#this weather is pissing me tf off though
winterf4iryy · 1 year
hi ik i said id be inactive for a while and though this is still true id just like to share the iOS theme i did. in a panic bc apparently my brain said i NEED it before i start uni or everything will be off
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
My Personal Weatherman Live Blogging
Haven't watched a new jBL in soo long, I'm excited, especially because this had dubcon, undefined, weird dynamics with BDSM undertones? overtones? not sure but I've heard something to that degree and have seen a couple gifs: The bound hands one is the most prominent and I've seen it a few times but I decided to actually consider watching this after seeing this gifset about "you life is all mine" like oh you guys are kinda fucked
Ep 1 (Mar 20)
Okay, the weatherman (Segasaki Mizuki) so far seems callous and strict? harsh? but I listened to some podcasts discussing the show when I thought I wasn't gonna watch it and remember somebody saying he thought they were in a consensual relationship with this dynamic, so that's fun ig
oh they had sex lol
oh it's a flashback I was like that's sudden
"From now on, we'll do it on sunny days. Be prepared." That's crazy but I think I remember something about them only having sex on sunny or rainy days
ohh is he pent up/frustrated that it's been raining and they haven't been having sex lol
Weatherman guy seriously finds manga artist cute probably because he orders him to give him soy sauce during dinner but literally smiled last time and also this time while watching him hah
manga guy being pliant while he's manhandled ah
bruh "open your mouth" immediately made me think he was gonna spit in his mouth but I don't think they're gonna do that in a live action lol
"After all, we're not even lovers" would you both agree with that assessment? lol
"I'm already bound to him as a slave. It's only natural that I obey his voice" wow this guy is crazy, I get Mizuki's desire to dom him lol
Girl you're 3 years into this situation?
Are you excited about not having to have sex in a while?
His name is Yoh. He seems to both want and not want sex, or maybe he just doesn't want to want it. He obviously has a thing for Mizuki despite saying he doesn't. Seems to be in denial though lol
Ep 2 (Mar 20)
Oof, immediately watching next ep, I guess
All the cooking + now feeding Mizuki, ah
I understood that the little tissue doll is to make rain stop based on the ep 1 on-air comments but if I hadn't known, I'd be so confused why he throws it away angrily lol
rolled my eyes at the cleavage comment
Mizuki talking about holding back and going for a kiss...
oh dang, Yoh actually fighting back. is he brave bc he's drunk?
ohhh lol Yoh's missing his pants and the tissues are strewn about because he was jerking off
oh my god, this is crazy actually I love it like so much happening: Yok talking about making money and leaving this place + saying Mizuki doesn't like him and when Mizuki is like wtf?? Yoh tells him to go have sex with the other weather forecaster because Mizuki's never smiled at him like that like ohhh he's so jealous
Ah, so he sleeps with Yoh the day before a sunny day because then the bedsheets will dry
but also funny af to do that instead of just buying more sheets tf
Ah, Mizuki leaving him high and dry
Is this now a game of wills? Whether Yoh will admit to not hating Mizuki? anyway, this show is so fun, why did I not add it to my watchlist until last month when the gifsets got to me smh
I hope I end up liking it until the end
Ep 3 (Mar 21)
omg so she knows that Yoh lives w a guy (bf lol) and tat he likes/hates Mizuki weatherman but not that they are the same person
Ep 4 (Mar 21)
omg Mizuki so controlling it’d piss me off in another show and yet…
not them both being jealous of the girl
Ep 5 (Mar 21)
not a job crisis D:
truly a crazy ass show, the water passing kiss scene was from here?
taking his clothes off for him to bath is so
lol Mizuki becoming the startled one when Yoh takes initiative
i get Yoh feeling like Mizuki doesn’t care and looks down on him because how can he be so nonchalant about his art and job
not the tracking, be so fr
I watched eps 3-5 in bed at like 7:30-9AM, so that's why I wrote so little lol
Ep 6 (Mar 21)
Yoh being a bullied loner who has to run errands and Mizuki going to help him is sooo Utsukushii Kare. It might be a common trope idk but that instance is all I think of
her husband is so fun lol but I'm nervous that Mizuki is gonna see them T.T
no fr it's so fun that her and her husband (idk either of their names rip. her name is maybe Kasami?) are so casual like she expressed her attraction for Mezuki and he was playing around suggestively with Yoh without the other being jealous/overbearing about it. Mezuki and Yoh could never lmao
what is this misunderstanding pls Is Mezuki asking about what's so great about Kasami's husband bc he thinks that's the editor that Yoh mentioned + they were flirting while Yoh thinks Mezuki's asking about the manga character he saw (that Mezuki doesn't know is based on him?)
not Mizuki's eye twitching as he remembers Yoh with the husband bc of his coworker's glasses lmfao
Ep 7 (Mar 21)
Both Yoh and Mizuki getting hung up on the other smiling at other people in ways they don't smile at them
ohh Yoh taking care of a sick Mizuki in the college days
omg Yoh first time cooking for Mizuki was to take care of him when he was sick? No wonder Mizuki fell in love with Yoh over shitty curry + insisting that only he himself gets to eat it so that Yoh doesn't know that it tastes bad loll
the food as love language goes crazy here fr
"Draw me more. The parts deep inside of me that even I don't know of, I don't mind it if you're the one exposing them."
omg the tying hands
The fact that Mizuki apparently tied Yoh's hands to make sure he doesn't go out is so aklsdjflkadfjs this line of "I'll hide you away in our house/bedroom" hits fr in like a 4k explicit smut fic but usually not in an actual romance show however this specific series toes the line well enough that I'm having a blast lmfaoo
Ep 8 (Mar 22)
Last episode hmm will they be able to actually wrap things up?
how am i even suppoaed to feel cuz i just feel insane
girl clear up the manga and the husband misunderstandings Right Now y'all have barely any time left lmfao
did Yoh just not understand that Mizuki was using the manga's lines as a love confession?
Like, I can't decide if that ending is enough... like okay hmm... like yeah do they understand each other fr? More than ep 1 I guess but not... enough? idk
also I really wanted Mizuki to realize that the glasses guy is Mansa's husband
The concept is so delicious wtf and the execution is mostly good but I wish it was more fleshed out (never really saw a proper resolution to Yoh being mad that Mizuki doesn't take his manga job seriously and idk if they actually fully worked out their problems in the last ep lol). It was a very fun and exciting watch.
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
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midnightartemis · 3 years
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Pairing: TF boys x reader (Billie "Gunflower" James)
Explicit (NSFW)
Chapter Warning: Drinking, Domestic Abuse (aka Tom is a dick)
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Chapter One
The Summer of 1886 was hot and dry as they come. The rolling hills of tall grasses were nothing but dry tinder for the lightning to strike. Soon the hills were black with soot. What grasses had been left after the cattle grazed were long dead and gone. Not a cloud came across that ridgeline of mountains that summer. They hung there on the horizon, spilling out on those still white peaks. The well was always close to running dry. Bellies went empty at night, soothed by a shot of whiskey.
Tom, Benny, you, Will, and Frankie all drove the cattle Northwest into the mountains that summer hoping for better grounds, greener pastures. What you found was leftovers, nothing more than snake infected brush and stone.
The cattle were hungry going into winter. There was no meat on their bones, no protection for the harsh Montana winters. When the wildlife fled weeks early to their summer homes and the first snow of the season fell in early November, you knew all your luck had run out.
You begged your sister to take the children to Cheyenne with Benny and Will for the winter to no avail. She wouldn’t leave Tom and Tom wouldn’t have it. He was still pissed at you for trying to sell off a thousand cattle heads. He was convinced the winter would be mild, that you were being foolish and superstitious. Frankie had tried to convince you to head south with him towards the border to stay with Santi, but you refused.
Someone had to stay with Sarah. Look after her and the kids. Make sure Tom’s drinking didn’t get out of control.
You weathered the winter.
You came out of it alive. Just barely.
Your youngest niece caught the fever and went in the night.
Over half the cattle perished in the snow. Feet upon feet of it had fallen, melted, and refrozen into thick sheets of ice that stretched across the entire landscape. There was no grass left to scavenge. No roots not torn from the ground.
When spring came, the snow cleared in great floods of water that swept fields of cattle carcasses into the waterways. There was no escaping the stench in the air. You’d never seen your sister so thin or so pale with worry. The loss of her daughter had taken the soft kindness from Sarah’s eyes and the strength from her bones. Tom was nothing but cruel, short-tempered. Most nights ended in shouting.
Tom had taken what remained of the cattle on the long drive to Cheyenne to be sold for whatever profits he could find. Will and Benny, who had come back at the first signs of spring, had gone with him. You stayed behind. Hoped Sarah would find her feet again. Hoped the grasses of the foothills would come back strong.
Hoped the Summer of 1887 would bring something other than pain.
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You pushed open the door of the Cooke’s Creek General Store and stepped inside as the bell above you rang. The man at the counter looked up from his books and gave you a nervous smile. “Miss Billie.”
“Afternoon, Sanders.” You tipped your head to him in greeting as you walked up to the counter.
“How’s the homestead?”
“Doin’ fine. Just fine. Quiet but for Johnny’s hollering.”
Sanders chuckled at that. Sarah’s boys were known for being as rambunctious as the day was long. “What can I do for you today?”
“Bag of flour for Sarah. Whiskey for me.”
“We just got in a fine shipment from the city. Will that do?”
You nodded and waited as Sanders pulled your things from the shelves and opened up his books. He squinted at the numbers then nervously looked back up at you.
“There a problem?”
“Seems the Davis account has used up all credits.”
You frowned though it didn’t surprise you. Like most of the folks around here, you relied on the general store. Harsh winters incurred the deepest debts as your father had once said.
“How much’s that?”
“One thousand.”
You cursed under your breath, anger seething in your breath at Tom. How had it gotten so bad? One thousand fucking dollars?
“What’s on that account, Sanders?”
“Well- uh- I-” The mousy man stuttered. “It ain’t your account, Billie.”
You leaned in closer to the man across the wooden counter. “Look, I like you, Sanders. I respect you like the rest of the town does. But you better tell me what my piss poor excuse for a brother-in-law has been throwing his debt into or I’ll get it myself.”
“Right, course, Miss Billie.” Sanders pulled his glasses from a drawer with shaky hands and shoved them up the bridge of his nose. “Looks like, hay. Lots of hay, yes. Several purchases by Sarah. Alcohol. Food. And, er… A coffin. For little Ellie.”
You blinked, trying to process. You’d been so distracted taking care of Sarah you hadn’t noticed the solid, specialty coffin going into the newly softened grown just a few weeks ago.
“Right.” You stepped away from Sanders. “My apologies, Sanders. It's been a rough go of it.”
“Of course. No apologies necessary, Miss Billie.” Sanders took off his glasses to clean the lenses nervously with his kerchief. “And I’m sorry to say I can’t charge that account until some of it has been paid off. Money has been tight all around. It’s not the only maxed account. I can’t afford to keep on giving things away.”
You nodded. “Charge it to mine. I’ll let Tom know to cut you a portion when he gets back from the sale.”
Sanders hummed as he put his glasses back on and began to write in his ledger. “Speaking of the sale. Howard’s boy passed through this morning on his way back home. Said he’d seen Tom there with the saddest lot of cattle you ever did see. Half the heads of a normal year. The loss is incredible. Said Tom was set on being back ‘fore the week is out.”
“Thank you.” You went to grab the flour and whiskey off the counter, but Sanders stopped you.
“Almost forgot. A letter came for you from down south.”
Your heart raced though you tried to not get your hopes up. It wasn’t until Sanders handed you the letter and you saw the ink on the front that you gave in to your nerves. News from Santi and Frankie.
You tucked the letter into the breast pocket of your duster and grabbed your supplies. The whole ride back to the homestead, you swore you could feel it burning a hole in your chest.
Sarah was on the front porch where you left her. She stared blankly at the reddening sky as if she were waiting for something, anything to happen. She stirred only when you kissed her hair. “Did you get the flour?”
“I did.” You had the sack on your shoulder, but Sarah didn’t seem to notice. She only nodded and hummed. You opened the door quietly and found the kids all inside on the big bed in the corner asleep. You set down the bag of flour in the kitchen and went back outside to join your sister on the porch. She was staring at the sunset again.
Sarah was everything you were not. Fair-skinned, blond, skinny, and pretty. She was sunshine, a quiet morning, everything soft and good in the world. You did everything you could to keep it that way, but more and more you were failing. It killed you to see your sister this distant and cold, hardened by life’s struggles. That was only supposed to be you. You were the rough one who refused to wear skirts, rode horses, and slept in the bushes. You were all dark unruly hair, skin tanned in the sun, dirt beneath her nails. The reflection of your father.
“Sanders says Tom will be back by the end of the week.”
With a deep breath, Sarah relaxed into the rocking chair, coming out of her distant thoughts. “Good. It was just a bad year. This one will be better. He’s probably taking so long because he got extra heads.”
You gritted your teeth. You doubted Tom would be bringing back even half the heads he sold. What he took wasn’t worth hardly anything. The homestead was in deep shit and all your sister and brother-in-law wanted to do was to ignore it. You said nothing. It was a quiet night, which was a rarity. Tom would be back soon and there’d be enough fighting to go around then.
You found your pipe and tobacco in your coat and sat back to smoke your pipe. It was a bad habit, you knew this, but it was your place of solace. From your breast pocket, you pulled out Frankie’s letter.
“Who’s it from?”
Sarah raised an eyebrow which you ignored in favor of opening the letter. Frankie’s utilitarian script filled not even half a page.
It’s hard to believe the news coming from you. Half the cattle gone. The other half on their way. The stories have reached us even down here. You were right. Tom should have sold every head off the moment he got a chance.
You should know that Josi passed of the fever leaving me to care for Rosie. We have a small homestead near the mountains that I know you would love. I hope you see it one day.
I can’t say much over letter. You know I am a man of few words. But our fortunes may be turning.
Look to the south after this letter finds you. We’re traveling quick.
We will see you again, hermosa.
- Catfish and Pope
You looked up from the letter at Sarah. Not for the first time, you questioned how much she really knew about your relationship with Frankie and Santi. The love you shared for them, for Will and Benny, too. The love you shared together, as you knew, had only been seen by the moon deep in the heart of grazing lands.
“We’re to expect them before the week is through.”
Tonight, maybe.
As the sky fell to vibrant purples and oranges over the plains, you finished off the last of the tobacco in your pipe. You tapped it out and stood. Sarah barely stirred, lost in her thoughts. Her fingers worried at the cross hung on her neck. You grabbed her shawl from just inside the doorway and wrapped it around her shoulders. “I’ll be just down the road if you need me, sis.”
She barely nodded as you kissed her forehead in parting and stepped off the porch. Whiskey was not far from where you left her munching on a small pile of grasses. She snickered in greeting as you neared. You took the reins to walk her back home, unsurprised when the feisty mare tried to yank her head away. “Come on girl. Got some alfalfa and oats at home for you.”
Whiskey huffed.
“Don’t give me that.” You grabbed her harness to look her in the eye and, finally, she relented and started following you home.
Home was a generous term for the place you and the boys laid down at night. It was little more than four walls with a stove and a roof but it was all yours. A sanctuary you went to when the urge to shoot Tom got your fingers twitching. It was built into a rocky outcrop that hung just above a dry stream bed. You put Whiskey in her enclosure after removing her saddle and giving her a good wipe down. By the time you were done, the sun had long gone and a bright, full moon hung high in the sky.
You were waiting for something. Someone. Two someone’s to be precise. You sat on your porch with your bottle of whiskey and a newly packed pipe and looked south down the road.
Hours passed. The moon rose higher and crossed its peak. Howls echoed in the distance. Cricket song filled the air.
On the horizon, two figures on horseback crested the hills. You recognized them instantly. Heat grew in your core right next to relief and peace. Your boys.
You wanted to ride out to meet them. You vibrated with your need for them. It had been far too long; the winter had been too harsh. You had spent it trapped in the same house as Tom and all that pent-up anger had you itching for… A fight. A fuck. Didn’t much matter anymore.
They headed straight for your little home, towards the lantern you had lit for them. Towards you.
When they came close enough, you couldn’t help how your feet took you to them. Frankie and Santi slid from their horses, Frankie abandoning his first.
His hand grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you into him. Your foreheads pressed together as he pulled you tight to him. He smelled of tobacco and spices and warm vanilla.
“Little flower,” he breathed, “how I’ve missed you.”
You surged up to kiss him. You clung to the lapel of his coat and pulled him down to taste him deeper. After a moment you broke apart, breathless. “You have no idea, Fish.”
Fish brought you to his lips again. You tasted of smoke and whiskey and smelled of leather. It was a combination he dreamed out. You tasted like heaven to him and it had been far, far too long.
“Guess I’m sour fruit.” Santi jumped down from his horse. He pulled you close to him and kissed you deeply.
“You’re something sour, alright.” You grinned against his lips. “There’s a Fresh bottle of whiskey waiting for you.”
You winked and made for the house.
