that'll be so bad...
In which Joel gets two daughters in the end.
☁︎ third chapter in ‘the edge of everything’
☁︎ episode two of the last of us !!! so that'll mean Tess is leaving us, sadly :(
☁︎ word count: 15,076
three ; Infected
Penelope was laying on the grass-covered ground. Using her father’s coat as a blanket, draped across her body. Her backpack was being used as a pillow, with her oxygen tanks taken out of the bag to be comfier. She was asleep, unaware of the world. 
Penelope fell right asleep the night before. Completely exhausted from the adrenaline and excitement the night before.  Ellie, on the other hand, did not fall asleep right away the night before. It took hours of her tossing and turning before sleep consumed the girl. 
The two adults of the group stayed awake the whole night, watching over Ellie. Waiting for her to turn. But as the sunlight came through the hole in the ceiling, displaying the warm heat like a nice blanket over Ellie, they saw no sign the child was turning.
Penelope stirred, extending out of her curled-up position. She groggily looked around, her eyes full of sleepiness. She let out a big yawn, stretching her back. As Penelope sat up, her father’s coat fell off her body. She observed her soundings, finding a bunch of red seats and pictures all over the walls. She glanced over to find Ellie groggily getting up just like she did moments ago. 
Ellie situated herself, taking in her soundings before pocketing her switchblade. She turned her buddy around swiftly after hearing the floorboards creaking. Ellie tries to stand up, but Joel picks up his gun, aiming it at Ellie. Greeting the two adults in the room with their guns pointed at her. “Morning.”
Ellie sits down with her eyes raised. “Do I look like I’m infected?”
“Show us your arm,” Joel demands the girl. 
Ellie rolls up her sweatshirt and her coat, showing her infected bite. Penelope inches closer to the girl, trying to get a better look. Joel quickly aims his gun at Penelope. She stops in her tracks. Afraid he would shoot her too. 
“Yeah, it’s not getting any worse, is it?” Ellie quips back to the older man, yanking her sleeve down. Tess leans forward to get a better look, and Joel’s brows furrow into a hard expression. Joel looks away from the younger girls obviously not seeing anything change in Ellie’s mark. 
“If we’re out in the open city why aren’t we getting swarmed?” Ellie questioned the adults.
“Don’t worry about that.” Joel’s voice came across as stern. 
“Well, I’m gonna .” Ellie snapped back to the older man. 
Penelope started to pack up her oxygen tanks into her backpack. She shrugged on her father’s coat, the cold air nipping at her body. 
“What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?” Tess' voice came from the other side of the room. She had her hands in her pockets and a hard expression on her face. 
“I’m not infected.” Ellie insisted. “She found me after I was bitten.”
“And she didn’t shoot you,” Joel stated.
“ Clearly not.” Ellie’s next sentence was fast, it was hard for Penelope to understand what Ellie was saying. “She locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick.”
“Test you how?”
Ellie ignored the question. “I have to pee.”
“Test you… how ?” Tess demanded the child, tired of her crap.
Ellie sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. “They’d make me count to 10 and hold out my hand and then keep it steady.” She paused to look at Penelope who was tugging her father’s coat closer to her body. “But, you know, I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn’t turn into a fucking monster. Now can I please?” 
As Ellie got up out of her criss-cross-apple-sauce position, Joel got up too. A lot slower than Ellie, but in a threatening manner. 
“Tess?” Penelope called from the corner of the room. Tess tore her eyes from Ellie to look at Penelope. “Can I go too?” 
Ellie held her arms up in a weak mock surrender to the two adults, waiting to be approved to relieve herself. Tess still had a hard look on her face.  
“Fine,” Tess said begrudgingly. “Back there. You can find a spot.” 
Penelope grew out of her sitting position, picking up her oxygen tank. The two young girls walked towards the room in the back corner. They were stopped by Tess throwing a magazine toward them. “Here. Tear out a few pages.” 
Penelope reached down to the ground picking up the discarded magazine. She held it to Ellie to use first, continuing towards the room.
“There's not gonna be anything bad in here?” Ellie called over her shoulder to the two adults.
Joel replied to Ellie. “Just you.”
Ellie scoffed, “Oh, funny.”
The two girls entered the room. Ellie found a bathroom stall just behind the door. She used it first. Penelope waited patiently, once Ellie was finished, Penelope went. She did her business, tearing out a page or two out of the magazine. Once the two girls finished, they walked out of the room.
Ellie stalks out of the room, Penelope following closely behind her. Once Ellie reaches her bag, she throws the rolled-up magazine to Tess and Joel. Penelope rolls her eyes, she makes her way back to where she slept the night before, sitting down for a moment. As Penelope settles into her spot, she shoves her two oxygen tanks into her backpack with some difficulty. 
As Ellie sat down in her spot, Tess reached into her backpack. “You hungry? You can share some of ours.” 
Penelope shakes her head. “Thank you, but I have my own.” Penelope reached into her backpack grabbing out the stale bread she had packed.
While Ellie replies, “Thanks. Marlene sent me with my own.” Ellie reaches into her backpack to grab some sort of sandwich. Penelope watches Ellie, her mouth-watering a tiny bit. She looks back to her stale and moldy bread, eyes wandering from her food to Ellie’s.
The group sits in silence, eating. Mostly looking at Ellie’s food in hunger. 
Tess finally speaks up. “Is that chicken?”
“Yep,” Ellie replies happily, taking another big bite. “Marlene said they got it from smugglers. Guess not you guys.” Ellie said slowly. 
Penelope let out a small laugh, even though she was annoyed that Ellie of all people got fresh food that didn’t taste like absolute shit. 
Tess dropped her dried and stale beef jerky. It fell with a dull thud as Tess put her hands on her legs and got up. She stalked over to Ellie, Joel abandoning his food just as quickly, calling out to Tess. “Hey. Hey!”
Tess dismissed the man, crouching down before Ellie. “Why... Why are you so important to Marlene? And don't lie to me or we'll take you back.”
“You take me back, you don’t get your battery,” Ellie replied smartly, tilting her head to the side in a challenge. 
Tess scoffed, glancing at Penelope who was eating her food in silence. 
“You heard that?” Tess asked Ellie. Ellie just shrugged her shoulders, chewing the food in her mouth. Tess continued quickly. “Then you must've heard that he wants to shoot you.” 
Ellie’s face falls. She looks behind Tess to Joel who had a hard look on his face. Penelope’s eyes widened. She looks between the two adults in the room as Tess crouches down to Ellie’s level. 
“Penelope, come over here,” Tess calls the other child. Penelope’s eyes widened, even bigger.  
“I’m not in trouble, am I?” Penelope asks, swinging her backpack over her shoulder. She walks over to the two girls in the room, sitting beside Ellie. As Penelope sat down, she didn’t get an answer from Tess.
“I'm gonna talk to you both like you're adults. Okay? Joel and I aren't good people. We're doing' this for us because, apparently,” Tess addresses Ellie specifically. “You're worth something. But we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have. So answer my question.”
Penelope watches and Ellie's face darkens. Ellie stares down at Tess for a moment before rolling her eyes and setting down her chicken sandwich. Penelope watches as Ellie fights with herself, deciding whether she should tell Tess and everyone else why she is so important.
“She told me not to tell anybody, and now I'm telling the first people that I meet–There is a Firefly base camp somewhere out west. With doctors. They’re working on a cure.”
Penelope’s mind was racing. A hospital? And doctors? Her parents could be at the Firefly base– more so her father could be there. It’s a stretch, but her parents could be there. Penelope’s thoughts were brought to an abrupt stop as Joel hummed.
“I’ve heard that before.”
“And whatever happened to me–” Ellie and Joel spoke in unison. “Is the key to finding the vaccine.” 
Joel advanced on Ellie. “That’s what this is? We've heard it a million times. Vaccines, miracle cures. None of it works. Ever .” 
Ellie grew tired of Joel and his doubt in her. She stood up swiftly, yelling out, “fսck you, man. I didn't ask for this.”
“You and I both.” Joel leans towards Tess, specifically addressing her. “This isn't gonna end well, Tess. We need to go back.”
Before anyone could say anything more, Penelope spoke up. Her mouth is dry, and her nerves are fraying.
“Maybe...Maybe my parents are there, and then we could get some answers from them?” Penelope asks hopefully, glancing up at the two adults. Penelope instantly regretted speaking. Tess had a sympathetic look on her face and Joel… Well, Joel had his recurring ‘mean face’ that Penelope wasn’t a fan of.  “Uh, just forget I said anything…” Penelope trailed off, itching her nasal cannula on her face in nervousness. 
Tess looks back to Joel, taking a big inhale of air. She stands up, giving Ellie a look before addressing Joel. “It doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the Fireflies say. If they believe that she is then... we get what we want.” 
Joel looks back to Ellie and Penelope. His eyes glance between the two girls behind Tess. The sunlight flows through the broken ceiling, creating a halo over the two girls. Tess looks behind her to Penelope and Ellie.  Ellie adverts her gaze on the two adults. Penelope is still resting on the patch of grass, gripping onto her father’s coat for dear life. Joel shakes his head, deciding to listen to Tess. 
“If she so much as twitches–”
Joel was cut off as Ellie flailed her arms around. Ellie tries to intimate a clicker as she lets out a string of weird noises. Penelope stares at Ellie in surprise, letting out a stray laugh. Penelope’s laughter was loud, causing Ellie to fall in a fit of giggles before Tess looks at the two girls sternly.
“Don’t,” Tess warned Ellie. 
Instantly, Ellie and Penelope stopped laughing. Ellie clears her throat. “Okay.”
Tess shrugs her shoulders. “Okay?” She asks Joel.
“Okay.” Joel’s voice was barely audible, as he turned to grab his gear. 
