#thought w my experience (dubious) i would be better but sigh. a lot of work to do still. well nowhere to go but up!
sameteeth · 1 year
google search how to deal with roommates
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Reliving An Old Nightmare - Chapter 21
<= Chapter 20
Summary : We get to know more about the origin of the time rift. And maybe another element which is probably irrelevant. Or not. Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22337299/chapters/58602523 VOICE ACTING FOR THIS CHAPTER : https://erekiosuncreativeideas.tumblr.com/post/620755947531517952/voice-acting-by-a-good-friend-of-mine-posted -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
New chapter ! I hope you'll like it ! I'm currently working on the 23rd chapter and I decided to post the 21th chapter, since I think I'll work on it pretty quickly + I already drew 3 pictures for the future chapters. More are to come too !
Thank you so much for your support, it helps me so much !!
Also, yeah, the more I think about it, the more I want to write a sequel, so... Stay tuned :) I have so many ideas and they will all destroy you.
Happy reading !
Chapter 21
Snatcher stared at Vanessa, astonished about what she had just told them. The hatted brat was looking at her with the same expression, perhaps even judgier than his. She couldn’t be serious… Could she? Did she just tell them she had believed a complete stranger and obeyed him without having any doubts about his own intentions?
He had always thought the Queen was naive… But this was not being naive, this was being absolutely stupid!
-“So… You just did what he suggested without thinking that maybe, just maybe, it might be a bad idea?” questioned the ghost, not wanting to believe Vanessa’s claims. But seeing how desperate she had seemed to be after his death, he wasn’t really surprised that she had accepted the first deal that had been offered to her. And, as a master in trickery himself, it was obvious that this “Moonjumper” had wanted something from her, surely using the Queen as a means to get the Time Piece.
But why would he go through the trouble of creating a whole new reality with it? This seemed rather counter-productive…
-“It was stupid, I know!” countered Vanessa, shutting her eyes hard and clenching her fists. Still, even if she had realized how foolish it had been, it was still too late. However, they didn’t have the time to bicker. He would still be able to do so once they were out of this collapsing world. Now, they had to act.
The kid added her own element to the discussion:
-“That guy lied…”
-“Well, no kidding! What was your first clue?” cut short Snatcher in a very sarcastic tone, only to receive a fierce glare from the little girl. Okay, no more interruption, he didn’t want to get hit by her umbrella again, not in this form at least.
-“No, I mean…!” she groaned, frustrated, and turned her head to the Queen: “I know how Time Pieces work. They’re-
-“Time Pieces?” asked Vanessa, apparently oblivious to the kid’s clear dislike of being interrupted. Though, said kid only sighed in defeat. Well, to the woman’s defence, she had no idea how this time stuff worked either. Blaming her would be quite ironic, seeing how Snatcher barely understood it himself. The little girl eventually started to explain the origin of the hourglasses with more details:
-“That hourglass you picked? It’s a Time Piece. It’s a magic artefact used by people like me -I’m from another planet, by the way. My spaceship crashed a few weeks ago. Anyway, they have the power to go back in time if you break them.”
Confusion was clearly visible everywhere on the Queen’s face. Snatcher had never seen her that unsettled by a topic before. If the circumstances were different, it would have been hilarious to him. In any case, her expression wasn’t that surprising, considering her lack of knowledge she had on the subject. Plus, it was a lot to take in. But a particular part of the girl’s explanation caught her attention:
-“Wait, but… He told me that breaking it would make it unusable…” murmured Vanessa softly, as if she couldn’t believe she had been manipulated that easily once again.
-“That’s why I’m saying he lied to you. If you had just broken it yourself, you could have gotten back to the past very easi-”
The shade shot her a powerful dirty look, which instantly silenced the small child. The meaning was clear: “don't give her any more ideas!” and the little girl understood it very well. She stepped away, pretending to look somewhere else with interest, as the adults started to talk again.
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-“We’re not done with this,” he warned Vanessa, before asking her another question about their common enemy: “Anyway, you said he had contacted you while you were sleeping, right?”
His ex nodded and it only confirmed one of Snatcher’s theories. It had emerged in his mind as soon as she had mentioned this detail. He rubbed his chin, thinking about it. He knew he was right about this.
-“Alright, I think I know what happened. I’m pretty sure that guy possessed you in your sleep.”
Being a ghost himself, the shade knew how those things worked. He had already possessed many people in the past and everything just made sense. Vanessa had had colourful and enjoyable dreams, and then had woken up to notes she hadn’t written. But what if she had? What if she had been possessed by that evil spirit who made her write those things in her sleep? He couldn’t see any other explanations. The guy had certainly hidden his presence in her mind by creating perfect dreams so she could remain asleep as long as possible. And after that… An asleep body was just a perfect and docile puppet.
Vanessa gasped in horror as she curled up a little, visibly tensed and ill at ease:
-“W-what?” She shuddered in disgust at the simple thought of it.
Her reaction was a bit surprising to the shade: this scenario made perfect sense to him and the fact that his ex hadn’t even thought about it… Well, it only showed how hopeless she had been. In fact, she had been the perfect target. What could be better to an evil spirit than a helpless victim? The ghost was well placed to know that.
Then again, the big question remained: why? This spirit didn’t even know them! So why would he bother creating a perfect dimension for Vanessa? It certainly wasn’t out of generosity, given the way he had threatened her several times… Why didn’t he take the Time Piece and left with it? Why didn’t he pick up the shards by himself?
This guy had ulterior motives.