Santi and Frankie shared a look with each other. You were almost nothing but skin and bones. The horrors of the winter were etched on your face. Though you smiled for them, they could see your exhaustion.
Will and Benny had looked the same.
“You know you can do more than just stare at me.” You grinned at them from the porch. “Come in.”
Santi placed a hand on Frankie’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of the horses. Save me some whiskey.”
Frankie kissed Santi’s hand and followed you inside.
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witchy-jadda · 3 years
rott spoilers ahead
so i’ve given myself some time to think about everything and try to process it all and here are some of my thoughts on trollhunters: rise of the titans...
- straight off the bat, i loved the intro. opening with blinky telling the story of what happened up until this point was incredible. i would have loved if they had circled back to this though (i saw someone else say it should have been him telling the story to jim and claire’s kids and i loved that idea!)
- i also liked that they didn’t waste time at the start, instead they just jumped right into the action which was fun.
- honestly, i thought jim’s plotline throughout the movie where he basically thought he was useless without the amulet was just really not fun to watch. i understand why it was there and it played into the climax but i really did not find it one bit necessary seeing as i felt that we have grown beyond that. i felt it was overused. we’ve been there before and jim is aware that he’s the trollhunter, amulet or not.
- douxie being so soft with nari was genuinely one of the most heartwarming parts of the movie. i feel that we were really robbed of so much potential with douxie in this movie though. we didn’t see nearly enough of him. it seemed that the writers were picking and choosing when to remember how powerful he is. switching with nari and connecting to her are two examples of when they actually used his power, but aside from that they just disregarded it a lot.
- and speaking of forgetting how powerful people are... i’m genuinely so hurt and let down over what they did to claire. do they not realise how powerful she is? did they just forget about her character arc? it sure felt like it. she got to use her powers a few times (connecting to nari, portalling the titan, etc) but mostly it felt like she was saying she was spent and therefore unable to do anything. she is so strong and so powerful, and that’s just so empowering - especially for young girls. and then it kinda felt to me that rott was reducing her to basically nothing more than jim’s love interest.
- okay another quick note, it kinda felt to me that krel’s potential was also pretty wasted? he barely did anything and i just think he deserved more too.
- ew okay i don’t even want to think about it but i know i can’t discuss rott without talking about the mpreg thing. seriously, what the fuck was that? at first, i thought it was going to be a joke. i thought aja and krel were gonna wind steve up and see how far they could go with making him think he was pregnant just for a little bit of comic relief. but then he was actually pregnant. and so i laughed, because even though it was dumb it was kind of funny. weird and unexpected, but kind of funny. but by the time the movie was over it just didn’t sit right with me. looking past the fact that it was just more of them making steve’s character into a joke, i couldn’t see the logic in giving so much time to that subplot when other characters (claire, douxie) and other relationships (claire and douxie’s friendship) were sidelined. maybe if he had gotten a whole season the mpreg thing could have been included as comic relief or whatever, but with such limited time i really don’t see the point of wasting so much time on something so pointless. 
- speaking of steve, i need to talk about creepslayerz... they really deserved more :( like i get that eli literally helped steve through child birth and then named one after him which was lowkey adorable but i loved their friendship so much and i was really hoping to see more of them. i was kind of hoping they’d get to do more as well. look i gave up on hopes of a romance long ago (even though i still really wished it would happen) but i hoped that at least we’d see some more of their friendship.
* by this point my brain has decided to forget absolutely every point i wanted to make... cue the brain fog (we don’t like her) and allow me to take a moment to read back and try to find my point again *
- i don’t think i can stress enough how much i loved the visuals in this movie. holy fucking shit it was just phenomenal. like wow. the art was absolutely fantastic and i’m really hoping for another the art of... book because i love the art of trollhunters and i feel that they could do with updating it to include the newer stuff. but yep, the animation quality was incredible and i don’t have a bad thing to say about it because just wow.
- speaking of art... a moment of appreciation for character designs. just wow wow wow. we love to see such intricately designed villains. we love to see growth in our other much loved characters. and the locations too? fantastic. beautiful. amazing. loved it.
- another moment of appreciation for jim. the hair. the scars. the injuries. the winter jacket. the fact that he looked a little older.... loved it. loved it, loved it, loved it. i cannot wait to spend hours pouring over reference pictures to draw them all.
- and claire... her armor being weathered and worn. her eyes!! her hair looked great as always. i just love her...
- nari nari nari... my goodness, her magic is so beautiful. i wish we got to see more.
- also, the jlaire moments were very cute. their kisses? so soft. they literally love each other so much. i adore them.
- what happened to the babies from the darklands btw? is not enrique just chilling in the lake’s house with a ton of babies? 
- barbara deserved better. i would have liked to see her and strickler happy.
- on that note, why the actual fuck did they think a few explosives would win against magic?? literal ancient magic and these dumbasses were like huh i guess we should blow it up. i’m sorry, what?? y’all are stupid.
* currently trying to think of every possible point that isn’t to do with the ending because i really don’t want to think about that yet *
- the whole thing with archie and charlemagne felt super unnecessary. like usually characters sacrifice themselves and it’s like sad and you can see the reasoning and stuff. but they literally could have gotten out. i really did not vibe with that. it felt like they just did that to leave douxie with no one.
- that trollmarket was beautiful though.
- speaking of trollmarket... they really restored the heartstone just like that? are you joking? i was not impressed at all. the heartstone was dead and gone, could not be destroyed. did they just forget that? half the shit in wizards wouldn’t have happened if the heartstone could have been restored. very pissed off by that. it was dead, that was it.
- okay back to jim... love that he pulled the sword from the stone. it was cute that it was a group effort, kinda would have preferred if it was just him but that’s just a me thing. and maybe me and my daylight tattoo are biased here, but excalibur is not half as pretty as daylight.
- not gonna lie, jim yelling come on trollhunters! kinda got me. i was very emotional watching this.
- i think the most in character jim moment of the whole movie was when he dropped excalibur, he didn’t have his armor, he was all alone and he decided to make a fist and fight the wizard/god with literally no weapon or means of defence. i don’t think y’all understand how much i love this dumb self sacrificing selfless boy. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, he is literally one of my most favourite characters of all time. i love him with all my heart.
- the armor!! wow wow wow. that was a fucking cool scene. beautiful.
- jim getting stabbed or whatever with that fucking spear thing nearly killed me.
- okay here goes... toby. my sweet toby. jim and toby’s friendship is one of my absolute favourites ever. my goodness. and toby getting in the van and going to save jim was incredible and such a toby thing to do. of course he would think of doing that.
- but like seriously... claire and douxie are so fucking powerful and they were both just like lol i guess we can’t do anything to help jim? i’m sorry what?? don’t tell me that claire wouldn’t go full on black and purple eyes and get herself up their to him. i just... i’m so bothered by the fact that they were sidelined y’all :|
- also, do not seriously try to tell me that aaarrrgghh!!! would let toby go on his own. he would have went with him. he would have followed him.
- literally as jim was falling the first thing that went through my mind was oh aaarrrgghh!!! is gonna run up and catch him.
- and while we’re on the topic of aaarrrgghh!!! why tf did they have such a build up that something was going to happen to either him or blinky for literally no reason? wtf
- aaarrrgghh!!! would not have let toby go alone!!! if he had been there, he would have protected toby, he would have saved him and none of that mess of an ending would have happened.
* ugh here’s the bit i was dreading... the ending *
- first off, i am choosing to ignore it.
- time stone? really? we’re... we’re gonna do this? literally one of the most original things i have ever watched is now - at the literal last possible minute - rip off another movie?? really?? whyyyy???
- i literally cannot express how much i hated it. it was so fucking unnecessary.
- he didn’t need to go back that far!!!
- i’m actually trying to block this out but i suppose i have to at least touch on it. jim would never ever put that burden on to toby. he just wouldn’t. before even looking at all of the other issues with toby getting the amulet, i need to say that. it just wouldn’t happen. he struggled so much with being the trollhunter, he wouldn’t put that on toby. 
- also toby literally never wanted to be the trollhunter?? he never wanted the amulet? he wanted to be a duke and have his war hammer and go on adventures with his best friend and his wingman and eat mexican food.
- okay so um i guess they all just forgot about unbecoming? cool cool cool.
- seriously though, was it not established many times that jim literally had to be trollhunter? and if he wasn’t it would be draal and everything would go to shit? did they just forget about that??
- having jim just decide to give toby the amulet literally takes away from the entire meaning behind jim getting the amulet and becoming the trollhunter. the amulet chose jim. merlin chose him. out of all of the creatures in the world, it had to be jim. he can’t just give that to toby!!
- and as much as i love toby, he would not last a day as trollhunter.
- and that’s not even beginning to mention all that jim erased by not becoming trollhunter. no father son relationship between him and blinky. they didn’t stop steve from picking on eli so no steve redemption and no creepslayerz. is he just going to allow enrique to be taken? toby will not have the same incentive to go into the darklands to save him if that’s the case. strickler will not show any sort of sentiment towards toby either. and then the big one...
- if jim isn’t trollhunter and the whole thing with enrique doesn’t happen then claire will never get her shadowstaff. let’s be real, strickler probably wouldn’t even need angor rot with toby as trollhunter. somehow i can’t see him making it that far...
- if claire doesn’t have her shadow staff then the whole thing with morgana won’t happen. she won’t destroy the shadow staff and then she will never develop her powers. would jim really rob her of that?
- okay i can’t do anymore, it’s too much for me now...
- i touched on this already in a separate post but i gotta say it again... i did not enjoy the destiny is a gift bit at the end. first of all, jim having toby find the amulet literally takes the meaning of that speech and his destiny away instanty. and second, i just could not stand hearing emile hirsch say the words that belonged to anton yelchin. it was just uncomfortable.
aaand i think i’m done. maybe i’ll have more later but i have a headache now from all of this.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
No Lying
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff Warnings: mention of blood (from a wound), making out  Summary: Bakugo gets hit with a quirk that makes it impossible for him to lie  Updated on 10.19.20
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you’re apart of the Bakusquad 
you’re best friends with Mina, so it was only natural for her to rope you into her friend group 
Bakugo didn’t really ever talk to you at first unless it was an insult or he was yelling at you
you didn’t mind though, seeing as how he always acts like that
eventually though, he gets used to you being around and starts to chill tf out 
you think he treats you like the rest of his friends now and you couldn’t be happier
he doesn’t though
he doesn’t get his other friends their favorite snacks. He doesn’t help patch them up after a rough training session. He doesn’t yell or insult you as much as the others. You’re definitely not just a friend to him but shh we don’t talk about that
you all were a happy friend group for months until the ‘travesty’ happened
someone hit Bakugo with a quirk that makes him tell the truth anytime he tries to talk 
you all found this out after first defeating the villain 
“Hey, Bakugo. Are you okay?” you ask worriedly as he sits on the ground with blood running from his head after being hit with a powerful blast 
“No, my head is aching and throbbing,” he answers honestly before instantly choking up 
normally, he’d brush off everyone’s worries and brag that he’s completely fine and he doesn’t feel a thing 
but why did he just say that? 
that wasn’t at all what he was going to say
you thought it was a little odd too that he was being so honest but you weren’t about to call him out on it when he’s in pain 
“C’mon. Let’s get you to Recovery Girl,” you say as you help him up
he goes to say that he doesn’t need your help standing up and that he doesn’t need to see Recovery Girl 
but instead, he says, “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” 
you almost fall flat onto your face out of surprise 
the Bakugo just thanked you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just thanked you 
you stutter out a ‘you’re welcome’ before dropping him off with Recovery Girl
he was red in the face for the next hour. It was mostly embarrassment but he was a little angry too that he didn’t lie 
while he was there, he found it impossible to lie 
he didn’t even tell Recovery Girl this because that would’ve been too embarrassing 
when he got home, he refused to talk unless he knew some nonsense wouldn’t come out of his mouth 
he tried to just be straight up silent but then everyone would start worrying about him and it was really just a bother 
you ended up hanging out around him more though whereas the others gave him his space 
“Why are you following me around so much?” he asks you one day, the question being more so out of curiosity than anger 
he always sounds angry though 
so you took it as you’re annoying him 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you. After that one fight, you’ve been really quiet. I just thought-”
“Thank you for worrying about me.” 
“You’ve also been really nice here recently and it’s honestly freaking everyone out.” 
he can’t believe he slipped up again 
he stayed quiet for a moment, knowing he needs to tread lightly or else he’ll slip up again 
“I don’t mean to,” he admits. That kind of sounds like something he’d say 
“Oh, okay. I just don’t want you thinking you have to change who you are to be friends with us,” you reassure with a warm smile 
he goes to say he knows that
it’s the truth so he can easily say that
so tell him why he says this instead 
“You have a beautiful smile.” 
he instantly slaps his hand over his mouth, absolutely mortified right now 
you both gawk at each other, cheeks as hot as an inferno 
neither of you can believe he just said that 
the Bakugo just complimented you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just complimented you 
you both remain silent for at least a minute, not knowing what to do 
is he pranking you or something? He’s not really the pranking type though 
just as he goes to silently leave, you squeak out, “Thank you, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you.” 
you’re staring at the ground and refuse to look at him 
his heart is honestly beating too fast for his liking and he needs to get out of there 
“Don’t mention it,” he says as fast as Kaminari’s bolts before briskly walking away 
both of you are flustered for the rest of the day and no one can figure out why 
he keeps acting like a love-sick fool and he hates it 
he keeps complimenting you and saying nice things and ugh 
when does this quirk end? 
it’s been five days and he’s still acting like this 
he just wants to call you a stupid brat to wipe that cute dumb smile off your face 
on the fifth day, you come up to him and ask to hangout 
this is nothing new for you two 
what is new, however, is his answer 
instead of brushing you off and letting you beg for him for a while
or agreeing but informing you it’s going to be boring 
he says, “I’d love nothing more.” 
he didn’t even realize that this was the truth until he said it 
you’re shocked that he agreed so easily and even said that he would want nothing more than to do that 
while you two are hanging out, you decide to be upfront with him 
“Bakugo, do you like me or something? You’ve been so nice to me and complimenting me a lot. I-”
“Yes, I do,” he replies casually as if you two are discussing the weather 
he takes a swig of his water before realizing what he just said to you 
the water goes down the wrong pipe and the next thing he knows 
he’s choking 
he hacks out a lung while you pat his back 
you’re kind of glad this happened because you need a moment to process his answer
he just straight up told you how he feels 
oh my god
once he’s breathing normally again, you two are sitting in silence once more 
“I, um, like you too,” you admit quietly, biting your lip afterwards 
“Don’t bite your lip. That’s my job,” he says as he puts his thumb below your lip and forces your bottom lip out of your mouth 
he can’t believe he just said that either 
is that too forward? Did he scare you off? 
“Then why aren’t you doing it?” you whisper back, your eyes meeting his 
your face is the hottest it’s ever felt 
he seems to notice but only pays attention to that for a second before  his eyes are closing as he kisses you 
you two makeout for a while 
and after that, you two makeout a lot 
like, all the time 
you two do it in secret though, per your suggestion 
you just figured that Bakugo would want it that way seeing as how you two will be teased a lot and it’ll just piss him off 
after one specifically spicy sesh, you pull back to pant for air as you look him over 
god, it really is illegal to look this good 
his hair is disheveled from your hands 
his lips are a little swollen from how hard you two were kissing 
he has red marks littered over his neck from your lips and teeth
and you’re sure you’re much worse than him 
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. If you weren’t suddenly being nice to just be nice, why have you been so kind to everyone and whatnot?” 
you watch him press his lips together, your brow raising as you watch him seemingly fight with himself 
“I was hit with a quirk that makes it impossible to lie,” he admits 
now this is interesting 
you don’t even realize you’re smirking until he speaks up 
“Whatever you’re thinking, no.” 
you pout and wrap your arms loosely around his neck 
“I’m not thinking anything,” you feign innocence 
“Yeah, right,” he replies sarcastically 
you pout before deciding to let the innocent facade go 
“When did you start liking me?” 
you watch his lips press together again, a blush rising to his face
“C’mon, just tell me! I’ll tell you how long I’ve liked you if you tell me first!” you compromise 
he huffs and rolls his eyes, doing his best to give you a bored look as he says in a monotone, “The sports festival.”
your jaw drops at this 
that long ago? You weren’t even in the Bakusquad yet!
