#though that'll take time before I actually post it
akibarayuri · 5 months
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no i definitely did not forget the fact that i drew a whole ass comic about erroink marriage in a sunflower field with the sunset as backdrop. i am very sane about them
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mcmansionhell · 2 months
namesake mcmansion
Howdy folks! Today's McMansion is very special because a) we're returning to Maryland after a long time and b) because the street this McMansion is on is the same as my name. (It was not named after me.) Hence, it is my personal McMansion, which I guess is somewhat like when people used to by the name rights to stars even though it was pretty much a scam. (Shout out btw to my patron Andros who submitted this house to be roasted live on the McMansion Hell Patreon Livestream)
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As far as namesake McMansions go, this one is pretty good in the sense that it is high up there on the ol' McMansion scale. Built in 2011, this psuedo-Georgian bad boy boasts 6 bedrooms and 9.5 baths, all totaling around 12,000 square feet. It'll run you 2.5 million which, safe to say, is exponentially larger than its namesake's net worth.
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Now, 2011 was an anonymous year for home design, lingering in the dead period between the 2008 black hole and 2013 when the market started to actually, finally, steadily recover. As a result a lot of houses from this time basically look like 2000s McMansions but slightly less outrageous in order to quell recession-era shame.
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I'm going to be so serious here and say that the crown molding in this room is a crime against architecture, a crime against what humankind is able to accomplish with mass produced millwork, and also a general affront to common sense. I hate it so much that the more I look at it the more angry I become and that's really not healthy for me so, moving on.
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Actually, aside from the fake 2010s distressed polyester rug the rest of this room is literally, basically Windows 98 themed.
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I feel like the era of massive, hefty sets of coordinated furniture are over. However, we're the one's actually missing out by not wanting this stuff because we will never see furniture made with real wood instead of various shades of MDF or particleboard ever again.
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This is a top 10 on the scale of "least logical kitchen I've ever seen." It's as though the designers engineered this kitchen so that whoever's cooking has to take the most steps humanly possible.
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Do you ever see a window configuration so obviously made up by window companies in the 1980s that you almost have to hand it to them? You're literally letting all that warmth from the fire just disappear. But whatever I guess it's fine since we basically just LARP fire now.
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Feminism win because women's spaces are prioritized in a shared area or feminism loss because this is basically the bathroom vanity version of women be shopping? (It's the latter.)
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I couldn't get to all of this house because there were literally over a hundred photos in the listing but there are so many spaces in here that are basically just half-empty voids, and if not that then actually, literally unfinished. It's giving recession. Anyway, now for the best part:
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Not only is this the NBA Backrooms but it's also just a nonsensical basketball court. Tile floors? No lines? Just free balling in the void?
Oh, well I bet the rear exterior is totally normal.
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Not to be all sincere about it but much like yours truly who has waited until the literal last second to post this McMansion, this house really is the epitome of hubris all around. Except the house's hubris is specific to this moment in time, a time when gas was like $2/gallon. It's climate hubris. It's a testimony to just how much energy the top 1% of income earners make compared to the rest of us. I have a single window unit. This house has four air conditioning condensers. That's before we get to the monoculture, pesticide-dependent lawn or the three car garage or the asphalt driveway or the roof that'll cost almost as much as the house to replace. We really did think it would all be endless. Oops.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
It's Hard to Believe | Jungkook One Shot
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Summary: Getting pregnant with your best friend's baby definetly wasn't a part of the plan... Pairing: f!Reader x Jungkook (fwb, f2l) Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: A tiny bit of explicit and suggestive language but nothing crazy a/n: This is something I started writing at like midnight and it's kinda shit but I thought I might as well post it since I haven't posted in a while (Like five days short of a month wtf?!?!? How has it been that long?!?!) (I just barely checked rn lmao my bad 🥲) p.s. I kinda wanna do a full on series on a concept like this but it'll be different and less fluffy but that won't be happening for a long ass time but yeah lol Requested by a lovely anon 💜
"How am I supposed to tell him?" I ask my friend Sam for the millionth time since I found out. "Y/n just tell him. You guys have been friends for how long?" she asks and it's like I'm having deja vu from both of our responses. "Like ten years" I mumble and pull my sweatshirt sleeves down over my hands in an effort to stop my nervous fiddling but it only makes it worse. 
"Right and you guys have been messing around with each other for over a year now, maybe even more...I don't wanna know" she says while holding her hand up in a way to assure me that she doesn't need the details. "Just tell him. If he's as great of a guy as you keep on telling me he is then I promise everything will be okay" she says and places a hand on my shoulder before she gets up off my couch. 
"Where are you going?" I ask while she shrugs on her jacket. "Didn't you say he's supposed to be here around five?" she asks and I nod my head, checking the clock and seeing that it's already 4:30. 
"Yeah...are you sure you don't wanna stay and say hi?" I ask and she glares at me. "Let me know what his response is to that bun in the oven and then we'll talk. I wanna figure out if he's an asshole or not before I decide to waste anytime on him" she says while lacing up her shoes. 
"Promise me you'll tell him tonight?" she asks and lifts up her hood, getting ready to shield herself from the pouring rain outside. I nod my head reluctantly, that being way more progress than I've made for the past few weeks since I found out. "I promise" I utter under my breath and she smiles, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. 
"Text me if you need me" she says, worried for what might happen but hoping for the best. "I will...thanks" I whisper and she nods her head before walking out of my door and turning slightly and waving to offer me one last farewell.
I close the door after I see her get into her car and lean my back up against it, steadying myself for a second and taking deep breaths, trying to stop my racing heartbeat before pushing off of it and tidying up before Jungkook gets here to distract myself. 
Sam has been the only one I've been able to count on and honestly the only person I can trust since I haven't told anyone else. She was the one I called when I missed my period and she's the one who brought me a pregnancy test...and then when out and bought me ten more because I couldn't actually grasp the concept that I was pregnant...am pregnant.
Jungkook and I have always been careful and taken all the necessary steps to keep this from happening but I guess we got careless this time. 
Through out this whole arrangement we've made it very clear to each other that we're not sleeping with anyone else but neither of us are looking for any sort of commitment either so that's why this has gone on for so long. 
Like it or not though we're going to be committed to each other in one way or another no matter what because I'm keeping this baby. No matter what he says I'm keeping them. 
Jungkook is my best friend, the one person who has been there for me through everything. He's seen me at all of my highest highs and especially at my lowest lows and no matter what he's never made me feel shitty about it. I know he's not the kind of guy that'll turn on you because of something like this but I can't help but still feel terrified. 
This wasn't supposed to happen but even if this child wasn't made with love from his side...it was made with love from mine. 
I don't know how long it's been since I fell in love with him but I know I shouldn't have said yes to this whole fuck buddy ordeal. I just couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else so when he offered up the idea I said yes.
I figured that if this was a way to prevent him from getting his heart broken by all those sorry excuses of girlfriends he's had in the past then I guess I'll be okay with breaking mine.
He's been acting different lately though. He's been a lot touchier, asking to come over more often, going out of his way to help me with things, offering to feed me all the time and all of it is making me feel like he already knows. 
Does he know? Have I started showing already? I haven't really noticed a difference in my body yet but he looks at me naked a lot more often than I pay attention to myself naked so I mean I guess he could've noticed right? 
Only one way to find out though...
A half an hour later I hear him take out his keys and unlock my door and soon I'm greeted with a smile that tugs at my heartstrings. 
"Hi baby" he says, using that pet name he's become very fond of since this whole ordeal started. The sound of it after finding out I'm pregnant with his baby has made me a little uncomfortable though since I haven't told him yet. 
Don't get me wrong I love it when he calls me that but I can't help but think that if this goes south that he won't ever call me that again. 
Maybe the hormones have started to scramble my brain already because those uncomfortable feelings are quickly thrown away when I take in the sight of him after he shrugs off his rain coat. A simple black baggy hoodie and jeans engulf his form and the comfy sight just makes me want to curl up in bed with him and forget about everything and everyone.
Just him and I, it's always been him and I. I just don't know if this little one is going to change things. 
I place a hand on my stomach for a second as a way to gain some strength from my itty bitty baby before finally working up the courage to greet him.
"Hi" I greet him softly, walking over to where he's stopped to take off his shoes and when he looks back up at me he smiles again and kisses me. I sigh into it, savoring it for just a little bit longer and when it finally breaks he looks down at me with concern now written all over his face. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, sensing that something's off right away from the just the small change in the way I kissed him. I hesitate for a second then simply hold out my hand for him to take and he does, following behind me as I lead him over to my couch. 
Getting this over with sooner rather than later is my best option right now so there's no reason to delay. 
He needs to know, he deserves to know.
We sit there in silence, longer than he would like us to since I can tell how tense his body has gotten in a matter of minutes. "Y/n you're scaring me" he whispers, not wanting to pressure me but relaying his feelings. 
I take a couple more deep breaths before finally starting. "I need you to listen to me and I need you to please not speak until I'm finished" I say while looking down at my lap, not being able to meet his eyes. 
He murmurs a soft 'okay' and waits for me to continue, taking one of my hands and placing it in his lap. He needs some form of physical contact to keep him grounded since he's not too sure what to expect and I let him, knowing I need some reassurance too. 
Even if I don't know what his reaction is gonna be, in this moment I need it more than ever.
"I guess there's really no right way to go about saying this because this wasn't supposed to happen so I'm just gonna come out and say it..." I start off and he squeezes my hand, encouraging me to keep going. 
"I missed my period...over a month ago...and I haven't had it since then" I say and finally look up at him where he has an unsure expression. It's not one that's mad or disappointed with what I've said thus far which is a good thing but more like he's trying hard to hold himself back so he can keep that promise. 
His hold on my hand hasn't loosened, in fact it's gotten even tighter and that gives me hope that we'll work this out so I take another deep breath before continuing. 
"I tried to kid myself into thinking that it was late but when another week passed by I got nervous. I asked Sam to get me a test and it came out positive. I didn't believe it and thought it was a false positive and so to ease my mind she went a bought ten more from a bunch of different brands and...all of them came out positive" I say and he still looks at me with that same expression, waiting for me to give him the okay to speak and so I do. 
"How long have you known?" are the first words out of his mouth and although they're not negative they aren't necessarily positive either. "About a month now" I say and he nods his head, taking another second or two to formulate what he's gonna say next. 
"I'll support you no matter what you decide" he says and I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding in. "I wanna keep it" I say and he nods his head and smiles softly at first and then as the seconds go by it gets wider and wider making my heart beat faster. 
"Am I allowed to get excited now?" he whispers and I can't help but chuckle as tears start to prickle my eyes and give him a nod. "You're excited?" I say, my whole being slowly overcome with emotion. 
"How could I not be?" he scoffs playfully but that answer has me confused. "But Jungkook we're not together. I mean we're not in a relationship, we're just friends" I explain and there's a playful glint in his eyes after I say that that's making me even more nervous.
"You wanna know what I thought you were gonna tell me?" he offers up, slightly changing topics but I look at him in a way to urge him to continue. "I thought you were gonna break up with me" he says and I smile, "Jungkook we're not together. How could I break up with you?" I chuckle in disbelief. 
"Correction, I thought you were gonna break up with me before I even got the chance to ask you to be my girlfriend" he says with a grin and my jaw drops, the dots all connecting as to why he's been acting so different lately. "You were gonna ask me to be your girlfriend?" I utter quietly as if we were in a crowed room and I had a secret for just the two of us.
"I had actually planned on asking you tonight" he explains, walking over to where he had placed his backpack on the floor, taking out a bouquet of slightly squished flowers. "Sorry they're all beat up. I forgot and rode my bike over here so I didn't really have any other option but to put them in there" he says almost as if he was nervous, rubbing the back of his neck and it's then that I notice how pink his ears have gotten. 
He is nervous
I take them from him and smile, waiting for him to say it but he simply stands there and admires me and I can't help but laugh. "What so funny? I told you what happened to them" he utters through pouty lips which only makes me laugh more. "No, no it's not the flowers it's just that...don't you have something to say?" I ask, calming down my chuckles and when he looks at me with the same confused expression I have to try my hardest to keep the laughter at bay. 
"Do you have something you would like to ask me Jungkook" I rephrase it and after a second his lips go from a pout to the shape of an 'O' as he's figured it out. "Oh um, yeah, right. Well I um" he starts off, rubbing the back of his neck again while stuttering and trying to find the words and after struggling for a second I decide to poke fun at him again. 
"Jungkook I am literally carrying your child and you're too afraid to ask me to be your girlfriend?" I laugh, giving him a slight reality check which he scoffs at before responding. 
"I was trying to remember what I had rehearsed to say to you but now that you're being a little brat I guess you'll never get to know all the nice things I was gonna say" he retorts, his voice suddenly taking on a darker tone that sends a shiver through my body and he smirks when he sees my reaction to it. 
He cups my face and rubs his thumb along my bottom lip, making them part and he leans in as if he was going to kiss me but stops just shy of my lips. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispers, nudging his nose against mine and making me smile. 
"I'll have to think about that" I play coy with him which he chuckles at. "You know if you weren't pregnant right now I would have thrown you over my lap for that smart mouth" he warns and I smile before leaning in and kissing him for just a second before pulling back. 
"Yes I'll be your girlfriend" I say and nudge my nose against his as well and before I can register it my back is on the couch and his lips are pressed against mine, the kiss not rushed but full of so many words that have yet to be said and he gives in, not being able to hold it in anymore.
"I love you" he says, pulling back and looking down at me to see my expression which is completely dumbfounded to say the least. "You what?" I ask and he chuckles, "Is it really that hard to believe?" he points out and I guess now that I think about it it really isn't.
"I guess we've both been in love with each other for a while now huh?" I smile and his eyes light up at my round about confession. "Say it" he says, and I can feel my cheeks heating up. I hadn't planned on actually saying those three words to him even though I've felt them for so long but I don't want to hold them back anymore. 
