#though i kind of really fell in love with uruha
cometrose · 21 days
do you think sojo and uruha were reading the same y/n x kunishige fanfics
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clubgazette · 5 years
the GazettE Live Tour 18-19 THE NINTH / PHASE #04 -99.999- @ Backstage werk, Munich 2019.06.18.
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It’s so bloody hot omg we all look like we’ve been swimming. It turned out the AC was broken (had been so for several years according to bar staff??), apparently it was 35-40C on stage due to the stage lights. I don’t know how hot it was in the rest of the hall but it was h o t. I’m surprised not more people collapsed tbh.
Ruki is... not doing well :( he’s taking a lot of breaks from singing and his voice sounded like it’s near breaking several times. (Edit: several people thought it’s connected to the eathquake/tsunami warning that happened back in Japan a bit earlier that day, but he really sounded like he was just getting ill)
Terry: Can we talk about how Ruki pushed two of his fingers all the way into his mouth and smooched them sensually as he took them out
Emi: Reita was insane, he kept coming to the front and he was just going crazy, widening his eyes and sticking out his tongue and omlll. He was sweating so much, his tech came out multiple times to clean up his sweat, I also saw aoi dripping sweat and ruki kept shaking his jacket.
Kai messed up a bit in UGLY and they nearly stopped (the others were all smiling/laughing) but they kept going after all. When they came on stage again for encore and it was time for Kai’s MC he started with “sorri.... I make... mistake...”  😂😂😂
Emi: Kai was freaking adorarable, he apolgised for messing up during ugly which was so cute, Ruki just looked back and started singing again and then shrugged and laughed, Aoi couldn't stop laughing either.
Ruki was a bit better for the encore!
Reita tried to time the throat-cut motion with Ruki for inside beast but Ruki only did it half-assedly so it failed 😂😭
Hyenaaaa I didn’t catch any of the Uruki action bc Reita came over to kamite and was playing with us 😭 BUT I caught the Aoiha afterwards!! Aoi came over to kamite and slowly went towards Uruha. Uruha noticed him and slowly lowered himself in front of Aoi (beaming). Aoi was nodding and smiling and it looked like they were talking. Then Uruha laughed and slowly got up again, Aoi (still smiling and nodding) moved behind him and played close behind him for a few moments until Uruha went back to his mic and Aoi went back to shimote.
Hika: Ruki put his arm around Uruha and few seconds later he patted his head lovely 😭😭😭
Hika: Kai's little solo at the end of Undying... It is E V E R Y T H I N G 😭😭😭😭
calmhyena: Uruha and aoi were super cheerful and uru interacted a lot with the crowd! He seemed happy, showed us that he was sweaty too and replied to our hearts with another heart!
Reita threw a pick towards kamite and it landed on the edge of the stage. He laughed (super cutely 😭😭😭) and then continued throwing to shimote.
Uruha recorded the crowd (with their cameraman’s extra equipment) while Kai was taking pictures! Despite everyone being exhausted the crowd cheered a lot.
Kou: At the end of the live, Uruha took a phone from staff that they were using to record and recorded the entire crowd, while interacting with everyone. 😭💕 He's such a sweetheart.
I set a goal for myself: look Reita in the face (I never quite can) since it’s the last m&g for me. Kou went in front of me and f—... I get to Reita and he goes “hey hey look at me” in English 😭😭😭😭 I panicked and said いえいえいえいえ無理無理無理 (nononono impossible) and he LAUGHED and patted my hand
I asked a Ruki if he’s ok and he looked both happy and a little embarrassed. He said he’s alright, apologised while laughing, and then said thank you.
Me: ルキさん、大丈夫ですか?喉はどうですか? R: あっ、なんとかなるよ。フフごめんね、ありがとう!
I told Kai: don’t worry about today’s miss! (I wanted to say more but he interrupted me by BURSTING OUT LAUGHING) Kai: HAHAHAHA SORRY SORRY (slapping my shoulder repeatedly and pulling at my hand until staff grabbed both my shoulders and basically frogmarched me past Uruha <-- I did not stay in front of him particularly long (and he made it hard to leave because he was pulling on my hand lol) so I don’t think the forceful handling was justified)
Staff kept shoving me past Uruha, I barely had time to say “thanks” :( he held on to my hand and held me back while staff shoved me further and further lol... I feel really bad for him being last. He has no time to talk to anyone and he loves m&g :/
Kou: Staff pushed us way too quickly through meet and greet, especially in front of Uruha, who was last. I was barely able to say otsukaresama before I was being shoved towards the door. The staff who was shoving people away from Uruha not only ruined a lot of fan experiences, but you could also tell Uruha was quite distressed. 
