#thorn van spiegel
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vampireb1tez · 6 months ago
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That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work
Drew another “Thorn on a couch” piece because I love this boy. Btw I was absolutely thinking of Take Me To Church when drawing this, it’s such a Thorn song. Probably not gonna draw another one for a while for the sake of burnout, but I thought it was funny that each piece of the series was two years apart.
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rhysthehighlord · 8 years ago
Books I read
Abigail Gibbs:
Dinner with a Vampire (The Dark Heroine Series)
Alexandra Adornetto:
Halo (Halo Series)
Ally Condie:
Matched (Matched Series)
Alwyn Hamilton:
Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands Series)
Amanda Foody:
Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game Series)
Amy Harmon:
Making Faces
Angie Thomas:
The Hate U Give
Anna Jarzab:
Tandem (Many-Worlds Trilogy)
Carolyn Macker and Jay Asher:
The Future of Us
Cassandra Clare:
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments)
City of Ashes
City of Glass
City of Fallen Angels
City of Lost Souls
City of Heavenly Fire
Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices)
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Princess
After the Bridge
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices)
Lord of Shadows
Queen of Air and Darkness
The Shadowhunter’s Codex
Catherine Egan:
Julia Vanishes (Witch’s Child Series)
Julia Defiant
Cecily von Ziegesar:
Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl)
It Had to Be You
You Know You Love Me
All I Want is Everything
Because I’m Worth It
I Like It Like That
You’re the One That I Want
Nobody Does It Better
Nothing Can Keep Us Together
Only in Your Dreams
Would I Lie to You
Don’t You Forget About Me
I Will Always Love You
The Carlyles
You Just Can’t Get Enough
Take a Chance On Me
Love the One You’re With
The It Girl (It Girl Series)
Cynthia Hand:
The Afterlife of Holly Chase
David Levithan and Rachel Cohn:
Dash and Lily’s Books of Dares
Elizabeth Gilbert:
Eat, Pray, Love
Holly Black:
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air Series)
The Wicked King
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
J. K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter Series)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Jennifer L. Armentrout:
Obsidian (Lux Series)
Oblivion II
Jenny Han:
To All the Boys I‘ve Loved Before (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Series)
P.S. I Still Love You
Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer:
Between the Lines (Between the Lines Series)
Off the Page
John Green:
The Fault in Our Stars
Kasie West:
Listen to Your Heart
Katherine McGee
The Thousandth Floor (The Thousandth Floor Trilogy)
Kerri Maniscalco:
Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper Series)
Kerstin Gier:
Ruby Red (Precious Stone Trilogy)
Sapphire Blue
Emerald Green
Dream a Little Dream (The Silver Triology)
Silber: Das zweite Buch der Träume (only available in German apparently)
Silber: Das dritte Buch der Träume
Kiera Cass:
The Selection (The Selection Series)
The Elite
The One
Happily Ever After
The Heir
The Crown
Krista & Becca Ritchie:
Addicted to You (Addicted Series)
Addicted for Now
Addicted After All
Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters)
Hothouse Flower
Fuel the Fire
Long Way Down
Some Kind of Perfect
Laura Thalassa:
Rhapsodic (The Bargainer Series)
A Strange Hymn
Lauren Kate:
Fallen (Fallen Series)
Fallen in Love
Teardrop (Teardrop Series)
Leigh Bardugo:
Shadow and Bone (Grisha Series)
The Demon in the Wood
The Witch of Duva
The Tailor
Siege and Storm
The Too-Clever Fox
Little Knife
Ruin and Rising
Six of Crows (Six of Crows Duology)
Crooked Kingdom
Lisa J. Smith:
The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries Series)
The Struggle
The Fury
Dark Reunion
Shadow Souls
Destiny Rising
Madeline Miller:
Maggie Stiefvater:
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle)
The Dream Thieves
Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series)
Marie Lu:
Warcross (Warcross Series)
Batman: Nightwalker
Marissa Meyer:
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles)
The Little Android
The Queen’s Army
Carswell’s Guide to Being Lucky
Stars Above
Renegades (Renegades Series)
Meagan Spooner:
Meg Cabot:
Airhead (Airhead Series)
Being Nikki
The Princess Diaries (The Princess Diaries Series)
Princess in the Spotlight
Princess in Love
Princess in Waiting
Princess Lessons
Project Princess
Princess in Pink
Princess in Training
The Princess Present
Party Princess
Valentine Princess
Princess on the Brink
Princess Mia
Forever Princess
Perfect Princess
