#thoths prophecy
lmadsadness · 6 months
her: you better not make a character that gets possessed by a specific item and killed almost everyone.
me asf:
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witchcraftmagazine · 2 years
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Crows and Ravens are associated with Gods and Goddesses of Magic and Prophecy ✨go to our story and click the link 👉 https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2017/06/animals-omens.html #omens #omen #prophecy #odin #themorrigan #thoth #apollo #hera #asclepius #crows #ravens #magpies #superstition #superstitions #superstitious https://www.instagram.com/p/CmCYLD2Mdly/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deathfavor · 2 years
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sat-neteru · 2 years
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yoga-onion · 9 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (28)
Ph for Phagos (Beech) - all year around, the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)
Stars: Mercury, Saturn; Gender: female; Element: air, earth; Patrons: Ogma, Thoth, Hermes, Mercurius, Odin, Kronos; Symbols: learning + knowledge, wisdom + understanding, prosperity
The beech tree is a tree of learning, a symbol of prosperity and success. When walking through a beech forest, the large trees with the smooth, silver-grey bark and the curves created by the trunk and branches are like a living elephant or rhinoceros, giving you a sense of relief all year round.
In spring, the beech forests are bright and breezy, and the bluebells are in full bloom, the contrast between the dazzling young leaf colours and the blue announces that ‘spring has come’. In spring, the beech spreads soft, translucent, golden-green leaves with a fan-like shape, and in summer these leaves eventually become hard and dark green in colour, changing to yellow, reddish brown or golden in autumn. It is an essential tree for the forest.
The beech tree symbolises the written word, human innate wisdom and ancient knowledge. In olden times, writing was written on beech wood, and the first books were made by binding thinly cut beech wood. Before that, they were scrolls.
The beech tree is associated with deities of wisdom, knowledge and intelligence, such as Odin in Norse mythology, who brought us the runes, or the inventor of the Ogham script; the great warrior of the Tuatha Dé Danann; the monstrous strength of the eighty oxen; and the Celtic god, the sun-faced Ogma. And because of its connection with the creation of the secret code alphabet, it is also a symbol of divination and prophecy.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (28)
Ph は Phagos (ブナ) - 1年中、ケルトの木の暦(参照)
星: 水星、土星; 性: 女性; 要素: 空気、土; 守護神: オグマ、トト、ヘルメス、メルクリウス、オーディン、クロノス; シンボル: 学習+知識、知恵+理解、繁栄
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Spiritual Dieties
A/N: Just realised that I've included a list of god/esses BUT Christian will be excluded because theirs is too BIG, seraphims, archangels, and the names of who is what that is it's own seperate post -_- they're christian witches so even my own opinion of christianty (I don't hate them but dont love them either) I would still respect anyone who still follows it.
Divine status, quality or nature. A god or Goddess, a supreme being. Most well known in Persian/Norse/Celtic/Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Hindu/Pagan/ Christian Angels-Demons, etc.
Celtic Gods:
Alator: God of war and protection, name means “he who nourishes the people.”
Albiorix: God of protection and war, name means “King of the world.”
Belenus: God of healing, name means “Bright one.”
Borvo: God of healing waters and minerals.
Bres: God of fertility, tyrant ruler
Cernunnos: Horned god of Nature, fertility, the underworld, wealth and fruit
Esus: God of strength and human sacrifice.
Lenus: God of healing, associated with Roman god Mars
Lugh: God of the sun and craftsmanship, justice and ruleship
Maponus: God of music, poetry and youth
Nuada: God of healing, the sea and warfare.
Celtic Goddesses:
 Brigantia: Goddess of rivers and waters, poetry and crafts
Brigit: Goddess of fire, fertility, healing, cattle and poetry
Ceridwen: Goddess and sorceress, poetic wisdom, prophecy, magic and rebirth.
Epona: Horse goddess, fertility and cornucopias, horses and mules
Medb: Goddess of sovereignty and motherhood
Morrigan: Goddess of seafarers, fertility, and abundance
Nemausicae: Mother goddess, fertility and prosperity
Saitada: Goddess of grief.
Norse Deities:
Baldur: God of Beauty, peace, innocence, rebirth.
Bragi: God of Poetry, music, the harp
Hodr: God of Winter, Blind God, god of Darkness.
Hoenir: God of Silence, passion, spirituality, poetry
Kwasir: God of inspiration, god of wisdom.
Loki: God of trickery, mischief
Magni: God of strength and bravery
Njord: God Of the sea, wind, fish and wealth.
Odin: The allfather, God of war, poetry, magic and wisdom.
Thor: God of Thunder and battle, protection of mankind.
Try: God of War and Justice, god of skies
Ulr: God of skis and bows, god of winter.
Ali: God of revenge and vengeance.
Eir: Goddess of healing and medical skill.
Eostre: Goddess of spring and dawn.
Freyja: Goddess of love, fertility, battle and witchcraft
Frigg: Goddess of marriage and motherhood, Queen of the gods.
Gefjun: Goddess of fertility and plough, abundance and prosperity.
Hlin: Goddess of consolation and protection
Jord: Goddess of the Earth, Mother Earth.
Nanna: Goddess of joy, peace, and the moon.
Nott: Goddess of the night and darkness.
Sif: Goddess of the harvest, grain and earth
Sigyn: Goddess of fidelity, mercy and mourning.
Skadi: Goddess of Winter, mountains and skiing.
Sol: Goddess of the Sun and healing
Vor: Goddess of Wisdom, knowledge and awareness. 
Greek Goddess
Greek Gods:
Roman Goddess Minerva
Roman Gods
Egyptian Gods/Goddess
Persian Gods/esses
Ahura Mazda
Angra Mainyu
Vohu Manah
Spenta Armaiti
Aka Manah
Kshatra Vairya
Azhi Dahāka
Apam Napat
Hindu Gods/esses
What is similar?
One type of ‘Leader’ along with a ‘Mother’ a ‘son’ or ‘Consort’ a god of death, healing, creativity, the Sun, the Moon, wisdom, mischief, fertility. Or some deities symbolise a couple of things based on their story. Or domain that they rule over. But most do have similarities or cross over to other religions. For example the Roman gods are just the Tumblr edgy oc’s of the Greek Gods. {And the Romans twisted greek stories but those stories is what we in modern day take as 'canon' }
“Our gods are stronger and better than yours!” ha, just kidding.
