#those guys appear pretty frequently here
johnbrand · 27 days
Opening the Door
“Wait bro, are you talking about my feet?”
Heat immediately invaded my cheeks as I went red. The words had slipped out of my mouth without even realizing it.
“I uh…what?” I chuckled nervously, trying to brush it off. “I didn’t say anything.”
My roommate Ben knew otherwise. “Yeah you did. You mumbled ‘He’s just one of those guys who’ll never realize how perfect his feet are’ while staring directly at this sole.”
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He was right. I had been absorbed in his giant jock feet. I just could not help myself. Ever since I had moved in with Ben, I had been obsessed with him and his perfect body. He was a former college athlete from a small school, meaning he had the perfect body without the ego. But it was clear right away that Ben was straight, just the typical vanilla heterosexual. 
“Oh yeah…” I stammered. “Sorry, I had not meant to say that out loud.”
“Well is it true?” Ben asked to my surprise. “Are my feet really perfect?”
I hesitated once more, knowing this could be a breaking point in our friendship. But Ben had been completely fine when we had discussed my sexuality. In fact, Ben considered himself an ally–something that only made it more difficult for me not to be attracted to him.
After a deep breath, I admitted to my slip-up. “Yeah, they are. Wide, supple-looking yet I’d assume firm, and obviously huge. Those feet are any gay man’s dream.”
“What if they smell?” Ben questioned, my little chubby perking up. “Is that a problem?”
“No, in fact that typically makes them more desirable.”
Ben considered this for a moment. “When you said they are any gay man’s dream, does that include you.”
My face flushed an even brighter red, something I had not known was possible. Instead of responding this time, I simply remained quiet. Understanding the conversation had come to an end, Ben kindly resumed the replay of the game he was watching. I decided to sit with him a little longer, but eventually I gave into my instincts. I got up and found my way back to my room. Locking the door behind me, I quickly grabbed a pair of Ben’s sweaty athletic socks that I had stashed away, shoving them in my face as I fished out my hard dick.
After that discussion, the dynamics of our relationship began to shift. I did not notice it at first as Ben’s usual good-hearted nature disguised any sort of detour from the traditional friendship route. It started with asking a favor here and there; if I could pick up his turn on the dishwasher this week, or following a request to fetch him a snack with a cheesy “Pretty please?” I did not think anything of these menial tasks; Ben had been such a considerate roommate to me after all.
Eventually though, Ben began to test his dominance. There was a shift in the air when it first happened, catching me a little off guard. “Hey, can you take off my cleats?“ he innocently posed after coming home sweaty and tired from a soccer game with friends. “I'd do it myself but my back is sore.” Without thinking twice, I knelt down in front of Ben and removed each of the shoes, letting his big feet air out right into my face. It was a strange request, but Ben did not seem bothered by it at all. I made sure to appear calm and professional myself before excusing myself to stealthily wank one out.
From there, Ben tactics became more apparent and frequent. Once when we were on the couch together, he casually lifted a leg up and cut an ungodly fart in my direction without saying a word. I did not react vocally, but I delicately changed my position to get a whiff without being obvious. Another time, Ben plopped his giant feet right into my lap and stated “Massage them for me.” Although it had only been two words, my fingers had already acted before my brain could process their meaning.
By the time our lease was about to expire, Ben and I’s conversations had been reduced to mere commands. “Make dinner,” “Do my laundry,” “Cover my bill.” Over the months, our relationship had completely eroded. Not only had I been conditioned into my natural role, but I had opened the door for Ben to explore his. Before, Ben had been a considerate man who considered me as an equal, but now he understood the power his feet held, he held, and that power corrupted him. Ben had become controlling, demanding, and as of recently, abusive. When the lease renewal contract finally arrived, I promptly signed my name.
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mbslost · 7 months
Another yapping session with MB yipeee!
nah in all seriousness i would like to talk about some things, now that my temper is gone.
we still remember the post on twt made by @/renhanasgf about Gato not being more inclusive, oorrrr that her poc character are ignored. (i wont talk about the real stuff from discord in this post since proofs are still gathered.)
well here i am! (sadly)
1.How many poc characters?
7 well known (or maybe more). who are those? well we'll start with Raven(tinr) or known as Selin as well, Chet Ichpujani(tinr/tpof), Strade(btd/tpof), Thomas(tpof), Jaqueline(tpof), Machete(tpof) and fucking Derek(tpof)
some of them dont have a full name (besides an alias) either because story wise it didnt mattered or because of their lore (Strade and Machete are criminals, doubt they would want a victim that escaped to expose their identity, no?) Also another detail, even some white characters do not have a last name,such as Sid(tinr), Dragon/Jace(tpof), Komodo/Mike(tpof), Chamomile(tpof), Richard(tpof) and probably some from 'Facility'.
their ethnicities are indeed unknown, either because it wouldnt really affect their story or it was avoided in case it could cause a conflict. dunno. about this i cant really talk a lot since her blogs are gone, thus i cannot dig into this matter anymore. although i believe having a hc on them is fine. ''- It is 100% okay to have ANY headcanons about my character!''-her website)
Raven was one of the well know character from Gato that is poc. her nationality is unknown due to the story (which i would recommend you to read tinr, pretty cool tbh). since her story goes deeper i would suggest you to also read her wiki (fanmade). sadly lots of stuff are now gone about her. still a lover character.
Strade. Strade is Strade. (kind of forgot what she said in the answer about his name but the wiki says ''Strade is not his actual birth name. It's similar to a placeholder name like John Doe. His birth name is unknown." still you can check out more here)
Chet Ichpujani is another character involved in tinr, a manager (i believe) at a semi-restaurant thing? in the end he offers to help Farz with his problem. pretty cool guy since he and Anthony Shore re-appeared in tpof. (picture below)
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Machete, ''Machete is the newest member of the desert group. He had to prove himself worthy by performing various criminal tasks to be allowed in. Despite his recent acceptance, the rest of the group remain wary of him. His quiet demeanor and decisive actions tend to unsettle the other members. He regrets everything he's done to be admitted into the group, but he chose to stop at nothing to get revenge for his sister. He feels as though he's completely lost his identity and humanity to his "purpose"." -wiki (also a small detail, he did everything to revenge his sister)
Tom/Thomas, ''Tom is a college student, taking a media development course centered around sound design. He took a few years off high school, kind of meandering through life without an aim for a while. However, he eventually found a passion for making music. Despite tons of research and hard work, he was never really able to get his brand off the ground, so he decided to head to college to get some formal education on the subject. Late one night, as he was about to head home, he was abducted by Komodo and Dragon.'' -wiki
Jaqueline, "Jaqueline is a young trades worker learning to paint houses. She takes pride in her work and also frequently goes to the gym. Her mother pesters her to get a higher education, but she loves her current career path. Due to the friction with her family over her job, she tends to choose to spend time with friends instead. She was violently abducted by Jack in broad daylight, unlucky to have no witnesses." -wiki
therefore, there's plenty of information, plus that lost from her blogs.
2.Model minority
must agree, her work from 2016 looked alike yet, in the last years she actually showed more bodies (like types)
here are some examples:
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also Strade's new model as well:
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quite diverse, is it not? i am aware i didnt show others as well but if you wish to (and i actually encourage to) you can view the rest here! Lawrence, Ren, Celia (or on pinterest!)
3. Conclusion
i still believe everyone can create whatever they wish, whatever character. the details are on their part. now i could understand Gato for being upset when someone doesnt draw their character as they are (such as changing the body type, skin colour, etc) but also cant blame those who feel like being ignored (trust me, had to survive the genshin fandom).
so the characters exist, thus i dont see the problem of not being inclusive (also, as she often said, you can hc her characters, thus i believe their ethnicities are free to chose for yourself)
that's it. as for the real deal (the discord stuff) i believe it's the best more proofs come. rn i dont see her as a racist artist, but that comment in spanish does sound in fact xenophobic... well, until more context is posted, we'll see
stay safe!
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
relationship hcs ; adam
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; adam
outline ; “dating headcanons for adam”
note ; this may be a smidge out of character as i have never written for him before, but hopefully you’re able to enjoy these headcanons regardless ^^
warning(s) ; some canon-typical douchbag behaviour, but mostly fluff!
for as much of an asshole as adam can be, once he’s committed to someone he’s loyal as hell — granted it’s difficult to get a playboy like him to agree to complete monogamy, but it’s not a complete impossibility if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to get to that point with him
hes got an extremely prominent (and, frankly, nasty) possessive streak that he makes pretty much no effort to hide — like the moment he gets jealous of someone, no matter how irrational that feeling, he’s not above going as far as just grabbing you and making out with you in front of them just to prove that you’re taken and adam is not someone who likes to share what’s his
this possessiveness is in good part because of how his past relationships ended (with the two women that were literally made for him either leaving him outright or cheating on him with the same man) and the insecurities that naturally spawned from those experiences — yes he may be the cockiest bastard in all of heaven, and he talks big game about being ‘the dickmaster’ or ‘the original dick’ and all of that nonsense, but once the two of you become an item he is terrified of losing you and seems to make it his mission to ward off any outside threats to your relationship and warn you away from anyone who he can’t scare off
(e.g. openly and frequently shit talking lucifer, hell, and the sinners he kills — portraying them as unequivocally monstrous and cruel without the chance for redemption / being unworthy of your empathy or time in an effort to keep you as disinterested and far from him as possible)
reassurance and praise goes a long way with adam, even if he does tend to outwardly either brush it off or turn it into something more sexual, even more so if you give him something concrete to show that love and praise — e.g. he’s the type of guy to keep every single card you get him for your anniversaries, his birthday (well… creation day would be a better name in his case), or valentine’s day, in a locked box or drawer for him to look through whenever he feels a bit low whilst also outwardly denying being so ‘sappy’ and sentimental
it takes a while for him to feel comfortable taking off his mask around you, but once that you’ve gotten over that particular hurdle and made your attraction and appreciation for his appearance as clear as possible, you’ll pretty much never see him wear it again — well, at least not in the privacy of your home… outside is a very different story
not at all shy about physical affection in private or in public — like from the moment the two of you confess your feelings you’ll have a hard time getting his hands off of you for more than a few minutes at a time (unless you make it clear that you’re not a touchy person, of course… he’s not a complete asshole when it comes to you and he certainly doesn’t want to make the best thing to happen to him since eden go running for the hills)
his favourite place to kiss you is on the lips (he’s the first man, as he oh so loves reminding everyone in earshot, forgive him for the basic choice) and his kisses are all so passionate that it almost feels like he’s worried you’ll vanish the moment he lets go — they’re wet and messy and steal the breath straight from your lungs, yes, and by the end of it you’ll get to see him with his cheeks all flushed and golden eyes gleaming with mischief, passion, and overwhelming affection, but there’s also the smallest hint of something else in his kisses that you can’t quite place (and that you rarely have the chance to linger on before you’re dragged somewhere more private by him to let things get a bit less ‘pg’, or he’s hurrying away to take part in an extermination or to fulfil some other such heavenly duty that sera probably asked him to do weeks ago)
loves having his hair played with and will fall asleep in minutes if you start slowly and gently carding your fingers through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp when he’s laying on your lap — would never admit it though and will go straight as a board and almost shout-talk over you to try and preserve his reputation if you try and bring it up around anyone else (especially lute because she would never let him live that down)
mainly just calls you ‘babe’ or your first name, and maybe the occasional ‘baby’ — though he’s responsive to any and every pet name you give him over the course of your relationship, even the more ridiculous/humourous ones
he keeps an eye out for you at every gig he plays with his band, visibly brightening when he catches sight of you and even pointing you out as his ‘smoking hot partner’ to the crowd before playing one of the dozens of songs he’s dedicated to you — none of them are explicitly love songs, but he thought of you when writing them and that’s enough to gain a dedication in his eyes
isn’t above using his position as the first man to benefit you and your relationship — that can mean anything from rearranging his and your schedules to make sure that you always get to spend some time together each day, or threatening anyone with banishment or some other punishment for making you uncomfortable (it may be heaven but nowhere is completely safe from assholes… adam himself is proof of that)
you’re absolutely spoiled rotten but he always runs any major gifts past lute (who you’re basically guaranteed to have as a close companion after getting with adam) before he gives them to you because he doesn’t want to risk giving you something you hate and pushing you away from him — of course he never tells you this and brags very openly about being so good at picking gifts for you (and, thus, being the most awesome boyfriend in the history of all boyfriends ever)
he rarely ever actually says the words ‘i love you’ and will affectionately tease you whenever you say them to him, but he makes every effort to ensure that you don’t doubt his feelings for even a second despite that
when he’s too busy to accompany you out and about, he always makes sure that there’s at least one of his girls with you just to ensure your safety at all times — especially after one of his exorcists got killed, which made him particularly jumpy and overprotective (yes he knows that heaven is just about the safest place you can be, but he refuses to take any chances when it comes to you)
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volturiprincess · 6 months
A late night conversation with Felix (Extended Version)
Felix Volturi x human mate reader
Summary: The conversation that happens between reader and Felix late at night when reader has a hard time falling asleep Warnings: None really, just some curse words and some mentions of smut but overall cute fluff A/N: I finally got to it and I got to say it was fun to write. its not really structured like a one-shot, its more like back and forth dialogue. Something different but I loved it. There will be a second A/N in the end. F/c: favorite color Word Count: 1060 🌹~~~~~~~~~~~🌹~~~~~~~~~~~~🌹~~~~~~~~~~~~🌹~~~~~~~~~~~~🌹
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(Mighty fine man)
I have been awake for the past hour chatting away with Felix. I am supposed to be sleeping but sleep appears to not be on my side currently. And it does not help that Felix just lets me talk away and does not even bother to make me fall asleep– but that is one of the many reasons why I love him. Our current situation right now is him barely fitting on the twin size bed in my dorm, his poor legs are dangling off the bed while I'm snuggled on top of him with his arms wrapped around me. This is not the first night where we have been like this, Felix likes to visit me as frequently as he can at night when he is not away on some mission or has a night guard shift. Even if I am currently in college (one that is close to Volterra), we spend a lot of time together either studying, going on dates, sex in the most risky places in my campus, and my favorite thing; lying in bed with him late at night talking about the most random crap to exist like now
“ Felix? Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?”
I heard him take an unnecessary breath before he responded
“My dear little rose, sometimes you really are a mystery to me, what goes through that pretty head of yours when iIm not around?
“Well first of all school, and that stupid essay that's due tomorrow but then my mind wanders to you and your jaw dropping arms that just fits so perfectly around me or how your large hand makes quiet the nice necklace”
The way he gasp made me think I really did catch him off guard 
“And here I thought my little cara was a good girl and only focused on school”
“Well you thought wrong big guy, how am I supposed to think clearly when I have you as a lover? The way you know how to have me on my knees for you with just a look is just insane?”
Without even looking at him I knew he had that shark-like grin he gets when his ego is boosted which never fails to amuse me.
“You know the way you always compliment me with your modern words makes me fall for you more than you can imagine”
“Oh don't get soft on me yet big guy, you haven't even meet my delusional self when I lack sleep”
He chuckled slightly
“Oh cara, nothing could make me love you less”
“Hmmm, mind if I ask you something Fe?
“Anything amore”
“Do you have a switch? 
Dead silence once again with his small sigh 
“Because I want to turn you on.”
The dead silence that came after made me think that I finally broke him but then the booming laugh that came out of him made me look up at him in shock. My eyebrows then furrowed in confusion when he calmed down after 5 minutes of laughter
“With that being said short stack you should get some rest, you need it”
“First of all, who are you calling short stack?”
