#those are a little too bright but idc enough to change it lol
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wikiangela · 6 months ago
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Oliver Stark on 911onabc's insta
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xsimxx77 · 4 years ago
Dean ❤️😭
So yeah Spn ended and ep20 sucked and it's been days and I still can't process ! (I'm a mess btw so God knows how this will come out)
The finale sucked and dean's death sucked basically I'm devastated !! And no it's not just "another Tv character's death" it's not just "a death" no ! it just sucks and lemme start up with some shit here !
So why his death is just bullshit !
Dean out of no where was put into some circumstances that can't be understood or be dealth with at 4 LIKE 4 ! Like suddenly his life just turned upside down and he was faced with "you gotta take care of ur little brother!" HOW WOULD A 4 YEAR OLD UNDERSTAND WHAT TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE MEAN !!? but he did it anyways and guess what he freaking did amazing job in that !!
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But wait -
HOW OLD WAS DEAN RIGHT HERE !!!? (btw this is the dark side of the moon ep when angels made them relive their fav memories ) he used to do what he was always doing his whole life !!! His father just messed up sth and he just went there and tried to fix it , tried to make it better for his mother ! He just did that !! And Sammy was like wow "never realized how long" ! yeah Sammy apparently he's been doing this his whole freaking life !
He had to do things that weren't even his job even before Mary's death! He was just so good that he couldn't see her anxious or sad about certain stuff ! And HE WAS SO YOUNG BACK THEN OMG !
yeah He never had a childhood thanks to his lovely father ! Been treated his whole life as a soldier , was raised like one !! He was always convinced that he had one job , just one job ! What he felt and how he felt never really mattered !
Reminder: he never got to graduate , never got to college ! And how he was just so proud that his samrtass brother went to Stanford is just so precious !
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"Always wanted to be a fireman" wanted ! What a word huh ! And again sammy went just like wow "never told me that" yeah Sam cuz what he wanted was never important apparently !
He always thought that the things he loved were just never his things , thinking he is nothing and no one. Always thought that he's not really worth anything !!
Imagine being convinced that everyone around u will leave u at certain point and u can't be enough ! and how he's so attached to his family knowing he can't be that for them !!
And don't u dare tell me that John didn't really affect him with so many things !! His whole life Dean was just trying to be good for the man!
Yeah I mean what a bright life right
and yes we can clearly see Dean using sarcasm in facing his problems ! Just all with the "Idc what happens to me" attitude but not bcz he's just careless like that nah not really he's just too scared to admit that he is scared if that makes sense ! U can see that clearly in many seasons
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in s3 Sam was trying to find a way to save his brother ! And dean was just like u can't do anything cuz there's no way and acting with the "careless" sarcastic way he is and Sam was just like "How can you" , "what's wrong with you!" He just can't let himself feel that he will be saved cuz there is nothing that can save him , he even admits that he is scared later on !
and to me Dean is this one dude with that mindset that he can't have hope , he won't allow himself to have hope ! So yeah he can't let himself believe that Sam will save him bcz what if he believed that and it just didn't work ! He's just too scared !! I mean can you imagine that !!
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he was just so scared dammit !!
S10 (this whole season was so heartbreaking tbh)
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and here !! (btw this the paint it black ep) How he just admits that he keeps expecting death ! And how he's just scared !!! "there's people , things feelings I want to experience differently!" And again with the want word !! HE WANTED THINGS FOR HIMSELF but never thought or even made things for HIMSELF !! and u telling me why this hurts so bad !!
He loved cars , wanted to be a mechanic or maybe even a rockstar and we can see that from previous seasons but he gets to talk about it with that girl in the "bad boys" ep ! reminder : that this is the "let him rot in jail" ep ! Imagine Dean with that mind of his and all of those thoughts thinking he's not worth it and shit like that only for his amazing father to leave him out there just like that !!! Thanks again John ! 🙃 YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE DREAMS OF HIS OWN !! But again he did come back for baby Sammy and I love him !!
I just love him sm and I know he never deserved any of this !!
How he was just convinced that he's just a grunt and couldn't see himself as this smart strong hero he truely is !!!😭 HE'S BEEN FIGHTING HIS WHOLE LIFE ! He'S BEEN SO GOOD HIS WHOLE FREAKING LIFE !!