"I love you" I whisper and he smiles, "Say it again" he repeats, clearly not believing it just yet. "I love you Jungkook" I say and the little switch up with attaching his name to the end darkens his gaze. "I guess there's no chance in me getting you pregnant a second time right now huh?" he asks, sliding his hand up my thigh and I giggle. 
"No I think that's pretty much impossible but the odds are never zero" I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm trying to tell you that I wanna hit it raw" he states the obvious while rolling his eyes. "I know I know...and the answer is yes Daddy" I tease, testing to see how that word affects him now that he knows.
He tongues his cheek at that making me bite my lip, knowing that's gonna be even more of a trigger word for him from now on. "Daddy huh? Well I guess that title is a little more fitting now isn't it?" 
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @coralmusicblaze @whoa-jo @00frenchfries00 @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater (Rest of the tags will be done in the reblogs 💜)
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amomentsescape · 9 months
Hey a while ago I requested a oneshot of the reader giving jason voorhees a shirt that said "thot destroyer 9000" but what if you did that with other slashers? Like giving bubba a shirt that says "everything is bigger in Texas" and freddy in a basic "dream guy/boat etc" shirt or one of the nightmare before Christmas shirts that say "what a wonderful nightmare"? And maybe other slashers if ya can think of shirts that'll fit em? (Shirt quotes not mine and merry post Christmas)
Slashers React to Custom Made T-Shirts
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
A/N: I think this would be absolutely hilarious to see! Thank you so much, and Merry (Very Late) Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Freddy Krueger
He lets out his notorious laugh the moment he sees it
"I am pretty dreamy, aren't I?"
Puts it on over his sweater
Will pretty much always have it on, especially when he sees you
He ends up wearing it during his future killings, even asking them if they like the shirt or not
If any of them answer no, he makes their deaths a lot more painful
Will also want you to get a similar shirt so you both can match
He'll probably end up asking for a sweater version a few months later
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Michael Myers
He just kind of gives you that disappointed parent look
"Barely even looks like me"
Will refuse to wear it unless you beg him repeatedly over the course of a few days
Finally gives in and puts it on underneath his overalls
He is honestly kind of embarrassed to wear it, but you no longer bothering him about it makes up for the embarrassment
After wearing it a few times, it gets to the point that he doesn't even think about it anymore
It's pretty much all he wears now
But only because he's grown used to it, not because he likes it
Or so he tells you
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Jason Voorhees
(I couldn't quite find a shirt that fit the description, so I went with the closest I could find)
He tilts his head at you in confusion
Poor boy doesn't even know what a "thot" is
When you explain it to him, you can tell he finds it kind of funny
Will put it on jokingly for you, only to realize it's pretty comfortable
Will wear it under his jacket
Even if he doesn't have it on, he'll carry it around with him
He insists it helps his killing ability and is a good luck charm
But he pretty much just cherishes ANYTHING you give him
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Thomas Hewitt
He lets out a few chuckles at this
Will pull you into a big hug as his way of thanking you
He'll only wear the shirt on special occasions
He's worried it'll get ruined if he wears it when he's working outside or tending to "dinner"
But he does love the shirt
Will probably show it off to the family and receive some laughs and head nods
Will make you wear it sometimes as a joke since you're practically drowning in the shirt
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Bubba Sawyer
He loves receiving anything from you
So he happily takes the shirt and gives you some gleeful giggles and kisses as his thank you
But he honestly has no idea what it means
You have to make the connection of what his family eats and the shirt in order to get a true response out him
He'll laugh like crazy
He immediately puts it on
You'll have to quite literally fight him in order to wash it or take it off
If anyone accidentally stains it or causes a tear, he'll go into a frenzy
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Brahms Heelshire
He immediately gets it and smiles
You've made a mistake though
Because he ends up putting it on his list of actual rules
Will make some dirty jokes about it
He quickly puts the shirt on and stands there, giving you a "well, go on" sort of look
Anytime he wears the shirt now, he expects you to follow what it says...
Good luck, because you've made Brahms just that much harder to handle
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Norman Bates
Will give you a gentle smile and thank you for the shirt
He definitely thinks it's funny and will happily wear it around the house
It mostly becomes a pajama shirt, not that you mind
He doesn't fully understand the joke, but he likes that you think he's cute
Will hang it up in a special place in the closet so he'll always see it
He likes when you wear it too
"I-I think it may suit you better, dear"
"That's so sweet, Norman... wait a minute"
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Billy Loomis
He rolls his eyes at it but with the widest smile on his face
It doesn't take much for him to give in and try it on
He secretly thinks the shirt is hilarious, but he doesn't want to inflate your ego and end up with 30 similar tees
Doesn't wear it in public though since he's worried people may become a little suspicious
He likes it better on you though
So you both sort of trade off the shirt every week or so
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Stu Macher
Practically the opposite of Billy's reaction
Stu will hold it up and immediately exclaim on how much he loves it
Thinks it's hilarious and will immediately throw it on
Does a couple funny twirls to show off how it looks
Honestly doesn't care what people think
He'll happily skip around in public with the shirt on, you right by his side
If anyone points it out he just shrugs and says "it's pretty sick, right?"
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Eric Draven
He breaks out into a big smile and even laughs a little bit
"I see what you did there"
Flashes the shirt to his crow
"They look just like you"
He gives you a sweet kiss as a thank you
Will wear it on dates and stay-at-home days with you
He doesn't want it to get all beat up while he's out taking down criminals
But even after months of owning it, he still smiles whenever he puts it on
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flowersforchoso · 10 months
intimacies ୨୧
cw: contains suggestive themes.
(bi-han x f.reader)
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he enjoys spooning in the morning. and whatever he's in the mood for, sensually rutting or ploughing into you will result in an orgasm that'll take moments to recover from while he is invigorated anew; revitalised, having nourished his virility. clinging to him as the pleasured haze fades, pleading for him to remain.
"stay for a bit, please." your arm wraps around his bicep as you look up at him, attempting to change his mind
he looks away and grunts, "i have important things to attend to." yanking off your arm and rising from the bed to prepare for the day. the lack of post-coital affection stings. you think its something you'll never quite get used to.
when he enters the room with just a towel around his waist, you bite your lip while admiring his physique, which compels him to speak
"are you aware its rude to stare?"
you smile at him, then retort, "forgive me for being unable to resist your good looks."
your words halt his movements. he just stares at you, denying the thrill of a comment, then proceeds to don his uniform and accessories; the mask completing his ensemble.
"i'll see you later" he announces without casting another glance, leaving you with the early quietude
you'll forever be ignorant of the curve of his lips behind the mask. and that this brightened mood carries on throughout the day.
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sometimes, he's all over you feverishly planting kisses everywhere, no inch of skin untouched. he's had a bad day, and needs to unwind, or he's feeling particularly affectionate—the lines are blurred. but one thing is certain: the thread of patience would snap any minute. you're pressed flush against him; impossibly close, to the point it feels suffocating as his hands roam around squeezing, groping, fondling you everywhere. the pleasurable onslaught is dizzying, causing your knees to slightly buckle. he palms your breasts, eliciting a whimper out of you, "bi-han," while trying to wriggle free. he pauses to look you in the eye, an annoyance swirling within his iris. "what is it?" he queries, but it sounds more like a chide. you didn't mean to put him off, ruin the mood, muttering a sheepish "nothing," savoring the few seconds of a breather. his cheeks are tinted red. the image of an uninhibited man before you. he moves to whisper, "then be quiet" directly in your ear; the words burrow into the canal. and resumes his ministrations. this time, you can't quite escape it.
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even though he appears annoyed, he actually likes it when you bother him with silly questions. "can cryomancy be taught?" you ask all of a sudden.
you gasp, beaming with innocence, "will our babies be cryomancers?"
or anything really,
"bi-han!" he frantically rushes into the room upon hearing your cry with concern etched on his features. "is something wrong? are you hurt?" he asks, examining your body for injury. "yes" you reply before patting your lips, "here."
he's a man in love so he'll indulge (just don't go overboard with it.)
when you invite him to rest his head on your lap, he obliges. you play with his hair while humming a melody that relaxes and lulls him to sleep. moments like this are his favourite; he feels completely at peace bathing in your warmth.
knit a vest? buy a hair tie? write a letter? whatever it is, its the thought that counts. he's filled with gratitude and cherishes it forever
if you're going to be away for extended periods of time, a lackey is assigned to ensure your protection. dark eyes and stealthy movements follow you about, all oblivious to you. he takes his responsibility to you seriously
loves to share meals with you, especially his. its just a really intimate activity to indulge in but if you tried to feed him, he'd refuse.
he is bashful if he walks in on you undressing or having a bath. regardless of how many times he's seen you in the nude, he murmurs an apology before turning away. the moments after are so awkward because he's ridden with guilt for being aroused by your figure, oscillating between respect and objectification. underneath his crude, tough as nails exterior lies a gentleman.
fun times with board games. if he doesn't know how to play, you teach him and vice-versa. this is when you notice his competitive streak.
asking for his opinions, particularly on changes to your appearance; a new hairstyle/color, outfit etc. he always seems unethused or negative about it but in actuality, it's the opposite and this reflects in his behaviour. he just wants the visual feast to himself; stave off wandering eyes and potential competition.
one of the very rare times you see him crack a laugh is when you blurt out random chinese. he's taken aback at first since what you said was gibberish, wondering where it came from; until you tell him you've been practicing to impress him. "don't embarrass yourself" he reprimands, though there's no real bite to it, then rewards your efforts with a baritone chuckle
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Well that took a dark turn-
ANYWAYS what if reader escapes their first kidnapped Attemp from batfam and just dissappears, like go into hiding, and they can't be tracked down for a few weeks, what will batfam do?? Do you think the reader will be able to do that? 👀 👀 (I love this series and the ideas anons are giving ıts amazing<33)
What can I say? With yanderes there are only dark corners that progressively get darker the further you go.
(Also I'm glad! And I agree!! The ideas the anons are giving are amazing and I love them to bits!)
As for your question, in the series I don't believe that the reader will be able to fully achieve that. Since with what actually happens- well, it's kind of complicated, though they could try!
In a hypothetical scenario (that, once again, doesn't involve what'll happen in the series), the Batfam, in short, would freak the fuck out all over again.
Granted, they do have more information about the reader this time around, compared to when they first started looking for them. However, that doesn't seem to help, as they aren't able to locate the reader anywhere. Having even more trouble than the first night they tried looking for them, which is kind of saying something.
As you've said, it takes them a few weeks. Though by the first week they're already on the brink of insanity.
The Batfam finally had a taste of what life could've been with the reader in it. Of what life is like with the reader in it. Only for that to get taken away from them... and maybe it is deserved. Maybe that's just karma finally biting back, and showing the Batfam the one good thing that's ever happened to them, only to take it away. Only to steal it away again, to pour more pounds of salt on their aching wounds. Maybe it's what they deserve for ignoring the reader, and neglecting them for so long.
But they don't care.
They had the reader. They finally managed to bring them back home- and this happens? The reader ends up disappearing all over again? They leave again? But why? Didn't they want this too? Didn't they want to be a part of the family? What happened to that? Why can't they have it anymore? Why does the reader keep running away?
Y'know how I said in that one post where an anon asked "what would happen if the reader moved to a different country, instead of staying in Gotham?" (Or something around those lines-), that the Batfam would not only lose their minds, but be on the very brink the moment they find the reader, and thus, don't even have to think before kidnapping them? Well, this is very similar to that, except during those few weeks, at least a few of them absolutely tip over.
The moment they find the reader they don't even wait. No more slow approaches or mind games, they need the reader- now.
Nothing is going to change that. Nothing is going to get in the way of that. Not anymore. Not ever.
The reader wouldn't even get a chance to react or even make the smallest sound. All they know is that they were just suddenly minding their own buisness, albeit very paranoid and trying to be the most cautious they could, and then they saw black. By the time they wake up? They're back in their room in the manor. Maybe with a few... things missing if you catch my drift.
Since, now, well-
The Batfam will prioritize having the reader with them over any song or tune they'll ever hear them play.
The reader is what matters most to them, and they're never letting go. Never.
Even if it means taking away thing that'll limit them further. The Batfam is always there to help, so surely there isn't a problem, right? If anything, this just unlocks new bonding opportunities! Isn't that great! Are you happy?
Now the reader nees them more than ever, and they wouldn't have it any other way. :]
Regardless, when I do finally manage to get part 3 out and also part 4 (whenever that'll be-), maybe why I think that the reader in the "Not [ ]" series won't be able to fully accomplish this will be more clear! Since it is a little intense what happens, and will screw the reader over enough. Though it also may further encourage to escape somehow, we'll see!
Anyway, I hope this answered your questions!!
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Logan x Reader pt.10
Omg Im so sorry I'm not consistent with posting, it's my nans 70th so I am off this week so I should be able to be a bit better
Also my bestie's bestie and her wife got tickets to the eras tour without me and are going today so I needed Logan to comfort me - hence the posting 🤣🤣🤣
There be hysterectomy talk in this one
<<Part 9 Part 11>> Masterlist
Logan seemed to have fucked most of the anger out of his system. Not all. He was still frosty but he now spoke with you, entertained your small talk. 
“You hungry?” He asked, various fast food joints passing you by. 
“Yeah.” The nurses had given you food but after certain activities you weren't going to pass anything greasy up.
“What’d’ya want?” 
“Literally anything.” You scanned the street and pointed to the McDonalds. “That'll do.” Can't go wrong with a Maccas. 
“What you thinking?” 
“I dunno, do they still do the big n’ tasty?” 
“No.” He pulled into the car park. “You want to go in and look at the menu?”
You did but time was of the essence. “As long as we're quick.” 
“We can be quick.”  He hummed, reversing into a space.
You both hopped out of the jeep and entered the building. It was fairly dull in here. Wasn't McDonald's colourful? Full of children's characters and clowns? It was grey and brown and sleek and boring. 
