#this was unhinged why did she have to hurt us like that
woman-respecter · 3 days
actually, nothing any contemporary pop girlie can do will ever reach this level of powerful and emotionally devastating
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illuxtre · 1 year
Just another note on shadowhunters rewatch, hugging it out with Sebastian/Johnathan Morgenstern without even having his dying words is mind boggling to me
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aeternallis · 3 months
Colin's "entrapment" line was hard to listen to, but it was most definitely a sign of how unhinged he really is for Penelope.
Ok but for reals, I'm not sure how everyone else reacted when Colin said his now infamous "entrapment" line, but I just love how if one looks at this line a little more closely, it was definitely some semblance of an underhanded (and also a bit silly, lol) attempt to actually keep Penelope entrapped. Haha, the irony of it all. Idk, at least that was my read on it!
Like, it was definitely said in anger as well; he's hurting, and he’s hurting badly, so of course he wants to hit back in some way, however he can. Luke Newton absolutely meant it when he said that Colin reacts to the reveal in the worst way possible, alas.
My very first reaction to that scene: //pauses the screen to yell at Colin at 4am in the morning, “Entrapment????! If you feel trapped, then why the hell are you still going along with it, ya dumb ass!!!
Because really, think about it: Colin was definitely within his rights to call off the wedding, especially when he'd mentioned that Violet had noticed that he and Penelope had not seen each other for some time. It would have been the perfect time to reveal Penelope's secret to his mother, if indeed he felt entrapped by the LW of it all. Violet is family; if he wanted to still protect Penelope but no longer wanted to marry her, he would have been able to count on Violet's discretion. I'm sure she and Lady Danbury would have come up with some sort of plan to deal with the aftermath regarding the Bridgertons’ reputation, as we'd seen with Anthony and Edwina's botched wedding.
Furthermore, it would have probably been the better option to reveal it to her, since the existence of LW does put his family in danger; Penelope herself knows this. Every decision she makes post-LW reveal to Colin is due to the Bridgertons being in danger. Lady Danbury makes a point of this when she said in the last episode, “There is only one other person who loves the Bridgertons more than I.”
Eloise was able to keep the secret with no real consequences because although Penelope was her ex-bff, El still loves her, and besides that, nothing legal binds them as Colin's marriage to Penelope would.
Even when he was getting ready to talk to Benedict about getting funds to fulfill Cressida’s demands, he insisted on making up a lie to shield Penelope’s identity as LW. He knows more than anything that fulfilling a demand like this, all for the sake of his wife and at the cost of using a substantial amount of Bridgertons’ financial assets, may not put his marriage in the best light within his family. He doesn’t want to be forced to have to choose between his wife and his family, so he’s keen on keeping the lie going.
So for all intents and purposes, he doesn't tell his mother, or any of his other siblings (besides Eloise, who already knew); this in and of itself is hella fucking risky. The fact that Colin is willing to take this risk of withholding Penelope's secret identity from his family, the fact that he doesn't think to jeopardize this potentially risky betrothal—already goes to show the measure in regards to how much he wants Pen for his wife. We the audience know this because he waits until the very last minute to tell Violet, and even then, it's not Colin who chose to reveal it to her, but Penelope herself.
Another point: arguably, we can also say that Colin has a lot more wiggle room with his engagement to Penelope to call off the wedding, much more than he ever did with his engagement to Marina.
"A man of honor"? Exactly what "honor" are we talking about here? Colin claimed that he would have married Marina had she just told him the truth, yet when push came to shove and the truth of her pregnancy was revealed for all the world to know, he still chose to take the out Penelope gave him through LW. It’s easier to make a declaration like that when it’s all said and done. Lol Sure, he regretted it and apologized for his behavior later on, but he had made his choice regardless. Y’all can just feel Marina and Lady Danbury judging this dumb ass (affectionate) for dwelling in the past. Silly young man! XD What's stopping him this time around?
"We had been...intimate." Are you talking about the mirror scene, sir? Because let me assure you, you and Penelope have long been "intimate" way before you decided to buy a love nest and take her V-card the very next day you proposed to her. In fact, this is where the significance of their first kiss in 3.02 rings so, SO importantly and WHY it was vital that it was Penelope who asked and said that it would not have to mean anything. Colin knows Penelope would never use their first time together and/or the heated moment in the carriage as a way to entrap him. That first kiss alone should have already warranted that they get married, but Penelope makes it clear that it’s simply a favor, nothing more.
Oddly enough, I’m surprised Colin doesn’t bring up the idea of a long engagement (yknow, as he initially wanted with Marina, but who’s keeping track at this point), considering that would have potentially benefitted their situation. 🤔 His dumb ass (affectionate) was more than willing to stick to the wedding schedule…huh.
Besides all that, I don’t think it’s the showrunners’ intent to “taint” those special moments between them by changing the context through Colin’s (very biased) POV; to believe that to be the case would be, imo, just a bad faith argument. The genre is romance, y’all; these intimacy scenes are on an entirely different pedestal.
Because remember, that “entrapment” line of Colin’s only came about due to Penelope starting the conversation with, “Are you going to call off the wedding?”
Didn’t it almost seem like an afterthought, that he just came up with it on the spot? Hahaha.
I can bet y’all Cressida’s fake ass €20,000 blackmail money that before they’d met up to discuss wedding breakfast plans with their mamas, it had probably never even occurred to Colin to cancel their wedding. Angry and furious as he was, it was never a question of whether or not he still wanted Penelope for a wife.
The fact that it’s Penelope who begins that conversation and opens that Pandora’s box possibility is so, so damn important. Because not only does it show how much Penelope truly loves him in that she would never trap him, it also shows her maturity, in that she’s willing to face the consequences of her actions. She’s willing to give Colin the choice to back out, heartbreaking as it would be to face it, even if she herself would not be the one to pursue that choice.
She gives him the choice a good number of times: the wedding breakfast plan scene, the wedding day itself when she hesitates on the aisle, and the annulment offer after the butterfly scene.
Penelope defends herself softly, but truthfully: she never meant to entrap him, because she really didn’t. And Colin knows this; he would not still love her and want her if he honestly believed she wanted to entrap him. Hell, even if she did, the audience knows it’s a desire that comes from a good place: she loves him, so of course she doesn’t want to lose him. She wants to marry him, because she loves him. That’s all there is to it.
But despite knowing this (imo, anyway), we can also say that this conversation may have contributed to Colin’s downward spiral during the majority of episode 7 and 8, and why he becomes hella fucking desperate to be “useful” to her.
Because unlike himself, Penelope has now begun to entertain the idea of living a life that doesn’t include him—at least, not as her husband. Penelope is brave and strong enough to let him go due to the pain she caused him for her lies and her actions as LW, and as for Colin…well…
(I love it, it’s the same conundrum that Anthony faced in S2: Kate is strong enough to leave him behind and return to India, but Anthony…well…)
TL;DR, Colin’s entrapment line was literally an excuse he gave himself to keep his betrothal to Penelope intact. It’s a line that works in two ways simultaneously: it’s a painful, childish, underhanded thing to say in order to hurt Penelope’s feelings, to get back at her for the anguish he’s suffered. Yet at the same time, it’s also another excuse he gives himself in order to push through with the marriage, to tie Penelope to himself forever.
Because unlike Penelope, the very idea of living without her as his wife, of not having her in his life, is and always will be an impossible notion for Colin to ever entertain.
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soap-brain · 1 month
i think one of the nate eliot things is that they're both fucking unhinged. there's something feral about them, something that's capable of disregarding basic humanity. we know eliot is a killer, and a ruthless one at that, and he's not afraid of being in those kind of situations, which in a way dehumanises him, this inability to feel fear.
and nate. nate!! that man is terrifying! get in line, or get out of the way is his motto, and he applies it to absolutely everyone. especially in the earlier seasons, and yes he applies it to sophie (who is unarguably closest to him) too! for maggie he decides that she will get out of the way (because falling in line with him would mean that she would break the law, and she's a Good Citizen, not a Criminal or a Thief, and it never occurs to him that it's not a black and white situation... or that his ex wife matches his crazy).
and if you do neither, he ends you. simple as that. he doesn't kill you and he doesn't physically harm you, but what he does is arguably worse, because he ruins your life in ways eliot can't.
and they very quickly recognise each other as apex predators and both allow the other to use that for their crusade. eliot is a weapon that needs pointing in the right direction, that's what he's getting out of their relationship; and nate needs someone who'll have a go at him and who he can't actually hurt. because nate ruins lives by ruining their reputations, and what reputation does eliot have to lose? and conversely, not even nate ford could convince the world that eliot spencer isn't really fucking dangerous
(sidenote: that's why making moreau watch eliot spencer decrying the evil presidential dog fights is so fucking funny. there's an excellent post about it somewhere on here)
eliot thinks he's further along the path of being something inhuman, and he also thinks nate can still be saved from becoming that too. being an insurance cop, a "good guy" (btw a very laughable concept about how working in insurance makes you a good person. like. if that were the case then how come the same "good guys" let nate's son die so they didn't have to pay for his treatment?), was what kept nate on the straight and narrow before, and now giving him something to do might stop him from going completely off the rails ("how long until you fall apart again? a guy like you can't be out of the game, that's why you were a wreck. you need the chase" is what eliot's saying to convince nate to stay with the team).
unfortunately running with criminals doesn't fix nate the way eliot would like for it to, because the guy suddenly stops recognising any and all societal rules and overcompensates by trying to keep full control of everything all the time. he is so unreasonably mad at sophie for trying to help her friend teresa who got screwed over by marcone.
"she should've known what she got into, her husband working with the mob" and cpl perry from the ep before should've known what he got into, joining the military, but for some reason he's worth helping because he didn't "choose" to become a criminal. did teresa choose to get in with the mob or did she and her husband just not have another chance?
and when the entire team agrees they want to take that job, nate throws a hissy fit. tells them all to walk if they don't like the way he runs the team.
so does leverage fix nate? maybe after five seasons. but at first it makes him worse because between "not having to abide by normal human laws anymore" and the alcohol he completely loses his restraint
and eliot gets that. eliot has been there, has completely lost any and all principles (working for moreau mostly) and is now trying to glue the pieces of himself back together into something that isn't horrible. but nate isn't there yet. nate is still violent and dangerous, and eliot is the only one on the team who isn't disgusted by it. sophie certainly is. hardison and parker are too, even if they don't say it out loud. eliot may not like it, but he gets it.
and in return, nate is the only one who knows about what happened in the big bang job. he can hold eliot back with as little as a gesture or a look and it's not a slight to eliot at all. eliot trusts nate to point him in the right direction because they both need the same thing:
to be a good man.
eliot: what, you think the only thing i know how to do is bust heads? nate: no... well, yeah. eliot: hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. hold a knife like this, cuts thought like eight yakuza in 4 seconds. screams, carnage... nate: yeah good point actually
like apart from how it's funny, any normal person would react with some version of "that's so fucked up". and nate is just like yeah nah that tracks actually, fair enough, do carry on
also @scotchiegirl something about nate and eliot and violence? sorry for tagging you aslkdjfhasdlkfj i just had ThoughtsTM
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tojipie · 8 months
Hello my love! I know you’ve been gone for a while but I wanted to stop by and ask if you have any realistic but unhinged toji headcannons? Hopefully this gets you into the spirit of writing again, I don’t mean to overstep. We miss you❤️.
hello sweet anon :( i’ve admittedly been struggling with my mental health a whole ton which is why i’ve been gone but this ask really did help me get back into the groove of writing just a bit <3 thank u for stopping by ! mwah
this is just me saying shit to say it pls don't take this srsly !
content: fluff, mentions of alc, smoking, suggestive talk but not smut, a little angst
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was a victim of the xandemic in his late 20s so one of his pupils is a little bigger than the other
initially hated ambulances because of the absurd cost but grew to hate them even more because the attention makes him uncomfortable. oh you want to take his blood pressure? ew, don’t touch him. that’s weird. would rather patch himself up than sit under a gaggle of fluorescent lights for 6 hours in an ER waiting room.
shiu has been a co-signer on every apartment he’s ever rented because his credit score is in the single digits.
picked up vaping on accident after the corner store ran out of cigs when he needed them most. still prefers marlboros because he likes that searing feeling in the back of his throat. throws the cartons out his car window like a freak.
his drivers license is crumpled. like physically crumpled like paper. he has no idea how it happened but when he needs to use it at the liquor store he definitely gets stares.
will forever be devoted to his late wife. mentally at least. she’s the love of his life but in his mind sex with other women isn’t really cheating right? like he uses a condom sometimes so it’s fine probably? he's not gonna stay celibate for the rest of his life. the topic keeps him up at night.
has a scar from an appendectomy right above his v line that women go crazy for. he’s not entirely sure what they like about it but he’s been touched there so many times that it’s morphed into an erogenous zone.
slut for fast food. would rather get a vanilla shake and dip his fries in it till his stomach hurts than spend time at a sit-down restaurant. eats like shit but still maintains his physique, infuriatingly enough.
hates being in public more than you’d think. it’s a deeply uncomfortable feeling that stems from the risk that being discovered poses during jobs. he prefers to have groceries ordered, meals delivered, and shiu take his car down to the shop if needed. if hes out and about he’s either at the casino tables or the liquor store.
is down for whatever if the price is right. like truly. older women love what he has going on which works well in his favor because it puts a roof over his head. absolutely no shame once money is involved.
has tried to get help for his gambling addiction a few brief times. got close once and then decided to hit the blackjack tables to celebrate his progress. he jokes about how things ended up from time to time but deep down he knows it’s pretty serious.
shops at the goodwill bins mostly. made an effort to stop stealing as much because of how dirt cheap the thrift is but couldn't stick to it. likes to go down the jeans isle and look for change in the pockets. his biggest score was a 5 dollar bill that had been through the washer so many times it was practically blank.
there's a little voice in the back of his head telling him to have more kids and he's not opposed to listening.