How he just kept questioning why would an angel save him from hell !! "Why me !!? If there is a God out there why would he give a crap about me ?"
Never really came across his mind that he's worth it !
he never knew , never been told how great he was until Cas happened !! And Cas , this one angel is a wholeee other story !❤️🥺
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"imagine telling someone u love 'em only to have him give u this face !" Yeah lol that was funny but u know what ! imagine believing ur whole freaking life that ur nothing and not really worth anything , that ur just so pathetic and can't do anything and then having soemone just state how good and lovely you are and that they love u ! Like love u ! Yeah I find that funny too u know ! Like look at his face it just feels like "don't tell me that cuz I ain't worth it , I ain't that good Cas "
and I just love Cas so much cuz he just wanted to show Dean how lovely , selfless and just how precious he is !
Cas loved Dean the way he should be loved !! He just saw right thru his soul and loved it all !! Cuz he saw exactly what he is !! saw it all and understood it AND HE FREAKING LOVED HIM FOR EVERYTHING!!
and when we finally see Dean kinda accepting that yes he might be worth it , that yes he might be good just like Cas said ! That he deserves to live a life for himself !! They just kill him off !! Just like that ! Throwing everything away !
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And this this this right here just hits so hard and painfully rn !! Cuz How many times did Dean say this over many seasons !! Like how many times did he say that "a hunt gone wrong" is what gonna end him !! and seriously don't u dare tell me that yeah he was just ok with that or he wasn't really scared or that *the ending* he's got is the perfect one for him cuz nah !! IT'S FREAKING NOT !!! He kept saying that and he was expecting that !! HE WAS EXPECTING GETTING KILLED LIKE THAT ALL HIS FREAKING LIFE !! But he was literally dreading it !!!That's why this sucks !! That's why this is just so messed up and cruel !!
Imagine getting killed the exact way ur dreading for it to happen !
Like When Dean fianlly goes like "We gotta keep living Sammy" he really wanted to give this a shot !! He wanted to finally give it a shot for Cas and for himself! It's like he finally allowed himself to have hope !! Finally got his whole freaking free wil to do literally whatever he wanted !!!! He had a dog u know ! 😭 HE FREAKING APPLIED FOR A JOB !! FOR A JOB !! HE WAS GONNA GIVE THINGS OTHER THAN HUNTING A SHOT !! HE WANTED THIS !!
only to have him lose all of that !! all ripped away from him !! So yeah this is NOT JUST ANOTHER CHARACTER'S DEATH !!
He was so scared , he was freaking so scared and shaking "didn't think that this day would be today" he just wanted Sam close cuz he was so scared !! and u telling me that this is just another character's death!!
my baby boy , my comfort character deserved better !! I love him so much I can't-
i really thought Cas's death was bad (and it was hell tbh) but Dean's ending just messed me up in ways I can't even tell !
like he had to suffer too while dying !! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR !! Like ffs !!
this is literally depressing and so cruel !! And hopeless LIKE SO FUCKING HOPELESS !
he's been suffering his whole freaking life !! ALL HIS LIFE !!
and I know That he kinda got his peace at heaven (and tbh that might be the only thing that will help me go on with my life and the fact that Cas isn't in the empty too !) but that's just still doesn't make things right !! He freaking deserved a life !! HE FREAKING DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER !!
I just hate those writers so bad !
I will just end this with saying THANK U DEAN WINCHESTER , u've helped me thru alot !! u've changed me ❤️😭 ! Hope ur having all happiness u deserve at heaven baby boy ❤️😭😭
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nc7dr3am · 4 years ago
“hello my loves!! let’s chat~~”
TAGLIST (lmk if u wanna join! it’s for all of my lily verse content, even the other oc blogs): @aqueenieme​ @moonbeamsung​​ @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12​ @btshook
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“how are you tonight? could we have a tmi?”
i am very sleepy. i���ll be going to bed soon, actually.. for the tmi... i’ve had three coffees today
“lily!! read any good books lately?”
YES!! i am reading ‘to live’ by yu hua and it’s very .. thought-provoking, i suppose. i’m reading it in chinese, as well, to practice. mila and evie help me occasionally if i need it. please read it!!
