#tho at least this tells me something about the horror i like/dont like
Am thinking of DNF-ing The Troop. I read about 30% of it today (like. 182 pages. Not insignificant) and I like the writing but a) don't like most of the boys and I'm one of those people who needs the balance of likeable to dislikeable to be in favor of likeable and b) don't find this particular body horror compelling, I don't hate it but it isn't working for me, and c) my one big thing I hate and find terrifying in a bad bad way is zombies and I am suspecting it's less the zombie part and more the contagion and compulsive consumption part which this has and I can't tell where the line is between "this is fine" and "this was a horrible triggering mistake" when it comes to The Troop, which is not a zombie novel but has the elements that bother me. So I'm about 60% convinced to DNF it but again, I like the writing itself and also it's such a well established horror novel in the circles I run in and I kind of want to know where I stand on it, especially since it is pretty readable even though it's long. So. :/
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louscartridge · 8 months
dating bose o'brien thoughts or wtvr
bose obrien x gn reader
i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform.
cw- reader knows bose is brainstorm, cuddling, mentions of horror movies, established relationship, reader calls bose 'baby' and /silly' once, angst/hurt +comfort if you squint, reader and bose say "i love you" to eachother.
danger force masterlist here
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❥ bose is Literally the most golden retriever boyfriend to ever exist. anyways following you around and wanting to be with you. he'd (attempt to) do almost anything for you. when you're not around he gets all mopey and cant stop talking about you.
"no wonder he cant remember anything. all he ever thinks about is y/n"
❥His love language(s) are physical touch, and gift giving. Hes always clinging onto you when hes scared, or sad, or just around you honestly. You remember that one episode of danger force where shwoz's mom was "sick" and bose got her golf clubs? (Im gonna pretend he used his own money for that 💀) He uses the little money he gets from occasionally working at nacho ball, on you.
you put what bose had bought you back in the box, and onto the table that was in the middle of the couch the two of you were sitting on.
"Bose, baby. As much as i love this, and you, you really dont have to spend any of your money on me at all. Get something YOU want for yourself." you tell him.
"All i want to myself is you" he replies, his voice cracking slightly at the end making you smile while you blush at his statement.
"Ok, Ill tell you what. How about you get that new dvd you were talking about a few days ago, and we can watch it together. Then, we'll both have what we want"
❥ Obviously you guys watch shows and movies together all the time. I feel like he really likes watching cartoons with you alot too. You make him happy, cartoons make him happy, therefore- extra happy bose. You love horror movies, but as we know, bose is a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies. However, that doesnt mean that he wont watch them with you. He knows how much you like them, and he also knows how much it means to the both of you to watch stuff together.
Youre on of the few people he'll actually watch a horror movie with. Though he still gets scared, he always feels the most safe and secure while watching a horror movie when youre there. Boes is practically hooked on your back like a koala, and his arms loosely wrapped around your neck. As hes watching the movie with you, he would occasionally yelp, and bury his face in the crock of your neck and his arms, tightening the hold his arms have around your neck slightly, all while saying "im not scared i dont know what you're talking about"
❥ This man absolutely loves cuddling. Spooning, sitting in the others lap, it didnt matter. As long as you were touching eachother, he was happy.
Hes most definitely is usually a little spoon. He feels insanely safe and protected by you. As much as he always says to the rest of his co-workers and friends that he "can protect himself" you know that sometimes he needs a little help, and he gets more scared then hed like to admit. With you tho, he had absolutely no doubt that he'll be alright.
❥ i feel like bose doesnt really care too much about sounding cheesy when hes talking to you or about you. At first he might've been a little scared to tell you how he feels about you, but after that, god he just keeps going on. He loves you and he'll sure as hell tell you that he does. He doesnt say "i love you" excessively, but he definitely says it at least twice everyday. At least once in the morning, and at least once before he or you go to sleep.
He actually said it first. One of his favorite shirts got ripped and he asked you to fix it. When you were done sewing it and gave it back to him, he exitedly grabbed it out of your hands while enthusiasticly saying "oh my god thank you, i love you" before running away.
a bit later bose came back to the couch in the mans nest where you were sitting, only this time he was wearing the shirt that you had just fixed for him a little bit ago. He sat down next to you but he seemed kinda anxious.
"Whats wrong bose?" You asked him, leaning forward slightly so you could see his face better. He was biting at his lower lip a little and looking down at his hands that were bouncing up and down from his leg bouncing. "I-im sorry if i weirded you out or anything earlier" he said not looking up from his hands. "No you didnt. Why would you? You didnt do anything" you took your left hand and softly brought it up to his jaw , turning his face so you could see eachother properly. Bose hesitated for a second before answering. "When I said i love you" it seemed as if he was holding himself back from looking at you, instead he was looking aimlessly behind you, or back down again. Only time time, instead of seeing his hands, he sees his knees slightly touching yours. You slowly rubbed your boyfriends cheekbone with your thumb. "Oh my god bose, thats what you're worried about?" You chuckle slightly. "I love you too. I said it back, you just ran away too fast for you to hear it silly" Once you said that, boses eyes immediately shot to yours. "Really?" Even tho he said it quietly, you could still hear the happiness in his voice.
"Really." You confirmed, bringing him into a soft kiss.
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puppiefangs · 2 months
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remade my moonpaw and cometpaw refs a couple weeks back n never posted em + bonus moonpool (moonpaw reflection n real form)
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rambling bout my au/ideas/rambling under the cut
[insert andrew hussie "homestuck is my intellectual property" meme here]. i love moonpaw, shes mine now
so everything i said in my last moonpaw n cometpaw ref post is still the same, but i wanna expand on it, plus inculde the horror pic i made as well. also i love moon^2 a lot so its canon to me.
i imagine after getting super frustrated with her clanmates for the upteenth time about them ignoring cometpaw, moonpaw leaves in the night to blow some steam. shes kinda just wandering the territory until she starts to hear a voice or singing and eventually ends up at the moonpool. she thinks its a loner or something hauled up there but finds out its the moonpool itself, and the moonpool realizes she can hear it. they quickly develop a friendship, moonpool being so thankful of moonpaw to finally be heard after trying for so many years with none of the other clan cats listening to its words and songs.
moonpaw confides in moonpool about being protective of her sibling and her clanmates being terrible, and it excites moonpaw more when moonpool can actually see cometpaw too (they show up in its reflection). moonpaw feels moonpool is the only one thats gets her and understands her struggles, and she starts to develop a crush on moonpool.
this relationship starts creating even more problems between moonpaw and her clanmates as she starts telling everyone how she can speak to moonpool, and doing as clan cats do, think shes having a connection to starclan. like an actual one, not the things they assumed were talking to starclan like imagining up her sibling and constantly talking to them. moonpaw yells that she cant talk to starclan and has never talked to a starclan cat, and she means the actual moonpool is talking, but no one listens to her and force her out of warrior training to immediately start to be a med cat apprentice. so for a bit (like nearly a full book) shes stuck as a med apprentice and is really bad at it. cometpaw loves it tho bcuz at least they can live out their dream of being a med apprentice, and possess moonpaw's body from time to time whenever moonpaw needs to do her duties. but whenever comet isnt possessing her, moonpaw doesnt know jack about any of this herb and healing nonsense.
im imagining a scene where moonpaw is dragged to a half moon meeting and immediately rushes to moonpool to talk to it and either the other med cats think shes crazy or just super enthusiastic about talking to the ancestors in a weird kinda way. but shes still whining and yelling that they arent listening to moonpool and they just go on about their business, which frustrates her to no end.