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awearywritersworld · 1 year
stay as long as you need
fushiguro toji x reader summary: toji can't stop hanging around his new neighbor, even though she has a boyfriend. oh well, he knows he's better for her anyway. w/c: 1.2k tags/warnings: hurt/comfort. angst to fluff. domestic violence perpetrated by reader's boyfriend, but nothing terribly graphic; the incident is discussed after the fact, not depicted. implied age gap. protective!toji. toji actually being nice. cliche "who did this to you" moment. fem!reader a/n: WHY IS HE SO HOT??????? I JUST WANT HIM TO TAKE CARE OF MEEEEEEEEE (OR CRUSH ME WITH HIS THIGHS, IM NOT PICKY) on a less unhinged note, thanks for reading!! masterlist
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"need some help?"
you nearly jump upon hearing the words, having been lost in your own little world. when you turn around, you're met with a dark haired, well built man and just the sight of him makes your cheeks feel hot.
"oh, i- um," you glance between him and the heavy box in your hands.
he's already taking it from you though, effortlessly balancing it in one hand before opening the door for you with the other.
"thanks," you squeak out, stepping inside your new apartment building.
he smirks down at you, eyes raking over your body. toji isn't exactly the good samaritan type, but for a pretty little thing like you, he can certainly make an exception.
the elevator button lights up when he presses it. "just moving in?"
"yup! third floor. getting everything up there has been quite the ordeal, so i appreciate your help," you explain sweetly.
when the metal doors slide open, he lets you step inside first.
"hm, all by yourself? no boyfriend in the picture?" well, the sorcerer killer has never been one for subtly.
"yeah, actually," you return sheepishly. "he's just out with his friends at the moment."
"that so?" you don't see the look of judgement that crosses his face, though it isn't at all directed toward you.
once you emerge on your floor, toji follows along just a step behind you. he can't help his amusement when you stop at your door. "would you look at that. i guess we're neighbors now."
his head nods toward his own apartment, just two doors down from yours. "oh good! i'm glad this wasn't too far out of your way."
"don't worry about it, wouldn't have been any trouble either way."
you offer him a bashful smile before your door clicks open, revealing quite a few boxes just inside. "you can just put that anywhere, don't mind the mess.. i'm (y/n), by the way."
"toji." he places it on top of one of the other boxes, honestly impressed that you managed to get so many upstairs by yourself. "can i have your car keys?"
he thinks the look of confusion that crosses your features is just too cute. "what for?"
he chuckles because it should be obvious, but clearly you aren't used to being taken care of. "to get the rest of your boxes, princess."
the next afternoon, toji answers a knock at his door and finds you on the other side. you've got a plate of fresh cookies in your hand, which you shyly offer to the tall man. "these are for you. thank you so much for all your help yesterday! i couldn't have done it without you."
"thanks, you didn't have to," he tells you, although he's happy you did. when he pulls them from your grasp, his hands brush yours. he invites you in, insisting he can't enjoy them alone, but really he just wants to get to know you.
and he does. over the next few weeks, you spend a surprising amount of time in one another's company. whenever he bumps into you in the hall, he'll chat with you for a while, even (or, especially) when he's running late to a job.
one day you mention that a shelf you ordered came disassembled, so he offers to come over and put it together for you. of course you show up at his door the next day with a new plate of cookies.
another morning, toji groans when he discovers that he's out of tea, but quickly realizes it's the perfect excuse to knock on your door. when it swings open, he swallows thickly, taking in your tiny shorts and thin tank top. it was obvious you'd just woken up.
you're no better than he is with the way your eyes trail over his fitted tshirt, then down to the sweatpants that hang loosely around his waist. you're both too preoccupied staring to notice the other doing the same.
"mornin', sleepy beauty," he says with a lopsided grin.
"good morning, toji." you return his smile, your greeting a saccharine melody to his ears. oh, the things he'd do to have you all to himself.
he explains his predicament and you're more than happy to invite him inside. you both sit at your kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea and chatting about your day. the domesticity off it all leaves a pleasant taste in his mouth, which is bizarre seeing as up until a few weeks ago, he'd have found the thought down right repulsive.
but he just can't get you out of his head. you're too sweet for your own good, too young to know what you deserve in a man, and he's more than willing to show you.
he knows you're not available, but makes no attempt to stifle his growing fondness toward you. after all, he'd only ever seen your boyfriend once.
you were returning from a rare afternoon out just as he was leaving to pick up something for lunch. you looked so good in your cute little dress that he hardly even noticed your boyfriend at first.
"hey, (y/n)," toji greeted you. "who's this?"
he didn't give you a chance to speak, just pulled you into his side. "her boyfriend."
"ah," he leered, his nose crinkled. "i wasn't sure since i never see you around."
your eyes flickered between the two men somewhat nervously. toji towered over your boyfriend, a feat he took great satisfaction in.
a humorless laugh came from your left. "prefer to have her over at my place."
toji didn't respond right away, just looked down at you, taking note of your quietness. he briefly recalled the time you mentioned how much it bothered you that your boyfriend never came to visit, that you always had to make the effort.
"right.. well, you're a lucky man." he looked much more smug by then, his head falling to the side. "your girl has the best cookies around."
toji moves past both of you without waiting for a reply, roughly clapping your boyfriend on the shoulder. "see you around, (y/n)."
nearly two weeks later, toji's leaving his apartment late in the evening, as his current job can really only be taken care of during the nighttime hours. he doesn't expect to see many people in the halls, so he's surprised to find you at your apartment door.
the hood of your sweatshirt is pulled over your head, obscuring your face from his view. "(y/n)?"
you don't respond, so he takes a step toward you. it's only then he notices the way your hands are trembling, struggling with the lock. he reaches out, but when his fingers brush your arm, you jump back as if you'd been completely oblivious to his presence.
"hey-" he begins to say, but stops once he sees your face. his eyes darken and his jaw tenses, the veins in his neck becoming more prominent as a result.
your cheekbone is bright red, a small cut stretching across the center of the mark. your eyes watch him, wide and fearful, and you're all but frozen in place.
"who did this to you?"
he's struggling to keep his composure, the sight of your bruised face enough to have his heart hammering away angrily in his chest. you look away, tears forming in your eyes, and you can't bring yourself to respond.
"was it him?" he presses.
you nod, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth in an attempt to keep from crying. "i-it's okay, though. he didn't mean it, really, and-"
"look me in the face and try that again."
you meet his gaze, somewhat unwillingly, and whimper. "i.. i can't."
he sighs quietly, his job already forgotten for the night, and moves toward you. he remembers how you flinched away from him just moments ago. "..can i touch you?"
you nod once more and he hesitantly pulls you against his chest. it's getting harder and harder to keep your emotions in check, especially with the slow circles his hand is drawing on your back.
"i was so scared, toji," you finally admit, voice barely above a whisper.
"i know, but you're safe now. won't let 'im touch you ever again," he promises, fully intent on keeping it.
his words push you over the edge and you grab at his shirt as you begin to weep, your knees buckling beneath you. he supports your weight, rocking you back and forth. "you're okay. it's going to be okay."
after a minute or two, he finally hears you take a shaky breath and relief fills his chest at the sound. "see? just like that, baby. in and out."
you do as he says and after a few more breaths, he pulls away from you and takes your hand. "c'mon. let's get you cleaned up."
leading you into his apartment, he goes straight to the bathroom. you gasp when he grabs you by the hips and hoists you up onto the counter before searching for his first aid kit. when he pulls it down from the cabinet, he moves to stand between your legs.
grabbing you by the chin, he tilts your head to get a better look your injury. the redness is already transitioning to a darker hue and he knows it'll look even worse tomorrow.
"gonna clean the cut, okay? it might sting."
"okay," you sniffle.
he rips open an alcohol wipe, dabbing it gently against your cheekbone. when you wince in pain, he offers a quiet apology, but he's finished before long, having applied a bit of ointment as well.
"thank you," you murmur.
both of his hands find your thighs, resting on the area just above your knees. "don't thank me. not for this."
there's an edge to his voice, but you know it's not directed toward you. your hands settle on top of his own, quelling his anger for the time being.
"you know," he grunts, his gaze lingering on your cheek before it shifts toward your eyes. "i could never lay a hand on you."
his expression is much softer now than it was in the hallway and he savors the small smile that tugs at your lips. "i know, toji."
as he looks down at you, he knows he's done for. hell, he's known it for a while now. you deserve to be adored. taken care of. made to feel good... and toji is more than confident in his ability to do so.
for a fleeting moment, he considers the fact it wouldn't be hard to find out where your boyfriend lives, to make sure he never raises a hand to you again, but your gentle voice pulls him from his thoughts.
"can i stay with you tonight?" you ask meekly.
"yeah, 'course.. you can stay as long as you need."
jjk taglist: @torusmochi
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aryxchse · 6 months
i see ur requests are open so i have one (potentially) if ur willing to write it!!
yk how we get some glimpses into a dark percy jackson in the HoO series when he’s protecting annabeth… what if we got some of that for jason grace? potentially like the reader, she’s threatened by a minor god or monster or anything, so jason kinda goes unhinged? maybe like, he takes the air out of the opposing party’s lungs or anything else kinda unhinged?
i hope any of this makes sense lol thank uuuuu
dangerous storms / jason grace x female! reader.
warnings : jason grace's angry self, airbending type of shit, cursing, DANGEROUS JASON I REPEAT DANGEROUS JASON!!
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jason grace was a calm man.
he was rational, he would think before he act and he never made a move with his feelings. call it him being roman, or his father being literally the king of the gods, or maybe him growing up with a wolf raising him. jason grace was always the type to show his powers through strategic thinking.
well, everyone has boundries right?
he had a thin line in between destroying one thing or everything when it camed to you. if you're fine, then no one has to fear for anything. if you're okay, safe and healthy, no one has to panic.
but if it's the other way, than everyone should pray. even the non-believers. because jason grace can be scary and intimidating when he wants to. and he's so damn good at it.
things weren't supposed to go this way. you weren't supposed to get kidnapped by some giant. the plan wasn't this way, then why, why we're you in danger?
jason stopped being rational. his brain only said 'why, why, why' for like, an hour now. jason wasn't thinking straight. jason wasn't thinking.
"jason, we're gonna save her," piper tried to charmspeak him, but it didn't worked. the girl who put gaia back in sleep, couldn't calm down the son of jupiter.
percy jackson, who was feared by most monsters, demigods and even gods, was afraid how jason acted at the moment. but he didn't judged, he knew he would act the exact same way if something happened to annabeth. which, he did.
he was the only one who would go down with him if he asked. boundries we're boundries, and percy knew that very well.
"jason, we can make a plan." piper tried again. she was trying from the moment they got you. but it wasn't working and she started to get anxious.
"yeah, man. she's strong, she could be on her way back here even-" leo tried his best too. he couldn't recognise his best friend right now. he should've been like percy, who wasn't judging jason's madness and ready to go down with him. but he couldn't—it was like leo meeting jason for the first time, again.
"i already have a fucking plan." jason snapped, but he was quiet. which, it didn't help with the gang's fear. "and you guys are not involved."
"you sure?" percy asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "my hands been itchy these days, and riptide is no better."
jason wanted to smile, but his situation didn't allowed. instead, he softened his gaze, just a bit. "thanks, but i'll handle it myself. it's my war now."
percy nodded, giving a look at the team. 'if someone wants to stop him, they have to go through me.'
"go get em', tiger." he joked. and jason flied away, not answering.
‎ ⚡️
you would fight for your life if you weren't hanging up by the chains on your wrists. your feet we're dangling in the air, and arms hurting from carrying all your weight. the sick giants put some fancy greek dress on you, making your hair prettier while you were unconscious.
the giant fucking fell in love with you, and it certainly did not liked jason.
jason. we're was he? what happened to him?
well, you we're about to find out.
"oh dear," the ugly beast purred, his big hands finding your tiny body. you disgusted, squirming under his touch to get away. but it was no use.
"you'll be all mine once i make the potion." he rambled, drool on his chin that showed you how hungry he was for you.
"in your fucking dreams." you spat, eyes shooting daggers. you we're jason's girl, and your own person, most importantly. "i'm already taken."
the giant growled, mixing the sound with his sick laugh. "that jupiter boy? he got nothing compared to me sweetheart!" he yelled and his voice echoed through the big cave. where we're you, even? "he has to kill me to get you!"
"be careful what you wish for." the sound made you melt instantly. how was he able to find you? well, you didn't cared to be honest. he was here.
jason's eyes we're nothing like before. it was like his own eyes had their storms and thunders. one part of you we're amazed, while the other got scared. you knew he wouldn't even touch you if it ever hurt you, but you we're scared for him. not from him. for him doing something he'll regret for the rest of his life in order to protect you.
but, jason seemed to not give a damn.
"you tiny little demigod! you have no chance against me, you don't even have a god next to you to kill me!" he yelled, leaving you dangling in the air again. you wanted to call jason's name, but your voice muffled through the lightning.
"i don't fucking need a god," jason hissed, taking position. "i'll send you tartarus myself."
it all happened quickly. jason was so fast, unlike the big giant trying to capture and kill him. he was like a lightning himself, moving in light speed. there was a blonde thing moving, and you couldn't understand if it was his hair or sword. also there was little lightning sparkles that helped you figure him better.
then, the next thing you knew, jason was on top of the beast's face. he quickly called a lightning before stabbing his sword into the giants eye. it growled, but didn't falled.
"this is what you take for hurting my girl. my loved ones." jason said, his free hand going up in the air. you thought he was gonna make the giant eat some lightning, but it didn't go that way.
"remember my name in tartarus," he flied up again, taking a large air with him. the beast suddenly started to choke, holding it's neck desperately. "and make sure your friends does too."
it was the last thing giant heard before falling down, his oxygen flying in the air and dissapearing. jason immediatly flied towards you, cutting your chainst and holding you by the waist before you fall.
"jason," you breathed out, crying. you couldn't believe what you just have witnesses, but you figured it was the best to not mention. you we're happy that you we're safe now, in his arms.