-“Uh, guys?” interjected a little voice next to them. Both the spirit and his ex turned towards the hatted girl, who was watching them with worry.
-“What?” replied Snatcher, unhappy to have been interrupted in his inner monologue. He glared once more at the child, yet the expression quickly faded away when he noticed the way she was staring at them. She nervously pointed at him and at Vanessa’s hands as she started to speak again:
-“I think we don’t have much time left,” she noted and continued: “The rift is going to collapse soon.”
Vanessa tilted her head and gave a curious and nervous look to the child:
-“How do you know that?” interrogated the Queen.
The child then explained what she had previously told Snatcher. She detailed how unstable time rifts worked and that the more unstable they got, the weirder the dimension became. She added that an unstable time rift would do anything to protect living beings over unimportant details. And since their bodies were affected…
Snatcher’s experience in the bathroom of the manor came back to his mind: his shadow had had trouble keeping its human form. The kid pointed at Vanessa’s hands and noted that the rift they were in would be collapsing soon, seeing how it was now affecting their appearance. She was still surprised that there hadn’t been many “glitches in reality”, as she had called them. Snatcher was, too, if he had to be honest. For a collapsing dimension, this was… Really calm. And this was starting to get really dubious.
-“Maybe it’s trying to keep us safe,” suggested the kid, staring into space: “I’ve seen that happen before: some places are fine while others are… Very different from what they used to be. I’m sure this room is fine just because we’re in there. The rift is probably trying its best to stabilize the places we’re in, while the rest of the dimension is mostly… Altered.”
The shade pretended to understand and nodded. This was a bit too abstract for him, but he trusted the child when it came to it. Vanessa, on the other hand, seemed very much confused but also very troubled.
-“So… We weren’t human in the first place, were we?” finally wondered the woman. The kid only shook her head in response. A slight form of compassion could be seen on her expression, yet just like the shade, she had too many negative memories regarding the Queen to fully sympathize with her.
Vanessa lowered her head and glanced at her hands sadly:
-“… I see,” she replied simply, though it was easy to see how upset it made her.
The ghost and the hatted kid remained unmoving next to her, not knowing what to say. It took her a few more seconds before she lifted her head back up, rubbing her tears on her wrist. She breathed deeply and finally said she was ready to continue.
The ghost turned to the kid:
-“So: where is the Time Piece, now?” he asked in a serious tone of voice. When she heard his question, the child closed her eyes and started to think. However, when she started to frown, the shade guessed that no matter what she was feeling, it wasn’t good.
-“What’s wrong?” he added, pressing her to answer his question.
-“It’s… Still in the attic, I think? But…”
Snatcher immediately understood why the little girl was confused about the location of the time artefact. Why would this “Moonjumper” keep the precious item in the same place as before? This was stupid!
-“Are you sure it’s not a trap?” he insisted, not liking where this was going at all.
-“I’m sure I feel something in the attic. But, like I said plenty of times before, it’s weird. It might be because of the rift collapsing, though I’m not sure… I’ve been in collapsing timelines before and yet, I never felt my Time Pieces like that.”
The little girl’s statements only made the spirit groan from frustration. This couldn’t be easy, could it? This had to be overcomplicated!
-“Okay, well, if time’s against us, I guess we don’t have many choices.”
The spirit and his ex contractor started to walk towards the cellar door, only to be stopped by Vanessa.
-“Wait! If you go that way, Sime- Moonjumper is going to know. There are guards and servants everywhere, and…” she paused and continued, on a darker tone: “I don’t know how, but he can see through them, I’m sure of it.”
Well, that explained why the guy had found out about their previous plan so easily, if she was right. He had probably seen the scene through one of the guards’ eyes or mind, whatever it was. Then, all he had to do was creep behind them and knock the ghost out.
But things would be different if the timeline was collapsing, right?
-“What does it matter? The kid said that the outside would be safe.”
-“Actually,” interrupted the child: “I didn’t say that. In fact, it’s the contrary.”
The ghost gave her a confused look, which prompted her to elaborate:
-“Well, either the rifts tries to protect us as we move, in which case it will recreate everything around us as it should be, guards and servants included… Either it won’t follow us and will keep maintaining the form of the cellar, only for us to risk falling into the void at one point once we’re outside.”
She took a deep breath and concluded:
-“So, no, we won’t be safe outside,” she stopped and glanced at Vanessa interrogatively: “But it’s not like there’s another way, is it?”
The Queen nodded and smiled a little, pointing to one of the kegs in the room:
-“There is,” she answered, “there’s a secret passageway to the attic from here. It’s right behind that keg over there.”
-“What?!” exclaimed Snatcher, both astonished and angry: “I wasn’t aware of that!”
-“Well,” retorted the woman with a tired tone, “now, you are.”
The ghost’s frustration only intensified. Oh, how lucky they were he didn’t have his powers back yet! However, before he was able to talk back, the little girl interrupted them, placing herself between the two.
-“Can we please focus, here?” she pleaded wearily. The ex-lovers glared at each other but still remained silent. The kid let out a sigh of relief and looked at Vanessa:
-“So, how do we activate the passageway?”
The Queen made a few steps towards the keg and pushed it aside, revealing a hidden trapdoor in the wall, which she opened swiftly. She then wiped her dusty clawed hands on her nightshirt, lifting her head to the other two, who had been expecting something much more… Elaborated than that.
-“Like this!” concluded Vanessa, as she crouched next to the opening. However, when she noticed that Snatcher and the kid hadn’t moved, and were still staring at her, she called them back to reality.