Logan walked past you and tapped on a screen. It displayed all the different menu categories. 
“McDonalds has screens now?” You laughed in disbelief. You tapped the ‘whats new’ option. Everything had gotten bigger. There were larger nugget meals and burgers and wraps. 
Garlic cheese dippers, selects and all sorts of tasty goodness. 
You chose yourself a triple cheeseburger meal and some nuggets on the side. He picked a chicken box, a Big Mac meal and an array of sides. 
“You sure that's all you can eat?” You joked. 
“Fast metabolism.” 
“Are we going to be able to fit this all in the car?” 
“Yeah.” He pulled out his card. 
“Oh wait!” You quickly pressed the back button and ordered a strawberry milkshake. “A peace offering.” 
Logan's brows pulled an inch but he didn't comment. Laura was yet to have a milkshake, diabolical behaviour on your part. 
Your order number was 66. There were a lot of numbers before you so you perched on the back of an unoccupied booth.
Logan stood straight next to you, as though he was standing guard. So you decided to take advantage of that. Of him watching out for you. Your mind wandering to your ‘new’ body. You could heal. That was crazy. You still didn't understand the science behind that. The TVA had painlessly taken blood, spit and plasma samples. They had checked you for any diseases the Void could offer but the illuminati didn't. How did they have your materials to meld with the regenerative ones? Maybe they didn't. Surely they wouldn't just experiment with you though. Hopefully you weren't a guinea pig. 
“How fast you reckon it's gonna be?” You questioned looking at your wrists. 
“I dunno, twenty minutes max?” Logan turned from the screen to look at you. 
“No.” You giggled. “Healing.”
“Oh.” His eyes flickered to where you had exposed your wrist. “I wouldn't know.” 
You thrust it towards him. “Will you do the honours?” 
“Are you being fucking serious?” He stepped back. “After everything I've said you think I'd just cut you?” 
Okay okay, that was maybe a poor move on your part. “I guess?”
He rolled his eyes. “Ain't happening.” 
You grumbled but formed a field, manipulating it into a thin disc, making sure one edge was paper thin. Even a paper cut could show you.
The slice you had planned didn't work so you had to try again and yes! Well, maybe don't be too happy.. what would Dave say?! 
The cut was teeny. It was about ten centimetres but the little dot of blood told you it wasnt superficial. There was at least an element of actual harm. 
“I hate you.” Logan folded his arms. 
“No you don't, just watch.” 
The cut did nothing.
The two of you just staring, transfixed, at your wrist. 
“Maybe it has to be deepe-ahhh.” 
You could feel a warmth, it was hot. Red hot. And your skin was stretching. You could feel it tying itself together. None of this was really visible but the line did close. You had imagined healing wouldn't hurt... Yet here you were. 
You smirked up smugly. “It works!” 
He huffed but you could see how happy he was. His eyes were lit and his lips had tugged upwards. 
“Brilliant, eh?” 
“It's pretty good.” He kissed your crown. 
You couldn't wait for the lift. Too excited. But taking the stairs wasn't an option so you did in fact wait for the lift. 
Gosh it took fucking forever.
Logan hadn't let you out of his sight, barely leaving to collect the food bags. He was really fucking happy. 
You were going to be safer than ever. 
All he could imagine as you lay in the hospital bed was “what ifs”. He knew it was entirely possible that he could hurt you. He knew he had nightmares and had had to buy a new mattress before due to them. He knew his claws came out when you fucked so what was to stop them when he was scared?
He hated the ideas so he projected them onto the one that had hurt you. 
Laura was him. 
He'd never deny that. 
She was a younger version of him. 
She was the one that hurt you and I'm a way that spared Logan. 
She was to blame. 
“Laura!” You called as soon as the elevator doors opened. “Baby?” Jogging towards her door. 
You then halted. 
“What-ho-how do I approach this?” 
Logan didn't know. If he hurt you he'd be fucking distraught. He would kill himself a few times just to feel nothing, to stop the guilt. “Just be yourself?” 
You let out a whine but carried on and knocked at the door. It was open. The pressure of your knock opened the door. 
“Laura?” Your voice was unsure but you pushed the door the rest of the way and entered the dark home. 
The curtains were drawn and the lights were all off making it almost impossible to see her slip through the bedroom door, looking worse for wear, and stick to the corner. 
She was still wearing the clothes she had worn that night. Blood covering her hands and splattered across the mateiral. Her hair was unwashed, her eyes hollow, she hugged herself as she watched you move into the room. 
“Baby.” You raised the cup. “I finally got you that milkshake. It's strawberry. I think chocolate can sometimes be a bit meh so strawberry is the next best.” Why were you rambling?
Laura's eyes flicked to the cup and then to your ever present shadow: Logan. 
“I'm gonna… put it on the table?” You placed the cup in-between the two of you. “It's nice." 
She didn't make any movements.
Let's just cut to the chase then. “Laura, I'm fine.” You gestured to yourself. “In fact Tony Stark was able to alter my genes. I heal like you and Logan.” 
Her brow twitched. 
“Look.” You repeated the field and sliced across your arm. Laura's eyes widened and she gasped at the blood. Ah fuck. Maybe you shouldn't have. “Laura, just watch. It takes a second then it w-orks.” 
She watched your skin sew itself back together and her eyes watered. 
“Baby,” You weren't going to stand there and let her cry. “I'm coming over.”
She didn't back up, letting you stride to her. You immediately pulled her into a bone crushing hug, and she sobbed into your shoulder. 
“I'm fine and I don't blame you.” You repeated over and over again. “I love you.” She clutched onto your back, her body shaking with sorrow. “I don't blame you. You're my baby and I love you.” 
Logan took a step forward causing her to tense. 
“Lo stay back on this one.” You shushed into her ear, threading fingers through her hair. “It's okay Laura, he's not going to do anything.” 
It took a while but she did ease back into the embrace, her tears slowly creasing. 
Laura stepped back, looking at you with fat wet eyes. She gave you the tiniest nod and stepped around you to pick up the milkshake. 
She handed it to you and you took a drink. “I'd never poison you, love.” 
Laura seemed satisfied that you didn't die so took a drink herself. 
You could see the thoughts zooming through her mind. It was cold. Thick. Tasted unlike anything she'd had before. But she liked it. 
Laura drank silently from the straw and gave you the smallest hint of a smile when she released it. 
“I knew you'd like it baby.” You grinned down at her. “Right, we have to get you cleaned up.” 
You'd run the bath for her and insist she hop in. Laura removed the crusty clothes and did follow your instructions. Neither of you cared that she was naked. You were past that. 
“Is it warm enough?” 
She nodded. You'd all become accustomed to cool water due to the Void so we're careful when running baths or turning the shower on. If it was too hot it felt suffocating. 
You dunked her sponge into the soapy water and plucked her hands in yours to clean them. The movements were methodical. You cleaned her wrist, then her palms then her knuckles and lastly her nails. She's ripped off the false ones, leaving her natural nails on show. 
When the water was a burgundy colour you let it out and refilled the tub. Laura sat and watched. “We're going to do your hair now. Tilt your head back.” 
You flicked the tap to connect it to the shower head and turned it on. The water splurged out and you hummed softly to undercut the noise. Laura let you rinse her hair. There were bits of dry blood and a leaf? in it. El had said she had run away. Good on them for finding her and bringing her back. Good on El for replacing the mattress and bedding. You'd have to thank them. You loved them so dearly for looking after her. 
Laura's eyes were tired by the time you'd finished. She stood and you wrapped a towel around her shoulders. 
She sat on the lip of the bath so you could towel dry her hair with a smaller towel and comb it. 
“Someone looks sleepy.” You kissed her nose. “C’mon, let's go to bed.”
She took a shaky breath and frantically shook her head. 
“It's okay.” You shushed her. “I'll take you to bed but I won't get in.” 
It broke your heart to see her allow that. You wanted nothing more than to tuck her under your chin and sleep soundly with your bubba. 
Laura pulled on a night shirt and eased into the bed whilst you quickly ran the spray over the tub, erasing any signs of blood. 
You found her in the bed waiting and sat next to her. Your hand smoothed her hair and you found yourself humming a long forgotten tune. It took seconds for her to sleep. 
Logan was on you in an instant - the second - you walked through the door. He squeezed you tightly. 
“I'm okay.” You reassured him. “She's just-it's weird seeing her like that. She's normally so strong.” 
The two of you parted and you let him kiss your forehead. “You're a good mom.” 
You chuckled. “It's not easy.” 
“No.” His head shook. “But you are.”
You don't know why but the determination in his eyes made yours water. You sniffed and looked away. “She likes milkshakes.” 
“Of course she does.” He shrugged. “I do.”  You rolled your eyes at his reply but before you could argue he spoke again. “I'm sorry. I've been a dickhead.” 
“I can get why.” You placed a hand on his sideburn. “I do. But she's just a kid.” 
He nodded and kissed your palm. “You have no idea what would've happened if I lost you again.” 
You did know. He would've gone fucking feral. He would've killed Laura, then the others would've gotten involved and they would've fought and killed and not cared for the consequences. “You didn't lose me.” 
He smiled and bent his neck to kiss you. You met him halfway on your tiptoes, replicating the same amount of need. 
You both knew you were fucked. The world was fucked. Both were damaged goods. The chances of finding each other was next to none yet here you were. Kissing in your shared apartment. 
“I love you.” You whispered into the kiss, Logan used that to his advantage and delved his tongue into your mouth. You hummed letting your own dance with his. 
His hands cradled your face and spine. His palm was so big against your cheek, it made you feel safe. At home. He would protect you. 
You had to break the kiss to breathe, panting against his ear as he kissed his way to your nape. He loved your nape and you loved the way he nipped and sucked it, it was him claiming you. Him owning you. And when he bit down on your neck all your feminism flew out of the window. You would do anything for this man.
The hand on your cheek had travelled down to your chest, cupping a breast and giving it a delicate squeeze. You were still wearing that Deadpool set, with no actual cup, so when his thumb grazed over your nipple you felt everything. 
Logan wasn't one for slow. You knew that to be true because of the way he fucked you previously. But here he was taking his time. Savouring each hitch and groan that tumbled from your lips. 
You were actually being a bit useless here, letting him kiss and fondle you without doing the same. Quick to remedy that your hands found their way to his belt, fingers grazing the skin under his vest, and you tugged him that bit closer.  
Logan crowded you now. He was all you could see, hear, taste, smell and touch. He was all you needed. 
“Logan.” You breathed onto his lips, kissing him again. His lips were smooth, a nice juxtaposition to his gruff hair. Oh, but you loved the scratch. He was so manly. So hairy. He was everything rolled into one. 
You sensually licked his lips as your fingers unhooked his belt. 
Logan's half lidded eyes watched you as you pushed your tongue further out, keeping eye contact as you bent to make your mark on his neck. 
He groaned as you sucked, tongue swirling across the marred flesh. It then made its own way to his chest, kissing and sucking where the vest would allow. 
You gave him one look and he immediately removed the fabric. “Good boy.” You whispered against his pecs. Kissing them and letting your teeth catch certain areas. 
Logan watched with a baited breath and you slowly sunk to your knees. The unbuckled belt sitting at his hips as you unpopped the button, pulling the zipper all the way down. 
He let out a shudder when you nuzzled your nose against the visible boxers. Tugging the jeans down so you could kiss him through the fabric. You'd never get over how big he was. 
He was long and thick and if you thought his dick looked comically large in your hand you knew it would be difficult to swallow down. 
Still though, you teased him through the fabric. Kissing his head and sucking the wet patch. It was gloriously salty. 
“Y/N.” He muttered his hand making a home in your hair. 
You looked up at him as you pulled him from the boxers. His mouth was permanently set in a small ‘o’ but it widened when you licked a stripe from shaft to tip. 
You loved this. This fearsome warrior. This feral beast. The reason to genetically alter you, to ensure he was happy. Was putty in your hands. He would do anything for you. 
Maybe it was fucked up at at this precise moment you understood his plight. Why he was so angry. Why he had taken it out on Laura. She was technically to blame - never in your eyes though - and you got why he snapped. 
You sucked the head again before delving deeper. Yeah, you were right, it was far too big but you had hands for a reason. 
Pumping with your mouth and hand you make sure to be delicate. For some reason you wanted this to be soft. You wanted to treat him. Your Logan hadn't minded a bit of teeth but you tried your hardest to keep them away. 
He was trying to suppress his moans, trying to keep cool but he was dying. You were perfect. 
How were you this perfect? 
How did you know what he needed? 
Every fucking day! 
It was like you were a mind reader. 
Maybe you were. 
Maybe they'd altered you that way as well. 
Logan's hips urged to jut forward but he didn't want to ruin this. This was something he hadn't really experienced. This was sweet. This was soft. 
He was quick to fuck but no this wasn't that. You were being too nice for this to be called ‘fucking’. He hates to say it because you were literally just sucking his dick but this was definitely on the “making love” spectrum. 
“You're perfect.” He groaned out. “I fucking love you.” 
You hummed in response and he had to quickly pulled himself out. He could've spilt right there and then.
“Bed.” He ordered. “Now.” 
He wasn't going to cum in your mouth, no, he was going to fill you up. He was going to fuck you so full of his cum. He wanted you dripping.
You frowned cutely, your lips swollen and pouting was fucking amazing. Your cheeks were hot and your eyes were glassy so as he lifted you - pulling you closer - he got to see you. To really see how messy you were. Hair out of place and a line of drool on your chin. Fuck.
He wanted you.
He was going to lock you in the room.
You were his.
No one else's.
“I'm going to fuck you full of my seed.” His lips spoke against yours, not kissing you just touching you. “I'm going to fill you up.” He'd never felt like this before. “Breed you.” 
You shuddered and smiled but then your brows pinched. 
“Logan,” You pulled back to look him in the eye. “I- I don't have a womb.” 