"baby," he panted, hugging you so tight. you guys slowly landed on the ground, jason still clinging on you. "thank gods you're alive."
"i got scared," you admitted. normally, you would rather die than admit someone you're scare. but it was your jason, who could you tell if you're not gonna tell him? "he was gonna- jason, he was gonna make me one of them."
"shh baby it's okay," he cupped your face, his own tears matching you. but he had a smile, a smile that appeared once you we're in his arms. "i'm here. no one's touching you ever again okay? i'm here." he gently wiped your tears away, kissing you after.
you relaxed the moment your lips met, but it wasn't very long until you both heard footsteps again. jason quickly picked you up in bridal style, flying away from the little crack of the cave.
later that day, you both layed together in his quarters at argo ii. everyone decided that they shouldn't ask questions, like they didn't asked percy and annabeth after they got back from the tartarus.
even coach hedge let you snuggle eachother, because he saw how hurt jason was. he needed you for his own sake, to stay sane.
jason was the child of storm after all, he knew how to be scary when he wanted to. he kept it all inside when you we're near and safe. but if something slightly happened to you, he knew how to show them real power.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hiii! It's me :D
Anyways can I request a whitebeard pirates x fem child reader?
Reader is a clone of whitebeard having his haki and devil fruit ability (like the seraphims) basically reader is a little insane from being stuck in a lab
The reason why whitebeard has a clone because reader is a weapon for the Marines
Reader is a bit rude and a brat because she's scared of adults
Let's say back in marineford they tried forcing reader to fight back at whitebeard but whitebeard just scoop her up and took her back to the Moby dick (thatch, ace and whitebeard lives)
Reader has a brand on the back of her neck 'W. B CLONE' (whitebeard clone)
Reader also wear a pair of season earrings because she hated using her devil fruit abilities
So basically the whitebeard pirates are doing everything to get reader better because she suffered mental, emotional, and physical pain
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(Can you also base reader of this? Reader is kinda base of my oc hehe)
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Oh and reader has a sentient plush that listen to her commands and is mute
Don't forget to eat sleep and drink! Have a good day!
-Nobody knew why a child was on the battlefield at Marineford, one that looked like a little doll, holding a stuffed rabbit toy, dressed in a delicate looking dress with bows and lace.
-You were on the side of the marines, but you looked almost angry, like you were upset as the scientist beside you, your handler, shouted at you, “Attack them!!”
-The pirates were appalled, seeing a child soldier, one so young looking, being commanded.
-The scientist lifted his hand to strike you, to get you moving and the moment you flinched, Whitebeard’s giant fist slammed into his face, sending him flying.
-You could feel the pressure he was exerting, Haki from what you remembered as you were facing away from Whitebeard, seeing where the scientist landed, and Whitebeard saw the brand on the back of your neck.
-He had been hearing rumors that the government had been cloning strong pirates and marines, to create an unstoppable army. And this brand was something he had seen in the reports he had been receiving, realizing that you were a clone.
-You turned back, and you squeaked as he instantly scooped you up before leaping back to his ship, putting you safely on the figurehead, “Stay here. You’ll be safe.”
-You didn’t believe him, all your life, despite being so short, you had grown not to trust adults, they were the ones who beat you, who locked you up, starving you, forcing you to hurt others, and with it, your mind broke, becoming a bit unhinged.
-You did stay however, as you saw the scientists and marines who had been so mean to you, trying to get to the ship, telling you to come back to them.
-This was your chance to escape and finally be free!
-When Ace was freed and all pirates were retreating, you grabbed your rabbit, feeling a little scared as all the pirates made it back, including the giant man who grabbed you earlier.
-As you started to sail away, many were looking over at you, before you heard a sound, “Let’s go back Y/N~”
-You turned, seeing Kizaru there and your eyes went wide as you took a step back in slight fear, not wanting to go back to the lab, while the men behind you were ready to charge in.
-Kizaru ran for you, and you clenched your eyes shut, throwing a hand towards him in a slapping motion and instantly he hit a wall, being blown back, just like Whitebeard’s ability, making jaws drop as you sent Kizaru flying.
-Everyone turned to you, eyes wide in shock as you sniffled softly, tears trying to well in your eyes. You hated using your ability, if felt weird and it made you tired.
-Marco came over and you instantly bristled, “Stay back pineapple head!”
-Your sassy words stunned everyone as quickly everyone was roaring with laughter while Marco was trying not to be mad at you as he kneeled, “What is your name?”
-You immediately bit back, “What’s it to you?” okay… you were kind of a brat, but Whitebeard spoke next, “You don’t need to act like this any longer, you’re safe here.”
-You didn’t bite back to Whitebeard, who was looking down at you like you were a shy little rabbit, now knowing that you were his clone, as you had his abilities, and his white hair. You knew this as well, as you had seen him fighting, using the same ability you had.
-Whitebeard turned to all the others on the ship, “Everyone- this is my daughter and your new sister, Y/N!” the ship was quickly filled with cheers, and you felt weird, why were they so happy you were with them as you glared, “Who says I’m your daughter?”
-He ruffled your hair gently, surprising you as you were expecting to be hit, your eyes going wide, which some of them saw, making them curious, and angry, about what you had dealt with.
-Whitebeard just chuckled softly, seeing the front you were putting up, “I do- so let’s go on an adventure together!” You knew about adventures, reading about them in your picture books as tears quickly welled in your eyes.
-Ace came over with a teasing grin, “Aww is our little sister crying?” you instantly glared, holding your bunny up like you were going to beat him with it, “I’m not crying!” They just laughed, thinking you were cute.
-You still didn’t trust them yet, but so far, they were being nice to you and not hurting you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to stay with them for a while.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Storm's End (5)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, fear of commiting s*icide, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, face fucking, blood, violence, and other very dark things. Aemond is unhinged and Reader is broken
Wordcount: 3.4 k
Notes: I think… Lucemond shippers are going to get a treat? jeje didn’t mean to, it just happened, never wrote anything like this 
I really wanted to end this in this chapter, but it grew monstrous, and yes, I will make two endings, they will be published together...
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“You know? I had dreamed about this many times”, he said, his voice clear despite the stormy winds, “when I finally have you within reach, to slice up your face like you did me, all those years ago”
The winds blow his hair, his cape, and made him shiver, but he grabbed onto the pommel of the sword Daemon made him carry whenever he went out
“You are right”, he said, “Uncle, your trouble is with me, you anger, your hate, I owe you a debt”, he said shakily, the only thing on his mind was his sweet sister’s face. Aemond only smiled, a few feet away from him, “Let her go…”
Aemond chuckled darkly
“Well said bastard”
“Let my sister go, take me prisoner instead”, he said shakily, “its me you want”, he whined, he was shaking like a leaf, so much Aemond thought, amused, that he was going to soil his pants
But it was endearing
“I may have underestimate you nephew”, he said simply 
“I think you’d do the same thing…”
“Mmm”, now he was amused
“Take my eye, do what you have to do, slice my face, take both, take me whole to the Red Keep but… release my sister”, he said, with those big green eyes
“Why would I? she is certainly a more entertaining guest than you”, he muttered with sick smile
They had met in a small, lonely island on Blackwater bay, in a middle point between Dragonstone and King’s Landing 
“Like I said, it’s me who took your eye years ago, it’s because of me you are lacking an eye, it's because of me my mother asked you to be tortured, and is because of me your mother almost killed mine, I made everything worse, and is because of me you're hurting my sister…”
Aemond chuckled
“That’s not why I took her”, he whispered, Luke couldn’t hear him
“I am sorry Uncle, for what happened that night, and I know is easy to say it now, but I was sorry back then, and I am right now”
“That means little to me”, he said, fixing his composure, “what was your plan exactly?”, he asked, “you are in no position to make any demands, I could kill you, easily, what then?”
Lucerys stopped shaking, he straightened his posture, he let go of his sword
“I just wanted you to know uncle”
“That you are sorry?”, he mocked 
“I don’t give a shit about your apologies nephew, you are a bastard who tried to steal my brother’s birthright”
“I will not fight about this with you uncle”, he said, “release my sister and take me instead”
“Well, like I said, I’ve dreamt about this many times, and now that we are here, I don’t see why I should be bothered”, he said dismissively
If he killed Luke, you would just… die, even if you were still breathing, you would be dead in life
And that is not what he wanted
The winds blew even more stronger than before, whistling in the wind, a storm was coming
“Go home Lucerys”
“But… my sister”, he said, taking a step towards him
“I fuck your sister, every chance I get”, he said with a smirk, Luke began shaking again, “I have her locked up in your mother’s old chambers”, he moved uncomfortably
“Why her?”, he asked, “she had never done anything to you”
“She payed up your debt to me, you should be thankful”, he said simply, “you should spend every waking moment thanking her”
“I didn’t want her to”, he said, “I want to pay my debt, I want you to leave her alone!”, he demanded
“Too late for that, she is probably with my child in her belly”, Lucerys frowned
“It had only been a couple of weeks!”, he whined
“That is how it works”, he mocked
“Please!”, he was growing desperate, he was supposed to be relieved but he wasn’t.
He had made his peace, he had come here to die for his sister, only to bring her back to Dragonstone
He should have told Aemond to bring her along, to make sure she returns home 
“I have her”
“Take my eye!”, he said, grabbing a small dagger from his belt, he tried to take it himself, but his arm was shaking terribly, something primal, in the bottom of his being wouldn’t let him hurt himself
Aemond trotted towards him, and Lucerys didn't move 
Aemond grabbed his hand, that had the dagger, and with the other grabbed the back of his head, to prevent him from moving 
“I don’t want your eye”, he said. Lucerys felt chills when he saw his sapphire stone in its place, “because even with only one, I can see, I have your heart”, he said with a manic smile 
“Let her go”, he begged, “please”
“Being born second son is hard, you don’t know about this because you are in to inherit Driftmark”, he manipulated his nephews hand until the tip of the dagger was scratching his upper cheek, right under his eye, “I get nothing”, he growled, Lucerys whimpered, “But she… is the only thing I’ve ever wanted, that I’ve desired… so after all the shit that I have been through, I decided to take her”
“She doesn’t deserve it”, he said, “I do…”, he said, he looked into his uncle’s eye and calmed himself, he steadied his breaths and stopped shaking, preparation for the pain his uncle felt all those years ago, “do it, for her”, he said
It was true
Aemond had wished upon this day for many years
And now that it was here
He didn't know what to do
It didn't taste as good as he thought it would 
it was almost too easy
Lucerys was right there in his grasp 
“Like I said..”, he released him, pushing him away, Luke fell pitifully on the sand, “i don’t want your eye bastard, because I have your heart in the Red Keep”
Aemond didn't think the little bastard loved his sister as Targaryens do, as a man loves a woman, he knew he loved her like a real sister, and that made it better
Luke tried to stand up, but he placed his boot on his chest, keeping him pinned to the beach
“Go home and tell your mother I fuck your sister every night, I will keep her at court, pregnant with my bastards for everyone to see”, he said, “but she is well fed, and… healthy”, he relented, “not happy, but alive and well”
He looked at the dagger in his hand and dropped it by his feet
“Please, let her go”, he begged one more time, “she wants to go home…”
“I will see you on the battlefield, there I will not be so forgiving”, Aemond turned back and walked hastily towards Vaghar, who was watching it all with tired eyes
Lucerys watched as Aemond took to the skies without even giving him a scare, a second glance 
. . .
Aemond found you sitting on the bed hugging your legs to your chest, crying softly. 
In a rage, to hurt you, he had showed you the letter Lucerys had send, you had grabbed him, begged him, cried to him not to go, that his brother was sorry, that you were never going to beg him to be released again, that you were going to stay here willingly, that you were going to change your attitude, bend the knee to Aegon, you actually dropped to your knees and grabbed onto his legs 
He released himself from you and left the chambers with a sick smile on his face
You trashed your room, you cried and wailed until soldiers came inside and restrained you
A maester gave you milk of the poppy to calm you down, but nothing could ease your mind
Aemond was going to kill your brother
And there was nothing you could do about it
When he opened the door his eye landed precisely on you, and then he looked at the rest of the room, mainly destroyed, maids had taken the worst part of it, but still it was visibly depleted of your former belongings. 
You looked at him, frightened, crying, your face red.
“Did you murdered my baby brother?”, you asked, he shook his head
“No”, you took a long sigh of relief, “He went home”
“Why?”, you asked him, he didn’t even know how to answer that
“Why didn’t I kill my own flesh and blood?”, he asked, bitterly, “He begged me to take out his eye”, a single tear fell down your cheek
“Did you?”, you asked
“No”, he said simply, “he offered it to me in exchange of your release”
“And why didn't you?”, he took out his coat, and left it over the chair in front of the fire, he then lost his vest, and he continued to release himself from his clothes, to finally turn to you
You knew what he wanted, and you were exhausted, for being all day and good part of the night
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, you know why”, he said, climbing onto the bed, completely naked, you believed it was the first time you saw him bare like this 
He took the sheets that shielded you, and he took out your nightdress, you let him
You’ve come to learn that if you fight it, it was worse
And you didn't want to hurt anymore
You laid back as you spread your legs for him, and closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the pain. But what you felt was warm hands caressing your thighs, one of them traveling up your body, caressing you softly
You didn't know why, but this frightened you more than his roughness
You felt like he was tricking you into thinking he was going to be nice, only to hurt you again
You whimpered in fear
“Shhh, relax”, he whispered, “is alright, relax”, he continued gently, caressing your skin, the skin he once grabbed roughly.
One of his fingers teased your entrance, he teased and teased until eventually you relaxed, his finger now coated with juices, only then he put another finger to work, easing you open.
