#this whole snippet is so intriguing!!!!
misterradio · 2 years
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["And the mind that has concieved a plan of living must never lose sight of the chaos against which that pattern was conceived."]
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sarah-yyy · 26 days
Jie jie, what is The Double about?
hahahahahaha i was waiting for someone to ask!! mr r has bailed on me at work again and bossman has the man flu so it's just. me at the office today. working my ass off for partners who are trying to Kill Me™.
what: period cdrama // completed // 40 eps, roughly 45 mins each where: youku (standard disclaimer that i don’t watch with subs so i don’t speak to the quality of eng subs) // i think viki is picking this up?
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this is xue fangfei. daughter of a small town magistrate. married a poor scholar for love against the wishes of her dad. this turns out to be a bad, bad, bad decision because he ends up burying her alive in the mountains sometime post-marriage. :)
this all happens in like ep 1, we're just getting started.
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xff ends up being rescued by jiang li, who is the prime minister's kinda-sorta-exiled daughter. jl has been stuck in a kinda-sorta-nunnery in the mountains for the past 10 years because of her evil stepmother.
i'll skip past all the other bits because there is a bit of a backstory about what happened to jl, but long story short!! jl dies (kinda-sorta-because of xff). xff decides to get justice for both herself and jl. her plan is:
1. become jiang li 2. go back to the capital 3. ?????? 4. profit make everyone pay
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this is xiao heng a.k.a. su-guogong (the translation is duke su but it sounds weird to me so i'm going to stick with su-guogong). he chances upon xff while he's trying to catch a criminal.
xff, who is in the process of executing her Escape Plan, decides eh, any way to escape will do and lets s-gg arrest her to take her back to the capital for interrogation.
(yes, this is wang xingyue who played zhang zhe in kunning palace. yes he looks a++++++ in this show. i am obsessed.)
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side bar, counsels, for a bit of very important information -
su-guogong recognises xue fangfei!! he knows 100% that she is not jiang li and that she is going to cause some chaos. he is Committed™ to watching this drama play out.
ANYWAY. this is the loose premise of the show. it's been fun to watch, and i'm enjoying this a lot!! why should you watch the show?
wang xingyue looks so good in this!! the fans? the capes?? i am obsessed!! everyone in the costumes department deserves a raise.
the story moves quickly and doesn't really drag on. so far, it's been nothing complicated and interesting to watch - i wouldn't say this is a plot-heavy show, just a v good 宅斗 for now, but i'm only like 10 eps in.
the torture my ex-husband who murdered me by showing up in front of him and saying all the right things to remind him of me and the fact that he killed me is so good - normally when this happens, the person looks nothing like their former self, but!! xff's looks haven't changed!! so she's just out here going - hi i am jiang li now and oh btw do you know how cold it is in the mountains where you killed me :)
look i'm......intrigued by this whole shen yurong (ex-husband) and the zhang-gongzhu storyline. i want to see how this whole thing plays out!!
eta: quick post-watch thoughts (may contain spoilers)
a v enjoyable drama!! this is a 爽剧 for reals, like all the plot points get wrapped up and we get a few cute snippets into their happily ever after!! i'm a bit :/ about the way the last few scenes were done in ep 40 (the side character deaths??? extremely unnecessary 🙄🤬 actually the whole war scene was unnecessary but i'm not complaining too much because it gave us That Scene), tbh the whole thing looked more OE leaning BE than HE to me, so the 番外 was quite important to me!! glad we got that!!
shen yurong and zhang-gongzhu both turned out to be so much more interesting than i thought!! a+++ villains, v well-written, and both actors played them beautifully 👏🏼
still an 8.5/10 rec tbh, started strong and held my interest the entire way through
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bapple117 · 3 months
Chapter 5 of Bluest Monday is now up!
A Radiostatic fic set in the 80s ~ AO3 Link! 18+
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I had to draw a scene from it hehe
Here's a snippet!
Vox could die right now and he’d die happy; Alastor is also deeply content. He strokes Vox’s face now, tracing his fingertips across Vox’s screen. Alastor can feel the hum of static; that low, intriguing vibration. 
“Most interesting,” Alastor mutters. “I wonder what it would feel like if we combined energy.”
Vox raises an eyebrow. 
“If we what now?”
“Like this,” Alastor says, pressing his forehead to Vox’s screen.
Alastor brings forth his own radio static energy; it thrums against Vox. The TV Demon seems to understand; he increases his own energy and it buzzes between them. It feels strangely good. Both demons pull away and look at each other. 
“Well that’s new,” Vox laughs. 
“What did you feel?” Alastor says. 
“It felt good!” Vox admits. “Like you were inside my head and we could communicate without words, or something. What did you feel?”
“Much the same,” Alastor says, nodding. 
“You wanna try again?” Vox says, coy. 
“Very much so,” Alastor breathes out. 
They push their faces together again; electricity pulsates between them. It tingles in their nerves; both demons feel their whole bodies throb with it. It is unlike anything either of them have experienced before. Alastor is enraptured by the sensation; lost into the whirring signals, he pushes out frequencies. Radio waves, coursing into Vox; the TV Demon receives these, taking them in. It feels divine.
Alastor is so drunk on the sensation of broadcasting into Vox and how all encompassing it feels that he finds his lips moving against Vox’s screen; Vox meets them gladly. The combination of them kissing and sharing energy is otherworldly. 
Read the full story here!
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doumadono · 4 months
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Requested by: @leven-and-ashley on my discord
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Dabi first notices you in a crowded market. The contrast of your unique appearance against the mundane surroundings catches his attention. He observes you from a distance, intrigued by the way you navigate the world with confidence despite your distinctive albinism.
Intrigued, he discreetly follows you, observing from the shadows, his interest growing with each passing day. Dabi is drawn to the way you carry yourself despite standing out, a feeling he intimately understands.
He overhears snippets of your conversations, noting your insecurities about your appearance. Dabi finds himself silently empathizing with your struggles, seeing a reflection of his own societal challenges.
One day, as you navigate through a dark alley while getting back home from work, you notice a faint scent of smoke and an eerie, blueish glow nearby. Before you can react, a voice cuts through the shadows, "You look lost, sweetheart." It's Dabi, leaning against a wall, his blue flames flickering at the tips of his fingers.
