#this was supposed to be a gift from me for the guardian anniversary six months ago but i totally forgot to post it D:
mintywolf · 2 years
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❀ Yuna Paper Doll ❀
With some favorite outfits from @guardian-comic. :)
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Things I Forgot I Wrote But Found In My Files While Looking For Something Else:
This samstevebucky OT3 Urban Fantasy au that @lavenders-bi asked for during, what I’m guessing, was a prompt meme thing:
The 107th Precinct usually got its fair share of odd calls during the first truly hot nights of the year—something about summer in the city making magic go fucking haywire—but this was getting ridiculous.
"All I wanted was a nice night out with my vowed-partners," Bucky Barnes said as he pulled off his jacket and threw it in the back of Jim Morita’s squad car. “There was going to be cake, damn it. It’s supposed to be my night off.”  He waved to Sam and Steve from the street and tried not to count just how many date nights had been interrupted by his job.
 “Gabe’s grandkid is in a school play so he’s unreachable. Monty had to use the Middle Way to pop back to England for some family curse business. Jacques is upstate translating for a loup-garrou, and you’re the one who forbade me and Dugan from working together. It’s on you, oh illustrious leader,” Morita said.
  Bucky knew he shouldn’t have taken that promotion. Pros outweighing the cons bullshit. He was burning the list the next time Sam suggested one. He spared one last look to the restaurant before slipping into the passenger seat.
  <i>Be careful</i>, Steve sent down their communication link.
  <i>Or I’ll tell Natasha to kick your ass and stand back and laugh</i>, Sam added.
  <i>Love you too</i>, Bucky sent before muting the link. He worked better in the field when it was just a background hum.
  "Just one goddamned night of peace, quiet, and decent food," he said as he pressed his metal fist into the dashboard. "But do I get that? Biggest fucking nope ever. I’ve now got to politely encourage a friggin’ swamp monster away from a fire hydrant before the sprites descend like a swarm of mosquitoes to devour it and the power lines for half the city."
  "You seem a little wound-up there, Barnes," Morita said. “Let me cool you down.” He sent a quick shot of ice-cold flame at Bucky’s exposed arms.
  Bucky gave him the finger, ignoring the fact that it just made Morita laugh harder.
  "It’s not like Sam or Steve are going to leave you for missing another dinner,” he said. “Steve’s known how you operate for the better part of a century now, and Wilson’s caught on quicker than anyone else I’ve seen. If they wanted someone with decent hours, they should’ve dated a banker. It’s what they get for being stupid enough to vow themselves to you. I was pushing for Gabe to complete their triumvirate."
  "You’re getting close to being kicked off the Christmas Card list, buddy, and you know how much Steve’s artwork goes for.” He gave the siren on the dash a quick electric jumpstart. “Drive, Morita. We got to pick up the rookies before Cthulhu comes looking for one of its babies.”
  "Didn’t the messenger update you? Swamp monster slid back down the sewer grate towards home," Morita said.
  Bucky rolled his eyes. “Fuck. What’s really wrong then?”
  Morita howled.
  Fucking wolves. Bucky clenched his metal fist. It’s not like he’d already given an actual limb to this job or anything because of the fucking wolves. He hated wolves.
  “I’ll promise not to let you lose the other arm this time,” Morita teased.
  “Just drive,” Bucky ordered.
  "Really?" Kate Bishop asked as she sorted through her quiver of enchanted arrows. "You could’ve told me I needed the Deterrent Spell arrows before we got out here, Barnes."
  "I’m sorry, I thought your mentor would’ve told you to be prepared for everything," Bucky said as he ducked behind a dumpster. The only good thing about urban warfare was the hiding places.
  "He’s obsessed with Boomerang Spells," Kate said.
  "What?" Bucky asked. He laid his flesh hand on the ground and pulled from the electricity running through the streets below. He sent it out towards the crowd as a warning shot. Fucking bystanders were still trying to get too damn close to wolf fight. He knew technically a Conduit such as himself wasn’t supposed to aim for the non-magical human targets, but fuck ‘em all if they weren’t smart enough to run in the other goddamned direction.
