#this website pisses me off
madame-mongoose · 1 year
What happened are you okay????
I am in. A really bad mood. This whole week has been awful and bad things just keep happening!!! I feel so alone and isolated I feel unwanted and annoying and ugh. Idk. Not to mention little things going on in my life to form just a huge pile of feeling terrible
Not like anyone's gonna see this or care anyway so what fucking ever. That's how it always is
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batshaped · 1 year
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morning people
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
Recently, dual citizenship Palestinians managed to safely arrive back in Australia, and while it is a relief to have them out of the reaches of Israel’s bombs, it’s an undeniable tragedy that they have been unjustly ejected from their homes by an active genocide. While celebrating their arrival, remember that the Albanese government STILL won’t demand a ceasefire and obscures any attempt to uncover details about the military aid we’re currently sending Israel, all the while supplying the US and Israel with surveillance intelligence of Gaza sourced from a base in Alice Springs.
Penny Wong, our minister of foreign affairs, remains committed to doing absolutely nothing besides clutching her pearls and pleading for a “humanitarian pause”. We should all be calling her offices (not emailing) and inundating her with demands for a ceasefire.
You can use this template to call Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Defence Minister Richard Marles today.
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The Greens party (the only party to have enough of a spine to call for a ceasefire and to walk out of Parliament in disgust for our cooperation in Israel’s war crimes) has also put together a petition to stop Labour exports of weapons into Israel. You can sign it here.
If you live in Sydney - a boat carrying armaments meant for Israel is going to be docking there in a few days.
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Join trade unionists to protest the boat and delay it for as long as possible.
Australians - I know as a population that a lot of us are checked out of politics. You can’t afford to do that now. 1% of all Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s assault on Palestine - 1 in 100 are dead, and half of those are children. Australia is complicit in genocide and it is up to you to never give our politicians a moment of peace until Palestine is freed.
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bulldog-butch · 1 month
trans men 🤝 trans women, having wildly better orgasms after starting hrt
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rosesradio · 2 months
idk if this is valid crit or just another “old man yells at clouds” moment but like. i kinda hate how the show got rid of the romantic angle of luke & annabeth’s relationship.
i’m sure people would jump to counter “ew you ship them!!1!” which like. as much as i like a good dark explorational toxic fic, that’s not the particular bias that’s making me think about this.
i think part of it is that they basically stripped the entire dynamic of anything emotional. they told-not-showed their way into “she’s my little sister”, with impossibly little interaction between the two before annabeth’s chucking a knife at him with no hesitation.
but like. in the books, their relationship has so many layers. platonic, familial, and yes, romantic. Annabeth’s feelings for him creates more of a rivalry between luke and Percy. It’s one of the things (including her familial feelings towards him, obv) that makes annabeth hesitant to face against him.
when luke is dying, he and annabeth’s last interaction is a pretty divisive topic in the fandom. it creates yet another layer of “is Luke really a hero or kind of a creep?” you don't have to like it, but at least it sparked interest and conversation.
idk, i think by stripping anything potentially dark or “problematic” from the books, you create a very sanitized world that doesn’t have nearly the same grit as the books, which are still perfectly acceptable to a child audience. like, you’re telling me it’s appropriate for luke to create a child army, but not for annabeth to have a crush on him? they could have written out anything on his end, too, and just left it one-sided with no nuance.
idk, it just feels like another shortcoming from the show, but this isn’t the first time diss knee has sanitized something that could have handled a bit more darker themes 🧍
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helphelph · 3 months
Pjo tiktok pisses me off so much. They use fanart and never even bother giving credit and their excuse is at the ready. "Oh but I found it on Pinterest and the artists wasn't stated." THEN DONT USE THE PIECE. ITS THAT EASY. EITHER FIND THE ARTIST OR DO NOT USE IT. It seriously isn't that hard to understand.
