#thought i would wake up sleepy but my body feels like it’s a new day 😵‍💫
1004tyun-archive · 1 year
aw ☹️ ill be sure to send you asks more often then!! how are you by the way? good i hope 🤭💗 i see you and cherry on dash and it makes me happy!
you’re too sweet thank you so much 🥺🥺
i’m doing alright i just woke up from a nap so heavy that i thought i woke up the next day lmao 😭 i’ve been burdened by a lot of adult stuff (job rejections, uni stuff, etc) you would think i’d run to writing as an escape but even writers block won’t give me a break it seems 😭 life has been kicking my butt so much that i forgot my birthday is soon >< my parents asked me what i wanted to do and i was just like ??? so i might not do anything at all who knows?
@cherrypeaking hehe lookie 🥺🥺🩵 we’ve been so great~ so glad seeing us on your dash makes you happy 🥺🫶🏾🫶🏾🩵🩷
i hope you’re doing well plant anon!! 🥺🩵🩵
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muffinpink02 · 27 days
First Day
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Summary - Its Rudy's first day at school, but its not her you have to worry about.
Warnings - unwell baby? a little suggestive chat but nothing crazy
7.00 am ‘Beep, beep, beep.’
You groaned as you sleepily stretched, turning off the alarm. Your tired eyes blinked a couple times before turning around. You blindly reached your hand out like you did everyday to cuddle up to the normally warm body next to you, but as you turned you were met with an empty space. You frowned, confused that your wife wasn’t on her side of the bed. 
But you had a feeling you knew where she was.
You sat up in bed, yawning at the now new earlier routine. You grabbed your fluffy nightgown, tying it around your waist. You left your bedroom, searching for your wife, but you didn’t have to look very far.
You smirked to yourself when you saw the bedroom door already open. You popped your head into your daughter's bedroom, smiling when you spotted the woman sitting beside the small bed, stroking the blonde curls from her twins face.  
The sight made you smile, but you could see the pensive look sitting across her face.
“Morning.” You whispered. 
Alexia’s eyes caught you, she smiled, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Morning.” She grumbled back. 
Most parents dreaded this day for many reasons, but normally the anxiety and worry was for how their child would react when facing the first day at school, not the parent.
You knew Alexia had been dreading this day for a while. 
“Coffee?” You rubbed your sleepy eyes.
“Sí.” Her eyes lingered on the sleeping girl. 
“Are you going to wake her up or shall I?”
“No, I’ll wake her. She feels a little hot, come feel her head-”
“Ale.” You gave your wife a deadpan look. 
You had made a secret bet with yourself at how soon Alexia would try that card, but you would have lost your money because it was even sooner than you would have thought.
“Okay you wake her, I’ll start breakfast.” You turned to leave the room.
“She wants me to make my chocolate chip pancakes. I promised I’d make them today before she…”
You pressed your lips together, trying to hold back the giggle. Your wife could be so dramatic sometimes, a trait your 4 year old had definitely picked up from the grown woman.
“Goes to school. You can say it, baby.”
She shot you a look, but you only blew her a kiss back. 
“I’ll let you wake the princess.” You smiled as you left for the kitchen.
You put on a pot of coffee for you and Alexia while you got the ingredients ready for the chocolate chip pancakes. Once the coffee was brewed you poured the hot liquid into your personalised mugs. You eyed the clock on the wall, you had made sure to give the three of you enough time, knowing Alexia would drag her feet. 
You were ready to go in and see what was taking so long, until you heard the soft voices coming down the hallway. You smiled into your mug when you saw the girl cradled in Alexia's strong arms. Laughing at something the older woman said.
“Good morning, princess.” You smiled at your daughter, her sleepy hazel eyes were the spitting image of her mothers. 
“Good morning, mummy!” Rudy smiled widely at you, her blonde curls falling in front of her face.
“How are you feeling for your first day? Are you excited?” You asked with your best enthusiastic voice. 
Rudy eagerly nodded her head. “I’m so excited!” She squealed.
“We’re excited that you’re excited. Aren't we Mama?” You looked at your wife, urging her to share the encouragement. 
“Si, I’m so excited, princesa.” Alexia put on her best smile, but you could see through it, luckily your four year old couldn't. 
“Mama told me she's making your favourite breakfast.” You said as you started to make yours and Alexias own morning meal.
“Yay! Chocolate pancakes!” The girl threw her hands in the air, her feet kicking excitedly in Alexia's arms.
“Sí, my baby's favourite.” The older woman started covering the girl's face with quick kisses, making the girl squeal with laughter.
Alexia placed Rudy on the bar stool, pushing her closer to the breakfast table. 
The three of you began your morning routine, it was no different to when Rudy started nursery. Though that was only three days a week and she had only done three hours per day, but you could feel your wife’s anxiety in every move she made.  
As much as you teased the woman about her worries with Rudy going to school, you didn’t want her to feel anxious or upset. It was a hard day for the both of you but clearly Alexia was taking it a lot harder than you. 
You gently gripped her hips, bringing you both a few steps back out of ear shot from Rudy. 
“Hey.” You placed your hand under her chin, bringing your eyes together. “She’s going to be okay, you know that right?” 
Alexia sighed, she looked over at the four year old, happily colouring in her colouring book. 
“But what if she’s not? What if she hates it and she cries all day.” She pouted. 
You reassuringly circled your thumbs over her tight stomach. 
“That might happen, and I’d hate for her to feel like that, but she won’t feel like that forever, Ale.” 
The blonde only pouted more, she looked just like Rudy when she wanted something you had already said no to. You called it the ‘Putellas pout.’
“Come on. You can do it.” You kissed her pouty lips, pushing her to get on with your daughter's breakfast. 
Alexia groaned as she was pushed away, but she made Rudy's breakfast in a quick time. Even if she was apprehensive for Rudy to go to school she wouldn’t dare have the girl be late for her first day. 
The 3 of you ate your breakfast together, Rudy listed off all the new activities she was going to do on her first day, you decided not to spoil her joy and tell her that she was in fact not able to play football all day. 
“Right, stinky. Teeth time. 
“I’m not stinky.” The chocolate-faced girl giggled. 
“No, but you are smelly. Mama’s going to get ready with you. I’ll do your hair once you’re done. Sounds good?”
“Sí.” The four year old agreed. 
“Come on, princesà.” Alexia helped the curly headed girl down off the bar stall. 
“I’m going to get there first! She gently kicked the smaller blonde on her bum, laughing as she ran down the hallway. 
“No! Mama!” 
You chuckled as you heard the smaller feet running after her mature mother. You quickly tidied the kitchen of the morning mess and started to get yourself ready for training. You tagged teamed with Alexia as she finished helping Rudy get into her uniform. You could see your wifes demeanour becoming sombre as she fixed the girls socks. 
You grabbed your wife once more, pulling her into the hallway. Rudy took the opportunity to play with her mini football.
“Baby, come on. She's going to be fine. I promise you. She’s been excited since we explained it all to her. Even now she's not upset!”
“But what if she gets bullied? What if the other kids are mean to her and she has no one to play with? What if she has to sit alone at lunch?” Alexia's eyes started to mist, the Putellas pout quickly turned into a quiver.
Of course it broke your heart to see Alexia like this. The woman had always been the bigger worrier between the two of you, but when Rudy came along that had only intensified.
There had been one particular time when Rudy was only 3 months old, and she had caught a nasty chest infection. 
Alexia first noticed the small raspy breaths while Rudy slept in her moses basket. She asked you to listen to it and you did, but you thought it may have just been some kind of milk phlegm. But you were wrong.
The next day Rudy was letting out little coughs. As soon as Alexia heard the third one she jumped in her car and drove to the pharmacy to get Rudy baby medicine.
The normally perfect sleeper of a baby had screamed throughout the night. You watched helplessly as her tiny lungs painfully jolted every time she coughed. Her little face turned pink as she struggled for breath. 
You and Alexia had done everything by the book and internet, but nothing settled her. You could tell she was in pain, her small little lips shook as she struggled to even cry.
Alexia paced up and down the hallways with Rudy in her arms. She tried everything to soothe the screaming baby, she bounced her, cuddled her, even sang for her, but she wouldn’t stop crying. 
You could see the panic in her face, it pained her to see Rudy like this, her small little body was still so fragile. 
An hour later and Rudy had started to heat up, you soaked a flannel with lukewarm water and laid it on her skin. It cooled her down but the crying never stopped. 
“Shhh, bebita. I know, I know. It’s okay. Come on.” Alexia’s large hands rubbed Rudy's bareback as she squirmed on her shoulder. 
“I think we should take her to A & E.” You suggested in the most calming tone you could muster.
You could tell Alexis was already nervous and so was you, but you wanted to stay as calm as you could, for both your sakes. 
“Sí, sí. I agree. Grab a bag and I’ll get her ready.” She nodded. 
You packed up a baby bag with all the essentials. Alexia was waiting at the door with a crying Rudy in the car seat. She looked so nervous.
When you arrived at the hospital you were seen straight away. The doctor examined Rudy, all while she was still crying. 
“I think she has a chest infection.” She said, as she listened to Rudy's chest through the stethoscope.
“W-What? Will she be okay?” Alexia asked nervously. 
“It’s the same if you or I caught it. It's just painful and unlike us she can't do anything but cry about it. It can sometimes go on its own, but I can hear a bit of phlegm on her chest and throat. I’ll give you some stronger medicine for it. She hasn’t had a rash has she?”
“No.” You said in unison. 
“Good. You caught it early. Well done. She’s definitely uncomfortable but she’s going to be okay.” The doctor smiled kindly at the pair of you, clearly noticing the worry on both your faces. 
“Thank you.” You smiled at the doctor as you took Alexia’s sweaty hand. She instantly started rubbing her thumb on your knuckles. 
The nurse fed Rudy some medicine, through a syringe. 
“It gets easier, trust me. Well, actually It’s when they start walking, that’s when they’re the most trouble.” The woman chuckled as she rocked Rudy, actually managing to calm her down. 
You and Alexia stared in awe, watching as she completely relaxed the small baby in her arms, you tried to mentally take pictures of the motion she rocked her with to save for later. You returned home with a sleeping baby. Her temperature had already dropped, though you could still hear the rasp on her chest but it was a lot softer then it was before. 
“I’ll put her in her bed.” Alexia gave you a tired smile as she made her way into Rudy's room. 
You nodded. “Okay, I’m going to jump in the shower.” 
You took a quick shower, as that’s all you ever knew them as these days, and made your way to your bedroom. You frowned in confusion, you would have thought Alexia would have been there. Once you were dressed you made your way to Rudy's room, your heart broke at the sight. 
“Oh Ale, baby.” You whispered.
The blonde was sitting on the floor, her hands in her head, crying so hard her body shook. You sat next to her, pulling her into your chest. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. What’s going on? Hmm?” You asked as you rubbed her back like you did for your child. 
“I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do.” The blonde sniffled.
“Ohh, Ale. It's okay. It was a lot for us, we’re still learning. We won't know what to do for a lot of things that might happen.” You tried to reassure the crying woman. 
“But she wouldn't settle with me, she always settles with me. I couldn't help her.” Her tears streamed down her cheeks. “She was in so much pain. I just, I hated seeing her like that.” Alexia's already shaky voice broke at her words.
You felt your own eyes start to tear up seeing your wife like this. You could see how much the situation scared her, how out of control she felt. 
“I know, I know, but she needed more than just cuddles, she needed medicine, baby.” You cupped her wet cheeks, bringing her closer to your face. “You’re so good with her, Ale. You are the best at calming her down, she immediately stops crying when she's in your arms. She makes the biggest squeal when she sees you walk through that door.” You stroked her tears as you kissed your wife's lips, trying your best to reassure her.
“She adores you, I can see how safe she feels with you. She’s such a Mama’s girl, it's unreal.” You smiled as you thought about the bond the two shared. 
“Sadly we won’t always be enough. Sometimes she's going to go through tough times that we can’t control, but we will make it as easy as we can for her.” 
“I just wish I could always be there for her.” Alexia sniffled. Her crying finally came to a stop, but her lip still pouted. 
“I know baby.” You pressed a long kiss to her forehead. “Come. Let's get you in the shower. We can watch whatever film you want.”