“Awe, you had a crush on me without me even knowing,” you coo, playfully pinching his cheeks 
“Shut up. Your turn,” he snaps while smacking your hands away 
you giggle and wrap your arms back around him, thinking for a moment 
“Well, I thought you were cute on the first day. But then you’re ego was just so big and you were just so angry—”
“Okay, I get it,” he interrupts, glaring at you 
you laugh at his reaction and lean forward to give him a sweet kiss before continuing 
“Then, Mina had me join your friend group. I got to know you better and I realized how you show your affection for others. It’s all just hidden behind harsh words and actions. I see through it now though,” you finish softly, brushing some of his wild hair back before watching it spring back up 
he stares at you for a long moment, just remaining silent 
“That’s one reason I like you, you know. You’re so observant.”
you blush at his compliment, quickly hiding your face in his neck to hopefully conceal the embarrassed look coming over your face from his eyes 
“Plus, you’re so easy to fluster,” he teases as he playfully pinches your thigh
the sound of your smacks to his chest are covered up by his laughter 
it didn’t take long for Mina to catch on to you two though 
“Bakugo, do you like (Y/n)?” she singsongs when all of you are hanging out in the common room one day 
all of them wait for him to deny it and start to yell at her 
“Yeah. We are dating,” he says calmly 
they all gape at him in shock and surprise 
“Stop gawking at me.” 
after he speaks again, they all go into a frenzy 
“You two are dating?”
“When did this happen?” 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” 
he pulls you into his side protectively as he growls at them before shouting, “Because it’s none of your business, you extras! You all are so annoying! I want to blow out my ear drums just so I don’t have to listen to you all yap!” 
Bakugo then goes quiet 
he, obviously, doesn’t want to blow out his ear drums 
that was a lie 
oh my god, it’s over 
after a grueling week, he can finally be himself again 
thank the heavens 
“Aww, c’mon, Bakubro.”
“You’ve been so nice this past week. What happened?” 
“I hate all of you. Leave me alone,” he snaps. 
all of them smile at his crude words
every time he’d be nice, they’d frown and furrow their brows 
they missed this 
“You’re so cute when you’re mad,” you tease, kissing his cheek 
“Shut up, extra,” he snaps at you next 
you can’t take him seriously though with his face being as pink as it is and his arm tightening around you
More with Bakugo
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adrena-dine · 4 years
Eiffel GP: a summary
Honda has said to redbull “gentlemen, it was a pleasure to see you this year 🥰 see you next year 😉 ...or not 🤭”
I know someone who is going to beeeeeeeg his lover 😏
(Yes I am obviously talking about Cyril and Christian, girls it’s time to write your best fan fictions)
Horner is going to be like « hey Cyril...I miss u 🥺have an engine for me?👉🏼👈🏼 »
If you were wondering if winter was coming, look at how drivers were dressed on the paddock Thursday 🥶
Special mention for: Daniel and his beautiful assembly hat+cap, Esteban and Charles with their 3 coats and Lewis who obviously didn’t give a fuck about the weather
Really this man has said “fashion first” and then proceed to copied Charles newspaper pants 🥴
A fashion icon never gets cold though 💁🏾
As Lance has a dodgy belly this week-end, no exit from the toilet possible for him 💀
FP1 & 2 have turned into a storm #germanyvibes
No F2 kids driving 😢
Great images of the paddock however
George has played some football with a duck
Nicholas has said I’m p1️⃣, George has said no you’re not 💖 and proceeded to add a 9️⃣
Twitch streams are not allowed but insta yes ? What an injustice 😡
Spanish lessons with Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris oléééééé
The helicopter doesn’t have balls apparently 🤨
Mazepin in Haas ?? 😤 I hate it there
Seb has shown to Mick his 🇩🇪beautiful🇩🇪 tribute helmet
Talking about helmets they were all beautiful 😍
Hulkenberg was the eventual remplacement for Albon too, this man has seats everywhere but their not his completely 🙂🙃
The sun went like 👁👄👁 on Friday’s late afternoon
Mick has spoken french AGAIN, does this boy WANT to KILL us with his UNBEARABLE cuteness ??
Charles p4 tf lol
And Antonio Q3 !!! Happy Italian noises
Lando finally outqualified his teammate, you’d love to see it 🤧
It’s still cold apparently
Great first laps battles 🙏🏼
Kimi has gone straight into George 🙄
And Alex has gone straight into Daniil 🙄
Presidential alert: the girls are fightinggggggg
Remember when we fought that Valterri was going to win the championship ? We were so naive bzck then...
and Lando did a Nando
and his car turned out to be in fact, a barbecue 😳
Rain ??? No rain ??? Maybe rain ????
Bye George 😘✌🏼
Bye Valterri 😘✌🏼
Bye Esteban😘✌🏼
Bye Lando 😘✌🏼
Bye Alex 😘✌🏼
Safety car in, Lando out oops
Drivers stop being mean to Bernd challenge 😔😢
A lot of unlaps
They have wanted SILENCE, poor engineers
Kimi no reaction, I may think that he’s actually a very well-conceived cyborg, sent to earth for wearing controversial symbols and pissing off journalists 😐
A lot of pieces has went full YEEEEEEEET
First podium for Renault since years !!!!
Maxiel podium 🥰🥰🥰
Seb’s thumbs up for Nico
Nico congratulating Renault
Cyril is going to have a sausage as a tattoo, and it’s ✨beautiful✨
No shoey Daniel forgot about it so he did it in his room, weird flex but okay
Mick and Lewis and Michael and the helmet and the guy who saved the helmet on the podium (thank you for your service sir, this gesture would never be forgotten)
Lewis has shown that he is the legend by smashing all records 🤴🏾
Hulk p9 babyyyyy, does someone have a seat for him please? 🥺
Romain first points !!! But with a broken finger 😰
Daniel being congratulated by everyone 🥰🥰
Christian being obsessed with cyril’s tattoo on Max’s radio, sir your love is showing 😜
Nico Rosberg being all of us and has tried his best to have the maximum of infos, what a lad 🤧
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seunqs · 3 years
[ a long get to know me tag ]
tagged by: losers @woosohn @yeonjuins
what day is your birthday?
27th june! it’ll be on a monday next year
what’s your favourite colour?
blue! a rather specific shade of light sky blue but i also like dark blue! might be misleading because everyone would think beige/black since that’s the aesthetic i like + almost everything i own is black...
what’s your lucky number?
i don’t have one i think but i tend to say 7 if i’m asked?
do you have any pets?
sadly no >:( will get one in the future idc idc
how tall are you?
158cm tiny i wna be abit taller
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
off my head i think 3 pairs...? just 2 black and 1 white that i rotate depending on the outfit i’m wearing
favorite song?
asdjekw i don’t think i have one specific one but recently i’ve been listening to maniac by nct doyoung & haechan!
other honourable mentions: a book of love by ha hyunsang, wide eyed blind by saint raymond, irreplaceable by nct dream, lmly by jackson wang. that’s all i have off my head
favorite movie?
surprisingly i’m not big on movies... but i’ll always answer parent trap when someone asks! why do i sound like i always have prepared answers in my head for various questions... okay that’s bc i do.
what would be your ideal partner?
@june look away i already know you’re gna say this sounds a lot like someone..
shy... is the main characteristics lmao idky it’s not even like i’m outgoing but i tend to find myself liking shy-er boys over the outgoing ones! aaa those with very obvious leadership qualities and quietly cares and looks out for those around them :’) tsundere! i think shy may appear cold sometimes but i’m rly :’) when the shy ones become very affectionate in private or when you get to know them better :’) or shy with strangers but very goofy and silly with their closer social circle heh those that are more cat-like than dog-like, only approaches you when they’re comfy. okay also shy but willing to speak up when necessary! doesn’t let themselves get bullied for being quiet and also pls speak up for me i hate ordering food pls do it for me HAHAHHA also if they’re passionate about something they like/are good at! good listeners too heh doesn’t need to always have the best advice, just if they would sit with me silently and listen to me and give me a hug afterwards :’’’’’) i think i’m on the touchier side too so if they don’t dislike that it’ll be nice! OH someone who’s good at cooking too bc i hate cooking and the kitchen in general.. i’ll do the dishes though HAHAHAH ok that is all there is a certain idol in my head that is the embodiment of my ideal type and i hate him >:(
do you want children?
no... not so much bc i don’t find them cute or i can’t handle them but i think it’s a commitment that scares me! bringing up the child well with the right character and values ajksdbwkje i don’t know if i’m up to that HAHAHAH
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nope @woosohn @yeonjuins pls be proud of my direct no why are the two of you......... 
bath or shower?
shower! i don’t know if i’ve actually taken a bath before... probably when i was younger HAHAH i think i’ll get bored in the bath and i much rather be relaxing in bed than in the tub
what color socks are you wearing?
barefoot at the moment! the socks i own are mostly solid colour socks / simple cartoon or animal patterns but all ankle socks that can’t be seen with my shoes
favorite type of music?
i listen to pop, r&b and indie! that’s about all and favourite depends on the mood!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
just 1! and a bolster too
what position do you sleep in?
either on my back with hand over my head lmao or turned to either sides while hugging my bolster and face buried into the bolster
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
when it’s too hot! canNOT sleep if the weather is too hot. also if i get woken up rudely, by screaming or someone smacking me awake LMAO just tell me nicely to get up and i’ll be out of bed in 10mins pls give me awhile my brain is turning on HAHAHA
what do you have for breakfast?
recently i haven’t woken up early enough for bfast or my family is just about to go out to buy lunch by the time i’m up hahaha but on the days that i’m alive for bfast, iced coffee and any pastry sitting in the fridge! my family is big on pastries like croissants and cakes like banana and carrot cakes! so one of those but the iced coffee is a constant in my first meal of the day
have you ever tried archery?
nope and idt i’ll be good at it tbh....
favorite fruit?
strawberries, apples, peaches! there are some seasonal favs where i rly like them for a period of time and then suddenly not anymore but these 3 are the constants
favorite swear word?
hahahaha i dont think i have a favourite one..... but i say tf a lot and mf for kpop boys who make me more flustered than they should
do you have any scars?
i don’t think so! i have a few stretch marks around my waist and tummy tho 
are you a good liar?
yes... HAHAH i used to get scolded so much for lying as a kid lmfao
what’s your personality type?
isfj-t has probably only dipped to isfp-t once but if not constant isfj!
what’s your favorite type of girl?
HAHAHAH uh.... okay with all kinds i think? except people in general who try too hard
innie or outie?
innie. was this question necessary tho AHHAHAHA
left or right-handed?
favorite food?
ramen! but i like lots of food lmfao tiramisu, pork belly, lots of noodles, also lots of rice, beef, cakes, ice cream, i think i’m more salty > sweet!
favorite foreign food?
japanese ramen, korean cuisine!, lasagne
are you clean or messy?
most used phrase?
i think alot of keyboard smashes, lmao, wtf, HAHAHAHHAHA, sigh, i’m tired LOL
how long does it take for you to get ready?
depends! fastest i think i can get out of the house 20mins after i’ve woken up. longest probably an hour where outfit is taking a while and accessories needs to be chosen
do you talk to yourself?
in my head yes.
do you sing to yourself?
not often but i sing out loud for the family to hear LOL in my head very often a song is playing up there
are you a good singer?
nop. i don’t think i’m a BAD singer but wouldn’t classify as good either HAHHAHA
biggest fear?
wow so many things but i think biggest is complete darkness, i need to see and know what is going on around me. i sleep with a night light on heh 
are you a gossip?
with closer friends yes def HAHAH my school culture tends to have lots of tea that my friends and i don’t like to get too involved in but we do talk about the gossips that goes around hahaha have also been in the center of gossip way too often
do you like long or short hair?
long! can’t imagine myself with short hair.. used to have reallllyyy long hair that goes beyond my waist and cried when i cut it to slightly below shoulder length. that’s the shortest i’ll ever go
favourite school subject?
wow nothing i don’t like school lmfao but humanities and language are way more bearable than math and sciences
extrovert or introvert?
what makes you nervous?
unpredictable situations, being alone in public (contradictory because in private i would strongly prefer to be alone but i don’t enjoy being alone in public i feel judged HAHAHA), also currently waiting on a reply for something and that’s been keeping me anxious the past 2 days :’)
who was your first real crush?
when i was 13/14, tablemate in school that was kinda shy and had very limited social circle but talked to me endlessly in class lmfao he apparently liked me too but we never dated and went to different schools at 16 y/o. we’re still kinda in touch though! we talked quite a fair bit last month just catching up but he’s more of an acquaintance now
how many piercings do you have?
2! just one normal lobe piercing on either ears, don’t think i’ll get anymore
how fast can you run?
back in school i used to be one of the fastest girls in my class LMFAO i could clock 12.5 minutes for a 2.4km run. stamina came from dancing since i had to run laps before dance class 2 times a week. but that is long in the past and now i get tired from climbing more than 4 flights of stairs pls spare me
what color is your hair?
naturally black but dyed brown! my hair has grown quite abit since i dyed it though now its black at the top and brown from above my ears onwards
what color are your eyes?
a very dark brown lmfao almost black
what makes you angry?
irresponsible people. just pushing responsibility to others or avoiding their responsibilities. don’t need you to do a good job with your responsibilities, just don’t make your issues my issues. and if its a shared responsibility like group projects, then do your part to contribute and don’t expect others to cover you
selfish people, in many ways. just being self-centred, not caring about how others feel, doing things for personal gain at the expense of others
speaking in a passive-aggressive/sarcastic manner. i say this even though i’m afraid of confrontation but i much rather someone outright tells me they’re unhappy about something or wants to get a point across. i hate when they talk about it sarcastically or tries to sugar-coat their words to make themselves look less aggressive about their words. tell me straight as it is, if you’re already gonna talk about something bad don’t piss me off with your attitude at the same time
do you like your own name?
rae is nice! has a very nice ring to it and looks pretty!
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
i don’t.. want one.. but both have their good and bad i can’t decide.. i want a puppy
what are your strengths?
is this an interview question i have had a few interviews over the past weeks i am well-prepared for this HAHAHA
i think i’m pretty resilient! i bounce back from bad times pretty quickly or i psycho myself to see the situation positively. but it is ofc coupled with a lot of complaining to the people around me first
although i hate unpredictable situations and having to quickly adapt to new settings, i think i adapt pretty quickly too. flexible? easy-going? idk what’s the right way to call it but yeah something along those lines. good at it but i still enjoy my stability and calm don’t want to have to quickly adapt to new situations.
what are your weaknesses?
very emotional HAHAH used to be much worse but i often let my emotions rule my head. i think i’ve improved A LOT though i used to be so bad but i think i’m now able to make rational decisions even if im bawling LMFAO
this sounds like a compliment but i’ve been told this too often as well. i tend to be way too nice to people who don’t deserve it. even if the person doesn’t deserve it or they’ve pushed all my buttons in the wrong way possible, i would still try to be as nice and polite as i can. really helps with me working in the f&b industry lmfao.
what’s the colour of your bedspread?
dark blue / grey! 
colour(s) of your room?
white & wood (throughout my house actually + green from the plants in the living room) @yeonjuins says i live in a muji showroom
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On the Music artists names ask game: every single question (unless you don’t want to answer some for personal reasons)
ahhh omg okay
1. Led Zeppelin- 4 turn ons
honestly the only one i know for sure is long hair
2. The Doors- 2 places you’d like to visit
new york city and los angeles
3. Pink Floyd- What are some things that make you sad?
thinking about how time is passing by so quickly and as i look on to the future i think i’m forgetting to enjoy the present and that really makes me sad
4. The Rolling Stones- What’s better, a fling/one night stand or serious relationship?
in my opinion, a serious relationship
5. Jimi Hendrix- Name 8 things that make you happy
my friends, my car, my dog, music, food, summer weather, playing guitar, getting paid
6. The Runaways- Would you say that you are self confident?
kind of. i’m not super arrogant or anything but i don’t hate myself. my relationship with myself is like the one acquaintance you have that you say hi to them whenever you see them but you never actually talk to them
7. Metallica- Do you have any special talents?
my talents are insanely boring, i get very good grades because i can remember stuff easily and i want to be a journalist because i can write a pretty kickass research paper. i want to be a musician but i don’t have a lot of natural talent so it’s going to take a lot of hard work
8. The Ramones- Do you have any pets?
yes i have a dog named eddie, we’ve had him for about 11 years now. he is like my little brother i would do anything for him
9. Simon and Garfunkel- What songs help you get through the day?
at the moment, 5150 by van halen
10. The Beatles- Are you a flirt?
hell no
11. The Mamas and the Papas- Define yourself in 5 words
i think i will leave this one alone because i can’t even think of one word to define myself. plus i would like to be a mystery
12. Blondie- Are you a virgin?
yeah, i know it’s lame
13. Nirvana- Are you an artistic/creative person?
sort of. i think i have a lot of creative energy in my head but i don’t really have a medium to let it out
14. David Bowie- Are you a follower or a leader? 
probably more of a follower, i’ve never been a very good leader. i would rather just do my part and let everyone else do theirs
15. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Have you been to any concerts? Which ones?
NO I HAVENT BEEN TO ANY AND IT MAKES ME SAD EVERY DAY!!!! i do have tickets to see def leppard’s stadium tour this year and i want to go see kiss and david lee roth but nobody will go with me so i might not
16. Iron Maiden- Would you say you have a “sexy” figure?
i mean, i think my figure is okay, maybe not super sexy but at least kind of cute. i would probably be nicer looking if i actually exercised but no thanks
17. Guns n’ Roses- Do you do drugs?
no but not because i don’t want to!!!!! i want to try pot and maybe drop acid
18. Motörhead- Are you a totally badass motherfucker?
probably not. i wish though
19. Pat Benatar- Ever been in love?
nope not yet
20. The Who- 2 of your favorite foods and 2 foods you hate
i love mac and cheese and roasted potatoes, meanwhile i fucking hate onions and brussels sprouts
21. Pantera- Did you ever get into a fist fight?
no, the lord has given me strength to control myself so far
22. The Moody Blues- What is your favorite genre of music?
rock and roll!!!
