#those mass murderers are gnc as fuck
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I want what they have
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asterbi · 5 years
so I finished sally face
I played through the entire game two days ago (i had already watched both jacksepticeye's and gloomgames' lets plays for the first four episodes) and yeah, I know I'm a week and a bit late late, but I have some thoughts
Also I’m so sorry for how long this is, I know no one cares but I just started rambling and I couldn’t stop
First of all, criticism:
I'm getting real fucking tired of "ooOOooOOOoo a native american myth so scary and otherworldly" like dude shut the fuck up that's disrespectful as
Also (and please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm like 99% sure that the native american myth in question isn't real which. is somehow even worse
He buried his gays (tbh I wasn't that annoyed at this one because 1) at least one of the gays lived and 2) he buried pretty much everyone else too but I feel like it had to be said)
Now. Let me preface this by saying I loved travis' redemption, which I'll get more into later. However, I really didn't like the fact that travis' character played into the whole 'homophobes are gay' thing, which is a uhhhh vaguely problematic trope
The ending was unsatisfying. I'll get more into it in a sec
Larry was one of my favourite characters, and I know he's a fan favourite too. Considering the fact that he is a main character and he's been given a lot of attention and development, having him disappear at the end without any explanation and barely a reunion or a goodbye was an asshole move.
I would have loved to see some more worldbuilding and lore, especially getting into what exactly the red eyes plague did, why the cult wanted to summon red eyes, how the whole replacement thing worked, what happened with charley, and what exactly the whole mother tree thing was with larry
Ash's extremely triggering and graphic suicide. I understand this is a horror game. I understand that this sort of thing is expected and normal in horror games. But showing players imagery like that without so much as a content warning? That's not okay.
Some of the characters were left really underdeveloped. Sal and larry were great, and ash saw a lot of development in the last episode, but todd, neil, and travis, who were given a fair bit of attention as well, were pretty 2d (not so much travis, but still)
And now for things I enjoyed:
The entire game
Despite everything I said earlier, this is still one of my favourite games, and I really really loved it
Sal was a f a n t a s t i c character. 0% toxic masculinity, 12/10. I love the fact that he was so kind and calm towards everyone, even those who were rude to him, but still knew where to draw the line and wasn't a total pushover. I especially love the fact that even though he likes feminine things and wears pigtails and whatnot, he is a cishet guy. While more lgbt+ representation (particularly trans people and wlw) would've been great, I also like that the game shows that you don't have to be lgbt in order to be gnc, especially since the gnc person is both a man, and the main character, which is really uncommon. Also disabled representation!! That's really fucking awesome
Larry was also brilliant!! Loves metal, loves art, has a criminal record, cries during sappy movies, does drugs and dabbles in illegal activities, wants to go to college, is openly and unapologetically affectionate towards his friends and unafraid to tell them he loves them
Ash was not one of my favourite characters but I really love how she developed from sceptic to believer and the way she changed and faced her own problems, and to some extent had her own story (although it did rely fairly heavily on sal’s, which was :/ but then again everyone’s story relied on sal’s)
Okay so back to travis - I loved his redemption arc so much, because he was a redeemable character. I see so many characters who get redemption arcs that absolutely do not deserve them, but travis was a good person born into a horrible situation, and I’m glad they explored homophobia and abuse (although I’m not happy about the homophobes are gay thing like I said) and made him a hero at the end. I’m also glad that we got foreshadowing that it would happen, and it didn’t come totally out of left field
Speaking of which, props to steve gabry for not pulling an endgame and just throwing things in for shock value. Sal coming back in ep 5 was hinted at, travis’ redemption was hinted at, and of course the events of the first four episodes were hinted at because they were memories. Even ash and neil’s involvement in fighting the cult despite being a sceptic and someone totally ignorant about it respectively made perfect sense, and though the parallel universes thing and larry’s reappearance was a surprise, it still sort of fits with how the lore of the game works
The different game styles in episode 5 were absolutely out of this world. All of them were fantastic (although fuck you 3d sal you were Not fun to play), and I thought that was a really cool interpretation of the parallel universes thing
The writing was consistently really good throughout the whole game, and it genuinely makes you so attached to all of the characters, which makes the ending all the more upsetting
This is more personal but I really loved like. The Aesthetic of the game? It was so grungy and out there, and little things like the necrolight guitar and the super gear boy just added to this whole vibe of teenagers-trying-to-do-good-in-a-messed-up-world and I can’t explain it but it was great
The game really didn’t shy away from any aspects of horror, but it also did it in a really well written way that creeped you out without relying on random jumpscares, which was awesome. I mean they had e v e r y t h i n g - mass cannibalism, demonic rituals, cults, prophecies, murder, human sacrifices, suicide, nudity but in the creepy way not the sexy way (the random gory scene in ep 5 where neil and maple were hanging naked and dead upside down really startled me because I just didn’t expect it from this game and it just freaked me out more), aliens, creepy puppets which reminded me of dhmis, the list goes on
The main part in episode 4 where larry and sal are working together in different dimensions?? Poetic, amazing, 12/10
Final opinions: I absolutely loved the characters, the story, the general aesthetic of the game, and the art style and writing. Episode 5 was probably my least favourite episode, because I found the ending really vague and unsatisfying, although I absolutely loved all the different game styles. I also found that a lot was left vague and unanswered, and not really in a good way???? Also the representation and stuff was great (especially disabled rep, because that’s rare), but there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way :/ Still, sally face is one of my favourite games, and I’m so sad that the series has come to an end :(
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who are your OCs?
