#this would be before he gets yeeted to France of course
austin-friars · 15 hours
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"They are going to kill me." Mary thinks to herself. Their taunts follow her into the cupboard she's locked herself in, their voices echo through the aged, worn wood. "The King wants you dead!" A man, his words heightened by intoxication, calls from the other side, the door nearly succumbing to his strength as he yanks the handle. She thinks it's Lord Rochford, and though his words sting, he is right. Her father won't save her. He hasn't saved her since her mother was taken from her, he hasn't saved her since she was forced into servitude. The king wants her dead. Lord Rochford places his weight upon the door, his aunt and sisters laugh and jeer in support. Within a moment or two, he will break in, and then what? I have to save myself. Mary thinks. I must run away from this place!
(Excerpt from my short story in which Anne's court comes to visit young Elizabeth and Mary is made to serve them. In the midst, words are exchanged, which results in a physical altercation and Mary ends up running away, going to the most unlikely person for shelter.)
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hetawrite · 4 years
Hello how are you to day? Good, good. If you can could you do some hetalia headcanons for the main 8 (not including America or including him if you want to) as well as Prussia, Romano, Spain, and Canada that have a American S/O that uses a lot of Meme slang (like Yeet or Salty or Shook or Mood you get the picture) and the countries are just like 'WTF are they saying?!' and because of it they have to try and explain it, Key word TRY. Sorry if this is to long, thanks for read this have a good day.
My day is good, thanks. I think I quite enjoy writing headcanons like this. And no problem for a long ask. Just means you have something more specific in mind!
"I am shooketh"
Pardon? You were drinking some hot chocolate, reading on your phone. He'd ask if you were alright. His mind would assume you’re scared, or got shivers from a ghost walking through you.
“Did you just have an Encounter?”
This man is high-strung so don’t laugh otherwise he’ll be offended and get rude. What an absolute brat. 
It’s meme slang, you tell him. “Love, I deal with enough slang on a regular basis. We don’t need any more.”
This guy is vaguely aware as he is exposed to America quite often and he himself is a London aware of changing tides, but he’s then he deems it ‘Improper’ and implores you not to use it too often.
“He is being salty.”
He doesn’t know how to take this. That man on the TV is being irritating, but he can’t comprehend what you mean. 
This man is helpless with technology. If you show him the word meme, he will say “mee-mees”. He is uncultured in the ways of the internet.
You explain, and he just nods, but he doesn’t understand. He comprehend, but doesn’t understand. Barely ever.
This man basically embodies ‘old dogs can’t learn new tricks’.
“You’re such a simp.”
“Only for you.” Awww, Canada, baby. 
Of course he knows. This boy is young in comparison to every other personification and he goes on the internet. 
He isn’t one for speaking in slang normally, only when someones being extra cringe or dissing someone. Boy is cultured but sassy.
He also has a folder of memes. Mostly saved from America, but now he knows you’ll understand them and won’t cringe at him, you will now get them when you’re apart. He wants to make you smile and if memes are the way to get deeper into your heart then so be it. America is literally supplying him with the hottest memes out there for free.
“Cash me outside, how ‘bout that?”
He recognises it. It doesn’t click in his brain, but he remembers America shouting it at some point. Just like you’re doing because he inconvenienced you. Please don’t fight him.
You can show it to him, but he isn’t all that interested. Internet culture doesn’t interest him. He doesn’t follow trends and only got Facebook because America insisted on making him an account. The dude only has a laptop for work and his phone has basically no app. His highest used is Tetris.
He’ll recognise things you say, but will mostly just give you a judging stare. Or maybe chuckle if you make a fool of yourself.
Calm down, you’re being way too energetic about throwing that into the bin. 
He deals with all of his siblings at home, and then America at Big Work Meetings. He does not want to have it from you.
This man needs chillness in his life, consistency. He hates hecticness. So you throwing shit and shouting will get on his nerves before he tells you to pack it in. 
Yeah, he’s too grouchy for this stuff.
“Is this a bird?”
“That’s a butterfly...” He doesn’t get it. He has watched a few animes, that’s what happens when you’re friends with Japan. And America. And Prussia. And also Romano because it’s his guilty pleasure so he may catch on to what you’re saying.
He’ll also understand other memes you say, but he doesn’t find them themselves funny. He just actually enjoys watching your expressions to it and your enthusiasm. 
He works off other peoples happiness, so seeing that grin of yours whilst you imitate gives him the butterflies in his stomach. 
He will try though to pepper some in if you are a user of memes in your language. He wants to pick them up to make you smile. He’s such a cutie-pie UwU.
“Ah yes, stonks.”
No, these are the finances, honey. They’re not-oh... now he’s slightly disappointed as he looks at you from over his glasses.
Prussia is energetic about his memes, and Germany will often be ‘gifted’ with them. Sometimes, he’ll read through them but often he’ll scroll through them all. His brother spams. Heavily.
You may get lucky sometimes if it’s an animal meme to make him smile, or exhale sharply through his nose, but Germany doesn’t often find them funny. 
Like Italy, he’ll smile if your positively thrilled with it.
“That is a juicy boy.”
Oh, thank you, s/o. He’s happy you’re enjoying the meal he made you.
He knows memes. This man watches anime. He has every social media account on all platforms. He will smile, he will partake in some fine dining that is the dank meme section of the internet. 
They’re mostly the anime version of a meme. He doesn’t really enjoy edgy humour, and while a Danny DeVito meme about magnum dong is mildly humorous, it just isn’t his sip of tea.
He’ll say memes out-loud in the same room as you sometimes, in that deadpan voice of his, which always makes it ten times funnier. Even his commentary of anime that you’re watching a rerun of will have memes in it. And if you say you’re watching an anime and got to this specific episode, you bet he’ll pull up his neatly made folders on his phone for that anime and send it. He appreciates that you like that type of humour.
“That is a sweaty boi.”
Dat boi? Dat boi! Prussia is a people pleaser at heart and a goofball so of course he knows memes. This man has a large following on the internet, he makes a living off people enjoying his content!
As soon as you spill the proverbial bag of you liking memes, he will spam. His line of thinking is often, “Hahaha, this is hilarious. S/o may also find this funny. I will send it to them!” And if there’s one meme on that website with him scrolling hours at a time, you will get sent at least like 30 in an hour.
He will try his darnedest to make you laugh, so you will get a specific meme made about anyone you know too just to see you in tears over it.
“I have an army.” He sends you a picture of England. “We have a Germany.” Yeah, it’s that MCU meme of Loki and RDJ... Sometimes he’s not that funny, but A+ for effort!
“One does not simply--”
Yeah, he knows what you;re going to say and rolls his eyes. If it’s anything too cringe, he will laugh at you and take the piss. But he will not hesitate to make an edgy or self deprecating meme.
Romano is ‘do as I say, not as I do’ type of person, and also never call him out for his hypocrisy. He will get snooty with you.
But he does enjoy them even though it doesn’t seem like it. He enjoys seeing you happy about them so as long as you’re shameless and don’t take his elbow digging to heart it’s all fine. 
Don’t call him out for laughing at whatever meme you say or send, as he will get defensive and annoyed with you. Imagine edgy teenager ‘I’m not like everyone else!’.