Only when he felt squelching noises, he dimmed you ready, he caressed your thighs, coaxing them open for him 
He entered slowly, gently, foreign, you had never felt this tenderness, from him…. he held you against him, one hand on your side, the other traveled to your face
“Look at me”, he demanded, and you obeyed, looking up at him. His thumb caressed the apple of your cheek as he fucked you slowly
You couldn’t say you enjoyed it, because he was always so rough, you were still sore, but at least, it didn't hurt
You didn't know which one was worse 
He cummed inside you, like always, and then he didn't discard you, he laid there by your side, he grabbed you and accommodated you by his side. You fell asleep quickly, that night, for the first time since he had you, you didn't have any nightmares 
. . .
Lucerys had arrived back home to Dragonstone with his tears dried upon his cheeks, he had no more to cry
He was weak and small, but he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and not even that had been enough
He was intercepted by Daemon, that was furious 
“Where have you been?”, he barked, grabbing him by the arm, “we had been worried sick”
“I tried to get her back”, he said silently
“What?”, he growled
“I met with Aemond, to offer myself for her”
“You did what? Are you mad? this was reckless, what if he had killed you? Can you imagine what your mother would have suffered?”, he said, shaking him, like that way he could restore him to sanity
“He didn’t take the chance to blind me”, he said, “I told him I was giving myself away, in exchange for her, and he wouldn’t go for it”
“We have Otto”, he said with a pleased smile
“What?”, asked lucerys
“A ship from Corly’s fleet caught him, he was trying to cross the Narrow Sea to gain support from those triarchy cunts”, he said, “we have him”
“We can trade him”
“Damn right we can”, he said with a wide smile, “we have a gathering”. he said, “a summit, with the great houses, and those traitorous cunts, there, we will discuss your sister’s release for him”, it was an improvement that he was still alive, thought Luke 
. . .
“Let’s give them the little bastard and be done with it”, said Aegon
“No”, sentenced Aemond, “not her”
“Aemond, they have your grandfather”
“Let them keep him”
“Aemond!”, shrieked Alicent, “he is your grandfather”
“He is a cunt that whore you out to Viserys, manipulated you for years, made you believe Rhaenyra would kill us, only to place this whoremonger, drunk cunt on the throne”, he said, Alicent was so enraged she didn’t know what to say, “let them kill him”
Aegon laughed, approving of his brother’s words, Alicent just covered her mouth
“How could you say something like that? everything we have done has been to keep you all safe”
“We are in the most dangerous position”, he said simply, “he will throw us all into war, for his ambition, we could all die for it”, he said, “yes we could kill them also, but it is naive to think all of us will survive”, he said, “Rhaenyra has the numbers”
“We have dragons”
“They do too”, he said, “and an the most powerful armada of the seven Kingdoms”
“Aemond, you did it”, she said softly, “you… had her, dishonored her… showed to everyone what she is…it is done”
“I’ll decide when it's done”, he growled, Aegon slapped the table, wanting the attention
“I am the King!”, he said, “i’ll decide when it's done”
“She is with child���, Aemond said, Alicent paled
“She is with my child in her belly”
“It's been less than a moon”, she said then, “you can’t be sure”
“I’m sure”
“I don’t care”, said Aegon, “she goes”, he said. Aemond raised from his seat enraged, “careful brother, or we might start thinking you care about her”, Aemond walked away from the room, enraged 
He found you reading, cuddling by the fire in the hearth of the room 
As you always did you trembled when you saw him, and he give you a satisfying smirk
“Your treacherous family has my grandfather”, he thought he was going to see relief in your eyes, but he only saw fear
“I’m sorry”
“You are going to be”, he said, taking off his vest and undoing his breeches, “get on your knees”
You stood up from your place, walked towards him and did as he said, kneeling in front of him, who had sat on the bed. 
Aemond released his hard cock
“Suck”, he was impatient, and angry, he didn't wait for you to make up your mind, he grabbed you by the back of the head, grabbing into your hair roughly, you whined, but he didn't care you opened your mouth and he stuck his cock in it, until you were choking and crying 
“Do you hate me yet?”, he teased, you shook your head, “auw, aren’t you sweet?”, he pushed until your nose touched the hairs on his groin, you whined, not being able to breathe. He grunted above you, you tried to look at him, and his eye were closed in pure pleasure. Droll fell from the corners of your lips, making your chin burn
It didn’t last long, still grabbing you by your hairs he pulled you up only to throw you to be the bed
“Lay back, spread your legs”, he commanded, and just like the night before, you obeyed him without fighting
He took his time to admire you, specially the brand he had drawn on your thigh, the A could be seen, clear as day, he caressed it with his thumb
“We have to take advantage, in a moon’s time we have a summit with the high lords, they are going to try and trade you for my grandfather”, he muttered 
He kneeled on the bed and he grabbed your hips, raising them and drawing you to him, and then he thrusted into you, making you whimper
“No need to prepare you this time”, he mocked, “I knew you were a wanton little whore”, a single tear fell from your eyes as he started pounding roughly into you
It was foreign, for him to cuddle you like he had been doing for the past nights
You didn’t even know how long it had been since he had you here, trapped in these chambers
“Do you hate me now?”, he insisted, you didn’t know why is was so important, the answer was the same
“I don’t hate you uncle”
“What do I need to do to you for you to hate me?”, he asked quietly
“Why would you want my hate?”, you asked, tired
Yes, why?
Perhaps to make himself feel better, perhaps if you all hated each other this would be much easier. Perhaps he was angry, because he had spend all these years hating the lot of you, and you didn't hate him back, he had barely been in your mind those years you were in Dragonstone 
He was desperate to coax some feeling into you
You had loved him, you had said so yourself
You clearly didn’t love him now, so the next best thing he could do, was make you hate him
Because he had loved you to
Since he was a child and you a little girl, he loved you innocently, with a still pure heart. 
But then his mother and grandfather poisoned him, poisoned his mind, his heart, putting into his head that you were just a little bastards who was out for their inheritance, their birthrights, that you were a little whore even if you were a young girl, just like your mother, that you were there to manipulate, to whore yourself out to get what you wanted
So his sweet, innocent, healthy childish crush became a dark obsession, because he shouldn’t want you, he should hate you, and yet… He started desiring you with his whole being… It was wrong, he was a prince, a prince taught by the teaching of the New Gods, and you were a bastards born of filthy and impure desire
At that point you were already in Dragonstone, but Aemond never forgot about you
By the time he saw you again during Driftmark, he couldn’t hide it no longer, despite what he knew his mother was going to answer, because she was intended on making peace with Rhaenyra
But that cunt took you away from him, scared
How could you refuse him? him? a prince of the realm, a Targaryen Prince, not a bastard like his children
When he came to his senses, he felt a warm liquid on his chest, you were crying, and he was grabbing so hard into you he was bruising you
“I just want to know why you hate me and my brothers so much”, you whined
Deep down he knew it was wrong, he knew that you were not at fault…
But you flaunted it
You and your little bastard brothers flaunted your inheritance, your dragons, always laughing, forgetting practice, not taking it serious enough
And then that little bastard took his eye
After he rightfully claimed Vhagar
He took his eye and his own father wouldn't defend him against them.
He hated you because you were happy, and you had the love of the man who was supossed to love him the most
And he was wretched 
And yet he couldn’t answer, he didn't find it in himself to look until he found a clear answer
So he didn’t
You hugged him, hugged his torso, your face on his chest
“I don’t want you to hate us”, you whined
Perhaps they were just children, manipulated by their parents, their frustrations, anger and hate rubbed into them, passed onto them like a twisted disease 
“Why?”, he asked
“Because I’m scared of that hate”, you answered, “all that hate is going to get us all killed”, you whispered, “I don’t hate you uncle”, you said then
“Even though I killed your dragon?”
“I don’t hate you” 
“Even though I raped you bloody?”, he asked in an even tone, you shook your head, “and I called you a whore, and a bastard?”
“I don’t”
This cycle of hate had to end with you.
“You don’t want me dead?”, he asked
“No”, you whispered, “I just wish we could all be small again, and play together like we used to, we could have been good friends”, you said childishly
You had been so protected and guarded your entire life that you still held onto that childishness 
He chuckled
He had killed your dragon, drowned you, raped you, choked you, humiliated you, defiled you, and the only thing you wanted was for him not to hate you, to go back in time and start over, so you would all be friends
Oh you were so innocent 
So pure
“I don’t hate you Zaldrïtsos”, he said finally
He just enjoyed hurting you
He just enjoyed possessing you, it was much better, to take you by force... But he wanted you, you didn't want him back, but he had the power to take you by his own. It was exhilarating
But he didn't hate you
He wanted you so much that it hurt him
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@lightdragonrayne @immyowndefender @aemondswifeisme @twobluejeans @toodlesxcuddles @sassysaxsolo @thearchitectoflove @maidmerrymint @floralsightings @daughterofthemoons-stuff @glendarollitkatharinesanders @ruhjkie @starkjedi @baconturtle @aleemendoza2425-blog @ahristata @dlwlrmas-world @yentroucnagol @hiraethrhapsody @alwaysholymilkshake @marihoneywk @belladonna00 @strangersunghoon @anehkael @t0uch-starved-h0e @hkmultifandom @letmehavemyfictionalmen @belcalis9503 @daddydaemonswife @daemontargaryenwhore @bash1018 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @ninastyless @strangersunghoon @bellstwd
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vixstarria · 5 months
Surprise surprise, they're no good at it.
This is a continuation of my in-game bardlock series, seeing as I left a large gap in it between an intimate and emotional scene and a whole bunch of unhinged fucking. Sorry about that.
Takes place after Intimacy but can be read as a stand-alone!
Read on AO3
Astarion x named f!Tav
Early Act 3. It has been nice, but it's time they actually figured out what it is they're doing and what comes next.
Hurt/comfort, some fluff and a drop of humour (I am me after all) if you squint, love, angst
TW: some very casual violence and murder
Approximately 3.9k words. 
“Well?” A very giddy Astarion had appeared behind Asmodea. “Let’s go!” 
The party had finally reached the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate and were setting up camp near Rivington, after a brief excursion in the area. 
“Go where?” she asked.
“Anywhere! I haven’t seen these streets in sunlight in two centuries.” 
The city was flooded with refugees. Some child whose mother was definitely not coming for her had seemingly declared herself adopted by the group. There was a towering pile of corpses just outside one of the nearby gates. A circus was in town.
It was nice to finally be back in civilisation.
“Yes, now! Forget the bloody tent, maybe we’ll find an inn to sleep in for a change.”
Nothing had been arranged, set up or planned yet. They had only the vaguest notion of where they were going.
“Sure, a walk sounds lovely right now,” shrugged Asmodea.
It very quickly became obvious that finding an inn would be nigh on impossible. The streets were crowded with refugees, frantic citizens and all those who would either try to keep them in order or prey upon them.
“Are we going anywhere in particular, or are we just... going?” Asmodea asked, trying to make her way through the throng. She had never seen Baldur’s Gate this busy before. 
“There is something I’d like to show you,” answered Astarion. “Some place, to be exact. It’s- hey!”
He realised that he was talking to no one, as they had been separated by a group of dwarves pushing their way through between them. Asmodea smiled at him over their heads, raising her arms in an open-palmed gesture of defeat and resignation.
“Can’t you keep up?” Astarion sighed, rolling his eyes, and reached for her, taking her hand and linking his fingers through hers.
This… This was new, particularly in public, and Asmodea bit her lip, fighting not to smile, as he guided her after him. 
Astarion glanced back over his shoulder at her, to see her grinning. 
“Oh shut up,” he huffed, before spilling into a smile too, despite himself, and drawing her close to kiss her.
“Half-elven whore,” a nearby elven woman muttered to her companion in elvish, tsking in distaste at the sight. Either she did not expect to be heard or understood, or simply did not care.
Astarion turned towards the woman, with a glower, but before he could retaliate with his own snide remark, Asmodea told the elven woman to go fuck herself with a splintered broom, in perfect elvish, and pulled Astarion further down the street before the woman thought of anything else to say.
“Such... delightful use of the True Tongue, dear.” Astarion seemed in equal parts impressed and taken aback. “Don't tell me you’ve been holding out on me this whole time..?”
“Oh, no, I only know a little bit,” laughed Asmodea. 
“Do indulge me.” 
“No, it’s really hardly anything,” she shook her head. “I can count, exchange pleasantries and profanities, know a few songs I can’t translate, and a few odd phrases.” 
“Such as?” 
“I can scream for help in elvish, for one,” she offered. 
“Why would you need to scream for help in elvish..?” 
“Men are more likely to come running if they think it’s a little elven maiden they’re rescuing,” she explained with a sigh. 
Astarion mulled that over with a frown for a bit. 
“I’ll have to take your word for that... What else? And for hells’ sake, just say something, I enjoyed hearing it.” 
She said the first phrase that came to mind.  
Astarion stopped dead in his tracks, with what Asmodea knew to be the expression he held when he was doing his best to keep his face straight.  
“So let’s start with what you think you just said.” 
“...Shit. ...Uhh.” Asmodea gave Astarion a sheepish look. “‘My small children have had nothing to eat for days.’?” 
“Darling,” he said, cupping her cheeks, trying not to laugh. “My love. That’s not quite it... Now, how many people do you think you’ve told you’ve ‘eaten nothing but small children for days’..?” 
“Ah... That explains the reactions,” Asmodea said thoughtfully. 
“Horror?” Astarion finally snickered.
“Usually laughter... I just figured most elves were assholes.” 
Eventually Astarion brought them onto a rooftop that offered an impressive view of the city and surrounding regions.
“It’s so strange to be here in daylight,” he murmured. “This was one of my spots,” he said, turning to Asmodea. “I used to come here at the start of my evenings, alone, and just… enjoy the peace and quiet for a while.” Astarion took a pensive look around. “Admittedly, the tiles weren’t as hot at night, and all the bird shit wasn’t as prominent.” 
They found a place to sit down.
“I thought you would try to get your job done as quickly as possible,” said Asmodea.