moonpaw hates everything. no one believes her, the position she was forced into shes failing at, her mentor is being rude and pushing all these things on her she doesnt understand and doesnt have the capacity to, she just wants to be a warrior again.
then this all culminates into eventually getting so fed up she snaps at cometpaw and cometpaw eventually has to come clean and tell her theyve been dead this whole time and shes the only one thats been able to see them. moonpaw cant believe it at all. she starts out thinking its a joke, a really mean one, but still. its not.
she asks why shes able to see them and why theyve been able to grow alongside her if theyre dead? they think it has to do with their soul being absorbed by moonpaw before birth but they arent entirely sure. she asks why they didnt tell her sooner? they wanted to live a life alongside their sibling and because it would upset moonpaw if she knew. she asks what this makes her now? they dont know.
moonpaw's entire mind breaks at this. her life has been a lie. her sibling had lied to her all their life, had made her seem like some kind of freak to their clanmates her whole life. she thought she was protecting them from their clanmates, but cometpaw was just manipulating her. they were using her to become what they couldnt achieve, is what she tells herself, a medicine cat.
moonpaw snaps at cometpaw to never talk to her again, it doesnt matter that theyre soul bound or whatever. right now, moonpaw wished cometpaw's soul was gone.
cometpaw fades from her vision and tears fill her eyes as she runs out the clan to live with moonpool forever. even if cometpaw was lying, moonpool has never lied to her.
the moonpool consoles her, letting moonpaw cry into the water and drink it up as soon as her face dries. now moonpaw sees how she actually looks. this entire time, seeing cometpaw as something separate from her allowed her mind to rid cometpaw from her body entirely. now as she looks in moonpool's water she sees the orange on her pelt, the one green eye she recognized as cometpaw's, her uneven fur that would become fluffy like cometpaw's and then smooth out like hers.
moonpool tries to calm her down, telling her cometpaw didnt mean anything bad from it. moonpool tells moonpaw to see it from her sibling's perspective. in fact, moonpool says it and cometpaw are one in the same. only moonpaw could see or hear either of them. moonpool had been alone for so many years, only able to watch the clan cats but never be seen or heard. only used. only to be visited every once in awhile to speak to starclan. forever alone as a thing, but never a person.
moonpool loves moonpaw, and moonpool knows moonpaw loves it back. moonpool is grateful that moonpaw can finally see it as its own person and not just some object. and moonpool knows cometpaw feels the same for moonpaw.
moonpaw knows moonpool is right, and even if cometpaw isnt alive, its not like she can go back to her old clan. even if she accepted cometpaw isnt alive, everyone knows her for being weird, theyd try to force her back to being a med cat even if she admits that what they thought was her speaking to starclan was just her talking to her sibling's ghost. theyd make it about starclan. no one whos alive will understand her.
she decides to give herself up to the moonpool.
she tells cometpaw that shes accepted them again and shes sorry, and cometpaw is sorry too for holding this back from her for so long. moonpaw tells cometpaw that its ok and she missed them, and shes found a way for them to be together for real.
moonpool lifts itself out the water, a beautiful shimmering cat made of flowing water. normally when it does this it looks like moonpaw, a weird kind of reflection. but now it looks like no one moonpaw has ever seen, a new cat who smiles sweetly and presses its cold wet nose to hers.
moonpaw faces her sibling and does an impromptu naming ceremony for both of them. she messes up the speech a few times and adds parts here and there that she couldnt remember, as there hadnt been a warrior ceremony in moons, but eventually she gets it out.
moonwatcher and cometchaser.
moonpool guides moonwatcher to the bank and wraps itself around her in a loving embrace and bringing her into the water alongside cometchaser.
it doesnt matter anymore, nothing does. not the clans, not starclan, nothing. just the love she feels right now, for moonpool and cometchaser. even as moonpool's love fills her lungs and drags her down further and further into her mate, she doesnt regret it a single second.
during all this, the clan sends out a search party for her, and it lasts for a week before they eventually give up. eventually, the med cats have to come back to the moonpool, or maybe even a leader. and there they find her, the blacks and oranges of moonpaw, swirling in the greens and blues of the moonpool.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Devour Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Bby Ackles  [bby Ackles :)]
[Realizing that the entire movie is contained in the startup and you just.  don't realize it yet.  but anyway]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
God his kids look just like him
Anne Kilton 👀🤣  [I KNOW! When I tell you this film has SPN vibes… Not a lie]
Sir, that’s not- Leave.  Run!  Your white is showing
THE FUCK IS HE DOING WITH THE GUTS  [The fact that you haven't gone hunting before is showing]  ☠️☠️☠️ Blechhhh
Now a baby???  BUDDY GTFO.  FLEE
Mysterious cabin in the woods
Nekked crying person
[The end.  He ded. Sorry, did you think Jackles was in the whole thing?  Oh wait :)]
The voice
[Weirdo monologues are back: Max-coded]  Talking in circles
Oh nooo drugs  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 1]
TF [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 2]
[His jacket tho... Dean-coded]  RIGHT?!  But also… Wtf?! The kid was just gonna shoot them?!
Oooo, bitch
Wot.  Is happening.  [She was getting the champagne and intentionally being provocative]  Oh shit
She favors Kirsten Dunst  [Yup, agree]
Yeet.  You just gave the lagoon monster a weapon
Ma’am  [You mean that’s not how computers work?]
You burn candles on your laptop?  Again... Ma’am
“YeH, I pushed a button.”  You idjit.
“Watch your fucking language”  ☠️☠️☠️  [I hate his boss btw]
Alan Ackles has arrived
Bruh his dad reminds me of your dad 👀☠️  [ASDFASDFADF YOU'RE NOT WRONG]  Lemme find out you’re related to the Ackles  [I would pass the frick away]  I would too! ☠️☠️☠️
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 3]
BRUH ITS WILD CHARLIE  [Dean-coded protective streak pt. 4]
[Buddy, I love you, but please ask why your friend is demanding your personal info and typing on a computer]  ☠️☠️☠️
Wait is this uncoolness again  [His friends are very uncool throughout the film: you'll see]
Huh.  Uh, y’all run.  HE CRAZY
[I love his acting in this scene.  The turkey line is so well done too aalksdfj]
BRUH  [Did I mention friends putting personal information into random computer programs = not good idea?]  LIKE… dude!
Ohhh noooo
Bruh… I’m tripppinnn lol this movie is wild  [I KNOW RIGHT]
[Get ready for hate-his-boss hours]
["You wouldn't have let Conrad sign you on" HE DIDN'T KNOW?!!?!?]  RIGHT?!?
Can this dude keep a mom!!??  [I say nothing… I love them tho]
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 5]  😭😭😭😭
Say you want him in your pants/skirt without saying it ma’am
[This mom's better at the love-life-meddling than Mary]
He’s so cute thoooo  [I KNOWWWW]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Buddy
[I love Jackles in this whole scene… His smirk/fist pump thing alskdfj *chef's kiss*]
He’s too cute… I can’t even  [I KNOWWWWWWWWWW]
It’s. Not. Like.  This.  What is she.  DOING.  TO HIS HEAD.  WHAT.  AM I WATCHING WOMAN???  I HAD TO TURN THE VOLUME DOWN.  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [I did warn you about this scene]  
[Okay, two things… a) I love Jackles playing the romantic type.  And b) the promised friend-uncoolness]  *huff sigh*
Bruh why does the voice on the phone sound like him 🤔🤔
Jump scareeee ☠️☠️
Bruh that’s the devilll run  [Okay, but.  To be fair.  His entire life is vaguely concerning rn.  Buddy's head ain't even safe]  
The smileeee!  Isss too cute  
Ooooof  Wench’s dad, run!
