#though she can talk to animals so maybe Cinderella has fae blood and the FG is one of her kin
gleefully-macabre · 1 year
I’ve seen it asked “Where was Cinderella’s fairy godmother when her mother died, and all the years since?”
Been having a think on this, and am using the Disney animated version since it’s one of the most easily recognized versions.
I think the fairy godmother didn’t appear because she wasn’t needed.
Cinderella was coping. Surviving. In a bad situation but able to maintain her kindness, her humor, and able to find joy in bits and pieces.
The night of the ball, she isn’t just banned from going. She is assaulted. It’s an extreme and violent escalation of what up to that point had been verbal, emotional, and financial abuse.
It’s finally enough to break her.
“It’s just no use. No use at all”
None of her animal friends have any idea how to comfort her. Most of them can’t speak, and the ones that do don’t know what to say. Which leaves Cinderella sobbing in the garden, utterly alone.
That’s when her fairy godmother appears. In the form of a petite, cheerful elderly woman. Soft, unthreatening, a comforting presence ready to give Cinderella this one big thing she’d had her heart set on.
And settings things up so Cinderella has a way to escape. Cause let’s be real, the Royals would be looking for the family of this obviously wealthy girl regardless, because they haven’t been paying taxes!
Ultimately, the Fairy Godmother is first and foremost a faerie. Wonder all you like about why she acts as she does, but probably safer not to ask.
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