#though i'm sure you could have answered half this stuff about my ocs yourself x)
jplupine · 1 year
Day 21: Isshin Kurosaki ~ Praise [Teaser]
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Pairing: Isshin Kurosaki x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Full fic will have the smut and other warnings
A/N: This is just a teaser for the full fic that will come later! This is also a part of the 31 Days of Bleach project I'm currently working on.
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 "Wow, you've gotten a lot done already! Think I could bully you into working here permanently?" Isshin laughed as he saw about half of the files were now sorted and put away.
  "Leave 'em alone, old man. Wynter already has a job and it pays better than you ever would." Ichigo popped off.
  "What? I'd compensate Wynter for their work properly, thank you very much. I'll even offer discounted medical care." Isshin pointed, and I chuckled.
  "How tempting." I put away another file as Isshin came up behind me.
  "Oh, this looks better than before too! Good job." He ruffled my hair, and my ears got warmer.
  "I'm an adult, you know." I stated while fixing my hair.
  "Yeah, but you're the size of a kid." Ichigo laughed at his own joke before I kicked the back of his chair and made his gut hit the edge of the desk. "Oof!"
  "I'm not trying to treat you like a kid. You're just so adorable!" Isshin was ruffling my hair some more as my ears burned. "Oi, Ichigo. Find more friends like Wynter. I'm tired of having to pick up after the other ones."
  "My friends pick up after themselves, what do you mean?"
  "Not the reapers that keep coming and going like they live here. And you, keep up the good work." Isshin teasingly pinched my cheek before calling back his next patient.
  "I swear, you're his favorite." Ichigo grumbled.
  "Good thing I don't mind being favoritized." I smirked while fixing my hair once again. Turning back to working on the filing, Ichigo and I chatted to pass the time as patients came and went. Isshin would also check on us each time he switched patients to make sure everything was going smoothly.
  When the last patient of the day was taken back, Ichigo left to go get food. I stayed to answer the phone in case anyone called the clinic. Isshin eventually came out with the last patient and politely sent them off before coming behind the front counter.
  "Ichigo left?"
  "He went to get food since it's late." I stood up from the swivel chair and took the file Isshin had to put it away.
  "And you stayed?"
  "I didn't want to leave the phone unattended while you were busy in case someone called. A few did to reschedule, but I didn't know how to do any of that stuff, so I wrote down their information and said you'd get back to them about scheduling." I pointed at the notepad by the computer, and Isshin glanced at it.
  "Ah, you're really a hard worker. Thank you, Wynter. You really did such a good job." He ruffled my hair, and I crossed my arms while averting my gaze. I was conflicted since I was enjoying the praise....but not in a way I should. Not to mention the head patting and cheek pinching felt a bit childish for someone my age. "Aw, did I make you mad? I'm sorry, I'm just teasing you a bit." Isshin then started fixing my hair himself after messing it up.
  "I know." I sighed and looked at him again to see him smiling.
  "I am serious about the other stuff, though. You did so good." He tilted up my chin, and something about his tone sparked excitement in my veins.
  "Thank you." I muttered, and his eyebrows slightly rose.
  "Don't tell me you overworked yourself. You look like you have a fever." Isshin pressed the underside of his wrist to my forehead, and I cleared my throat.
  "No, I'm good."
  "C'mon. I'll check just to be sure." Isshin then ushered me to the examination room before digging around for the thermometer in a drawer.
  "Seriously, I'm fine."
  "Don't be difficult. Hop up." He patted the table before putting a sanitary sleeve over the oral thermometer. Sighing through my nose, I dragged myself up onto the table.
  "Don't you usually use the forehead one?"
  "It needs new batteries. Open up and lift your tongue." Isshin waved the thermometer at me, and I did as told. He placed it under my tongue before having me close my mouth. "Now, be a good boy, and don't bite on that." I heavily swallowed while internally panicking. "Wait, you're nonbinary, right? Should I not call you a good boy?"
