#thomas slater x ps reader
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plus-size-reader · 3 years ago
Everyone But You
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Thomas “Tommy” Slater x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2122 words
Warnings: none
Summary: I hate everyone but you! Featuring my hatred for shirts with tight sleeves.
You hated camp.
Growing up, your parents had forced you to go every year, suggesting that it was going to be good for your development but you knew now that was bullshit.
Nothing about making macaroni necklaces and getting your asses kicked in the color war was going to teach you anything. Except for, of course, how much you hated doing both those things.
Not that you got to stop going just because you got too old.
That would have been too easy.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this again” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you rubbed sunscreen into all your exposed skin.
The only thing that could possibly make this whole thing worse would be roasting in the sun, on top of everything else.
Though, it would be a lie to say that the thought of giving yourself third degree burns in order to go home hadn’t crossed your mind.
You hated it out here.
It didn’t make any sense to you that people would intentionally come out into the woods, let alone that they would actually pay to do so.
It was stupid.
“It’s fun” Tommy responded, unphased as he dabbed a bit of the leftover sunscreen on your nose before closing the cap with a snap.
This whole thing had been his idea.
Unlike you, Thomas had always liked going to Camp Nightwing and when the opportunity arose to become a counselor, he jumped at the chance. Of course, that meant that you were going to be tagging along.
Tommy insisted that you didn’t have to, but you both knew it wasn’t a question.
There was no way in hell you were going to spend an entire summer away from him,  not when he was the only thing actively keeping you from going out of your mind.
So, you packed up all your essentials and dragged your ass out into the middle of the woods,so that you could spend all your free time sleeping in a cabin that smelled like dirty socks and prepubescent urges.
It was still better than spending it in your bedroom alone, or so Tommy kept trying to remind you.
At the end of the day, you were the one who agreed to come look over all these kids with him, after all.
You couldn't really blame anyone but yourself.
“In what universe is this fun?” you grumbled, flinging the blondes t-shirt at him before slipping your own over your head, finding the yellow fabric far too inviting to actually go with any of the other clothes you bought.
Not that it mattered.
The only person you cared about was standing in front of you, laughing as you tugged on the sleeves, trying to loosen them around the skin of your upper arms.
Clearly, they were going to have to go.
“In the same universe where you’re about to pull those off with your bare hands” he countered, tossing his shirt to the side for a moment before closing the distance between the two of you completely.
If you kept at it, you were going to ruin it.
You sighed, dropping your arms at your sides for a second, looking at Tommy in defeat. He knew how much you hated this.
The Sunnyvalers always made comments, somehow managing to tear down all the confidence you’d built up over the rest of the year in a matter of minutes and on top of everything, you had to wear this stupid thing.
It just felt like it was one thing after another.
“You gonna be alright?” the blonde questioned, a teasing tone betraying the seriousness of his question as he watched you pout.
He knew that you were still just mad about having to leave the confines of your cabin, because you’d have to go to the cafeteria, but it was funny to watch you try to find alternatives as excuses for your poor attitude.
“I hate you”
The words left your lips with a vigor but even you couldn’t help the small upturn of your lip as you met his eyes.
It was a lie.
If there was anyone in the world you couldn’t hate, it was Thomas Slater and you both knew it. He had always been the one person who could get a smile from you, even when you had decided on a frown.
That was just what it was, and for the most part, you’d accepted that.
It was the rest of the current residents of Camp Nightwing that were the problem now. Well, them, and this stupid shirt.
“Really? Cause I could have sworn you just told me you loved me yesterday” he countered, taking one of your hands in his own and pressing a soft kiss to your closed fist before dropping it back down.
Again, you only rolled your eyes.
He was always so sure of himself, and if you didn’t love him so much, it probably would have been annoying.
“Unless that was someone else. In which case, this is really awkward” he kept going, leaning around your frame just enough to get a good look at the fabric that had been bothering you so much.
They never quite considered your body shape when making things like this, and it had always been a problem.
Even when the two of you were campers here yourselves, you always had to stretch out the cotton as far as it would go just to wear it comfortably. It wasn’t until recently you’d decided to tear them off completely.
Sleeves couldn’t be mandatory, after all.
