#though an oc who’s family JUST moved to Tulsa….
boysborntodie · 8 months
Tried making a Desi OC in the Outsiders and immediately gave up because what the fuck are they doing in Tulsa anyways??
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keywest-princess · 3 years
Ok so this is a project I've been working on for awhile now, about 6 years but I finally did it. I finished making my outsiders oc.
This will just be just a little guide to her. I'll probably edit and update this in the future if need be. But for now enjoy!
Also shout out to @littledickenergy-wow for helping me with her background!
Also tw for sex work
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(Ps the line art is a little funky because I couldn't find the pen I normally use so I had to make due, just don't look at her for too long)
Name: Bernadette Schuyler.
Nickname: Birdie or 'Dear Girl'
Birthday: October 6, 1945
Age: 20 years old.
Occupation: college student
Sign: Libra
Appearance: Bernadette is a tall, curvy woman with long hair usually worn up in a ponytail with angled eyebrows and green eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless dress with light colored boots paired with a simple belt.
When she was younger in high school, Bernadette's hair was short and fluffy, worn usually with a ribbon or other hair accessories.
Personality: Bernadette is a naturally very kind, talkative and endlessly curious girl who shows great interest in people's unique physical features and is easily distracted by them. Due to this, Bernadette can be very blunt, often asking rather invasive or off-puttig questions.
Bernadette is an affectionate person and a "free spirit," Someone who has a genuine passion for learning new and strange things and isn't afraid to speak her mind or show how she feels. She seems to like knowing more than others, but not in a proud way, as she just enjoys explaining things to people and sharing her knowledge. She is mentioned to act like a kindergartener due to her childish glee.
She is very enthusiastic, affable, and cheery, and is always seen moving. She shows her compassionate side with her friends by making food for them or buying them something she saw them eyeing recently. However, she has shown a more stotic nature during various situations. Thanks to her inquisitive and chatty demeanor, she is a notably level-headed individual, though she comes off as an "airhead" most of the time.
Despite her happy-go-lucky personality, Bernadette is fierce in a fight. When the situation calls for it, Bernadette can be very calm and focused. Her curiosity never seems to extend to whoever she is fighting and she can always maintain her focus on taking then out.
During a rumble one time in high school, Bernadette showed great judgement, aptitude and anger, a side which she does not display often. Her strong heart is what has allowed her to climb the ranks of her status amongst her peers.
Backstory: Bernadette is a descendant of Philip Schuyler, an American general in the Revolutionary War and a US Senator. She was born in Albany, New York but moved to Tulsa when she was 14 when her parents divorced. In high school she became close friends with Darry and later joined the cheerleading squad her freshman year. She became well acquainted with the Curtis family, often coming over after school to do homework with Darry or hang out with him while he watched his brothers while their parents were out together.
Despite being close friends in high school, Darry and Bernadette fell out of touch after graduation when she left to attend college in Virginia. Only a few years later learning about the unfortunate passing of his parents, Bernadette and Darry began to exchange letters about what will happen to Pony and Soda. She expresses her concerns for all three of them and tells Darry that she can come home to help him in any way- either financially or emotionally, to which of course he refuses.
Even so, Bernadette makes the decision to leave college and come back home to Tulsa, saying that the brothers situation at hand was more important than her studies would ever be. After dropping out and moving back in with her mother, Bernadette was able to get a job as a sex worker to help support Darry financially whenever he needed it. He expressed his disgust at Bernadette's work, saying that she should've stayed in Virginia, and that she was too good for this type of work, but knows that she wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.
Likes: Pomegranates, lilies, guns, baking, true crime, and early mornings.
Dislikes: sheer fabric (doesn't like how it feels), spiders, cramped or small spaces, cops, scary movies, and dogs (she's actually just scared if them).