23. Journey- What’s your favorite band?
i have to say van halen. i just love them so much
24. Genesis- Do you genuinely care about others, even strangers?
yes i do, irl i seem like a kind of a bitch but i actually do care about people
25. AC/DC- Name 7 things people do that piss you off
i think i’m a pretty easygoing person in general, but if you’re a bigot i do not fucking like you and i’ll be mean enough to you that you won’t like me either. i also hate when people get mad about shit that doesn’t matter or are mean to people who are just trying to do their job, like retail workers. basically just be nice and you really won’t have any problems with me
26. Paul Anka- Are you a romantic person?
i mean, in the sense of a “hopeless romantic,” kind of. one time at school this guy held the door open for me and i actually started liking him a little
27. The Kinks- 3 of your favorite blogs?
ummm, this is hard because there are so many to choose from! @k2e4 always has good posts, @just-the-left-light-up-skecher and @ginger-ale-official also always have amazing shitposts. all of my mutuals are kings though so even if i didn’t name you, your blog rocks
28. Suzi Quatro- What do you look like right now?
well right tf now, i’m sitting at my dining room table like a gremlin wearing sweatpants and a shirt from my school, i also recently got another haircut so i kind of look like a groupie from like 1977
28. Motley Crue- What are your favorite brands? (Define your sense of style)
i don’t really have a favorite brand, i just look around and wear whatever i like. my style is very basic, usually just a band t shirt with jeans and converse and cool earrings. i’m trying to have more hippie vibes though so i made a bunch of tie dyed shirts and i will definitely be wearing those once i finish them
29. Neil Young- Do you play any instruments?
yeah i play guitar, i’m pretty bad at it though. i’m working on getting better but my progress is really slow at the moment
30. Rainbow- What’s better, day or night?
i like night vibes a lot better, so night
31. Joan Jett- Sexual orientation?
demisexual, but also straight so idk
32. The Misfits- Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
i have 2 piercings in each earlobe and i might get one more. i’m not old enough to get tattoos yet but i definitely want to
33. Janis Joplin- In your opinion, what was the greatest time or era for music?
i think the best time was from like 1965 to 1990, which i know is pretty broad but there was so much good stuff going on in the music world.
34. Deep Purple- 3 of your greatest fears
failure, death of a loved one, and spiders
35. The Tragically Hip- 6 things you want to accomplish
omg i don’t even know if i have six, but i want to go on tour with my band someday. i would also love to release an album, hopefully several. graduating college is also very important to me so i want to do that. i would also love to work for a newspaper or a radio station someday as a journalist
36. Aerosmith- Favorite celebrity? Least favorite?
my favorite is probably either john mulaney or steve carell, they just seem so cool and actually nice. there are so many i don’t like but my least favorite is probably kid rock, he sucks
37. Johnny Cash- Are you a religious person?
not really. i was raised catholic but i don’t really vibe with christianity so i kind of just believe whatever. it’s honestly kind of hard for me to explain
38. The White Stripes- Are you close with your family?
kind of, i love my family but also they get on my damn nerves. i look forward to moving out when i can love them from a safe distance
39. Madonna- Describe your crush
i don’t even have a crush right now!!!!! the only people i like are eddie van halen and john paul jones, who are both over 50 years older than me
thanks for the ask anon
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 162: Mirio Feels
Previously on BnHA: We tuned in to the local hospital where the wounded heroes had been taken for treatment. Aizawa, Kiri, Tamaki, Hot Gum, and RockLockRock are all fine. Eri is apparently still feverish, and Aizawa told Deku that they had her in quarantine due to her dangerous and as-yet-uncontrollable quirk. He then took Deku up to Nighteye’s room where All Might had gathered along with Nighteye’s sidekicks. Turned out Nighteye’s injuries were too severe and he was dying. All Might and Nighteye made peace with each other, and Nighteye was glad All Might had decided to fight against fate. He’d struggled for so long to find a way to change the future himself, and Deku finally showed him that it was possible. Mirio then ran into the room, and at this point things reached ugly crying levels of emotion, with Mirio begging Nighteye to live and thanking him for everything he’d taught him, and Nighteye cupping Mirio’s face gently and looking at his future one more time. He told him everything would be all right and that he would become an outstanding hero, and he told him to keep smiling. AND THEN HE FUCKING DIED. And everyone was sobbing, and with good reason, because it was the saddest fucking shit ever you guys.
Today on BnHA: Gran Torino and Naomasa go Kurogiri-hunting in the mountains and nearly get picked off by one of All for One’s proteges, all because they didn’t think to bring Ashido Mina with them. Back at the hospital, Aizawa gets ready to take his kids back home and Deku goes to talk to Mirio. Mirio is surprisingly chipper for someone who just lost his quirk and his mentordad all in one day! He tells Deku it’s because he wants to honor Nighteye, who told him to keep smiling. Deku, who has been wracked with self-doubt over Nighteye’s belief that Mirio should have inherited OFA, offers to give Mirio his quirk. But Mirio declines before he can even finish the question. He says that even if that were possible, Deku would just end up in his place, and he doesn’t want him to go through that. He also says that Aizawa told him that if Eri learns how to control her quirk, it might be possible for her to return him to normal. In the meantime, he’s taking a temporary leave of absence from U.A., and he tells Deku that he should keep smiling too. We then cut back to U.A., where Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki are finally back from the void to welcome us to the next mini-arc.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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it can really only be one guy if he’s talking about “most troublesome.” holy fucking shit
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holy shit
this definitely helps in the fight against the League. this is excellent. with him captured, that puts a much-needed check on the League’s potential scheming. for example he can’t just warp Tomura into Deku’s bedroom in the middle of the night and kill him in his sleep. which is definitely something I’ve wondered about before in terms of “why haven’t they just...”
and if Horikoshi needs them to regain this ability later on, he can just have Kurogiri break out of prison. it shouldn’t be that hard, since “Breaking Myself Out of Prison” is basically his goddamn quirk
this is really going to piss Tomura off once he finds out, though. I feel like there will be some consequences for this. and now he’s got that quirk-be-gone, too. oh shit
anyway, so Naomasa is there too and he’s telling Gran and the cops to use caution. ya think?
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how are they going to restrain him?? so fucking curious about this
(ETA: pro writing tip: if you’re ever not sure how to address a troublesome plot hole, just distract everyone with a giant mountain-crushing villain, and then later on have the characters resolve everything offscreen lmao)
lol Kurogiri is polite as ever
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a “ruffian”, huh
and he says he has some business with that ruffian
so that’s what Tomura sent him out here for. who could this ruffian possibly be??
also, if said ruffian shows up and he doesn’t have like scraggly hair and a hobo jacket (or alternately, pompadour hair and a motorcycle jacket), I’m really going to take issue with their choice of description here. don’t get my hopes up like that
Gran’s all “I’d love to hear all about it once you’re behind bars”
dammit Gran, you’re so fucking hard-boiled. but I want to hear about it now though
oh shit, all of a sudden there is a thumping sound loud enough to scare a bunch of nearby birds
holy shit now Kuro is flashing back to a conversation with All for One that he apparently had shortly before the Kamino incident
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what is this freaky weather forecast all of a sudden!? DOES THIS PERSON HAVE A WEATHER CONTROLLING QUIRK??? :O
(ETA: nope that’s just the big radio he wears around his neck for as-yet-unknown reasons)
yooooo and now Kurogiri is saying Tomura wasn’t the only one AFO was “cultivating” omg!!?!??
(ETA: rereading this part, I’m finding myself extremely intrigued by All for One’s relationship with Kurogiri. like, Kuro appears to be part of his inner circle, and in hindsight that makes sense, because AFO trusted him enough to watch over Tomura, his heir apparent. but anyways, we’re seeing here that Kuro knows a lot more about AFO’s plans than he let on before, including stuff that Tomura more than likely doesn’t know. very, very interesting.
also, the line “our master has already seen the future” and the fact that AFO specifically planning ahead for something like this makes me more certain than ever that this man isn’t going to stay locked up for too long. oh my god I’m so curious about this long game that he’s playing, and having to wait an indefinite amount of time to find out is going to drive me crazy, I already know.)
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(ETA: so as you all know, we also saw him in Kiri’s flashback in chapter 144! he was walking around in Downtown Wherever Kiri Lives and asking middle schoolers for directions to the Springer Hero Offices. who or what or where is Springer?? I sure don’t fucking know. but anyways he was very polite, but he also started to crumble apart a building with his bare hand before Mina came and calmed him down. and he was all “everything I do is for the Lord”, which, given what we now know, was more than likely referring to All for One.
so that’s pretty much all we know about him so far. or at least all I know about him, being about 30 chapters behind still. hmm.)
-- SON OF A BITCH we’re cutting back to the hospital the following morning
fine. we don’t actually get to see if Kurogiri was really captured or not. or who tf this new godzilla dude is. whatever
there’s a TV playing the news, and apparently the police are taking a lot of heat for letting Overhaul’s caravan get attacked and having the “important evidence” stolen
yeah I’ll say they should be taking some heat for that. at least we know they can’t make any more of the stuff
oh snap Deku just walked into the lobby where Aizawa and Recovery Girl were watching
apparently this is his first time hearing this news
(ETA: either that or Aizawa and Recovery Girl just gave him the gruesome details about the attack)
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oh Deku
Aizawa is immediately saying he shouldn’t let it get to him and it’s not something he should feel responsible for
apparently Recovery Girl made the rounds and healed all the kids, so they’ll all be heading home with Aizawa shortly
but Deku’s asking if he can stay until Eri wakes up
Aizawa says that Deku being here won’t change the situation and that they need to leave her in the doctors’ care
Deku’s pouting but he’s not arguing back
but he wants to say goodbye to Mirio (who’s going to be staying in the hospital a bit longer)
and he’s just RUNNING OFF before Aizawa can tell him that now isn’t really a good time omg
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-- why are you so hot
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he’s loudly greeting Deku and proclaiming that he’s in “tip top shape”
Miriooooooo. don’t lie. you don’t have to do that, it’s okay to be upset for a little while. about, you know. LOSING YOUR FUCKING QUIRK AND YOUR MENTOR ALL IN THE SAME DAY
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Mirio when will we be done with these feels. fucking when. I can’t with this brave, beautiful boy. I fucking can’t
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Mirio I’m going to cry all over again, STOP
and now he’s sitting up
and he says that even though Nighteye was always all 8/!!! around Deku, around Mirio he actually smiled quite a lot
and we’re flashing back to the last thing Nighteye told him, which was to keep smiling
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so good. so pure. I can’t. we don’t deserve
he says that if he’s wearing a glum face it will be harder on Eri, too
at the mention of Eri, Deku’s talking about how Mirio protected her even without his quirk
but meanwhile he himself was saved by Eri even though he was supposed to be protecting her
“but if you had been the successor...”
okay. well that’s okay. they needed to have this conversation anyway
also does Mirio have any idea what Deku is even talking about though. DEKU COULD YOU STOP TELLING EVERY THIRD PERSON YOU MEET ABOUT YOUR SECRET FUCKING QUIRK
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after all this, now he decides that Nighteye was right all along?? after Nighteye himself even basically said he was cool with it now
but I think it’s just because he’s starting to feel like All Might always did. that with great power comes great responsibility. he’s been given this ability and he has a responsibility to live up to it
“if you’ve got the strongest guy showing you the ropes, you can’t go losing.” he’s been flashing back to that fight repeatedly throughout this arc. this has been weighing on his mind for a while now
but Mirio. oh Mirio
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honestly, an answer like that just cements the fact that he really would have been worthy of it, though
hell, I bet you Mirio could pick up Thor’s fucking hammer
“even if, for the sake of argument, something like that were possible” fucking lol. yes. this is all purely theoretical, of course
anyway, he says that even if he agreed, then Deku would be the one left in Mirio’s place, quirkless
of course we all know Deku has plenty of experience with that already. but he does have a quirk now. and it’s a quirk that he earned and he absolutely deserves as well
Mirio says he doesn’t know what’s got Deku so down, but that he did great
and yeah, he really did. he beat the fucking final boss
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he looks like he’s the one being comforted??
oh my god. anyway
Mirio says that if Eri is able to regain control of her quirk then they could try to use it to restore him to a state when he still had his quirk
or if they can’t do that, they’ll try to find other ways to turn him back to normal
yesssss. because plus ultra. we don’t give up. s’not how we do things
I’m so glad he still has hope. even if he is amazing and so brave and has been putting on a cheerful face, he’s still a kid and he needs that
and Aizawa knew that. because he’s not just class 1-A’s mom, he’s apparently everyone’s mom. and he saw this crying kid who’d just lost his father figure after being badly injured and losing his quirk, and he couldn’t just leave him like that. so he immediately took whatever steps he could to try to solve the problem and give the kid some hope and comfort
and like, is it even possible to stan this man more than I already did though because damn
and now Mirio’s giving Deku a cute little “cheer up” punch omg
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... [hair rufflesssss]
and meanwhile IN THE SHADOWS
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feels for everyone!! feels for you, feels for me! angst for everyone! free angst! we’re giving it away! you won’t find this deal anywhere else!! so come on down to BnHA where we have mentor feels and cute senpai feels and angsty dad feels all on the same fucking page!
so now the narration says that Mirio took a temporary leave of absence from U.A. after that
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NO BONUS, but tomorrow there will be one with the character poll results, yay. in the meantime these good boys are getting noogies.
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iiyanadesu · 6 years
As the news of AcEijun spreads like wildfire, I'm gonna spew out some unpopular opinions about the developments (or lack thereof, as complained by some fans) on Act II.
Not really spoilers. Just a personal view from someone who never plays baseball. (Although I had, at one point, played Pawapuro.)
During the first 100 chapters of Act II I read complaints on the spoiler forums. Most of them can be summarized as such:
1. "Why tf Furuya gets power-up in Spring Koshien? His control and stamina is terrible!" 2. "Why haven't people recognize Eijun already? Look at him, his pitches, his control! *does the Will Smith pose*" 3. "Wtf is Kataoka doing throughout spring? Planning on buying new shades? lol"
And one question that arose from Act I:
4. "Why didn't Kataoka let Eijun pitch in the Fall T finals till the end? Don't give the glory to Furuya ffs!"
(There are probably more questions but these are the noticeable ones.)
So my issues with the replies to these questions are that... they are not satisfying to me. All of them are said in the technical aspect of the story, while ultimately forgetting that this story also leans towards the people aspect. We, the readers somehow are trained to think that EVERYONE who watches baseball are players and automatically know the baseball jargons.
The thing is, they aren't.
The in-universe spectators actually have the very same reactions like IRL spectators. Some of them are / were players themselves, meaning they knew all the rules and technicals. But the majority of them? They know NOTHING about baseball.
People who know nothing about baseball (let's call them the plebs) watch the games differently than those who have experience playing baseball. People who do play baseball pay attention to all the details; pitch type, whether a pitch is strike or ball, pitch count for each pitcher, the usage of the strike zones, all the detailed statistics.
But the plebs? They can't differentiate between a corner strike and a corner ball. Curves and slurves, 2-seamers and 4-seamers look the same. So they focus on what they can understand.
Pitch speed display "154 km/h"? Wow look at that pitch, it's damn fast! Players making errors on the field? lolololol what the heck. A runner ramming against a fielder? OMG is the fielder okay? OH, HE GETS HOMERUN!!!!111 And ofc, "Aww look at that pitcher, he's the ace his pitches are fast he even gets a homerun, so cooooooooooooooooool~"
So before you start typing and complain about the spectators, maybe you need to read the manga as someone who never plays baseball. This is a manga with multiple perspectives, if you choose to only read it from a player's PoV ofc you'd wonder why the heck Eijun is not immediately popular in Spring T.
Okay. Opinion time.
1. "Why tf Furuya gets power-up in Spring Koshien? His control and stamina is terrible!"
The statement, that I totally agree. From what I've noticed, Furuya is the type of player who must not go all out in a peak body condition. He has excessive strength - unfortunately it's not needed because it keeps backfiring on him.
Just. Look at all of his matches when he's at peak condition. His pitches go all over the place lol he even injured Ono with them, poor boys.
"But, but how do you explain his best pitches?"
Okay, here's the thing. One thing Furuya always does when he becomes a relief is to pitch in the bullpen. And he always goes all out. After a while he loses that extra strength, he gets sweaty, he's warmed up - then he could pitch better. When he's the starter, he has little to no chance to warm up, no chance to flex the stiff muscles, no way to reduce that excess strength, hence the reason his pitches fly everywhere.
