#though if you think this is bad you should see my private twt with all my live reactions LMAO lmk if you'd like the link!
hi maryam hiii i see u on an orv reblogging spree and i NEED to know how far along u are in the novel. thoughts? comments? insults at kdj? 👀🎤
gaby baby my jaw lowkey dropped when I got your message because I was JUST thinking about you :')) getting more and more convinced that we're truly long lost twins hehe also hi hi how are you? I missed talking to you! 
THE CALL OUT??? 🤣 ig my Tumblr reflected the inside of my brain for a hot minute bc ORV has completely consumed my every waking thought like I'm not joking when I say it's the last thing I think of before sleeping and the first thing I think of when waking up most days... 😭 I'm forever grateful to you for passing on the incurable brain rot, it has been life-changing and I say that completely unironically :'))
Wahhh also I'm honestly touched that you care to hear my reactions odsjs you're really too sweet... 🥺♥️ so ty for handing over the mic (you will regret it) 🎤 ahem..
-spoilers under the cut!!-
Soo I've made it to the Journey to the West episode!! 🎉 And man is this arc a dark horse. I understand ZERO of the historical references which made me doubt how much I could get fully immersed into it at first but it's honestly been sooo refreshing and fun, one of my faves so far 😭 Shout out to the authors for fr deciding 70% into the book to let the characters take a break and go on a silly goofy enrichment scenario (I say this now but...watch it have the most twisted conclusion probably KSJSJSJ) ALSO SUN WUKONG IS SOO COOL!!! 😳
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID it still has been emotional MY GOD, for example this campfire scene 
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oh 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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also kdj knew that revealing his identity would get him turned into an outer being but he did it anyway....he loves his companions so much that he just couldn't stay away....
he despises his mother for sacrificing herself for him because he saw it as the most selfish act of betrayal. she never asked. it was never what he wanted. he was left all alone after. yet he does the exact same thing to his companions time and time, again and again. because it's the only type of love he's ever known. he never stopped to consider how his actions could affect those around him before because he was always alone. he doesn't view his life as valuable so he doesn't realise just how much he hurts the others when he throws it away without a second thought. because he doesn't understand that he can be valued. in his head his literal survival comes second to his companions being "safe" and "happy." what he doesn't GET is that that his companion's happiness and his survival are interlinked!! IS ANYONE GONNA TELL HIM THIS? Will he even listen if they do........SIGH. I get why yjh choked and threw him off that bridge now. 
I stopped reading right as they revealed that it's not really his 3rd turn but rather the 1864th turn and he just forgot all his memories...and excuse my language but WHAT THER DUKC??/.WJAT THE FUKC. I almost had a stroke reading this last night because HWTA THE FUKC,..>????? GABY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT
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(mfw the-longer-than-the-actual-bible ORV webnovel reveals a plot twist after 3177 pages that completely recontextualizes the entirety of the story from chapter ONE . HOW.)
Also speaking of world lines and different regressions the.........secretive plotter reveal also had me losing my absolute mind at like 2AM in the morning HEHE
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Sorry but I will NOT be holding THIS MAN accountable for ANYTHING because I support the wrongdoings of hot evil ppl actually and EVIL YJH??? just feels like an absolute fever dream. this is SO UP MY ALLEY (off topic but when everyone theorised the hat man in Link Click would be CXS and it wasn't I was slightly disappointed because of the implications™ and wasted potential angst™ WHICH WE DEFINITELY GOT IN THE END ANYWAY HAHA but ORV was like...don't worry....I gotchu)
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For this line alone IDGAFFFFF he's soo.. he stores his memories in different flavoured biyoo-sized yjhs (!?!) and quite frankly he can do absolutely whatever he wants. Sorry I'm awfully biased but this is the same yoo joonghyuk whose eyebrows appear to be drawn by a single uninterrupted stroke of a famed artists brush we are talking about.... btw that completely unprovoked and infamous paragraph absolutely killed me.......Gaby I fr had to put the book down because of second-hand embarrassment.......KIM DOKJA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!
Speaking of which I'm so glad that you brought up bullying kdj because similarly to how old people get together to play bingo I feel like this could totally be our shared hobby ^__^ 
KDJ is...well, a lot of things. He's dead AND alive, he's the smartest man in the star stream but he failed his college entrance exams, he has 666 layers of trauma like the world's most fucked up lasagna, he's as powerful as he is powerless, he's lonely when surrounded by loved ones, he has mommy issues, and then to top it all off, he's bisexual? Like DAMN!! Pick a struggle 😔
I remember asking you in the early days why he was your favourite character and..I get it now :') THOUGH PLS do drop all your reasoning down below, we might as well get an orv party going now ⬇️
I'm doing SUCH a disservice to the girls by focusing so much on the losers dudes btw because my not-so-controversial opinion is that ORV has the best female cast in probably...all of media tbh 🫣 but also I fear this message is already getting out of hand so I'll save the ensuing madness for my replies to our ongoing Tumblr chat thesis (IT'S IN THE BACK OF MY MIND, I SWEAR I'LL FINISH REPLYING!! I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN <-- tch, the same of which cannot be said about yjh--)
OKAY FRRR I'M SHUTTING UP NOW, I hope this incomprehensible mess of a message provided you with some entertainment 🤣
If you made it all the way to the end then you deserve a treat fr (pspsp: https://x.com/Phobe2297/status/1801710372954771485?t=PD4k1HEul7U4TJNPjVDt4Q&s=19 & https://x.com/uglycumi/status/1723185548230349077?t=2SnBVpVdMzPPOLZuPrGENw&s=19 🍭)
HAVE A GREAT DAY/WEEK/HOWEVER LONG UNTIL WE TALK NEXT :'D ilysm and always wish that the same happiness you so effortlessly reflect onto others reaches back to you too 💞💖💗✨
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billdenbrough · 2 months
after i made that fem kvar meme (originally posted here) of kevin accidentally exposing herself being wildly thirsty in public, @naturecalls111 asked me for aaron's reaction lmao, so i wrote it for her on twt and realised i should put it here too
“You’re so embarrassing,” is what Aaron says when Kevin next sees her.
“Oh,” Kevin says, and then flushes, because while this isn’t a new sentiment from Aaron, she can probably guess what it’s about this time. “So you saw.”
“Me and all the racquet-heads that follow you,” Aaron says, rolling her eyes. She’s lying on Kevin’s bed, but she shifts as she says that, moving into an upright position.
Kevin sits beside her, eyes falling to the revealed inches of thigh as her shorts ride up. They’re loose and soft, worn fabric, the ones Aaron likes to play video games in because they’re easy to cross her legs in. Kevin likes them for other reasons.
“They don’t matter,” Kevin says dismissively. It’s Aaron’s opinion she cares about.
Aaron looks at her, and huffs. She reaches out and cards through Kevin’s hair, an oddly fond gesture. They’ve been happening with increasing frequency lately. Kevin isn’t complaining. She is literally the opposite of complaining. 
It’s just a thing to get used to, this casual gentleness.
“No time for your fan club?” Aaron asks, cocking an eyebrow.
Kevin gives her a look. “It’s terrible they saw it, obviously,” she says, grimacing. “I can hear the PR trainwreck from here. But.” She pauses.
Aaron’s fingers go still in her hair, waiting.
“It’s not them I want,” Kevin says in the end.
Aaron stares at her for a long moment. “Oh my god,” she mutters in the end, then retracts her hand from Kevin’s hair. Kevin is about to protest—no, don’t stop—when Aaron buries her face in her hands.
“You’re unbelievable,” Aaron says, and Kevin makes an indignant noise. Before she can launch a counteroffensive, though, Aaron inhales sharply and puts down her hands. Her face is clearer when she looks at Kevin, and she manages a smirk.
Kevin has a bad feeling about this.
“Want might be underselling it,” Aaron says conversationally. “Your note was pretty emphatic.”
Oh, great. Kevin prepares herself for teasing. “That’s private,” she says.
“It’s literally not,” Aaron points out. All Kevin’s protests die on her tongue as Aaron swings her leg over Kevin’s and straddles her in her lap, sitting in snug. She’s so warm. Her thighs are so soft. Kevin’s hands wrap around them automatically and she looks at Aaron with bated breath.
“I believe your exact words were about licking the fuck out of me,” Aaron says, voice so calm that Kevin almost squirms beneath her. Something about it just makes her chest flush, the way Aaron can so casually bring up Kevin’s now-mortifyingly-public thoughts. It’s not that Kevin is ashamed of them, or that she’s embarrassed that Aaron knows; it just makes her a little flustered, having it mentioned so nonchalantly. She likes it, she thinks.
“I know what I want,” Kevin says, shrugging as best as she can. She trails one of her hands up Aaron’s side, settling on her waist.
“Unbelievable,” Aaron says again, sighing, but then she leans in and kisses Kevin, and all of Kevin’s arguments melt away.
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I do not have the energy or care to spend any more thoughts about the CK situation but there's something that has been bothering me. I wish to start off that I do not support Tom, I haven't supported him for quite awhile before this happened because of other actions he did. However, even though I do not like Tom, I do not approve of people sending him death threats and causing him to leave. Do I think some of the things he said were shitty? Absolutely! Especially the stuff about racism and his hispanic/latinx ocs that are walking stereotypes! Do I think people should have gone to the extent they did to harass him? Fuck no. Goodness, we are a community, for the most part, of adults. Start acting like it, and if it truly bothered you so bad then just block his account and tags (when he was here)
As a POC, it's really bothered me that people have glossed over the things like how uncomfortable his only two hispanic/latinx character's were very fetishy and becoming insulting stereotypes but at the end of the day what can I do? Oh right, move on from it because there are other important daily life things to worry about than random people on the internet that have no direct contact to me and don't interfere with my real world life. Does it suck? Yes. Should I spend every waking breath breathing into my mic raging? No. I just can't fantom this behavior from either side, this isn't pointed at one side by the way, its at both because I quite frankly think people on both sides are acting ridiculously to internet drama we should be moving on from/shouldn't have let it come to this. That's all, I'm quite frankly tired of it because it does suck but it's a tumblr fandom, I have to keep reminding myself it's always been like this since joining this website 9 years ago it'll end up falling into the toxic internet culture bag. By the way, congrats on figuring yourself out with genderfluidity!
Anon...... I love you, take this ✨️👑✨️
In all seriousness, I have a high HIGH respect for you, and thank you for taking the time to do this. I completely agree and understand where you are coming from! I still stand by saying that this all should have just been handled privately, not just from the person who made the post but Tom as well. Like you said, we are all adults here, and this was all just the wrong way to handle this situation. We are all adults and this is one of those times that should have been handled privately first instead of out in the open where some people didn't even take the time to read the posts from both sides and just took the chance to threaten and harrass the opposite side. (Idc if you agree or not with someone, harassment is never okay and I'm sorry if you dealt with any of that anon) It's going too far at this point and just tiring to see both sides threaten one another over this. This happens. It's life, and people move on. As someone that I have talked to on here said, people mess up and make bad decisions. It happens and it's life. If you aren't happy or comfortable, then no one is stopping you from leaving. Your comfort is a top priority, and it's the internet. If you don't like something, then block or leave it. You, my dear anon, have said it so well that I don't even know what to add! UwU
As for the racism part of Tom's post(s), that was one of the things I did not agree on. I didn't take it personally(I am a white as fuck irish person who has only heard the "Lol alcoholic potato" jokes)and I can't even imagine how some people felt. I feel like I have no place to comment on it because I don't want to act like I know how it feels. It wasn't okay, in my opinion, and besides saying that I didn't agree with that, and it was upsetting to read. I wish I could add more, but you seriously said it a lot better! TwT
(I genuinely wish I could add more, but holy shit did you make such a beautiful and inspiring post, Anon! ^^ Thank you for taking the time to send me this, and I hope you have a wonderful stay here, we love and appreciate everyone here, my friend, SO YOU BETTER ACCEPT IT!!! ❤️ >:0)
(P.s. Thank you so much!!! Also, you dropped this ✨️👑✨️)
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
hi, i just want to start by saying that i used to be a tkker but i stopped mainly because of the amount of hate tae receives from shippers. its hard really to like something that brings hate to my bias. i used to be in stan twt a lot and you wouldn’t believe the vile things said about tae just because of an interaction. it came to the point that sometimes i wish that these interactions were not shared at all, not filmed and kept private. the lashing tae gets from all ships, not just from jkkers were too much to bear. you might think i’m over reacting or I’m a solo stan and only care about tae but maybe i do pay more close attention to him, tae holds a special place in my heart and for the years i have been army, the hate he receives because of shipping gets worse to the point that sometimes even his deceased family gets involve. I’m sorry if i used your question box to express something i have kept for a long time. :( i was disappointed really with how people react and how tae is always receiving the shorter end of the stick.
You’re allowed to feel your feelings, anon, I’m glad you feel comfortable and safe here to do so.  And you can engage in whatever aspects of the fandom feel good to you to engage with.  It’s a good thing if you can recognize that something isn’t good for your mental health and cut it out for yourself.
As far as Taehyung getting the short end of the stick, I do think it’s true in a lot of cases.  I think there are some instances where each of the members are in that situation, and the argument that shipping is bad for the members is one I see pretty often.  I understand why people feel that way, but at the end of the day, “shipping” itself is simply either enjoying the interactions two members have with each other and thinking they’re good together in some way, or believing they might already be involved with each other, or some combination of the two.
Ultimately, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with it.  I think some people take it into spaces it should be left out of, and I think some people do spread hateful things as a result of it, but that, to me, is at the feet of those individual people who are behaving harmfully, rather than being a direct result of the pretty general practice of shipping.
That doesn’t mean that you or anyone else has to engage with it if you don’t like it though.  There’s nothing wrong with not being interested in or not enjoying that particular subsect of fandom.
Where Taehyung is concerned, it’s certainly true that he gets a lot of hate online, from lots of different corners of the fandom and fandom-adjacent people (like antis).  I’ve seen some really horrible, nasty stuff levelled at him and I don’t like it either.  Unfortunately, it comes with the territory of being this famous, so if it’s actively upsetting to you, it’s a good thing if you’ve been able to avoid ending up in situations or spaces where you have to see it often.  Taehyung is taking care of himself, and that’s what we all need to do too.
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zoekrystall · 11 months
Added more in my pinned post and accidentally talked too much in the tags to hit the limit whoops. Added that txt yesterday bc I saw people primarily (some only) sharing donation links. Can you tell when I wrote stuff was I just ever so slightly irritated by all the emotions talk. Which yknow I get feeling angry and whatnot but I am specifically talking abt the stuff w "how can you not feel _". Idk if I already talked abt it or deleted it before hitting post some other time I think I did. Also was irritated by all the people yelling at people for being triggered like if you don't know the difference between discomfort and triggered do I not want you near me. That difference is very significant.
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Idk man I am just tired of people equating empathy w humanity the most. I'm really glad I hardened up more bc I just think abt 2020 where I think I got first truly radicalized or/and learned a fuck ton but also all that guilt tripping and all made the already bad mental health further nosedive and that is just not sustainable neither for the cause or us. Like yes sharing and all actions that do help are important but it's also important to step away and do anything else to not burn out in like a day or two. Luckily the people that get followed got shaken up a bit and dash and rbs get focused more on positivity in general since then and that def helped long term (was gen "would _ rb that" "would _ scold if I would rb that" until it became a no brainer when my lifeline wasn't there. not the time to gush but fuck do I think I would still be in the same mud without him). Still not the best but better than then so sharing is easier on the mental health.
I feel. So weird for not being able to feel empathy for others but def feel it when others irritate me. Yeah I feel bad when I don't feel anything but what does it bring to force myself to feel something. I already knew in 2020 that the trying to force myself was empty I only felt like I have to try to feel awful bc of all the guilt tripping. It's hard to explain how it feels I think it's such a strange feeling. Anyways I'm at least aware enough to know if I get irritated around this I shouldn't constantly be vocal abt it bc it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things this is the only post and if further will I just on private bc no-one needs to see that but sometimes venting is needed.
I'm only really talking abt that bc reg the trigger stuff like ffs people still need to be able to function and there are things to do without getting triggered if the heavy topics are what do it. Also the people that want to help through sharing those can look at that if they know what they'll see and can get prepared first. I got ptsd doesn't mean I never ever look at any triggering stuff ever again I just need to be in the headspace and a heads up would always be very good. Really wish twt would do it like here w not completely not showing the tweet (minus in replies where you can click to show) if it has smth muted but saying "yo this post got this muted thing ya wanna see it". Like. People getting triggered are absolutely not the same people bitching bc they're just uncomfortable. The latter are the bad ones I do agree but know the fucking difference. Feeling uncomfortable just living happens like daily for the most standard reason so feeling that abt a horrendous situation should be a given. You however shouldn't get triggered daily. Also yes we can admire the people there but not everyone is as strong you shouldn't guilt them into dealing w more than they can. I'm gen (starting to consider, already did a few though) immediately blocking everyone posting that stuff esp the aggressive ones. I do not care if you have x or y not everyone experiences things the exact same way. I am being so good abt holding back insults.
And reg the emotions thing like people learn not everyone feels empathy and that it doesn't make people anything bad and that actions count challenge. Not everyone w aspd for example is automatically a evil person. What matters is if they talk abt things and if they genuinely stand behind them. Idk if I speak for most or if just past self but writing in all caps "how can you not feel bad/sad/angry/etc at seeing [atrocity, usually as video attached]" will make people not magically care if they didn't prior it'll just irritate them and scroll away. Factual information is what can make people turn around more (like, literally just share without that commentary for example). So many "both sides bad" focus on emotions afaik. Compassion, empathy, etc for both. There are people that see and feel bad abt what happens to them but still say both sides bad.
I'm tired I'll likely sleep now but yeah I just. Wanted to write abt it and get it out ig. Rb disabled and I won't bad faith argument idc if any of this sounded privileged to you. I can prob write all this way more eloquent but man idc this isn't a post that is supposed to spread and I wrote this while being sleepy. I also think there is, for individual people that aren't big names, some nuance reg having to talk abt something and being allowed to not engage in every important topic but 1 that is too complex to just kinda ramble about 2 this current event is less nuanced reg that I def think try to share as much as you can even if just occasionally. I think I only don't like it bc not saying anything online doesn't equal not doing anything. Someone could go to every protest they can and write and call but just not using their socials bc that takes their energy enough or smth. And some have multiple accs and only focus spreading it on their main (and/or w the biggest following, which should be used). I think that is what specifically gets me. But yeah didn't think abt it enough to form enough abt it and also maybe talking more abt it when this is over bc how I said it is less complicated rn. And. Yknow. When I am not tired as hell.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk: Vlive Asks and comment/chat discussions
From @cottoncandykings​: Hello! As u probably know jimin just went live recently and again he mentioned mandaggo and discussing about doing it with tae. I just find it so weird though. I mean jimin keeps constantly mentioning it and its not like vminnies were begging or dying for a vmin live everyday even before jimin mentioned it last year. Even now most including myself dont really care that much ofc i m happy if they do one together. But the way jimin keeps mentioning it is so weird. Like surely if he wanted to do it so badly he could have talked to tae privately and arranged it by now. And if tae is the one that doesnt want to do it then idk why jimin is pushing it. But what was really weird to me this time was that he said there were lots of comments about mandaggo yesterday in zoom call and yet they didnt mention it yesterday but suddenly today without prompting he talks about it. I also hope no one spammed the zoom call chat or the vlive chat with requests for vmin live (i didnt see any) bcoz thats just unnecessary and demanding. I hope vminnies wont demand/ ask for another memeber when one of them is live. Its just disrespectful. This turned into a rant sorry. Do you think it was weird too?
Since Admin 2 can’t type their thoughts themselves, I’ll relay their thoughts to you instead, since they had more thoughts/opinions/ideas in regard to this than I do, to be honest.
Admin 2 is sure that there is a good chance that we will get a vmin vlive sometime soon, which I know contradicts their original opinion and post from a few months ago, but there’s a reason for it. During the zoom meeting between BTS and ARMY they noticed something I don’t think anyone else noticed, or at least neither of us has seen any vminnies mention it anywhere, which in conjunction with Jimin’s vlive today and saying how he’d talk to Tae about doing a mandaggo vlive again, as well as another observation a little while ago, leads them to this conclusion.
So, the observation from the zoom meeting. Basically at one point when the question of Jimin doing a vlive arose Tae looks at Jimin and then he nods while smiling which in turn makes Jimin smile as he turns away from Tae and back to face toward the camera before answering the question and saying how he’ll come visit us the next day. Which he did.
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Then the other observation from a while ago, this one being from their OT7 vlive celebrating their BBH100 #1 on June 29th where at one point Jimin says something but slips into satoori after which Tae encourages him to say that again but this time in the Seoul accent, so the way they actually should speak, which Jimin says isn’t difficult but he doesn’t actually end up repeating what he said.
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And lastly in today’s vlive Jimin mentioned how he’s using satoori quite often but that he isn’t all that good at doing it on command or at teaching it to others, which is something he’d have to do for mandaggo but I’m sure he’d manage just fine if the time came for it.
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Based on that Admin 2′s thoughts are basically that Jimin really meant it when he said, last year, that he’ll bring Tae around for a vlive, that it wasn’t a joke or a way to tease us with something he knew he wouldn’t be able to deliver, but rather that up until this point they weren’t quite sure how to do it. Which sounds a bit odd, I know, but what they mean is that if vmin were to just sit down in front of the camera and were supposed to just talk based on what the chat would give them, it would likely just turn out awkward and weird and no one, including them, would really have fun. Even more so when we take into account how idiotic the chat is during regular vlives so now imagine if those two were to do one together that’s just a casual chat. It would likely end up in disaster and honestly I wouldn’t wish it upon them to read all those awful comments that they would likely get, even worse ones than they already get normally, to be honest.
But now that the whole satoori thing was brought up, and Jimin actually mentioned mandaggo and wanting to bring it back after so many years, Admin 2 thinks that they must’ve finally figured out a solution to their problem, if you can call it that. Doing mandaggo would basically mean they would have an activity, something to do similar to how they did those ASMR videos for the Japanese Fan Club which were fun and cute, and so Admin 2 thinks that perhaps chances are we will finally get the vlive we’ve waited for so long (though like many others I’ve long given up the idea).
Another confirmation is that during his vlive today Jimin basically said that he only came by for a little while since they are quite busy and had to soon get ready for work with the other members but that he’ll return in two or three weeks for a more proper, longer, vlive. So, he could’ve treated today’s vlive as the promised one but instead he saw it more as a bridging one between the zoom meeting and the proper vlive he wants to do, so is it the farfetched to think that he had proper plans for a vlive, like doing mandaggo, but it just wouldn’t have worked out time wise today so he moved the actual vlive he wanted to make to a later date?
One last thing (well two actually) that has nothing to do with this question but Admin 2 wanted me to include it anyway is that one, have you noticed how Tae and Jimin were both on weverse around 3 am (until almost 4am (also both of them posting a comment to some post at 03:41 am KST)) one after the other (though with one day of a break in between them) recently and then also two, that Jimin was up until like 6 am (since he posted on weverse around that time) on the 8th and then during the zoom meeting Tae answered a question by saying that he’d been awake until 6 am the previous day (also the 8th) since he wanted to see the sunrise? Which is also something an anon mentioned to us. Curious, isn’t it?
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From anon: I request both admins to please post this ask. So jimin wwnt live today and one of the accounts on twt posted a screen cap of them commenting 'touch your hair if vmin is real' in the live chat and jimin's reaction to it. Now idk if it is an edit or real. No matter i just want to say its not ok to bring up ships in front of the members no matter which ship it is. We dont know the reality of their relationship so lets not make them uncomfortable. Its not a joke. Its not funny. Be respectful the members are real people.
(Admin 1 taking over from this point onward) This ask nicely ties into the last one that’ll be further down in this post since they cover a similar issue of sorts. But let’s start with this one asking about, essentially, vlive comments and the things fans ask/comment, which also ties in with the above ask as well.