“nct siren!!! i’m so excited- can you tell us about hyeyoung and evie?”
i’m excited too~~!! hyeyoungie unnie is very talented at dance and singing. she is a kind and caring unnie, and she calls me her baby. she is one of my very best friends, and i rely on her a lot. evie is also extremely talented, and her voice is very unique. she is a really cool unnie and plays with me a lot. she is also one of my best friends. i love them so much🥺
i know you all will love them- support them, okay? they deserves the world.
“how is the dorm these days? honey and mr. darcy are PRECIOUS... but isn’t jeno allergic?”
yes, jeno is allergic, but you all know that won’t stop him from cuddling them .. dummie. but at least mr. darcy is hypoallergenic! honey sheds quite a bit, though .. also, i’ve actually recently moved out of the dream dorms
LMAOO I NEEDED THIS BABE HAH jimin na is too much of a lil wimp for the streets. but! i live with my nct siren members now! i love it!! it was hard to say goodbye to my dreamies, but i literally see them constantly anyway
“have you been resting enough? i love your solo and your promotions but i hope you’re eating and sleeping well :((“
thank you for caring, babe!! don’t worry though, i’m okay. i appreciate your kindness more than you know.
“lily babe what smells do you associate with the dreamies? and siren?”
*answered on ten different instagram story posts, one for each member*
oh my god there’s so many of them .. mila is definitely oranges and green tea. she uses green tea lotion, but the smells just remind me of her as a person since this is what we’re basing it on
i know we’re not really doing LITERAL scents, but hyeyoung unnie uses this givenchy perfume, l’interdit. it smells floral, but with spice. she reminds me of clean laundry and roses.
evie unnie is like paint. she’s an artist, so when i smell paint, i think of her. and champagne!! floral scents remind me of her as well, but bright floral scents, not the soft ones like hyeyoung. and rain. mixed bag
jaemin oppa reminds me of clean but slightly floral smells. i think if i had to pick a smell for him, it’d be this one aloe and rose toning spray i have. lavender is also a good one for him. calming smells
jeno oppa is like a soap? yknow just the regular body soap with no added scent? it still smells good and it’s just nice and familiar. also, like when something is baking in the oven on an early morning.
fullsun is like if you’re walking somewhere nice and catch a scent of some nearby flowers and freshy cut grass. the way summer days smelled when i was a child. i also would choose honeysuckle for him
renjun oppa is like a forest? he also reminds me of the smell of books, or paper. i’d also pick a beach, but on a cloudy day and there aren’t many people around and the air. he’s like nature
jisung reminds me of the summer nights smell where you have a bonfire. do you all know what i mean? i dunno, it just fits him! and he’s like a nice fresh smell. maybe like when the air smells colder.
chenle reminds me of a pool and i don’t know how to explain that. on another note, mint. he always has a bit of a minty smell in person, too, so that’s probably why. also cologne because he has a lot of it
mark oppa really reminds me of just... that comfortable home smell? and candles? i think amber and cashmere too... those warm, comfy scents. laundry and clean hair. nice smells. he doesn’t wear cologne btw but he always smells nice
“if you can’t talk right now and are doing hot girl shit, what are you doing?”
deadass just rewatching the twilight saga
“should i get a sugar daddy”
i feel like i will get in trouble for answering this
“me love you long tim”
who’s long tim
“do you also still use l’interdit for your perfume?”
OKAY so i use it every now and then!! it’s hyeyoung’s signature smell, and i liked it so sometimes i switch it up and use that. my regular perfume is amazing grace bu philosophy. i’ve used it every day for years
“do you watch crack videos? ily”
ily too!! +yes and i ENJOY THEM it’s very much my sense of humor. johnny irritated me when he only laughed a little. i also watch edits you all make of me >:) i see a lot of czennies posts.
and yes that should scare you
“do the kitties get along with beetle? and are there any other pets in the siren dorms?”
our pets get along pretty well. honey was very hostile at first, but she got used to mr. darcy pretty quickly and they’re best friends. the cats are indifferent to beetle but sometimes they cuddle. and there’s not anymore pets yet!! well, mila has a goldfish too- she just got him and his name is bird.