“Pepe the frog.”
He partakes in a bit of memeing. He enjoys it. He’s got you.
But boy does he like the incomprehensible ones. Where the pictures highly saturated and has a couple of nonsense words put across it not lined up. He is cracking up at it.
Normal ones are fine too, but it’s either Facebook mum ones or weird incomprehensible. No in between. He doesn’t get that deep on the internet to understand the ones with context.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
I’ve been mulling over more thoughts for my Pokémon fantasy AU and I have some more thoughts worked out (that are going under a cut because this got Long):
— The basic backstory / lore / plot I’m working with at present is something along the lines of: in this version of the world, there were twelve mythical pokémon whose powers (unique to each of them) were considered godlike. These pokémon were, of course, far too powerful to be captured, but every now and then, when they found a human they deemed worthy, they partnered with the human to lend them their power in whatever way they needed at the time.
(Note: I’ve not decided which twelve mythicals I’m using yet, though I have a few picked out. And yes, it is only twelve, and they have to be mythicals. Legendaries with similar lore will not be used.)
— Of course, these pokémon being revered as godlike, and being known for being too powerful to be caught, didn’t deter humans from trying to capture them regardless. Whether it was because of a belief that “a pokémon is a pokémon” or merely a desire for power, humans tried for centuries to capture them. Eventually, an order of powerful warlocks summoned and formed a pact with the legendary Giratina to get the job done. Giratina agreed to seal the mythical pokémon into spherical gemstones so their power could be harnessed, and in return, the warlocks would use that power to serve Giratina’s ends. The warlocks accepted.
— Things did not go entirely to their plan. Though Giratina succeeded in capturing the mythicals in the stones as promised, and though said stones were initially turned over to the warlocks so they could do Giratina’s bidding, the legendary Arceus was one step ahead of them. After a fierce battle, Arceus banished Giratina to the Distortion World, along with the warlocks that had served it. The mythical stones stayed behind, but even Arceus’ power was not enough to awaken the mythicals trapped inside. Instead, Arceus used what strength it had left after Giratina’s banishing to cast the mythical stones into the time stream, where they would at some point be reborn within the humans destined to awaken and protect them. (How the humans were supposed to do this when the mythical stones were trapped within their hearts, only Arceus knows, probably. There is no guarantee that Arceus actually does know. One can only hope.)
(Note: I know that Arceus is technically a mythical as well, but the story just doesn’t work if there are thirteen mythicals and one legendary, so I’m bumping Arceus up in status. I don’t care that it’s technically wrong, this is my AU and I will do as I like.)
— So it was that the world continued on, and the mythical pokémon faded into oft-forgotten myth for many as kingdoms and empires rose and fell. That is . . . until the present day.
— In the present day, the twelve mythical stones are finally all in the normal realm again, their Chosen (sometimes called Keepers) all having been born. A few notes on what it is to be a Chosen / Keeper:
Keepers have no way of knowing they’re Keepers. In fact, most people don’t know who the Keepers are, or even that they exist at all. The only way to tell is through ancient magic when can a.) locate the rough location of where a Keeper is, and b.) if a particular kind of stone is enchanted with the spell, glow when one is near. Beyond that, a Keeper could be born, live, and die without anyone ever being the wiser, and then the mythical stone would have to find a new Chosen and incarnate again, which could take millennia. (This has undoubtedly happened multiple times. Arceus isn’t good at plans.)
Despite not knowing they’re Keepers, or having any way of controlling it, Keepers do have and, if circumstances are right, can use the power of the mythical pokémon slumbering inside of them. Sometimes this power is just always unconsciously active (e.g. Manaphy’s Keeper forms deep emotional bonds with the pokémon he meets routinely all over the place), sometimes it only triggers when the Keeper is on the brink of death (e.g. Victini’s Keeper has unbreakable willpower which can drive them past mortal limitations and onward to victory before letting them die), and sometimes it’s honestly random (e.g. Celebi’s Keeper gets precognitive dreams and sometimes postcognitive visions in places where there’s high energy for it). Usually Keepers are unaware of what it is they’re doing, but again, detection magic can see it (and those around them can be disturbed; Victini’s Keeper is a terrifying foe on the battlefield, what with them not staying down despite having been stabbed several times).
Pretty much all the leaders of the various regional governments want to get their hands on at least one Keeper for military purposes and have been putting efforts in for centuries to do just that. So far, at least two have succeeded. (The monarchs/emperors/what have you that have Keepers under their command would obviously prefer to take the mythical stone from them and discard the Keeper, but so far no one in history has found a way to do that without killing the Keeper and therefore causing the mythical stone to be yeeted back into the time stream due to Arceus’ power, so most just do their best to keep the Keepers on short leashes until they figure out what else to do. Also, in these cases the Keepers still usually don’t understand that’s what’s going on because most world leaders are smart enough to know that if you tell a Keeper they’re a Keeper and you’re using them, they’re probably going to turn on you, and no criminal in power wants that.)
Bloodlines have nothing to do with it. The mythicals don’t Choose (and they do Choose, subconscious though it is) through heritage, but rather by soul. 
— The two kingdoms whose monarchs have succeeded in finding Keepers are Unova and Kalos.
— The current reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Unova is King Ghetsis, who has been alive for as long as any of his people have been (and much longer than most). An immensely powerful warlock, Ghetsis has cast spells and made contracts in order to keep his once-mortal body alive and keep himself on Unova’s throne, though most (especially those who work closest to him) speculate that ruling Unova is far and away not his end goal, but is instead just the starting point. Regardless, Ghetsis has used his decades (centuries?) in power to search for the Keepers, and fourteen years before the present day he finally succeeded, at least with one: the Keeper of Mew, a boy named N.
— N is, according to the official story, Ghetsis’ son and the Crown Prince of Unova. Ghetsis claims that N is his biological son, and N does look the part, although no one knew of the boy until he was five, and also Ghetsis is unmarried and doesn’t have any concubines that anyone is aware of, and also no one in the kingdom can think of anyone who would ever want to bed or be bedded by Ghetsis (though most everyone keeps that to themselves; it’s an unspoken, kingdom-wide agreement). Nonetheless, N is the Crown Prince, and though he is pretty much never allowed out of the castle (for reasons ranging from “he is studying to one day be a worthy king” to “he has a weak constitution and the outdoors are harmful to him”), the people of the kingdom can’t imagine a worse king than Ghetsis so, you know, they’re kind of excited for N to maybe one day inherit the throne if Ghetsis ever dies. (And yes, many have tried to kill him over the years, but between his pokémon and his magic, none have succeeded yet.)
— As the Keeper of Mew, N can psychically connect with any and all pokémon, allowing him to communicate with them. This is a passive power that is always active, and one that N (since he hasn’t been informed of just what he has inside of him, only that he’s “special”) is always using, 24/7. It’s possible that he may be able to at some point make himself invisible, but so far in nineteen years of life he’s never managed to succeeded at that (on purpose) once.
— Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Kalos is presently under the rule of King Lysandre (who, at least at the moment, is living a normal lifespan). Things in Kalos aren’t as outright horrible as they are in Unova because Lysandre at least makes an attempt to pretend that his rule isn’t an authoritarian dictatorship (unlike Ghetsis) even though it is, but that doesn’t change how he has secret police known by the citizens as Team Flare keeping tabs on the citizens, or how swathes of people go “missing” if they can’t afford to pay their ridiculously high taxes or the economy starts to feel strain in any way. Kalos is in a strict class caste system, put in place and enforced by King Lysandre, but most of the citizenry try to not be too open about how they feel about it.
(Note: This is all inspired by Lysandre’s behavior in the anime / games, such as how his plan in the games is to commit mass genocide on everyone except members of Team Flare in order to “conserve resources” for those who remain, and that to join Team Flare you have to pay him $5mil. He’s a classist genocidal murderer who somehow manages good PR, so that’s what I’m basing this on. It has nothing at all do with real life France, despite Kalos being based on that country.)
— But while Lysandre has Kalos under his fist, it of course isn’t enough; his aspirations reach beyond his rule. As a result, Lysandre had powerful mages searching for Keepers even before he ascended the throne, and set them to work double-time once he did. And through their efforts, three years before the present day, Lysandre located the Keeper of Victini, a boy named Alan.
— Alan spent the first five years of his life an ostracized and abused orphan in an isolated village that, while they weren’t aware that he was a Keeper, could tell there was something different and off about him, and on top of him being an orphan, they didn’t like that. He was found at the age of five by an alchemist named Augustine Sycamore, who was repulsed by the abusive behavior of the villagers and felt empathy and pity for the child he saw before him. As a result, Sycamore took Alan home with him, and decided to raise him as his own son. While wary and anxious at first, once Alan realized and accepted that he had a home and family with Sycamore, he was thrilled.
— For the next seven years, Alan studied and worked so that he, too, could become an alchemist, following in Sycamore’s footsteps. But that changed when Lysandre’s archmage, Malva, discovered that Alan was a Keeper. For the next year they studied him from afar, staging little tests—“accidents”—to test his latent ability. Finally, shortly after Alan turned thirteen, they staged an attack on the town where Sycamore and Alan lived that put both of their lives in mortal danger. The unbridled determination of Victini awoke within Alan, allowing him to protect Sycamore and make it through (along with his partner Charmander, nicknamed Lizardon, of course) despite the odds. Satisfied that Malva’s conclusion was correct (and secretly thrilled that the Keeper they’d found was Victini’s), Lysandre himself made an appearance in the village, congratulating Alan on a job well done, and offered him a position in the crownguard.
— At first, Alan refused. Joining the crownguard would mean leaving his town—his home—his father. And he didn’t really want to fight; he loved research and science, he wanted to be an alchemist. But their talk was a private one, and during it Lysandre “revealed” that the “accidents” that had happened over the past year were targeted attacks on Sycamore, and that this one in particular had come very close. Alan had protected him, but barely. What would happen next time, if Alan didn’t have the strength to protect him? Didn’t he want to keep his father safe? Keep him alive? 
— Suitably afraid, and determined to save Sycamore just as Sycamore had saved him, Alan made the decision to join the crownguard. Sycamore didn’t want him to leave, of course; he tried to talk him out of it. But Alan insisted, practically pleaded, and ultimately Sycamore gave in. Alan left at the age of thirteen to join the royal guard, and he and Sycamore have not seen each other or spoken since.
— Lysandre put Alan through rigorous training—far more intense than any other squires—which, among other things, left Alan with scars down the left side of his face from the claws of Lysandre’s Pyroar. (It was a lesson and reminder, Lysandre said, for Alan to never allow his attention to be wholly distracted in battle.) Alan rose through the ranks quickly, ultimately becoming a dragon knight along his now fully-evolved (and Mega Evolution capable) Charizard, and a general to boot. No one else in the crownguard likes him because of this, something they perceive as favoritism from the king. (And perhaps it is, in a way, but certainly not in a good way, given that Lysandre is not a good man.)
— Despite his rank, ferocity in battle, and all the rumors that surround him, Alan has never killed anyone in battle.
— He has exactly one friend in that castle, and that friend is Lizardon. No one else likes him. “Coincidentally,” Lizardon is also his regular sparring partner. He uses a wooden training lance while Lizardon uses his claws. They never kept track of how many sparring matches they had, but supposing they had 600, then Lizardon has won 600 of them. 99% of the time the matches end with Lizardon flattening Alan on the ground and licking his face. You know. To make him feel better after losing.
— That said, while Alan might lose all of his sparring matches to the literal dragon he spars against, other humans aren’t really a match for him (which really pisses off the other members of the crownguard, given that they know that he maintains his place through actual skill and can, if challenged, wipe the training field with them). It’s simply hard for an ordinary human being to face him when he’s trained himself by sparring with a literal dragon, and keeps that up multiple times a week.
— Alan does not know he’s a Keeper. Sycamore didn’t know, either. And neither does anyone else apart from Lysandre and Malva.
— As mentioned, the slumbering Victini gives Alan supernatural determination, allowing him to push on even after his mortal body should have reached its limits, accomplishing impossible feats in order to do what he’s determined to accomplish. Of course, this won’t stop him from potentially dropping immediately after his goal his accomplished, but nonetheless, Victini’s inner fire as the Victory Star gives Alan the indomitable will needed to overcome whatever barriers are set before him. There’s a reason why Lysandre was particularly happy to be able to make this Keeper his top general.
— Meanwhile, though the current monarchs of Kanto are unaware of it, in a tiny, backwater village secluded from most of the rest of the population, there is a ten-year-old boy named Ash Ketchum who is the Keeper of Manaphy.
— Ash was born to a young woman named Delia, and initially, she had no idea that her baby boy was the Chosen Keeper of a mythical pokémon. But one day, when Ash was three, he wandered out of sight while Delia worked on her garden. When she found him, a great bird with rainbow wings was towering over him. And though she at first rushed forward to protect him, she stopped and stared in awe when she saw that bird—that legendary pokémon, Ho-Oh—bend its head down and touch its beak to Ash’s forehead, her tiny toddler boy having manifested an emotional bond with the legendary phoenix beyond all logical reasoning. Ho-Oh flew away after noticing Delia in the little grove, and Ash, happy to see his mother, thought nothing of it. But as she carried him back to their home, Delia did.
— Delia confided in what happened to a long-time teacher of hers, a sage named Samuel Oak, who recognized Ash for what he was: a Keeper, and most likely the Keeper of Manaphy, at that. He explained that legends said that the Keeper of Manaphy would be able to form a deep emotional bond with any pokémon they met, something that both explained what happened with Ho-Oh in the forest and also sounded beautiful to Delia. But, Oak warned, Ash’s power would make him not only an incredibly powerful trainer, but also an incredibly wanted trainer. No doubt those in power would want to use Ash for their own gain. And with Ash being so young . . .
— Delia understood. She and Oak agreed to keep Ash’s power secret, even from himself. Their tiny town of Pallet was remote enough that Delia didn’t worry too much about others noticing Ash’s innate “talent” for bonding with pokémon, and so for years she was able to keep her worries at bay. But as Ash grew, he bonded with many pokémon (a Pikachu in particular), clicking with them almost immediately upon meeting. And while Delia didn’t want him to go out into the world where he would be put in danger, the older he grew, the more he wanted to venture out and meet every pokémon he could, even if he himself couldn’t understand just why he felt so connected with them.