The thing with the vlive chat, and especially comments/questions that are like anon said, questions or “commands/requests” about touch your hair if XYZ ship is real or cough twice if you love XYZ member or, likewise, comments such as where is XYZ member or what are the other members doing, unfortunately those have been a steady and unchanging part of the vlive chat since basically forever. It’s been an issue on and off with different intensities though I feel like it’s gotten worse again this year. Particularly if we look back at the vlive Tae did with Hobi and Yoongi and how essentially the entire chat was filled with comments related to Xkook and not much else.
If my memory doesn’t fail me we once even had a situation some years ago (2016) where the chat during Hobi’s vlive was so bad, as in so full of questions about that other members instead of him, that you could see he was upset about it and eventually he handed over the vlive to Jimin, whom the chat had requested Hobi to visit, and Hobi just left. And I can’t blame him for it since the chat must’ve made him feel like basically no one cared about him so what was even the point of him being there, right?
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Personally I’ve long given up looking at the comments during vlive because they just make me cringe and feel bad for the members, especially when I think back to vlives such as Yoongi’s D2 one last year where he was so excited to talk about the songs and the process of making the mixtape and yet so many of the comments were just unrelated nonsense and annoying request like speak english or can you say my name or say hello in XYZ language. If it makes me question why the people posting those questions are in the chat, why they are fans to begin with, imagine what the members must feel like, how discouraging that must feel like. After all they are musicians and yet so rarely do they get questions about that. Or rather they do get them but they are just drowned out by nonsense. Which is a shame. And also very disrespectful but any attempts that were made to remind people to be respectful, to remember their place as fans, to focus on the member that’s doing the vlive instead of asking about the others, and to keep ships away from the members have failed because some don’t care and will continue to not care.
From anon: what are your opinions on the Qs that were asked during that zoom meeting thing between BTS and ARMY?
Now I’d like to preface my answer to this last question by saying that by no means do my grievances come from a place of jealousy or anything. I’m very happy for all the ARMYs that won their spot, that they got to participate in the event and that BTS got to see ARMYs again even if only on screens and not in person still. No, my issue stems from something completely different, and I don’t want to say that the system chose the wrong people, because that would be mean and also who even knows how the winners were chosen, if it was pure luck or there were some actual criteria that went into the process, but the fact is that only a select 200 ARMYs got that spot out of however many that applied, so basically for some this was a once in a lifetime chance, right, even just getting this close to asking Bangtan a question and have really great chances of having them give you an answer while acknowledging you somewhat instead of just seeing pure words on a screen, you know what I mean?
Now imagine you are one of those 200 ARMYs and you get the chance to fill the chat with questions along with the other 49 participants of your session and you decide that asking questions such as what it’s like for Jimin to work as angel, if Namjoon ever broke a bicycle, or why JK smells the crowns of the other members heads? Or even worse, you decide to ask about JKs shower routine and in which order he washes his body? And sure, the “fault” doesn’t fall completely on the ARMYs alone, after all it’s the members who read out those questions and not some magical off screen entity, and since I wasn’t part of the event I can’t say with a hundred percent certainty that no one asked any “proper” questions, but if those were the questions that ended up being read out loud, is it that hard to guess that likely all the questions looked similarly? 
Which brings me to my main grievance of it all: have you forgotten that you are fans of musicians and not reality TV stars or vloggers/influencers? I know there were likely no rules for what questions you could or couldn’t ask (except for probably ones that were 100% about shipping or far too personal), but really, you get to ask your favorite band a question, something you might never, ever get the chance to do again, and your first thought isn’t to ask about their music but instead about some unimportant nonsense like the angel question or if they differentiate between the clothes they wear at home and those they sleep in? Like sure the angel one was kinda funny, maybe, and Jimin handled it in a cute way, I applaud him for it, but was that really necessary?
I know someone asked JK about Decalcomania, as well as Tae about his mixtape, and Yoongi/Jimin about Tony Montana (season 2), but other than that were there any other questions about their music? Perhaps I’m overthinking things, maybe I’m exaggerating and maybe I’m the only one who sees an issue with this, but if I would’ve won a spot, I’d rather have asked something about their process when writing lyrics or creating beats or how they prepare when learning new choreographies, what it’s like to be on tour (though perhaps that would be a mean question seeing as tours aren’t really something that’ll continue being possible for a while still), you get the point.
It makes me wonder if it was just bad luck or if it had something to do with how old the participants were (I saw some being as young as fifteen), which isn’t to say that teens can’t ask smart questions because they definitely can just like adults can ask stupid ones as well, but somewhere something, in my opinion, just went weirdly. And maybe that was the point of it all, for the event to be casual, funny, lighthearted, but my question then is when is the time for music discussions? For fans to ask those types of questions that actually have something to do with the boys careers? When even journalists aren’t asking them proper questions, ARMYs aren’t either, so what is the point of it all then?
Then again, after the event concluded and Seokjin came onto vlive he seemed so happy and excited, so maybe they had fun (I mean they seemed to have fun) and didn’t mind at all that the questions were lighthearted and silly, maybe I’m the one making mountains out of molehills. I don’t know, but anon wanted to know my thoughts/opinions, and this is them. Once again, I don’t mean to be mean toward the ARMYs that got rightfully in, that won, and I don’t want to insult them for the questions they asked, perhaps I just expected/hoped for something a little different? And perhaps I’m the only one. I don’t know. 
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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bytemycupcakes · 4 years
Trans-mity in the Oracle track
Hehe Trans-mity? Like it? It’s silly but it makes me happy >:3c
Obviously this post mostly applies to my Trans!Amity interpretation, but some bits can extend to normal Amity too :p
It’s also.. More than just why the oracle track, I got on a roll and now it includes how he joined the track and a bit of how he figured out he’s trans :3 (It also has a bit of enby!Luz cause... Yes.)
btw, sorry I’m still calling him Amity through the post, I have a replacement name idea, but I wanna think about it more before I put it anywhere ;3;
Sorry it’s so long TwT
Okay first off, why I think he is dual-tracking in the first place.  (and tbh why Canon Amity should in the future)
Amity is a Blight. Blights are successful. Blights strive for the Emperors Coven, and access to all magic. It only makes sense to study as much magic as possible in preperation for that.
Though Amity is completely fine only doing one track before Luz came along and bent the rule, once multiple tracks became open, his parents likely had him consider it, or he brought up the idea with his parents and/or siblings. Discussing how useful it could be for his future, ect.
The Blights are obviously on board with that, cause if Amity is top student in multiple tracks? Well thats certainly something to brag about.
Why the Oracle track though?
In short: Amity always had a fascination for Oracle magic. Infact its the coven he intended on joining upon entering Hexside, but his parents needed successful children.
Principal Bump talks about “trying out” for a track when placing Luz, so it seems that theres requirements for entering one. Though with him just slapping Luz in potions, they seem to be lose or optional requirements. Suppose it all depends on the grades you want.
Thus, Amity’s parents only wanted him to join a track he was successful at, one where he showed promise. Thats what the twins did, it’s what he’ll do to. Consider it Blight Tradition. So for Amity, the “trying out” isn’t much of an optional thing.
Amity really wanted to do Oracle magic. He had already started teaching himself some of it, and seemed to be decent enough at giving Ed and Em vague predictions on their days, so he thought getting into the track would be easy.
And on paper it was, all you had to do was bring up an image of your adult self on a crystal ball, a small glimpse into your own future. Afterall what kind of Oracle can’t predict his own future?
Amity can’t apparently. Sure he hadn’t tried the spell before, but it’s such a simple one, cast and say the name of who you want to see. It’s basic oracle magic so why can’t he do it?? He sits there trying to do the spell for a good half hour before the teacher pushes him to go try some of the other track tests. And with a sinking heart, he does.
He doesn’t think too hard about what to go try next, just wanders and ends up ploping down in abominations. Ends up passing the test with no effort. Guess he’s an Abominations student now... Even if Ed and Em tried to push him to join the Oracle track anyway
At least he never quite gives up Oracle magic. He Continues to study it on his own, and gets better at giving Ed and Em daily fortunes. All while excelling in Abominations. He toyed with the idea of switching tracks once he could pass the beginning test, but every time he tried it with the library’s loan crystal balls, he still couldnt do that basic spell.
Well- Okay he could do the spell, he tried it with his siblings, classmates, teachers, every person he could think of. And most of them worked! But that didn’t matter since he needed to bring up himself.
It didn’t matter that he would easily get passing grades in the track, because according to his parents, if he couldn’t do the basic test, then there’s no promise. He supposes they’re right. Besides, his grades would probably suffer if he couldnt do any predictions about himself.
So he pushed it out of his mind, pretended he always strived for Abominations, and started showing fake pride at his achivement. Besides, nobody wants to hear Abominations top student has been half assing his classes and really doesn’t care much for the track.
Though it grows on him, he finds uses for the spells, and ends up growing fond of the creation process. And having an abomination follow him and do basic tasks was certainly an ego boost. He accepted his fate, and decided he could achieve his goals in this track. He’s a Blight, happiness comes far after success.
But then Luz comes along. Befriends Amity and pulls him out of his shell. Her openness about how humans navigate gender and sexuality fascinates Amity... He’s sure that’s just a human appreciation thing. He’ll take note to talk to the H.A.S about it.
Not that he hasn’t heard similar things around the boiling isles, it’s certainly not unheard of, Willow has two fathers for petes sake. But Luz talks about it more than Amity has ever heard... He could listen to them go on and on for hours... About- The gender stuff. Yeah. Otherwise he’d be so annoyed by Luz’s blathering... Yup. Definitely.
Well that falls through, Since Amity and Luz start dating.... Woops, guess he isn’t straight- Shit.
Luz and WIllow eventually point out how... Interested... Amity seems in Luz’s gender rambling, and Amity tries to play it off that he just likes listening to his partner talk! Is that a crime? The two back down, but Amity certainly takes note of how.. Defensive he had gotten.
He’s left thinking. A lot. And through that thinking, he reaches a state of denial. He’s already dissapointing enough now that he isn’t the perfect straight daughter his parents wanted, he can’t be.. not a daughter too! Maybe his parents were right and Luz is a bad influence- Perhaps he’s just making Amity think he’s all these things- Besides, Amity didn’t mind wearing a dress to Grom, or to other social events.. Sure he whined about how uncomfortable they were, and he makes a conscious effort to wear pants as much as possible. But that doesn’t mean he’s a guy. That’d be absurd-
Again, his denial falls through... Some deep talks with Luz certainly opened up some things... Damn Amity is just chock full of parental dissapointment.
But that doesn’t matter, because he can still be successful without their approval. Amity is still a Blight. And will always have the sway of power that it comes with.
Back on track with the tracks.
Amity had already moved past and shoved down his want to join the Oracle Track quite some time ago, so when he mentions it in passing when helping Luz with her Oracle homework... He’s caught off guard when they shove the crystal ball into his hands.
Luz encouraging him to try again, now that he’s figured himself out, and has a new name. Their professor said names are very important when it comes to some forms of fortune, so maybe thats why he couldn’t do the spell!
Amity blinks.... Then smacks his head. GOD why hadn’t he thought of that?! He already knew that from his own private studying, but just never connected those dots!
He takes such a deep breath, head swirling with excitement and even more fear. Afterall if he still can’t do the spell, then that means he really isn’t cut out for Oracle magic... He’s not sure if he can face that reality... But even if thats the case, he supposes he’ll always have Luz, he can help her with their oracle homework without doing the spells himself.
He casts. He says his name. He and Luz are staring at the ball, neither breathing as the few milliseconds start to feel like hours while they wait for any image to show up.
And sure enough... One does. A simple image of a much older Amity walking through a town appears on the ball, and the two teans squeal. Amity doesn’t even remember a time he was this happy, he’s rendered to tears. That he can do a spell thats been alluding him since middle school. All because Luz had put the pieces in place for him to learn about himself and figure it out.
When he takes the test again next semester and does it first try, the oracle teacher grins and ruffles his hair, “I suppose there was no future Amity Blight, hm? Welcome to the Oracle track, [name]”
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hoe-for-yukhei · 4 years
Tumblr media
Note; I’m not that good at mandarin and korean i’m still studying. Pls forgive me if there’s any grammatical errors or wrong translations,English is not my first language either, please bear with me.
Also yuqi will be mentioned here, she’s kinda bitch in this story so if you don’t like bad yuqi then please skip.
What is he doing?
Is he eating?
Does he overwork himself?
Does he miss me?
Those thoughts lingered in your mind since You left to pursue your dream.
You and Lucas are in a Long Distance Relationship.
You in y/c Working Night Shifts in one of the biggest hospitals in your country.
While he’s in Korea and sometimes he travels for World tours and concerts.
You had lost contact with each other so you really can’t help but to worry and miss him.
You were both successful. But something’s missing..
You were a former trainee at SM.You’re close to RED VELVET,NCT,and EXO because you were in their batch and trained with them. 
At first you don’t have any friends.
A foreigner who’s still studying basic Korean language who wants  to be friends with her? You gained acquaintances and small friendships but still don’t have that friend who’s really close, an intimate friend. Until Hendery came into the company,He reminded you of you, Coming from a neighboring country, Doesn’t talk korean,Shy, New, and doesn’t have friends..
You cherished him. You two became best friends. Since he got into training with NCT he started hanging with the other boys which made you proud. You and Hendery counted many years as friends,you discovered new things about each other. One day he invited you to hangout with him and a friend. 
“Oh y/n is here!”
Hendery stood up from where he was sitting.
You didn’t know you guys would be having company.
You dragged Hendery outside the Cafe.
“You didn't tell me about eating with someone, I could have dressed better.”
“What are you saying? You look fine”
“You said It was just the two of us”
“Yeah about that, He was kinda lonely since Mark and others debuted. So I took him with me! You and him will be great friends, he's cool!”
We walked back to their table. The guy is just sitting there looking at his phone.
“Bàoqiàn ràng nǐ jiǔ děngle wǒmen gāng tánle diǎn shì.”
(Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. We just talked about something.)
“méi shì.” (No worries.)
“Lucas,Tā shì y/n. y/n, Tā shì Lucas.” (Lucas,meet y/n. y/n, meet Lucas)
“y/n? Jiǔyǎng dàmíngle! Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ! Hi I am Lucas.” (y/n? I heard so much about you! Nice to meet you!)
He extends his hand to you.
You just stare at his face. You froze at the moment. Because apparently you had never seen such beauty.
Handsome can’t describe Lucas’ he’s a god.
For the first time you had a crush.
“U-uhm wo-wǒ shì y/n. Wǒ yěshì shíxí shēng. xìnɡ huì, xìnɡ huì” (H-Hi I am y/n. I am a trainee too. Nice to meet you.”
“Woah!junggug-iniseyo?” (Woah are you chinese?)
“A-ani! I’m not. I’m y/r”
You’re stuttering. In front of your crush. And it’s the first time you’re meeting. Bitch First Impressions last. You better keep it cool.
You, Hendery and Lucas hangs out more after that. You got close to him more and more,you found out he’s more than just a pretty face. He's charming, passionate, kind, funny and many more. Lucas can also say he likes hanging out with Hendery more because you always come along. Lucas really likes Hendery and treats him one of his best friends but why does he have a feeling that Lucas is using Hendery as an excuse to see you? And on the other hand you feel the same way too. Whenever Hendery asks you out to hang out you always expect Lucas to be there, and sometimes you’re much more excited about seeing Lucas than the night out instead. Hendery doesn’t feel like that. He feels like a freaking Third wheel. You and Lucas only focus on each other, Whenever he goes out with the both of you he always sees sparks in both of your eyes that mirror Lucas Eyes too. The attraction between Lucas and you can’t be denied. He tried to tease you both about it but you guys always deny it even though it’s obvious. And he’s not happy with that. 
Cause Hendery likes you.
Since Day 1.
Hendery became busy all of a sudden, you were lonely so Lucas accompanied you in place of Hendery.
Going out with Lucas became a habit, you too built a deep relationship with each other.
Lucas doesn’t want the feeling of taking Hendery for granted so he invited Hendery for a talk.
Hendery stops  playing his game and follows lucas.
“Hendery,hago sipeun mari ittta.” (Hendary, I have something to say.)
“Zěnmále?” (What is it?)
“Wǒ xǐhuan y/n..” (I like y/n..)
“Shénme?!” (What?!)
“Naneun geunyeoreul joahanda naneun geunyowa deiteuhago siptta.I like her. I want to date her. Wǒ yīnggāi bǎ tā yì chéng zhōngwén ma? thai?”(I like her, I want to date her. I like her, I want to date her. Should I also translate it into chinese? thai?)
“No need, I was just surprised.”
“So? Can I go out with her?”
“Seriously Why are you asking me? Wǒ bùshì tā Xuxi. You should ask her. Tā bùshì wǒ de.”(Seriously Why are you asking me? I’m not her Xuxi. You should ask her. She’s not mine.)
It’s true. You’re not Hendery’s.
He wish you were.
He knew this was going to happen, He doesn’t want to gatekeep you from Lucas just because he’s jealous, and also he doesn’t have a chance. You only see him as a best friend.
“I just thought it’s good to ask you because you’re her best friend.”
“You can do whatever you want Xuxi,Wúlùn fāshēng shénme shì, wǒ dūhuì zhīchí nǐ.”(You can do whatever you want Xuxi,i'll support you whatever happens.)
“Zhēn de ma?! Wǒ fàngxīnle.” (Really?! I feel relieved.)
“Wèishéme? Nǐ hàipà wǒ yě xǐhuān tā ma?” (why? are you scared that i like her too?)
Lucas was surprised. He just read my mind. He thinks.
Other than the feeling of guilt of using his friend as an excuse, He wants to ask him too to ensure that his dear friend is not going to be a rival.
“Ani nan duryopjji ana, Qíshí wǒ hěn yǒu xìnxīn.”(I’m not scared, actually i’m feeling confident.)
Why would he be scared? He’s Lucas. He can make everyone fall by looks alone.
“Don’t Worry, I won’t be a rival. I like her. I really do, but I won’t pursue her.I’m a coward and I haven’t put myself all together.Wǒ pèi bù shàng tā. Hái yǒu, tā zhǐ xǐhuān wǒ dāng péngyǒu, qǐng dài wǒ zhàogù tā.” (Also, she only likes me as a friend.  Please take care of her for me.)
It’s True He doesn’t deserve you. He’s still broken from an accident. He will be a burden once those memories will start hunting him  again.
“Nǐ quèdìng?” (you sure?)
“Yeah,Dàn jì zhù, yīdàn nǐ shānghàile tā wǒ jiù bǎ tā dài zǒu tā. I’m dead serious Yukhei.” (yeah,but remember once you hurt her, I'll take her away from you. I’m dead serious Yukhei.)
You and Lucas dated. You two were inseparable and in love with each other. Your friendship with Hendery kinda changed, he became busy with everything since He’s going to Debut in Wayv. It’s fine with you but you missed him.
Lucas opens your eyes about your dreams and the things you really want. Thanks to him you decided to pursue medicine.
Your relationship with Lucas now is different since he Debuted. You two were private, but not secret. Which means many people know he has a girlfriend but don't know it’s you. Few Idols know you’re his girlfriend but they keep it to themselves.
Lately Lucas has been distant to you. He wouldn’t pick up whenever you call. And whenever you want to facetime he would say he’s busy. 
“y/n your boyfriend sent a bubble message it’s trending in twt! Did you get the message?!”
“OMG wtf Na Jaemin! You scared the shit out of me!”
“Dr.Na, Dr.l/n. Shhh the patients are sleeping.”
You and Jaemin got scolded by the Chief Nurse. You two slightly bowed as sorry.
“Aish-This is all your fault.”
“Check LYSN right now! Ppalli!”
“I can’t My Subscription just expired yesterday.”
“Instead of ordering me. How about you tell me what he said?”
“Oh I didn't see the tweets about him. I just saw LUCAS GIRLFRIEND,#루카스_여자친_버블,#WE_SUPPORT_LUCAS, #旭熙_女朋友_LYSN and my phone died.” (#Lucas_girlfriend_bubble, #Yukhei_Girlfriend__LYSN)
“Oh..really? Did he mention me? He doesn’t tell me anything about coming out. That’s weird.”
“J-jeongmal?! Neohi duri majimageuro jonhwahan ge eonjeya?” (R-really?! When’s the last time you two call each other?)
That question is not hard.
But why can’t you answer such a simple question?
Perhaps because the two of you didn’t talk for like 6 months?
“nado molla,He always says he's busy.I send him daily messages but he won’t reply,He left me on seen.” (I don’t know.)
“What kind of boyfriend is he? He’s not like that when we’re still trainees.”
“Wait I’ll check Twitter.”
You don’t want to check what’s happening. A part of you just wants to turn a blind eye on this issue, because you have that feeling that things are about to mess up.
NCTSM: english translation of lucas’ post.
Translated by:@hoeforyukhei
여러분, 저는 루카스입니다.
팬분들한테 하고 싶은 말이 있어요.
사실 이 편지를 쓰면서 너무 떨려요.
저를 응원해주신 모든 팬분들께 감사드리고 처음부터 사랑하고 싶습니다. 저는 모든 사람들에게 제가 진정으로 사랑하는 아름답고 재능 있고 친절한 여자와 사귀고 있다는 것을 알리고 싶습니다.
유키는 제 여자친구와 우리 회사 둘 다 우리의 관계를 알리고 싶어했습니다.
저를 응원해주신 멤버들, 그리고 저를 사랑해주신 팬분들께 감사드리고, 제가 받을 자격이 없는데도 불구하고 응원해주신 팬분들께도 감사드린다.
저는 항상 여러분 모두에게 감사할 것이고 제 자신을 향상시키기 위해 노력할 것입니다.
사랑하는 팬들의 성원과 사랑에 보답하기 위해 열심히 노력하겠습니다.
탄쿄우 너무많아요.
Everyone, This is Lucas.
I want to say something to our fans.
I am actually so Nervous right now while writing this letter.
I want to thank all the fans that supported and love me from the start. I want to inform everyone that I am dating a beautiful, talented, and kind woman that I truly love.
Yuqi, my girlfriend and both of our Company wanted to publicize our relationship.
I am thankful for the members who cheered me, and to the fans who love me and supported me even though I am not deserving.
I will always be thankful to all of you and I will try to improve myself.
I will work hard to repay all the support and love of our beloved fans.
Thank You so much.
“What fucking bullshit is this?!”
“What the heck Renjun you were behind us all along?!”
“You’ve gone blind Na Jaemin.”
“Guys what the heck shut up the Patients are sleeping.”
“No y/n You shut up. How dare you take this bullshit? He just cheated on you! Right in front of your screen!”
Why are you calm?
Why aren’t you crying?
Is it because half of you expected it?
“It’s okay.It doesn’t matter. I already had a hunch he would do this.”
“Ani-even though you know it,I think it’s the best if you two should talk about it.”(no)
“Yeah, Renjun’s right if you’ll end things with him end it infront of his face! Slap him hard!”
“No Jaemin,I didn’t mean y/n will slap lucas. But y/n you get what I mean right?”
“Dr. Huang, paging Dr. Huang, Please come to the ER. Dr. Huang, paging Dr. Huang, Please come to the ER.”
“y/n you don’t always have to look strong. Jaemin and I are always here to talk to you.”
Renjun leaves you and Jaemin behind. You overthink Renjun's words, as always He is right. But your boyfriend just cheated on you, of course you don’t want to see him.
You find yourself in the middle of the airport,with Renjun who’s carrying your light backpack and Jaemin who’s hyped and doing an IG live.
In the end you and Jaemin are doing a chant like two drunkards in the center of the airport while waiting for your flight.
“y/n! y/n! Where are you going?”
“Why are you going?!”
“To burn my ex's house!”
“Why are you going?!”
“To burn my ex’s house!”
“Whose house?!”
“Lucas’ house”
“Whose house?!”
“Lucas’ house!”