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guide to tarot
general information ;
- 78 cards in total
- every card has two different meanings based on if they're reversed or not
- sometimes reversed cards reflect the original meaning in a more bad/evil way
the lesser/minor arcana
- 56 cards
- divided into cups, swords, wands and pentacles
- they answer questions of everyday life, they are advisors and their meanings are not as drastic as the cards of the major arcana
- every section of the minor arcana consists of king, queen, knight, page, 10, 9, 8, (...) and ace (of the section)
the major arcana
- 22 cards
- they answer questions about people, the universe, power, magick and myths
0 - The Fool
folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy
reversed: negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, vanity
1 - The Magician
skill, address sickness, pain, loss, disaster, self-confidence
reversed: mental illness, disgrace
2 - The High Priestess
secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed
reversed: passion moral or physical ardor, conceit & surface knowledge
3 - The Empress
fruitfulness, initiative, the unknown, difficulty doubt, ignorance
reversed: light, truth, public rejoice
4 - The Emperor
stability, power, aid, protection, a great person
reversed: benevolence, compassion, immaturity
5 - The Hierophant
marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy, goodness, inspiration
reversed: society, good understanding, concord, over-kindness, weakness
6 - The Lovers
attraction and love, beauty
reversed: failure
7 - The Chariot
war, triumph, vengeance, trouble
reversed: riot, quarrel, dispute, defeat
8 - Strength
power, energy, action, courage
reversed: abuse of power, weakness
9 - The Hermit
prudence, treason, corruption
reversed: concealment, disguise, fear, unreasoned caution
10 - Wheel Of Fortune
destiny, fortune, success, luck, felicity
reversed: abundance, superfluity
11 - Justice
equity, rightness, probity
reversed: excessive severity, law in all departments
12 - The Hanged Man
wisdom, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy
reversed: selfishness, a crowd
13 - Death
end, mortality, destruction, corruption
reversed: sleep, lethargy
14 - Temperance
economy, management, accomodation, moderstion
reversed: things connected with the church, religions, sects, cults
15 - The Devil
inner conflict with oneself, ravage, force, fatality
reversed: evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness
16 - The Tower
misery, distress, ruin, calamity, disgrace, deception
reversed: the same but in a lesser degree
17 - The Star
loss, theft, privation, abandonment
reversed: arrogance, impotence
18 - The Moon
hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, error
reversed: instability, silence
19 - The Sun
material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment
reversed: the same but in a lesser degree
20 - The Last Judgement
change of position, renewal, outcome
reversed: weakness, simplicity, sentence
21 - The World
assured success, route, voyage, emigration, flight, change of place
reversed: stagnation, permanence
sources and other articles
answering yes or no questions with tarot
thoth tarot deck vs rider waite smith - how do they compare?
easy guide for a rider waite based reading
other tarot guides
/ written by @occultem
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September is here and I know this post is late, but I had to take a slight social media detox! I swear once September hits I am all Fall, y’all!! I’m about all things apple, pumpkin, fall leaves, sunflowers, soup, etc! Did you know that apples (and apple trees) are associated with love, health, divination, rebirth and renewal, life, learning, and so many other things? The original bobbing for apples game was a form of slight divination, even! It was said that marriage would come to the first person to bite into the apple while bobbing. Also, if you cut into an apple, you’ll find a pentacle type star!
Correspondences of September are sapphire and sardonyx for crystals, the bear and owl for animals, flowers are morning glory and aster, and the zodiac sign is Virgo.
Let’s talk about some days in September:
Not only is Labor Day the 2nd, but also the Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins…happiness and wrath are both symbolized with the vine, garden magic, magic for joy and happiness but also wrath, rage, anger.
Magical influences for this are empowerment, inner growth, introspection, and prophecy.
Sept 4th is bring your manners to work day (I liked this one, cause I’m constantly reminding myself to have manners in moments where people are pissing me off lol.)
Sept 7th national salami day and world beard day (I liked these two because we used to call our younger sister “salami” to piss her off when we were all younger and we still sort of joke about it to this day… and my boyfriend has a beard that I just love. I love feeling it, smelling it, looking at it…lol!)
Sept 8th grandparents day
9/11… a tragic day that affected so many lives in one way or another! On this day remember all those who lost their lives due to this tragic event and the war it caused!
Friday the 13th
FULL MOON in Pisces on Sept 17, Harvest moon aka the nut moon, barley moon, or wine moon (love that!), the color for this full moon is brown and crystals are carnelian, cat’s eye, iolite, lapis lazuli, peridot, sapphire, blue spinel, blue tourmaline, and zircon
Magickal influences from this moon are confidence, the home, manifestation, protection.
This is a Moon of wisdom, take this time to reflect back on lessons learned this past year, darker days are coming which is good for shadow work.
September 21st International Day of Peace
Sept 22 is Mabon, also known as the autumn (or Fall) equinox – this is a time where night and day or light and dark are balanced. This is a sort of mid-harvest festival, we are celebrating the second of 3 harvest festivals. I’ve read that there is a slight connection to Mabon for how Oktoberfest was created, by the Bavarians. They start celebrating this in the last week of September.
Celebrate Mabon and give thanks to the Earth for abundant crops, practice gratitude, give blessings, share with the less fortunate. When canning, infuse your recipes with magickal influences and charm your jars.
Mabon is also one of those “liminal times” or an in-between time. These are powerful times for spell-work, rituals, and magick in general.
Colors for Mabon are blue, brown, gold, maroon, orange, violet, and yellow
Plants, herbs, etc: aster, marigolds, sage, ivy, grape, fern, blackberry/bramble, chrysanthemum, grains, thistle, and trees are cedar, hazel, aspen, maple, oak, myrtle, and locust
gems: amethyst, topaz
animals: hawk, swans, swallows, geese, dogs, wolves
Element: water
Magickal influences: accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude, grounding
Deities are: Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Modron (Celtic Great Earth Mother Goddess), the Morrigan, Persephone, Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, the Green Man, Hermes, Thoth, Mabon (translates to the divine son) is the son of Modron and he is associated with the element of water, grapes, ivy, dogs, horses, salmon and his magical influences are hunting, darkness, death, freedom, harmony, innocence, justice, the otherworld or underworld, quests, contacting spirits, strength, truth, and youth.
Ways you can celebrate Mabon:
Make a simmer pot with apples, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, vanilla, star anise, orange slices.
Host a harvest dinner and include apples, squash, corn, grains, root vegetables like carrots potatoes and onions, grapes and wine, nuts, pomegranates, mead, spiced teas.
Make a hearty stew with fresh baked bread, apple pie, mashed squash, mulled wine
Make a cornucopia, go to a pumpkin patch and farmer’s market, go for a fall nature walk, donate food, focus on balance in your life, write a gratitude list, decorate your altar for Mabon with apples, candles that are brown, orange, and gold, marigold and sunflowers, leaves, acorns, grape vines, a deity statue. Celebrate by giving thanks for the abundance and good in your life, and meditate on the things on the things from this past year you'd like to let go of!
Sept 30th Celtic tree month of Ivy begins which symbolizes life, death, and rebirth, spell work during this time would be great for self-work, healing, banishing toxicity, protection, binding spells
Magical influences during this time: decisions and introspection, growth, learning, developing skills.