Your wife smiled, allowing you to help her to her feet. Before you could move Alexia brought you into a hug, nuzzling her nose into your neck.
“You are the best Mummy. I am so lucky you are the mother to our child. I love you so much, amor.” She connected your lips with hers, bringing you into a deep kiss. You let yourself get lost in it, the stress of the day slowly melting away. It always did, being with the person you felt most safe with. You gently pulled away, as you heard Rudy stir a little. 
But Alexia only groaned as you pulled away.
You chuckled as her lips tried to chase yours.
“Did you want to watch a film or?-”
You had to hold back a laugh, as Alexia dragged you both into your room. The film clearly long forgotten about.
“There we go, all done. You look beautiful, princess.” 
Rudy smiled at herself in the mirror,  evidently happy with her ponytail. 
“Gràcies, mummy.” 
“You’re welcome, my baby. Right, get your shoes on, we have to leave in two minutes.” 
“Okay, mummy.” Rudy happily skipped to the front door. 
You smiled at her joy, you were so relieved she was excited for school. Though, honestly it made sense, Rudy wasn't a shy child. Having grown up around games since she could open her eyes, she was used to being around crowds of people, not to mention all the different characters she interacted with when it came to the team. 
If she wasn't at nursery she was with you and Alexia at training. 
And the girls loved Rudy, it was always cheers and whoops, when the girl entered the room.  She had fitted into the group so easily, it was as if she had always been there. As soon as she could start to form words the girl would always have someone to talk to, chewing their ears off about her friends at nursery or what her favourite animal was that day. 
The girls were always happy to take turns entertaining the baby Spaniard. You’d mostly find her hanging off of Mapi’s arms, or squealing when Lucy threw her (sometimes dangerously high) in the air, she had learnt quickly that they were the biggest kids in the group. Or if she wanted her down time, you'd spot her drawing with Salma and Ingrid, sharing her crayons with the older women.  
She had a special little bond with each of the girls, and you and Alexia loved it.
You were brought back from your thoughts when Alexia’s phone started to ring.
“Hola Mapi, sí, sí, She’s just putting her shoes on.” 
You walked into the hallway where the two blondes were, Rudy sitting on the bench beside the door.
“Rudy, it's your tietes, they want to wish you good luck for your first day.” Alexia smiled as she put the screen in front of Rudy, who had actually managed to put her shoes on the right feet today. 
“Tia Mapi! Tia Ingrid!” The four year old shouted excitedly, as she saw her aunties on the screen.
“Hola, chica!” Mapi shouted back, her excitement matching the 4 year old as usual.
“Hola chicken, are you excited for your first day?” You heard Ingrid ask.
“Sí! It's going to be the best day. I'm going to make lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots….. and lots-”
“Sí, princesa, I think they get it.” Alexia chuckled.
“Aye! Let her finish! What are you going to make lots of chica?” Mapi shot back.
“Lots of friends!” Rudy through her hands in the air like she had just discovered gold. 
“Sí! You'll make so many friends, chicken!” Ingrid smiled brightly.
“Just don't forget you already have a best friend.” Mapi pouted, while also getting a nudge and an eye roll from Ingrid.
“Rudy, don’t listen to her, you can make as many best friends as you want.” The raven haired girl assured.
Rudy only nodded, giggling at her tia’s. 
“And make sure you tell me if anyone is mean to you, I have no shame in fighting a 4 year old.” Mapi stated. You found it a little concerning at how serious she sounded.
“Mapi!” Ingrid shouted.
“What? I will! No one messes with my Rudy.” Mapi nodded to herself.
You could see Ingrid shaking her head in disbelief. You and Alexia shared a chuckle at the couple. 
“Anyways…we hope you have a great day, chicken. We will see you tomorrow and you can tell us all about it. I think I have to teach your tia Mapi about manners.” Ingrid smiled all too sweetly. You laughed when you saw Mapi’s eyes widen in panic.
“Ok, bye tia Ingrid, bye tia Mapi.” Rudy waved her little hands at the screen.
“Bye chicken, we love you.” Ingrid and Mapi waved back through the phone.
“Love you too.” Rudy shouted, her little legs swaying back and forth on the bench 
The call ended, Rudy jumped off the bench and grabbed her Lion King backpack.
You stood with Alexia in the school playground, the sound of children playing and laughing filled your ears. You spotted some parents having to console their children who were clinging on to their legs, some even in tears. 
Rudy was between you and Alexia, one of her little hands slotted in yours and the other in Alexias. You looked over at your wife, her face was unreadable, her hazel eyes were darting around at the other parents and children. You looked down at her twin, who also had the same pensive look, but her eyes were showing an excitement that her mothers wasn't. 
“Hey, shall we do swings before you go in, princess?” 
“Yeah!” Rudy started to jump, giggling at the offer. 
“Ready, Mama? You looked over at the older blonde, giving her a knowing look.
Alexias eyes caught yours, you could see she was thankful for the distraction. She smiled lovingly at you. 
“Sí, let's do it.” She nodded, smiling down at the young girl. 
“Okay, 3, 2, 1!” 
You and Alexia swung the squealing girl into the air, you smiled widely as you heard her infectious little giggle. You looked over at your wife who finally had a real smile on her face for the first time today. You swung the mini blonde a few more times, until a bell began to ring. 
You and Alexia stopped swinging Rudy. You took a deep breath, readying yourself to say goodbye to your baby. Of course you were nervous, and even sad at the thought of not having Rudy around like you always did, like Alexia you had been feeling all the same things she had felt, but you know you had to be the stronger one between the pair. 
Alexia bent down, taking Rudy's hands into her own, they looked tiny in comparison. You could see the older woman was trying her hardest not to cry, you knelt down beside her, putting your hand on her thigh, rubbing her leg soothingly.
“Okay princesa, make sure you listen to your teacher. And if you get scared or upset, she will be there to help you, okay?”
Rudy nodded, already getting distracted as she watched the other kids start to gather up near their new teacher. 
“You’ll have the best day. We will be right here when you finish.” You stroked her small whispers of hair behind her ear. You felt your own eyes start to water.
“Sí. I will!” Rudy smiled as she looked at the pair of you. She gently placed a hand on yours and Alexia's cheeks, it was like she was trying to reassure you. Her hazel eyes looked deep in thought, she looked just like Alexia when she pulled that face. 
“I love you, mama. I love you mummy.” She whispered with the cutest voice.
You could have picked the four year old up there and then, and happily taken her home and declared she would never need school, but you knew you couldn't do that. 
“We love you, princesa.” You could hear the shake in Alexia’s voice.
“So, so much.” Alexia could hear it in yours.
All three of you leaned in, hugging each other in your own little group hug. You tried your hardest to keep the tears at bay, as you held the two most important people in your life, pulling them in even closer.
After a couple seconds you felt Rudy start to wiggle, having already given you enough of her time. 
“Bye, I’m going now.” She pulled back, turning around eagerly to start her first day of school.
Alexia and you stood up, both finding each other's hands. 
“Bye, baby!” Alexia called out. 
Rudy turned and waved at you both, you felt your first tear slip, thankful she had already turned forward.
You watched as the mini blonde walked to the rest of the group. Happily standing beside them all, you smiled at her shorter stature against the rest. She was Alexia's twin in many ways, but she had yet to inherit the height of her mother. 
You noticed a girl sniffling next to Rudy, she had clearly been crying, her rosy little cheeks and wet eyes were a sad thing to see, even if she wasn't yours. She was one of the more nervous ones to start her first day at school. You watched on as Rudy said something to her, it was too far to hear what she said, but when you saw Rudy offer her hand out to the crying girl, your heart melted when she eagerly took it into her own.
“Did you see that?” Alexia squeezed your hand.
“Yeah.” You started to feel your lip quiver. 
“She’ll be okay, won’t she?” Alexia asked, but you could tell she was convincing herself more then asking you. 
“Yeah, she will. She’ll be absolutely fine.” 
You watched Rudy walk into the building with her new little friend by her side. You couldn’t believe your baby girl was actually going into school. It only felt like yesterday when you first held her in your arms. 
The curly headed blonde gave one more look to you both, giving you one last wave before she disappeared into the building. 
You felt Alexia thumb run over your knuckles, like she always did. It made you smile as you looked over at your wife. You spotted a single tear running down her cheek, you wiped it away just like you did with your daughter. 
“Shall we get a milkshake?” Alexia grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. 
“Best idea ever.” You chuckled as you both began to walk out of the small playground.
She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to kiss your cheek. 
“Yes, my love?”
Alexia had a mischievous look on her face as she caught your eyes. 
“Shall we have another one?”
“Another what?” You questioned her as you pulled your keys to unlock your car. 
“Another baby.” 
You laughed out loud, looking at the woman who now sported a huge smile on her face.
Alexia's eyes popped open in surprise. “Really?”
You sat in the driver's seat, chuckling at your wife's excitement. You looked over at the blonde, you could see the anxiety of today's stress slowly slipping from her features. You leaned forward, indicating you wanted a kiss. Your wife mirrored your movements, bringing your lips together. 
You leaned back, your lips just inches apart. You felt your heart race as you looked over your wife's pretty features. “Let me have my milkshake and I'll think about it.” 
Alexia dipped her fingers into your hair, bringing you into a deeper kiss. After a couple of minutes she pulled back. Smiling at you when you tried to chase her lips.
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emmyrosee · 9 months
Sometimes, Suguru can’t find it in himself to sleep.
It’s when his mind is louder than he anticipates, and it’s too late for him to take an aid to knock the thoughts loose and free into the night sky. His legs shake, he tosses and turns every five minutes, he feels sick to his stomach as his body becomes with fatigue worse than being physically sick, and sometimes, he gets so frustrated he screws his eyes shut and wants to scream, throw a tantrum to release the feelings that claw his heart.
He’d never do it though. Not with you next to him.
Not as your own mind swirls in dreamland, deep and secure and safe in bed next to him. He reaches out to gently thumb your bottom lip, and when you grunt softly at him, he chuckles and sits up.
He could get up. Call it a night, get started on work for tomorrow and try again tomorrow night. He can watch tv, see if there’s any news on, or perhaps read until his eyes burn like he’s done the past three nights.
Your sleepy voice shudders him out of his thoughts, your voice wobbly and not ready to face the day in the cutest way possible.
“Sugu?” You sleepily mumble again, brows pinched in the center as you knuckle an eye, “what’re you doing?”
“Nothing.” It’s not really a lie, is it?
You hum and sit up, and he’s quick to try and coax you back to lay down. You shouldn’t have to be awake for his sake, not when it’s his mind that betrays him in such ways; you deserve to relax and be restful.
You don’t have to be awake for his sake.
You mewl and rest your head on his shoulder, “can’t sleep?”
“No, baby… not tonight.” He laces his fingers with yours and brings your knuckles to his lips for a loving kiss, “but I’ll be okay. You go back to bed, yeah?”
“Don’t want you to be alone,” you pout sleepily. He laughs again before wrapping an arm around you, tugging you close while you curl into his warm side.
“Wanna hear about my dream?” You ask, barely even functioning.
“Sure. Lay it on me.”
“I dreamt I was with Shoko,” you yawn, eyes rolling back in exhaustion. “And we… were walking… I had chicken legs…”
He tries his hardest not to laugh, fingers massaging the muscles at the base of your neck lovingly. “Then what?”
“Gojo… was a pig.”
He chuckles and burrows his nose into your warm scalp, relishing in the feeling as for the first time that night, his mind shuts the hell up, as if the loud thoughts from his head would wake you up.
You start to snore softly, mouth slacked and eyes rolling back exhaustedly. He guides you both to slowly lay back down, not wanting to wake you up again because of his inability to sleep. Your body lets him manipulate you into a laying position, but your arms stay wrapped around him.
“I love you,” he whispers against you, squeezing you close.
You grunt back at him, and he closes his eyes to try and let your comforting, sleepy embrace lull him to a semblance of sleep.
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avalordream · 4 months
Prompt: Imagine you get isekaied in Our Life. Only thing is that you wake up as a child and remember everything. You can only save at this point but you can still access the save and load menu and see your previous runs.
Meanwhile your precious neighbor is slowly becoming self aware, getting deja vu with every passing second- as if this has all happened before...