“You obviously, look at you compared to me, you fit on this bed perfectly while im barely on it”
“Well it's not my fault you’re a whole ass unit of a man, look at you, I mean i'm not complaining, I love your size, but then again that's probably my size kink that clouds my mind when I see you”
In a teasing voice he replied
“Is that the only thing you think about when you see me, not my dashing smile, or my wonderful personality that can make you blush easily and make you weak in the knees”
“On the contrary I love those characteristics of yours, your more that I can handle half of the time”
He chuckles again and then says calmly
“Just close your eyes, i'll be here when you wake up in the morning”
“Like it's that easy Felix, you think I don't do that every night?’
“Well if you don't go to sleep then I will make you sleepy”
The dead silence after that was so thick that even Alec’s gift would be jealous.
“Is that a promise?”
He tilted my head slightly so I could look at him and he that look that look like he was going to eat me whole and that instantly sent an electric feeling of aroused to my core
“If you don't fall asleep soon then….no sex for a week”
The audacity of this man– well vampire has to deny me sex for a week is absurd, who does he think he is to say such a thing?
“You wouldn't dare”
“Oh but I will”
“You wouldn't last a day without being intimate with me”
“Oh but I managed to last centuries without having sex”
“Well I uh, now it's different Felix, found your mate now, you wouldn't last a day”
“So you want to bet on that then?”
“WHAT no, are you insane, i'm only saying you wouldn't last, me on the other hand, well that's a different story”
“Alright I won't deny you what you desire, but you need to sleep already tesoro, I don't want you to fall asleep in your classes”
“Well then you haven't met my english professor have you, he has this monotone voice that sounds like a combination of Kermit the frog and a flat line, I don't know whether to hold in a laugh or to fall asleep”
“Kermit the Frog? Who is that?”
“Oh right your like a million years old, he's a muppet and he's a frog obviously”
“A muppet? I never heard of that, is he like a puppet then?”
“In a way, you know what, tomorrow night we will have a movie night and I will show you the muppet movie, okay my love?”
“Alright, but now sleep or I will be serious about my threat”
“Ok ok, don't need to be dramatic now, look i'll close my eyes now”
Unfortunately the minute I closed my eyes, sleep over took me and I passed out in a minute in the coldness that naturally Felix releases and my f/c quilt draped over me that Felix got me for my birthday last year. 
A/N: The part where I said about having a professor that has a voice combination of Kermit and a flat line is true. Anyways, I hope you like it and my I will start working on a Jasper one-shot, I got inspiration from a song recently so something to look forward to.
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tremendum · 1 year
okay hear me out…… a javi fic based on the song bad idea by girl in red…..
bad idea
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pairing: javier peña x fem!reader
rating: explicit. (18+. mdni.)   word count: 5.7k   requested: yes, based on the song bad idea! by girl in red as above as well as "can we have a javi p x fem!reader fic with a size kink PLLLSSSSS you'll fucking body that!!!" summary:  "bottom line, now you're stuck at this sticky bar, nursing your whiskey ginger because there's only one other person here you know; and he is a bad idea. and he's walking over to you." warnings: probably the worst spanish ever (pls correct me!), tbh this is porn with feelings, established friendship, this ended up pretty fluffy, soft dom!javi, reader has a very loose job description, drinking, smoking, size kink, praise, minor self-doubt/insecurity from both, oral (f!receiving), smut (unprotected PiV), spitting, slight face riding, multiple orgasms. notes: cant BELIEVE this is my first javi fic??? bc ive been loving this request for a while and this finally came to me amidst a fever, ive written it in like just over an hour and a half and refuse to edit it. anyways, desperate Javi is so sexy to i had to throw it in there,,, please lmk if you enjoy it and leave a comment/reblog!! that's how writers are motivated!! :) lmk if you guys want more javi in the future bc hes soooo yummy
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it's as if the universe is calling on you to make bad decisions tonight. 
you didn't intend on going to the bar and staying until last call - that notion had only just appeared to you around four-forty-five pm, when you were signing what was to likely be only halfway through the documents you had to sort and approve by today's deadline. or maybe it'd slipped into your head when Murphy and Peña strutted into their desks just across from yours in the bullpen, smirks on their faces and their words hushed. 
you'd caught Javier's eye just as he laughed at something Steve muttered, his brows raising tauntingly as he glanced from his empty desk to your cluttered one. his shirt was unbuttoned and tie loosened, much too casual for the work day that'd yet to end; you'd rolled your eyes and resisted the urge for a cigarette. or the urge to climb over those desks and onto his lap right then and there. 
so you'd told yourself as a reward for the overtime you'll be punching in this week, you'll grab a few drinks - maybe, maybe find someone pretty to go home with. it's been a few months since anything delicious came your way, and after your tortuous new reassignment to the west side of the office, you've been forced to stare at Javier Peña for close to forty hours a week while he furrows his brow, churning cigarettes and barking things on the phone. 
it was a bad idea to let yourself find him attractive, and an even worse decision to become friendly - because once it started, it was an downhill sprint towards full-blown feelings. 
he didn't make it easier, with his looks and his comments and how he walked you to your car every evening or invited you to drinks with him, Murphy and Connie every Friday.
Javi was trouble. so, here you were. 
but fate is not on your side - it was simply a bad idea to come to this bar. 
it's not like you didn't expect to see him here, either. Javi always frequents this bar, all DEA agents do - and you'd actually told him and Murphy this time that you'd planned your night around this exact barstool. another poor plan, because now you're stuck staring at Javier's chiseled profile as he smiles at the woman working the bar, sliding his empty glass across to her and running a hand over his jaw. 
yes, you'd all but invited Javi to join you this evening, but you hadn't expected him to come alone - something about Connie and Murphy going to buy flowers on the way home - whatever. bottom line, now you're stuck at this sticky bar, nursing your whiskey ginger and poking at the ice with your cocktail straw because there's only one other person here you know; and he is a bad idea. 
and he's walking over to you.
"what's got you so down, cariño?" his voice is smooth as silk - but something deeper, almost. barrel-aged, probably. you regret the smile that placates your expression when he pulls himself into the stool on your left, turning your body to face him slightly. he's smiling already - that fucking smile, damn him. 
your head feels fuzzy as the smell of his cologne, muddled from the sweat of the day and the drink he'd enjoyed in the hour before deciding to come over to your side of the bar. you sigh, "trying to decide if I can walk home from here." you joke with a shrug, huffing a laugh through your nostrils as you cross your legs together. 
your skirt always used to feel odd against the stools here - the juxtaposition of work attire in a dive like this sticking out like a sore thumb. but you're used to it, now, and it barely phases you that your work shirt is unbuttoned just a bit more than it'd been at work this evening. 
Javi tuts gently, "should've considered that before last call." he mutters, raising his brows as he slides a cigarette between two plush lips, searching around his tight jeans for a light. your lips curl in a half-smile as you flick your own lighter, leaning forward to light it for him; his eyes, dark and swimming.
"guess so, but I've been prone to making bad decisions lately." you sigh, shrugging a shoulder. 
he hums lowly as a puff of smoke plumes around your bodies, gently caressing you. his arms, exposed to the elbow by the carefree sleeve-rolling Javi did the moment he left the embassy, glow golden under the low light. "Leavitt." he mutters in recognition, and something within you blooms and sputters. you nod sheepishly - Leavitt had reamed you in the middle of the bullpen early this morning for incorrectly guessing on some of his paperwork and resulting him in a fine. 
you wish Javi hadn't heard, but- well, it'd been hard not to hear. 
you smile weakly, shrugging as you desperately try to chase the cherry at the bottom of your glass, not sure what to say. your eyes meet his when you finally fish the cherry up and bring it to your lips; the sweet flesh of the fruit breaks open and the juice slides over your lips and onto your tongue as you sigh. 
his eyes follow you just as they've followed your figure around the office for months; dark, unspoken, wanting. screaming something at you, as you lift one brow towards his dark gaze. 
"among other things," you sigh, tongue slipping out to gather the syrupy juice on your bottom lip, "yes." 
Javi shrugs, "fuck him." he mutters it simply, fingers tapping lightly on the wood grain of the bar between you, and you crack a smile, "yeah, fuck him." 
you swallow your last sip before humming, "so where's Murphy? didn't realize this'd be a party of two." 
he tilts his head, "is that such a bad thing?" 
you huff a short laugh, cheeks heating up as he stares down at you, eyes dipping low to the lowest button of your shirt before meeting your gaze. "I never said that, did I Javi?" you smile sweetly, balancing your head on your hand, leaning on your elbow. but you know better; this is a bad thing, you realize. 
because the second Javi leans closer, you catch the woodsy musk and cigarettes that swirl around him, a deep amber scent. you're totally fucked. 
there's something that's been dancing between the two of you for weeks now, too exciting and different and real to acknowledge yet; but now, with three drinks under your belt and his large eyes on you, you don't think you can resist. 
you don't want to. 
but something catches your eye behind his attentive frame, and you try to hide a laugh. "your admirer is staring." you smirk, eyes distracted by the woman tending bar who keeps glancing with a stare at the back of Javi's head.
he doesn't even turn his head, seemingly already knowing who you're talking about. 
he shakes his head, "she's an old friend." he dismisses, eyes not leaving yours. you raise a brow, "friend?" you scoff lightheartedly - you know him, you know his reputation. 
he smiles, "yes, a friend." he insists, though his pink cheeks suggest otherwise, and you laugh. 
"it's been months since I've been with someone." you sigh, almost embarrassed to be admitting that to someone with such... high credentials in that arena. you honestly don't even know why you admitted it.
he doesn't seem phased, but his eyes seem to grow a shade darker as he flickers them back to you. 
"why don't you change that?" he says with almost no hesitation.  
you shake your head, "because I don't have a ride home." you tease, looking at him through your lashes. 
his head tilts towards you microscopically, eyes flickering over your features in a way that has your thighs clenching together. "let's go." he decides, ghost of a grin falling on his lips as he moves to stand. you blink, setting the glass with a clink down on the bar, "you don't have to, Javi, I can-" 
he waves you off with a dismissive hand, shaking his head as if offended, "I'm not leaving you here, cariño." he smiles gently, offering a hand to help you off your stool. something warm turns in your stomach as you take his hand - this is such a bad idea yet you can't help but dive in head-first. 
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he insists on walking you to your door. 
you'd think it chivalrous, but with the way his hand falls on the small of your back, you're beginning to think it's anything but. 
he leans against the wall just next to your door as you dig through your purse for your keys, cheeks hot under the scrutiny of his gaze. by the time you slide the key into the lock and open the door, he's standing just a foot away from you, hands in his pockets and an easy look on his face under the flickering fluorescent lights in the hall. you turn back, heart hammering, as he speaks. 
"have a good night, cariño." he says with a gentle smile, about to turn around; you feel your opportunity slip through your fingers like the grains of time as you stutter, "w-wait!" 
he can't hide the smirk as he turns back to you and you bite your lip, tilting your head inside, "Javi..." you murmur softly, embarrassed to even say it.
his brows raise in question, intrigue spreading over his face, but he says nothing.
in your impatience, you flush, sighing. "don't make me say it." you almost whine. 
at your words, he takes a step towards you, your head tilting up to follow his eyes until he's directly in front of you.
there's a playful kind of desire that flickers through his features as he watches you're heaving breaths. his breath hits you warm and inviting as his glistening eyes search yours, "say it." 
your throat dries as you take a breath, "please," you try instead, face heating in embarrassment. he shakes his head, one large hand rising to caress over your jaw, brushing a strand of hair back from your ear.
leaning into your ear, he whispers gently, "you can do better than that, can't you hermosa?" his voice rolls over your body, inciting goosebumps to travel the length of your skin. 
you let out a stuttering breath, your whole body buzzing in anticipation as your eyes roll over the doors of your neighbors, hoping none of them can see the way this man crowds around you right now, how desperate you are as your hand slides over his own forearm. "Javi, I want you," you whisper, biting your lip. 
the groan he lets out sends a rush of heat to your core; arousal slicks your underwear as you feel lips ghost over the junction of your neck and shoulder; "estoy seguro de que sí, niña bonita," he breathes against your hot skin, his hands grabbing your hip and hair, pushing you suddenly against the wall. 
you gasp, a short whimper escaping your throat as his teeth scrape over your pressure point, one hand sliding into his hair, tugging at the thick locks. "fuck," you whimper as he presses fully against you, the pressure of his hardening cock against your stomach, "Javi-" 
you mutter, hands frantically pulling him by the collar of his shirt towards your awaiting, desperate lips- 
he tastes warmer than you'd imagined. like bourbon, some sort of sweet - licorice? - and desire as he licks into your mouth fervently, hand roaming down your sides to splay over your ass. you gasp against his mouth once his large hand squeezes your ass; seizing the opportunity, his teeth bite gently on your bottom lip. he leaves you breathless and dizzy. 
yes, this was - this was a bad idea. 
"look at you, hermosa." he mutters as he pulls away, hand splaying over your cheek and turning your head slightly, his eyes coursing over your aching body, searching his friction. something flickers in his eyes as he watches your hips move desperately, his hands squeezing over your waist, "so pretty." 
you flush at his words, the adoration lacing his face as he takes in your mussed hair, stuttering chest. 
"inside-" you start to suggest, breathless with desire, and he nods eagerly, "yes-" and then you're stumbling inside your apartment, a rush of cologne hitting your nose pleasantly as he crowds behind you, hands on your back, sliding low until he's squeezing your ass and groaning into your ear, "drive me fuckin' crazy with these skirts, baby." 
you let out a moan when he's pushed you back against the wall, hands pulling to untuck your blouse from your skirt, lips trailing marks up and down the column of your neck. you scramble to help him undo your top, but he get's too impatient- 
the buttons pop and clatter onto the ground as he rips the blouse open, exposing your lacy white bra; your eyes round as you gasp, "Peña!" you snap, swatting him on his shoulder as he laughs sheepishly, staring at his own mess then back to you.
"I'm sorry." he utters, trying desperately to conceal his smirk as you glare at him, trying to calm your thundering heart because Javier Peña wanted you so bad he just ripped open your blouse. 
he sighs, pulling at your hips until you give in, melting against him, "I'm sorry, cariño, I'll buy you another." he sounds a little more sincere this time as his lips press against your neck again and you help him shuck off the shell of what remains; his hands mould against your breasts instantly, thumb brushing against the bud that peeks through the lace, hardened in arousal. "you're so pretty, baby, it hurts." he mutters, cheeks tinted as he leans in to kiss you again, a warm feeling coursing through you as he slowly undoes your bra. he's always been so dramatic. 
you smile to yourself as you watch him lean down, placing kisses down your chest. 
your stomach coils in desire as he hitches one of your thighs up against his hip, hand sliding down to the strap of your heels; you silently thank yourself for wearing your decent heels - sexy, but professional. his eyes eat you as his fingers slowly undo the buckle on the heel, dropping it to the floor while staring into your eyes.
your heart hammers as he drops your leg in favor of the other, slowly dragging his fingers down your legs to unclasp the other; as you fall down to your true height, he has to stoop over you to catch your lips to his, your teeth scraping as he groans into your lips. your hands hungrily shove his suit jacket off his broad shoulders, tongue pressing against his as he pushes you hard back against the wall. 
you moan gently as he grabs your thigh and hitches it once again against his hip, pressing his length up against your core; the friction is delicious against your aching clit, dull but stimulating. you try to cover it up, "you better buy me two blouses, Javi." you joke. he smirks into your mouth, hand sliding below your skirt to toy with the ends of your stockings.
biting down on your throat as he snaps the stocking against the plush skin of your thighs, he groans, "fuck it- I'll buy you anything you want, just let me taste this pussy." he adds, voice low as he reaches around, fumbling with the zipper on your skirt. 
oh, god.
you help him with frantic hands; soon he's down on his knees, hands sliding up your thighs, clad in your stockings and panties, his breath hitting your heat gently. 
one hand rises up your abdomen to toy with your breast, pinching and rolling your nipple as he hums. you sigh shakily as you stare at him, body electric with arousal.
his eyes are blown wide as he stares up at you, tie loose, shirt unbuttoned and disheveled, hair mussed up from your fingers - the picture of an angel. your heart nearly stops as he leans forward, eyes still on you, and kisses just below your navel. 
your heart pounds as you stand on shaky legs, watching with anticipation as Javi teases you, kissing just around where you want him: your thighs, down to your knees, back up- your waistline - as his lips flutter onto your skin, you have to close your eyes, trying to find your breath because your mouth is screaming at you to say something that could ruin this all.
