#this was supposed to be in my school newspaper but it wasn’t greenlighted because of
missgwen · 2 years
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tutorial : how to summon a demon!
This sucks.
Those two words have been drifting around her mind for the last three hours since the blackout. Yes, the electricity really said “I’m out, I’ll return when I feel like it. Most likely when you’re asleep and have already experienced the seven stages of grief.”.
So yes, this sucks.
This typhoon is getting on her nerves. Afterall, it was the reason why she’s now lying spread-eagled on the cold leather couch, with nothing but the sound of the rain-fall and the dancing shadows—caused by the oil lamp—for entertainment. Oh, and the cat sitting next to her, looking as judgmental as usual.
Now, the atmosphere wasn’t scary, in-fact, she’s loving the vibe. The silence, the chilly air, the flame from the lamp bright and burning a pretty shade of orange casting a similar hue to the walls and ceiling. It was nice, very... Halloween-y.
With a sigh, she stood, migrating to the armchair near the lamp so she could curl up and gaze at the burning wick and try to summon a demon or two.
Just kidding, of course she wouldn’t do tha—
“—Come forth, Belial.” she blurted out, shocking even herself, clapping a hand over her mouth, eyes widened at the impulse decision. A stupid impulse decision. But hey, it’s not like she’s a demon whisperer, of course nothing will happen.
She relaxed, hands carding through her hair, looking around, not nervous. Not scared.
As her hand fell back down to what was supposed to be the leather of the armchair, something felt furry and warm, making her heart-beat accelerate. Her head snapped to the direction of the fur-source so fast that she was surprised her neck didn’t snap.
Only to see the cat.
Oh, that cat. She would wring its neck if it wasn’t socially unacceptable.
“I thought you were the demon I summoned,” she said, as if the cat could understand, “But you’re too cute to be a demon aren’t you?” She smiled, anger forgotten as she pet the annoyed looking feline.
“Yes, thanks, but I already knew that.”
“Oh you shouldn’t be too cocky—” she felt as if her heart jumped to her throat, hands knocked away by the now hissing cat who was looking at something behind her, or rather someone.
What. The. Heck.
As she turned around, she was met by a man with a lazy grin leaning against her window sill, his dark feathery hair ruffled fashionably with an I-just-woke-up-and-I-look-this-good style, staring at her with his eyes shining golden, filled with mischief.
Abruptly, she stood up, the cat now gone. Probably escaped to her parent’s room.
She was about to scream for help, but she found that she couldn’t, and she felt her body moving on its own, sitting back down.
“Calm down,” the man spoke, his voice sounding naturally playful, unnerving, like she’d do whatever he says, “You should have seen your face,” he snorted, his handsome face contorting with amusement.
“It was hilarious, really.”
She had to resist the urge to nod, to laugh with him. Definitely a silver-tongue, definitely not human.
“Who the hell are you?” She didn’t mean to sound so weak.
“Hm?” The man looked way too confused for someone who just showed up out of thin air.
“Who are you? What do you want?” She rambled, the situation sinking in, sending her in a panic.
This man showed up out of nowhere, now making himself comfortable on the armchair next to hers so casually as if he was supposed to be there.
“Whoa, calm down,” He said, his sinister grin returning.
“I know you called for my friend Belial, but he’s busy,” he crossed his legs, arms moving to lean against the backrest.
She felt like passing out.
“So he asked me to substitute. I’m Loki, God of Mischief, nice to meet you!”
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