#though that makes me consider what dick's relationship with julia would be... since they did not really know each other
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boyfridged · 1 month ago
i have to start by saying burning money was such a fantastic read! your ability to set a tone and imbue it into every scene even as your characters move through different moods is amazing. i was thinking about willis' demand...to what extent do you think he could force bruce to confront his memories of jason outside of as guilt/cautionary tales? of course willis isn't really doing it with the intention of making bruce work through it, but just by asking bruce to look at what he wanted to hide away so desperately. assuming bruce complies.
(less important but does "There’s one in which he is about fourteen, in front of a cinema with some ink-haired young woman." refer to Julia possibly?)
[aalghul's main blog]
mara, hi!! thank you so much for your kind words and for reading in the first place!
as usually with questions like this, i want to say that first and foremost, it is up to interpretation! and honestly, it is a bit embarrassing, but when i opt for an open ending, i often do not spend much time deliberating how exactly things would go afterwards (though of course i usually have at least a vague idea). but since you asked -- as you said, willis would not do that intentionally, but he does have something to gain here, which is learning more about jay (and he'd not appreciate bruce shying away from giving him that closure)... i do think bruce would comply, but not as easily as he did to the prospect of being out right punished. and while willis decided, tentatively, to foster a more civil relationship with bruce, i'd say it's unrealistic to assume there is no lingering resentment nor hostility in it... so while he's not very interested in "fixing" bruce's outlook, he would probably shame him for it once he caught up.
would it work? i think it would perhaps lead to bruce internalising his own guilt more, and that would lead to a shift from victim blaming, but it would not help with his view on jason as his "personal failure." could make that worse, even. and since i doubt he would be vocal about this with willis (or at least, he would not phrase it that way), it would probably stand uncorrected and perhaps even get worse...
though there is another factor be taken into account here -- dick. in theory, dick and willis are on the same front here, but the truth is that dick does still place an emphasis of jason's death as robin's death, at least internally. willis is aware that dick's point of view is "tainted" by his relationship with vigilantism. also, dick is in a bit of an awkward position here. (i'm imagining him being present when willis visits the manor -- well, coming there at this time on purpose, of course, and just sitting there like "I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today")
i'm mentioning dick, because he is the one to try to make bruce confront jason's death as his son's death in comics, as something real rather than a figment of a story (he was flesh and blood... he was your son &etc), but i imagine he's also not the only one to do so. leslie would, too... but again -- bruce is stubborn, so i think his confrontation with memories of jay would lead into creating yet another more-or-less twisted narrative rather than make him even remotely normal about it (if there is such a thing as being normal about your child's death.)
as to the person in the picture -- since it is dick's collection, i was thinking about donna here, but i usually incorporate pre-crisis julia in my idea of post-crisis jason's robin era too, so it's not a bad guess... honestly could be...
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thisdiscontentedwinter · 3 years ago
Can I ask something? It's going to be confusing, because I am hella confused. I've read and loved your Teen Wolf meta. I dunno if you ever commented on this (have looked, but couldn't find anything), but it's been baffling me for a while:
Teen Wolf creators were insistent on making Derek/Kate a legitimate couple, narrating it as if they were exes instead of victim and rapist. Which is disturbing. They had Derek as 19 in the pilot (so he was 13 during their "relationship") and later with the deaged episode they changed it to he was 16. Doesn't sit well with me, since they kinda kept promoting from the beginning of TW the idea that 16 year olds are old enough to make responsible decisions, so if Derek was 16, then he's responsible for his family's death for thinking with his dick? That's what's implied, imo, and enforced with how he was always painted as villain/antagonist. It's disturbing. TW then gave Derek a second "love interest" in the form of Jennifer/Julia. Who was Kali's emissary and lover and certainly not Derek's age. (Probably twice his age. Not that I can oppose age difference when I'm a shipper of both Steter and Sterek, but, you know, in-universe she's considered "Derek's age", and there's something wrong with that lack of acknowledgement that I can't put into words.) Though then at least he wasn't a minor, he was still vulnerable, used, and there was implication in the show that the "relationship" was helped along with magic.
Both cases are not unexpected from a tone-deaf show like TW.
But what baffles me and has me wondering is fandom. Do a lot if fanfic writers tend do look at these two relationships as legitimate in their fic or does it only seem like it to me? Why do they do so?
Especially when they're so ready to ignore Paige's existence, and are so eager to have Derek in Sterek fanfic be only 2/3/4 or 5 years older than Stiles but the writers then act like he's double or triple Stiles' age, from the way they're writing and exaggerating the age difference? (I'm the most confused when they put the age difference at only 2 years and they have the Sheriff react like Derek is 30, harping on about "underage!".)
I recently saw an AU fic where Derek was 21, Kate his same age girlfriend and burned the family. Author didn't seem to understand the implications here.