“You’re hilarious Tommy” you countered, your voice dripping with sarcasm as you stood, having already decided to occupy yourself drawing circles on the bare skin of his chest with your finger.
Whatever he was doing, you figured it would help.
His skin was more tanned now than it was in the fall, soft and warm beneath your touch. Though, once the male in question took notice of your poking and prodding, he flexed dramatically.
Never too far away from catching you off guard.
“You know, I almost took these off before I gave it to you” Tommy laughed, picking at one of the threads just enough to loosen it before tearing the entire right sleeve away from the rest of the garment.
At least one of your arms was free.
When they first gave him the Color war shirts, he figured the sleeves would be a problem for you but he didn’t want to totally destroy it before you could have a chance to check.
After all, if he did that, you’d just have to wear your bathing suit all day and as much as he would have loved to see it, he’d never hear the end of it either.
“Thanks” you hummed, after your boyfriend had sufficiently freed both of your arms from the cotton prison of that stupid yellow fabric.
Though, you weren’t entirely sure that you were ready to go out there yet.
While you were a million times more comfortable with those tight ass sleeves gone, you weren’t sure that you were ready to face anyone else, much less those uptight pricks from Sunnyvale.
They already laughed at you as you passed, and left those mocking, cruel notes tacked to the outside of your cabin door.
The last thing you wanted to do was give them more fuel.
“Here, you do mine too.”
You hummed, turning your attention to Tommy at the sound of his voice, shocking yourself when you found him standing in front of you once again.
It didn’t make sense.
Still, you decided to ignore your lapse in attention when you saw the look in his face, clearly waiting for something from you.
You just weren’t sure what it was.
“No one will have time to look at you if they’re staring at the gun show” he explained, shooting you a wink as you admired what was left to your eyes of his skin as he pulled his own shirt over his head.
You thought he was kidding, of course, but you shouldn't have been surprised that Tommy knew what you were thinking before you even had to say anything. He had always had a talent for things like that.
Especially with you.
…and as goofy as his suggestion was, it wasn’t all together a bad one.
At least if you weren’t the only one who had elected to go sleeveless this year, it wouldn’t make you seem so out of place.
Besides, you weren’t the only one who hated having your arms all stifled and hidden away. He usually ripped his sleeves off too, around this time of year.
“Very funny” you allowed, not even able to keep the smile off your face as you did as he asked, letting the fabric fall to the floor without much care.
Given everything, the sleeve was the least of your problems.
After all, now that your arms were situated, you had to actually go out and engage with the rest of the camp, which in all honesty was the part you were trying to avoid the most.
“I am, aren’t I?” Tommy teased back, his hands finding their way to your hips and pulling you in, that grin on his lips again as he stared down at you.
He could be so smug.
“Nope, I lied” you tried, chewing gingerly on the inside of your lip to occupy your thoughts, the blonde’s warm breath fanning your face as he chuckled. He knew it was coming, but your venomous sarcasm never ceased to amuse him anyway.
“I’m sure you did” he grinned back, finally closing the distance between the two of you and bringing his lips down on your own.
Funny or not, you loved him and there was no getting around that.
You indulged the kiss for a while, allowing yourself to melt against the male you cared so greatly for, before you eventually came to your senses and pulled away from him, your brow furrowed.
“No fair” you grumbled, finally connecting the dots. He really thought he could get you out there with some flirting? That was playing dirty in a way that Tommy usually wouldn’t have to resort to.
Maybe he wasn’t as good at wrangling you as he thought he was.
“What?” Tommy tutted, fully aware that he’d been caught in the act, his hands up in mock defense.
Kissing his girlfriend wasn’t against the law, last time he checked.
“That’s cheating” you countered, hoisting yourself up against the nearest picnic table until you could rest your butt on the top. It was bad enough that he’d brought you out here with him, now he was bribing you with love.
It was low, even for him.
“I apologize, what was I thinking?” Tommy laughed, feigning offense as he neared you once again, taking your hands in his own and fiddling with the digits at the end of your hands now, taking his turn.
You sighed, finding it impossible to be annoyed with him even in your tantrum. If he had been anyone else, it would have been easy but for some reason, Tommy had always been different.
You liked him, even when you didn’t like anyone else.