(yeah, this was a bad idea). 
but he slowly pulls at the edges of your underwear, you're aware of how hot everything is: you're sweaty, in need of a shower eventually. biting your lip, you mutter, "should- do you want me to shower, first? it was so hot out today-" 
any self-doubts that had crossed your mind are thrown out your open window into the night's warm breeze when Javier looks up at you with a face almost offended; as if it were absurd to ask. his hands close possessively over the backs of your thighs as he growls. 
he shakes his head, hands tightening on you so you stay against the wall, "you're not going anywhere. I've been dreaming of this pussy for ages. I'd live here between your legs, hermosa." he mutters, pressing his nose up against your panties, moaning at the damp seat, "so sé buena para mi y deja que te pruebe, si?" 
swallowing dry as your face heats, you nod, fingers brushing hair from his eyes. "si, Javi." 
he nods, "good." 
his thumb rises to prod gently at your pussy, sliding over the damp fabric as you gasp sharply. he lets out a low hum just as his thumb slides to hook your panties to the side, revealing your glistening, aching cunt for him. you watch with a slack jaw as his tongue darts out; a bold, flat stripe up your heat sends shivers through your body, your throat letting out a quick gasp at the desire that rocks through your body. 
"fuck, princesa, you taste so good." he groans, a desperation laced into his voice that you've never heard from him; one more lick spreading your arousal before he's swirling his tongue around your clit, holding your hips down hard into the wall to ensure you can't move away as he groans into you. 
"feels so good, Javi-" you whimper, face hot as he hums, face moving between your thighs as you stand on shaky legs. "what was that?" he teases, biting your thigh softly. you yelp, hands falling to grip his hair, your head falling back against the wall. "sh-shut up," you breathe, grinning with hot cheeks as he chuckles against your heat. 
but then he pulls your panties down your legs, tossing them behind him before he settles back between your thighs; suddenly one of his thumbs is spreading you open more, forcing your legs to spread just slightly, and he's spitting onto your wet heat.
your toes curl in pleasure as you gasp, one hand grasping your breast, thumbing your nipple. your stomach clenches as he leans back into you and works, tongue spreading over your cunt and gathering your arousal from your aching entrance before pulling your clit into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth and sending shocks through you. 
he groans when you tug on his hair; the vibrations from his throat sending a thrill up your spine and you can't help as your hips buck forward, smothering Javi's face and nudging your clit against the ridge of his nose. 
"s-sorry," you mutter, face flushing as he pulls back and stares at you hungrily; he shakes his head, "fuck, do it again." he orders, lips falling back onto you, tongue coursing through your soaked cunt as you buck your hips, the feeling of your clit against the bridge of his nose pulling a sharp gasp from you. 
your words fail you as Javi squeezes your ass, slapping you harshly and causing you to yelp. your hips don't cease their movements; riding his face, the nudge of his nose on your bundle of nerves hurtles you towards the edge of your orgasm, and you start to moan his name louder and louder. 
his mouth works to wind you up, your legs twitching and hands grasping at yourself and at his shoulders, his hair. he eats you up like he's been starved for months, his mouth only leaving you to mutter words into your dripping pussy. it's mere minutes before you're writhing against the wall and Javi leans back, "I can feel you're close, hermosa," he breathes, thumb replacing his tongue as he speaks. your thighs start to close but he holds them open, blinking those large eyes up at you, "need to feel you cum on my tongue, baby. cum." he sounds more desperate than you've imagined even in your wildest of dreams and you nod, your stomach burning with the clench of nearing your orgasm. 
you hit your high merely seconds after his mouth falls back onto you - your fingers in his hair, his name from your lips, chest heaving and back arching off the wall. he moans heavy into you as he laps you up, drinking you in and coaxing you through your orgasm with gentle hands and a silver tongue. 
you're left breathless when he stands back up, your legs as weak as jelly as his hand pulls your jaw forward and into him.
your lips meet his in a sticky, passionate kiss; you can taste yourself on his tongue as you pull his hips against yours, his cock straining through his pants. 
"do you need a minute-" he pulls back to ask as your hands slowly slither down to fumble with his belt; your heart thrums as your body rides the high of your orgasm, but all you want is more, more. 
you don't think you'll ever stop wanting more of Javier Peña. 
this was a really bad idea. 
"-I can get you water-" he tries to offer and your heart thumps at how kind he is, so attentive and caring - but you shake your head, nipping at his lips as you push him backwards, further into the apartment, "no- need you now, Javi, please." you mutter, "water after." you insist, unable to fight the smile that grows as he chuckles against your lips. 
"okay, señorita, whatever you say." he whispers, leaning slightly until he's picked you up and you wrap your legs around his hips, bare, sensitive cunt against the rough denim of his jeans. "but I don't want to hear any complaining, now." he teases, eyes sharp and shining with a playfulness that has you smirking. 
"then you better give me what I want." you counter as he stumbles his way through the threshold of your bedroom, hand coming to the back of your head to make sure he doesn't bump you against the frame. 
"I'll give you anything if you ask nicely." he whispers into your ear, biting your earlobe as you both tumble down onto your mattress, desperately clawing at his shirt and tugging his jeans off until he's splayed above you, arms caging you in as your stocking-clad legs wrap around his naked hips. 
he pushes up, leaning back so he's got his cock in his hand, pumping slowly as he stares at your bare body, splayed out for him. his eyes look ravenous; slowly, he lets his cock rub up your slit, gathering all of your arousal and juices as he rolls his hips.
you hitch your breath, both of your sighs heavenly as they flow through the evening air. there's sweat sheened over his built chest and your fingers slide over his toned arms, lifting yourself slightly so you can look- 
oh, fuck. 
your eyes almost roll back at the sight of his swollen cock, thick and large and lying against the short hairs that curl just above your pussy; he's so big, splayed on your stomach - he's going to be so deep.
your eyes widen as you wonder briefly how he'll fit but then he's humming, "ready, princesa?" 
you nod desperately, clawing at him until he's caged you once again, the tip of him prodding your entrance gently. "yes, Javi. fuck me, please." 
he hums, "dirty mouth," he mutters, "for such a sweet girl." he kisses you just so, his hand brushing hair away from your forehead as he teases you. 
you’re breathless; shivers cascade down your spine at the press of him, slowly breaching your hole and grinding sloooow and smooth into your dripping cunt, aching with desire.
he can’t slide into you, not fully- his cock is too thick, your cunt dripping but still so goddamn tight. the moan he lets out as he inches in slowly is fucking heavenly. "fuck, cariño, you weren't lying-" he mutters, almost shaking with restraint as he slowly eases himself into your tight walls, "-shit, so tight."
you grip his shoulder tight, "t-told you- it's been months," you gasp and he smirks, "thought that was just a line to get me back to your place," he mutters.
as he stills himself, nostrils flaring with focus, you lay a hand over his cheek - his eyes meet yours, something deep and truthful hidden in them. your eyes scream back at him. 
oh, you're fucked for him. this may have been a horrible idea. 
"well maybe I was just waiting for the right person," you speak before you can think- he freezes, you can feel his muscles tense. your mind reels. fuck, you hadn't even talked about what this was between the two of you- a quick fuck, stress relief, or something more- you're fucked. 
but he smiles, suddenly, groaning through squeezed eyes as he shakes his head, "you're going to kill me, cariño." he mutters, one hand falling to your hip, "you're so fucking cute." 
your stomach rolls with butterflies at his words and you hide your face. he has none of that, though, and peels one hand from your face and kisses you sweetly.
the kiss heats quickly as you slide your tongue against his; a strangled gasp leaves your lips when he starts to slide into you more, inch-by-inch, stretching you open and filling you full of him. his head falls heavy against your chest as he mutters, “you're tight, baby, so fucking perfect.”
his voice is starting to slur in pleasure as he soon slides into you fully, sheathed deep. you flutter around him as you accommodate to his size, the feeling of him nearly melting you as he starts to slowly thrust. his hips roll and grind against your clit; you gasp, nails raking down his bare back and pulling a moan from his lips. 
you let out a loud moan, his thickness stretching you and sliding deeper than expected, the tip of his cock kissing against a spot that has you keening. your toes curl and your head falls back as he grinds into you slow, deep.
it's a feeling you've never felt before; you knew Javi had a... reputation, all the women talk about it at your girl's nights and at the water cooler. but you never imagined such bliss as his hands roam you, palming your tits, his lips tracing shapes of affirmation all over your face, chest, hairline.
his voice slips between english and spanish as he purrs praise after praise in your ear- dreamed of you for ages, baby... just like that, yes, take my cock... querida, so good for me...
all you can say is his name; it falls from your lips like it’s the only word you know, his hips soon pistoning into you with fervor, chasing the feeling which coils again in your abdomen. 
suddenly he's grabbing at your hips, lifting you slightly as his legs slide under you and you're flipped up, straddling him, sitting on his cock as your legs wrap around his back.
you feel one of his own sturdy thighs prop up behind you as he lets you gather your breath; a whimper of his name has him nipping at your bottom lip. 
"shh, querida I know, feels so deep, doesn't it?" he mutters, kissing your lips as you slowly start to rock your hips, bouncing slightly as Javier's hands roam up your spine, one squeezing your ass as the other tugs your hair. 
"fuck," you moan, "you're so big, Javi-" he groans at your words, his own hips thrusting upwards and hitting a spot inside you that has you screaming; he leans back, staring up at you as you stare down at him with lust-filled eyes. his hand falls to lay against your stomach and your eyes follow his, where you can see the slight movements of him deep inside you- 
you moan at the sight, the thought - he's so big all the way inside you - he's tugging you closer to him, until you're chest to chest, lips pressing hard against the other. 
the sounds of you and Javi's bodies together echo through your apartment; your head lulls to the ceiling as you let out a languid moan, the spot he's hitting making your eyes roll back. you can feel your cheeks hot and heavy as you whimper in desire; you're so goddamn close again, you know he can feel it. 
"shit-" he groans, "y'close?" he mutters and you nod frantically, the pleasure coiling dangerously fast. 
"been months, hermosa?" he groans into your ear as he meets you halfway with his thrusts, your breath punched from you with every kiss to your g-spot, "this what you wanted, hm? this feel good?" 
he’s always had you wrapped around his finger, and he fucking knows it. 
you sigh in ecstasy, unable to form full sentences as he hits the delicious spot inside you that nearly makes you pass out: "yes, J-Javi- so good, so good-"  your hands hold him as close as possible, his warm chest against yours.
the crest of your orgasm tingles your thighs, your toes curling and legs shaking as you start to stutter; he moans heavy- he's close, too. his thrusts are getting slower, sloppier. his movements are soon desperate and deep as yours are; his tip kisses your cervix and your body jolts up with each movement of his pubic bone against yours.
"you're perfect- fuck, need you to cum, baby-" he starts, desperate as one hand holds your neck, the other on your ass, tight enough to leave marks. "cum on my cock, hazlo ahora mismo mi amor, please-" 
he's rushing, desperate as you moan, his words throttling you hard towards the edge. 
you see colors when you hit your high. your orgasm explodes as you flutter around him, pulsing, moaning, your body shuddering as you slow your movements on his lap, unraveling around his touch. your voice is broken, mutters and whimpers of his name drifting through the room.
your thighs are soaked with your own spend and your cunt grips him like a vice; he can't help but kiss your open mouth as he milks you through your orgasm, muttering soft grunts in your ear. "that's it, baby. there y'go, so pretty, querida." he kisses the column of your throat as his thrusts slow to deep, long thrusts. "atta girl." 
his slow thrusts are splintered by his voice, "sh-shit, 'm gonna cum." he sounds almost desperate, his body so close to yours it's almost like he's trying to smother you. he groans your name in a broken sound; his grip tugging your hair. as he lifts you slightly, pulling out just in time for him to paint you with his cum. 
his seed covers your lower stomach, his groans deep and breaths quick as he moans, brows furrowed. your heart slams at the sight; Javi, pushing you down onto the mattress as he pumps his release onto your chest. 
his head tilts back, a look of complete bliss on his face, brows tight as his abdomen muscles tense and flex. his arms, toned in the soft light of your bedroom, glow. christ.
okay, not a bad idea. a fucking dream.
he slumps onto you after a second, moving so that he doesn't crush your chest, pulling you tight against his own hot skin. you feel his smile grow against your neck and the butterflies that grow in your chest swirl out of control. 
you smile, too.
you catch your breaths in silence while he places kisses sweetly over the marks he made earlier, your hand smoothing down his back, to the curve of his ass, and back up. 
once his breath is back, he kisses your cheek and stands, stretching his bare body, unashamed of the open window across the room.
you smile, face hot as he smirks at you, his eyes raking over the cum that paints your skin, before walking towards the kitchen. you sigh, lighting a cigarette that you dig from his jeans as he comes back into the room to wipe you clean, handing you a glass of water. 
you smile at that, shaking your head as you hold the cigarette up to his lips, watching as the ember lights up the dark of his mustache and the light in his eyes. there's smile lines around those eyes; it makes your stomach flip.
once you've both drained the glass of water, he pulls you back down to his chest, relaxing against the mattress. 
"well, that was probably the worst decision you made all day, hermosa."
his voice is teasing, but there's a flicker of doubt that crosses his eyes that you know all too well. your heart flips as you shake your head gently, hands cupping his cheeks. 
"this was the best idea I've had in weeks, Javi." you smile softly, pecking his lips gently. 
when you pull away, his smile is so soft you almost want to photograph it. something in the air is sweet when the two of you silently realize that he's going to stay the night; he pulls you up into his chest, kissing your hair while you listen to his racing heart.
he doesn't say anything after that - he doesn't have to. 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:
taglist and requests for javi are open.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:
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willowed-wisp · 2 months
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Cregan Stark x female!OC/ x reader
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WARNINGS: swearing, injury, threat… not too bad really
She was just a girl. Eighteen years of age.
A fresh university student on her Christmas holidays- venturing up to Scotland to be with her aunt and uncle.
Philippa had nothing. Parents gone…
At least the remaining family she had were kind, no children of their own to dote on.
She had living in Scotland for those past four years- venturing down south for her education - so she knew her way around.
Driving, “Just another left and then a right,” but the snow made it difficult to navigate; caught in a rife blizzard. One minute she was listening to rock music in her small Mini Cooper. Then the front bonnet was wrapped around tree bark. Philippa unaware as her skull bumped back against the seat’s head; she was dead to the world.