“Okay Jaemin that’s enough”
“No wait Renjun i’m not finish ye-”
Renjun quickly ended Jaemin’s IG live, which results in Jaemin being cranky. You literally laugh hard to their craziness. Until you were brought back to your reality when you heard your flight.
 “You’re a grown woman already so I’m not going to worry about you.”
“y/n bye!! Call us if anything happens!”
You were thankful for Jaemin and Renjun. They became your friends, your parents, your siblings, and your family.
They reminded you of someone.
Lucas definitely knows what he’s doing is wrong. He can’t help but to worry about you, this decision of his will forever make him miserable.
As soon as you got out of the airport, you didn’t immediately check in to a hotel or call lucas. Your feet dragged you to where your special place is. It’s the secluded part of the park, the park is where you and your ex-boyfriend have made most of your happy moments.
While you were you saw two familiar personages. 
Familiar indeed.
You are one little shit y/n. You said to yourself you will not cry.
But shit you were extremely wrong.
As tears roll down unto your face, you hurriedly exit the area.
It’s Yuqi. You know her voice. Lucas once introduced her to you saying they’re close friends. They suited each other, and sometimes you tease them of being the perfect couple shits like that.
Then Yuqi will deny that she doesn't like him, they're just friends and everything.
You and her became friends. You even ask her if she could update you while you work abroad.
Now she’s just pure bullshit.
No, they’re bullshits.
You’re in the middle of running the exit to escape that hell hole.
Two large arms suddenly wrap your torso.
“Y-Y/n? Where are you going? Please let me explain, I didn’t do it. They made me do it y/n it’s not me i promise y/n don’t leave me Qǐng bùyào líkāi wǒ, wǒ qiú nǐle. Wǒ ài nǐ y/n. Wǒ zhēn de ài nǐ y/n, qǐng bié líkāi wǒ. J-jebalyo” (please don't leave me, I beg you. I love you y/n. I really do y/n,don't leave me, please.)
He’s sobbing there.
We’re all crying
He really won’t let go of you.
“L-lucas let go of me! Please.”
“No I won’t, please hear me out just this once.”
“I had enough, when there are times that I really need you- you shut me out lucas! You don’t know what that feels, the feeling of being left out. You didn’t even hear me out! You didn’t even answer my call when my brother died! I just want your company.. Your love. How can I hear you out if you don’t do the same? please,Fàng kāi wǒ..” (let me go.)
Lucas knelt to the ground and grab both of your hands tightly.
He’s eyes are swollen. Your heart aches for him, you still love him but this is so messed up. You remember the times before you lost contact with each other. Everything is so toxic.. 
Sometimes you have to accept the truth and stop wasting time on the wrong people.
“L-lucas,s-stand up please.”
“Bù, wǒ bù huì de! Bié pèng wǒ! Dōu shì nǐ de cuò! Bié pèng wǒ! Dōu shì nǐ de cuò! Nǐ qīpiànle wǒ.” (don't touch me! It's all your fault! you deceived me.)
“N-no,I didn’t.”
“y-y/n hear me out please I don’t love her.”
I hate it here.
Thankfully,Someone grabbed you out of nowhere.
You didn’t expect the sudden rescue,but you really appreciate it.
You cry hardly in the man’s arms.
It’s him. You missed him.
“Fàng kāi tā de Lucas.” (let go of her lucas.)
“I thought we were friends.”
“We still are,our friendship has nothing to do with helping y/n lucas.”
“You said you will support me!us!”
“That was then before you hurt her!”
“You know what would happen if I didn’t obey the company! You were there with me!”
“God damn lucas! You have a choice to accept it or not!”
“It’s my whole career! Everything I’ve worked for,and many more! I can’t afford  to sacrifice my-”
“Then it’s not y/n’s fault. You chose your career over her, then why are you running after her? If you really love her you would choose her! You need to man up! You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
“y-y/n please make them stop! Nǐmen liǎ bié chǎole!Hendery please stop!” (You two stop fighting!)
“You. I know there’s something fishy behind your kind act. You know Xuxi already has a girlfriend! How dare you blackmail the higher ups just to make him yours? You sickened me.”
Your head is aching from all the crying and the things you discovered. You hated the drama.
“Bù Shì zhèyàng de! Wǒ méi nàme zuò! Nǐ zài shuō shénme-” (That’s not true! I didn’t do that! What are you sayin-)
You snapped. It took you a long time to get sick from all their lies.
“Y/n I promise you this isn’t tr-”
“I already said I had enough. Stop being pathetic Yuqi.”
A few people started to gather up when someone noticed the four of you, You are still with famous artists after all.
Hendery immediately dragged you out of the scene and took you to a car nearby, and drove his way out of there.
You love that park.Hangang Park is once full of your happy memories with your dearest ones,now it’s full of treachery,lies and contention.
You want to let go.
Many years of lies and denials. Now it’s all over.
“I thought I’ve lost you.”
“Trust me, I’m always with you.”
“Are we still friends?”
“There’s no break up in friendships.. At Least for me.”
You felt relief.
You can’t afford to have breakups from your friends. They’re all you got.
“Are you sure about letting go of him? You should know both sides.”
“I want to know both sides, I really do. But ican’t take all of this in one day. I need a break, this isn’t healthy. I just want to vanish for a second.”
“You didn’t answer me about letting go of him.”
“I don’t really know actually. But someone once told me ‘Never run back to what broke you’ I haven’t done that,I always thought that everything would be fixed once I stayed and put everything in order by myself. Turns out it didn’t. I think it’s time for a change.Someday, someone is going to thank him for letting me go.”
Someday, someone is going to thank Lucas for letting you go?
Hendery chuckled a little. Your saying once reminded him of the past.
When Lucas thanked him for letting you go.
It turns out, Hendery can’t let you go.
“Did you realize he didn’t actually let you go?”
“I know. But You can’t actually call it a relationship if you’re the only one holding on like I did. Besides he has yuqi.”
“Oh really?”
“You didn’t actually ask me where we're going. You just dragged me. Why did you do that?”
“I just did what I promised myself a long time ago.”
“What is that?”
You stared at his side profile while he’s driving.
He’s focused on the road, the oranged-pinked lights from the sunset pass through the windshield and hits his ethereally beautiful face.
Your Heart beats faster. It’s like the first time you met yukhei.
Hendery turned to you and smiled softly.
“It’s ‘once someone hurts you, I'll take you away from that person.’ I had a very horrible past. I’ve broken many promises from my loved ones,so this is the first time I’ve made a promise come true and I’m pretty proud about it.”
“By the way where are we going?”
“Anywhere you want, Where do you wanna go?”
“Did you get it?”
“Yes sir I did.”
“This will be a really big scoop,let me see.”
“I just really love you so much *sobs why can’t you do the same to me?! I did everything for you!”
“Are you delusional?! You wrecked my life! How am I supposed to do that?!”
“Y/n? y/n wait! y/n! Y-Y/n? Where are you going? Please let me explain, I didn’t do it. They made me do it y/n it’s not me i promise y/n don’t leave me Qǐng bùyào líkāi wǒ, wǒ qiú nǐle. Wǒ ài nǐ y/n. Wǒ zhēn de ài nǐ y/n, qǐng bié líkāi wǒ. J-jebal-”
“Sunbae, your phone is ringing”
“Annyeonghaseyo,This is Yeo Seon-Da from Dispatch Korea. How may I help you?”
to be continued.
시즈니할수있어! 모두 사랑하자!
28 notes · View notes
momorabu · 7 years
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Ensemble Stars! Event Story - Reminiscence*Monochrome Checkmate / Checkmate (Part 1)
A new blog, a new beginning! It’s been quite awhile since my last translation, and partly it was because this event story was soooo long... I probably spent two weeks on and off just to finish reading this , but it’s really worth it as it revealed alot of the back story of how “Knights” was created, how Leo had fallen, and the evil plans of Eichi... =w=“ 
I actually felt quite depressed after reading it, since it’s very true to the evil side of how things work in real life, poor Leo TWT I shall not reveal too much and would just let you guys read the story below! +W+
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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The story starts off with Eichi and Izumi having a chess match between themselves. Eichi was already smiling as he’s confident that he was gong to win it while Izumi rebutted him, saying that this was just the first round, and wonder why Eichi had asked him to play chess together if he had really wanted to talk instead. Eichi apologised that he had made Izumi pissed off but still smiled and told him that Izumi himself had already made a wrong step initially, and claimed that it would be near to impossible for him to make a comeback after that.
Izumi however didn’t backed down, saying that he doesn’t feel like he would lose at all, and wanted to continued the match. Eichi agreed, though once again he just deemed it as Izumi wasting his time and efforts afterall. He boasted that he’s really good in chess, since he had always played it regularly in his room when he was forced to stay indoors due to his weak body back then. He was even good at mathematics, music, and even the ballet that Izumi was good at too. In fact, Eichi claimed that he had never lose to any adult ever since from the age he had turned 10. (Wah.. Eichi’s attitude... it’s very annoying ><”)
However, due to a bad memory, for a period of time Eichi didn’t want to touch chess at all. He continued that he had never seems to be able to win a match against Leo though, which Izumi found it impossible since he himself had already beat Leo multiple times, saying that Leo was good at nothing else other than music. (How come that definitely doesn’t sounds like he’s praising Leo... ^^;) He thought that Eichi must have lose on purpose to please Leo back then, but Eichi shook his head and said that he would never do that on purpose since he had everything: the talent, the environment (his family background I reckon), the people and the information. (Eichi boasting about himself again... =w=“) He also said that chess was a game for gentleman and to cheat or to lose on purpose was something deemed not “gentleman” at all. In fact, Eichi didn’t want to “kill” Izumi at all, and would actually rather him to give up on his own, but... to him it seems like Izumi won’t take it down and would rather struggle.
Izumi kept quiet the entire time, that made Eichi felt abit lonely and he wondered perhaps Izumi was just concentrating to think of a way to win this chess match. Finally Eichi came to the main point why he had gotten Izumi to play chess with him, he had a deal that he wanted to negotiate with him. Izumi showed a glum face upon hearing that, and asked Eichi that whether he had planned to make use of them (knights) as pawns again and killed “him” again. However, Eichi continued smiling as he clarified that he would only “kill” people if there’s a “need” too and said that this is something that Izumi had knew all along about him, aditng on that he had already lose the human side of imself ever since he had became the “emperor”.(That’s scary Eichi TWT)
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Eichi went onto nostalgic mode as he remembered the days where he played a match against Leo, and commented that he had always confidently played the “knight” pawn everytime. Izumi dissed that he wasn’t sure that Leo could even play chess actually and asked that whether he had even knew about the rules XD (That’s... kind of mean Izumi ^^;) Eichi admitted that Leo actually added new rules into the game when he played, like making the “knight” pawn being able to release destroyer beam XD That made Eichi faced a hard time playing a game against him, and was why they could never finish a match which explains why Eichi never won a match against him.
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Eichi asked Izumi that he really can’t understand. He knew that everyone had said that it’s his fault, which he won’t deny that it’s partly his fault, but Eichi himself had really like Leo, and had enjoyed playing with him. The thing that Eichi doesn’t understand was ... why did Leo had “broke” and asked who exactly had “killed” him?
(Yes this story is going to mainly revolved around Leo and how he broke TWT)
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 1
The timeline took us back to a year ago, where Eichi was admitted in the hospital as he still had a really weak body back then. Tsumugi had went to the hospital to visit him, but felt hurt when Eichi mentioned that he doesn’t know who he is. (Ouch...) He told Eichi not to forget about him and introduced himself as his classmate - Aoba Tsumugi. Eichi started talking about things at a fast pace that got Tsumugi confused, as he requested time to catch up. Eichi sighed and remarked that he had been told so by multiple others in the past, and asked Tsumugi that he doesn’t have to try to reply him if he had found it too difficult, since all these comments like “I see”, “that’s interesting” were just words that exist to make the other party feel better afterall. 
Tsumugi found what Eichi had said seems kind of lonely, since he would feel that people would wish that the other party would try to understand what they’re saying when they communicate with one another. However, Eichi was sure that Tsumugi won’t be able to understand him, but clarified that it wasn’t because that he looked down on Tsumugi’s level of being able to understand him, but because it was all an illusion that people thought that they could understand each other. (That sounds so depressing, Eichi... TWT)
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But the good thing, Eichi became quite fond of Tsumugi after that, since it’s rare that there’s actually someone who expressed an interest to want to know more about him. Tsumugi was glad to have a great relationship with Eichi, seeing that they’re classmates starting this spring. Eichi smiled as he hoped that he would be able to have a normal teenager’s life this spring, and was in fact looking forward to it since there’s alot of stuff that he had wanted to do.
Eichi had initially called Tsumugi by his surname “Aoba”, which Tsumugi insisted that he wished that Eichi would call him by his name instead, stating that he doesn’t like it when others called him by his surname. Eichi gussed that Tsumugi might have disliked his bloodline, and thus doesn’t to be reminded of the fact that he had the same surname as his parents. However, Tsumugi smiled and told him that he doesn’t have such a stigma against his parents, and was in fact grateful to them that he won’t be able to repay them in his entire life. The main reason why Tsumugi doesn’t like being called by his surname is very simple, because being called “Aoba-san” can sound like “Obasan” (which means older woman / aunt) and poor Tsumugi was teased because of this in his childhood TWT
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One of the reason why Tsumugi was here was because he was the class president, and asked Eichi to approach him anytime if he had any questions, though partly it was because he was being entrusted to take care of Eichi by the teacher. He handed Eichi the printout from the teacher, and also included some very “interesting” notes that he had made in class, stating that he had taken down EVERYTHING the teacher had said, since he wasn’t sure which information would be required by Eichi.
Actually other than what the teacher had said, Tsumugi had even added gossips talked among the students in class that Eichi found it really interesting that it could be an important information source for him instead. (Didn’t know Eichi could be someone who’s interested in such gossip?! OWO”)
Because Eichi had been in the hospital frequently since he was young, he had found visitors really annoying actually and had even asked that his servants / helpers to deny anyone to access his ward. But that was only possible in his own private ward, and now that Eichi had moved to a shared ward, he won’t be able to stop all the visitors (since some of them had came to visit some other patients, you can’t stop people from wanting to visit them... =w=“) Tsumugi took it as a compliment that due to his low sense of presence, he had managed to sneak through to visit Eichi, but Eichi remarked that having a low sense of presence is not a good thing since they’re aiming to be idols after all...
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Just then, Eichi started coughing and that made Tsumugi worried as he thought he must have overstayed his welcome here. He didn’t want Eichi to spend more of his energy and decided to take his leave. Eichi thanked him and called Tsumugi a “blue bird”, which is actually a word pun on his surname “Aoba”, and told him that he wished that they would be able to get along and hoped that Tsumugi would be his friend. (If you had really wanted Tsumugi to be your friend, why would you push him away in “Element”, Eichi...? Orz)
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 2 - 3
Outside the hospital, Izumi was seen scolding Leo. He scolded him multiple times that he’s an idiot, and asked him why he had gotten himself into such a commotion, informing him that he might ended up being suspended, or worst expelled. He advised Leo that before he punched anybody, he should take a deep breathe since what’s important for an idol is his popularity and trust. If the news of one had punched anybody was released, his life as an idol would have ended . (It’s... really... that seriousl? OAO”)
(I just found it so hilarious that Izumi actually asked “Are you an idiot?” for 3 times in a straight row XDD)
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Thank goodness that Keito had helped to keep the matter under the cover this time, but Izumi warned Leo to promise him that this won’t happen again. Leo however found Izumi really naggy and complained that he sounded like he was his mum or something XD That pissed Izumi off as he tugged hard as Leo’s cheeks, and Leo cried out that Izumi was just taking this chance to bully him XD
Izumi remarked that he would really like to see Leo’s parents so that he could lecture them on how they’re taking care of their kids, but this seems like an insult to Leo, as he demanded Izumi to stop insulting his family and he’ll be dead if he kept doing that. However, Izumi wasn’t threatened by his words at all, and asked Leo to watch his own actions and behave well for his family’s sake if he doesn’t want people to talk about him or his family behind his back.
This only angered Leo even more as he lashed out a series of verbal attack on Izumi, calling him “an idiot”, “smart but still an idiot? XD” “stupid” (X2) and also... “shit” XD Izumi just gave him a side eye and remarked that Leo just seems like an elementary school kid, and wondered how he could write really beautiful songs and lyrics like a professional when the words he used everyday has no sense at all ^^;
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Leo was proud as he declared himself as a genuis since he could create melodies, however he also admitted that he’s not good at writing lyrics actually, and thus would asked for help from “Luka”. Izumi doesn’t know who “Luka” is even though he had heard Leo mentioned about her a few times, to which Leo answered that that was his sister, who Izumi had already met for a few times prior to this. Izumi then remembered who she is, but he could only remember her hiding behind the door and looking at him through the gap, and had run away when Izumi tried to talk to her, and added that he doesn’t even really know what she looks like actually. Leo just smiled and said that his sister was just shy, and offered to show Izumi a photo of her since he had a folder full of her photos in his phone.
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Just when Leo was happily reaching out for his phone, he realised that... he doesn’t even have his phone with him! Izumi can’t believed that Leo had lost his phone since that would mean a loss and might reveal his personal information to others. But since Izumi had already set a password onto the phone, it would be alright even if it was picked up by a bad person (since the person won’t be able to unlock the phone without the correct password). He even offered to call the telecom to cancel Leo’s phone, and that made Leo really gald that he could feel at ease that Izumi would help him to handle everything.
In fact, without Izumi, Leo thought that he won’t be able to persevere onto becoming an idol actually and would have given up easily. Izumi told Leo not to give up so easily like a kid and that he should learn to grow up like an adult by bearing things down and fight things through, since he does have the talent to be an idol. However, his words just fell on deaf ears as Leo pouted and complained that he doesn’t want to be an adult =w=“
Tsumugi was just leaving the hospital when he had spotted them by the entrance, and approached them to greet them. Leo doesn’t know who Tsumugi was so Izumi helped to introduce them to each other, since he was in the same class as Tsumugi. Izumi had asked why Tsumugi had appeared at the hospital, but guessed that he must have been entrusted by the teacher to pay a visit to Eichi here. Tsumugi went on to ask Izumu to come and visit Eichi when he had the time, since he felt that Eichi seems to be very lonely over there. He tried to give Izumi a omamori in blessing of good health and even offered to hang it on his school bag when Izumi rejected him and asked him not to touch his bag without permission. (Though Izumi seems kind of harsh, it feels kind of creepy that Tsumugi just went onto touching his bag wanting to hang the omamori on it. I won’t feel comfortable about it if I’m Izumi ^^;) He clarified that he’s someone who doesn’t want to rely on “god’s power” and thus had no need of a omamori.
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Izumi explained that he had brought Leo here since Leo had broke his arm a few days ago, and had also caused quite a commotion though Izumi doesn’t know about the full details as he wasn’t there at the scene. He wanted Leo to come and treat his injury, but Leo just grumbled that he doesn’t like the hospital and kept wanting to escape. Leo complained that he doesn’t like the smell of medicine, and also people who are carrying needles around and passing medicines around. (They’re doctors, Leo...)
Tsumugi doesn’t know Leo either even though he knew that he’s someone from the same school because of the uniform. Thus Leo introduced himself,  praising himself as a genuis who doesn’t really goes to school. (Is that something to be proud of...? ^^:) Izumi asked Leo that maybe he should quit school if he disliked it so much, but since Leo’s parents had already paid for the school fees, Leo felt sorry if he had quitted school halfway, and besides Leo himself stated that he can’t do anything else other than music actually, so he won’t be able to attend normal school as he isn’t good at studying. Izumi dissed him that if he had knew that, he should all the more work harder by taking lessons seriously and do more activities as an idol. (Besides I think skipping lessons is a waste of his parents’ school fees too... =w=‘)
Tsumugi who was watching them, remarked that he’s glad to know that Izumi actually managed to make friends, since he was worried when he noticed that Izumi seems to always be alone in class. Izumi denied that he’s friends with Leo but Leo insisted they are, and even went onto hugging him as he told Izumi that he love him XDD Izumi had no idea why Leo could still be so hyper and energetic when he had an injured arm seriously ^^;
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 3
Eichi had heard the commotion from his ward and thus head over to the window to take a look. He noticed Tsumugi over there and could recognised Izumi as they’re in the same class. However, the remaining small kid there was someone which Eichi didn’t recognise at all.
Eichi looked at the photo of Keito when he had participated in the archery compeition, where he was in a very good condition at that time, but still lost the trophy to someone who was in the same year. This was one of the rare times which Eichi had seen Keito being agitated and felt nostalgic about it since the last time he saw Keito being hung about losing was the time when they’re still elementary students. The two of them were really close when they’re young, but now that they’ve grown up and have drifted apart, that Eichi doesn’t even know what Keito was thinking about nowadays. (That sound sad... TWT)
Just then, Leo barged into the ward, screaming out of the window that Izumi is an idiot yet again. He was pissed that Izumi had dumped him at the hospital, saying himself being a poor thing and Izumi being the devil, and added on that it was all just a myth from shoujo manga that those who have good-looking looks were kind-hearted and gentle. (Wait.. which shoujo manga sells that idea? I thought “bad boys” who were good-looking was quite a norm ^^:) Izumi had heard him but still ran off with his hands on his ears in the end XD
Poor Leo screamed that he could see Izumi running away from the window and begged him not to go and leave him here, while still calling him stupid and mean though XD
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Noticing Eichi who was standing next to him, Leo asked if he had something that’s about the size of a hand. Eichi was confused why he was asking such a question, but offered him the fruits which Tsumugi had brought over earlier on, since Eichi couldn’t eat them actually since everything he ate needs to go through the nutritionist. 
Leo happily accepted them, and said that he shall eat half of them, whereas for the other half... he would use it to throw at Izumi! Eichi tried to stop him from doing that, stating that that would be mean and bad to the farmers who worked hard to grow the fruits if he’s just going to play with them. Leo started apologising to the farmers when he realised his mistakes (awww so cute >/////<), but asked Eichi on what he should do then since he was also quite a poor thing being abandoned here by Izumi.
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Since Leo had broke his arm and thus unable to play any instrument, he decided that he shall sing instead. He even asked Eichi to listen to his new song, which he had called it “The mean Sena who would grow mould all over his body and die a suffocating, painful death...” XDD (Song created and written your one and only Tsukunaga Leo~) It was then Eichi realised that Leo wa quite a weird child...
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 4 - 5
Izumi had returned to the school while thinking how he can’t believe Leo had even come to school and started writing songs as per usual when he had a broken arm. He can’t bear to leave Leo there untreated with his injury, and thought that it’s best that he pulled him to the hospital to let him heal over there, even if the way he had done it was a bit forceful. 
Izumi had actually booked a practice room actually, but due to him bring Leo to the hospital, he had wasted some of the time that he could have used for practice at the room instead. However, since Leo would be working on the song and also the outfit design as an “extra” service, Izumi won’t have to spend too much money in preparing for a performance, but that could also mean that they would need to buck up soon in order to gain some earnings. Izumi thought to himself that Leo was someone who would just take care some random people who Izumi thought of them as being “unusable” (or say... useless) and thought Leo was quite stupid in that way, since those people aren’t really people who knew about “repayment” and would just suck Leo dry knowing that he’s someone who is a “useful idiot”. 
Izumi sighed to himself knowing that Leo had smiled and laughed being unaware that he’s being made used of by those people. Even though he had tried to scold those people about their actions, Leo had came up to him and told him to get along with the others like Izumi was the one who wasn’t aware of the atmosphere. (Ah, I guess Leo thought Izumi doesn’t get along with others because he can’t blend into the atmosphere of everyone getting along, but Izumi doesn’t want to get along with them since he had already seen through their real colours... OWO”) Izumi was pissed and would wished that everyone (in the group) would just die already XD (Izumi’s curse XDD)
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Izumi wondered to himself why is he unable to get away from Leo even though he knew how stressed he would get from being around him (due to having to look after him all the times ^^;) But there’s nowhere Izumi could escape to now that he can’t return to the modelling world, and resigned to his fate that he would just have to survive here now. 