A/N: A few days after I posted this- a few other thoughts came to mind- SO HERE IS MY ATTEMPT AT VOCALIZING THEM
You’re keenly aware of how small and tiny you are the moment you wake up. 
For the first few days, you started to acclimate to…the family home. 
It wasn’t YOUR family though. It never was. It was MC’s. Not your’s.
You could project all you wanted onto MC but it was never your family or your life to experience. It was theirs.
Even so, you quickly found yourself missing the life you were used to. More specifically:
The cuisine.
It was hard not to draw suspicion to the fact that you were craving different food genres aside from Mom’s Pamela’s mac and cheese and cheeseburgers. 
Ma’s Noelani’s Hawaiian food helped quite a bit to hold you over as you started to ponder over how to approach it.
Kind of hard to bring it up to your MC’s parents that you wanted Asian/Middle eastern/Indian/Pakistani/Mexican/etc food when there was none of that for miles around
For the time being, you had to quietly hint and nudge their thoughts into that direction but not enough to make them suspicious. Noelani obviously had her suspicions about Cove getting into the house from Step 2-3 but never brought it up once. From what you could tell, she was scary observant
Another issue was how clumsy your new body was.
Your mind might be able to remember how to do everyday tasks like writing and such but this tiny body didn’t have the muscle memory to match it
Much to Liz’s dismay, you spent quite a bit of your time forcing your hands and legs to train to do things your adult body could do in a snap
Time wise- technology was a huge sucker punch. It made you feel bad for taking your own devices for granted. 
That being said, self learning everything was going to be hard without a phone or computer on hand, especially knowing that you’d have to go through the cursed education system all over again- but most likely much harder
There had to be a reason older folk complained about it, right?...
Your MC’s birthday was the same as your own, just that the birth year is 1997. That being said, the current year was 2006… Funny. You were only two in 2006…
Back to self learning, you tried to practice what you considered basic math long after everyone had fallen asleep
Usually, your day was filled with entertaining Shiloh and Liz, playing in the park or going along with whatever Liz said. Judging by the giant for sale sign across the street and the date, you figured out that you got isekaied roughly at least a month or two before Cove and Mr. Holden would move in. 
Who knew how that would go now that you weren’t subjected to just three choices?
Even after playing around, your body was exhausted and your baby mind was just as pooped out.
The first few days you would wake up early as children do and tried doing your math and remembering as much as you could at that time
Yeah, Liz nearly gave you a heart attack after she barged in and you had to play it off as you scribbling absolute nonsense cause you were bored
After that near collision, you changed your prep time to being at night. Sure, you woke up to Liz shaking you and not getting enough sleep in the morning, but you needed to refresh your memory the best you could
You couldn’t do it every night though and did your best to keep some sort of schedule so you wouldn’t forget - and worry your MC’s moms
They noticed the first few times of how sleepy you’d be when you’d wake up later than usual - granted if Liz didn’t wake you up - and a few nights after, you nearly got caught right in the middle of your review.
Pam was more sneaky than Noelani, so you should’ve seen this coming- but even so, you had everything spread out on your rug when you just barely heard her footsteps come to your MC’s door
You had enough time to shove everything underneath your bed - your room was messy enough but better safe than sorry - and quickly dive under the covers before you heard your door open with the softest of clicks
She was around for a good while before you heard the door close again but you didn’t relax until you were sure her footsteps went back to the master bedroom
After that, you were much more careful about how long you spent studying and when. You haven’t been caught since.
Occasionally, you’d have to sneak in your MC’s parent’s room to grab any books that you needed. Good thing Noelani was a book nerd.
You did have to be careful about your self learning- you didn’t want them getting any suspicions that their kid was suddenly…different out of nowhere.
You had no idea what MC was like as a kid before the events of Our Life so you tried your best to piece together what you could 
Speaking of, there were a bunch of things you quickly realized about Our Life, one of which is that game didn’t go over nearly everything that MC went through, let alone before Cove came or others that it only touched on briefly
For example, the tourists that came and went every year happened to be close friends of Pamela’s from her time in university, hence why they were so friendly to you and Liz in particular. 
It was also why they knew how to… handle your ever changing moods. At least-
That’s what it looked like to them.
To you- it was because you had to battle MC’s initial responses to these scenarios.
Go figure, this body still had its fair share of emotions inside of it, leaving you to figure out if this sharp pang of fear or worry was your own or not.
It left you second guessing everything you did, especially when you’d be up at night, studying and practicing your writing
It seriously irked you, knowing your writing was sloppy even though you knew this body couldn’t help it. It didn’t make seeing your scrappy writing less frustrating though
Despite how much you tried to hide how YOU felt, not MC, Noelani still picked up on the small shifts in your behavior. 
One of these being the irritation you harbored for your writing. 
Speaking of emotions, you found your body easily overwhelmed by any stronger ones- your own irritation making you cry- an alien feeling and one that took even you by surprise.
Worse part? The first time happened was in front of Noelani when she tried to help you practice your penmanship
Naturally, she tried to comfort you MC by trying to console you, saying it’d be better with practice and wiping away your tears but no matter how YOU tried, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing
It wasn’t until much later that you realized that MC’s tiny self had their own limits and by pushing those adult feelings and expectations that YOU had onto it sent it into a messy overdrive.
After that, you had learned to slow down- the world wasn’t ending…even if it felt like it.
The nail in the coffin for you that made YOU cry. Not MC’s body: Your dreams started to resemble parts of your life. 
You’d dream that you were back at your desk job or filling out mundane paperwork but no matter how boring it’d be, it was YOUR life.
The one YOU were used to and familiar with
You’d always feel so relieved to be back where you were supposed to, whether you were happy with that life or not
It was that feeling of having all your choices in your hand and being in control of where you wanted to go, if that made sense.
Nobody made those choices for you except well…you.
Only to have that feeling of familiarity ripped away once you registered Liz waking you up to play while “Ma and Mom snooze the day away!”
You just want to go home…
To YOUR home…
-> Part 1.5 <- ⊹ ‧₊˚ Isekai Self Aware Taglist: @lilqi @annoying-mary ˚₊‧ ⊹
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theemporium · 8 months
hi!! i have a potential blurb request - Oscar having that "oh my god i love her" moment with reader
ily and i hope you're doing well <33
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It hit him at the most random, mundane moment—which was ironic, considering it completely turned his world around.
He was still fighting the lingering effects of jet lag when you invited him over to hang out. He knew Mark would have wanted him to be responsible, to sleep and not fuck up his sleep schedule any further. He was still getting used to how taxing the life of a Formula One driver was, and he underestimated how heavily travel and jet lag would play into that.
But it had been so long since he had seen you. And maybe it was guilt or maybe it was his own selfish desire, but he found himself throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants, grabbing his keys and heading to your place before the universe somehow stopped him. 
It was no different to the million other days you hung out together. Absolutely nothing different that he had come to expect in the last fifteen or so years you two had been friends. He showed up, knocked four times, waited for you to open the door and settled himself on his side of your coach whilst you did the same.
There was nothing special about the day, or the moment. But it still hit him like a freight train.
“Do you want popcorn? I got the salty flavour from that brand you like, the one that fits into your diet.” 
That was all you said. Twenty-one words that somehow managed to send the boy spiralling as he turned to gape at you, his body melted into the couch to the point he didn’t think he could get up if he tried. 
And there was you, sitting there as you smiled and waited for his response. You didn’t even look different, just lounging around in some shorts and a hoodie with his number on it. Your hair was a mess, you had even made a joke about it when he first came in. And the bags under your eyes told him your sleep schedule was probably as shit as his was right now, probably from staying up to watch the races. 
But, fuck, Oscar thought you looked so pretty. 
You had always looked pretty to him, but this was something else. This was a whole new level. This wasn’t just an appreciation of your looks, this was a full kick to the chest that screamed ‘oh shit, this isn’t platonic’. You just looked so cosy and comfortable and domestic, and Oscar could almost let himself imagine that this was a sight he got to see every day, that he got to wake up to, that he spent forever with. 
Because Oscar Piastri was in love with his best friend and he hadn’t even realised until now, until this very fucking moment. 
“Do you not want popcorn?” You asked, creases forming between your brows as you furrowed them together. He had the strongest urge to smooth the spot with his thumb.
“Uh no, yeah,” he cleared his throat and gave you a sleepy, slightly strained smile. “Popcorn sounds good.”
Your face brightened. “Good, I was gonna make it anyways.”
He watched as you stood from the couch, making your way towards your kitchen. He watched you walk away as his heart pounded in his chest, as he pressed the heel of his palm against his ribs like that would calm him down. He watched as you rambled on, oblivious to the existential crisis your best friend was experiencing. 
There was a voice in the back of his head telling him he should say something, that he should tell you how he feels. You two don’t lie to each other, or hold back on anything. He knew he should have told you. But that selfish desire returned and Oscar had the strongest urge to keep his mouth shut for one more night, to enjoy the rush of feelings overwhelming him until he had to tell you.
He couldn’t imagine a life without you, so he let himself have tonight just on the off chance his feelings were the start of the end of your friendship, just in case he lost you forever.
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
Late Nights
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary : You are super tired but your boyfriend has other ideas.
CW : SMUT, 18+ Characters, f!reader, somnophilia, degrading, breeding kink, needy & very horny seb
Sebastian was insatiable. You didn’t know where he stored the energy even throughout such a cumbersome day. 
Both of you had spent the day doing chores and getting the house ready for Anne. She would be visiting soon and Merlin forbid she sees a speck of dust in the house. You had been deathly tired after and went to bed early.. or so you had planned. It hadn’t even been thirty minutes before you felt the bed dip and Sebastian sigh. You ignored his hands that trailed up your form and continued to rest.
“Y/N are you awake?” Sebastian’s breath fanned against your ear and you scrunched up. You knew what kind of mood he was in and could tell what was coming.
“No.” You responded and tried to keep in a laugh. 
“Oh what a shame.” Sebastian snorted and you felt his hand crawl under your gown. His fingers played against the flesh of your thighs and his lips nipped at your ear.
“Y/N..” He pleaded again and you sighed.
“If you want me that bad then take me. I’m worn out Sebastian.” You whispered and kicked your nightgown off. Something had awakened in your boyfriend from the comment as he gripped you harshly.
“You’re gonna let me fuck you while you sleep?” He rasped and you felt your core throb. So that’s what he was thinking of. You couldn’t deny that the thought of him using you to pleasure himself even while you were asleep was deeply arousing. 
“Yes. You can use me.” You whisper out and shut your eyes again as you relish in his touch. His hands automatically began tweaking at your chest with a rapid pace. His teeth bit circles into your neck which were sure to leave bruises by the morning. 
“Fuck.” Sebastian groaned as he rutted his erection against your ass. You could only let a small moan as you felt his hand travel down to your mound. His fingers worked fast circles around your nub, desperation clawing away at his mind. He was more akin to an animal than man, leaving not even a second to waste. His large digit pressed into your needy hole, your body shaking at the new pressure.
“Fuck that’s right. Look at you swallowing my finger. Greedy fucking girl even when you’re half asleep.” 
His pace was erratic and you felt him insert another finger. Your body contorted with pleasure as he hit the right spot. A low chuckle filled the silence as he continued.
“Gonna fucking cum on my fingers and then I’m gonna plug you with my cock. You’re gonna take it all like the whore you are.” 
His vulgar words only sent you higher, your hand gripping at the sheet below. Your core spasmed as you came, drenching your boyfriends hand in the process.
“Oh fuck. Look at the mess you’ve made. Can’t even help yourself huh?” Sebastian bit at your neck and you groaned a bit.
“Gonna fuck your poor little pussy now. Fill you up and let you wake up to a mess.” 
Sebastian’s cock rubbed through your folds, teasing you as he positioned himself. It didn’t take long at all for him to plunge into your sensitive hole. You clenched and moaned at the intrusion, adjusting to his size.
“Oh fuck. You always feel so fucking good! So tight for me. Built to take my cock.” 
He began to piston into you, his grip on your hips brutal. The room felt like a sauna and your body flopped with each thrust to your core. Lewd slapping noises and Sebastian’s grunts were the only thing you could hear as your mind fluttered in and out of consciousness. You could feel yourself getting closer and evidently Sebastian was too.
