#thornclaw: but what about the moon landing
iamfabiloz · 2 years
I have a neat prompt idea if you still want/need prompts: how about a secret romantic meeting between Spiderleg and Hawkfrost at the Gathering Place?
Sorry I misread ur sentence as just them meeting up at a gathering and I wrote the whole thing before I realized SOBB here’s it anyways, they sneak to a more private part of the gathering Island KKWW I kinda fell in love with the ship a teeny bit after writing this hehe
The full moon glinted above the gaps in the looming trees, casting a silvery light upon the huge crowd of cats. Spiderleg squeezed past dozens of unfamiliar pelts as he struggled to keep up with his friend group. Squirrelflight, Thornclaw and Ashfur were bouncing up ahead, chattering like songbirds, their voices brimming with excitement. This new Gathering place was still very new to them all, as were all the lake territories. Spiderleg began to shout after the trio, but suddenly, a familiar fishy scent pierced his nose. His eyes darted around rapidly, before landing on a tabby pelt he knew all too well. 
Hawkfrost! That slimy gizzard face! 
The muscular brown tabby stood by a cluster of bushes, all by his lonesome, his tail tip tapping impatiently on the floor. His white belly fur was darkened by the shadows of the thick undergrowth, and the tom’s glossy, fish fed pelt looked sleek and shiny in the moonlight. Spiderleg couldn’t help but stare, his face flushing traitorously. Then, Hawkfrost’s eyes looked over in Spiderleg’s direction, locking gazes with the ThunderClan tom. Hawkfrost’s posture straightened considerably and he raised a paw, beginning to wave excitedly.
“Spiderleg! Spiderleg! Oh, Spiderweb!” 
Spiderleg’s ear tips burned, and he hoped to StarClan no one had heard Hawkfrost use his sappy nickname. 
“Come sit by me!” Hawkfrost‘s yowl boomed across the crowd and he tapped his tail on the ground beside him. Spiderleg quickly checked his surroundings before taking a paw step. His friends had gone to sit near the gaggle of WindClan cats and none of his other clanmates seemed to be paying him any mind. 
Fine, Fine. 
Spiderleg surveyed the area one last time, before padding over to the RiverClan warrior. Hawkfrost chortled in delight and he got to his paws. Spiderleg glanced wearily behind his back once more, and Hawkfrost seemed to notice this. Turning his head, the tabby tom took a few paw steps deeper into the bushes. He gave Spiderleg a look, and flicked his tail beckoningly for him to follow. Grateful to be somewhere more private, Spiderleg quickened his pace to catch up with the tabby’s retreating form. The pair settled under the shade of a thick branch, leaves drifting in the wind overhead. Hawkfrost patted down a small patch of grass and plopped down. Spiderleg hmmphed and settled gracefully down next to his partner.   The brown tom loomed over Spiderleg’s head, making him feel short despite his lanky limbs. Hawkfrost turned to grin broadly at him. 
“Hey, Spiderleg. What brings you to this totally normal corner of the Gathering?” Hawkfrost’s silky-smooth voice purred, his ice blue eyes flicking across Spiderleg’s lithe frame. Spiderleg squirmed beneath his pelt and shot a frown at the RiverClan warrior. 
“Don’t act so coy, Hawkfrost.” Spiderleg grunted. “You asked me here, and you know the chewing out I’ll get if Squirrelflight sees me talking to you. My other clanmates will be suspicious as well.” Hawkfrost laughed softly, his dark whiskers twitching. 
“Relax, it’s a Gathering. Squirrelflight may not like me, but you can talk to whomever you please. No one will fault you if your talking to a tom from another clan right now.” 
He leaned in closer, his gaze suddenly fixed on Spiderleg’s face. Spiderleg gulped, his pelt beginning to burn.
 “I can be very charming when I want to be. I’m sure no one will have an issue with us, just talking.” His eyes shone knowingly. 
Spiderleg growled grumpily, feeling too hot beneath his fur. Hawkfrost always knew how to get him riled up. Why did I ever even start hanging out with him? No wonder Squirrelflight hates him! 