Not able to help a groan leave her lips, thrumming pounded against her temple. Philippa unable to feel the rest of her. Her lower half powdered with fresh fallen snow.
Where was her car? She had been wearing a seatbelt… why was she waist deep in the snow?
Philippa’s gaze burned by the iced haze, whatever she bored her eyes on happened to be a wasteland of frost. That wasn’t the same spot…
When she thought nothing of her body could be felt, fearing paralysis, a crackle of kindling spread her thigh. “Fuck…” looking down she found a bare leg, and a bare stomach… naked chest. And quite a splash of blood from where her fingers met her forehead.
But there was nothing except trenches of tundra for miles… “I’m gonna die here,” no she wasn’t, death would have to drag her by the ankles…
Despite the numbed ache waking throughout her skin, she laboured; dragging through knee deep snowfall and more piled up.
She could no longer feel that sting, unaware to the frostbite reigning of her flesh. “I’m not fucking dying here…” Toes numbed yet scorched. She had almost ignored the wall of ice up ahead, but it was the last thing she saw before a void of black.
It was warm?
Had she died?
Philippa felt at peace, crackling of a log fire to her left without the bitterness of the outdoors.
Fingertips wandered across soft fur while her eyes opened- wishful thinking came to an immediate shatter. A circlet chandelier, candlelit, above her with pure stone casting shadows above itself.
Similar to a castle- auntie Carol and Uncle Gyles made frequent day trips to visit historical monuments around the United Kingdom; her parents had shared that same interest, so she was well versed in the differences of Carlisle to Windsor.
She was in neither.
The girl sat up, covers gathered around her hips. She took in the room- plain yet plentiful. She found herself in a massive bed, standing candelabras casting light amongst the darkness of night. The fire place roaring prevented her from being frozen.
Snow dripped in flurries the other side of the windows.
Heaven nor Hell looked like that.
Where the fuck was she?
Eyes cast down into the folded pile of clothes, thick layers.
She wasn’t being tortured, it seemed she was a guest.
Philippa had been dressed in a simple white cloth gown. Alike the clothes placed down for her, they looked… medieval; lace-up dress and a thick cape which pooled on the ground.
Twas not an easy feat lacing the dress in lonesome, and she was pretty damned sure she had made a sham of it.
But she needed to get out of the room. No matter how calm she appeared on the surface, beneath she suffocated.
Along Philippa’s way down the intricate halls, barren stone. She bumped into a wide-shouldered, broad obstacle, “I’m sorry,” polite yet dismissive, she just needed to get some kind of sense.
She continued down the corridor. Lit by torched-sconces that flickered, while wind whipped behind her speeding paces.
‘Did that guy wear a wolf pelt?’ Shaking the thought to the wayside- not looking back.
It was a castle.
Not the largest she’s visited but that didn’t take away from the stone complex- mostly obscured by freezing mist.
Arms wrapped around herself, it felt like Scotland although it certainly was not. “Where am I?” She asked the neck-snapping breeze.
“The North,” A rough, rich voice boomed from the door behind. It was confident and foreboding- Philippa quivered in secrecy.
Ominous. “Of course I’m in the north, could you be more specific? Because it’s fucking chilly,” A hint of sarcasm and a sprinkle of jesting, wholly serious. Meanwhile her eyes focused on the silhouettes forward.
“You’re in Winterfell,” still as rough as steel.
That atmosphere was too heavy, “Is that near Glasgow? Because I need to be in Edinburgh…” Silence followed.
He didn’t seemed awfully amused.
Heaving steps- clanking of metal in sync. A charcoal section of fur had been the first thing in her peripheral.
That wolf pelt.
“I said I was sorry,” a squeaky to the man- almost a foot taller. And she wasn’t even short. Philippa couldn’t help but admire handsome features, made harsh and rugged by the murky light. That presence was unshakeable… a mountain of a man.
His eyes looked brown- though she could be mistaken. “Why were you over the Wall?” Philippa feared in utter bemusement. She’d never experienced that combination before.
“What-,” one movement made her flinch. But the one hand grappling her wrist, dragged her close to him- her chin raised staring into that icy gaze.
Teeth gritted while he spoke, “Why were you over the Wall?” Eyes made her cower.
Pleading with wide-eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the man let her go but that closeness remained.
“You sound like a southerner… what’s your name?” Brows crossed and lips scowling. Maybe that was just him.
“Philippa.” He circled her slowly- studying her.
He stopped in front of her again, catching her in his gaze, “And what is it that you do, Philippa?”
She tried to put it into basic terms, “I’m a healer, i think you do things differently.”
He still frowned, “Maester Samm will hone your craft,” she simply nodded- shaking whether it be from the cold or the nerves. “Those chambers you woke in are yours, we’ve been in need of a healer for a while now.” Without a second word he brooded off.
Nobody would understand her predicament- if this ‘Winterfell’ was anything like the history she knew she’d be burnt at the stake as a witch. And being a healer wouldn’t aid her, but she was a quick learner and knew holistic approaches.
Philippa just needed an education on the herbs and flowers they had because if medicine was anything like the medieval age… she needed to know what was potent and what was outright deadly.
And so she went back to her room. Twiddling her thumbs until the morning.
A knock at the door, “come in.” Like a mouse but the person heard and the door creaked open. A long mop of black- gorgeously glossy.
Smile on her face, “I’m Melaine, and you must Philippa. You’re training with Maester Samn,” an accent similar to those of her aunt and uncle.
“I’m afraid I didn’t get much information about that…”
A laugh. “Lord Cregan doesn’t mince his words, never has, even when he was a wee ankle-biter,” free speaking like a Scotsman. “He’s a good man, but the North shapes a lad even if they are eight-and-ten,” the woman was much older than Philippa, probably in her forties which meant she had been in service more than two decades maybe three.
“He looks older,”
“It shapes them to have rough edges, lass,” the sky was clear- and though snow had settled none descended upon them. And so she could take in the massive gates; one in front and one to her right. “It’ll change you soon enough. Get rid of that politeness, make you more bold…”
A quizzical look from the teenager, “I doubt that. My parents, even as a child, called me a stubborn mule.”
“We’ll see about that as a healer in Winterfell… lads here draw swords like us maids light matchsticks…”
Melaine reminded Philippa of her auntie Carol- comforting and a safety blanket while Cregan Stark was something she wanted to hide from but she had a feeling they’d have a few run ins with each other whether that be locking heads or weaving stitches.
If you wanna be tagged leave a comment or message me! x
Hope that wasn’t too awful, I’m getting into the groove of writing again.
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minniethemoocherda · 3 months
Just A Friend To You
A/N: Thank you so much to @pkmndaisuki for agreeing to be my beta reader for this fic! I never would have spotted any of my spelling mistakes otherwise lol! Please go check out their amazing X-men art! I hope you guys enjoy the fic! I know I don't post that frequently but I am trying my best to help keep this ship afloat! Xxxxxx
From across the diner, Morph watched as Jubilee and Roberto inched ever closer to one another, neither of them quite yet taking to leap to touch.
Ah, the perils of young love, Morph thought. Although it wasn't as if the perils of love stopped once you became an adult. Something that they knew all too well as they turned their attention to the man sitting opposite them.
When Logan had learnt that the two teens were going on a date, he had demanded that he chaperone them. After many protests, Jubilee had agreed, on the condition that Morph also came along to make sure Logan didn't stab anyone, namely Roberto.
Which was how Morph came to find themselves that Saturday afternoon, watching a date, whilst on a not-date with the man they were in love with.
Most times when they and Logan were hanging out they would be roughhousing, or watching TV, or playing basketball. But here there was nothing to do but just enjoy each other's company. It was nice.
Morph wore their usual human form but with dark jeans and a pink crop top that they may or may not have borrowed from Gambit's wardrobe.
Wolverine was reluctantly wearing a buttoned shirt, because Jubilee had demanded that if he insisted on stalking them then he should at least look presentable. Morph was pretty sure that Logan had stolen his shirt too, probably from Scott, especially given that it was at least three sizes too small for him. He'd had to roll up the sleeves to hide how short they were and left the two buttons undone as it wasn't wide enough to fit across the expanse of his chest. Not that Morph was complaining about the view.
Nor were they complaining about the sweet potato fries that came with their burger.
"You should try one of these," Morph told him as they dipped one of those said sweet potato fries in ketchup.
The next second, Logan leant over the table and bit the one that Morph had been holding between their fingers. Which under different circumstances could have been romantic, but instead reminded Morph of when their old family dog would steal scraps of food from the table.
"I didn't mean that one you animal!" Morph cried, throwing a fry at his face.
But Logan bit that one too, catching it in his mouth, which then spread into a wide grin. With the ketchup dripping from his teeth onto his white shirt, he really did look like an animal.
In retaliation, Morph stole one of his onion rings which Logan protested with a "Hey!" But didn't otherwise complain.
Of course, that was when Roberto finally got the courage to make a move and draped his arm over Jubilee's shoulder.
Morph heard the familiar snikt of Logan drawing his claws from under the table.
"Calm down Wolvie." Morph said, reaching under the table to wrap their hand around his wrist. "I doubt he's gonna try to jump her in the middle of a diner. And even if he did, Jubilee can handle herself."
"She sure can." Logan said, his snarl turning into a proud smirk as he put his claws away.
Now, Logan might say that he didn't like kids, but Morph had seen how he interacted with them.
He always gave into Jubilee's demands to go shopping, or play video games with her, no matter how much he said he wouldn't. And when the teenager needed a non-judgmental shoulder to cry on, he was always there.
Morph knew Logan didn't want kids of his own, and in their line of work they couldn't really blame him. But still, they couldn't help but think it was a shame. He really would make a good father.
It was just one of the many reasons why they loved him.
Suddenly the waitress appeared next to their table and Morph realised that they were still holding Logan's wrist. They quickly retreated it back.
Thankfully, the waitress appeared not to notice, too busy trying to balance an overstuffed bowl of ice cream, sauce and sprinkles in her hand that she placed on their table.
"We didn't order that, lady," Logan told her.
"I know. The girl over there did," the waitress replied, pointing over to Jubilee where a similar looking desert was placed upon her table. When Jubilee caught them looking her way, she waved a cheeky grin and Robert just looked confused.
By the time Morph looked back, the waitress was gone and Logan was digging a scoop out of the ice cream.
"What?" Logan shrugged, shoving the spoonful into his mouth. "I ain't gonna waste free food."
Melted ice cream dripped down Wolverine's chin adding to the collection of stains on that poor shirt, and Morph took a scoop themselves to try to distract themselves from that train of thought.
They had to admit that the dessert was pretty good, not too creamy yet not too solid with a perfect balance of ice cream and toppings.
Logan must have thought so too because as he licked his spoon he let out a low rumbling moan. Morph knew that in this form, they had to have been blushing at pink as their t-shirt. Not even Logan dipping one of the left over fries in to it could lessen their blush, so they did their best to hide it by ducking behind the large bowl as they ate the remainder of the monster of a dessert.
But try as they might, Morph couldn't distract themselves from the thoughts in their head. Logan had to know how this looked right? The pair of them, sharing a dessert. Morph swore they had already seen some of the other diner patrons giving them funny looks. Maybe Logan didn't care? Or maybe he wasn't as hyper-aware about appearances as Morph was?
At least their internal breakdown didn't last for too long, thanks to Logan's never ending appetite.
Morph glanced over at Jubilee's table to see that they had finished too.
Now all that was left was to pay the bill.
"I'll get it." Logan said, grabbing some bills from his trouser pockets. "I'm the one who dragged you into comin' with me."
"Wow, a burger, some frees and a free dessert. You really know how to treat a girl." Morph teased, as if the idea of Logan ever treating them to a real date would be a complete joke.
"Fine." Logan snorted, handing the money over to the waitress. "Next time I'll persuade that Roberto kid to take Jubilee some place fancier."
Next time? Morph felt their stomach somersault.
"Well, if you insist on taking me somewhere fancier then we will have to get you a new shirt," they said, pointing to where a third button had now snapped free. They tried to hide the fact that they felt left like they were about to puke up their own gloop.
"Why? You not likin' the view?" Logan said through a smug smirk.
"I like not getting kicked of restaurants more."
"So you do like it," Logan stated, that smirk turning predatory.
Wait, was Logan actually flirting with them? No, of course not. That could not be happening. This was just their usual banter. Right? Morph must have gotten so caught up in how the pair looked that their brain must have tricked itself into believing that Logan was flirting with them. Yes, that's what must have happened.
Of course that was when Jubilee decided to interrupt.
"I thought I told you to wear something decent!" She cried, grabbing Logan's leather jacket from where it was draped over the back of his chair and throwing it over the exposed expanse of his chest.
"I wore a shirt didn't I?" Logan protested, shrugging the jacket on properly. "Besides, Morph said they liked it."
Jubilee turned her accusatory glare towards them.
"Okay first of all, I never said that. Also I was the one who told Logan that shredding his only shirt wouldn't get him out if wearing one in the future so this-" Morph waved their hands in Logan's general direction. "Is not my fault."
Jubilee stared up at the ceiling but she was unable to stay annoyed for too long as Roberto placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and when her gaze once again found his and a smile once again graced her face.
"Whatever. Me and Roberto were going to go to arcade if you two insist on stalking us."
Morph glanced towards Logan and was surprised too see him shaking his head.
"Nah, you kids go ahead. We got our own plans."
Jubilee looked between them, a suspicious smile on her face that had Morph's stomach churning. But for once she chose to keep her mouth shut simply waving them both goodbye.
"You kids have fun!" Morph called after them.
"But not too much fun." Logan grinned making Roberto's brown skin pale as the teens headed for the door.
Despite their teasing, Morph truly was happy for Jubilee. Robert was a good kid. They were good for each other. Roberto helped to keep her grounded whilst she showed him the light around them.
Morph watched as Roberto reached out his hand and Jubilee didn't hesitate to take it in her own. Morph knew that it wasn't easy for the pair of them easier. As an Afro-Brazilian and Asian-American couple, they too drew their own fair share of less than happy looks. But the two teens ignored the stares, only having eyes for each other.
"Not that I'm complaining about getting out of babysitting duty," Morph said getting up from the table. "But I wasn't aware that we had any plans."
"We're going bowlin'." Logan stated, getting up himself, when he suddenly refused to meet their eyes. "If you want. 'Cus we still haven't been since- I mean we ain't been in a while."
Morph chose to believe that Logan's uncharacteristic fluster was because he had reminded them of how they still hadn't gotten the chance to go bowling together since they'd been freed of Sinister's control, and not the fact that he'd accidently made it sound like he was asking them out on a date.
"I'd love too." Morph quickly covered up the sincerity with a joke. "As long as you promise not to act all stabby when I beat you."
Logan snorted.
"As long as you promise not to act all bratty when I win."
"No promises."
As the two of them left, Morph couldn't help but glance down at Logan's hand as it swayed between them. They hoped that one day, they would have the courage to take his hand too.
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chlorinecake · 1 year
𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐭 𝟏 — a riki nishimura fanfic
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𖦹 ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: a cute and flirty airport security assistant gives you a hard time before boarding your flight
♡ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: brief language, mentions of hunger pains, flirty behaviors (duh), riki invades your privacy
𖦹 ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 0.7k ~ read pt. 2, pt. 3, and pt. 4
Of course, the x-ray machine detected something foreign in your suitcase. It happens to everybody at airports, right?
Introducing the helpful airport security assistant:
Male, check.
Tall, check.
Attractive, triple check.
