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anstarwar · 10 months ago
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Just an update of an older pic of Thorn and Padmé I did back in 2021 (see below). I’m still not totally happy with it, Padmé is weirdly difficult for me to draw, but thought I’d give it a go. Definitely can see improvement but gotta keep working on it, practice practice practice etc.
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orangez3st · 3 hours ago
YOOOO I saw you ship Thornidala and if you haven't read What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again by LadyAnidala then you need to!
it's still a WIP but it's SO GOOD!!
Sorry for the late response BUT I'VE JUST READ IT
I think the bit about they started off not exactly friendly is intriguing! And honestly I didn't expect that 😆 and their own respective traumas and reactions to each other! Snippy Padmé. Also I noticed you're kinda beta-ing, that's awesome! Happy to see how this'll go in the future 👀 @ladyanidala
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amukmuk · 3 months ago
Feeling funky - send me a number and a ship and I'll write a drabble for them based off a song on my spotify wrapped.
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vulpes115 · 1 year ago
I’m sorry to punch down at a rarepair but Thornidala is really just straight!Sabédala isn’t it
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orangez3st · 5 days ago
not riyo but
*bursts through doors*
star wars fans are so funny bc like you can mention a background clone character who shows up in like, two episodes at most, and there will be some fangirl who's memorized his wiki page, has a pinterest fan page dedicated to him, and ships him with riyo chuchi
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hrtiu · 4 years ago
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AU where Thorn doesn’t die on Scipio and he’s on Padme’s security detail when she goes to Mustafar.
@wildhoneyprose and @chromia7567 the only thornidala stans I know!
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flybynite19 · 4 years ago
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May the 4th be with you
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wildhoneyprose · 4 years ago
Wild Honey Masterlist
Stories Of Rebellion Series:
Subterfuge - Rexsoka (Rebel Spies / Friends to Lovers)
I Just See You - Riyo/Wolffe (Post Foxiyo Riwolffe Hurt/Comfort)
Better Left Forgotten- Gregor/Kiki(oc) (Set during chapter 6 of Subterfuge)
With Respect - Gregor/Kiki (Short fluffy one-shot)
Deadlines and Distractions - Rexsoka (Fluffy, established relationship one-shot)
Rexsoka One Shots and Short Fics:
To Find A Home - Rexsoka (Post Order 66 Fluff)
When The War Is Over - Rexsoka (Fix-it Fluff)
Coming Home - Rexsoka (Modern AU Multi-Chapter)
Heart of Valor - Rexsoka (Fantasy AU)
Soldiers and Senators Series:
Of Soldiers and Senators - Foxiyo (Multi-Chapter Fic)
Don't Cry Pretty Girl - Thire and Ariya (Thariya Fluff)
Strength of Character - Anidala / Thornidala (Angsty MCD Fix-it. Anakin is a hero. Thornidala set up)
Medal of Honor - Foxiyo (Foxiyo baby/Family Fluff)
Interruption - Foxiyo (short and fluffy)
Foxiyo One-Shots and Short Fics:
Caf: The Sixth Love Language - Foxiyo (Fluff/Crack)
The Last Dance - Foxiyo (Senate Gala Pining and Fluff)
Leap Of Faith - Foxiyo (Action/Fluff)
Unrequited - Foxiyo (Angst, Hurt No Comfort)
Fracture - Foxiyo (Pining and Fluff)
Home Is You And Me Together - Foxiyo (Domestic Fluff)
Hold Me Close - Foxiyo (Pining and Fluff)
Other Shorts and One-Shots:
Neon Rain - Blyla (Pining and Fluff)
Always Be Your Fool - Thornidala (Short fluffy drabble)
Closer Than A Brother Series:
Three Shinies Walk Into A Security Control Room - OC Coruscant Guard Shinies and Foxiyo (Crack/Fluff)
That's What Brothers Are For - Rex and Cody (Found Family Fluff)
Fox Regrets - Fox and Thorn (Brotherly Hurt/Comfort)
Lovesick - Kix and Rex and Rexsoka (Crack/Fluff)
That One Time Captain Rex Went Viral - Echo, Fives, Rex and Ahsoka (Crack/Fluff)
Tales From Grand Republic High Series:
Muse - Foxiyo (Modern High School AU Fluff)
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anstarwar · 2 years ago
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Padme had an event, Thorn is happy she’s home
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carrinth · 4 years ago
Your opinion on Thornidala?