“I don’t want to do this. Can’t we just stay here instead?” you hummed, offering him a question of your own and doing your best to give your boyfriend your most convincing puppy dog eyes, hoping that by some miracle, he may actually agree with you.
You didn’t want to do this.
You really didn’t want to do this.
Still, you knew that even if Tommy agreed to what you were proposing, it would only be a matter of time before Gary or Kurt came to fetch you to do your job. The color war was like the gospel to these people.
…and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
“How about this? You help me with this, and I’ll sneak over to your cabin tonight” he offered, sure that if anything was going to get you to agree, it was that.
You hated having to sleep in your dusty cabin at night without him and even though it was technically against the rules, the idea of being able to spend the night cuddled up with the blonde was too good to pass up.
Even if the price was a bit too high for your liking.
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it” you allowed, taking his hand when he offered it and getting down from the table, only really moving after Tommy’s hand made contact with your ass in a playful slap.
“I know, I know” came his reply, like always, as he followed close behind you.
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theyreonlynoodlesmike · 4 years ago
her, can i request a tommy enemies to lovers type thing where the reader is a sunnyvaler and her and tommy hate each other but have a lot sexual tension and one day they both snap and “do it”.
ps your writing is literally perfect omfg
Tommy actually disliking someone,,,,,this is a wild concept but I'm here for it
The Old Rivalry (Tommy Slater x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: 18+, smut, nsfw, enemies to lovers speedrun, hate sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, hate sex turns into gentle aftercare, not my best smut rip, implied jealousy, verbal fight turns into hate sex, 
Word Count: 1.5k
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"Fucking Shadyside brat." You muttered to yourself as you scrubbed the doors of the outhouse. Graffiti littered them, all done by a particular redheaded camper.
You swore, the day Ziggy Berman got her fifth strike you were going to scream. You would even pack her bags for her if it meant getting her out sooner. And, most of the counselors would agree. Except the one you were working with. Tommy gave a sigh and said,
"Don't talk about her like that." He said, and you scoffed and turned your head to look at him. Oh, was he going to defend all the Shadysiders? Even delinquents like Ziggy? Or was is because-
"Why? Cause she's your girlfriend's sister?" You jabbed, flipping your hair over your shoulder. You smirked when you heard him throw his scrubber into the bucket, the loud splash was all you needed to know that you were getting to him. Tommy would never say anything mean back. He was too nice for that. You could practically hear him sputter for a second, before he said,
"Cindy's not my girlfriend." He replied, and you smirked to yourself again. Of course she wasn't. It was a little surprising, but, then again, not quite. Tommy was too goody-goody for a girlfriend, even if he was in the middle of college. You swore he was probably the type that "didn't want girls to get in the way of his studies" or some shit like that. And, really, you didn't know why you cared so much. You scrubbed harder, trying to get the gunk off.
It wasn't like you cared about Tommy or what he did with his life. Cared if Cindy was his girlfriend. So, why did it make you slightly happy to hear that? It wasn't like the insufferable goody-two-shoes Thomas Slater was cute or anything. It wasn't like he was tall, and had a nice smile. Or a nice butt, you thought. He was annoying, too nice for his own good, and a Shadysider. That alone should've been enough to completely blow him off your radar. So, why did you continue to dig?
"Oh, does she not like virgins?" And you heard the splash again. This time you turned, watching him as he did the same. He had a frown on his face, and he actually looked- oh, he looked angry. You could see it in his eyes, just a flicker of a flame. It was interesting to see, and you apparently didn't know when to stop pushing. "What? Everyone else can talk about it, but I can't?" And you were shocked when he asked,
"Why are you such a bitch?" And you scoffed out a laugh. Did he just- Oh, he did. You stared at him for a moment before you threw your scrubber down as well. He seemed to realize what he said after he said it, and you watched as his face changed. You could already see the apology forming on his lips, a stutter of, "I'm- I-" But you stopped him. You snapped,
"No, Tommy. Say what you wanna fucking say. There's no one else here." You said, gesturing around. It was true. The outhouse only had the pair of you, and the campers were all out doing activities. You'd even closed the doors so they wouldn't wander in. "Or, are you too much of a pussy? Huh?" You said, prodding him in the chest. You didn't know why you pushed him so hard- Or, well, you did, but you didn't want to admit it.