You always despised having your luggage inspected, but from the surface, your agent appeared easy to work with. Or at least, that’s what you thought until the young man began with a smug “Hey, you,” greeting you with his piercing dark eyes and playful smirk.
That was about five minutes ago, with the time in between consisting of his frequent coquettish remarks. By now, he had asked you a number of questions, ranging from your favorite color to your relationship status.
“I doubt your flirty behavior follows protocol. Or is this your way of making luggage checks with women more interesting?”
He eyed you through his messy bangs, still rummaging through your belongings.
“Me? Flirty behavior?” He scoffed, humored by your remark. “I can assure you that I am thoroughly incapable of such a thing, Miss?...”
“____,” you blurted out.
He then offered a hand and smiled, “Riki. Nice to meet you.”
“Hopefully never again,” you replied sarcastically, returning his handshake. Firm, you thought to yourself. This guy has confidence pumping through his veins. You couldn’t help but wonder what game he’s playing. Pleasantries aside, his behavior was wildly unprofessional, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could take his insipid remarks and annoyingly handsome face.
He’s turning you into one of those girls that get upset about a cute flirty stranger for no good reason.
Whatever. The sooner you got through this awkward situation, the better. You’d literally never have to deal with him again after this, so you swallowed your pride, relaxed your posture, and tried to take a few calming breaths. Inhale, exhale…inhale, exhale…inha-
“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” he smirked, cascading a sexy pair of light blue lace panties high in the air for the entire first floor of the airport to see. Heat rushed through your neck up to your cheeks, and you’d damn yourself if you knew how hot and bothered you suddenly appeared.
“Did you want me to find these? Tempt me during my shift? How about finder’s keeper’s?”
“Loser’s weepers,” you retorted, snatching the lingerie from his grasp, folding it back neatly, and placing them on the cold metal side counter.
“Aww,” he pouted mockingly. “I think she likes me! Guys!” He shouted across the room, “She’s totally whipped for me!”
All you could do was roll your eyes. His bold energy intoxicated the entire space, provoking you to act more immaturely than usual. He was certainly a mood maker.
“Are we almost done here,” you questioned, narrowing your eyes at him. Your patience had officially left the building, as you couldn’t wait any longer for this crippling interaction to end. You leaned forward, tapping your fingertips on the countertop out of frustration.
“Shh, I haven’t found your diary yet…nowww, where is it-“
“Gosh, you’re such a jerk,” you whined, smacking his hand from your suitcase and removing it from the counter. He had really pushed your buttons this time, and you’re afraid that the crowded room was the only thing holding you back from literally blowing up. Or maybe it was his pretty privilege?
He ignored your retort, and opted for a more professional personality than the one you’d been graced with before.
“Perfect! You’re all set, ma’am. Enjoy your flight, and thank you for partnering with Nishimura Airlines!” He smiled, bowing before you.
“You too- I mean, thank you? No, you’re welcome, have a good day!” You cringed at yourself. It boggled you how flustered he managed to make you feel just from that short interaction alone. Still, his switch in behavior confused you until you spotted a tall man dressed in khaki pants and a collared shirt. “Ahh, the manager,” you thought to yourself. It would’ve been lovely if he came out to your rescue 10 minutes ago, because now you’re pushing for time just to get in line for your flight.
“Damnit,” you scolded yourself, realizing that you forgot your underwear on the counter in front of Mr. “Finder’s Keeper’s.” On top of that, the rising hunger pangs in your abdomen only added to your growing frustration. All you could do now was hope that the staff would board you and the rest of the travelers quickly for the sake of your emotionally affected stomach. It’s amazing to think that all of this stress erupted thanks to…
What was his name again?
ᴀ/ɴ 𓂋 thanks for reading! feel free to send in any content requests for future works ~ love always <3
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi can u do one where reader childhood bsf comes over by surprise when the team and wags (w readers &gavis fam) are over at readers house in there big yard they having a get together and him and his family were invited to stay and he keeps making remarks and saying things about there childhood memories and his sister says “I really wanted you as my sister in law”wich made everyone mad like gavis family and friends and his mom said “maybe I can stil have y as my daughter-in-law and that caused everyone to get even more mad bec everyone loves them together and they don’t want anything to happen to them and can we have a jealous gavi?
I programmed this with the hour-posting thing, hope it works!
Kinda loved this request, I mean... The audacity of the mom saying "Maybe I can still have you as my daughter-in-law" makes me think of Belén going all crazy and defensive like: "Hell no, she's mine!"
Audacity -P.G
Summary: When you get hints of love confessions in front of your boyfriend made by your best friend, you gotta step up and make things clear.
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You were having the greatest time ever with your family, your boyfriend's family, a few of his friends and teammates like Pedri, Ansu, Alejandro, Ronald, Kessié, Ferrán, Eric, Robert and his girlfriends/wives were here doing a parrilla, most of them still over the moon with their LaLiga title, taking advantage of the fact that the Páez Gavira family was also here and fourth members complete you decided to do another little celebration.
A few of the lads like Busi, Alonso, Ousmane and Frenkie couldn't come because of personal stuffs but the rest of them said "I'm in".
You laughed when Pedri was telling an story when the bell rang, confused you thought it was one of the guys but everyone was already there so deciding to not interrupt everyone else you went to open the door.
When you did so, you didn't expected for your best friend to be behind it, especially since he left for Portugal to study and you had four years and half without seeing each other but still talked, not frequently as you used to do but still.
You were surprised? Yes, in both good and bad ways. You missed him? Yes, this guy has been your best friend since you were eight years old. You were mad? Yes too, you already have plans going on and he just can't appear himself like nothing. Also, how did he knew the direction of your shared house with your two years boyfriend, Pablo? And most important... How was he let in if you lived in a residential condominium?
"Hola" You said tight smiling still not processing everything
"Do I not get a hug or you already changed me?" You laughed lightly shaking your head but still decided to hug him
"I'm surprised, it's all" Your voice came out muffled by his clothes
"Gonna let me come in?" Your eyebrows lifted at his request. This wasn't like him. Where was left the sweet and shy guy that you always had to protect from people?
"Portugal has changed you, hasn't it?" You asked still not letting him in but in fact leaned at the door
"For the best" You nod taking him in
"Thought you hated tattoos?" You asked watching one on his bicep
"This one is meaningful" You hum nodding
"What does it mean?"
"The skateboard is me and the sunflower is you. You've always liked sunflowers and I remember that time where you putted a sunflower in the skateboard and I pushed it" You laugh at the memory lightly
"It fell off the hill" You said still giggling making Josué laugh too
"It did"
"You shouldn't have done that though. You could've done something else, there's like a million significative things to do" You shook your head
"Well... I missed you and I wanted to have this memory of you" You smile lightly
"Well thank you" You nod "Don't expect me to do me one though"
"Only if you want" You shook your head
"Not in the mood for one of those" You reply lightly as he laughs
"The new house is pretty... And really big. All for yourself?" You nod "When did you left your parents house?"
"Like sixth-seventh months ago"
"You didn't told me" You shrug your shoulders
"I guess I forgot to" You look at him "Sorry for that" He shakes his head not really paying attention to it "What are you doing here by the way?"
"You don't want me to?"
You laughed "I told you I'm surprised" You removed yourself from the door "Short vacations? Long vacations?"
"Short vacations" You hum nodding "Uni's been hard so I took the first chance I got to come back here for a week"
"I'm glad for you" You said smiling
"Are you busy?" You nod
"I am actually"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in a... celebration? get-together? both?" You ask laughing lightly "So yes... You can come back tomorrow and I can help you with anything, we can catch up too" You propose excited
"I'm leaving tomorrow to Madrid to see my mom's family side"
"Ah! What a shame" You say when all of sudden you heard a woman's yell
"Y/N!" You look behind Josué's shoulders and see his mom and his older sister making their way towards you
"You brought your family?"
"I really thought you were doing nothing, like old times where you only did school things"
"Yeah well... Old times" You fake laughed, not liking his comment "I'm busy, Josué"
"Please, just a few minutes then we'll be out of your hair" You sigh opening the door for him to come in
"Fine" He fistbumps the air "Only because of your family because if not I would have made your ass get back" He laughed as you hug his family, also not seeing them for the same amount of time as your best friend
"We missed you so much!" You smile
"I have missed you too, señora Ana"
"None of señora, just Ana" You laugh closing the door
"I'm loving your house, girlie" Josué's sister, Bárbara said "Can I stay over?"
"Maybe not today" You laugh "Make yourselves at home" You say going to the kitchen to settle the five of you there for a while.
A few minutes have passed, you were chatting with them when your mom comes inside asking for you and gasps when she sees her friend, Ana. You fought the need of rolling your eyes, this wasn't supposed to happen.
You loved them but you were pissed at the fact they just showed up like I'm here, if you haven't seen me and done, no. It didn't worked it that way, you were busy and they didn't respected that.
Now, your mom was talking with them all excited and invited them to stay for a little while and you wanted to yell at her no but two things happen. One, you never raised your voice at her. Two, it would be seem in a bad way that you don't want them here.
And you don't. Right now, you don't.
Seconds later, Pablo came in worry written on his face "Amor, is everything okay?" He asked and when he saw you his worry left but then confussion took over his pretty face watching the four unknown people to him in his house "Sorry" He apologized
You walked towards him, grabbing both of his hands "Everything's good, mi vida. Don't worry"
"And who are they?"
You sigh "He's my whole life-best friend, the one I told you about that's living in Portugal now" You said looking at Pablo "He's Josué Salvador" You introduce your best friend "His sister, Bárbara Salvador" You point out the girl "And his mom Ana" Pablo nodded "Señores, this is my boyfriend Pablo Páez" You smile
A few "Nice to meet you's" were heard in the exchange
"They decided to give me a little surprise visit, considering we've not seen each other for four years" You added smiling
"Que lindo de su parte" (How nice of them) Pablo said looking at you as you tried to apologize with your look
"But Y/N told us you guys were a bit busy so we might as well go now" Josué said as Ana lamented
"Already?" You smiled painfully at her
"I'm sorry, I asked him to come tomorrow but he said you'll be off to Madrid to see your family. You grabbed me by surprised, we had already done plans" You felt Pablo's arm go around your waist as you lean into him
"They can stay for a while" Pablo blurted out as everyone look at him
"You sure?" Bárbara asks impressed
"You sure?" You ask not believing him and at the same time giving him a look "I mean... You sure?" You changed your tone
"We wouldn't like to step in and-" Pablo cut them off
"You can join us for a while if you'd like. You haven't seen Y/N for four years and it was a nice gesture of you to surprise her, a few minutes more won't hurt anybody" You gave him another look and he just brushed it off
Fun thing he had said that.
One hour later he was clenching his jaw over and over again, he was with his eyebrows furrowed and he only heard the "Do you remember when we..." words over and over again. It wasn't fun anymore. Everyone and even you, kept trying on taking the lead of the conversation to another place, change the subject, but everything you said he always managed to bring it back with a: "That reminds me of..."
Every single one of you were tired of hearing those stuffs. Pablo was retracting his words and he now understood your looks.
"You know" Bárbara spoke "I really wanted you both to be together as a couple and for you to be my sister-in-law" Now, everyone opened their eyes wide as possible as you coughed the drink you had taken and Pablo sat up straight in his seat, pulling you more into him. You put your hand on his thigh
You could see the looks of disbelief, anger and annoyance of everyone
"Really? I didn't know that" You tried to play it off "Sorry to say that won't happen. I've never seen Josué in that way and I don't think I ever will, I already got my boyfriend"
"We thought it was obvious Josué was in love with you" His mom said
"He almost didn't took up on the scholarship for you" Bárbara continued
"Glad he did, wouldn't wanna be a dream crusher" You replied quickly as they got quiet for a bit
"Also, she already has a sister-in-law" Pedri says nodding as Aurora smiles pointing at herself
"The best one" You go to high five her but miss it causing you to laugh
"But you can still be" Ana said "You know, maybe you can become my daughter-in-law and Bárbará's sister"
"Maybe you can go and look for another one" Belén said laughing lightly trying to light up the mood "This one's mine" She grabbed your shoulders and kissed your cheek as you grab her hands and kiss her cheek smiling
"We saw her first" Bárbara said
"She's not an object" Alejandro says shaking his head
"She can choose who her in-law's will be" Ana, Robert's wife said as you nod
"And those are the Páez Gavira family" You said immediately, happy that your friends got your back
"Yes for now... Maybe in the future who knows?" Ana said smiling
"I don't think so, señora" Pablo said "I intend on spending the rest of my life next to Y/N as her boyfriend, in a future her fiancé and then her husband. You can add into the mix the dad of her children, I'm not letting her go, she's the love of my life" You smile grabbing his hand
"It's disrespectful of you to come here and say those kind of stuffs" Araujo's wife, Abigail said "And mostly when we all love Y/N and Pablo together, they are it for each other"
"Yes, it truly is" Your mom said nodding "This is a family get together too, we don't really appreaciate these kind of vibes here and mostly when we are celebrating something really important for all of us. I'm not letting you enter my daughter's and my son-in-law's house and sit there talking trash, I'm sorry to be the one who says this but I think it's the best if you leave"
"Walk us out?" Ana asked you, your mom stood up without problem and opened the door that gave access inside your house.
"Are you really gonna let this happen?" You shrug your shoulders as you see Josué turn around at the door, you sigh lightly
"Hey, I wasn't the one who started saying stuff that I wasn't supposed to say, I have a boyfriend and for your sister to say something like that in front of our faces, bro... She has THE balls" You shook your head "We've changed, Josué. Our friendship isn't the same it used to be as when we were fourteen and much less when we were eight. I'm not the same and you're not the same" You look at his tattoo "I'm sorry I never knew you were in love with me and I'm sorry I don't see you in that kind of way, I'm happy with my boyfriend, I'm in love with him and I want the rest of my future with him. That little stunt your mom and sister did was awful and childlish"
"Your life is in Portugal now, mine is still here in Barcelona. With this amazing people" You mention all around you "We can remember the good times because you're still my best friend the one who supported me through everything and you will always be. But I don't think I can forgive this, your family didn't just insulted me, they insulted my boyfriend, his family, my family and our friends, that crossed a line. I hope you get the best girl ever because you are an incredible boy and wish you the best" You smile pushing your fist out for him to hit it
"Sorry for everything" He said pushing his fist with yours "Lamento mucho todo esto, gente" (I'm sorry for all of this, people)
"Try not to do it often" Pablo said behind you as everyone laughed lightly
And with that Josué left and a big silence was formed in between you.
"Okay... We know you're guapa, Y/N" Pedri said smiling "We just didn't know you had that kind of power, attracting not only the men but their families as well" You laughed loudly
"La señora Belén fighting for her yerna" Robert said making you laugh as Belén kissed your hair
"I was just protecting one of the family members" She said as you smile at her
"I didn't liked her from the beggining" Aurora said shaking her head as your mom returned
"We could see it when Bárbara mistaked the Gucci belt" Ferrán said still making the laughs return but Pablo stood up, excused himself for a moment and left.
You sighed, excusing yourself too and left after him.
"Pabs" You said jogging upstairs into your shared bedroom "Pabs" You called out for him "Amor" You watch him sit on the edge of your side of the bed, hands on his head as his elbows rested on his knees "Talk to me?"