  "'S fine." My voice came out quieter than I had intended, making me panic even more. I wasn't entirely sure, but I was getting the feeling he wasn't actually treating me like a child anymore.
  Was he actually flirting? He was Ichigo's dad, that had to be impossible. He was just teasing me again.
  But even if he was Ichigo's dad....he was fucking hot. Isshin was tall, broad, and ruggedly handsome. And if he praised me anymore with that tone of voice, I just might melt into a puddle.
  "That'll just take a second to register." Isshin gently grabbed my wrist, and his large fingers pressed against my pulse. He scoffed while looking at my wrist before turning his gaze up to me. "Are you nervous, or did you have caffeine?"
  I couldn't answer. Not with him looking me right in the eye and standing so close.
  The thermometer beeped, and Isshin grabbed it as I opened my mouth. He only glanced at the tiny screen as if he wasn't actually concerned about the numbers displayed there. Isshin let my wrist go to lean on the examination table as he stood even closer than before.
  "Looks like I was right." He softly sighed while having a serious expression.
  "I-" Before I could insist that I wasn't sick and that he didn't need to go through this, he cut me off.
  "Like to be praised." Isshin tapped the thermometer against my bottom lip while looking at my mouth. "And quite a bit, might I add." He smirked, and my heart was pounding. I was speechless and wide-eyed as I sat there.
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Want more teasers? Let me know!
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pirateisabela · 7 years
*barges in your room* DID YOU REBLOG AN ASK THING??? I have some news for you, buddio. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 18, 21 and 23 for OC rivals, you're welcome
Thank you for giving me a thing but if you don’t shut my door on your way out I’m afraid I’ll have to fist fight you in the streets (also I named my Cadash Malene, you’re welcome) x) From this post
2. Tallest VS Shortest
Tallest- Mathew Hawke. He’s vv tall and vv built.
Shortest- Well, if you go by elf/human/dwarf/qunari standards, then it would be my Cadash, Malene. If you go by shortest for their race, then it would be Miri. She’s only about 4’9”/4’10”.
4. Coldest VS Most emotional
Coldest- All of my ocs are pretty emotional, but at first glance Venowen seems to be a cold and stoic person. She tries to hide her feelings, and it takes a while for anyone to get close enough to see the real Ven.
Most Emotional- Jaras Lavellan, definitely.
7. “Sleep is for the weak!” VS “Sleep for a week”
“Sleep is for the week!”- Venowen Tabris. She has vv unhealthy sleeping habits.
“Sleep for a week”- Miri Lavellan. She would sleep for three days straight if people would let her.
8. Happiest VS Saddest
Happiest- Malene Cadash.
Saddest- Jaras tbh.
9. Darkest backstory VS Lightest Backstory
Darkest- Definitely Jaras. He watched all his friends—including his recently ex-boyfriend who cheated on him but Jaras still loved—die, then he returns to his clan only to become a sort of pariah (because surely Fen’Harel or one of the gods placed a curse on him, and anyone who hangs around him will probably die like all those good young men who called him friend). His siblings and parents still loved him, of course, and all four of them were not afraid to call out anyone who was rude to Jaras, but ultimately, he was still outcasted among his people. The Keeper sending him to the Conclave was more of an act of mercy to give him a brief reprieve from the veiled hatred more than anything else.
Lightest- Matthew and Cameron Hawke, though specifically Cameron. Malene Cadash is a close second, but still, it was the two of them. They didn’t grow up poor like several of my ocs and there wasn’t a lot of death around them. There were a few things growing up that either caused some internalized problems or made life a bit harder (like Cam and Bethany being a mage and Matthew kind of having to grow up and take care of Leandra and tiny Carver when their dad went away), but in general, life was pretty okay. Matthew had to grow up a bit earlier to help take care of the family, though, so that’s why Cameron’s backstory is a bit lighter.
18. Best singer VS Tone deaf
Best singer- Venowen, but all the people who have heard her sing were either too drunk to remember or know that telling anyone will lead to their untimely demise.