  "Boomerang," Kate said. She hopped up on the dumpster and prepared to take shot.
  “Is that a boomerang one?” he asked.
  “Nope,” Kate said.
  "Then what are you throwing at ‘em?" he asked.
  "I call this one <i>Sleepytime Tea</i>," she said.
  “Hold,” a familiar voice yelled at them.
  Bucky turned to find his other lost little rookie running up to them.
  "I thought we only had winter wolves here," Eli Bradley said as he slid to a stop beside them. He had his grandfather’s shield strapped to his back. It was probably the most powerful weapon among the three of them due to its age and legacy.
  Bucky was only a little jealous he still had to make do with borrowed shield spells and he was a fucking sergeant.
  "You’re late," Bucky said.
  Eli shrugged. “You were the one who told me take those nighttime classes. There was traffic, Sarge. Some pegasus decided the freeway was a good place to take a nap. Agent Carter gave me a note if you want to see it.”
  Bucky waved him off. He’d let it go. <i>This time</i>.
  "So what’s going on?" Eli asked.
  "Turf war," Kate guessed. She took a breath and let loose her arrows. They hit their targets and both wolves went down without any more of a fight.
  "Huh, well how about that," Eli said. “Didn’t even need me here.”
  Bucky held up his hand. “If either one of you make a comment on how not difficult that was, I will send you both to the Itemization Squad for a month.”
  He liked to think their salutes were genuine and not the least bit sarcastic, but he’d trained them both so he knew better.
  Six in the morning was the time for waking up, not coming home after a supposed night off, and Bucky Barnes was monumentally pissed off. Not quite as bad as I-Lost-My-Arm-For-Your-Cause-And-All-I-Got-Was-An-Enchanted-Metal-Limb pissed off, but pretty damn frustrated.
  He smelled like shit. Actual shit. Northeastern Troll excrement to be exact for the discerning. He just <i>had</i> to help a group of fauns cross the one bridge left in the area that still had a troll under it. That was at midnight. After a small battle requiring Eli’s shield, Kate, her personal mentor Clint, and both of their Boomerang Arrows, and Morita’s ability to make the earth actually move, he was finally home. Still ready to slam an inanimate object down to the lowest depths of hell via an electrical charge, but home at least and at last.
  He was supposed to have the more settled life now. That’s <i>why</i> he took the promotion and the leadership position. The most dangerous thing that he was supposed to battle these days was paperwork. He’d taken all those steps for the quiet life: house in the ‘burbs, officially a year-and-a-day’ed signed-sealed-and-delivered to a schoolteacher (who was really a retired Winged Guardian, but Sam liked to keep that knowledge quiet. Never knew when he’d need to fly again and surprise was the most important part to those with hidden wings) and an artist (who was actually a wizard, but Steve liked to keep that quiet because there were only so many times someone could ask him for a love potion before he’d lose his temper and get into the sort of epic ranting that actually turned molehills into mountains. He was so much happier making his weird-ass wizard dreams into artwork). He had a flock of birds (Sam’s), a dog (Steve’s), a mortgage, and a car payment. He should not have to stand outside at six in the morning and hose himself down after stripping and setting his own trash can on fire because there was no saving his clothes.
  And those where his <i>nice</i> slacks too. They were the expensive khakis Mrs. Rogers bought him for his birthday. They were as classy as Bucky got outside of uniform, and he loved those fucking things. The last time he wore those were for their anniversary dinner, and he quite liked just what wearing those pants had gotten him.
  "Wow. You actually smell like shit," Sam said from the garage. He was dressed for work and Bucky wanted to maybe cry because he’d missed his chance already to mess up that pressed shirt and tie. He loved when his guys were halfway between professional-looking and artfully rumpled courtesy of Bucky’s ministrations.
  The day officially sucked and he hadn’t even slept yet.
  "Please tell me there’s coffee," he said as he turned the hose off himself and on to the small fire.
  "There is, but I don’t know if Steve’s going to let you near his precious coffee pot when you smell like actual shit. Jesus fuck, Bucky, what happened last night?"