Oh shit  [He didn't run]  Reverse daydream???
Ah!  A k!  Ack!!!
Nope. I almost passed out for that one.  Bruh.
[Dean-coded protective streak pt. 6.  And continued friend uncoolness.  At least he apologized immediately, unlike SOME people] 🥺🥺
Uh ohhh he in trouble
Or something
[Oh, I forgot that intercourse bit, sorry.] Oooooof.  They ded.  [They did the deed in a horror movie; isn't that, like, a cardinal rule?]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Fair.  But they didn’t even get to finish
[Dean-coded hug right there.]  WITH JODY  [And guilt complex.  Poor buddy getting blamed by other people again, too]  RIGHT!?  ["You coulda brought the gun to me" Yeah, you see how me reporting someone else's crime went this time; of course I could have]
Oh no sad music  [Buddy's friend just died; I think it's deserved alkdsfj]
Buddyyyy 🥺🥺🥺  Oh noooo
Oh nooooooo  [Wot?]  The little "son" got me
The way he says “Ok” *dissolves*
[I do like his "play it cool" line.  Is so cute alksdjf  Help]  
Clothes change  [Jonathan/Wayne Stranger Things jacket]
Oooop look at that he’s drinking  [also Wench's dad-coded]
[Jake's look when daddy grabs his arm is a bit.   Concerning.]  🥺🥺🥺🥺  Yep
*sigh*  Poor Jake/Tom/Dean
“Marisol”  Like aerosol  [alskdjf]
[Frecklessss!!!  That's the most pronounced I've ever seen them]  I KNOWWW
BRUH She got that crazy look in her eye.  Don’t go.  DONT BRING YOUR FRIEND.
[Did I mention romantic!Jackles is so great compared to the emotionally-repressed character he usually plays?  Like, nothing against those roles — I love them, too — but it’s a nice change.]  I KNOWWWWW!  IMAGINE.  JUST FREAKINGGGG IMAGINEEEEE.  HIM WOOING CAS LIKE THIS.  Poor buddy would combust!  [Is trueeee]
Aight… I’m calling it the pathway is them.  At least their voices.  They are calling themselves.
[Love her ringssss]  I knowwww
Blech.  Blechhhh!  Fingers
I am Native American; I can confirm they probably do weird shit like that
Buddy only been with this girl 10 mins and she’s already pouring his coffee; I’ve been with my husband 15 years and he pours his own shit ☠️
the cat  🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Tf
👀👀👀  I seeee you
[Get ready for more Dean-coded]
Well damn Jake can’t catch a break-
“Give rest o christ… cause you have took half our town already.  Please chill out”  (I’m going to hell)
[btw, SPN-coded lore-gathering session]  Right!  [The lights are pretty tho.  He be pretty too]
The priest is like this is ABOVE my pay grade
i just kept the tat… ya know… cause- ☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [My dude slandering Metallica]
[The dog's name is Sammy asdlf *Now* who's getting replaced with a dog?!]
[I am waitinggggg for your reaction to the ending of this film btw; seems like is gonna be gold]  🤣🤣🤣🤣 [Edit: I was right. Be warned about the increase in cursing alskdjf]
Well shit.  Poor devil guy
Ooooooh the plotttt thickenssss
[Early Jackles films has him brooding and staring at things a lot]  🤣🤣🤣
More sitting, more staring  [tbf, buddy pulls off the Heathcliffe aura real well]
Ahh!  It came in handy!
Oooooooh!  Devil shit!
why Jake gotta go to hell?  He’s so sweet  [You'll see]  And cute ☠️☠️
[WAIT OH HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD THAT’S AMES WHITE FROM DARK ANGEL]  What?!? 👀👀  [You'll understand the significance later… for now, @witchy-writer-lady and I shall keep the secrets]
[aka: this entire movie is trying to sell us on the fact that this lil ray of sunshine is the spawn of Satan laksfdj]
[btw, um.  You thought that twist was something.  Wait for the next one.]  WAIT.  Is tarot girl ANNE?!?!  Pls Say- [I say nada]  Womannnnnnnn she gave him the smooches!  That’s not ok  [I DID NOT CONFIRM]  Like I know he is foineeee but it’s not ok! If it is the case
Oh shittttt
WHY WOULD YOU GRAB THE BLOODY KNIFEEEE??! BUDDY, WHATCHA DOIN THERE?!?!  [Okay but horror movie, weapon = good]
This fucking movieeeeee-  [Is not done yet] Is wilddddd
Ohhhh shit… That’ll do it.  He gonna snap [aslkdjf]  And start killing with the pick axe  [ALSKDFJ]
How type?  I can’t
[Sam-letting-Dean-turn-into-a-vampire-scene-coded.  Which is kinda concerning given the.  Undertones.  of that scene.]  BLEHCH
– – –
Endpoint Reaction:
Wench: I want you to know that I've been cackling at your reaction this whoel time
Wench: asdk
Jezebel: I’m just- Yeah.
Wench: I'm dying of laughter rn
Jezebel: I just…. What.  Why.  His mother.  She was his mother.  “I can be anything you need me to be”  HOW ABOUT A DECENT FUCKING MOTHER YOU MANIPULATIVE DEVIL BITCH
Wench: One of the few films where Jackles comes out with two parents still alive, and it’s only true because he had four at the beginning and lost two along the way aldskfj
Jezebel: Well, three, ‘cause he killed her too
Wench: Nah, she didn't die
Jezebel: Wtf.  But she was dead at the end, wasn’t she?
Wench: The human vessel was.  And that's a maybe.  We don't know for sure.  But she's definitely alive enough to force-feed him blood and shit, so
Jezebel: Oooh.  Blech.  His MOTHER.  Who wroteeee this shit.  Bleach.  I need bleach for my eyessss
Wench (aside to the audience): She’s never forgiving me.
Jezebel: I just  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Ok I’m good I think
Wench: aklsjdf
Jezebel: It was a pretty good movie.  Until the end.  That happens a lot in Ackles case.
Wench: Do you see what I mean by, his acting was actually, like, really good?  Especially in that context?
Jezebel: Yess! Buddy just couldn’t get a good ending if it was standing right in front of him…  Ten Inch Hero next, so I can be equally pissed at the ending but in a happier tone.  Maybe tomorrow?
Wench: YEAH.  FINALLYYYY. Sandwich shoppe, here we come!
Jezebel: Ending note.  SHE WAS HIS FUCKINGMOTHER!?!?
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nablah · 1 year
OK!! so all throughout finals week i kept thinking about alceste because of The Pain and radiation therapy because of The Exam, so my brain combined them, voila alceste set in the radiology department (nicky as far as niche things go this is surely something)
Alceste is a type of Orfeo ed Euridice: you have the beloved who's not quite dead and the lover whose actions that bring about the story can only stem from their love. You have the somewhat present god who offers a bargain to the lover to bring back the beloved from the dead. And finally you have the clause of not telling the beloved about the bargain. ANYWAY. That's the 3 main elements.