Tess follows Joel. Ellie and Penelope took that as their sign to pack up their stuff. Penelope got up from her position on the grass, walking over to her pile of stuff. She shoves her plum-colored sweatshirt in her backpack, along with her not finished bread slice. 
Penelope walks back over to Ellie, waiting for her to be finished. Penelope and Ellie watch as Joel picks up his machine gun. 
“Can I have a gun?” Ellie boldly asks the two adults, eyeing the gun Joel holds in his hands. The two adults are quick to answer. Joel answers a little harshly. 
“ Absolutely not.”
Ellie scoffs. “Okay, Jesus. Fine. I'll have to throw a fuckin' sandwich at them.” Penelope chuckles at Ellie’s remark.
Penelope walks towards Tess as Joel moves the blockade from the door with a loud creak. Joel opens the door–only a little bit–to check if there are no infected in the area. 
“It’s clear.” Joel's voice comes from outside. Tess looks back to the two young girls standing behind her. Tess walks out the door following Joel. Penelope and Ellie follow right behind Tess, Penelope walking a little slower from her sprained ankle. 
The birds chirp as they emerge from the dim room they were staying in. Penelope notices all of the overgrown plants covering everything. She assumes that the world before didn’t look as green and beautiful as it does now. 
“Wow…” Penelope remarks, swiveling around.
“Woah.” Ellie and Penelope marvel at the light of the sun and the greenery.
“Yeah, looks different in the daylight, huh?” Tess calls from the side of the two girls. 
The towers are so tall that Penelope has to bend backward a little bit to see the top of the tower. One of them leans on the other one, completely bare except for the skeleton and leaves protruding from the inside. Every building is covered in greenery. The sounds of nature reverberate from the buildings. The creak of bugs, the flock of birds in the sky squawk. Everything seems more lively than in the QZ.
“We should get movin’,” Joel calls, standing on top of a pile of concrete. Penelope is drawn out of her thoughts by Joel’s voice. 
No one answers, instead following Tess. Penelope is not able to walk in a straight line, swiveling to the left and right, observing her soundings in awe. Ellie laughs at Penelope as she trips over a piece of concrete. As Penelope recovers, she follows the group deeper into the city. 
A crater in the ground draws the girl’s attention. “Oh my god,” Penelope breathes out, walking towards it. Ellie follows her, reaching the edge of the hole and looking in. The ground was sunken in, tar and concrete in the hole with overgrown greenery sprouting out. 
“God, it looks like a fucked up moon. Is this where they bombed?” Ellie asks.
“Yeah. They hit most of the big cities like this.” The two adults stop just as Tess was explaining the crater in the ground. “They had to slow the spread somehow. Worked here, but it... didn't in most places.”
Joel walks away from the trio of girls. Tess follows him, with Ellie and Penelope closely after Tess. Still in awe of the place.
“So, the State House is across there. It's about a 10-minute walk if you could go straight.” Tess said as they reach a police car.
“So–?” Ellie was cut off by Joel.
“Long way or short way?”
“I mean, it's the long way or the ‘we're fuckin' dead’ way,” Tess said simply like death wasn’t a big deal. Ellie and Penelope look at each other.
“I’m fine talking the long way,” Penelope said simply, waiting for the adult’s answer.
“Well, I vote long way just based on that limited information,” Ellie said.
Joel addresses Tess saying, “We have to check it from the hotel first.”
Tess nods. “Okay.” Tess leads the quartet, walking through the rubble of cars.
As they walk, Penelope jumps a bit to adjust her heavy bag on her shoulders. They walk through a highway, Penelope looking everywhere but where she was walking. 
Penelope stepped on something squishy and looked down in question. She noticed an orange stuffed giraffe, halfway underneath a car. She bent down to pick it up by its arm. Penelope couldn’t help but feel a little sad. It was a child’s stuffed animal. Someone that she didn’t know. She spun it around to get a better look at it. Penelope notices a name on the bottom of it. ‘Charliese’ . Some kid who may already be dead. No longer nameless in her mind. 
Penelope quickly let go of it, as if the stuffed animal had burned her. She let it fall looking back to the group of people she was with. Penelope quickly caught up to Ellie. The two girls walked side by side, climbing over rubble every so often.
The thought that people had lived with all of these luxuries, like stuffed animals or a beautiful and full world spun uncomfortably in Penelope’s mind. Why had she been born at a time when humanity was at its worst? Why wasn’t she born before it all, given a chance to experience life without the threat of an infected ruining it? Or even better, people? Why was she the one to be burdened with the thoughts of the world before, when Penelope knows that Ellie has adapted and come to terms with her lifestyle? Why hadn’t Penelope?
Why was Penelope so dissatisfied with her life? Why was she questioning everything in her life, like it even meant anything?
Why ?
“Penelope?” Ellie had noticed that Penelope grew quiet. Nothing unusual for the girl. But still, Ellie calls the girl. 
Penelope looks over to Ellie with tearful eyes. “Y-yeah?” 
Penelope and Ellie were further ahead of the two adults after Ellie had aimlessly led Penelope somewhere further away. Still wandering in between and over the rubble of cars.
“You alright?” Ellie asks the other brunette, kicking pebbles in front of her.
Penelope didn’t know how to respond. Was she alright? 
“Yeah.” Penelope quickly lies, a smile reaching her lips.
Ellie nods, looking away defeated. 
Penelope quickly composes herself. She shakes her arms, trying to rid of the wave of unwanted negative emotions. Penelope falls back from Ellie, Tess making her way to the two girls. 
Tess holds herself with unedifying confidence, something that Penelope wishes she was capable of having. The older woman leads the group as they walk, becoming the leader as Ellie had just led Penelope and herself astray from the hotel. The group walked in a line, Tess the leader, Ellie right behind Tess, Penelope trailing not so closely behind Ellie, and Joel bringing up the rear of the group. Watching for any threats. Mostly further away from the group due to his grumpiness. 
Ellie began to grow tired of the quiet walking. “Where the fuck are they already?”
Tess quickly responded, “You’ll know it when they’re close.”
“I didn’t know last time,” Ellie stated.
Penelope looked up from the ground, intrigued by Tess and Ellie’s conversation. There was a pause before Tess replied. 
“ How did you get bit?”
“You know the old mall in the QZ?”
Penelope perked up. From where she lived on the fifth-floor apartment, she could see the old-run-down building from her living room window. Penelope always wondered what that place was. She had contemplated whether it was smart to go and explore whenever she was bored but ruled out that she would get killed for exploring anywhere off limits by FEDRA. So she chose to stay home and study some workbooks her mother had saved.
“The one that’s sealed off and boarded up, and no one’s supposed to go in…ever?” Tess scolded Ellie, looking behind her at the two younger girls. “That one?”
“Whatever. I snuck in. Wanted to see what it was like. Didn't think there was gonna be anything in there, and then one just came outta nowhere.” Ellie and Tess now stood side by side. “Thought I got away, but.” Ellie trailed off, looking at Tess. 
Penelope looked at Ellie in astonishment. “Wait, were you there… alone ?” Penelope trailed, walking right behind Ellie. 
“Yeah,” Ellie replied simply.
The quartet reached a pile of cars and stood there for a moment.
“How old are you, Ellie?” Tess asked the girl in front of her. 
Penelope stood to the side, leaning on a rusted car. She was hunched over, growing exhausted from the amount of walking they were doing. She tried to push through the exhaustion, but her ankle was killing her, and her backpack was way too heavy for the thirteen-year-old girl. Penelope could tell her oxygen tank was almost out. She could feel the air pressure come out slower than usual, signaling this one tank must be coming to an end. 
“Fourteen,” Ellie replied.
“Wow. Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister.” Tess praised, looking at Ellie with a small smile on her face. Tess climbed over the mound of cars. Ellie stood there for a moment. 
“Thanks,” A smile appeared on Ellie’s face. Ellie followed right behind Tess.
Penelope was slower to climb over the mound of cars. Joel followed after the younger girl. His face contorted into an uncomfortable look. Penelope’s backpack had gotten stuck on her way over the cars, causing her to get caught on her nasal cannula tube. She reached for her backpack, right as it fell to the ground with a thud on the other side of the car pile. Penelope’s nasal cannula was ripped off her face, leaving a painfully red mark across her face and nose. 
At the thud of the backpack, Tess and Ellie swiftly looked behind them. “Everything alright?” Tess called on the other side of the ruble. 
Joel reached for her backpack, gingerly holding onto her nasal cannula tube for the girl. “Go ahead, Tess. I’ve got her.” Joel called out to the woman, helping Penelope stand up over the cars. 
Tess nodded her head and let Ellie along. 
“D’you got this without your oxygen?” Joel asks Penelope, holding her hand in his, with his other hand full of her backpack and cannula tube. 
Penelope nodded, quickly standing up and gaining her balance on the uneven cars. Once she made it to the other side of the car, Joel followed her quickly.
Joel would never admit it, but he was tolerating the two young girls. More than he would like to admit. Jeol held out Penelope’s backpack for her. Penelope took it swiftly, her cheeks red from embarrassment. 
“Thank you.” Penelope quietly responded, making her way towards Ellie and Tess who were further ahead than Joel and herself. As Joel and Penelope reached Tess and Ellie, they heard Tess questioning Ellie more. 
“No…Everyone said the open city was crazy.” Penelope heard Ellie say. Ellie was walking on the sidewalk, Tess walking along the open road, Penelope right behind her, and Joel trailing a little ways behind Penelope. 
“Like, swarms of Infected running around everywhere.” Ellie continued. 
“I heard that Infected were ugly. Oh, and if they bite you, you die instantly.” Penelope added to Ellie’s wonders. Tess and Joel watched the two girls. To be honest, Tess didn’t know much about Infected. But Joel on the other hand, knew a lot about the Infected. When Tess looked behind her to Penelope, she responded with, “That’s what the old lady across from my apartment said.”
“Not exactly like that,” Joel replied to the two girls. 