“I can feel you clenching me princess. Why don’t you cum on my cock so I can fill this pussy up like it deserves?” His hand trailed down to rub at your bundle of nerves and your body jolted. 
“Mmm…” you moaned out in a sleepy stupor and he just laughed.
“Yeah I bet you like it slut. Cum for me.” 
Your body did as it was told, hitting that euphoric high for the second time. It wasn’t even seconds later that you felt his pace go slack and his warmth fill you up. His hips jutted a few more times before he finally stopped, an arm pulling you flush against his chest. 
“Thanks darling. You’re the best.” He murmured as he kissed the nape of your neck. You ran your hand along his toned thigh that laid behind you and hummed.
“Night you beast.” You whispered and he snorted.
“Goodnight princess.”
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mysticallystilinski · 26 days
i just need the sappiest like nap with stiles he's such a baby i cannot
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a stiles stilinski x fem!reader fic
— ౨ৎ masterlist
CW ! (literally only the most cutest fluff)
lav speaks.. i’m so tired and it’s 3 am! i listened to the feels by twice the entire time while making this fic; take that as it is :)
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heading to the stilinski household after lacrosse practice was the highlight of your day. of course — stiles lacrosse practice. one day in particular, you had happened to head to his house a little bit later than normal.
going up the front porch steps, and knocking on his door to no response was a little confusing to you. usually with the 4 knocks, stiles and yours speciality, he would run down the stairs, knock into a few things, then quickly open the door.
nope, today it was an embodiment of silence. beacon hills was growing darker by the second. of course with the reputation of the supernatural, you had to either go home and explain to stiles later why you didn’t show up, or risk being hit by a baseball bat in self defense.
you chose the second option.
slowly creaking the door open, the lights were on, but sheriff stilinski was at work; meaning that stiles had to be somewhere. fear creeping within, you quickly ran up the stairs and towards stiles room. his door was ajar, meaning he was definitely home.
“sti?”, you questioned softly while opening his door. your face contorted into an awe once you saw he was sleeping on his bed, still in his lacrosse jersey. stiles shoes were on, his hair slightly sweaty, and he was hugging one of your blankets that you gave him tightly.
you slowly pulled out your phone, and snapped a photo of him, sending it to his phone for him to look at later. heading over to him, you quickly took off your shoes and jacket, and laid right next to him.
“stiles — wake up i’m here”, you giggle. stiles groaned, turning over while practically crushing you underneath him. he mumbled something incoherent, so you didn’t even bother trying to understand what he meant. “sti, you’re hurting me”.
his arms started to feel around, as if he was looking for something important. finally finding your warm body, he pulled you in closer making you breath in his musky scent. you practically died at the touching from him. even though he was your boyfriend, every experience felt new and never got old.
he embraced you, as you wrapped your arms around his torso. you felt his chest rise, slowly up and down. he was dead asleep, and there was no waking him up from this comfy position.
you gave up fighting it and actually gave in. making yourself comfortable, you wrapped your legs around stiles legs, interlocking each-others bodies. with being able to slightly use your hands, you connected your phone to his speaker and put on some soft music.
stiles woke up in a haze, trying to figure out his surroundings and who he was cuddling. once he realized it was you, a smile absorbed his face. “hey”, he spoke softly. you laughed at his expression, half-asleep, and practically dreaming.
“did lacrosse kick your ass?” you slight snickered. stiles just groaned at the thought of lacrosse, “yes — yes it definitely did.” without second thought, stiles pulled you closer to his sweaty body. you didn’t mind it though, you guys were just close like that.
besides, it was kind of a turn on.
stiles yawned, which caused you to yawn — complete chain reaction. “baby, are you tired?”, stiles asked in a compassionate voice. in a sleepy haze, your eyes started to droop and your thoughts wandered. “mm’ so tired sti.”
he smirked at your words, slightly rubbing your back to make you even more sleepy. “here, wear my jersey baby”, stiles spoke in a whisper. he stripped himself of the jersey, and slowly maneuvered it onto your body.
it had to be immediately after that action that you were out like a light, breathing in the comforting scent of his. stiles faced his back towards you and took your hand around his body. he needed to be comfortable too, and of course he was the little spoon, always.
minutes later, stiles was sound asleep in your arms. both dreaming of each-other, lovers became closer.
— ᡣ𐭩 LAV
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love-bitesx · 1 year
was booking myself a new tattoo and this is all i could think of ! this is just brainrot ramble
: ̗̀➛ hobie brown x gn!reader - giving him tattoos (and yourself)
thinking about giving hobie sweet little tattoos with a makeshift stick and poke set up. he'd come home drunk one night, slurring his words and holding you close to him, ranting about how he wants you to give him a tattoo (and something about not wanting to pay big corporations for a real tattoo gun). even if you’re not creative, he just wants to be able to look at his skin and see evidence of you, always. you refuse him at the time, telling him he's too drunk and he'll regret it. but when it's the next day, and he's stone cold sober, you walk in on him hunched over the kitchen table, making a little stick and poke creation.
so, it’s late at night, he’s sprawled out across your bed like it was his, his head and shoulders pressed into the headboard, eyes trained on you. straddling his lap, you held his arm up to the lamp, tongue stuck out in concentration. hobie winced everytime the needle met his skin, his free hand gripping at your thigh to outlet the pain. when you're done, and he's all cleaned up, he's lit up with pride, constantly checking his arm in different lights to see your design. "it's perfect, darlin'," he mutters, his lips pressed to your forehead.
he’d very rarely ever wear sleeves again after that, always having your design on show to remind him of you when he’s away. not that he needed it, you always had a comfortable seat in the front of his mind. he’d show it off to his friends, though, all the time.
"oi, pav!" he'd call out to his friend, drawing his attention over to his exposed skin.
"you got a tattoo!" pav would exclaim, hopping over and inspecting it closely.
“my partner did it,” he couldn’t mask the grin from fuzzing his cheeks, “fuckin' sick, right?”
his heart wasn't even prepared for what he'd come home to that night. when he'd climb in through your window, shedding his spider-apparel and kicking his boots off by your dresser, he'd notice your sleeping form. smiling to himself, picking up the sheets and climbing into the empty space, careful not to startle you – not that it would, you were more used to waking up beside him than alone.
his hands wouldn't be able to stop themselves from touching you, needing to feel your skin beneath his fingertips, and beaming at the sleepy sound of his name leaving your lips. when his hands find your hip, however, you jump and groan in pain. he'd pull you to him.
"'the fuck 'appened?" he'd whisper, careful not to touch the area again, but be confused at your reaction.
"tattoo," is all he could catch, through your tired, and possibly pained, groans.
"you what?" he'd mutter, and lift the covers back, hiking up your his t-shirt to expose a tiny black design, sitting on the skin above your hip bone.
etched into you was a tiny spider, hand drawn and adorned with little spikes, similar to his persona. he'd be so taken aback, he wouldn't even know what to say.
"'s'this for me, sweetheart?" his fingers would very lightly ghost the dark outlines, honing into your body's reaction to it, steering clear of the painful areas. he's close to you, very close, and you can feel his heart pounding against his chest.
"mhmm," you moan, your brain finally pulling itself from slumber, warm in the smell of him, tangling your arms around his neck, "all for you."
"fuckin' ell," he breathed before kissing you with such a passion you'd never felt from him before. he was drowning in you, head buzzed at the thought of something of him being on your skin forever, and you on his. heart pouring, he reached for you in every way he could.
he'd be obsessed with both of the tattoos, strongly encouraging you to never ever wear anything high-waisted again, so long as he steered away from sleeves. pride and happiness overtook him when he'd see you with other people, in public or with friends, and see the black ink peek through your clothes, knowing that it was for him, and nobody else.
he just loved you a lot, and he adores the permanent reminders.
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nerujikam · 9 months
Old Sweater
ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader
tags 18+, fluff and smut, timeskip!ushijima, pwp, sleepy sex, clothed sex, cunnilingus, creampie, aftercare, pet nickname, i was ovulating
words 2,174
a/n and so, behold... my first smut... *thunder cracks* this was a pretty old draft dating back to may '22 lmao. figured i'm a lot more comfortable in my writing now, why not post it? this was crossposted on ao3 ! anws, happy reading or something!
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art is @hk_smith_man’s on twt
Ushijima comes home late again. This time he finds it a little odd when the only source of light that came from the living room was the table lamp beside the couch, with a book you’re reading under it. You never forget to turn off every light when you go to sleep. Though, it does feel kind of lonely since you were practically a night owl on your working days. Now that you finally got your days off, you started to sleep earlier than usual. He misses the sight of you in the late of night, you can say.
He turns the lights off after putting his shoes on the rack. A faint beat can be heard from your shared bedroom, questioning him whether you’re awake or not.
Your body slump under the blanket. Though the heater’s on, the winter wind seems to have its own way seeping through the walls, shuddering you under the covers. Just like how you left it before, the small reading light next to you was still on.
He walks up to you, eyes closed as your breath steady. Seems you got defeated by your own drowsiness while trying to continue reading another book in your hands. He takes it away from your hand, placing the bookmark in the current page before putting it down next to the table lamp. He decides to turn it off later after his shower.
Ushijima closes the bathroom door from the inside, not wanting to wake you up with the loud noise from the hairdryer. He brushes his teeth, puts on his night cream, and turns off the bathroom light before joining you under the cover. He realized that the sweater from his high school volleyball team framed your body. He’s an even bigger and stronger guy now compared to then, yet his sweater still fits loosely on your frame. He wonders if it would make any difference if he met you in high school.
The thought of that tightened his arms around your waist, causing you squirming under him. He realized he woke you up when he heard a faint, “Toshi,” and a cold palm on his cheek. He grabs your cold hand to warm them, placing longing kisses on its knuckles, “sorry, did I wake you up?” You shake your head, turning back to your former position.
“I don’t mind,” you reassure. Ushijima pressed his forehead on your nape and kissed in between it and your spine, carrying out a soft “I missed you,” from your lips.
Ushijima never was a person who relies on verbal affection, so he alternates them more with acts of service, especially in giving. Warm baths after working overtime, a new shelf for your little trinkets, your favorite scented candles, sometimes even phoning his own dad, asking how to season the porridge properly when you had a cold. In rare cases, he'd mutter an “I missed you, too” back, instead of pressing his body closer into you like right now. He squeezes tight, not letting the cold get in between the two of you. He slides his hand down to your thigh to knead them gently before putting it in between them.
His eyelids flutter back awake as he feels a damp spot on your underwear. He gazes down at your eyelashes as you let out a sigh when he puts his hand down there. “You missed me this much?” he teases with a slight naught on his tone. You let out another sigh as he stroked your inner thighs, letting his wrist rub against your wet spot.
The blanket ruffles as his hand makes its ways to your—his—sweater, lifting it up to feel the warmth of your belly. His lips now behind your ear, fluttering kisses and sucking on the skin around it. Your hand found his when he started to slide down, playing with the waistband, eventually slithered inside, stroking between your folds.
So wet, he groans, wondering how you kept this long enough without doing anything about it.
“Want me to do something with this?” he whispered, asking one more time, fingers circling between you. Whining at his motion, you sigh, "please... Toshi,” you let out a breathy voice to call his name.
With your plea, he flips you up, rolls himself on top of you to lower himself, marking down your jaws, trailing up kisses to your lips. You nip gradually on his bottom lip before receiving his tongue. He tilts his head, deepening the kiss. Your hands stroking alongside his neat undercut. You opened your eyes slowly when he pulled back to see his own eyelids hung low, looking either very tired or very much turned on. The edge of his lips were soft from the toothpaste and the lip balm you share with him, smooth and glistening prior to your make out session.
“Keep this on,” he demands as he slides his whole body down. His hands trails up to your breasts, exposing them to the cold air whilst still keeping his sweater intact on you. He positions his shoulders under your thighs. You were surprised that, The Ushijima Wakatoshi, is willing to deal with something that was your own consequences, with his own mouth and tongue. You held it hours ago, wanting his way first rather than relying on your toys. You’re sure that he’ll come home eventually for this before eventually giving in to your heavy eyelids.