So the Alceste set in the radiology department would primarily incorporate the Euripidean origins of the opera while retaining some ties to show the interpretation in the modern world. We keep the Euripidean """fantastical"""" world because like Orfeo, Alceste represents a fantasy: to bring someone from the dead. You've got Alceste and Admeto who are idk rad tech / medical physicist because they hold relative power in the radiology dept but they dont over matters of life and death. Admeto is dying etc etc except now the context is radiation induced (btw dyk they have this estimate for how long radiation professionals cut down their lives and its BS at this point but y'know. Stochastic effects) which presents something interesting to me because radiation induced means he brought it on himself, like the myth and the play, and also because treating it only means he'll survive and most likely die of it later, when he's older. So it's a terminal thing at least. So Alceste gets the news and its already all blurring into a picture where the foreground is still the hospital, probably Admeto is on a LINAC, but the backdrop is a combination of ancient greece and a hospital. It's dreamlike, because again, its a fantasy, either the audience's or Alceste's.
So the oracle proclaims the bargain etc etc no one will die for Admeto (both in a hospital setting and in Thessaly). She just goes on prepping the machine maybe while she makes the bargain in the forest. NOW HERES WHY I KNOW THIS WORKS AS A SETTING. As a rad tech she has to administer the dose, i.e. she gives the treatment to her husband while she herself is exposed to radiation i.e. she's trading her life for his. it's a long term commitment tho which she probably assumes but the shades tell her she's going to die right there and then she asks for time. insert acute radiation syndrome, maybe on the GI system (i'll explain later!!). Back in the hospital Admeto is feeling better (disclaimer unfortunately this doesnt happen irl the client will most likely feel nauseous after a treatment round) and yay theyre rejoicing but bam Alceste's feeling sick (in radiation sickness GI system level this is what we call the manifest illness stage. the latent stage for GI ARS can last a few hours to days) so the relief that turns into horror scene goes thru and Admeto leaves to bargain with the gods. or the doctors. Alceste is reaching the end of the manifest illness stage and this is followed by either recovery or death. She's being given transfusions supportive care etc all until the 3rd act. Admeto is outside the room because its ARS and thats a major safety breach. Theyre mourning outside with the kids and with Alceste inside and then bam she dies. cue the mourning again and Admeto goes mad, maybe tries to get into the room where her body is and then Apollo deux ex machina saves everyone Alceste recovers (you can recover from GI ARS with proper care) and the opera finishes. Theyre both permanently disabled btw, but theyre alive.
If you read until here you may have noticed this was just a major infodump on radiation safety and radiation induced effects. Dont play with radiation :)) even if its for an opera!
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
Sits down in front of u. Tell me abt *looks at smudged writing on my hand* btd.. dtb? tbd,dbt-
hiiii anon
btd is boyfriend to death!! it is an erotic horror visual novel by gatobob, darqx and another guy but we dont talk about him. the first game and its sequel feature their ocs rire (by darqx), strade, ren, ashe, farz and lawrence (by gato), and some others that i do not know much at all about or did not particularly get into all that much (just not my thing! ive heard sano is pretty cool tho. however these r by the other guy and he sucks)
strade and farz are actually also ocs from a different story gato has created called "this is not romance," which is a fun little webcomic i highly recommend! its both lacking in horror and horny (more scifi?) so if you are looking for something more general audience, there it is :) to my knowledge, strades btd iteration is not canon to tinr or vice versa, hes just a multi-use oc! farz's feature in btd was not written by gato and is very distant from what hes actually supposed to be like so we ignore that too. this whole thing is just an excuse to talk abt tinr
anyway! for btd, whether or not the emphasis in "horrorporn" is on porn or horror is pretty much up to which ever character and route you end up on. either way it'll Typically most of the time get at least a little horny or romantic. i personally am scared of sex so it is all horror to me. lol
but there is actually Lore, i unironically play it for the plot (and gratuitous violence) and i love readin through gato's blogs to know more abt the characters. darqx also has lots of lore for rire but i gotta actually finish his routes first oops
in fact! said lore continues into a game gato has made called "the price of flesh" that i REALLY wanna play (cant yet bc money, its not that expensive ive just got other priorities rn) bc it looks super good !! has a hot woman in it also!!
the strade/ren/lawrence trio is my favorite bc they r all intertwined and deeply fucked up. most mentally ill men alive. it is actually kinda hilarious at times despite the like... limb removal scenes. strade is silly! yet a little more complex than i think he is given credit for! and lawrence is tragic!! and i understand why a lot of people choose ren to be their target for vent art or kinning, most little guy ever!!!
so yeah if youre ever thinking "yknow what would be a nice date night? getting locked in a basement." these games are for you :) (check the website tws first, but btd1 and 2 are free!). if you think i sound insane, perhaps not and u can blacklist the btd tag on my blog :)
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resmarted · 1 month
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happy birthday weekend to me! was just thinking i should do red dress run and forgot it was this weekend. i keep forgetting things i wanna do on the day of! i dont even own a red dress. lots of babely dudes in red dresses tho. lots of hot girls but girls are always hot. faced my fears and watched cuckoo only bc I knew I would do a double feach and see the one movie that is not a fucking horror film after it was over bc literally all cinema is horror like do these people not realize some of us live alone and already survive the horrors on a regular basis and we can't psychologically handle the constant infliction of being terrorized?? i guess its the only type of film people will still go to the theaters for other than superhero movies. luckily it did not scar me as badly as I was anticipating and tbh the mixed reviews saying it was kinda bad sold me on wanting to see it bc at least if it ends up being cheesy I can say I saw it and have an opinion opening weekend like a very cultured american. I saw the trailer months ago when I was surviving the opening chapter of recent traumatic life events and every time I see a trailer for movies like this I am like wow looks very good but I am at an age or point in my life journey where content like this will surely follow me home and live in my brain and I do not trust that I can handle media the way I once did as a fearless young girl unburdened by the diabolical energies of this world. I even tried to watch one of the new scream movies recently and was like uh no thanks this is too much there's like demons transmitting through the screen and I do not enjoy this and not even sure how I once enjoyed this. like a very disturbed child that needed to be cool once liked this but adult me that knows how scary the world is likes none of this like I can just read the news thanks ANYWAY mom can't handle scary movies BUT the movie kneecap was everything I hoped it would be and more 10/10 highly recommend and cannot believe the lack of advertising this has. they went from playing it at noon and ten to just ten hence why I had to go to something before bc mom can't leave the house for 10pm it's just not going to happen I have to be already out and have already had 37 iced coffees throughout the day to prepare for such an event. cannot stress enough this is the only good movie out right now that is not a Pixar film or of the marvel franchise and if anything it is pleasing to the eyes as it revolves around two young dudes with the sickest fades you have ever seen like the music ripped but the haircuts ripped so much harder. great plot great vibe all around the only thing any of us have to be hyped about in this current climate. remind me to start telling you to fuck up instead of fuck off in my new working Irish accent and other linguistics I learned along the way. thank u pls drive thru 🇮🇪
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thefanciestflower · 5 months
watched a horror movie that I told myself I would watch for YEARS and never got to and I am so MAD because it was so COOL!!!! GOD... ugh.. I need something that makes me do the things I want to do sooner instead of me just not doing things for so long ifthat makes sense... I am so BAD at getting myself to watch movies, cause thinking about paying attention to videos over an hour is so dreadful and hard because I am like.. a creature.. that cannot do that... BUT IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!! foaming at the mouth someone please make smth that can make me do things without putting them off forever first
I always do this to myself when I see smth cool istg; like every cool movie I see I tell myself, "I'm going to watch that!! it looks cool!!", and then I DONT!!! Then I keep telling myself that I'll watch it, and keep not watching it, and then it's only months or YEARS later that I'll finally watch it!!!
The same thing happens with shows and books and games and art and everything too tbh, but I can usually start them more easily. If I don't finish things in a certain amount of time tho, if I don't finish things fast enough, like, I'll just drop them. And it makes me so so so so so mad- because it's not like I lose interest- I DONT, I just like can't get myself to finsih, and I hate IT. Like I drop them for so long, and only sometimes after months or yearssss will I come back and finally finish them off; or at least try to.