One-sided / Unrequited / Slow-Burn / Angst
More canon than Foxiyo I freely admit. I am somewhat tempted to write Sad Fanfic about it except I am allergic to Sad.
Could totally see requited version happening if it was an AU where Padme and Ani aren’t together.
((BTW, Padme bankrolls Thorn’s chest cybernetics. It is Thorn’s Chest Fridge canon))
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dystopicjumpsuit · 2 years ago
I did not realize Thornidala was a ship, but now that I do, I can see the appeal. It's mostly because I am trash for a bodyguard romance, not gonna lie. Thorn is super competent and heroic, as is Padme. It makes as much or more sense as Foxiyo 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's not for me, but I can see why it would be for others.
Yo, I got a question for my Thornidala shippers
What drew you to that ship? Why do you like Thornidala? It's super niche, how did you discover it?
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(gif for funsies and I love Padmé)
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chromia7567 · 3 years ago
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Pairing: Padmé Amidala/Clone Commander Thorn
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amukmuk · 4 years ago
This prompt for Thornidala!: so you've got one character, with their back pressed against the door, fighting the urge to kiss the character on the other side of the door, but the tension is unbearable, the character mutters ''fuck it'' and flings the door open, runs back in to kiss the other character
LOL I know you just submitted a new kissy kissy prompt, but this is the one from, like, last week or something! XD I hope you like it! I had so much fun writing for these two! <3
Padme’s life has been flipped entirely upside down. Three years ago she was ‘happily’ married--though today she would make the argument that she was blindly married--and now, after the near collapse of the Republic, she is a single mother of twins. After Anakin nearly killed her, she gathered all of her strength and left him. It has been hard, but worth it. The crippling fear that she had come to know as normal, she now realizes, wasn’t normal at all. Every time Anakin had been home, she had felt as though any small thing could send him into a homicidal rage. She learned the hard way that she was right in that assumption. Once she found out she was pregnant, the decision had been made for her.
“I’m so sorry,” Padme says to Thorn as she enters the living space.
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calamity-aims · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars) Characters: Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala, Mentioned CC-1010 | Fox - Character, Mentioned Anakin Skywalker - Character Additional Tags: Febuwhump 2022, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, First Kiss Series: Part 15 of Febuwhump 2022 Summary:
day 16; does that hurt?
Fox would personally make Thorn’s life a living hell if he got wind of a commander losing propriety with a Senator. 
But…. Thorn’s philosophy is what Fox doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
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10-porgs-in-a-trenchcoat · 4 years ago
thanks to this gorgeous art by @hrtiu I’ve thinking about Thornidala and this AU happened 
Thorn doesn’t die on Scipio. Because I said so. He does need some extensive surgery to both his chest and his brain, and parts of his brain need to be replaced with cybernetic implants, but he’s still fit for duty. 
after Anakin leaves for the Outer Rim sieges Padme’s left alone and Thorn is escorting her places as part of her security detail and they become buddies 
when Padme finds out she’s pregnant Thorn is the only person she tells ... because he caught her puking into a trash can in her office between Senate meetings 
she keeps missing opportunities to tell Anakin on the rare occasions they get to talk (she was going to break the news to him during their chat when he was on Anaxes before they got interrupted) 
Padme and Thorn continue to bond during this time, and Thorn starts to catch feelings; even though he can’t be with Padme and he can’t ever play a proper fatherly role to the baby, he still feels protective of them 
(using singular baby because in ROTS they didn’t know she was having twins until it was time to deliver)
The events of ROTS happen and everything goes to shit. Because Thorn suffered head injuries on Scipio that required extensive surgery and cybernetic implants, his inhibitor chip was unknowingly removed, so when he receives That Order he’s like “um ... what? doesn’t make sense but okay”
instead of going to hunt down Jedi he goes to Padme’s - she’s a Senator after all, and if the Jedi are attempting an overthrow of the Senate she’ll need protection, right? 
