#tho going for a mecha design is so hard
theogm-art · 1 month
Im going around asking my favorite mech artists "how to get better at drawing mechs", so now i'm coming to you! What is your approach to drawing mechs, what was your path into learning how to draw em? And how could someone get better at drawing mechs? Thank you for your time and attention
Hello ! ^^
For me, I started drawing mechs 4 years ago. I was just starting to draw again after my big depression era (like 4-5 years without drawing anything after artschool) =w= I kinda had to start from scratch. So, to help me, I started drawabox.com .
I did the first lesson, pulling lines and drawing straight, which helped me a lot gaining confidence in my hand. I ended up drawing 250 boxes . It took me something like a month and a half, doing 10 boxes in day, not everyday, but most of the week.
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This was important, especially with mechas, because it teaches you to draw in 3d, to give volume to your shape, and because most mechanical stuff is pretty much boxes piled on top of each others, it's pretty geometric.
At that point, I was already dusting myself of the rust in my drawing muscles, but what really finished it is doing the March of Robots 2020.
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I did like 25 mechs in almost as many days, until I started getting comms. And since then, I haven't stopped. ^^
(also a year later, I got a dm from Tom/Abaddon and got hired to do mechs for LancerRPG x)
Of course, between all that, I did sketches, studies. I tried doing 100 hands but didn't finish it. etc
But for mecha, specifically, I think one of the first things you have to understand is that it is a language of symbols, that is different from organic forms. This obvious difference between mechs and humans, one could say, is that humans are soft volumes and mechs are hard surfaces. But , not only is that not necessary the case (you can draw a mech soft and circular), but it is more about filling in with symbols, shortcuts that bring to mind the idea of the mechanical.
I am not an engineer. Most artists that do mechas and robots and vehicles and hard surface are not engineer and/or do not have that knowledge. (some do but my point is it's not required). Which means that, as an artist you have to fake it by learning those symbols, that bring the IDEA of a mechanical form. This is about using the brain of the spectator/viewer, their knowledge of what mecha looks like, so that you can meet halfway.
You learn those forms by studying. There is no shortcut here. You have to practice, not only your hand, but also your eye, in looking at your favorite piece of mecha media, and replicate them until you can pull them from your brain without reference. (always use refs tho, you don't have use 100% of your brain all the time.)
I am a very DETAIL-oriented artist. It's one of the thing people compliment me on and/or hire me for. It's far from being the only approach in mecha (plenty of great artists doing great concept arts of mecha with few details) . The more details, the clearer you'll have to be, and the more time you'll have to spend on the art. Especially lineart for me. BUT details help a lot convey those symbols and forms and shapes that immediately call MECHA in the brain of the viewer.
Another thing about mecha, is that since it is NOT organic, there is 1) lots of repetition of shapes and symbols, which you are 100% allowed to copy-paste (i do that all the time) , that makes you gain a lot of time.
and 2) SYMMETRY (it's not always the case, you can have an asymmetric design which can be far more interesting) because it's a robot or a mecha or whatever, designed therefore by human hand in-context. Symmetry makes it harder for me, personally, drawing a 3/4 angles or in perspective etc, symmetry is tough. Symmetry of shapes from one shoulder to another, symmetry of details etc. That's probably one of the harder part when you work in 2D. Cause you have to understand perspective and foreshortening and all that.
But yeah, because it's inorganic, hard surface requires a better understanding of perspective, because straight lines are easier to read therefore the viewer will have an easier time at clocking wonky mistakes.
I could go on, about design and function, and aesthetic. but i'll stop there. This is basically how i started plus some other stuff. The rest you'll pick up along the way.
Thank you for asking ! =w=b
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aviancataclysm · 9 days
IM IMPATIENT. AO3 SAYS I WILL GET MY ACC LIKE NEXT WEEK. heres the decode sickfic (might change a little by the time i upload to ao3) it's mid by my standards tho be warned i wrote this in like today while doing stuff like class and riding the metro
title (subject to change): get decoded idiot /aff
word count: idk more than 3
content warnings: emeto and fainting
a/n: triple spike divider is pov change :3 also this was written prior to design being finalised so not all of it fits hcs
Everything hurt.
Another player had bested them in combat. They bowed and accepted defeat. The player left carrying with them the mark of around a thousand attempts. All of this was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary.
But everything hurt. Why did it hurt? Sparring with the players didn't usually hurt this much. Nor did it hurt in the ways it was doing so.
DeCode trudged to a corner and sat down slowly. They ran a self examination program and waited. Their internal cooling fans whirred, spinning alarmingly fast.
The program finished its execution and returned the results. It seemed like they were overheating. Why were they overheating in the first place?
The android curled up further into themselves. Their head was pounding.
Another challenger approached. They just wanted to be left alone, but they didn't exactly have a choice here. The one rule for levels is that they must not turn down any challenger no matter the circumstances.
They got up, felt the ground spin but soon steadied themselves with the nearby wall, and set the area up for their cogs and spikes.
This player did not succeed in besting them today. The little icon got frustrated after accidentally hitting a spike right before DeCode's last attack, the minicube maze.
After the challenger had left, they felt a wave of exhaustion wash over them, with the unpleasant company of what seemed to be nausea.
As they dragged their feet back to the corner for even just the slightest bit of relief from the discomfort, they began to notice how hard it was to process anything in their mind. It felt as if their hardware was dunked into soup. Not even good soup at that. It would be the kind which Killbot made that one time for the mecha levels' annual meet up despite none of them being able to eat nor taste anything. It ended up going to Kenos because they collectively agreed it would be funny. He had suffered food poisoning afterwards according to Zodiac. Silly people.
They essentially collapsed into the corner and felt how cold the wall was up against their forehead.
The world was in a haze. Someone was shaking them. The person was also saying something, apparently.
"... ode! DeCode! What happened, what's going on?"
That voice sounded familiar. The person felt familiar.
It was impossible to think straight. It was impossible to think at all. Their software stuttered and they twitched, blank eyes still staring at nothing but the ground. An electric buzz escaped them as they did so.
The person kept shaking them. They got dizzy from it. Too dizzy. They leaned over and threw up what probably was some sort of engine oil. It did not help anything at all.
It was so warm. Too warm. Their fans were not enough for the job. They began to hyperventilate as the system's last resort to cool down.
And before they knew it, they were out. Unconscious.
Death Moon was freaking out when she saw DeCode pass out in front of her eyes. She paced around in circles while muttering to herself about what to do.