You didn't want to admit that you thought he was hot. That sweet, virgin boy Tommy was the one that got your panties in a twist. That you were only mean to him because- Well, what else could you be to him? You watched as his face set, as his glare returned. He let out a huff, before he said,
"You're so mean- You're mean to everyone. Are you really so unhappy with your perfect, little Sunnyvale life that you have to take it out on everyone else?" He snapped, and you were surprised that his words cut. But, you were quick to snap back,
"Are you really so boring that you can't get Cindy to date you, or is it more of a medical thing?" And you watched how his mouth fell for a moment. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were implying.
"Fuck you." He spat, and you nearly wanted to laugh. Such a hard curse coming from his mouth was almost comical. But he was staring at you with such an intense look in his eyes that you couldn't deny the heat you felt in your belly. God, you hated that you were attracted to him. It made you spit back,
"Fuck you." And then you were both moving. You don't know who grabbed the other first, but you were being slammed against one of the doors. You grabbed his hair, kissing him feverishly as his hands were quick to grab your sides, and then roam. You tugged at his shirt, and he was quick to rip it off. He cupped your face as he dove back in, stealing your lips and stealing your breath as you fumbled with the buttons on your shorts. He was quick to reach for his own belt, to push down his own jeans as you kicked your shorts off. You didn't even have time to take your panties off before he was picking you up, hiking your legs around his waist. You let out a gasp, one that he took advantage of as he flicked his tongue into your mouth.
You could feel the press of his dick against you, hard and big from the outline in his underwear. Alright, definitely not a medical issue. He surrounded you, moved you like you didn't weigh a thing to him. His grip was firm as he gripped your thighs, tugged your hair. But, it only made you moan and arch into him as you dug your nails into his shoulders. As he reached inside your panties to curl his fingers inside you. When you heard him chuckle, you could imagine what he was thinking. You were drenched. You could feel how much you wanted him, and now he did too. Before he could tease you for it, you tugged his hair harshly and bit,
"Fuck me. Now." And willed it not to sound desperate. Tommy didn't need to be told twice.
You heard the rustle of fabric, and then you felt him push your panties to the side. A moment later, you felt something warm and thick sliding through your folds, making you gasp as he pressed it against your entrance. You gasped again when he started pushing inside, and Tommy watched every expression cross your face as he went deeper and deeper and-
"Fuck." You gasped as you held on, burying your face into his neck as he began to move. His thrusts were quick, as the two of you didn't have much time. You tried to hold on to something behind you, your hand landing on the top of the door as Tommy began pummelling your insides. You could feel your eyes rolling back in your head, Tommy clamping his mouth over yours to muffle your sounds. To muffle his own little moans. You could feel every thick inch dragging against your walls, hitting a spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
That had your legs tightening around him in no time. You could feel the pressure building with each thrust, inching you closer like he did with you up the wall. Your leg hung out, your body shaking with each thrust. You hit your head back against the door, your eyes closing as the waves of pleasure washed over you. As they grew. Finally, you whimpered,
"I'm gonna cum," And all it took was a few more hard thrusts for you to clamp around him. Your body spasmed and clenched as your release ran through you, as the pleasure overwhelmed your senses. You whined when you suddenly felt empty. Tommy let out a few sputtering gasps as he pulled out of you, and you could feel his release splatter against your thigh.
His grip on you loosened and he slowly set you down, like he'd lost his grip at first before he stopped himself from dropping you. His forehead pressing against yours for a moment with his eyes still closed. He leaned in to kiss you, and you kissed him back. It was slow and sweet, a completely contrast to the entirety of what you'd just done. It was a moment of intimacy, just a flicker of it. Before he was pulling back and tucking himself away. You watched as he pulled his shirt on as you tried to catch your breathing, using the wall as support for your wobbly legs. You watched as he pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and kneeled to help clean you up. You let him, thoughtlessly reaching out to card your fingers through his hair. You watched as he pressed a kiss to your thigh, and the intimacy returned. You thought it'd been shattered but- Well, you should've known Tommy wasn't like that. For a moment, neither of you said a word, and then Tommy said,
"I'm not a virgin." And you didn't think you had the mental capacity at the moment to be shocked.
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