Another fic had Jennifer be Derek's first love, and they painted it as a normal relationship. It... The author disregarded *Paige* (they explicitly mentioned her asking him out and him saying no), but went with the canonically insane murder-hobo witch that likely bespelled him?? O_o
What I'm trying to say is, these are manipulative older women unconcerned with consent, and it disturbs me that these two canon "relationships" in particular are accepted by a lot of fans?? Like, why would you legitimise it, by having them be Derek's same-age girlfriend or wife and mother of his children or something along those lines? What's the pull here? Am I seeing things? Exaggerating? What am I missing?
You're so good at pulling things apart enough to make sense, Disco, maybe you can help me understand? TY!
DW: There's no easy answer for this, but where I've seen this, it's mostly AUs, and it's certainly not Derek/Kate endgame.
So in that scenario, a lot of authors are looking for someone for Derek to be in a bad relationship with--and Kate and Jennifer are already right there. Why reinvent the wheel?
I think that, generally speaking, this isn't writers overlooking the canon skeeviness of Kate/Derek and Jennifer/Derek. This is just repackaging it for an AU, where chances are the whole underage thing with Kate never happened, and neither did Jennifer's spells.
And I honestly don't know how much older Jennifer is than Derek, but I will say that as long as they're both over the age of consent (and they meet as adults, after all) there's nothing wrong with it. She could be thirty. She could be fifty. She could be centuries old for all we know. But both her and Derek are adults. I don't think age is the issue with Jennifer, is all I'm saying. After all, how much older was Noshiko than Ken? And their relationship was, to all appearances, healthy.
I think the problem is that you're seeing these stories as "legitimising" unhealthy relationships. In an AU, what does it matter if Jennifer was Derek's first love and it was a happy and consenting relationship? The whole point of an AU is to change things and see how it all shakes out differently. And when it's *not* a healthy relationship, like most of Derek/Kate, then, quite simply, depiction doesn't equal legitimisation.
But honestly, a lot of the issues around canon age is that it's as changeable as the weather. In the pilot script, Derek is 19. That's a three year age gap with Stiles. But suddenly the fire happened either a few years ago or ten years ago. So was Derek a teenager with Kate, or was he nine? Is he three years older than Stiles, or a decade?
Time is an illusion. In Teen Wolf, even more so, because Jeff Davis was lazy as fuck and didn't bother pin down a timeline.
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natasha-cole · 7 years ago
That’s What Friends Are For Chapter 10: The Truth Hurts
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Chapter Summary: Rob is confused by Reader’s behavior toward him. They haven’t talked in weeks, and he’s not sure why she’s seems to be so upset with him. When he notices her absence at a convention, his friends give him a rude awakening.
Word Count: 2658
Warnings: angst, swears
Notes: I’ve done a few stories in which I switch POV often. It seems to work for the most part and I really wanted to try it again in this particular series because I know everyone always wants to know what the hell is going on in Rob’s brain while the Reader is suffering. Hopefully the POV change works here as well.
Catch Up: Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7Chapter 8  Chapter 9
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Rob’s POV
He knew that he couldn't be the only one to notice that there was someone missing today. In fact, he had heard that she wouldn't be here at all this weekend. It was unusual for Y/N to back out of a convention weekend like this, so of course he worried. The only problem was that she wasn’t talking to him for some reason and he was now struggling with how to approach his worries.
The two of them had last parted on a not-so-good note. To be fair, Rob had called her mostly because he thought she’d be okay with hooking up again. Unfortunately for him, he seemed to have read their arrangement wrong. He had joked with her and the entire thing really seemed to upset her. The last thing he had heard from her was her telling him to ‘fuck off’ and for him to leave her alone.
Rob had spent a long time wondering where things had went so wrong. Usually, he and Y/N could joke around about anything and neither of them had ever let those jokes go too far. He couldn’t help but feel as if maybe he had pushed her too far this time though. Any attempt at texting her since that incident had gone ignored and he felt it was best to just shut up and avoid pissing her off even more. Now, they hadn’t spoken in far too long and he really didn’t have a clue as to what she was up to and where she was. The entire situation between them bothered him. They had never gone this long without talking or hanging out; and he understood that maybe the fact that the dynamic of their friendship had changed simply because he turned to her with something he had never approached her with before. Sex wasn’t supposed to complicate things. He knew deep down that it inevitably would, but he had just hoped that they were close enough that they could do it without letting it affect their relationship.
He also couldn't’ help but feel as if Y/N was regretting that it had happened. Why else would she be avoiding him like this?
Rob sat in his hotel room, staring at her name on his phone as he considered if it would be worth it to call her or even text her. All attempts lately at contacting her had been pointless. She was angry and she was not giving in. It wasn’t that he was trying to get a hold of her now simply for sex. Perhaps he had taken advantage of the few times that she had agreed to it, and he only assumed that she was tired of every phone call leading up to him asking to come over or inviting her over. Now, he just wanted to try to fix things between them. He didn’t know if they could ever go back to what they had been, and even though he sort of really didn’t want to go back to that, he knew it was better to have her in his life as a friend than to not have her at all.