-“Come on, let’s go!” she pressed, clapping her hands softly. The gesture only exacerbated the spirit, who did his best to remain impassive. Oh no, he would not let her see how much she infuriated him. He still very much hated her. Some apologies wouldn’t change that fact. Never.
If they ever got out of this time rift… He still wouldn’t allow her in his part of the forest, certainly not.
The kid was the first one to move towards Vanessa and the shade followed her, crouching as well. The woman then entered the passageway on her knees. The child went after her and Snatcher was the last one to go.
He couldn’t help but have a very, very bad feeling about all of this.
I wonder what will happen next ! We'll find out in the next chapters :)
See you in the meantime, take care !
=> Chapter 22
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fantasticescapism · 5 years
Brothers in Everything but Blood - Chapter 2: Meeting Spider-man
Click here for Chapter 1.
Part 4 of the Never Truly Gone series
Also available at AO3.
Harley’s one time visit turned into an overnight, twice a month thing at Tony’s workshop ever since he met Peter. No complaints there; that only meant more time to play with awesome tech and work on the ASM with him. He liked Peter Parker. It's like having a younger, better behaved brother, unlike his sister and her celebrity obsessions.
Although, Harley had a feeling there’s more to him than a genius fellow intern. At first, he thought it was just the often expected jealousy he should feel when he had to share Tony’s time and attention but, he didn’t feel jealous at all. He’s already an older brother to an excitable little sister so, sharing wasn’t a big deal. In fact lately, he’d been feeling a little protective over his new friend in light of the recent things he observed.
There were times when Peter came in with bruises and Harley’s first reaction was anger. His memories of years being bullied at school - along with the fights he had with her sister’s bullies - were pushed to the forefront of his mind. He confronted Peter about it once but the guy’s adamant the bruises were just him being hopelessly clumsy. Harley doubted it though, the steady way Peter handled the dangerous chemicals at the workshop proved otherwise. No, those bruises were from bullies, or maybe New York’s really as dangerous as most folks back home would say.
Harley asked Tony about it once when it was just the two of them - Peter said he would be late - and all he said was, “He’s just clumsy.” Tony sucks at lying. They’ve known each other for years, he should know he couldn’t lie to Harley.
“Right, and I’m more of a saint than Mother Teresa.” Harley raised an eyebrow at his mentor.
“Kid,” Tony sighed before he faced him, “it’s Peter’s business.”
“You’re not the type that would leave things like this alone, especially if it involves someone you personally know.” He narrowed his eyes.
“I know.” A hesitant pause. “Okay, Peter does have a bully-”
“His school’s in Midtown, right?”
“Whoa, wait.” Tony placed his arm around his shoulders. “Are you really going to his school, potato boy?”
“That reminds me. I can test out my new potato gun.”
“New?!” Tony’s incredulous.
“It’s Mark 10.”
“Harley, you- you have to let Peter handle it.”
“I just,” he huffed, “just really hate bullies.”
“I know.” Tony smiled fondly at him. He seemed to be mulling over something before he spoke again. “Alright, those bruises aren’t from this bully. The dickwad never resort to physical harm so, it’s something else.”
“At home?” He scowled.
“Oh no! Aunt Hottie is scary when mad but he loves Peter with her whole life.”
“Okay then.” He’s still determined to find out what’s going on and it looked like Tony’s aware of that.
“It’s not my story to tell but, maybe in time, you’ll figure it out.” Tony’s eyes sparkled like those times he gave him puzzles, confident that he could solve them. Challenge accepted!
Peter came in later with a busted lip and a sheepish smile. Tony saw him first and he definitely didn’t like what he saw.
“Kid, what the hell?!” Tony blurted out.
“Sorry, sorry. I know I’m late. It won’t ha-”
“That’s not what he meant, dude! What happened to you?” Harley pointed at his friend’s face. Who the hell did that to him?!
“Oh, uuh… I-I bumped into a street lamp.” Peter blushed.
“Really now?” If Tony’s raised eyebrows could reach his hairline, it would.
“Y-yeah.” Peter let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m okay! Just didn’t pay attention.”
“If you say so, here.” Harley sighed and retrieved an ice pack from their mini-fridge and tossed it towards the guy. Harley swore Peter didn’t look at the tossed ice pack. He was about to apologize but Peter effortlessly caught it. It was impressive… and suspicious. “Whoa! Got a sixth sense or somethin’?”
“Just luck! Lucky.” Peter nervously chuckled then gave him a tight-lipped smile. At the corner of his eye, he saw Tony facepalm.
“You got luck in opposite extremes, dude.” Harley laughed when suddenly, he received a notification on his phone. As he pulled it out of his pocket, he absent-mindedly saw Tony walk towards Peter as they conversed in whispers. It was a Twitter notification. His sister often tagged him in memes.
@harhar spidey’s at it again! lmao! you met him yet?
It was a tweet from The Daily Bugle but the source wasn’t important. The picture attached was glorious! it's like the dark clouds parted, a ray of sun bathed him with light and a choir of angels sang Allelujah!
Harley grinned like the devil. This would be fun.
Harley loved the comfortable silence in the workshop once all three started working. They worked together like a well-oiled machine; not much words needed, just looks and signals. This time though, Harley decided to disrupt the flow a bit.
“So Tony, when are you going to introduce me to Spider-man?” Harley almost snorted when he saw Peter freeze in the corner of his eye. Harley feigned ignorance, of course.