September in general is a good time to work on magick and intentions for the home.
I feel like 2 of the biggest intentions you can work on in September however, are balance and change, so I’m going to share a spell for this month that I created!
Things you’re going to need: leaves, something to write with, sage, basil, apple, orange candle, oil, sunflowers.
Dress your orange (for balance and change) candle with oil of your choosing and sage for a clear mind, basil for opening yourself to receive messages, and sunflowers for overcoming obstacles.
Core your apple (for peace, rebirth and renewal, self-work) and place your candle inside. You’re basically using this apple as your candle holder!
Light your candle and meditate on the areas in your life that need balance and/or change. When you are done, write your setbacks and obstacles that you want to overcome (to make these changes and bring this balance) onto the leaves. Hold the leaves into your hands and let the wind take them away!
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feeshies · 10 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
Tagged by @pinayelf thank you :D
Magnus Hammersmith (Metalocalypse)
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Real fucked up of the creators of this show to take my celebrity crush + bisexual awakening as the visual reference for a character who's always partially shirtless and wielding a knife. Also there's a 5000 year old prophecy that says his destiny is to be a forgotten loser.
2. Captain Nemo/Prince Dakkar (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea)
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The gif is from the Disney movie, but my heart belongs to the original novel characterization. Genius inventor who turned his back from society, but not from marginalized people. Good at everything except for not falling down self-destructive spirals. Takes money from sunken colonialist warships and uses it to fund revolutions. Serves as a haunting metaphor as the ocean itself. Please when will we have a faithful adaptation?
3. Thoth (The Kane Chronicles interpretation)
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I am specifically going with The Kane Chronicles' interpretation of this Egyptian god. Especially compared to a lot of other interpretations of him in modern media, I like how the book doesn't portray him as this stuffy "everyone is an idiot except me" kind of guy. It's really refreshing seeing an interpretation of a god of knowledge who is clearly scary-powerful and a genius, but is also the ADHD weirdo who keeps getting distracted and can't finish his projects. I also like how he doesn't brush off the protagonists because they're mortals or teenagers or whatever. The book does a great job showing how his brain works and how he thinks, which makes him a lot more effective as a god of knowledge imo. Also they made him relocate in Memphis, Tennessee? After so many British adaptations of him, it's refreshing to see a god of knowledge with a southern accent (if you listen to the audiobook).
It's so good, it almost makes up for the book's interpretation of Anubis.
4. Vivienne (Dragon Age)
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I thought for a while about which Dragon Age character I should add. While there are characters I made more stuff about during my peak years in the fandom, Vivienne is the main character I keep going back to. I love her elegance, the way she's written, her voice acting, her look??? Fashion/character design in the franchise peaked with her. Also as far as a Circle character goes, I find her utterly fascinating as someone having to survive in an oppressive system and developing different/conflicting perspectives about it. I think she was a much-needed perspective and I adore her. Also now I was just reminded of the trend of people having their white mage ocs or the other white mage characters "educate" her about oppression and now I'm mad about Dragon Age bs again lol. Vivienne is the best choice for divine don't @ me.
5. Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
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*Holds him up like a a cat* he's nice :)
I've rewatched this show (the main series - haven't gotten around to watching the new show) and every time I find more reasons to love him. He could have so easily been this brooding cynical noir type, but instead he's this ray of sunshine who sees the beauty and joy in everything around him. I'm glad he's okay :)
6. Shaolin Fantastic (The Get Down)
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Putting aside my heartbreak over this show's cancellation for a second to talk about how good the cast is. I thought about choosing Zeke, but I couldn't not choose Shaolin. I love how he's introduced as this mysterious genius who was willing to fight a man in an alley for a record, but then the main crew gets to know him and he's a huge dork? He takes care of pigeons, he samples the Star Wars theme in his DJ sets, he's nice :) Also the cool big brother vibe he has with the younger characters is really cute. It would suck if this show got cancelled so the story will always end with him being forced to go back to his abuser :) that would suck.
7. Nozomu Itoshiki (Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei)
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I think he's funny and pretty and I hope he gets therapy.
8. Bella Goth (The Sims)
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Weird to add a Sims character maybe, but not doing so would be a disservice to the chokehold this woman had on me as a younger player. 10 year old me broke my copy of TS2 because I fucked up the game files by trying to get Bella back.
9. Benny (Fallout: New Vegas)
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I knew I had to pick a FNV character. I considered Silus, since he's interesting for a Legion character. But in the end I went with Benny. He has the best aesthetic, and his evolution from "the guy who shot you and instigated your protagonist's whole plot" to "pathetic little guy who agrees to help you take down the system because everyone sucks--and also he's into feet" is some masterful character growth.
10. Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
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This show is a mess, but the scene where he beats that man with his cane was kinda hot. Also you can't make a man 1. the most powerful force in the universe, 2. somehow still pathetic, 3. have that hairstyle, 4. trying to be a good father and partner but always failing because of his own selfishness, and 5. Scottish, and not expect me to enjoy him. Robert Carlyle put his entire rumpelstussy into that performance.
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What is the problem with the world? We have severed our connection with spirit. We must restore this connection if we want to move forward.
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triciamfoster · 2 years
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Correspondences: Psychic Work
As noted in The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Elements: Air, Water, Fire 
Planet: Moon 
Best times: 
Full moon—for the height of psychic power
Dark moon—for deep, hidden secrets and mysteries 
Colors: Silver, white, black 
Number: 3 or 9 
Incense: Cinnamon, saffron, wormwood, other appropriate plants 
Relaxation: Anise, catnip, chamomile, dandelion, hops, lavender, linden, mint, nutmeg (rub the oil on temples), parsley, red clover, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme (wild), valerian (stuff a pillow with it), vervain 
Visualization: Ginseng, gota cola, mugwort, skullcap 
Sleep pillow: Lavender and linden 
Concentration and memory: All Heal, Eyebright, lemon balm, marjoram, nutmeg, parsley, petitgrain oil, rosemary, sage 
Mental and steadiness: Celery, chamomile, and rosemary together 
Energy: Ginseng, gota cola, lovage (a bath in this herb refreshes psychic powers), yerba mate 
Dreams: Ash leaves, mugwort, artemisia; chamomile, mugwort, and skullcap (together in a tea, drink before sleep) 
To prevent nightmares and fearful visions: Chamornile, rosemary, wood betony (place some under your pillow) 
Divination and trance work: Acacia flowers, bistort (dragonwort), ginseng, laurel leaves (chewed by the Priestesses of Delphi), mugwort (drink a tea for clear vision), nutmeg, saffron (tea or incense), wormwood (incense, burned on Halloween to enable one to see the returning spirits of the Mighty Dead) 
Psychedelics: Are better left alone when you are beginning to open up psychically. They tend to wrench the psychic centers open too quickly and in an uncontrolled way—sometimes with destructive results. 