Like examples: Literally all my art, I draw basically everything I post in a single sitting; if I don't then I'll likely abandon it. Only sometimes will I come back to an unfinished piece that I didn't complete all at one time to finish it. Or, like another example, PLA, I played that game sooooo so so much when it first came out, I LOVED IT. But you know what? I went through the wholeee story but then I just *did not* do the postgame- and I wanted TO, believe me, I loved the game; but I just didn't do it. It took me so LONG to finally complete the postgame, and do the arceus fight, because I literally just did not touch the game for maybe over a year- even tho I wanted to, I just didn't do it. AND I DONT KNOW WHY!!!! It just happens to me and I hate it and it's evil, it's like I am so so so lazy about things but trying not to be lazy is like trying to eat rocks, so I can only do things at specific times when it is not like eating rocks and is fun. idk, idk if this makes sense I am just rambling lol
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starlightkun · 11 months
omg omg omg okay so im like in the middle of my final exams before im done with highschool but i need to tell you all about the fics that you have been releasing because wOW.
GOD THOSE TWO ARE SO FLUFFY. i dont have chronic illness but the way you described it just reminds me of starting adhd meds where i had to take so many pills at random intervals during the day and felt awful 24/7 and how im afraid that going into uni, people are going to ask for my meds for recreational purposes (which makes me so mad btw cause like i need meds to live dont ask for medication that is in limited supply so you can get lit but anyways). But yeah i didn't know that much about migraines other than the fact that its terrible but yeah the way you wrote mc was so beautiful and relatable and im just so sorry that you have to be burdened by these migraines and spend so much time and energy managing it. The way you wrote sungchan though was beautiful. his character is absolutely the most pure and loving guy (whilst also being a loserboy) and the fact that he did not question or judge or put pressure on mc ever was so healing. just watching him be so open with his affection and just blatantly pine for mc without any reservations about it makes me really want a sungchan of my own now. I just want a cute, sweet, uncomplicated, loserboy so i can just live my life in both sickness and health and not be judged by what hurdles my body choses to throw at me today (my psychiatrist was saying my stomach is just really sensitive so thats why ive been going through hell which is sucky but at least i have answers and know what to avoid lmao). But yeah thank you for writing something so beautiful about an experience that i felt so alone in having, because now i feel less guilty about struggling with my own health and most importantly less alone.
now onto Dr Magic!
dear lord jesus if i felt seen by buzzer beater, ive never felt more out of my depths by Dr Magic. Its such a hilarious fic and renjun and mc are both so insane and crazy but in a way thats realistic (i go to one of the top high schools in australia and there are people here who are so dedicated to school the same way renjun and mc). The way renjun just wants mc to spit in his mouth, I swear ive met boys like that too. also the steamy makeout sesh?! soft renjunnie with caring and dominant reader who asks for consent?! mc is so sexy for that, i love her. Also! your description of renjun wearing a yellow hoodie, jeans and a red cap was so scrumptious that i embodied mc in that moment and wanted to eat him whole also. the scene where renjun owns up to the mean things he said to mc whilst mc talks about spitting in his mouth in front of TEN?! shes so confident and strong despite being hurt and i love that for her. i really love how in your fics, you mix humor with maturity to create such well rounded works that really celebrate being wild and having fun whilst also being a grown and mature person. just like you, i could never be renjun and mc but im happy for them and what they have.
side note: thank you for being pro palestine, i know being pro palestine is a simple thing and a low bar to set for myself in finding good people in the world, but with all the people in power and celebrities (cough eric nam cough) publicly supporting the genocide that is happening, im very glad to find others who see the horrors for what it is.
yeah i will always be anti-genocide and anti-apartheid ethnostates, and it truly does boggle my mind to see people support that??? somehow???? but seeing all the pro palestine demonstrations and protests and posts all over does give me hope to hold onto
rest of my response to ur lovely feedback under the cut to not make this post any longer lol <33
i also want my own loserboy sungchan so bad 🤧🤧 he was just so perfect in that one ugh. im glad that u were still able to see urself in some of the mc (tho im NOT glad that ur having side effect trouble w ur meds, sending out my love as a fellow tummy trouble side effect haver 🫶). and yeah i rlly wanted my bb sungchan to be not necessarily a himbo per se (bc imo u have to be like BUFF and stupid and sweet, i.e, kronk from emperor's new groove, and alas, sungchan is not built like wonho im not that delusional) but he is at least a big (read: tall), sweet, not quite dumb but not as academically rigorous in the same way as mc, jock who is used to kind of following the same script when in that college "talking phase" with a girl (a little bit of flirting, parties, inviting her to a game maybe, buying her a drink, etc.) bc it's safe and he rlly likes reader so he doesn't want to mess it up but then he realizes that he has to throw it all out bc reader can't actually do like most of that and is like ok. new plan. and ends up just fully embracing his pining, soft loserboy self and how down bad he is for reader. ugh i love him 💗💗💗
i would greatly admire, respect, and fear in equal measure anybody who feels seen by dr_magic2303 lmao. like good for u but COULDN'T BE ME!!! like some of the bits of mc's hyperfixation on her personal projects and that raw hunger for knowledge (as opposed to being the best) was modeled after my own hyperfixations and kind of manic flow states that i get with my adhd (i've yet to put up a conspiracy board in my apartment but i do routinely feel like the pepe silvia meme from it's always sunny) but i have not been a neurotic overachieving academic since jr yr of high school thank god! 4 years of cognitive behavioral therapy and a lot of anti-depressants cured me of that. this is coming from a former gifted kid lmao.
when i knew that i wanted this fic to take the this route (renjun getting consensually dosed up w siren venom) i knew i wanted there to be some form of a convo like that. like consent is sexy!!! and making sure ppl r being taken care of when they're consensually giving up and transferring power for a limited time (with or without the use of magical aphrodisiacs) is sexy!!! aftercare is sexy!!! (even tho renjun threw reader out before they could rlly finish that part but u know) and i rlly hope that came across in that scene
reader talking about spitting in renjun's mouth in front of ten isn't THAT weird for sirens (reader and ten were JUST talking about ten's nipple rings and their lack of sex lives like five seconds earlier in that same convo so like yknow) but ten could obviously tell that there was something a lot deeper going on than just some casual saliva swapping between pals so that's why he left lmao
as always thank you sm for your ask and your feedback on my fics 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 good luck with the end of school you got this b 💗💗💗💗
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iscratchdoors · 1 year
blah blah trans healthcare rant dont mind me
i know people get pissy about regrets being given voice but holy fucking shit i should have not taken my time trying to get on hrt. i already knew i would eventually have to get top surgery to live my life normally at like 14 years old but for like 2-4 years after i was going back and forth on wanting to go on t, partially bc i wasn't sure i wanted all its effects and to look like a Manly Macho Man (wow a 15 year old struggling with the idea of looking like a 40 year old man? no way) and other gender stuff but mostly because everything i'd heard about trying to get hrt was a fucking horror story and i was already dealing with a ton of shit so i took my time to really make 100% sure i wanted to be on t (coincidentally happened when i became an adult and youthful androgyny stopped being an option, who woulda thought?) before ever contacting a doctor about it and holy FUCK was that a bad idea
it's always "take your time" and "don't rush into things" but holy fuck the waiting game is fucking insufferable. i did exactly that and took my time but turns out, so will my doctor! it does not matter how much Taking My Time(tm) i have done before seeking medical intervention this dipshit needs to take half a fucking year to even start talking to me about treatment. 6 appointments since last year and i've so far done nearly all the talking and gotten 0 information back and for about half of those ive been hearing that "next time we might talk about the next step" and guess what! we fucking haven't! because i need to wait, wait, wait, and make sure, and wait
for fucking what? ive already done all the making sure, giving me more time isn't going to change shit except delay my ability to live a normal goddamn life. he's not a psychologist and clearly doesn't know shit about autism, so i have no clue why he thinks he's qualified to decide if that has somehow tricked me into thinking im trans, a thing that famously happens. he's not telling me shit about fuck about how my treatment might even go and im not allowed to even fucking ask because that immediately gets shot down with "well we cant just give you hormones right away" BITCH FIRST OF ALL its been MONTHS ive had all my psychiatric work done for YEARS before i ever had to deal with your donkey-headed ass and im literally just ASKING. FOR INFORMATION. NOT A PRESCRIPTION.