Startled, you eye him cautiously, but Dabi's smirk and casual demeanor somehow put you at ease. "Couldn't help but notice you've got that unique look. I appreciate uniqueness."
The guy suggests walking you home, considering it's not safe to be alone in your neighborhood at this late hour. You agree, and during your casual chat, he brings up the challenges of looking unconventional. You're surprised a stranger would delve into such personal topics.
Dabi starts engaging in casual conversations, appearing randomly wherever you go. He subtly drops compliments, making you blush with his unexpected flattery. "You seem to be everywhere I am. Are you following me?" you ask openly. "Nah, it's just a coincidence. But who wouldn't want to be around someone as interesting as you?"
You're still blissfully unaware that you're dealing with a dangerous villain.
Discovering common interests, you find yourselves having longer conversations every time you fall on him while minding your businesses in the city.
Dabi opens up about his own struggles with societal expectations, creating a connection between your unique experiences. He expresses admiration for your resilience. "People judge us based on appearances, yeah? But I see you, and I appreciate what I see."
After encountering him once more, you release a sigh. "Hey, Dabi, chatting with you is cool and all, but… Maybe I'm crazy, but do you fancy grabbing coffee at my place? It'd a bit more relaxed for a chat," you propose.
He agrees, and shortly afterward, he takes a seat at the small table in your minimalistic kitchen while you prepare coffee.
As you sit and chat with him, he's captivated by your incredibly pale face, white hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Delicate freckles adorn the base of your nose and cheeks, and your pinkish irises draw him in. You're stunning, and he can't help but be entranced, unable to take his eyes off you.
"Are you okay, Dabi?" you ask, tilting your head to the side.
He nods, "Yeah, you're just really pretty," he compliments, "and I gotta be honest with you. I respect you, and you deserve the whole truth."
You frown and nod, awaiting his confession.
"Did you hear about the big fire in the convoy taking a villain to Tartarus?"
You nod.
"That was me, I caused the fire and helped him flee. I'm a villain too, and I work for the League of Villains."
You blink, your blood running cold. After a moment, you simply nod. "I had a feeling you might be something else. You never liked crowds in the city, always trying to keep a low profile. Just so you know, I'm not wealthy, and I don't have much, but you can have…"
He frowns. "I ain't here to steal from you or cause harm, Y/N. Just thought you should know who you're dealing with."
You nod slowly, "Even as a villain, you were one of the few who didn't bully me because of my looks," you tell him. "Thanks for not being scared or disgusted by me."
His scarred hand gently reaches out, caressing your cheek, causing another blush to tint your cheeks. "I've mentioned it before, haven't I? I find you beautiful," Dabi says, smirking shortly after. "And I appreciate you not being disgusted by my scars as well."
Since that day, you started seeing Dabi regularly. You even let him crash at your place whenever he needed to lay low or had enough of the League of Villains' shit. And you didn't regret it. With him, you felt like the most beautiful princess. He constantly reminded you that, despite your unique appearance, you were beautiful just the way you were.
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lychniis · 5 months
tagged by @pearlsxandxpeonies on my main ( @ainescribe ) to share my wip folder!!! which is *laughs nervously* kind of maybe full of a whole lot of abandoned works but okay kijhgvfbghnjmk.
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
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memory ( zhongli x reader ) ;
this project was written then rewritten so many times it may as well be a meme. the premise of this one is the reader being a god birthed from a human, who is sustained by the faith and belief. however, due to some mishaps in their early days. they've been cursed to be forgotten. i was heavily inspired by noragami in how yato struggled to be remembered by people around him to stop himself from fading out of existance. // angst, hurt - no comfort, chaptered fic.
in the sky, on the earth ( zhongli x reader ) ;
a oneshot ( a long long oneshot ) about zhongli meeting a khaenri'ahn doctor and falling in love. once more, we fall into angst territory because i like making people cry apparently. this is kind of based off of one of my oc's, one silentmoth and i keep yammering about ( we have pour own little found family scenario involved as well - it's fun kijhbgvbhnj ). // angst, hurt - comfort, eventual happy ending, oneshot.
the earth, encased ( zhongli x reader ) ;
this one is zhongli grappling on your mortality ( yay ) after a near death experience grants you a vision. and it's geo. and he's having a crisis. // angst, hurt - comfort, near character death, lots og hugs, oneshot.
sehnsucht, or the taste of longing ( diluc x reader ) ;
and old old concept i want to revisit. set during the three year period in which diluc was investigating the fatui, he poses as a fatui recruit and marries the reader, a snezhnyayan citizen and a double agent who works alongside him. its mostly marriage of convenience, blossoming feelings and diluc and the reader being sneaky sneaks while they fall in love. // angst, fluff, slightly domestic, arranged marriage. oneshot.
arare litus ( neuvillette x reader ) ;
a mermaid is washed ashore and nevullette finds kinship in them. but there are murders going on, the reader learns how to human ( very little mermaid esque ) and pretty soon the killer is kind of revealed to be an unexpected face. this fic took a darker turn when it was supposed to be fluffy. i had crys screaming in my dm's it was a doozy and i loved it XD. // fluff, smut, oneshot.
and this all consuming hunger ( jing yuan x reader ) ;
a guideverse fic featuring a sentinel jing yuan and a guide reader. it touches on touchstarvation, mortality and loneliness and i lowkey a catharsis in a sense. it's very self indulgent, everyone is tired and needs a hug. // hurt - comfort, fluff, oneshot.
from a warm climate ( jing yuan x reader ) ;
a bit of an au fic with a small dash of ancient magus bride. jing yuan is a retired warrior and a pathstrider who works in a society where magic is urbanized yet practiced on the downlow. he finds the reader, a kinnara who was abducted by hunters and managed to escape badly wounded. they can't quite bounce just yet due to having their veena, a sentimental object and a source for their use of magic, taken away as well and seeks to find it out. jing yuan just accepts it lol. it's mostly domestic, with found family elements to it. // angst, fluff. hurt - comfort, found family, chaptered fic.
like real people do ( jing yuan x reader ) ;
kjhgfdcfvghj this is also a wip in my folders for a while now. but in short. the reader was once a follower of the abundance and now seeks to live a normal life post lan lux - arrowing their planet apart. contrasted with memory ! reader who wants ti keep living, this one wants to live a good life and die a peaceful death. the ending is flat out tragic. do not touch if you hate angst. // angst, hurt-comfort, no happy endings lol, still debating on chaptered or oneshot.
it will come back ( blade x reader ) ;
the premise is blade finding the reader who runs a clinic on a planet overrun by shady businesses and crime. their meet cute is basically them driving a scalpel into his medulla and killing him. blade in turn just...keeps coming back lol. i really need to stop wolfing on hozier songs for my titles but then again most of his tunes serve inspiration kjhbgvbnj. it might contain mature content. i'm still mulling over it. // slight yandere??? idk, violence, blade is a walking red flag and a sad sad man.