“bestie i would drink your spit”
i KNOW you didn’t think i would see/respond but i’m built different
“jimin my love what should i do if my ex is trying to get back with me? he kinda broke my heart nd cheated but i still have feelings :(”
um babe he is a FLOP for breaking your heart nd a FLOP for cheating. please don’t get back with his bum ass. idc if it’s harsh- no excuse for cheating. if you trust someone with your heart and they cheat, you know they’re not to be trusted with them again. stay strong bub- i believe in you!
“lily babe your solo was beautiful shskdhs can we expect more solo/lily-written things soon?”
okay i. cannot maybe should not say anything but uh .. LOL
“jimin may i please have your hand in marriage”
okay so i definitely scrolled your account, i definitely think you are beautiful, and i am definitely in love now. also i accidentally liked an old photo gosh i seem creepy i am so sorry
but basically she said yes
“who have you texted most recently?”
*the photo for this story is the cats*
i feel like you wanted to hear a member or one of my friends but i was texting in a group chat with me and my parents. i sent them this picture of my cats, and i also told them i miss them
“ma’am what are your favorite shows”
favorite show of all time is euphoria! i also love the end of the fucking world, joe pera talks with you, the office, seinfeld, i’m now very into steven universe!!!”
“cat girl?”
maid costume is better
“what did u get johnny and jisung for their birthdays!!?”
OO yes!! he loves hats a lot so i got him a balenciaga cap. he really loved it. i also made a decorated corkboard with pictures of our members having fun. i put string lights around the frame and put pretty things on it with evie’s help
johhny is hard to get presents for because he buys whatever he wants. i ended up getting him a pair of vetements slides and a bottle of wine i know he likes. 
also!! i got seulgi unnie and i matching bracelets <3
“why is no one talking about the fact that her favorite show is euphoria oh my GOD”
hhhhhh it’s literally art. the best show i have ever seen in my entire life. a few of the other members have watched it, as well, but evie is also really into it. it made hyeyoung cry the whole time.
“favorite food and song right now? i love you you’re so precious”
i love you more, darling!! food is gyoza, but i really love all dumplings right now. my favorite song at the moment is lovely day by bill withers
“STEVEN UNIVERSE OMG tag siren as the crystal gems”
OKAY hyeyoung is def pearl, shes our mom. mila is garnet, for obvious reasons. i’m steven :D
and evie is amethyst but my mind also is saying greg universe so do with that what you will
“answer 100% honestly there’s a gun to your head who is your favorite member”
“will you flirt with me queen”
no problem baby :) your recent is fine as hell i’ll be in your dm’s waiting
“are you in love”
how can i not be when i am living on the same planet as you
“girl don’t be shy send us hand pics”
“do you have any western artists you’d like to collab with?”
it’s britney, bitch
“i really hope the dating rumors with renjun didn’t but strain on your friendship :(”
okay i actually really wanna address this because a lot of y’all have been saying this stuff, but it didn’t mess up anything. we’re adults now, we’ve known each other for years, and none of us are stupid- including the other guys. we know there will be rumors about us, it’s fairly obvious, but nothing will ever change the fact that we are all best friends, and nothing more. i’m so, so grateful for all of you that were kind, and believed me us when we told the truth. renjun and i, once again, for the people in my dm’s and asks, are not, and never were, dating. our friendship is as strong as ever, babes. 
it’s time for me to goooo, i’m sleepy! goodnight, petals! see you soon~~
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exid-though · 7 years ago
A few changes to hogwarts houses: solji should be ravenclaw (bc she’s smart, mature, responsible), junghwa should be hufflepuff (no explanation needed lol), heeyeon should be gryffindor (bc she’s like a mix of every other house? Intelligent, but also naive, yet courageous & kinda mysterious?), hyelin should be slytherin DONT QUESTION ME (she’s so shady pls). Idk abt hyojin?? But probably gryffindor, she also has contrasting qualities.