“Awh.” Penelope voiced, a little disappointed. 
“You know, people like to tell stories.”
“So, there aren’t Super-Infected that explode fungus spores on you?”
“Wait, are those real?” Penelope called, her face growing pale. 
“Shit, I hope not,” Tess called behind Ellie, a smile on her face. 
Penelope looked to her side at Ellie in fear. “Why would you even imagine that? That ‘Super-Infected’ sounds like some bad news.” Tess chuckles at Penelope’s reaction. 
“Or what about, ones with split-open heads that see in the dark like bats?” Ellie continues on.
Tess glances back to Joel, who moments before were trying to hide his growing smile with a grimace. His face fell as Penelope looked up at the man with a fearful look.
“Please tell me tha–” Penelope was cut off by a distant scream.
Penelope’s eyes widened in fear. The group stopped in their tracks, the lighthearted mood dwindling down. Penelope had never been around Infected before. But she did have an undying fear of them. Considering the stories her elderly neighbor would tell her. Nothing nice. 
“What was that?” Ellie calls out to the two adults.
“Let’s keep movin’.” Joel urged the group to move forward.
*        *       *
As Joel grunted opening the rusted door, Penelope heard quacking. “What is that noise?” Penelope asked as they reached the staircase.
“You've gotta be kidding me!” Ellie exclaimed, looking back at Tess in astonishment.
Tess was going to answer, when Penelope ran forward to the water, noticing the animals in the water. 
“Oh my god! What are these?” Penelope was crouched down on the first step of the staircase, not reaching the water. The animals in the pond made noises, acknowledging that there were people in their presence. Penelope reached out to the feathered animal in hopes of petting it.
“Hold up,” Joel called out to Penelope. She stopped in her tracks, her hand hovering above the animal. She huffed and stood up. “It might have rabies.”
Joel shrugged as Penelope sulked over to Ellie, mumbling about how fluffy and soft the animal looked.
 “Ya ever stay in a place like this?” Ellie asks the two adults. 
Penelope will admit that this hotel was pretty cool looking. With the overgrown plants and murky water. The animals have to put this hotel up to a 7 on Penelope’s list. The lighting isn't the best in her opinion, it makes the room look scarier than it is. 
“Uh, no, a little out of our league.”
Penelope wandered to the threshold of the staircase, eyeing the birds in the water. Ignoring Joel’s warning from before. “Hey, can I name one?” She calls over her shoulder, not waiting for an answer. 
As the quartet–minus Penelope–stand side by side discussing. “No you can’t name one–” Joel was cut off as Penelope ignored him.
“I’ll name you…Meatball!” Penelope exclaimed, crouching closer to the bird in the water. She called out to the duck, ignoring the adults' conversation. “Meatball…Meatball! Come here please!” Penelope urged the duck closer to her as it tried desperately to escape her presence, waddling away from her. 
Penelope huffs, standing up. “Goodbye, Meatball, I’ll forever love you!”
Penelope had drowned out their conversation, instead focusing on the animals. Finally hearing Joel say, “No, smart ass. I mean,” as he jumped into the water. 
“Who’s a ‘ smart ass ’?” Penelope asks Joel in a deeper voice. 
“Ellie,” Joel replied simply.
Ellie huffs, looking at Joel with a glare. “I don’t know how I was supposed to know that.” Ellie advances into the water, walking down the stairs. Penelope follows Ellie, staying on the same path as her.
“Ellie, let’s go find Meatball.” Penelope tugged on Ellie’s backpack, leading her to where she watched the duck disappear. 
As Penelope was leading Ellie to the group of ducks, she slid on the murky slime at the bottom of the pond, losing her balance. She tumbled down from the weight of her backpack. The water sloshed around her, submerging her momentarily as she felt her backpack being yanked up. She gasped for air, completely drenched. Her nasal cannula was puffing and sputtering from the water. Along with Penelope. 
Penelope looked behind her, Joel clutching onto her backpack, holding her steady. Penelope heard laughter, coming from Ellie.
“Holy shit! You should see your face right now.” Ellie pointed to Penelope, doubling over in laughter. “Holy fuck man. Penelope, you are something alright.”
Penelope only sputtered in response, spitting out water from her mouth, and wiping her face from the water droplets. Her hair and clothes were drenched to the core, along with her heavy backpack.
“Jesus, what d’you have in here?” Penelope heard Joel say from behind her. 
“Supplies,” Was all that Penelope could manage to say. She tore off her nasal cannula, making her way to a moldy seat above the water. She climbed up there and set down her backpack.
“Hey, now’s not the time to be restin’.” Penelope blew a raspberry at Joel’s words.
 “Oh well, old man. I just almost died.” Penelope gave an excuse, going back to her nasal cannula. She took out her oxygen tank and made sure it was working correctly. Penelope heard Joel huff, along with the dwindling laughs of Ellie. 
“Oh! Penelope, come check this out!” Ellie called behind her to Penelope. Penelope looked up just as Ellie reached the counter of the hotel. Penelope’s eyes widened as she saw a shiny little bell right beside Ellie. Penelope stuffed everything back into her backpack and bound into the water, sloshing over to Ellie in the murky water. She held her backpack up, and raced over as fast as she could in water, making her way over to Ellie. 
“It’s a bell!” Penelope yelled in excitement.
As she reached Ellie, she threw her backpack over on the old piano, lugging her oxygen tank over her shoulder. Penelope made her way to Ellie, slamming her hand down on the bell. It rang out in the abandoned lobby loudly, making its way to where Tess and Joel watched the two girls from afar. 
Penelope got behind the counter, just as Ellie rang the bell again. “Ding, ding!” Ellie called out. Penelope crouched lower to the water, hiding behind the counter. Instantly, she popped up, saying, “Why, hello new customer! How may I help you?”
Ellie leaned forward to the counter, tapping the bell with her finger as she talked. “Yes, I would like your Finest suite, please.”
Penelope went along, responding in a deeper voice, “Yes, ma’am. Would you like me to take your luggage?”
Ellie shook her head and whispered to Penelope. “I wanna take the luggage thingy, okay?” Penelope nodded rapidly, responding in a whisper, “Can I try after you?” To which Ellie nodded.
“You two are some weird kids.” Penelope heard Joel say. She instantly looked at the man, sticking out her tongue at him. 
“You’re a weird old man, Old Man,” Penelope responded, as Ellie reached the luggage cart and pushed it. The cart let out a creak, resting to the movements. Penelope rounded the counter saying in a deep voice, “Here, let me help you ma’-”
Penelope was caught off guard as the two girls pushed it forward. Something brushed Penelope’s leg, and she let out a shriek, falling into Ellie. The two fell into the old piano. From their weight it let out out-of-tune sounds, reverberating in the lobby.
Penelope heard the sloshing of water as Joel made his way over to the two girls. “Oh, my god.” Penelope looked at the murky water, seeing a decaying skeleton. Penelope was clutching onto Ellie, holding her forearm for dear life. “That was crazy…” Penelope trailed off, looking at the skeleton in surprise.
Joel walks over to the skeleton, nudging it with his boot. The head moved to the side from the moment.
“Uh, sorry.” Ellie apologizes to Joel, looking at the man. Joel stuck out a bruised hand for Ellie to take. Ellie took his hand gratefully, using his hand to pull her up from the piano. Penelope used the luggage cart instead. She grabbed onto her backpack and put it on, stuffing her oxygen tank into it.
Penelope followed right behind Ellie, fixing her now-dried nasal cannula back on her face. The oxygen was still coming out in puffs, but it’ll have to do for now.
“You two okay?” Penelope looked up at Tess. Ellie replied first.
“Yep. Fucking fabulous.”
“Mhm, I’m okay. Just a little scare.” Penelope replied. As the group made their way through the hotel, Penelope suddenly grabbed onto Ellie’s arm.
“Ellie, you didn’t get to see Meatball!” Penelope whined to Ellie.
“I did see Meatball.”
“You did? When?”
“When we first got here, I watched you name him, duh.”
By the time their conversation came to an end, the group was at the last few steps of the stairs, reaching wherever they were heading. Penelope breathes out heavily, her oxygen tank giving out puffs of protest.
Tess walked into the hallway first, the walls covered with withering green wallpaper. She let out a huff, walking heavily. “Fuck…holy shit.
Ellie, who was following right after Tess, said, “Come on, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Try having an oxygen deficiency.” Penelope let out a breathy chuckle. 
“You try climbing ten fuckin’ floors with our knees,” Tess spoke for Joel and herself. Penelope followed right after the two, Joel bringing up the rear of their party. “See how ya feel.”
Penelope stood beside Ellie as Tess and Joel took in their surroundings, looking for a way out. The opening that Joel and Tess used was covered in rubble, from floor to ceiling. There was no way that anyone could fit in the little holes of cement. 
“Well, when the fuck did that happen?” Tess questions, looking in front of her at the rubble. “Maybe that one.” Tess questions, motioning to the door to the side. 
“No,” Joel calls out to Tess. 
The two adults make their way to the two doors in the hallway. Joel and Tess shake the door knobs, but none of them budge. 
“All right, well, I mean, maybe we could climb up there, work my way around, and open it from the inside?” Tess decides, questioning Joel.
Ellie interjects, “Uh, no, well, I’m the smallest, so it’d be easier for me to get through.”
“Mm-no, but you die and we get nothing.” Tess shuts Ellie down. “Will you give me a hand with this?” Tess turns to Joel, motioning to the rubble. 
“You two stay.” Joel addresses Ellie and Penelope. The two girls sulk, Penelope finding an abandoned chair to sit on.
The two girls are silent as they sit together. Ellie is on the floor, her back to the wall, and Penelope sets down her backpack to reach in and take out her oxygen tank. Joel hefts Tess through the rubble, making sure she’s able to get up through the cracks. Penelope watches helplessly as she thinks that these types of situations are going to be like this from now on. Ellie and Penelope sit out because they are ‘precious cargo’.