Just then, he noticed a very familiar face by the entrance and called out to “him”. (Though he was calling him a “kuso megane” XDD) And... that person was none other than... Arashi!~ (He looks so cute like a mini Akiyomi with that hair colour and specs, is brown his original hair colour or the blonde? OWO”)
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Arashi got a scare himself, and told Izumi that he had not heard him approaching. He said he was hurt by the insult given by Izumi and asked him why is he calling him “kuso megane”. He wondered if it’s because he doesn’t suit glasses, but laughed it off by saying that it’s impossible that they don’t match him since he had gotten the same pair as Akiyomi Sensei, while gushing over how cute the spectacles are himself XD
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Izumi just felt disgusted with the way Arashi is speaking and acting, and asked him what on earth is he doing outside the gate since he’s in the way. Arashi just took it as a joke since there’s still so much space by the side (so there’s no way he’s blocking anyone from walking through XD) Izumi admitted that he just found Arashi’s presence an eyesore though, and asked him why had he enrolled in the same school as him, adding on that he had headed towards a disgusting direction of transformation that his unpleasant feeling towards him was just increasing... (I guess Arashi was very different now than how he was in the past. But I bet Izumi didn’t like him very much in the past and now ^^;)
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Arashi thought that Izumi was just bothering for no reason, and told him that he had no interest in him unfortunately as he’s now blind by love and unable to see anyone else~ (We all know who his love interest is anyway XD) Izumi doesn’t like how Arashi is calling him “Izumi-chan” and want him to call him as “Sena-senpai” since he’s his senior afterall. He lectured him that he should respect his seniors and use honorifics, dissing that Arashi’s ears are just decorations (since obviously he had not listened to Izumi at all ^^;)
Arashi was actually waiting by the gate as according to the information he had gotten, the work day for teachers had already ended, so it should around this time that Akiyomi Sensei would come out through the gate. However, there was no sight of Akiyomi so Arashi asked Izumi if he had know anything about it since he heard that he’s close to him. However, Izumi revealed that weirdly Akiyomi Sensei just likes to be friendly to him and somehow their relationship were better over time. Izumi was confused about the relationship between Arashi and Akiyomi though, since the two of them belonged to different modelling agency and wondered perhaps there’s a time where they’ve worked and get to know about each other. Unfortunately, that triggered Arashi into wanting to share about his side of the story (or say love story ^^;) of how he had first met Akiyomi Sensei, stating that it’s a meeting of fate that would make one cries when they heard about it. (... Really...? o.O) Izumi shot it down quickly, stating that he had no interest in wanting to know why a guy is so fixated on another guy,adding on that it seems very unhealthy. (Welp, Izumi you’re not any better yourself later on when you are obsessed with Makoto though...? OWO”)
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In the end, Izumi told Arashi that Akiyomi Sensei had stayed behind to finish up some work, since he was a new teacher and had alot of tasks being entrusted to him. Arashi wasn’t pleased that Izumi had actually knew much about Akiyomi (more than him XD), and wondered that perhaps Izumi had been targeting Akiyomi as well. He started getting defensive and warned him that it’s not allowed, stating that Akiyomi was the fated person for him. (Guy jealousy?) Izumi cooly remarked that he’s doesn’t want him anyway and could give him to Arashi XD The reason why Izumi actually knew much about Akiyomi was because he had came to Izumi and talked about it by himself, and Izumi guessed that perhaps Akiyomi Sensei was just feeling lonely since he doesn’t really knew anyone in the school. (Somehow, it’s kind of cute imagine Akiyomi Sensei being lonely ^///^”)
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Arashi could understand why Akiyomi had approached Izumi though, since even though Izumi had a bad attitude overall, he’s easy to speak to and would listen seriously to their problems. Izumi would even helped to solve those problems or give advice about it. (Izumi sounds like a good counselor in a way ^^) 
Since it would be a waste of time for Arashi to wait outside of the gate for Akiyomi Sensei, Izumi asked him to accompany him. Arashi thought that Izumi was asking him out for a date and rejected him, stating that he already had promised himself to a certain someone. By now, Izumi was already frustrated with him and revealed that he wanted him to go practice with him, since he would be able to practice more stuff with one more additional person rather than him alone. Also Arashi would be able to look at Izumi’s performance and helped him to pin point out what are his weaknesses and areas to improve on. Even though Arashi wondered why Izumi was so hardworking that he would be treated like an idiot in this school (since it was the norm to slack in this school a year ago =w=“), but he decided to tag along too as he was getting cold and lonely just waiting outside anyway.
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For Izumi, he was alright in getting anyone to practice with him since he wasn’t able to get people from the same unit anyway, but Arashi took that as Izumi being too forceful usually and thus other people doesn’t treat him as a comrade in the end. Izumi explained that that was because his unit worked more like a guild actually, where people were not really bound to it and stayed to gain whatever that’s of advantage to them.
(At this time, I think Arashi didn’t belonged to any unit yet since he claimed that he’s someone who doesn’t want to work for a unit back then. Though he enjoyed having the advantages of being in a unit, he doesn’t like the responsibility aspect of it =w=“ Izumi knew that his personality was like this since in the past, that Arashi was someone who won’t even move a finger if it’s something for someone’s sake instead.)
Even Izumi wasn’t a fan of Arashi’s personality, he knew he had the potential and skills. Izumi continued to talk more about the unit he belonged to now, though it was initially named as “Chess”, it had since changed names multiple times, to “Othello” (meaning ‘reversi’), and now called as “Backgammon”. (They’re all names of board games OWO”) “Chess” was actually the 2nd oldest unit in the school ever since it was created, and Leo was one of the members who had been there since it was called “Chess” and he was viciously against changing of the unit name.
Arashi didn’t know who Leo is back then, so Izumi told him that Leo was someone who was in the same unit and year as him, and that made Arashi remembered who he is, since he was someone who was seen with Izumi and looks like a girl since he had long hair. (Hmm... Leo actually could be seen as a girl somehow~ +W+) Izumi insisted that they’re not friends though, and he only viewed Leo as someone he can’t bear to leave behind like a kitten in the rain ^^” However, Arashi noticed that Izumi seems to show a good expression like how he did way in the past when he was with Leo, but Izumi shot back that he had always showed a good expression all the time. (Are you sure...=w=“)
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Just then, Izumi noticed someone who had collapsed by the school gate and thought that it was a corpse. But Arashi said that he had already noticed it earlier on since he was at the school gate for a long time already, and mentioned that this person had walked sleepily, tripped, and fell asleep over there, thus Arashi had thought that he was just taking an afternoon nap. (Arashi just seems very not caring at all ^^;)
(And that person that they’re referring to, you might have guessed who is it by now... it’s Ritsu~)
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Izumi thought that Arashi really had no interest in other people and wished he would be abit more caring, since the person might have fainted or in a bad body conditions. Besides,he felt that it would too weird to just leave such a suspicious person there alone. (There goes Izumi with his “I can’t leave behind such a person” tagline XD)
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Izumi rushed up to Ritsu and asked if he’s alright, even offering to call for an ambulance. However, Ritsu groggily replied that he’s alright and Izumi was interrupting his sleep, even stating that he’s going to kill anyone who stop him from sleeping XD That made Izumi pissed and since he guessed that Ritsu must be a first year, he demanded him to be more polite to him as he’s a senior. (Is it me or how many times had Izumi throws around the seniority card demanding his juniors to be polite to him...? ^^;)
Ritsu answered that though he’s a first year, he’s a student who had retained for a year so most probably he’s at the same age as Izumi actually. He requested Izumi to leave him alone and let him sleep, since he wasn’t feeling so energetic as the sun was too much for him. Ritsu was actually awaiting for Mao to pass through and carry him back home via piggyback, and wanted to just lie here until the sun had set ^^;
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Noticing that Ritsu seems to be feeling unwell, Izumi offered to bring him to the sickbay, and later on insisted on bringing him indoor even though Ritsu claimed that he’s alright. He called for Arashi to help him carry Ritsu, though Arashi wasn’t pleased that he’s calling him “Kuso Megane” again ^^; Izumi remarked that he’s calling him that since Arashi doesn’t like to be called by his name, to which Ritsu had overheard it, and claimed that he’s the same too, that he got a weird feeling whenever someone called him by his surname. (And he called Arashi “Kuso Megane” too XD)
But when asked about his full name, Ritsu groggily answered that he’s “...Kuma Ritsu”, that Izumi ended up calling him “Kuma-kun” after that. (Kuma-kun sounds like bear XD) Arashi thought that that was a cute name and decided that he wanted a cute name too, asking them to call him as “Naru-chan”. Izumi thought that this wasn’t the time to be talking about names though, and quickly got Arashi to carry Ritsu to the sickbay together.
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 6 - 7
Izumi changed and arrived at the practice room later on to realise that nobody was there as expected. (The other members of his unit didn’t turn up at all) Arashi smiled and remarked that the other members of “Backgammon” really had no motivation for practice at all. He still insisted on Izumi to refer him as “Naru-chan”, but Izumi dissed that he’s not the body size to be called as a “chan” since he’s quite muscular, and asked him whether he had been playing any sports. Arashi revealed that he was actually in the Track and Field Club, and thus would practice for it sometimes. Izumi wondered why he had went and joined into a club when he claimed that he’s not that free usually, since the school did not make it compulsory that one has to join a club actually at that time.
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Ritsu, who was still sleeping, woke up and complained that they’re too noisy. Arashi asked him whether he had felt better and that is it really alright that he doesn’t need to be brought to the sickbay. Izumi was glad that Arashi was around to help him, since he knew he isn’t going to be able to carry Ritsu all the way here with his strength alone, but Arashi was more envy of the fact that Izumi was slim since Arashi himself complained that he gained muscules too easily ^^; 
Ritsu assured them that he doesn’t planned to stay here for too long to disrupt their practice. He wanted to call for Mao to come and picked him up, thus asked if anyone had a smartphone which they could lend it to him to make the phone call. Izumi lent him his, though he warned him not to leave any fingerprints on it. (How do you use it without leaving fingerprints... OWO”) However, Ritsu had trouble in using a smartphone even though he had already remembered Mao’s number, and that made Izumi impatient with him, stating that he would call Mao for Ritsu, and asked him to tell him his phone number instead. Ritsu was thankful and told him that he shall repay his kindness one day.
(Ritsu really doesn’t seems like he’s someone who live in the modern world OWO” I realised that quite a number of students in Yumenosaki Gakuen doesn’t know how to use a smartphone ^^;)
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Izumi started playing a music, remarking that this was a new song made by the “idiot”, Leo. Even though they won’t be able to practice singing since the song doesn’t have any lyrics now, he wanted Arashi to get a sense of the melody of the song and the rhythm, since he wanted him to participate in the next live performance with him, stating that this was an order. Arashi was alarmed and clarified that he’s just standing in to help replace those seniors in  “Backgammon” in practice, and doesn’t want to perform on stage actually, but Izumi answered that the other members aren’t interested to perform anyway, and even if they did, they won’t be doing it seriously. Since Leo had his arm injured, Izumi declared that it would be just him and Arashi left to perform, stating that an idol’s job was to make the audience happy by singing and dancing, asking Arashi whether he felt that way too. 
Arashi in the end reluctantly decided to join him to show that he’s a “good girl”, though he stated that he had come to this school initially just to chase after Akiyomi. That made Izumi glad as he praised Arashi being a “good child” XD
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Ritsu also started dancing along with them, so Izumi told him to just stay put and rest since he wasn’t feeling well. Ritsu explained that he just suddenly felt like moving after listening to the music, mentioning that he’s quite fond of the music as it gave him a feeling of being alive. Since Ritsu wanted to know what music it is, Izumi explained to him that this song was created by Leo, which was actually an arrangement from a certain famous movie. 
Just then, Ritsu remarked that he could smell “Mao, and sure enough, he came into the practice room at the next moment. Mao came rushing into the room, saying that Ritsu had said to “rescue him as he’s dying” before hanging up on him, and that made Mao really worried since Ritsu doesn’t even tell him where he is located. (So cute how he’s calling Ritsu “Ri-chan” here~ >///<)
Ritsu was all smiles though as he assured Mao that he would be able to find him no matter Ritsu is at in this world. (This guy has too much trust in Mao’s abilities XD) Mao complained that he had spent alot of efforts asking students around the school for information whether they had spotted Ritsu, and was mad since it seems that Ritsu was just playing around with him seeing how Ritsu seems to be all healthy and energetic here. (I like this new pose of Ritsu +W+)
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Izumi told Mao and Ritsu that they’re being too noisy and disrupting their practice. He also told that Ritsu really does look unwell just now and requested Mao to bring him home since he’s Ritsu’s childhood friend afterall, telling him to treasure such a relationship since it’s rare for childhood friends to be still close to each other even when they’ve become high school students. In the end, Ritsu returned with Mao, asking him to carry him home by piggyback XD He also returned the smartphone he had borrowed from Izumi, even though he threw it back and almost gave him a heart attack. (I would too if someone threw my phone ><”)
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After getting his phone back, Izumi received a call with an unknown number. Picking it up, he realised that it was from Leo, who had called from the hospital as he was lonely there. However, Izumi was mean to him, asking him to call his family instead if he was lonely since he’s not his mum XD He also encouraged him to talk to other patients since Leo was much more friendlier unlike Izumi himself, and since Eichi was there at the hospital too, Izumi encouraged Leo to talk with him and become friends. He assured Leo that his injury isn’t too serious, and if he takes care of himself, he would be able to get out of the hospital soon.
Arashi who was watching Izumi talking on the phone, remarked that he really does showed a good expression whenever he talks to Leo, much like how he looks like in the past. He felt nostalgic and mentioned that Izumi was still the same now that he would take care of a young kid back then. Izumi realised that he was referring to Makoto, and asked him if he had knew that Makoto had also enrolled into this school. Izumi mentioned that he was surprised when he spotted Makoto walking around at school, but when he called out to him, Makoto started escaping from him instead. He was worried for Makoto and wondered if he was the same as him being in hardship as it was hard to change from being a model to an idol, and even wanted to protect him himself, but he knew that he no longer had the right to do that anymore, since he knew that he would bring trouble for Makoto if he had gotten him involved.
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Aarshi mentioned that he had remembered hearing that Makoto had escaped from the modelling industry due to some reason, and he would cried out whenever a camera was found aiming at him. Izumi said that he doesn’t know what was the reason either, and wondered whether he should call Makoto’s mum to ask about it, if she hasn’t changed her number by now. 
Because they were talking about Makoto’s mum, Madara appeared as soon as he heard the word “mama”, asking if they were actually looking for him XD Izumi wasn’t pleased to see him and answered that no one has called for him. He asked him why was he here when they’re the ones who had booked the dance room for this period of time. Madara was looking for Leo but he wasn’t here, as Izumi explained that he had broken his arm. He was curious in how Madara actually knew Leo, that Madara answered confidently that they’re actually friends. 
He murmured to himself that Leo actually had his arm broken when he was in so much pain at that time, and wondered perhaps he should pay a visit to him at the hospital. Izumi offered to tell him the location of the hospital he is saying, and also asked Madara whether he had knew how Leo had gotten himself injured since Madara seems to know something about it. He wanted to know why Leo would get into a fight when he’s someone who doesn’t even bear to kill a fly.
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However, Madara denied to share anything, as since Leo had kept silent about it, Madara felt that it would be bad for him to reveal the reason. Izumi asked once again whether Leo had gotten himself into something that’s criminal, since he was worried that he might get involved into the evil of this world due to how naive he is usually. Madara asked him back that in order to answer his question, he would first have to know what is Izumi’s meaning of “committing a crime”, since everyone’s definition of a “crime” maybe different from one another.
In the end, Madara left after asking Izumi to pass a message to Leo on his behalf, that “the cat was alright after that”, and “he had already punished the bad guys and won’t bother Leo anymore”. Izumi was left confused and frustrated with Madara’s actions, complaining that everyone around him just seems to do whatever they like ^^;
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The Killing Song / 人殺しの歌 : Chapter 8
Back at the hospital, Leo was happily playing the piano, as he was having fun with playing instruments though usually he was a digital type of person. (People who preferred making music digitally?)
Looking at him being that happy, Eichi was glad that he had gotten his helpers to brought the piano into the ward. Leo had recovered really quickly that the doctors were shocked at his rate of his recovery, but he was still very stressed (being cooped up in the hospital), and started playing the piano really violently to release his stress. Eichi persuaded him to play it less violently since the piano actually belonged to another patient actually. (Please don’t break the piano Leo TWT)
Eichi had since then moved to a private ward actually as his health had deteriorated, and multple medical machines of the newest technology had also been moved to his ward too. He was glad that the piano could be used as a gift for Leo (his new friend), and asked to play the piano together. Leo was all too happy to get him to play together ^^
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Eichi asked Leo what was the song he was playing earlier on, since he had found it familiar but couldn’t remember what it was about. Leo replied happy that it was the “The Killing Song”. Leo also gave Eichi a nickname, called “Tenshi” (Angel), since it derived from shortening his surname (Tenshouin -> Tenshi) However, Eichi felt abit embarrassed being called as a angel as he was now a high school male student, as angels have such a lovely image. Leo argued that Shu had told him that gods and angels seems to kill alot more than demons actually, so angels doesn’t really have such a lovely image afterall. (Erm, is that explanation going to make Eichi feel any better? ^^;)
Eichi was more surprised of the fact that Leo actually knew Shu. (Since he was really well-known in the school at that time as he was part of Valkyrie, which was s very powerful unit at that time.) Leo happily replied that the two of them talked frequently about arts actually, though most of the time it ended up with Shu grabbing Leo by the collar. (I bet Leo pissed him off in the end ^^;) Leo would also get Shu to help him with designing the outfit for their live performances. 
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Suddenly, Eichi started getting dizzy, though he mentioned that it might be because he had gotten himself too excited. He doesn’t want Leo to call for the doctor though, since he doesn’t want to prolong his stay in the hospital and knew that Leo who hated in the hospital would know how he felt too about the hospital. Eichi mentioned that he had stayed in hospitals for almost half of his life since he had a weak body ever since he was born, and thus he longed for the world outside. He worked hard to keep himself healthy just so that he could finally go live the life that he had envied others on having. However, whenever he just started to enjoy the life like others did by stepping one step, he was soon taken back to the hospital. 
Leo listened and replied that he could understand what Eichi is feeling, since as a guy, they would wished that they’re strong, and thus agreed on helping Eichi lied, which is to think that Eichi is being healthy and didn’t call for the doctor later on. However, he still got Eichi to lie on the bed and rest, and to ask Eichi to rely on him if he had needed anything since it’s not embarrassing to ask for help as Leo won’t look down on him even if he had asked for it.
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Back to the present, Eichi talked about how narrow their views were back then, but somehow Eichi felt that he had the same thoughts and feelings as Izumi. He wanted to have a good relationship with Izumi as classmates, but Izumi just asked him to keep quiet as he was still thinking about the next step he should take in chess and found it hard to concentrate when Eichi was babbling by himself ^^; Eichi expressed that he had felt bored facing such a chess match where things are in a standstill, and regretted not setting a time limit for it. 
Izumi still thought that Eichi was being noisy but Eichi ignored him and continued talking about the next main topic he wanted to bring up about - which is the DDD event that was approaching soon. As the event date crept nearer, the school started to get noisier, with people practising their performance and singing. However, Izumi doesn’t seems to be practising for it, which gets Eichi attention, since Izumi was well-known as someone who likes practising. Izumi admitted that the “Knights” now had already been pulled off the stage and doesn’t has the glory like how it used to in the past. Even if they were to return to the stage now, it would just be an embarrassment, since including the newest member they have now, “Knights” only has 4 members in total. 
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However, Eichi thought that when Leo returned, Knights’ power would increased as well overall, and guessed that it would highly possible since Leo had not quit school yet. Izumi showed a sad face upon hearing this though and answered that Leo won’t be fighting anymore. Seeing Izumi’s reactions, Eichi was sad too and said that he had visited Leo after “that” too, but it seems that he was still really depressed. He said that the person he had seen was not the “Leo” that he likes and wondered that perhaps geniuses are people who are easilly crumbled. He remarked that it seems that the history of “Chess” might soon come to a end, to which Izumi asked him sarcastically who was the one who had caused all of this actually. (It’s Eichi... =w=“)
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Eichi denied that it’s his fault though and said it’s “Chess” themselves who had destroyed themselves, stating that “Chess” had long lost their meaning of why the unit had existed and was just expanding and thus corroded on the inside, passing down the evil traditions from the past. Eichi thought he was one who had appeared to cleanse the school and with the times changing, it was destined that units that were not up to standard got flushed away.
Izumi doesn’t like how Eichi is saying it though and asked whether he had thought of himself as a god. Eichi smiled and answered that he’s an angel, since Leo had called him that. He thought of himself who had cleansed the dirt and corrosion from within, gave the punishment to those who are guilty and brought the school to a new revolution. However, because he had gotten himself too deep into this mindset, Eichi had ended up losing friends, and losing his way. Since Eichi was now a third year, he doesn’t have much time left in this school, and thus wanted to make better use of the “pawns” he had in hand.
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錆びゆく心 : Chapter 1 - 2
Going back to a year ago, Eichi was still at the hospital but he already had thoughts to carry out his plans / story. Soon, he won’t be the one just looking out of the window longingly, and thought that soon the story of Keito and him would soon start...
Just then, Tsumugi came into the ward, asking Eichi whether he had called for him. Eichi sighed and told him that he had not called for him, and was amazed that Tsumugi had actually came and visited him regularly. Tsumugi was all smiles as he replied that it was because Eichi and him were friends afterall, and since now that they were in the same unit, Tsumugi thought that it’s best to show his face regularly so as to be in a better relationship with each other. (Ah... Tsumugi was still so pure and naive here TWT)
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Even though Eichi thought that he doesn’t meant to create an unit where everyone gets along well, he was glad that Tsumugi had felt this way, and also asked him to get along with the other members of Fine. Tsumugi was all too glad to do so, and Eichi told him that he would be friends with him as long he showed himself to be of good use. (Wah, that... doesn’t sound nice Eichi! It totally sounds like you’re just making use of Tsumugi, even getting him to get along with the other members for your sake... =w=“)
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Eichi had returned to the hospital as he was too excited earlier on when he was just discharged, and felt bad that he’s cooped up here again, since their main operation was just going to start. Tsumugi wanted to cheer Eichi up, telling him that if there’s anything he could help him in replacement, he would be glad to help. “Backgammon” had changed its name back to “Chess” again in the meantime, and Eichi, feeling that the unit was a threat to him, wanted to get rid of the members in it. He would try to persuade and negotiate with them to get them to break apart using all kinds of methods he could use. However, there’s two members that Eichi actually wanted for himself, since they’re good to boost up the power for Fine.
The two members he was referring to was “Nagisa” and “Hiyori”, and since Tsumugi mentioned that he actually knew Nagisa, he offered to contact him. Hiyori was actually someone Eichi knew personally, since they’re both from rich families, but Eichi admitted that he didn’t want to have much to do with Hiyori actually, since Hiyori was someone that Eichi felt hard to deal with as Hiyori doesn’t listen to Eichi at all ^^; (Unexpectedly Eichi actually has people he doesn’t want to deal with OWO”)
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Eichi also talked about the five oddballs and how he had already decided on who are the five selected. The main three that was decided swiftly was of course: Sakuma Rei, Shinkai Kanata, and Hibiki Wataru. Adding on to them were Itsuki Shu from Valkyrie and Sakasaki Natsume who was a first year to make up the five oddballs in the end. It was hard for Eichi to decide who to be qualified as an oddball, but he ultimately selected these five as they’re the ones with the highest power of influence in the school. 