‘She just needs some more time to cool down,’ he told himself as he tossed his phone on his bed. He wasn’t sure how long he could be patient with her while she took that time; but based on the way that she had yelled at him, he had to give her all the time that she needed.
Rob thought back to the way he had treated her the last time they ever spoke face-to-face. He admitted to himself that he had been a dick. He had purposefully ignored her that weekend and panicked when she finally confronted him about it. He maybe said some things that he didn’t mean, things that he shouldn’t have said, not to her. At the time, he really did feel like he needed some space. He needed time to be alone to figure things out. He had made a colossal mess out of his relationship with Julia, even if she had been the one to cheat on him in the end. At the very least, he had seen it coming. Truthfully, he had almost been relieved when it did happen.
No one aside from Rich knew about how unhappy he had been in the end. Not even Y/N knew that he and Julia were a mess. How could he tell his best friend that his relationship was shit and that he knew it would end, and it was mostly because of her?
Rob had spent far too long hanging on, trying to force himself to be happy; but it had all been in vain. Even Julia understood that she wasn’t what he wanted. For some reason though, she held on for a little too long as well. Something told Rob that perhaps she wanted to get caught. Someone had to end that whole thing, and maybe she was just the one with enough guts to do something to ensure that they never went through with getting married. His devastation over the entire thing was not faked. It honestly hurt. He had honestly cared about Julia a great deal.
When Rob eventually made his way to the convention and entered the green room, he saw that most everyone was accounted for. Everyone except for Y/N. His friends seemed to be going about their business unfazed, and he had to wonder why no one seemed to care that one very important person was missing.
“Does anyone know where Y/N is?”
“I thought you weren’t talking to her,” Briana replied.
“I mean, well- we haven’t actually talked in a while. But, that’s just because things are kind of in a weird place right now. She just- didn’t say anything about cancelling this weekend.”
“If you paid attention to anything, you’d know that she’s stopped doing conventions altogether,” Ruth chimed in. She gave Rob a displeased look, almost as if she were blaming him for it. “Pretty soon she’ll be done with the show too. No reason for her to stick around.”
“What?” Rob asked with a scowl. “How did I not know about this?”
“Rob, when was the last time you even talked to her?” Rich asked.
“It’s- been a little while. She was upset with me and she’s been ignoring me.”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” Asked Ruth.
“She’s my best friend,” Rob replied, “why would I want that?”
Ruth shrugged, shaking her head at him. “I don’t know. Maybe because of whatever happened between the two of you and the fact that you told her to back off.”
“It’s probably for the best that she’s gone,” Briana cut in.
“Whoa, how is it for the best?” Rob was caught off guard by Briana’s statement. Yes, things had been a mess lately between them, but he still cared about her. She was still his friend. “She’s a part of all of this, and now she’s just gone. Why would she just leave the show?”
“Maybe it’s the fact that everyone here, aside from a handful of us, has been treating her like absolute garbage for weeks… including the man who calls her his best friend,” Mark added.
“Well, I mean, maybe it’s more ideal to not have a homewrecker hanging around every weekend,” Briana replied defensively. She turned her attention back to Rob once Mark chose to remain silent. “Besides, I thought you realized your mistake and decided to cut her out of your life. That’s why you haven’t been talking to her, right?”
“Maybe you’re all calling her a homewrecker for no good reason,” Mark replied. He stared at Briana, knowing full well that a lot of this was her fault.
“Or maybe I just know more than you do,” she spat back.
“Okay, first of all, why the hell would you call her that?” Rob asked Briana. He was immediately upset that anyone would ever speak poorly of Y/N, especially to that extent. He turned back to Mark, not waiting for Briana’s reply, “ And, what are you talking about? I have not been treating her like garbage.” By this point, Rob was completely confused. Where had all of this come from? Why would their friends be arguing back and forth like this, some of them calling her names?
“Rob, we all know that you slept with her,” Briana chuckled. “You’ve also been ignoring her.”
Rob whipped his head toward Rich, staring him down since he knew that Rich had been the only person that he had ever talked to about all of that.
“I didn’t say anything!” Rich shouted.
“I overheard it,” Briana said.
“So what, you just go around telling everyone else what you heard? It’s not your business, but what does that have to do with anything anyway? And, I have been avoiding everyone. I’m just- going through some shit and it was not my intent to make you all think that I hate her or something.”
“Really? You cheated on Julia with her and you don’t think that’s a big deal? You don’t think that we all saw how you changed with Y/N?”