Joel stays there for a moment, calling up to her. “You good up there?”
She’s going to need to suppress her oxygen tanks from now on. She won't be able to use it 24/7. Sadly, she has to make it last. Maybe it’ll be good for her. Penelope scoffs and hugs her oxygen tank tighter.
Or not.
And she’ll die from lack of oxygen.
Penelope shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut.
No, don’t go there. Penelope mentally scolds herself. You need to think on the bright side. Maybe Dad has found out why I constantly need oxygen, and he’ll have the cure waiting for me when I see them again. Yeah, think of that. Do not think about how I could die from lack of oxygen. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. No. Don’t go there–
“Yeah, uh, it's a bit of a mess, so I'm gonna need a few minutes.” Tess calls from deep in the rubble of the building. 
As Joel advances toward Penelope and the chair, she smiles sheepishly. She instantly scooted off the chair, making her way to sit beside Ellie. “Sorry,” Penelope whispers to Joel. 
God. Why does she have to be so awkward and afraid of Joel? It’s not like he’s going to brutally murder her for sitting in a chair… Right? Penelope squeezes her eyes shut, resting her head on the wall. Why does the thought of Joel scare her so much? She mentally shakes herself out of her thoughts, looking over to Ellie.
The trio sits in silence for a moment. Joel sighs as he shifts comfortably into the chair, Ellie resting her head on the wall. Penelope holding onto her oxygen tank for dear life, like it’s going to protect her from any threat.
Ellie moves to take out her switchblade tossing it in her hand. 
Penelope glances at the sharp object, and discreetly shifts a tiny bit away from the other girl. Slightly afraid the switchblade might come in contact with her. 
Penelope rests her oxygen tank in her lap, sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce. She adjusts her nasal cannula as her face grows irritated from the sweat and grime. She rakes her hand through her hair, meeting with strands of knotts. She sighs and moves to braid her hair.
“Nice knife you got there,” Joel tries to make a conversation.
Ellie ignores him. Just briefly glancing at Joel. Then continues throwing and catching her knife.
Penelope sighs. She lets her eyes wander through the hallway. The green wallpaper is torn off the walls, leaving some patches left. Underneath the atrocious wallpaper is molded and dingey concrete walls. Penelope’s eyes wander to Joel’s body, and she stiffens. He was glancing at her. But still, the realization that this dangerous old man was watching her made her feel uneasy. She quickly finished her braid, tying it off.
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Joel asks.
“The circus.” Ellie quickly replies, not taking her eyes off the knife. 
Penelope glances at Joel to see him look away with his mouth open, clearly annoyed. She shrinks down a little, playing with the ends of her hair.
Ellie notices this too, and closes her switchblade, piercing her lips. She looks back towards the rubble, trying to find a way to start a friendly conversation.
Penelope beats Ellie to it.
“So, uh, Joel, where are you from?” Penelope meekly asks him. She scrunches up her nose in thought, trying not to show how nervous she actually is. Joel’s eyes meet Penelope's as she looks around the room nervously not meeting his own eyes. Looking anywhere but at him.
“Texas.” Was all he said.
Blunt and short.
Penelope was growing tired of Joel already. “What about Tess?” Ellie tries. Penelope glances over to Ellie, smiling gratefully at her. 
“Detroit.” Blunt. Short. A pause. “It’s in Michigan.”
Penelope scoffs. 
“I go to school. I know where Detroit is.” Ellie says, her voice was hard. 
Ellie and Joel stare at each other.
God. Why do I have to be so stupid? Penelope screamed at herself, scratching her eyebrow. Think, think! Think of something to defuse both of them. She groaned internally, moving her oxygen tank into her backpack.
“So, uh, you two a uh–”
Joel looks away from the young girls in front of him.
Penelope’s eyes widen at Ellie’s question. She lets out a strangled laugh, hiding her smile in the crook of her arm as she lays her head down on her lap.
Oh my god, this is going to be an awfully long trip.
“How’d you end up in Boston?” Penelope speaks, her voice muffled in her shoulder. 
Oh my god! Is ‘pass’ the word of the day or something?
“No more questions about me.” Joel addresses the two girls, his eyes moving from Penelope to Ellie. 
Ellie shakes her head, looking away from Joel’s general direction. Penelope nods meekly, wrapping herself in her plum-colored sweatshirt. “Got it.” She mumbles.
There’s a short pause after Penelope spoke.
One witch Ellie interrupted. Again.
“How long do infected live?”
“Oh, I thought you went to school?”
Oh. My. God.
“It’s a really shitty one.” Ellie retorted. 
They stared at each other, Penelope nervously biting at her fingernails. 
“Well, some last about a month or two.” Joel’s voice was a lot lighter, “But there’s others that have been walkin’ round ‘bout two years.”
Ellie breathes in toying with her knife. “Ever kill one?”
“Yeah. I kill lots of ‘em.” Joel replies. 
There’s silence once again. 
Penelope stays silent. Not speaking. This isn’t her conversation too but into. But, god, did she want to change the subject. To anything. Absolutely anything but this.
“Is it hard?” Ellie asks. Her voice was stony. She glared at her switchblade, rolling it between her fingers. Penelope glances at Ellie, a look of genuine concern written on her blotchy red face. “Like knowing they were people once?” Ellie continues. She sways her legs from side to side as they were resting up by her chest. She looks at Joel, not bothering to look at Penelope. 
Penelope’s eyes were filled with sadness as she understood where this question came from.
Ellie was afraid of turning. Of when she would turn. And when she would die. Hopefully from Joel shooting her. Hopefully, before she became infected. Before she could infect anyone else. 
There was stillness. 
“Sometimes.” Joel nods, his gaze moving to the ground. “Sometimes,” He repeats again.
Ellie glances around the room quickly. “What about that guy last night?” She was subtlety wringing her fingers on her switchblade. But Penelope noticed. Penelope moved her braid off her shoulder, shifting uncomfortably on the hard ground. She cleared her throat, the recollections of last night resurfacing. 
There was a thump behind Penelope as she froze. Her eyes widened with fear as she let out a squeak. She quickly stood up, forgetting her backpack. Joel stood in front of Penelope as she was pulled back from her cannula tube. She jerked, gagging as she picked up her backpack. Joel reacted quickly, aiming his gun at the sound.
“Put the gun down, Joel.” Penelope noticed Tess’ voice come through the door. 
She exhaled, her hands trembling, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.
Ellie moved to stand closer to Penelope as she breathed in and out repeatedly trying to calm herself down. The conversation from meer seconds ago, forgotten. 
There were sounds of objects moving, as Tess finally emerged from the door opening it up a crack. The door only opened a few inches, and she looked at the trio with a look.
“What now?” Joel asked Tess, still positioned in front of Penelope and Ellie. Tess made a face awkwardly as she shook her head. Penelope and Ellie looked to Joel for an answer.
*        *       *
Water droplets dripped on the outdoor patio as the quartet emerged from the hotel. Penelope followed closely behind Tess, following her every move. Penelope thought Tess was a better option than being stuck with Joel.
Sorry, not sorry.
But the grumpy old man scared the living daylights out of Penelope sometimes. 
Who knows? If Penelope screws up once, Joel might turn and do something violent. At least…that’s what Penelope’s godforsaken mind keeps telling her.
Penelope’s Converse-clad feet walk through puddles on the concrete ground as they walk through the patio to finally reach the state house. Then this godforsaken ‘adventure’ will be over. Then Penelope will be able to see her parents. After nine years. Nine long years.
Tess pulls aside a plastic sheet to reveal an opening. Penelope smiles as a thank-you instead of actually talking. Oh well. She ducks under the sheet, walking towards the concrete wall. 
A strange gurgling, moaning, and gasping from below on the ground level reaches Penelope’s ears as she approaches the wall. Ellie followed closely behind Penelope. Penelope, however, lingers, slightly–just slightly –afraid of the foreign noise.
“What is that?” Penelope whispers, not reaching the wall. She did not want to see the horrors of the infected. She glanced at Joel who was standing a little behind the three girls. He had his gun at the ready, a hard look across his features. Penelope slowly turned her head to Tess who was standing next to Ellie at the wall, resting her arms on the ledge. 
Joel moved to rest a little ways away from Ellie, leaving a spot for Penelope. She gingerly made her way to the wall, finally getting a glimpse of how many there were. She gasped, her hand covering her mouth in horror. Her eyes were wide as they moved frantically. She has never seen infected before. Penelope was very sheltered, she realized. Something she isn't sure she’s grateful for or not. 
“There’s so many,” Ellie spoke in horror. She was gripping the ledge as she looked around at the infected.
Joel and Tess looked completely unaffected by this. It didn’t surprise Penelope one bit.
“The last time we were here they were still deep inside the buildings,” Tess spoke, evaluating the situation below them. The amount of infected has clearly doubled over the– what ?–the year that they haven’t been outside the wall. Oh, my lord. 
“But I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ–went inside seeking shelter.” Tess paused, licking her lips. “And that's how they get more and more of the city bit by bit, year after year.”
Penelope absorbs this new information, her eyes locked on the hordes of infected, clinging to each other. Her eyes were still wide with fear, her hands now trembling once again with terror. Her eyes became unfocused as the sun decided to poke out of the clouds.
The noise of agony grew louder as the sunlight hit the hordes of infected laying on the ground, withering in hunger or pain–Penelope couldn't decipher which. It was weird, how the infected reacted to the sun. Did they move away from it in agony–or in hunger? She couldn’t see which it was. But did she care? God, no.
“They’re connected,” Ellie observed, her eyes locked on the infected. “More than you know.” 
Penelope tore her eyes from the infected in front of her, inching away from the ledge. The sight of the infected made Penelope’s empty stomach churn unhappily. Out of habit, Penelope wrung her cannula cord in her hands. The oxygen sputtered in response, making Penelope jerk out of her thoughts.