Kou: Very disappointed with German venue staff. At both Cologne and Munich there was one, maybe two, good/kind staff, but the rest were all on power trips and were total dickheads.
Thread on B7Klan being less than accommodating, including neglecting to follow up on disabled customers.
Kou: The staff member (who was huge and muscley af btw) who was pulling people away from Uruha didn't just push like staff normally do, but would grab you by both shoulders or even by the hips and DRAG you away from him and shove you towards the door.
Lili: I just want to let you all know that when I told Reita "You rock!" He answered "Yes I Rock" and did a stupid pose doing 🤘🤘like of he was a statue model ... XD 💛
Emi: I was shaking after speaking to Aoi so I was super nervous going up to Reita, I wanted to say something simple like thank you and I love you. So obviously aishteru is a bit intense so I was told people usually say daisuki instead, well...
Emi: I went up to him and I could barely look at cus omfg it's Reita. I managed to get out thank you and daisuki But IT WAS SOOO EMBARASIINGNG. I felt like I was telling my school crush that u liked him, AND THEN HE STARTED GIGGLING AT ME.
Emi: After the Reita incident I was sooooo embarrassed so I couldn’t help but hide my face, Ruki took my hands and started laughing at how embarrassed I was, he was so smiley and warm and even though I only said thank you he really leaned in and listened to what I said.
Emi: Then we went to Kai, OMG WHAT. Kai is the most gorgeous human ever, he is ALWAYS smiling. Its important to know that I had been crying through the whole encore. so after I shook his hand I covered my face and he just said in the cutest voice "don't cry! Don't cry!"
Coldroute: Arm wrestling with Reita at the M&G - I WON !!!
Christina: I was shaking hands with Reita when i asked him to give me a high five and he said „yeah!!“ leaned back just so he could put extra power in his high five AND IT WAS AWESOME
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Special shoutout to the friendly and helpful fans I met everywhere, you are all amazing! Thanks to fans who organised queueing when staff would not, and thank you so much to everyone who cooperated with the fan made systems and made this WT such an enjoyable experience ☺️💖 WT13 was quite stressful and not that enjoyable for me so I ended up skipping WT16, but you guys have showed me that world tours can be amazing (even though I wish we had ticket numbers eliminating the dumb system of making people sleep on the street).
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uruhaxrukifanfics · 5 years
hi :) it's me for the zillionth time. I got two questions? I'm curious, why do you make uruha top since 99% people say he's bottom (I'll never be that 99%) and how can you write so many smut? the last time I tried writing smut, I was so ashamed and I couldn't stop laughing >.
Is that true? I haven’t read other people’s fanfics in so long, so I can’t really pin an opinion to that lol. I met someone that was once really dear to me through their portrayal of Uruha through roleplay, and I did not lie when I said her portrayal of him ruined me lol. LIKE, I don’t know how to describe it except I fell in awe with someone’s writing, and then falling in love with the mun just made it a thousand times worst (in a good way). But it wasn’t simply because it was knowing the person, once being a friend and involved with them, even though that was a bonus, but her portrayal of him as a whole made such an impact on me. I still don’t know how to explain it properly to this day, but it’s one of those moments where you innately know you’ll carry that kind of impact on you for the rest of your life
I think it was because our muses meshed so, so well right off the bat whenever we collaborated in writing, but even I don’t think it was just that alone. I wish you were able to read it. We don’t talk anymore, and there isn’t any resentment I hold in any way, shape or form, so believe me when I say that this compliment comes from a genuine, untainted space and it has never changed: I remember her being a wonderful writer, and I think her portrayal of him, if she ever wrote uruki pieces of her own, would make you fall in love with him just as much as it made me. It really inspired me and how I look at approaching building his character for any other AU or band-verse that I write
So, with that said, there’s nothing wrong with having Uruha bottom. People are entitled to their own opinion and personal taste on with whether he bottoms or tops, or switches! There’s nothing wrong with that. 