He places one, two, three kisses on the inner thigh slowly leading them up to the center of your wet panties. He pushes down your thighs towards him, licking the damp spot as if making out on it. You let out a high pitched whine from your lips. He ever so slowly pulls down your underwear you’ve been so desperate to be out of. His hot breath blows cold air between them with an eventful languid stroke. Your brain clouded, eyes rolled shut at the sight in the dark. You see nothing but flashes of sparks from the noises he made lapping his tongue over you.
Just as you feel his wet muscle fiddling around the sensitive bud, he (with the audacity) decided to suck on it, alternating between licking wet stripes along the core. You finally let out a moan, grabbing the sheets and his hair messy, pushing him further into you, grinding your own crotch towards him. One finger found his way, rubbing your entrance as the tip of his tongue fiddling your clit.
You throw your head back with your face behind your hand as his middle finger finally reaches in, unsteadily sliding in and out up till the spot where you buck your hips to its contact. Feeling your reaction, he slides in another finger, pressing and focusing them more on the gummy spot within, curling them ever so often. His jaw hardened, constantly fiddling his tongue around your clit, putting pressure on it while the tips of his dominant fingers hitting the same spot, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Your walls start to squeeze as your breath gets shaky. His fingers never stop thrusting in and out with a pace you never felt even when you do it yourself. Your back arches before being held down by his non-dominant hand, pressing down on your pelvis as your leg becomes a moving mess before you feel the snap under your belly. You shake as your thighs close around his head, feet pushing on his shoulders unaware. Your vision slurs.
Lips soaked in your own slick, Ushijima licked you down clean as if collecting it after your intense height, giving them one more wet smooch before hovering his body above you. He sucks down his middle and ring finger, cleaning up your mess on him. You raise your hands and grab his cheeks to give yourself a taste, tongue constantly encountering his in between kisses. You push him up, rolling up on your knees, positioning yourself on his lap, not separating your lips.
You eventually pull away with a kiss on his cheek, your hands on his jaw as you find yourself out of breath. You give yourself a view of him with your thumb on his chin. He licked the bottom of his lip before biting them, eyes hazed staring up to yours. His whole face became more and more of a mess, hair disheveled from your constant pulling, lips swollen and soaked down until his chin. You always love seeing him all wet from his own work on you.
It was impossible for you to not get turned on by him all messy and drunk from your cunt. You tug on his waistband, pulling down his PJs alongside his boxers. It’s obvious how hard he is with the ill bulge he had the whole time. His cock springs up as you pull his boxers down, tip flushed and slick, desperate to be inside you. You stroke along the shaft, spreading his own precum as you readied yourself on him. But he insisted. He rolls you back down on your back, holding the back of your thighs, teasing his tip around on your core.
You didn’t have a chance to look where the both of you met before gasping at the sudden intrusion. You were still sensitive and the slick of your pussy prior to his work makes the both of you moan as he slides in. His hips rolled and bucked on you, thrusting deliciously, tip reaching up to the familiar gummy spot.
“You look so good fucked in my sweater like that, dove,” he moans in your ear in the pleasure of your hips meeting his, pelvis to pelvis. The way he whispered that little pet nickname and moaned right into your ears clutches your core. You put your arms around his shoulders, legs wrapping around him, holding on for life as he pounds harder (you swore the bed could crack any minute).
“I’m…” you gasp in between thrusts before you continue, “I’m on birth— ah!” 
You couldn’t continue as he pushed one deep thrust, already knowing what you meant. He groans feeling your tightened walls sucking him in as he starts to roll his hips in a way it touches the parts you never knew you’d reach. He pushes your knees to your chest, thrusting in deeper. You feel his skin constantly slapping on your clit, building you up to another climax.
With a groan and his head buried into your shoulder, he came in a rut. Pace went sloppy and eventually filled his warmth inside you. His moans cracked a higher pitch before he finally emptied out on his last thrust. Both of you laid there catching your breath.
He pulls himself out of you, leaving a whine from your lips from the sudden emptiness. You sigh, feeling his cum slowly spilling out of you. Ushijima muttered a low, "fuck," as he looks down and squeezed your thighs, eyeing the sight of you leaking from his cum.
Making sure you’re fine, he hovers above you, a hand on your jaw as he kisses the edge of your lips. Raising his head to look at you as you open your eyes. Greeted by the sight of his softened features, you smile with a sigh and caress his cheek.
He’s worried, you thought. Ushijima brushes out the strands of hair from your face and places a soft, longing kiss on your temple before walking up towards the bathroom.
You hear the tap running for a while before he comes out with a warm damp towel. He gently grabs your thigh to wipe down the remaining of his cum that has spilled out of you. You sigh from the warmth of the towel.
“You need to go to the toilet,” he states suddenly. You furrow your eyebrows trying to process his instruction before realizing what he meant. You nod, “right,” you prop yourself up to sit.
“Can you walk?” he asks. You thought a bit before nodding as he grabbed onto you in case you wobble and fall. You chuckle in contrast to his worry because you did walk fine. Just a little sore. You walked to the bathroom to pee and clean yourself while Ushijima in the kitchen for some water.
You come back with him already finished putting back his boxer. You realize you don’t wanna sleep in soiled panties so you grab a fresh pair and throw the used one out into the hamper. You jump back on the bed with him. You take the glass of water he gave you before laying back down. He spoons you like how he did before. You shuffle as you turn your body towards him, brushing away his messy hair out of his face.
“Should I wear this more so I can get fucked like that more often?” you ask, referring to how his high school sweater on you turns him on. He let out a tired laugh, “just don’t wear that in front of anyone but me.”
ushy gushy always be on my top #1 daddy big balls alongside erwin smith
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notroosterbradshaw · 10 months
about: just some smut to fend off jetlag. i love sleepy Bradley, I make no excuses that I feel he does his best work in the early hours of the day. This was supposed to be a drabble… it’s not anymore. Sorry.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: nsfw 18+, language, pure fluff, smut.
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The morning after the night before when Bradley met your family for the first time, you'd flown across the world to surprise your dad for his birthday and really, it luckily coincided with Bradley's time off. When you mentioned heading home for your old man's special day that usually kicked off your family's holiday season, you almost fell out of your seat when he said maybe it was time he met the fam face-to-face, not just making small talk over FaceTime. It almost didn’t seem fair that he was subjected to meeting everyone this way, but alas… here you were the next morning, jet lag kicking in while wrapped protectively in Bradley’s strong, golden arms and washed in the relief your family fucking loved him. You weren't overly surprised. 
Bradley's quiet, unassuming charm was just who your mum wanted you to end up with, he was into golf and surfing, so your dad and brothers thought he was the bee's knees. Your sister on the other hand... 
You had to fend her off more than you would have liked. You were confident in your relationship with Bradley, knowing he'd never allow anything to happen. "You're coming across a little desperate," you hissed after one or two drinks, which mortified her, and she apologised, admitting she was just happy to finally get to meet the guy who'd swept you off your feet. "Yes, my feet," you reminded her. When she pointed out how possessive you sounded, you didn't deny it. But she got it and gave you space for the rest of the evening. 
Ahh, sisters. 
Bradley felt your body writhe in the gentlest of movements against his and he sighed. Sleep hadn’t come easy for either of you and compounded with the food and booze you’d indulged in the day before, neither of you slept much. “You okay, sweetheart?” he whispered at God-knows-what-o’clock. 
“What time is it?” You asked softly.
“I dunno, baby. Sun is barely rising,” he admitted. “Can’t hear a peep in the house.”
Which was nice because yesterday was intense. Everyone was so excited to meet your new American boyfriend (fairly, it’d been about eight months, give or take with a few deployments), the incredibly handsome navy pilot whom you’d met one evening at a naval bar while travelling. You’d caught his eyes behind his sunglasses while he played the piano, the crowd around him as swept away with him as you were. The first half-smile in your direction, as he sang, had done you over in a way not one single person on the planet had before. 
He'd charmed you instantly. He still charmed you constantly. 
“Did you get any sleep?” you asked, biting back a yawn.
“Not really,” he peppered tender kisses into your shoulder blade and smiled into your skin as you pressed back into him, the oh-so-quiet moan made for his ears only waking him from his dreaded fog as well. “I’ll try and get a kip somewhere today. That fuckin’ flight murdered me.” 
“You were happy to fly economy,” you muttered. “I know you’re used to tight quarters, but fuck Bradley. It was 15 hours." 
“I know, I know I fucked up. I was looking at upgrades overnight. I’ll use my discount and stuff; we can do it flying home.”
“You sure?”
“Sue me for wanting to save a buck,” he sighed, with a tired, deep chuckle. “Flight was so full; people may as well have been sitting on the wings.”
“It’s Christmas. People travel.”
“You don't say,” he affectionately gripped your waist, rolling you to him and kissed you. “Good morning, I think," he nuzzled your nose against his and asked if you wanted some water or anything.
You shook your head, rolling back and snuggling into him as he adjusted his arms around you again, his nose buried in your hair. "I think Dad is gonna expect you for at least nine holes today." 
"I think so, yeah. Grill me and make sure I'm good enough for his little girl.” He murmured and if he was honest, he was the teeniest bit nervous. He’d never really been in relationships long enough to meet families… and who would he introduce anyone to, except for Mav?
"I think you'll be fine."
"He probably wouldn't be if he knew what a deviant I've turned his smart, beautiful baby girl into.”
You giggled quietly as you could feel the soft ends of his moustache curve into a smirk against the nape of your neck. "He'd send you back on the first flight to LA."
"I would believe that," he said softly. 
"I think yesterday went really well, Bradley," you confided quietly to him.
"You think? I was on my very best behaviour," he teased you.
"Yes, you were," you admitted. Not that he ever wasn't. Bradley was instilled with a remarkable set of manners. He was chivalrous and courteous to a fault, incredibly sweet and at times, pensive, even shy. Almost make believe that you were lucky enough to share his time. You wriggled back against him, and you could feel the hard-on straining through his boxer briefs. "Down, boy." 
"Can't help it," he sighed. "You know what you do to me with that ass. I know what you want. You're not that transparent."
You bit back your pleased smile as his wandering hands travelled down your side, fingertips toying with the hem of his old Navy tee that was now your bed shirt. At home, you were nude sleepers. At your parents' home during the holidays? You showed decorum and respect and you both hated it, preferring skin-on-skin of the other but alas, anyone could walk in at any time. 
“Have a thought about how we might be able to fuck this jetlag off…” 
“Oh, yeah?” at this point, you’d do anything and with Bradley’s travel for work, you hoped maybe he might have some insight. You had planned to just power through and try not to be the world’s most exhausted asshole. 
"You just move your thigh a little this way..." he murmured, his palm cupping your hamstring and you pressed back into him, grinning softly. “And I just slide up in here – ”
“Confident of you, don’t you think?”
“You’re always wet for me,” he whispered against your skin. “Unless you deny it.”
“Never…” you told him, reaching back to wrap an arm around his strong neck. “I just can't keep it down with you. Why didn’t you convince me to get the AirBnb?”
He loved how vocal you were during sex. Your moans, the hisses, the way you'd bite your lip when you were so close. That groan as you came, or the little squeal when you were too sensitive was burned into his brain as his favourite sounds in the world. 
"Just lemme hold you then, it's okay, sweetheart," he grumbled. “I’ll live if you can.” 
“Asshole,” you muttered as he chuckled. 
“Do you want a blowjob?” You nervously offered, turning back to him and he looped your thigh over his hip and perched you above him with such little effort on his behalf - you loved how strong he was but you knew what was waiting for you, Bradley made no secret he was turned on and you loved that you were able to have him on a knife-edge at all times. 
The one per cent, he’s told you once before. 
You’re so sweet to him as you slowly dragged your hand into the waistband of his boxer briefs, revealing more and more skin, cock springing free, slapping against his toned, tanned Adonis belt. Long, thick and dripping with precum already and he almost blushed at how eager he was.
“I’ll never say no,” he replied, “And I know you might be uncomfortable here. Your dad is right across the hall, baby."
“But my daddy is right here…” you immediately corrected him, and he smiled darkly to himself. You didn't use that term lightly, you couldn’t nfi fed to him he had the ability to bring out your innermost feral when you least expected it and he would do his utmost to encourage it (if you were comfortable). 