“There had to be a certain balance to it.” Astarion shook his head. “Start prowling too early, and the potential targets wouldn’t be ripe for the picking yet. And even if I managed to get someone back to the manor early on in the evening, it would only mean I would have to ‘entertain’ them longer.” He shut his eyes and leaned back against a chimney. “It was better to take some precious solitary repose, when I could.”
“Do you think you might have taken me back to Cazador if you’d met me back then?” Asmodea asked quietly.
Astarion opened his eyes and frowned at the sudden question. 
“Not if I’d ever seen you perform, no,” he deliberated. “I never went for the bards. They were almost my co-conspirators, though they didn’t know it. I couldn’t waste them.” He paused before continuing. “But otherwise, if I’d just bumped into you at a Tavern… Probably, yes. A pretty, reckless stray… You would have been perfect. …Would you have followed?” He asked, glancing at her.
“Probably,” she replied, staring off into the distance.
They sat in silence until Astarion broke it with a question.
“Will you stay with me when all this is over?” 
Just the sheer amount of effort he put into trying to make that question sound casual spoke volumes. 
It caught her off guard. They’d spent many evenings in his tent lazily basking in vague fantasies about an ‘after’, usually concentrating on the idea of being able to stay in bed all day, or the concept of their hair and fingernails being free of dried blood and entrails for a change. They’d never actually discussed any realistic nuance of this ‘after’. Or what it might look like, other than what it wouldn’t look like. 
“Are you certain you want to take Cazador’s place in the ritual..?” she asked, carefully. 
“Why shouldn’t I?” Astarion immediately sounded defensive. 
“You don’t even know what it entails or means, not really...” 
“It means having everything I’ve been missing the past two centuries, what else is there to know?” He scoffed. “...You haven’t answered my question,” he said after a pause. 
She said nothing for a while, looking down at her fingernails. 
“Stay and do what..?” 
“Anything!” he exclaimed. “Anything you want. We could do anything. Do you have any idea what I will be capable of? Of the power I will hold. The influence.”
“Yes, yes, legions of wolves, turning into mist,” she recited. “What else… Commanding ghouls, I think?” She threw her head back, looking at the sky. “I’m not sure why you would need to do any of that, though.”
“Unimaginable power, and you mock it…” Astarion said indignantly. “I suppose you would rather go frolic in the woods with Halsin..? …Oh don’t look so shocked, I’ve seen how he looks at you. Sleeping in the dirt, living off the land. Is that what would make you happy?” 
“He looks at you the same way! And must you jump to extremes?” She let out an exasperated sigh. “Even if I were interested in Halsin, there is ample space between sleeping in the dirt and sleeping in that gothic monstrosity, in which I might find myself happy.” 
They sat in silence for a while. 
“I don’t think you should go through with it,” she said, finally. “Something about it just doesn’t sit right.” 
Astarion looked at her with an unreadable expression and didn’t say anything. She continued. 
“I know enough stories - and before you roll your eyes at me, there is usually a grain of truth to them – and I’ve read between the lines of enough history texts, to know there is no such thing as a jolly vampire lord that just has a grand ol’ time carousing in their castle. It’s always centred on cruelty, misery and violence.” 
“I suppose you know plenty of stories of jolly vampire spawn,” he spat. 
“Some, as a matter of fact. They usually revolve around romance and redemption.” She sighed and continued, as he let out a bitter laugh. “I’ve never heard of any demonic deals that ended in anything that wasn’t disastrous, either. The point is, nothing that involves blood or soul sacrifice has ever made anyone happy.” She looked in the direction of Cazador’s palace. “We should kill Cazador, burn it all to the ground and dance on the ashes. I will be by your side. And yes, I want to stay with you. Of course I do.” 
“For how long?” Astarion asked quietly, after a pause. 
“How long will you stay by my side? You have another... 100 years, 150 at best? I can’t offer any solutions to that as a spawn.” 
She blinked, realisation dawning in her eyes.
“...Astarion Ancunin, did you just say you want to spend the rest of eternity with me?” 
“Oh don’t you bloody dare turn this into a joke,” he bristled. “Just for once.”
“Not a joke, but…” She paused and gave her head a brisk shake, as if to snap herself out of a daze. “Just so we’re absolutely clear, what are you saying?”
“Isn’t it obvious..?” The grin that had crept habitually onto Astarion’s face felt like a suffocating mask. She only stared back into his eyes, unblinking, waiting for him to continue. “I could turn you. Grant you an eternity.” ‘With me’, he wanted to add, but the look in her eyes made the words die on his tongue.
None of this was going the way Astarion had expected. Not that he had planned any of this… Still, he’d made certain assumptions. He’d anticipated the conversation and day would flow somewhere along the following lines: re-affirm his plans for Cazador. Exchange words of undying love and devotion. Maybe, maybe make love to her again, later, in celebration. Instead everything was slipping like fine sand through his fingers. Words simply wouldn’t come out of his mouth. Everything he thought he might say suddenly felt pathetic.
“Turn me? To become one of your spawn?” Astarion opened his mouth to speak, but she talked over him. “Two centuries as something you say is less than a slave, a puppet, and you would so easily offer the same fate to me..?”
“First of all,” he sputtered, “I don’t know why you immediately assumed there would be others. Secondly,” he continued, slowing down, “there is another way, or so I’ve read. You wouldn’t be a mere spawn, but a-” Astarion winced, cutting himself off. “Never mind,” he said, shaking his head. This was rapidly spinning further and further out of his control. “I thought you trusted me?” he asked instead.
“It’s not about trust,” she said. “If you had the choice between a hundred years of absolute freedom or being enthralled to someone for eternity - doesn’t matter who - me, Gale, your long-lost grandmother, anyone! What would you choose?”
“I would never compel you,” said Astarion, his voice tinged with a hint of pleading.
“That’s not the point,” she said, looking away, running her hand through and tugging at her hair. “Let’s just head back. We still need to set up before it gets dark, and I promised Karlach we would visit that bloody circus…”
Something inside Astarion shattered and spilled, ice-cold, over his heart as she got up and walked away. 
Not even an hour had passed since some of the happiest moments he’s had in centuries.
They walked back in silence. 
Eventually they came upon an outpost of Flaming Fists and steel watchers, who had appeared on the road they had taken into the city. They were apprehending everyone trying to pass through, whether they were leaving or entering. 
“Let’s try a side street,” offered Astarion. 
They found and made their way through a narrow alleyway. It was empty. Suspiciously empty, in fact - no children running through, no one out for a quick smoke, no drunks pissing on the walls.
Sure enough, once they were halfway through, three goons intercepted their way, stepping out of a doorway. Two humans and an enormous half-orc wide enough to block out most of the passage. 
“Alley toll.” One of the thugs flashed a malicious grin, eyeing Asmodea up and down. “Better pay up, doll.” Three more jeering hoodlums appeared behind them as he spoke, armed with crude but lethal weapons. 
“Attempting to detain a Council battlemage on duty? Bold but stupid,” she said gravely. “Hand over your profits and Lord Gortash won’t learn of your little enterprise. This is your only warning.” 
Trying to bluff and deceive her way through, per usual. Was there even a Council anymore? Did it employ mages? No matter. Whether due to the fact that she and Astarion had decided to wander the streets of the city in civilian clothes, without armour, or simply because the lust for money and violence had gotten the better of the would-be muggers, they paid her attempt no heed. 
The leader laughed.
“Or, how about we have some fun with you, and your Lord Gortash can come and collect your body from the river once we’re done with it?”
Astarion’s blood boiled.
He reached for his daggers, thoughts racing. Why in the hells had they come here barely armed..? They were surrounded, but perhaps if she blasted the three in front of them they might run through..? But they were probably too close for that… Could she misty step behind them and get away? His undead body would most likely survive whatever came, even with the tadpole. 
“Take the ones behind,” Asmodea snapped, and Astarion followed her lead, as he had grown used to, silently praying to no particular deity that she knew what she was doing. 
He ducked as one of the goons bellowed and swung a sword at him, dodging the blow to come up next to his attacker, burying a dagger between his ribs and another in his guts, for good measure. At least the alley was too narrow for all of the bandits to come in on them at once. Behind him, Asmodea spat some incantation that he wasn’t familiar with.
The next lout came at him, only to stop short, as Astarion scrounged up his meagre magical abilities to hurl a firebolt at his face, making the man yelp and grind to a halt in shock and pain. Astarion’s dagger followed through his eye socket shortly thereafter. 
The entire altercation with the two thugs took mere seconds. Another controlled shout from Asmodea followed behind him.
The last of the muggers on Astarion’s side backed away, looking at the scene unfolding behind Astarion with a horrified expression, before breaking into a run and disappearing. 
Astarion turned back to witness Asmodea standing with her arms crossed, looking unaffected, just as the half-orc who had been behind the group’s leader pulled his sword back out from the leader’s stomach, having impaled him from behind.
Asmodea barked another command as the leader collapsed, and the half-orc slammed the head of his other cohort, who hadn’t understood what was happening yet, against a wall, with a resounding crunch. 
A domination spell. 
Astarion felt nauseous. If his body had been capable of producing bile, it would have crept up at the back of his throat. For once, the smell of freshly spilled blood all around them was repulsive to him.
 “Kneel,” Asmodea commanded, calmly. The half-orc’s body immediately dropped to its knees, with a thud that spoke of damaged kneecaps.
“I’m running out of time. Do you need him?” She stepped over the body of the group’s dying ex-leader and walked around the half-orc, to stand behind him. 
Disgust and revulsion continued to claw at Astarion’s insides. 
The half-orc’s eyes were void of any emotion. A small mercy.
“Blood. Do you want his blood, before I spill it?” she said nonchalantly.
“…No,” he swallowed. Not like this…
He watched as she slit his throat, carefully standing behind him to avoid blood spraying over herself. Comprehension returned to the man’s eyes just as he made his last gurgling sounds, before stilling forever. 
“That was despicable,” Astarion hissed, finally breaking his gaze away from the body. “Compulsion? Really?!”
She gave him an incredulous look, momentarily speechless.
“This is what I do!” she exclaimed. “This is how I protect myself. You know this! What the fuck did you expect - that I would set off a fireball in an alley?! Or make one of them have a fit of giggles?!”
“You didn’t need to do anything, I could have handled all of them,” he countered.
“Oh, stand behind you like a meek little lamb?” She scoffed. “While neither of us are even wearing armour, and they’re on both sides? Don’t be ridiculous.” She crouched to wipe her dagger on the dead man’s clothes. “What does it matter, anyway,” she said, offhanded. “Dead is dead - who cares how they got there?” 
“It was just like Cazador all over again,” Astarion said, bitterly. “Watching my siblings torture each other, for his amusement, waiting for it to be my turn to be compelled.”
She stilled as she crouched, not looking up at him. 
“You fucking hypocrite,” she said, finally, rising. 
“What in the hells are you talking about?” he grimaced.
“Comparing me to Cazador, when you’re planning to take his very place.”
“How dare you?” Astarion felt the last of his composure leaving him. “I am nothing like Cazador, and I never will be,” he growled.
“No?” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re already thinking of your own spawn. Maybe you would keep your word and not compel me, but you would be curious. All that power that you’ve been wishing was yours for 200 years...” She gesticulated, tilting her head. “First just one teensy little slave - someone who’s wronged you, maybe, someone who deserves to bear your ire. Then, perhaps someone convenient, in a place of power. Someone like what you would have been, had Cazador not botched your death so bad that it became public. Then another. And another. And what will you do with them once you have them? Take them for midnight picnics and host slumber parties?” 
She spat on the ground. 
“I’m going back to camp.”
She stormed off, fuming, exiting the alleyway and mixing into the crowd. Astarion followed at a distance, discreetly wiping the blood that had landed on his hands on the shirt of a random passerby that stumbled out in front of him. He gritted his teeth, watching her.
It had taken every last bit of his self-control to not snap back at her during her little tirade. 
He wanted to stalk off in the opposite direction, but frankly all his things were at the campsite, and he still needed the group’s help, both with Cazador and the tadpole. And he couldn’t discount something else happening to her on the way back. 
No, none of this was what he thought would end up happening today. Was this the end..?
It didn’t matter, he thought. Let her be stubborn. Let her accuse him of gods know what. He would do what he had set out to do. Hells, even if she changed her mind later - it would be too late. Let her live out her “hundred years of freedom” in regret.
And how fucking dare she?! Insinuating that he was or could ever be anything like Cazador. After all he had given her. His trust. His love. He didn’t have anything else. Not as a spawn, anyway.
But perhaps she would change her mind, after she gave his proposal more thought..? He could talk her into it, couldn’t he? He’s talked so many people into doing exactly what he wanted them to do…
There was no point in anything otherwise. It was all for her. All he wanted for himself was revenge. Freedom. Safety. But all the power in the world was meaningless if he couldn’t share it with her.
Astarion winced at the thought, hating that it even crossed his mind. If only he could claw it out of his brain and smash it against the cobbles beneath his feet. How much simpler life would be.
He would not grovel. He would not apologise. He would not change his mind. And he would rather die, again, than be caught running after her like a dog. 
Astarion cursed, slipped into the shadows and turned invisible, breaking into a sprint. He wouldn’t be able to replicate the trick for a while now, if the need arose, but he couldn’t care less. 
He raced up sets of stairs, speeding through a terrace, dodging the patrons of whatever establishment it was he was going through, and leaped, unseen, onto the next building’s, until he was ahead of her, descending back onto the ground and losing his invisibility around the corner from the main street, stepping out just in front of her. 
He caught a glimpse of her scowling and furiously blinking away tears just before she crashed into his chest with a light gasp, as he wrapped his arms around her. She was stiff and rigid, but at least she didn’t try to push him away. Still, a part of him was screaming that it was already too late.
“I don’t want you to have to commit those atrocities when you’re with me,” Astarion murmured into her hair, holding her close.
“You’d rather commit them yourself?” she retorted, her voice weak.
“I don’t want to,” he said quietly, as she seemed to become more malleable, and sank into his embrace, slowly wrapping her own arms around his back. “But I will if I have to. For you.”