"I'm just impressed by the audacity of that people" He said shaking his head in disbelief "They just passed over me like as if I was nothing. I felt fucking small"
"Even I did. I was so uncomfortable, I didn't even wanted them to come in. Not everyone can appear as if nothing, I only let them in so I could talk with them for a few minutes but everything went out of hand. And you were just being nice when you let them stay... But I gave you your place, I let them know I'm not changing you and the lads helped too"
"I know" Pablo nodded looking at you "I'm just shocked"
"And jealous?" You hinted as he gave you a look but sighed
"He shared so many things with you, mi vida! It is a bit impossible to not get jealous, I think he knows you even better than I do"
"Stop that. He doesn't. You know me, the present me and you will know the future me. He knows the past me and like I said, I changed. He knows my favorite fruit at twelve was strawberry but you know now that, that's not true..."
"Because you love watermelon" You nod
"I love watermelon" You agree "See? There's a whole stuff he knew about my twelve year old me but you know them better. Don't be jealous because yes, he may have been my best friend, but you're my best friend now, you're my partner in crime, you're my rock, the shoulder I lay and cry on, the ying to my yang, the love of my life, my boyfriend and my everything. Stop that and focus on the important things, your career, your life, your family, us" Pablo smiled
"You're right... Just like always" You smiled giggling and leaned up to grah his face and kiss his lips "Love you" He said as you blush
"Y yo te quiero mucho más" You replied standing up "C'mon, let's tell everyone the party's cut short so we can cuddle. I know you want that and I also want that"
"You truly are it for me, you know me so well" He hugged you from behind kissing your neck as you both laughed
"What can I say? I'm whipped for my man"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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lemonykoo · 2 years
let me get my husband for you! - diluc
Pairing: Husband!Diluc x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff! Female reader.
Word Count: 1.4k
Notes: You decided to visit Diluc at the tavern as he worked – somewhat a rare occasion – and a new Mondstadt resident has to learn the hard way that you’re not available. Warnings: guys are weird lmao and they say out of pocket things sometimes (also the ending sucks lmao)
It was a typical night at Angel’s Share tavern. It was definitely busy, as expected from a weekend with many of the knights and guild members coming in and out after a long day of work, as the same with regular citizens as well. It wasn’t even close to closing, so everyone was loud and in good spirits and drinks were handed out by, what seemed like, the dozen. You were one of those patrons, though you didn’t exactly spend all day fighting off hilichurls or taking care of problems that were more of a topic for the knights. Much like your husband, you yourself was somewhat of a business owner as you had taken on your parent’s family business that had, of course, been handed down to them many years ago. Today was busy for you, as you had to get up early and deal with meetings and other tasks all day long. With that being said, you also needed a breather from the stress of the day! Not only that, but you hadn’t seen Diluc at all today except for when you two departed in the morning, so you just couldn’t wait until late tonight to see your handsome husband. While you weren’t usually one for loud drunks or even alcohol itself, you did make rare appearances in the tavern just to surprise your husband and say a few hellos to people you knew that frequented the establishment. And even if you didn’t know many of the customers personally, they all knew you as the tavern owner’s wife – or better yet, just that you were married to the Diluc Ragnvinder – so a spot at the bar would be cleared just for you, no questions asked. So when you walked in tonight, your nice clothes still on from your earlier meetings, a barstool that had once been occupied by a member of the Adventurer’s Guild opened up with your name written all over it.
You’d always start off with a glass of wine and it would always been the finest (and on the house) because Diluc would always been delighted to see you. (The shine in his eyes and warm smile would always make an appearance as soon as he noticed you.) Even if he couldn’t always talk to you since he was busy, having your presence was enough. You’d normally chat with someone else, like Rosaria who was seated next to you tonight, so you weren’t alone or just awkwardly sitting and waiting for your husband to find the time to say something to you. And in hindsight, you guess that was why newcomers didn’t always catch on that you and the winery owner were married. The drink he’d slide over to you could just be because you were a frequent customer, right? At least, that’s what the guy that sat on the other side of you thought, because once he saw an opportunity pop up, he struck up a conversation with you.
“I don’t normally see a pretty lady like you in here alone,” he greeted, drawing your attention away from your friend on your other side.
To be fair, you knew it was best to not play along with these people. However, when your husband was just across the bar, lost in his own world of serving and cleaning, you couldn’t help it. After all, it was a little amusing to see the looks on people’s faces when they realized that not only were you already taken, but you were taken by the uncrowned king of Mondstadt. “Well, I decided it was time to finally make an appearance here,” you joked, your voice a little louder than normal so the man could hear you over the other rowdy patrons. You would never explicitly flirt with them or lead them on, but instead answer their questions and engage in what little chit-chat you could before having to play a damsel in distress and have your husband make them aware that you weren’t available. (As if the wedding ring on your finger didn’t already say that, but who was paying attention to it, anyways?)
“Let me guess,” the guy started, very obviously checking you out before smirking. You could tell he was already teetering on the edge of being completely drunk. “Your husband’s out of town? Because any guy with you would be smart enough to keep you at home, ya know?”
You looked off in feign thought, humming. “I’m not sure I do know, actually. Enlighten me.”
He smirked. “Well, obviously. You’re beautiful so every guy is going to want you. Or, are you trying to get away from him? That’s it, isn’t it?” He took a sip from his glass before gesturing toward yours. “Let me buy you drink.”
“Oh, no thank you, I haven’t even finished this one,” you said, showing how your cup had over half still. Besides, even if it was close to being empty, you could only manage about one full glass before becoming a bit too tipsy yourself.
“Listen,” he stated, turning more toward you. “I’d be more than willing to let you out of whatever situation your old man at home has got you tied up in, whether it be for tonight-” he hiccupped, “- or for however long you want it to be. In fact, if you want me to tell him how it isn’t fair that he’s not letting you get out and let yourself go as a pretty lady like you should, I will!”
“You will?” you asked, placing a hand to your chest, giving him a kind smile. “That’s so kind of you. Actually, my husband is here tonight.”
The guy blinked before quickly looking around. “Really?” he asked, his eyes returning to yours. “Well, point him out to me and I’ll give him a piece of my mind and then you and me can have a great night together.”
You smiled bigger, your eyes twinkling. You could feel Rosaria giving you confused looks as you faked searching for this mystery husband of yours before exclaiming a silent “oh!” and leaning toward the bar. “Hey, honey! This guy wants to talk to you!”
And this is exactly why you liked being a little meanie and playing with flirts like this. Because as soon as Diluc turned around from his task at hand, a look of question on his face as he made his way over to you to see what was going on, all life seemed to drain from the man that once really wanted to take you out two seconds ago. “What can I do for you?” your husband, who actually treated you very well, asked innocently, unaware of the interaction you had just been having.
“Uh, I just uh, wanted to you tell you that your wine is fantastic. Best wine I’ve ever had, really,” the man lied, his face beginning to turn a shade of red similar to your husband’s hair. “Unfortunately, I think I might have had just a little too much tonight and I have to go home.” Before Diluc could say thanks and wish him a safe return home, the man abruptly slipped out of his seat and took off out the door. The pyro user turned to see you and Rosaria snickering like someone had told you two the best joke in the world. He suddenly caught on and sighed.
“Y/N, you have got stop scaring my customers like that,” he chided, moving to stand more in front of you. He placed his elbows on the countertop and held out his hands for you to take, which you did immediately. It was a little habit you two had whenever Diluc had enough time to talk to you while working. He’d rub his calloused fingers over the soft skin of your knuckles as you two would talk, dreamily gazing into your eyes as if he couldn’t get enough of you (because, really, he couldn’t).
“I’m not scaring them away. I’m sure he’ll be back,” you giggled. “He’ll just know better than to hit on me next time! If I left it up to you, then they would be scared away and there wouldn’t be a next time.”
Well, Diluc couldn’t argue with that logic. In fact, the customers he had gotten onto himself for flirting with you hadn’t been back since. There were only a couple of them, and those time had been when you had gotten a little drunk yourself and weren’t too aware of the intentions of others. Besides, he found it amusing how much enjoyment you got out of showing off your spouse. But, he wouldn’t outright admit to that, of course.
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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COD MW OC: Damien Whitlock
Full Name: Damien Whitlock
Nickname: Damo
Birthday: 7th March 1996 – Sydney, Australia
Face Claim: Zane Phillips
Affiliation: 2nd Commando Regiment (2CDO REGT), Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E), SOCOMD.
Rank: Sergeant
Call sign: Bravo 2-6 (2CDO)
Height: 186cm (6’1)
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: B- (B NEG)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: English, Arabic (conversational), Indonesian (conversational)
Father: Arthur Whitlock
Mother: Audrey Mae Whitlock
Older Brother: Thomas Whitlock
Older Sister: Sienna Whitlock
Younger Sister: Zoe Whitlock
2nd Commando Regiment
→ Captain Lachlan Jones
→ Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Task Force 141
→ Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Cayton (@revnah1406)
→ Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham (@applbottmjeens)
→ Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
→ Captain Price, Gaz, Laswell
Los Vaqueros
→ Alyssa “Aly” Martinez (@alypink)
Para SF
→ Captain Arjun Dhingra, LT. Aditya Tripathi (@welldonekhushi)
Warrior Task Force (@islandtarochips)
→ Tiala "Shark" Toa
→ Agnes "Blast" Falagi
→ Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison
Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
→ Farah Karim
→ Alex Keller
→ Jackson Wyatt (1CDO, Warcom)
→ Benjamin “Otter” Lee (SAS)
Hair: blond, short mullet.
Eye Colour: blue/grey
Build: tall, muscular
Scars: Bullet wound (left shoulder)
Beauty Marks: Right jaw, above and below the left eye.
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Personality and Traits
Damien comes across as a very laidback and open guy, very easy to approach and talk to. He is a pretty big jokester, likes to crack a few jokes here and there to make people laugh or lighten the mood.
Though in the heat of battle, he has known to be brutal towards his enemies, sparing no mercy and absolutely no time - getting a job done quickly and efficiently. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when needed, even if it may be more emotionally driven.
Nevertheless, towards those he likes, he is a very caring and loyal person. Ride or die buddy. It’s pretty damn obvious too, he’ll never stop bugging someone he cares for no matter where they are in the world. He can read their emotions like a book too; he can tell when someone’s feeling down and will try his best to cheer them up.
Damien’s also the sort of guy to take care of others but not himself. Truthfully, after he lost Daniel, he found it very hard to cope. Thus, he took on Daniel’s role of looking after others.
Damien is also really good with any sort of trade work which he learned whilst growing up on his family farm. You need an electrician, mechanic, or welder? He’s your guy.
Like any other commando, Damien has undergone a multitude of training, preparing him for anything and everything. Alone or with his squad. A few of these include:
Demolitions and Breaching
CQC/Melee Attacks
Wilderness Survival
Long Range Recon
HALO / HAHO (including water insertion)
Roping (aid climbing)
Hostage Rescue
First Aid
And so on. In his own time, Damien frequently trains in Jiu-Jitsu, earning his purple belt, further enhancing his CQC.
Coming from a family of farmers, Damien spent most of his childhood living and working out on his family farm in rural New South Wales. Throughout his younger years, he was constantly harassed/bullied by his drug addicted older brother, Thomas. Young Damien was no match for him but luckily enough, his older sister had his back at all times. Thomas would eventually runaway and was never seen again – presumed dead.
As he grew up, Damien attended an all-boys boarding school in Sydney where he met Daniel Greenhill – his best friend for many years to come. He never really excelled at any subjects other than wood/metalwork and P.E., so when it came down to his final ATAR exams he absolutely flunked them. Not wanting to continue studying or returning to farm life, Damien worked the odd job here and there to make ends meet.
Whilst working one of his jobs alongside his buddy, Daniel had dropped that he had met a special forces operator by the name of Jackson Wyatt and suggested that he should meet with him.
After hearing all about Wyatt’s career as a Commando, Damien was sold on the idea; so much so that at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Australian Army after being trained by Wyatt himself much to his parent's disapproval. He served two years as an infantryman within 3RAR before completing the Commando selection course and earning his green beret, where he was placed in Lachlan’s B Company. Turns out he had a real knack for this sort of thing as he continued to undergo a range of further Commando specialist courses after initial Commando training.
 Since then, he’s done multiple tours to Urzikstan, Afghanistan and Iraq where he was introduced to Captain Price (via Lachlan) and Benjamin “Otter” Lee (via Wyatt).
Damien has since then worked alongside Captain Price closely thanks to Lachlan’s close connection to him, particularly in Urzikstan, but isn’t opposed to flying out to lend a hand wherever.
Modern Warfare I
During 2019, Damien is first seen in the UK on a training exercise with the SAS before he is swiftly sent to London’s Piccadilly Circus to assist against AQ’s terrorist attack, alongside Gaz. Afterwards, he joins the SAS Anti-terror wing along with Price and Gaz to clear a house in Camden, full of AQ affiliates in search of any information related to the Piccadilly attack and The Wolf.
Damien returns to Urzikstan alongside 2CDO REGT, where not long after he is called to assist Captain Price, Gaz and the others at the US Embassy, also aiding to save the Ambassador’s Assistant, Stacy. Following this, he follows the rest of the team back to the ambassador’s residence only to find the Wolf had been extracted by AQ forces already. Furthermore, he is seen briefly helping SAS and CIA on the night raid to locate The Wolf at his compound.
After the events of MW19, Damien spent this time on rotation in TAG-E, though was later sent back to Urzikstan on an emergency deployment to help aid in the assassination of an AQ leader. This proved to be a struggle. They were given little to no information and thus were subsequently ambushed, leading to the death of best friend, Daniel Greenhill, who tried to pull an injured Damien out of enemy fire.
After the funeral, Damien spent his time spiralling down. He became depressed, not leaving his Sydney apartment for days at a time and ultimately almost being discharged from his duties. Though thanks to his Captain and two close friends - Lachlan, Sparrow and Aly - they helped him find the means to work towards getting better and soon enough, he was ready enough to go back to his duties.
Modern Warfare II
In 2022, Damien is first seen undercover at Café Gracht alongside Captain Price where they wait for representatives from both AQ and Las Almas Cartel to show up. After seeing Gaz tranquillise the cartel member, they all move to enter Laswell’s vehicle and leave the area swiftly.
Later on he returns to Urzikstan, where he is again enlisted for help by Price to rescue Laswell from AQ along with ULF fighters.
Modern Warfare III
Damien spends this time going home to Australia for a little while before being sent on another tour around the Middle East. It is in Urzikstan that he (and 2CDO REGT) work alongside Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company, unaware of the events in Las Almas concerning Los Vaqueros and TF141. He is only made aware when seeing his friend Sparrow again, where she rips the SC patch off of him and promptly has a go at Damien for wearing that thing around them, explaining the full story.
EDM and rock/metal music is what he listens to most.
He is a Mclaren F1 fan, as well as being a big fan of the AFL team: Collingwood Football Club (Magpies).
Absolute gym junkie. Has an extensive collection of pre-workout, protein powder and creatine stored in his apartment (and snuck onto base). If he wasn’t a Commando, he’d probably be a bodybuilder or athlete of some sort.
Damien keeps a scrapbook that he fills with stickers, trinkets, thoughts or drawings from various places he has visited.
During his downtime in Sydney, he likes to go café-hopping! He’s a big foodie. Also likes to take long walks during the night, overlooking the Harbour Bridge and generally just taking in the city lights. It's one of his favourite things to do to ease his mind.
Thanks to Daniel, Damien is pretty good at speaking Indonesian and really enjoys Indonesian food! His favourites are nasi campur and soda gembira. He’d mix Indonesian and English together to gossip about something to Daniel. After they both graduated high school, Daniel took Damien to visit Jakarta for the first time and he loved it! Also owns a couple batik shirts.
Drives a 79 series Landcruiser. His number plate is “WHITLOCK”.