— So Delia allowed him to study pokémon battling with Oak’s grandson, Gary, a young boy Ash’s age who also had beastmaster skill (if not nearly on the same level) and who also aspired to be a trainer. And unbeknownst to Oak or Gary, when Ash was around seven, Delia had Ash begin training under Bruno, a Kanto-renowned brawler, so that Ash would know how to defend himself even if his pokémon were ever overpowered. She couldn’t keep him in secret forever, Delia knew, but she could still prepare him for what was out there . . . and make sure that no one would ever be able to use him without a fight.
And for now, at the late hour of midnight, that is all I have. More to come . . . at some point.
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cyncity2000 · 4 years
73 questions tag! tysm @goodlesson , can’t say i’ve ever had anything like this before but hey it’s not like I have anything better to do rn 😅 
answers under the cut! i tag @rene-royale @teenager-confused-tired @sawafilmtoday @onedoesnotsimplystormthebastille if you feel like it, but no pressure bc this is a LOT and took me a couple days to finish lol
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? um. could be worse, could be better?? so 5. 
describe yourself in a hashtag? no. twitter and all its shitty hashtags can go to hell.
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? weird question. nobody?? i wouldn’t want to??
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? not to be all dan smith on main but like...’come to this please’
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? uhhhh idk. i’m very open about most aspects of my personality i’d say
what’s your wake up ritual? stay in bed as long as possible and then YEET at maximum speed so i don’t waste the day
what’s your go to bed ritual? tell myself i should go to bed. pick up my phone instead. regret it in the morning.
what’s your favorite time of day? 2pm or 9-10pm 
your go to for having a good laugh? macdoesit or drawfee videos on youtube. truly the best.
dream country to visit? i wanna go back to england and france, also i’d love to visit literally anywhere i could
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? falling in love with my college roommate probably,, didn’t see THAT coming
heels or flats/sneakers? bitch i’m 5′10″ with size 12.5 feet. converse.
vintage or new? vintage looks cool. i am not cool. so new.
who do you want to write your obituary? idk man i don’t wanna think about that now???
style icon? if you knew me irl you’d know style is not a word in my vocabulary
what are three things you cannot live without? my cat, my friends/gf, and my cd collection 
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? i do not bake or cook, the real world is going to kill me immediately
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? i’d be too stressed to make food for people but i’d love to like. go OUT for dinner with...dodie, dallon weekes, and pj liguori. they’re all just cool people i follow and i wanna know what they’re LIKE. 
what’s your biggest fear in life? failure due to lack of confidence, motivation and direction in life :)))
window or aisle seat? i’d say window but i am long boi so aisle is usually nicer unless i trip someone by accident
what’s your current tv obsession? still supernatural, also brooklyn 99
favorite app? tumblr :D
secret talent? despite my crippling procrastination issues i’ve almost always been a straight-A student 🤷‍♀️
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? drove myself two hours to a concert in february, or maybe the time i did a really hard ropes course or went to the badlands?
how would you define yourself in three words? introverted, distracted, nerdy
favorite piece of clothing you own? maybe my waterparks sweatshirt bc i had a dream last night that i donated it and then went back to the store to buy it back lmao so subconsciously i must really like it
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? you gotta have that one pair of black jeans that goes with anything imo
a superpower you would want? flying. it’s the only recurring dream i’ve ever had and it’s my only answer ever
what’s inspiring you in life right now? all the people doing big or little things to help. the ones doing instagram lives or sending money or supplies to people in need or just giving me more faith in humanity
best piece of advice you’ve received? can’t remember any. why doesn’t anyone give me good advice
best advice you’d give your teenage self? do your laundry on time. don’t wear...whatever that was to school. just wash ur fuckin clothes. also don’t let it bother you that you’re single the whole time. you’ll get there.
a book everyone should read? they both die at the end by adam silvera. you WILL cry. but you will love it. 
what would you like to be remembered for? i have no idea. being a non-shitty person at least.
how do you define beauty? happiness.
what do you love most about your body? idk being tall is kinda nice
best way to take a rest/decompress? get a blanket. comfy clothes. my cat. put headphones on. put some music on or watch youtube.
favorite place to view art? on tumblr and instagram! i follow soo many wonderful artists it’s great
if your life was a song, what would the title be? Oh No (What Is She Doing Now?)
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano or guitar. i suck at both and if i could be good at ONE i’d be happy
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? been thinking about this tbh. somewhere on my arm definitely but idk where D:
dolphins or koalas? dolphins!!
what’s your spirit animal? a cat?
best gift you’ve ever received? for christmas my sister bought me a cute lil box meant for displaying concert tickets and it was the most thoughtful thing ever. also the AMAZING studio headphones i’m currently using that my mom got me like three years ago for christmas
best gift you’ve given? probably when i bought me and my best friend tickets to see the Sherlock S4 finale in a movie theater 
what’s your favorite board game? cards against humanity, one night ultimate werewolf/alien, settlers of catan
what’s your favorite color? porpleee 💜
least favorite color? hmm they’re all valid except for like. puke green.
diamond or pearls? neither lol
drugstore makeup or designer? neither 😜
blow-dry or air-dry? blow-dry but i never do bc it takes y e a r s
pilates or yoga? yoga!
coffee or tea? both but only hot tea or frozen coffee 
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? thanks to tumblr the word ‘defenestrate’ has entered my vocabulary and I do not regret it
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? either. chocolate is chocolate 🍫
stairs or elevators? tbh stairs, i’m just a lazy bitch
summer or winter? winter. cold > hot
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? i’d still get tired of it :( i need that variety!!
a dessert you don’t like? none. dessert is dessert and it is all valid if i can eat it
a skill you’re working on mastering? writing, working from home, playing the guitar
best thing to happen to you today? currently watching mike gross play old brobecks tunes :’) he also just saw my comment yay
worst thing to happen to you today? i had cheesecake for lunch. sounds good but it’s the only thing i’ve had today besides a piece of chocolate and my body is Not Happy
best compliment you’ve ever received? someone on fanfiction dot net once left me a comment saying they’d almost cried at my story and called me “a true writer” and it’s honestly one of the only thing that keeps me writing...i’m still mad they weren’t signed in so I’ll never be able to thank them for it.
favorite smell? lemon, cookies, fresh-cut grass
hugs or kisses? hugs!!
if you made a documentary, would it be about? somethin gay probably
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? honestly...probably “who the fuck is keith” fjadskljfd
lipstick or lipgloss? like peyton said chapstick is the only valid answer
sweet or savory? depends how i’m feelin, love both
girl crush? besides the obvious one (my girlfriend), honestly not many? there’s this one girl i follow on insta who’s big in the panic! fandom and jESUS SHE’S SO PRETTY. also the girl who plays kaia in supernatural is CUUUTE
how do you know you’re in love? has only happened to me once but for me...i already loved her platonically for months and then suddenly one day i was like oh. why am i getting the urge to kiss you rn. oh no.
a song you can listen to on repeat? anything by idkhow or bastille. never gets old.