  "Everything," Bucky said. He was not pouting because he did <i>not</i> pout, even when Sam damn near ran past him.
  "Weakling!" Bucky yelled at him.
  Sam blew him a kiss from his car before backing out of the driveway.
  A century ago Bucky fell in love with little Steve Rogers because he was noble and fearless and selfless. They’d had a lot of asshole instructors at their training school, many who only thought strength meant brawn and not spirit; that somehow innate power could be measured by height and muscles and not be sheer potential. They were the type of teachers who had should have never been allowed to help form the minds or opinions of the young, poor, and vulnerable. The kids who attended the school went there because they had no choice; they either lacked parents, guardians, mentors, sponsors, or their families were too poor to afford anything else.
   Bucky and Steve fell in that last group. Steve’s mother refused to charge for her healing spells outside of her official hospital job, refusing to make their family rich off the suffering of people who couldn’t afford traditional medical care. She’d instilled her son with that same set of values and a backbone of steel, even if no one really knew just how gifted Steve was back then.
  Bucky went to the institute because he was he eldest and figured his younger siblings deserved better. They all showed signs of telekinesis and manipulating matter. Bucky just knew how to talk himself into and out of everything. Sure, he had started a few accidental fires with his mind, but that was country wizarding stuff. Everyone could basically do that. The institute seemed a good place to hone his less than honorable skills though. He had dirt gathered on all the instructors just in case. He learned to walk in the paths of the shadows, and didn’t realize until years later that sometimes the shadows were following <i>him</i>.
  Back then though, he was just a smart kid with a smarter mouth and little patience for authoritative bullshit who fell in love when he saw a scrawny twelve-year-old throw himself in front of an instructor’s punishment spell to protect an even younger kid. The kid’s only crime was not performing in a way the instructor wanted, but fucking seriously that’s what you got when you tried to make someone who’s power existed in <i>creation</i> try to bring down a wall.
  The move to protect someone else was enough to earn Bucky’s respect and admiration. The fact that the spell bounced off both of the kids, hit the instructor back by a power of threefold, and brought down the wall? That was pretty much it for James Buchanan Barnes.
  Steve was honest-to-god noble. Bucky decided it then and only had it reaffirmed in the subsequent years. Fuck the royal magical and wizarding blood lines; Steve was as good as it got. Sam was probably the second-to-best person Bucky knew, and certainly was the actual voice of reason between the three of them. The fact that they both still stayed with Bucky, and his ability to court trouble in places where no trouble should exist, was kind of a miracle.
  The Steve standing before him now though looked constipated by his own guilt.
  “You’re going to shit an actual brickhouse if you don’t unclench,” Bucky said.
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fantasy au preview
here’s that thing i said i would do
Dark green hills rolled along at a leisurely pace until they made met with a babbling crystal creek. The stream poured out of the mouth of a small bridge and leapt down from craggy rock to craggy rock until it pooled at the base of the stone outcropping. Running water laboriously turned a large wooden waterwheel that powered a secluded mill.
The mill was a clumsy little lean-to nestled on the border of a wild forest. Ivy crept up the sides and entangled itself around the rock all the way up to the thatched roof of the cheerful house. Despite its abandoned countenance, smoke plumed from the chimney.  Looking through the windows a fire could be seen crackling.
Inside, Phoenix Wright knelt by the fire. His hand was in the middle of the bright flames, but it didn’t seem to be causing him any pain. He frowned in concentration, turning something over. A moment later, his hands emerged from the fire completely unharmed, brandishing perfectly cooked loaf of bread.
The fire mage set the steaming loaf on a wooden table. Humming pleasantly, he dusted the bread off with sugar and cinnamon before deeming it finished.
She’s going to love it! Phoenix thought as he packed his still-burning-hot creation into a little basket. His hand went to the little blue bottle hanging around his neck. A shimmery, misty substance swam in the bottle that hung on a golden chain. Two golden arches met at the top of the bottle, forming a heart.
The pendant was a token of his true love. They had been courting for one month exactly, and Phoenix had to celebrate. He took the basket and left his house, taking the stairs down two at a time.