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tagging — @crystalflygeo @perpetualcynicism @euniveve @moraxsthrone @masuchu @silentmoths @silkjade @thesparklingwriter
feel free to join in, whether you are tagged or not! thanks for giving me this chance!
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thee-horny-thicky · 1 year
So, a few weeks ago @polariae gave me a fantastic story idea! The whole thing can be found on my AO3, but here's a snippet from it, featuring Geto having some ✨alone time✨
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Suguru didn’t believe in love at first sight. No matter how strong your feelings may seem, it was impossible to fall in love with a stranger. He did, however, believe that lust had no time frame. You could see a stranger walking down the street and feel lust toward them, without a word ever being spoken. Because, unlike love, lust was based purely on physical attraction. And he knew for a fact that he was lusting after you.
After just 24 hours in your presence, he was undeniably intrigued by you. You were a strong, pretty little thing, that was simultaneously meek and assertive. And your body…
The feel of your soft skin hadn’t left his mind since he bathed you, nor had the glimpses of your nude figure. He’d made good on his promise not to peek, but the water could only conceal so much.
The sight of you in his T-shirt and shorts had driven Suguru wild and made the long walk to Nagoya tortuous. The city had millions of people, allowing you all to blend in with the crowd, and was far enough away from the Jujutsu strongholds of Kyoto and Tokyo. He’d kept a straight face, but knowing you were wearing his clothes, which still had his lingering scent made a sense of possessiveness invade him. He barely knew you, but that hadn’t stopped him from being satisfied, or admiring how well you wore his garments.
By the time you all stumbled upon a motel on the edge of Nagoya, he was painfully hard. If it wasn’t for his oversized shirt, the tent his dick had created in his sweatpants surely would’ve been visible.
Being the gentleman he was, he allowed you and the girls to freshen up first. But when you came out of the shower in nothing but a towel, he’d nearly come undone on the spot. At record speed, he hurried to the bathroom, barely remembering to grab himself a towel.
Freezing water cascaded from the showerhead and onto his body, but it did nothing to halt his arousal. Even as he began to shiver, his hard-on remained, giving him no choice but to take care of the problem.
Suguru bit his lip to stifle the moan that wanted to escape as he stroked his cock. One hand was resting against the tiled wall of the shower, while the other was tugging at himself. His hair was down and plastered to his skin, obscuring the edges of his vision.
His eyes were slammed shut, and his breathing grew hollow as he imagined your hands instead of his. It might’ve been the result of his recent dry spell, but he was already dreaming of all the positions he’d put you in. He was sure you were untouched, and the thought of teaching you – corrupting you – only made him harder.
His hand quickened as he pictured you laying beneath him, your hair sprawled onto the pillow, your knees touching your shoulders as he pounded into you. He knew that your fucked-out expression would be delectable, and the sounds you’d make would make his thrusts more frenzied.
A groan left him at the thought of filling you up and watching his cum drip out of you, marking you from the inside. You’d feel so good, he wagered, that pulling out would be an impossible task.
He began to jerk his cock faster, his other hand wandering to his heavy, cum-filled balls as his core began to tremble. His breath grew shakier, and soon, his hand and the shower wall were covered in his seed.
With a sigh, he removed the showerhead and let the water clean up the evidence of his carnal desire. Even when he began to scrub his body, the erotic image he’d conjured of you stuck in his head. He couldn’t wait to find out how accurate it was.
A/N: It was so hard to pick a color for this man, so I just chose the gold and yellow of his robe as the text colors 😭
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thebramblewood · 7 months
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That moment you find out the girl you’ve been seeing is famous - for being a 130-year-old missing persons case with an entire "theories and speculation" section on Wikipedia.
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Yes, I made Lilith a Wikipedia page because I'm just that extra. If you want to read it (I threw in some new information), you can find the whole thing following the transcript below the cut.
Real-time footage of Helena researching:
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[Snippets of Caleb's letter echo in Helena's mind] I will put it to you bluntly: Lilith and I have been vampires for some 100 years. Faced with your otherwise certain demise, I chose to make you one too. You may not believe me. It will feel like a bad flu for a day or two; then it will feel like the heat of 1000 fires blazing inside. I very well knew it would turn you into a monster against your will.
Helena, thinking: It's just a hangover, Helena. It's just a hangover. Yeah, that crazy bitch bit you, and her crazy brother wrote a dumb letter to scare the shit out of you. But vampires aren't real.
Thank god Ulrike left all these fucking tarps. This sunlight is murder on my eyes.
Several internet rabbitholes later... [Helena scanning Wikipedia page on computer screen] Last seen alive March 16, 1918... disappeared under mysterious circumstances... seemed to fall ill... Tangled Vines... immortal vampires... This can't actually be her. It's impossible...
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Lilith Violetta Vatore (December 2, 1891 – last seen alive March 16, 1918) was an heiress and socialite who disappeared under mysterious circumstances at the age of 26 along with her brother, Caleb Vatore, 24. Before vanishing, the siblings were poised to jointly inherit the Vatore fortune, home, and 100-year-old vineyard and winery. This was considered unusual for the period, as family property, wealth, and business interests were often only passed to women in the complete absence of a male inheritor.
Despite societal expectations, Vatore reportedly had little interest in courting or eventually marrying. She was said to have rebuffed dozens of engagement offers, much to her parents' dismay. However, she rarely turned down an invitation to a ball, and her baldly flirtatious escapades were frequently reported on in society columns. One such columnist wrote that she "bandied about in a bold and bawdy manner most unbecoming of a respectable lady, laughing uproariously, drinking excessively, and making coy conversation with every handsome man in sight." Some historians suggest based on a series of candid letters from Vatore to fellow socialite and confidante Prudence Crumplebottom, donated to the University of Britechester by Crumplebottom's daughters, that she may have preferred the company of women in private.