The man stopped in his tracks. “What?” 
You chuckled. “Why else do you think we've been fucking the way we have with no consequences?” 
He made a noise. It made sense. He hadn't smelt the change in your cycle like he had the girls. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“I didn't realise you didn't know.” You looked guilty. “I'm sorry.” 
“No.” He kissed the corner of your mouth. “Don't be sorry.” 
You groaned non sensually. “Have I just killed the mood?” 
“No.” He shook his head and kissed your nose. You knew he was lying. 
“Logan. Don't shut me out, be honest.” 
“I'm just surprised.” He was truthful. “My Y/N had hers.”  
You bit your lip. “If I tell you what happened the mood will definitely be killed.”
He was curious. “C’mon.” He tucked himself back into his boxers and pulled his jeans back up before leading you to the sofa. You sat down, tucking your legs under your chin. He was sitting facing you, giving you his full attention. 
How do you say this in a way that won't set him off? Couldn't you go back to sucking his dick? That was so nice. You sighed. “The scar on my back...”
He lent forward, elbows on his knees. “I'm going to get angry again aren't I?” 
“Stryker had this man in his possession. He could make you see whatever he wanted you to see. Logan didn't know it was me.” 
It was confusing to wake up in the infirmary. Jean and Beast looking down at you. 
“Y/N.” Jean breathed in a sigh of relief. “I was worried.”
“You always fix me up.” You joked, feeling very sore. Your back and stomach were aching. It felt alien to be in this much discomfort. 
“We had to perform a procedure on you.” Beast clasped one of your hands. “It's very serious. You will be fine but we had to make a decision.” 
“Okay?” You were even more confused, trying to sit yourself up a little. The pain in your stomach didn't allow for that so you flopped back down.
“You were pierced by Logan and flung across the facility. When you landed you hit your front. A piece of piping damaged your womb and we were unable to save the organ.” 
As Hank spoke you got flashes of the scene. You didn't recall a pipe but you remembered the agony, calling for an evac. Begging for Logan's help. 
“To save my womb..?” You slowly understood. “So I've had a hysterectomy?” 
Jean tried to sooth you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “It is a small price to pay, we could've tried to save it and risked infection, risked your health.” 
“I'm not upset.” You told her matter of factly. “I'm just trying to figure out what happened.” You weren't upset. It wasn't a thing you'd thought of at this age. You weren't really the mothering type. Yeah, you looked after the students but that role was more ‘wine aunt'. You weren't fit to be a mother. Logan would be a good dad though. Oh, you'd have to tell him. 
What would he say? 
He'd naturally be upset he hurt you but would he forgive himself just to dislike being with you? What if you being unable to give him children was an issue? 
You'd been transferred to your room. It was lovely and cosy. Blankets everywhere, pillows strewn and the wooden accents of Xavier's mansion felt more like home than being with your mother. 
You wondered how she was. What would she say about you being barren?
Sitting and sulking was how you spent your days. Food was brought to you - as you couldn't really move - by different members of your family. Scott brought flowers, Ororo made you a gorgeous curry, Jubilee gifted you a teddy. 
Each member of the team was welcome but you were waiting for him. 
They'd all told you he was taking it hard, drinking more, fighting more, caring less and less about his safety. He felt like shit but you didn't blame him. 
You felt guilty for not realising sooner it wasn't Logan. Your fields could stop his claws, they had in training. The two of you were paired up a lot to show the newbies how to fight. You worked well together and it was only a matter of time and rolling about on the floor before he asked you out. 
You decided at the end of the first week that if he wanted kids you wouldn't make him stay. You couldn't. You'd push him away, if needs be. 
It was day twelve when he knocked at the door. You could move, had showered - careful with your stitches - and dressed yourself for the first time. 
“Y/N.” He spoke by the door. 
You looked up from the Hobbit, smiling wide. “Logan, hi.” 
“I'm so so sorry.” He eased his way in, looking uncomfortable in your room in a way he had never previously. 
“Logan, it wasn't you, love.” You closed the book, placing it on your nightstand. “It could've been anyone.” 
“But I hurt you.” 
“I'm okay.” Wasn't exactly the best argument but it was true.
He shuffled over to your bed and sat delicately at your side, his feet still touching the floor. “I couldn't face you. Couldn't see you bruised because of me.” 
The bruising had gone down. You were looking normal again. “Again, babe, I don't blame you.” 
“You should.” His eyes left yours and he looked at the floor. 
The need to comfort him was so strong but you held back. Remembering yourself. You couldn't get too lost. Not when you were lacking. “Do you want kids?” 
The questions surprised both of you. You didn't mean for it to tumble out of your mouth but it had and now it was sitting heavily amongst you. 
Logan looked back at you perplexed. His eyebrows met but he stared into your eyes, considering your question.
He'd almost killed you. He could've killed you. His hands harmed you and you were asking if he wanted kids. Yo- he loved you so much. He should stay away. You'd get hurt again he knew you would. 
But he loved you. Whenever he imagined a future - and that wasn't often - he saw you with him. And now he saw a little girl and boy. The boy looked like him and the girl looked like you but they acted like the other parent. He could see a soft mummy's boy being coddled far too much and a cute feral girl who was ready to take on the world. He could picture them. 
Picture you full with your child. His child. You were glowing. 
“I think we'd be great parents.” He hadn't realised his eyes were watering, quickly swatting the tears away. He'd almost destroyed that future, the one you were offering him. 
You bit your lip and nodded silently. “I think we should break up.” 
Four months later he burst into your bedroom seething. 
“Are you fucking serious?!” He yelled. 
You jumped, snapping the Lord of the Rings shut. “Logan?”
He had left when you broke up with him. Becoming a renegade, a fighter, a mercenary. Whatever it took to forget you. 
It wasn't until Storm needed assistance - fighting off the brotherhood by the cul-de-sac Logan was passing through - when she told him. 
“You ended it because you can't have kids?!” His hands were on his hips and he was pacing back and forth. “I thought I…” He sighed shakily. “I thought I fucked up. I thought the idea of me wanting children with you after almost fucking killing you was terrifying.” 
“Lo, I can't have children.” You explain. “I will die and you will live and that's it. If you find someone that can give you kids then you won't be as lonely. You could have a family.”
He stopped pacing and stared at you. “That’s the most stupid argument I've ever fucking heard.” 
It was but it was all you had.
“I know but I didn't want you to feel trapped.” You sat up and he suppressed a gasp because you were wearing one of his shirts. After all this time you still wore his clothes, it did something to him. Inside his chest ached. “Down the line when you wanted a child and I couldn't give you one… I didn't want you to resent me.” 
“I would never.” He vowed. “I have spent these past months trying to forget that I fucking love you. I could never resent you.” 
Tears oozed from your eyes and you wiped them away. “I'm sorry.” 
He didn't want to break this easily. Didn't want to give in but you were crying. His girl was crying. Logan scooped you up in a hug and kissed your forehead. “Don't ever lie to me again. I don't care what it's about. We'll handle it together.” 
You nodded. “Okay. I promise.” 
Logan sat back, resting his spine against the sofa. "It's okay." He decided. "We already have Laura, we don't need any more."
You smiled. "So you forgive her?"
"'course I do." He heaved a sigh. "Just gotta actually apologise to her."
"I love you." You leant over and kissed his brow. "You look so sexy when you're grovelling."
He rolled his eyes and playfully shoved you off.
Part 11
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae @mei-simp @slightlymediocree
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were roommates (Part 10)
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A/N : God... part 10 already! i am so so scared to post this chapter i'm torn to be in between this is good and this is trash so... be merciful!
The realization kept spinning in your brain. He was darkends. He had been so close to you from the beginning. Fuck he knew you before you started working on the damn mission! 
"I… Don't understand… you moved in before I started working on this…" you questioned. 
He sent you a look in the rear view mirror. 
"Correct. The mission had started before they asked you to join. I was supposed to simply make sure they were failing. Infiltrating the base, keeping undercover, ruining your search and probably send you on a wrong path." He explained. 
You watched through the car window, trying to figure out where he was taking you. 
While you started thinking about some way to escape, your mind quickly stopped on your connected watch. 
"But then I met you. Such a pretty girl." 
The praise made you nauseous. He watched the road as you started preparing your move on your watch. 
"You started working on the mission and fuck" he chuckled. "You became even more interesting!" He cheered. 
You kept clicking on your watch, sending your location to your contacts. All of them because you weren't exactly paying attention. 
While you were working on your laptop in the hideout, while you kept passing over and over the events that almost got you killed, you had decided to prepare a little safety net. You hacked your connected watch, creating a locking system that would send your live location to contacts of choice. You thanked your past self. 
"You were so bright, so smart, you managed to fully counter my attacks or find every little thing I tried to hide. Your mind… fascinated me." He kept obsessing. 
You could have been flattered if this wasn't said by a psychopath stalker trying to kidnap you. You were loosening the strap of your watch taking it off. You let it fall on the floor making sure to hide the small watch in your pocket. 
"So you decided to try to kill me ?! That makes no fucking sense Peter! If that's even your real name!" You raged. Fuck your throat right now. 
"Oh it is. It's not Hansen though. I didn't try to kill you. You were so sad when I met you… remember?" He spoke in an angrier tone. 
You were trying to figure something out, some way to escape even if you had to jump out of the car. 
"Because of that dickhead." 
"Don't call him that!" You yelled. 
"Shut up!" He roared. 
You were taken aback. It was the first time he actually yelled at you.
"That fucking asshole left you broken. And then he comes back and you let yourself be manipulated by him! You were meant to be fucking MINE." 
You felt your skin crawl. He was turning completely mad. And you were feeling the panic grow. 
"You and me…. Can you think about it? How we'd be the most powerful couple ever? We'd be Bonnie and Clyde…" 
"They fucking died…" you noted. 
"Such a smart mouth. You're lucky I also like that about you." He threatened. 
You bit your lip. Now wasn't the moment to be a smart ass. 
"So yeah. I got jealous. I thought maybe I could make you realize he wouldn't keep you safe. And then I'd propose to be your bodyguard and you know, make you fall for me… make you realize how good we'd be together." He kept explaining. 
You were finally understanding where he was headed. To one of the bases exit. He was trying to take you out of the base. 
"You won't be able to take me far. Even if you leave the base." You said. 
"Don't worry. I have friends waiting for us." He smirked. 
You swallowed hard. 
"What are you going to do with me…" that scary question was the only thing in your mind now. 
"That'll depend on you." 
The way he said it scared you horribly. It was terrifying. 
The tension was broken by your phone ringing. Price was calling you. 
"Go on birdie. Answer. Put it on speakerphone and give. It."
You obeyed, although unwillingly. 
"Sparrow, where are you?!" 
He sent a look in the rearview mirror for you to answer. 
"I'm in the car with Hansen." 
"Are you alright?! We found Soap." 
"Is he alright?!" You worried immediately. 
"He's ok. He said Hansen injected him with something." 
"What?! What the fuck did you do! You said you didn't hurt him!" You yelled, making Price aware of the listener. 
"I didn't. I simply tranquilized him. He took a nap." He laughed. 
"Hansen. What's going on?!" Laswell roared. 
"I'm simply taking what belongs to me." He spoke matter of factly. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"My birdie." 
Silence fell on the call. You knew she had understood. She knew the truth. 
"You won't be able to leave this base, I can assure you that." She said. 
"Ah don't worry. I'll manage. Where's the other disguised idiot? Hand him over. I want to speak to him." 
You closed your eyes. No. This was going to be horrible. You were absolutely shocked to hear Price laugh. You opened your eyes wide, a look of confusion on your face. 
"He's already gone. He got in his Jeep and is hunting you down." 
You saw Peter visibly pale. 
"He doesn't even know who you really are. You hurt his friend. You stole his bunny. You're already fucking dead." 
Peter grabbed the phone in a fury, opening his window and throwing it out. You gasped out loud. 
"Hey!" You scolded. 
"Don't try me!" He threatened again. 
You were getting dangerously close to the exit. You couldn't let him bring you out of base. You couldn't.  The idea of jumping out of the car finally settled in your mind when a glimpse of a vehicle to the left made your head turn. You had very little time to process what was happening when the impact made your seatbelt block. A military car had driven right into the car you were in at full speed, aiming for the driver's seat. 
Both cars were now at a stop, your head ringing. You were hyperventilating, now watching Gaz and Konig stepping out of the car and aiming their guns at Peter. He immediately made the car roar, trying to drive away when a second impact made you shake again. You yelled this time. Peter's car was stuck in between two big ones. You had to get out now, you had to make a run for it. 
Your blood ran cold when you saw Peter reach for his own gun. No nononoo.. FUCK. 
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CAR!" Soap's voice roared. 
Soap… fuck. They were here. They were here. 
You pushed the seatbelt, finally freeing yourself and opening the car door. 
Konig appeared in a flash, grabbing Peter's shirt through the window, taking his attention from you. In another flash a black shadow passed over the hood of the car pushing Konig away and throwing the driver's side door open. 
"Simon!" You let out in between a yelp and a whine. 
He wasn't listening. He had a knife in his hand. He cut through the seatbelt like butter. He grabbed Peter's gun, throwing it somewhere on the ground. He very roughly pulled Peter out. 
You were frozen in place. Your mind was trying to process what was happening. Everything was happening so fast… Your car door opened, making you jump. 
You cried. You let out a broken exhale and you cried. 
"You're ok! You're ok! We're here!" He smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you out. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. He was ok. He was fine. God, you felt so guilty. He got hurt because of you. If he had been killed-
"I'm ok! I'm ok… breathe. We need to get you out of here!" He soothed. 
"It's darkends!" You let out loud in between cries. 
He froze. He immediately turned to the rest of the team, catching Gaz's eyes as he wasn't too far. 
"HE'S THE HACKER!" Gaz repeated in a yell.
You looked at Ghost who had Peter pinned against the car, arms behind his back. As soon as it clicked in his brain, he threw Peter to the ground and jumped on him. Your eyes widened. 