Royal Wedding
How to be Popular
Ransom My Heart
Michelle Rowen:
Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers Series)
Morgan Matson:
The Unexpected Everything
Natasha Ngan:
Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire Series)
R. F. Kuang:
The Poppy War (The Poppy War Series)
Rachel Ward:
Numbers (Numbers Series)
Rainbow Rowell:
Eleanor & Park
Renee Ahdieh:
The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn Series)
The Moth and the Flame
The Crown and the Arrow
The Mirror and the Maze
The Rose and the Dagger
Flame in the Mist (Flame in the Mist Series)
Smoke in the Sun
S. Jae-Jones:
Wintersong (Wintersong Series)
Sabaa Tahir:
An Ember in the Ashes (Ember Quartet)
A Torch Against the Night
A Reaper at the Gates
Sarah J. Maas:
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses Series)
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Wings and Ruin
A Court of Frost and Starlight
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass Series)
The Assassin’s Blade
Crown of Midnight
Heir of Fire
Queen of Shadows
Empire of Storms
Tower of Dawn
Kingdom of Ash
Catwoman: Soulstealer
Simone Elkeles:
Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry Series)
Wild Cards (Wild Cards Series)
Stephanie Perkins:
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss Series)
Lola and the Boy Next Door
Susan Ee:
Angelfall (Peryn and the End of Days Series)
Tahereh Mafi:
Shatter Me (Shatter Me Series)
Destroy Me
Unravel Me
Fracture Me
Ignite Me
Restore Me
Taylor Jenkins Reid:
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Terry Maggert:
Theo Lawrence:
Mystic City (Mystic City Series)
Victoria Aveyard:
Red Queen (Red Queen Series)
Queen Song
Steel Scars
Glass Sword
King’s Cage
V. E. Schwab/Victoria Schwab:
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic Trilogy)
A Gathering of Shadows
A Conjuring of Light
German only books:
Ava Reed:
Spiegelsplitter (Spiegel-Saga)
Gesa Schwartz:
Nacht ohne Sterne
Herz aus Nacht und Scherben
Jennifer Wolf:
Morgentau (Geschichten der Jahreszeiten)
Laura Kneidl:
Light & Darkness
Lynn Raven
Der Kuss des Dämons (Dawn und Julien)
Das Herz des Dämons
Das Blut des Dämons
Der Kuss des Kjer
Der Spiegel von Feuer und Eis
Marah Woolf:
Liebe mich nicht (GötterFunke)
Sabrina Quinaj:
Teufelsherz (Teufel)
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hellovadimme · 4 years ago
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Лондонская Национальная галерея
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myluminarygardener-blog · 7 years ago
10 Dicas Para Dormir Melhor (18)
Hoje falaremos do sono e 10 dicas para melhorá-lo de forma fácil e prática. Para começar, você tem que saber minimamente como se conforma o sono. O sonho tem duas fases Não-REM e REM, que são importantíssimas para manter a sua ordem para ter um bom sono. Sabido isto, vamos começar sem mais rodeios...
Tenha um bom quarto, frio e calmo. Que seja um lugar escuro perfeito, e quanto mais melhor. Por isso, precisamos de espaços, sem qualquer tipo de luz, nem espelho, nem a cintilação do telemóvel, se possível. Já que quanto mais escuro for o lugar, mais profundo é o sono e mais segregação de GH (hormônio anabólico) segregará.
Evite qualquer estimulante antes de 5 horas de deitar. Os estimulantes são um disruptor do sono na hora de dormir, evite-os a partir da tarde, se você tem dificuldade para conciliar o sono ou permanecer dormindo.
Evite ver televisão ou o telefone antes de deitar na cama, e se são com brilho alto, pior ainda. Agora existem aplicativos como o Apple IPhone 6, que incorporam reguladores do calor da tela, para não afetar o sono, e se não houver outro remédio, que você tem que usá-lo. Eu recomendo que você desça o brilho o máximo possível. Tudo isso para que seu corpo não recebe o sinal de que uma luz branca é de dia, já que se manterá acordado e não vai querer dormir.
Tenha um padrão de sono. Vá dormir sempre à mesma hora e acorda sempre à mesma hora. O apanhar o padrão fará com que o seu corpo concilie e durma melhor.
Se você dorme menos de 8 horas, não acontece nada. Há um número ideal de horas, que são 8. Mas há pessoas que precisam de menos horas ou mais, e não é por isso que está errado. Há muita gente que com 7 horas é o suficiente, visto que não se forçar a dormir mais horas do que o seu corpo se mostra.
Se você dorme 8 horas está perfeito, mas dormir mais não é melhor. Foi demonstrado em muitos estudos, que dormir mais de 9 horas, não tem benefícios e ainda tem mais aspectos negativos que positivos, visto que exceder-não é bom.
Emagrecimento! Se você está com quilos a mais, o teu sono será afetado. A parte que a qualidade será prejudicada, já que a respiração piorar, e por isso o sonho. A perda de peso e sua respiração melhora e o sono diretamente também.