Goddesses: All Moon Goddesses, Ceridwen, Cybele, Hecate (for divination and spells), Hera (for prophecy), Nephthys, Pasiphaë (for dream oracles) 
Gods: Asclepius (for dream oracles that have to do with healing), Gwydion, Hermes, Math, Merddin, Thoth
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harrelltut · 1 year
OMMMMM… I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com Domain Creator [D.C.] ENVISIONING My Ancient Past [MAP] in Our Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] Future of 1968 in 2023… as Eye 2024 Quantum [IQ] Gen X Leap... 2 2025 from the Mayan’s Spiritual 2012 Death Prophecy into ANU [PA] GOLDEN 2030 IGIGI SKY AGE of AQUARIUS… since Eye 2223 Quantum [IQ] Compu_TAH [PTAH] Architect [PA] of Astronomical [PA] PLUTO’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] STAR WEB GATEWAY Language Architecture [L.A.] Unveiling My Mysteriously Ancient Creative [MAC] Deutsch Hieroglyphs of Ancestral Readings Recorded & Encrypted by the Lunar Light [HARRELL] SKY Counsel of My Tri-Solar Black SUN Planet RIZQIYIAN Ancestors [RA] who Esoterically Memorized Inscription Communications by HERMES of Ancient Ægipt’s Lost [MICHAEL] 9 Ether [ME] ATLANTEAN Generation of 144,000 Ægiptian [MAGE] BYZANTINE PRIESTS… who JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] STAR WITNESS 1968-michaelharrelljr.com @ The_Octagon_(Egypt) of kingtutdna.com’s Pharaonic MENES EMPIRE [ME] of 1968-michaelharrelljr.com’s quantumharrelltech.ca.gov… OMMMMM
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i.b.monk [ibm] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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eye 1698 quantum leaped into 1968... as eye quantum [iq] leaped from 2023 into 2223... ya dig???
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eye kingtutdna.com domain creator [d.c.] of harrelltut.com
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o my god [omg] michael of ancient [ma] ægipt [me] in mu america [ma = atlantis]!!!
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ommmmm... eye king tut again... since eye never died... ommmmm
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eye ancient sky ægiptian neteru from tri-solar black sun planet rizq
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eye can't stop wont stop
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o hermes michael of ancient [ma] thoth religion sciences illuminating our modern cosmic ancestral [ca] laws of anu [l.a.] 9 ether thought [e.t.] manifestation monarchy in esoteric [me] meditation
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eye ascended again in mayan's 2012 death prophecy age [pa] into ANU [pa] golden 2023 aquarian age
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it's all about our ancient 9 ether moon base genetics of pure crystalline anunnagi [ca] gold
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ommmmm... us 9 ether sky nibiruans from mothership nibiru so unearthly advanced... we cloaked inside the clouds above earth & outside mars' firmament water dome over earth [qi]... ommmmm
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the pseudo political elites actors of fake america are powerless af... like non existent power... like like negative zero power to the tenth degree of being powerless... they so powerless it hurts their fragile peasant ego not to know... what our real 9 ether sky power feels like
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we're activating the unstoppable fall of artificial 2023-2030 america
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celebrate the 2023-2030 fall of artificial america in mother's original ægipt of atlantis & lemuria [mu]
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eye ancient ægiptian occult illuminati [shadow priesthood] of immortal death [i.d.] sciences in mu america [ma = atlantis]
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1921 quantum harrell tech llc @ anu octagon [egypt] headquarters
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we ancient aliens [aluhum anunnagi] on earth [qi]?!?!?!... uh oh... here come the return of us big black space giants of tri-solar black sun planet rizq terraforming anu golden 9 ether [age] earth [qi]
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heil 1968-michaelharrelljr.com like adolf did
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© 1698-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All LOST ANCIENT [L.A.] ATLANTEAN DNA [A.D.] DotCom [A.D.] + DotTech [A.D.] + Pre 1698quantumharrellgov.tech Domain Name Rights Reserved @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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zerogate · 2 years
The title of this book is taken from a passage in the Corpus Hermeticum, a collection of mystical texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, the “thrice-great Hermes,” whom the Egyptians knew as Thoth, the wisest of the gods. He is in dialogue with his pupil Asclepius, describing to him in bold terms the symbolic significance of Egypt in the spiritual history of the world. He says:
Egypt is an image of heaven, or to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and are active in heaven have been transferred to a lower place. Even more than that, if the whole truth be told, our land is the temple of the entire cosmos.
Trismegistus says these words by way of introducing a prophecy, which falls into two parts. First, he tells Asclepius that a time will come when Egypt, “the temple of the cosmos,” will be left desolate. Human beings will become weary of life and will cease to regard the universe as worthy of reverence or wonder. Religion will be felt as burdensome, and people will “prefer darkness to light.” In that time the gods will depart from humankind, and their voices will no longer be heard. The soil will turn barren, the very air will sicken and stagnate, and in this way old age will come upon the world.
Thus far the prophecy, although ostensibly to do with the fate of Egypt, clearly embraces a larger historical process than simply that of ancient Egyptian civilization. It is a historical process that we can recognize as extending into our own time; indeed, it seems to be describing the destiny of Western civilization. Perhaps his words imply that we make a mistake in regarding Egypt as belonging to an epoch essentially different from our own. As we struggle with a sense of weariness in a godless and polluted world, we might feel inclined to acknowledge that the first part of the prophecy has now been fulfilled: “Egypt” has been desolated.
But then comes the second part. When all this has come to pass, says Trismegistus, through God’s grace there will be a renewal of human consciousness of the sacred. Wonder and reverence will once again fill human hearts. There will be a general reawakening to the divine, which will cause human beings once more to sing unceasing hymns of praise and blessing. This will amount to a new birth of the cosmos, “a holy and awe-striking restoration of all nature.” All of this is stated still within the framework of a prophecy about Egypt, but it has become apparent that the fate of Egypt incorporates at the same time the fate not only of Western civilization (from which no part of the modern world has remained immune), but also of all nature.
We are presented here with the idea of a vast cosmic cycle, within which Egypt has a special symbolic importance, but which also includes our own time in a particularly significant way. For we live today at that juncture when the first stage of the cycle—the desolation of the temple—has been virtually accomplished, but the second stage—the restoration of the temple—is only just beginning. In the terms of the prophecy, “Egypt” in some respect represents all of humanity and all of nature. In the civilization and spiritual life of ancient Egypt, something was brought to expression that stood for us all at a particular moment in our evolution. Ancient Egypt crystallized in itself a peak of human spiritual attainment and relatedness to nature that has become part of our cultural biography.