Does jiu-jitsu and is currently at a purple belt.
Frequently visits Daniel’s grave when he has the time. He sits there for hours just catching him up on every little event or thought that has happened, as if he were there to listen like the old times. Frequently catches up with Daniel's family too, they've taken him in like he's their son.
In the past, Damien has never had a good relationship - they’ve all either cheated on him or ghosted him. He gave up looking for a partner even though he longed to have a family of his own.
Moodboard + Playlist
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weepinwriter · 9 months
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(pardon the terrible lighting 😔)
Codename : Nyx, named after the primordial greek goddess of the night (yeah it's a feminine name, but does Zhenya give a damn? Hell no)
Nickname : His friends and family members know him simply as Zhen, otherwise in the underworld he is better known as Psikh Bogdanov, or the madman as some prefer to call him for simplicity
[ 20 || 6'1" || cis-male || demisexual || in a relationship with Ash and Rin ]
Appearance : Short midnight black hair, and emerald green eyes
His stats
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(dudes here ready to go full on doomslayer on his enemies)
Some facts about him:
~ He likes smoking, and that too the best quality cigars
~ As a child Zhenya wanted to be a writer, maybe even a journalist. He liked journaling his days as a kid, writing small stories and frequently narrating details of his day with his father, uncle and Ash before the incident with his dad, following which he discontinued writing indefinitely. He never touched his little journal after that.
~ Once had a bucket list containing all the things he wanted to do as a kid. These included bungee jumping, going to the seven wonders of the world and hell, even riding an ostrich (overall he just wanted to do every crazy thing one can possibly do). One of the wishes in this list included going to Disneyland with his dad. Unfortunately it never happened and he refused to ever go there
~ is very fond of daffodils. Ash regularly buys daffodils to be put in a vase in the middle of the room where he can see them
~ he is very fond of Donna tartt's books, especially the secret history
~ during his (cringe) puberty phase, when emotions and hormones run high and teenagers become the biggest menaces alive, Zhenya had the misfortune of stumbling upon Twilight. Following that fateful encounter he became a hardcore Twilight fan, especially as a firm member Team Jacob. He even went as far as to get a wolf tattoo and got his ears pierced as a form of his teenage rebellion. Thankfully he got over his cringe phase quickly, and now everytime he thinks about it he can't help but feel embarrassed to the core. (I can say this with a guarantee that Rin tries to pull his leg every once in a while by mentioning his horrific past, just for the sake of seeing Zhenya blush furiously.)
~ also likes reading books and historical research papers on medieval punishments and torture methods, for science ofcourse he says
~ is a pretty decent cook
~ although he can only cook dishes related to chicken, Zhenya is experienced enough to debone a raw chicken blindfolded holding some of the sharpest knives ever. The countless scars on his hands and arms are a testament of his perseverance. Apparently he's ‘practising’...
~ “a balanced diet is very important.” also him, proceeds to carefully remove all the peas from his food
~ has never lost a single match of rock-paper-scissors, even against Rin. However, one cannot say the same for his terrible luck and history with UNO. My guy here can get almost all the power cards at the beginning of the game, yet somehow always manages to lose them all and be defeated brutally. It has come to the point some believe he's intentionally losing, he's not.
~ likes watching and listening to true crime podcasts
~ Zhenya has a very bad habit of smiling whenever he's lying, making it impossible for anyone to figure out when he's lying or not (except those close to him who can see the discrepancies between his real and fake smiles)
~ can hold his liquor very well. The most he can go with, is 23 shots, which is his highest record so far, until he eventually passes and wakes up to the absolute worst hangover of his life
~ will call you a moron if you were to ask him the classic “would you still love me if I was a worm?” but still answer with a yes
~ sorry no Pixie cameo this time 😔, on another note, Zhenya actually adopted Pixie from the streets when he accidentally stepped on her on his way home. Feeling guilty he brought her home and the kitten that was barely a month old became a part of his small family. Now refuses to let anyone even touch her without his permission, talk about being overprotective
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(this is @headdaze's MC, btw all comments are made by them-)
Codename : Tisiphone (he’d probably get a kick out of the nicknames he could make– like he picks up the phone and goes “hello? This is tisiphone answeirng the phone at avengers speed-” OR EVEN BETTER “hello? Tis me, tisiphone–”)
Nickname : His close ones simply call him, Angel, meanwhile the rest just go along with Micki
[ 20 || 5'5" || agender, he/they || demisexual || working on getting Ash, will work on Rin (when they meet each other as adults which they haven’t yet LOLOLOL)]
Appearance : Slightly long brown hair, with grayish, green blue eyes
Some facts about them
~ after destroying a microwave, ruining a meal, burning a few items, and other travesties, micki resigned himself to simple dishes… no five star courses (later on Zhenya takes it upon himself to cook for Mikhail, after keeping him 6feet away from the kitchen ofcourse)
~ loves nothing more than a good book and as such gets heavily irritated when something good disappoints them
~ very pro-healthy food but still eats unhealthy
~ vision is ABSOLUTE SHIT, wears either ridiculously thick glasses or contacts
~ usually sweet but can have a scary side too (people like to call him the wolf in sheep’s clothing)
~ his dream is to go around the world, eat the things he wants, and buy the things he wants without feeling guilty about spending money
~ a MASSIVE penny pincher
~ comfy > fashion, the man is not going to strut outside on a winter day in an outfit even if he looks good in it because if it gets him a cold it is GAME OVER
~ literally cannot stay up for the life of them, alwAYS gets irritable when sleepy so prefers to get their hours of sleep in
(why is a majority of this basically just me)
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IF : VENDETTA BY @vendetta-if
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starboykel · 7 months
It's a secret...¡! ❞
John 'Soap' Mactavish x female!reader
!!warnings: fluff-angst, stitching, shooting, nothing really ig just Soap being romantic, love at first sight, not too much build up i apologize
English isn't my first language! I apologize for any gramatical mistakes
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Soap is in an undercover mission, working as a barista at a famous cafeteria where people come and go everyday. His target? A terrorist that was threatening to blow up the Big Ben, the reasons? Nobody knew.
They had a profile of the terrorist, a man with black hairs, blue eyes, long neck and the tattoo of a star on his wrist. For some reason, that guy seemed to enjoy cold coffee every morning before killing some civils, something sweet to start the day before commiting crimes.
Soap got the morning shift, working from 8am to 3pm everyday, hoping to catch the son of a bitch... And that's where you appear at the story, you arrived there everyday at 10am, ordered some frappuccino with extra cream and milk and then sat down, works for one hour and left
He didn't payed attention to you before the third day or so when he started noticing how frequent you where, entering at 10am and leaving at 11:50am exactly, maybe you were just a perfectionist, maybe you were involved in the terrorist's plan. He learned your name, your order and when he least imagined, he was doing your order before you even arrived at the cafeteria, everything ready one hour before you were there.
His teammates noticed it and kept telling him to focus on the target — not on the pretty girl that showed up everyday and definitely wasn't making his heart beat faster. You had those tired eyes that were captivating and your hair that was messy in the right measure every morning, as if you woke up late and got ready in a hurry.
After a week, the terrorist finally shows up and as expected, a fight starts on the cafeteria and unfortunately, you were one of the civil that got injured, you were hit by a bullet in your arm, the one you used for everything. He hears your screams and he is scared, he only know you for a week and is already so in love with you.
He lets Ghost takes the top on the conflict and rushes to you, kneeling down in front of you while you have your arm bleeding, crying in pain and fear.
"shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay, you'll be okay, It only hit the tissue, your bones are fine, c'mon, you're a strong woman." Soap says in a soft tone, trying to calm you down. You were panicking, of course, you were used to a calm, cozy life and that cafeteria was your favorite place and now there is a shooting happening right in front of your eyes.
Seeing your despair and how intense the shooting was getting, he picks you up and runs with you to the back of the cafeteria, the deposit. He carefully puts you down and picks a first aid kit.
"Look, this is going to hurt okay? Here, have this." He says, looking at you with those worried eyes as he gives you a piece of cloth to bite, He takes tweezers and carefully penetrates the hole in your arm and you screams of discomfort and pain, after a few seconds of pure agony, he manages to take it off. "Look, it wasn't that bad.." he says softly, smiling at you, the piece of cloth in your mouth all wet in tears and saliva, falling into the ground as you pant.
He puts stitches in your arm, they are temporary until you get a better one from a doctor. He takes off a sandwich and orange juice in a box from his backpack and gives it to you, "You must be feeling weak, you lost a lot of blood." You take the sandwich and take a small, weak bite, "Thanks.." you says in a weak, shaky voice.
He smiles and stands up, "stay here, I'm gonna be back in a while." He says and leaves, not without giving you one last look. At least you were safe and that calmed his heart.
The shooting continued but now the terrorist had some backup and almost managed to escape but fortunately, captain Price captured him before he could run away. Soap had a few bruises, Gaz was injured but nothing too serious and Ghost and Price was fine.
He came back to where he left you and... You weren't there, the only thing left behind was the box of orange juice and blood. His heart stops, his legs are weak, his eyes starts watering, where are you? Did he lost you? Did you-
"Ah..it's you, I'm sorry." Your voice comes out of the deposit's boxes and Soap looks around frenetically, you come out from behind one of the boxes, like a cat checking if everything was alright, he runs to you and hugs you, lifting you up.
"Oh god, I thought i had lost you." He cries, hugging you tightly, you hug back, of course, he is your saviour. You had just hid behind the boxes when you heard him coming back, afraid if it wasn't him.
He lets you go after a while and takes your hand, "c'mon, let's get you to a doctor." He says, leading you outside, where a squad of doctos and nurses were helping the injured. He helps you get inside the ambulance and waves at you as the ambulances drives away and you wave back, of course.
He had captured your heart and you captured his but you two couldn't be together... For now.
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Hope you enjoyed it! I think I'm gonna do a second part of this!
My requests are open.
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
I guess it's also time for the annual ask: Thoughts on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
@mirrorfalls asked: Perhaps it's time to touch the elephant in the room: thoughts on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
anonymous asked: Any thoughts on Moore's LOEG? anonymous asked: any advice on how to do a fictional character mashup story ala chimera brigade, league, etc? anonymous asked: you wrote a bit on the wold newton universe and the chimera brigade, any thoughts on league of extraordinary gentleman?
(TW: sexual assault, also a whole lot of racism)
(clip from Anti-Spook Squad by Doctor Lalve)
Let it never be said I don't love or do anything for you people because Jesus Christ what an ordeal.
It was pretty inevitable that I'd eventually have to talk about LOEG given the, niche, I made for myself here, and given I'd read and touched on all these other works that either inspired it or were inspired by it, like the Wold Newton Universe, The Chimera Brigade, Tales of the Shadowmen and etc. I'd read through plenty of different LOEG takes and fics, it's an idea that has a lot of appeal on it's own and is easy to flirt with, if not so easy to pull off.
One thing to put upfront: Kevin O'Neil was a brilliant, one-of-a-kind creator and his work here is great, it's the one thing almost unimpeachably great about the whole thing except when he's asked to draw racist caricatures, which he does quite a bit, we'll get into those. I love the collaboration between Moore and O'Neil and I frequently enjoy the little tidbits where they show up as themselves within the supplemental material. O'Neil does a lot of heavy lifting in these even at their worst, in fact especially at their worst. This comic is a legitimately impressive achievement, and I don't regret reading it, if nothing else I think it was a hell of a wake-up call in regards to all of it's warts I may have been overlooking or replicating in my work or that of others.
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I'm gonna break it down by going through the individual installments:
Volume 1: One of the nicest things there is to League is that it only keeps getting better, in the sense that it starts off on the worst foot and it gets better by virtue of not really being able to get worse (yes, even with the Golleywog and Harry Potter sections and whatever). From the moment you open the book it takes about six pages for Mina to be assaulted by Brute Arab Rapist Hordes that Quatermain and Nemo have to gun down, and that pretty much sets the stage on what to expect. Volume 1 is where the series has yet to jump off the deep end in tackling all of fiction, being a more grounded adventure story based on it's premise of being a comic book crossover/hero team comprised of Victorian era literary characters. It's LOEG at it's shallowest and most straightforward, and also at it's least impressive. I'm not remotely charmed by much of what's done here, I've seen a million variants of these before and many of those weren't that great either, but their lows weren't as catastrophic.
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(text comes from an essay Alan Moore wrote regarding his usage of Fu Manchu in the book, which was scanned and sent to me by @mirrorfalls, thank you for that.)
The LOEG's first enemy is Fu Manchu and the book sure likes depicting leering hordes of yellow peril cartoons for our heroes, Mr Hyde in particular, to brutally mow down. Alan Moore thought the genius trick to making Fu Manchu not-racist was to make him as inscrutable and sinister as possible so as to not even appear human, which is a great understanding of how racial caricatures work guys, the "not potentially offensive" shirt has people asking a lot of questions answered by it.
I've heard a lot of claims over the years that LOEG was intended to be a parody, or satire, and that it's using Fu Manchu to make a point as a criticism of the British Empire and imperialism, and I'm gonna make this clear before we move on: LOEG is not a parody or satire, not as a whole. It parodies and satirizes a lot of things, but it is neither parody nor satire. It is very much in love with much of it's subject matter even when it wants to burn it down. LOEG is also a frankly terrible critique of imperialism, it is one of the most imperialist things I've ever read. Part of it is because you can't just recycle problematic garbage and claim it's commentary, especially when you're going out of your way to sensationalize said garbage to be provocative or in many cases add shit that wasn't even there in the first place. Moore asked if anyone else was gonna try and criticize colonialist bigotry in fiction by tripling down on reproducing it as hard as possible, and then didn't wait for an answer before doing it.
Volume 2: Objectively an improvement over the first if only because Fu Manchu isn't there. It's also where the book kinda improves in terms of making a critique. LOEG never really has much to say about it's characters, instead developing them in service of the story or social commentary, and Volume 2 is better at it than the first. Still has a lot of the same problems as 1, it's still a shallow team-up thing that wants to have it's cake and eat it too, it's still the worse version of a concept that's been done many many times before and after. Edward Hyde gets the bulk of the focus here and he was very clearly Moore and O'Neil's favorite character to work on, he gets the most memorable sequences for better or worse. I don't wanna talk about him much and I don't wanna talk about how the book wraps up the Invisible Man's subplot (and how it's not even gonna be the last time sexual violation of a villain is played for oh-so-horrific catharsis), I'd frankly like to stop thinking about it.
The Traveler's Almanac was definitely the most exhausting part to read in full and only not a total waste of time because of Jess Nevins' annotations, which turn this into fairly valuable research material. But so do Wold Newton articles and they're really not the most riveting thing to read, and at least those have a point or constrain themselves to a single topic or character, or are briefer and come with resources on hand or have a point or even can pitch some neat/cool ideas and concepts as a whole. Jess Nevins even did the better version of this in his own WNU chronologies.
Where as this is just complete ass and there's only so many times you can read a variant of "and then we went to this place with horrible cannibal savages and then we went to the other place with beautiful cannibal savages and then we found this utopia and then we found this dystopia and then we referenced this and that and this and that", and it brings me to another point I'd also seen brought up a lot in regards to LOEG: that it's too damn anglocentric to live up to it's premise, too contradictory within itself, and it was always too big of an undertaking to be done the way Moore and O'Neill did it.