You pushed by Soap, surprising him enough to give you a chance to run around the car to keep the fighting men into view. 
"Y/N NO!" You heard him reprimand.
You froze at the sight, Ghost was on top of Peter repeatedly punching him in the face, blood coating his hand. 
Soap caught you as Ghost reached for his firearm, pointing it at Peter's head. It took a second. No hesitation.
The gunshot made you jump. Soap's voice lost in the sound. Your ears ringing. 
It's funny how your brain fixates on the little things during shocking moments. For you it was the little splashes of blood on his mask. You could see them as Simon noticed you, wide eyed. 
That's all you could take in before Soap made you forcefully turn around. 
"BLOODY HELL Y/N" he screamed worriedly.
You tried to catch your breath. More cars came rushing. You could hear Price and Laswell's voices. It was over. He was gone. Darkends… Peter. He was dead. Your were safe. You were shocked. And what terrified you wasn't the fact that Simon just executed him in front of you. He clearly didn't mean to show you such a horrible thing. You knew it. He had tried to shield you from the sight by pushing Peter to the ground. No. What terrified you was how grateful you were that he did it. That he killed him. 
The thought was horrible. But Peter was dead. And you were glad he was. Because that man, who helped human traffickers, drug dealers and other horrible people, had used people to get to you, had tried to kill you and kidnapped you. 
"Hey hey hey!" 
You blinked, finally falling back into reality. Kate was looking at you, features torn in worry. Her hands on your cheeks. You took a deep breath. 
"Are you alright?!" 
You nodded. 
"I… I'm fine. It's… over" you stumbled over your words. 
She held you, her arms now wrapping around your shoulders. Price was behind her, talking to Soap. You could clearly understand Soap explaining how you had witnessed Ghost kill Peter. The shock in Ghost's eyes flashed in your mind. No! Fuck! 
You couldn't be sure but he was probably feeling horrible having done that in front of you. He probably thought you hated him, that you thought horribly of him. 
You pushed Kate off of you. 
"Simon…" you called. 
"Y/N-" she tried.
"I want Simon!" Your voice broke as another cry escaped your lips. 
You needed him. You fucking needed him. You wanted him to hold you. And never fucking let you go. You felt vulnerable. The whole situation, the whole fallback of emotions made you want to be wrapped into his arms.
"Y/N." Price approached. "Not now. You need to leave this place." 
You were going to interrupt him. But he kept trying to reason you. 
"He needs to calm down-" 
"No!" You screamed, you've never heard this desperation in your voice before.
Soap looked divided. But as he looked at you, the way you were begging him through your gaze, he made up his mind. 
"LT!" He called. 
Price and Laswell turned to him furious. 
Your breath quickened. You weren't leaving without him. Fuck. You'd leave with him.
Price turned back to face you this time looking behind you. 
"Simon-" he started. 
But too late you had already turned around. Fucking hell. He looked absolutely nightmarish. His full black tactical clothes, his skull mask bloodied. His black hood casting a shadow on it. Even like that you could see pupils blown out. 
You must be insane. You must have gone completely mad. Because all you could see was his eyes. All you could notice was how hard he was breathing, how his shoulders were incredibly tense. 
Yes. Everyone must have thought you had gone completely insane. Because you ran to him, wrapping your arms around his waist burying your face in his chest. It took him a second before wrapping his arms around you. 
"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… fuck… I'm sorry…" he chanted repeatedly. 
He held you tightly. You could hear Laswell and Price barking orders. But you blocked it out. You needed this. You needed to be in his arms. He saved you again. He rushed to come to you. 
"I'm sorry…" he let out again. 
He stopped, looking at you directly, awaiting orders. As if your every word was a command. 
"Take me away…Please... Take me out of here…" You asked. 
He didn't hesitate. He held your hand, pulling you with him towards Price. 
"Price!" He roared, capturing the man's attention. "I'm taking her out of here!" 
He nodded, throwing him his keys. 
"Take her to the hideout!" Price ordered. 
You would have preferred to go home but your home had been trashed… it wasn't the best idea.
He held your hand as he pulled you to the passenger seat, making sure to block your view of the mess behind him. 
"Close your eyes…" he ordered softly. 
"Please. Fuck. Bunny, please." He pleaded. 
So you did. You closed your eyes. You heard the car door open. You trusted him as led you in, sitting you and buckling you up. You kept your eyes closed as he closed the door and until his opened. Even then and until you were rolling away, you kept them closed. 
"You can open them now…" he softly let out. 
You batted your eyes, adjusting back to the light. You turned to him. His grip on the steering wheel was rough. 
"Simon…" you called. 
He flinched but didn't look at you. He was clearly speeding. Very clearly. 
"Simon!" You whined. 
"We're almost there. Please." 
You took a deep breath, Falling silent. 
"You did good…" 
You almost thought you imagined it. 
"I.. did?" You asked. 
"Yes. You did so good. Sending me your location. Being brave. You did good." 
The praise was oddly comforting. 
You had managed to arrive at the hideout in a crazy time frame. You both walked out. You were slightly calmer even if your heart still played drums in your chest. You walked to the front door, two soldiers standing in front of it. You walked in, Ghost behind you. The door closed, leaving you both finally alone to face the inevitable. 
After several seconds he spoke. 
"I'll tell the men to keep guard. Laswell should be joining you soon." 
You looked, appalled, as he turned to leave. 
"You're leaving?" 
For the second time, you didn't recognize the heartbroken tone in your own voice. He was running away. He didn't want to face you.
He looked at you immediately, worry in his eyes. 
"You… Want me to stay?" He asked in dismay. 
"Yes.. please… you're the only one I want to stay with…" you admitted. 
He looked completely lost. You wanted to make him understand how badly he mattered to you. That you found a peace in his violence that was insane. Unreal.
"I. Just executed someone, in front of you." He started, fully turning to you. "I will never fucking forgive myself for it" 
"You don't have to! I ran to you! You tried to hide it!" You knew where this was going. You could feel it. 
"You should have been taken away right away! I should have ordered Soap to do it! You didn't deserve it- " 
"I RAN TO YOU! " You cried out. Your poor throat reminding you that it was a terrible idea. 
You were both out of breath. He was slipping away from you… he was slipping through your fingers every second that passed he was pulling himself away from your embrace. He was trying to break everything, trying to save you from himself. He didn't seem to understand that you needed to drown in him.
"Don't…" you desperately asked. 
"Don't what…" he asked in a hopeless tone. 
"Don't do that to me… Simon please…" you wanted to cry. You wanted him to feel how helpless you were feeling. How much you loved him. How much you needed him. 
"Don't walk away from me…" your tear stained face begged. 
He closed his eyes. 
"I'm a fucking monster." 
"No. You're Simon!" You stepped closer to him as he opened his eyes. 
"You're lieutenant Simon Ghost Riley!!" You captured his clothed face in your hands. 
"You're my Simon ghost Riley…" you whispered. "Please… tell me you're not giving up on me… please… tell me I'm yours too…" 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you incredibly close. 
"Are you not scared of me?" He asked in a breath. 
"No…" you answered. 
"Don't you hate me? Despise me?" 
"You're fucking crazy." He concluded. 
You giggled bittersweetly. 
"You make me crazy…" 
"I am a monster." 
"I am. You should find better. You would be happier…" 
"I want my monster. I want all of him, I only feel safe and important with him…" 
He choked on a breath. 
"You wanted an answer." He started. 
You frowned a bit in confusion. 
"You wanted me to make up my mind. To tell you." He explained. 
You finally understood. Yes. You had asked him. You held your breath. 
"I want you in my life. Fuck you're all I want in my life. Tell me you want to be mine… I swear I'll never fucking leave you… I'll be as loyal as a dog, I swear I'll do everything to make you happy." He pleaded in a dark tone that contrasted heavily with the vow he was preaching. 
"Simon." You called making him look at you in the eyes. "I'm already yours." 
His hand left your waist to lift his mask up to his nose. Your breath hitched, time slowing when his lips fell on yours. You felt dizzy. His lips against yours in a desperate kiss to ground you both to each other. His soft tongue pleading access to more, that you willingly admitted, your own craving of more, of him, burning through you. The world disappeared. You had read this many times in books. You had never thought you would ever get to a point where you finally understood it. 
He groaned against you, you wrapped your hands around his neck. He lifted you up, sitting you on the table. You spread your legs, trapping him in between and pulling him closer. You were addicted. Absolutely lost. He kissed you like you were the only reason he'd ever inhale and exhale again. Desperately. His taste on your tongue was something you wanted to imprint in your mind forever.
You almost pitied the fact that you had to breathe when you separated to catch your breaths. He remained there. His forehead touching yours. You remained eyes closed. 
The atmosphere had entirely changed. It was as if you weren't being kidnapped thirty minutes ago. 
"Simon… don't leave…" you begged in a murmur. 
The night had fallen very quickly. Laswell had indeed passed by. She was relieved you were fine. She also fully understood that you needed time and decided to leave you two alone for a few days. The day had been terribly long. Horribly. You and Simon didn't let go of each other for hours, even dining with you sitting on his lap. Poor man hadn't even changed when it was finally time to go to bed. 
"Hey… bunny…" he called softly. 
You shook your head, knowing what he wanted to say. 
"Bunny come on… I need to change… you're gonna get dirty." 
"Don't care…" 
He chuckled. He sounded relieved. 
"Y/N, I promise .. I hop in the shower and I come to bed with you if you want. It'll take five minutes, I swear." He tried to convince you. 
You didn't want to let him go. But you understood he probably wanted to wash away all reminders of what happened. You nodded against his neck. He walked to the bed and softly dropped you. He grabbed Reaper from the ground. 
"Here doll, your plushie."
"Reaper…" you corrected him. 
He chuckled. Taking out his gloves, he let one of his thumbs run over your cheeks, brushing your hair away.
"I'll be right back." 
He was already ripping off his tactical gear as he walked out. You had time to catch a glimpse of his back, various bruises and scars, more or less recent painted it. It made you want to follow him and kiss every single one of them. Maybe it was too much… everything that was happening was confusing but fuck at the moment you couldn't care less. 
He had kept his promise, around 5 minutes after, he was back in the room, a towel around his midsection. 
Your breath caught in your throat. 
You sat in the bed. He was wearing a new balaclava. 
"Simon…" you called. 
You watched the bruises and cuts on his chest with a worried look. He stepped closer to you, grabbing your chin in one hand softly. 
"Hey. Eyes up." 
You obeyed.
"It's nothing. It's just a scratch. Alright?" 
You whined. 
"Shu-huhu…" he soothed. 
Fuck… your mind was a fucking blurr. You weren't drunk this time. But the adoration, the heart eyes were back. 
"It's nothing, little one…" 
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch. 
"Fuck…" he cursed under his breath.
You opened them back slowly. 
"Turn around love, let me just grab some pants." 
You blushed, nodding. You turned around facing the wall. You heard him open his bag that he had brought into your room earlier. A few seconds later you felt the bed dent. You glanced back as he slipped under the covers with you. His arms immediately wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. 
You both sighed at the same time. 
"Simon…" you called. 
"Yes bunny…" 
"Thank you for coming to save me…" you let out in a whisper.
"Darling… I will always come for you." He whispered in your ear. 
"I'm so glad it's over" 
"I'm glad too…" 
You smiled. 
"Let's sleep, little bunny… It's late." 
You whined a bit. 
"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. " 
You closed your eyes at that. The warmth and the comfort of his arms and body pulled you  to sleep. 
The two next days felt out of reality. Laswell didn't contact you and the rest of the squad didn't pass by. It was only the two of you. And you couldn't let go of each other. Especially Simon. You didn't fully understand what was happening. You honestly didn't care. A silent agreement stood between you two that nothing mattered. No questions on the relation, no questions on behavior, nothing. 
You just basked in each other's presence. 
That night, you tried to get up to go to the bathroom. After close negotiations he had unwrapped his arms from you. You went to the bathroom, glanced at his dirty gear on the ground, and tried to put it in the washing machine. Tried. Because he had already crawled out of bed to find you.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm just putting this in the washer for-" 
"Forget about that…" 
He picked you up bridal style. 
"S-simon…" you blushed. 
"Fuck that. Come back to bed." 
And you did. Not getting out of bed before 11 am the next day. 
You had shared brunch. He stood behind you, hands over your stomach and face in your neck while you washed the dishes in his shirt. Then he pulled you to him making you follow him on the couch where you both laid down, a blanket over you, some tv show on screen. 
When you went back to bed that night, you made the mistake of stepping inside your bedroom without him. 
"Where are you going?" He asked. 
"Oh.. hum… I thought you might want to rest without having me annoying you…" 
He had stepped closer to you, incredibly close. 
"One more night… please…" he whispered. 
"Anything…" you whispered back, gladly pulling him after you. 
It calmed down for a bit the next day. You were able to walk around the house without having Simon attached to you or running to pick you up to immobilize you against him. Though none of this bothered you, you tried to focus a bit on what happened. You also tried to buy a new phone. Even like that, he made you sit on the couch in between his legs, with your laptop on your lap. 
He was watching TV, fingertips drawing circles on your naked thighs. You had first cursed yourself for wearing PJ shorts, and then had lost all track of your search for a new device, leaning back against him. 
On the third day, things seemed to fall back into your old ways. Playful, kind, sweet. Again a silent contract linked you both, as if the two last days were yours to keep. It was a moment needed for the both of you, after a painful time. You still put off a serious conversation about your new relationship to a later time. 
The boys were finally allowed to pass by. Soap and Gaz had immediately hugged you. 
"Little Sparrow!" Soap cheered. 
You hugged them back. 
Konig was also here and even though you didn't know him well, you couldn't stop yourself from hugging him. He saved you too. 
"Thank you konig." 
He had rubbed the back of his head, giggling. 
Price had held you in his arms for a little while before planting a kiss in your hair and stepping back. 