“That makes two of us, I guess,” she managed, sounding choked up. 
Astarion took a deep breath, relieved. Mine… Still mine… He thought to himself, touching his forehead against hers and stroking her cheek. Someone in the street heckled them, yelling something about getting a room.
“I already don’t have much to offer, beyond all my burdens,” he whispered. She looked up at him, eyes glistening. She tried to protest, but he pressed a finger to her lips. “I want to do what I can, for you. For us. What good am I if I can’t even keep you safe?”
He pressed his lips against her forehead as she hugged him tighter. He had no idea whether he had convinced her of anything, or if she simply didn’t have the will to argue anymore, but for now it didn’t matter.
“I will love you no matter what,” she breathed.
Another jeer followed from the crowd, and someone cursed at them to get out of the way.
“A legion of wolves sounds tempting right about now,” she added, as he smiled.
“Do you still want to get Karlach and go to that circus?” he asked.
“Fuck the circus,” she mumbled into his shirt. “But I guess we should.”
They made their way back to the camp, fingers interlocked again. The silence that stretched once more almost felt comfortable this time.
Thanks for reading!
This is the last in-game part of the series for now (aside from some smut - see below). If you want to continue reading about my Tav and Astarion, go ahead and check out Bloodbang Chronicles which takes place 5 years after the end of the game.
Series master list
Next in in-game series - A night at the inn (branches off into smut)
Tag list:
@littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tallymonster @tragedybunny
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@asterordinary @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @spacebarbarianweird @brabblesblog @littlejuicebox
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
A lil’ platonic yanderes harley and joker in the mix too hehe
gender neutral reader.
cw/tw: mentally ill reader. reader has schizophrenia. reader has a massive fear of abandonment. harley and joker only feed to that. a r s o n among other crimes. gaslighting. manipulation. implied r*pe (by reader im so sorry you guys) reader is interested in all genders.
summary: meet jinx, gotham’s loudest, most explosive villain. no one knows who they really are, or if jinx is really even their name. but one thing’s for sure — they’ve got a lot of people chasing after them and their reasons aren’t so noble.
status: unedited
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Considering Jinx was inspired by Harley Quinn. You’re probably her protégé. Her darling little child with Joker.
She saw you in the aftermath of the explosion. Cold and alone. Fire roaring behind you despite the heavens pouring its heart out, as if it was desperately trying to wash your tears and pain away.
She saw your bruises and a girl a little older than you walk away.
Her heart ached for you. No child deserved to be put in that kind of position, so she stepped in and made herself known.
“ I . . . I only wanted to help . . . Don’t leave me . . . Don’t . . .
You muttered.
Joker, who came here to marvel at the chaos such an explosion would present smiles maniacally.
You. You were the one that did this.
This beautiful wreckage and an equally beautiful child.
You were practically begging to be moulded into a weapon.
You charged at them both as they got closer, and while Harley was ready to defend her man - even hurt you if she has to - they did not expect what came next.
You just, held unto Joker’s right leg.
“ She’s not my sister . . . No . . . if she was she wouldn’t leave me . . . “
You were far too emotional for his liking. But nonetheless. A boon can always be found in a curse. That is, your desire for revenge.
He takes one look at Harley before picking your small body into his arms.
“ Who cares about fools like them, little one? They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”
His smile never stopped widening, yet even as a kid you never saw it as creepy or unnerving. In fact, it only reminded you of the smiles you used to draw on your nail bombs.
“All we ever truly have is ourselves. “
“So, smile. Don’t let your tears bring you down.”
Moulding you into the perfect weapon was easy.
Having a psychiatrist as a partner did help a lot in your development.
All it took was a few reminders of that fateful day before you began obediently following their rules and instructions.
You were a genius and since Harley kept protesting against it. You weren’t baptized into a vat of acid like the couple was.
Now, Harley and Joker are the worst possible parents you can ask for. So unlike Arcane’s Jinx. You are way way more unhinged. Not to mention, horny and materialistic.
As you grew up, you began to take interest in intentionally hurting people just for the sake of it. Stealing things was just a normal Tuesday for you. Being successful in your endeavors for once, and having bigger stacks of cash felt exhilarating.
The women and men were amazing. Your pseudo parents being who they were, didn’t really care if you were a sexual deviant or a pervert. When your hormones started kicking in they let you do whatever you want. Even giving you some of the people he held hostage as a toy to play with. If you have the capability of getting someone pregnant/or getting pregnant yourself they wouldn’t really care about the baby but you knew them well enough to know they’d use the kid as a way to manipulate you so you were careful in that aspect anyhow.
Harley noticed that when laying with women you’d often call out your sister’s name or call them sis by itself.
Sick. Disgusting. Is what a normal mother would think after finding out such a fact.
But to her you were just growing up so quickly. She had convinced Joker to go ahead and kill your sibling a long time ago behind your back and was growing anxious with the thought of you hating her and ruining this happy family dynamic (she had in her head)!
So she starts bringing you to more heists in disguise. Always keeping a close eye on you so that if any of those stupid heroes and vigilantes get any close, and you too far. She’d know as soon as possible.
It’s safe to say you grew up pretty spoiled, but even then you were hungry for more.
You see, even if they (Harley and Joker) weren’t careful with their “parenting” approach. They were careful with keeping you hidden from the Dark Knight himself.
Not that they were scared you’d get hurt. They could always nurse you back up again. Harley actually enjoyed the times you’d gotten in the cross fire. More time to take care of you in her arms.
They were mostly scared of the Dark Knight stealing you. Afraid that he’ll take you away and turn you into a goody-two-shoes they wouldn’t recognize anymore.
So as much as you were more involved it still felt like they were babying you.
It was your situation with you family all over again
But this time, this time you’ll show them…
You weren’t weak. And it’ll do them good to remember that.
You made your debut at around the time Tim was still Robin.
You were his very own Joker. A menace deal with. A person that only cared for the thrill that came with hurting and killing masses.
You were terrible. Evil. A demon he had to exorcise from this world.
A demon he fell hopelessly in love with.
He didn’t know how his feelings came to be. It may have been the amount of stress and pressure he was facing coupled with having to deal with your ass every damn day whether directly or indirectly. But he found himself yearning to see you at times. Getting warm when he thought of you. He felt solace knowing that no matter how many times he’d attempt to tear you down completely, you’d still come back to face him once again.
He was so guilty of his feelings. How could he fall for someone as heinous as you? You were the worst of the worst. But somehow that made things so much more better.
You were a taboo. A vice he couldn’t have. The thought of entering such a forbidden relationship excited him just cause it was just that — forbidden , a temptation that should always stay like that.
He somehow manages to gain the self control to stay away from you for a while.
But then came Damian and he was set to replaced. Just like that.
“Wow there Timmy Boy. You look like shit.”
“J-Jinx?! Why are you here? How do you know my name?!” He asked as if he didn’t know every single detail about you himself.
“I have to know my little birdie well don’t I?”
“What kind of archnemesis would Jinx be to their little Robin if they didn’t do a lil’ research?” You spoke in a higher, cutesy voice as if you were your handgun that you’ve affectionally named Zapper.
“Right you are Zapper! I would be a terrible rival. That wouldn’t do for a hero as great as Timmy!”
He thought that all his work was all for naught. All the hours he spent trying to prove himself was gone so fast.
But you reminded him of his place in this world. Of his position as a hero. Your rival.
The warmth in your eyes when you looked at him sealed the deal. There was no coming from this. He was yours as you were his.
“Only I can hurt you like this, toots. Don’t forget that.”
Little did you know that Tim took those words to heart and never let anyone else hurt him (and stay alive).
“Big Bat can replace you but you’ll always be the Robin in my heart !” You winked at him, signaling with one of your manicured fingers for him to smile. Which ended up almost scratching your cheeks.
Tim was confused (incredibly flustered, not to mention har—), why were you so kind to him all of a sudden. He knew you were the playful type but you were usually ruthless when it came to battle. You weren’t one to play with food for too long. For you to excuse him, much less help him in such a state.
Who were you and what did you do to his Jinx?
“OW hEy! I swear if you put that there Pow-Pow— I’ll—“ Tim heard you screeching out of view.
Scratch his doubts. Yep, you were definitely still his Jinx.
The Dark Knight knew who you were from the beginning.
He had his suspicions even before you came into the scene. With your knack to tag everything with neon spray-paints.
At first he thought you were a simple thug that Joker and Harley picked up. But the way they were sheltering you made it seem otherwise.
The regret he felt knowing that you were basically a child in their filthy hands and was now far too gone to save was immense.
If only he knew. You wouldn’t be in this situation.
While he was “dead” he found himself looking into you more. About the death of your biological parents and the way your sister abandoned you to Harley and Joker.
He felt pity for your childhood and a sense of kinship. Sure the incident may have been your fault but you were a child. How could you have known your actions would have such terrifying consequences.
If only you knew him when you were younger.
If only.
He was sure you’d be one of the greatest vigilantes alive.
“I knew you were alive.”
You looked down at Batman, staring while both of you were being doused by the rain. Thunder accompanying the sound of conversation.
He takes a defensive stance.
“I’m not going to fight ya, that’s Joker’s thing. And I know he’ll grill my ass if I stole his archnemesis.”
“What a loser!”
“Hey! He took us in. We should be more grateful!”
Bruce looked at you as you talked with a new, rather large, shark shaped gun. He had memorized the names of all your “companions” by now and was oddly excited and slightly unnerved by the new one.
“So, why’d you leave? Was it . . . was it on purpose?”
“Then come back.”
He almost dropped all his plans with the way you told him that.
“Tim needs you . . . and your other sons too or whatever.”
“Come with me.”
“You crazy, old bat? Why would I—“
“I know what it feels like to have no family. Harley doesn’t love you. Joker doesn’t love anyone.”
“Do you?”
“I do.”
“Well tough luck man. I don’t give a shit about love.”
You dropped down to his level. A thud resounds, loud enough to cut through the rainfall and thunder.
“Cause love never gave a shit about me.”
“We’ll have to refuse. Just get back to your sons, hero!”
“I’m sorry, perhaps I didn’t make it clear enough—
— I don’t think you have a choice in this matter, [Y/N].”
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Act 2 with Jason, Dick and Damian coming soon! If you’d like to be tagged just reply to this post ^^
You like my writing? Follow my blog and maybe take a look at the fic linked below!
WHAT’S UP DANGER : Yandere Batfam x Miles Morales! Reader
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sea-salted-wolverine · 7 months
In honor of the moose/Iditarod rule 34 chaos post reaching 1000 notes and then Dallas Seavy winning the Iditarod here are all the unhinged stories and things I know about that race
They changed the rules and schedules so you can't do this anymore, but there was a subset of mushers who would race the Yukon Quest and the Iditarod back to back. That's a 1000-mile race followed by another 1000-mile race through some of the harshest terrain on earth in late winter. And the Yukon quest doesn't even finish where the Iditarod starts. To do this required putting dogs in a plane OR having another team of dogs waiting in anchorage and someone to deal with both teams of dogs.
The first woman to win the Iditarod was Libby Riddles in 1985.
Only to have her finish promptly blown out of the water by Susan Butcher who won the race in 86', 87', 88', and 90' while setting speed records the whole way.
Susan did race in 85' but she ran into a moose early and it killed two of her dogs and hurt the rest so she scratched. Dallas got lucky this year.
She was also the first person to mush a dog team up to the summit of Denali, the tallest mountain in North America. This is not what dog teams are intended to do, I don't know why she even wanted to, other than to prove it was possible. I don't think anyone has since.
The race now requires GPS trackers on all the racers and you would not believe the bitchfit everyone threw over those. Mushers can either hop between checkpoints or camp on the trail and it may surprise you to learn that these are the kind of people who have secret camp spots in the woods that they don't want anyone to know about. So now, everyone has acquiesced to the tracker requirement but you must have an account on the race website if you want to see them.
The race has 2 paths that alternate even and odd years with different checkpoints but every year includes a section of race that crosses the sea ice, approximately 50 miles from Shaktoolik to Koyuk. so forget landmarks. point the sled north and hope you're going the right way.
the race is in honor of the 1925 Serum Run and the diphtheria outbreak, but the trail itself is the old freight route which is almost twice the length. also, it's a freight route for hauling freight which means the the racers are going at more or less lightspeed as compared to the intended use.
the most effective way to avoid frostbite on your face is a fur hood and duct tape on your cheeks and nose. Cold-related injuries are rare but far from unheard of. The average number of toes and fingertips among mushers is lower than that of the general population.
The finish line is a massive burled arch in the middle of main street in Nome. There is not a lot going on in Nome at any given time and this time of year is the exception. Every racer who finishes the race gets the same reception, which is everyone in town crowding into the finish chute to cheer them on and the city fire siren going off. The last racer in gets the Red Lantern Award which means that they finished dead last but didn't scratch.
the 2020 race had started and was fully underway when the pandemic lockdowns came into place. as far as social distancing goes, you really can't do much better than being isolated 100 miles into the middle of frozen nowhere but the checkpoints are itty bitty villages with no medical infrastructure and the finish was reportedly terrifying because instead of a crowd to cheer at the burled arch, it was just the siren going off in a ghost town.
there is no way I can tell this story that doesn't sound like I'm making it up as I go. The sign says no sniveling and they fucking mean it.
no really, click that link. here's the YouTube vid (non-graphic, after-the-fact interviews)
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dopeasspancake · 7 months
Can't stop thinking about the concept of post-Scream (1996) and Billy and Stu's spirits being tied to Sidney for whatever reason. Maybe it's penance. Maybe it's unfinished business. Maybe they never figure it out. But they're just kind of stuck following her.
And maybe it takes her a while to notice. Maybe it takes Billy and Stu a while to become proficient enough at haunting for her to see/hear them and for them to be able to interact with objects or the living. At first they're not even sure they want Sid to know they're there.