Okay, this is gonna be pretty long but a complete list(at the moment of writing this) are:
Acid Angel(xe/xyr | xenogender | aromantic pansexual):
Xe is a city-born who pretty much ran away halfway through transitioning because xe realised xe didn't want to be the oposite grnder. Xe kinda wandered around the Zones for a while, listening to stories around the fire and learning from whatever 'joy were willing to teach xyr, before settling in Inner Five in an abandoned gas station and just kinda doing xyr own thing. Hotwiring a car. Vibing with ghosts. Trying not to get murdered by said ghosts when curiosity gets the best of xyr and xe enters haunted places. You know, regular 17 year old who drinks too many energy drinks stuff
Assembly Shotgun(she/her | cis | gay) & Cyanide Redemption(she/they | gnc | bisexual):
Assembly and Cyanide are girlfriends who run a small shop in Four that mainly deals in scrap automobile parts, clothes and Power Pup. They've got a car and a bike, respectively and will kick anyone's ass if they dare mess with the other. The two met at a bar fight and Assembly had a big gay moment when she saw how badass Cyanide is, followed the next morning by them having a gay moment because of how cute the femme punk disaster know as Assembly Shotgun was
Graveyard Storyteller(he/him | trans | aroace) and Unicorn Skin(she/he | bigender girlflux | ace demiro queer):
Unicorn and Graveyard are chaotic trans siblings and emo/goth solidarity, tbh. Unicorn brought her brother out in the desert in hopes of a better life, but Graveyard was so doped up on city meds that it took him almost a year to realise what was happening. The meds absolutely fucked over his immune system, so he spends most of his time inside the abandoned building they call their home, while Unicorn goes around doing odd jobs to keep them afloat, though she doesn't mind
Technicolor Eyes(he/him | cis | heteroflexible), Midnight Vendetta(she/her | cis | polysexual), Cartoon Anarchist(they/them | agender | pansexual) & Mass Hysteria(he/him | trans):
They are a crew driving around the desert in their van, selling parts scavanged from the cars of lone drac patrols they find. Technicolor is the oldest and self-appointed leader ever since he, Cartoon and Midnight escaped the neutral town they were living in. Cartoon and Midnight are dating and are the closest thing Mass has to parents after the three rescued him from the 'crow patrol that killed his original crew.
Laser Babe(she/her | cis | gay), Moonflower(she/her | trans | bi), Gasoline Firefly(he/him | trans | panromantic asexual) and Lighter Stars(he/him | trans | homoromantic asexual):
They are all juvees living in an apartament The Lobby. Laser works the counter at a killjoy-juvee trading outpost and as a sort of bodyguard almost for those club owners who got their establishments recently raided by crows. Moonflower is a nurse at a makeshift underground kid's center/safehouse where orfans and killjoy parents with small kids live together. Gasoline and Lighter just go around hacking vending machines and giving out plus to other droids who need it.
Neon Ghost(they/them | non-binary | demi-panromantic asexual):
Neon is kind of an honorary oc, but their whole deal is that they're a 'joy who lives on the edge of Five in the backroom of an abandoned half-destroyed supermarket and has no recollection of their life before they were 13-14. They like tinkering with stuff often ending up repairing or creating new things by accident
There's probably some more stuff under their respective tags that i missed, but yeah
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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the mfing joker is canonically awkwardly tall and gangly hes fucking 6′5″ but im guessing this is tumblr misogyny and their insane frothing hatred of anything that might be considered even vaguely gnc (such as a woman just naturally being tall) at work
ahhhh yes, ‘those ebil feminazis would defend a serial killing mass murderer because feminism is cancer’, there it is, with a side of ‘FAKE NEWS’
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