One of the crows on her shoulder whispered to her in an arcane tongue, and she widened her eyes and nodded. She proceeded to carry her best friend all the way past the areas where levels normally hang around in. Ignoring the odd looks from the players, she dashed down the stairs leading to the treasure room where the Mechanic's workshop was.
Upon entering, the Mechanic confusedly stared at the witch and her unconscious friend.
"I've got no time to explain, please take a look at them!" Death Moon pleaded with a sense of urgency.
The Mechanic sighed and pulled out a cord, which was later connected to DeCode via a port somewhere near their neck on their back.
Death Moon tried to peek at the lines of code and messages that were displayed on a nearby monitor. She did not understand most of it, but she knew what error messages looked like, and there were a lot of them rapidly flooding the screen.
"Well, seems like malware," the Mechanic explained nonchalantly. "I'll work on it but it'll take time. Go back to your level page now."
"Will they be okay...?"
"Yes, they'll be fine. Now go already."
With unsure footsteps, Death Moon walked out from the workshop.
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 18
These episodes are starting to feel more predictable/formulaic than the first 10, so I probably won't have as much to say. Aside from some nice Ruki moments in the opening scenes, not much happened on a character development/emotional level. Mostly action.
Taomon is definitely my fave perfect level. Design still slightly jank tho (mainly in the arms).
Ruki's mom continues to be kinda a flop, not listening to her daughter's feelings at all. The photographer sucked too! I guess he's never worked with children before...I probably woulda panicked too.
Random HYPNOS lady fanservice, because why not? I guess they were just trying to be like "look, she's a normal person doing normal person things!" but honestly, did we learn/gain anything from that scene? (I did like seeing her chunky Nokia-style phone lol)
Ruki's back-sass amused me. "What kind of elementary schooler walks around at this time of night?" "This one." Her mom had it coming tbh. Also, she doesn't really try hard enough to stop Ruki from going off in the middle of the night on her bike. Doesn't she have a car she could follow her in? I know Japan is safe but still...
Vajiramon actin' kinda yandere towards Renamon lol. What exactly does telling someone they have "beautiful data" mean? Can digimon see each other's stats or is he just calling her aesthetically beautiful?
I was annoyed when Renamon was like "What is this 'God' you speak of?" and Vajiramon failed to give any sort of satisfying answer. I wanna know dammit!
So they can digivolve to perfect level with a card slash but...only sometimes. In this episode Growmon and Galgomon conveniently "didn't have enough energy." I don't get why they can't just digivolve all the way up to perfect from the start, but oh well. I don't need to see that many digivolution sequences anyways...
Taomon's design is wonderful. I especially like the mask-like face, the swishy clothes, and the calligraphy brush attack. Only thing I don't really like are the weird, dislocated looking shoulders. They kinda remind me of Evangelion mecha shoulders...
It felt weird seeing Vajiramon get defeated because he had way more speaking lines than your average enemy digimon. Not that I felt that sorry for him, it just had a greater sense of "they're killing a living being." (I know they don't see it as killing).
I like to imagine that Renamon was blushing off screen when Ruki called her "beautiful." She got a lot of compliments this episode! lol
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it? " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT 💗💓💗💓
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." 💞💕💞💕
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (◡‿◡)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...💓💓
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (◡‿◡ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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psychoticenjolras · 4 years
ok so im watching gunbuster for the first time and it’s really really good. i love the character designs and the mechas and the terrible terrible science and elevator jazz soundtrack. im also kind of worried about this time dilation stuff cus last episode they just spent an hour in space and they came back and it had been 6 months? is this gonna happen every time? i’m experiencing a level of existential dread i feel may be overblown for a 1989 anime about highschool girls flying space robots (it’s moderately cutesy so honestly i dont think anything that big with it is gonna happen especially since kazumi just kind of randomly threw it out there like it was no big deal but honestly im slightly (read: incredibly) afraid of the like whole concept of space time dilation so interstellar actually really bothered me lol.) ANYWAYS
the girls are really cute? especially noriko oh my god but there’s like a certain wild level of drama right now i wasnt expecting. i know kazumi didnt expect much from her in the beginning but when she did the lightning kick i thought she changed her mind about noriko and they were friends? but somehow now seeing her continuing to work hard is making kazumi not want to work with her? she did kind of surprise me with the fight with proto-asuka tho i was like wait i thought u were the mature big sister but u abandon ur post to fight with ur space rival 😂 it was really cute, i like that about her
but like i know kazumi is being honest when she says it’s for noriko’s own good bc kazumi seems to be a genuinely good girl, but what does she think is going on bc noriko was studying? rude lady
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
two specific games i was looking forward to seeing more of for the xbox showcase but the gameplay trailers have mostly left me with a lot of question marks
redfall is especially question mark-y for me cause i can’t figure out what it’s going for at all.... and it seems like it’s lacking the kind of visual design that i associate with a lot of arkane stuff. like, i haven’t deathloop has STYLE you know? and prey and dishonored have STYLE. even setting redfall in massachusetts like there’s surely something you could do with this? but the gameplay itself also seemed to mostly be shooting which is also... boring. but i guess we’ll see what it’s actually like when it comes out since obvs sometimes even gameplay trailers don’t really do a good job reflecting what the game is really like to play... we’ll see, we’ll see
starfield mostly feels like there was this brief excitement when the trailer started and then the trailer continued and i slowly found myself going “....ah.” it really does have NMS vibes, which is like, i LIKE no man’s sky, i own it on two platforms. but this doesn’t really look great? like oh cool robot! oh. okay. it’s like... what if no man’s sky was fallout i guess? idk i was more excited for this game before i saw the trailer. hopefully it’s good! i don’t think it looks great. even graphically it’s mostly kind of boring looking—just the same realistic graphics with no good color grading or framing or anything..... i’m sure very specific areas and times of day will look nice but i saw a lot of bland grayness in that trailer
obviously it’s VERY bethesda but the “no man’s skyrim” jokes suuuuure are nailing the vibes i’m getting
on the flip side the character creator looks pretty good (i mean, actual fat people??), the spacesuit design is really solid for evoking a hard scifi aesthetic, and the prospect of a ship designer that lets you customize the colors of your ship also is fun! but........... idk man something about it is just not capturing me.
also man devs are out here making mecha farming sims but still not singleplayer story-based rpgs about mechs?? it’s like they do everything BUT that—well, at least i have you, titanfall 2 singleplayer story mode....................is it so much to ask for more story based games that let you pilot a mech tho....
man i wish anthem would have been better, and also not multiplayer
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Some excerpts from the playthrough
I was pretty close to getting chills from that intro. That is the most atmospheric video game intro I’ve experienced thus far. All the way from the menu to the actual game. Fucking damn. (Apart from maybe Dragon Age Inquisition.)