Spiderleg huffed in mock annoyance inside his mind. I guess I do have bad taste in cats, just like Shrewpaw always said. 
“Stop that, fish-brain.” Spiderleg snapped, his face warm. “It’s weird, and besides, We’re literally in a secluded sector of the island. I’m sure it’ll look totally innocent if someone finds us hidden away from everyone else.”
Hawkfrost blinked and tipped his head. 
“You could leave you know, if you really wanted to.” 
Spiderleg stiffened. 
“What do you mean?” The black and brown tom grunted, trying to infuse as much sternness as he could into his tone. 
“You didn’t have to meet me here. You could have to declined my offer. You could have stayed with your little friends and been completely non-suspicious.” 
Spiderleg felt his belly twist. 
“But you came anyways. And I appreciate that.” Hawkfrost got to his paws again and pressed against Spiderleg’s side, his brown tabby fur brushing the ThunderClan warrior. Spiderleg muffled a squeak of surprise. He shifted his face around until it was back to a hardened glare. 
“Oh really? Like I had any choice. It was either talk to you or those WindClan schmoes.” Spiderleg sniffed, twitching his thin tail. “I wish I’d picked the latter, their probably far less obnoxious.” 
Hawkfrost barked a laugh, his tabby frame shaking with amusement. Spiderleg’s insides softened and he smiled for a heartbeat, before returning to a perturbed look. 
Hawkfrost finished chuckling and wiped at his muzzle with a paw. 
“What a devious otter-heart you are, insulting the RiverClan leader’s former apprentice!” 
Spiderleg snorted. 
“Is that what you think’ll save you? Being in Leopardstar’s good graces?”
Hawkfrost nodded cheekily. 
“I was deputy once before, remember? She trusts me, she’d never think I’d-“
“-be mates with someone from a different clan.” Spiderleg finished his sentence with a sigh. “You really think that’s gonna help? We’re going against the warrior code you know. My parents always told me to never get involved in forbidden romances.”
Hawkfrost squinted at him. 
“If you really valued the code and your parents’ opinions above me, you wouldn’t be here now, would you?” 
Spiderleg clamped his jaws shut, not having a good response to that. 
“I- whatever.” Spiderleg grumbled, fidgeting his paws. A deep purr rumbled in the RiverClan tom’s throat. 
“I care about you too, you know. I love you, Spiderweb. More than any code or judgement from my peers.” 
The good ThunderClan warrior in Spiderleg wanted to make a angry remark and defend the rules he had lived by his whole life. But the sappier side of Spiderleg was in control now and he couldn’t stop a low purr from rattling in his chest. Spiderleg looked away quickly, embarrassed. The fox-heart thinks he can win me over with sweet words and a declaration of love? 
Hawkfrost chortled, pressing his muzzle to Spiderleg’s forehead gently.
Alright it’s working. 
“Fine, fine, FINE.” Spiderleg grunted, and screwed up his muzzle. 
“I love you too, Hawkfrost. Only a little bit though.”
Hawkfrost beamed happily and licked at Spiderleg’s ears. 
“A little bit is enough for me.”
Spiderleg rolled his eyes, feeling his belly beginning to untwist.
“It’s all you’re getting.” He meowed stiffly, bumping his head against the tom’s chin. 
Hawkfrost’s tail thumped against the floor cheerfully and Spiderleg batted at it with a paw. 
Then, the sound of hushed silence fell over the crowd behind the tangled brush. The leaders were starting to speak. 
Spiderleg pricked his ears, leaning forward to be able to hear the important announcements being made. He felt Hawkfrost’s tail find his and he subconsciously twined them together.  Hawkfrost’s pelt brushed against his own and Spiderleg let himself grin silently, his face turned away from where the tabby was looking. 
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legionairemutt · 2 years
The chapter begins as Brambleheart awakes up in an odd clearing. It resembles the forest in a way, somewhat similar to Fourtrees, but the land is barren, the wind is howling, and there’s a low rumble on the earth below him. Dazed, he gazes around and finds he’s surrounded by the glimmering pelts of cats. 