Dahlia lived on the far side of the forest. Phoenix took the time to enjoy his stroll through the woods, never tiring of its familiar sights. Sunlight shone through tree trunks, casting dappled patterns over the lush grass and dusky purple flowers.
Although the grove was beguilingly pretty, Phoenix knew better than to try and take any shortcuts. Potentially dangerous creatures lay in the depths of the forest. It was common knowledge to the area to stay on the enchanted main path for guaranteed safe travel.
That was why it was so strange when he spotted four people standing about twenty feet off the path ahead. Two among their company were quite small, likely children. The tiniest one looked no older than six, and she tightly clutched the older child’s hand. Like Phoenix, all four of them wore the hooded cloaks of mages. Unlike Phoenix, the strangers kept the hoods up, obscuring their faces.
The baker hoisted his basket closer. I should’ve remembered to bring my spellbook along with me…
Mages were generally cordial, if not exactly friendly towards each other, but it was unusual to come across them in groups. This could mean bad news.
One of the strangers, probably the leader, carried a tall, arched staff with a purple stone at the helm. They signaled for the rest of the company to approach Phoenix.
Well, too late now. They’d already spotted him.
They hovered a few feet away from the main path, frustratingly far enough that Phoenix still couldn’t discern any of their facial features.
“Enjoying your walk in the woods?” The leader said, her voice ringing clearly throughout the grove.
“Yeah! ...But, um, be careful, though. This place is pretty safe, but if you don’t want any trouble, you should stick to the path.”
“We want trouble, alright,” the other adult in the group piped up. Her voice sounded younger and more headstrong. “But not with you. Unless you’re going to give us reason.”
“Mia,” the leader shushed the younger woman. “No need for that.”
“I’m not going give you trouble!” Phoenix said, indignant.
“You’d better not! If you did...” A smaller mage with strange beads in her hair mimed throwing a punch.
Phoenix gulped. “Um, what kind of trouble are you even looking for, anyway?”
“That’s none of your busine-”
Mia was cut off by the leader, again.
“Perhaps you’ll recognize this?” The leader gestured at her cloak.
Her cloak, as well as the other three’s cloaks, were all pinned together with a large, smooth stone. Every one of them was a different color, but each were shaped into a crescent with a hole bore into the middle. It was unmistakably the Magatama, the marking of the Fey clan.
The Feys were very well known as some of the most powerful, mysterious mages all over the kingdom. Some regarded them as guardians of the Realm, celebrated fighters and Seers. Darker rumors abounded that they were terrible witches that practiced necromancy. Despite that suspicion, they seem to had won the trust of the King himself, for he frequently consorted with the clan.
Phoenix took a step back, awed and kind of afraid. He had never met a Fey, nor had he ever expected to. They were as elusive as most magical beasts, which only encouraged the many, many rumors about them.
“Wh-What’s the Fey clan doing here?”
This is more serious than I thought.
“We’re looking for someone,” Mia said gravelly. “We’ve tracked her here.”
“It’s probably nothing to worry about,” the leader soothed. “We’ll be in the area keeping an eye on things. But, as a request from one mage to another, please tell us if you witness any strange activity, alright?”
Phoenix’s heart fluttered nervously.
“...Of course.”
Phoenix arrived at Dahlia’s house a fair bit later than he desired.
From her porch, she spotted him and rushed over. Seeing her beautiful face, all his worries from the meeting the Feys melted away. Dollie was all that mattered, ever. Phoenix caught her in a hug.
“Dollie!” He greeted his lover eagerly. “I’m so glad to see you!”
“It’s so nice to see you too, Feenie,” Dahlia said, letting him twirl her around.
Phoenix beamed. He set her down and revealed his basket. “I brought something for you!”
“Did you?”
“Uh-huh,” the baker chirped. “It’s for our anniversary.”
Phoenix swore he saw her face scrunch into a frown, but it passed so fast that he must have imagined it.
“We’ve been dating for a whole month now!”
“Oh, of course!” Dahlia’s laugh was like the tinkling of pretty bells. “How silly of me.”