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sirfetchd · 3 months
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lichfucker · 1 month
really hate that you can't delete someone's replies on your own post. the only thing you can do is block someone and if you unblock them then the reply shows back up
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ageofgeek · 1 year
i really don’t care that much about the oceangate incident, but if y’all could stop just using the tragic loss of hundreds of refugees in Greece as whataboutism, that would be great
it’s gross and you clearly don’t give a shit about them outside of the excuse that it gives you to make fun of billionaires
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almalex24 · 2 months
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obligatory flo new pinocchiop song drawing. i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pisshandkerchief · 27 days
ok can we talk about bill referring to stan as "ptsd barnum" on the book of bill website.
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gg-selvish · 9 months
recovering from parasocialism, the ideal of a faceless man, and a heaping tablespoon of comphet within lesbianism
my name is tender, and i'm a multishipper who writes self-indulgence. as of december 31st i will have been posting fic for dteam-adjacent for three years with very few breaks, and a lot has happened in that time. i've been harassed and cancelled multiple times, chased into priv twitter, and now my last remaining public account is starting to get swarmed over something recent that i believe is a pretty simple misunderstanding that i would like to clear up. i've been alluding to it vaguely and it's partially my fault because my word choice implied things about the timeline that lead people to draw negative conclusions about me. but we're gonna fix that now.
dream is my least favourite member of dtk, but in the beginning he was my #1 favourite. i went corpse -> dream -> dnf -> george -> knf for my favourite ccs and i feel like it's pretty normal for stuff like that to switch around, but the way dream and i were previously attached and the way that attachment broke was pretty interesting but i also don't think it was that unfathomable. and firstly, for people who won't extend this post: it had nothing to do with the drituation. i say 'about a year ago / over a year ago' and people's minds go to the drituation / drexit but it wasn't that for me that broke my parasocialism to dream, it was the face reveal itself.
i am a lesbian and i've been a lesbian for a long time. i also love mlm content as evidenced by the fic i read and write and that's also always been an aspect of my life to the point where in my formative years i identified as an mlm trans man because i didn't want to get called a fujoshi. but i don't like men and i know that now. however, i have a nasty, nasty case of comphet. unattainable men to me are a safe and comfortable way to explore attachment to men because in my life i've never really had a positive experience of being friends with or dating a man. early dtk was like a pipedream to me and i think that's why i got so deep into it. discord podcasts and alt streams felt like private calls with friends and they were men in a distant and safe way so i was excited to feel apart of that (partially due to my own genderfuckery and gender envy but that's not what this about).
dream especially. it was dangerously easy to get into dream in 2020/2021 because he was so equally parasocial it fed into a relationship that felt like equivalent exchange and i got deep in it. self-ship daydreams and fantasies i turned into fic and basically dating this idealized faceless man in my head for a year and a half or some shit because he made me feel so safe and comfortable the way he makes a lot of people feel.
but i was scared of the face reveal always. when it comes to me developping comphet attachment i usually am introduced to the man as himself, and determine whether i like him or not and then either cling or drop. like george was genetically engineered in a lab for me to fixate on, same with karl, but dream in his faceless and parasocial era was another fucking level. and i fucking dreaded the face reveal because i knew the second i saw his face the magic would break and i would realize he's a man and that would make me uncomfortable.
dream has said before that 'dream' the persona can be gender neutral, any gender, anyone, and i really believe that. faceless dream was this magical and perfect person who i really loved deeply and found so much comfort in. and with the other male ccs it was easy to remind myself 'be careful, these are men', but dream didn't feel like a man, he felt like a soft voice who was there for me and a character i enjoyed exploring in fic.
the way i got into this fandom was also different, i was never in it for the content. i wasn't really watching streams or vods, i got into it via a heat waves tiktok, binged fic, and lived off of clips, youtube videos, highlight reals, and fan content. that's just how i approach most fandom spaces. hell, when i was into voltron i watched the first 3 seasons, got bored, and read a shitton of klance fic with my scraps of lore and was perfectly content. i have never indulged in fandom including rpf fandom for the people creating the source, i love the fan content and the easy to digest stuff. i don't really watch movies or tv shows, i read books or write stories or watch longer youtube videos.
so we're building up to the face reveal. everyone's so hyped and i'm excited too but i'm also bracing myself because i know my heart's gonna break and it's out of everyone's control and i just didn't talk about it because it was weird and might kill the vibe. the face reveal happened. i saw him. i processed him in my head as 'this man is dream', and my heart broke a bit.