Made it through the first part on the first try. Saved. It didn’t save as far as I thought it would and I had to do it again, failing four times. :-(
“Behold, my amazingly rendered abs. And flat-ass face.”
You can tell this is game was a first attempt in many things; such as delivering awkward, awkward lines.
There is a mission briefing mimicking VHS tapes and I fucking love it.
So... that was intensly antagonistic of a character who have up to this point been delivering barely any support apart from diet-coke Sun Tzu.
Speaking of Sun-Tzu...
As of writing I’ve finished MGS2, and there’s a certain related part of that that I will get into on a later date, but this one, more than what’s to come, reminds me of that police interrogation in The Venture Bros.
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In the most threatening way possible, say the words: Follow the mice.
These controls are hUaORRIBLe
In one way, yes, it adds to the difficulty without being forced, but good fucking god, trying to figure out which direction I’m supposed to push the stick while pressing up against a wall is a nightmare. And having to stand still while shooting and not being able to move while aiming at all is... not very user-friendly design. Thank God for auto-aim
In a similar vein, a third-person shooter with the camera angle being from what we Norwegians call bird perspective is a bit of a challenge
The game play is still pretty dope though
Bee tee dubbs, the ex-Fox unit is hereby dubbed the Suicide Squad
(I would totally play a super-hero video game with that kind of lay-out of the villains and the hero. I think this could actually transfer to comics as well, the way the villains are set-up, introduced and used.)
First meeting with Metrosexual Noodle Eastern.
"I love to reload during a battle! There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber." — Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid.
I bet you do, Ozzie
This game is not complete without a ninja.
There’s a masturbation joke lying in there somewhere.
So far this game has been surprisingly Not Gay. Except from Snake’s sick abs, but then comes Otacon and fucks my shit up on so many levels.
Johny’s grand introduction: Face down, ass up
Meryl... I really like Meryl, but she is so obviously one of the “not like other girls”, tomboy-ish archetype that isn’t really all that useful. It’s pretty sad, because we see her kick ass. We know she can, so it’s a little sad that she isn’t properly utilized.
Poor Otacon.
The ninja was depressingly easy to best. I know the TWEETHT!! that comes later with this guy, but man, you’d think it’d be more of a fight.
OH. MY GOD. Let me count down how many ways Otacon’s introduction is gay.
After being saved from death by katana, Otacon stares at Snake downward-up. When the camera stops, we get a damn good shot, yet again, of Snake’s Sick Abs.
“You’re uniform is not like the others...”
The disappointment in Otacon’s voice upon learning that he was not the goal.
The symbolism of Otacon literally coming out of the closet.
Snake sitting with legs crossed like a fucking femme fatale as he and Otacon catch up to speed
Snake inspecting Otacon, crotch on up
Snake walking up to Otacon until he’s one foot away, laying his hand on his shoulder and asking “you okay?” in an uncharacteristic, caring voice: and Otacon being weirede out by it, commenting: “What’s wrong, getting all friendly all of a sudden...”, to which Snake just awkwardly backs away and says “uh nothing, just... glad you’re okay”
Forget Meryl, Hal’s your love interest and we all know it.
“I’ve been therapied into not having an interest in men and no one can break the spell at all none at all nuh-uh...” And of course Snake is going to prove them wrong. Eww. Call it a product of its time, but still, gross.
Bee-tee-dubbs, Otacon and Snake discussing Meryl’s low-pixelated ass strikes me as hilariously “no homo”. I’m pretty sure, given how Hideo is on the subject in later games, that all of it is intentional. Subtext included.
Psycho Mantis, stop dissing my game stats
Poor dude. Seriously, that is a sad and solid backstory for a character
“Riussiain lieady rieportyingk in on wieapions” I like her tho
Man, this game... In all of the silliness it is STILL on-point with its social commentary. Nastasha’s talks about the START programs, nuclear disarmament, the money involved, the ultimate plan of the Foxhound members, nuclear programs made for short-range launches... All of these are things that I’ve seen in the news this week, and what goes on in the game takes place in the year 2005. Not to mention us becoming more and more desensitized to violence and warfare. It is frightening to behold. I wish I had it in me to talk about all of this at length, because there is really a well of subject matters to discuss here.
Once again I experience a video game trying to impose on me that, in the story, something is urgent, but in reality, I have hours of backtracking if I want to.
I... kinda like the voice they gave Sniper Wolf. And that she’s Kurd; it is nice to see that Hideo remembers a little history. And it brings a little variation in a very formulaic artistic industry.
There is nothing so jarring as video game characters talking specifically about the controls on your PS controller. Abs are still sick. I like the little touch that this death will be different from the others, and set you somewhat back in progress. Not enough for it to make an impact, but I appreciate the effort; the game is present even on its own metalevel
Otacon, you sap. Oh and thank you for massaging my arm, Naomi
If Johnny were ever to be in a Rambo-parody the first movie would be called Johnny - First Brown
My old enemy... Stairs...
My tactic for handling this: laying down land mines whenever possible and run like a pussy.
Sniper’s demise, the entire scene for all parties involved, is pretty heartfelt still you two should kiss
I have literally played Die Hard.
Vulcan Raven has no sense of humor. I am big man McLargebeef. Fear me.
One of the greatest things about this game is the boss fights. All of them are different and interesting, fun to play. Same goes for the rest of the game: nothing ever gets to the point of being samey.
I mentioned atmosphere earlier, and oh how I do love this for keeping it throughout. This feels like a beautiful tribute to the 80′s action movies, in tone and spirit as well. This is what the 80′s style tribute that we’ve seen lately really ought to be: specs of hilarity and ridiculoussness mixed with complete sincerity and genuine, dark depth, without getting to caught up in aesthetic.
Metal Gear Chicken.
How can anyone survive working on that thing.
I wonder what Ocelot really thought of Liquid.
Liquid is just an asshole, but if that was his upbringing I feel a little bad for him. No wonder he hyper-compensates.
Snake takes these news surprisingly well
Snake being made into a weapon, robbed of information that he really needs: this game makes his feelings and responses, however douchy, feels quite earned
I am fighting a giant mecha and this is STILL a stealth game.
Okay that... that surprise from Gray Fox actually was a surprise. And what the fuck is he MADE of.
So Richard Dawkins is to blame...
           OF COURSE-
Surprise bitch I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me
Liquid’s death is surprisingly evocative for me. I really do feel like Liquid’s plan is more important to him than anything, because he that desperately needs to prove himself in the light of his “father”.
          .                           .                         .           