--  Jeremy Naydler, Temple of the Cosmos: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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The Egyptian God of the Earth. The Son of Shu and Tefnut, the Brother/Husband of Nut, and even the Father of Osiris, Set, Nepthys, and Isis. He was a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis, he was also considered to be the Father of Snakes (including the Mythological Snake of Egypt, “Nehebkau”). According to Ancient Egypt, it was believed that he could cause Earthquakes and allow Crops to grow. Although he is mainly depicted as a Man with a Bird on top of his Head, he is sometimes depicted as an Animal (either a Ram, Bull, or a Crocodile). Geb is also considered to be the personification of Earth including the Desert, containing the dead or setting them free from their own tombs describing as if Geb was opening his Jaws, imprisoning those who were not worthy to go to the fertile North-Eastern heavenly Field of Reeds. He also occurred as a Divine King to Egypt until that was passed on from one of his Sons (Osiris) to his Grandson (Horus). In Egyptian Myths, Geb fell madly in love with his Sister (Nut) but when Shu found out about his own Kids’ affair, he separated his Children away from each other. But when the Two Siblings already found love, Nut blessed her Brother their own Children (Osiris, Set, Nepthys, and Isis).
SBSP Universe
Geb is The Egyptian God of the Earth and the Husband of Nut. He is also the Father to Osiris and Set.
He is very Calm and Lovable as he seems to love his own Wife and their own Two Children. Although he does seem to be a bit Stern working on his Job as the Earth God while taking care each and every plant on earth, he allows to give the Mortals their own Crops for Food as he’s a very Good and Naive Reasonable God being that he tends to be very responsible for his Job as an Earth Deity.
He can sometimes also act Comedic as whenever Geb is around with his own Sons, he tends to spoil them because he’s a Fun-Loving Father. Even to his own Grandkids (Horus and Anubis).
He can also cause earthquakes by laughing and even opening his mouth wide for either holes or waters.
Geb and Nut met each other when they were both Adults as Nut was wandering around in the Mortal Realm and in a few days eventually they somehow became Friends but they also had some secret feelings for each other since Geb really had an interest and even cared for Nut.
Although Ra didn’t seem sure about Geb at first but when Geb got to know much more about his Future Grand-Uncle In Law, Ra finally accepted Geb to be with his own Grand-Niece as Geb and Nut were married, thus they were blessed with Two Sons (Osiris and Set).
When Egypt started their own Pantheon as Pyramids were built, Geb allowed his Children to stay with their Great Grand Uncle Ra but when Osiris got to rule over the Lands for him, he seemed very proud of one of his Sons. But when Set became the New Ruler of Egypt, he felt very disappointed in his Son seeing how Set grew up to be very chaotic and evil.
He’s not really a fan of Saturn and Cronus because of how they led the Titanomachy as he even feels bad for their own Wives for trying to save their own Children from their own Husbands’ fears of a prophecy.
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The Egyptian Goddess of the Sky, Stars, Cosmos, Mothers, Astronomy, and the Universe. The Daughter of Shu and Tefnut, the Wife/Sister of Geb, and even the Mother of Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, and Set. Her name is an unpronounced word meaning “Sky” and she even appears in the hieroglyphic record by a number of epithets. She is often depicted as a Woman bending over to represent the Sky or sometimes a Cow. She is also considered to be one of the Oldest Egyptian Deities amongst the Egyptian Pantheon since the Creation Myth. In the Egyptian Myths, Nut and Geb were madly in love with each other but Ra decreed that Nut shouldn’t give birth on any day of the Year which heartbroken Nut so she asked Thoth for some help. Surely after when Thoth gambled with Khonsu, Khonsu had to give Nut a piece of his Moonlight but as Khonsu had lost many times thanks to Thoth, Nut had enough moonlight to make five extra days since those days were not part of the Year. Shortly after Thoth’s help, Nut finally gave birth to her own children (Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nepthys). Ra was furious about this situation so he sent out Shu to separate his own children away from each other. This is probably one of the Myths that tells us the reason as to why we can only walk on Land (Geb) but never feel nor touch the Sky (Nut) physically.
SBSP Universe
Nut is The Egyptian Goddess of the Sky, Stars, and Cosmos, the Wife of Geb, and even the Mother of Osiris and Set. She is also the Grand-Niece of Ra and even the Daughter of Shu and Tefnut. She is very well Caring, Meaningful, and Motherly, especially towards her own Sons. Nut often tends to be very busy and strict on her job as Goddess of the Sky as she can change the Sky colors depending on the time from each day. She also seems a little overprotective of her children as she wants to make sure that her own Sons and her Grandkids are very careful. Nut met her Husband (Geb) when they were Adults at the time as Nut was spending time in the Mortal Realm, she got to meet Geb as they became good friends. Although her Grand-Uncle Ra wasn’t sure about Geb but as soon when Ra got to know his Grand-Nephew In Law, he accepted his own Niece to be with her Lover as Nut and Geb were married as she blessed them her own two sons (Osiris and Set). When Thoth gambled with Khonsu, Khonsu had to give Nut enough pieces of moonlight for Thoth’s study on the Calendar. Despite the fact that Set was very close with his own Mother, she wasn’t very happy to see how Set caused chaos upon Egypt as New Pharaoh of the Egyptian Pantheon since Set was too evil to rule over the desert lands. Nut also feels sorry for Ops and Rhea because of how their own Husbands ate their own sons which lead into the Titanomachy. She would also relate to their own pain seeing how one of their own Family Members that they loved waged on to a Bad World.