Tsumugi was excited that Natsume was selected and wanted to tell him as soon as possible, since he felt that it was something to celebrate about knowing that he’s one of the five most popular soloist idol in school. (Erm, I don’t think Natsume would be happy to know about this... Orz) 
Eichi thought of himself being from the side of righteous, and was all fired up to defeat the “evil”. Tsumugi doesn’t really understand what he had meant about that, and wanted Eichi to get some rest since he’s worried about his health more. Eichi talked about how even though their views maybe different, he found Tsumugi as a really good “yesman” overall. (Ouch...) Tsumugi was oblivious to it as he happily replied that he’s just someone who can’t read the atmosphere. (Wait, Tsumugi are you really that naive that you’re glad to be a yesman? OWO” I really wonder if Tsumugi is really that naive or he just doesn’t’ mind that Eichi just insulted him Orz....)
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Just then, Leo had arrived too to pay Eichi a visit, and that cheered him up alot as he remarked that it seems that he had quite alot of visitors today. (Leo called Tsumugi as “Oba-chan” (Grandma) though XD The nickname that Tsumugi said he dislikes ^^;...) Leo mentioned that Tsumugi would always give him some omamori whenever they had met, that Eichi sighed after hearing about it, and stated that this was just one of Tsumugi’s bad habits... 
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Leo also mentioned that he had also started to receive present from his fans recently, though he wondered why the leader from “Backgammon” (which was the past leader of the current “Chess”) had quit school due to an “unfortunate” event... Leo was being elected as the next leader, and thus this caused a new change in direction. However, he was glad that the unit name changed back to “Chess” again. (Since Leo was really fond of that name~) He was still quite defensive and helped to protect the other members when Eichi talked about them later on.
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Eichi warned Leo that the other members were just in the same unit as him because he would provide them with songs free of charge, and thus they stayed around to suck him dry. However, Leo doesn’t listen to him and said that he’s doing what he wants just because he wanted to do it. (So I take it that Leo doesn’t mind giving out free songs to others?) He started to get pissed at Eichi that he’s speaking bad about his unit members when he had came here specially to pay him a visit, and wanted to leave because he was angry.
Eichi wanted him to stay for a round of chess, which they couldn’t finish the match the previous time. But Leo was still angry and told him to just play with Tsumugi instead. He was actually quite busy as he revealed that “Chess” seems to be breaking apart on the inside and everyday was a battle for him. Even though Leo had felt tired from battling everyday, he had wanted to come here and take break by listening to Eichi singing to the songs he had created with his beautiful voice. 
Eichi was amazed that Leo had yet another new song created, since he was creating songs at a fast pace, praising that he’s really a genius. Leo answered that he already knew he’s a genius but he wanted to do was to use this talent of his in a place that could make everyone happy, and this was the reason why he had wanted to become an idol. 
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Leo started reaching out towards the window and that gets Eichi worried, as he had a feeling that Leo wanted to jump out of it. However, Leo didn’t listened to him anyway, and got out of the room that way, telling Eichi that he would remember that they’ve yet to finish their chess match, and asked Eichi to continue living till then. (And... you just stole one of the chess pieces, Leo... =w=“)
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Eichi really felt that Leo was a weird person, and really someone who is a genius. Tsumugi mentioned that the school was now in quite a huge commotion over how “Chess” had revived, and was curious why didn’t Eichi selected Leo as one of the five oddballs since he was someone who had the skills and talent to become one. Eichi was surprised and answered that he had actually never thought of that even though he agreed that Leo does have the power that could match with the other oddballs. But he admitted that he doesn’t really want to fight Leo in the end, since he would feel bad as if he had beaten a pure and naive child actually.
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However, what Leo was doing now (being really active) was according to Eichi’s plans anyway, since he had expected the surroundings to be critical of “Chess” due to how frequently they’re starting battles with the other units. His plan for “Chess” was to see how one that was being respected and loved by the others get reversed in the end, though a part of him still wished that he could get along well with Leo as per normal, since he loved the song that Leo had created specifically for him.
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That’s all for Part 1~! It’s quite lengthy but there’s still Part 2 to be continued on~ Hoping I could finish it as soon as possible so please look forward to it! ^^
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
the rats have a new base, sturm goes to paris, and new students
[[cont from part 83]]
Adam: "That's the last of them..." yana:....*sigh*...what a pain... Ivan: *lying in a gurney* Q_____Q zoey: this is your fault..... Gogol: "...Which one?" zoey: *glares at ivan* you let this happen, and now my baby's gone..... Ivan: -____- "He wasn't your baby. He was some demonic hellspawn you adopted and brainwashed." Gogol: "Phew! I thought she was blaming me." ^_^ zoey: *punches ivan's leg* SHUT UP!......at least....i still have master's baby....inside me.....it feels....so good.... elizaveta: *frowns* Ivan: *screams* "Ow-ow-ow..." T~T "Young Master, help..." yana: zoey, stop being petty for a moment. Ivan: TwT -elsewhere- etta: we're heeeeere~ Walter: "..." *looks up, cups his hands* "Hello!!! Echo!!!" hans: wow, fancy. Kafka: -n- "I doubt the beds will be sanitary." Leroux: "..." etta: *looks out the window* wooooow! Leroux: *sees the city* "...” etta: so pretty. *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Yes, I suppose it is." hans: *checking pamphlets* Walter: "Where to after we finish unpacking?" etta: let's check out the Eiffel tower! Leroux: "..." etta:.....roro? Leroux: "Yes~?" ^_^; etta: are you sure you're ok? Leroux: "J-Just fine. Why?" etta: you deserve to enjoy this trip as much of the rest of us. *smiles with concern* Leroux: "...Right. I will. Thank you." Kafka: "..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." guard: ......... guard 2: call for you. Fyodor: "??? Me?" guard 2: *hands him the phone* Fyodor: *takes the phone* "..." yana: bad news boss.... *she explains what all happened* Fyodor: "...Disappointing." yana: when are you gonna get out of prison, morale hasnt been good here... Fyodor: "Wait." yana: hm.... Fyodor: "You know what is expected of you." yana:.....right... Fyodor: "So do it. I expect to hear good news." yana:...understood....*hangs up*..........(i feel i should be crying now.....but i dont feel anything.....) ...*leans back in her chair and sighs* Gogol: "..." *pokes in his head* yana: *leans her head back to look at him* <what?> Gogol: <Did he blame me?> yana: <no one's blaming you for anything, gogol.> Gogol: "..." *nods* <Good. Thank you, Boss.> yana:....<not to bother you with pointless bullshit but.....do you think there's a reason i exist?> Gogol: <Way beyond my paygrade. I don't entertain existentialist questions.> yana:....<forget i said anything then...> Gogol: <DONE!> ^w^ yana:..... -elsewhere- Magaki: "I'm done." *hands the book over* tsubaki: thank you. Magaki: *nods* "It was enjoyable. I liked the descriptions. Do you read a lot?" tsubaki: *she nods* sometimes. Magaki: "It's helping me with the language. What kind of stories do you read?" -elsewhere- Q: OwO kirako: ._.; aya: *opens arms* kirako:......*hugs Q and aya* Q: QWQ *squeeze* kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Just careful, given his ability--" Q: *HISS* kirako: ^^; noted. Dazai: ._____. Q: *nuzzle* -w- naomi:....no comment. Tanizaki: "Stay away from the child, Naomi." naomi: oh no need to tell me twice. sylvia: ..... Q: "??? Who's she?" sylvia: *hides behind kyouka* eep! >A< Kyoka: *intense stare at Q* "Stay away from Q, Sylvia." Q: ._. sylvia: o-o-okaaaay.... Q.Q;;;; Q: Q_Q *squeezes Aya and Kirako more tightly* atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku:...what did mori even _do_ to this kid? Q: "C-Can I stay here, with Aya and with, um, any parent?" yosano: for the time being. Q: QwQ atsushi: (never a dull moment with the agency...) Kunikida: "..." *rubs his eyes* aya:...kunkida? Kunikida: "...I'm sorry." aya: it's ok. im here, right? Kunikida: *nods* "And good for you to reach out to Shousaku." aya: .....right. Kunikida: "...We'll...have to find their new location." aya: *nods* Kunikida: "For now...let's get you a meal." kirako: what do you want, Q? Q: OwO "Cookies?" kirako: *pokes nose* after dinner. ^^ aya: pizza! Q: O\\\\\O -elsewhere- Anya: *tapping her foot* mio: ...? Anya: "They've been in there a long time..." ao: so.....t-tsugumi..is there someone you like? Tsugumi: OwO;;;; "...You'll have to be more specific." ao: do you...have romantic feelings for anyone? Tsugumi: O\\\\\w\\\\\O;;;; "...Specifically?" ao: y-yes. Tsugumi: "..." *covers her face* "I don't want to tell! I'm just someone who has a lot of love and don't know what it is that I want!" >\\\w\\\< ao:....do you think....you could love someone like me? Tsugumi: "...Wait...You..." ao: y...yes... *looks down, blushing* i've....liked you a long time now... Tsugumi: "O-Oh?" .\\\\\. "I-I'm sorry I didn't figure that out...I guess I sort of knew given how close we are..." ao: r-really? *blushing* Tsugumi: "I guess? I just didn't think to misread or anything in case it was just in my imagination that you liked me--you know how romantic and over-thinking I get reading into things too much when I start on a roll with my--" ao: tsugumi? Tsugumi: *blinks* "...Yes?" ao: you didnt answer. ^^; Tsugumi: .\\\\\\. "...I-I'd need some time to think about that one. It's a bit of a paradigm shift...But there's nothing about you that I couldn't see myself loving someone like you." ao: i see... im glad though. even if you didnt feel the same for me, i would still be glad to be with you, tsugumi. ^^ Tsugumi: ^\\\^ "I'm glad to be with you. Just...be patient while I try to figure this out? I'm sorry I don't have an answer yet." ao: i understand. mio:....*looks at anya* Anya: *has her ear pressed to the door* Q\\\\\\Q mio:...*pat pat* that's rough, buddy. Anya: T\\\T "Shut up, Mio..." mio: *pap pap* Anya: T________T -elsewhere- Lily: "YAY!" *tosses rose petals* misono: you seem happier than usual. Lily: "Spring will soon be upon us~ We'll be able to escape the chilly confines of this cramp estate and enjoy all of nature--" *throws open his coat* misono: just keep your pants on! Lily: *is standing with a pair of jeans and a sheer shirt* "??? Oh. Sure~" misono: *sigh* Lily: "Are you okay?" misono: yes. Lily: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Relan: *drenched in water* =_=; iris: *wraps him in a towel* Relan: T~T "Thank you...I didn't even see it coming..." iris: *pap pap* Arthur: *still holding the firehose* "Hang on, I see another fly--" maki: *chop* no. Arthur: >_< "You knew I couldn't be trusted!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "FAAAAAAANG!" T~T "I need help..." fang-hua: whats up? Tsukiyo: "The invitation says 'Plus One.' I don't have one!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: *sniffs* "How do I find one?!" fang-hua: im sure there's someone in the area. maybe go to a mixer? Tsukiyo: QwQ "Mixer?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: *takes her hand* "LET'S GO!" fang-hua: it's later in the week! Tsukiyo: "LET'S GO GET MY OUTFIT!!!" -elsewhere- rowena: *rings doorbell* lenore: *perched on rowena's shoulder* Blair: "???" *opens the door* "Hello~" rowena: hello, miss blair. hope you dont mind us dropping in. lenore: *nod* Blair: "Not at all! Come in!" *wiggles a finger to set up a chair* rowena: *sits down* thank you. Blair: *heats up some water* "Tea?" rowena: yes please. lenore: *POOF* *takes a seat* Blair: ^^ "Comfy?" *sets out tea cups* lenore: as comfy as i can be. you got any seed on ya? im starvin' Blair: *holds out a hand* *POOF* "Here you go~" lenore: *nom nom* rowena: so you two know each other, right? lenore: yeah, from back in the day. Blair: "..." *smiles* rowena: what was it like? Blair: "It was...an experience." lenore: we were familiars to an old witch. it was me, blair, and melas. Blair: *stares into her tea* rowena: i see. lenore: i remember our mistress was an old lady, a bit of a hermit, even by witch world standards. Blair: *nods* "She...seemed to appreciate the company." rowena: *listening* Blair: "She was far away from others, and I think she needed companionship." *sad smile* "For many people, having a cat around can make even the most un-homely place feel cozy." rowena: right...or in edgar's case, a raccoon. Blair: "Hee hee~ I suppose so. ... Lenore, do you think our mistress liked having us around?" lenore: i think so. i mean, she had to have liked us enough to grant us magic, right? Blair: "..." *nods* "...She gave us a bit..." -elsewhere- Dazai: -n- ("He's eating all the pizza...") Kunikida: "..." ("I'm going to be reprimanded for what happened to Aya...I'm just glad she's safe...") Q: ^w^ "Want my slice, Aya?" aya: *already eating her slice* yosano: kunikiiiidaaa~ ^^# may i have a word with you? Kunikida: ._______. "...In private?" yosano: *grabs him by the ponytail and drags him off* -too violent- Q: OwO;;;;; "...Are they doing adult things?" atsushi: .__________________________________. *shocked look at Q* aya: ........................ sylvia: like t-taxes? Q: OwO *stares at Atsushi* "...Very loud taxes." atsushi: ehehehe...yeah... ^^;;;; Q: "Huh..." *nom on pizza* Kunikida: X_____X -elsewhere- Rin: "How have your classes gone?" madoka: tiring *yaaaawn* Rin: "..." *pats her back* madoka: =///u///= Rin: "I could make some tea. And some cookies..." -elsewhere- Kid: "--and then we'll have to check on when your delivery arrives, re-do the drapes in our room, fix up Father's study, and--" *turns to look at Stocking--and just stares* stocking: *has her hair in a ponytail*...hm? Kid: "..." .\\\\\. "...Sorry. I just...haven't looked at you for so long..." stocking: kid... Kid: "...I like your hair like that." *smiles* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *reaches for her hand* stocking: *squeezes and kisses him* Kid: "Mmmm~" ^////^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...Even if I don't say it enough, please don't doubt that you are the most beautiful person." stocking: and you're the most handsome guy, kiddo~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ "D'aw..." *hug* stocking: hehehe~ i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you so much, too." stocking: *smooooch* mmmm~<3 Kid: "Mmm..." *pats her back* -elsewhere- soul: .......*tucks the kids in* Damon: "Zzz..." becky: zzzzz soul:....*closes the door*....*sigh*......*glances at maka's room*............*goes in and sits on the floor* .......... *There's a bit of dust on the desk* soul:.....(i've left your room untouched for so long.......) *There's a creaking sound* soul:......(yeah....you're right....ok. i'll get started first thing tomorrow...) *SLAM* soul: ?! *goes to check* *A book has fallen from the shelf* soul:....*picks it up, dusting it off* *It looks to be a children's book* soul:......*smiles* -elsewhere- hans: *looking at a tour guide pamphlet* Kafka: *reviewing a French phrase book* Walter: "How much further?" etta: it should be coming up soon, right roro? Leroux: *looking around* "Yes... hans:....i know, this is a big challenge for you to see it again after such a long time... Leroux: "...Yes." hans:..ah. there it is. Leroux: "..." *shakes* etta:....*pats his back* Leroux: "Th-Thanks..." hans: well then, shall we go in? Leroux: *whimpers* hans:....you can wait in the car if you want to.... Leroux: "I-I can do it...R-Right, Christine?" Kafka: -____- ("Can I stay in the car?") christine?: .... Leroux: "..." *steps forward* -inside- woman: <hello and welcom-...> !! Leroux: Q___Q Woman: <gaston! is that you?> Leroux: <...> *nods* woman: <it's me, meg giry! remember?> hans: <a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.> Leroux: *whimper* hans:... leroux, if you really are uncomfortable- Leroux: "I...can't back down." hans:....right. meg: <do you want to take the tour?> Walter: "Yes, please!" ^w^ Death the Kid: Kafka: -_____- ("Ruining a moment...") -and so- meg: <this room is the main theater, where all the shows took place.> etta: *shiny eyes* woooooah! Leroux: "..." Walter: "Etta's on stage a lot, too!" meg: <is that right?> etta: hehe~ <i am an actress back home after all~> *wink* meg: <i see.> ^^ {christine: *on stage, singing*} {Leroux: *staring* ._____. } {-she looks so lovely in the spotlight-} {Leroux: "..." *sighs, leans his hand on his chin*} Leroux: T~T etta:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." Hemingway: *fishing at a stream* twain: =w= *also fishing* oscar: its so peaceful, right? Hemingway: "Hmm." dorothy:.....bored. =A= baum: we'll remedy that right away! Hemingway: "???" oscar: i have an idea, dearies~ why not play the~king's~game~? twain: ohohohohoho! sounds good! Hemingway: "How's that work?" oscar: well in this case, i do have popcicle sticks. one stick is marked with red, which represents the 'king'. and the other sticks all have numbers, for all the other players. everyone draws sticks, and the person with the red marked stick is the king. the king then chooses a number or numbers and gives the order for what that person has to do. Hemingway: "..." *shoves Steinbeck* Steinbeck: "Ha-Wha?" Hemingway: "We're playing a game." -and so- Steinbeck: "..." *takes a stick* emily: since we have two minors playing with us, lets keep the game wholesome, ok? Hemingway: "Agreed. No booze." ebie: ^^ dorothy: ... baum: =v= Lovecraft: .~. twain: alright. who's gonna be the kiiing~? ebie: ok! im king! hmmm.....3 has to pat 8 on the back. Hemingway: "..." *holds up 8* oscar: *pap pap* hmhm ^^ Hemingway: *sighs* *hops on* -who is the king this time?- Steinbeck: *holds up the stick* "I am the king. And...2 has to put make-up on 7." -ebie did lovecraft's face up, spiderman style- Lovecraft: ._____. Steinbeck: "D'aw..." ^^ -it was twain's turn next- twain: alright....4 and 2....have to hold haaands nyohoho` =v= emily: ... 4.... .///.; Steinbeck: *holds up 2* emily:....*hand hold* .////////////////. Steinbeck: "..." ("Huh. Soft.") oscar: my my, seem she's all red, hoho~ Steinbeck: "... ... ..." Hemingway: "Oscar, please." emily: .///////////. *steam coming off her head* Lovecraft: "...John? Are you--" Steinbeck: "... ... ... ..." ebie: O.O mr steinbeck? Steinbeck: *opens his mouth--and only a squeak escapes..." dorothy:....they're in heat, arent they? baum: D8 oscar: OvO twain: O_O ebie: ?? Hemingway: "Nah, they haven't engaged in the traditional mating rituals." emily: 0______________0 Steinbeck: "..." *lets go of Emily's hand, doesn't look at her, just stares forward* emily: ah- Steinbeck: *squeaks* "N-Next king?" -elsewhere- Shousaku: *chained to a floor* "..." zoey: you knoooow.....im pretty upset now....my baby's run away....we had to move base....all because of that little brat.....and you tried to help her.......you knocked me down....you almost hurt master's baby.... Shousaku: "..." zoey: fufufufu.....ahhhhh~ *pant pant* i wanna kill you so much~ Shousaku: "...Is that...what 'master' wants?" zoey: .......perhaps....i'd have to......ask him......*exits* Shousaku: *sighs* -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying awake* "..." otogiri:....cant sleep? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* otogiri:....is something bothering you? Magaki: "...Guilt." otogiri: how so? Magaki: "I didn't ask to desire human blood. It...almost feels like a natural urge to consume." otogiri: ....that's understandable... Magaki: "...Sorry. I know it's not like...I mean, I don't know why any of us are like this." otogiri:....in our case, it's easier to explain.....our master, tsubaki *whisper* his name is also tsubaki, so try not to get confused, *normal* saved us. Magaki: "...Why would he do that?" otogiri: he was lonely.....he wanted a family. Magaki: "...Makes sense. ...Did you want to be in his family?" otogiri:.....do you know how we differentiate from other vampires? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* -one session of long exposition later- Magaki: "...I'm sorry you lost him." otogiri: he is alive, somewhere. we're certain of that. Magaki: "Hmm. That's good." -elsewhere- etta: *nom* mmmm~ so yummy~ =w= meg: glad to hear that. this was actually the theater's concession stand long ago. Leroux: "..." *inhale* meg:...<can i talk to you a moment, gaston?> Leroux: <...Of course.> meg:.....<listen, im sorry for everything mama, papa, and big sister did to you. i wish i could have understood better, then maybe...> Leroux: <I don't blame you.> meg:...<i know coming back is....probably hard for you, given all that's happened.> Leroux: <...That's an understatement...> *looks at the walls* meg:......<even though most of the main theater and structure was damaged, there were some places that werent burned. like the basement.> Leroux: <...I could see it?> meg: <well, it's not open to the public....but this place was still your home so...i suppose i'll make an exception this time.> Leroux: *nods* <Thank you.> -downstairs- meg:....<if you wanted to gather any of your old belongings-> Leroux: <Hmm.> *walks to his previous home* -the room is virtually untouched...save for the dust- Leroux: "..." *looks at the lights* -several bulbs have burnt out- Leroux: *disappointed grunt...turns and looks at the wall* -the poster is still there, if a bit aged- Leroux: *sad smile* -upstairs- etta: *checking the gift shop*... ah! Kafka: *following* etta: *picks up a CD; 'Julia Leroux Vocal Collection Remastered Edition'* *shiny eyes* Kafka: "??? Something you're getting?" etta: mmhmm! it's gonna be a present! Kafka: "...Hm." *looks around* -there are two men talking- man 1: <yeah, i heard this place has ghosts residing in it.> Kafka: "???" Man 2: <You think ghosts are everywhere.> Kafka: *opens his phrase book* man: <it's true man! there's two ghosts in particular that stand out. 'the lady in green' and 'the lady in white'.> Kafka: *flips* (" 'Lady'?") Man 2: <'Green'? 'White'? What, plaid wasn't available?> man: <haha screw off. anyway, they were apparently singers that preformed here long ago, and supposedly died on the premises. the lady in green haunts the theater, while at night, the lady in white haunts the theater, calling out to someone, probably family.> Kafka: *trying to keep up* (" 'Singers'...'Family'...") "..." *looks at Etta--and the album* etta: <sir, is there a place i can listen to this?> Clerk: <We have a player over there.> etta: <thank you~> *listening* (pretty....) Kafka: *listening* "..." *looks up at the ceiling* -elsewhere- meg: <are you done yet?> Leroux: <May I take this?> meg: <the poster? no offense meant, but it seems kind of....old now. ^^; > Leroux: <Consider me nostalgic.> meg:....<right> Leroux: *carefully takes down the poster* "..." <Thank you.> meg: ..... Leroux: "..." *carefully rolls the poster...he's crying* meg:...... {madame giry: <this is that wretch's fault that this happened! his mother never should have given birth to him!>} meg:... (shut up...) Leroux: "???" meg: <j-just remembering something> Leroux: "..." *sad smile* <A lot of that going around.