but noooo we have to wait wait wait, wait before we even talk about the one goddamn thing i came for. like we arent sitting here having talks about my truest inner self and how to best achieve it or whatever the fuck i didnt come here for counseling and it certainly isnt what im fucking getting. like what the fuck does he think is going to happen during an arbitrarily decided waiting period? i suddenly change my mind? without him giving me ANY information about what im getting myself into? hes going to discover some secret psychosis i have that my ACTUAL PSYCHIATRIST didn't for years??? it doesn't make any sense. it's always "oh you can't get hormones on the first appointment" WELL CAN I AT LEAST BE FUCKING SENT TO ENDO BY THE GODDAMN SIXTH???? im not taking shit at my own pace im entirely reliant on someone else's that they decided for me with frankly no justification
and i can't even vent my frustrations about this to acquaintances and relatives because for some goddamn fucking reason, they almost ALWAYS take the doctor's side. i complain about the shit i had to go with my joints, nobody assumes the doctor was in the right when i tell a story of how they fucked something up or were a prick. i say one bad word about THIS motherfucker and suddenly well the doctor has his reasons surely :((( you cant just expect to be given what you want immediately :(((((( what if someone gets on hormones and changes their mind :(((((( not you just Someone :((((((( still your problem tho :(((((((( by the way i need you to listen to this story about how a trans person you've never met annoyed me once :) i dont have anything against trans people btw did i mention that? i really dont. if you want medical treatment die tho.
every single fucking time. what the hell is it about transgender healthcare specifically that always makes people play defense for a medical professional they dont know anything about. i know im kind of unhinged with anger and hyperbolic from rant frenzy but i mean no exaggeration when i say that i genuinely believe that half of these people would rather see 100 trans dudes kill themselves than let 1 confused cis girl end up with a deep voice and extra body hair. it's fucking ridiculous. even my goddamn social worker gave me the "can't expect hormones at first appointment" speech. a fucking WEEK ago. first appointment was LAST YEAR girl. no matter how directly i describe exactly what's wrong with my doctor's approach and why (it's not only the waiting period he's just a general cunt) somehow the narrative of the entitled impatient trans person who is attacking this poor poor medical professional on an unhinged whim when really they could just accept themself and be cis and happy :( is the first thing that springs to their mind. there's not an ounce of trust in me, or anyone else in my position.
and this is all just the first step. i'm already looking into paying out of pocket for surgery because the fucking rate this is going at doing it the standard way seems a last resort more than anything. but to even get into talks about getting surgery done, in ANOTHER FUCKING COUNTRY most likely, at that, because fuck me for being born here, i of course need to be diagnosed and on hrt! haha! amazing! i can't do shit to progress any further until ONE OLD FART decides that i'm allowed! wanna permanently ruin your health with booze and smoking? sure! you're an adult! wanna get a cosmetic surgery in line with your agab? aye if you can pay for it! oh you want to get a different cosmetic surgery to improve your mental health at well over 18? now hold on there bucko we're going to need 2 doctors to sign off on that, what if youre just being an insane wackadoodle and you'll regret the horrible, horrible fate of not having titties while living as a dude. that's not a decision you can just make. have you considered spending the rest of your life unable to comfortably go outside or even move around much inside your own home instead? seems like a much safer option.
and all the waiting and frustration is one thing but the absolute lack of support is what really finishes the job. i go to my dumbass dipshit appointments and do my dumbass dipshit jester dance of how good of a trans i am and may i please please please have a crumb of medical care sir? spare a doing your fucking job sir? and after that goddamn exhausting ordeal of justifying my right to existence and well being i go home and instead of winding down i fucking do it again. no reprieve. and then i go to my room and i wait, wait, wait, wait, and wait, and it never fucking ends, and all i do is wait, wait wait, wait, wait, and i barely even get to talk to people who aren't paid to do it anymore, and i wait, wait, wait, and im slowly going more and more insane, and wait, wait, wait, and life is a fucking nightmare, and i wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, and there's no one left to ask for help, and i wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, and think about putting a hole in my skull, and wait, and wait, and wait
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how about yeah neil's british accent only pops up in certain circumstances (and when it does, !) BUT he uses british language full time
#like i feel like his regular voice always has at least a slight european undertone so it's not grossly american when he uses british slang#like matt is his 'best mate' and he overuses 'bit sad innit?" sarcastically too much#pants are trousers sneakers are trainers and chips are crisps#(he and aaron have a wholeeee fight about fries/crisps and chips/crisps)#dan and aaron have to intervene cause matt 'wack' 'fire' 'lit' boyd (their bf and bestie/roomie respectively) now only says 'wicked' an 'ac#the others think its brilliant tho (mat gets a kick out of it whnever neil calls the tv the telly) UNTIL he refers to his pajamas as jimjam#allison kevin and andrew just stare at him in varying degrees of horror#but yeah other than that its hella cute and the foxes all make a silent pact to not bring it up because then hed become more aware of it#and all the girls are 'love' which makes them SOFT and makes andrew feel...something#the first time neil calls andrew 'love' they both short circuit.. when andrew recovers he just sniffs but brushes his hand along neils back#telling neil that its ok andso it sticks but when he uses it with andrew they both know its different than any time hes ever called dan lov#that it means more 'my love'#but its still Typical Neil enough that they dont have to acknowledge it right away until theyre ready#wow that got so very andreil of me#yeah anyways#neil josten#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#tfc#matt boyd#dan wilds#aaron minyard#kevin day#andrew minyard#allison reynolds#nicky hemmick#renee walker#andreil#mine aftg
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shittyblogname · 3 years
I've been neglecting you guys, I'm so sorry. Things are going shitty rn & I can't find time for any of my hobbies, but have some Michael fluff because I need it and maybe you do too 😤 (writing this on my phone so it'll look ugly)
btw, this is kinda like a self insert ig, I got this idea because I could use some fluff irl rn. Reader will still be GN tho, in case you need some fluff aswell :)
Michael Afton x sad reader
The door just fell closed as Michael peeled his coat off, exhausted from work. His eyes searched for the clock you kept on the hallway wall, reminding him that it was almost midnight. He was ready to fall into your arms and pass out, although what he was met with immedeately flipped a switch in his mind. There were you, cradling yourself on the shared bed with tears staining your cheeks, not daring to meet his gaze. Michael sat down beside you, slowly curling his arm around your shoulders. He sat there in silence with you, gently caressing your arms until you were ready to speak up, although he didn't feel in a rush to make you do so. "do you want to take a shower?" he whispered, careful not to overwhelm you with a loud tone. "maybe a long, warm one?" his head tilted down to yours, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. He waited for a nod, or anything to take as a sign of approval or disapproval, he knew better than to force you to speak. Eventually, you showed your face to him, nodding slightly. Maybe you were expecting a look of disappointment, shame or even anger, yet all you saw in his face was concern. He smiled slightly, gently wiping the remaining tears away before moving to stand, taking you up into his arms. "work was exhausting, some kid literally spat at me." you chuckled, making him scoff in a playful manner as he lowered you down onto your feet. "what got you so upset darling?" he hummed, closing the door to shut out any remaining light. Your look searched for him in the dark, hands stretching out to feel around for your lover. His arms snaked around your waist, making you jump a little. "I don't know, everything?" you sighed, relaxing into his chest. He nodded to make sure you knew he was listening, struggling a little to undress in the darkness. "I thought that maybe showering in the dark will at least ease your mind about your body?" he placed his chin on your shoulder once naked. "although I adore you in every way possible." he pecked your neck gently, helping you to undress aswell before moving to stand in the shower. The warm water seemed to wash all your problems away, at least it did in Michaels arms. He rubbed small circles onto your hips, keeping you in a tight hug. "you're doing well love." his hands moved to your back, massaging your shoulders. "I'm proud of you." his head rested on top of yours, pressing soft kisses to your forehead. "what's there to be proud of?" your voice shook, tears stinging your eyes again. "You dont have to make every day a good day in order for me or anybody to be proud of you." he added. "At the end of the day the goal of every living thing is to just survive." his hands firmly placed on either side of you now. "and I'm proud of you for surviving, even with all the horrors, catastrophes and mountains in your way." you smiled into his chest, hot tears streaming down your face. They weren't tears of sadness, that nagging empty feeling at the pit of your heart or the voice in your mind telling you what's right and what's wrong. They were simply tears of joy and comfort, something you could always come back to in your lovers arms.