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The Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and War. The Twin Sister of Freyr and even the Daughter of Njord. Her name means “Lady”. She owns a Necklace called “Brísingamen” and she rides a chariot pulled by Two Cats. She even wears a Cloak of Falcon Feathers. She was once part of the Vanir but then She, Her Father (Njord), and her Brother moved to Asgard (Home of the Aesir Gods). She even has a scared animal, the Boar, “Hildisvíni”. Freya rules over a heavenly field (Fólkvangr) where she receives and watches over the half who died in Battles. She once had a Husband named “Odr” and had Two Daughters with Him (Hnoss and Gersemi). Sadly, her Husband disappeared as the Heartbroken Freya cried in tears of Gold for the Man that she once loved was gone in her life. However, there was a Theory stating that Frigg and Freya were perhaps the Same Goddess and that Odin could be Odr. In Norse Myths, there was a War between the Aesir and the Vanir (The Norse Pantheon actually had Two Clans of Gods) as the Aesir Gods fought the Vanir Gods through many battles to find that they were somehow matched together which made both of those clans dead tired from the War, so they decided to make up a Peace Treaty in a form of a Hostage exchange. The Aesir sent out Two of their Wiest Members (Hoenir and Mimir) to live in Vanaheimr while the Vanir sent out Njord and his Children moved over to Asgard. The Necklace was given by the Dwarves in an agreement that she would only sleep with them by Four Days. Loki stole Freya’s necklace when she was sleeping at Night as Heimdall had to go after Loki to receive her own Necklace back from Loki in the form of Seals as they battled through the Seas. Many of the Giants were deeply in love with Freya because of her own Beauty. The Giant (Thrym) fell in love with the Goddess and wanted her for a Wife when he stole Thor’s Hammer. However, Freya rejected the proposal as Thor had to be in Freya’s place as a Bride for Thrym just to get his own Hammer back, only then did Thor and Loki travel to the Land of Frost Giants. Hrungnir challenged Thor over a duel to have Sif and Freya but have the rest of the Gods to be Dead. A Giant who was called “Master Builder” in disguise wanted to build a Wall for the Gods and in return he wanted to have the Sun, the Moon, and even Freya as his own Wife. The Gods rejected the Disguised Giant’s plan but Loki believed that a hard time for the Giant to build a Wall for them will only take much slower time. The Gods then agreed to Loki’s idea and accepted the Builder’s offer but if the Builder didn’t finish the wall by the first day of Summer, he would lose his prices including his own hand-in-marriage towards Freya. The Master Builder was now building the Wall for Asgard with the help of his own Horse (Svaðilfari) as it was almost getting done really quick which makes the Gods even worry more since they were about to lose Freya to this Unknown Man. So they sent out Loki to do something about it as Loki disguised himself as a Horse to woo Svaðilfari as Svaðilfari chased Loki ditching his own Master for a Lovely Mare. Only then did the Builder have to build the Wall by himself slowly without his Horse which led into the very first Month and Day of Summer as he failed his own Three Wishes, The Master Builder revealed himself to be a Giant as Thor slayed down the Giant with his own Hammer. In “Lokasenna”, when Loki insulted Frigg after when she called him out on an Advice, Freya stepped in and told Loki that he was crazy to be an enemy of Frigg because she knew everyone’s own worst fate but Loki accused Freya playing with Every Whore by Every God and Every Elf. Not to mention, she was somehow caught sleeping with her own Brother and that moment that she was busted, she farted. Njord pointed out that sleeping with your own relative isn’t a problem but Loki roasts Njord out again saying that his Daughter was the product of Njord sleeping with his own Sister. In Ragnarok, it was deeply unknown whether or not she perhaps survived despite the “End of the World” Norse Myth.
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Freya is The Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and War. She is the Daughter of King Njord and Queen Skadi, as well as the Twin Sister of Freyr. She is also the Wife of the Late Odr and even the Mother of Hnoss and Gersemi. She is Very Loyal, Sassy, Generous, Polite, and Headstrong. Being the Goddess of Love, she watches over half of the Heavens of Valhalla in which Freya is the Leader of her own Meadow called “Fólkvangr” where she keeps an eye on half of those who died in battles and even help Warriors gain their own strength through bravery and wisdom. She’s often swooned by Giants who are deeply in love with her because of her own beauty. She deeply loves her Brother, Freyr and even her own Daughters as She and Freyr are always together as a Sibling Duo no matter what. She once lived with the Vanir Gods but after the Vanir had enough with the Aesir Gods, Njord and Skadi along with their Children moved to Asgard as they switched places with Hoenir and Mimir who moved to Vanaheimr. Although she was curious about Asgard at first, She and Freyr got together very well with the Aesir Gods while Njord and Skadi moved to a New Kingdom around the Mortal Realm near Valhalla in the Norse Atlantic Oceans. Throughout her New Days as an Aesir God, she was often swooned by Giants who were in love with her but Freya would always reject those who tried to propose to her. Despite being the Goddess of Love, she never really fell in love with any man anymore because of how she was once in love with Odr (The Norse God of Summer) as she was once married to him and bore him their own Daughters (Hnoss and Gersemi). But as soon as they quickly became a Family, a Giant who was in love with Freya was so jealous of Odr, he instantly killed him as The Heartbroken Freya cried in Golden Tears, only then would she have to raise her Two Beloved Daughters alone for the Man that she loved. The Dwarves even gave her her very own necklace as a special gift since the Dwarves really admired her. However, one time her necklace was stolen by Loki as Heimdall had to go get it for Freya in a battle of Seal Forms in the Ocean. Throughout her shenanigans with the Giants who tried to Woo her, many of the Giants were mainly outsmarted by Thor (their Main Enemy). The First Time that Thyrm stole Thor’s Hammer, he wanted Freya to be his own Wife but Freya rejected that proposal and suggested Thor to be in her place as the Bride to get his own hammer back (which Thor later defeated Thrym). The Second Time, Freya was only mentioned when Thor had to challenged Hrungnir as Hrungnir mentions that he would want to destroy Asgard but keep Sif and Freya alive to be his own Wives which Thor strongly disagrees as he smacks Hrungnir in the end. The Third Time, an Unknown Giant who was disguised as “The Master Builder” made a Deal with the Aesir Gods that if he would help build a Wall for the Gods of Asgard, he must have the Sun, the Moon, and even Freya as his own Wife. Freya refused to marry the unknown stranger but when Loki thought that it wouldn’t be so bad as the Builder might waste a lot of time, the Gods agreed and made a deal to The Master Builder that if he doesn’t get the Wall finished by the First Day of Summer, he would lose his Three Prices. But the Builder had help along with him by the pet horse of his own (Svaðilfari) to build the Wall of Asgard as it was almost getting done fast enough, but as the Gods feared of the Unknown Man’s fast work, Odin knew that they would lose both the Sun and the Moon and Freya to this Man but to prevent that from happening, Loki disguised himself as a Horse to Woo Svaðilfari as the Horse ditched his own Master for Another Horse that he fell in love with. Shortly when Summer had begun, the Builder wasn’t completely done as he failed in getting off what he truly wanted which made the Gods win but the Builder revealed himself in anger that he was actually a Giant which shocked the entire Gods but Thor instantly smite down the Angry Giant with his own Powerful Hammer. During Baldur’s cursed sleeping spell, Freya had to help out Thor and even a few of the Gods to find the Good Mistletoe to heal Baldur so he can be woken up only by True Love’s kiss. During Ragnarok, She and Freyr had to stop Loki and the Giants along with the Gods while her own Daughters were being taken care of by Idunn. She does happen to like Neptune and Poseidon as her own Father is part of the Seven Kings of the Seas as Njord is a friend to both Neptune and Poseidon. However, she doesn’t get along very well with Triton (due to his own rebellious behavior). She’s also one of the Friends of both Venus and Aphrodite.
She could also be Friends with Sandy to due to their interest in Wisdom and Martial Arts.