The Vatore siblings were said to be so close that one was rarely seen without the other. The society columns were not kind to Caleb Vatore, calling him a "poor chap" who seemed "nothing more than a playmate, servant, or lapdop, his role at any given moment wholly dependent upon his dear sister's whims." Little is known about his personal life.
In the days preceding the siblings' disappearance, Vatore seemed to fall ill. She sequestered herself to her bedroom, allowing no one but her brother to enter. On the morning of March 16, a maid found Caleb's chambers undisturbed, and Vatore's locked bedroom door was forced open, whereupon she was discovered to have absconded in the night, along with her brother and her finest jewels.
Various court battles ensued over the fate of the Vatore estate, and interest in the siblings' disappearance was briefly renewed when their alleged children materialized in the mid-1950s. However, the entire ordeal all but disappeared from public consciousness until the recent publication of Tangled Vines: A Complete Investigation of the Vatore Disappearances by journalist Salim Benali. Benali posits that the Vatores are immortal vampires who still live today, and though some scholars find elements of his research intriguing, others dismiss his argument as an elaborate, attention-seeking hoax.
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wildlife4life · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @diazsdimples @thewolvesof1998 and @theotherbuckley Thank you so much! I'm super excited for all your upcoming works!
Going to be honest, the biggest reason I have been working on NFL Buck so much is because my favorite team (Kansas City Chiefs) has been doing very well in the playoffs. So fair warning, if they don't make it to the Super Bowl after this Sunday, writing for that fic will probably taper off and I'll switch to another. But until then, here is another snippet from NFL Buck and I'm hopping back to the end of the dosed arc. (All things NFL Buck can be found here)
Eddie gives him a nod of encouragement and Buck takes a deep breath, then releases it along with the majority of his nerves. He turns his full attention to Athena, her head still cocked with curiosity and her eyes gleaming with intrigue. Buck saw no hint of malice and with a squeeze to his hand from Eddie, his tongue finally loosened, "Eddie and I met when I was still in college. He was one of the paramedics on hand when I was knocked unconscious by a cheap shot from an Aggy. When I came to, Eddie was hovering above me and I literally thought he was an angle." Buck chuckles, remembering the moment his eyes opened and seeing the most beautiful man with the softest brown eyes surrounded by a halo of lights. "That was the concussion." Eddie snarks, but Buck can see the light blush on his boyfriend's cheeks from the corner of his vision. After all these years and Eddie still gets flustered by Buck's enamored compliments. "Well despite the head injury, I had a very hard time forgetting him and I tracked his fine ass down at our next home game. Asked him to dinner, and besides a few bumps along the way, here we are almost ten years later." Buck finishes and flashes a small smile towards Eddie, who returns it.
"And you've kept your relationship hidden all this time?" Athena questions sounding mildly impressed, but also a little sad. Buck deflates slightly, he always does when the whole secret part of his and Eddie's relationship is brought up. "We had to, or I had to. By the time Eddie came into my life, I had put in so much work and sacrifice to be where I was. I had dreamed of playing in the NFL since I was little and football was my greatest love at the time. But I also knew that the world I wanted to be apart of wasn't the most accepting of those who don't fit in the typical heteronormative box. Being an open bi-sexual man would lessen my opportunities and could have put my mental and physical health at risk. So I stayed closeted." "Yet you made the decision to pursue a same sex relationship." He gives the police sergeant a wistful smile, "The moment I met Eddie, I felt this amazing connection and then after our first non-date date, I knew I couldn't let him go, football career be damned." Buck looks over at the man who's held his heart since he walked though Red's door, "Eddie is the one person I know will always have my back and he knows I will always have his. He has never made me choose between my childhood dream and my future ones with him and Christopher." Eddie's warm brown eyes soften through Buck's declaration and the gleam of his adoration only brightens. The hand intertwined with Buck's squeezes three times and Buck squeezes back with the same iteration. Hidden I love you's that have no lesser value than visible one's. "I don't want Buck to lose one of the biggest parts of who he is because of bigots. And I don't see hiding our relationship as a sacrifice. Loving Buck isn't a hardship and part of that love is wanting to see him happy. Playing in the NFL makes him happy. Being with me and Christopher makes him happy. He makes me happy. A few lies and secretes aren't going to diminish that." Eddie states his gaze unwavering on Buck and his chest fills tender warmth at Eddie's proclamation.
Their relationship may be a secret but its real and true. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @devirnis @jesuisici33 @aroeddiediaz @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @try-set-me-on-fire @fortheloveofbuddie @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @disasterbuckdiaz @bekkachaos @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @eddiescowboy @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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sockcanvas · 7 months
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⚘. A oneshot [668 words]
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ Pairing : Kim Gi-Myung + G.NReader
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ c/w : suggestive | established relationship | fluff/silly
⟣ ──┈⇢˚⋆ a/n : jake’s gloves got me feeling sum typa way 🤤 gif was filtered and cropped by me, but created by @nonden.tx on tiktok. Got some feedback from a friend abt my writing style to not use big boy words I plucked off thesaurus.com😭 also i got lazy at the end, i suck ass with conversational dialogue💔💔 I had this drafted yesterday so i finished it up today, ofc… after my beloved Goo’s silly hurt comfort story [READ IT NOWWW]
snippet . ₊˚. The gloves, like a second skin of his, clung to him with an intimacy that you familiarly shared. Such display of seduction that you wouldn’t have expected Jake to pull off, left you captivated with your mouth agape.
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You’ve longed for it, a hidden desire that you never knew you had. It skimmed so close to the surface that you tried terribly to hide it.
Jake’s gloves were a yearning fantasy of yours, how he had secured the bestowed item with his teeth, pulling til his finger tips could no longer slip further.
The first time you seen it happen, was a whole revelation, a delightful tingle that sent a shiver down your spine.
His movements were on purpose, each fingers snugging themselves in the cool embrace of the leather. The gloves, like a second skin of his, clung to him with an intimacy that you familiarly shared. Such display of seduction that you wouldn’t have expected Jake to pull off, left you captivated with your mouth agape.
And his hands, oh.. his hands… They weren’t just hands, rough yet smooth, protected from callous thanks to the gloves. It was like an empty canvas that was painted with experience, it was the hands of Gapryong Kim’s son.