“What? I didn’t-” Rob found himself completely baffled and caught off-guard again. How in the world Briana had come to that conclusion was beyond him. “I never cheated on her. She’s the one who cheated on me. I walked in on her with someone else, by the way. That’s why things ended. Y/N is my friend. We might have made a mistake and maybe things happened between us, but not until after my engagement ended.”
“He finally says something,” Ruth muttered in relief.
“What the hell?” He said in frustration. “What is going on?”
“Rob, this entire time since things ended with Julia, everyone has been talking about how you cheated on her with Y/N. I’ve heard nothing but horrible things from everyone. It didn’t matter what Y/N said or what Mark or myself said; everyone thought that Y/N had ruined your relationship.���
“You all thought that Y/N would do something like that? That I would do something like that?”
“Well, I saw her leave your room that one morning,” Briana blurted out. “I saw the two of you kiss outside the bar. We all saw how things had changed between the two of you, and then suddenly your engagement has ended and it’s over with Julia. You said that whole thing was all your fault. Obviously you fucked up by cheating…  right?”
Rob let out a frustrated sigh, pressing his fingertips into his temples as he felt a headache coming on because of how ludicrous all of this was.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He began with a flustered laugh. “I left Julia because she cheated on me. I was feeling a little devastated, so I turned to Y/N because I care about her so much and I knew that she would be there for me. We slept together. It just happened. That’s the timeline. She didn’t break me and Julia up. She had nothing to do with any of that.”
“Whoopsie,” Briana muttered as she hung her head.
“Wait, why would you all treat her so badly and talk about her like this if I had been the one who cheated? No one is treating me any differently.”
“Maybe we made a lot of assumptions,” Kim replied. “Just- given what we thought the situation was… we figured she knew that you were into her and that she was the one who moved in and messed things up.”
“Why would you blame yourself for things going wrong? If you didn’t fuck up, what happened?” Briana asked.
“That’s an entirely different thing…I’m not getting into that. I just- can’t believe that you guys really think that Y/N and I could be capable of something like that?” Rob felt himself blush, knowing damn well that it had been his own fault that things had turned to shit between Julia and now Y/N.
“Well, it was unbelievable to say the least… which is why it was so shocking,” Kim replied. “But it kinda made sense, since- you know, you’ve been in love with her for so long.”
“What?” Rob asked, looking just as surprised by the statement as he felt. He thought that whatever he had felt toward Y/N all these years had been hidden pretty well. But, here he was, being called out by his friends over the fact that him cheating on his fiancee was completely plausible because they all knew that he was in love with Y/N.
“Don’t act dense,” Kim spat. “Actually, we were all shocked that you proposed to Julia in the first place. None of us ever thought that you’d get over Y/N.”
“I’m not- I wasn’t-” Rob stumbled through his words, trying to say that he was not and had never been in love with her. That was ridiculous. He was too old for her and she was too good for him.
“If you really thought we didn’t see it, you’re dumber than we thought.” Briana said.
Rob stayed quiet for some time; letting their words replay, allowing them to call him out on something that he knew was absolutely true.
Yes, he had always been in love with Y/N. But, even he understood that she was too young for him, too pretty for him, too perfect for him. He knew that he had to at least do what he could to keep her as a friend, because she meant the world to him. He figured that by dating other people and eventually getting into a serious relationship, he could move on from those feelings he had for her. It had worked to an extent. He really had cared for Julia a great deal. Hell, he was ready to marry the woman. When Julia had realized that Rob was never going to get over Y/N completely, things had gone sideways. If only his friends understood just how unhappy they had been at the end, maybe all of this would make more sense. At the same time, Rob didn’t want to seem like that guy. He didn’t want to be the asshole. So, he had stuck it out until it was Julia who eventually couldn’t handle it anymore.
He didn’t hate her for what she had done; god knows he saw it coming. And, he had been a bit relieved when it finally did. None of that made it hurt any less though.
“Look,” Rob began as he looked around the room at his friends,” it’s all complicated and I wish things hadn’t gone differently. But, please don’t think that Y/N is to blame for my fuck up. Because this entire thing is my fuck up.”
“Jesus Rob,” Briana breathed out. “Some of us really did treat her like shit. We really thought that she had messed things up. She always looked so guilty…”
“I just- I can’t believe that she didn’t just come out and tell the truth. I asked her not to say anything, because I was embarrassed. But, everyone was thinking so terribly of her… and she never just told the truth?”
“She was hellbent on protecting you,” Ruth said quietly. “Even if it made her look bad.”
Rob made eye contact with her, noting the sadness in her eyes.
“All those years that you were secretly in love with her… maybe those feelings weren’t unrequited like you insist they are.”
Rob hung his head, staring at the floor as he let it all sink in. He really had made a mess out of things. He knew that he needed to fix it all, and he had made the first step in that by finally explaining things to everyone. Now, he wondered what he could do to at least fix things with Y/N.