“That depends if he’s free. Why the sudden interest?” Harley looked up and saw Tony’s genuine question.
“Well, my little sister Faith - you remember, wanna be an actress, obnoxious - she’s a huge fan. Like real huge. She even got this life-size cut-out of Spider-man and lugged it around at a party back home.” He desperately reined in his amusement when he saw Peter’s red-as-a-tomato face.
“Really?” Tony narrowed his eyes at him.
“Yeah, here.” He pulled out the photo he took of Faith hugging her Spider-man cut-out from his phone and showed it to Tony. “See?”
“Huh.” Tony smirked. Harley then turned the phone to let Peter see too and he wasn’t disappointed at his reaction.
“Where-where did she-where did she get that?” Peter crossed his arms.
“She’s part of this fan club; said she won it at a raffle.” With wide eyes, Peter looked at Tony at the mention of a fan club. “That’s the internet for you. They have fandoms for pretty much anythin’. Did you guys know there are Spider-man fanfiction stories? She told me all about it.” He gave Tony a slight smirk and at that moment, he knew Tony knows he knew. He watched as Tony’s eyes sparkled with mischief for a second before he played along.
“Is that so? Is it as huge as mine’s.”
“Nah, Spidey's new so there's not that many, yet.” Harley saw Peter desperately trying to get back to work and feign nonchalance but his fidgety fingers won’t let him. “I scanned some of them. There’s action, angst, comedy and then, there’s a lot - and I mean a lot - of smut.”
“W-w-what?!” Oh, Peter. Harley’s delighted though.
“Yeah. One time, when I was really concerned, had to make sure Faith's internet searches are PG so I checked out some of the stories. Faith’s only eleven, by the way.”
“Yeah.” Tony said..
“Yeah, so I stumbled into one story about a risqué night between Spidey and this mugging victim he rescued. He was invited to the victim’s house as a thank you. Then he was offered coffee before they both went in the bedroom where they-”
“Mr. Stark," Peter jumped, "I-I-I have to make a call! Have to tell May I’ll be late. She’ll be mad if I don’t, ya know?”
“You can just use FRIDAY, kid.”
“No, it’s cool, cool, cool, cool. I’ll just-I’ll just step out of the workshop for a bit. Be right back.” Peter almost ran out of the workshop; his face in danger of being permanently red. As soon as the door closed behind him, Tony signalled for FRIDAY to soundproof the workshop before they both laughed their asses off.
“Oh god!” Tony wiped the tears off his eyes. “You’re a little shit, Harley!”
“Can’t help it!” Harley wheezed. “Just wanna confirm my suspicions but Peter just made it so easy!”
“How did you find out?” Harley pulled out the photo from the tweet and showed it to Tony. “Oh great, that's gonna trend."
"It is trending. Got it from a Daily Bugle tweet."
"His Spidey sense - he named it - is still evolving. So…" He gestured at the Harley's phone.
"Whoa! So he does have a sixth sense!"
"Among other things. Are you gonna tell him you know?"
"Nah, I'm just gonna see how long I can keep this goin’." Harley grinned.
Apparently, fate decided to speed things along. It was later that day, a few hours before Harley’s supposed to fly back home to Rose Hill, when he told Tony and Peter his plan to go to the city on his own and just experience it all. Oh and, Faith asked for a Spider-man merchandise and apparently, the compound didn’t have a gift shop.
”Seriously? Not even any official Spidey merch?” He was dubious.
”He didn’t accept the Avengers position so, no.” Was that a hint of sadness from Tony? Hmm...
He was tempted to ask Peter where he could buy them but decided to give the guy a break. Instead, he asked FRIDAY and she gave him a list of all possible places, most of them were in Chinatown. So, Chinatown it was. Happy dropped him off at the corner of Broadway and Canal St. with a stern warning.
“Kid, you have an hour. If you’re not in this exact spot later, you find yourself a way to the airport.”
“Awww Happy, your Grumpy is showin’.” He grinned and he earned a glare for that cheek. In true Happy fashion, the tires of the Audi screeched as he drove to get away. Harley chuckled as he walked along Canal St.
New York never failed to fascinate Harley what with all the diverse cultures and personalities he wouldn’t see in Tennessee. There are a lot of bootleg stuff too, perfect for his non-billionaire budget so he thought he could buy a purse for his mom along with the plush Spidey toy for Faith.
It only took him around thirty minutes to buy gifts then food - he got hungry - and walk around Canal St and thought he could go and venture out to smaller streets. Ever since he told his mom about the internship visits to New York, she’d been so worried for him. Can’t blame her though, most stories that came out of New York were of aliens, kidnappings and other crimes. So, before she agreed to the arrangement, she explicitly warned him to be cautious and to not be stupid. Harley knew he was being stupid as soon as he saw three men with baseball bats and metal pipes. They seemed to surround something on the ground and as Harley walked closer, the situation became clearer.
“Just give us the money or else!”
“P-p-please, I-I-I can’t!” A boy cowered in a corner, a backpack in his arms. “It’s m-money for my mom’s m-m-medicine.”
“You think we care ‘bout that?!” The mugger laughed and mocked the boy. “Give us the fucking money or you won’t go back home to your mom!”
Damnit! Harley looked around for something he could use but all he saw was half a brick and a brown broken leg of a table. Well, better than nothin’. He picked up both. He aimed at the leader’s head and threw the brick. Bullseye!The yelp from the guy made Harley smirk.