No, save your air. You don’t need it now. She tried to convince herself. She distracted herself by taking her backpack off to turn off her oxygen tank to preserve some air for when she became desperate.
The feeling of natural air hit Penelope’s nose as she staggered with her heavy backpack still on. She kept her cannula cord still on her face to provide some sort of comfort or familiarity to try and ground herself.  
“The fungus still grows underground.” Penelope turns her head to Tess who was explaining the infected to Ellie. She was staring at the infected with a look of wonder and horror written on her features. Unlike Penelope, Ellie yearned to learn more about the infected. They didn't teach you this kind of stuff back in the QZ. “Long fibers like wires–some of them stretching over a mile. When you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, then you can wake–” She paused. “A dozen infected from somewhere else. Now they know where you are…Now they come. You're not immune from being ripped apart.” Tess says softly, staring intently at Ellie now.
Penelope shifts on her feet, staring anywhere but the infected over the ledge. 
“You understand?” Tess pauses willing Ellie to look at her. “It’s important. I’m trying to keep you alive.”
Penelope’s eyes widen.
Of course. Keep Ellie alive. Ellie’s more important than some girl who can’t even breathe on her own. Alright. Yeah. That’s how it is. Okay, okay. Calm down. It’s nothing personal. Ellie is just more adventurous and unpredictable than I am, I guess. Don’t take this too seriously. Stop. Stop it. Don’t go there. Please–
Penelope glances from side to side. She feels unshed tears prickle in her eyes. She pinches the fatt of her upper arm, trying to distract herself. Stopp itt. It’s alright, don’t cry. She soothes herself.
“So, we’re not going that way.” Ellie sighs. She pushes herself off of the ledge, almost bumping into Penelope.
“Oh sorry, Ellie.” Penelope apologizes. She moves out of the way, smiling sheepishly.
“It’s okay,” Ellie dismissed, smiling back at Penelope. Ellie noticed how Penelope’s nose was unnaturally red, and running a tiny bit. But decided not to say anything. In case Penelope would become embarrassed. 
“No,” Tess replies, bringing the attention back to her.
Ellie looks to Tess for an answer. “What do we do then?” Penelope’s eyes drift to Joel who was staring out into space, resting on the wall. “Short way?” Ellie asks, her eyebrows raising.
“Oh, my god.” Penelope breathes, eyes frantically moving from Tess to Joel. “Please not the short way,”
There's a pause. The wind glides through Penelope’s hair, tickling her cheeks.
“Museum,” Joel speaks, quieting Penelope’s fears that grew in her throat. Penelope exhales, glancing at Joel for a moment.
*        *       *
A brick building comes into view as Penelope follows directly behind Tess. She was on Tess’ tail, not straying from her path. 
It’s safe to say that Penelope was terrified of any little noise, or sudden movement. 
Her hands did not stop trembling as they made their way from the hotel to the museum. Penelope had resorted to stuffing her hands onto the backpack straps, wringing, pulling, and tugging on them to keep her hands busy. Had it been helping? God no. 
Ellie followed a little ways behind Tess and Penelope as they made their way to the museum. Joel bringing up the rear as he usually does. However, he was significantly farther behind, his eyes watching everything.
Had it made Penelope feel safer? She didn’t know.
All she knew was she was tired of feeling afraid.
It didn't help that it had been significantly harder to breathe with her fractured rib and no oxygen tank. She really regretted trying to find the Fireflies. 
God, why’d I have to be so stupid?
The whole day she had been ignoring the aching pain in her left ankle and her rib, but as she began to become more and more terrified of everything around her, it became harder to ignore the pain.
Her lungs felt like they were being stabbed as she took in deep breaths, held them for five seconds, exhaled for ten, and then breathed in for five. Her own little routine. But she usually had the help of her cannula feeding in the air for her. 
But she didn't know how long the two oxygen tanks would last her.
Penelope was used to picking them up from the QZ hospital. They usually gave her ten for a month. 
But now she has two with her, to last her however long it will take for her to find her parents.
Penelope was brought out of her head as she almost walked into Tess. she stopped before she could, instead moved to stand beside the older woman. 
Ellie approached Penelope’s other side, saying, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Penelope’s eyes widened as she took in the building’s appearance. The door was ajar with cordyceps growing over the doors, walls, and windows. She shuddered violently, her hands quivering even more.
Joel approached the woman, his gun loaded. “Well, there’s a way across from the top floor,” Tess spoke, bouncing on the balls of her feet. 
“Well I guess it’s fine,” Ellie responds, exhaling heavily.
“We used to do this all the time,” Tess reassured Ellie.
Penelope let their conversation drown out as she honed in her focus on Joel who passes by the three girls, setting down his gun. Penelope perked up, now becoming hyperaware of her surroundings.
It’s okay, Joel just put his gun down. There is nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing. Penelope reassured herself, rotating in circles, her eyes frantically looking for any kind of threat.
“It’s bone dry,” Joel spoke, standing up. Penelope had her back to Joel as she watched the other building in fear. Looking for any kind of threat. “Could mean they’re all finally dead in there.” Joel approached Tess, proceeding to stand beside her.
Tess nodded, crouching down, and taking off her backpack. Joel did the same. They looked through their backpacks for gear. Penelope slowly pulled off her hefty backpack, following their lead. She remembered she had shoved her pistol in her father’s coat. She gingerly took it out, afraid to touch it.
“Oh man,” Ellie muttered. Joel glanced over to Ellie who was standing in front of Penelope.
“Marlene pack you one of these? Or just sandwiches.” Joel motioned to his flashlight.
“Yeah.” Ellie moved quickly to grab her own flashlight. Penelope doing the same.
“Um, Tess?” Penelope spoke quietly as she and Joel stood up with their flashlights and guns in their hands. Tess glanced over to Penelope. Then did a double take.
“Where’d you get that?” Tess asked, confusion laced in her voice.
Penelope sweat, her hands shaking violently with the gun in her right hand–not being held correctly–and her flashlight in her off-hand. “I, uh–my parent’s apartment. I have no idea how to use it–” Her voice was meek, as she held it out, like she was afraid to be toughing it.
Tess sighed. “Are you right-handed?” She asked.
“Mhm–” Penelope nodded, glancing from her gun to Tess. “I uh, I don’t want to use it?” Penelope questioned, unsure what to say.
“I’ll take it!” Ellie says quickly, raising her hand.
Joel instantly reacted. “No.” he moved towards Penelope, gingerly taking the gun out of her hand. “You don’t have to.”
Penelope nods weakly, her face pale. “O-okay,” she said weakly.
Tess eyes Joel’s encounter with Penelope. She brushes it off, speaking quickly.
“Okay. So, more ground rules.” She addresses Penelope and Ellie this time. Not just specifically Ellie. “We’re gonna go slowly. If we come up against anything, you get behind us and ya stay there, okay?”
Penelope nods wordlessly, already inching closer to Tess. 
“Yes,” Ellie replies quickly, nodding her head and fixing her backpack straps.
Penelope watches from the corner of her eyes as Tess herself pulls out her own gun, holding it in her hands with the grip of an expert. She crosses her hands, her flashlight under her gun, readying to approach whatever may be in the building. Penelope shudders, griping onto her own flashlight tighter.
“I have a spare hand,” Ellie speaks up, looking at Tess’ gun.
Joel and Tess look at her. Penelope glances from the door to the trio.
“Congratulations,” Joel speaks. 
He approaches the door first, breaking away from Tess’ side. His boots thud against the concrete floor, stepping over the deadly fungus. He holds his gun up at the ready, pushing it between the door before he goes in himself. He peaks in, bending at his waist.
Penelope stands awkwardly, anticipation crawling at her throat. She itches her cannula on her face, yearning for air as her lungs ache with each breath. But she knows that it’ll be too loud if they want to be quiet. They don’t want to make any noise. If Penelope had her oxygen on, it would bring whatever was in there right to them. Right to her, specifically. So she fought the urge for her oxygen, instead forcing herself to painfully breathe in the fresh air.
Joel turns to look at Tess, nodding his head.
Penelope and Ellie turn on their flashlights, looking at Tess. She nods her head.
The group of four enters the building, silently.
Penelope walks slowly, slightly behind Ellie. Tess brings up the rear behind Ellie.
Penelope notices that the roles of Tess and Joel have switched. Instead of Joel watching the rear, it’s Tess this time. But Penelope isn’t bothered by this switch. 
Penelope walks through the building, gingerly. She swivels in circles, moving her flashlight over the fungus coating the room. There are old displays of maps and paperwork. The glass was covered in dust and particles. She swipes her hand over a display of a map, hovering her flashlight over it.
She grows bored of the hard-to-read cursive. She moves on and follows Joel.
Joel walks forward, positioning his gun to follow the fungus over the walls. His eyes moved around the room to asset where they should go. Penelope wrings her fingers over her flashlight as they still tremble.
There’s a figure covered in fungus. Penelope’s eyes widen as she follows Joel. She inhales, trying not to make a noise.
“Yeah. Cooked.” Joel calls out.
Tess hums, “Oh, finally some fuckin’ luck.” Tess comes to stand behind Ellie and Penelope.
“I guess we should've gone this way in the first place,” Joel responds.
Penelope can’t tear her eyes away from the dead body. It’s like she’s hypnotized by the sight before her. She hears Ellie move from her side, letting out, “Oh, Shit!”
Penelope freezes as Joel quickly moves to Ellie, aiming his gun. Tess moves to stand in front of Penelope, ready for anything. Tess slowly approaches Joel and Ellie, Penelope numbly following her.
Penelope’s breath hitches as she takes in the sight before her. It’s a person, covered in crimson blood with claw marks on its head. She gags, looking away, her eyes screwed shut.