“Jesus,” his head was swirling, trying to keep calm and not blow his load the second you bared your tongue to him but there was absolutely nothing sweet about it. He was a preening mess when you went down on him. The night you'd told him you weren't overly experienced in blow jobs was the greatest night of his life, coaching you through what he liked and watching you perfect your generous technique time and time again. 
These days, you loved giving Bradley head. He gave you confidence, he made you feel sexy and not like it was only about him on the receiving end. He’s whispered and encouraged, and when it all got too much, he told you he was close. He was neither here nor there on the whole spit or swallow thing… until you and your preference but he was never left empty-handed.
"Shh," you hissed. "Not a sound." 
That one thing you did for him that absolutely made him come undone. And he'd bury his face in your pussy all day if you allowed him to show you how fucking grateful, he was for all the pleasure you presented him. Your sweet, tight wetness that he would eagerly drown himself in if you’d let him. 
Your honeyed tongue delicately tasted the flawless head of his cock, lapping up the precum as Bradley's eyes rolled back into his head and his big hands reached to knot into your hair as you went to work, swirling your tongue and looking up with your big, scheming eyes, knowing you had him at his most precarious. 
He was a weapon in his training, his mind and body were always primed to do what was asked of him, but you were the exception and it scared and excited him.
He could feel himself getting so close to painting the back of that beautiful mouth, and while it pained him to say it, the way your eyes softened told him he’d made the right choice. “Come on, baby, I want you.” 
You gently pulled away and asked, “You don’t want me to finish?”
“No, I wanna fuck, baby. Watch you lose control.” 
“Okay,” you said, your soft hand trading with your warm mouth to tenderly pump and tease him. 
“Gimme a sec. I don't have condoms close,” he whispered. “They're in my luggage.”
"Just pull out, sweetheart," you enticed him, wanting to feel all of him. It was so infrequent you fucked without protection, and of course, you both preferred it that way but after a pregnancy scare (or not, neither of you was really sure) a few months back, you'd both decided to stop tempting fate and ensuring there was a stash of condoms at his place, your place... the goddamn Bronco – Bradley understood that it was your body and you didn’t want to be on the pill. A condom was the least he could do, and he knew it. 
Bradley helped you move up his body and rest you above him. "Are you sure?" he kissed you, your gleaming teeth lightly stinging into his bottom lip with an affectionate nip. 
“I trust you,” you told him. "Cum where you need...”
Truth be told, he wanted to cum deep, but he licked back a wet smile and he moved to his knees to pull his navy tee over your head, bearing your beautiful breasts to him, full, round, nipples begging for attention. “On your back, baby,” he urged, guiding you under him, anticipating how wet you were for him, legs splaying open unashamed. He rested the head of his cock on your weeping cunt, his fingers spreading your bare lips and sweeping your slick across your clit, fascinated by that little peep of desperation from you. Your head fell back against the pillows, bliss sweeping through you as he sweetly pressed one finger into you. “Drippin’,” he reported, pressing in another finger and his thumb rubbing tenderly against your throbbing clit. “Gonna gush for me?” 
You probably would, Bradley’s ability to drag absolutely everything out of you blew your mind each time. “Need your cock. Fill me up, Bradley.” 
Pushing in, one delicious inch by delicious inch, licking his full lips as your back curved to take him as deeply as possible. He buried his face in your breasts, holding one in his calloused palm, eyes fluttering closed as he traced, left wet, open-mouthed kissed and tenderly bit the other, and the groan you let you made him clamp his palm over your mouth. “You’re so wet, baby,” he stared deeply into your eyes as he evened his breath with the first few rolls of his slender hips. "But you're gonna wake your parents if you don’t control yourself."
"Let them fuckin' hear," you muttered behind your hand (you’d die if they heard you though) as he chuckled and began his ruthless assault on your senses, one thrust at a time. 
"You're too good to me," Bradley reminded you in disbelief.  
"All for you," you confided, as you watched the beads of sweat break across his brow as you dug your nails into his well-worked traps, willingly knowing it would leave a mark courtesy of your fresh manicure. You raised your hips to meet his deep, plunging thrusts, fucking into you strong and deep. He felt incredible, you don't think anyone had loved on you as Bradley Bradshaw could. So thorough, and never one to leave you hanging. 
Too long, too sore? He'd pause and tenderly withdraw to hold you, reassuring you that it was fine, and your comfort was paramount. Too sensitive after coming too hard, he'd give you time to recover, finding other ways to bring you pleasure.
It was nice to be considered in your relationship, in your sex life especially. In the past, you'd been made to feel like a machine, if you didn't cum, partners still could, and you'd just deal with it. For a long time, that stuck with you and having someone consider you like Bradley would almost seem too good to be true at the start. 
But that consideration never lapsed. He was make-believe and you fucking hoped if this man and everything he brought to you was a dream that you’d never, ever wake up. 
Desperate to keep himself controlled, Bradley reached for the headboard of your old bed, gripping it for dear life as he tried so damn hard to avoid coming. He loved fucking you raw, and since birth control was completely your choice, you two had to stop playing this dangerous game. Because one day? It would beat you both.
"I need to cum, Bradley," you whined to him as he nodded, chewing his lower lip, and putting your delicate fingers in your mouth, not losing his rhythm. He knew. He knew how close you were. 
"Lemme see you touch yourself, baby. Get those fingers - " he gasped as you clenched around him. "Get 'em nice and wet and play with that sweet, tight pussy. Lemme see you fall apart.”
Before, language like that would embarrass you, but with Bradley, it only spurred you on. It was incredible the ways he’d helped you grow and mature as a friend, partner and lover. As instructed, and in the low early morning light, Bradley’s breath hitched, watching you touch yourself and you couldn’t help it, the beat of his cock against your g-spot, your fingers pressing rough circles into your clit and you started to come. 
“Yes, baby. Yes,” he urged, moving his mouth to your ear, whispering his sweet encouragement. “You feel so good, just a little mo – ” he forced his mouth against yours, kissing your pleasure to him, to keep the noise down. He wrapped his hand under your hip, lifting your waist to push harder into you as you trembled below him, your pussy clutching his cock, spasming as he shuddered against your lips. “Yes, baby.”
“Jesus, Bradley, fuck me,” you begged as his hips speed up like a piston, thrusting hard into your swollen, sensitive pussy, his hand clutching yours away from your strained clit and pressing intensely in your place, hoping to drag your orgasm out and as you fell, lifeless, back against the squishy pillows, pussy pulsating, Bradley grunted low he was coming and after his final few thrusts, he quickly withdrew and unloaded, stroking himself until he was spent, pearly ribbons of cum decorating your belly and breasts. 
He collapsed beside you, taking your cheeks in his face and kissing you wildly. “I love you. I love you, baby,” he kissed you again, and though you were spent, you returned his affections, because truly… you loved Bradley Bradshaw with your entire being. It was going to take a lot to change that. “Are you okay?” he asked, chest still heaving as he breathed, his pointer finger tracing through the mess he made on you.
“I’m good, sweetheart,” you assured him as he gave you one last, final kiss.
“Think that helped with your jetlag?” he teased.
“Makes me want another round,” you admitted as he chuckled and raised an eyebrow. 
“Of course you do,” he pressed a kiss into your pulse and lifted his lips back to yours, holding you close and just like horny teenagers, enjoying making out for a few moments in the afterglow. “Where’s that shirt gone?” he asked, peering over the side of the bed, and cleaning you up. “Jackson Pollack painting here.”
“Be less proud,” you told him as he snorted.
“Yes, ma’am,” he pressed another kiss to your lips. “Sure you’re okay?”
“Perfect, but let me go pee,” you whispered as Bradley kissed you long and deep, he nodded into the kiss but was not quite ready to leave you leave him. 
“Go, clean up, baby,” he helped you up from the bed, your legs precarious and meandering like Bambi. “Careful,” he sighed, wistfully. But he knew it already, you were thoroughly fucked, just how he liked it. 
A few hours later and thankfully, a few more hours of sleep, your alarm woke you, the sun much higher in the sky and the heat of the day starting to rise. You’d showered and told him to come down when he was ready, you’d help your Mum with some brekky.
“You want eggs?”
“Anything,” Bradley admitted. “Famished.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” you cupped his face in your palms and kissed him lightly. “Don’t rush.”
“Okay,” he gave a small grin but didn’t much feel like lingering. After a quick shower, he dressed, annoyed he didn't pack any golf gear, at minimum the shoes that you gave him grief for every time he wore them, but maybe he'd treat himself and buy some at the course today. He rifled through his bag, clutching the velvet box in his palm tightly, convinced more than ever that this was real, this was happening and soon, he'd hope to have you wearing his mother's engagement ring too. 
Slapping on his CVN-71 cap, he knew you went a bit feral when he perched it backward. May as well leave you with good thoughts while he was out and about, asking your old man for your hand on the golf course. And if it went badly, it was also something to identify him when the authorities found him if your dad said no. 
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hotluncheddie · 4 months
how is your autistic Steve? missing him on this Sunday
hello!!! me too omg!!!! he is the best boy!!!
I've been having a couple thoughts about him here and there and I found a old snipped I wrote ages ago in my notes <3
:) ty for reminding me of him tho, my actual true love autistic Steve :)
Eddie notices Steve doing it one night, while a films on, sitting in the dark. 
He's rubbing his hands over his mouth, over his lips and cheeks. Over and over again, his fingers or palm rubbing left right, left right, over his lips.
He sees it again one morning. Steve laying on his belly, rubbing his face into the pillow, smushing his nose and turning his whole head left to right and back again. Always slow to wake up, sleepy long after the alarm. He rubs, then huffs. Sighs and relaxes. rubs again. 
Eddie can't hold it in any longer, he needs to touch him. So he rolls Steve over, into his arms. Steve hums, high and happy, twisting to be the little spoon. Tucking in close and grinding a little, the menace.
But they’re both too sleepy still, too relaxed. Steve breaths deep and snuggles into Eddie's arms. Then Eddie feels Steve's head move, so he peeks over to see Steve face. He has his eyes closed, rubbing his mouth and lips against the soft duvet. Pressing lightly on his upper lip, and below his nose. Body loose and Eddie tangles their legs together, buries his face in Steve’s neck, and breaths. 
Steve plays the same song over and over. It's new, from a band he loved then forgot about. But there’s this part in it, this new song, part of the bridge he thinks Eddie said. Steve likes it so much. Just that little part. He sings along to it, copying it. It sounds so nice. 
He plays the song over and over. Eddie helps him put it on a tape. That one song. The one song with that part on the bridge. Over and over on the same tape. It’s so good. Steve plays it on his Walkman if someone is over. Plays it over and over, until his mind starts to wander during it, he's heard it so many times. Until that best part seems stamped in his head - never to be forgotten.
It's so good, that little part, the whole song.
Steve plays it again.
Steve making packed lunches. ✨
It's so he can feel in control. So if everything went weird and wrong in his day, at least he knows that lunch will be normal. The same as every other day.
No worrying about if they have what he wants or if there will be enough protein to keep him feeling full. No stress that there won’t be anything around he wants to eat which would mean he doesn’t eat anything, the hunger manageable for a while until it’s encroaching on him slowly and he’s snapping at Robin but forgetting the cause. His tension rising and his jaw clenching, and before he knows it it’s the end of the day and his head is pounding and all he can do is go home and sleep off his tension headache. Evening gone for anything fun, ruined by pain. Steve hates that.
So Steve makes packed lunches, makes a couple at a time, sometimes enough for the whole week in one go.
Sometimes he has a craving for diner food, and that's okay, him and Robin sharing an order of fries and Steve getting his burger with extra lettuce and pickles on the side. And that's okay, some days, if it feels right. He has his lunch for dinner and enjoys.
But still, he makes packed lunches.
Just so he knows.
No matter what happens. Lunch is the same as every other day. <3
going to once again tag people who might like to see - this is very short but i just, i want as many people as possible to think about autistic Steve, he is so very special
@pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @spectrum-spectre @just-a-tiny-void @steventhusiast
@tangerinesteve @lil-gremlin-things @irethsune @scoops-aboy86 @marvel-ous-m
( sorry if this is annoying )
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snuggerudsz · 1 year
SUMMARY: Quinn comes home to his wife and children napping, and it leads to a very important talk.