Fun facts about her:
She's considered the best long range shot in Tulsa
She can write short hand
She collects weird things like keychains
She gets motion sickness easily, this is why she prefers walking to driving
Although she's a good fighter, she tends to stay out of rumbles and such because it can interfere with her work
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tulsahill · 4 years
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『 luke benward. twenty six. cis male. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that TULSA HILL from CHESTNUT DRIVE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them UNAMBITIOUS & PRIVATE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool BAKER at THE PASTRY PLACE and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been OBSERVANT & PROPER. i hope i see them around again! 『 gracie. 20. est. she/her. 』
hey’all! i’m gracie and i’m v excited to share my babies with you! i may have gotten a little carried away but here’s tulsa 
he’s a baker at the pastry place, cue all the bread aesthetics lol but seriously he can make some mean sweet treats and despite his looks he’s not too shabby with a piping bag, 
he started as a custodian type when he was seventeen and worked his way up to the register picking up every tip and trick he could until he became an expert in the kitchen.
he finds baking therapeutic but you probably won’t catch him in the kitchen much outside of work 
he’s not very openly affectionate with people which keeps some away but he has a strong sense of service and is the guy friends and acquaintances call to jump their car, or help them move. his level of moodiness and complaint depends on who’s asking though, like minnie may is getting a ‘yes ma’am’ and quick service where someone closer in age might get a ‘what’s in it for me?’
he’s a cereal dater nothing has really picked up beyond a third date for a while
he kind of hovers in the back of group get togethers, not the life of the party but if you get a chance to talk to him he’s pretty funny and over all tolerable 
he grew up in mapleview and will probably die there, guess you could say he’s not much of a dreamer
his family never had a lot of money so he didn’t go to college, his grades weren’t great anyway nor his rap sheet, now that you mention it
he wasn’t a bad kid, still isn’t, he’s actually pretty popular with all the old ladies at church cause, well he shows up for one, and everyone knows if tulsa got into a fight it was well deserved on the other person’s part.
that being said there are a handful of fist fights on his record, not so many since he’s been out of high school, he likes to think everyone knows better at this point.
he’s the middle child between an older brother and younger sister, both have moved out of mapleview, leaving him to take care of his mom
his dad passed away about three years ago, it really put a strain on the family dynamic
tulsa moved back in with his mom when his dad passed, to help pay bills and just watch over her
extras and wanted plots
his inspos were the baker from cinderella II, meets ryan from the oc, meets bo from dumplin’, meets luke from gilmore girls so take from that what you will lol
gimme someone he’s been in a few fights with in high school and they’re older now but still don’t like each other
someone he’s been in a few fights with in high school and they’ve changed for the better for it (a la ryan and luke in the oc)
his quirky best friend where they just look weird together cause they’re so different (the seth to his ryan)
someone he sits with at church just cause they always have since they were kids
someone who is a total mess and it seems like tulsa is on speed dial cause he’s always helping them out, bonus if there’s a bartering system like he jumps their car and they give him something in return
high school girlfriend
someone he’s been on a few dates with, who might like him more than he thinks 
someone he’s been on a few dates with, and now they’re just each other’s booty call
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manicmedic-tf2 · 5 years
So as some of you may have seen I’m a bit of a OC hoarder and I’ll give you a brief history on each of them. You can ask me about them if you want to know more!
1. RED Saboteur also known as Sabs- Harlow isn’t her real name as her name is actually a number. She came from a shady company called Revelation Tech where she was born and trained to kill. She escaped, her “siblings” came after her and she took most of them out, and then finally arrived at Mann Co.
2. RED Executioner- Halvar Oloffson- Swedish giant that was a national underground fighter that ranked 8 out of 10 best fighters. His family weren’t aware until they saw him beaten up and he caved. They convinced him to do a job less dangerous to support them, so he ended up finding Mann Co. and the job wasn’t too dangerous since he ended up coming back to life.
3. RED Bodyguard- Hasida Mizrahi- After a family tragedy, she moved from home of Israel to Austria and she needed a way to support her family. She found an ad in Mann Co. and she joined there.