“What the fuck did that?” Ellie asks. There's silence as Tess and Joel share a look. “Maybe…maybe he was attacked outside, and crawled through the doors.” Tess tries to reason. Her voice was a whisper. “The door was open. Could’ve been him. I don’t hear anything.”
Ellie looks at both adults, confused. “What would you hear?” She asks a little loudly.
Tess and Joel look at Ellie in alarm. Joel holds out his hand, motioning for her to be quiet. Penelope tears her eyes away from the adults, looking frantically around the room in alarm.
“What would you hear?” Penelope asks now, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Are you saying infected did that?” Ellie asks her voice a whisper too.
“Shh.” Tess scolds.
“Because I've been attacked by one and it wasn't like that.” Ellie points, turning to the dead body behind her.
There’s a pause as Ellie stares intently at the dead body. Penelope positioned herself so she wasn’t able to look at the dead body, already terrified as it is.
“Okay, from this point forward, we are silent. Not quite. Silent.” Joel addresses Ellie and Penelope.
“No. No questions.” Joel cuts Ellie off. “Just do it.” 
Joel moves past Penelope hallway moving to climb up the stairs, leading the way. Penelope reluctantly follows after Joel, not wanting to be left behind in this strange place. She watched where she was stepping, avoiding the long strings of fungus on the floor. 
The quartet moves up the staircase, moving at an agonizing pace. At least they were being mindful of where they stepped. 
As Joel walked gingerly up the steps, the building let out a creak. Penelope instinctively closer to Joel–involuntarily. Joel paused, looking up at the ceiling. Penelope slowly craned her neck to the ceiling, following Joel’s movements. She squinted her eyes as the building creaked, some dust falling. The quartet paused, waiting for something to happen. Penelope’s nose itched. She moved her cannula on her face, a force of habit when she grew nervous or scared. She turned her head behind her to see Ellie staring at the ground, and Tess staring right at Joel. after they shared a look, Joel continued leading Penelope and Ellie up the stairs.
As they rounded the corner of the staircase, Penelope noticed something in the fungus.
She paused in horror, Ellie bumping into her. Penelope jerked, turning to Ellie, her eyes wide, eyebrows raised. She didn’t dare speak, instead turn back swiftly, continuing to walk. 
The staircase was covered in fungus, only certain parts of the stairs were not as covered, making it difficult to avoid stepping on it. Penelope moved, copying Joel’s footsteps, trying to avoid the fungus. She was gripping tightly her backpack steps, her flashlight in her right hand–still on–casting shadows all around the floor. Her hands trembled with each movement. She wanted to reach out to use the railing to try to steady herself, but she decided against it. 
Penelope froze as she heard a hollow crunch come from behind her. 
Ellie paused, looking at her feet. Joel looked over to Ellie who was behind Penelope, his flashlight directed at the noise. Joel sighed. He swiftly turned around after giving Ellie a look. He positioned his gun on the landing, the flashlight lighting up the area. Once Joel was sure he saw nothing, he continued forward. Walking back up the stairs, Penelope tried to not step on anything.
The floorboards creaked as four sets of feet walked over the old and withering staircase. Penelope closed her eyes as she noticed a girl laying on the stairs. Her body was covered in fungus, her torso cut off from the rest of her body. She quickly moved to follow Joel up the stairs.
Penelope lingers back as Joel approaches the closed door on the balcony. He creeps in, looking left to right before entering the room completely. He glances back, signaling the room was clear. Penelope quickly walks towards Joel, right on his heel.
The two walk into the room slowly, accessing the room. 
Penelope swivels around hearing a violent creak as Ellie and Tess stand on the threshold of the doorway. She watches as Tess and Ellie dive into the room, planks of wood and rubble falling down violently. She jumps at the noise, backing into Joel. She looks up frantically at Joel, her eyes wide. He holds up his gun aiming at the noise but glances down at Penelope. She can feel her face growing red in embarrassment. 
Ellie and Tess stand up, Joel moving to help Ellie up, and Penelope gingerly holding out a hand to Tess with a small smile on her face. Tess ignores her but gives her a smile nonetheless. Penelope is standing in between Tess and Ellie as there is a strange gurgling noise that comes from the hallway to their left.
Tess and Joel react quickly, aiming their guns at the source. 
Penelope’s eyes widen as she pinches her arm to ground herself.
It’s alright. Don’t freak out. We’re going to be okay. She tries to convince herself. The noise continues as the quartet stands there. Ellie and Penelope inhale quickly, sharing a look. Ellie looks quickly at Joel, while Penelope screws her eyes shut, reaching for Ellie’s hand. 
With her eyes still shut, she follows Ellie’s movements as Joel and Tess move to stand in front of the two girls. Tess backs up, making Ellie and Penelope back up in response. Penelope opens one eye, clutching onto Ellie for dear life. She ran her fingers over Ellie’s sweatshirt to remind herself that she is okay. She moves backward with Ellie as Joel and Tess stand at the ready. Joel doesn’t look away from the noise, his gun and flashlight are still aimed at the noise.
The younger girls breathing become more frantic as the creature stumbles into the room, its strange head moving side to side, flicking its tongue. Penelope inhales, her eyes wide. Her eyes follow its body as it emerges from the hallway. Only for her to swivel to her right as another creature clicks in response. Joel and Tess do the same, their guns aimed at the noise. 
Penelope’s grip on Ellie’s arm does not leave, if anything, her grip tightens as she inhales. She glances at Ellie with a look of terror, only for Ellie to not look at her in response. She is too busy watching the hallway to be bothered by Peneloep’s grip on her arm. She doesn’t mind, it grounds her too.
Tess and Joel backed up more into the two girls. 
Penelope and Ellie’s bodies come in contact with a glass case. Penelope flinches at the cold contact, staring at Joel in fear. He stands directly to her right, with Tess standing at Ellie’s left. 
The group was stuck there. Two clickers–that they know of–surround them. Ellie turns her head from left to right, looking for a way out. Penelope just closes her eyes, wishing they would disappear. Penelope flinches as the creature behind her lets out a roar. She lets her free hand come into contact with Joel’s coat. As she feels his coat arm, her eyes fly open. She looks at Joel, her face blotchy. 
Joel just looks at her, bringing his free hand up to his mouth to Penelope and Ellie to be quiet. She nods her head, dumbfounded. Penelope turns to Ellie. She wraps her arm around Ellie’s arm and hides her face in their arms. She does not care about how stupid and scared it makes her look. She’s a terrified child for god’s sake. Who cares about trying to look tough in front of the adults?
Penelope heard the creature walk, its boots crunching over the floor. She didn't move in Ellie and her arms, instead, she closed her eyes harder and pushed her head deeper into their arms. It stopped a moment, before turning towards the group and roaring. 
Penelope shrieked into Ellie’s arms, as she heard Joel react quickly. She jerked out of Ellie’s arms as she was pulled by the other girl away from the commotion. Joel let out a yell, firing his gun at the infected. Penelope turned her head to watch Joel fend off the infected. Tess stood in front of Ellie and Penelope as the second infected came running out of nowhere. She aimed her gun at the infected, firing bullets at it.
Tess pulled Ellie, Penelopoe still clinging onto her arm. Her lungs ached, as the was pulled into another room away from the commotion. They ran through the hallways, rounding a corner and ending up right where Joel was fighting the infected. Peneloep’s eyes widened as she watched Joel fall to the ground. She continued running, turning around to see the incited right behind her. She inhaled and pushed her legs to go quicker.
Penelope was slow to react as Tess knocked into a display, falling to the ground. Penelope and Ellie fell all the same. Penelope landed on the ground with a thump, her arm entangled with Ellie’s.
Ellie reacted quickly as the infected rounded the corner. She pulled Penelope with her, crawling on all fours, Tess getting up swiftly and firing her pistol at the Infected. The two girls panted as they crawled under furniture. Penelope’s lungs were working overtime as she tried to breathe in and out steadily. 
Still crawling under furniture, Penelope heard a crash. She was going to yelp before Ellie’s hand came over her mouth. Penelope had tears in her eyes, as she looked at Ellie. Ellie shook her head.
It was quiet for a moment. There was no noise of struggling, only the noise of the clickers. Penelope and Ellie ended up leaning against a table. It was too dark to make out anything in the room. Penelope had dropped her flashlight sometime ago in the frenzy. Ellie still had her hand over Penelope’s mouth as Penelope’s breathing grew deeper.
She could feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen. It didn't help that she was worked up, and still trembling. 
Ellie looked to the side to see Joel approaching them.
A wave of relief came over Penelope as she squeezed her eyes shut. She opened her eyes as Joel motioned for them to move. Ellie nodded, pulling Penelope with her. They crawled slowly around the display. Penelope looked behind her, hearing the godforsaken clicker make its noise. There was a crunch coming from where Joel was standing, and the trio paused. It wasn't particularly loud, but any noise could draw attention to them.
There was a pause. Penelope looked at Joel only to let out a scream as the infected lunged over the display full force. The infected lunged at Joel, knocking over Ellie who was gripping onto Penelope. The trio fell to the ground, the infected on top of the three. 
The weight on top of them was excruciating. Ellie was on top of Penelope. She whimpered at the contact, thrashing as the infected rared in Ellie’s face. Joel pulled the infected’s body to him, firing two times. It roared and withered in agony as the weight on top of the three was gone. Joel kicked its body away.
Ellie pulled a frozen Penelope back, kicking her legs to stand up. She brought Penelope into a standing position too, as Penelope heaved and rested her body weight on Ellie. Joel stood in front of the two girls as the infected advanced once again toward them. He fired four times at its head, effectively rendering the creature dead. It lay limp at Joel’s feet. 
Just as Penelope thought it was over, another infected came thundering towards them. Ellie whimpered, Penelope, let out a sob. She felt coarse hands grip her shoulders as Joel used his body to shield her and Ellie.
