badrpadsdottxt · 5 years
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alright ignoring the fact that i doubt either these two can write their way out of a paper bag
whatever you do do not give these dipshits money
do not attach your rl identity/finances to people selling services on a site that openly embraces pedophiles and whose moderation staff actively celebrate and endorse the abuse and rape of transpeople (like there’s an essay posted in the directory right now that isnt even a fucking rp request just a treatise on how great dehumanizing transmen is ffs)
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badrpadsdottxt · 5 years
imagine writing a 5000 word essay on why transmen are subhumans and deserve to be raped and objectified and then expecting to be celebrated for it
‘im a real transman for real i promise’
like buddy we can smell terfs and disgusting chasers a mile off you know that right?
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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if people are constantly ghosting/blocking/refusing to interact with you, you need to understand, the problem is you
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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like your only limit is your imagination and this is the literal best you can do
jfc i can smell the white dude on those unseasoned scrambled eggs
mad props for admitting its abusive tho
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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Seriously though, a completely lawless city with no central government, which is in the middle of a warzone and is subjugated under mob rule also has the best schools in the world.
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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1) Get the fuck out of here you goddamn TERF, this is a gays only event.
2) Hmmmmmm...
3) You want me to ‘roleplay properly’ and this is textbook autoing/godmoding.
4) wtf even is this? ‘Madly purple girl’? She’s ‘galloping’ at you? Is she Twilight Sparkle?
5) Why can my character read her mind?
6) More autoing/godmoding from someone who expects their partner to know how to ‘roleplay properly’.
7) Stuttering. A classic.
8) wtf is up with this punctuation? No line/paragraph breaks for dialogue? This isn’t fucking mIRC.
9) No capitalization? ‘her teeth closer together’? ‘and lips taut’? What is happening to Twilight Sparkle’s faaaaaaaace?
10) Is her voice clear and high pitched, or is she mumbling weakly in German? which is it?
11) No Paragraph Breaks Part II: Electric Boogaloo.
12) This whole sentence is a fucking mess, but it implies her arm is a beanbag chair.
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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so like heres the thing - a pedo can learn to tag but they can never unlearn being a pedo
‘possible rape’ / five year olds can ‘seduce’ someone jfc
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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its weird how fandom normalizes rape to the point that they get brainworms
(look a literal rapist)
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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claiming to be trans [x]
nonstop use use of misogynistic language [x]
claiming biological sex is somehow real and theres some identifiable difference that would cause them exclude ‘males’ as partners [x]
a chaser and a terf - sounds like a goddamn fucking winner
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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it really just... never ceases to amaze me how many people want to rp homestuck who have clearly never read even a single fucking word of homestuck
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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im not even making fun of this
ive just got some very bad news for you about the real world
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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a literal goddamn terf who cant spell and doesnt know the difference between  domming and topping
(lmao as if theres any fucking difference between trans and cis men and as if a man is somehow becomes a ~~~submissive uwu~~~ if he gets penetrated)
yeah sounds like a good person for a porn rp
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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i love so much that he changed the wording of the prompt but still just couldnt bring himself to put a rape tw on it
i wonder if the very act of admitting that an adult raping a literal child is wrong is somehow triggering to pedos
gaxaly brain meme
no wait fuck how i could be so fucking blind i see the issue here now
the child is black and poorly behaved thats what makes the rape okay
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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on one hand i feel like someone should tell straight white cis men that we can tell when theyre being disgusting chasers
on the other hand they write these goddamn gems
(hint hint friend real transwomen know that being brutally raped by your cis parent is you know actual rape (’implied’ lol) and that ‘transwomen sometimes have relationships with other people’ doesnt need a trigger warning)
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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because a grownass woman fucking a sixteen year old child isnt rape lmao
it never ceases to amaze me how the people who write the shittiest prompts continually out themselves as shitty people irl
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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wow the transphobic intersexist pedophile also hates fat people so much they consider allowing them to exist at all to be a trigger?????
my monocle just popped right the fuck off good friend
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badrpadsdottxt · 6 years
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friend i got some real fuckin’ bad news for you about who’s been enslaved since the dawn of history and forced to do the majority of the world’s labor
(hint hint: its not men)
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