You all sat in the small living room space. Simon was still very possessive and made you sit in his lap on the ground, hands wrapped tightly around your waist. 
"Thank you everyone. For keeping me safe and saving me. And… I'm so sorry johnny…" 
"No no! Don't worry. I've gone through much worse. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I fucked up…" 
You shook your head. 
"No… we were all under pressure… no one suspected him." 
"I did." Interrupted Simon. 
You smiled. 
"Yeah… you did…" 
You could see the boys looking at each other, obviously a question on their mind. The burning question. Soap felt the bravest.
"Soo… what's this?" Soap asked changing subject and pointing repeatedly in between the both of you. 
You blushed heavily. Soap's grin growing. 
"She's my girlfriend." 
You were? Fuck. 
"Am I?" You asked, looking at him. "You never asked" You teased. 
"I asked you to be mine. You said you were. So, mine." He stated without a worry in the world. 
The boys laughed and you nestled closer to him. You spent the rest of the day hanging out together, finally at peace. 
In the next few days you met with Laswell. A few things had to be resolved. Your room needed a makeover. You wanted darkends's devices to gather information. 
"We'll keep his devices but you can't have them now. You need some time away from all of this." 
You had rolled your eyes but deep down you agreed. This had been a close call. Way too close. She had told you she would keep you informed about the apartment so for now you remained in the hideout with Simon. The boys passing by very often. 
You had been very happily shopping, the military giving you a huge amount of money as reparation for almost being killed in their care. You had bought new components for a brand new PC, a new phone, clothes and other things. One thing that you seemed to absolutely love doing was asking Simon's opinion on everything. 
"Simon, do you like this shirt?" 
"You'll look adorable in it." He kissed your forehead. 
You even used this new hobby to tease him. 
"What do you think of this skirt?" You smiled innocently. 
It had entirely backfired. 
"If you promise to wear no panties with it, it'll become my favorite piece of clothing." He growled.
You had blushed and thrown him a pillow. 
Some moments of serious talk had also been present. 
"You know I'm doing something dangerous… it could put you in danger… Are you sure you want to be with me?" He asked. 
"Simon I don't need to date you to be in danger. I'm the one who keeps getting attacked and almost killed, you're the one who should be having second thoughts!" 
The Best moments were the ones where He would steal kisses from you whenever he could. He'd stare at you from afar, making blush. He'd always stare into your eyes, asking for permission to kiss you. As if you needed to ever say it out loud to him.  Sometimes it would heat up very fast, but he would always stop. Much to both of your frustrations. 
But you did have this conversation. He had wanted to, and asked to take things slowly. He wanted you to be sure of things before heading to more. 
You had wanted to go spend some money at the shopping center, asking him to come with you. He had politely declined, offering to call Soap, Konig and Gaz to go with you. Shopping wasn't particularly his favorite thing to do. He sat on the couch, legs spread, a file in hand, looking down at you. The sight was particularly comical yet extremely exciting. You had dropped to your knees in between his to get his attention, he had immediately tensed. He looked at you like he wanted to devour you. You kept asking for him to come with you, he'd decline, his voice deepening more and more each time. 
"Y/N. Get up." He ordered. 
"Please… Simon come with me shopping…" you whined again, biting your lip. 
It was obvious. So obvious. But he played through, adoring the sight before him. 
It had been interrupted by Price and Soap walking in. You remained on the floor, now turning your head to Soap. 
"Soap! Ghost won't come with me…" 
"Try taking his pants off, it's easier to cu-" 
You had blushed heavily. Price tried his best not to laugh. You had never seen a man run so fast in his life. You had gotten up, after ghost had gotten up as well , walking out the door behind Soap. Price had finally laughed, you were heavily embarrassed but you had won, thanks to Soap. 
Today Simon was particularly quiet. He walked around, stealing kisses and touches every now and then. You were writing on your laptop, some things about darkends needed to be reported for the full file. Laswell had told you it wasn't urgent, but you wanted to finish it. You were also getting annoyed. The tiny place was starting to get on your nerves. You wanted to go back home. 
It was an antagonizing thought as you also were uncomfortable going back in that space. It felt different. Peter had been there. You had opened your door to him and he had broken in and trashed your stuff. You had talked about it with Simon, about your anxiousness. He had understood and tried to comfort you. 
So here you were, sitting in the small, now crowded space with everyone. Laswell, price and squad 141 including Konig. 
"Sparrow, ghost told me about your thoughts on your apartment." 
You sighed. Of course he did. You looked at him as he looked at you with a soft expression. 
"So we came up with something and I'd like to ask you if you'd be alright with it." 
You were now visibly curious. Price took the lead after Laswell. 
"Until we can find a new and better way to keep you safe, we thought about moving you closer to the base. Some place you'd feel safer." 
"What are you saying?" You asked. 
"There's a house in a residential area, very close to the base that's free. It's a family house so it's quite big." Laswell explained. 
"And we're all moving in with you guys!" Soap cheered, interrupting her, Gaz nodding. 
"It's temporary, it doesn't have to be permanent. It's an option, after everything that happened." Price added.
You looked at Ghost with a smile on your face, brows rising. 
"You accepted this?" You asked, a hint of a laugh in your voice. 
"It's safer if we're all there. I can't always be with you… and maybe you'll feel better in a new environment." He explained. 
You had mixed feelings. It sounded fun. But you'd have less privacy with Simon. You had started to accept them as a family. And after everything that happened it was perhaps best. 
"Alright… let's do that." 
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angelofsmalldeaath · 3 months
work song — a.h.b.
a/n: full disclosure, i've posted this before on tumblr for something else. but i love this piece very much and i think it fits for him and this song so well 🤍 (it's gone under quite a few edits too, though)
cw: mentions of death but of well that's a given
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the artist flicks through the feature. 
her name is printed in big letters on the cover of the monthly issue, her face—smiling and excited—next to the centrepiece of her latest art collection: cupid and psyche. 
the painting is stunning, a riot of bold colours and patterns, but at the centre is a man, his face hidden, his red-brown curls tousled. his body is relaxed, she thinks there's an air of carefreeness about him. 
and she'd know that for sure, after all that day is etched into her memory. 
when she feels a familiar pair of arms wrap around her, she smiles. 
“you're rather proud of the feature, aren't you?” his voice holds a little teasing note. she's stared at the feature for close to thirty minutes now, discreetly pinching herself in the same spot on her arm. (it sports a tiny, barely-there bruise now) 
“good,” he nuzzles his face into her neck, softly kissing the skin, “you should be. the exhibit was fucking gorgeous.”
“mmm, because you were the centrepiece?” fondly, she teases back, but the memory flashes in front of her eyes—the bustling art gallery, him in a corner, wearing a plain hoodie and jeans and a cap hiding half of his face, absolutely brimming with pride. 
she remembers the journalists asking about the man in all the paintings, the one whose face no one can see. “he's my muse,” she says every time, “this collection is dedicated to him.” 
“someone's going to connect the dots,” he walks around her, settling himself next to her on the settee. instantly, they rearrange themselves into a tangle—her legs on his lap, his arm around her, her head on his shoulders, his head on hers. “if they looked carefully, they'll make the connection.” 
“sweet boy, we have been each other's muse for years now and no one's found out. i don't think they're going to start now. besides,” she snorts, “i think the art world thinks i've made you up in my mind. won’t be the first time an artist's gone insane.”
he laughs a hearty laugh. “maybe you have. you always say i'm too good to be true.”
when she can't think of a retort, she sticks her tongue out, shrieking away as he smothers her in kisses. 
“seriously though, it's fun writing about you. singing about you. and i love seeing myself through your eyes.” suddenly he sounds all sober and serious. she thinks his voice even wavers slightly at the end. he blinks quickly though, and just like that the brightness in his eyes is gone. 
“love it when you write about me too,” she teases, “love being told i give you a toothache just from kissing you.”
“oi! i put my heart into that! it's a precious memory for me.”
“the memory of me taking care of you when you were burning up a fever? the memory of you demanding more kisses?”
he giggles like a teenager, hiding his face in her hair. it's fun to rile him up like this, so she continues, poking him in the ribs. “oh, oh, is it the memory of you passing the flu to me?” 
“we took care of each other though!” he traps both her hands in his so she won’t be able to poke him more. a second passes, and he can’t resist kissing the knuckles. “and so you deserve to have a song written about you. or a whole album works too i think.”
he pauses for a little then tuts. “actually, no. don't wanna tell anyone it's about you, that'll ruin the magic.”
“ruin the magic?” 
“of being your muse and having you as mine. a hundred years from now, when people would see your art as the artwork of this generation, and my music as the tune of our times—”
“tune of our times...”
“yeah, quit laughing at me!” he flicks her nose, kissing it right after. “so when my music becomes the tune of our times, i think people will see it then. they will make the connections.”
secretly, she loves the idea—that their love might transcend time and space, heaven and hell through their art. that decades from now their names might be whispered together, even though they aren’t just yet. 
“of course, we'll be buried together by then. same grave by the way, very romeo and juliet of us.”
“that's morbid!” she laughs sharply, “what will the epitaph say?”
he hums for a bit, thinking. his eyes flutter shut for a second or two, almost like he needs to focus on the half formed thought until it's a complete sentence. then he excitedly clears his throat and gently holds her face between his hands. 
“here lie the artist and the muse; inspiring each other in death as they did in life.”
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howtodrawyourdragon · 6 months
The Post In Which I Deduce How Old Baby Hiccup Was When Valka Disappeared
You know, in order to write this Httyd Retelling, I have to do some preparing. I have to collect plot points for future storylines, keep certain canonical facts in mind and take a closer look at certain scenes.
Like the flashback scene in which Valka gets taken, for example. Because that'll be a vital scene for the prequel-type fic that I'm currently working on.
And I don't think I've ever realized how truly young Hiccup was when his mother was stolen from him. And I'm not talking about how he was a baby, because that fact is obvious.
I'm talking about how it's possible he was barely 6 months old.
And there are a couple of things about the flashback that point to this.
When Cloudjumper finds Hiccup and appears to play with him, I notice that Hiccup is:
Grabbing Cloudjumper's wing talon
Clapping once (which could be a fluke as he is waving his hands around wildly)
Appears stimulated by Cloudjumper's attention and actively seeks interaction
Now, the laughter I won't waste much time on because I don't really see it as an indicator. On average, it starts as early as 4 months, but in my experience that highly depends on the child. I've seen a 3 month old laugh, I've seen kids not start laughing until they were almost 1.
Points 2 through 4, though, are much more interesting as what Hiccup is exhibiting is actually not "true" play, but rather hints that Hiccup is still actively learning to interact with the world around him. This may seem strange for people who don't interact with babies and toddlers on a daily basis, but children actually have to learn to play and this starts by interacting with the world around them.
Putting a variety of things in their mouths, sucking on things, grabbing things (like Cloudjumper's talon), shaking things, etc. This is usually how a baby between ages of 4 to 6 months old begins to learn how to play.
You can try to offer toys to a 3 month old, but chances are they won't do anything with it or even react much too the toy at all. Older than 6 months old, it's possible you can see them actively pick what interests them to inspect rather than simply put whatever they've been giving in their mouths.
In my personal experience, it's not until around 4 months old when babies start to show interest in the things around them. (Which doesn't mean you shouldn't try to stimulate your child by at least offering a toy before that time, we do.)
Something else of note in this scene is:
Hiccup can't sit up
No teeth
Hiccup simply lying there swaddled in a cradle is actually a big indicator that, not only is he not sitting up yet, but he doesn't appear capable of rolling over.
And if you think "Oh! but that's because he's swaddled in furs!" Wrong! Babies of any age are surprisingly determined. If a baby wants to roll over, they will fidget their way out of the swaddle and roll over. In no good conscience would Valka or Stoick leave Hiccup in a cradle unattended if this child showed signs of rolling over.
Now babies can start rolling over as soon as 4 months. (If you know what that looks like, it's quite an endeavor, takes a lot of manuevering, which the previous unattended Hiccup didn't appear to be doing)
And I know you may be thinking; "doesn't that mean Hiccup is younger than 4 months in the flashback?" I don't think so simply because of how he reacts to Cloudjumper, whose attention and stimulation he actively seeks out. Rather, I actually think Hiccup is a little bit of a late bloomer physically.
He was canonically born prematuraly, to the point that his mother feared he wouldn't make it. And often when a child is a late bloomer physically, they actually usually end up ahead of the other kids in other areas. Like mentally, verbally, or with their finer motor skills.
In my experience, children who can walk by the time their first birthday comes along, take longer to even begin to start talking. (which takes the form of making sounds. Not forming words, but voluntarily making sounds)
Meanwhile kids who are barely crawling by their first birthday are usually already showing signs of forming words (usually done by trying to repeat sounds they hear others in their life say) and verbally responding back to the people in their life (though through sounds and not actual words)
Being late in his gross motor skills while actually excelling in his finer motor skills and speech seems in line with the Hiccup we know and love. Even between the ages of 15 and 18, he still appears to be a bit of a late bloomer. The example I'm thinking of is how he can work years in a forge, yet struggle to pick up a single weapon versus to 3 years later when he's a swordsman himself and picks weapons up with no problem now.
That brings me to the lack of teeth.
On average, babies will begin to teeth between the 4 and 7 months old. From my personal experience, it tends to start much closer to 7 months than the minimum 4 month mark. I've even looked after plenty of children who didn't start to teeth well beyond the 7th month mark. (even had one who didn't start teeth until they were almost 1 and then suddenly got multiple teeth in at once.) Hiccup has no teeth.
So lets line all of the evidence up.
In the flashback, Hiccup:
Actively seeks interaction with Cloudjumper
Actively interacts with the world around him, but doesn't know play yet.
Responds positively to Cloudjumper's stimulation
Doesn't yet appear to even try to roll over
Has no teeth
And all of these points point to the very likely scenario that Hiccup was only 4 to 5 months old when he and Stoick lost Valka.