Tone deaf- Jaras Lavellan. That doesn’t stop him, though, to Sera’s amusement and the chagrin of everyone in the tavern.
21. Most religious VS Most atheistic
Most religious- Miri Lavellan 100%. The gods are very important to her, and her religion helped her work through some hard times in her life.
Most atheistic- Matthew Hawke. Matthew does so much for others and even for the Maker when he was younger, but when he needs help—like when the ogre attacked Bethany—the Maker doesn’t give a damn. 
23. Best at self-care VS Most self-destructive
Best at self-care- Cameron Hawke, actually. She knows what isn’t good for her, and she knows when to stop doing something and take a break because you can’t save the world if you don’t get any sleep or drink water every now and then (though like none of my other ocs would agree)
Most self-destructive- Jaras Lavellan. After so long, he kind of did the opposite of learn how to deal with his trauma. He does get better, though.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 20: Break in
The Woodlands
Sonya made it back to the Woodlands and parked in her usual spot in the back alley before walking back around to the entrance. “Hey, Grimble.”, she greets, not worrying about the man’s response as he sleeps.
She walks over to the elevator, waiting for the old box to come down. ‘ Maybe being on leave isn’t too bad …’, she thought as she looked at the bag in her hand with the big bold word of BEST BUY . She grinned as she stepped in the elevator and pressed the button to her floor.
When she reaches her floor, she walks down her hall and notices her door in a weird position. Almost like it was open…
She stopped once she got a bit closer to see that it was indeed open. She snapped her fingers to herself, “Nope.” She turned around and headed toward Bigby’s apartment.
She knocked on his door, looking around the empty hallway. She could her clops coming to the door and the door opened to reveal Colin. “Hey, toots. What’s going on?”
She looks around and looks at the pig. “Hey, Colin. Is Bigby here?” He shakes his head. “He’s probably at his office, if not then he’s out beating up other fables.” She doesn’t respond, keeping her eyes on the empty hallway. “What's up?", he asked.
"Someone was in my apartment while I was gone...", she says. Colin steps aside and lets her in. "You could call his office to see if he's there.", he says, closing the door and managing to lock it.
She scrambled to the phone and dialed his office number. 'Please, pick up. Please, pick up. Please, pick-'
"Hello?", his gruff, mumbled voice answers. She assumed he was smoking again as she lets out a shaky breath of relief. She slid down to the floor by the phone.
"Hello?", he calls again. She clears her throat a bit. "Hey. Uh, are you busy?"
He's silent for a moment before answering, "You're back already? I'm not busy right now– what's wrong?"
"Can you come here? I had to go to your apartment. We need to talk,” she says. She could hear him bustling around, most likely getting ready to come over. "Yeah, I'm on my way."
She nods, even though he couldn't see it and hangs up, waiting for his arrival.
Moments later, she could hear him unlocking the door and he walked in. He looks around to see her give him a smile but it didn't meet her eyes. "Did you have someone in your apartment?"
She stood up. "That's what I called you for. I didn't even get to go inside yet." He led her to her apartment, seeing the old door opened for everyone who walked down the hall to see. He growled, keeping her behind him as he walked up to the apartment.
He peeked from around the corner, his nose twitching as he took in the smells. He took note of her scent, the wood of the old door, a small candle on the lamp table she had and a very distinct scent. It was familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. Nor did he like it.
He frowned as he walked in, taking silent steps. Sonya looked around before stepping in. "Who do you think was in here…?", she whispered enough for him to hear.
He gave her an unsure face, and looked around the dark apartment. She didn't have much so why would anyone break into her place?
Sonya looked in her kitchen, seeing the window in the kitchen open. She closed it and locked it, sighing. Bigby closed the other window. He looked into her empty bedroom and bathroom, frowning at the sight of no one.
He walked up to her. "From now on, you go through the front entrance. No shortcuts, nothing. Not until we figure out what's going on. Are we clear?"
