#thnak u for the ask!!! i am sorry for the metric ton of words that i had to reply with to cover everything i wanted to LOL
beeapocalypse · 3 years
wait no i change my mind i specifically wanna know abt rabbit & maycourt and what their relationship was like & why rabbit ended up leaving
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the very basic answer is that both of them just wanted to be normal. rabbit loved maycourt but she was always a bit more Concept than actual person to them
more under the cut bc the long answer got a little out of hand and i do not know how to say things concisely lol
weird long answer is that maycourt has a TON of lore and weird shit going on that she just wants to move on from and she meets rabbit 4 the first time when she saves their life (maycourt works as a travelling doctor) andthey both hit it off bc of their shared Very Tired vibes and desire 2 keep moving
rabbit decides 2 stick w her 4 the foreseeable future bc its been years since the last time they died and theyre TERRIFIED of breaking that streak and recognize the scary skill that maycourt has so they fall into a two year span of travelling w the doctor and acting as a companion slash kind of bodyguard 4 her and like both of them struggle 2 connect w ppl the same way they connected w each other and that mutual desire for Some normalcy is the main cause 4 the start of their relationship (maycourt proposes to her like a month and a half into it)
the biggest difference between them is that maycourt makes an active effort to Process the shit shes been thru and the terrible circumstances of her life. she understands what happened 2 her was shitty and she wants to start a new chapter of her life while rabbit just keeps on running without thought. its maycourt that insists they bed down in a cozy little forest village eventually and settle into a slower life where she can work as the local doctor and rabbit can work at the stables (theyre still a tiny bit Freaky at that point concerning their whole status as a heaven-saint- not dying for so long means its a lot more mellow but they arent Quite human and prey animals- especially skittish horses- have a sort of kinship w them)
they live there for a year doing pretty okay b4 maycourt comes home with Some Kid (named foxgloves) who turns out to be the child of a patient that ended up dying that she doesnt have the heart to turn over to the shitty village orphanage and like there Is a conversation around taking in foxgloves but its pretty obvious that theres only one answer. so from then on there just Some Kid in the same house as rabbit whos looking up to them as a parental figure and needing looking after and everything
and like rabbit is seriously unnerved by foxgloves (avoids spending time w her without maycourt around, never rlly knowing what to Say or Do around her, etc etc) and its pretty obvious to the point that foxgloves mostly avoids them and that starts to drive a wedge between rabbit+maycourt that was always kind of There yet never poked at by the two and it prompts rabbit to spend more and more time outside of the house and going for walks in the forest bc they just dont know what to Do. their desperately sought after normality is crumbling apart and it scares them real bad so they start shuffling back towards that base instinct to Run and Avoid
the Big event that kickstarts the events that end in them leaving maycourt+all that is stepping into a beartrap on a walk on day and dying after hours of terror. its the same exact way they died the first time they can remember and its their first death in years and its The Worst and they spiral real bad to the point of being convinced that even if it is the one thing they fear most a Permanent Death is the only thing that will end their hell existence and throughout the entire thing rabbit detaches even more and more from their family (didnt say a single word abt that death to maycourt) both out of not knowing How to reach out and a tiny little desire to keep spiraling. they hate the terror and the dread and everything there but its Familiar in a way that the normalcy of a cute home with a pretty wife and a sweet kid is not
and what follows isnt rlly Maycourt related but basically rabbit puts out a bounty on themself hoping that a Monster Hunter could kill them dead and cain comes sniffing around and is horrified by what he finds (the two having interacted more than Just when he killed them and ruined their life- cain having wandered into the town rabbit was living in like three years After That and completely ruining the tentative peace theyd found there+forcing them 2 book it) bc like. its just assisted suicide even tho rabbit isnt really Processing their desperate need 2 end their terror as such
so instead of killing them cain teaches them how 2 hunt in an attempt 2 give them a sense of Power and the real capability 2 defend themself and at the end when rabbit gets the Cain Hunting Seal of Approval theyre overcome with a deep sense of embarrassment over the entire ordeal and NEED to get away from every single aspect of their life that has to do to their entire months long breakdown which includes maycourt and foxgloves. they dont say a word to her or leave any sort of note they just walk out of town without looking back
basically like maycourt represented that ideal Normal Life which rabbit wanted so so badly and both her naturally reserved nature and the quiet that came from refusing to talk abt the Rough Stuff that always sat between them made it easy 4 rabbit to break her down into bits and pieces in their mind rather than a real person which in turn made it easier to leave her
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