4 to 5 months old.
That's hella young to be losing your mother, a terrible time to lose your wife and mother of your very young child and, honestly, a terrible time for a mother to have her abduction be preceded by watching her premature son and her husband almost die due to her lack of actions.
I realize that I'm ending this post with a hot take, maybe even an unpopular opinion, but as it already takes months for a parent who gave birth to feel somewhat normal again even without breastfeeding their child... No wonder Valka, in this highly sensitive and vulnerable time, internalized that both Stoick and Hiccup would've been better off without her.
Valka, who:
Was still on month 4 after her pregnancy, meaning her hormones would've still been all over the place
Had to breastfeed with a lack of better options at the time, meaning it would remain that way for quite a bit
Had a traumatic labor that involved nearly losing her son
Her son who was born much too early, which would come with complications (right down to getting him to eat at all, for example)
Almost watched Hiccup and Stoick die in a fire right before she got abducted by a dragon, which would've meant hours if not days or weeks of believing she was going to get eaten
Doesn't mean she just gets to stay away for 20 whole years, but it definitely puts a different perspective on her sudden departure from Hiccup's life.
Everyone in the Haddock family was hurt that day. Though, the biggest victim of all was that literal 4 month old boy.
Video from SoloMinike-Movies & Shows scenes HD for reference.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Batfam and Spiderfam dynamics
Jason and Miles are platonic soulmates,thanks.As a black dominicano myself,there is no reaction Jason would have to meeting the Spiderfam other then making a b-line to the lil nigga talking with his hands to someone who's not listening and asking him about what he's rambling about to genuinely listen and this applies to any timeline Jason cause the Lazarus Pit isn't gringofication juice.Miles takes an equally quick liking to him and they've got tons in common but enough differences to keep their interactions interesting and add some mutual angst(I see you in me and you see me in you but the feeling isn't exactly the same,not always but we're getting there for eachother)
Babs fucks with Miguel by hacking his Spidertech and dosen't even do any actual damage but pretends she has or is planning to to keep him on his toes.He is Screaming
Stephanie and Gwen hit it off almost as instantly as the Flowerghost Brothers did for the same reasons and Stephie calls Gwendita 'sister' first as the slang but then as a found family thing.Gwen convinced her to dye her hair like Hobie did her and Stephanie now has a split down the middle purple dye to her natural black butterfly locs and she brings her over to Batgirls hangouts so she can feel like a real girl as gender validation but also trauma healing and on first meeting Stephanie had a reverse to her and Jess' first meeting as Gwen chattered off about herself in autistic awkwardness and she responded with 'Can i adopt you?' to Gwen's touched shock and Steph's embarrasment(Gwen is still 16 and Stephanie was 18 btw)(Death may love you but i love more and i'll save you from it)(You're the Robin that flew the highest even though you flew for the shortest time)
The babygirlfication of Duke Thomas:By Hobie Brown.Duke was flustered and weak in the knees enough just from Hobie unmasking but the fact that Hobie found him equally attractive didn't help since he instantly started flirting with him.Duke powered through after getting used to it a significant instences of Spiderpunk rizz and Hobie was pleasently surprised that he actually wasn't a shy meek 'normal' boy but as chaotic as he is and that was when it went from attraction to real romantic love as they got to really know eachother and Hobie shows off Duke to his band's fans and they take care of eachother post-hero work and before it too(You're SUCH a punk........I can't fucking tell if i wanna be with you or be you or roast you/I'm Spiderman and you're Robin.We can do all three,Sunlight.This the part where you kiss me,yeah?/Obviously-Why else would i have done that 1920s toons ass shit to get you upside down?)
Dick and Peter B are iconic 'The ones who started it all and mentor the ones to keep the legacy going' solidarity but Dick's a cool hot tgirl about it and Peter B's a lame in a sexy kinda way tboy about it.Their friendship is healthy if weird and they do hero jobs together occasionally and exchange trans stories/jokes.Also:".........We seem to have the same type?" "You mean.....Redheads...?" "What?!No,black women!" "OH THANK FUCK,I KNEW THAT CREEPY RUMOR ABOUT YOU WASN'T REAL!!!"
Talia and Rio met through Jason and Miles and formed a friendship of their own.It was really nice for Talia to befriend another woc who's deep into and proud of her heritage and they do cultural bonding and hang out casually too and they're also both bi women with a past history of multiple girlfriends which is a nice surprise and they can be found drinking tea and eating tostadas together at least once a month.Talia and Uncle Aaron would've been besties too if he'd lived and her breath hitched when she met his 42 Variant and Miles G from the flashbacks to Jason's ressurection and her reconnection with him as he turned into Red Hood under her wing(It's like looking at ghosts that'll never really die)
Cass and Peni suffer from the infantalization and moefication of easian women and girls both in-universe and out of universe so they go beyond and Cass helps Peni go back to her authentic japanese roots by having a storyline with her that's a ref to her Nge inspo and this includes Earth 14512 and Prime Earth glitches fuckery and Cass briefly goes chinese cartoon incarnated which she's more than okay with.They listen to Mcr and participate in Cass' tradgoth hobbies and Peni gets her to embrace her hidden small love of cute shit and there's anatomically dehumanized child soldier bonding(Don't let them make you a rose without thorns)(Be beautiful to everyone you want to but terrifying to everyone else.You've earned both)
Kory and Jessica get black milf-y with it by increasing their hotness by 100+ with their combined energy and Kory teases her about the Spiderkids calling her 'Spidermom' as a half-joking mantle and Jessica just rolls her eyes playfully and says she's jealousy she's milf x 2 now.Kory also gives her free clothes she got from her modeling job and Jessica takes her out on motorcyle rides with her own pastel pink helmet and was confused for a Tamaranean a few times so she gaslight the media about it for funsies.Street food gyals too and get their nails and hair done together at different dimensional black salons as a quest of sorts.THEE Spiderbatfam battle duo,they are whole ass GREEK TITANS in damage level(Also jic no ion ship Peter B and Jessica,Dick was talking about 616 MJ who is black to me due to one of few mcu W's)
Maps and Margo be peppy girl geeks of color who're twinnin' on almost all their tastes,the only real difference being Maps' japanese ones vs Margo's haitian ones BUT they get to diaspora bond thanks to being inmigrant kids♡Margo has pretend drawn constellations with Maps' freckles and this my friends was the true beginning of Margomaps.Margo social media brags and posts about 'her girlfriend Maps' like the slang and Maps drags her into Gotham mystery solving and they're call themselves 'Team Birdbyte' know damn well that's a ship name.Maps once put her hairclip on Margo's hair and kissed it 'for good luck' because she was scared shitless for her on a life or death mission and Margo sweeped her up into her arms to give her a big 'ol smooch upon return and Maps had heart eyes afterwards as they went on their first 'date' i.e Sharing a bed for the first time as they talked out their love for eachother in detail over pizza and strawberry fizz(You're not my Player 2,you're my main girl)
I don't got fancy schmancy for these last two but Tim x Miles is so fucking real,,,,,,,,,Better than any yt boys only crossover ship for sure.They're just,autistic trans teenage boygirlfriends but like realistic ones not fake deep wonderbread and they're brown4black because Tim's biracial on Janet's side cause she was cherokee and Miles is an honorary Young Justice member who earned a Blue Lantern ring and they're so sweet and soft and sappy and cringe together...........Cool girl Miles and her losercore bf who loves her so fucking much and that she loves so fucking much back and she thinks SHE'S the desperate loser.And the other thing is Tiffany Fox is Batgirl here!!It only feels right considering it's Spiderverse and she hangs out the Spiderteens/Tim and Duke's age group/the older Batgirls!!She's a recurring major character i have for this in my head and is one of Miles' big crushes although not endgame since she realized she'd rather make friends for a long time first than date right then.And she grows up to have a happy healthy marriage and kids!!♡(Red Table mutual you know who you are,ADD TIFF)
Misc extras:Prime Earth has a Dairy Queen equivalent called Dairy Super,Miles and Jason have texting Tamagotchis that were upgraded by Margo at random because she wanted to see if she could and Miles' is a cat while Jason's is a bat,Gwen's mom was afro-dominican and she got her Atsv hair but in locs and Stephanie is specifically jamaican/korean and blondephobic as is Tim,Peter B's character assasination didn't happen cause the writers were so darksided for that,Jessica is trans as per her comics,Stephcass is a thing and share an apartment and basically act like a butch4femme eternally married couple(A la Bubbline in Obsidian and onward)and it's perfectly possible to make a Batfam crossover that isn't about blue eyes,incest or pedophillia shipping or spits in the name of superheroes and what they stand for in favor of propaganda,gatekeeping and writing that's so horny it circles right around to being sexless.And you just read one :)
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cyxnidx · 1 year
Hello! How are you doing? :-) I saw your recent post and it was really good! good job btw I really liked it a lot ^_^ anyways, I wanted to request something since I saw that their open, so これを始めましょう!
Can I request Stolas, Angel Dust and Alastor with a Male! Human! S/O that looks very feminine (facial wise) and gets mistaken for a girl :,) (that’s the pain I go through 😔) and they always have to correct people and eventually get sick of it? How would they react?
Thank you! Have a good day :)
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heyy! im pretty good for the moment, thanks for asking :) 始めよう!sorry if its short :,)
warnings: ftm!reader, them being dramatic
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the first time the instance occurred out in public, it definitely sent him off balance a bit.
it would go something like this:
"nice girl, stolas!" a stranger called off, their friends whistling while they walk away. you watch stolas look around, confused. "girl..?" his eyes reach yours, who seems to be embarrassed and a bit ticked off. "did they just call you a girl?" he asks, almost secretively. you nod reluctantly.
it takes him a while to understand why they were talking to you - he felt it was obvious you were a boy.
you'd have to explain to him your feminine features and how they're commonly found in women.
after that though, he'd understand.
make an effort to inform everyone, whether or not they knew, that you're a boy and going by whatever your pronouns are.
definitely gets a bit irritated when somebody he made sure to inform still doesn't get it right.
will literally burn down a house because of it. (and has.)
Angel Dust
the day somebody called you a girl was the same day that person coincidentally went missing.
has brought up possibly getting you a shirt that says "i'm a guy" on it.
is literally the biggest ally. supports you in everything (from ur transition, to your presentation.)
anybody who complained could go and die on a field of landmines for all he cared
i feel typically angel isnt very emotional, but about this?? he'll take everything personal
literally almost started a war over somebody mistaking you for a girl???
he's stabbed random ass people because after you corrected them, they didn't listen.
"i'm actually a guy," you'd say softly after your at-work friend called you 'pretty'. it was still a compliment, but you were hoping for a more masculine compliment. seeing angel in your peripheral vision watching carefully, you watch the person shrug. "i just called you pretty?" "yes but i'd prefer more masculine compliments.." "just accept it."
yeahh ur work friend will no longer be attending their job.
at first, i feel that he humored it for a bit.
however, the more it happened? it somewhat irked him.
it probably irked him more than you?? somehow.
you might not notice it but he makes him so mad lmao
"is something the matter?" you'd ask, almost disregarding how someone just mis gendered you. "peachy." he'd respond, though, his eyes low and intimidating for anyone who'd look at him.
definitely rants - to anybody that'll listen.
constantly feels the need to apologize on society's behalf whenever someone decides to be outwardly dumb in his opinion
"i'm sorry." he'd tell you, eyes filled with fire and war - almost murderous. "these imbeciles can't help but make it obvious they're operating on half a brain cell."
alastor is mostly passive-aggressive with others and your gender
he almost feels guilty for teasing you about your features before when he sees you getting a bit timid or defensive about the whole thing.
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
Hi idk if this is a stupid question or not but I just want to know, I saw you had a gifts from the universe post or something like that and it talked about fictional characters and such, so with that does that mean I can manifest a fictional character into my reality? Like this reality? I was always told I couldn't do that and if I can omg I'm gonna cry happy tears haha 😭💖
hi hi! not a stupid question at ALL, seriously! you absolutely frickin' can manifest a fictional character in your reality! 🥰 isn't that so exciting!? your childhood dreams are about to pop off hehe. this is a much longer post than i expected because i kinda just rant, but i hope it's helpful.
so, i found reality shifting through the self-ship community, then i found law of assumption through the reality shifting community, and then found non-dualism through the law of assumption community. if there is ONE thing i want everyone to take away from ANY of these teachings/communities (regardless of which ones you follow and resonate with) it is that anything that you can imagine, you can experience.
we are the creators. we are the experiencers. we are. the thing about "fictional characters" is that, as the creators of our lives, we as humans have also created whole other worlds with lore and characters, right? if you are aware of the these worlds, their lore, their wonderful characters, then they absolutely exist, right now, because they were created by us. if you are holding them in your imagination, they are here, because you as imagination is all that there is. and that means, if you are imagining them to be in your "real world" reality, then they can absolutely show up here.
now if someone told you that you can't manifest fictional characters into your reality and they were in the law of assumption community, they do not understand what the law of assumption is all about. i mean, it's in the name of the teaching, "assumption," right? what you ASSUME to be true, will be true. if you assume that fictional characters can come into your reality, then that'll be true! eep i'm getting so exciting even just thinking about this, haha! i have nothing but respect and love for the reality shifting community because they opened up my societally-conditioned perspective to a lot of possibilities and changes, but a lot of people in the shifting community have many limiting beliefs about what is possible. the truth is, if you can shift your consciousness to be in a "fictional" freaking world, then you can do just about anything in this world too, right? people believe that they can shift to entirely "made up" worlds that they script, but they don't believe that they can alter their "current reality" with the same scripting techniques, even though they absolutely can and none of it is different from reality shifting to a "fake" world. it's all possible, regardless of the reality you are experiencing!