They were large, you could argue, the largest you’ve ever seen. But size isn’t what matters, as many say. It wasn’t his hands at all that intrigued you the most, it was the gloves.
How come the worn leather was so well-preserved?Weathered yet still resilient, it remained as intact as it was since the pre-generational era of fighters, how it was adorned by a unique golden embroidery at it’s hem
Yet, within your desires, Jake remains a masterful tease, skillfully playing with the strings of your eagerness. He was very aware if your ogling, playing along with your gaze, tracing the lines of your fascination with each deliberate movement.
He adorned his hands, savoring the heightened senses that hung in the air. You, the willing participant in this tantalizing stalemate, couldn’t help but succumb to the attraction. His eyes, locked onto yours, read your shift in demeanor. His gloves, now transformed into a sensual artifact, accentuated his every move. As he flexed his fingers, coaxing forth the friction between his leather gloves. A mesmerizing spectacle that hypnotized you to look, each nuance movement drew your gaze. 
In the tender interplay of hunger, captivated by the alluring performance. He gave a knowing smile, a playful glint in his eyes that acknowledged the shared secret between you two. Your figure shifted gradually in response, returning with a sheepish smile to contradict his smug look. 
“What?” you blurted out first, your ears burning hot from being caught in the act of unashamedly ogling his hands. The heat of embarrassment radiates from your cheeks. It was as though a spotlight had been directed onto your not-so-secret fascination.
He chuckled, a playful melody that underscored your discomposure. “You’re practically burning holes into my hands,” he remarked, the amusement evident in his voice, and you couldn’t deny the truth of his statement. Your eyes were laser focused, like it was attempting to etch a lasting impression on those gloves. 
Defensively, you retorted in a childish manner, “You started it!” an accusation that was far from true. The realization that he was well aware of your sneaky glances only intensified the flush on your cheeks.
He leaned in, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, and with a sly grin, he teased, “Well, can you blame me? My hands are just irresistible.”
You rolled your eyes, but a subtle smile betrayed you. “Irresistible gloves, maybe,” you scoffed, already openly admitting that his gloves were the factor that held your attention.
Jake, undeterred, leaned back, feigning innocence to his words, “Oh, these old things?” He gestured with the gloves, waving them, “They do have a certain charm, don’t they?” 
You huffed, feigning annoyance, “Don’t flatter yourself, Jake. I just appreciate a good pair of gloves.” Jake lets out a soft laughter that was joined shortly by you. Sharing a playful exchange with good-natured teasing. The gloves, now a shared secret between you two, continued to be a source of amusement, wrapping your interactions with a flirtatious charm.
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ineffable-doll · 6 months
Tips on writing fanfic summaries
No one has asked for this nor has any reason to listen to me, but I see folks complain about this part of fic writing rather often, soooo here are some tips for writing fic summaries that I’ve learned after writing over 160 of them and reading many thousands of them:
-Keep it as short as you can, as long summaries can be daunting. If your summary is more than a few sentences, consider finding a natural place to break it into sections. If you include a snippet, don’t make it too long of one.
-Use a tone that matches the tone of the writing. This helps people understand what they’re getting into. E.g. if it’s a humorous fic, consider including a joke in the summary.
-Make your premise clear. The main point of the summary is to tell the reader what to expect (which the tags can elaborate on), so if your summary may leave a reader going, “Okay, but what’s it about?” then consider including more information. It’s good to build intrigue, but not to confuse. This is where a beta reader or a little assistance in a fandom Discord server can be useful.
-If the first sentence of your fic is strong/intriguing (your classic “hook,” basically), that often makes for a great summary.
-Don’t disparage yourself in the summary. Unsurprisingly, this makes readers not want to read it. Just don’t disparage yourself in general, in the tags or notes or on tumblr or anywhere, it’s a terrible habit and unkind to yourself and everyone who reads your words. It’s okay if you’re not confident, but bullying yourself isn’t going to help. (For the Good Omens fans: shouting at your plants won’t actually help them grow.)
-Feel free to provide several different versions of a summary in the summary. Such as, if you have a detailed explanation you worry may be overwhelming, you could include something underneath that lists keywords to catch the eye. Example: [long thing about your fantasy au] (A Fantasy AU with dragons, curses, and True Love’s Kiss.) I especially like doing the multi-summary trick with 5+1s.
-Read other people’s summaries and pay attention to what style of summary makes you want to read, and what makes you scroll. If you find a fic writer with summaries that you consistently like, go through their page and “study” what tricks they may be employing. Suspense? Humor? Snappy snippets?
-Bold certain words or lines that you want to have pop out. Like I’ve been doing this whole time! On AO3, this means adding a <b> and a </b> on each end of the desired text (or a <i> and a </i> for italicization).
-There are no rules do what you want forever
These are just my opinions, but I hope someone finds them helpful. Remember that this is fanfic, you’re not selling anything, and you should focus on having fun – but these tips can help you find your readers with more accuracy, and your readers to find you.
Feel free to add your own tips. <3
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regulusrules · 4 days
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips
Thanks for the tag loves! @poetry-my-lord @rapha-reads
Holy shit, I have so many WIPs I should actually be banned (or forced on a chair to sit tf down and write). I've got a whole file called magic reveal every episode — most of which are untitled. and i have another folder of wips like the julius caesar fic (full AUs) but these are later to be revealed.
For now, here are some of the magic reveals:
S01E01 - the dragon's call
arthur sees merlin saving him with magic in the banquet.
S01E03 - the mark of nimueh
arthur uses his brain cells and actually figures out that when merlin nearly broke the fucking door to the throne room screaming i have magic!!!, he actually meant it.
S02E08 - the sins of the father
merlin reveals the truth of ygraine's story after the vision of morgause, and arthur gets to, for once, have actual agency in the decisions he make.
S02E09 - the lady of the lake
merlin tells arthur that he fucking killed the girl he loved.
S02E12 - the fires of idrisholas
arthur actually sees merlin's golden eyes that were right. in front. of. his. eyes.
S03E02 - the tears of uther pendragon
merlin collapses in front of arthur after the serket sting.
S04E03 - the wicked day (TYISMSO)
merlin reveals his magic to arthur right before his coronation.