In fear and awe, he crouches hissing, until the vaguely scent of his clan, Thunderclan, wafts through his nose. The forms of Bluestar, Lionheart, and an unknown tortoiseshell with a red tail step forward, nodding their heads to Brambleheart in greeting. Lionheart greets his nephew happily, and Brambleheart calms, though his eyes are still wide as he gazes around. 
Bluestar informs him this is not StarClan after he asks, but instead the forest, or rather what it will be. Redtail, who introduces himself, informs Brambleheart he’s been chosen by StarClan to go on a journey. Brambleheart is understandably irritated when they won’t inform him over where, but Redtail lets him know snarkily that he’ll be his guide to find out where. 
Brambleheart can’t ask more questions as the vision suddenly darkens as thunder cracks within his dreams, and the earth swallows him. He finds himself in the more familiar dark forest, where the smell of blood and decay consume his senses. He knows this place from when he was an apprentice, and tries to shake himself awake. 
Amber eyes peer at him from the shadows before he finally jolts awake. 
Brambleheart awakens with a yowl, much to the irritation of Ashfur. Brambleheart reflects on how the two used to be close as fresh apprentices, where Ashpaw had tried to act as a mentor and friend to Bramblepaw. However, he also recalls with great guilt that Brindleface’s murder put a rift between them quickly. Ashpaw tried not to blame Bramblepaw, but as Tawnypaw grew apart from the clan, Ashpaw’s opinion on the two siblings became worse. 
Brambleheart knew it only became worse as he grew close to Fernpaw, and the two former friends were at complete odds now as warriors, as Ferncloud had moved to the nursery expecting Brambleheart’s kits within a few moons of Brambleheart’s warrior ceremony. Ashfur scolds Brambleheart for his constant twitching and yowling in his sleep. Longtail snaps at the two young warriors to either quiet down or go on the dawn patrol. Whitestorm laughs, letting Brambleheart know not to worry too much about the noisy dreaming, saying its a family trait. When Brambleheart winces, Goldenflower quickly corrects her old friend, letting Bramblheart know her brother Lionheart used to snore and growl at pigeons in his dreams. Feeling slightly better, Brambleheart asks Whitestorm if the patrols are planned for the day. Whitestorm informs him he’s barely had a heartbeat awake, but he’ll put him on the dawn patrol since he seems so eager. After a sarcastic but joking ‘thank you’, Brambleheart gets up to go check on his mate before he leaves.
Brambleheart is unfortunately intercepted when he is practically bowled over by Shrewpaw and Squirrelkit’s reckless play-fighting. The two essentially trip the young warrior, who nearly crashes down on top of them. Already frazzled and tired from his odd dreams, Brambleheart snaps at the two of them, with Squirrelkit arguing back about his grumpy attitude. The two start hissing, only to be snapped at by Firestar, who scolds them both for being childish. Squirrelkit argues back that she IS a child, and should have a free pass. Firestar informs them that if they can’t get along, they shouldn’t be near each other, and orders Brambleheart to go with Thornclaw, Spiderpaw, and Sandstorm on Dawn Patrol. Brambleheart mumbles his acceptance, embarrassed to be scolded by his former mentor. 
Brambleheart thinks both fondly and warily about how Firestar had slowly grown to be a father figure to him, despite his initial feelings of resentment. Firestar still often reminded him of how he should be behaving as a warrior, and clearly had very high expectations of Brambleheart. Still, his leader always seem weary when Brambleheart was upset, especially with other clanmates. He and Squirrelkit had always been close, as Brambleheart considered her his little sister, but unlike his gentle relationship with Leafkit, Squirrelkit found it fun to annoy him and argue. He didn’t mind it either, though it did upset him when Firestar became mad about their arguing. 
Brambleheart slinks up to where Sandstorm was waiting, only to receive a gentle lick to the cheek before Sandstorm pawed his head down to groom his ears. Sandstorm chided him for looking like a scolded kit, joking that his big size made it look ridiculous. Brambleheart tries to defend himself, but Sandstorm waves him off as Spiderpaw and Thornclaw padd up. Brambleheart notes that Spiderpaw is nearly as tall as Sandstorm, despite being freshly apprenticed. 