“Muggin’ a helpless boy,” he tutted, “ya’ll so pathetic.” Harley’s southern accent always got thicker in stressful situations. The guy he threw a brick at growled and stalked towards him.
“Look guys, a country bumpkin!” The others followed suit menacingly.
“Kid,” Harley looked at the cowering boy, “get outta here!” The boy didn’t need telling twice. He stood and ran away from the scene. The muggers continued to walk closer to Harley as they brandished their weapons.
“You shoulda just walked away, southern boy.” Harley clenched his jaw, both hands on the piece of wood he found and braced himself for a fight. One of the guys raised his bat but before he could do more, a web latched on to it and was pulled out of his hands. When the guy looked up, he was webbed and pulled towards the wall where he got stuck.
“What the fuck?!” The other two looked around in fear.
“Hey, guys!” Spider-man landed beside the head mugger then swept the guys leg off the floor. As soon as the guy landed on his ass, Spidey webbed him to the floor. “I’m Spider-man. Nice to meet you!”
Whoa! Harley was amazed! It was one thing to watch Spider-man from potato quality videos and it’s another to see him fight in person. When Spidey successfully webbed up the last guy, Harley just remembered then regretted not pulling out his camera to take a video of it. Damnit! Good job, me.
“Hey, you okay?” Spider-man asked him. Harley looked at the muggers and saw they’re all knocked out. “Are you hurt?”
“No, no, no. I’m good. I’m good. Thanks, Peter. Hoo boy! That was, that was scary! New York, huh?” Harley grinned at Spidey and lightly punched him on the arm but the guy just froze and stared at him, the eyes on his mask were wide open. “What? Whoa!” Spidey suddenly carried him and swung up a building’s empty rooftop.
“Oh my god!” Harley exclaimed as soon as they landed. “That was awesome! So that’s how it felt like! Faith’s not gonna believe this!”
“How did-When did-How-What the-” Spidey seemed like he was about to hyperventilate.
“Ok, calm down. Breathe.” They both took calming breaths and let the adrenaline rush ebb away.
“Did-did Mr. Stark tell you?” Spidey asked as soon as they’re both calm.
“Nah, I figured it out.” He smirked.
“How?” Harley pulled out his phone and showed him the picture from The Daily Bugle tweet. It’s a collage of burst mode photos of Spider-man as he successfully avoided a flying drone but then he swung face first to a street lamp. “Street lamp, huh?” He grinned.
“Wait, that could’ve been just a coincidence.”
“Yeah but your reaction when I told you guys about my sister’s Spidey obsession was hilarious and a dead giveaway. That and the freaky sixth sense you have.” Spidey groaned.
“Are you telling me that-that smut story was real?!”
“Nah, I made that up.” Harley chuckled as the other huffed in relief. Then again, Harley’s a little shit. “But there are Spidey smut fanfics. Loads of them.” He cackled when Spidey groaned.
“Can’t believe this.”
“Oh please, you’re a nerd. You’re in the Star Wars fandom. You should know these things.”
“Yeah but, I’m just-just Spider-man.” He shrugged.
“Hey, you’re doing great things. You save people so of course a lot of them would love you. Just umm,” Harley side hugged Spidey, “if you don’t want to be scarred, don’t google yourself without SafeSearch on.”
“Harley!” He gasped. Harley couldn’t help but let out an evil laugh.
“Come on, that’s solid advice.”
“Oh my god!”
“Ok, seriously, what else can you do? Those webs aren’t organic, right?”
“No, I made them.”
“That explains the huge bottles of chemicals in the workshop.”
“I have umm, enhanced strength, senses, really fast healing and I stick to everything.”
“Everything? Even a sheer surface like glass?”
“Hmm, interesting. Even a non-stick pan?”
“I umm… I actually don’t know. I’ll test it out later.”
“Let me know, okay?” Harley grinned.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Oh, before I forget, do you mind if I take a selfie with you?” Someone in Tennessee’s gonna flip.
“No, it’s okay.” After they took a selfie, Harley sent it over to his sister and, as he expected, he received a Facetime request. “Oh umm. Brace your ears.” He warned before he accepted. A piercing squeal - the pigeons perched at the rooftop flew to get away from the noise - came from Harley’s phone as Faith’s image appeared.
“Hey sis, meet my friend.”
“Hi, Faith!” Spidey waved and Faith let out another squeal. Harley could feel Spidey freeze by his side.
“Jeez Faith, stop screeching! You’re hurting his ears. He’s got enhanced senses.”
“Sorry, sorry…” Faith whispered. “Oh my god, you know my name. Hi Spidey, I love you!” She used her hands to form a heart shape.
“Umm…” Harley could tell he didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Faith...” Harley warned.
“Okay, okay… Sorry. It’s just, I’m a big fan! Hi!”
“Sis, you get one question then Spidey needs to go fight crime and save people, alright?”
“Okay, umm… Do you have a girlfriend?” Harley rolled his eyes. Of all the- He should’ve seen this coming.
“Umm, no. No, I don’t.” Bless his heart. He bravely answered. Faith screamed again.
“Alright, that’s enough. Bye, Faith!”
“No, wait! Wai-” Harley ended the call and sighed.
“Sorry about that.”
“No, no, no, it’s fine.”
“Don’t let that get in your head.”
“No, of course not!”
“Good. Oh, shit!” Harley looked at his watch. “Happy’s gonna kill me.”