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I appreciate Moore trying to make this world feel like a world, in as gigantic all-encompassing a scale as he could possibly account for, with a full world tour and internal chronology. I sure would have liked a big fiction crossover almanac with entire chapters for Africa and China and South America, but we don't get that, because EVERYTHING in them is taken from colonial texts elevated to fact. Literally, entire paragraphs taken from political and colonial texts. All the time spent dicking around with all of those Euro political texts and ancient lore that just had to be paid it's due, and then Orlando goes to China and finds Sun Wukong stuffed as a public freakshow and dismisses his mythos as a bunch of loony (but intriguing and exotic!) hogwash, and Godzilla is later brought up in one line of dialogue to mention how Hugo Hercules killed him offscreen. (I think those might be the only two texts Moore brings up that aren't from European/American sources? There might be others but good luck finding them in the annotations).
Is it unfair to expect Moore to have read all of fiction? Of course it is, but that's what he wants this to be about, he wants this to be about All of Fiction and he wants to write about Africa and China and South America with nothing but colonial texts about those places as reference. He wants to write about how the things he likes are cool and happened and are real while the things he doesn't like don't count or are garbage or didn't happen the way we were told happened. He wants to make a story criticizing racism and misogyny in fiction while writing a text far more racist and misogynistic than most of the things he's bringing up. It's irreconcilable.
Black Dossier: It's constantly jumping between different formats and having to adjust it's prose and visual style accordingly, and it does that fairly well (the beatnik section is completely fucking unreadable though, the prose sections are already a handful to get through as is but that one was too much even for me), although Tempest I think is gonna do it much better. It's got some good parts, it's also got some bad ones. Definitely more readable than the prior two + Almanac.
This is the one with the Gollywog in it and I'm not gonna talk about that thing, I think what's wrong with it is self-explanatory as is. Look, I truly love a lot of Moore's work I've read, and I think a lot of the pushback against Alan Moore painting him as just a cranky old man who hates comics is overblown and shitty and symptomatic of bigger issues with how fans discuss comics and superheroes, but his defense of the Gollywog and his response to the criticisms of LOEG was embarassing and beneath him.
Century: This is the one with Harry Potter and The Lightning Penis in it. To those of you who heard at some point that Alan Moore had done a much-maligned pisstake on Harry Potter and got curious, don't get your hopes up. It's nothing, it's not even that mean, it's just a crude crayon doodle in service of a larger and very dumb critique of modern fiction that could have been anyone. Shame that he bullseyed ahead of the schedule the cultural about-face against Harry Potter without having anything actually criticizing Harry Potter to show for it.
Century does work for me a bit better because it dispenses with the pretense of the series and has it build up to the big awful tragedy it ends on, with all of it's remaining characters miserable immortals and all the fictions having curdled up and gone sour. It works for me only because I have no love whatsoever for this world and so it destroying our characters in the service of the larger narrative about stories and fictional immortality and whatnot is a decision I agree with and I think makes it stronger, even if the social commentary / the story's criticism of modern stories compared to the old ones is frankly absurd. Century I think was perceived as Moore/O'Neill having lost the plot, but to me it feels like the plot (more importantly, the point of it) finally showing up after so much pointless dicking around.
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The Nemo trilogy: Easily the one I most enjoyed reading, the Nemo Trilogy is almost like a breather set in between books, just fairly straightforward pulp adventure stories done in far less rancid a fashion than Volume 1. It feels less like a LOEG book and more like one of those LOEG fanfics made by people who like the concept and characters but are dissappointed by the books, so they fill or add or rewrite in the blanks with their own ideas, which is basically every LOEG fanfic ever made. I quite like Janni Dakkar as a character and I'm already a huge mark for Captain Nemo, one of my favorite characters ever, and I was of course very glad to get away from the extremely tiresome Mina/Allan/Orlando trio for a change. Frankly I'd even recommend these as a standalone, they're so disconnected from everything else in LOEG.
If you guys want to read a comic take on Captain Nemo though, read Mobilis by Juni Ba. Infinitely better than anything Moore did with the concept of Nemo, takes far less pages to actually explore the character meaningfully and has far more interesting, more humane and personal things to say and do in general, one of the best things I ever read and a tremendous palette cleanser after LOEG.
Tempest: Tempest is what I'd call the best of the LOEG books, in terms of craft and in terms of achieving what it sets out to do. Namely, it's one of the most elaborate and most artistically impressive slowly unfurling middle fingers I'd ever read, Alan and Kevin in full burning down the house mode throwing everything they've got at the wall, playing around with as many different styles and gags and ideas as they can cram into the great apocalyptic ending of their collaboration. It's a very spiteful work that has a lot of joy and humor to it, fully divested from giving a shit about it's characters and instead recasting them as the bit players they always were in the grand fuckening of humanity at the hands of our fictions.
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It gets to burn down everything and also preserve everything in a big dreamy Noah's Ark forever, it plays to every strength the series had, and frankly I barely minded the detours because this thing is all detours. The superhero parody that takes up so much of it isn't really anything funny or insightful or really anything, but there's good bits in it, and I like Alan Moore talking trash about superheroes (of course, it pales in comparison to What Can We Know About Thunderman, but that one is a league of it's own). It's Alan and Kevin's farewell to comics with all the mixed feelings towards it and the industry and the subject matter they both have decades of so much experience with it. It is The End of Everything and I think it ended on the best note it could have ended with.
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In summary, I think LOEG has a lot of individually cool or neat or even great ideas that I think get lost, because there is so, so much of it, and so much of it is impressively painted sludge. Sometimes it is ingenious, sometimes it is fun, it is never not visually impressive, but it's more frequently dull and grotesquely self-indulgent and far too shallow. It suffers from an almost inescapable side effect of doing this dealing with the fiction he was dealing with without accounting for taste or bothering to reign in his worst impulses, too much to cover and not enough actually being said about it. In truth, much of it doesn't feel much different than reading the wiki summaries for it I had already read forever ago. It is a unique beast taking swings that I'd never seen before that most wouldn't, probably for very good reasons most of the time. It is also guilty of literally everything it's criticizing other works of being and doing, and sometimes it actually provides it's best commentary because of that! It's a complicated thing to tackle and wrap your head around. God knows what Jess Nevins must have gone through to make the annotations for this, as they put it on the Almanac annotations.
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I don't consider it wasted time because, I did really enjoy the final two installments, there are good bits scattered across the other books and I learned some good things from it as a whole, but would I recommend it in it's entirety? Unless you're really a huge fan or completionist for it's creators (although reading LOEG really disillusioned me on Moore in a lot of ways, not that this is a bad thing, if anything that's a necessary thing to really try and grasp a creator's body of work) or you're the kind of sicko who'd be in the tank for the whole thing, no, not really.
It is one of the most impressive and accomplished works I've ever read, I will probably come back to it for research purposes, but holy shit am I glad to put it behind me.
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cherrydbear · 2 months
In water 7 now and mad at half the straw hats so I'm exposing their sins (also watching fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood so I've got those on the brain)
Luffy - gluttony
His hunger knows no bounds, and he's even put his friends at risk to satisfy it, like when he ate up the food stores while they were crossing the desert in Alabasta or when he fought Zoro in Whiskey Peak for cutting down people who had given them food. And not just eating, everything Luffy does is to excess. Not exactly the same but in a similar vein, he can be selfish sometimes and tactless, thinking more about his own feelings than others', leading to his failure to reason with and empathize with Usopp. (I lump this in with gluttony because the main reason I see gluttony as bad is because it's taking for yourself without consideration for others, as compared to greed which is often intentionally at the expense of others. Also "being unable to talk about your emotions and resolve interpersonal conflict without violence" isn't a sin, though maybe wrath would fit here?)
Nami - greed
She had good reasons for being a thief desperate for money before Arlong was defeated, but now her thirst for gold is more selfish. After growing up poor, she wants to be able to buy herself the paper and supplies and clothes that she never could before. She's also willing to put her friends in danger to get it, as shown in G-8 when she made everyone go back to retrieve the gold despite having a good escape opportunity. Her prioritizing money definitely had a role in Usopp's self-loathing spiral after he lost it.
Usopp - pride
This whole fight over the Merry is really more about his pride. He tells tall tales because he doesn't feel good about any of his own personal achievements. He lies because he feels that the truth about himself is unsatisfactory. Inside, he considers the acquisition of the Going Merry his one main contribution to the crew, and now the idea that the ship is replaceable makes him feel expendable too. He is surrounded by people aspiring to be the pirate king, the greatest swordsman, the greatest chef, the greatest navigator, and the greatest historian, and meanwhile he's just... some guy trying to be less of a coward. Usopp's pride makes it hard for him to open up to his friends about his insecurities and struggles, and so he chooses to fight instead of talking things over.
Zoro - sloth
Pretty much all Zoro does is fight, train, eat, drink, and sleep. He's constantly napping, even while important things are happening. He slept right through the first major storm that hit the Merry after entering the Grand Line, even though the crew needed his help. He gives his friends the impression that he doesn't care sometimes because of it. Zoro is left on board with Sanji after they dock at Water 7 and just sleeps, until Sanji gets fed up and leaves, and he instantly falls back asleep again. Though he's always ready to jump in to help fight, he's content to leave the talking and planning and negotiating to the rest of the crew. During the whole falling out with Usopp, he just stands back and watches, and doesn't even make an effort to comfort Chopper. He keeps his emotions bottled up inside so he doesn't have to deal with them.
Sanji - lust
For obvious reasons. He doesn't know when to quit or keep things to himself so he ends up making a lot of people uncomfortable. He can be very shallow and clearly places great value on appearances, as shown during his fight with Bon Clay when just the form of Nami had such an effect on him. He prioritizes beautiful women at his friends' expense. I also consider vanity to be tied with lust, and considering he's frequently sailing through all kinds of weather on a pirate ship in a three piece suit and he always has to have his hair *just so* I'd say he's quite vain. Personally, I believe that he mainly longs to be gentle and affectionate with someone, since he's always been treated so roughly by the people close to him in the past, but that would seem too "sissy" or something so he tries to save face by acting pervy. Maybe I'm just being delusional and making up excuses for him because he'd be so perfect if he wasn't a creep.
Chopper - envy
Chopper has always wanted to fit in. He wished he had a black nose like the other reindeer instead of a blue one. He wished he could still have a place among them after eating the human human fruit, and he wished he could be accepted by the people in the village. He wishes he were as brave and strong as some of the other members of the straw hats. Honestly, this is all fairly harmless except for the damage to his own self esteem, but to me, Chopper is an adorable little muffin who can do no wrong so this is the most I can come up with for him. (I'm so mad at Usopp for being mean to him.)
Robin - wrath
Mainly because it's the only one left but fma:b's representation of wrath in Fuhrer Bradley as cold, calculating, and secretly seething under the surface is really interesting to me and I feel like it could apply to Robin. She's always very quick to apply potentially lethal or at least crippling force to her foes, or I interpret it that way based on the camera (or whatever you call it in animation) panning away from her finishing attacks leaving only the sounds of necks and spines crackling, and then she's off very quickly without any signs of guilt. She acts level-headed, but in a way that feels very dangerous. She's probably had to get very good at masking her true feelings to survive. I'm still at a point where her backstory hasn't been fully revealed, but it's implied that she caused serious damage to a lot of people in the past. I'm very interested to see how that goes.
If sloth were not my primary sin I'd draw them all as homunculi... maybe someday...
Update: follow-up post
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 5 months
still can’t write for beans these days so here’s a little snippet I did back in Nov ‘22 about Gareth meeting Eddie for the first time… enjoy!
The early morning sun streams golden across the football field at Hawkins High. A few dozen kids mill about, waiting on the band director to show up and get the tryouts started. Most of this week will be spent on various marching band auditions for incoming freshmen, but first up is one of the most important: the drumline.
Gareth Emerson had started out the morning feeling fairly confident. He’d been in marching band since sixth grade, so he had plenty of experience, and he’d practiced everything in the audition packet nonstop until he could practically play it in his sleep. That wasn’t what was making him nervous.
It was those guys in the bleachers.
A few bored-looking parents were scattered here and there, drinking coffee, some even reading newspapers; but right down in the front row were three very cool and sort of scary looking guys who were definitely not parents, talking intensely among themselves. Gareth stared apprehensively at them for a few minutes before realizing he recognized two of them, Grant and Jeff, both a grade ahead of him. They hadn’t exactly been friends, but they’d had a couple of classes together over the years and he knew they were both pretty nice. He didn’t know the guy with them, though. Tall and lanky, with a mop of unruly curls, wearing a denim vest over a black tee shirt with a band logo he doesn’t recognize. The tall guy looks quite cross as he mutters something to Jeff, and Gareth immediately feels a familiar flare of anxiety in his stomach— what if they’re planning to start trouble? But Jeff is laughing, elbowing the tall guy playfully in the ribs and now he’s laughing too, all previous tension seemingly forgotten.
Gareth sighs. He’s being stupid. They’re not here to make fun of him. He has to try to relax; it’s time to get started.
The auditions begin smoothly, and the guys in the bleachers seem unusually focused on the whole process. They nudge each other frequently, having short but expressive conversations, the tall guy gesturing wildly and occasionally even jumping to his feet to make his points. Grant appears to be taking notes. Gareth can’t stop wondering what exactly they’re doing. Nor can he stop watching their interactions; they just look like they’re having so much fun together, even when they argue. They have an easy camaraderie he really envies. And their confidence! The way they’re dressed, they definitely stick out in the crowd, but none of them seems the slightest bit self-conscious about it. A few people have shot dirty looks at the tall guy when he gets too loud and he doesn’t appear to even notice or care. Gareth would give anything to not notice or care about receiving dirty looks.
The guys continue their enthusiastic critiques of the drummers as the morning progresses. They pay particular attention when the band director starts the solo auditions, whispering and arguing and occasionally pointing. He feels like he’s dying of curiosity— what could they possibly be doing?— but he has to drag his focus away from them and get his head on straight because he’s up next.
He absolutely nails his solo.
He knows it, because as soon as he’s done playing the tall guy jumped to his feet and pointed at him and yelled fuckin’ A, man! across the field, and Gareth can’t hold back a slightly hysterical giggle even as the band director glares first at him and then over at the trio in the bleachers. Tall guy doesn’t care; he’s bouncing up and down in front of Grant and Jeff shouting that one, that’s the one we want, still pointing right at Gareth, and his heart pounds wildly in his chest because those guys are clearly so cool and what could they possibly want with him? It couldn’t be a prank, could it? The tall guy sounded so genuinely excited that he refuses to believe they’re setting him up to bully him later. They must want something good.
He doesn’t have to wait long to find out. As soon as auditions are finished for the day, the tall guy is jogging toward him. “Hey,” he says excitedly, “I’m Eddie, and you fuckin’ rocked, man, and our band’s looking for a new drummer and you should totally come try out. You like metal?”
“Um, thanks.” Gareth accepts the ‘Drummer Wanted!’ flyer Eddie’s eagerly shoving at him. “I don’t really know much about metal?” He’s definitely not cool enough to be a metalhead.
Eddie doesn’t seem to care about that, either, though. “Oh. Well, I bet you’ll pick it up easy. Here, take this.” Now Eddie’s handing him a cassette tape. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Gareth studies the strange cover art with interest as Eddie rattles on. “It’s sick, you’ll love it. You can probably learn a couple of those songs in no time. Just give that back to me when you come audition. You are gonna come, right? Please say yes. Corroded Coffin needs you, man.”
His energy is almost overwhelming, but Gareth finds he can’t keep a goofy grin off his face as he replies, “Yeah, man, I’ll definitely be there.” He wouldn’t miss this for the world.
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