She nodded. He crossed his arms, giving her his signature glare. "I mean it, Sonya.", he says as if he were lecturing a child. She looked up at him with a frown. "I got it.", she says.
Unsatisfied, he leaves it alone and brings her go the Business Office. He frowns at the sight of Bluebeard discussing with Snow and locking eyes with him. "And the dog himself appears.", he says.
Sonya walked up to Bufkin, giving him a smile. "How are you today?", he asks. She rubs behind her neck. "Pretty off today, Bufkin. What about you?" He gives her a worried, soft smile. "I'm as well as can be."
Snow walks up to Sonya, making her frown. "I thought you were supposed to be on leave.", she says, placing her hands on her hips. Sonya crossed her arms. "I am. I'm going through something right now and I definitely don't need you to start anything with me."
"Sonya, I could care less. We don't need you right now. There's nothing happening. There's no case, the Crooked Man is gone. You two handled that very well .", she sneers.
Sonya rubs at her temples, feeling an oncoming headache. Bufkin took that as his cue to leave. "I don't need this right now.", Sonya sighs.
"Whether or not you want me here, I still have a job . Which means it's my only way to even pay for my apartment. Unless you feel like paying the rent yourself, I'd suggest you turn your business elsewhere.", Sonya says, walking toward the mirror as Bigby and Bluebeard nitpick.
"Hey, Mirror.", she calls. The green face appears. "Hello, Miss Sonya."
She rubbed her arm. "You wouldn't happen to know who showed up at my apartment a few minutes ago...would you?"
"Alas, Miss Sonya. For I cannot tell the past.", the mirror replied. She looked down dejectedly. "Sorry about that. I won't need anything else. Thank you." The mirror nods with a smile before showing her reflection.
She sighed. "Dammit. Who would’ve wanted to go to my apartment? I don't have anything like Beauty and Beast..."
Snow looks up from her desk. "Do you need anything else or are you headed out?"
Sonya's jaw clenched. "I don't think I need any of your help. I haven't needed your help since I got here." Snow glares. "If you don't need any then you can go. We sure don't need yours."
Sonya scoffed. "What the fuck is your problem, Snow?" Snow crosses her arms. "That's Ms. White to you. My problem is that you're trouble."
Sonya's eyebrows rise. "I'm trouble?"
"You're often reckless and you add fuel to Bigby's fire. Which he already doesn't need. You don't give him restraint, you egg him on and just watch from the sidelines.", Snow says.
"We went over this already. Bigby is not a pet. He doesn't need to be kept on a leash 24 fucking hours of the day.", Sonya argues. "And did we or did we not get stuff done? Was anyone killed on our behalf?"
"No, but that's not the point.", Snow says. Sonya places her palms on her temples for a moment. "How is that not the point? There was no bloodshed and even if there was, it sure as hell wasn't coming from the opposing side. They were out for blood and over the stupidest shit. The Crooked Man tried to kill us multiple times, for fuck's sake!"
Sonya walks up to the desk, placing her hands on it. "We got the job done. We may have hit a few bumps on the road but in the end, we got justice. So this,"
Sonya gestures to Snow's glare. "Know-it-all, high and mighty, snobby, by the books shit you got going on isn't gonna cut it with me. And it sure as hell ain't gonna cut it with our next problems. Especially if our next problems commit another murder that we have to solve once again."
Sonya stands up straight, crossing her arms. "You've got no reason to act the way you're doing right now. If anything, you're acting like a child . You're "trying" to be mature and "professional", but it's not working. You were better before you thought it was okay to put me on leave over some bullshit.", she says, making Snow's hardened expression falter.
"So if you're writing a book and you must know, I'm here because someone thought it was a good fucking idea to B&E in my place while I was " on leave ".", she says, making Snow’s eyes widen.
She pauses, noticing the silence coming from the room. She turns to Bigby and Bluebeard, meeting their confused eyes.
Bluebeard smiles and adjusts his clothes. "Well, I think it's about time I leave. I take you all have something wondrous to talk about.", he says, walking to the door.
