xei-xyo · 2 days
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xei-xyo · 2 days
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i can no longer mine im not a miner anymore its my 18th birrrrrday hip hip hooray 😼 draws nightwing anyway
i can now play the 18+ servers on ponytown without getting banned
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xei-xyo · 6 days
saw someone say months ago that the best cover story for jason coming back to life in the public eye is to say he was in witness protection. and i agree with that! but id like to add: jason would make a public statement saying that the reason he was in witness protection is “i saw joker kill robin”
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xei-xyo · 6 days
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xei-xyo · 6 days
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i had a thought
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xei-xyo · 6 days
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joker killed batman instead of jason
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xei-xyo · 7 days
9 year old Dick: If you’re a friendless loser and you know it, clap your hands!
Dick: Clap. Your. Hands.
Bruce: *clap clap*
12 year old Jason: HEY YOU!
Jason: HEY! YOU!
Bruce: It’s not polite to not call people by their names, Robin.
Jason: Nice try, Hey You. I know my mentor’s name.
13 year old Tim: You see this coffee, Bruce?
Bruce: Thank you for making this for m-
Tim: This is my coffee. You are having water. Only people who don’t break mugger’s fingers get coffee.
Clark: Batman, your Robins are so polite. They must have been a joy to raise.
Bruce, through clenched teeth: Such a joy.
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xei-xyo · 7 days
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My brother and my pig he didn't want
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xei-xyo · 7 days
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You know what they say……..
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xei-xyo · 7 days
Batman gives each of his Robins a different code to use when they’re in trouble and need immediate extraction. He promises that when they call, he’ll drop everything just to get to them, come hell or high water.
Jason, during his time with the League, shares his code with Damian, to be used “only in the direst of circumstances, when you have exhausted all other options.” He doesn’t know if Bruce will answer, given how fractured their relationship was before he died, but it is better than nothing. Every tool counts when they live such dangerous lives.
Damian uses it exactly once, and Bruce, who still feels the loss of his son like a yawning chasm in his chest, responds to it even though he knows it can’t be Jason because Jason’s dead. What he finds, instead of Jason, is a boy in League garbs, drenched in blood from the tips of his midnight-black hair to his too-small feet, with a face that Bruce sees himself and Talia in, requesting asylum from a grandfather who wishes to possess his body. Bruce doesn’t question how this boy who is so clearly his son knew the code. Talia al Ghul is resourceful and places family above all; the code is not beyond her abilities to discover, and she is not above using Bruce’s desperate love for his dead son to ensure that hers does not meet the same fate.
Bruce takes Damian in, because of course he does, and since Jason is dead he allows Damian to keep using the code. After all, it’s not like Jason is alive to use it, right? If someone uses the code, there’s no one it could be but Damian, right?
The next time the code is used, Bruce traces the location to Gotham even though Damian was supposed to be in Bludhaven visiting Dick. But whatever happened that resulted in Damian being in Gotham can wait, because he has already failed one son and he will not fail another, his son is in trouble and he needs to get to him, he needs to—
What he finds, instead of Damian, is a boy (just eighteen, too young, but also too old, but also he will always be a boy to him) in League garbs, drenched in blood from the tips of his midnight-black hair to his too-large feet (when had he gotten so big), wearing the face of his dead son.
(Who, maybe, just maybe, may no longer be so dead.)
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xei-xyo · 7 days
A little bit after Jason is left to fend for himself on the streets, a cat starts to follow him around. At first he tries to make it go away, since he can't afford to take care of it, but then it starts leading him to places to find food and warm alcoves to spend the colder nights. So, he let's it follow him around, occasionally giving a portion of his food when he was able. Since he can't really call the cat 'it' or 'the cat' he names him Mr. Darcy.
Eventually, Jason is adopted, and he tries to get Mr. Darcy to live with him at the manor, but Mr. Darcy doesn't stop hissing at Bruce and trying to run away, so he stays as a stray. However, he does often go up to the roofs to hang out with Robin, who always gives him a little snack and pets. Selina thinks this is absolutely adorable and keeps a close eye on Mr. Darcy when she can.
After Jason dies, Mr. Darcy refuses to leave his grave. Selina has to visit the cemetery every day to make sure the cat doesn't starve himself. It's hard for her, but she knows Jason wouldn't want his cat to be neglected because of him. (And Mr. Darcy was his, just as much as he was Mr. Darcy's)
About six months after the funeral, Selina can't find Mr. Darcy anywhere. She assumes he had passed, too.