          WILL YOU           SHUT UP
BTW I made it through without sacrificing Meryl. I’ve learned what happens in the other ending, and it is pretty dumb how that one leads so much better into the next game than the other. And while on the subject
Woah, yet another twist. Although knowing what I do about Ocelot now it is hardly that surprising. The impact of this is still satisfying and intriguing, because there are things in the game that for someone who isn’t already completely familiar with them seems a bit weird. The reveals here makes some things falll into place, and I am surprised that the game actually did specifically build up to a sequel
It strikes me that I haven’t talked once about the performances. While there are a lot of them that don’t go all in, you gotta give David Hayter props for this, as well as several of the others. This must’ve been so very strange to work on for all of them: not quite a translation from a japanese work, not quite American either, giving this exposition-heavy dialogue a unique life of its own
And the game naming Snake after him is a very cute touch, one that I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t thought of before. And no one could give Snake the layers of believable capability and apparent ineptitude better than he. IQ of 180 my ass.
GOD that ending dragged on.
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wofuru · 6 years
Voltron legendary defender ask game
~Voltron Legendary Defender Ask Game~
Tagged by my lovely lady @seiteki9​  (Yes you are love, don’t even try to tell me otherwise)
How did you discover the show?
Well ... I’m an illustrator and have been selling for years in conventions with my gf @seiteki9​. Along the line (I think when S2 came out) I heard about it by clients who asked me for goodies from VLD. It took a while before I checked the serie because I thought it was juste another mecha anime and I’m usually not into these really. So at some point, since it is on netflix and all AND when I learned it was made by the same studio as Avatar last air bender ... I gave it a shot. And oh boy did I fell head 1st into this show. Sheith is my life now, thank you. 
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the the show?
1st sigh. I think it took .... 10 minutes. I fell in when Keith rescue Shiro and makes that so tender expression recognizing him on the table and unconscious. 
Do you have a favorite episode?
S2 ep 1 is definitely among my favorite ones that’s for sure (Gee guess why huh) and I think the trial at the blades of mormora would be there to. But it is hard to decide, this serie is so amazing in general and also so much sheith moments >_< 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Shiro, yeah, totally. Keith in close 2nd. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
As dork as I am, I would say Black. Not because she is the head, but also because of the evolution between her and Shiro and the whole complicated relation/story with Zarkon. 
Do you have a favorite Villian?
Hmm ... I think that would be Zarkon. I love his tragic story. How he came to be, but also how much of a dangerous man he became. What goes around him and also we know where he’s going. 
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
I do really love the galras in all their glory and bad sides to. I mean they are mostly brawl over brains you know. Their designs are all so interesting, but also I love how their mind set has been presented so far (since we don’t know much about the culture yet). I think in 2nd would be the balmerans (I’m not sure who it’s written). They look so awesome and their story is so sad and interesting at the same time. 
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
I love Shay and Narti ( ;_; ) so much. 
Also Lieutenant Ozar looks like such an interesting character (yeah I know you guys are wondering who’s that lol) 
How/Why did you join the fandom?
Falling face 1st into Sheith, I looked around for some fanart here on tumblr and it slowly went from there. I decided to join Sheith Big Bang that is currently on going and it’s been really fun so far. 
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
I really like the basic idea of Sheith pre-kerberos (not being a couple back then at all tho) where Keith was like this teen kid wrecking havoc everywhere for no reason. Not bullying people, but just losing his shit every so often because he was angry all the time and then Shiro met him and decided to take him under his wing, to get in his life even if he had to force his way in / tame the beast and just believe in him and giving him what any human deserves which is a sense of belonging somewhere and be loved for who they are. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The characters. Their lives, how they are. All the little details we can catch on all the time, but also these elements in the show that you just don’t see anywhere. I love that they made it so we could see representation and good values teaching to people seeing this serie. How a character can be so cool and not just a comic relief while being an overweight character OR a straight guy that is someone who takes care so much of his own body and appearance without it being weird OR a genderless character (or someone who doesn’t care) that despite her size is such a kickass character OR you know someone who’s so strong for everyone all the time but with such deep scars that you wonder how he keeps going OR a child who was abandoned again and again and how his life goes on. And I’m not talking about the multicultural elements (Allura not being just this pompom stereotyped girl but a woman of color with such an big temper while being such a variety of things and stories). Oh, and please, myore love for Coran people, he’s or favorite uncle. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
Please Shiro be safe, come back to us and PLEASE be the black paladin again while Keith comes back to red. I loved the old roster of paladin (no offense allura, I just loved you more while being the pilot of the castle and a diplomat and now an alchemist O_O !). I’m so praying they don’t end up doing like in the old series where Shiro just becomes the blue paladin because he’s emotionally compromised or whatnot and disappear in the background like being the black paladin is the highest title, which no ... it’s not the case and its not a competition. Also poor shiro worked so hard to bond with his lion to just ... be thrown away again ?! 
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
Oh I will. If my worse fears come to be, I’ll cry my world, but I’ll stick to the end. 
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better: @escaleamare  ?? (no pressure lol)
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Undefined Behavior Is My Famicase Game Of The Year 2018
It's that time of the year, in which METEOR throws an art show featuring fictional Famicom cassettes.
Now, I'm a somewhat hard to impressive individual, though I was able to find a record number of carts (about 20) that I not only found pretty to look at, but which also got me wishing that they were playable. A self-produced requirement that may seem silly to some, but hey, that's just me. Anyhow, here's the rest of the bunch...
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BTW, a bonus mention for @brent_ashe's entry, for also designing the packaging...
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It's also that time of the week, in which I go over all the stuff I tweeted the one before. So! Sticking with fake games for bit; Ikea is finally publishing games for the PS4 and the names alone sound a lot more interesting than their offerings for the Xbox 360 (via @campbellbird148)...
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I wasn't joking about the 360, cuz case in point; hopefully Grand Theft Alex improves upon Grand-ma's Auto’s flaws (the load times were atrocious; via kotaku.com)...
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Anyone else remember that Genesis game that would have starred only the female members of the X-Men? (via segacity)
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Sticking with old game mags, we've got another cover to cover tour of an entire issue, courtesy of Chris Alamio at Classic Gaming Quarterly. And this one's a good one; Nintendo Power #7, the one with Mega Man 2 on the cover...
... It's a great watch; Chris makes the same observations and asks the same questions you have also also made, back in the day (and have since long since forgotten). It's also perfect for a lazy Sunday. You know, how video game magazines used to be?
Yet another thing I miss about game rags are the ads. The sillier the attempt at being shocking, the better (via oldgamemags)...