Spring Koshien is a tournament packed in about 7 days. Imagine pitching for many days straight? Your energy gets drained, you sweat a lot, you become fatigued.
Luckily, Spring Koshien is held in - surprise - spring, meaning cool breezy weather, less sweaty, nicely rested. Stamina lasts longer. Fatigue is still there though, and it limits Furuya's pitches.
Aaaaaaaand yep, because fatigue became Furuya's limiter his pitches were more manageable. All of his best pitches are always due to some kind of limiter. Spring Koshien with his fatigue. Fall T finals? It was because he was pitching despite a foot injury lol must be painful, it restricts his movements.
Just. Re-read those matches.
(Miyuki is the only person who notices this particular weakness and has been pointing it out, but Furuya just. Doesn't. Listen. Another huge weakness Furuya has.)
2. "Why haven't people recognize Eijun already? Look at him, his pitches, his control! *does the Will Smith pose*"
This complaint came in during the Spring T arc. Do you know? Only 2 high school baseball tournaments in Japan get TV broadcasts - the Spring Koshien, and the Summer Tournaments all the way to Summer Koshien.
Spring T is not broadcasted on TV, so whatever development Eijun showed was limited only to those who personally went to the stadiums to watch the matches. On the other hand, whatever impression people have on Eijun is still stuck at the Spring Koshien debut. You know, that match where Eijun rolled off the mound lol
If we want all 120 million people to recognize Eijun's greatness during Spring T, they'd have to go to Tokyo and watch in the stadium, which can only fit between 35k to 60k people. Realistically? It's an impossible feat. Seriously. You're dreaming of the impossible.
Because Eijun's epic debut is that funny incident, people are not going to forget him that easily. (Compare to the possible scenario on debuting normally, which means he'd definitely be overshadowed by Furuya because what did Eijun have? His pitches was not fast, his batting skills were still questionable. Very easily forgettable.) Now that he's officially appointed as Seidou's ace, what do you think people's reaction would be, now that Summer T will be broadcasted on local TVs and online?
"Hey, isn't that the guy who fell on Koshien's mound last spring? HE'S THE ACE?? WTF HOW?? WHY??"
Oh, people's reactions will be priceless. And they will definitely be interested in him. Because last time they saw this kid, he was a clown.
3. "Wtf is Kataoka doing throughout spring? Planning on buying new shades? lol"
This question refers to Kataoka's impassiveness throughout Spring Koshien and Spring T. He went silent mode during training and matches and left all players to do things by themselves (under constant monitoring ofc). Yeah we're not the coaches but I do get why he acted like that.
First of all Kataoka wanted the players to think for themselves. Play in matches, watch the replay, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, work on them. Eijun does that. Miyuki does that. Kuramochi and Zono do that. Kataoka did not try to meddle in their training (unlike one old man) but if they ask for help, he will help. Eijun and his batchmates have been teammates for a year, they are supposed to know what to do by now, so Kataoka can focus on new kids.
But of course, his silence didn't help much because Furuya was clearly struggling, to the point that Eijun got royally pissed off in the match against... against who? Was it Ichidai San? I forgot.
(People were like "Yay, look at Miyuki, he has goosebumps! He's very proud of Eijun!" but judging from Miyuki's facial expression I was like, "lolno, Miyuki is fucking scared of Eijun's accurate pitches, Eijun's really pissed off lmao")
Eijun's pissed off pitches were wake-up slaps to Kataoka's face lmao
Aaaaaaand the final question.
4. "Why didn't Kataoka let Eijun pitch in the Fall T finals till the end? Don't give the glory to Furuya ffs!"
My instant response for this question: lol you guys rly don't care about Eijun's mental health, do you.
I want you to imagine this:
It's Fall Tournament, and Eijun has been suffering from yips for about 3 months. He can't pitch to the inside corner; the deadball against Inashiro's Shirakawa in the last Summer T finals made him scared of pitching there. He has to try other ways, other methods, and eventually he learns the outside corner.
The outside corner is so effective, but when the opponents figure out his pitching pattern? They forced him to eventually use the inside corner. He succeeded, yes, but it was still scary. What if he pitched a deadball again?
Fast forward to the semi-finals. Seidou vs. Seikou, a.k.a. the scariest game in Eijun's life. Ever? Probably ever. Because despite his success on pitching into the inside corner, and that he learned change-up, remember that he was still afraid of deadballs, and one wrong step could destroy everything he had worked. For good and for real.
If you actually read the Seidou vs. Seikou match from Eijun's PoV, you'll find that it's indeed fucking scary.
First, he threw a deadball. Just several days after he was able to throw to the inside corner, and he pitched a deadball. The thing he was scared of the most, he did it.
Second, Kanemaru's mistakes. It added more fuel to trigger the yips back in full force. Ever noticed how Eijun's hands tremble after that? Eijun was so fucking scared, he was stressed, he actually panicked. It was thanks to his teammates that he was able to pitch easier after that.
Then when he got an easier time pitching, came another incident. Miyuki was slammed by the big pitcher. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
(I can imagine part of the reason Miyuki hid his pain was because he knew Eijun was already nearing his mental health limit just playing in that game. Imagine if Eijun found out - even he'd be devastated no matter how much he wanted to emit sunshine. That was why Miyuki kept hiding it until the end of the Fall T finals.)
So the finals came ONE DAY after the semi-finals. Eijun's mental health was improving but was still scarred from yesterday's match. Kataoka knew this. Miyuki knew this. Their decision: to not stretch Eijun's mental health limits too far.
And we all know which is the most stressful part of the finals, because we have seen it before - the final innings of the match.
Basically Kataoka pulled Eijun off the final inning to preserve his mental health that had been stretched to its limit due to yesterday's match against Seikou. And you guys wanted him to face the most stressful inning that destroyed him last time in the Summer T? wtf
So what if Furuya hogged the glory? Furuya only pitched in that one inning, he shouldn't be too complacent (even though he was lol)
And that's basically my opinions throughout the so-called unfair treatments throughout the series. Like I said, this manga is not supposed to be read entirely from the technical aspects of high school baseball. You need to understand the people involved in it, too.
Peace. ;)
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While I love Grant Gustin to pieces, I'm not looking forward to watching an hour long comic con involving him and Kevin praising WestAllen. Though I can't help but be curious about his forced answered and body language. If it's not too much trouble, could you pinpoint some of those moments in the video? I know it's on YouTube so I'd have no problem finding it. I'd just rather not watch the whole thing. Thank you in advance!
Here’s what I can sum up from the video.
VIP is $311. x Grant looks and acts tired from shooting Season 4 overall. David Rappaport knew him from 90210 and casthim in the role. David is also responsible for casting Candice too.Andrea was there. Right behind him at his signing booth.
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Kevin moderated the interview, he compares Grant’s work ethic to Matt Damon’s. Grantkeeps smiling and waving at his fans, he’s genuine even though he looks tired.Fame and wealth make Grant nervous, that’s why he doesn’t do many cons.Kevin keeps praising Season 4 over and over but he doesn’t mean it in histone. Grant is just nodding along. Praising the show along with him. Especially because they know what it’s leading up to. These questions are pre-screened, nothing is said on the air that Grant is not prepared to answer.On how he was cast: he tested the same time as Carlos. He claims theonly person he did a chemistry read was with Candice. I notice how he spokethere, he was lying because we would have seen it by now in some way, leaked or on a DVD. He neglected to bring up his screen test with EBR,which was on Season 1 DVD, his “chemistry test” with Candice was not, “so much chemistry.” Why can’t we see it then?12:46 is where the WA talk begins. The “drama for the sake of drama comment.” Even with the small cheering Grant’s face saysit all…his body scrunches up, his shoulders are held back and tight,his face is holding something that looks like a forced smile but he isn’t smiling,he’s acting, trying to sell WA. Kevin in spite of having the question already memorized looks down.
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Kevin ignores the that fact of WA are step-siblings and insteadcalls them “childhood besties” no mention of incest at all going right into “nowyou guys are married.” Grant during all of this was holding a fist and fidgeting a lot,why he is so uncomfortable? If he has chemistry with CP, why does he giveoff so much discomfort whenever WA is brought up? Grant also says “if we canstay on the air long enough” and “I hope everyone saw the finale” which indicates he isn’tconfident in the show anymore. He doesn’t know what will happen. He triesto sell us WA but he can’t help being honest in the same answer, he can’tlie but he can’t piss off his bosses. When Grant mentions “I guess we’llsee…a kid? In the future.” A small crowd cheers but when the camera pansto the crowd nobody is smiling. 
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I’ve counted, maybe 4-5 WAs in a sea of 8,000, andeveryone is just as serious as Grant. These are not WA stans, they are superGG fans. Nobody cares about WA.
14:16 is where it ends. Grant is relievedthe discussion is over. His curt laugh at the end points that out.6-23 was the date of the panel, Grant hasn’t gotten the script yet, but will receive it on that weekend. When this is posted Grant will have already gotten the script.On Monday the 25th was the meeting with HELLbing.Season 1 Grant was reading The New 52 to learn about BA and TF. Season 2he stopped doing that so he can focus more on the acting. He also said “as someone growingup with superheroes you don’t want to get sick of it.” Grant’s energy really picked up when Kevin started talking about the firstepisode he directed. You can tell Grant loves working with him. Kevin feelsthe same way. When they are just talking Flash, it looks natural, less forced,less promo salesman, it looks like two friends talking as opposed to Viris or WA awkwardness. 
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22.56 is where Kevin brings up “in every episode there is always a WA peptalk scene” it seemed they just glazed over it and Grant just nods “yup” in a repeated manner agreeing that it’s monotonous to do. 
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Grant praises Jesse L Martin, being a fan of his because he bonded with himfirst and he was in Rent. Tom Canavagh is brought up and Grant says he ishis favorite actor to work with. Grant talked about Tom and Grant, the moviewas based on their real on set unfunny gags, Tom wrote and directed the shortmovie. After wrapping up Season 3 Grant had plans to do a movie and Tom filmedthe short movie in 2 days. The movie Grant was supposed be a part of “fell through”it could be referring to a recast because he wasn’t available at the time.Grant says he likes Time Travel and fans will ask him questions but he alwayssays he is confused. If the writers knew what they were writing about, I’msure Grant would have a clearer answer for the fans. He clearly likes it whenBarry time travels but when it’s used the right way.He loves Captain Cold and Wentworth as a “frienemy.” Big cheers for thatone and pan to the crowd to see smiles. Weather Wizard was brought up ashis favorite rogue. Mark Hamill as The Trickster.Kevin said his favorite season is the first one and that his favorite episodewas 1x15 where Barry time travels for the first time, Danielle was mentioned. He quotes the show as “Dawson’s Creek with capes.” Greg Berlanti wasa head writer on Dawson’s Creek. 28:17 is where Grant demonstrates how he does “the run” on the show. They don’tshoot his legs in frame. At the beginning they did with a treadmill.Grant is aware of what people are saying about his physic, body frame andKevin states “you have a runner’s body.” Grant agrees, “I have more of a runner’sbody than any other type.” Grant’s favorite episode is the Season 1 finale. Grant is very proud of theepisode and Kevin agrees as he brings up his infamous crying video he postedon youtube that gave him the opportunity to direct the show.Fan Q&A was around 30min mark. First question was: What is going to happenwith Nora Allen? Grant’s response is “she’s trapped in our time. We’re probablygoing to see Barry help her get back to her time.” Second question was about Grant’s education. He never graduated from ElonUniversity but was made an Alumni. He left after hisSophomore year to go on the road for “West Side Story.” Grant didn’t believehe would end up on TV, he thought he would be on the Broadway stage.Third question was about how they shoot each episode. Grant says they prepfor a week prior with table reads of the script, then shoot an episode for8-9 days. The network and studio watch it and make notes and cuts, during that time the SFX are added in. Every time an episode is finished it is 2 months agoso the show has a lot of time to omit, re shoot, polish what they want interms of what will make the cut. I don’t believe at all the show runnersare avoiding the feedback. They could easily incorporate so many things for future episodes it’sthat they choose not to. Do not tell me this is hard for them to do. Thisis how TV is run, especially a show like this. Grant says his favorite crossovers to shoot was possibly the last one inEarth X, but it was the hardest one, the Supergirl crossover was highlightedbecause of the location in LA. Grant lives in Venice Beach, Ca. Brandon Routhis his favorite actor to work with aside from Melissa and Stephen.Grant says working with Tom is a blessing and a challenge. He lovesbeing directed by Tom almost as good as being directed by Kevin. Flash has made him want to be a director but he doesn’t see it happeningwith the show. He calls it “impossible” but he mentions being interested indirecting an episode for their last season if “they let him.” The amountof control these show runners have is disgusting. Grant is a decent person and the star.He shouldn’t feel apprehensive if he wanted to direct, it’d be an honor if he did.He understands the character better than anyone. Kevin snuck in “before itall ends, who knows it might go on forever” Grant responds with “notforever.” At 38:10 the question is: how many more seasons do you think the show isgoing to do? He said at least 3 more, that takes it up to Season 7 but he saysanything could happen. Kevin adds “it’s strong in the ratings forThe CW.” Meaning if it was on a real network, it would be already cancelled.2 million viewers is not high. Right now with the adjusted they are at 3.0,with a demo of .6 thanks to the horrible Season 4 disaster Viris WA obsession. Kevin also added which surprisedme “the show will go on as long as Grant wants it to go.” Grant said he knew Kevin was gonna say that. Kevin says back it could go on for 26 seasons. Grant says sarcastically “imagine that?” Grant’s favorite musical is “Singin in the Rain” which got him interested in performing. The best part of being Flash is they give him his own superhero suit. Hementions wanting an authentic version of Christopher Reeves Superman suit.He likes wearing Star Labs and CCPD sweatshirts. The guy who asked the questionstarted asking Kevin a question and Grant was all “wtf wasn’t this supposedto be about me”? Everyone in the crowd laughed.His most difficult scene to film which was also his favorite was the scenewith Barry and his mom at the end of Season 1. His other most difficultscene was in Tom Canvanagh’s directed episode 3x19 where EmoBarry was. Kevincalled Grant with the wig “My Chemical Barry.” Grant said it was hard to shootbecause of the two conflicting emotions of playing Present Barry and FutureBarry wearing “a stupid wig.” Kevin compared EmoBarry to a “Hot Topic Employee.”Grant’s favorite Season is the first one, mainly because of how well the finale was constructed “so perfectly.”46:18 is where the question about which he prefers: his fictional WArelationship or his real relationship with Andrea. His exact words are: “Ienjoy my real relationship much more. Nothing against Candice, love to d-greatly.Yeah, it’s obviously very different. One is scripted for me and fictional.One plays itself out and I love her very much in real life. So, I think thoseare probably the biggest differences.” He doesn’t know what to say, the questionitself was lame, obviously there are huge separations from fiction and fact something the delusional doesn’t comprehend.Grant feels uncomfortable answering but he was polite and humored the guywho was obviously a huge Gr*ndice and WA stan. One of the 5 stans in there.When Grant does cons he doesn’t know how much it means to people and he’sgrateful for everything the fans give. He loves what he does. Grant loved filming the musical episode. No WA mentions. Especially singing “Superfriend”because he got to tap dance again. The crowd wants him to sing the song andGrant says he won’t. He thinks the heroes in real life are the troops, his mom because she was a single mother and supported his dreams.A fan asked “will we get a Run Nora, Run from Barry?” Grant credits Tom formaking that line iconic. Kevin agrees. Kevin says he did versions of theline in “The Runaway Dinosaur” because he loved it so much. Kevin said it is the show’s version of “May the force be with you.” No mention of “we are the flash” I wonder why….Grant answered what he has learned being The Flash and Grant credits Season1 again. He learned a lot from Barry’s empathy, his humility. He is a betterman than Grant is. 
Grant got another fan request shout out but in the videohe said “Are we ready? You’re not here but 8,000 other people are.” Crowdwent nuts. The same fan asked him if he wanted to play a Marvel superhero,which would he play. He said Spider-Man. Grant comments on what it’s like to be the star of a TV show. Even thoughhe knows he is the star in truth, he is very humble in saying it’s an ensembleshow. No mentions of CP or IW or WA. Hear that stans who stalk this blog? Grant is too much of a gentlemen to bait you demons.Grant’s most embarrassing scene was when he slide across the floor in 4x02“Mixed Signals” paying homage to Risky Business. He says because he has “chickenlegs.” He also says in the finale when Wally comes back he dropped 6 champagne glasses in 2 takes. It’s included in the bloopers. He says if he goes to the Vancouver Con he will bringhis dogs. Grant says he watches when people on set run and walk and compare it to howhe does it unintentionally. He’s met people in life that want to race him.He feels like he is a fast runner in real life, but he admits out loud hedoesn’t like running. When they are using science jargon, Grant doesn’t know what they are talking about unless he googles it. Grant loves playing the villain more than the hero. Savitar was a lot of fun for him to play. It could be because he loved working with Danielle more closely but the show will not allow any Snowbarry mentions, he’s there to plug WA, it would destroy WA as a whole and he knows it.The last couple of minutes they were talking about Grant’s famous slide into scenes, he does it at the last minute of the interview. Do with the information as you will. Grant has highs and lows here. Whenthe lows are pretty low it’s jarring when they are high it’s obvious wherehis heart is. He is a good guy that doesn’t deserve the bad treatment he’sbeen getting. Whether it’s about his character, CP’s repeated abuse of him and body shamming. Grant is nothing but friendly and takes the punches with thepraise. I hope he does more cons in the future, maybe when he is more rested and less fatigued.