he sits with her as they watch the Jedi Temple burn and she leans her head on his shoulder and cries kinda like she does in the movie
when she goes to Mustafar Thorn insists on going with her - he doesn’t know everything going on with Anakin but he does know that Mustafar is in Separatist space so he feels duty-bound to go and protect his friend
at first he stays on the ship at Padme’s insistence, but after Anakin chokes her out and starts fighting Obi-Wan he carries her back onboard and sits with her until Obi-Wan returns 
Padme may be injured from being Force-choked and heartbroken, but she doesn’t die Because I Said So. She survives childbirth and gets to hold her babies.
Obi-Wan and Bail Organa make arrangements for Padme, Thorn, and the babies to go into hiding.
(Thorn will eventually catch wind that there are some rogue clones running around and that they’re not only avoiding the Empire but actively fighting against them. He’s tempted to go find them but he can’t bring himself to leave Padme or the babies.)
It takes a few years for Padme to reciprocate Thorn’s feelings. Like she catches on that he likes her as more than a friend, but it takes a while for her to address it because she’s grieving the loss of her marriage to Anakin, not to mention busy raising Luke and Leia and helping Bail with the Rebellion on the down-low.
She realizes she likes him back out of the blue one day, when she’s watching him play with the kids and thinking about how good he is with them, how he’s really stepped into the role of Dad, and how he’d been her rock the entire time they’ve been friends.
is she skittish about the prospect of starting another relationship and falling in love again? Of course she is, especially since her husband became a Sith Lord and betrayed everything she held dear ... presumably out of love for her. 
(she wouldn’t trade her time with Anakin for anything though, with all its ups and downs, especially since she got two rambunctious little blessings out of it)
(does she know how to broach the subject of the kids’ biological father to them? nope, that’s Future Padme’s problem)
but she does talk with Thorn about how she feels, and they decide to give it a shot
Rebel Spy Power Couple? Rebel Spy Power Couple.
are they thrilled when Leia wants to take a more active role in the Rebellion and Luke wants to train to become a Jedi with Obi-Wan? Not really, it’s dangerous after all (and they’re scared that Luke might go the same way as Anakin) but they still support the kids in their endeavors. 
they eventually have to have that uncomfortable conversation about Anakin with the kids after the events on Bespin (Padme is also ready to go bitchslap Vader herself after he cut off Luke’s hand and kidnapped Leia a few times)  
Padme and Thorn both make it to the end of the Galactic Civil War, still very much in love, and they sit together under a tree on Endor as they watch the fireworks, the revelry, and Luke and Leia enjoying the company of their friends
(Thorn doesn’t care much for Han, he thinks Leia can do better, but what can he do? Leia’s stubborn and has a mind of her own, just like her mother) 
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eyayah-oya · 4 years ago
What Will Never Be
Sometimes, Thorn was bitter. Skywalker was the perfect Jedi, now that the war was over and he was able to be with his wife openly. That meant he was frequently off world on some mission for the Order. That also meant that Thorn spent as much time caring for Skywalker's twins as Skywalker himself.
"Shh," Thorn murmured against Leia's baby soft curls as he paced up and down Senator Amidala's apartment. The twins had begun a fever over night, and Padme had called him in a panic. He'd come over immediately, of course he had, and had immediately picked up Leia while Padme tried to get Luke to cool down. One of the clone medics was already en route, but Thorn knew that his touch was calming Leia down, so he would continue to hold her and soothe her while they waited.
Skywalker was off on another mission, so Padme had called one of her closest friends for help. Thorn could admit to being bitter. He'd fallen for the fiery Senator at some point during the war, despite knowing about the very obvious relationship between Padme and Skywalker. Fox had married his Senator, but Thorn would forever be on the sidelines as Ba'Thorn. He'd lost before he'd even had a chance to get to know Padme.
"I'll take care of you," he found himself whispering to Leia as he continued to rock her gently. "I'll always be there for you, my little star. I love you so much. You'll always have me."
After all, even though he knew Padme would never love him back, Thorn would always be by her side, for as long as she let him. He would always love her and her precious children as if they were his own. It was all he had. It was enough. It had to be.
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