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Today’s recommended reading is a survey of all the times Mortal Kombat graced the cover of game mags during the 90s (via retrovania-vgjunk)...
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Behold the IRL inspiration for Allen Snider, from the forthcoming Fighting EX Layer (via mysterious0bob)...
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I REALLY wish Fight Zone, a mid-90s UFC rip-off) had lasted long enough to at least spawn a really bad tie-in video game for the Jaguar CD (or Nuon via lordmo & lordmo again)...
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Forget dragon punches, forget hurricane kicks, forget fireballs… none are as effective as the most devastating blow of them all: heartbreak (via newkidsonmycock31)...
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For perhaps obvious reasons, I try to avoid anything related to politics, but as someone who is part Korean, this image strikes a serious cord (via basedsatan)...
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It’s funny how I’ve never even come close to thinking about what it'd be like to have a real deal shield from Legend of Zelda, until getting a decent look at one, and then all of a sudden (via retrogamerblog)...
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It’s practically summer weather here in NYC, which is the perfect weather for some Flying Power Disc (aka Windjammer) action + related attire... tho going outside & not playing video games is also an idea I guess (via miki800.com)...
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I want… no... I need this Astro City shirt from GAMESGLORIOUS (via miki800.com)...
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They also have a Mega Drive shirt featuring some sexy girl, which I’d be more into if it was someone I recognized… like Tyris Flare, Blaze Fielding, or Amy Rose (via @GAMESGLORIOUS)...
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As someone with a brain crammed full of ultra obscure Sega knowledge, I still had zero idea about the existence of their Video Driver system...
Meanwhile, did you know that Chuck E. Cheese's origin is grim af? (via @topherflorence)
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A fresh coat of paint always does an indie cab good (especially if it’s been in a DIY space for several years; via @DBAArcade)...
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Cuz it’s been a while since I posted random arcade pics (via duchamp-is-innocent)...
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It’s Virtua Fighter 1, 2, and 3 (well, technically, it’s 3, 2, and then 1; via gaijira)...
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Not sure what the games are in this instance (the one on the right is something for the Neo Geo, that’s all I know; via b0mbass)...
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"vaporwave arcade" (via alext)...
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Hey, arcades in the US can be pleasing to the eye as well, make no mistake (via sadboyxclique)...
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That feeling you get when you come across an assortment of arcade machines, and you realize The Simpsons is included (via gamefreaksnz)...
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Nothing fills me with such unbridled joy like arcade pics circa the early 80s (via retropopcult)...
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Another snapshot from the golden age of gaming in the United States (via tvgame)...
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Meanwhile in Japan; Space Invaders was insanely popular everywhere, including the US, but in its homeland, it was on a whole different level (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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I’m a sucker for any “detailed” interpretation of what the Space Invaders look like… I also love buttons based upon shmups (via miki800)...
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Not that anyone has asked, but if I had to choose my fave shmup ship design, I would have to the SA-77 from Silpheed...
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... That last image is from videogamesdensetsu, BTW/FYI. Also BTW/FYI: my affinity for Silpheed's SA-77 naturally means that I wouldn't mind a miniature replica on my toy shelf.
Like this one (via my homepage, fort90.com)...
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Or this one (via dannychoo.com)...
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Am not as into the SA-08, aka the ship from the very first Silpheed (the Sega/Mega CD version is actually a remake), yet this model is neat nonetheless (via @musuke_twit)...
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Revisiting that old blog post of mine, to get that Silpheed model pic, reminded me of others based upon Radiant Silvergun & Ikaruga that I’d also love to get my grubby mitts on...
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I also still need to get my hands on this transformable Vic Viper from Zone of the Enders, even if I’ve never been super fond of its ship form (a moot point given how I’d probably keep it in its mecha form; via zakgaigar)...
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I believe I’ve highlighted this R-Type kit not all that long ago, but when you repost pics as much as I do, it’s easy to lose track (via shmups)... 
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So all the pics above, of ships that soar among the stars, engaging in wars, were all tweeted on a single day. May the 4th to be exact, due to the fact that I didn't have anything directly related to Star Wars Day handy. With this Star Fox gif being the most popular of the bunch (which again I might have shared already once, a long time ago; via k-eke)...
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This past Friday also marked the grand re-opening of The Rodney Shop!
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And also making a grand return was the man who redefined what's musically possible on a Game Boy, who came back to redefine what's musically possible on... a calculator? (via @Nullsleep)
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Time for a bonus track: if there was an adaptation of the film Escape From New York on the MSX-2, this is what it would sound like...
Please enjoy this pic of a Super Nintendo controller covered in vaseline for whatever reason (via kotaku.com)...
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And last but not least, a question: is there enough background info on the game Alien Solider to justify a near 20-minute video? The answer: yes... 