The patrol sets out to the ShadowClan border, and Brambleheart tries not to let his mind wander as they approach the rumbling thunderpath. His thoughts go to his sister, Tawnyshade, and how much he misses her. He’d hardly gotten used to not talking to her, as they often snuck off to meet at the border. Firestar had been less strict about it after the Bloodclan battle, but now that moons had passed, his leader had become wary of Brambleheart’s shadowclan ties. Sandstorm fell back in step with him and he realized he’d been lagging behind the patrol. She gently reminds him the gathering will be soon, and she can ask Firestar to allow him to go. Brambleheart thanks her, and admits he was just worried for her after some bad dreams. Sandstorm gives him a comforting lick, and reminds him Tawnyshade has a whole clan to support her. Brambleheart reluctantly agrees. With one last look at the border, they continue the patrol. 
Thornclaw lets out a growl as they spot a ShadowClan patrol across the way. Brambleheart recognizes the three warriors, being Rowanclaw, Wetfoot and Nightwhisper, though he couldn’t recall the apprentices names. Nightwhisper’s grin at him from across the path sent a shiver down Brambleheart’s spine and he had to look away, training his eyes on Rowanclaw. Brambleheart recalls that Nightwhisper was one of the rogues brought into the clans by his father, Tigerstar. No doubt there was still some level of loyalty, and Nightwhisper’s recognizing him only made his pelt prickle. 
Rowanclaw seemed to squint back at Brambleheart, their head tilting. Brambleheart gave them a small wave with his tail, trying to come off as friendly to excuse his rude staring. Rowanclaw’s fur bristled and they looked away, much to Brambleheart’s confusion. He briefly wondered if he’d made them uncomfortable with the familiarity, as they must know quite a bit about him from Tawnyshade. He turned slightly away from the patrol as Sandstorm yowls at Wetfoot to move along. Wetfoot hisses back that they’d been lurking there too, but nods at his patrol to move. 
As they walked away, Spiderpaw grumbled about why they didn’t confront them from lurking around the border. Thornclaw growls that normally they would, but Sandstorm quickly corrects him, stating it wasn’t necessary to confront a patrol for marking their borders. It’s what patrols are for after all. Brambleheart notices as Sandstorm puts herself between the thunder path and Spiderpaw and remembers that her apprentice Sorrelpaw was currently recovering from an injury after being attacked by a monster. He winces in sympathy, thinking about how hard it must be to deal with that. 
The patrol goes fine for the rest, and on the walk back, Sandstorm mentions that Brambleheart seems distracted. Brambleheart fumbles through an explanation, talking about his worry for his kits, his bad dreams, and the worry for Tawnyshade. Sandstorm attempts to comfort him, saying she noticed his reaction to Nightwhisper and asked if he still blamed himself for what his father did. Brambleheart can’t help his mumbled reply that everyone else still seems to, and Sandstorm is slightly hurt, asking him if he resents them because he thinks that. Brambleheart is equally hurt, now feeling blamed for his feelings, but swallows it quickly. He denies it, saying he could never resent the family who truly loves him, and Sandstorm licks his ears comforting, apologizing for the fact that Firestar is so harsh to him sometimes. She promises him he means the best, but acknowledges that the stress and memories sometimes get to him. 
Brambleheart keeps him thoughts to himself, thinking about how Tawnyshade had left after feeling blamed, and the clan had reacted by comparing her further to Tigerstar. Brambleheart recalls how he works everyday not to be a reminder, noting that he’s sometimes exhausted by the worry of it. He wonders briefly if it will ever change before acknowledging Sandstorm’s attempts at comforting him. He mentions how he should probably talk to Firestar about it, and Sandstorm notes that it’s probably a good idea. 
Once the patrol arrives back at the camp, Brambleheart is surprised to see the clan gathered around Highrock. He takes a seat next to his siblings, Lynxclaw and Swiftwing, winces as he realizes he had seated himself next to Ashfur. Surprisingly, the gray tom greets him warmly, joking that Brambleheart would have to move his nest closer to make room for the new warriors. Brambleheart purrs about the fact that he might finally be warmer, and Ashfur mocks him asking if being cold is the reason for the dreams. Brambleheart awkwardly laughs a confirmation and is oddly happy to see Ashfur acting friendly towards him again. 