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? not to copy peyton but i would love to know what goes on inside my cat’s head
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? next semester of college!! i got into a super-competitive dorm and i’m gonna have my own room and live with nine other people and gahh i’m just so excited to be chaotic with all my friends again and meet new people :’)
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wanheda0313 · 5 years
This is the Anne Boleyn rant. Excuse the formatting. The assignment was about seeing if a historical figure was a hero or a villain and it needed to be done in first person. I hope you learn something from this
Divorced, Beheaded, and Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. He’s Henry the VIII, he had six badass wives and I say he ruined Anne’s life. Her name is Anne Boleyn and despite what the history books say about her. She am not a villain. 
The history books paint her as a villain. As someone who seduced Henry to get to the throne and then slept with 5 men, including her own brother. To understand her story and how historians are wrong, we need to go to the beginning of her life. 
Anne Boleyn was born on the 5th of May 1507 at Hever Castle (Or May 1501 at Kent castle. We don’t actually know when she was born due to a lack of records being taken from before 1538). Her parents were Thomas Boleyn, who was the first Earl of Wiltshire, and Elizabeth Howard, Catherine Howard’s aunt, which made Anne and Henry’s 5th wife, first cousins. Guess losing your head runs in the family. She had two surviving siblings. Mary Boleyn and George Boleyn. 
She was sent to Margaret of Austria, who was a noble lady who ran a school for the children of royals, wealthy and influential nobles in 1513 when she was 6. Her father believed in all his children getting the best education he could get for them which led Mary and Anne both getting a similar education of what George received. It was described as a centre of high culture for the youth of the nobility. She was assigned a Tudor tutor to help improve my French since that’s usually helpful when you’re in a French-speaking country, but she also learnt many other skills such as mathematics, dance and music. Because of this education, she was offered a place in the French Court where she joined her sister, Mary.
She was a maid of honour under Mary Tudor, my *sarcastic voice* lovely husband’s sister until she left the French court to marry a lord. Henry was furious and instead of Mary, Anne and Mary served Queen Claude of France. She was surrounded by art and culture at the French Court something when Anne became Queen Consort, she brought to the dreary English court. Anne, from 1514 to 1521 was spent severing Queen Claude of France until she was summoned back to England to marry an English noble - James Butler. This was a political marriage to settle a dispute over land and the title of Earl of Ormond which James’ family wanted. But both families couldn’t agree upon terms of what both families would get so the marriage fizzled out. Another reason for Anne returning back to England was the diminishing alliance between England and France
Anne soon became apart of the court of the royal family in 1522. She became one of Catherine of Aragon’s maids of honour just like her sister, Mary. I know the Tudor times weren’t very creative with their names. Her job as a Maid of Honour was that I helped her get ready in the morning and helped her throughout the day with small tasks. The usual. During this time, Mary Boleyn, was a mistress of Henry. 
When Anne arrived at court she was with another guy, Henry Percy but his dad the Earl of Northumberland refused to support the relationship (And fun fact would actually be involved in the down fall of Jane Gray). So during the autumn of 1526, Henry noticed Anne and decided that he would pursue me as his next mistress and stopped seeing her sister, Mary. 
He sent his first letter that year... He sent 17 letters over the course of 7 years from when he first courted Anne to when they got married that survive to this day. The surviving letters are kept in the Vatican archives. In one of these letters, he asked me to be his official mistress to which Anne said yes. Soon his lust turns into love and he finally decided to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne.
He wrote to Pope Clement VII to annul the marriage on the basis that in Leviticus it states “If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an impurity. He hath uncovered his brother’s nakedness; they shall be without sons (25:5)” As Catherine was married to Henry’s brother, Arthur before he died. Then 7 years later married Henry VIII. Henry wouldn’t be able to have heirs due to his marriage to Aragon, thus endangering line of succession and the future of England. He so far he didn’t have any male heirs. 
Obviously, if you know history, then you know how this turns out. The pope rejected Henry’s claim for annulment. This lead to Cardinal Wosley getting kicked out since he wouldn’t annul the marriage between Catherine and Henry and a new cardinal was chosen. And the rise of Protestantism in England as England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in order for Henry to divorce Catherine and Marry me. 
On the 25th of January 1533, Anne married King Henry in a secret ceremony as Henry was still married to Catherine of Aragon. It was small and had the most trusted members of our councils. It was a long time waiting. 7 years it took from us meeting for the first time when to then when they became husband and wife.  
 Three months later on the 30th March 1533, Catherine of Aragon was made Dowager Duchess of Wales and her daughter Mary was kicked out of the line of succession and no longer called Princess Mary. She was now called Lady Mary. Aragon’s status as queen removed. 
Two months later the 23rd of May, Henry and Catherine’s marriage was annulled by the newly appointed Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer and Henry’s marriage to Anne was declared valid. Then Henry and Thomas were excommunicated by the pope. 
At the end of the month, Anne was coronated at Westminster Abbey as Queen Consort of England which is just a fancy way of saying though she was queen, she has no real power. There was a four-day celebration to celebrate me becoming queen. During this time, Anne was pregnant with Henry’s heir.  
And on the 7th of September, Anne had a beautiful baby girl. She named her Elizabeth in honour of Anne and Henry’s mother. Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth of York. Anne was thrilled at the birth of a healthy baby but Henry hoped Anne would provide him with the son he so desperately wanted. 
Anne would never give him son. This caused arguments within the marriage. As well qualities that Anne had which were desired in a mistress were things that were not desired in a wife. My intelligence, my affinity for politics and my forward nature were deemed useless when Anne married Henry. To be replaced by total devotion, subservience and to be seen but never heard.  
Soon, the public started to blame Anne for the tyranny that her husband’s government was starting to implement. She was seen as the person who was to blame for leading Henry down a path of sin as if Henry or any of his advisors would listen to anything she’d have to say about how to run the country. 
She wasn’t a very popular queen among the people who were loyal to Catherine and their catholic faith. And this is solidified by the fact when on the 8th of January 1536 when Anne and Henry we’re told that Catherine of Aragon died they wore yellow to her funeral. (sing along if you know the words…. CATHERINE WAS A MASSIVE-). The two did wear yellow to Catherine’s funeral but it was simply due to the fact that yellow was a traditional mourning colour for Spain, the country where Catherine grew up, not to celebrate that she was dead.
Around this time, Anne became pregnant again. She knew this time that it had to be a son but around this time Henry was knocked unconscious, Anne must’ve been worried that she sadly miscarriage a boy. She had a rapid amount of pregnancies but then miscarriages. Most historians say that Anne had two stillborn children after Elizabeth died. One of them being a son. 
After Henry’s fall, he started seeing one of Anne’s maids of honour, Jane Seymour just as he had done with Anne. Jane became his mistress. Henry declared that Anne seduced him into the marriage as if he didn’t spend 7 years trying to court Anne but whatever. Go off, I guess.
On May the 2nd 1536, I was arrested and taken to the Tower of London to await my fate. In my last letter that Anne wrote, she wrote of my innocence of my charges to Henry and pleaded with him to spare me. Anne was 28 years old. 
In history, she’s considered a villain for apparently sleeping with 5 different men, including her brother George Boleyn. Though there is little proof of this that is actually credible. And for seducing Henry into marrying me which then caused breaking England away from the Roman Catholic Church and creating a huge religious reform that had a history-changing impact and launched Protestantism into the mainstream. And created the Church of England for which Henry was the head of that’s true. 