"Hold on, Bluebeard.", Bigby calls. Bluebeard pauses. "You didn't see anyone suspicious enter the Woodlands, did you?"
Bluebeard looks at him over his broad shoulder. "No, not am I worried about that because it's not my job. That should be your job as well as Grimble. Ask him.", he says before leaving.
Bigby shakes his head as he looks at the two women. “Yeah, someone broke in today. I’ll ask Grimble and I’ll see what to do afterwards. I don’t know what’s going on with you two and this hostility thing you guys got going on but it needs to be handled. As for you,” He points at Sonya.
“You need to be on your guard. C’mon.” he says, walking toward the office door. Sonya sighs before following and exiting before him.
They walk to the elevator; Sonya storms in irritation and nearly leaves Bigby in her dust. Once they enter the elevator, Bigby glances at Sonya. She leaned on a wall of the elevator, her eyes closed as her chest rose and fell heavily, as if she were trying to calm down.
He frowned softly, disliking the sight behind him. He didn't like being around someone when they were riled up. It didn't help his own anger and irritation but seeing her so worked up, it made him feel….helpless.
"So...", he speaks up, looking away. Her eyes opened. "You wanna explain what that was about?", he asks.
She frowned, rolling her eyes. "Girl talk." He snorts. "You guys fight. That's girl talk?"
Sonya bit back a sigh. "Just a little powwow. Frankly, I think it's something she's been needing to hear for a while.", she says. Bigby shakes his head. "She means well. She's a disciplinarian but she's doing her best."
Sonya glances at him, her lips pressed in a slight pout. 'Doesn't matter what anyone says… Snow's still an angel in his eyes…'
She frowned in frustration before the elevator doors opened to the lobby. They walk up to Grimble, frowning at the man's snores.
Bigby knocks on the front desk. "Hey. Grimble." Sonya frowned at him in disbelief. "No, "hey, sorry to wake you up"?", she asks, making Bigby shrug.
The sleeping man looks up, rubbing his eyes. "He'd be lying if he apologized. What's the matter?"
"Have you seen anyone suspicious walk through here?", Sonya asks. Grimble frowns and shakes his head. "No, not that I don't think."
"It's even weirder because even if he is asleep, he knows anyone and everyone that comes through here.", Bigby tells her.
"I literally have nothing that's valuable. Unless they're looking for my phone, that might be another story.", she says. She frowns sadly. "If it's not one thing, it's another…"
Bigby frowns, placing a hand on her back. "Let's go take a breather."
She looked up at him. "But I just went out." He shrugged. "So?"
She sighs. "Fine.", she says, walking out of the Woodlands with him.
However, across the street, far into a dark alley, someone watches the sheriff and deputy leave the building.
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peachyaone · 4 years
Lonely Heart Pt. 6 (End)
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Pairings: Lierra x OC
A/N: i'm sorry that it took so long. And i'm sorry for the shitty ending lol
*Lierra’s POV*
As soon as the concert ended, the couple rushed towards the backstage, they hoped to catch them before they could move on to the next venue. As they reached backstage, the band were half ready to leave. Iris was nowhere to be seen. They bumped to Helena though, “Look who we have here. The so called lovers.” She sneered. ‘Helena, please, we just want to talk to her.” Luke said. “Listen, Hemmings. I grew up with that girl. The last time I seen her like this, is when her sister died. I don’t know what you really did to her. But this past few days, what you made her go through, it’s unacceptable. I won’t let you hurt her even more again.” She said.
“I saw her as a sister. We’re family. Her bastard of a father left her for another family. He didn’t love her enough to stay. I don’t want her go through the same thing again. So whatever you are trying to do, if you ever think of hurting her, AGAIN? I’ll kill you both.” She said, eyes narrowed. “We not trying to hurt her, Helena. We just want to talk things out and settle this.” Luke explained.