Firestar calls the meeting to a start, bringing Rainpaw and Sootpaw forward for their warrior names. The two young apprentices confidently ask Firestar to delay their warrior ceremonies, as they want to wait for Sorrelpaw to recover. Ashfur mumbles something beside him, though Brambleheart can’t tell what it it. Brambleheart is well aware from Ferncloud that Ashfur still grieves heavily for his mother, and sometimes is saddened by the fact Whitestorm took the two cats in after suddenly revealing he sired them. 
Brambleheart had at first been sympathetic, though his own admiration for Whitestorm had made it difficult to understand why Ashfur was so resentful towards the tom. What he wouldn’t give to have a father who was so noble, kind, and loving. 
Feeling tears prick his eyes at the sudden rush of memories, he jerked his head back to where Firestar had begun speaking. Firestar quickly announces that Squirrelkit and Leafkit are ready to be apprenticed. The two had been in the nursery for six moons now, with Sandstorm filtering in and out with the help of Ferncloud and Brightheart. Sorrelpaw’s training had been taken over by Swiftwing when Sandstorm had first moved to the nursery, but with the help of Firestar, Brambleheart himself, and the other queens, Sandstorm had been able to pick her training back up. Sandstorm had been grateful for it, seeing as nursery life didn’t suit her much. Firestar had loved it, considering he stayed in camp most days it was easy for him to spend his days in the nursery. 
Brambleheart’s pelt prickled with anticipation. He had often discussed with his two parental figures about how he wanted to mentor one of the two when they were old enough. He’d always hoped it’d be Squirrelkit, consider how despite how much the two argue, they were the closest. Squirrelkit even grinned at him as she padded up to the rock next to Leafkit. Sandstorm padded over, slipping between him and Ashfur to nudge Brambleheart gently. The smile on the mollys face reassured him even more. 
Firestar called Squirrelkit and Leafkit forward, granting them their apprentice names. He began with Leafpaw, and Brambleheart’s paws tingled with excitement. Just as Firestar began to name Cinderpelt as her mentor, Leafpaw spoke up, asking that she be made a medicine cat apprentice. Firestar looked to Brackenfur, and Brambleheart could tell it had been discussed briefly, but never agreed on. Brackenfur purrs, saying he’d happily take Leafpaw on as his apprentice. Leafpaw’s ceremony continues and Brambleheart purrs, happy that Leafpaw was confident in her decision. 
Squirrelpaw was twitching and fidgeting from her spot and Brambleheart almost laughed at the excitement. Sandstorm purred beside him, and the twitch of Firestar’s tail told Brambleheart he was trying not to scold his daughter for the behavior. He called her forward, glancing over the crowd. 
For a second, their eyes met, and Firestar’s eyes darkened. Brambleheart could feel a palpable tension cast between them and suddenly his vision went spiraling. 
Visions of fire rose up around him. The smell of blood and the roar of a large beast erupted in his ears. Trees toppled before him and as he blinked, it was gone. Brambleheart blinked, and he realized Firestar’s eyes were still locked with his, both of their expressions dazed and scared. Firestar shock his head, and the clan began to murmur in the silence. 
Squirrelpaw loudly broke the quiet, complaining and asking if she was getting her mentor or not. Firestar scolded her to be patient, before looking to Brackenfur, then Sandstorm, then back to Brambleheart. Something heavy sank in Brambleheart’s gut, but Firestar took a visible breath, nodding to Brambleheart. 
He called out his name and relief washed over the young warrior. He padded forward, limbs heavy and he almost sank his claws into the ground to prevent from shaking. He could feel eyes on him, and they weren’t those of his clanmates. They were burning his pelt with their intensity. A look at Firestar told him he felt them too. He could see his leader wavering, playing through optionsi n his head. 