A year later she finds Mr. Darcy meowing at her door, biting at her pant legs and trying to drag her along. He leads her to Jason's grave and starts clawing, trying to dig. Picking him up, she takes him to her apartment. He's getting old, after all, and the streets aren't safe for an elderly kitty. It's what Jason would have wanted.
One day, Selina notices that Mr. Darcy has been leaving the apartment often. Obviously, this worries her, since he's already so old, so she follows him. Only, she finds that he's been meeting with Crime Alley's newest crime lord. But, instead of hurting him, like she would have expected, the Red Hood is petting Mr. Darcy and giving him treats.
Selina is the first person in Gotham to know who is under the red hood, all thanks to Mr. Darcy and his, honestly terrifying intelligence.
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xei-xyo · 7 days
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xei-xyo · 8 days
In the early days of Batman and Robin, around the time of Robin joining his own teen superhero team, Robin finally convinced Batman that he “can’t just ride around in the Batmobile forever, he needs his own ride! His own way to drive around and carry people if Batman isn’t there.”
Bruce, of course, is quietly devastated at the reminder that his son is growing up (he nearly started crying when Dick outgrew his booster seat in the Batmobile, they still have a little spot for it in the Batcave), but agrees that Robin has a point. This is how Robin gets his first motorcycle, under the agreement that he will be extremely careful and always wear the appropriate helmet while riding.
Of course the first thing Robin does is turn around and teach himself how to do the Akira slide on his bike.
And of course Nightwing makes sure this is one of first things he teaches Robin when he and Jason are bonding for the first time. It’s one of their best memories, messing around on an empty lot, burning tires and picking up scrapes. Dick has never seen Jason grin so widely before.
But then Jason dies. And suddenly the little silly things like bike tricks don’t feel like enough anymore. Not when one of the only other people who would have understood that reference is so devastated by his failures that he’s putting people in urgent care every night and close to ending up there himself.
So when Tim comes around, stubbornly shoving his way under Batman’s cape, for his own damn good, Dick hesitates to teach him the little things that he taught Jason. But he gives in anyways, because Robin needs to feel supported and cared about, and in a silly way, that’s what the Akira slide is about. That was why Bruce gave Dick his first motorcycle in the first place.
A few years pass, a new few players join the scene. A new crime lord starts rising through the ranks, he also whips through the streets on a motorcycle (honestly, there’s no other way to blow through the static Gotham traffic).
And then, the Red Hood does it. Right in front of Nightwing, on a midnight chase through the city. The mother-fucking Akira slide.
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xei-xyo · 8 days
i think i know the reason why bruce has problems with all of his children when they grow up:
bruce decided who he was and what his moral code would be when he was 8, and that has never changed after that. so i really think he just does not believe that people CAN change because HE never did...
but most people, most children especially, change a whole lot. and children who live through a lot of trauma can change very very much.
so for bruce, who - after seeing his parents die, yes- had a rather normal childhood (no fighting crime, no getting tortured, no dying, etc).. he cant relate to them. at all.
look at the oldest two:
dick started being robin at 9 i think? that man is trauma central. no wonder he and bruce got i to fight after fight when he was a teenager.
jason got tortured, DIED, woke up in his grave, was taken and brainwashed by a cult, got dipped into the lazarus pit... there was NO chance of him being the kid he died as.
Bruce is unchanging, but all the batlings are growing up, changing a lot, changing all the time. and he does not understand that thats normal - to him they are either doing something wrong or they ARE wrong somehow.
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xei-xyo · 9 days
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Part 23! Clark ate Lex up ngl
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xei-xyo · 9 days
I didn't see that until you mentioned it, I drew this in like fifteen minutes. Tbh, I also just kinda assumed that he would have helmet hair or something B) There's no way his hair isn't sweaty inside of that helmet especially after fighting crime
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Quick sketch B)
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xei-xyo · 10 days
love the idea of the Batfamily getting stopped and searched in the family car on the way back to the Manor and everyone’s tense expecting Jason to be the one packing like twelve guns but it’s Alfred? Alfred is absolutely unbelievably strapped up to high heaven? And he somehow manages to talk to the cops out of arresting him or even giving him a ticket?
Bruce is just standing on the side of the road pinching the bridge of his nose. Jason is grinning so widely his face is about to rip. Alfred’s guns are all sitting on the hood of the car and there’s at least three there that Bruce remembers taking away and destroying. Dick is taking pictures on his phone to send to Barbara and trying not to laugh. Tim has Kon on speaker narrating it…
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