The only confession provided was by Mark Smeaton, a very talented musician, though it took him being tortured on the rack to say that he was Anne’s lover and slept with her at Greenwich 13th May 1535 (Yeet my birthday) even though at that date Anne was at Richmond Palace (Yes the same Palace which Anna of Cleves was given) which is over 4 hours away. Very credible indeed. 
All the accusations didn’t add up to what actually happened. Apparently Anne was sleeping with Henry Norris, a courtier at Westminster when she  was recovering after Elizabeth’s birth with several eye witness’ and doctors saying she did not leaving my room. But other than those two pieces ‘evidence’ nothing was there. Anne never slept with my brother. 
Regardless of the evidence, 4 of the men Anne  was accused of sleeping were found guilty of adultery and treason as they were also accused of conspiring with Anne to kill Henry. Again there wasn’t any proof for these charges. Sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered by a jury of 27 peers all unanimously saying guilty. 
On the 15th of May 1536, Anne and her brother George stood trial, accused of incest, adultery and high treason. Her uncle Edmund Howard (Katherine’s asshole of a father) and her own father, Thomas Boleyn were apart of the 27 jurors who sentenced Anne to death by saying she was guilty on all counts. George and Anne were sentenced to be executed by beheading. 
Anne was beheaded on the morning of Friday the 19th of May 1536. She was reported to have worn a red petticoat under a loose, dark grey gown. In one last act of kindness, a french swordsman was my executor. He cut off Anne’s head in one slice. It was said that Anne joked with him saying since her head is so small, it will be easy to chop her head off. Elizabeth, would’ve two years old when someone told her Anne was never coming back home. 
Henry announced his betrothal to Jane Seymour that day as well. Not even bothering to come and see Anne die
Just as the historian, yes in the afterlife we can still see what’s going on (And six the musical you're doing great sweetie minus how you portray me. I'm disappointed) Paul Gallico said, ‘You learn eventually that while there are no villains, there are no heroes either. And until you make the final discovery that there are only human beings, who are therefore all the more fascinating, you are liable to miss something.’
Anne was never a villain in history but she was no hero either. She was a simple human being who tried her best with a king hellbent on getting a male heir. And she paid the price for failing to do that with her life.
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flying-elliska · 5 years
S3 Rewatch - Episode 4 - “Le garçon qui avait peur du noir” (Clips : “La théorie de l’évolution” / “Sortir ensemble” / “Prince Charmant” )
I’m still doing those ! But gonna do the smaller clips all together because there’s only so many times you can analyze the symbolism of the school courtyard lmao. Ahhhh the memories !!!!!
  Lundi 10h50 “La théorie de l’évolution 
A lot happens in this clip. Alexia says she just doesn’t want to have a threesome because of her bf fetishizing her bisexuality. Imane says guys can’t even satisfy one girl and Alexia hasn’t done her homework (lmao). Lucas gets a text from his mom telling him she saw the Devil lean over him. Fun. Then Lucas more or less picks a fight with Imane. Her answer is harsh ; and in a way it makes sense because it sounds like Lucas is attacking her out of the blue, implying she is a bigot, and from Imane’s POV it’s yet another stupid microagression and she has to defend Islam yet again. But from Lucas’ POV - ouch. He’s acting out on a principle that all religious people are homophobic and so is trying to have a conversation with Imane he should actually be having with his mother. But her description of conversion therapy feels a lot more brutal than Sana’s in OG which had me going hmmm I’m not sure about this. Skam France seems to want to adress discrimination and homophobia more than OG but they do it in the form of ‘friendly fire’ (by their characters of color no less which is.....not good ffs I don’t think it was meant that way and I like Yann’s arc but it is unfortunate). It might have been too much but sometimes I wish they’d found other ways to show it. Also, I don’t like the way they have Imane parallel Alexia being bisexual to Basile’s behavior towards girls. She does have a point about science not having always been friendly towards LGBT people either but the description of people being electrocuted while watching gay porn was like...idk it really disturbed me. I mean it totally happened but I’m not sure it fits Imane’s character to bring that up. This is one of the clips I really don’t like to rewatch even though I understand how it fits in Lucas’ journey. It brings up the past of shame and institutional violence that must be at the background of the consciousness of every day gay person growing up, even if just a little. Lucas is on the verge of making crucial discoveries about who he is as a person and what he wants. He’s starting to understand that he’s falling for Eliott ; that part of him he wanted to dismiss as just curiosity is getting harder and harder to deny and of course he must be thinking about what his mother would say. In picking a fight with Imane he’s basically trying to prepare and arm himself against his mother’s negative reaction, it’s a move that shows his deep anxiety and pessimism. Imane is trying to show him that not being religious doesn’t mean you are necessary more tolerant, but of course Lucas just hears the bit about being gay being useless to nature and electrocution and his face at the end of the clip is just. really painful. ugh. 
Lundi 12h03 “Sortir ensemble”
I don’t have a lot to say about this clip except I remember how relieved we all were after Lucas turned her down (were we done with this plot ? hahaha fools). Chloé starts to show a little self respect and awareness that Lucas is just not behaving like a guy that’s into her should. Lucas looks so down in this clip lmao. 
Wednesday 13h34 “Prince Charmant” 
aka the clip that drove us all completely nuts. Everyone, Lucas included (he’s even put on his nice shirt lol), was so eager to see Eliott again after that earlier text for 13h I remember everyone starting wild theories about how they were going to kiss while painting (welllllllll....not yet lol) and how they would paint raccoons on the wall and would recreate Polaris or whatever. And it was just...;Lucas waiting and then the girls coming in lol. Not much happens in the clip but that’s exactly the point, to make us feel the disappointment Lucas was feeling. It was such a brilliant use of real time. He looks so dejected waiting there alone sitting on a pot of paint and looking at his phone over and over again. 
The girls’ little dance was super cute, and them swooning over Eliott is very gratifying in advance because we all know how things are going to end. Then you’ve got Daphné saying being single is shameful which considering the context of the clip...poor Lucas lmao he’s trying not to be anymore. Manon yeeting out after Lucas is hilarious and she is so on his case. So of course he has to kiss Chloé. Manon is not convinced by this Display of Overwhelming Heterosexuality. He’s really using Chloé here ugh. Just when we thought he was finally letting go on Monday. UGH this clip is just so frustrating and it makes sense that they’re building tension but god. The last three clips give off such a “men ain’t shit” vibe ahahaha - be it Romain, Eliott or Lucas himself ; so the title of this clip is just so extra ironic. These are the last clips before we dive more into the actual drama of Eliott and Lucas’s relationship ; if last week he was doing his last best impression of Straight Fuckboy this week he just looks frustrated and hurt and like he’s doing stupid shit because he’s just...tired, and scared. 
Sounds like someone needs to let go of those fears, huh. 
Previous clip
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velathetanager · 5 years
Child’s Play
Chapter 3: Peddler 
The next day, it was all over the news that Hero had defeated Twinkle Town's first supervillain."Well, look at that," Intelligent said, "two more Freaks."
Jennifer, sporting a black eye, was on TV reporting about the incident."...during a Blood Moon. Based on the footage, it would seem that this was Hero's most difficult battle since the day she began protecting Twinkle Town."