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yonrei · 7 years
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Hello there my lovely dears~ So time has come for me to try once again to open commission! Some things have changed, some not! One thing that has changed are: slots. First I'll opend 5 of them, if I'll manage them in satisfactorily time I open next five slots. Second thing: price reduction, I think these one are more resonable to go with. And the last is more likely for Patreon, these who support me there will gain some reducion, for exemple free from BG, free shadings on flat color option and more. So for now thats all for more question ask me in comment below~ Here we go~ ------------------------------------ WHAT I'LL DRAW OC, OCxCanon, Fanart Male, Female, nonhuman, kemonomimPets, animals, fantsy animals, Mecha, fantasy, sci-fiArmour, weapon etc Meme, character sheet/ designYuri, Yaoi Smut, Nudity, Ecchi, Hentai Gore   WHAT I DON'T DRAW Anthro/Furry (tho depending, so ask me about it, I like but suck at drawing it >.>) Offensive/Racist ThemesFetishes ------------------------------------ TERMS •Please fill the commission form and send me via note on DA. •After acctepted commission and claiming the spot, I'll give you my e-mail for pre-pay. •I have right to decline creatian requested commission before actepting it, if I don't feel comfortable with it. •Please wait patiently for your commission to be done ♥ •Deadlines aren't available, I'm sorry. I have sometimes creatian situations I can't avoid. •Prefer only  links/pictures reference. •Hentai commission will include extra cost, with be decided on by me after filled commission form. ------------------------------------ PAYMENT I acctep PaypalI acctept points (1 USD = 100 points) <---- the second one only on Deviantart. If you will pay via points- please use widgetIf you will pay via PayPal, send commision payment as "goods and service" no shipping reqiured" First half of payment after I acctept the commission form and you will claim the spot (and I'll be close to drawing your order), second half of payment before reciving finished art ------------------------------------ COMMISSION TYPES: 1. SKETCH: Bust - 3 USD add character + 2 USD Half Body - 6 USD add character + 3 USD Full body - 8 USD add character +4 USD ------------------------------------ 2. SKETCH (COLOR): Bust - 5 USD add character + 3 USD Half Body - 8 USD add character + 4 USD Full body - 10 USD add character + 6 USD ------------------------------------ 3. FLAT COLORS Bust - 8 USD add character + 5 USD Half Body - 10 USD add character + 6 USD Full body - 15 USD add character + 8 USD ------------------------------------ 4. FULL COLORS Bust - 18 USD add character + 10 USD Half Body - 25 USD add character + 15 USD Full body - 30 USD add character + 20 USD ------------------------------------ OTHERS: Background: Simple: 0 - 10 USD Complex: 15 USD - 35 USD Dakimakura one side - 40 USD (one side) NSFW: 15 USD - 60 USD (15-20 USD nudity, 25- 40 USD light yaoi/yuri/hentai and light gore 45-60 USD yaoi/yuri/hentai(with some extras) and hard gore) Character design: 35 USD - 60+ USD (depending what you realy want so the price is more or less) Sketch pages/design/mangas etc: 70 USD - 120 USD (depending what you realy want so the price is more or less) ------------------------------------ COMMISSION FORM: Type of Commission: (bust,half body, etc) Name: (your username) Payment: (points or PayPal) How many Characters: (...) Character/s References: (links) Personality Info: (few words) Character/s Age: (preferd) Details/Extras: (Any wishes/exemples?) Pose etc: (description/ image/ free/optional) Background: (no BG/simple/complex/you have anything in mind?) Universe:(Naruto/Bleach/One Piece/D.Gray-man etc) Notes: ( Others) ------------------------------------ For more NSFW check my Tumblr or ask me for more samples. As well check my dev galery for more SFW check my galery on Deviantart ------------------------------------ SLOTS TAKEN: First batch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Second batch [CLOSED FOR NOW] 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ---------------------------
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galimatios · 5 years
sci fi ya au musings from twitter thread mostly nts
maybe i do want to write YA science fiction ya with gay and all my favorite self indulgent tropes and also plugsuits
I HATE MYSELF I IMMEDIATELY HAVE SCENES IN MY HEAD . ITS BEEN TWO GODDAMN SECONDS. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THESE CHARACTERS ARE YET tjinking about those rooms in that one ep of black mirror where youcan program jt tk show whatever you want on the walls. maybe projection of virtual reality vs reality as a major motif. simulations and distance... long distance relationships during a war in space action too... have to think about an enemy but maybe we rag on capitalism a littlle maybe some conglomerate is fighting a proxy war using aliens vs the govt the protags are in the military for theme.. war sucks bye but also theres dynamics i want
UM I CAN PUT BIG MECHA INNNNNNNN YEAHHHH anyway i want 2 loyal dog dynamics to juxtapose w eachother + platonic soulmate type protag duo, best friends , one girl one boy, theyre both equally important, some SHIT happens and theyre forced on different sides at some point one loyal dog is treated well, like an equal, will follow x to the end of the world the other is Not treated well. i want to explicitly make that relationship abusive so i can point at it in the text itself and have other loyal dog be like , that's not love. abandoned loyal dog gets adopted by main duo, ends up in a relationship w one of them (whichever one makes it gay), im ship girl with side character who inspires tf out of her, sort of like. theyre competitive and the side character is light years more skilled but girl wants the challenge, wants the chase, is fueled by the prospect of catching up so "wait for me" LAYS DOWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS HAVE NAMES OR DESIGNS OR ANYTHING BUT IM ALREADY ATTACHED TO THESE CONNECTIONS mc pair: one techy soft boy nerd who just wants to protect his family so thats why he agreed to help develop/operate tech bc he thinks this is how he can help headstrong pilot ace girl who has no one but wants to prove herself and make a name for herself so she'll be remembered she wants to win glory for herself and comes off as super confident but actually she's just. asuka evangelion except she doesnt crash and burn so bad bc she has the boy who sees thru it, you dont have to try so hard probably happens after a fight where she's reckless hes not one to get mad but this time he's pissed bc she was exceptionally close to dying, yells at her, why do you keep trying so hard to die kinda snaps her back to reality he wants her to rely on him more bc that's what hes here for anyway loyal dog defects from enemy + meets this pair after other loyal dog suggests he joins the crew, tech boy is kind to Everyone but loyal dog FORMERLY AN ASSASSIN ???????? TYPE?? SNIPER?? develops baby crush girl sips her drink :3c
I HAVE TO THINK MORE ABOUT THEM BC OH NO THEYRE CUTE but girl is chasing after some nb femme prodigy who she's rivals with and admires for more than just her skill theyre both emotionally constipated idiots tho so its like. (hand touch) thats enough for 100 years there is. so much tension. and prodigy seems so perfect on the outside but is actually in some kind of super strict fucked up program bc of her skill, and she hated it and is suffering ace pilot is the one to barge in headstrong and fuck everything up and get her out of there girl believes prodigy is amazing. really. incredible. a part of her feels like she'll never catch up . but even so watching prodigy walk into the unknown unflinchingly resolute ... it's both sad in a way bc she's being left behind but also she wouldnt have it any other way bc she thinks forward is the only way prodigy should be facing. its what inspires her. that strength ... h they definitely settle down together in the future tho bc i need ththattt