But it eventually happens. And NONE of them are thrilled about the situation. For a long while. Maybe Stu finds it kind of funny, but Billy and Sid are PISSED. Billy & Stu aren't always around, though. They sometimes disappear for hours or even days at a time, but they always come back. They have no choice.
They follow Sidney to Windsor College, mock her choice in studies, and cannot stand her boyfriend Derek ("He's so corny it's painful, Sid.") And although Billy & Stu love finding out that they've inspired their own horror movie, they DON'T appreciate the new Ghostface(s) targeting Sidney. Sidney was THEIR final girl and she beat them fair and square. This New Guy should be more original, in their opinion.
When Sidney is distraught over Randy's untimely murder, Billy & Stu are actually a little bummed for her. And him. Stu was even rooting for them a bit. Thought Sid & Randy would have been cute together, but oh well.
And maybe Billy still hates Sidney, but he kind of respects her. He was once genuinely in love with her, before everything. Maybe Stu, who only ever got involved for funsies (and because he'd follow Billy to the ends of the earth) is even a little attached to her. So maybe they do their ghostly best to watch out for her (not that they'd actually tell her this, of course).
And when Billy eventually finds out one of the Ghostface killers was his mom, he spirals a bit (because why does she care NOW but not before he died? What right did she even have to be angry? SHE left HIM). And all Sidney can tell him is "Well, she's dead now."
After Sidney escapes death yet again following the Hollywood murders, she has to deal with several weeks of a falling out between her ghosts. Stu was there, he heard what Roman said about giving Billy pointers. About having a partner he could sell out if need be. And that had hurt more than any knife or smashed TV ever could.
(After a few weeks and with mediation from Sid, Billy finally confesses he never planned to sell Stu out. Only liked the idea of a partner, of not being alone, and Stu was the only person in the world Billy trusted with his life. And who Billy knew was unhinged enough to agree to murder for his friend. Getting this information out of Billy is like pulling teeth because not even death has cured his emotional constipation.)
And this just continues on through the franchise. And despite the fact that Sidney will never forgive Billy & Stu for what they did, she gets used to their presence. Even eventually begins to appreciate them, as fucked up as it is. They become a familiar constant in her life.
When they tease or mock her, Sid's not afraid to remind Stu that she dropped a TV on his face. Or that she put a bullet between Billy's eyes and would gladly do it again. But funny enough, she eventually says these things with very little malice. It's almost like a fun little inside joke. And to be fair, Stu can't think of a more ironic way for him to have died. He gets giggly about it sometimes.
They make fun of Sidney when she starts dating her eventual husband. They make fun of her even harder while she's pregnant because she's often tired, sore, and easily irritated. And while neither Billy nor Stu are big fans of kids, they have to admit Sid and Mark make some pretty cute ones.
Sidney is the one to break the news to Billy, "Congratulations, it's a girl" but 25 years late. She also has to break the news that his daughter is the latest target. And that Stu's nephew was already a victim. Both ghosts are left reeling over this information. Stu is weirdly disappointed to find out Billy cheated on Sid.
("Really, Billy? Didn't you plan an entire murder all because your dad cheated on your mom? And then you had the nerve...?!"
"Stu, while I appreciate you coming to my defense, I find it... fascinating that you're fine with murder but infidelity is where you draw the morality line."
"It's the hypocrisy, Sid! And you didn't deserve that."
"You literally both tried to murder me."
"... not the point, Sid."
If Billy wasn't so flabbergasted at the time, he might have felt more ashamed and embarrassed.)
When Sidney realizes what house Sam is at, Billy & Stu stay with her as she rushes headfirst into danger. All 3 of them are a little sick at setting foot back in that house. Billy & Stu are downright disgusted when they realize the killers are once again The Boyfriend and The Friend. ("Have some fucking originality, I am begging these kids.")
Billy later ends up genuinely thanking Sidney for helping save his daughter. They laugh over the irony of it all. Stu thinks about how Sam reminds him a lot of Sid, weirdly enough. But also of Billy, in some ways. He doesn't say these things out loud. But he does feel oddly protective of the young woman.
And I honestly have no idea how or when to end this concept, it could theoretically go on for decades... but I'm def obsessed with the idea obviously. So, if you actually read through all this (thank you and) feel free to expand upon the idea.
Maybe one day I'll get my shit together and write it out in detail myself. But probably not. BUT MAYBE.
UPDATE: after tons of positive feedback and although I am absolutely shitting myself with nerves, I have officially posted the first chapter of The Ghosts of Our Past for anyone interested.
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More Nimona headcanons because these dorks have taken over my brain
I feel like Nimona tried really hard to hate Ambrosius
The first month they knew each other Nimona tried so hard to antagonize him and poke fun at him and remind him of the shit he’s done wrong 
But it’s kind of hard to hate someone who’s slow to anger and quick to forgive 
Reminding someone of their past mistakes with the intent to hurt them kind of stops being fun when the person is constantly aware of their mistakes 
And owns up to them without making excuses and is constantly trying to undo the damage their mistakes caused  
After a while, he grows on her and she starts to trust him and in return he trusts her
This one is based heavily on me and my best friends 
Nimona and Ambrosius will talk shit loudly in public 
They won’t use code names and if they don’t know the person they’ll start describing them like “Did you see that dude in the yellow shirt? He just pushed that kid out of line what a dick!”
They won't check to see if the person is out of earshot either they simply don't give a fuck
And this gives Bal so much fucking anxiety enough that he starts pleading with them to stop
You hear them going off about something and Bal saying “Ambrosius love hun sunshine I’m begging you to keep your voice down” 
“Nim Nimona starlight hi I would like to remind you that they’re still behind us and I don’t want to explain to Ambrosius why you’ve gotten into another fight this week so please stop” 
To which Nimona responds with “Tell him he’ll probably laugh”
Whenever Nimona and Ambrosius want to rant they rant to each other 
Because Bal is the type of person to give advice in the middle of a rant 
Talking some “If you explain this to them in a calm and compassionate manner I’m sure they’ll stop”
And while that's excellent advice sometimes you just want to scream your most unhinged thoughts at someone 
And they never judge each other either 
Nimona can look Ambrosius dead in the eyes and go “Have you ever gotten so angry during an argument that you’ve considered lighting their car on fire?” 
And Ambrosius won't even think about it he’ll respond immediately with a “Who hasn't?” while Bal slowly backs out of the room and silently vows to hide his car the next time they fight 
Whenever Ambrosius comes home from a stressful day at work he just walks into the house and lets out the most dramatic drawn out sigh 
And whenever Nimona hears that noise they’ll run to the living room and sit on the couch patiently waiting for their daily rant session 
Whenever Nimona gets home and wants to rant he’ll walk around until he finds Ambrosius
And if he can't find him he’ll sit by Bal and stew in his anger while he waits for him to come home 
He can't even take one step through the door without Nimona saying something like “How dare you make me wait” 
And Ambrosius will always respond with something like “Oh I’m so sorry firecracker it’ll never happen again”
And encourage them to tell him the information they’ve been patiently waiting to spill
Bal doesn’t rant unless he’s literally at the end of his rope
Like you have to royally screw him over for him to go home and rant to his family 
When he finally rants to them they don’t make a big deal out of it 
But they do however try their best to take care of him without raising his suspicions 
Nimona will conveniently make Bal’s favorite dinner 
Ambrosius will just so happen to pick up his favorite dessert on his way home (cause they both know the signs of a Bal rant and they plan accordingly) 
They listen to his rant and let him eat his favorite food in peace while they play his favorite movies 
You know real wholesome shit 
All the while they’re coming up with plans in their head to destroy this person's life
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lilacxquartz · 4 months
Those Late Summer Nights | Chapter 12
Satoru Gojo × Fem!Reader × Suguru Geto
ABOUT: You moved to Tokyo over the summer to take a teaching job. As you get settled in, you find yourself entangled in a toxic dynamic.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Alone with someone you should be able to trust. you quickly learn just how cruel the world can be.
TRIGGER WARNING: Non-con, dark content—this one is heavy, be warned.
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12. Poison
You tried to face the next day as normally as you could, but you still felt pretty shaken up even if it was nothing too serious that came out of it.
While your injuries were thankfully minimal and were already starting to heal, just for your own comfort alone, Shoko decided to spruce you back into shape anyway using her technique.
“You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” she asked you, trying to make your business her business. Something was up, she could feel it.
“Yes,” you lied, knowing you couldn’t do so right now at least. Your mind felt numb and too much was happening all at once for you to properly do anything right now.
“If it’s someone we both know, you know that I’d be on your side, right?” she promised.
You didn’t reply and she didn’t press you further, understanding that this was something beyond your own control.
She however tried to help keep things feeling normal between the two of you. The conversation topics were tame and you mostly talked about what you both did yesterday, trying to keep things relaxed.
Suguru was over pretty early on, his mind wasn’t in the right place at all. He texted you a while ago in the earlier morning, telling you that he would collect you soon but you hadn’t even looked at your phone yet, hoping to avoid everything else instead.
You reluctantly tagged along when he did arrive though, even if you did want to stay behind for longer. You wanted to stay behind with Shoko and just spend the day quietly with her and yet you didn’t protest when Suguru whisked you away. Your mind was also in strange places too, especially around him; were you involved with him or not? He wasn’t being too clear. You did things, but was that it?
You didn’t really understand what your relationship with him was but it did feel like he was trying to involve you with him, even if you didn’t have a say in it.
The walk happened in silence up to his apartment and he dragged you with some roughness through the crowded street, almost seeming impatient and in a hurry to get back. He only lived about half an hour away from you but the walk felt pointlessly long and tedious and also grating all at the same time, especially in such silence.
Once you had both arrived, he sat you down on the bed and just stared at you for what seemed to be the longest time. There was something a little unhinged in his glare as he looked at you and it made you feel a little uncomfortable.
He tried to talk himself down yet again as he had been trying to do so all night as he laid awake. His eyes looked so tired; dark circles desaturating his eyes with dusty blue hues.
There was something poisonous about you and it ate away at him like a disease, thinking that even just by being around you was probably a mistake, but he didn’t care anymore; he was too far gone.
Suguru momentarily stood up to close the door to the bedroom and clenched his fists as he tried again for the final time to talk himself out of what he desperately wanted to do.
However, his jealousy was beyond its peak and had since then turned into something ugly.
“Do you trust me, [name]?” he asked you as his dark eyes glared right at you.
To you, this felt like a loaded question and you weren’t quite sure right at this very moment. In truth, you were feeling burnt out as of late because you wanted to trust your friends, but your friends also kept hurting you.
“Yes,” you partially lied. You wanted to say no, but you were alone in a place where you shouldn’t be.
Why… did you let him take you back here? You didn’t understand why you followed. You didn’t understand why you didn’t tell Shoko that Suguru hurt you first.
He nodded and parted his lips again, “And do you believe me when I say that I want what’s best for you?”
You paused once again. Oh how desperately you wanted to say no because to you it felt like he wanted to take advantage of you in vulnerable state because there was something about it that excited him.
But you couldn’t.
“I suppose,” you replied once again with another lie. You supposed that you weren’t really sure? You wanted to trust him, but he already talked you into something you didn’t quite fully understand at the time and you were still confused.
“So, what happened last night then?”
“I told you.”
“No, actually, you never did,” he shook his head as he replied, trying to still keep it all together, “see, me and Shoko went based off of assumptions but you never mentioned anything else.”
“I, uh, got jumped… and then… pushed against a wall,” you sighed, you didn’t lie about that part and you were fairly certain that you told him that much already.
Suguru paused, having an idea. Such a bad idea, such a horrible thing to have in mind—but he couldn’t stop himself. Taking your hand into his own, he led you to a nearby wall within his bedroom and pushed you flat on your back against it.
“Like this?” he asked.
Your breath locked; you didn’t like where this was going at all.
Why was he trying to act this out with you?
“N-no, my back was facing the person, it was my chest that was up against the wall,” you hesitated as you replied, unsure why you were indulging in this.
Did you want him to hurt you?
You didn’t.
So why weren’t you telling him to stop what he was doing?
Nothing made sense anymore.
He promptly flipped you over, pushing you face-side against the wall, making sure to push his body right up against yours.
You shuddered at how familiar it felt.
“The bruises…” he commented, remembering a detail from Shoko’s examination. “He felt you up, didn’t he?”
Did you even dare reply?
“Suguru…” you tried to snap him out of this, but he wasn’t willing to listen.
“Did he or didn’t he?” he repeated.
You nodded warily instead, already dreading the worst.
“Hmm,” he hummed to himself, staring at you intently as he pushed himself even closer; his hand moved up your top and slid underneath your bra, his hand groping against your flesh, fingernails almost digging crescents into your skin.
Before you had a chance to freak out, he spoke up again, keeping the distance on you as close as possible—his breath rippling down your neck.
“How’d your face get injured before?” he asked as his fingertips traced along your jawline. He noticed that you barely had anything leftover, which must have been Shoko’s doing.
“I… they… slammed against the wall and my face took a hit,” you reluctantly shared even if he didn’t seem to be heading down that route.
He took a step back and imagined what it would be like on a free space, charading his actions on the vacant wall. He imagined that the attacker’s knuckles or hands would be grazed from doing so.
“I’m not gonna lie,” he spoke up after another painful moment of silence, “this is fucking me up more than it should.”
You didn’t reply as you turned around again. He seemed to let you.
“Did they do anything to you? Please be honest.”
“They didn’t get that far,” you mumbled.
“But they were about to, right?” he furrowed his brows as he considered the idea.
“I’m not sure…?” you hesitated to reply once again. “They seemed like they were about to, but something stopped them. I’m not sure what, though.”
Suguru quietly nodded as he understood this. He mostly just didn’t like that he was finally getting so close to you but someone else almost got even closer. The fact that this person touched you in places that he hadn’t gotten to first was extremely upsetting to him. The fact that this person could have gotten further before him was sending his mind into terrible places that he could just barely get himself out of.