S04E06 - a servant of two masters
S04E10 - the herald of a new age
merlin has faith from arthur's words to the spirit that possessed elyan and tells him the second day
S05E03 - the death song of uther pendragon (MHIRY)
uther succeeds in saying merlin has magic!, momentarily stunning arthur, which was all it took for uther to stab merlin in his heart. arthur deals with merlin bleeding in his arms and the magic reveal at the same time.
S05E05 - the disir
arthur actually notices that merlin was fucking breaking down in front of him while saying that there can be no magic in camelot. fucking hell
S05E12 - diamond of the fucking day
BAMF merlin reaction after arthur tells him I always thought you were the bravest man I ever met.. guess I was wrong.
S05E13 - diamond of the fucking day
fucking hell, do I need to explain what I want to do with this one? so many fix-its at this point i can't even
I could be persuaded on which to finish after MBARBYC 👀
No pressure tags: @remuscariad @clockwrkpendrxgon @lightasthesun @aramblingjay @mistydaysofavalon @theroundbartable @prattery @katherynefromphilly @magicalmischel @queerofthedagger @ironfamjam
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ginoeh · 5 months
Dream’s Coat (TM), pretty please??
@chaosheadspace asked for the same! Here you go, lovelies...
This is probably not what you think it is. Or, idk, maybe it's exactly what you think it is? Because both of you know that I'm actually a little dark angst writer at heart lol. 
Okay, so this started a long time ago (read: in March last year) in a wild and hilarious brainstorming session that I saved the transcript of. So far, this is more of an intriguing concept to make Hob suffer and Dream repent - eventually at least. I haven't touched it in a while; I'd have to really dig into Dream's fucking ugly side - the 10000 years in hell side - to get this going.
It all started with a 'what-if' variation of @messmonte 's Saddest Wank (1889 instead of 1989!) because in that drawing, Dream didn't just leave his gloves, he also left his Cloak. Here, this has pretty severe consequences. In SoM, the story gets told of how Dream takes Nada into the Cloak where they have sex unbothered by anyone's gaze. So there we have a ‘magical cloak’ with space-time special features… 
Now here is Hob, in 1889, drunk and sad and wearing Dream's gloves to get himself off in a seedy room above the White Horse. He took the garments his Stranger left behind in a mixture of spite and pathetic hope that he might come back for them. He doesn't, of course. 
(Snippets and more details under the cut)
(Hob doesn't know that Jessamy *has* actually come back to get them and gets to witness what is going on. This, as well, has consequences)
After, he rolls over onto the cloak he has been gripping, disgusted with himself but still unable to let go of the pathetic need to be close to the Stranger. But instead of falling asleep, he falls into the star-studded folds of the cloak. 
And falls and falls and falls. 
He  barely manages to keep a grip on the strangely wispy fabric. It's what saves him, at first. Because Hob has just managed to accidentally yeet himself into outer space. The cloak is the only thing that's keeping him whole and sustained as a living being, as it were. 
(Jessamy is unfortunate bystander to this. She takes off to the Dreaming immediately and informs Dream of his ‘acquaintance's’ mishap. She's worried - she actually likes Hob and knows that Dream does so, as well. Dream though, is still furious. 
“Let him enjoy this new experience then”, he says and Jessamy recognizes the stubborn curl to her Lord's mouth. “May he experience the meaning of true loneliness for a while.”
Jessamy rather thinks that Lord Morpheus is really tipping his hand there about *who* had it right at their meeting but she'd never dare to point that out. 
She has a really really bad feeling about what this might mean for Hob Gadling, though. Since her Lord is so intent on forgetting that the immortal is, above all else, human and as such not made to sustain himself outside of his own world.
And besides, he is a Dreamer. Lord Morpheus will surely reconsider soon and bring him back.
But as time passes, he does not. 
Hob Gadling is not one of Dream's priorities, after all. In the face of the Universe nearly unravelling, the Corinthian's disobediance and its fallout, Hob Gadling gets forgotten for the better part of a century.)
On the other end of the universe, Hob's life is an unending and undying nightmare. He is neither starving, freezing nor suffocating - not that he knows that he should do the last two - but there is nothing around him but the vastness of space. No sound, no smell, no touch but that of the cloak around his shoulders. He is truly alone for the first time in his existence. 
Until, suddenly, he isn't.
“Oh my what do we have here,” a voice resounds inside his head. His perception slides sideways, something breaks somewhere in his mind and then there is the form of a voluptuous, incandescently beautiful woman that takes over everything around him. 
“A human - here! Covered in my Dream's regard!”
She stretches a hand towards him and Hob thinks that space has decided to cease existing. Maybe he's going mad.
“If I keep you, do you think my son will visit?”
Dream does, of course, remember Hob eventually. The horror that rises in Dream, still caught in Burgess’ basement, over what he has allowed a Dreamer to suffer for his own mistake, is as dark and deep and cold as the black hole he has once been cast into. 
After he escapes and has gathered his tools, he searches out his sister.
“Hob Gadling? No, he hasn't asked for me.” 
She falls silent for a moment before leveling a longsuffering and suspicious look at him.
“Is there a particular reason you're asking me this?”
Dream closes his eyes and shreds the rest of the mauled baguette between his fingers.
“He may have. Fallen though an actualized piece of my power. Into space. And I may have been. Too angry to care. At the time.”
There is the rustle of clothes and he feels Death kneeling before him. Her voice, when she speaks, is very soft and very serious.
“Dream? When, exactly, has this happened.”
He opens his eyes. 
“Hob Gadling has suffered my wrath since 1889, sister. I hurt a Dreamer, unprovoked.”
“Oh, Dream.” 
He cannot bear the horrified pity on his sister's face. 
“How shall I -” His words fail him.
“Go and get him back, Dream. Now. Hob Gadling hasn't called for me - yet. If that will help you, though, I don't know.”
Or: A pathetic wank and Dream's canonically bad decision making skills meets the 'meeting the parents trope' but make it eldritch horror. Then add a magical healing journey afterwards an voilá - you get this.
Yeah I can still make this Dreamling despite their horrifically bad start. Watch me lol.