"when this is all over" said the prodigy, "come find me" this is so self indulgent anyway plotwise once both the govt and the enemy r revealed to be equally bad the main cast defect to a revolutionary group. they will Not win within the span of the novel but theyll have a small victory, very les mis one day more flavored, and even if they did not win they stood for something they believed in, did something to try and tell the truth... also i need more of a cast so i can kill characters off nice now all i have to do is fill all this in with world building and action and stuff and ill have a novel so many sci fi things have done the 2 pilot mind sync emotional thing right so if i do the same thing no one knows if i took it from one franchise or another i need to twist it around a little but i may have ideas haha i can. totally make this a part of my fucking huge sci-fi au really wanna call main girl lane and main boy khemrin . .. i cant unsee the girl as rey flavored so shes ending up w red hair and irish, but boy is SEAsian with a huge family, loyal dog who defects is african, prodigy is asian, other loyal dog feels south american prodigy... astrid is her real name but she may have a codename fsr? idk why i feel it. icarus? assassin defector... something that starts with an o or a d other loyal dog... i need to think but i also need to figure out the personalities of their respective pairs inserts minh as evil one. done. maybe mephis adjacent character for the... no mephis doesnt care abt anyone BUT hed be a great side character OH god what if au jonah and ambrose oh boy. FUCK jonahs probably there for some special task bc hes. attuned to some shit idk
I GUESS IM GONNA DEVELOP AMBROSE MORE ive only written him as a young adult but as a teen hes angry and rebellious and got drafted, ended up being a simple foot soldier but he meets jonah and a lot changes jonah's there on top secret bullshit, same program as astrid definitely has some shit to do With Experiments. astrid has enhanced eyesight/coordination on top of being an ace combat pilot, i think jonah might be able to open up warp gates or limited pocket space mephis is evil scientist who doesnt care abt casualties
I'm thinking about unnamed pilot lesbians and i am. enamored immediately holy shit god they're both so goal oriented and focused but once the fighting is finally over they finally allow themselves to embrace the intensity of their emotions for eachother and i am fucking perishing they were essentially raised as child soldiers so it's this clumsy process of trying to figure things out for the first time, this kind of innocent but intense and blooming love between two hardened soldiers, the years of war coming away when they're together for the first time actually fuck i did name them but i'm still not sure about ace pilot girl? i want to name her lane or something monosyllable, maybe i'll revamp raine and make her this oc instead... either way i'm just. ugh. UGH. FUCK. holy shit they love eachother so much
I"M GETTING REALLY FUCKED UP ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF THE PRODIGY (ASTRID) DYING IN THE LINE OF DUTY or well at least goes missing, presumed dead but raine just... doesn't believe it. astrid can't die. she's too amazing. there's no way fucking. huge disbelief. she refuses? raine going on a near suicidal self-appointed mission against commander's orders to rescue her, khemrin tries to hold her back but he can't, she' fucking gone speeding off on one of the fastest scouting ships she can hijack raine finding her alive but barely conscious in a damaged cockpit floating in space for who knows how long, raine unable to open the hatch and get to her but anchors her ship to hers, NOT EFFECTIVE BUT HER ONLY REAL CHOICE w/o compromising the air seal. makes the journey back astrid barely makes it to the space equivalent of a truck stop (unaffiliated) and raine calls for backup in panic and tries her best to tend to astrid's wounds an feed her and she's fucking PANICKING but trying so hard to keep it together astrid wakes up and raine's crying i don't have anything specific its just really soft and raine never Does this god when they meet again after the war, raine running her fingers over the scar left from astrid's helmet shattering h raine in a tux and astrid dressed like a princess and raine kissing her shoe sorry im gay bye
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junkobears · 7 years
are you still taking ask memes ? may I ask for kiibo, and (sorry for this but I love the salt) saihara ? oh, and a girl,hm.... ibuki !
Haha I’m always up for doing the character ask memes, anon. Maybe one day I’ll have done one for EVERY POSSIBLE DR character...? Prepare yourselves for V3 spoilers as usual, duh.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | meet me in the pit iruma you robofuckerhogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (none, robots aren’t people and the sorting hat doesn’t work on them! ...okay for real I’d say Ravenclaw? purely cuz he’s quite logical and analytic I suppose... also dumb about social cues since robot.)best quality: I honestly really love his robophobia gags? And his general insensitivity regarding social situations and people in general? I just find him super endearing, hilarious at times, and I always smile when he had some focus. Plus his JPN voice is super soothing. worst quality: Isn’t really particular relevant in V3 until the very last chapter... I think since Kiibo’s supposed to be the audience stand-in that he should’ve been a lot more involved with the main story/investigations. The audience really that content to not properly RP with their self-insert???ship them with: Iruma, Shirogane, Akamatsu, brotp them with: Mecha-Nidai, Hinata, Souda, Fujisaki, Nanami, Mioda (for his singing FTE)needs to stay away from: Oumamisc. thoughts: Would say Kiibo has the best English VA by far, narrowly beating Iruma and Akamatsu. Also he’s a really good deconstruction of the Naegi/SHSL Hope Archetype and I’m glad he actually sacrifices himself at the end to save the others, since that’s what should’ve happened with Naegi a long time ago. Even tho I hate the fact the survivors of V3 lived, haha. I can appreciate Kiibo’s gesture.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (shouldn’t be a debate tbh... he basically solves all the V3 cases. hufflepuff would also fit since he’s bland as shit... actually this is insulting to MY pottermore sorted house, wtf me. he’s ravenclaw ok)best quality: With the hat I think his design is actually quite nice. His blushing sprite is cute I guess. worst quality: WHERE. DO. I. BEGIN. Really fucking bland Naegi/Hinata blend? Gets Akamatsu reduced to his love interest, killed off and replaced by him for the sake of his ALREADY-DONE-A-MILLION-TIMES-IM-SO-BORED character arc? Really goddamn annoying fandom who has a shit fit everytime someone dares to dislike him? Does nothing throughout the whole game but the entire cast is forcefully wedged up his asshole and canon over-hypes him? I could go on. He is EVERYTHING I DESPISE about this series rolled into one package. I’m salty as hell and I won’t stop.ship them with: Absolutely no one.brotp them with: ^^^needs to stay away from: Akamatsu, Ouma, V3 in generalmisc. thoughts: His design post-hat looks really awful, the ahoge is so unnecessary and rapidly defeats the point of “being an unconventional protagonist” (Which still makes no fucking sense, Kodaka/fandom). It genuinely makes all of his sprites look so WEIRD... Also why is he in the MC spot in the trial room if Kiibo is the V3 MC in-universe??? UGH I hate this shit so much.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (i picked this one because mioda’s so peppy, genuinely wants to be good friends with her classmates and is always trying to keep up morale, and is hard-working even if her music sucks. she also is very helpful and intuitive, see: her FTEs. idk, she doesn’t really fit any of the other houses as well IMO.best quality: Probably the best ‘comic relief’ character in the series, IMO. I laughed so much everytime she was on-screen. And I like how she’s allowed to be just more than that as well, mostly in her FTEs but she has some insightful scenes in the main story as well.worst quality: Again, not the most plot-relevant character. This actually doesn’t bother me personally and I think she died at the right point in the story, but I would’ve at least liked a flashback to the scene where Tsumiki kills her. That case felt lacking and it could’ve been benefited from that detail (same with Saionji).ship them with: Imposter, Hinata, Tsumiki, Koizumi, Sonia, Pekoyama, Maizono, Akamatsu, Irumabrotp them with: Kiibo, Leon, Celesneeds to stay away from: Ropesmisc. thoughts: Her Death Metal song is defs one of my fave tracks from the series overall, haha. Fuckin’ love her horrifying style.