It was a bitter realisation but he ultimately decided that he needed to get a lot worse before he could get better; something extreme to help him finally calm down. This meant doing something he was going to regret though, something that was going to make you resent him—maybe even hate him—but he was going to make it up to you after it was all out of his system.
It hurt him in his own way. He didn’t want you to despise him yet he couldn’t keep himself under control.
Was he going insane? He wasn’t even sure; he didn’t really know the answer to anything currently and he hated where this was going, but he couldn’t talk himself out of it anymore.
“So, you’re probably going to hate me for what I’m about to do,” he spoke, trying to talk himself down but it wasn’t going in that direction at all, “I’m sorry.”
Something about his words felt sharp as if you could feel a cut forming from his intentions alone. You understood it somehow.
“W-what…?” you asked as you felt your heart drop to your stomach. It was becoming abundantly clear what he was about to do, especially as he led back you onto his bed.
“I just—I just don’t want anyone else to ever touch you again,” he began as he moved his legs parallel to side over yours, his body closing in overhead as he knelt onto the bed, “I don’t want anyone to look at you either.”
“What are you going to do?” you asked almost blankly as if anticipating it already, hoping that asking him would snap him out of it.
“You probably have no idea how much I really like you, huh?” he asked, scoffing a little as he spoke, his gaze darkening.
Your tone turned wary again, “Hopefully enough not to do something horrible?”
“I know, I know, I really shouldn’t do this, but,” Suguru spoke, trying to stop himself a final time but failing to do so, “but I need you all to myself in a way that others can’t have.”
Without warning, he then pushed you down against your back, watching you fall beneath him onto the mattress.
You gulped down your fear, still thinking that maybe he was actually pulling your leg and that it was all just a sick joke, but he just kept going and the punchline never came.
“So, here’s what I’m gonna do, [name],” he whispered as he kept you pinned underneath his chest, “I’m going to make sure none of that can ever happen again because I’m going to make sure that you understand that there can never be anybody else ever again.”
His hand crept into your top again, pulling it up as he kept your breasts now exposed. He then moved his other hand into your inner thighs, searching for your underwear just below your skirt, slipping off the pair as he kept the skirt on.
“I’m going to be the only one for you and I’m happy to repeat this again and again, until you finally get it,” he added, his tongue pushing into your protesting lips, tasting you as your hands were now trying to desperately push him away but he wasn’t letting you, forcefully interlocking his fingers with yours, “until you give in, until you-“
“—Suguru, ple-“ you tried to protest as you tore away from his kiss, but you were quickly interrupted as he had no intention of stopping.
“—Keep saying my name,” he whispered as he led the conversation elsewhere, “keep saying it and don’t you dare think about anything else, about anybody else.”
“Stop,” you tried to say instead.
“I can’t,” he simply denied his lips trailing off to your neck now as his hands explored your thighs, he loved your thighs, enjoying the way that they filled out in his hand, squeezing your skin like he owned you.
He had a glazed, almost feral look in his eyes as he slowly undressed, pulling down his sweatpants as well as boxers in tow to reveal his throbbing erection. His dominant hand momentarily retreated as he lazily stoked himself, his teeth tugging against his bottom lip.
“Face it, you’re mine now, [name],” he said flatly in a dead tone, “I knew it from the very moment that I saw you, that you weren’t going to be good for me, that I wouldn’t be able to stay away.”
“—Save your breath, say it when you mean it,” he said, silencing you, “say it only when you mean it.”
“My pretty little poison,” he whispered over you, “so bad for me, you’re so bad for me.”
He continued as he parted your legs with some force, taking a focused look at your pretty pussy as he leaned back a little, now proceeding to guide himself in against your entrance. The way your warm lips accepted him as he pushed inside felt intoxicating to him, filling you out as much as you could take him.
You tried to fight him off as he did so; your hands pushing against his solid physique that barely budged at all. You felt a wave of nausea sweep over you as you barely processed exactly what was happening.
Suguru initially eased into you slowly; his cock pushing deep within you to get a feel for you, enjoying what was your reluctant tightness as his hands couldn’t help but wander.
He was going to touch you wherever he possibly could, not allowing anyone else to have that first opportunity.
You were his.
“S-Suguru-“ you tried to protest again but he didn’t reply.
He looked down at you as you begged for him to stop, his expression not seeming as flat as it was before with a faint smile curling on his lips. He felt strange about this too, knowing fully well that this whole thing was extremely wrong; that what he was doing was a crime, that it was hurtful, that you didn’t deserve this—but his mind wasn’t well right now and he needed to get it all out of his system.
He needed a cure for his own sickness, an antidote to finally free him from it all.
So as the poison festered within his bloodstream, he simply enjoyed hearing the way you would say his name, wanting to hear you say it again and again.
As such, he increased the pressure on you, his pace becoming a touch more forceful as he made sure to slam his hips right against your own.
He wanted to make you feel him.
He wanted for you to hurt but only as long as he was the one inflicting it and nobody else.
“Say my name again,” Suguru now demanded, feeling himself lose his way as your pained moaning became higher pitched, sounding piercingly loud in the otherwise quiet room.
You surrendered to his demands, unsure of how to feel as he found pleasure in your misery.
“Suguru, I-“ you panted out, feeling yourself becoming breathless.
He sped up his pace once more in response, bucking his hips at a feverish speed, his cock filling you perfectly out—feeling the encouragement as he heard you gasp out his name. His movement felt borderline unbearable as you struggled to take him; his own sounds beginning to sound almost primal as he got closer to his strained end.
The sensation of your own body rubbing relentlessly against his, the sniffle of your cries, the smell of mixed sweat on your skin, the taste of your lips—it was almost becoming unbearable as it all overwhelmed him (and you) to the point of no return, he had quite literally never felt like this at any point in his life before.
This wasn’t the consequence of getting with someone unwilling, nor was it because he finally got what he wanted out of you; this was an emotion that he could only hope to begin to understand.
“—Su-gu-ru—“ you continued to gasp as your breathing fluttered, sounding almost constricted.
His body enveloped yours as you felt a combined presence of heat and sweat mutually collide with his body; you felt as he pounded into your core with the entirety of his length; the very edge of him pushing against you so deep that you felt genuine and utter pain as he slammed his meat inside.
To some guilty feeling, you almost didn’t want him to stop but you felt disgusted with yourself when you made that connection.
It wasn’t something you could justify at all.
Was it confusion? Was it lust? You couldn’t possibly like him… and yet—?
You did?
The realisation was nauseating.
You liked him when he was good to you, but he was being so bad to you; he wanted to hurt you, but he didn’t want you to be hurt by anyone else, you wanted this, you didn’t want this—but—!
Were you messed up for thinking this way?
“You look so pretty when I fuck you,” he whispered as his hands worshipped your body despite invading it at the same time, his palms brushing against your skin as he lightly grabbed you along the way, “please, don’t ever look at someone else the same way that I look at you.”
“I-I-“ you tried to say something back, unsure as to what exactly. Your face felt raw as the tears finally surfaced, a strange surge of both clarity and confusion conflicting with one another at the back of your mind.
“—I don’t want you to feel hurt from anyone, from anything else,” he continued to whisper, his breath heavy against your face, “I want to be the only one who can do that to you,” he told you as he kissed your forehead, “the only one who can take that pain away all at the same time.”
He then pulled back for a moment.
“Do you understand me?” he asked.
You nodded, unsure how else to reply.
“Use your words,” he pleaded, almost.
You gulped.
“I understand,” you barely whispered, your voice practically gone from your body along with any shred of hope you had left for yourself.
He stayed quiet as he parsed your words, seeming to be satisfied after a brief moment had passed. He slowly pulled back just a little bit, gently turning your hips and your shoulders over to your stomach, pulling you closer to him and moving himself back into you from behind.
Such a position now allowed for him to access you deeper than before, his cock now hitting places that were now even more hurtful than before due to the initial soreness he had caused and with such unforgiving pace.
The room was silent except for the sound of raw skin smacking continuously, your thighs feeling red and sore from just the amount of time he spent holding onto you. His fingers dug slowly into the softness of your ass as he held on, making his claim on your body as intense and as memorable as possible.
He slowly lowered you down so that your stomach positioned itself flat against the bed as his chest now pressed against your back, feeling himself almost tremble from what felt like a violent urge to empty himself within you.
“Say my name again.”
That was all that he needed; clear and utter obedience from you now that you were broken down and finally his.
With one final thrust, he sighed a low and heavy grunted groan as his body at last had melted against your own. He twitched as he came inside of you, riding out the last of his climax for as long as he could. You felt as he pulled out; a hot and sticky mess, coating your thighs as he finally left your body.
The feeling was sickening.
Yet you felt numb.
He moved you back so that you were facing him, his face pressing right against yours in spite of how drenched you now both were.
“[name], you gotta promise me,” he whispered once more, trying to keep himself sweet just for you even though he just did something so very terrible to you, “you can’t let this happen to you again if it’s not with me.”
You couldn’t reply as his words continued to jolt you, your mind feeling jarred as it only just caught up to what had exactly happened. He was being so confusing, even now, as he plucked the stray strands of your hair from your flushed face just to get a better look at you.
He felt guilty, terribly so, but it was only ever going to get worse the longer that he put it off.
It was never supposed to go this far, but it did anyway.
Finally though, he had an idea of how to make it up to you.
“Hey. Uh, look, I…I’m going to teach you how to hurt people back,” he spoke after a while, a new thought forming in his mind as something within his head finally clicked.
You looked at him with some confusion but didn’t reply. Your eyes were questioning enough though, so he spoke up again, “I’ll give you some time to recover so it’ll be in a couple of days, but I’m going to make it all up to you.”
“H-how?” you finally asked.
He brought your head forward again, kissing your forehead just once more as he held onto your face.
“I’ll help you become strong so that you can defend yourself against people like me,” he said as he paused again as he started to finally give into his suspicions, “against people like…”
(People like Satoru…?)
It was obvious from the moment he made the connection, even if he didn’t want to realise it—it was genuinely so fucking clear that it was almost insulting.
“Hey?” he asked, trying to hold onto your attention for a little longer.
“Y-yeah?” you replied, not feeling as though you had much choice anymore. You were starting to feel as though there was something wrong with you for how you were reacting currently, you should have been much more upset but it didn’t feel like anything mattered anymore.
“You still trust me, right?” he asked you.
You couldn’t reply right away, your gut instinct pointing you towards a definite no even as your heart said otherwise.
“I guess you don’t,” he scoffed lightly, but not quite seeming entirely offended. “I wouldn’t trust me right now either, but allow me at least to rephrase my question. You ready?”
You warily nodded.
“…Do you trust me to keep you safe from everything else?”
There was that confusing feeling again.
“Yes,” you replied, feeling the disgust settle in your body.
“Good,” he finally relaxed as he finally relaxed, getting up from the bed.
Suguru walked then over to the en-suite nearby to get himself cleaned up but then he paused in his tracks.
Taking one last look at you, he decided on something important, “I’ll make sure to fulfil that promise from now on.”
(End note: Satoru is making an appearance in a couple of chapters, fret not, I’m setting him up for… something.)
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bots-and-cons · 2 months
Request open! So how about Autobots of your choice Reaction to a Autobot cybertronian reader who looks like a decepticon? Just straight up tall, adorned with dark colors and frame a little bit to spiky. And just a plus if bot reader has a joker type personality, especially in battle.
A/N: I feel like I might have written something like this before, but I’m not sure so I’m gonna write this anyway. I just did some of the bots together, since I felt like I couldn’t come up with enough for each of them separately. I didn’t particularly go for the whole Joker thing, but the reader is still kinda chaotic
•When you kicked the door off the escape pod and hopped out, the autobots were understandably a little bit surprised
•They thought you were a con for sure, but then Optimus noticed your autobot insignia, and they lowered their blasters just a little bit
•Arcee actually recognized you, since you had been stationed in the same place for a while, so even though she doesn’t exactly like you, she knows you’re not a con
•You’re a new acquaintance to everyone else though, so trust obviously needs to be earned
•Arcee never really liked you, and she thinks you’re kind of unhinged sometimes, but she also knows you’re a very good fighter
•Bee and Smokescreen are probably the ones least bothered by your appearance, probably because they’re the youngest and don’t have such a stereotypical image in their mind of what a decepticon looks like
•You’ve heard it all your life, how your frame is too big, spiky and an odd color, and while decepticons and autobots come in all shapes and sizes, many of your fellow autobots think you look very decepticon-like
•Especially all the new recruits back on Cybertron were like “What the slag is a con doing here?”
•You’re used to it, and way past caring about it though
•Bulkhead and Wheeljack were kinda weird about your appearance, and when they first saw you fight, they also agreed with Arcee that you’re pretty unhinged and chaotic
•You’re reckless and take a lot of risks while fighting, but you’re confident in your ability, and it usually ends up at least okay for you
•Also you don’t particularly care if it doesn’t end that well for someone else, so the team also sometimes has to dodge your grenades and such
•Which is of course why you keep getting lectures from Optimus and Ratchet, even though you’ve never actually gotten anyone on the team seriously hurt
•Optimus and Ratchet have the longest history with the decepticons in general, being the oldest of the team and because of the relationship Optimus had with Megatron
•So they’ve seen a lot of cons and wannabe cons who’ve modified their frames to look scarier and spikier and stuff like that
•Though you never modified yourself too heavily, you also figured that kinda leaning into the whole “decepticon-like” thing could be an advantage
•Anyway, Ratchet especially isn’t very aware of his prejudices, and he does treat you differently than the others
•Your unhinged behavior is of course also contributing to this, but so is your appearance
•You look (and kinda act) similar to the people he’s been fighting his whole life, but it doesn’t excuse his treatment of you
•You don’t particularly care, because you’re used to it, but when Optimus notices how Ratchet treats you, he mentions it to Ratchet
•Arcee doesn’t think you’re a bad person, she just thinks you’re a bit dangerous because of your recklessness and she keeps an eye on you a lot of the time and especially while fighting
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