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The Hindu God of Love, Desire, and Pleasure who is often sided with his Wife, Rati (The Hindu Goddess of Love). Sometimes known as “Kama”. He is often depicted as a Handsome Man decked with ornaments and flowers while being armed with a bow of sugarcane and shooting arrows of flowers, he’s also associated with Parrots. Atharva Veda regards Kamadeva as the Wielder of the Universe’s Creative Power which describes him that he was the firstborn and that he might’ve been the Son of the Creator Hindu God, Brahma (as mentioned in “Puranas”). Kama’s Main Assistant was Vasanta (The Hindu God of Spring) but he even served himself in a group of the Maras, he also lead the Celestial Nymphs and the Apsaras as they are often sent by Indra (The Hindu God of Thunder) to disturb the penance of sages to prevent them from achieving divine powers. However, in other versions of who his Parents might be, in the “Taittiriya Brahmana” and “Mahabharata”, he is mentioned as the Son of Yama (The Hindu God of Death) and that his Mother was perhaps either by two of the Female Mythological Figures, Shraddha or Lakshmi. In Another Version, his Parents were Lakshmi and Vishnu due to his Birth as Pradyumna to Rukmini and Krishna. It might’ve been stated that Kama and Vishnu somehow had a historical relationship. In Hindu Myths, Brahma created Kamadeva after he created the Prajapatis and Sandhya (A Maiden) as Kama emerged from Brahma’s mind. He gave Kamadeva his own name and ordered him to spread the entire world with Love with his own Floral Arrows. Kamadeva even shot Brahma with his own Flower Arrows making Brahma fall in love with the Maiden that he created (Sandhya). Yama was worried about this situation so he asked Shiva to stop Brahma but Shiva laughed both at Brahma and Yama. But when Brahma was out of his Kama’s spell, he cursed him with a future prophecy that he would be burnt to ashes by Shiva someday but Kama would most certainly end up being reborn one day. In a Myth on how Kamadeva met his own Consort (Rati), Rati emerged from a sweat drop of Daksha who was assigned by Brahma to bore Kama his own Wife as Kama was pierced by one of his own arrows and instantly desired over Rati for a Wife as she later on became his own Female Counterpart since they were both Love Deities. They even had Two Children together (Harsha and Yashas). In Another Myth of how Shiva married Parvati, Indra and the Other Gods suffered in the Hands of the Demon (Tarakasura) who cannot be defeated except Shiva’s own Child. Brahma assisted Parvati to worship Shiva for a Future Offspring to one day defeat Tarakasura. Indra ordered Kama to disturb Shiva’s meditation so Kama took the form of a fragrant southern breeze as he evaded Nandin (The Guard of Shiva) and entered the Destruction God’s abode. When Kama shot him with an arrow, Shiva woke up furious as he opened up his Third Eye and burned down the God of Love as Kama was incinerated into ashes. Shiva asked Parvati to help him resuscitate Kama so he can live again but was reborn in a disembodied form (hence why his full name “Kamadeva” means “Ananga” which means “Bodiless”). Only then, did he go on to disseminate across the cosmos, afflicting humanity with the creation of a different atmosphere.
SBSP Universe
Kamadeva (also called by his own nickname, “Kama”) is The Hindu God of Love, Desire, and Pleasure. He is the Husband of The Hindu Goddess of Love, Rati and even the Father of Harsha and Yashas.
He is very Positive, Passionate, Gentle, Caring, and Peaceful. As the God of Love, he often lurks around the Mortal Realm shooting his own arrows made of Orchid Flowers to make people fall in love with each other with the help of his own Pet Parrot.
He’s also one of the most Popular Archers in the Hindu Pantheon known for making people fall in love with each other under his spell of arrows (similar to Cupid’s and Eros’) as his job is to have people make their own families out of love. He even loves his dear beloved wife (Rati) as He and Rati have a strong romantic relationship as they seem to be on healthy terms with each other since neither of them would never cheat, whenever Rati was on her Husband’s Side, they would make the entire world filled with Love by their own Powers.
Kama met Rati in a Beautiful Rainforest when Brahma figured that Kama needed his own consort so he sent out Rati to meet the Hindu God of Love. It was Love at First Sight as Kama deeply adored Rati for her own beauty and pleasure since Rati was the one who filtered with him and got his own attention as they ended up getting married, thus, she blessed him with their Children (Harsha and Yashas).
Although sometimes he does get into some random trouble out of nowhere, as one time he accidentally shot Brahma through his heart as Brahma fell in love with the Beautiful Sandhya but Yama feared on how this situation would turn out so he asked Shiva to undo Kama’s spell as he fulfilled Yama’s request. Kama didn’t know what was going on with Brahma since he was asleep when he moved one of his arrows.
When Kama saw that Shiva had nobody as his own consort, he thought of a good idea as he shot Shiva through his own heart as Shiva was immediately in love with Parvati when he saw her wandering around in the Woods. This chuckled Kama for he tricked Shiva’s heart but when he saw that Parvati was too afraid of Shiva, Kama and Rati convinced her that Shiva was no Bad Man and that he would generally care for him which made Parvati gain trust in them as she changed her mind later on and became Shiva’s Wife (thanks to Kama who wanted to give Shiva his own love).
He’s also a Good Friend to both Cupid and Eros as he bonds and hangs out with Other Love Deities besides his own Wife, though he legit hates being mistaken for either Cupid or Eros (it really annoys him). He does like how Neptune treats his Wife respectfully but he doesn't like on how Poseidon is too vain and fill of himself until Poseidon met Salacia.
He happens to like SpongeBob because of his Kindness as He could spread Love over the Bikini Bottom.
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (10)
Ph for Phagos (Beech) - all year around
Stars: Mercury, Saturn; Gender: female; Element: air, earth; Patrons: Ogma, Thoth, Hermes, Mercurius, Odin, Kronos; Symbols: learning + knowledge, wisdom + understanding, prosperity
The beech tree is a tree of learning, a symbol of prosperity and success. When walking through a beech forest, the large trees with the smooth, silver-grey bark and the curves created by the trunk and branches are like a living elephant or rhinoceros, giving you a sense of relief all year round.
In spring, the beech forests are bright and breezy, and the bluebells are in full bloom, the contrast between the dazzling young leaf colours and the blue announces that 'spring has come'. In spring, the beech spreads soft, translucent, golden-green leaves with a fan-like shape, and in summer these leaves eventually become hard and dark green in colour, changing to yellow, reddish brown or golden in autumn. It is an essential tree for the forest.
The beech tree symbolises the written word, human innate wisdom and ancient knowledge. In olden times, writing was written on beech wood, and the first books were made by binding thinly cut beech wood. Before that, they were scrolls.