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couchmonkey · 5 years ago
PILOT season!!
When I was young, Brandon Tartikoff was a hero of mine. I always fancied myself a closet programmer, so I love pilot season. THR published a list of the projects moving forward and as I was procrastinating, some are already on the air.
Let’s start with Stumptown. Inspired by the Oni Press graphic novels, Dex Parios (Cobie Smulders), a strong, assertive and unapologetically sharp-witted (but, let’s face it, hot mess) Army veteran working as a P.I. in Portland. Michael Ealy plays the cop because there must always be one. His boss is Camryn Manheim (yes!!), and the whole reason I heard about the show is Tantoo Cardinal, a powerful local Native American tied to Dex’s past. Oops, almost forgot the best friend, JakeJohnson of New Girl. His past is a little messy, too. He now owns a bar and employs Dex’s brother Ansel (Cole Sibus). It’s a tight cast, and Dex really is a hot mess nut she gets things done.
All Rise, it looks like, was originally pitched as Courthouse, good thing they changed the name! Simone Missick is a former DA who just became a judge and is encircled by Ruthie Ann Mills as her assistant, Lindsay Mendez as her stenographer, J. Alex Brinson as the deputy in her courtroom, and Marg Helgenberger as her mentor. I was not familiar with the first three when I started the show but they are a strong team. The 2 main lawyers are Wilson Bethel, a DA and old friend of Missick’s judge, and Jessica Camacho, a VERY determined public defender. I like the dynamics of the show, it’s very seldom a case of the week situation (even though there is one). Viewers get little snippets of most of the characters’ lives organically so, in my opinion, you enjoyed the show more the more you watch.
Evil is one of the most unique shows on the air this season. It pits science and religion, Katja Herbers plays a skeptical clinical psychologist who joins a priest-in-training (Mike Colter) and a blue-collar contractor ( Aasif Mandvi)  to investigate supposed miracles, demonic possessions and other extraordinary occurrences to see if there's a scientific explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.The give and take between science and religion is truly engaging and Michael Emerson is truly creepy and possibly playing for the other side in this battle.
Bob Hearts Abishola follows Bob (Billy Gardell) who, after having a heart attack, falls in love with his Nigerian nurse (Folake Olowofoyeku). I think I saw the pilot, the rest of the episodes are on my DVR at the moment and thanks to some of the promos and Christine Ebersole, I do plan to get to them. ETA: I’ve watched a couple.  Folake Olowofoyeku is really great but because this whole thing seems to involve the progress of their relationship, it runs a little slow for me.
Carol's Second Act is also piling up on my DVR.  I’ve been on bedrest because of an injury and have been mostly streaming. But, like Bob, I do plan to get to it. I do like that Patricia Heaton is the lead, a med student of all things. I have to think it’s also still on the air because it also has a strong male lead, Kyle MacLachlan, although I’ve never personally seen him do comedy.  Cedric Yarbrough is a strong motivator for me as well as I saw every episode of Speechless. ETA: Well, plans change. I erased them all. I thought if I hadn’t gotten to them by now, watching them would be a chore.
The Unicorn is a sitcom I actually have been watching. I didn’t want to at first because, although I’d heard of Walton Goggins, I had never actually seen him in anything. But it’s kind of like Seinfeld in that there is such an impressively strong group playing the couples who are his friends. Omar Benson Miller (yes!!) and  Maya Lynne Robinson are a couple with 4 kids and essentially a no nonsense approach and Rob Corddry and comedy goddess Michaela Watkins are the white color kid with a single kid who is well on her way to nerdhood.  These four a Goggins’ lifeline after his wife passes and he becomes a single father. The whole widower thing is handled well. His wife is mentioned or remembered in a completely organic way and allows the show to stay away from a trajectory that could have become maudlin.
Prodigal Son is another fairly unique concept for this season. Tom Payne plays Malcolm Bright, the son of a notorious serial killer called The Surgeon (Michael Sheen) who understands how killers think. The criminal psychologist uses his skills to help an NYPD unit led by Lou Diamond Phillips, a cop he’s known since his youth. What is interesting for me so far is that Bright’s mom, Bellamy Young, is her own kind of nuts, and Malcolm, who started off as a little nutty (I mean consider his past), is well on his way to possibly off his rocker.
Bluff City Law is a case of the week legal drama set in Memphis. The viewer is getting smidges of the character’s private lives each week but character development seems a little slow. I like Caitlin McGee’s performance but I’d never heard of her before watching this. The anchor for the show and the law firm in it is Jimmy Smits. The supporting cast, especially Barry Sloane who’s mostly navigated a single case for the first part of the season, is just starting to get noticed. It’s not something I race to watch but I like it. ETA: It has gotten cancelled. Poor Barry Sloane.