4. Mediator- Nathan Red Hawk- Needing a way to support his father’s cancer treatment he worked for Mann Co. to settle any issues there may be between the mercenaries. Whether it be in their own team or the enemy it couldn’t interfere with the job. Poor man is in a done mood 99% of the time with them.
5. BLU Saboteur- Hikaru Kuwabara- Former hitman for the yakuza and after an incident on a hit he left. Without anything except his skills he looks for redemption and to do that he needs money to help start a new life. For that it was Mann Co.
6. BLU Bodyguard- Julio Ricardo Jr.- Celebrity from Mexico City as a lucha libre wrestler. His father was also a wrestler and was the Classic Bodyguard. After his first overdose and has hit rock bottom he goes to his roots and goes to work for Mann Co. to help him.
7. BLU Exectioner- Dakari Akintola- From a political family in Ethiopia and a soldier. Though after being dishonorably dishcharged he was shunned from his family and went to America and found work in Mann Co.
8. Therapist- Chahna Burman- A highly recommended therapist from India, she was hired on to evaluate and support each of the mercenaries. She provides a safe haven and a break from the stressful and intense environment that Mann Co. has brought on.
9. Assistant- Liling Zhao- With organized crime roots in her family, Liling wanted nothing from it as she wanted to pursue knowledge. After they framed her at the university she worked at she went on the run. Then found Mann Co. as a hideout and a way to make money. She fills in and helps her co-workers and even have to fill in for the mercs if need be despite hating violence.
10. Swindler- Jules Rodriguez- A very well known theif and hoodwinker with a past that’s not solidly known she is seductive as she is charming. After getting pissing off the wrong people she went to work for Mann Co. to lay low for a while.
11. Kingpin- Ellsworth “Scrappy” Morrison- One of the biggest mob bosses from New York that ran Harlem with a firm grip. He was very well liked by the locals and even his rivals respected him until his cousin formed a coup and just about killed him had it not been for Miss Pauling pulling him from the brink of death. She brought him to Mann Co. and offered him the job there and having nothing left, but revenge in his heart he accepted.
12. Seramu- Just a non-binary (he/him, they/them) 10,000+ year old sassy wizard that loves to annoy the mercenaries, but also secretly lonely. Really doesn’t like Merasmus and basically calls him a poser.
13. Virulent- Rin Hamasaki- Expert in poisons, sociopath, goth before it was cool, hates people, and cares about her pets.
14. BLU Sniper- Ragni Pelenato- Aussie Samoan and expert marksman. Super chill and loves to annoy his RED counterpart.
15. BLU Medic- Abra Schulz- Ex-wife to RED Medic and widow to her second husband. She wanted a place to help provide for her clinic and her family and found Mann Co.
16. BLU Pyro- Siku Nakoyak- Former firefighter and a pyromaniac that had nowhere else to go and with nothing left to lose she found Mann Co.. A place where she can settle her pyromania and have a place to live.
17. Instigator- Elize Taylor- An actress looking to get into the mindset of the roles she’s been playing lately. From little ole Tulsa, Kansas, to Hollywood and New York, and now at Mann Co.
18. RED Guard Dog- Lou- Pit mix adopted from a shelter as a puppy and trained to be a K-9 unit for Mann Co. A big goofball who loves his humans and steals socks on the base and off he’s a great teammate.
19. BLU Guard Dog-Bud- German Shepherd descended from many K-9 units and military dogs. A very professional dog that does not mess around when it comes to spies.
20. Enforcer-Oscar- Sabs’s oldest “brother” from Revelation Tech. Searched for her since he aided in her escape(that she was unaware of) and after finding her and reconnecting her he started working for the company as someone who makes sure the rules are followed after a merc breaks them. With his enhanced strength and short temper he doesn’t mess around.