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conscience-killer · 6 years
Aight gimme 1, 3, 4 for LA, CK and Cricks; 5 for CK; 6 & 11 for LA; aaaand 14 &15 for Cricks. Have fun, bitch :D
Jesus tf Christ.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret: Well, it was a prompt. Your fucking prompt lol. As for how it turned out the way it did - it literally fell out of me over the course of a couple of days. My thought process was something like: ‘okay, dream sequence. they’re fucking. where are they fucking? okay, a hospital. but weirder. silent hill weird.’ As the tags say, I should never be allowed free rein with a dream sequence. :p I also wanted it as less of an internal thought piece (cos I’d just done that with Mac and CK), so went for pretentious imagery instead. Yknow.
Comeback Kid: Dude, I would never have even considered writing something like that off my own back in a million years, but I saw the prompt and couldn’t stop thinking about it until I manned the fuck and claimed it… just to see if I could do such a thing. I could. I hate myself. Mac’s headspace was alien to me but also a lot of fun to explore, honestly.
Blasphemy (The Victimless Crime): My intense feelings about that scene. Also, a recent visit to Rome and an urge to break Cricket further. (He enjoyed it though. Like he had a choice 😂)
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? (You’re getting paragraphs so there.)
LA: Mac furrows his brow. It’s a voice weathered by years of substance abuse and sucking dick for crack, a voice that can only belong to a man who has – on at least one occasion – had his neck mistaken for a dog’s vagina.
CK: Disregarding the overwhelming stench of urine and Obsession for Men (clearly some dudes need to learn the art of wearing two colognes), Mac takes to his knees at the moderately sized hole with ‘DOORWAY TO HEAVEN’ scrawled above it in faded black ink, on the piss-damp floor of the club’s bathroom. The muffled baseline of Donna Summer’s I Feel Love causes the walls around him to practically hum along to the music, and Mac – carrying one hell of a sweet buzz from four Jägerbombs and the line of whatever-the-fuck he just snorted off some dude’s six-pack – is feeling pretty goddamn good, despite his execrable surroundings. The Rainbow, this place ain’t.
Cricks: Dee’s finger is in his mouth. Sure, it’s covered in cocaine and being guided by Charlie, but Matthew’s previous enthusiasm for crashing out on her soft, warm bed and snuggling up to her adorable bowtie-wearing teddy bear is diminishing so fast that it’s no more than a speck on the horizon of new possibilities. Dee’s finger is in his mouth, and she tastes of sunshine and sweetness and bitter chemicals and every repressed compulsion he’s ever entertained, and fuck the Lord’s plan; fuck the vows he’d taken under the watchful gaze of a loving yet vengeful God. Fuck not giving himself over to this completely. Dee’s finger is in his mouth. His gums are numb. Dee’s finger is in his mouth.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
LA: “Oh, he was going at it alright, and I can’t say that I blame him,” Mac replies, with a wistful sigh. “I saw his dong in the shower after gym class once, back in eighth grade. The guy was packing, even then. This time, however. Mother of fuck – forgive me, Father Mara. Makes the dude from Thunder Gun look like a newborn baby.”
CK: Bitch, there’s 18 words of spoken dialogue in that fic. :p
Cricks: “How’s that working for you, Cricks?” Charlie says, with all the nonchalance of a stranger on the bus making small talk about the last Eagles game. “Gotta show a little courtesy to our star salesman, you know?”
5: What part was hardest to write?
CK: The part where he blows his dad? Uhhh. D: Honestly though the whole thing was hard as shit to write. You try sucking 5 dicks in a story lmao.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
LA: I don’t know that it’s special or different, but it’s a very Me fic. Horror and dream sequences and priests, oh my!
11: What do you like best about this fic?
LA: I’d like to think I injected some semi-decent comedy in there. :D
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Cricks: Never underestimate the depraved depths of my priest kink. Also: never assume your friends aren’t going to force you into doing coke and coerce you into a threeway. Valuable advice.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Cricks: Well, I learned I can actually project my emotions (which apparently, I have?) into a character even further than my desire to bang x y or z. Some recent issues definitely helped with writing a character so down on his luck and pathetic, and for that I’m grateful, I think? 
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system-architect · 6 years
Am i allowed 2 ask t4 for all of them.....
yOU ARE....... god............... T4 is a fun one to answer questions for because its a mixture of T4 headcanons and arkk himself headcanons
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? hhJGKHD he’s...... Very Inexperienced with love so i think he’s still figuring that out............. the general concept of love is an exciting but very alien thing for him... i think he mostly just associates it w/ buzzy excited feelings and affection in general but still has yet to chew on deeper meanings
♠ - What are they afraid of? A Lot............................ god..... destabilizing, having his loop reset, never gettin out of Mists Hell Cage, and despite being aware that he’s an echo i think he’s still fearful he’ll like. never see his mom again or save her... i think he still wants that on some level
♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of? he’s arkk.. he’s very proud of his Immense Intelligence and Immeasurable Genius and Undeniable Prowess........... additionally! weirdly proud of the innate stubbornness he inherited even if he won’t necessarily admit that he’s stubborn. but it’s gotten him through a lot of shit
♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general) t4/arkk is a Sore Fuckin Loser god i can see him turning beet red whenever tourists thwart him in fractals... and then lashin out with snark and overkill in reaction to his own embarrassment....... i think he also gets sort of embarrassed about his own shortcomings or moments where he’s more weak-willed than he wants to be... i think he goes through cycles where he flings himself at something pretty hard and doesn’t quite succeed and gets gloomy and embarrassed about it and then comes back to go at it again at least twice as hard
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why? i think in general arkk prefers nighttime bc edgy BUT t4 just.. misses Both at this point. nightmare frac has no discernable time, his lab in SO is In Space and has no discernable time but glaring bright sun mismatched with The Void, and his and t3s chaos isles was and is day on one side and night on the other. the lack of flowing linear time and lack of proper solar/lunar cycles for sleep purposes is driving him really stir crazy by this point i think
☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep? both...... for reasons above and then also bc of anxiety/trauma/etc i think he often gets pretty terrible sleep and struggles with it a good bit
☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy. OH BOY all of the answers to this are Sappy.......... it’d take a lot to get him to openly admit it (yes) but t3 is definitely a.. welcomed presence and has helped him out a lot mentally and whatnot........ also simon is forever his beautiful lovely son and best pal whomst he is exceedingly protective of even though the simon in these boys’ canon belongs 2 t3.................... also, begrudgingly, he sort of enjoys the DDR-X’s presence. sort of. even though it’s a GIR-esque atrocity
☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react? im nnnot sure abt original arkk but i think at this point t4 wouldn’t wanna go inside honestly... he’d just. stand out there in it. he really misses Weather (the snowblind section of chaos isles doesn’t count)... i can see him finding rain very reassuring and soothing
♪ - Are they musically inclined? absolutely fuckin not
♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy? dubstep.. nightcore.. u kno... the works..
✓ - How do they react to praise? he’s absolutely fuckin thirsty for that sweet sweet praise and acknowledgement and gratification........................ he feels he Deserves it and acts that way all pompously at least outwardly but i think a bit more on the inside he gets a bit starry-eyed and just a tad.. like... ‘anime girl pushing her pinkies together’ esque............... he’s not gonna Admit That tho
✕ - How do they handle rejection? NOT WELL........... it definitely can depend on what the individual situation is but when it comes to stuff like “no, you can’t use inquest resources for that” “arkk no don’t rip a hole in the mists” “no you cant eat the last can of pringles” “hey no you shouldn’t attach that kind of laser to that kind of battery--” he has a very hard time taking no for an answer and is probably gonna get pissed and do what he wants to anyway and very aggressively do so in your face orrr slink off and do it behind ur back depending.. arkk/t4 does what arkk/t4 wants and thats the end of that
☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats? i think he’s pretty blissfully neutral and will eat absolutely any junk food/candy you shove at him...... i can see him preferring slightly more sour stuff sometimes but that doesn’t mean he won’t stuff his face with chocolate either
❄ -  Favorite season and why? he just wants Any Season back........... tho im gonna say spring and autumn because that’s when u can get weather where u can wear a tank top outside without being too uncomfy in a binder and also Con Season u kno?????????????
☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to? his mom is the obvious answer here!! but also.. he is indeed, unfortunately, a bit of a Scarlet Fanboy.. despite her wrecking shit and all that he can’t help but find her inventions super fascinating
❤ - Do they have a love interest? HMM
✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand? gOD him and t3 sort of go at it constantly don’t they... but at the end of the day they’re Totally BFFs so i guess that doesn’t count huh...................................... i think rather than specific people he’s still always gonna be salty at Fractal Explorers Tourists.... regardless of them being hired by dessa or w/e... t4 in particular now too.. now that he’s aware that he’s actually a mists being/echo, on top of bein the son of the woman who literally created the fractals, he views the fractals and by extension the mists as sort of his Birthright almost... he really despises the tourists storming in and resetting other echoes’ loops and not allowing them to Live Out Their Lives and just.. causing endless pain over and over especially considering that fractal portal was originally established by the consortium who he undoubtedly loathes, presuming he’s aware of that............
♔ - Do they value loyalty? i think this is kinda hard to answer bc like.. who doesn’t??? i think arkk in general is a sort of lone wolf type who actually doesn’t generally like other people meddling in his work much and doesn’t quite enjoy having to rely on other people/have ppl be loyal 2 him, judging by his remarks at the brazen gladiator and about his.. probably inquest??? krewe in his journal entries and then ofc all the snark at the party during nightmare frac (though he had a lot of personal salt material involving batteries that motivated that).. i think he’s less of a “if ur loyal to me we’ll be Buddies and get things done together >:)” type and more of a “well i need you unfortunately so do what i say and do it well and we won’t have a problem and i guess i’ll owe you one, but stay out of my way after that” type..... he doesn’t enjoy involving other people in his plans and would rather do things himself especially to ensure it doesn’t get Mucked Up by someone else’s foolishness...... so i guess to that extent no he actually doesn’t ppparticularly value loyalty and won’t treat you special for adhering to his plans; for him adhering to his plans and then getting tf out is just the baseline performance you should be giving him
HOWEVER t4 is a bit of a special case because he does have t3 and despite all their bickering he values t3s cooperation a lot and is really optimistic about their partnership. i mean cmon.. TWO arkks! twice the brilliance! the ability to always be on the same page and not have to deal with the tragic shortsightedness and insurmountable ineptitude of not-arkk underlings! loyalty isn’t still quite a factor but he appreciates that they’re both on the same page on everything
♕ - Do they trust easily? hhghhrrhg no probably not...... he’s probably a bit bitter towards other people in general and closes himself off easily and doesn’t want them involved in his business
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spookyjudgement · 4 years
GBBO 2020 reactions Episode 4: Chocolate week, in which I presume I must push through my anger as the bakers are punished for failing to do chocolate work in an un-airconditioned tent in the middle of summer.
Ew with Paul being an ass in the preview.
“Chocolate releases endorphins but that tent does not always release endorphins” is both an excellent take and v sad.
Prue doesn’t want decorations...did she mention that when they were telling the bakers what to do this round? Of course not, immediately Lina has decoration.
LOL Matt’s shots at Paul while talking to Dave. A horrible man with a beard. A perfect description of Paul Hollywood.
Oh good luck to Peter, that sounds complicated and Paul and Prue seem judgy. I think it sounds like a good idea! Figs and chocolate go well together!
Ruby chocolate returns in Sura’s brownies I should google this and figure out what it is.
Oooooh Lottie is playing it risky with the double bake...good luck with her
Hermine is doing white chocolate, I hope they don’t take shots at her for that. Paul shut up and stop psyching her out about the oven temp. HERMINE DON’T LISTEN TO HIMMMMM
It’s baking, they’re brownies, of course they’re all sweet and of course the bakers will go for sweet toppings! Prue...please don’t follow through on your rubbish pre-bake comment.
You know your meringue is done when you have a trump on your whisk, incredible advice from Mark.
Paul should be banned from the tent/confined to a chair, I hate seeing him lurking behind the bakers.
Oof Lottie has an excellently dark/realistic way of describing things. It’s very funny. Freezer drip...I feel that. I suppose now we have an answer for why bakers don’t always put stuff in the freezer.
How much you want to bet Peter’s brownies are delicious and Paul is just taking it out on him because they’re not plain brownies.
Laura...oh no...Paul is gonna shit on her for it. Prue and Paul shut up about the topping.
Fuck off Paul, he just doesn’t like ruby chocolate and will shit on people for it. I agree with Laura, ruthless.
They’re once more hitting Mark with the stupid too sweet comment. What does Paul mean about the textures comment? Is he just mad about the biscuit base at all?
Of course Hermine got knocked for white chocolate. I didn’t think her flavors sounded like too much...
It seems like they just don’t like anyone’s brownie bakes.
Paul??? Why the fuck are you coming down on Hamish for being messy at the end? They were hot? The bake was good on those.
Moral of the story is that they didn’t want the contestants to do anything but a basic brownie. Like Lottie said, they all tried something different and Paul and Prue were basic as all hell and grossed out by everyone’s brownie variations. Like...what did they think they were going to get? This is Bake-Off, they’re always talking about creativity (and this season they literally saved Rowan for a week based on ideas alone). The inconsistency from P&P is ridiculous.
Mark don’t worry, the audience knows Paul and Prue are full of shit.
Paul, fuck off with the brownie challenge was easy.
Prue stop lurking.
aksdjfakjhdf oh no babka technical.
Well, with any luck Peter will remember what it is from previous seasons so maybe at least one of them stand a chance. I don’t trust whether they’ve been given detailed enough instructions.
Make the dough. Of course.
“Here we are again trying to make rectangles out of circles” iconic words from Lottie again.
LOL SURA THIS IS ALL EXTRA IT’S TOO LONG. Nervous for her for that decision.
How much you want to bet none of them had enough time for proving and baking really. It seems like very few of them have gotten theirs to increase anywhere near enough in size.
Good to see Peter’s looks good. Even though it hasn’t risen “as much” that tells me they had not enough time to prove really.
The fact that plaits didn’t seem to correspond to their taste conclusions tells me maybe they need to think harder about their judging criteria/maybe they are shitty tasters.
“bobka” you’re a judge Prue.
askdfjhasdfkh the fucking weather during chocolate challenges I’m praying for Sura but it’s summer.
Ah fuck white chocolate...here’s hoping Paul and Prue don’t slam them for sweetness. White chocolate is sweet. Also the decorations...in the tent...they’ll probably make them temper.
You only have to be not the worst??? What a vote of confidence in her abilities Prue.
I’m afraid for Sura. We know they do POC dirty and they were explicitly like “you did badly yesterday”.
ohh I’m scared for Peter...chocolate collars...hot tent...fingers crossed
I think Hamish should take Matt’s advice. Or maybe Matt should take Hamish’s advice and do it himself.
“The directions were brilliant” no they weren’t Linda. No they weren’t. Don’t give the bearded man a compliment.
I’m glad Matt is being realistic about Prue and Paul’s sweetness bs. Call! Them! Out!
Peter, the cake-whisperer listening to his cakes.
Oh. It’s too warm. Who knew that was gonna happen. And Paul’s gonna punish them for it as though he could deal with this warmth.
We went from one hour to ten minutes in no time at all...
I’m worried, they all seem like they’re struggling with the white chocolate temps. Peter said he needed chilling time and it doesn’t look like he’ll get any.
Less is not more, I feel that Lottie!
Worried about Sura...she seems stressed. Hamish is trying to help her...but she is many stress...
I’m surprised they think Mark’s looks good? I thought it looked a little plain.
It needs more of a hero flavor??? WHITE CHOCOLATE ISN’T AN OOMPHY FLAVOR!!!!! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!
Lottie’s looks lovely.
I don’t think Sura’s looks bad! The cakes are a little tilty but the chocolate work is nice! Oh no :’(. Paul took a jab at her recipe since she mentioned the water, really only the bottom sponge seemed underbaked though? Really worried for her.
I mean white chocolate means a darker sponge no? Why’d he slam Dave for it? I feel like everyone has dark sponge edges, they’ve just covered it up with icing!
Hamish’s cake looks cute! I’m glad he got compliments for it.
I’m glad Paul liked Peter’s cake. It seemed a little like Prue had a...more negative comment.
I actually like the way Laura’s looks? It’s like intentionally messy! Which is nice! At least they liked the taste.
I’m living for everyone making fun of Prue’s weird wiggle-moan when she tasted Hermine’s cake.