Emergence was a show I was waiting for as it marked the return of Allison Tolman.  She plays a sheriff who takes in a young child that she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation so far has been weird and sometimes violent and definitely is affecting her family, including father Clancy Brown and ex-husband Donald Faison. But, bless her, she is nowhere near ready to give up. The cliffhanger before Christmas break was very illuminating.
I have watched a couple of episodes of Perfect Harmony (the rest are on my DVR). I love that Bradley Whitford is doing outright comedy although his character, an Ivy League music professor, is quite cranky. But I’m not in a rush to get back to it because it doesn’t seem like there’s enough material for it to run for multiple seasons. ETA: Like Carol’s Second Act, these got dumped off my DVR.
While we’re talking about enough material, Sunnyside was one of the first casualties of the season and, I have to say, I saw it coming. The pilot was well done, Kal Penn played Garrett Shah, a disgraced former New York city councilman who finds his calling when faced with immigrants in need of his help and in search of the American Dream. I know the immigration and nationalization process in the US is a lengthy process but it just didn’t seem like there was enough to keep people coming back despite the presence of talent like Diana Maria Riva.
Almost Family revolves around Julia Beckley (Brittany Snow) having her life turned upside down when it's revealed that her father, a pioneering Nobel Prize-winning fertility doctor, used his own sperm to conceive dozens of children over the course of his career. She connects with two “sisters” in particular and I think that’s what they’ve built the show on but I had a hard time believing any of the negative effects of all this coming from Snow and chose to stop watching. I do have the Australian show it’s based on as part of my Netflix list, I think I will probably end up watching that first.
I did start watching Batwoman before my injury, it being female led and all. Ruby Rose does inspire a bit of monotony in the voiceovers that populate the show but I get it, she’s tired, she’s working hard and only making minimal progress, I understand she’s not full of pep. It is kind of weird to watch her slip into the suit and try to make it work for her and watch Camrus Johnson, the steward of the life Bruce Wayne abandoned, do his best to both avoid and become her Alfred. ETA: That got dumped off the DVR, too. There’s SOOOO much TV.
FBI: Most Wanted is a spinoff of FBI (somebody may have to stop Dick Wolf) featuring 
Julian McMahon of Nip/Tuck as the head of team tasked with hunting down fugitives. Sadly, it’s been pretty run of the mill so far except for McMahon’s in-laws, which include Nathanial Arcand as his brother-in-law and a member of his squad.
The CW did reboot Nancy Drew and while I did not hate the concept, I’m still loyal to Pamela Sue Martin and chose not to watch it.
These are the shows that are on the air. Some mid-season shows are still ready to roll out. Some are already being bolstered by promos like Deputy. I am looking forward to that one and watching Stephen Dorff unexpectedly be made the sheriff of LA County. I think and really hope Yara Martinez, last seen and underutilized on Bull, will get to be a meaty part of this drama. ETA: Yara has gotten some featured episodes and done well but she’s essentially in the same boat as David Conrad on the Ghost Whisperer and Jake Weber on Medium.
Tommy is another cop show but thankfully Tommy is Abigail Thomas’ nickname and Edie Falco is front and centre as the first female chief of police for Los Angeles. She got the position as part of a court mandate after some ugliness in the department and often has to deal with the mayor, Tom Sadowski. Tommy’s assembled a pretty tight circle so far and, of course, does things her own way, so I’ve been trying to watch this live.
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist is SOOOOOO good. I’ve missed Jane Levy so much and this has not only a lovely story but singing and dancing (with choreography by Mandy Moore). After an accident in an MRI machine, Levy’s character can hear people expressing their feelings through song. Her supporting cast is top notch. Alex Newell of Glee plays her neighbor who is trying to help Zoey figure this out, Skylar Astin of Pitch Perfect and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is her BFF, Lauren Graham is her boss, and Mary Steenburgen and Peter Gallagher are her parents. Some of the most touching scenes (and songs) have involved Levy and Gallagher, who has lost many functions, including speech and a lot of movement. Thanks to Zoey’s condition, he is able to express himself to her through song and Gallagher’s voice is so sweet.
Geniuses has become Outmatched and features Maggie Lawson and Jason Biggs as parents of 4 children, 3 of whom are geniuses. I’ve seen 3 episodes so far. Everyone except the “normal” child seems to be waiting for a rimshot. I did enjoy Tony Danza as Jason Bigg’s dad but I am not going to be busting my butt to watch it. 
Uninsured has become Indebted. Adam Pally and Abby Elliott end up having to take care of Dave's parents (Fran Drescher and Steven Weber), who have mismanaged their finances and need help paying down a sizable debt. Sadly, like Outmatched, everyone seems to be waiting for a rimshot and the jokes seem really repetitive. Weber’s character, for example, is constantly talking about spending extravagant amounts of money even though he is deep in debt and I doubt they’re going after a dementia storyline with him. When the name Dan Levy popped up on the credits I did a lightning fast search on IMDB to make sure it was not, in my mind, THE Dan Levy of Schitt’s Creek, and thankfully, there are 2 of them.