It was clear there was tension in Firestar’s voice as he named Brambleheart Squirrelpaw’s mentor. The brown tabby forced a smile as he bent to touch noses with his adopted sister. Squirrelpaw knew nothing of the tension. Firestar, to his credit, tried his best, cutting in a joke in the ceremony about Brambleheart passing on both his loyalty and sense of duty, and to make especially sure to teach Squirrelpaw how to follow instructions. The catarwaul from the young molly made Brambleheart laugh. 
The ceremony ceased with the cheers of the two new apprentices, and Squirrelpaw began rambling about how much she wanted to start training that moment. Brambleheart laughed, even as he caught a glimpse of Ashfur storming off, tail lashing after a long glare at Brambleheart. He’d barely noticed his former friend’s reaction during the ceremony, but it was clear he wasn’t happy. 
Sandstorm chuckled as she padded up, though Brambleheart could see the raised line of fur down her neck and spine. The tension had clearly put her on edge. Still, the cream molly joked about how they weren’t gonna leave them two alone to argue all the time just yet, and that she’d like to give Squirrelpaw her first lesson in hunting, if Brambleheart didn’t mind. The young tom obliged, silently thanking the molly for the moment of peace. Firestar padded up beside him, dipping his head as his mate and daughter walked off. 
The pointed look told Brambleheart to follow, and the two toms padded into Firestar’s den. Once there, it was clear both were stressed, as Firestar circled his nest, laid down, before stiffening and sitting back up after looking at Brambleheart. The tom shrank into himself, remembering the recounted tale of Tigerclaw’s betrayal of Bluestar. 
Brambleheart stammered out an apology, for what he wasn’t sure. He couldn’t stand the look of fear and concern and wariness on his leader’s face, especially towards him. Firestar’s ears flattened, tail twitched, and then his face softened, as if the image of the treacherous warrior finally faded and he could see his former apprentice once again. Brambleheart had always hated that look, even since he was a kit. He practically sank down into a crouch as FIrestar approached him, sitting in front of him and giving his ears a lick. 
Firestar confirms he’d seen the vision too, and it had rattled him. He wasn’t entirely sure what it meant, or why they both received it. Fire and a tiger and a ruined forest, Firestar mumbled, wondering briefly if Starclan was sending a warning. Brambleheart nearly choked, saying he hoped they didn’t mean him, stammering about how he’d never do something like that to destroy his home, his clan, or everyones trust in him. Firestar looked guilty suddenly, and hushed the young warrior, much like a kit. He apologized for passing on his fears, saying that the message was probably not a sign about Brambleheart, but something else. 
Brambleheart considered sharing his dream, and the strange, but familiar smell of mint wafted in. It was strong, and slightly sweet, and Firestar’s nose twitched, though his expression morphed from anticipation to confusion. He sighed, and bent down to groom Brambleheart’s ears again. 
Firestar noted he’d take Brackenfur to the Moon Stone and see if he could get answers. In the meantime, he added that Sandstorm had told him about his worries for Tawnyshade. Brambleheart’s pelt prickled as Firestar asked if he missed her. Brambleheart confirmed, noting that he’d heard the stories about Firestar’s own sister and how he’d missed her. Firestar agreed, but noted that it was important to learn where you belonged as a clan cat, and know when to let go of ties and dedicate yourself. Brambleheart nearly lashed out, angry at being lectured for missing the sibling the clan forced out, but kept it in, as Firestar continued. He let him know that it was alright to miss someone, and alright to feel like you had something to proof. However, it was important to prove it. 
He also said that he didn’t want Brambleheart sneaking behind his back to go see her. Brambleheart half-heartedly retorted asking if he’d let him if he asked. Firestar smirked slightly, saying that on occassion he’d allow it, but if Blackstar ever caught him he’d deny it until his pelt turned black. Brambleheart purred at that, saying he’d act properly scolded if the need arose. Firestar laughed, before settling and saying he could visit Tawnyshade tonight, but to inform him of how it went. He didn’t want there to be secrets between them. 
Brambleheart once again considered his dream, but Firestar sent him away to rest, noting the tom looked tired. He pointed out his nearly constant arguments with some of his clanmates, and Brambleherat reluctantly agreed it was because he didn’t sleep well. he had no desire to mention Ashfur’s blaming him for the past. 
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