a few changes to your changes: 
Heeyeon should be slytherin>=ravenclaw>hufflepuff>gryffindor. Heeyeon is very perfectionistic and is smart and resourceful. Slytherins are cunning, resourceful, willing to do anything to achieve their goals and Heeyeon, although she’s dorky and anxious sometimes, is like the poster child for “will do whatever for my goals and those I choose to care about” she also loves learning and studying so Slytherin and Ravenclaw is top for her idc Hufflepuff being chiller, loyal, hardworking is also up there very high. Actually idk but Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw are all above Gryffindor what Gryffindors are chivalrous and daring and Heeyeon is only daring if she thought about the thing she’s gonna do and planned it at least a little. Which is not really that daring. She also keeps notes on everything esp when someone makes her mad and like what kind of next level grudge?? What’s she planning on doing with that information? Anyway there’s also the time Jeonghwa chose Heeyeon to be the member she’d want as a daughter because she’s very smart and will achieve any goals she has because she knows exactly how to but then she changed her mind because she’d get written in Heeyeon’s death note if she made a mistake. 
Jeonghwa is poster child hufflepuff ofc and then after that ravenclaw then gryffindor because she’s got the whole “loyal,hardworking” thing going and she loves to learn more through studying. She wants to just keep getting better at things and working on things. Also she’s very empathetic, caring, social,etc. just wants everyone to be happy and succeed. “I’m loud because I’m the youngest, it’s my job to brighten the atmosphere and make sure everyone’s having a good time” she says while trying to explain why her indoor voice sounds like other people’s shouting for help on a deserted island voice. It was a goofy joke but that’s literally how she is lmao. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw afterwords because she’d stand up for others and herself easily and is very curious and intelligent. I can’t see Slytherin much for Jeonghwa at all like lowkey a Slytherin would want to get revenge on someone hurting for hurting their friend and Jeonghwa would probably just send them a self help book on how to be a better person. idk
Hyelin to me is a hufflepuff or slytherin bc of the way she treats her friends. She’s very slytherin and hufflepuff ish for literally having a secret job when EXID were struggling and for bringing them cakes and just letting them believe she bought them to spoil them. Like this whole thing: 
“she had to work part-time at an ice cream shop in the early morning before going to practice. She added that while she was working, she kept it a secret from her group members because she didn’t want them to worry about her or feel bad that they weren’t successful enough yet.” 
is so slytherin/hufflepuff but esp Hufflepuff. She’s definitely hardworking and loyal, she’s also cunning and clever, she’s very smart and handles her finances/thinks about her future but unlike Heeyeon or Jeonghwa she likes to be spontaneous and randomly go to a different city just because she’s in the mood for a certain restaurant and idk what that has to do with anything really I just think it’s adorable but anyway. She gets all cute and jealous sometimes? She’s friends with people of like all walks of life idk? I think Hyelin’s a Hufflepuff>Slytherin cause of all that and Slytherin is 2nd to me bc I think she’s much more about the kinder, “hard work” than about being manipulative or cunning, even if she’s capable of it, to get what she wants however those are top for me either way I think. I mean, she’s also very blunt and doesn’t really think before speaking sometimes so idk about Slytherin sometimes
Elly is a cute little mystery woman I think she’s very hufflepuffy because of the general loyal/hardworking the only slytherin or gryffindor thing about her to me is that she’d stand up for her friends so quick and that’s also a big hufflepuff thing so? hufflepuff. She says random deep insightful things cause she’s just introspective, but she’s also kind of ravenclawish in the way that she enjoys learning about different things, she’s pretty curious in that way? The way she “knows a little about everything” is kinda ravenclawish. She likes taking care of her friends by buying them gifts and stuff, she spends a lot of time making songs for EXID that not only talk about her or someone else’s experiences perfectly but that also can showcase each members’ strengths perfectly. Idk I think Hufflepuff>the other three but I’m not entirely sure after that.
Solji idk but I picked Gryffindor in the first thing because she’s very open and is definitely meant to be the leader of the group. She’s bright and energetic but she’s serious when she needs to be and knows how to lead and make sure the members aren’t being too horrible. If they’re not being too horrible, though, she just joins them and acts like a child herself. She’s chivalrous in a way, she takes care of her members... doesn’t let anything stop her. You know what actually what if Solji were a hufflepuff she fits a hufflepuff too. Idk about her but maybe Hufflepuff since they’ve kind of got a lot of her traits and the traits of other houses in just a chiller way? 
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