PAIRING: Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hi!! I'm on such a Quinn phase always right now. And dad!Quinn actually owns my heart, so I needed to write some more for him. I don't know why the kids are always sleeping when I write these, but I have more dad!Quinn coming out soon, pinky promise. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. Likes and reblogs are always welcomed. Thank you for reading!!! <3333
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The house was silent when Quinn got home. It was peaceful and quiet. That’s never a good sign with children, he thought, worried. If there’s one thing having children taught Quinn Hughes it is that silence is never a good sign. Upon entering the house, he felt immediately unsettled, his eyes darting around, searching for the little ones, who usually came running into his arms, celebrating his return as if he hadn’t left only a few hours ago. 
The defenseman left his equipment bag in the foyer, throwing his keys on the table and hastily taking off his shoes, hurrying up the stairs, looking for a sign of life from his wife and children. Worried, Quinn was skipping steps. He goes into your shared room immediately feeling his heart full. Quinn opened the door to the bedroom quietly and saw his wife, sleeping peacefully in the middle with their two children, Oliver and Aurora, snuggled up against her body. He looked over, a soft smile on his face, mentally wondering how was it possible to live such a good life, surrounded by so much love. Sometimes Quinn still couldn't believe this was his life. Not even his wildest dreams would come close to reality.
He hesitated for a moment, watching the peaceful picture before him. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stepped into the room, carefully made his way over to the bed, and knelt down, carefully brushing a strand of hair from your face. Quinn got up, preparing to turn away and let them rest when you stirred awake, sleepy eyes fluttering open. A bit confused, you quickly took in your surroundings, your gaze finding your husband's. You smiled up at him sleepily and beckoned him closer, doing your best to not wake up the children.
Holding out his hand, Quinn helped you get up without disrupting the two kids. You smiled at him gratefully as he guided the both of you out of the bedroom.
You and Quinn tiptoe downstairs to the kitchen, sitting at the table, drinking some tea. Quinn told you about his day, sharing the stories of the rink, the fun of living out his dreams, and also the hardships of being the captain; you talk about your day at home, telling him about the kids and about how far you've already gotten in the writing of your new book. The two of you stay there, laughing and joking as the afternoon sun casts golden light across the room.
Quinn looked at you with a loving gaze. He could feel a wave of emotion rush through him. Having that sweet moment with you, after seeing you and the children huddled up together had filled him with a longing he couldn't quite explain. He had thought about it before, but never seriously. Now, though, he couldn't help but imagine another kid. Another little one, the perfect mix of the both of you. The thought itself made him smile.
“What do you think about having another baby?” Quinn questioned suddenly, breaking the silence.
“Are you thinking about it?” You answer, looking back at your husband, waiting for his answer.
It’d be an utter lie to say you hadn’t thought about it, truth be told. Both of the kids had friends with baby siblings and you could feel the want for another one deep inside you, missing the baby days. Besides, the sight of Quinn with his teammates' babies always made your mind go blank, full of sinful thoughts. 
“I just,” The defenseman starts, unsurely, “I wouldn't be against having another kid if you're up for it.” He said shyly, almost afraid of your response.
You smiled softly, eyes sparkling in the light of the kitchen. Leaning in, you've kissed him sweetly, voice warm and affectionate, slightly flirty. “I'd love to have another baby with you, Mr. Hughes”
Quinn grinned, eyes full of relief and surprise at his wife's answer. “There’s no one else I’d rather be the mother of my children, Mrs. Hughes,” He answers, the same flirty tone you’d used.
He rises from the table, pulling you with him. He held you close, sharing a few more kisses. They stood in the kitchen, the same kitchen where they had shared so many memories together, holding each other and dreaming about the possibilities that lay ahead of them. They both knew that their family was about to get a little bigger, and they couldn't wait. The room was filled with a different kind of joy, one that was shared between two people who loved each other deeply and were excited for the future.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
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CW: yandere, dub-con
This idea has been on my mind for the past two days… Jing Yuan tries to coax you step by step. After an exhausting day, you threw yourself on the soft bed and fell into the land of dreams.
Faintly, you hear your husband’s voice. Softly, some whisper. A little warm breath. "Baby, are you asleep…", "Can you help me… Just touch it for a while. I have been thinking about you for a long time:(( "You still closed your eyes, but your little voice was a promise, reaching out your hand.
Jing Yuan grabs your palm, letting your hand wrap around his cock and stroke and rub himself, the heat radiating from there. He didn’t forget to let your thumb massage his tip. Even though you were just held to move your hands, your arms would still feel a little sore from all the twitching and massaging. You didn't care, just pressed the side of your face against the pillow and continued to sleep, but… "This isn't working… Baby, can you help me with your mouth? Just a little longer…"
It takes more than ten seconds for your brain to respond. You grunted in complaint, but still opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, filling your mouth in the next second. Maybe it was thoughtful enough not to hit your throat considering you didn't wake up, but it was still too much. Your sleepy tears drip onto his cock. "Um…" His hand pushed the back of your head, and his cock pressed against your tongue and pumped slowly. You pushed his arm twice in dissatisfaction. When the tip of your tongue was sore from being rubbed, you finally felt the thing leave.
"I'm sorry, babyyy, can you allow me to rub it outside? I won't thrust in…"
You opened your eyes for a few seconds at the harassment, but still spread your legs. After getting permission, Jing Yuan immediately took off your already soaked panties and teased your glistening folds, even pulling them apart with his fingers to look inside. He watched for a few minutes before rubbing his cock against your private parts, rubbing the tip against your slit, and even pressing the whole thing against you, getting wet with the transparent liquid.
"…It still doesn't work, baby, just let me cum inside you once…"
Before you could react, you were picked up by your husband's strong arms. Jing Yuan lay on the bed and lifted you out, slowly placing you on his cock and sinking you in. You lowered your head, feeling the pleasure that traveled through your body and then seemed to explode, and then as the thrusts began, you had to bounce on his cock and chest, moaning. "…you…you…bastard…" Your voice sounded like a kitten's purr under the influence of fatigue. Warm and familiar seeds are sent and spurted into your body.
However, this was not the end. Jing Yuan took a break and started a new round. This time your husband pinned you down.
After completing two rounds, the general placed you contentedly on his chest, closing his eyes and resting with a sweet smile. And you, looking at him, huffed.
You are completely awake.
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norrisluv · 5 months
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summary: Pedri has the day off and decides to take his girlfriend on a date
warnings: none
I wake up to the sound of Pedri's alarm clock at 6:00am.
"What time is it?" - I mumble into my pillow, feeling the bed shake.
"6am, mi amor. I have to go" - Pedri replies, after giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I hear the sound of running water and rub my sleepy eyes. I lie there a little longer until Pedri comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist
"Where are you going?"
"I have training at 8 o'clock" - my boyfriend goes to the closet and starts putting on his training clothes.
I let out a grumble and bury my face in the pillow again.
"I thought today was your day off"
"No, baby. It's only tomorrow. Are you going to stay asleep?" - he comes closer, sits down on the bed and strokes my hair
"Yes, please. I'm tired" - I turn my head towards him, seeing him smile
"It's okay, I have to go. I'll see you at lunch" - I feel his kiss on my cheek
He gets up and I close my eyes, hearing the bedroom door slam before I fall asleep.
I was just finishing setting the table when I heard the front door open. I smile when I see Pedri walk through the living room to meet me in the kitchen.
"Hello, mi amor"
I leave a kiss on his lips and he goes down to my neck
He brings his hands to my ass and gives it a smack
"Sorry! I've been wanting to do that since this morning" - he lets out a laugh
I smile at him and give him a weak slap on the arm.
"Sit down, lunch is ready"
We start eating and chatting normally until he looks at me intensely
"I want to take you on a date"
I raise an eyebrow and look at him a little confused
He shrugs his shoulders and puts down his cutlery
"I miss spending time with you."
I smile at him and nod
"Okay, that sounds good"
After lunch, we cleaned up the kitchen and spent the day watching movies. At 6pm, Pedri and I start to get ready. I put on a new red dress and put on some makeup. I look in the mirror and see Pedri looking at me with his mouth slightly open. I let out a laugh and he comes closer, hugging me from behind and wrapping his hands around my belly
"You look so beautiful! I want to rip that dress off your body"
"No! We have a reservation at my favorite restaurant"
Pedri grumbles and walks away to let me finish my makeup. We walk to the car together and on the way to the restaurant Pedri puts his hand on my thigh, stroking up and down.
When we arrived, the waitress took us to a slightly more private table.
"What would you like to eat?" - Pedri looks at me through the menu
"I'm undecided between the pasta Bolognese and the lasagna" - I whisper, looking between the two foods on the menu.
Pedri lets out a laugh and puts his menu down on the table, taking my hand and stroking it.
"I'll order the lasagna"
Pedri nods and takes our orders. We laughed and talked all through dinner, as we hadn't done for a long time. We left the restaurant holding hands and laughing.
"I've missed this" - I say, approaching him as we walk to the car
"Why didn't you tell me? We could have gone on more dates more often"
I shrug and as soon as we reach the car he opens the door for me. When my boyfriend sits down in the driver's seat, he takes my hand and I answer his question from before.
"You were always very tired with the games and your injuries so I didn't want to put my things on you"
His smile drops a little and he squeezes my hand tighter
"Amor, we're a couple. My problems are yours and yours are mine, so when you want to do something, just tell me and I'll do it."
I smile at him and press our lips together.
"Te amo, Pedro Gonzalez"
He smiles at me and gives me another kiss
"Te amo más, mi diosa y/n /y/sn"
He starts the car and on the way I realize that he wasn't going home.
"Where are we going?"
I lean back in the seat and, as his hand is on my thigh, I play with his fingers. He parks in front of the beach and I smile, quickly getting out of the car
"The beach! My…"
"Favorite place, I know."
He finishes my sentence and I hug him while he leaves a kiss on my forehead.
"Let's go for a walk"
I nod happily and we walk hand in hand along the sand, listening to the sound of the sea and our footsteps.
"Thanks for tonight, Pedrito"
I use his nickname and he smiles at me.
"Thank you for accepting a busy man like me"
I hug him from the side as we walk
"I would always choose you, busy or not"
We smile at each other and stare out to sea, watching the sea crashing against the rocks.
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whatstheoccasion · 1 year
"You are the rock on which I stand, Steady me, please take my hand, Hold me now until the break of day."
— Charles Wiles.
Pirates don't help people, he used to spit. I was not born into this world to help anyone.
Yet, as the fabric of your shirt softly shifts up your skin making you shiver, Law finds himself unable to stop the hand raising his blanket, keeping you warm.
You're not just people, though, he poorly excuses himself. You're more than just anyone to him.
Which is why he pretends to not notice how clingy you get when the sun's barely peeking through the windows, warm and bright enough to make out the shape of your face, features he awkwardly traces with the tip of his fingers, finding himself needing the intimacy, this closeness with you.
He cherishes these slight pieces of yourself you only show him. Asleep, vulnerable and soft to the touch, trusting this callous man to keep your dreams safe, Law has to bite his tongue to hold himself from repeating the same three little words to you like a fool.
He chastises himself for even thinking about it.
And then you start to wake up, with bloated cheeks and messy hair, your eyes still fighting sleep, and God, it's useless, Law thinks. It's an urge too hard to resist– but he refuses to say it out loud. He's content with protecting you as it is, tightening his blanket around you and trying to fix your hair.
Will it be too much for you, he wonders, impatiently waiting for your eyes to fully open, if he physically gives you his heart to keep, to protect?
You shove your face further down his neck, eyes scrunching in a tender way that makes Law's hands clench and unclench with the need to touch.
He hums low on his chest in response, bringing your body closer to his. When you don't continue, eyes closing again, he grumbles out, "Morning."
He feels your smile on his neck, one sleepy kiss pressed against it. "Good morning, love."
It hurts.
Up to this day, Law's guilt clenches with a vice-like grip around his chest, reminding him how he doesn't deserve this warmth, this forgiveness you give him.
It's a hole his heart still aches to fill– this disgusting need for affection, a need he can't allow himself to ask for out loud, but one he desperately looks for anyways.