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daffi-990 · 6 months
Daffi!!! I am SO intrigued by your fantasy AU snippets I've seen so far. Can I hear a little more about that one for the wip tag game? :)
Thank you so much for asking about this wip ❤️
I have the whole story outlined, I just need to find the motivation and inspiration to write it. Think half the problem is I’m scared it won’t live up to what I’ve imagined in my head, but I’ve just got to ignore that and write (which can be tricky). After Rival Firefighters, this will be my next multi chapter fic, so I’m aiming to dive into it more once rivals is done 🙂
And just for you, here’s a little something from what I have written for it that isn’t spoilery (most of what I have written for this fic is stuff at the END of the story 🙈)
Buck stands frozen as Eddie swings his sword upward into the first attacker. The body drops to the floor. Dead. Eddie doesn’t even flinch, just readies his body for another attack, for another to fall at the end of his blade.
Buck knows he should probably be taking more stock of what is happening around him, keeping his wits about him, but his eyes are glued to Eddie and the way he moves, the way he effortlessly cuts down whoever is brave enough to face him. Buck knows Eddie is a warrior, the fae had told him as much, and from what Buck had been able to squeeze out of Bobby, he’s a damn good one at that. Seeing it in action before him, Buck is mesmerised. The way Eddie moves is like a dance, a deadly one, but still beautiful. He’s felled five already, and barely looks like he’s broken a sweat.
Suddenly Eddie is in front of him, dark red blood smattered across his face. How can someone look so beautiful when covered in blood? It’s not fair.
“We need to keep moving!”
Buck feels a hand circle his wrist and then he’s being pulled away from the bodies and the smell of death. He wordlessly let’s Eddie lead them, their feet moving fast in a run as they flee.
“Eddie!” Bobby’s voice calls out from somewhere ahead of them. Buck searches for the source of the voice, startling slightly as Bobby appears before him. Bobby nods to Eddie who releases his wrist and then there are hands on his face, Bobby’s worried face filling his vision.
“Are you okay? Hurt?”
Buck shakes his head. “N-no.” His throat feels dry and he swallows, trying to ease the way for his words. “I’m okay. What-what’s happening?” He doesn’t want to sound like a scared kid, but right now that’s exactly how he feels.
wip tag game list
I’m also going to use this as my Tease Tidbit Tuesday because it’s Tuesday for me and I need validation haha
No pressure tagging: @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @jamespearce9-1-1 @watchyourbuck @devirnis @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @rainbow-nerdss @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @princessfbi @athenagranted @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @fcntasmas @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @callmenewbie @captain-hen @steadfastsaturnsrings @bekkachaos @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @mellaithwen and anyone else wanting to share xx
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Writing Share Tag!
Thanks to... @cowboybrunch, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @paeliae-occasionally, @fortunatetragedy, @frostedlemonwriter,
@aintgonnatakethis, @fractured-shield, @boomiburst, @writingamongther0ses, @just-emis-blog,
@willtheweaver, @bloodmoonloveletter, @illarian-rambling, @bookish-karina, @finickyfelix and all the other people I've completely missed! This has been sitting in my drafts too long :') Anyways enjoy this snippet of a story I'm never finishing! Below the cut cos it's kinda long
Jaimes, with a sly grin and a glint in his eye, leaned back in his chair, the dim light of the studio casting shadows on his face. "Why, hello there, Maria. Fancy seeing you here, hmm? Welcome to my radio station. I trust you will make yourself at home," he said, his voice smooth and inviting.
Maria, elegantly dressed and with poised grace, stepped into the room, her eyes scanning the eclectic surroundings. She gave a warm smile and replied, "Of course, dear friend. Thank you for the invitation. Ones such as us really ought to make contact more often. We are birds of a feather, after all…" Her tone was light, yet sharp, as though a blade was hidden beneath the silk of her shirt.
Jaimes chuckled softly, the sound resonating through the small, cozy studio. He gestured to a plush chair opposite his desk. "Please, sit down. It's been far too long since we've had a proper conversation. How have you been keeping yourself busy, Maria?"
She took the seat, crossing her legs and sinking into the cushions with a sigh. She looked around, taking in the vintage vinyl records lining the walls and the old-fashioned microphone on the desk. "Oh, you know me, Jaimes," she said with a playful twinkle in her eye. "Always dabbling in a bit of this and that. My latest project has been rather consuming, but I must say, it’s been a thrilling ride."
Jaimes leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk, his curiosity piqued. "A new project, you say? You must tell me more. You know how I love a good story."
Maria's smile widened, and she leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, since you’re so eager to know, I suppose I can share a bit. It involves a little mystery, a touch of adventure, and quite a lot of cunning. But, I’m afraid I can’t divulge all the details just yet."
He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "You always did know how to pique my interest. Just promise me you’ll come back and share the whole tale when you can. It sounds like something worthy of a prime-time slot on our show."
Maria laughed, a melodic sound that filled the room. "Consider it a promise, Jaimes. And who knows, perhaps you might even play a part in it. We do make an excellent team, after all."
Jaimes nodded, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Indeed we do, Maria. Indeed we do."
Tagging everyone on my taglist for this one ;)
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet
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yellowocaballero · 10 days
ok, i just have to ask about the good and insane naruto fics. what's going on there?
What isn't going on there. [I am so sorry I am answering this ask late. In my defense, I had to get the good fic out in time for Pride month. Yes, this was incredibly important to me.]
I just posted the good fic onto AO3. It's about Obito experiencing somebody else's time travel fix-it and having the most normal possible reaction (kidnapping a child, installing her as a puppet kage, undivorcing Kakashi).
It's actually a fic with Historie (TM). LazuliQuetzal & I first had the idea in fucking 2021, and I wrote a pilot story then. Decided it would never go anywhere, didn't do anything else with it. Came back later after reading butter_peanut, intrigued by Obito, and decided I really wanted to do something with it. I've been putting it down and picking it back up for ages, and it feels bizarre that it's actually off the to-do list. I think I meant to start fully writing it in JANUARY before I got incredibly distracted by like 300k worth of other fics.
I feel like I haven't put any actual good effort into a fic in a while, and Sakuragakure's the first time in a bit that I was really deliberate while writing. I believe that it's okay to write post cringe on main (to an extent.), but if you do then it has to be really good. So I told myself that I'd only write Naruto fic if it was really good. I don't know if this is good, but it is funny and stupid. Which takes the greatest effort of all.
The insane fic is what I worked on to destress from actually writing something good. It exists because I discovered that writing Tobi was incredibly unbelievably fun and I wanted to just write Tobi forever. So. Um. Obito & Kakashi roleswap fic. I know it's been a whole checks watch five hours since I last wrote a roleswap fic, and we all waiting for it, obviously...haha...imagine me going more than five hours without writing a roleswap...