“Uh-huh, talk. How am I gonna trust the both of you?” She said. “Look, Helena. We love her, and we’ll never hurt her-“ “Bullshit.” She was looking at them with a raised eyebrow. ‘Well, except that, but we didn’t mean it.” Sierra said. “You can’t just call someone names, then expect them to forgive you, Hemmings. “ She said. “I know. I understand if she didn’t. I just want to make things right. “ Luke said. “So please, let us make things right.” Sierra said.
*Iris’s POV*
“ Hey, lovebirds! Have you seen ‘Lena anywhere?” Iris asked the two. Maia and Julia shakes their head.
“Where are you, ‘Lena?” she thought.
She already checked the whole bus. So she could still be in the venue. She threw on a sweatshirt on walked out. “ ‘Lena?” She called out. No response. She went to check to dressing room, then the showers. She wasn’t there either. The last place she could be is the lounge. She heard talking and went in and see. “Helena?” She called out, her head poked out from the door. “Shortcake, hi.” She said, awkwardly. Iris were busy looking at the couple. “What are you doing here.” She said with a blank look on her face. “They came here to talk to you, bub. I tried to stop them, but goddamn they sure are stubborn.” Helena said, side eyeing them. Iris hid her smile with her sleeve. That sounded like them.
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough? “ She said. They couldn't read her expression. “Thank you for your efforts, Helena. But I’ll can take it from here.” She said. “Alright, do what you need to to do. Call if you need help. I'll be outside” Helena said. She patted Iris on her shoulder and whispered In her ear, “You know I’ll support you whatever you do. Make the right decision. Trust your gut feeling.” Then she walked out from the lounge. Iris’s attention was now back on them. Her demeanour was calm and relaxed. And it’s making them nervous. She motioned them to the couch. “Sit. You wanted to talk, we’ll talk. Let’s settle this like adults.” She said. Sierra was the first one to talk. “We wanted to apologize, Iris. We fucked up. We fucked up big time, ”She said. Iris interrupted. “I got that from the first time. An apology doesn’t magically fix anything, Sierra. What Luke did, and what you agreed on, it destroyed me.
Luke looked down guilty. He had hurt her so much and not had a single care for the consequencenes. He was blinded by his anger to see the truth and broke the woman’s trust. The same woman that he grew up with, the one who puts all her problems aside like it’s nothing, just to help him for his. Sierra, felt the same way as Luke did. Their lover, who stood by them since the beginning, the one who loved the both of them wholeheartedly, who would worship them for the rest of her time, and they foolish act made her doubt her trust in them.
Before Iris could react, the blonde had kneeled in front of her, in head on her lap. “I’m so sorry Iris, this is all my fault. This wouldn’t happened if my stupid insecurities didn’t take control of my head. I thought that you weren’t happy with us. You’re always away, you’re rarely home. It made Sierra sad, and I was mad. You were always drunk and I was worried you’ll become what you were during Daniel and Meaghan-“
“Don't mention them.” Iris cut him off.
‘Sorry. Anyways, I was mad that you always stay out late and come home goddamn early in the morning. We wanted to know why, so we waited for you to come home. Then the news started showing the pictures of you with your friend and that’s when I snapped.” he explained.
“Luke-” Iris started.
“No,” he cut her off, looking up so she can his serious expression, “No. You have every right to be mad at me. I fucked up, Iris. I was so mad and so worried that you didn’t want to be with us anymore.” He said.
Sierra moved to sat beside her next, her beautiful brown eyes glistening with tears. “I’m so sorry, Iris,” she whispered, her voice breaking as she tried to keep her eyes on Iris’s. “I’m sorry too. I should’ve known better. I should've known what the media could do, that they lie. Writing false articles that could turn people against each other. I'm sorry we didn't listen. I'm sorry I didn't defend you. I'm sorry I agreed." she said.
"Please don't leave now, you dealt with us for this long, honey, please don’t give up on us. We were idiots, but we're your idiots that’s been in love with you for years. Let us prove to you that you can trust in us again.” He said. Their hearts feel as if it’s going to burst out of their chests as they waited for her response. They were praying that she'll forgive them.