As the infected came closer, Tess came to its right. She struck at the infected catching it off guard. With her movements, Tess let out a grunt. The Infected let out a screech at the impact, turning to Tess. it swiveled around, with an axe through its head. 
Joel let go of Penelope’s arms and moved to pick up his rifle quickly. He aimed his gun at the infected’s head and fired once. It jerked with the impact, advancing on Joel. He fired again, the infected crumbled to the ground with a weak cry of agony.
Penelope was panting heavily, not able to get air in her lungs. Her hands were trembling as she reached for Ellie’s hand. She looked over to Ellie with tears down her cheeks.
“Oh my god,” Penelope breathed out, wheezing as she tried to speak.
Ellie guided Penelope over the dead bodies. Penelope’s eyes looked over to Tess who was crouching down on the floor. Tess stood up gingerly making her way to the trio. 
“You alright?” Joel asks Tess.
“Twisted ankle, but…yeah,” Tess responds standing next to Ellie and Penelope. 
Tess addresses Ellie now. “You alright?”
Ellie looks at the two bodies, then back at Penelope. “Well, I didn’t shit my pants, so.” Ellie glances down at her intertwined hand with Penelopes. She gingerly pulls it from Penelope’s grasp to move her sleeve. She reveals a new bite mark on her skin and swears. “You fucking kidding me?”
Ellie looks around at the two adults. “I mean, if it was gonna happen to one of us.”
Tess glances at Penelope who looks as white as a ghost. There was no color on her face, and she was trembling. “Penelope, are you okay?” Tess gingerly asks.
Penelope looks at Tess her eyes wide. “Mhm.” was all Penelope could muster. She dissolved into a fit of coughs, leaning into Ellie.
“Hey, let's get the fuck outta here.” Tess motions to Penelope, worried for her.
The quartet approaches a window. Joel opens it up, being the first to emerge from the building. Penelope follows closely behind him, wanting nothing more than to get out of this godforsaken place. Her lungs were burning for air. She couldn't breathe properly at the moment, too worked up. Ellie follows closely behind Penelope, Tess being the last one to emerge from the building.
Penelope quickly sat down a little ways away from Joel and Tess. She fumbled with her backpack zipper.
“Put this on your arm.” Joel quickly pulls out a rag for Ellie.
“Thanks.” She replies making her way to Penelope.
Penelope plops on the roof, crumbing into a sitting position. She was breathing quickly, her chest heaving. She pulled her oxygen tank out of her bag quickly. She fumbled with the knob of the tank to turn it on. She forgot how tightly she twisted it. Ellie was standing beside her, looking at the scenery around.
Joel and Tess were talking amongst themselves, leaving Penelope and Ellie to themselves too.
Penelope nudges Ellie’s leg weakly. Ellie looks at Penelope. Penelope motions to her oxygen tank and Ellie quickly nods. She twists the know lose hearing a puff of air comes out. Penelope sighs a little, finally able to get some more air in her lungs. She rests her head back on her backpack, clutching tightly onto her oxygen tank.
Once Ellie is sure that Penelope is all situated, she pulls her friend up.
“Are you all good now?” Ellie asks.
Penelope smiles wiping her face of her dried tears. “Yeah. I am.” Penelope replies shakily. She pulls her backpack back on, making her way over to the plank.
“Ove there?” Ellie calls to Joel.
“Yeah, I know. It looks scary.” Joel tries to say. But Ellie cuts him off. 
“That was scary. This is wood,” she says as she advances across the plank. 
Penelope on the other hand is a little hesitant. She braces herself, breathing in and out with the help of her oxygen. She quickly follows in Ellie’s footsteps reaching the other side.
Once Penelope reaches Ellie, she hears Joel speak. “Just wait there. Give us a minute.”
“Okay,” Penelope answers for Ellie as she turns around to him. She gives him a thumbs up.
Penelope wanders around the platform. Ellie doing the same. It’s quiet between the two. They were too caught up in thinking about what had just happened moments ago. Penelope was still jittery and jumpy. 
“So…” Ellie broke the silence, glancing at Penelope.
Penelope glanced at Ellie as she sat down on the ledge. “So?”
“So, can I call you Penny?” Ellie asks Penelope. Penelope pauses.
She’s never had a friend. Or been given a nickname from a friend. Well, that she can remember. Her father used to call her Pen Pen and Pipi. but those were just from her father. Her mother used to call her ‘Love Bug’. And that was it. Penelope never had any friends growing up. So it was weird for her to be given a nickname. 
“Sure?” Penelope hesitantly replied, her voice displaying how unsure she was. Ellie smiled broadly.
“Ohh sweet! Okay then, Penny.” Ellie bumps Penelope’s shoulder. She wraps the cloth that Joel gave her quite terribly.
Penelope notices this. “Here, let me wrap it for you.” Penelope offers. Her hands were not shaking as much, but she still proceed to wrap Ellie’s arm for her. Once she’s finished, Penelope looks up to see Joel coming across the planks of wood.
She weakly gives him a smile, waving her hand. “Hi,” Penelope says as he walks past the two girls. He nods at her.
Ellie moves from Peneloep’s side with her arm neatly wrapped. She looked out to the scenery, the sun peaking out covering Ellie’s face. Joel approaches Ellie, standing beside her. Penelope heaves herself off her seat making her way to stand beside Ellie. 
“Is it everything you hoped for?” Joel asked Ellie staring out at the buildings covered in leaves and greenery.
Ellie pierces her lips before responding. “Jury’s still out. But, man, you can’t deny that view.” 
Penelope hums in agreement, her eyes fixated on the abandoned buildings. There was a comfortable silence between the three as they all stared contently at the view. Penelope heard Tess’ quick strides come from behind her as she said, “C’mon, let's get there before it’s dark.”
Tess quickly climbed down the ladder next to Penelope, grunting as she used her sprained ankle.
Penelope quickly follows after Tess, not wanting to get on her nerves. As she climbed down the ladder, she glanced at Ellie who waited patiently to go down.
*        *       *
Penelope walks beside Tess, stepping over the crunchy leaves. 
Her hands stopped trembling as she saw no threat around her. And besides, after the whole fiasco meer minutes before, she feels a lot safer around Tess and Joel.
Penelope tried to make conversation with Tess, like; “So, when was the last time you were out here?” or, “Do you like going on these types of ‘adventures’?” and “How many times have you been out of the Boston QZ?”. Tess had just replied quickly, not going into depth answering Peneloep’s questions.
After Penelope’s third attempt at making conversation, Penelope gave up. She just gave Tess a kind smile, lingering back. She understood that the older women wanted to be alone. As soon as Penelope lingered back, Tess quickened her pace considerably. She walked in long strides.
Penelope then approached Ellie’s side, smiling at the other girl. 
Joel was still at the back of the group, on guard.
The two girls didn't speak.
There was nothing to say. They were going their separate ways once they reached the state house.
Penelope was going to find her parents, while Joel and Tess went back to the QZ to get their part of the deal. Granted, Ellie and Penelope would be staying with Ellie and the Fireflies, but Penelope did not want to admit that she was growing a little attached to Tess. Tess was a lot kinder and more understanding than Joel was. 
The group approaches the statehouse with the sun high in the sky.
They were crouched, hiding behind something called a punch buggy. Penelope liked the look of the car and asked Joel what it was called. If they were at different times, Penelope would love to have a yellow Punch Buggy like this one.
Joel was in front of Tess, Penelope was directly behind Tess, and Ellie was behind Penelope. They were currently peaking over the car, not seeing any Fireflies in or around the Statehouse.
“Where the fuck are they?” Tess voiced, addressing Joel.
Joel shook his head, looking back to Tess. he swiftly stood up, his boots thudding softly on the ground. He approached the abandoned car, opening the door. When the door opened, there was no one. He still had his gun held up, as he turned to the group. “Stay back.” He whispered.
Penelope watched as Joel’s figure disappeared around the big blue truck. She flinched as she header the creak as Joel opened up the back of the truck. He stood there for a moment.
“Joel?” Tess called her voice now at regular volume. 
She led Penelope and Ellie to where Joel was, seeing no signs of threats around.
Penelope felt her stomach churn with anxiety as she realized that there was no one there. That must mean her parents aren’t here like Marlene said.
Penelope wrung her hands as she stood behind Joel and Tess. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Tess said finally.
“I don’t know.”
Penelope glanced over to Ellie to see she was looking at something on the ground. She approached her friend, standing beside her. She gasped as she noticed there was crimson on the staircase, creating a trail to the doors.
“They went inside,” Ellie said, catching Joel and Tess’ attention. They turned around seeing the same as Ellie and Penelope. Tess quickly walked to Ellie, gripping her forearm. 
She pulled Ellie up the steps, muttering, “Come on.”
Joel stood there a moment. Penelope too. She was confused. “Tess.” Joel tried, but Tess continued up the stairs. 
“Come on!” Tess repeated again, dragging Ellie up the stairs.
“Tess!” Joel called out harshly, standing at the end of the stairs where Penelope was standing. Penelope saw Ellie turn around with a look of fear and confusion written on her face. Penelope hesitated. Then she moved to follow Tess and Ellie up the stairs. A lot more slowly than Tess and Ellie. 
Tess pushed open the door with her gun held up. She was moving urgently. She pushed Ellie in front of her, to which Ellie glanced back with a questioning look.
Penelope quickly caught the door before it could close on her, opening it more for Joel to come in too. Penelope and Joel followed Tess’ urgent movements as Ellie walked through the room. 
The smell of copper reached Penelope’s noes. In response, she involuntarily scrunched up her nose in disgust at the smell. Penelope almost walked into Ellie as Ellie stopped to look at something. Penelope gasped as she saw bodies covered in splatters of crimson, scattered across the floor. 
“Holy shit.” Ellie breathed out.
Penelope clutched nervously onto Ellie’s arm, her knees growing weak at the gore before her.