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
The gang during movie nights
Easily impressed
Like, there is an arrow shooting off toward the camera and he's ducking
It's hilarious
He gets so invested, especially in shows, like I can't stress enough how attached to the characters he can be
Won't cry, but will be deeply hurt if anything bad happens
Doesn't handle r*pe scenes well at all (none of them really do, but he'sthe worst)
Doesn't understand why they need to be shown on screen when the implication of that act can be just as disturbing and powerful
Likes to know how good the actors were treated on set too
If he learns that they weren't treated well he's gonna shit on the director for a really long time
When no one can decide on a movie he's the one choosing
Will sometimes let you choose, but dont count on it very often
He loves thrillers and mysteries, trying to guess what will happen along the characters
Not as good at it as he thought he would be though
Unless he's captivated by the movie, he's the worst person you could watch anything with
Talks constantly
Critiques any illogical thing he can see
Don't tell me about plot holes
Goes on and on about character development
Discussing a movie with him is fantastic, but watching it? No sir
Unless you're like that too
He has the best taste in movies tho
He loves indie movies the best
His favorite movies (as of late) is The Shape Of Water
(He just loves the fact that the two characters fell in love because of what they are instead of despite it)
(Also it's a monster lover movie and he secretly hopes he can find someone at some point)
Will put his legs on your lap but won't share the blanket
Will give you unlimited access to his stack of snacks tho
Pretends to love horror movies because he's the Tough Guy but actually hates them
Either because they're not scary (and therefore cringy) or because they're too scary
And he doesn't like being vulnerable
Will watch any and all movies starring Vin Diesel
His favorite is Baby Sittor
Doesnt like the Fast and Furious movies as much as he makes it out, he just has a big crush on Diesel
Really likes animated movies
If they want to explore dark themes, they have to do so subtly instead of throwing blood and sex scenes in your face all the time
They have to be creative about everything and he likes that aspect
If you guys are watching an horror movie, he'll cling to you at every jumpscare and act as if he was just shifty
Will silently claim unbreake loyalty to you if you hold his hand during the scary parts
Will put you on a pedestal forever if you don't tell anyone about any of this
Always in his phone
It's not because he's not paying attention, he just needs to do something at the same time to be able to pay attention better
ADHD amaright
Cries easily too
Not just from sadness, but from laughter too
Really likes comedies, but loves thrillers and drama even more
The shittier, the better
He just loves being fake interested in the characters life and criticizing every bad choice they make
"Don't go back with him Linda, he cheated on you!"
Ends up being real invested and cant take his eyes off of the screen (he gotta knows what happens next)
This is especially true with Christmas Hallmark movies
He knows exactly what will happen, the acting is bad and it's all too cliche
But he has to see it anyway
The ultimate snack maker, but won't share his
Will give you as many blankets and pillows as you need
Will also most likely fall asleep on you
Which is a huge problem when you need a bathroom break, because no one will help you move him without waking him up
She doesn't really have a favorite genre
But if there's murder in it, she's gonna live it
"I'm just saying, it would have been a lot better if he died after falling down the pit." "What did you expect from Dora the explorer?!"
Unironically loves really bad movies
Velocipastor, Vikingdom, Sharknado and the likes
They have this weird, we-got-drunk-and-made-a-whole-movie-before-the-hangover kind of energy that she loves
Don't let her choose the movie because she will choose this kind of trash film
If she manages to pull it off, you two will have the time of your life in from of this trash
Like constant laughter, trying to guess how far they'll take the absurdity etc
Just an honest good laugh
Adventure kinda guy
Like Indiana Jones, Jumanji, The Mummy, etc
He just loves the adventure and action ok
Especially if Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson is in it
He has a secret crush on him
(As secret as Raph's crush on Vin Diesel, so not so secret)
Also has a thing for romances
Really really likes them if they're somehow tragic
Like "two lovers getting separated during the war and finding each other again in the battlefield" kind of tragic
Doesn't like it if it ends on a bad and depressing note
Like it has to at least have a message of hope at the end
He's the one shushing everyone when it becomes too much
Also the one to refill snacks, and give you "secret" snacks if you help him
(It's your favorite candy)
Likes to act as if he was giving you drugs or soemthing when in reality it's like. Caramel
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losersclublol · 3 years
kinda weird and odly specific (fem) stozier bff head cannons !!!
stan has only ever let her bare feet out around richie
they quote the twins from like that one snl sketch. wait lemme specify. this one and they quote all the john mulany ones. like “we’re so close we finish eachother..” “off”. “his bootys real” “but my personality is fake”
they do those smule duets together and it’s a hot fucking mess but kinda good???
stupid. fucking. tiktoks.