When you're out and about on a new island, linking pinkies and pressing your side against his, teasing him for his pink cheeks and burning glare.
Aflot in the Polar Bear, dragging his tired self up deck to get some much needed sun in his system, his palms tingling where your hands held him.
On nights he's blessed with your pleasure, where he's insatiable until he makes you his– unsatisfied until every part of you is marked with his name, his traces.
So when you pull him closer to you now, he doesn't say a word. He doesn't tease you like he would any other day, doesn't call you out on how your body seems to always gravitate towards his– today he's not sure if his good intentions would come clear enough, and what if one last remark is what pushes you to finally leave him for good?
Law instinctively holds you closer, letting your body soothe his restless mind. You're here. You're staying. You love him.
You hug him even tighter in your sleep, entwining your legs together, impossibly closer to eachother. He's usually not positive for anything, but you're for sure a gift from his loved ones up above, because only those who cared for him enough could guide you to him.
He has one final thought before dozing off again, as the tiny fluttering of your eyelashes on his skin and the slight rise from the waves of the New World lull him to sleep, carrying so much fondness he doesn't even put up a fight when his eyes start to drop.
His heart is staying right where it belongs.
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irisintheafterglow · 10 months
Okay here me out I need to express this with another SWIFTY
Gege confirmed gojo was canon a player right??
He’s all about fuckboy life but THEN then he meets you and is so inlove he becomes so domestic and just <333
every dead end street led you straight to me
wc: 2.1k
cw/tags: established relationship, first meeting, creepy guy at a club but he doesn't get very far because of unofficial bodyguard™ satoru, mostly just fluff and taylor references, little fun surprise at the very end in case it wasn't tooth-rotting enough
note: hi anon!!! first off, i'm so sorry this took so long to complete; i literally love aotgylb and so i was a little stumped for how to write this because it's just,,,,so him. i love him. i love taylor. i hope you love this lol. enjoy!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated!
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“I really wish I found you sooner.”
“How so?”
“I wouldn’t have needed all that dumb shit with other girls if I knew you were waiting for me. All the lame fights, feeling alone even when I wake up next to someone. That dumb shit.”
“Who said I wasn’t doing dumb shit too?” You look at him with a sleepy smile, warm despite the biting chill of the early morning air. "You couldn't fathom how many boys I was crying in the bathroom about."
"Do you remember their names?"
"Of course not." While you press against the personal heater that is your boyfriend, the long-awaited sunlight starts to touch the very tips of the mountains before you. “You remember my first boyfriend, don’t you?”
“Mmm, yeah. The one from Kyoto that dropped out ‘cause he couldn’t stand being weaker than his partner,” he recalls. “He’s also the ugliest of your exes; it’s hard to forget him when I almost exorcized him before I met you.” You burst out laughing at the memory and a puff of your breath appears in front of your face. Satoru follows suit, exhaling a long breath and making boyish dragon noises. “See, aren’t I so much better?”
“Yes love, no one can compete with your dragon impressions,” you tease. With a shiver, you wrap your coat tighter around your body. “I won’t lie, though. My ass is freezing.”
“I was just about to say that,” he agrees, shifting uncomfortably on the stone bench. Even with the several layers of thermal long sleeves, jackets, and gloves, the winter weather seemed adamant on giving you frostbite. “Remind me to never suggest a sunrise hike ever again.” 
“But isn’t it romantic? Freezing our asses off and shit-talking our exes?” 
“I would not enjoy this if I was with anyone else,” he concludes. “That’s all I’ll say about that.”
“Fine, then go back to that other thing, the one about finding me sooner.” 
“Oh, that?” He pauses for a moment, jutting his lips to the side in deep thought. Spots of gold start to catch on his bright white hair, strikingly similar to the snow crunching under your boots. “I was just thinking how much time I wouldn’t have wasted if I simply found you sooner.”
“What do you mean, ‘found me?’” 
“I was searching for someone, you know, and I didn’t know what I wanted until I met you.” The corner of his mouth quirks as a memory pops into his mind. “Even though you hated me.”
“I did not hate you,” you argue in vain since you did, in fact, hate him when you first met him. In need of a new partner after your boyfriend (the ugly one, Satoru notes) fell ill the night before a mission, you considered feigning sickness yourself when you saw who the higher ups assigned. It was easier, logistically, to slap on the most powerful asset they had on a mission where a sorcerer dropped out, but it didn’t make him any less annoying when he picked you up at the airport. It was before the days of his current blindfold, when he wrapped strips of white linen over his eyes during the times he opted for no sunglasses. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t unnerve you, the way he navigated through the airport crowds as if his vision wasn’t impeded in the slightest. The aura that he emanated was intimidating and one of sheer power, but the goofy smile and melodic voice contradicted any assumptions you made about the strongest being alive. 
“Gojo Satoru?”
“That’s me. I like it when you say my name,” he drawls and you make a quiet gagging noise in your throat. 
“Please don’t ever say that again,” you say, walking in a random direction where you hope the driver is parked. To your embarrassment, you turn around to see him standing in the same spot, a smug grin on his face and a thumb pointing in the opposite direction. “I thought I read the lot was this way,” you mutter in irritation while he falls into step next to you. 
“Oh, it was,” he affirms and you stop mid-stride. The shit-eating expression on his face only grows wider when he senses your increasing annoyance. “But there’s a dango stand over here and you look like you could use a snack.” He was right, of course, but you didn’t admit it until much later in your relationship. The first twelve hours with him were painfully awkward, to say the least. You shoved dango in your mouth to avoid answering any questions about yourself and stared out the dark window of the car while he snuck glances at you in the backseat. After dropping your stuff at the hotel and slipping into nicer clothes, you walk out onto the crowded street to find Satoru waiting in a sleek-looking suit that would have the girls back home fainting on the spot. He opens the door with a flirty remark that you immediately tune out and you recheck the Cursed Tools in your clutch while he slides into the seat beside you. 
“You know your role?” 
“I’m a wealthy businessman gunning for the weapon with the blue handle,” he states confidently.
“Green handle, not blue.”
“What’s the difference?”
“One of them has an eons-old Curse stuffed into its hilt…and the other is blue.” He makes a small noise of amusement in his throat and you feel yourself relax a little bit more. “I’ll camp out at the bar and wait for the owner to make a move. Apparently, he’s the type to bite pretty easily if he sees something good-looking and alone. When he’s distracted, you grab the weapon. Got it?”
“Clear as crystal,” he says, swiping his tongue over his top lip absentmindedly. A serious look washes over his face, something in his head making his eyebrows draw together. “What if the guy starts getting handsy with you?”
“I’ll…handle it,” you reply slowly, slightly confused as to why he cares. “Just get the weapon, Gojo. You can stall or kill time however you want before that, but we don’t have the luxury of being able to make a mess.”
“Easier said than done,” he says quietly, “So, no promises.” 
It turned out that making messes was simply a part of Satoru’s daily routine. Perched on a bar stool and barely nursing a weak drink, you clearly saw what his idea of killing time was. Lean arms stretched over the back of an overstuffed corner booth in a corner of the club, pulling several nice-looking women into his side while they giggled in his lap. He’d swapped the strips of linen for an expensive pair of sunglasses and he peered over the rim at regular intervals to keep an eye on you. It made your heart pang just a little bit, seeing him easily attract girls to him like a magnet in a paper clip factory. There was no doubt that Gojo Satoru was attractive, yet every doubt existed in your mind as to whether you would ever have a chance with him. You didn’t mean to look so mopey and sad at the counter, but it seems to play to your advantage when the owner of the weapon creeps over with a sinister smile on his face. 
“Hello, dear,” he purrs and it takes all of your willpower not to slap him for looking at you like a pretty thing. “Nothing is sadder than a beauty at the bar, all alone.”
“And what were you going to do about it?” You drop the volume of your voice to an enticing volume, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“Inject a bit more excitement into your evening,” he replies daringly and the insinuation makes you nauseous. “That man, with the glasses? He broke your heart?” He leans on your shoulder and looks in the direction of your partner, the one who was supposed to be grabbing the weapon while you were busy being ogled by this narcissist. “You need to watch out for men like him, throwing around money and women like they’re of no value. Both have value. You have value.” Great, you groan in your head, he’s gross and a hypocrite, too.
“I wouldn’t say broke it,” you murmur mysteriously. “More like, doesn’t deserve it.”
“You’re feisty,” he observes. “I’m incredibly attracted to it.” Shit. On pure instinct, you feel your Cursed Energy flare up as his hand roams dangerously close to your thigh, sliding down your arm with a clammy palm. Despite not being a sorcerer, you know he feels the energy shift when his eyes dart up to yours not with lust, but suspicion. By some stupid twist of Fate, you’d blown your own cover. The weapon owner’s hand suddenly tightens around your wrist, chaining you to the bar counter. 
“Let go of me,” you order, completely rid of the stupidly airy voice and naive smiles. 
“What did you just–”
“My love, we’re leaving.” Elegant fingers effortlessly pry the man’s hand from your skin and toss them aside like garbage. You find your coat gently draped around your shoulders, and only then does he guide you up and away from the bar, with the weapon owner still gawking in his stool. Somewhere between your Cursed Energy flaring and the man grabbing your wrist, Satoru must have left his posse of gorgeous women to pull you out of your present situation. “Good?”
“Yeah,” you mutter, slightly embarrassed that he had to come in and save you. “Thanks for doing that, even though you had to leave your girlfriends.” 
“Of course. They never mean anything to me, nor do I mean anything to them,” he replies and it sounds genuine, without any sort of mockery or indication that he was holding it above your head. With one arm still wrapped around your shoulders, he calls the valet to retrieve the car and you find that you don’t mind him holding you close. “Nice play with the energy flare-up, by the way. That was really smart.”
“What do you mean?”
“Smoking out the weapon’s energy signature by making it butt against your own?” He shakes his head in disbelief, city lights catching in the lenses of his glasses. “Absolute genius.” 
“I…didn’t mean to do that,” you admit and he peers at you out of the corner of his vision. You didn’t know it yet, but to him, you looked prettier than any of the women he was surrounded by inside the club. “It was an accidental reflex when the guy went for my leg.”
“Want me to kill him?” You chuckle, but it dies away when you see the cold expression on his face, nothing like the playful and warm persona you’d just been speaking to. “Say the word and I’ll blow the place to pieces.”
“We’re not supposed to make a mess, remember?” 
“And I said no promises, remember?” He helps you into the passenger’s seat with a gentlemanly hand, shutting it after you before settling into the driver’s seat. “Either way, I got the weapon. It was in the guy’s pocket, not in the safe like we thought it would be. But, more importantly, you got out of that creep’s vicinity.” 
“I appreciate you looking out for me.”
“Anytime, pretty.”
“Don’t call me that,” you say firmly and he looks at you curiously. “What?”
“Why not?”
“I’m not interested in being your arm candy; I’m not that type of person.” He pauses for several long moments, stuck in deep thought.
“I didn’t realize I was the type of person to have arm candy,” he states quietly, like it was an epiphany as he pulled away from the club’s valet curb. 
“Something must be wrong with one of your Six Eyes, then, if you truly believe that,” you chuckle, trying to make the mood a little lighter. Yet, he’s still staring straight ahead with a frown on his face and a draw between his eyebrows. It was unsettling, to say the least. “Hey, I really didn’t mean any offense–”
“Let me try.”
“Let me try,” he repeats with absolute determination. The streetlight casts his face in a dangerous shade of red.
“To win you over. Teach you what forever feels like,” he answers and your head feels like it’s been submerged underwater, all noises suddenly becoming muddy and irrelevant. “Show you that I don’t think you’re just eye candy.” 
“What the hell are you playing at, Gojo?”
“I’m just tryin’ to show you that I’m not the playboy you have in your head,” he argues and it makes your cheeks heat. “Let me try. If I fail, I’ll go bald or something. Sorcerer's honor.” You burst out laughing, shaking your head in disbelief but feeling comfortable enough to take him up on the offer. Now, a few years and zero bald heads later, you were freezing your ass off with the man of your dreams on a mountain at six in the morning. 
Somehow, you both felt like you’d won the bet when he pulled out that box from his pocket and got down on one knee. 
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