Ellie swiveled to look around, causing Penelope to move with her movements. Penelope’s stomach churned with queasiness as she said, “I think I might become sick,” She held a hand over her mouth. Ellie let out a nervous laugh at Penelope’s statement.
Oh my god. Penelope thought. What if my parents are here? Oh my god. Oh. my. God! Ohmygod!
Penelope pried her fingers off of Ellie’s arm, frantically approaching one of the bodies. She fumbled for her picture of herself and her parents, pulling it out of her backpack. “Oh, my god.” She muttered over and over again.
She crouched down to the first person’s body that was closest to her and nudged them onto their back. 
“Hey!” Joel called.
Penelope ignored him, simply muttering, “Please no, please,” 
Her hair was falling out of her braid, as it covered her face. She groaned with annoyance, pushing it aside. She studied the person’s face, hoping it wasn't her mother's or father’s body. But it was too hard to tell, their face was absolutely destroyed. 
“Penelope,” Joel approached Penelope’s hunched body. “They might be infected. Get away from ‘em.” Joel put a hand on Penelope’s shoulder. She jerked at the contact, swiveling around on her feet.
“No.” She spoke. “They might be my parents.” Was all she said.
She broke away from Joel’s contact, moving to another corpse. Her hands were trembling as she held her picture in her hand. Penelope’s breathing was erratic, she heaved in air, clutching onto her chest. Before she could reach another corpse, Joel stepped in her path.
“Look, I don’t think your parents were here.” Joel tried. His voice was quiet as he tried to calm Penelope down.
Penelope shook her head. “I talked with my mom. O-on the walkie talkie. She was fighting something–” Penelope started to hyperventilate.
Ellie noticed this and made her way to Penelope and Joel. 
“Here. Let me take the picture. I can see if they were here.” Ellie speaks softly, gingerly taking the picture out of Penelope’s hands. Penelope nods numbly. Joel watches Ellie and Penelope’s encounter, not saying a word. 
As Ellie moves to each body studying them, Tess speaks up. “I mean, there's gotta be a, a fuckin' radio or somethin', right?” Tess turns in circles looking at all the supplies around in big boxes.
Ellie tried to distract Penelope by saying, “Who killed them? FEDRA?”
“No,” Joel responds, approaching the body Ellie was comparing the pictures to. He turned the body over with his foot. “One of them got bit. The healthy ones fought the sick ones. Everyone lost.” he turned around to where Tess was. “Tess? What’re you doin’?”
Tess quickly approaches Joel and Ellie. Penelope wrung her fingers, standing in the center of the room. Her eyes were clouded over as her mind was racing. “Where did Marlene say that she was taking you?” Tess spoke with urgency.
When Elie didn't respond, Tess called out her name. “Ellie!”
“Uh, I don’t know. Just west.” 
Ellie quickly looked up at the woman who was becoming frantic. Penelope eyes Tess as she tried to calm herself down.
“Just west,” Tess muttered, walking towards Penelope who stood anxiously in the middle of the room. “Fuck. Okay.”
Tess bent down to the body next to Penelope, “Well, I mean, one of them’s gotta have a map on them, right?” she felt the body quickly. “Joel, can ya help me?” Tess shouted at the man.
Penelope flinched at her voice, slowly backing up. Ellie came to stand next to Penelope, gingerly handing Penelope her picture. She shook her head with a small smile, and instantly Penelope felt relieved. She mouthed a thank you to her new friend, pocketing the picture.
“No!” Joel spoke defiantly. He was standing to the side, his mind already made up. “Tess…It’s over.”
Joel moved to approach Tess who was growing frantic. “We are going home.”
“That’s not my fucking home!” Tess replied angrily. 
Penelope and Ellie shared a look, backing off from the adults. Clearly, they were having a moment. There was silence as Joel looked at Tess.
Tess stands up, a lot calmer now. “I’m stayin’. I mean…our luck had to run out sooner than later.”
Penelope’s eyes widen in realization. “Oh my god,” She breathed out.
“Fuck.” Ellie realized too. “She’s infected.”
Joel looked from the two young girls to Tess. he had a grimace on his face. 
“Show me,” Joel said lowly.
Tess tried to step forward, “Joel,”
Joel quickly stepped back, almost reaching for his gun. He had a stony look on his face as he raised his chin in defiance.
Tess swallowed hard. She pulled the collar of her shirt and coat away from her collarbone, showing a clearly infected bite mark. Penelope made a strangled noise as she saw the mark.
No, it can’t be. Tess can’t be. She can’t–
“Oops, right?” Tess’ voice was quiet as she spoke. She let Joel look at her mark for a moment, letting reality sink in. She yanks her clothes back onto her body angrily. Penelope wipes at her stray tears as she tries to keep her composure.
I don’t want Tess to go. Please, not Tess.
“Take your bandage off.” Tess addresses Ellie. 
Ellie complies hesitantly. She rips the neat fabric off of her arm as Tess walks closer to Ellie and Penelope. Penelope shifts a little, involuntarily. 
“Look. Joel?” Tess speaks, holding Ellie’s arm out for display. “This is real. Joel’ she’s fucking real.” Tess holds Ellie’s arm out, her hands trembling. 
“I need you to get them to Bill and Frank’s–”
“No.” Joel mutters, shaking his head.
“They’ll take them off your hands–”
“ No .”
“They’ll handle it from here.” Tess’ voice cracks as she speaks.
“No, no, no, I can’t . They won’t take them.” he repeats, shaking his head violently. “They’re not gonna take her.”
“They will. They will.” Tess nods her head. “'Cause you’ll convince them.”
Penelope and Ellie stay silent.
“Yes, you will. I, I never ask you for anything–”
“Not to feel the way I felt.” Tess tries to continue, ignoring Joel. “Not to...Shut the fuck up 'cause I don't have time.”
Joel stares at Tess with a look of hurt across his features.
Penelope was crying silently now. Her tears were flowing down her face as she tied not to make a noise. 
“This is your chance. You get them there…you keep them alive…” Her voice breaks with emotion. “And you set everything right. All the shit we did.”
Joel shakes his head softly, not accepting the situation at hand.
Penelope reaches for Ellie’s hand, needing something to ground her.
“Please say yes, Joel. Please.”
Joel says noting.
There’s a growle behind Penelope and Ellie. “Oh fuck!” Penelope shrieks, pulling Ellie–this time–towards Joel. the infected reaches for Ellie’s leg, but Joel walks forward cocking his gun and firing at it. He fires once, putting it out of its misery.
There’s a silence as the ring of the gun lingers in the building. Joel stands over the dead infected.
Low growls and intakes of air are heard throughout the building. Joel swiftly moves from the dead infected to see how many there are. Penelope and Ellie inch away from the door, deeper into the building in fear.
“How many?” 
“All of them,” Joel responds. He moves past Ellie and Penelope. “Maybe a minute.”
Tess reacts quickly, picking up a rifle. She knocks it on a barrel and dumps the contents on the ground.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asks.
“Making sure that they don’t follow you.”
Tess does the same to another one, right next to Penelope. She moves out of the way quickly and stands beside Ellie once more.
Penelope watches with concern as Tess picks up a box of small bombs and tosses them on the floor. One of them rolls to Penelope and Ellie. Ellie picks the object up, only to toss it somewhere else in the room.
“Joel…” Tess stands in front of Joel, breathing heavily. “Save who you can save.” She whispers.
They stand there for a moment, staring at each other. Penelope rubs her eyes. She wanted to give Tess a hug before they left. As she moved from Ellie’s side, Joel quickly gripped her wrist. “ Hey !” Penelope gasps, she tries to jerk her arm out of his grip.
Joel moves to do the same to Ellie with his other free hand. “No!” Ellie demands.
“I wanted to say goodbye to her!” Penelope tries to reason as Joel drags her and Ellie out of the building.
“We’re not leaving her!” Ellie resorts to hitting Joel’s arm as Joel drags Ellie, Penelope stumbling behind still in Joel’s grasp. 
“Tess!” Penelope swivels around with some difficulty. “No!”
“Get off of me, you fucker!” Ellie screeches, clawing at Joel’s grip. “I’m not going with you!”
Penelope stumbles. She’s crying freely now. Joel’s grip on her wrist makes her pull harder on her arm. She tries to keep up with his long strides. Even as Ellie is pulling and digging her feet into the ground, Joel is still pretty quick at dragging the two girls out. 
Joel shoulders the door open with the two girls in his grip. He shoves Ellie out first, and Penelope right after. The door closes with a thud. Ellie jumps to the door, trying to pry at it.
“Penny! Help me get the door!” Ellie calls behind her.
Joel quickly latches onto Ellie’s wrist once again, dragging her through the path. Penelope quickly follows behind not wanting to be left behind. Joel runs down through the grass, leading the way. He didn't let go of Ellie this time. He knew Penelope would follow him, so he didn't bother to hold onto her wrist.
There was a crash as the windows of the building exploded. Joel pulled Ellie into him, clutching behind him for Penelope’s backpack. He shielded the girls as the explosion went off. Penelope tried not to shriek as she squeezed Joel’s hand.
Joel quickly turned around. Penelope let go of his calloused hand as he aimed his rifle at the building.
Penelope and Ellie were breathing heavily as they watched the building go up in flames. There were cries of agony coming from inside the building. It died down instantly, and Penelope looked at Ellie.
She wrapped her hand around Ellie’s, trying to comfort herself or Ellie. She didn’t know. All she knew was that she wanted to cry so hard. Ellie and Penelope watched the building for a moment as Joel turned around, with a look of pain on his face. 
Penelope turned her head, watching Joel’s body walk down the hill.
The grass reached Penelope’s knees as they stood. Penelope turned around as Ellie did the same.
Ellie had unshed tears in her eyes. Penelope on the other hand had some stray tears coming down her face. Penelope and Elie stood there, their minds reeling. The wind blew in the girl's hair as the fire roared behind them.
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