Lincoln Rhyme, who was played on the big screen by Denzel Washington, is now Russell Hornsby from Grimm and Fox’s failed Proven Innocent. There’s still an Amelia Sachs, there’s still a Bone Collector, and Michael Imperioli is always a strong utility player but I’m finding it collecting on the DVR because of the plethora of good stuff available on Thursday and my need to get through that because sampling Friday’s mostly guilty pleasures.
Katy Keene has made it air. It’s a Riverdale spinoff on the CW and they are spending a lot on advertising but not enough to rope me in. Not that I think it’s not a good show, I’m just not the target audience.
Of the rest of the list, I know the planned reboots of New York Undercover and NYPD blue did not make it out of the gate. 
I’m never going to get this post finished if I included all of the pilots on the list I still haven’t talked about, so I’ll go with bullet points about the ones that stood out to me:
Nana: Katey Sagal playing a grandmother. Yeah. 
An untitled comedy pairing Leslie Odom Jr. and Kelly Jenrette: GREAT team, well matched I think.
The Republic of Sarah: Sarah Drew of Grey's Anatomy goes from mayor to president. So much story potential there.
Broke: Jaime Camil and Natasha Leggero plus Pauley Perrette - uh, yes please. Sounds like a very strong team to me. 
Next is a vehicle for Jon Slattery of Mad Men, who I adore, but I don’t recognize much of the supporting cast, which could be a problem if none of them are able to rise to his level.
Filthy Rich features Kim Cattrall and Gerald McRaney, a very strong base but I’m wondering how the religious community will respond to a story about how imperfect true believers can be. Another plus for me, it’s supposed to be filmed in New Orleans.
Richard Lovely is a vehicle for the uber talented Thomas Lennon, who plays the disgruntled author of the best-selling children's book series, Mr. Mouse. It looks like he’ll have Wendie Malick as a frequent scene partner and I believe that to be an ideal pairing.
Council of Dads is getting a lot of advertising but will involve death. If they handle it as well as The Unicorn has, I think it might have a chance.
That’s all I’ve got. I wish I’d finished this sooner. My DVR is 63% full. I’m going to match more TV.
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michaelguyyo · 8 years ago
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Like relationship? Like do I have a girlfriend? Nope
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Yeah I always forgive everyone. I don’t really hold grudges, like at all. I love people. Although I guess I am still pretty mad at band staff.. 
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
What the fuck this furry shit
4: What’s something you really want right now?
I want tomorrow to be over with nothing gone wrong, I am so fuckin stressed. School needs to end. Now.
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
No someone make me fall in love with them RIGHT NOW
6: Do you like the beach?
Not particularly, starting to be more fond of it, but ehhhh I like bonfires at the beach for sure!
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yeah all the time. Couches are great places for naps
8: What’s the background on your cell?
It like, space. Stars and shit.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Mine, Jamie’s old bed, Tu’s, ummmmmm… honestly I don’t know. Emme’s? Way back in Santa Barbara? That can’t be right but like
10: Do you like your phone?
Yee it’s neat, sometimes it’s kinda shitty though. Texting is a ball ache.
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Right now….? Yeah.. I’ll let you know tomorrow lmao
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
The fuck who knows that shit… Emme? Tracy? Someone???
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Poodle baby
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional pain probably, but I haven’t experienced any big physical pain things. No bone breakings, no bad burns.. So who knows, someone hurt me
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Zoo’s are more mindless fun I’d say! I can just be a kid again
16: Are you tired?
Shit dude you know it.. This question is real as fuck
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Like you talkin alphabetical? I think I’ve known Aileen since Freshman year.
18: Are they a relative?
Again, alphabetically naw
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Just talked to her last night fam
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
Nope, that’s too much pressure, I’ve got some life to live first.
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah always
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
Big fat zero
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
Nope, and I hate these kinds of questions lmao
25: What’s on your mind?
OH I’m glad you asked!!! Tomorrow I have to go to court from 1:30-3:30, then go to a commission meeting from 4-5:30 then another from 6-7. Then I get home and have to finish ~20% of e2020 and if anything goes wrong in this process I simply do not graduate with my friends!!!!! FUN
26: Do you have any tattoos?
Nope, but I’d consider getting some. I don’t really have any meaningful symbols or anything in my life though so who knows.
27: What is your favorite color?
Purple bb
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Hopefully everyday for the rest of my life.
29: Who are you texting?
Texting, nobody. Snapchat? Nikki as always and Amber
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yeah wtf
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
This is ominous. Probably? Who cares, I don’t have like some story.
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
YEAH!!! She a homie, Nikki Bee is perfect ily. But I have lots others too, I can just talk to Nikki about literally anything.