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lacey-lamb · 7 years
I was tagged by mecha-alpaca to write 5 things I like about myself and then to tag some of my favorite followers to do the same! 1. I'm very creative and fashionable. I can design art, coordinate outfits and decorate interiors easily. 2. I can read quickly! So if ever I had to do group study at school I'd be done before everyone else. It helps with taking tests too! tbh I think its probably from all the subbed anime I watched as a kid. 3. Although I'm by no means a professional, I do have a good understanding of mental states, processes and human behavior. I'm a good listener and can offer good advice. I have been told too many times to count them all that I would make an amazing councilor or psycologist. 4. I have a bubbly personality and witty sense of humor. I can make friends very easily and small talk isn't very awkward. I'm really good with kids too. 5. I'm good at applying my own makeup. I have trouble doing other peoples eyeliner tho cause I'm used to my eyes which have hooded lids. So wingtip is possible but its hard to do lol I'm going to tag @angelic-remedy, @shiimada, @fuwaprince, @ssimonssays, @dogfetus, @lesbianstarlet, @faepure and anyone else who wants to join in! Spread the positivity!
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titleknown · 7 years
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Welp, while I showed them earlier on my Patreon (Which you can join for early sneak peeks at stuff like this), I did say I was gonna show ‘em eventually, so here they are, the Rock Being and the Furry Body Bases for the Warlords, Mecha and Carnage line!
And, I might as well copy-paste the guidelines I used for the other bases:
If you want to know how I made these, I basically used GIMP/the jerkhole program out some cut-out bits of other action figures onto a basic Teelah figure to make them work together, and I even made the left one by taking a crappy picture of a McFarlane Blood Queen figure and applying selectively cut-out parts of that to the right.
I colored them in Krita using the “multiply” layer function and tinkered with their contrasts in the jerkhole program I think gives the rough idea of “how to make these on your own.
If you want to use them for OCs, feel free, though be sure to credit me as them/the setting’s creator. If you add onto them with pics; only use ones either you own or that are public domain if you want to keep them as your own/make it a solo CC-BY aside from the original “I created this” license.
If you do use other people’s pics and want to make them CC-BY, I’d only recommend doing that if you either have their permission or if those pics are also under a CC-BY license, listing myself once as the original creator; you for what you made and the other parts under whatever license too.
Of course if you’re using it casually and not planning on making ‘em CC or for profit, go nuts!
Tho, if you do make them under those previous guidelines, I’d like to stress that while it’s not required; I’d ideally like any new creations with these bodies (especially for the setting) to be put under a similar free-to-use-with-credit license, take a little leave a little without the heavy-hand of a share-alike license, ya dig?
Apologies if this was confusing, I’m kinda mush mouthed with these things, feel free to ask me any questions you still have on these!
I am indeed hard at work on more, which will also be previewed the week before on Patreon, as well as the design for the main robot which I did a poll on, tho how I’m gonna pull it off is veeeeeery tricky…
Now, I still need to do that one robot design I promised. And also actually make some figs with these bodies. But first I need to take more pictures...
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shocktrooper-redstreaker said: I’m dying to make an armor for Shockwave. Do you have any advice on how to start building one?
Oh fantastic!! He’s cool!
Hurmm well given he’s a bulkier build your going to need to develop a support system first.
Usually the best thing to do starting out is to accumulate as many references as you can. Screencaping from Netflix is a good method.
Next is sketching put ideas. Generally I have a friend or family member snap photos of me from front side and back views. This way I can take those images into a program like photoshop and on a separate layer sketch out my conceptual structures and designs.
If you don’t have a tablet or arts program not to worry it’s easy to print them out and sketch over those too. Try to print out at a 50% opacity so the image is lighter when printed and it’s easier for you to see your illustrations.
The underlying structures when it comes to cosplay are very important. It’s best to figure out how your going to support your rig before building it to prevent running into functionality issues later on.
Measuring out your body’s proportions is important as you will need to find a happy Balance between your proportions and the mecha character your looking to create.
For example a mechs helm or head is generally much smaller then human proportions so it will be important for you to build out the rest of your body to make your head appear smaller. Otherwise it is common for mecha cosplay to appear SD is because of disproportionate issues. Again tho this can be tricky to balance functionality with accuracy so finding that happy margin of faking your proportions to best suit you and your character is key. So measuring is really important for this.
It’s best to work on the largest most pronounced structures first also for this reason. Most will say to work on the feet up but this is not always the best method. Because if the feet turn out too large you will have to scale up the torso to match. Legs are more forgiving to fake size then the torso which can only be so wide before you risk mobility issues with your arms.
On this note. Sometimes it’s a good idea to fake limbs by extending them past tour actual reach. Let’s face it proportions on mecha are ridiculous especially on characters like Soundwave and shockwave.
For Soundwave we actually have the arms attached in a puppeting way covered by black gloves and body suit to be less noticeable. The fingers then puppet Soundwave hands and fingers so they can move.
There’s many exciting methods to go about puppetry and fake your porportions. The same goes for legs and platforming to increase your height.
Once you have a good underlying base you feel you can work off of and build your rig from that’s when paper patterning comes into play.
Always make your patterns with cheaper materials like poster board and tape or cardboard. It will save you costs in the long run rather then making it straight from Eva foam or worbla. This can allow you to experiment with your design to see how it looks. Some people use papercura programs in this same instance too.
Being patient with yourself and pacing yourself is also a good idea. Make a cosplay goal schedule. If you don’t always make progress don’t worry most cosplays take years to finish one step at a time. Also your wallet will thank you for a slower pace.
Cosplay can get expensive but there are ways to keep the prices low by waiting to purchase materials until they go on sale or buying in bulk once you are sure of what you will need. Making a cosplay shopping list after you have determined what you need is a good idea. Saving up prior to construction is also a good idea.
Be prepared tho to set aside a little extra funds for ideas that may come to you. Sometimes you will experiment and find new solutions to solve issues as they arrive with your rig. :)
Don’t be afraid to shop at home depot and ace etc. Hard ware stores are your friend and people who work their often can give you ideas you never thought of before.
Once you get to the stage of foam construction a helpful thing to do is to buy colors that closely match the colors you will be painting them as. For example painting something dark cherry? Use brown foam it’s less noticeable in the color spectrum then white or black if the color ever were to wear off.
Sealing your foam properly is also important before painting. And I always recommend spray paint over brush painting for a cleaner look. Taping off large areas using painters tape and trash bags can help in this area.
There is so much more I love to share with you but I’m sure this post is a mile long by now lol!
I hope this helps! Feel free to send us a message if you have more specific inquiries! And I wish you all the luck and look forward to seeing your progress!
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