“Warned her,” Chaos stated chugging a Dr. Pepper.
"However, thankfully she was on the top of her game," Jennifer continued, showing video of Hero throwing Underling, who had been trapped in a force field ball, far away.
“I should probably go congratulate the duo,”
A call came into the show, and Jennifer picked up. "Well, look at that. Curious already. Hello?"
“Think your make up department is lacking there.” 
Jennifer laughed sarcastically. "Hilarious. It's called authenticity. Haven't you heard of it? Yesterday was a f***ing Blood Moon."
“So? Your friend Hero stated she told you to stay home,” Brutal chuckled.
"That you think I listened is adorable."
Chaos popped up next to her camera man. “I’d cut feed if I Where you. Brutal tends to bring the worst out of people,”
Jennifer scowled. "I still have two minutes. I'm not Hero, @$#hole."
“And you were still live...” As if on cue, Jennifer got a call from her boss.
"We'll be right back after these messages," Jennifer sighed.
Brutal hung up. 
Chaos sighed as she watched Jennifer answer the call.Her boss was furious.
"What did you expect, sir? He literally just insinuated that I was Hero. Who has hundreds of enemies."
Chaos cringed; she could hear it from where she was. Her spy partner noticed Chaos. She was one of the freaks to help with the Grave incident.
"Hi. I'm Jeff. What's your name?"
“Chaos Kin. So you’re Jennifer’s partner?”
"Her cameraman. She and I are the ones the boss sends to cover the dangerous stuff. She's having a special tonight in that vein."
“Sounds like he might cancel it with that mess up.”Something about Chaos told Jeff she might know more than she was letting on. 
"Probably. Still, Jennifer tends to freak when stuff like this happens. She hates Brutal's guts." 
“I can see why. She has her own secrets that she doesn’t want others knowing,”
"Yeah. She's got info on almost every Freak ever to make sure her own secrets stay on the DL."
“Though one is easy to puzzle together if you aren’t brainless,”
"Who she is?"
“Yep. I won’t tell. I try to hide who I was, cause I can never go back to it.”
"Good. I can't tell you how many memories she's erased to keep that story secret."
“It’s safe with me.”
"Thanks," Jeff said, fistbumping her. 
At the chapel, there was a knock at the door. 
"It's a peddler," Intelligent called. "She's selling stuff!"
The woman was allowed inside and put her merchandise, which consisted of stuffed toys, on the table. "I have any doll a child could want here. All found and restored by me."
"Toys!" Jester cackled, flying downstairs with Isa on their back.
Put on the side, farther from the other toys, was an Engineer doll with an Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge. The woman set it up before smiling at the pair. "I see I have interested customers. Take your pick." 
Isa's eyes immediately went to the Engineer doll.
"I see you like this one,” the woman said. “Very advanced. It has what I assume are custom lines for different situations. It even has lines based on what class it sees."
"He looks cute," Isa smiled.
"Just seven dollars," the woman smiled. "He's normally ten, but you're so cute."
"You want him Pumpkin?" Jester asked, ruffling their daughters hair.
"We'll take the Engie doll."
The woman smiled, handing it to Isa.
Isa hugged the Engineer doll.
"Howdy," the doll said, "I'm Delly, and I'm yer pardner till the last sunset. YEE-HAW!" 
She giggled. "I'm Isa,"
"Howdy!" Isa faced him towards Jester, and the doll squawked, "MEEH-DIC!"
"Cute," Jester cooed.
"Much obliged, Doc." 
The woman smiled, pinched Jester's cheek, ruffled Isa's hair, and left with her toys. 
A few moments later, Polite was opening the door for Brutal and Gentle. "You seem to have had a quiet night."
"That Hero that Jennifer keeps talking about forced me to stay home. It was like dealing with Grave’s mind control all over again,"
"Ouch. I am so sorry." 
"She sure got mad when you went after her on air," Intelligent commented. 
"Can you blame her?" Spyper asked. "Hero has a s*** ton of enemies, especially after what happened with Grave."
He tossed Brutal a news article. "Did a little research."
"Course you did,"
"She handed Two Face his a** on a silver platter. While Grave was controlling him. I would have, too," Intelligent added. 
Delly's eyes glowed red when he was facing Brutal and Gentle, catching the latter's eye. "Is a doll supposed to do that?"
"The peddler who sold it to us said it was advanced," Spyper noted.(edited)
"I don't like that..."
"You are a coward and a scoundrel!" the doll squeaked.
"... Yeet it,"
"Booo!" Delly hissed.
Meanwhile Chaos finished talking to Hero."So why did you decide to go to journalism?"
"One of very few things I'm still good at after someone who looks exactly like your friend vragged me over."
"Aye." Hero spat into a bowl.
Chaos looked down. "Underling wants your number," she said, taking her phone out.
"He is a worthy opponent. Our battle last night was legendary."
"You ripped that from Kung-Fu Panda.."
Hero tilted her head. "Uh..."
"Nevermind. I'll send him your contact info,"
"It takes a lot to hide my identity. I've wiped..." She hesitated, then continued, "Somewhere in the area of 40 memories to keep it safe."
Chaos's phone buzzed again; Spyper had sent a picture of Isa's new doll.
"Cute," She texted back. "I just hope that Underling doesn't drag me into his next big scheme. He's done that before."
"Who knows. Underling is that way,"
Hero drew her sword. "Thanks." 
Meanwhile, Delly was still staring at Brutal and Gentle as if attempting to intimidate them.
It was at least working on Gentle.
"Aw," Spyper teased, "scared of a few scraps of cloth?"
"It's staring me down like it's possessed,"
"Advanced doll probably has access to criminal records,” Intelligent noted. “In which case it probably wants you gone."
Gentle gulped. "It can leave then, I live here."
"You're a looooong way from France, boy," the doll said.
Isa noticed it speaking. "Hey Jessy, why is Delly being mean to Uncle Gentle and Uncle Brutal?"
Intelligent looked it over. "It's only doing this to the hostile Freaks. Perhaps it's a protection mechanism?"
"Maybe.." Isa held the doll close.
The doll's eyes turned blue.
"I've seen animatronics with a similar function. Maybe its made with the same kind of programming?" Jester suggested, patting Isa’s head.
"Much obliged, Doc," the doll said.
"Makes me think of FNAF to much, I don't like it," Pancakes stated looking in from a window. 
Delly stared at Pancakes, and one eye turned red.
".... Looks like Chaos a bit,"
"It does, don't it?" Jester said, patting the dolls helmet.
"Well, don't that beat all?"The doll turned back to Brutal and Gentle, eyes both red.Its smile widened as Gentle averted his gaze.
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unusualvisionsblog · 5 years
Sky full of star: Chapter 1
My first original series/ book! Ah I'm super nervous and excited. Its pretty cringy I guess but I hope y'all don't hate it yeet.
Summary : Kathleen Hunter, 23 and a redhead is a daring and an ambitious flight attendant who wants to travel the world. But when her jobs brings her to a new love and brings back an old flame, what will Kathleen do?
Warnings : none actually, cringe probably, swearing later.