Não olhes o relógio! Isso só vai ficar mais nervoso/a, seu relaxa e dorme o que tiver que dormir, um dia que durma pouco não vai acontecer nada, o que descontraia-se e já está.
9. mais.. /h2> Evite refeições pesadas ou beber muito líquido antes de dormir, já que se o seu corpo está fazendo a digestão, não estará para outras coisas.
Supleméntate com melatonina. Realmente poucos suplementos têm demonstrado tanta evidência científica, como foi feito com este. E para derrubar e quebrar um mito, a atividade física favorece o sono, mas isso se evitemos, fazer exercícios que nos definam em excesso (uma vez que a adrenalina está ativa neste momento e não nos deixará, nem dormir, nem dormir bem.
Suplementos recomendados:
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vampireb1tez · 3 years ago
Prim would explain the anatomy of a violin.
Thorn and Magnus would try their damnedest not to laugh.
if you think math is hard, try explaining the anatomy of a stringed instrument without laughing
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vampireb1tez · 5 months ago
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Birthday boys!
I think we just passed the 4 year anniversary of Raven and Thorn’s creation since I made them in September of 2020. They grow up so fast…
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vampireb1tez · 2 months ago
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Silly goober thorn :o33
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vampireb1tez · 2 months ago
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I lied. Have a Christmas Thorn.
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vampireb1tez · 3 years ago
Thorn’s job resume
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vampireb1tez · 8 months ago
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This is it. This is the plot of Life Itself.
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vampireb1tez · 8 months ago
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Doodles I did on my birthday. Man I miss doing quick n messy sketches, I did them all the time back in my days of character design class.
1. Remember the antagonist of Act One? Xavier? Well, he’s a lady now, and her name is Xenia! The very spokeswoman of Trans Women’s Wrongs. Evil factory-running bitch voiced by Cruella de Vil.
2. Speevis! He got a lil design upgrade! This is likely one of his final designs, and I took inspiration off of Edred from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal. Elfish, but still otherworldly. Raven lucked out on such a cute boyfriend. :3
3. Raven being shocked at something. Below that is him and Thorn being twinsies.
4. Shitpost page. Magnus bathing against his will, Prim laments the enemies he’s made, and Godric having a heart attack.
Speevis and Xenia belong to @spoonsilverwire, as is tradition. :3
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vampireb1tez · 8 months ago
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Some art that my good buddy good pal @kiwipineappleparasol made me for my birthday yesterday! My blorbos… they’ve been honored…
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vampireb1tez · 3 years ago
When Raven is crushing on someone, he’ll be a lot more flustered and shy around them, definitely blushing more and tripping over his words.
Thorn and Prim are similar, in how they act way more flirty around someone if they happen to be attracted to them.
Magnus would fiercely deny ANY trace of a possible crush. He’d avoid any contact with them, and be incredibly embarrassed by the whole scenario.
What are some behaviors that your OC exhibits when they become attracted to someone platonically, romantically, or sexually? Does your OC notice themselves doing any of these things or are they oblivious?
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vampireb1tez · 1 year ago
Just a little drabble I wrote. Short, but sweet.
Thorn sank into bed, snuggling beneath the thick handmade comforter. He wrapped his arms around Ebony’s body and hugged them close, rubbing their back as the sleeping witch nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Beneath their soft shirt, Thorn’s fingers ran over a familiar texture.
“Hey, Bunny?” Thorn gently patted Ebony’s back. They blinked their eyes open as they slowly woke up. “Mmm… yes…?”
“I think you forgot to take your bandages off.” Thorn kissed their partner on the head, before Ebony slowly sat up. “Oh… Thank you, sweetie.” Hoisting the shirt over their head, they set it aside on the bed and began unwinding the bandages on their chest. Thorn sat up on his elbows and watched as the moonlight illuminated Ebony’s soft body. He loved every part of them; from the gentle curls of their coffee-colored hair, to the glow of their deep green eyes, to the countless freckles dotting their skin.
“Alright… that should do it.” The young witch neatly rolled up the long strip of gauze, and stuck it in the drawer of the nightstand. Putting their shirt back on, they laid back in bed, noticing the fondness in their lover’s eyes.
“You’re so pretty.” Thorn mused softly. Ebony’s cheeks grew warm, seeing his shirtless body highlighted by the shining moon. Ebony shifted closer to Thorn’s body, snuggling close to him again. They gently ran their tiny fingers against the crescent-shaped scars just under the vampire’s chest, making Thorn blush at the witch’s touch. Tenderly, Ebony kissed one of Thorn’s scars, holding his body close to their face.
“You’re pretty too.”
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vampireb1tez · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to these two goofballs!
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vampireb1tez · 17 days ago
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Last minute Valentine’s Day piece! Thorn and Ebony having a little kissy.
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