so many
richie insists that they only do like one but they’re both on a friendship high and end up making like 20 and they’re all messy yet funny and good
a few of them blew up
cause why wouldn’t they. like you take richie, an actual comedian, and stan, an actual comedian who just won’t get paid for it. and you get comedic genius with the right amount of fruityness
ew no but matching pjs at sleepovers omg
sleepovers would either be like “we need sleep but you’re at my house” or “almost breaking something whilst having an amazing time and oh wow how did that get in your hair”
stan does richies hair at least once a month and she keeps telling richie to just do her hair like this and it’ll look this good all the time and richie keeps saying she will but noooooooo she doesn’t cause she’s a little dirt girl who has to look messy
they make the weirdest but best snacks together (i used to dip cabbage in lemonade, it was bomb)
they make little cooking videos/vlogs but it’s just stan looking tired and doing a good job, richie getting lost and confused and both of them losing everything they put down
“anyway now we need the spatula to mix it all up… where is the spatula” “how tf would i know dumbass you had it last” “okay don’t be mean stancy but seriously where is it i just had it” “bro i don’t know just retrace your steps or something idk… wait no where tf is it it’s not here” “see what i mean???” *confused looking* “omg where is it” “it’s gonna burn !” “no ! we made that together ! where is it !!!” *even more confused and stressed looking* “I DONT KNOW “ *harmonised screaming* “wait no no no it’s fine i’ll just turn the heat off for now” “oh thank god you’ve saved us,,, wait nvm no need i found it !” “where was it?” “oh the counter right next to us” “omg”
they’re the only ones who can see each others like ugly cackle only for bff snorty loud yet so silent laugh (please tell me you know what one i’m talking about)
the amount of times they’ve gotten in trouble for laughing so much omg
one time richie made them “hold hands” with their feet
she got punched but she got a picture so it’s worth it
their contact photos for eachother are the both best and worst pictures they have of the other
no other losers can see them
stozier eyes only
they definitely had one of those joint bff instagram accounts when they were like 12
omg musically
they had a shared account on musically too and it is the best thing ever made
“honey you already know i’m the slomo queen” and it’s just them doing some stupid ass spin with glasses on or something
stan has glasses
reading kinda glasses not like richies blind ass ones
omg no stan being farsighted is so funny to me tho i’ve thought about it before
like she can see birds like a mile away but walks into every fucking pole ever
she just can’t see them (how?? idk)
they share clothes
but when one of them comes over to the others house for a sleepover they just immediately change into whatever clothes is there
shared wardrobe
y’know my dad once put on my sisters jeans and they fit
sorry back on topic
i hate to be the one to say it but
they were each other’s first kiss and you can not tell me they weren’t
it’s up to you how it happens but it did
stans scared of spiders and richie takes advantage of that as much as possible (within reason she’s not an asshole)
she used the like spider on your face filter r to scare stan and it worked
she horror screams every time
no no no fuck this no no
i meant “i’m” but like yeah sure
anyways i’m sleeping downstairs tonight
they make up insane stories about stans bat mitzvah bc they were the only losers there
they shoot the straw wrappers at each other no doubt
have been mistaken for a couple too many times to count
they hold hands when they’re out and about (cause stan feels anxious and needs constant reassurance that she’s not gonna be left alone, also cause bffs)
they’ve got like ten of the bff necklaces and bracelets
like those wee bacon and egg ones that have the words “best” and “friends” on it
(stan got the bacon one)
they’re both lactose intolerant but have ice cream dates
whenever they have like picnics stan always brings perfectly cut fruit and nice sandwiches and food and stuff and richie brings all the snacks that they both like
stans like the mum who makes the cute little bentos
soup making omg
they’ve 100% cosplayed like heather chandler and veronica and like oh god i don’t wanna say it but bakudeku HDHSJXBHXHAJSNSN
i’m sorry but it’s funny
it was unintentional at first tho
richie was doing the deku voice for a tiktok and stan was telling her to stfu and people ran with it
they’ve definitely ugly cried together
well of course
but it still had to be said
and like cuddles awwwwww
also they genuinely love eachother
whether it’s romantic or platonic they are like soulmates to me
well to me all the losers are soulmates but stozier are just the ultimate best friends
okay y’know what i’m gonna end this here
also i have no clue how to do the read more things apologies
oh and if anyone has any tips on how to do it in the mobile that would be so appreciated !!!
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isa-ghost · 3 years
Hooby Heeby Time to Watch Mandela Catalogue
Ah fuck me this weird grainy TTS voice shit always spooks me
But in that way yall JSE followers usually see me being horny for Anti. Its that Good Spooky
Hold the fuck up I gotta grab me some chips n dip we strappin in
Tag urself I’m bighead man in the middle
TELL an authority member about your encounter. Hm no I dont think I will, we’re gonna be besties and do crime
Identify the class type?? Ok so this is some SCP shit now
...Wait I’m thinking of Anti bc of that oh.
Type 3: Slender Man
hey not to be rude but fuck that thing in the corner he needs to make like socialism and distribute that tall equally. to me. give me some tall
Gotta say, the patriotic music in the background of this urgent emergency broadcast message is really fucking funny to me
Can’t use psychological warfare on me if I do it to myself already *that What meme music plays as the camera freezes on my dumb face*
Oh fuck yeah we in that analog horror babieeee
Idk Victim 2 kinda hot
Cesar huh 😏
Cesar haunted house poggies
Am I gonna regret jokingly simping
I have decided I do not like the stairway cam
New gender unlocked: Suddenly Open Door
“It followed me home, Cesar”
Me, chugging my flavored water rn:
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...I was mindin my business watching and my Discord crashed. When I paused my Discord came back and as soon as I unpaused MC again it crashed again. Hm.
You cant give me unhinged man laughter I just simp
When am I gonna stop memeing and start shitting in fear
But nobody came :)
When the caller has an emergency, contact the weewoo wagon
Do not help a caller reporting an alternate encounter?? Bitch that sounds like something that should be your job. >America moment 🙄
“Nothing is worth the wait, nothing is worth the wait” Oh hello that’s getting saved as an idea for my OC shit later
Toddler stress responses?? Oh we in some psychology now, this my major :00 *waits for the horrific shit to happen*
There’s a man in the closet? Its 2021, let him come out. He’s valid
Gonna be real with you I paused here for at least 10 min bc my streamer distracted me with a fart video
*sees hooded smiling man* *and then goes to sleep the end!!!!* HM YEP THATS NOT BAD AT ALL
Why he look like a drug addict tho. He want sum crack
Curse my Gen Z humor, this is literally so funny to me and for what
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Hm that whispering’s not very pogchamp
Who is this man, he looks like he did a crime
This TTS voice sounds like a Karen
Me coping with the creepy baby crying by focusing on how that saturated af pic of the crib makes it look like the blanket is just a giant slice of cheddar cheese:
Wtf is this music >_>
Yeah no I expected the hanging whoop there it is
Okay how does all of this stuff connect bc I’m gettin interested and my crackhead hours are winding down
Okay the man in the corner boutta catch these fuckin hands
I am ironically so tired after the busy day I had I s2g I’m gonna pass out soon and some weird shit’s gonna go down in my dreams wish me luck
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irkenheretic · 3 years
a list of iz fics with weird plots that live in my mind rent free and have for years
because god damn ive thought about these for years and now im telling all of you
“no god but the state” by korimonster- this one is the newest one on the list (and also the only one on ao3) but its like. zim musing on religion and his own homogenous society, through the lens of his friendship with a larger-than-life celebrity commander
“ward” by dani dandelion- the tallest send zim a smeet as part of an “apprenticeship program,” but the smeet has a fatal degenerative disease. the tallest did this on purpose so itd die and they can charge zim with the killing of a smeet. theres more but i dont wanna give away everything tho!!
“take a stand” by slrisme- the tallest are chilling, and someone asks purple what his ideal traits in a tallest are. he gives it some thought and realizes to his horror hes describing zim, and that’s just the HOOK. its a fun rebel story where purple realizes theres some shit wrong w the empire and wants to revolt
“canvas” by oblong features- this one was on my old fic rec post but im putting it here again. it’s a oneshot songfic about red being addicted to drugs, and the ending line STILL haunts me to this day. idk what it is about it i just randomly think about it sometimes and ngl... that shit hurted </3 this fic is the definition of “it lives in my mind rent free,” it does first person in a way that didnt make me instantly click away and i really really hope yall give this one a try
are these the best fics of all time? not really, especially the older ones. are they fun as hell and worth your time otherwise? of course they are! i think they are at least. something doesnt have to be perfect for it to be worth reading and i still think of all these fics fondly so yk. here they are
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