There might be a few spelling mistake since I posted this at like 1am yeet
Word count : 1615 or something
So here we go oof
Never had she hated her life more. Her alarm didn't ring and she had already stubbed her toe on that darn bedside table. Ouch. She really couldn't  afford to be late today.Sighing deeply, she checked the time. Today was really important for her,  because if this flight went well, her career would really take a jump. Being a flight attendant was definitely not an easy job. She had to deal with rude passengers and crying babies. She looked at herself in the mirror, biting her lips in criticism. Her strawberry blonde hair were a mess but there wasn't enough time to do a decent hair style.
Kathleen would never believe anyone whenever they complimented her on her looks, because having been called plain and boring by her mother for 23 years, it was hard to believe anything else really.
But when someone else would see her for the first time, they would notice how the  loose tendrils of her silky hair would cover her face and how her alluring blue eyes would peek out and how they would shine brilliantly when her pink lips uplifted to form a sweet smile.
Putting her hair in a quick messy bun, she got dressed and grabbed a coffee before leaving. She quickly reached the bus stop and waited, tapping her feet constantly and after every two sips, checking the time. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice a group of suave business men and women heading towards her  when suddenly "BAM!". A young man talking to his colleague bumped into the frowning woman. At this sudden motion, Kathleen stepped back, dropping the hot coffee on her uniform. Now this really was the cherry on top of an already bad day.  She crossed her arms, glaring right into the brown eyes of the fair young man, "Excuse me, are you actually freaking blind? You've completely ruined my day AND my coffee!"
Taken aback, "I apologise for the coffee but this is just as much your fault as it is mine" the man huffed, his brows creased. This only infuriated Kathleen more and she was more than ready to retort back,"Hah! You- " when the woman next to the man interjected,"David we really don't have time to argue with random people on the street, you're getting late!" and with that they all moved forward with David looking over his shoulder and scowling at the woman one last time, muttering, "God what a horrible start to the day."
Having finally reached the airport, Kathleen quickly changed into her second set of uniform and did her make up before getting on board the flight.
As tiring and exhausting this job was, Kathleen really did love being a flight attendant as it was the only way she got to travel the world. She'd been to France, Germany, Italy, India.. the list goes on and on.
She had met people who had impacted her life throughout her journey and she was excited for her next one and if this went well, there was going to be a sweet sweet salary bump for her.
Having helped all the passengers in the economy section feel  comfortable, she moved to the business class where she finally got a chance to talk to her  best friend, Tracy Sawyer. Tracy smiled brightly at her as she walked towards her, "Omg, are you excited?! This is your first flight with you in charge!! You are so going to kill it!"
"Wow you have way more confidence in me then I have  for myself." She chuckled in reply.
"Okay first shut up, you're definitely getting that raise and second you have got to see that hottie in first class, single and wohoo he is a snack!"
Raising her eyebrow, "Don't you have like a boyfriend Tracy?" She questioned.
"God you are so dense, Kathy he isn't even my type, I was talking about you! You've been single for like 8 years!"
"3 not 8!"
Tracy rolled her eyes in reply, "Whatever you're serving first class today! See you around love! First seat on the right" She said winking at Kathy and moving to the next section.
She would be lying if she said she wasn't  even a least bit interested in checking out this so called handsome single man. She took a deep breath and walked right into the first class section and with a bright smile turned towards the right side, " Good morning and thank you for choosing Blue sky airlines, how can I help you today?" She lifted her eyes and that's when her smile faltered. They were the same brown eyes that had glared right back at her in the morning.
"You- it was you at the bus stop wasn't it? Screaming at me?"squinting at her with his lips pressed
" I-i act-" she stuttered.
" Do you know that I am the CEO  of  Timetrend?"
Wide eyed, her breathing became rapid but she could not speak.
"This is an interesting turn of events" with a smirk on his face.
At this point Kathleen composed herself, "Sir allow me to apologise to you profusely, I truly am very sorry." But let's be honest, they both knew she wasn't.
"Well I guess you can make it up to me by getting a glass of champagne or is that too much for you?"
Biting her lips to prevent her from making the situation worse, She replied, "right away sir."
She cursed Tracy severely in her head. And to make matters even more abominable, there was only one first class passenger. And he was a pain in the ass.
He couldn't believe his bad luck, imagine having the same clumsy woman as your flight attendant. At least here he had an advantage, he could order her around completely although he wasn't actually that cruel. He was having a hard time  trying to control his laughter looking at the flustered girl who was so composed before.
As much as he tried to distract himself, he was extremely bored, he had finished all of his work so that he could spend time with his girlfriend on the flight. Well Ex girlfriend now since she broke up with him yesterday. He was upset sure but not heartbroken. He didn't really love her and she probably didn't either although she tried to but the effort was only one sided. He didn't have time for relationships. He was a busy man after all.
He tried to sleep but he just couldn't. He heard the sound of her heels and guessed that she was making the rounds again. He sat up straight and decided to order another glass of champagne, this was a long flight after all.
" Do you need anything sir? " She questioned, still afraid to meet his eyes.
"Yes, I'm bored."
At this her eyes shot up, with eyebrows raised but she quickly hid it with her normal smile
" Well we have a wide range of movies, if you'd like. We also have mag-"
"I'm sorry?"
"I mean no, I want to have a conversation. Tell me something about yourself."
" Are you drunk sir?"
" No of course not! Who gets drunk after two glasses of champagne?"
" Well okay, what would you like to know?"
"For starters, tell me your name."
And somehow, to both of their surprise, they were able to keep an interesting flow of conversation going without any awkward silences or anything of the sort and soon they were laughing like old friends. Well actually Kathleen was laughing, the closest David came to laughing was giving her a genuine smile. Soon Kathleen returned to the other attendants for the rounds, returning soon enough to first class, with smirking glances from Tracy.
"Kathleen, might I ask you why did you choose to become an air hostess? You don't have to answer." He added cautiously
"One  call me Kathy, I actually do not like Kathleen at all.
He chuckled slightly taking a sip of his drink
"Two it's not really complicated. I mean I didn't always want to be an attendant. I wanted to  be a pilot. But you know financial issues."
"Oh. Yeah I get that"
There was a comfortable silence between the two before Kathy had to leave again.
"We'll be landing soon, so I'll take your leave." She smiled at him warmly. There was something so innocent about her smile that he couldn't help but smile back.
She got up to get back to her seat with Tracy when a sudden turbulence caused her to stumble forward but before she could hit the floor,a pair of strong hands grabbed her waist and prevented any accident that would end up with her having a huge boil on her head. She felt her heart pound as she looked into his brown eyes slightly converted by his brown hair for what seemed like 10 minutes but was actually 5 seconds? She was being ridiculous! She shook her head and smiled at him,thanking him and went on her way avoiding eye contact.
He really couldn't help but smile at her and he was pretty astonished about himself. They were getting ready to descend, when there was a slight tremor and he realized that it had completely shooken Kathy and she would probably fall down but before that he grabbed her firmly by the waist and immediately stood up. He didn't know what happened but something in her blue eyes pulled him towards her. He saw a strand of her glossy red hair on her soft pink cheeks, he was having  a hard time fighting the urge to tuck it behind her ear. He didn't even register the fact that he was staring at her before she blushed and pulled away. For the first time in his life, he felt flustered at the sight of her. He probably was just tired. Hopefully.
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