“Come on, I’ll get you there faster.” Spidey, with his arm around Harley’s waist, lifted him before he jumped off the building. Harley loved the feeling of swinging. It was like being on a rollercoaster. It gave him an idea though. What if one day he could fly too?
Before going to bed that night, Harley grinned as he received a message from Peter. It’s a photo of a pan stuck on his hand with a message, “Yup, I can.”
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av3da · 6 years
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heyoooooooo! it’s been a few weeks (definitely months) & i kept saying i would write again but i did not yikes. anyways i’ve been reading lately & getting some inspiration so yeah. this is trash cause i’m not good at luke stuff, i did get A LITTLE carried away with this word count wise, trying to make up for how crappy it was. 
i K N O W luke doesn’t have tattoos. but i used that to my advantage for the sake of the story to pretned he had a secret one. which hemight for all we know.
lie to me has been stuck in my head for the majority that i was writing this but it would’ve been ironic if that’s what i titled this imagine so anyways.
1777 words
rumors - jacob whitesides
As a grumble escaped my lips, I threw my arm across my body as to hug the mattress while flipping over to now lay on my stomach, being awakened by the shrill chirps coming from my phone. Slowly coming to the realization of where the sound was coming from, I lifted my arm to touch the cold metal of my phone and glanced it over with tired eyes.
The house was filled with silence, opposed to the noises of mother nature outside my window. The sun shining brightly through the pane was enough to persuade me out of bed as I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep after that. I practically jumped out of bed, not of excitement but because it would be the only way to really wake me up given my tired state.
Slipping my phone into the waistband of my pajama shorts, I grimaced at the feeling of the cold surface touching my skin. I walked out of my room and into the small apartment kitchen to pour myself a glass of water to start the day, then pulling out my phone to read the piling over notifications. I unlocked my phone and opened messages as those notifications were most likely the most important.
emilia: hey babe! keep your chin up! don't believe what everyone is posting!
bianca: you know i support you through everything & it doesn't end here. we know men ain't shit but he is a keeper. don't believe what you're seeing love.
tommy: girl no. this is NOT happening. this is total bullshit. don’t even think for a second that any of this is true. that girl’s story is so fake. she is a SNAKE.
I scrunched my nose up in confusion, snickering at the random messages while sipping my water slowly. I scrolled past a few other threads of group chats with my siblings and sole messages from cousins and other family members I felt close to. They were sending me messages of their concerns and support, and I didn't quite get what was the reason as to why.
my love lucas: babygirllllllll. i am so exhausted but it's 5 in the morning and we have to do some radio interviews for the album. thank you for staying up until we got back to the bus, & for that, i know you won't be awake until the afternoon. BUT I LOVE YOU & THE BOYS ARE YELLING AT ME SO TEXT ME WHEN YOU WAKE UP!!! xoxxoxxo
While my boyfriend's text did put a smile on my face, it put the texts into perspective for me and I already figured out what was going on.
He went to a party last night with his band members and few of the tour crew at a bar, and I had stayed up until three in the morning despite the fact that I was working all day just to make sure he made it back safe. I trusted him, and you can't have a long-distance relationship without trust.
This was the second tour that Luke has been on while we were dating, and despite the things that you may find in fanfictions, going along with them on tour just wasn't exactly a thing... or my thing at the least. I had school to attend, a job to pay for myself, an apartment to upkeep, and our pets to take care of. Sometimes he would fly me out when he was going to be in California for a few nights and I would get the groupie experience for the week, but it's just too stressful to bother my friends to watch our dogs, so I opted out after the third time it happened.
Everyone knows that alongside a boy band is a mass of fans. Fangirls, to be exact, that protect their boys through every decision they make and while it is super devoting and heartwarming, some of them don't like the fact that the band members are in a relationship. So ever since footage of Luke and I together surfaced the internet, my life has not been the same since. I used to get a lot of hate which didn't bother me because I, contrary to Luke's knowledge, was a fangirl myself so I knew it was bound to happen eventually.
As time went on, the fans came to accept our relationship, all the while still having a few who disapprove but proving them wrong just meant sticking by his side every day, and I planned to do that for the rest of my life.
Every time that they go out partying, plenty of pictures are per say leaked to the public, and their fans find a way to figure out their plans, meeting them at these bars and clubs. There are pictures of Luke talking to his fans at these venues almost every time and they don't bother me because yet again, I trust him.
But there was something different going on this time, my friends and family have been by my side through every single tabloid but their sudden concern was something that was a bit abnormal to me.
I put my glass of water down on the marble top counter and paced to the living room, where I pulled my laptop atop my legs. Typing quickly into Google, I scrolled through the 5SOS Update fan pages on Tumblr and Twitter, finally coming across blurry photos of Luke and another girl.
"It's too low quality to see what's even happening.." I spoke to myself with a soft scoff, glancing at one of my dogs that was staring at me with her head cocked to the side, "I talk to myself all the time, I'm not going crazy." I told my dog before laughing and going back to the screen.
A majority of the replies was concern towards me, maybe they knew something that I didn't.  And that thought alone was concerning enough.
I trust Luke. I do. I trust him with my life.
That was until I stumbled across a reply from a girl who was saying that she was the one in the photo, and my heart skipped a few beats as I read her side of the story which was its own thread. I've seen fans concoct an entire story from a white lie and this seemed a bit dubious to me because he didn't text me much at the party, just before and after.
But I trust Luke with everything.
She wrote details about his secret tattoo that only I knew about and it's exact location, how his black polish clad nails traced up her arm as they spoke, and how his favorite alcoholic beverage was fresh on his breath.