dream has always been handsome, he's still kind and smart and the least funny of his friends. nothing about him changed besides my perception of him. but that's the point i'm trying to make with this: parasocial relationships can snap like a twig in a very one-sided way. but in this case it was a bit equal again just like our dynamic before. because as i was recovering from the face reveal and meetup vlog and sad about this 'break up' i was going through that was so stupid in my head (i literally looped a taylor swift song about it it was a break up.) the drituation hit and i was really turned around. my deep love for dream was gone already, i just had lingering fondness and empathy, and then the allegations scared me really badly. i absorbed the evidence and believed dream was likely innocent but i decided that between my loss of parasocial attachment and this new grey-area of morality i was just going to distance myself. not to mention by this time it was late 2022 and i had been harrassed and cancelled by dream stans more times than i can remember so i was pretty comfortable moving away from dream.
then he made himself smaller, and wasn't really around much. it was easy to get over a lot of the parasocial feelings because he didn't really give it back anymore, so then the interest just wasn't there. and there was so much constant negativity i just didn't want to be involved. but even after all of this and wasn't really into him as a content creator i have never stopped having empathy for him. dream is a human being and i think both stans and antis forget that because i've always been displeased with what i've seen on both sides and aligned myself with neutrality. but the internet doesn't really seem to allow for that, so antis think i'm a stan and stans think i'm an anti. and most people just hate me in general. do you see why it's hard for me to be here? and it's not anything dream has done so i don't hold anything against him. we just broke up. i've never said 'i hate dream' or even really 'i don't like dream' i just don't really care about his content anymore and that's, like, super normal.
but why do i write about him? well, as i prefaced this and as is in my pinned post, i don't write fanfiction the way other people do. i write self-indulgence that's chock full of projection and weird niche stuff and heavy themes. and most people don't like my fic, but the readers i have love it and give me a lot of positive feedback, so with my passion for the hobby of writing, my familiarity with the dnkn dynamics i have established in my 'cinematic universe', and positive feedback for creating only art i want to create instead of clinging to realism and making sure no one's feelings are hurt, i just make art that makes me happy. sure, if i need a bad guy it's been dream a lot, but it's also been george and karl. my comment about doing him dirty in fic was fucking. starting hush hush with a dnf break up and having knf fuck in his bed in a college au. it was so not that serious and it bothers me people assumed i was writing harmful content to take out some weird hateboner on a guy i used to love. that's not me, dude, i'm 26 years old. if i don't like someone it's easy for me to drop them. when supermega was outted as shittheads i dropped them after being a fan for years, it is a perfectly viable option for me and i didn't deem it necessary for this case.
in the end, i'm not exactly sure why people are so angry dream's my #4. he's still there, just lower on the tier list. i didn't get shit when i actively disliked sapnap in the early days, but now that i'm neutral on dream it's the end of the world? and to resolve this i'm getting harassed more by dream stans insulting my new #1? in what world would that get me to do what u want, be it liking dream or disliking karl, or not longer writing. i'll reiterate again: i am 26 and write self-indulgence for myself and my readers. i've done this for a long time and i'd really like to continue if that's okay. if you think i'm dragging dream's character through the mud and beating him with a baseball bat in my fic i really encourage you to look at the fic i've written about dream. even when i lost interest in him my fondness and empathy has always been there. i've written a lot of really lovely things about dream recently, and even when i put him through hardships it was just a story, there was no ill intent towards the real person.
and most of all: dream doesn't care how i feel about him, why do you?
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twinleafsystem · 1 month
putting the phrase "abusive relationship" on a high shelf until you all can learn how to behave
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alex-iwobi · 5 months
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morganpdf · 8 months
genuinely dont like being a hater (especially not publically) bc i hate creating conflict but also do u ever see. like. a fanwork of sorts. and its obvious that op has no idea anything about the character outside of "they are [x identity] and so i assign them [specific archetype based on that identity and not on the actual character]"
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wasabi-gumdrop · 3 months
writing labru during the hockey game so they know i don’t care if they win or not
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