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I’d like to think so ya, but in reality, probably not lmao
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Yeah, I get it fairly often. In fact the other day I was at the school and this girl who walked past me stopped to compliment my eyes and then yelled at her friend to come see. I was flustered, it was nice.
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
The last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you. lol. I dunno, I’d probably be a little bitter, but they ain’t mine they can do whatever they want. I just don’t wanna watch
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
Nope, Valentines Day was nice and equally stressful. Almost didn’t do anything but it turned out to be a pretty okay day. Some big complications tho.
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Yup, pretty close friends luckily!
38: What do your friends call you?
Attractive? Cool? Bit of a dick (who am I kidding a major dick). Lmao they just call me Michael. Some times Mickey McG
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yeah fuck band
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
All the time binch. A lot of my breakups and stuff have been over texts. Not only that but also arguments or deep discussions. Texting is wild.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
On my chest probably. Maybe legs somewhere. I’m white, we whites bruise pretty easily.
42: What is it from?
Who knows, they appear.
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Every time I invite a girl over who I’m not really that into, I just think about them leaving the whole time. Same when I go out with some girl I’m not really into. I just wanna go. It’s shitty.
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
If Skype call counts, then the homies. If not, then Lizz I think.
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Ummmmmm not reaaaaally, different shoes for different occasions and outfits. I switch it up.
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Not anymore :)
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Douubt it, my head is a weird shape.
48: Do you make supper for your family?
49: Does your bedroom have a door
50: Top 3 web-pages?
Probably Tumblr, Youtube, and Netflix (maybe Amazon?)
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Probably? But idk they’re lame. Shopping rocks.
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
Right now, ya. Always. I’m a mound of aches and pains. But specifically nope I’m pretty good today.
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Goodbyes are fake. Not real. Nobody ever leaves me. Fake. (yes)
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Soda probably? Ya some good ole’ Dr. Pepper.
55: How is your hair?
Cute thanks for asking
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
Go. Back. To. Sleep. (check my phone eventually)
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
I sure hope so!!!!
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Yes. 100%. No question.
59: Green or purple grapes?
Tough one but I’d say green.
60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Hopefully every fuckin day. Graduation probably though, lotta people.
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah I would rather be out with people havin fun any day of the week.
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
Still texting people, so gimme 5 seconds.
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Asleep in bed pls.
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
Asleep in bed pls.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Did I like Lizz by then? No of course not, Amber. Probably Amber.
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Yeah plenty of people, but Genessis lights up my fuckin world!!! Same with Julia!!! They’re precious!!! 
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Nope, lonely boy (busy boy)
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I dunno I was probably horny or panicked. Or both.
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Yeah of course, everyone has let downs. I can’t think of anything specific though
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
Right now? 3. But that’s not the usual.
71: How many fingers do you have?
What the fuck.
72: What is your ringtone?
Whatever the basic thing is, I keep it on silent all the time.
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
Almost 19
74: Where is your Mum right now?
Asleep upstairs. Sleepy mum.
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
I couldn’t live being around her dad all the time, plus my feelings just kinda faded. I don’t know, it was rough. I still care about her a ton though.
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
Yeah probably
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
Luckily yeah!! and more!!
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Um ye: Jenna Kern, Summer Stevens, and Cassie Frame to name a few.
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
Yeah of course, I love sleepin with people like that. It’s perfect.
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
2-3 who knows. A few. Lots. Probably 10′s
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
Yuuppp, I think so, 3 days is a standard gap probably lmao
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Yeah I always talk to the girls I like lmao like all the time
84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Apparently a bunch of assholes. Me and my friends would never, it’s shitty.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
As long as they aren’t like, fucked with drugs, then no.
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
We were in the front front row and we were literally 10 feet from the screen. It was the worst experience of my life.
87: Who was your last received call from?
Me mom
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
I mean.. Yeah? The fuck the butterfly would understand I wouldn’t even feel that shitty about it.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Goldfish. Sex. In that order.
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Umm probably? But not many people have really destroyed my trust for them, so it’s not a big deal. I am not a very honest person, so trust isn’t a huge concept to me lmao
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Nope, I sleep too long into the day. Noises would wake me up. Shame too, I like my room chilly.
92: Do you get along with girls?
You know it bby
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
No, but if you think I am, confront me. I’ll letcha know
94: Does sex mean love?
Hell no??? It can I guess but like.. very separate.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Naw we’d be a-ok
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
Nope but I’m down, hmu
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
Ya… always… thanks for reminding me… binch
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
My friends make me happier than anything. I love them all so much and they’re a joy to be around/talk to. I’m glad the seniors last year have still been so influential in my life especially.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sure why not, girls are pretty.
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
I don’t know, what grade am I in lmao. This was a weird one to end on. Literally who knows
Thanks a bunch you monster!! This was fun binch
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