It's highly engaging and interesting to me. I can't see myself posting it as it is, so I may come back and majorly rework it to be something that's remotely postable. I'm not sure I could stand the shame of posting Naruto and my fucking. Fifth? Roleswap fic/series? My fucking fifth? My Fifth? What the fuck? I can't post this. I can't post five roleswap series on AO3. What the hell. What -
Actually, I'll post this on a separate post. I feel like I'm sneaking it in here if I just put it on this post where I ended up talking about something completely different. I'll post a snippet in another post and link it here in a minute. If you want to spite the Jujutsu Kaisen fans and goad me away from working on JJK fic onto that instead then I won't complain (they might).
HERE'S the opening scene of the insane fic.
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scoopstomyahoy · 9 months
thinking about a no upside down au steddie fic where steve and eddie run into each other years after moving away from hawkins, and eddie remembers steve and his fall from grace as king, and is kind of intrigued to see what kind of person he is now
and steve doesn’t remember him at all at first, because, look, eddie changed his hair again, and steve’s had a few head injuries (no upside down but i imagine he still went thru some shit with the party and with robin), and he didn’t really think about eddie in high school anyway, and he’s trying to forget about hawkins as much as possible (besides the kiddos, but they’re all moved out for college now, anyway) (obviously he lives with robin)
but steve is different now, happier, more open, flirts with guys, flirts with EDDIE, and eddie….. well, he wants to know more! and he tells steve he knows him from hawkins, and steve’s sunny little smile flickers a little, but he just apologizes for not remembering him and mentions he has some memory problems
and they get to know each other, and eventually as eddie tells him more (and maybe with the help of some yearbooks) steve remembers eddie. and. well. they like getting to know each other. and they like each other. and then they get together
eventually they’ve been together for a while, and eddie thinks he wants to maybe introduce steve to wayne, and he mentions he’s going to go back to hawkins for a long weekend (as he’s done a couple times) and this time he’d like steve to join him
and again steve’s sunny smile flickers a bit, but he says he’d love to meet eddie’s uncle, and… they go to hawkins. and it goes well— meeting wayne, at least, but steve seems a little on edge the whole time they’re there, tense when they drive in, fidgety when they go to the grocery store, et cetera. eddie thinks maybe steve is nervous about staying with the man who raised eddie, which is ridiculous, because wayne LOVES steve.
it’s not til they leave the town altogether that steve relaxes, and eddie realizes it wasn’t “meeting the parents” but rather going back to hawkins. and speaking of meeting the parents, steve didn’t ever bring his own up, even though eddie knew they still lived in hawkins. and the way steve glanced around whenever they went in public, like he was scared of getting recognized
and he asks about it, and steve doesn’t really want to talk about it, but he gives eddie snippets of it. people he wanted to leave behind in hawkins, memories that resurfaced, things he wants to forget
eddie goes back to see wayne sometimes, and the first time he doesn’t know whether to ask steve to come, so he just mentions he’s thinking about going to hawkins for some weekend and steve immediately starts making plans with him as if the invite is implicit. they go back to hawkins several more times, steve still tense and pent up the whole time they’re there
over time steve reveals more and more to eddie. everything that made hawkins hell for him, from the things he himself did in high school to the things people did to him. stuff tommy and carol and billy said to him. some of it is just typical high school bullshit (and oh, the nancy thing.) some of it is the tragedies steve went through, the horrors he had to protect his kids from. the injuries he sustained. more generally the homophobia that permeated the whole town, keeping steve from being himself. the lack of support in the indiana public school system for a high school senior who’s had two concussions and gone through incredible trauma.
his parents. the reason why steve’s mail is addressed to ‘steve buckley’ now, not ‘steve harrington’.
(that doesn’t come out until much, much later, and eddie is kicking himself for ever suggesting steve come back to hawkins.)
eddie, who hardly had an easy time of it in hawkins, is absolutely blown away by what steve had gone through in the same town, right under his nose. the entire persona that steve was trying to leave behind — the cool as a cucumber, unaffected, douchey mask he wore to hide all that he had endured. the head injuries. the emotional tragedies he had gone through. the way he had to be the rock for the kids even as he went through the same things as them.
he tries to tell steve they never have to go back to hawkins again, and steve is having none of it. he tells steve wayne can come visit them in their new city, and steve thinks that’s completely unfair to the man who had raised eddie, seriously, you’re going to make him come all the way up here?
and well i don’t know exactly what the ending is but steve is so stubborn about trying to love hawkins because it was eddie’s home and he wants to be able to go see wayne because wayne deserves to see his kid and eddie deserves to see his uncle and steve doesn’t want to be the problem :(
#steddie#stranger things#this isn’t very fleshed out but just. hawkins as an incredibly scarring place for steve#something built up in his mind as a very dangerous place for him not just because of what happened there but who he had to be there#i think ultimately it would culminate in them going back to hawkins and running into steve’s parents when they least expect it#and steve gets to yell at them in public and tell them they suck and ruin their image and eddie is being his little guard dog next to him#baring his teeth#for the no upside down part of the au i think it would have to be like. nebulous tragedy of season 1 struck them#barb still died (sorry barb) so that his relationship with nancy falls apart. will and el are twins and they disappear the same night#steve knows the kids earlier in the timeline in this one and has already basically adopted them when will and el go missing#eddie was never the victim of a massive witch hunt but jason still harasses him during his third senior year and gets ppl to gang up on him#so he was never like Wanted by all of hawkins and can never return but he sure doesn’t feel welcome there besides w wayne#oh i also think it would be important that one of the trips steve snaps at eddie bc he’s so strung out and immediately regrets it#and takes it as proof that when in hawkins Steve Is A Bad Person and tries to explain this to eddie#eddie meanwhile is trying to convince steve that he’s not a bad person and that he was being mean because he’s completely stressed out#and he wouldn’t be so stressed out if he didn’t make himself come back to hawkins#anyway ultimately. steve realized hawkins is just a place where bad things happened. it is not a place that makes people (including himself)#bad. it’s just. a place. and steve did not grow and change for the better bc he got out of hawkins. he got better bc he put the effort in#god i just. love steve so much and the version of him in my mind is so much better developed than what the duffers are doing
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