Finally, Iris whispered, “Guys,” she tried, taking a moment to piece everything together. “You two can be such an assholes sometimes.” They laughed breathlessly at the words, waiting with sweaty palms. “Luke, I will always be there for you, and I'm still struggling control my addictions, and if you ever call me names again, forgiveness be damned,” Her voice was strict, and he nodded at her words. "Sierra, I understand, you did what your heart told you in that situation. It's my fault that you were upset."
In that moment , Luke shifts so that he’s was looking at her again. “Come back to us, honey,” he breathes, his eyes finding hers and holding her gaze, “tell us that you’ll come back to us, we’ll promise not to hurt you again. We’ll make up for all of your tears, let us give you the best years.” “Luke,” Iris brought her hand to cup his cheek. “I love you, bub,” you whisper and he feels his heart skip a beat at the nickname. “Let’s walk before we run, okay? .” Luke looks slightly crestfallen.
“That’s not a no. I’m still unsure, Lu. Give me some time.” She said. “We'll give you anything you want, honey. Just tell us that this isn’t the end of us. Tell us that we haven’t lost you yet.” Sierra said. “You haven’t lost me yet.” She whispered to them. They both moved to embrace Iris in their arms, giving small kisses and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
A cough interrupted their shared moment. It was Helena, "Iris, I got your stuff in the the bus, it's almost time to go." She reminded. She shifted for a little, the duo took it as a sign to get off. "We'll we see you again?" Luke asked. "We'll be heading to Dublin next. You can catch us there." Helena answered for her. Luke and Sierra nodded before hugging Iris one last time before heading off.
"I see that you three are back together?" Helena said. "Yeah. I guess we are." Iris muttered. "You guess?" Helena said, confused. Iris started to pick on the skin of her fingers. Helena noticed this and softly pulled her hands away from doing the action. "Let's get you back to the bus, okay buttercup?" Helena said. Iris nodded and followed Helena to the bus. "Hey, what took you guys so long?" Julia said. "We ran into some fans, they wanted to take some photos." Helena lied. She looked at Iris reassuringly. Iris shot a thankful one back. Julia shrugged and went to find Maia. "So what's going on? What are you not sure about?" Helena asked her. "Did I do the right thing?" Iris said. "Iris, if you don't want to, Me and Julia can talk with them?" Iris shook her head.
"Keep yourself together, Iris." Iris said. "Its fine, 'Lena. I can handle this. I need now...is a drink." Iris took a beer bottle. "Iris, are you sure?" Helena asked. "Yeah." She took a swig. "Iris. This is not healthy." Helena said. Iris sighed. "Do you that my sister would be proud of me now?" She asked. "Iris, of course she would. You made the dream you two had a reality." Helena went over and hugged her. "I miss her so much." Iris hugged Helena back. "But she would whoop your ass for drinking too much, so stop it." Helena took the bottle from Iris's hands.
They arrived at Dublin. Luke and Sierra decided to give Iris a video call. Iris heard her phone ring. It was Luke. She answered, their faces popped up on the screen.
"Hey honey."
"Are you doing okay?"
"Is there something wrong?"
"Do you want this?"
"Want what?"
"This relationship with me."
"Of course we want it, what made you think otherwise?"
"It's just that you two would be better off without me."
"Why would you think that?"
"Before I came into the picture, you two were dating for 2 years, and you two seemed really happy. I'm just scared that you would want that back."
"Iris, why would you think that we want that?"
"We want you to be here, with us."
"Do you?"
"We do."
Iris went silent for awhile. "Okay." She said. "Are you going to concert tomorrow?" She asked. "Yeah, we're going. Ashton's coming along too." Iris nodded. "Anyways, you should get some sleep." Sierra told her. Iris hummed in agreement. "Goodbye, hun." they said. "Goodbye now." They ended the call.
Iris stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened.
"Maybe we could be okay again." She thought as sleep overtook her.
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