“I baked you this,” he presented the basket proudly. “It took me ages to afford the sugar, but I did it for you, Dollie!”
“How sweet,” she cooed, accepting the basket. “Though, um, if it’s not too much trouble… can I ask you to do one more teensy-weensy little thing for me, Feenie?”
Dahlia turned to face the him and suddenly Phoenix was faced with a world full of her pleading, lovely brown eyes. “I know I’ve asked before, but could I please, please have that pendant back? As a special gift for today?”
Phoenix faltered. His hand sought out the tiny bottle hanging around his neck. “Aww, but this is my token of affection from you. I could never give it up!”
“I can give you another token!” Dahlia said.
“I like it,” Phoenix protested.
Her head drooped. “Feenie, please. It’s what I want more than anything else in the world… You want this to be a good anniversary, don’t you?”
Phoenix couldn’t bear to see her looking so sad. “Um. You’d really give me another token?”
“Absolutely! I’ve been working on something for you much better than that old thing...”
“Well… if it’ll make you happy...”
Phoenix reluctantly fished out the pendant, and handed it over to Dahlia. In that moment, everything changed.
The misty substance violently ripped free of its confines, cracking the glass. It then soared into the air and plunged deep into Dahlia’s breast. A fierce wind whipped the trees around them into a frenzy. The howling gale was strong enough to send both of them flying.
On the far side of the clearing, Dahlia lay crumpled in a heap. Her red hair whirled wildly about her like a fiery storm.
Phoenix clambered to his feet and rushed towards her, “D-Dollie! Are you okay?”
Dahlia’s head jerked up, and suddenly she no longer seemed so fair. Her delicate features were contorted into a sneer and her pupils were blown dark. The baker faltered.
She was up and on him in a flash. Startled, Phoenix fired sparks at her, not wanting to hurt her. Dahlia dodged his feeble attacks easily, countering his blows with a much more powerful stream of magic.
Wh-What? You can cast spells?
Terrified, Phoenix stumbled backwards, hurling miniature fireballs at Dahlia. The baker wished for the second time that day that he had thought to bring his spellbook with him. Without a magical artifact as a conduit for his spells, his attacks were scattered and weak.
The relentless maiden sent three more streaks of freezing blue sorcery that Phoenix dropped to the ground to avoid.
“Dollie, stop! Why are you doing this?” The baker begged.
Dahlia was gaining on him. In a last-ditch effort to win the duel, Phoenix waved his hands in front of him in an arc, creating a thick barrier of fire that careened out to meet her. She swooped left just in time, the attack singeing the sleeve of her dress. Nothing was enough.
The baker stood up and turned to flee. He was tackled and pinned by Dahlia. No amount of struggling would dislodge her. Phoenix stared helplessly up into the face of his lover.
“...You really are pathetic, you know,” Dahlia spat. “A promising fire mage like you, and you choose to become a baker instead? No wonder you can’t best me.”
Embarrassingly, Phoenix whimpered. Cheeks burning with shame, he tried to pull away, but Dahlia hooked a cruel finger under his jaw to keep him still.
“And what a worm.” Her voice raised jeeringly to imitate Phoenix. “Dollie, why are you doing this? Dollie, are you alright? Do you ever listen to how spineless you are? Do you seriously think anyone could ever love you?”
She paused to trace her finger along the underside of his chin in thought. “And yet, you did still help me in the end. I suppose I won’t kill you. No, I’ve got something much more amusing in mind...”
Finally, she let Phoenix’s chin drop. She closed her eyes and clutched the pendant, whispering some things in a language the baker didn’t recognize. When she opened her eyes, they glowed unnaturally bright.
Dahlia slammed the broken heart pendant into Phoenix’s chest to seal the spell. He screamed as he felt the metal, super-heated with magical energy, burn through his clothes and into his skin.
Phoenix’s consciousness fled.
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endgame-sterek · 8 years
Reading Sterek: Valentines Edition
Secret Valentine by HEXXUS / @omnomcurlyfries 603 G
Derek’s got a secret admirer.
The Amazing Valentine by RavenclawDoll 658 G
Stiles surprises Derek on Valentine’s Day at his loft. It’s not really as amazing as the title suggests.