as proof from my own experience, i actually have a fictional character i brought into my life! in my case, i was hyperfixating on this fictional character who was an absolutely nasty evil dirt bag but i was sooo in love with him (classic lmao). in the beginning i wasn't even trying to bring him here, i was just trying to "reality shift" to meet him and come back to my "current reality" where i was safe because i knew he was a toxic man i should have no business being with haha. i knew i didn't want him in my reality because he was, well, evil, but i did wanna visit him and hang in a "different reality" for a period of time. i always told myself, "i wish there was a version of this character that would just love the shit out of me and not be so evil, one that i actually would love to have around every day..." and every night i would try to reality shift to a world to hang out with him despite this thought in my head. i never felt disappointed when i woke up in my CR because the joy i had was in visualizing hanging out before bed. it felt really real in the moment, just daydreaming and feeling silly and sweet, and it brought me so much happiness - as daydreams should!
i never ended up shifting my awareness to that reality, because something even better happened. since i imagined meeting him and spending time with him every night and persisted in the idea that i would eventually reality shift, i ended up manifesting a person into my life who had every quality that i loved in the evil character WITHOUT the evilness, and he ended up being my best friend and one of my partners! this person showed up in my life and completely flipped my world around, bring me everything that the fictional character had brought me in my imagination. like, everything, minus the bad stuff that i didn't want. it was the first case of manifesting that i had ever been super conscious of achieving, and it changed my whole perspective on the practice. i also immediately stopped caring about the old character i had been manifesting because i was so obsessed with this new person in my life LOL. it was pure magic!!
now, i realize that this is not at exact example of your question, as you're asking if you can bring a fictional character into this reality exactly as they are. and guess what? you absolutely can. the only reason i didn't bring this exact character into my reality was because i wanted a different version of him to show up, but if i had wanted him to show up exactly as he was, he would have! i wanted to give you this as an example of something like this so you can see the possibilities, but don't let the fact that it wasn't the exact fictional character deter you - my fictional person showed up exactly as i wanted him to, and yours can too! you can even make them better! 😎 hehe
this was a long-assed post, but i hope it brought some joy and excitement. please remember: you can do, be, and have any frickin' thing you want in this life, if your beautiful mind can dream it up! dream beautiful dreams and know that absolutely everything is possible! so much love 💗
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the-way-astray · 1 month
“ask box is finally open” ok write an essay on fintan. go.
no, thanks. i think you got that covered. how about i give you random, assorted fintan thoughts, fanfic ideas, and headcanons instead:
thinking about that moment in everblaze during the healing scene where he says "his identity dies with me" about the pyrokinetic he's protecting right before the entire building goes up in flames. was he planning on killing himself to protect brant? everblaze harms pyrokinetics, so he knew that it would harm him. the other option, of course, is that he was willing to take the risk of everblaze to try to kill someone else so that he could escape. everyone was canonically wearing fire-resistant clothing, so he couldn't have done any damage to them with regular fire.
how did he even actually escape oblivimyre? he couldn't have had a leaping crystal on him, or someone would've found it. did the neverseen hide a crystal in eternalia somewhere for emergency scenarios?
this post by quil inspired an au idea where bronte is a telepath, and is responsible for shattering fintan's sanity instead of alden, and fintan is just horny for him the whole time he's doing it and it makes bronte super uncomfortable.
HIS CIRCLET COLOR WAS BLUE. THE SAME BLUE AS HIS EYES, WHICH IS SKY BLUE. also fintan loves cool colors. he dresses in them frequently.
there's a very good chance that he's one of the councillors that threw vespera in the dungeon, since he knows about her existence, and he also knows all the secrets in his cache. so there's some tension between the two of them, even though it was his plan that ultimately set her free. it's kind of like him supporting the pyrokinesis ban, but also being the one that'll likely get it unbanned (indirectly through marella). he's all about breaking cycles that he himself started. something about guilt and admitting you're wrong to yourself, but being too proud to admit it to everyone else.
he served at the same time as fallon vacker, and was present during the story bronte told in neverseen about meeting king gowg. this means he was councillor while bronte was emissary. i think this is how they met, and how their "long history" started.
he was messing with keefe the entire time he was with the neverseen, like pretending to be drunk to mislead him. there were easier, better, safer ways to lead keefe down the wrong path than pretending to be drunk, but this is fintan, and he's dramatic.
alden had a celebrity crush on him. i don't make the rules here.
he wears lots and lots of jewelry. all the time. he's so extra like that. also all the jewelry is blue/green/purple because he's a cool colors guy.
fintan seems to regret his time as a councillor, not just what he did to get pyrokinesis banned. in neverseen, he says that when he was a councillor, all he did was sit back and do nothing. so there's a possibility that he might've written off important things as nothing or something along those lines. people might've come to him with appeals to reform exillium or exile, or fix the separation between the talentless and the talented, and he might've refused. either way, there's something else he regrets. it might be in his cache.
what's your beef with ruy, man? there's something there canonically. i need to know. it's so juicy. gethen also hired ruy to the neverseen, so i imagine he's more partial to ruy, which means fintan may or may not also have beef with gethen.
he talks to himself in the mirror. shut up. i know he does.
when he faked his death, he wanted to immediately reveal himself as alive again, and it was only the collective cooperation of the other neverseen members that stopped him for so long.
he wears heels to make himself feel taller, because even though he's tall (6'2"), he wants to be towering.
he probably found vespera's journals somehow. but how? did lady gisela show them to him? is that how she got her acceptance into the neverseen? vespera's main philosophy is ruthlessness, which fintan would agree with, but in a less intense way than vespera, i feel.
he probably heard brant gush about jolie a lot. i bet that was funny, since he was probably utterly disinterested. "so, it's about time you learned to summon bigger balls of everblaze. here's how t-" "FINTAN. JOLIE CALLED ME PRETTY TODAY" "wow. i would've never known . . . "
how did brant even reach out to him about manifesting? probably he hailed him or something. but remember, fintan's an ancient. so i doubt brant would've been able to properly get ahold of him (like how fallon wouldn't open the door for alden in nightfall). so did brant like burn down his door and scream ALRIGHT BITCH I NEED SOME LESSONS to get fintan's attention or something?
or was it the opposite? did fintan somehow know that brant was a pyrokinetic and reach out to him? if so, how? maybe he keeps tabs on everyone who's considered "talentless" and checks up on them to make sure they aren't exhibiting signs of being a pyrokinetic or something? if so, that's kind of sweet, not gonna lie.
it isn't an essay, but i hope i satisfied your greedy little fintan heart
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
What are your predictions for the lineups of the next event(s)? Cause at first we were thinking tsukasa5 lim but then VBS got it,and now we have the Toya mixed event with a Toya, Kanade, and An 4 stars as the event starting tomorrow , when a lot of people were expecting kamiyama2 with Mizuki, so now what do you think?
yeah sorry i didn't do an event prediction post this month. i already made predictions for a lim mixed event and my though process was "i'll read lead to shine more and then do a prediction post in the morning". and then it was the morning and mmj hakolim 4 existed. anyway.
the lim event for this month is. kinda hard to predict despite the lack of options. obviously we have to consider the 4th anniversary banner at this point in time, which has six rateups and takes a lot of options out for this month's event.
so i'll start with my 4th anniversary predictions
emu banner. unless she's august, it's her. it can't be rui or tsukasa, and she's gone longer without a lim than nene. while that doesn't really mean anything, the fact she's getting incredibly close to 4 years without a mixed event it makes sense and lines up pretty well for this to be emu mix 2
haruka 3*. the only mmj characters eligible for the banner are haruka and airi. ideal idol just happened and capped haruka at 7 lims and while airi isn't capped, haruka's gone longest in the game without a 3* card.
the rateups i'm less sure about. i think the vbs rateup will be toya, if only because he has less lims than an. niigo will most likely be ena. mizuki5 is likely gonna be either 1 or 2 events away from this so. yeah. leoneed i'm less sure about. there's a leoneed event in september definitely, but i'm not sure who it will be. i initially predicted ichika but considering something shiho said in leoneed wle i wouldn't be surprised if it was her. if it's a shiho event, saki's on 4th anni. if it's an ichika or honami event, shiho is on 4th anni (probably unless they make saki reward card AGAIN).
yeah so emu/toya/ena/saki or shiho 4* + haruka 3*
oh yeah rin is almost definitely fes that'll be explained in like 2 seconds (watch me be wrong)
anyway now that that's out the way
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rui basically controls everything here. he has to get a lim this month or he's fes. unless clpl decides to keep him waiting even longer than the gap between kanade fes 1 and spojoy. i've seen some spec over rui/honami/mafuyu but imo...nah. actually this is less for it being darkfes again and more for the mafuyu/rui kizuna that just dropped.
not sure how many people have picked up on this, but the game tends to hold off on giving kizuna until they're "done" with a pair. it explains why groups like the rainbow canvas trio got kizuna immediately but groups like thrilling white day trio took ages to get kizuna. the latter 3 attend the same school and interact quite a lot, so they held off so they had more fleshed out dynamics to pick title names from, but ena doesn't really have a huge window of opportunity for further interaction with emu and honami, so they're about as fleshed out as those dynamics will get after one event.
obviously the stories are only written so far ahead, so things do change, like shizuku and tsukasa interacting again in pandemonium ages after their kizuna title released (though their titles probably would be the same had the kizuna released later). this would also explain the delay on emu + bad dogs kizuna and the mafuyu/rui one, maybe they planned something more but the opportunity never came so they gave in. like seriously if mafuyu and rui are gonna have an event together soon why would they add their kizuna just before it? like maybe hypothetical honami/mafuyu/rui event provides nothing for their dynamic but i dunno it feels like an odd choice.
ANYWAY maybe i'm wrong. for some other possible lineups, there's ichika/honami/rui who all have some level of interest in gardening, ichika/nene who aren't on first-name basis even after that one 4koma where they accidentally slipped up, mafuyu and nene have no proper interactions yet so that's an interesting dynamic you could explore, or you could do an an/ichika broadcasting club event (this is the least likely option). i mean maybe they will just eliminate almost everyone who's still on 5 lims in one fair sweep by doing honami/rui/mafuyu august event into saki/toya/emu/ena anni + honami/rin fes, but seriously when has the game been that nice with distribution meta, especially with whatever is going on right now.
oh yeah for normal september events it'll be leoneed and niigo. saki basically has to be rateup whatever way you do it. maybe ichika/saki/honami or ichika/saki/vsinger. mizuki5 is where things get interesting because although people have speculated mizuki/ena/meiko, there's the possibility of this backing onto the anniversary event where one of them has to be limited. you could always do n25->ln->anniv tho and that solves the problem. or mizuki5 could be mizuki/mafuyu/meiko if the game decides it hates the concept of plot relevant 4*s.
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i think i've contradicted myself like 5 times now. here's a rough mockup of some of my thoughts (ignore where it says EN name i just write my notes in the ensekai column)
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
randomly stumbled across your AWTR au at 1:00 in the morning and I’ve spent the last hour reading through EVERY post under that tag instead of sleeping…
anyway if you’re still up for prompts I’d love to hear about their wedding! especially their vows to each other 😍
Ok well, 1. I apologize to the fullest extent of the law for so many things in that tag 😔 while I do enjoy hurting your guy's feelings, I'm also sorry for it. Know that 💕
2. Can't believe I've never answered this 🤧
Their wedding is a small affair, given the underwhelming population of their town and everything else involved.
Lexa doesn't have any family other than her father, and it's not as though she had a wealth of friends to fill up her side of the church. She has acquaintances around town, sure. Plenty of regulars that roll through the bookshop. Friendly faces that chat her up after her sessions at Sunday School are done at church. But... no one who she'd really feel comfortable bothering for something as insignificant as her tiny wedding.
So when Clarke made the executive decision that they were just not going to deal with any of that, she agreed with just a twinge of disappointment, but more readily— unmitigated relief. Because if Clarke's not interested in the frills of it all, well then Lexa isn't going to be either, so when they sit down with their pastor and parents, they make it clear that it's just going to be a quiet affair.
And that's exactly what they do.
They have a small intimate ceremony in the morning that is only them, Gus and Abby, right in the same church where Lexa's own mother had said 'I do'.
Lexa wears a simply yellow sundress with delicate flowery embroidery, and her hair pulled back in braids that complement her wild ringlets. Clarke once said she likes it when Lexa wears her hair in ways that show off her neck, so she meticulously found something that worked with her dress and still fit that bill for their big day. Clarke wears a power blue midi dress and leaves her hair down in relaxed waves, because she likes the way her soon-to-be wife runs her fingers through it whenever they kiss.
And that's it.
Or... it was supposed to be.
That had been the entire plan on paper.
Except when Lexa thinks that'll be end of it, just the plain vows in the church and then a quiet ride back home, Clarke takes her for a surprise ride instead. She takes the long way out to the lake where they had spent so many moon drenched nights falling deeper and more recklessly in love. And it's worth it, all the secretiveness and all the planning, when Lexa stares dumbstruck at the grassy field filled with people.
All the people she hadn't thought would want to come. The same ones she'd felt so silly for even thinking about bothering with an invitation.
Clarke had spent the most of the night before with her merry band of delinquents mowing knee-high grass and setting up tent poles, hanging lanterns and slinging up fake, waxy vinery she'd bought on clearance in the city over everything that stood still. It was tastefully understated, she had decided at around 2am when they'd finally called it a night. Classy even... if you squinted and turned your head just a bit to the side.
It was still technically a small gathering. Nothing but friendly faces who had jumped at the chance to show the quiet girl who served them coffee and sang to the little ones that they actually did care.
And Clarke just beamed next to her with a silent nod when Lexa looked at her to make sure it was real. Because she'd spent weeks planning it all out. Had nearly thrown up a few dozen times just getting down the logistics, all while lying to her fiance through her teeth.
A forgivable sin, she had steadfastly decided.
And so under the cheap vinery in the shade of Lexa's favorite reading tree, Clarke and Lexa recited their vows a second time for their friends and extended family.
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