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chrislai88 · 4 years ago
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My yummy keto dinner tonight - super juicy pan-fried pork loin chops with a lush creamy mushroom sauce and a side of oven-roasted cauliflower florets topped with grated parmesan cheese. Feeling very inspired today!!✨😋✨ #myketodinner #homemade #homecooked #panfriedporkloinchops #creamymushroomsauce #ovenroastedcauliflowerflorets #driedchilliflakes #wholefooddiet #ketodiet #simplefoodforhealth #carnivoreketomaybe #intermittentfasting #ketolifestyle #ketoweightloss #healthyeatingiseasyanddelicious #foodporn #foodpicsoftheday #instafood #instagood #thisshitworks #foodstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CIP3Y8wDEA-iyD_8w9bxYRfkhWtUluUQGoT_qE0/?igshid=124nkbwighugg
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dknyknight-blog · 6 years ago
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The FREE yoga class in full affect. This class WILL be a regular class. Stay tune for the days and times. #danikgymandwellness #thisshitworks #yoga #motivation #groupfitness #anyonecan #westminstermd #carrollcountymd (at Dani K Gym & Wellness) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0LlaAxh-8K/?igshid=ifqtksghu1p8
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thelabfitnyc · 4 years ago
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This guy right here... what progress!!! So much effort, so proud of his hard work. What a pleasure to be part of the instrument of change for him. Keep Going Love!! Keep Going!! ♥️👊🏼♥️👊🏼♥️👊🏼♥️👊🏼♥️👊🏼 #pilates #peraonaltraining #thelawsonharrismethod #thisshitworks. #60isthenew30 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGm_fkYgtUX/?igshid=3d5vwsuq78o4
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djbradfscott-blog · 8 years ago
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I have to share this because this is my #bff and why #ilovehim #manifest #manifestation #thisshitworks #goodvibesonly @luxuryprovocateur #killingit
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equine-dreams · 7 years ago
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Guys, so Chrissy and I have been really focusing on... well, focus!!! After attending the Warwick Schiller clinic in May, we have been progressing. This is kinda a neat clip. Because it shows that I had to do nothing but take a step to make myself relevant and regain her focus (big thing about this is to never force their focus, just make yourself more interesting. This is months of work here, and I started this with having to jump up and down and wave a flag to get this horse to even look at me for a second! She was literally uncomfortable with looking at me, and avoided it like the plagues) Another thing, the moment she does give me her focus on her terms, boom, she starts to let down, give calming signals. It's actually amazing how this has changed her whole demeanour, her whole mentality, especially under saddle.
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author-robert · 6 years ago
#juicy #thenotoriousbig #wordup #thisshitworks #robertobrien #roberttherapper #dontf_kwithme (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWC8TgHZtk/?igshid=x2clwib7xpke
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typingdeb · 7 years ago
I can't sleep again. It's 2:42 AM and I have a doctor's appointment later! This really sucks if you're a night owl. I really overthink at night. Anyways since I'm awake let me tell you something.
I did the L.O.A. thing just because I was curious if it really works.
I guess it did.
L.O.A. stands for Law of Attraction
I manifested a text from my childhood sweetheart and an iphone. I still can't believe this because I just realized it right now!
This is not a drill. Omg
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fortheloveoffoo · 7 years ago
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You know why!!! #traveltraditions #thisshitworks #doublepatronmargwithashotofgm (at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI))
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icraiz · 7 years ago
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If you were wondering if the @fintouchbeauty Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover really works then I'm here to tell you...😲 FUCK YEAH! My mom bought it as a birthday gift for me after I mentioned I needed something for my mustache(my ethnicity fucked over me) 🤦🏻‍♀️ NO SHAME! This is my favorite thing ever to use before applying foundation because it creates a smoother surface AND I can use it every day! I put the link in my bio of the video I made on it so you can see how much HAIR comes off of your face and that it really works and is painless as hell! I'm so fuckin shocked it works EXACTLY as advertised! #finishingtouchflawless #hairremoval #thisshitworks #hair
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nezoid · 8 years ago
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“thank you @nylonmag for featuring @peetrivko and telling the story of how it all began…link in bio 🦄 #thisshitworks”
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dknyknight-blog · 6 years ago
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The FREE yoga class in full affect. This class WILL be a regular class. Stay tune for the days and times. #danikgymandwellness #thisshitworks #yoga #motivation #groupfitness #anyonecan #westminstermd #carrollcountymd (at Dani K Gym & Wellness) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0LlR89BOy7/?igshid=zomt1wib67op
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cremschatz · 7 years ago
Confirmed as best way to bring all the ladies to the yard
#same #andgotarealgoodandpureman #nojoke #thisshitworks
Sasuke Uchiha’s tips for being a real hetero guy
- Be irritated when women find you desirable
- Show clear distaste when you’re touched by a woman
- Reject every girl that confesses to you
- Show an abnormal amount of interest in another boy
- Display more happiness around this boy than any women you encounter
- Allow great amounts of sexual tension to build between you and this boy 
- Constantly repeat how important he is to you 
- Mention nothing of a girl being of importance in your life
- More or less confess you have loved him all along
- Most importantly…NEVER kiss a girl, EVER. Kiss only your main bro and think about it as you die sacrificing your life for him. 
- That’s it, you are now  #hetero 
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bcmixx · 6 years ago
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#mixxbooxx #amongothers #thisshitworks #book #enhanced #changedmylife #justcompleted #grateful #autobiographyofayogi #highlyrecommended #audiobook @audible_com #narratedby @benkingsley.ig https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQ8NgQFTT8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bu8w4wo3r6r8
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dknyknight-blog · 6 years ago
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@hitch29 got #legday @danikgymandwellness #danikgymandwellness #thisshitworks #getshitdone #westminstermd #carrollcountymd (at Dani K Gym & Wellness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu608agB36M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yxdbaw6xidup
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