But for my writing specifically, Ruki is a power bottom/comfortable topping from the bottom, Uruha has bottomed before and doesn’t mind switching depending on his partner but has a preference to top and both likes a) a good struggle for dominance and establishing obedience and b)gets a good laugh when Ruki thinks he’s in charge but also is terribly aroused when he has the upper hand too 
I said what I said
With that said lol, writing smut is so much fun! But I also wouldn’t press you to write something you aren’t fully comfortable with, you know? There is totally nothing wrong with a “fade to black” smut moment after you depict your characters getting hot and heavy in a fic
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musicissavingme · 7 years
Workout Or Handstand (a GazettE story)
You walked to the gym from you apartment. You went to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday. But this Thursday was different. You had no idea what you were going to see when you walked into the gym. You saw someone you haven't seen in a long time. Your best friend Reita was doing some chin ups when you walked in. "Reita? Is that you?" You asked as he was finishing his chin ups. "(Name)? Oh my god its been so long sense we seen each other! How have you been? I missed you!" He said as he picked you up and spun you around in his arms. "I missed you too Reita. I'm good I just moved back to Japan and heared that there was a festival coming up soon and that your band is going to be playing." You had moved to Canada to go to school but you missed Japan so you decided to move back. "Yeah, yeah we are playing. Are you going? I can ask for you to come back stage, if you want? Oh the guys would love to meet you I just know they would!" He was really excited to see you. It has been over 3 years since you saw each other last. You never got the chance to meet his band but while you were away you would listen to their music. It brought you comfort knowing Reita was doing something he loved. "I'd love to go back-" your phone started ringing before you could finish your sentence. "I'm sorry Rei-chan but I have to take this." You left the workout room and answered your phone. Meanwhile Reita was getting bored so he decided to do something he's never done. He decided to do a handstand to impress you. As you finished your call you walked back into the workout room to find Reita upside down doing a handstand. "Reita wha-what the hell are you doing?" You were in shock. You never saw Reita do something like this. You were a little worried that he might fall and hurt himself but you knew that he tried to stay as safe as possible. "Rei-chan you want to have a contest?" You were how doing the same. You were doing a handstand. You and Reita were facing each other. "What kind of contest (name)-San?" "A staring contest while we do handstands! What do you think? You think you can do that?" All he did was nod a yes. After about 2 minutes his arms started to shake a lot. You thought he was about to fall. And as you thought, he fell. You laughed. "I win!" You said and got down. Reita on the other hand did not think it funny, not one bit of it was funny to him. You went over to where Reita was now standing rubbing the sore spot of his ass from where he fell. You hugged him. "Is my big baby okay?" You said in a teasingly way. You knew his was okay but you did care about him so you asked just to make sure. "Yeah I'm fine. And stop calling me your big baby. I'm not a baby, ya know!" He was pissed  at your statement is available for your statement. But he knew it was a friendly joke. When you two were in high school you would call him 'your big baby' because that's how it felt. When something bad happened to him, he'd go to you and well he wouldn't cry but he was more sensitive then he would have been if he wasn't heartbroken. You love him like he was your older brother. You would stay be his side through every break between every class. You were his little shadow. But when he left to be in thee band you were lost. You had no other friends then him. You weren't very well liked. He was the only person in the world that understood you. He was the only family you had. You looked up to him. He was your hole world. Then he felt. You could never hate him for leaving you alone in school while he's doing something he loved like. But when he left he also left with uruha, your other only friend. Now that he was in frount you again you couldn't help but feel like you were home. He was home. You felt safe when he was with you. "Rei-chan, I-I love you" He knows you love him. You just had to say it. "I love you too (name)" He was and still is your hole world. He loved you when no one else did. And now he still loves you even though he's famous and your still a nobody. Although you might be a nobody to everyone around you, your were everything to him. At the end of your "workout" you exchanged numbers so you two could talk once again. You said your goodbyes and went you separate ways. What you didn't know was that Reita was watching you as you walked away. He loved you. He really did. "I love you (name). And I always will." He said as you walked. --------------------------------- Hi, this is my first fanfic so take it easy on me if it's bad. I'm in the process of writing a second part to this one. Also if anyone wants to give me any scenarios I would like that. I'd like to thank @silentgazetteninja for the scenario and my best friend @persiciflorebellator for proof reading this for me.
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