The beech tree is associated with deities of wisdom, knowledge and intelligence, such as Odin in Norse mythology, who brought us the runes, or the inventor of the Ogham script; the great warrior of the Tuatha Dé Danann; the monstrous strength of the eighty oxen; and the Celtic god, the sun-faced Ogma. And because of its connection with the creation of the secret code alphabet, it is also a symbol of divination and prophecy.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (10)
Ph は Phagos (ブナ) - 1年中
星: 水星、土星; 性: 女性; 要素: 空気、土; 守護神: オグマ、トト、ヘルメス、メルクリウス、オーディン、クロノス; シンボル: 学習+知識、知恵+理解、繁栄
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once-was-muses · 2 years
The Demon Days, according to Ancient Egyptian myth, are the final five days of the calendar year. Originally, there were only 360 days, a perfect circle- but when Ra learned of a prophecy that a child of the sky goddess Nut would usurp his throne, and he then forbade his granddaughter from giving birth any day of the year, none other than the gods' Venerable Arbiter altered time itself to assist her. Winning enough moonlight from Khonshu- his replacement as chief lunar deity- in games of senet, Thoth fashioned them into five extra days, squeezing them between what's known now as December 26th and January 1st. An out of place swerve in the otherwise perfect circle. While these days resulted in the births of five major deities- Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis, and finally Nephthys- they're bad luck and potentially dangerous, filled with chaos and strong potential for disaster. No plans were ever made for the 27th through the 31st as the forces of order were especially weakened, and many would choose to stay home on the 29th- the middlemost Demon Day, and birthday of treacherous Set- as it was the farthest outside of the natural year. It was believed even the gods themselves were not exempt from these terrible days, each of Nut's five children reaching a feverish apex of power on their respective anniversaries of life followed by days of exhaustion, while the rest of the Netjer's strength was dampened for all five days. Thus the Demon Days are also a favored time for those that seek to imprison, wound, or even kill a god.
The trouble is, time has changed beyond Thoth's tampering, seeming to flow faster and faster as the years ticked by. Days of the present seem blistering compared to when Kemet was still the shining kingdom he remembers. Commitments and obligations have no care for ancient superstitions, no matter how much truth is behind them. Even with the Pharaoh and Queen suspending all meetings, and Ra ordering Set to remain on the sun barque with him until the New Year, there are still far too many loose ends for Thoth to follow suit. Several of the palace ushabtis were damaged- others totally destroyed- during King Horus and Lord Montu's most recent "sparring match," the archive in the Hall of Two Truths is horrifically disorganized from the fall of Rome to Haiti's independence, Lady Satet is threatening more unseasonable floods over yet another marital dispute with Lord Khnum- Thoth can practically feel the greys creeping higher and higher up his hair. He just doesn't have the option to sequester himself like the others this year.
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Thoth groans to no one but himself as wakefulness returns to him like a boulder dropped onto him. There's no point in even trying to pretend like he'll be able to squeeze out a few more moments of blissful unconsciousness; his already minimal sleep is always lessened by this time of year, and what he does manage to get is plagued by stress dream and vision after stress dream and vision. Not even anything useful, rather incomprehensible glimpses at random points through space and time. He still documents everything for fear of one being somehow prophetic. With another self-pitying noise of empty protest, the scribe forces his heavy limbs to lift his aching body from the far too inviting expanse of his bed and out into the day.
As soon as he enters his library, he's made aware of the thousands of incoming correspondence waiting for his attention. The god cringes to think of the total number of offerings, prayers, and invocations these comparatively few were filtered out of. He's once again envious of the more robotic of his ushabtis, nonplussed by their endless work because they can't be. It'd be sublime to just turn his sentience off for a time, exist without experiencing if only for a moment or two...
With a sigh, he fastens his linen wraparound about his waist- he'd rather get to this mountain of work than fool with dressing himself properly- and approaches the waiting tablets. A handful of requests for blessing midterm grades, a few offerings of fine pens, a curse for an academic rival, a couple new pledgings- He should know better, but as soon as he counts himself lucky for finding nothing he needs to tend in person, one of his ushabti marches over to inform him he's just been called upon. By a mortal magician, no less. Exactly what he needed on this day.
If he were a crueler being, or had less sense, the lapis servant would be turned to shards where they stand. But then he'd just have to remake them, yet another thing on the to-do list.
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He should've been more careful. He should've checked the method of summoning before he answered. He should've done a lot of things.
Thoth instantly knows something is wrong as his form materializes in the dark room, but there's nothing he can do after he's activated the trap. Not that he'd have the wits to react in time if he could. The spell winds itself around him like burning cold chains, sapping his own magic and stripping away his abilities. His very being feels like it's getting squashed as his avatar changes against his will, forcing him to shrink and trade his hair for feathers, hands for wings. Only adding to his agony, the passive spell keeping his mangled shoulder in place is interrupted, leaving him with only one working wing. He attempts to call out, expend whatever magic he has left to eviscerate whoever was insolent enough to try this with him- only for a hand to clench shut around his elongated neck, crushing his throat and allowing only a sickly, pitiful noise to escape.
Before he even has a chance to lay eyes on his attacker, dirty fingers pry the prosthetic eyes from their sockets, first the left then the right. As if being suddenly blinded isn't disorienting enough, he's dragged by that vice grip on his neck a distance before being roughly shoved, stuffed into something with metal bars, his bad wing getting caught on the opening and fire shooting through the limb. He can't keep himself from flinching when what's likely the cage door is slammed shut with a clang that seems to reverberate through him. Trying to right himself- at least maneuver off of his back and onto his feet- makes him painstakingly aware of the cramped space he's now trapped in, barely large enough for him to fit.
The magician speaks to him, voice more abrasive than the desert sand, but Thoth registers nothing that is said. His mind is trying to fold in on itself, hide away in a dark corner, cowering as the stress reaches critical mass- But then the cage is roughly shaken, causing him to fall over again.
"Didn't you hear me?! I want answers!"
This is over knowledge, then. Of course it is.
Thoth is disgusted by how small, frail his voice is as he begrudgingly answers, "what is it that you seek to know?"
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[ Welcome to the Demon Days inbox event! As the name suggests, Thoth will be at the mercy of the inbox from today (Dec. 27th) until midnight EST New Year's Day. He has no choice but to answer every question he receives, so this is the perfect time to really pick at one of the most ancient minds in existence; ask him for the answers to historic mysteries, spells to achieve your deepest desires, his own awful secrets, etc.. Maybe you'd even like to antoganize him while he's trapped- but keep in mind he is the God of Retribution. ]
[ I, the mun, still hold the right to ignore any asks. However, that means more "skipping those that significantly upset me" rather than cherry picking and ignoring a large number of them. I do have to work until 7 tomorrow unfortunately, but I have until the 3rd off after that. I'll space answering event asks out over those five days so it hopefully won't grind to a halt before it's over. (I'll also likely be at the airport when this goes up, so slight delay to writing answers.) Make sure to indicate whether your ask is for the event. Here's hoping the remainder of your 2022 is significantly better than Thoth's will be. 💙 ]
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