> meg:....<yeah...well, we shouldnt keep your friends waiting.> Leroux: *nods* <After you.> -upstairs- Kafka: *flipping through more pages* Walter: ^w^ "Good dancing, Harriet." harriet: *tapping on the table.....people are leaving money down* Bystander #1: <So cute~!> hans: i guess this place still attracts performances after all. Kafka: "...I'm not sure they ever stopped, Hans." meg: <we're back~> ^^ Leroux: "..." hans: how was it? Leroux: "...Bittersweet." hans:...i see. meg: <find anything you all liked?> Walter: "You got some good tunes here..." meg: <ah. well if there's anything you want, i'll tell the clerk to give you a 70% discount today> Walter: "Excellent!" <Thank you!> Kafka: "..." *sighs* ("Of course Walter speaks French...") -____- hans: ^^; Leroux: *listening* "...!" meg: ?? Leroux: "Th-That music..." meg: ??? Leroux: "..." ("Mother...") meg: <gaston?> Leroux: <What is that music?> meg: *listening* ?? Leroux: <It...sounds like mother.> meg:.... *glances at the cd* Leroux: "..." *shaking* "It's beautiful..." meg: ..... Leroux: "...W-Walter, could you put this away?" *hands him the rolled-up poster* Walter: "??? Sure." *takes off his poster canister from his back and slips the poster in carefully* etta: ?? roro? Leroux: *sniffs, wipes his eye* etta: roro? are you ok?? -in a mausoleum- ???: *listening to the CD* .....julia...............no...nononononono! *throws the CD against the wall* IT DOESNT SOUND THE SAME!! it doesnt have....your cadence.....fools....they cant match your perfection.... *a drip is heard in the room* ???:......*goes up to the body.....strokes its face* just a little while longer.......only a few more i need....then we can be together..... .........*kiss* *the body is stiff against the kiss* ???: soon we'll be together.....and the rest of them will pay....for what they have done to us.... -morning- Dazai: "Zzz..." kirako: zzzzzz Dazai: *turns* Q: zzzzz Dazai: -_____- *groans, gets out of bed* Q: *snuggles up to kirako* mommy.... uwu Dazai: *heats up coffee, waffles* Q: *sniff* O.O *gets up* Dazai: *pours some glasses of orange juice* Q: *peeeeeeek* Dazai: "??? ...Want cereal?" Q: sure. Dazai: *pours a bowl, passes it to him* Q:..... Dazai: "...Did you want yogurt or something on it?" Q: strawberries! Dazai: "I think we got some...Yes!" *grabs some and washes them before slicing them and dropping them onto the cereal* Q: thanks bi-....dazai. Dazai: "...Yeah, sure." *takes out the waffles* -elsewhere- Damon: "???" becky: mr spirit, why are we hanging out with you today? Spirit: "Because you kids deserve to have some fun!" ^^ becky:...ok? izumi: ^^ Spirit: "Where you want to go first? We could play games, check out the toy shop--" becky: *looks out the window* *The weather is warming up a bit* Spirit: "??? Becky?" becky: yeah? Spirit: "Did you want to go out for a walk? Maybe the park?" becky:...sure. Spirit: "..." *looks at Izumi with a face that screams 'HELP'* izumi: there's even a playground there too! Damon: "!!! Really?!" izumi: yep! mom took me to play there all the time when we moved to death city. ^^ Damon: "..." izumi:...it'll be ok. Damon: *sniff* becky:.... *pap pap* Damon: *hugs Becky* -elsewhere- Kafka: "Zzz..." hans: *making breakfast* *some dinosaur growls are heard with each footstep...* hans: ??? Walter: *steps out in dinosaur-foot slippers* "What's for breakfast?" owo hans: *sweatdrop* Kafka: *tosses in bed--then falls out* "...Ow." etta: *in bed, still asleep* Kafka: *crawls up* *looks into the kitchen* "Where's Leroux?" hans: still sleeping. Kafka: "...Hmph. Let him sleep, then. Is there any fruit?" hans: there should be. Kafka: *takes some from the basket, slices up an apple* "Where did the boss want us to visit next?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Update on the city?" nygus: security cameras have been upgraded with tech from manhasset. Yumi: "..." *sighs* "That's some relief. Did footage find anyone of interest?" -elsewhere- Justin: *washing dishes* oriko: *watering flowers* Justin: *turns off the sink, dries his hands* "...The flowers look like they're coming in nicely." oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Any plans for today?" -elsewhere- Hemingway: "...I'm worried. He just sat up straight all night." Steinbeck: O_____O "Zzzzz..." oscar: you dont think the poor dear's sick, do you? baum: *prods him with a stick* i just hope whatever is wrong with him isnt contagious. that would just suck for everyone. Steinbeck: O____________O ebie: *spider mode, sitting on his head* owo Steinbeck: O_________O "...Ebie, please get off." ebie: are you still alive, mr john? Steinbeck: "Yes. What time is it?" baum: around 11 am. Steinbeck: O_________o "Jeez, that's too late. I need coffee and a cold shower." oscar: on it~ Hemingway: "And some protein, too. I'll cook up a steak with eggs." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...You sure about this, Soul?" soul: *nods* it's about that time now....i'll keep her things somewhere safe. Black Star: "...She'd appreciate this." soul:...yeah.... Black Star: "...Are _you_ okay with it?" soul:.....*nod* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* soul: i think it'll help both parties... Black Star: "True." *packs some books into boxes* "What you going to do with the kids? Put them in school?" soul: guess so. Black Star: "..." *small laugh* "You at parent-teacher conferences, though." soul: *chuckle* yeah, who'da thought... Black Star: "...How the heck did we end up with 'kids'?" soul: life's unpredictable, i guess. Black Star: "True...When do the kids' beds arrive?" soul: soon i hope. Black Star: "And that still leaves whatever decorations you want up." soul: i should probably let the kids pick their own decorations out. Black Star: "What do they even like?" soul:..... ._.;;; i need to learn more about them, dont i? Black Star: "Yep, 'Dad.'" soul: *sweats* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *reading* Chuuya: "..." *sets down some boxes* "Sonia? Is that for homework?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Did Kajii ask you to take notes?" sonia: i think so.... Chuuya: "...Could I help?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: *takes a sheet of notebook paper* "Let's see what to write down. What subject is this?" -elsewhere- Panda: *staring at the microwave* "Come on--hurry!" sasori: ........ {sasori: *strapped to a table, crying*} {???: "Stop that."} {sasori: <m-mama! papa! im scared!> *sob*} {???: "They are not here."} {sasori: *cries*} {???: "Relax. It'll end quickly."} sasori:.... Panda: "DING!" inka: awesome! popcorn's ready! Sancho: "What's the movie?" -elsewhere- Alone: "So what are we doing again?" shaula: hell if _i_ know. Alone: .w. "Well, you're the smart one. I mean, besides Grim." shaula: hmmm..... Kurogiri: "Ah, there you are. I had questions about why there are scorpions in tanks under the bar." shaula: they're my babies! Kurogiri: "...Your babies are too young for the bar." shaula:....har-de-fuckin-har. Alone: "Ha! Dad humor!" shaula:.....oh. 7_7 Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Now, onto other business--we have a meeting." shaula: cool. Kurogiri: "We will need the others-- ...Where are the others?" -a loud female moan sounds from one room- beatrice:....well we know where kinuta is. Kurogiri: "..." -______________- "Make it stop." shaula: so who's going in NOT IT himiko: not it! beatrice: not it. Alone: "Wait, I wasn't invited! Not it!" Kurogiri: "?!!! I-I didn't know we were doing that!" >_< twice: no-.....darn.....*opens door* O________O WOWZERS! kinuta: hm? oh, hey. Dabi: "...You mind?" twice:...meeting in a few minutes. see ya there. *closes door*.......excuse me, i need to wash my mask. *blood is leaking where his nostrils are* Kurogiri: "...Gross." himiko: *pouts* not enough for me to use. boo. Kurogiri: "Himiko, please." Alone: "...So she's a vampire?" himiko: soooorta but not really~ hehe~ Alone: "??? Vague, but not the weirdest thing I've heard." -elsewhere- Damon: *sits on the swing* ._. becky: *pushing him on the swing* Damon: "..." ^w^ becky:...*smiles and pushes* Spirit: "She seems to take good care of him." izumi: must be nice to have siblings. Spirit: "...I think it is...I wish that you had that chance." izumi: .... Spirit: "...Maka...would have liked you." izumi:...yeah... Spirit: "..." *wipes his eyes* izumi:... *pat pat* Spirit: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lifts up Shiori* shiori: kid! Kid: "Hello! Ready to go?" shiori: ya! Kid: *sets her in her stroller* "Let's roll." shiori: ^u^ Kid: *opens the door, wheels out* "Really bright today, isn't it?" shiori: sunny! Kid: "Yep! No clouds...but the trees are budding." shiori: OuO Kid: "Soon there will be leaves, flowers growing again--it'll be warmer." shiori: fwower! Kid: "Yes! And flowers with butterflies." shiori: buffy! Kid: ^^ "You like butterflies, too?" shiori: *giggle* Kid: "I like them, too. So symmetrical..." =\\\= shiori: ^o^ Kid: " *ahem* Let's head to the park--you can go on the swings." shiori: ok! Kid: ^w^ "And you'll go high and high up on the swing...” izumi: ?? oh, hey mr kid! becky: ?? Kid: "Oh, Izumi, Spirit. Hello!" Damon: "..." *whispers* "His hair..." izumi: *covers his mouth* ^^;; becky: is that his daughter? shiori: ? Kid: ^^; "No, this is my baby sister, Shiori. Say 'Hi,' Shiori." shiori: hihi! Kid: "You're Becky and Damon, yes?" becky:...yes? Damon: "..." Kid: *holds out his hand* "I'm Kid." becky: arent you a bit old to be a kid? Kid: ^^; "It's short for 'Death the Kid.' My father is the previous Death." becky: ...oh... Damon: Q__Q "...You're a zombie?" Kid: ._.; "...No?" izumi: there is a zombie in town, but he's really nice. ^^; Spirit: "Kid is a shinigami--a death god, responsible for putting departed souls to rest." becky:.....oh.... Damon: "..." *crying* shiori: ?? baba? becky:..*hugs damon* Kid: "...I am sorry, to both of you, for your loss. I don't know what you feel...but I have known this loss as well." becky: ...... Kid: "My mother...passed away when I was very young." becky:....oh..... Kid: "I know it hurts. And I don't think the pain leaves. But you find ways to remember and honor those you lost--and share the love you had with your parents to others who are invested in your well-being." Damon: *crying* *sniff* becky:....right.... Damon: "I-I don't understand..." Kid: "..." becky:....mr soul...said he'd look after us, right? Damon: "Y-Yeah?" becky:....then we'll have to trust him a bit more... Kid: *smiles* "I have known Soul a long time. You can trust him." becky:.... -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *sighs* naho: *leaning against him, her back to his chest* lilac: zzzz *his chest to sakuya's back* Sakuya: =\\\= *hugs Naho* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "Mmm..." *yawns* -elsewhere- Meme: "How are they all?" mio:....they seem to be ok... Meme: *sigh* "I hope so. Anya looked angry." mio: ..... Meme: "And Tsugumi has enough problems..." *smiles at Mio* "Maybe we can cheer them up." mio: hmmm.... Meme: "Maybe movie night?" mio: sounds good. Meme: "Let's find something for them." -elsewhere- yana: ..... Ivan: <Master~?> yana:...yeah? Ivan: "What's wrong?" yana:....just tired.... Ivan: "I'm sorry. Perhaps nap?" yana: just woke up from one... Ivan: "Oh...Tea?" yana:...sure. Ivan: ^w^ *heats water* yana:...... {yana: .......} {Fyodor: <Speaking yet?>} {yana:.....*looks at him*} {Fyodor: "..." <I am Fyodor.>} {yana:....*grunt of reply*} {Fyodor: <And I will guide you.>} yana:...... Ivan: *sets down some cups* yana: .....*stares out the window* Ivan: "It's not the worst view..." yana:....must look nice on a rainy day.... Ivan: "Mm! Wait for spring." yana: i guess...... Ivan: "We may even be able to plant things--if we can avoid being detected." yana: *nod* Ivan: "Maybe wind chimes~" -elsewhere- Mall Customer #1: *skating* erina: excuse me, you'll have to take that outside. Mall Customer #1: "Why? Nothing illegal to skate here." erina: it's more of a safety concern. Mall Customer #1: "I'm wearing a helmet! Get off my back, lady!" erina: sir, had someone fall into the fountain earlier in the week. Mall Customer #1: "...Okay, I don't think you're listening, bitch--" erina: sir, please calm down. Mall Customer #1: "No! I keep dealing with shit from people like you trying to keep me and my skateboard down--" ???: "Is there a problem, fellow young person?" Mall Customer #1: *spins, swings his fist* Jordan: .______. *barely ducks* "!!!" erina: *cuffs the guy* sir, im going to have to ask you to come with me? Mall Customer #1: "HE STARTED IT!" Jordan: "DUDE! RUDE!" erina: sir, he only just started talking after us. Jordan: Q_______Q "You almost made me drop my purchase. It makes soda and everything--" *finally recognizes Erina* "!!! Oh! Erina!" erina: *nods* hey. i'll talk to you later, im on shift right now. ^^; Jordan: OwO " 'K-Kay! Go reprimand that miscreant!" Mall Customer #1: "That's not my name, douche!" erina: come on. *drags him off* Mall Customer #1: "Maaaaaaaaan! Mom's gonna ground me..." T~T -elsewhere- Black Star: *asleep on Soul's couch* "Zzz..." soul: *checking his phone* Spirit: [ready for them to come home?] soul: [still setting up. maybe have them sleep over @ izumi's?] Spirit: [i think they'll be fine with that. i would talk with them on the phone though--kids like to know they can talk with their parents any time] soul: [right.] Spirit: *looks at the kids* becky: *playing* Damon: *picks up a doll* -elsewhere- Blair: "..." lenore: well, thanks for having us over. Blair: *smiles* "Of course! Come back any time!" rowena: *nods and exits, waving* Blair: "..." *shuts the door...lays a hand on it* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "How do you feel?" leo: well...*rubs her stomach* Motojiro: "...Upset tummy?" leo: *shakes head* just nervous. Motojiro: "...O-Oh! Right..." *rests a hand on her stomach* It'll be okay." leo: *nuzzle* Motojiro: =w= "Mmm." -elsewhere- Leroux: "..." hans: *knock* Leroux: "??? Come in." hans: how're you feeling? Leroux: "...I don't know. I feel sad..." hans: ....i understand it was hard for you today...*pat pat* Leroux: "Yes...I miss her." hans: she's still with you... Leroux: "...In my memories?" hans: *nods* and in your heart. Leroux: "..." *sad smile* hans: get some rest. we're going to be visiting the louvre tomorrow. Leroux: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *brings Shiori inside* shiori: hehe lord death: hey kiddos~ *hug* Kid: "..." *hug* "Hello, Father." lord death: you two have fun on your walk? shiori: babu! Kid: "..." *sad smile, nods* lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...I met the children Soul is taking care of." lord death: ah. i see. Kid: "It brought up some sadness, to lose a parent." lord death:....*pats his back* Kid: *nods* "Sorry..." lord death: it's ok shiori: bubu... Kid: "..." *strokes Shiori's hair* shiori: =w= Kid: "...I miss Mother. And...I want to do right for her." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." mahiru: *pacing* Kuro: "??? What's with you?" mahiru: s-sorry....just a bit nervous because of this whole school thing....what's C3 planning? Kuro: "...Nothing good, I'm sure." *digs through a closet* mahiru:...... Kuro: *pulls out a mop* "...For real?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *blowing a bubble...and floating up with it* OoO;;; ryuuko: *shoots a feather bullet* *POP* Kishiri: *suspended in mid air* "..." *and falls like a lead balloon* *lands in a conveniently placed bush* "..." *coughs up leaves* ryuuko: *sigh* Kishiri: "I'm okay!" -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking through street, staring at a map...and lost* *grumble* ???: *walking* Kafka: "Grr...Um..." <Pardon me? I am lost.> ???: .... <i see...> -the man has long black hair and red eyes..- Kafka: ._______. "..." <Where is the metro?> man: <two blocks to the right.> Kafka: *stares* <...Thank you.> *turns* man:...... Kafka: ("Stay calm, keep walking, just your imagination...") *shudders* ("Creep.") man:....*skulks into the alley* *The alley is quiet* man:....<soon...my dearest...> -elsewhere- Dazai: *driving* atsushi: O_O;;;; Dazai: *grabs his Big Gulp, takes a sip, still driving with only one hand on the wheel* "SLUUUUUUURP. So...Excited?" atsushi: my adrenaline certainly is pumping... Dazai: "I know--errands do that for me, too. But keep your eye on the goal, and we'll be home in time for whatever Lucy cooks for you." *turns sharply* atsushi: *faceplants against the window* Dazai: "...HOLY SHIT!" *slams the brakes* atsushi: grk- Dazai: *kicks open the door, runs to the front of the car--and gets down to asphalt level* atsushi: dazai? what? *There are baby ducks and their mother walking right in front of the car* Dazai: Q____Q "I almost hit them..." atsushi: *phew* that was close.. *sits and waits for them to carry on safely* Dazai: *sits on the sidewalk, staring forward* Q______Q atsushi:.... Dazai: "The little baby quack-quacks...and their mama quack-quack..." atsushi: yeah... odasaku: ..... Dazai: "...I'm not cut out for this." atsushi:...*looks at dazai* Dazai: "Akutagawa...Q...Not exactly parental or brotherly material." atsushi:.....i think maybe you're doing better than you were. you've been takng care of me, right? kyouka too. Dazai: "..." *sighs* "You two would be fine without me." atsushi: *shakes head* if i hadnt met you, i'd probably be living on the street still. and besides....you're the one who helped me understand my ability. Dazai: "..." *nods* atsushi: *hugs* i think you're doing great. Dazai: "..." Q___Q *pat pat* odasaku:....*smiles* Dazai: "..." *looks up* atsushi: ..... Dazai: "...Is it going to rain?" atsushi: later this evening, i think... Dazai: "..." *sighs* "I guess we have our work remaining..." atsushi:...right. Dazai: "..." *stands up* "...Want to drive?" atsushi: i dont have a license... ^^; Dazai: "Then we'll practice!!!" atsushi: .-.;;; -elsewhere- Chuuya: *folding clothes* sonia: *sitting on her bed, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "How's Mito?" sonia: she seems happy...*pet pet* mito: *meow* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good...I'll get food going in a bit." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Anything you're craving?" sonia: *shrug* Chuuya: "Maybe some pasta?" sonia:...ok. Chuuya: "..." *sits on the bed with her* sonia:...*leans against him* Chuuya: *pat pat* "I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: "...You're such a perfect person...and a gift." sonia:....*hug* Chuuya: *hug* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Black Star still isn't home?" tsubaki: he's staying the night. soul told me he just crashed after working all day. ^^; Shamrock: "I've seen him practically lift buildings--and household moving tuckers him out?" *sets out tea and a slice of pie* -elsewhere- Gogol: *asleep on the floor* yana:.... -_-; Gogol: =w= *growls* yana:... lydia: *lifts him up and carries him to his room* Gogol: *sucks his thumb* lydia: -_-; <stop that.> Gogol: "Sing me a bedtime story~" lydia:....*sigh* -elsewhere- Crona: *shakes* mami: *holds them* Crona: "I-I'm sorry..." mami: its ok. *strokes their head* Crona: "J-Just bad dreams...So much blood..." mami: shhh, im here now… Crona: "..." *nods...inhales* -morning- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: mmm~ =w= Kid: "Good morning." stocking: *snuggles* Kid: =w= *hugs, kisses her cheek* "Sleep well, then?" stocking: yeah. ^///^ Kid: *nods* "I feel better after... ..." *hug* stocking: glad to hear. *kiss* Kid: =\\\\= *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring, talking in his sleep* "No, Tsubaki...No, pecans are stealing my money..." -elsewhere- -seems to be raining now- Motojiro: *lying beside Leo, listening to the drops* leo: *sleeping* Motojiro: "..." *tucks her in* leo: *smile* Motojiro: <Warm enough?> leo: <yes.> Motojiro: *hug* <Any plans?> -elsewhere- Akitaru: *watches raindrops on the window, sips his coffee* -the firefly pulls up to the 8th's base- Akitaru: "???" *opens the door* miwa: *waves* heyyy~ hope you dont mind us dropping by! Akitaru: "Not at all! Come in, get dry..." -and so- sayu: *eating pancakes* Akitaru: "Eat up! We got more..." sayu: thaaanks~ nayumi: *nom nom* tamaki: =w= Arthur: *stacks pancakes into another castle tower* Akitaru: "What brings you over?" miwa: thought we'd pay a visit for a while. Akitaru: "Well, we could use the help. We're still recovering after Hoods and other work." padma: *nods* Akitaru: "I don't suppose you all have encountered any of them?" miwa: not that im aware, no. misora: i did, remember? and that creepy guy? *CRINGE* tamaki: oh right, she-....she was there... Arthur: "They could be following us, even to our frontsteps." tamaki: well we should be on our guard, just in case they sneak in our ranks... misora: ..... Victor: .w.;;; Akitaru: *nods* "I think we may go back to a buddy system." -elsewhere- Damon: "..." *picks up the spoon* sachiko: *making breakfast* Spirit: "Anything you're craving, kids?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* "...Looks good enough." soul: yeah. they're gonna love it. Black Star: "Heh...Look at you being all giddy." soul: ?? 7///7; Black Star: "You're going to be great dad material." soul: sure hope so... Black Star: *stretches* "Need anything else before I head home?" -elsewhere- Walter: *looking at the itinerary* etta: *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Hm. Not that bad." hans: *looking around* Leroux: *points* "Then there is the cafe over there..." hans: *smiles* Leroux: "...Maybe some pastries..." etta: =w= Kafka: "..." *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Bon: "You found nothing?" konekomaru: *shakes head* Bon: "Damn it...Where could they be..." Rin: .___________.;;;;; *hiding* Bon: "I still can't get the smell of sawdust out of my nose..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Come on, let's head out." naho: yay! lilac: o-ok! >.< Sakuya: "We can even get you some hot chocolate!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *humming, chopping apples* Q: *staaaaare* Dazai: "...Want peanut butter?" Q: cant have peanuts. Dazai: "Oh...Good warning. How about yogurt?" Q: okaaay. Dazai: "Sleep okay?" Q: i guess. Dazai: "...You seemed quiet. Not kicking as much..." Q:....*looks down at his cereal* Dazai: "...Something's bothering you." Q:....just lonely.... Dazai: "...Aya or your new-mommy?" Q:....mama... Dazai: "Hmm...You know that wasn't your real mom." Q:....i know... Dazai: "...But you wanted her to be." Q:...*whimper* Dazai: "...Hey. Not everyone has parents...You can't just grab onto the first one who offers a hand. You got to pick better ones." Q:.........are you gonna send me back to the mafia? Dazai: "...Yes." Q:.......are they gonna lock me up again? Dazai: "...I'm going to talk to them." Q:..... Dazai: "Just...It has to get better." Q:........ Dazai: "..." *small smile* "Have a little faith in me." Q:.....*looks down at the floor* Dazai: "..." *pats his head* Q:.... Q~Q Dazai: "..." Q: uuuuuu...... Dazai: "..." *hug* Q:.....*awkward hug* Dazai: *pat pat* Q:...c-can i do one thing first? Dazai: "??? What's that?" Q: *KICK TO THE SHINS* THAT'S FOR HAVING ME LOCKED UP IN THE FIRST PLACE! Dazai: Q___Q "Ow ow ow! You little-!" Q: >XP atsushi: *sweatdrop* so much for a touching moment... Dazai: "Ow...Atsushi, finish his breakfast...I need to put ice on this..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: "At least he's talking again..." twain: hey buddy, you ok? Steinbeck: "F-Fine. Just dandy." oscar: you still look a bit red, johnny boy. Steinbeck: -\\\\\- "I'm. Fine." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "I'm home." tsubaki: welcome back. ^^ Black Star: ^^ "Miss me?" tsubaki: *hug* Black Star: ^\\\^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Poe: O~O "The rain just keeps coming..." lana: yeah. spring will be here soon. Poe: "Hmm...Warmer weather, then." *holds up Karl* karl: ^o^ Poe: "..." *smiles* "At least you'll get to play outside more." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "And this is us on the Ferris wheel--" *swipes the phone screen* sylvia: w-wow...that's...p-pretty high up.. .~. Kyoka: "Hmm. It was worth it for the view." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "..." *flips to another screen* "There's a petting zoo in town." sylvia: hmmm... Kyoka: "...Do you like animals?" -elsewhere- Damon: "..." soul: got a surprise for you two. becky: ?? soul: *opens the door* you're own room. becky: *shiny eyes* Damon: "!!! F-For us?" soul: *smiles and nods* we can go out and buy decorations today if you want. Damon: "...A-Are you sure?" soul: *he nods* becky: thanks mr soul! Damon: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I gave them some tasks to keep them busy..." ???: good. Kurogiri: "It's a rather odd group..." ???: sounds like it. Kurogiri: "They provide muscle, some new experiments..." ???: *listening* Kurogiri: "We could always release a few..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *nom nom nom nom nom--* Walter: o_o hans: .... etta: ._. Walter: "M-Maybe go slower on those macarons, buddy--or at least share--" *reaches for one* Kafka: *hiss* hans: 0-0; -elsewhere- Lily: "Welcome, Mahiru~" mahiru: hey. *wave* misono: so you're transfering to the DWMA next month? mahiru: im every bit as shocked as you are. Kuro: "It's a pain." -_- shinoa: that means we'll be seeing you more often. Lily: "You can have study groups!" mahiru: *smiles* Kuro: *grumbles* "The lessons can't be that fun..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *driving back home* -red light- Spirit: *comes to a stop* -someone is...climbing on top of the car?!- inka: >83 Spirit: "?!!! What the hell--" -light turns green- inka: YEEHAW! *The car drives forward* Spirit: .____. "..." *follows* inka: *hanging on* Spirit: *carefully pulls up to the side, signals to the driver to lower their window* driver: ?? Spirit: *shouts* "Pull over! You have someone on your roof!" driver: ?? *looks up* inka: hey. driver: HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE! Spirit: "PULL. OVER!" -the driver does so- inka: *pouts* awww... Spirit: *stamps forward* "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" Inka: *sticks out tongue and runs* driver:...weird kid.... Spirit: "Oh, no, you don't!" *runs after her* -elsewhere- Patty: *holds up Takeru's jacket* "Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!" takeru: yeah... i-it is pretty big... ^^; hito: ... Patty: "Hee hee..." *puts on the jacket* "Hito! Look! I could fit another half of me in this!" hito: i suppose so. Patty: "Hey, how's training going?" *leans forward* -elsewhere- meg: *opens door* im home.... ???: <welcome home, young madame> meg: ?!?! <w-who are-> ???: <i have come to clean up some loose ends...> *twisted grin* -later- Leroux: "..." etta: today was a good day. ^^ Kafka: *holding a brown paper bag* =\\\\= hans: well, seems we all learned a few things today. Kafka: *hugs the paper bag* >\\\\\< "I don't have to share these..." hans: *chuckle* etta: hehehe~ Kafka: .\\\\~\\\\. "..." Walter: "Where next?" hans: maybe check out one of the parks? im sure they'll be lit up tonight. Leroux: "...Yes, they will be." hans:...it's already so late.... -singing can be heard in the distance.....a familiar voice...- Leroux: "...?!" etta: ?? roro? what is it? -it seems to be coming from the alley- Leroux: "..." *runs* hans: h-hey! wait! etta: *follows him* Leroux: ("It can't...It isn't...") *turns into the alley* -the voice seems to be coming from inside a graveyard- Leroux: *shaking...approaches* gravekeeper: ....?? <sir? why are you here so late-> Leroux: <D-Don't you hear it?> gravekeeper:.... <i dont hear anything...> -a scream is heard from one mausoleum- gravekeeper: ?! Leroux: <What the devil?!> gravekeeper: *takes out keys and heads over* hans:.....*uneasy* Leroux: *follows* Kafka: *panting* "Wh-What is he..." Walter: *wheezing, takes out inhaler* etta: roro! what's gotten into you!? Leroux: <How is this possible?! It can't be--> hans: leroux, what did you hear? Leroux: "Singing..." hans: ?? etta: well we did hear that scream... Leroux: "..." *approaches the entrance* gravekeeper: ...??! <it's unlocked?!> *opens the door* <HEY! Who's in here?!> meg: <PLEASE HELP!> ???:..............*glares* Kafka: "!!! You?!" ???: <how dare you....how dare you interrupt this....i was finally going to make them pay for all they have done...she was to be the last to bring her back....> Leroux: "..." <'Her'?> ???: <my beloved julia....she died because of this girl and her family! they tore us apart, and left her to die... i already eliminated them and their first daughter before....and now she will join them in hell...hehehe~ and soon, my darling julia will return to me~> Leroux: "..." meg:....<you.....you're erik destler....a former theater employee, right?> erik: ....<seems you have done your research...but it wont do you any good...> Leroux: <Step away.> erik: ?? meg: ?? <gaston?> Leroux: <Whatever you are planning, I cannot allow it.> erik: <i simply wish to be with my love again, how can you not understand that?> Leroux: <Believe me...I know.> erik: *putting on a claw glove* <then you would let me have this...> Leroux: "!!!" *looks around* meg: !!!! Leroux: *spots a sword* "..." *takes it from the wall* erik: <farewell-> Leroux: <Leave, scoundrel!> *swings his blade* erik: <you insufferable CUR!> *slashes* meg: *pulling off the other bindings and runs to the stairwell* Leroux: *blocks* <What did she mean to you?> erik: <she was an angel... her voice could move the heavens themselves. we were young, and so happy together. knowing she loved an insignificant man like myself, made me feel like my life was worth something.....> Kafka: *watching* "..." ("Move...Move, you idiot! Why won't you do something?!) etta: *helping meg upstairs* Leroux: *continues to slice, trying to keep Erik back* <How did you know her?> Walter: "Oh, man...What did we get ourselves into?" erik: <it is as the girl said, i was but a simple stage hand, who fell in love with an angel of music. my beloved Julia Leroux.> Leroux: <...What do you know about her family?> erik: ??? <she was pregnant with my child.....but the child is likely long dead...> Leroux: <No...That child is not.> erik:....<what do you mean?> Leroux: <I am her child!> erik:.....<you're lying.....you're lying you're lying YOU'RE LYING YOU'RE LYING!!!> *attacks* Leroux: "!!!" *dodges* erik: <i'll kill you, i'll kill you!> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! -FWOOOM- erik: *dodges* hans: *had sent a fire blast* LEROUX! COME ON! Leroux: "..." *follows her* erik: *follows* gravekeeper: <you all go warn the police, i'll hold him off!> Walter: *already calling on his phone, trying to keep up* Kafka: "..." *not focused as he runs with them* -shrk- gravekeeper: !!! *claw through the gut* hans: !!!! erik:................*rips the soul out*....<you'll just have to do.....> *runs back downstairs* etta: !!!! meg: *shocked* Leroux: "!!!" <Monster!> *starts to run--* meg: <gaston dont! he's too dangerous!!> -halfway down the stairs, a loud screech is heard- Leroux: "!!! ..." *continues slowly down the stairs* -there is a female figure, crawling out of the casket, adorned in a green dress.....but her body has since mummified, leaving a bony withered corpse behind- 'julia': *lets out a dry groan* Leroux: "..." <No...> erik: *takes her bony hand* shhhh <there there, my love. i'm here now....> *he smiles* <absolutely beautiful...> Leroux: <What have you done...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!> erik: <my darling julia is alive again....and as beautiful as the day we met~> *strokes 'her' face* <soon, we will be wed, and we will be together for eternity....> hans: !!!!!!!!!!! meg: *SCREAMS* 'julia': *turns to look at them* *dry groan* erik: <that girl, she is the last of the damned giry family who tore us apart.....we will put an end to them here...> 'julia': *SCREEEEEEECH* Leroux: *points the blade at them...his hand shaking* <Don't do this.> erik: <i've already eliminated most of those fiends! i even set that accursed theater ablaze! all for her!> Leroux: "!!! You...You killed her..." meg: !!!!! hans: oh fuck. erik: ?? Leroux: "...YOU KILLED CHRISTINE!" erik: oh? hans: leroux now is not the time to fly off the handle- Leroux: "AND IF IT WAS SOMEONE YOU LOVED THAT HE KILLED?!" hans: .... 'julia': *lunges at them screaming* Leroux: "..." *tries to grab her* 'julia': *dry groan.....strokes his face*.... <y...o...u..r..........f..a...t..h..e...r..s........e...y...e...s.......> Leroux: "..." *tears up* erik: <YES! FINISH HIM OFF!> Leroux: <Mother...No...> 'julia': *SCREEECH* *holding 'her' head* Leroux: "..." *crying* <It hurts, doesn't it?> 'julia': *grooan* *shaking* erik: <julia? darling? what's wrong?> *going over to her* Leroux: *aims the sword at Erik* <STAY BACK!> erik: <GET AWAY FROM HER!!> Leroux: <YOU HAVE MADE HER SUFFER! YOU HAVE MADE ALL OF US SUFFER! MURDERER!> erik: <all i've done, i did for her! after what they did-> Leroux: <This was NEVER the way to fix any of this! There has been enough death! Now stay back!> erik: <i've worked so hard to be with her again! i wont let you take her away-> ?! *he cant move* Leroux: "?!!!" etta: *holding them in place* meg: <please, just stop this! i dont know what my parents did to upset you, mr destler! cant you at least explain it to us?!> Leroux: "..." erik: ..... meg: <i know, you're both hurting, but fighting isnt going to solve this!> erik:.....<as you know, julia was a songstress, and i, a simple stagehand. we were happy, but the madame didnt approve our relationship...eventually, she had me sent away. i was gone for years, and when i returned....my darling julia was dead...> Leroux: <...In childbirth.> erik:.....<what?> Leroux: <She died...giving birth to her son.> erik:....... {julia: <you have his eyes....you have your father's eyes...>} Leoux: "..." *looks up, tears coming from one eye...his hand reaches for his mask* erik: ?? Leroux: <I am Julia's son. And yours.> erik:......*too shocked to move* hans: !!! etta:...roro... Leroux: <...This is not fair to her...> erik: ........*tears falling* <i dont....want to lose her again....> Leroux: <We can't...bring them back.> erik: .................. Leroux: <Please...Let her rest.> erik:..............*shaking* <julia.....> hans:..... miss leroux? please hold still......*looks at leroux* Leroux: <She's suffered enough...> hans:....i'll make it quick.....*ignites her* 'julia':.......... *she doesnt even scream* erik: no- NO!! *sobbing* ???: "It's okay." erik: *looks up* *There is Julia, smiling* erik:.....*holds her tightly* Julia: <It's okay...I'm here.> erik: *whimpers* <please.....dont leave me....> Julia: <I won't...I promise.> erik: *holding her, stroking her hair* hans:..... Leroux: *watches* "..." -later- Leroux: *sitting on the steps* "..." meg: <well, he'll be sent to a psychiatric center to get help...> Leroux: *nods* meg:.....*covers her face* <i cant believe mother was so unfair to them....and to you....> Leroux: *shakes his head* <None of this that...that he did was ever justified. It is I who is sorry...> meg: ?? Leroux: <I am sorry for your loss...> meg:.... <same to you....> Leroux: "..." *wipes his eye* meg:...*hug* Leroux: "..." *pat pat* etta: *hug* you're not alone, roro. dont forget that, ok? hans: *hug* Walter: *hug* T~T Kafka: >_> "..." *pats Leroux's shoulder* Leroux: Q____Q hans: ...well, we should at least enjoy the rest of our trip, right? Leroux: "T-Tomorrow...We all need rest..." hans:...right. -elsewhere- goethe: *staring at the ceiling* ...... Jakob: -3- "I'm bored." wilhelm: im hungry =3= goethe: same. wilhelm: ...hey mr goethe, why do you hate that four-doors guy so much? [note; he means fyodor] goethe: cause he's a sack of shit. Jakob: ._. "...Oh. How is he a sack of shit?" goethe: lets say our goals contradict each other. Jakob: "...So he doesn't want to help ability users?" goethe: far from it kid. {goethe: 'eliminate the sin of ability users’, you say?} {Fyodor: "Of course."} {Ivan: "..."} {hans:...} {goethe:...*giggles....before he starts cackling*} {Fyodor: "???"} {Ivan: *head tilt*} {hans: johann?} {goethe: oh my god! HAHAHA! how ludicrous! how unthinkable! KAHAHAHAHA! i heard that russians had an odd sense of humor, but i didnt think it was this bad! HAHAHAHA!!!} {Fyodor: *smiles* "I was not joking."} {goethe: oh this has to be a joke, otherwise, i draw one of two conclusions. *holds up one finger* conclusion number 1, you're stupid. *holds up two fingers* conclusion 2, you're REALLY freaking stupid!} {Ivan: "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER, YOU LAYABOUT!"} {goethe: seems i just did. do you have a problem with that?} {Ivan: "Let me hurt him, Master--"} {Fyodor: *holds up a hand to say 'no'*} {hans: *glares at them*} {goethe: it seems our goals are too different. an alliance between us is impossibly impossible!} {Fyodor: "Well, that's disappointing. And a bit of a stumbling block."} {goethe: not my problem. you may now kindly leave the premises, and throw yourself into a burning pile of shit on your way out.} {Fyodor: "You misunderstand. When I encounter a stumbling block--"} {*CRASH*} {*Ivan's Golem fist attacks*} {hans: !!! *fire blast*} {Fyodor: "I knock it down."} {Ivan: *tries to encase the fire in rock*} {hans: !!! *flame blast at ivan's feet*} {Ivan: "!!!" *leaps back* "Witch!"} {hans: no, just gifted is all.} {goethe: *grins*} {Fyodor: "..." *stares at Hans*} {hans: i believe he asked you to leave.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "Tell me...Have you ever had a nosebleed?"} {hans: ?? what does that have to-} {*SLAM*} {hans: *knocked back*} {goethe: !!} {Fyodor: "Thank you, Ivan."} {Ivan: ~<3 *has a Golem that knocked Hans*} {Fyodor: *walks up to Hans, removes his glove*} {hans: !!! *FIRE BLAST*} {Ivan: <MASTER!>} {Fyodor: *stops just short of the flames...but his hat catches a small flame*} {hans: *smirks* i may be knocked down, but im not knocked out.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "The next time I touch you, you'll be dead."} {goethe: then hopefully we never cross paths again.} {Fyodor: "...Hope as you wish. But I do not ignore the possibility." <Until we meet again.> *turns*} wilhelm: *gulp* ._.;;; miss hans is badass. Jakob: "Those men sound dangerous..." goethe: just keep an eye out for them, ok? wilhelm: will do. ._.;; -elsewhere- Relan: "It's a bit more crowded now." ^^; "How long are they visiting?" shinra: not sure. i think oubi mentioned something about another training camp? Relan: "Oh..." *rotates his shoulder* "Hope it's not as rough as it could be..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: -_____- "I don't wanna..." ryuuko: kishiri.... Kishiri: "It's dumb. More training and working together?" ryuuko: *hard glare* Kishiri: "..." Q____Q "Don't look at me like that. I'll do it." ryuuko: glad to hear that. -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking home* ochako: see you guys tomorrow!....hm? oh hey todoroki. *wave* Todoroki: "Oh. Hello." *smiles, waves* ochako: just got off shift for the night. *streeetch* Todoroki: "...Oh. How...did it go?" ochako: it went pretty good i think. ^^ Todoroki: "How far along are you with raising money?" ochako: i should have enough for a sleeping bag by april! Todoroki: "That's great. Will you continue after that point?" ochako: ....*sweats* Todoroki: "...Sorry, I said something wrong, didn't I?" ochako: oh no, you didnt do anything wrong! ^^; though it brings up a moral dilemma. it's a temporary job, but i dont want to feel like a quitter. =3= such is the struggle of life. Todoroki: "...People do move from job to job. You're just getting that experience sooner than most. And is this the kind of job you thought would lost longer than just a few months?" ochako:...that is a good point. Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I know you'll do what you need to." ochako: *smiles* thanks. Todoroki: "You're welcome. ... Heading home?" ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "Same..." -awkward silence- ochako: soooo... Todoroki: "...Which way is your home again?" ochako: this way. -morning- Shotaro: *hanging from the ceiling* "Zzz..." setsuna: showtaro, breakfast. ^^ Shotaro: *eyes open* OwO *has bat teeth, wings, and feet* "Coming!" *descends from the ceiling* mana: so kepuri, you used to be in the dokeshi federation too, right? Kepuri: "Um...Yeah?" mana: how did you first find out about being a dokeshi? Kepuri: "...When I stopped growing taller." T___T nea: well, at least its better than being locked in a freezer. Kepuri: "?! Seriously?" nea: by an enemy family. it was really cold in there, i begged for someone to save me...and thats when my abilities awakened. Kepuri: "...And I can imagine what happened to them?" saki: i see. *writing something down* Kepuri: "??? What's that?" saki: im just working on a little pet project. *shows the paper; it seems to be a note on all the dokeshi living in dokeshi house, their ability, condition, and some side notes* chie: wow. impressive. Kepuri: "That's...thorough. And kind of wiki-y." *looks over Saki's shoulder* -there are notes indicating if an ability was awakened by necessity or by chance- Kepuri: "Hmm...Could be useful for determining patterns as to how Dokeshi are awakened--" *stone face* -kepuri's height; 4'10" (sans heels)- Kepuri: "That...is off by a half-inch." saki: well i did double check medical records- Kepuri: "...Wait. HOW DO YOU HAVE MY MEDICAL RECORDS?" setsuna: ^^; saki:..... >w>;;;; io: bwah? Kepuri: "..." *cracks her knuckles* -elsewhere- Relan: "...Is she supposed to be an idol singer, or just a poser?" padma: well.... *looking around* she accidently burnt her parents when she was younger. badly, and she uses her 'idol persona' as a coping mechanism. Relan: "...Oh, God, I'm sorry..." padma: it's alright. you didnt know. *adjusts her glasses* Relan: "You've been in the squad long?" padma: yes. i was one of the founding members. Relan: "O-Oh? Were you in another brigade before?" padma: before founding squad 0, miwa and i used to be in the 3rd. Relan: "How was the commander?" padma:....miwa and the 3rd's commander....didnt see eye to eye. Relan: "...Oh. I...understand that." -elsewhere- meg: *holding a camera* <alright, all together now.> -they're all posed to spell out 'paris'- etta: ^u^ Leroux: TwT Walter: *holding his pose as "S"* "THANK YOU, YOGA!" Kafka: *just standing as the I* "..." -_- meg: say cheese! etta: cheeese~<3 -click- Kafka: -____- "We done?" Walter: *stretches* "How did it turn out?" meg: <looks great!> Leroux: *stares at the photograph* "..." ("Mother...I think I found...another family...") etta: ^^ hans: *smiles* Leroux: "..." *sniff* Kafka: "???" etta: roro? are you ok? Leroux: "I-I-I'm...fine. Just fine." Kafka: "..." *sighs* "Here." Leroux: "???" Kafka: *hug* etta: awww, hehe~ ^^ Kafka: "There. Just a hug. Completely normal hugging. Just...normal." Walter: "Forget that noise!" *group hug* etta: *HUUUG* hans: ^^; meg: ^^; Leroux: "P-Please...You're all squeezing Christine." *holds up the doll* "Isn't that right, Christine~?" hans: ...*sweatdrop* meg: .... Kafka: "..." *somehow facepalms inside the hug* Walter: ^^; "Same as it ever was..." etta: *sniff* true love as its finest. *wipes her eyes* Kafka: "..." ("What the *@%# kind of definition of 'love' is that?") hans: i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. Leroux: ^w^ Kafka: "CAN WE GO HOME NOW?" hans: next stop, the new base in death city! Walter: "AMERICA!" Kafka: "...Let's not. It's full of weirdos." hans: boss' orders. Leroux: "BROADWAY! BRIGHT LIGHTS!" Kakfa: T_______T hans: it's in nevada. Leroux: "...RENO COMMUNITY THEATER!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *flipping through some photographs* "..." -some pictures of kirako during her high school years- Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...They have those in school? What do you do?" kirako: my job was to make sure all the books were in order. Lucy: "Ah. There's something like that at the Academy's library--Edgar told me about it." kirako: *smiles* {Lucy: "No! Give it back!" *she's at the river* "Give me back my book!"} {girl: aawww, you want _this_? *looks at them* its not even that good.} {Lucy: "Just because you can't read and need pictures isn't my problem! Please, it's all I have--"} {girl: how good are you at swimming, pipsqueak?} {Lucy: "...!!! No--!"} {girl: *toss* oopsie~} {Lucy: "..." *wheezing, huffing* "YOU JERK!" *rushes forward* } {girl: *shove* whoops~} {Lucy: !!! *SPLASH* "*gulb* H-Help!" *waves her arms* "Help--" ??:...cy? lucy? *shaking her* lucy are you ok? Lucy: *panting, shaking, struggling to breathe* "N-No!" kirako: lucy! please! Lucy: "..." *sobs* kirako:.....*hugs her* shhh, there there.... *head pet* Lucy: *shaking* "...I-I'm sorry..." kirako: it's ok... Lucy: "..." *sniff* "J-Just a bad memory..." kirako: you're here now. Lucy: *nods* "A-And I can swim like a dolphin!" kirako: should be useful when the pool opens up again. Lucy: *sniffles but looking proud* "I'll swim circles around the rest!" kirako: we believe in you. ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: >_> yosano:...nervous? Dazai: "Not looking forward to...this. Shin-damage. Whatever Chuuya will do. And what they'll do to Q..." Q:....*shaking* Dazai: "!!! Th-That's just..." *sigh* "We'll see. If it's that bad, I'll pull you out." Q:..... Dazai: "Sure." yosano: we'll have to be careful. given the warrant on the mafia.... Dazai: "...Got any sunglasses?" yosano:...do you really think that's gonna help him? Q: *hugs his doll* Dazai: "Sure. Hat, sunglasses--maybe put him in a girl's dress--" Q: wouldnt be the first time i've done it. Dazai: "Perfect! Who has a little girl's dress?" yosano: ..... aya: noooope. atsushi:......... maybe just get him a coat? Dazai: *glares at Aya* "Oh, come on! You _are_ a little girl!" Kunikida: -_-# *hands Atsushi a coat* -rip dazai's shins. again- Dazai: Q_____Q atsushi: here you go, Q. Q: thank you mr tiger, i can see why akutagawa loves you so much. atsushi:...^^;;;;; riiiight..... Kunikida: "At least Lucy wasn't here to hear that..." atsushi:.... QwQ;;;; Q: ?? Dazai: "Just...help my poor legs get into the car..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and that's why the taste of pudding reminds me of head injuries!" katya:...thats.... pushkin: i dont even know how to feel about that. Motojiro: *holds up pudding cups* "Feel like vanilla or chocolate?" -elsewhere- Daisy: "..." *staring into her tea* louisa:....?? Daisy: "...What were you doing before you worked with Fitz?" louisa: i did attend school, even though i didnt have very many friends. Daisy: "Hmm...Bullied?" louisa: i just kept to myself. Daisy: "Never had to deck a girl in PE?" louisa: oh heavens no! Daisy: "Hmm. I had to put two in a locker..." louisa: ._.; Daisy: "...Although now that I think about it, maybe _I_ was the bully? ...Huh." louisa: *sweatdrop* Daisy: "Hmm. So, after school, you just jumped into the organization?" louisa: lord francis did see potential in my ability... Daisy: "What, he was checking out high schools or something?" louisa: n-no! he just heard about my ability through word of mouth! Daisy: "He must have some connections, then...Given how he was able to trick Tom, not too surprising, then." louisa: yeah.... Daisy: "I wonder how Tom is doing in prison..." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...You look like shit. Didn't you sleep?" yuuji: *groaning into his desk* Aizawa: "..." *puts a blanket over his shoulders, takes a travel pillow out of his drawer* yuuji: thanks. Aizawa: *pat pat* "Get some sleep...We'll catch up later." yuuji: will do, dad.... Aizawa: "..." *turns, goes back to his desk...small smile* yuuji:...zzzzz Aizawa: "..." *goes back to grading* -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." *picks up Toru* toru: baba! Yohei: "..." *smiles* {Mr. Nanami: "He's still locked in his room?"} {mrs nanami: he said he was working on something. *knock* yohei? sweetie?