They’re being clear that they want Sura to go and I am Not Happy About It. I agree with Noel, I love Lottie and Sura, neither of them should go. No one leave the tent. Ever. Everyone bakes on.
I think I like this bunch too much/they feel a lot more level with each other from bake to bake so the bitterness for people going home is just...gonna be heightened for the rest of the competition. Glad Mark won star baker though!
Of course they’re sad that she’s leaving. This is why Sura should have won star baker week one. She deserved it then.
This group seems really close. Probs the effect of being quarantined together.
Sura :’(
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dorothyliker420 · 7 years
huuhhoOh my GOD slrprfrsrfl(more lip licking noises)ooooh my GOd whoaoaohah. *huffing* a completeed chorus 2! HOLY SHIT oh my gohd
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(silky made me this image as per request ily silky)
WELL HERE WE GO!!!!!!! A COMPLETED CHORUS CHAPTER 2!!!!!!!! CLOCKING IN AT 20,588 FUCKING WORDS AND 45 PAGES IN GOOGLE DOCS! lets see how many bs words I can add to that count am I right ladies
because of, I dont know, any italicization or bolding in the text itself was lost when I copy/pasted it to here so I guess the Experience isnt as Deep BUT ITS ALL GOOD ANYWAY because only I get to type in bold. thats how you know its me and not a rabble, but I also italicized lines that I really wanted to talk about
ill put all the Canon Real Text in an indent tho happy reading,
A Long Awaited Duet ---------------------------------***********************---------------------------------
The new canon is that in between those dashes is a really terrible swear word that the author censored with asterisks. only he knows it and he’ll unleash it when you criticize his fic
Pacing quickly around her room in a long, frustrated circle, Lisette’s worries were quickly drawing to a boiling point.
lisette’s circles make me long and frustrated am I right fellow dudes
Typically, she was a very easy-going person, the kind of girl who’d shrug off most concerns and instead focus on keeping a positive outlook. However, after spending her entire morning going through the motions, feeling trapped in a listless, uneasy funk, even she couldn’t help but be affected. It was almost noon already and still she couldn’t move her thoughts past yesterday’s tea party, to the look she’d seen weathered across Alto’s face.
Lisette is right to be threatened and uneasy. this is like the scene in the opening where the village is getting crystallized and its too late for rosa and shes like SAVE YOURSELF except instead its sexification
She hadn’t had the courage to say anything at the time, but it had haunted her thoughts ever since. Making it worse, when she’d attempted to find her mother to ask her for her advice, she hadn’t been able to find her anywhere, so she’d wound up simply spending the previous night with Marie.
the ghosts of the last chapter vaguely implying alto is too horney to sleep in the same bed as marie have returned and im frightened
“He’s… he’s still on edge, isn’t he?”
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It wasn’t right. The fighting was over and peace had been won, but even when he should have been relaxing with his friends, Alto was still wearing the same guarded, strained expression. It was the same heart-breaking look she’d seen from her friend all throughout their battles, at all the times she’d stood at his die, watching him make the most difficult decisions of his life.
She didn’t think any of the others had noticed. Perhaps she was the only one that would even be able to recognise the difference, after all, she was the only one who’d known him before all this. Back in Mithra he hadn’t been anything like that, he’d smiled freely and his gaze had was always carefree, to the point of being cheeky. Their entire lives had changed ever since she became a Witch and he followed to become her Knight… but she’d always hoped all this time that it could still return to how it was when everything was finally over.
“No,” she corrected herself, her body sagging with a deep sigh. There wasn’t any point lying to herself about this, “I’m not that naïve, I always knew it wouldn’t be that easy…”
“gee” said lisette out loud to herself with no one else around, “I am lisette from the video game stella glow. I am five foot four and my blood type is
Because, she knew Alto. And she knew, for him, that it had never been about the battles. He didn’t fear fighting, he would recklessly throw himself into danger without even a second’s thought if it meant he could help someone. As she’d told him so many times, his overwhelming compassion was both his best and worst trait. He was courageous to the point of stupidity, all he cared about was protecting the people important to him, keeping the people he loved safe and happy, as best he could. That was all the fighting had ever meant to him. And that was why she’d always known it couldn’t possibly be that easy for him.
im giving this alto analysis a 2 alto is a liberal degenerate who really loves hunting and also u dont know anything about him jl “AWOOOGAA” davenport if u tell me about him again ill kill you
Crying out in annoyance, Lisette slumped across the room and threw herself onto her bed, sinking deep into the large, soft mattress as if to try let it absorb a fraction of her worries.
I cannot shake the feeling he was thinkin bout her tiddies when he wrote this
‘Alto’s still fighting, even now,’ she knew that. It was a truth she’d struggled to deal with for days now, ‘The war isn’t over for him yet, because he’s still pushing himself to try find a way to keep every one of us happy.’
fuckin dumb ass horny ass bitch. mediocre ass, pathetic ass, money grubbing, fucking stupid bitch ass you dont put apostrophes around thoughts its ugly as shit
It was a painful thought, the elephant in the room and something she hated thinking about. But somehow, not thinking about it, pretending to simply ignore had become even worse.
does lisette know what an elephant is. does that expression exist. this is third person limited so its kind of weird to use that kind of anachronism
After all, if Alto was still fighting, then she wanted to fight alongside him! She was his family, his comrade, his first Witch and even his (prospective) girlfriend,
I had to cut this off because it was next level dumbshit literally anyone is his prospective girlfriend with that state of their relationship. im his prospective girlfriend 
there wasn’t a single part of her that wanted to do anything less than to support him with all her might. He was a part of her soul. He was the man she loved and someone who she would never allow herself to be separated from, she’d known those feelings for absolute certainty ever since the moment she’d woken up from death’s door and travelled around the world to stand at his side. Just thinking about him wracking himself with worries and her not helping him was terrifying!
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2. that last sentence is the worst written thing in, if not human existence, then the century
And, she spared a glance over at the mirror she’d been avoiding looking at all day, even aside from that, could she really say she was any different? Was she truly able to smile like before, only because their fighting was over?
hackles raised at the prospect of mirror kink
Lisette gave a dry laugh, reaching out and squeezing the small stuffed pig Popo had given her, pressing it against her considerable chest. 
1. the pig is kinda cute like maybe but who tf is vending these smutfic items. who is crawling around in the back alleys selling cursed objects that make people horny as fuck. did ewan make a deal with the devil to sell all his twilight-zone-monkey-paw shit from his brief sponsorship with baddragon
2. die
3. lisette’s chest is CONSIDERABLE all right. it makes me CONSIDER ending it all
For all their outward appearances, in this, at least, she doubted it was any different from any of the others, no doubt that was why everything had seemed so off lately, “We’re all just stuck in limbo, aren’t we?”
this is the longest string of indirect pronouns ever like whomst??? and what an eerie sentence to end a section on. though u kno what stay in limbo
those dashes are containing the massive power of the cuss word. if even one of them falters or breaks formation the sheer obscenity would vaporize us all
Unfortunately for Lisette, her self-examination came with no easy answers or steps forward. Even though she’d accepted that being stuck in place as they were was only making things worse for all of them and particularly for Alto, there was no obvious solution she could latch onto, to change things.
this literally picks up? exactly where the previous section ended? like. with information that flows from the previous paragraph. if youre going to make that fucking big then why is it functionally useless
However, now more than ever, she was a determined woman and slowly -as the time passed and the morning faded away into early afternoon- slowly, her resolve held out and she was able to fearlessly consider even the truths she’d previously tried so hard to avoid.
why is this the ugliest formatting ive ever seen have you ever heard of an em dash or, a comma. also im losing shit at Determination Resolve Holding Out Shes Never Done This wasnt this like the sole bad point of her tunings
She knew she loved Alto, that he was the only man who’d ever made her feel complete 
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But, she also knew that the other Witches felt just the same, she forced herself to accept the fact that he was just as important to them as he was to her.
ok nvm im not done being pissed at The Only Man like yeah lisette its called comphet im rewriting this so that lisette realizes shes a lesbian and also that whole Complete Her thing is all of whats wrong with lisettes arc like all of it this is what men do
It was something they’d all consciously avoided discussing, something that none of them seemed to know how to deal with. Her companions, the other Witches, were all as close as family to her, she loved them all dearly… And yet, they were all competing, in their own way, for the same man.
alto is three years old
She was sure they must feel just as awkward about that as her, there was a reason why even the ever impulsive Popo or the harsh-blunt Sakuya 
tell u whats harshing my blunt........this fic ((takes a weed puff
had never said anything and why, no matter how much they talked and how much they shared, this single topic was never once addressed directly, they’d all been working on the same process as her- that it was too strange a situation and too difficult a conversation to deal with, that the best thing to do was simply wait till after the war when Alto would be able to reciprocate their feelings, and then there the problem would solve itself. Well… The war was over. And they were all still tiptoeing around each other’s hearts, all waiting for the same response from the same man. “We must all seem so silly.”
tf were they supposed to do to address it? like lets just accept the gross situation but was they supposed to so call everyone to a room lisette spins around in a big chair and says We’re Here To Discuss The Het or maybe this happens
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She could just imagine how ridiculous this situation must appear from the outside; five best friends all in love with the same man, all waiting for him to respond to their feelings and all marooned in the same silent stand-off, walking on eggshells while pretending everything was fine. No doubt her mother found it hilarious.
thats the worst line ive ever seen in my life. oedipus rex has nothing on this bitch
that aside like accepting them all as comphets for the moment. literally never interacted on a regular basis with another boy their age. except hilda I guess but it doesnt matter this is so dumb! yall is a bunch of trauma victims you cant just jump directly into the boinking
“Grrr! This is all your fault Alto! Stupid! Since when did you get so popular anyway!? You weren’t like that in Mithra! You’re just… you’re just too dependable… You mean so much to all of us, we can’t help but love you…”
deadass u told me this was dialogue from the anime where the tiddies bounced when the girl blinked? id believe it
He was their conductor. They all loved him. They all wanted to be with him. They were all waiting for him to favour only them…
dont like how its treated that its an absolute that witches will just fall for their conductor thats like sayin no one is safe around bi ppl. reach perhaps but its the same dumbass ideas
Perhaps that was the worst part of all. The more she thought about it, the more she was starting to realise just what an impossible situation their feelings and expectations had put Alto into. She knew better than anyone just how much he cared for each of them, she’d healed the scars on his body time and again that showed just how far he’d go to protect any of them… And yet, without ever really thinking how, they were all still asking him to then choose between them, to decide which of his Witches he loved the most.
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but also I just had the revelation that author does not know what romantic love is like, at all, and the smoke cleared I am enlightened and theres nothing I dont understand
And, she couldn’t help him at all, could barely even support him in what must be an incredibly painful choice for him. All she could do was leave it to him, and trust that when he did choose, that he felt the same way about her as she did about him and they would finally be together. As for the rest… She didn’t know… The thought of him choosing one of the others over her was almost too painful, to terrifying to consider, but the knowledge that her friends would have to go through that was no less terrible…
tired of u demonizing r*mantic love. fuck its th most exhilarating experience of my life. that and having a baby shark sit in my hands. dont give all these Oh No People Get Hurt to justify just fuckin whoever u want
That was the mire they were all stuck in. That was why Alto was still looking so stressed and why none of them had been able to move forwards. There wasn’t anything any of them could do and there was no way to make everyone happy. She frowned bitterly. ‘…Would… Would it even make us happy?’
me, who had never been as happy as I am prior to being in love: hell yeah bitch dis go hard as hell flocka
It was a strange thing to consider, something she’d never once thought before this very moment- she’d thought for so long she was waiting for Alto to return her feelings, she’d wanted so long to be with him and to be together forever. But, would she really be happy like that? Could she truly be happy being with the man she loved at the expense of watching the companions she held dear, the friends she’d bled and cried together with, becoming heartbroken? Mordi, Popo, Sakuya, and especially Hilda, after all they’d been through, after how important she knew Alto was to each of them… Her heart clenched in her chest just imagining it!
if this is a question then ur not in romantic love idiot! shut up
But… That was how it had to be, wasn’t it? They’d all been foolish enough to fall for the same man, there was only one Alto. No.
dumps the big ass mess of gl***ng pr**e poly edits here but im not saving it to my computer so u gotta imagine it
Lisette propped herself up on the bed, a previously unfathomable conclusion quickly becoming clear to her. No. She couldn’t accept that. And Alto surely wouldn’t accept that. He’d never accepted that they couldn’t stop the Eclipse. He hadn’t accepted that they couldn’t fight against God. And, at the end of everything, he’d refused to accept that Mother Qualia had to be their enemy. A solution that put the entire burden on Alto and led to all her friends being heartbroken? How could she ever accept that!? How could she ever have thought something like that would make her happy!? That wasn’t how they worked! They were the Tuning Knights, humans that had defeated God and saved Marie! They would never accept such a lukewarm compromise.
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‘Well now,’ she laughed, ‘If I really think about it, the solution is pretty obvious, isn’t it?’ It was reckless and crazy, nothing at all like anything she’d ever imagined herself doing… But then, didn’t that just make it the same as everything else they’d done?
this isnt even how polyamory works!!!!!!!! sorry im not being funny I just really value r*mant*c love and listen NO ONE would just sit down and think “yes clearly the healthiest thing for the person my heart is devoted to is to juggle 6 relationships”
“Yup! I’m not gonna accept anything like that!” ultimately, all that mattered was the same conclusion she’d come to, ever since she’d returned to life. She already knew what she wanted, she just had to make it happen, “Alto, I’m by your side. Always. I’ll support you!”
hi im lisette and this is my boyfriend alto! we’re queering heterosexuality by having him fuck a ton of girls at once! swipe right if you want to hop on that dick. no gays allowed
me: this is bad content
jldavenport: h*mg*n*n*l*b*ng*s*gl*m
me: vaporized in silhouette against the wall from the sheer power
Finishing off a long day of meetings, reports and training, clad in his usual attire (sans the armour,
oh shit its sans thearmour!!!! gonna have a bad time that being said makes sense that hes european the gross fuck
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thankfully for him) and returning from the dormitory baths with a relieved sigh, Alto scarcely had time to close the door to his room behind him before he was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by an excited knocking. “Eh? Lisette?”
the phrase “dormitory baths” pisses me the fuck off where do you get off jldavenport. probably all over your keyboard but stop saying shit like that this isnt your canon bitch
A late-night visit from his orange haired friend wasn’t especially unusual, but to see her standing around in her Witches outfit 
epithets, especially those that refer to hair color, are awful and amateurish but because he still doesnt know this apparently: Redhead. Is. A. Fucking. Word. 
in her Witches outfit
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that wasnt good enough to warrant that large of an image but like that movie fucked me up so bad lets see what scars me worse the mouse scene or this fic
at this time of night certainly was. And even stranger than that, she was wearing the original outfit, the one she’d worn since the first time she’d awakened to her powers in Mithra, rather than the more dazzling Goddess robes she’d gained after he’d finally tuned her heart, ‘I suppose it’s probably easier to sit around in this one?’ If he had to wear something as flashy as any of the dresses the girls wore, he was sure he’d spent half his time worrying about ripping it.
honestly content notwithstanding this reads like an instructional on what NOT to do when writing. you write like this? dont. its very entry level like I cant say that I necessarily write better but do what I say not what I do
throwing the goddess thing out there is like him saying LOOK!!!! A FACT i KNOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL CANON!!!!!! HAHA
Despite standing staring at him from the hallway, with her face flushed and eyes not quite meeting his, she still hadn’t said anything, “Er, Lisette? Is something wrong?”
knocking on someones door and forgetting why ur there is a neurodivergent feel lisette has adhd now and theres nothing you can do about it
“Ah!” she jumped before finally shaking herself off and responding with a slight anxiousness, anxiety. see me after class “No, no not really. I just… I’ve had a lot of mind and I thought it’d be better if we could talk a bit? Do… Do you mind if we spend the night together, again?”
lisette u were literally talking to urself five minutes ago abt havin him fuck everyone and now ur all anime blushus. bitch
He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. She wanted to share his bed again? Spend the night holding hands like back then? Stopping himself short of giving her an answer, Alto suddenly realised just how imploringly she was looking up at him.
they literally used this exact Mouth Suddenly Dry thing last chapter do ppl who enjoy this fic actually like that r smthn. they get wet 4 the dry
“Huh, it’s not like you to actually ask…” He teased softly. Usually Lisette was far more insistent about this sort of thing, he’d normally expect her to simply march into his room and seat herself on his bed. He only realised as she spoke that for her to act like this, for whatever reason she was acting like this, it must be important to her that he did accept her request 
ugly sentence. ugly, ugly sentence. ew. im actually so bored by this sentence im ceasing work on this for the night good bye
She didn’t want to force it on him. Still… He couldn’t help but hesitate. It was stupid, he knew, but he’d felt awkward spending time alone with any of the girls since after the war, lest any of them get the wrong idea.