Something New by redhales / @redhales 714 G
Derek is always dealing with supernatural stuff and Stiles just wants to do something nice for him on Valentine’s Day.
Blue Steel Hearts by Wolves_of_Innistrad / @wolvesofinnistrad 738 T
Stiles wants to go see Deadpool on Valentine’s day, but Derek has a secret movie he’d rather see.
Blame it on the (magical) Alcohol by Serenityreview 894 G
It’s Valentine’s Day and Stiles gets drunk on magical wine. He then tries to woo Derek via the end to Say Anything. Things don’t go quite as planned.
❤Stealing Your Heart by x_Lazart_x / @x-lazart-xficrecs 946 G❤
Valentine’s day is a great day for a pickpocket. While Stiles was planning to bring in a huge haul, he wasn’t expecting someone to come along and steal his heart.
Always by Cassidy_Doris / @shewhorunswiththemoon 1,066 G
Derek’s in love with Stiles but thinks he’s about to lose him. Stiles was never going to let Derek go in the first place. Fluff ensues.
“I appreciate the sentiment, love, but have you forgotten that I’m dreadfully allergic to roses?” by Kiti_the_Warrior_Poet / @kiti-the-warrior-poet 1,117 G
Derek and Stiles end their honeymoon with Valentine’s Day at home, or at least close to home.
❤Candy Hearts by dragon_temeraire / @dragon-temeraire 1,133 G❤
Stiles decides that, since they’re the only two single members of the pack, he and Derek should spend Valentine’s Day together.
❤Yoda Only One For Me by cloudyskiesandcurlyfries / @cloudyskiesandcurlyfries 1,135 G❤
Someone is leaving secret Valentines Day cards on the door to Stiles’ dorm room
❤Netflix & chill by splendid_splendont 1,203 T❤
Derek is planning to spend Valentines alone, like usual. Stiles decides to shake things up and make sure they both have company.
❤Try Me by maiNuoire / @poetry-protest-pornography 1,247 T❤
Derek wakes up to find a series of surprises on Valentine’s Day
“Of all the things I expected on Valentine’s Day, this…was not what I had in mind.” by Kiti_the_Warrior_Poet / @kiti-the-warrior-poet 1,446 T
Derek and Stiles have a Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget. Or, the one where this wasn’t exactly the plan, but it will work out just fine.
Stay, Little Valentine by hologramophone / @hologramophone 1,488 G
Roses, and Batman, and romantic confessions.
❤Can we talk? by @dude-its-stars-hollow 1,815 M❤
Stiles can’t figure out what’s wrong with their relationship. Is Derek just not attracted to him? They wouldn’t be dating if he wasn’t, right? 
❤Vena Amoris by CelestialVoid / @celestialvoid-fanfiction 1,965 G❤
They promised no presents; they knew they didn’t need cheap chocolates, cliché hearts or red roses that would die in a day to know that they loved each other. But still, Stiles tried to surprise Derek for Valentine’s Day and it worked, up until it didn’t. But none of that matters to Derek.
❤Send Your Cutest Delivery Boy by dereczyslaw / @dereczyslaw 2,128 G❤
When Stiles and Derek are to stupid to communicate properly, Allison & Erica team up to give them the push they need.
❤“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t steal my chocolate.” by Kiti_the_Warrior_Poet / @kiti-the-warrior-poet 2,514 G❤
Derek gets excited about planning his future with Stiles and accidentally makes his Valentine’s Day plans for the wrong day.
Bro-lentine’s Day by WhoNatural / @howlnatural 2,560 T
It’s actually pretty cool that Derek came back to school after a summer eating spinach and lifting small trains or whatever to become a guardian angel to the easy targets of BHHS.
❤Woo Who by haleofStilesheart / @hale-of-stiles-heart 2,638 T❤
Stiles wished he could say it was the first time he had found a dead animal on his doorstep. He really did. But it wasn’t.
Thank Jackson for me by IdontlikeIobsess 3,187 T
Derek keeps asking the wrong kind of questions.