This broke me.
I closed my laptop and put it aside, grabbing a bag of Doritos and trailing back to my bedroom. My head swirled with this new information, not wanting to believe it but it was so believable that it was physically stinging at my throat, but I refused to cry. I had cried myself to sleep when Luke was gone plenty of times, not because of the hate, but because I missed him, and I missed waking up next to him, and I missed the scent of him on my sheets.
I tried to tune out the negative thoughts in my head for an hour by blaring the television with whatever mildly funny show was on, it didn't work. I merely sighed and rose out of my bed again, walking to my bathroom to wash my face in hopes to shake this bad feeling off. As I dipped my head into the sink and flung cold water in my face to rinse off the soap, I heard keys shaking and my front door shifting as someone went to unlock it.
I froze in place and grabbed the shower curtain to cover my practically naked body. I'm home alone, of course, I'm only in a bralette and pajama shorts.  
I heard the door close behind the person who was now in my house and I was trailing through how many people I had given a key to. The footsteps grew louder as the person came closer. I saw the toe of their shoes in the doorway, then he stuck his head in to peek around the room, connecting his bloodshot eyes with mine.
"Luke.." I let out a sigh and released the shower curtain, walking up to the boy who towered over me. His hair was a mess, as usual, and he was in his normal punk rockish outfit.
"It's not true." He told me firmly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard.
His eyes were red, he was crying, he was scared. His voice was wavering and his breath was shaky. "How did she know?" Was all I could manage to the broken-hearted boy in front of me.
"I had a lot to drink, and it's not an excuse but I didn't flirt with her or anything, she was just really close to me and kept touching me and I was trying to tell her off but she wasn't listening to me. She kept playing with my shirt color and touching my hair and that's how she found the tattoo. She kept mentioning your name and saying that you deserved better, someone you could see every day and someone who's normal, someone who takes you with them when they tour the world, someone who can answer your calls whe-" I cut him off with my lips, pressing a passionate kiss on him, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him lower to me as I stood on my tip toes.
His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss with every second that passed. When I pulled away from the kiss, I just stared into his eyes and nodded my head.
"I believe you. I know better than to believe them. I believe in you, and I believe in us." My voice was soft, but I was finally regaining my confidence. He chuckled softly, leaning down to hug my waist, lifting my body off the ground slightly as he whispered comforting words in my ear.
"Can I make us ice cream sundaes?" He whispered, a bright smile spreading on his face in which I giggled in reply and followed him to the kitchen with my hand in his.
As we made our way to the kitchen, one of the puppies ran up to us to greet Luke and I bent over to pick him up, cuddling him the dog as Luke prepared our dessert even though it was four in the afternoon.
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wxnnabe · 7 years
Any hcs ya got on Passione (w/o Fugo) & how they would react to their crush giving them a big bouquet of their favorite flower that they grew themselves? Like, it's so big you can hardly see their face? That'd be just dandy. (P.S. Congrats on the new blog!)
Oh goodness this took me so long, sorry! It’s a bit long, so the answers are under the cut! (I also used this post for their favourite flowers)
-Bruno is delighted when they mention they have something for him-he wouldn’t be expecting the gift, and it warms his heart to know that his s/o was thoughtful enough to get him something-when he sees the huge bouquet that looks about as big to topple them, he blushes, but recovers enough to accept them with a sweet kiss for his s/o. (he’s also silently thanking any higher power that no one else is around to see this) And when they say that it’s homegrown? His heart is big but even the bright smiles they give to him when seeing him enter the room is enough to fill it, so he’ll fill several vases immediately and will research ways to preserve flowers for as long as possible, taking special care of the flowers until his s/o complains that he’s spending more of his free time caring for the flowers than he is on them. Every time he sees them, he is reminded of his s/o and the hard work and dedication they managed to put into the flowers and it’s not long before he comes up with a plan to give them something just as thoughtful that shows them just how grateful he is. And thank goodness, because he’d be loosing sleep over just how to pay them back for such a beautiful gift. The large amounts of Baby’s Breath that now cover the base does not help.
-Abbachio is dubious when they tell him that they may need help with the gift that they’re giving him, and they can see he’s about to wave them off anyways with some offhand comment about how he really doesn’t want anything over the top-they may feel slightly guilty, then, when they show him the huge bouquet of Latana’s-he has always felt a slight fascination with them in particular, but with this many all at once he’s at wit’s end as to what he could do with all of them. They hastily explain that they grew them on their own and perhaps they got a little carried away with the big bouquet, and Abbachio will, with a sigh, turn to his s/o. “I don’t like gifts, and certainly not flowers that will wilt into nothing in due time. But,” he adds, tilting their face up to meet his own, they see an amused smile on his face. It’s a rare one, one that only they have managed to see often. “I’ll take them from you, tesoro. Thank you,” He will give them a bittersweet smile as he presses a fleeting kiss to their forehead, and it’s a bittersweet smile that they have seen many a time-by now, they will be able to read his expressions well, and they know as he takes the flowers and clips as to how they managed to carry these all the way here without losing half on the way, they know what he is feeling deep down. That he feels unworthy, undeserving of such an extensive gift. It’s the same bittersweet smile that will greet them for a while after the bouquet is given, that he would give to them everytime they do something sweet for him that they know he will appreciate, and a reminder that perhaps they should give him smaller presents as not to scare him. 