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A moment passed and still Lisette didn’t say anything; clenching her hands nervously below her wait -and unintentionally pushing her impressive bust out even further towards him- 
the commissioner, apparently upon seeing stella glow:
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she silently awaited his response. Blushing a little under her low gaze, Alto realised it was getting harder and harder to remember the days when he’d seen her just like a sister.
this proves its inhuman and disgusting because it gave me visceral flashbacks to fire emblem fates so lemme post some of my fave incest quotes from that, starting with the ones it made me astral project into
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did that last one haunt u because for a split second you imagined a world where lisette said them? good bc that shit keeps me up at night. im tired of cropping these quotes out so like we’re done my point has been made
In the end though, he couldn’t possibly deny her. Not for no reason, and not when she looked at him like that, “Yeah, of course Lisette. That sounds fun.”
the begging thing from the last chapter hit me full force in memory and I honestly hope it comes back bc ive got a dynamite joke locked and loaded
Breaking out into a bright smile, the Water Witch sagged in relief, taking him by surprise as she reached out to take his hand in hers, letting her body fall soft and warm against him as she did so. Her breath tickled hot across his collar and Alto’s heart jumped in shock!
DONT EVER USE EXCLAMATION POINTS LIKE THIS im serious. it is about as ugly, 2007-fanfic-net-core you can get. 
Her hands felt smooth and gentle, wrapped warm around his… 
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he’d felt that before, it was pleasant, although not anything new. But feeling her head falling lovingly to his shoulder like this and having her entire body now laying against his… His mouth went dry, 
Wet 4 The Dry Confirmed
he could even feel her breasts pushing large and heavy against his own chest! ‘Woah… S-So soft… They’re even bigger than Rosa’s, aren’t they?’
can you believe this was written completely unironically? like, people find this hot? if it didnt deplete the experience of reading this fic id replace every line referencing boobs with a comment from nicki minaj’s instagram
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For just a split second, no matter how much of a gentleman he was, standing there like that, it was impossible for him not to compare the mother and daughter.
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“Li-Lisette?” he choked out, desperately reigning in his thoughts before they rampaged down a dangerous direction. “Mmm, Alto, hehe, I’m glad,” she giggled happily, skipping back and beaming up at him as she tugged on his hands, leading him off, “Even just being like this with you, I feel better already!”
ok I have NO idea what movement theyre doing. shes like, skipping and then she comes back and takes his hands and idk probably his dick or something
Absolutely caught up in her rhythm, they were halfway down the hall before Alto finally realised she’d pulled him completely out of his room!
heres a coded message just for katt: e*****t w** d****** **m!the narration means he was aware she was pulling him so like where the fuck did he think he was going if not outside his room
“Uh, h-hey, Lisette? We’re going somewhere? I thought you wanted to go to sleep?” “That’s right,” she nodded simply, giving up and tugging him and instead falling into step beside him, “But your bed’s too small for it to be comfortable, so we’re gonna use my room instead!” Alto almost dug his heels in from sheer indignation! 
im sorry. im sorry I had to cut this up but come on. come the fuck on. indignation. like she made a point and alto is all “insolent female requesting things of me” have you not met alto. authot is from r/incels
She’d come all this way to see him, just to drag him back to her room!? How self-indulgent could she be!? And, it wasn’t as if his bed back in Mithra had been any larger and she’d never complained before. Eventually, he just sighed and followed her lead, it wasn’t worth getting worked up over. If it would make her happier, then that was fine. It might be nice to spend a night in someone else’s room for a change too.
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Walking hand in hand through the halls like this was fairly embarrassing, thankfully it seemed that it was late enough that no-one else was around. He really, really didn’t want to suddenly run into Rusty like this, let alone Giselle, or Sakuya… Supressing a shudder, Alto hurried on.
“let alone giselle” wh???? I am so baffled by this. obviously rusty or sakuya would give him shit but whats giselle gonna do??? is alto being bullied by a robot?????? I want giselle to appear and smash alto’s frosting into the ground
“I won’t hesitate, bitch,” said Giselle, pointing her laser at altos dick and shattering it into one million individual pieces
Unlike the tiny spare room he’d been assigned so long ago now, Lisette, as a Witch, had been housed in the premium quarters on the other side of their dormitory. 
stop. stop saying dormitory. this is not a college
Luckily in this case, unlike the Palace, the building wasn’t overly large so it was only a short trip to her room. They arrived a few minutes later, just as his heart was beginning to settle down.
what happened to the long ass aterisks break. oh god the swear word is coming isnt it
Unfortunately, the moment Lisette opened the door and they stepped inside, Alto’s breath was one again caught violently in his throat, “H-Hilda!?” And indeed, kneeling serenely atop a small cushion in the middle of the large room, the Time Witch was sipping calmly from her usual green ceramic tea-cup, as if there was nothing strange about her presence here at all.
I dont like how shes sitting on a pillow in the center of the room that sounds ritualisitic
(bangs pink cup on the ground) She Sits On The Sacrificial Fuck Pillow ((group of hooded figures behind me start chanting “Fuck Pillow! Fuck Pillow!”
Watching as she settled the drink aside, perfectly in synch with the sound of Lisette locking the door behind her, Alto’s mouth went dry.
theres so much wrong with the syntax and shit but im pushing that all aside to say how fucking difficult it is to sync sound like that even on purpose so yeah theyre def doing a cult sacrifice to the original sex god, elcrest
A moment of silence reigned and somewhere in the back of his currently panicking mind, the bewildered Conductor couldn’t help but notice that Hilda too was wearing her standard Witches’ outfit, the same form fitting black dress 
“dress” very generous for mr boob grower
and wide sweeping hat she’d become associated with for so many years. However, in her case, this wasn’t much of a surprise. As far as he’d seen from the White-Haired woman, she didn’t seem to actually own any normal, casual attire and, while he knew she deeply adored he beautiful white dress she’d unlocked when he’d purified her lonely heart, he also knew that even she couldn’t help but feel rather self-conscious, wearing something that was practically a wedding dress as an everyday outfit, he hadn’t seen Hilda’s Goddess Robes since the end of the final battle.
I literally cannot read any part of this paragraph except the capitalization of White-Haired and Goddess Robes this was either written in the 1700s or modern day by me dissociating in a target bathroom this is so funny if the fic gets any funnier ill die
“Alto? I’m surprised. Isn’t it a bit late for you to be visiting a woman’s bedroom?”
horny dont got business hours babe
“Ah, H-Hilda! It’s, it’s not what you’re thinking, I, Lisette!? Wha-” “Relax Alto,” the Water Witch giggled softly as she stepped forward, taking his hand again, but this time wrapping herself around his arm, “She’s just teasing you.” “Wha… Abuh?”
this is harem anime/fire emblem dialogue right down to the “Abuh?” actually thats the defining thing you hear someone say that youre in a straight anime and you need to run for your fucking life
“My apologies,” Hilda nodded, offering him a small smile in recompense as she matched Lisette’s movements, taking hold of his other hand, her pale face burning bright red as her soft fingers entwined with his, “I just, got a little flustered seeing you so suddenly… I… I wasn’t sure what to say.”
ok first of all you cannot write hilda in any realm of possibility but also like this is yet another thing to not trust men for: emphasizing the whiteness of a womans skin. he is a racist, plain and simple
Her hand squeezed nervously around his and Alto realised just how easily he could feel her racing heart through the light fabric of her dress when she pulled his arm against herself. Not that Lisette was any different, he couldn’t possibly believe in the confidant front she was showing after knowing her as long as he had, not when he could feel her entire body trembling against him.
hilda is like two ft tall howd she even reach his arm. also like there isnt even any fabric boy u raw touchin her 
His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn’t think what to say, he wasn’t mentally prepared for any of this! He’d gone from expecting to go to sleep, to being visited by Lisette, to being dragged through the halls, and now he was being sprung with some surprise meeting!? And both of them were clinging to him like never before! 
this is in character alto not wanting to have a threesome so he can go nap
He couldn’t possibly keep up. Before he even realised it, he’d been pulled all the way over to Lisette’s bed and was sitting with a girl wrapped around either of his arms.
what a problem! what a terrible day for him! what are the odds of this happening!
“What… What’s going on?” “Something good.” Hilda answered in her own cryptic fashion, her voice almost breathless and her blazing red cheeks half hidden behind his cloak as she shyly slid in right next to him.
it is most certainly not good ma’am
“That’s right,” Lisette agreed, happily snuggling up against him as she squeezed herself around his other arm, “We’re gonna help you come to a decision!”
we’re gonna make u C*M...............to a decision ;)
Alto blinked, “Eh?”
petition for this to turn out like the friends episode where ross got kicked out of a threesome with his wife and another woman bc they were lesbians so he left and made a sandwich
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conveniently the fic decides to break here anyway so thats all you get for now. I’ll finish the other parts later (im expecting like maybe five because of the gargantuan size of this travesty) and link them direct from here 
Part 2 here! (coming soon)
1 note · View note
fraggle-batches · 7 years
Because these are fun
1:Full name: Not comfortable sharing that
2:Zodiac sign: Libra 
3:3 fears: ladders, loneliness
4:3 things I love: my cats and boyfriend and laptop and dogs
5:4 turn on’s: tattoos, good hair, smoking, choking, hickeys
6:4 turn off’s: trump supporters
7:My best friend: my boyfriend
8:Sexual orientation: pansexual
9:My best first date: went to a concert (styg, stray from the path, knocked loose), was soo much fun, and also my first concert with a s/o
10:How tall am I: 5′7
11:What do I miss: my nana, being confident in myself and those around me
12:What time was I born? like 5:30 am 
13:Favorite color? grey
14:Do I have a crush? on my boyfriend, and cole sprouse
15:Favorite quote? “
16:Favorite place? Algonquin park
17:Favorite food? Pizza
18:Do I use sarcasm? Never
19:What am I listening to right now? Flaked Season 2 on Netflix
20:First thing I notice in new person? Shoes, hair, actions
21:Shoe size? Women’s 9.5, Mens 8.5
22:Eye color? Shit brown :))
23:Hair color? Naturally: Brown, Currently: Blonde, Previously: Pink
24: Favorite style of clothing? Uhm idk like casual/skate/dude clothes
25:Ever done a prank call? When I was like 11, but i grew tf up
26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now? I’m not..
27:Meaning behind my URL? Lord of the Rings (on a comedy video)
28:Favorite movie? ^
29:Favorite song? 
30:Favorite band? Don’t know, either The Wonder Years, Pink Floyd, The Tragically Hip
31:How I feel right now? Kinda shitty
32:Someone I love. Aaron
33:My current relationship status. In a relationship, one year at the end of the month.
34:My relationship with my parents. Was pretty fucked up for a while, I got kicked out and shit but now we’re civil and they buy me stuff to suck up for the shit they put me through/
35:Favorite holiday. 
36:Tattoos and piercing I have. I have my nose pierced, three 18g holes p/ear and one 10mm hole p ear.
37:Tattoos and piercing I want. I want to get a second nose piercing, maybe a septum, and my 10mm holes are going up to 22mm as we speak, I also intend to get an assload of tattoos when I’m no longer broke.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr. Joined it when I was like 12.. so I don’t know, just because it was ANOTHER form of social media for me to have.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? I hate him because he’s a rapist piece of shit and I’m sure he doesn’t even think of me so.
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? No.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? Idek who the last person I texted was.
42:When did I last hold hands? Last night
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends what my hairs like, if it’s good, then 15 mins, if it’s shit then 35mins.
44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? Yeah
45: Where am I right now? On the couch at my boyfriends grandparents.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Maybe my boyfriend, maybe a nurse 
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No
49:Am I excited for anything? I’m going to see Roger Waters in October and I’m moving in 1-3 months.
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? My boyfriend.
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? Often.
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? Earlier today I think
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I’d fucking leave him and move alone and go back to fucking instead of dating (other people obv)
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Maybe
55:What is something I disliked about today? Got into a couple pissing matches with the boy.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gord Downie
57:What do I think about most? The amount of debt I’m in
58:What’s my strangest talent? Licking my nose maybe?
59:Do I have any strange phobias? I don’t know..
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind all the way
61:What was the last lie I told? “I don’t want anything to eat rn”
62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? NEITHER
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts: no. Spirits: Yes. Aliens: no, Extra-terrestrial life on another planet potentially in a different solar system: Yes.
64:Do I believe in magic? No
65:Do I believe in luck? I don’t know
66:What’s the weather like right now? Shitty, cloudy, cold, and dark
67:What was the last book I’ve read? The Handbook of Human Sexuality
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? Uhh yeah
69:Do I have any nicknames? -----
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably when I fractured my skull as a kid. Or the two times I broke my clavicle in the SAME spot like 3 years apart lmao.
71:Do I spend money or save it? I’m a compulsive spender
72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Yep
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? I don’t think so
74:Favorite animal? Elephant maybe
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Same thing as I’m doing now basically... fuck all
76:What do I think Satan’s last name is? He doesn’t have one/exist
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? I believe by Stevie Wonder
78:How can you win my heart? Be a decent person and show the fucking world that I’m yours and you’re mine.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? “fuck all you cunts from my hometown”
80:What is my favorite word? cunt
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr? nah
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? “stop polluting, kill trump, learn how to give a girl good head, end world hunger, adopt dont shop, support everyone regardless, cherish each other”
83:Do I have any relatives in jail? I don’t think so, but maybe
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? To be able to like pause life and be the only one who isn’t paused but I don’t age on pause so it’s chill. Or to turn off my bad emotions whenever I want
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? I don’t know, I;m pretty open
86:What is my current desktop picture? My dog 
87:Had sex? Daily
88:Bought condoms? Hate them, but yeah
89:Gotten pregnant? No
90:Failed a class? Yeah
91:Kissed a boy? Yeah
92:Kissed a girl? Yeah
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yeah
94:Had job? Yeah
95:Left the house without my wallet? The worst!!
96:Bullied someone on the Internet? No... well maybe this one stupid piece of shit that raped my friend, posted her nude pics on a porn website and harasses her to this day. But I think that’s with warrant to bully so idc
97:Had sex in public? In a few places...
98:Played on a sports team? Other than school, no
99:Smoked weed? Daily
100:Did drugs? some
101:Smoked cigarettes? Yep
102:Drank alcohol? Yep
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Used to be 
104:Been overweight? Currently am
105:Been underweight? Yep
106:Been to a wedding? Yep
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Most of the time
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yep
109:Been outside my home country? Yep
110:Gotten my heart broken? Sort of
111:Been to a professional sports game? No
112:Broken a bone? Skull, elbow, clavicle x 2, wrist x3, most of my toes, both my thumbs, my left ring finger, my ankle, and foot.
113:Cut myself? Used to
114:Been to prom? Fuck prom
115:Been in airplane? Yep
 116: Fly by helicopter? No
117:What concerts have I been to? To name a few (not even close to 1/4 of them: The wonder Years x4, Moose Blood x2, Neck Deep, Real Friends x3, Modern Baseball x3, Knocked Loose, Stick to Your Guns, etc...
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yep
119:Learned another language? Started to learn german, dropped it. Spoke some french but I’m rusty.
120:Wore make up? Most days
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? Way before I was 18
122:Had oral sex? Yeah
123:Dyed my hair? Every few months for the last like 4-5 years
124:Voted in a presidential election? Not yet.. 2019 here I come
125:Rode in an ambulance? No
126:Had a surgery? Small one
127:Met someone famous? A few people.. Dan Campbell from the Wonder Years being one of them
128:Stalked someone on a social network? In an innocent-ish “what the fuck is my boyfriend doing liking your slutty pics” stalking
129:Peed outside? Yep
130:Been fishing? Yep
131:Helped with charity? Yep
132:Been rejected by a crush? No
133:Broken a mirror? Yep
134:What do I want for birthday? A camera
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2-3. Nora, Avalyn, and idk maybe Declan, Jax, Quinn?
136:Was I named after anyone? No
137:Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
138:What was my favorite toy as a child? Pogs, Pokemon Cards, Idk I mostly read books
139:Favorite TV Show? Shameless is lit
140:Where do I want to live when older? I don;t know yet, used to be Alaska but the US is fucked rn
141:Play any musical instrument? A little piano, tried guitar
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? one on my hand is shaped like a dick.. i stuck my hand in a fire to get a cigarette that dropped when i was drunk and burned the fuck outta my hand, when it scarred the center got prominent, and dick shaped
143:Favorite pizza topping? Bacon
144:Am I afraid of the dark? No
145:Am I afraid of heights? A little
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Yeah, I’ve been caught sneaking out and smoking pot and getting drunk when I was supposedly studying or having a quiet movie night in
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? All the time
148:What I’m really bad at. Life, keeping my temper in check
149:What my greatest achievements are. I graduated high school, and got into college and university
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. “fat homewrecking bitch”.. but it wasn’t the truth
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Pay off my debt and adopt a load of animals in need
152:What do I like about myself? I got some nice eyelashes, and a nice rack
153:My closest Tumblr friend. ------
154:Something I fantasies about. Cole Sprouse 
155:Any question you’d like -------
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