21. Watcher-Marshal- Sabs’s second older brother from Relevation Tech. After being nearly killed by her when he attacked her he lost interest and went on his own for a bit until the people from the program tried to take him back. They would have taken him had it not been for Oscar and dragging him to find Sabs. He started working for Mann Co. as someone who gets dirt on anyone. With his teleportation powers he can get in and out of anywhere with no problem.
22. Vigil- Valeria Gomez- A former nun from Columbia who is hailed a hero and a criminal back in her country for taking out cartels. She went to North America for a place to lay low for a while and was recruited by Miss Pauling for work.
And that be it! If you’d like to know more about any of them feel free to ask!
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auburnfamilynews · 8 years
Rhett shocked the Auburn Family tonight with a departure to an AAC school.
Rhett Lashlee has been a deeply polarizing figure at Auburn over the last few seasons. There are plenty who have derided his ability to develop the quarterbacks and considered him only a "Yes Man." Then there are those - like me - who have defended his coaching and praised his play-calling during the Tigers' 6-game winning streak in 2016.
We've always known Rhett would eventually want to break away from Gus Malzahn and prove his worth on his own without having Gus' shadow looming over him. We just didn't expect that to be leaving for UConn to be their offensive coordinator and taking a $250k pay cut to do it.
Welcome to UConn new offensive coordinator Rhett Lashlee! http://pic.twitter.com/wiq5xSyeng
— UConn Football (@UConnFootball) January 12, 2017
It has been speculated that if the NCAA approves the 10th assistant, then Gus would be shuffled from the QB coach duties, anyway. Perhaps this is a multi-part move to make everyone happy. We know Rhett needs success away from Gus. We know Gus' offense needs some new and fresh concepts, especially in the passing game.
I know plenty will be thrilled with this move. I, for one, am not as thrilled. I do think the offense needed some new ideas, but I think Rhett was doing a good job at getting Auburn back to what we know and wanted it to be during that winning streak.
So where do the Tigers turn from here? That's a big question. There are plenty of possibilities out there. Let's discuss a few.
1) Art Briles. Let's get this out of the way. His name is going to come up. I'm not saying Auburn or Gus would even consider it, but it's going to come up. Gus and Art are friends. Art doesn't have a job right now. Auburn lured Jarrett Stidham in and Lashlee was a huge part of that. You have to think either they let him in on a bit of what was going on or else this was a blind-side move to hold on to Rhett until Stidham enrolled. However, if Auburn hires Briles, then that'll be the last of my Auburn fandom until everyone involved in his hiring is gone.
2) Chip Kelly. I can dream, right? Kelly is available, and he could definitely add some new perspective and help get the Tigers back in the Hurry Up/No Huddle game. Can you imagine his offenses with a dynamic passing QB and a lock-down defense? It's not likely to happen, but I'd love it if it did.
3) Sonny Dykes. The recently fired Cal coach comes from an Air Raid philosophy, so that may seem strange at first, but remember that Gus was more of a passing guy in his high school days. He and Herb Hand could take the zone-read run concepts and marry them with Dykes' Air Raid passing concepts. That would mean Dykes wouldn't have full control, though, so I don't see it.
4) Herb Hand. Could Gus promote from within? He and Hand were Co-OCs for the Tulsa teams. It's possible, but I don't know that I see that happening. It could allow Gus to hire a dedicated QB coach, though.
5) Chip Lindsey. This is the most likely one. Lindsey was an offensive analyst on the 2013 team. His focus was receivers and the passing game. He and Kodi Burns know each other and reportedly worked well together then and during the few brief weeks Burns was at Arizona State when Lindsey was hired as OC in 2016. Lindsey was the OC for Southern Miss in 2014 when they had some powerful offenses and was at Troy last year as QBs coach. If I had to put money on a hire - particularly given Gus' hiring of people he knows and trusts on offense - this is the one I'd point to as most likely.
What about y'all? Any thoughts of yours?
from College and Magnolia http://bit.ly/2iIQQWF via IFTTT
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