-Mista would be almost in shock, at first. Not from embarrassment, rather from disbelief. His s/o’s gifts are all stacked on every surface of his room, and they’re all taken care of meticulously for the laidback gunslinger. For them to bring him a huge bouquet of the daises-for his s/o to go through the care of growing and taking care of the delicate little things-he can’t believe he scored this well. He’ll compose himself when he sees there smile drop slightly and will instead set the bouquet down carefully, replying with a “Hey, don’t freak out, I love it! Hell, I love you!” before hugging them and spinning them around before giving them a kiss. He may not know a lot about taking care of flowers, but he’ll ask his s/o about it since they should know a thing or two about preserving flowers (they grew them, after all). They’ll put the flowers in 3 vases together (they couldn’t fit them into one and his s/o suggested that the flowers into 2 might look a bit too busy, to Mista’s relief.) and Mista will be glad to know that they picked exactly 53 and avoiding picking up four flowers at a time. He loves his s/o; this is a well-known fact to anyone who knows either of them, but it’s the big gifts that they occasionally give him, all the way down to the simplest actions like separating the flowers into sets of three that really shows him just how much they care for him, and he feels light at the thought that they did so for him. While he won’t repay them back in flowers, he’ll be a ray of sunshine for the next couple of days-he is also brewing a thank you gift in return, and one that will make his s/o’s day as much as theirs made his. Sex Pistols will, no doubt, have their say in the present, but since they couldn’t decide they end up bringing a now very flustered s/o an array of presents that their s/o is bound to love.
-Narancia’s eye’s will widen in surprise when they bring him the largest bouquet of fresh sunflowers he has ever seen in his s/o’s hands, and he will have a look of shock on his face-thank goodness no one is here to see this, because as much as Narancia would love to have people reminded of their relationship, he would much rather this be between his s/o and him. Besides, he’ll have plenty of time to let everyone know just how sweet his s/o is later. His s/o is probably struggling to keep all the flowers in the bouquet (sunflowers aren’t exactly delicate, small flowers-they realise that they might have made a mistake in arranging this many of them, but they couldn’t stop once they found out it was Narancia’s favourite flower) and once he realises he will help them, and hold their hands with a smile that lights up his face. “Amore! You got these for me-!” he notes their mumbled “grew them for you” as they smile and nod. He grabs them up in his arms and gives them a sloppy yet enthusiastic kiss, and picks the flowers upon a quest to find a vase that will fit them in. He will be extremely grateful, and although he is a bit sloppy in taking care of them, he finds a better way of preserving all their hard work. His s/o-and anyone else who happens upon a book they were reading-will be pleasantly surprised to see the carefully dried and pressed sunflowers nestled between the pages. The gift is simple, but means a lot-especially when they accidentally find the many flowers that didn’t make it, whether they were so delicate they crumbled at the touch or were still being dried to this day, his s/o will feel warm at the thought of Narancia putting in just as much effort as they did for him.
- Giorno will treasure every gift that his s/o has given him, as he hasn’t experienced having things given to him at no cost to him in his youth, he won’t be all too sure how to respond to the bouquet being given to him. Yet he is grateful because he can tell that they put a lot of work into getting them to him. (He won’t mention that he would prefer they not disturb the plants by cutting all those flowers from it and rather just showing him the array of orchid plants they kept and grew instead just yet, but he may softly mention it in the near future.) There are quite a lot of flowers, and he wonders just how much of their spare time they put into the maintenance of the orchids with a small blush. Yet, he will not keep his s/o waiting for him to accept the gift for too long, and will give them a soft and lingering kiss as he calls Golden Experience forth and uses the scraps of paper in the trashcan to create a wonderfully large vase of vines; whenever anyone enters the office, they are welcomed with the same orchids, just as fresh and beautiful as they were the day his s/o gave them to him. If his s/o decides to pointedly note out the work of his stand on the flowers he will treat them to one of his rare smiles, and reply simply. “I cannot allow your hard work to go to waste cara.” He would waste little time in preparing for an equally extensive gift to be given back to them, and will usually end up turning into a date where Giorno has used his influence to vacate a special restaurant they have talked about or arranged for an activity they have always wanted to do together. He has limited time, it’s true, but he still believes in treasuring and spending time with them, and it is the perfect way to pay them back (it’s also a good excuse when they tease him about going over the top when he replies with some smart reply about how spending time with his s/o isn’t spoiling them at all. He’s lying, and they don’t even need to turn around to spot the smirk on his face.)
-Trish is surprised, but certainly not in a bad way when she see’s the Fragipani’s presented to her. “My favourite..” She will mutter under her breath before looking up at them with a sincere smile. “You brought these for me?” When they clarify that they did, in fact, grow them her eyes would widen. It’s then that she manages to notice how they’re struggling to juggle them in their arms, and she lets out a giggle, letting them place the bouquet on the couch next to her with a teasing comment that they shouldn’t get too carried away lest they shock the plants. Trish will have them taken care of accordingly-that is, after she’s finished taking photos of the two of them with the flowers in view and (so long as they don’t mind being viewed by thousands) posted to her profile. She wants the whole world to see just how amazing her s/o is (she might also want to tease them by giving them a kiss just as she snaps the shot) and her s/o will be given just as huge a gift when they return home to see the finely tailored outfit their eyes had lingered on in the magazine they were flicking through, and a note with Trish’s own handwriting commenting that they must be taking hints from her own fashion sense as their taste is improving. While she doesn’t have the time to pay them back in an equally thoughtful gift she is attentive and, like Giorno, will spoil her s/o with whatever they may want.
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