} {Yohei: "One second!" *turns one lock...then another, another, another, another--*} {mrs nanami: ._.; } {Yohei: *finishes unlocking the door, peeks out* "..." ^w^ "I made something!"} {mrs nanami: oh, how lovely. we thought you'd be hungry, so we made you a bento.} {Yohei: "??? Really?"} {mrs nanami: *hands it to him* ^^} {Yohei: "..." ^^; "I lost track of time...Thank you, Mom."} Yohei: "..." *holds Toru, takes his phone, taps 'Mom and Dad'* mr nanami: y'ello? Yohei: "Hey, Dad..." mr nanami: how's it going, yohei? Yohei: "Doing okay...Toru wants to say hi to Grandpa." toru: baapa! mr nanami: hey sport, how're ya doing? toru: *babble* ^o^ Yohei: *smiles* "How are you, Dad?" mr nanami: doing well, you're mother's doing good too. Yohei: "Glad to hear. Any plans this week?" -elsewhere- Damon: *sips fruit juice* =w= soul: *making lunch* Damon: "Mr. Soul? What are we doing this afternoon?" soul: we're gonna head to some stores for decorations for your room. becky: awesome. Damon: "Can we get stars?" soul: sure. like those glow in the dark ones, right? Damon: *nods* soul: sure. ^^ Damon: "..." ^_^ -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *thumbing through the atlas* "Hmm..." *marks a line* ebie: *peeeek* Steinbeck: *not even turning around* "Come in, Ebie." ebie: *takes a seat* whatcha doooin? Steinbeck: "I was thinking how to map our next trips...Maybe some interesting places to visit." ebie: like where? Steinbeck: "Might be some interesting spots in the Carolinas." ebie: *loooks* *Steinbeck marked one location: 'Moon Eyes'* ebie: ooooh. Steinbeck: *nods, not looking up* "Been rumors of different people we've never seen..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "So your parents run a business? But what do they do for fun?" ochako: well, we have gone on a few hikes in the past. and sometimes my mom and i do disc shooting. Hyde: "Oh--didn't think you were a disc shooting kind of person." ochako: you'd be surprised. pe-chew! Hyde: ^^; "Okay, Trigger. But you don't cheat with your Quirk on that, do you?" ochako: of course not! >3< Hyde: "A'ight, a'ight...But I think the judges better keep their eye on you out there." -elsewhere- Shima: "--and that's all I can report." illuminati higher up: hmm, i see. Shima: "Is there anything else?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "One kid's meal and one bacon burger." employee: coming right up. Q: *in big sunglasses, coat, and a wig* Dazai: "So, what kinds of toys does the kid's meal have this month?" -later- employee: here you go....sir...*notices Q* Q: *siiiip, wave* employee: ._.;;; Dazai: ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Please don't stare at my little sibling. They're sensitive." employee: i...see....have a good day sir.........*looks at coworker* Employee #2: =____= "I don't get paid enough to question." employee: dude....i think that was an E.T. Employee #2: "I wouldn't know--I'm so high everyone looks like an alien." employee: dammit dude! -elsewhere- Lily: "Be still!" misono: >~~~~< Lily: "It'll just be to check your overall health. Unless you want my nurses and I to handle it~" misono: *whiine* Q~Q;;;; Lily: "...Maybe the doctor will give you a lollipop at the end~" Dr. John: *steps out* "Oh, there you are!" misono: ._.;;; Dr. John: "Your doctor asked me to bring you over--I didn't see that you had an appointment with an OB-GYN." misono: O_O LILY!! Lily: "That won't be necessary~ Misono has not gotten any girl pregnant yet." misono: *pierced with an arrow that reads 'ouch'* Dr. John: ^^; "I see...Well, bring along your, um...partner." misono: =~=;;;;;;;; Lily: "I'm his nanny!" misono: (kill me.) Dr. John: "...D'aaaaaaaaaaaw!" *shiny eyes* "So considerate! Right this way--the nurse will see you in a moment." misono: if it looks like im crying, im not. Dr. John: "Nervous?" misono: i need to pee. Dr. John: "...I think we have a bedpan over there--" misono: D8< Dr. John: "Kidding--kidding! The bathroom is next door on the right." -elsewhere- Magaki: "It's...still weird." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "..." *inhales* "Okay. This house isn't as big as I've seen other ones, yet you can fit so many people in it. You two do missions, yet Black Star seems far behind so many other people. And I still don't understand so many arrangements, where people came from, how they got here, what is a 'Mahiru,' and--" tsubaki: easy now. one at a time. Magaki: *sighs* "Okay...Tell me about your missions with Black Star. What are your other ones like?" tsubaki: well, part of our job is to find monsters causing trouble and-....put them to rest.... ^^;;; Magaki: "...Yes. And you collect their souls." tsubaki:...thats right. Magaki: "And the souls...do something to your weapon form?" tsubaki: in a manner of speaking. Magaki: "...Is this like a video game?" tsubaki: eh? Magaki: "Sakuya was showing me one. Do you collect souls to level up and unlock some other feature?" tsubaki: i....guess so. ^^; Magaki: "And when you receive this upgrade, what will you do?" tsubaki:....not sure yet. -a few days later, it was march- Kuro: "...Well, this was fun. Let's go home now." *tugs his sleeve* mahiru: oh no you dont. *heads up the steps* Kuro: *whines* "There are too many steps..." -and so- mahiru: *pant* we....made it... TTuTT Kuro: Q________Q "That was the harshest ordeal...What monsters make this school? I don't even see a handicap ramp..." misono: there is. you just have to have the key for it. Kuro: "..." *climbs up, grabbing Misono by the collar, shaking* "You could have told us at any time..." misono: -__- lets just get you to your starting class, ok? Kuro: *grumbles* -there seem to be a few new faces at the school- Kuro: "I don't know who any of these people are." Lily: *in butterfly form on Misono's head* "New faces!" girl: *playing on a PSP* Kuro: "..." *looks at the PSP* girl:....*looks up* Kuro: "...Cool PSP." girl: <thanks> Kuro: "?? Um...Qué es ustedes jugando?" girl: <persona> Kuro: "Man...I wanted that--but he won't buy it..." girl: *glances at mahiru* mahiru: um... <hi> *wave* girl:...<your boyfriend?> Kuro: "...No." girl: <oh. ok> mahiru: kuro? your face looks red. Kuro: =\\\\\= "Just get me to class already so I can sleep." -elsewhere in school- sayaka: new students~! so hype! *Someone is holding an umbrella, walking through the outdoor hall* sayaka: hmm? well hello there, newcomer! Magaki: "!!! ..." *nods* sayaka: how do you like it here so far? Magaki: "...It's rather bright." *puts on sunglasses* sayaka: well it is springtime now. Magaki: "Yes...How long have you been here?" sayaka: i'v been here a long time, so im pretty experienced! *kung-fu chops and bumps into someone* oh shi- sorry about that! ???: its alright, sayaka. sayaka: wait.......*rubs eyes* HITOMI?!? hitomi: ^^ *wave* Magaki: "...???" sayaka: Owo; sorry kiddo, didnt mean to interrupt our chat there, just happy to see an old friend, haha. hitomi: ^^;; Magaki: "Oh." *small bow* -elsewhere- hans: *hugs goethe* we're here. wilhelm: *gag* grown up love, groooss. the cooties! Jakob: >_< hans: *sweatdrop* Goethe: *strokes her head* "Glad you're...*yawn*...here." hans: ^////^ etta: paris was a reeeeally eventful trip. Leroux: "..." *holds 'Christine' close* Goethe: "...Huh. What's up with Leroux?" etta: a really. eventful, week. Jakob: “....Ok?” wilhelm: ...where are our gifts?! hans: we have them right here. wilhelm: AAAWESOOOOOME! 8D Jakob: ^w^ Kafka: "Zzz..." =_= harriet: o)_(o Walter: *stretches* "I call dibs on my room!" *runs* hans: ^^; Goethe: "Zzz..." hans: *sweatdrop* Leroux: *looks around* "It's a sizable location..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: .... (will they be ok?) Black Star: *yawns* *opens his eyes* "...Hey." tsubaki: *smooch* *smiles* Black Star: ^\\\\\^ "...Where's everyone?" tsubaki: kids are at school, grownups are here Black Star: "...How you think the kids are?" tsubaki: well, i hope. -elsewhere- Q: ...... Motojiro: ^w^ "And that's how you do trig!" sonia: ah. Q: ...... Motojiro: "...Q? Is it okay?" Q:...y-yeah. sonia:...i think he's just sad about something. Motojiro: "Ah...Being away from here takes some re-adjustment..." leo: *concerned* Q: "..." *sniffle* leo: *hug* Q: .\\\\\\. "Wh-What?" leo: it's ok. Q: "B-But...I miss my mommy..." leo: *looks at motojiro* Motojiro: "...Then...perhaps seek family elsewhere?" Q: "???" leo: we can be your family. all of us. Q: Q_______Q "R-Really? B-But I thought...You're going to lock me away again..." higuchi: can you behave yourself, Q? Q: "Uh-huh...Unless it's Dazai. Then I want to kick him." higuchi: and mori. he is terrible. the worst kind of terrible there is. Q: "...Okay. I-I'll not hurt anyone else..." higuchi: *head pet* then thats all we need to know. ^^ Q: QwQ "..." *hugs Higuchi* higuchi:.... TwT kuniko: ._.; Gin: ._.; Motojiro: *sniff, wipes his eye, puts a hand around Leo* leo: *smiles* Q: >w< "And can I see Aya?" -mass sweatdrop- Q: OwO "...???" higuchi: i'll give you a soft 'maybe' on that. Q: "I'LL TAKE IT! Then we can make it a hard yes!" pushkin: *CHOKES* katya:.....<what the fuck....> Gin: *glares at Pushkin* "No." pushkin: I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING! D8> Q: *smiling, flowers of happiness practically blooming off of him* =w= -elsewhere- Sid: "Oh, Izumi--got a sec?" izumi: yeah? Sid: "Some of the new students are having difficulty getting around--can I have you guide one of them around?" izumi: sure thing, sir! Sid: "Great!" *looks behind him* "Hey, come on--stop hanging back and say 'hi' to Izumi." izumi: *wave* mahiru: hey. Kuro: "Zzz..." Magaki: ._.; izumi: ^^; right this way please. -elsewhere- Damon: "...Mr. Soul?" soul: yeah? Damon: "Why do you have a motorcycle?" soul: transportation. Damon: "...Without a helmet?" soul:...*puts on helmet.....gives helmets to the two of them* becky: ... Damon: "..." *looks around* "...Is there a sidecar?" -elsewhere- stocking: *snuggle* u///u Kid: ^\\\^ "Care for another treat~?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: *offers a blindfold* stocking: oh~ *puts it on* Kid: "Keep your eyes closed..." *reaches under the bed, removing a box of chocolates and some chocolate-dipped fruit* "Say 'ah'~" stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: *slips a small chocolate into her mouth, his finger just brushing along her lips* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: *smirks* "Want to make it more delicious?" stocking: how so~? Kid: *brushes a cloth strap along her right wrist* stocking: ah~ Kid: "May I?" stocking: yes... Kid: *ties her wrists carefully to the bed...removes the blindfold...he's shirtless, holding a chocolate up to...his lips* stocking: o/////o i fucking love you, you know that? Kid: "Hee hee...I love you, too...But how badly do you want this chocolate~?" stocking: so fucking bad...*squirms, her tongue hanging out of her mouth* Kid: "Say it...again." *holds the chocolate at his teeth, as he leans to her face* stocking: kid, sweetie, please... Kid: *lets the chocolate rest on her lips--* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *slips the chocolate onto her tongue, leans back, smiles at her* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: "Did the tantalizing influence make it tastier~?" stocking: you know it did... Kid: *strokes her cheek* "And there's more...because you deserve so much more." stocking: ahh...*looks down, licks her lips* Kid: "What do you want next? Perhaps the strawberry?" -elsewhere- Haumea: *tapping a finger on a radio* "...Nothing yet." guruna: kururu.... Haumea: "Guruna, anything you heard upstairs?" guruna: not that i heard, no. Haumea: "I keep asking around, someone to sense the Fifth--nothing. Nothing!" *holds her head* "AAAH! So annoying..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I used to read this to my kid all the time..." sayu: *pats the sheep* fluffy. Akitaru: ^^ "Yep! Really good for learning the senses, words...It's cute." sayu: hehe. ^^ Akitaru: "Want to read a few of these?" sayu: can i? *shiny eyes* Akitaru: "Sure thing! Just stick to the appropriate books..." *takes out a manual* "Something like this may be a bit boring." -elsewhere- Kafka: "And how exactly did you afford this place?" goethe: you'd be surprised. Kafka: "I'm sure I would...I don't remember seeing it budgeted." goethe:...well, im gonna go for a walk now. Kafka: "Hmph. Meeting someone, I'm sure." goethe: maaaybe.... Kafka: "...I have work to finish here." *turns back to his files* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi:...dazai? Dazai: "Hmm? What's up?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "...Just thinking about Q." atsushi:...oh..... Dazai: "I mean, it's not like we can just walk into the Mafia and see how they are doing..." atsushi:....yeah....just how _did_ info on the mafia's actions get revealed? i know the rats have something to do with it... Dazai: "You'll have to ask Ranpo for that--seems someone started spreading intelligence...or that the intelligence just popped up." atsushi: ..something seems off with him, though....he seems sad about something... Dazai: "After this case especially...I think the disappearance of the suspect is part of it." atsushi: *concerned* Dazai: "..." *slides a newspaper to Atsushi* atsushi: *examines* *It shows an arrest the Agency helped make last week* Dazai: "Look at the fourth paragraph--how they refer to one of us..." atsushi: *squints* Newspaper: "--with some of its members having alleged to have involvement with organized crime--" atsushi: !!?? Dazai: "...Better keep an eye on Kyoka." atsushi:...right... *looks at the main article....a 2nd murder....* Dazai: "And other crimes..." atsushi: ..... newspaper: -a deputy commander of the coast guard was found with his head melted down to the bone by corrosive acid. cause of death was neurogenic shock. Dazai: "Not how I would've written the article. I think 'he has no head' is a clear enough cause of death." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "I know Kunikida is trying to get Ranpo to find a trend--but it's not easy." atsushi:...do you have any errands for me right now? Dazai: "Yes." *hands an envelope* "I need this deposited." *hands a key* atsushi: got it. *takes the items and heads out* Dazai: "..." *shakes slightly* -on the subway- atsushi: ...... -an individual with white hair is seated a few spots down from him- ???: .... atsushi:....?? ???:....*glances and smiles* atsushi:... ??? ???: you have a fascinating ability... atsushi: wait how do you- -the person is gone- atsushi:.... ._.;;;;; (that was weird...) .... (well, here's my stop.) *exits* *The stop looks rather busy* atsushi:.... (i was probably just seeing things....) *heads to his location...* *There's a bank on the corner* atsushi: *heads in* -elsewhere- child: *running, with a loaf of bread under their vest* *A hand reaches out of the alley* child: ?! *The child is grabbed and pulled in* child: ?!?! h-hey- Goethe: "Shh...They'll find you otherwise." child:......... Goethe: "Trying to hide?" child:....*looks away* Goethe: "Hey. I'm no snitch. It's too exhausting." child:...whats it to you? Goethe: "I'm a curious person. That's about the most busyness I can handle." child:.....maybe i sort of...'borrowed' some bread.... Goethe: "So, stole." child:.... *grumble* 7~7 Goethe: "No cash?" child: i...dont have much on me.... Goethe: "That sucks. And no parents?" child....i do have them, just not in the city… Goethe: "Then how did you end up here?" child:....left home. Goethe: "...Bad terms?" child: i just.....felt trapped. Goethe: "Ah...I know that pain." child: ? Goethe: "Just need a break from people...I had to get out from my, um, 'family' of sorts." child: ...... Goethe: "Just kind of cramped, so I figured I'd take a walk, see what's what." child:....what does that have to do with me, then? Goethe: *shrug* "Beats me. I'm the one making conversation while you hide from the fuzz." child: hmm.... Goethe: "Think you'll go back home?" child: doubt it. its too restricted, i just want to be free to live my life how i want to. Goethe: "...Need some help with that?" child: ?? Goethe: "Maybe just something so you're not scrounging around for food like a common thief." child:....like what? Goethe: "Tell me something--if you could have something to make things easier for you, what would it be?" child: .....i want freedom to go where i please. to be free like water, i guess. Goethe: "...What's your name?" child: uhh... george! george eliot. Goethe: "Well, George, I can help you. I am an ability user." george: ability user? Goethe: "Haven't heard of them?" george: vaguely, through word of mouth. Goethe: "Well, they're not like Dokeshi with any condition, and they aren't Quirks that can be genetic and bodily--it's like something you gain." george: ....alright, what are you able to do then? Goethe: "I can give abilities." george: .... Goethe: "I can give _you_ an ability." george: how is this gonna benefit me? Goethe: "You would be given freedom of movement..." george:... Goethe: "While not having to be without shelter." george:.....alright... Goethe: "All you need is to contract with me..." george:...ok, you have a deal... Goethe: "..." *holds out his hand* -elsewhere- Ivan: "...Quieter now." lydia: *she nods* Ivan: "Especially without that child." lydia: .......the medic locked herself in her room, i can hear her muttering in there.... Ivan: "...About Master or the child?" lydia:...both. Ivan: *sighs* "Who is speaking with her?" zoey: *mumbling, cutting at the walls with a scalpel* lydia:...she's muttering to herself... Ivan: "I mean, who _should_ speak with her?" *instantly raises his hand* "NOT IT!" lydia: ..*glances at gogol* Gogol: "..." OwO "Want to see me work? You got it!" *knocks on Zoey's door* zoey: *muttering incoherently* Gogol: "...Hmph." *uses his ability to have a hand reach for the doorknob inside* -click- Gogol: ^w^ *throws open the door* "Hello, nurse! What are you...up...to?" O_O -she has gouged at the walls with a knife, and is stabbing at the walls, kneeling on the floor- zoey: ...... Gogol: "...How's it going?" zoey: my baby's run away...*stab*...all because of that kid...*stab*...because of him....becauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhim...*stab stab stab stab stab* ahhhhhh~ i want to make him hurt... *drags the knife down* i want to stick pins in his fingertips....i want to burn his eyelids....i want to slice open his abdomen and fill it with salt.... Gogol: "..." *pulls up a chair* "...Go on." zoey: *rubs her stomach* i want my baby to be born...i want my baby to be born want my baby born want my baby born wantmybabywantmybaby.... hehehehehe....i want master to be here again.... Gogol: *eyeroll* "Yes, yes, your baby...But go back to the torture stuff. I mean, do you think Master would want that?" zoey: if he wished for it......i want to feel him again..... Gogol: "...Uuuuuuum...Well, he still has to finish his...life sentence..." zoey:.......*lunges at him* master...will return....he has to....he has to he has to he has to.... Gogol: "!!!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "O-Okay! I've heard enough! I assure you, he'll get out--" zoey: ........... Gogol: "..." *sigh* "You miss him, right?" zoey: of course.... Gogol: "...Then wait for him to get out already, and stop being a weirdo in your room alone! Jeez!" zoey: ............ Gogol: " 'Oh, when will Master come back?' 'Oh, my baby!' GROW UP! He'll be back when he's back! And you're pregnant, so worry about your child first!" zoey:........*lays on her bed, facing away from him* Gogol: "..." .________. "...Did I say the wrong thing?" zoey: just leave me alone.... Gogol: "..." *opens the door* lydia: <how did it go?> Gogol: "..." Q______Q <I made it worse.> lydia: ... elizaveta: *pap pap* Gogol: *sniff* <She's inconsolable, misses him, is obsessing over killing What's-His-Face and that kid...> yana: ..... Gogol: <Can't we, I don't know, kidnap a therapist or something?> yana:....i dont want to be _that_ person....but maybe we should put her out of her misery....? Gogol: "..." *blink* <What about the child--> Ivan: *already sharpening his knife* lydia: v-vanya.... *sweatdrop* let's not get ahead of ourselves.... yana:....i'll ask the boss about it... Gogol: <Maybe we need another doctor...So, kidnap one therapist, one physician, and a dentist--> yana: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Spirit: "That'll be it for today. Finish Chapter 1 tonight and the questions at the end. Tomorrow, I'll have a surprise for your lesson. Class dismissed." mahiru: *sits up* Kuro: *asleep at the desk* Spirit: "..." -____-# "Can you wake him up?" mahiru: kuro? *nudge* Kuro: "No...No, the aliens want the grilled cheese--but it's mine..." Spirit: *slams a book down* Kuro: *bounces up--and clings to the ceiling* .__________. -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Here, try it." *hands video game controller* sylvia: um..*looks at it* w-what do i do? Kyoka: "If you press that button, it makes the vehicle move forward." sylvia: *presses it* *The vehicle darts forward--into the wall* sylvia: D8> *Then the vehicle explodes, catching fire* Kyoka: "...Okay, now press the other button to reverse." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "--9, 10--Keep it going. Tamaki! Keep up with the jumping jacks." tamaki: *still at it* Takehisa: "Very good. Keep it up before switch to stretches--" *stares* "...Arthur." Arthur: *moving up and down* "Yes?" Takehisa: "...Why are you on a horse?" shinra:....where did he- Arthur: *on a horse that is imitating jumping jacks* "Because I am a knight." Relan: *struggling to keep up* T~T Takehisa: "..." *takes out a carrot* Horse: OvO *gallops up* Takehisa: *pets the horse* "...Arthur, get off and do your actual work." -elsewhere- Paku: "...You're going to try to see her?" izumo:...y-yeah....im really nervous.... Paku: "It makes sense you would be...but at least you can see her, right?" izumo...y-yeah....*takes the key and gulps* Paku: "..." *smiles* "You can do it..." izumo:....*puts in the key and opens the door* *Air blows through the door* izumo: *looks through* -there is a large, modern style mansion- izumo:....*glances to the back yard* *There is a child with a watering can, tending to the flowers* izumo:....*gingerly walks up to the fence* *The child fills up the can again, turns--* Tsukumo: "!!!!" izumo: hi tsukumo....*smiles* Tsukumo: ?? "Sorry, Mom told me not to talk to strangers..." izumo:....oh....*tosses a fox doll over the fence* you dropped that. i wanted to return it to you. Tsukumo: "!!! My doll!" *grabs it, hugs it* >w< "Where did you find it, ma'am?" izumo:...i guess i got lucky....*waves* bye....*leaves......closes the door* ..... Paku: "...Izumo...What--" izumo:.....*smiles, tears falling* she seems to be happy where she is.... Paku: "..." *hug* izumo: she doesnt remember me.....even if it hurts, i shouldnt be upset... she's alive, she's safe...thats all i need to know... Paku: *nods* "Right..." -elsewhere- Walter: *wipes his brow* "Okay! Ethernet cables now run through the place!" *flips open his 3DS* Leroux: ^w^ hans: goethe's back. and he brought a new member. Kafka: "?!!! Oh, for crying out loud..." Jakob: "???" wilhelm: woot! new kid! george:...hey. *wave* Goethe: "New kid, this is the team. Team, this is the new kid..." *lies down on the couch* george: 'names george eliot...and im new....and i have no idea what's even going on here. Walter: "MAGIC, NEW PERFECT CHILD!" Kafka: -__________- -after hans explained everything- george: i see.... my head's spinning... ._.; i dont even know what kind of ability i was given. like, how do i _know_?! Leroux: *brings out tea* "We all find out based on what we desire, or what Goethe--" Goethe: *asleep* "Zzz..." Leroux: "...said to us. For example, Kafka--" Kafka: *DEAD SERIOUS GLARE* Leroux: ._____. *hides behind Christine* george: .....um......o...k? Leroux: *sets out the tea* "Careful--it's hot." Walter: "...No cookies?" hans: i'll have to do some grocery shopping, it seems. Walter + Kafka + the Twins: T____T
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