Want it All Tonight by haleofStilesheart / @hale-of-stiles-heart​ 3,316 E
Derek and Stiles celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together with a night of marathon sex. In the morning, they’re still not sated.
❤Chocolate and Werewolves by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle 3,939 T❤
Derek and Stiles have been dating for six months. Their anniversary just happens to fall on Valentine’s Day. Derek, understandably, proceeds to panic.
The Valentine’s Day Showdown by @bibliosexxual 4,291 G
So Stiles and Erica have this competitive flirting/wooing thing going. This totally-mutually-agreed-upon-to-be-platonic competitive flirting/wooing thing. Every Valentine’s Day Eve, Erica gets him good, and every Valentine’s Day, Stiles gets her back, thoroughly.
❤Kiss Me Under the Light of a Thousand Stars by alisvolatpropiis / @deleted-scenes 5,631 T❤
“It was a true love spell,” he admits quietly. “It was supposed to help me find my true love. And apparently I suck at magic as much as I suck at dating because I screwed this up too.”
A Tale of Valentine’s Day Shenanigans by Comet260 / @comet260  5,846 T
Lydia decides that Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for Stiles and Derek to finally admit their feelings for one another. As the title suggests, shenanigans ensue.
❤Valentine’s strike by Pandaabeer 6,015 T❤
Stiles hates Valentines Day. It was the bane of his existance. But he’s home for the ‘holiday’ and has nothing to do since everyone he knows is busy. Except Derek, Derek is the only one alone as him.
❤Sometimes love is an obligation to your grandmother by relenafanel / @relenafanel 6,982 M❤
Derek’s grandmother relishes setting her single grandchildren up on Valentine’s Day. Only, less ‘setting up’ and more ‘forcing them to run a singles-only scavenger hunt where the prize is love or at least sex’. Derek never wins. Derek never WANTS TO win.
Love Always Wakes a Dragon and Suddenly, Flames Everywhere by decideophobia / @drunklightning 7,124 E
“Anyway,” Stiles is saying, as Derek tunes in again. “Everyone’s busy and I don’t wanna spend Valentine’s being pitied by my dad, and you have your Forever Alone thing going on, so I figured we might spend Valentine’s being alone together.”
❤Red Velvet by arrowofcarnations / @anarrowofcarnations 7,690 T❤
Stiles is pretty used to people coming to visit him at Sweet Stuff when he’s baking. It’s only when Isaac starts bringing along one Derek Hale that things start to get really interesting.
❤Watch You Smile by alexenglish / @queerlyalex 7,711 T❤
Roses are red, Violets are blue, You think I’m a douche, But I really like you
A Wolf of a Valentine by Dexterous_Sinistrous 7,784 E
Stiles was not having a grand Valentine’s Day. He was stuck on campus. Shelving books. Derekless. All he’s ever wanted was to spend Valentine’s Day with someone. 
Hot for Teacher(’s Aide) by linksofmemories / @erinpond 8,050 T
“He invited you to his apartment.” “To do a lesson plan.” “Yeah and to probably lesson your plan while you’re there,” Scott said, waggling his eyebrows. “That made no sense, but you still managed to make it sound dirty,” Stiles said. “I’m impressed.”
❤Valentine’s Day Candy in Aisle Four by linksofmemories / @erinpond 8,998 E❤
“It’s so commercialist, and all it does is bring people down who don’t have a special someone.” “Basically.” “Are you two seriously discussing your hatred of Valentine’s Day when a man with a gun is walking around the store?”
❤Convenient by exclamation / @jessicameats 10,755 E❤
Stiles knows what he is to Derek: convenient. He knows that Derek isn’t looking for a relationship, just someone to have casual sex with. Which is why Stiles is so surprised to find Derek setting up a romantic dinner for Valentine’s Day.
❤This Is Lovecanthropy by ifwallscouldspeak 12,141 T❤
In which Valentine’s Day is closely approaching, and Derek is a disgruntled grad student who works at a library. He’s hit a roadblock on his thesis, he’s harboring a (not so secret) crush on Stiles, and he keeps receiving werewolf-themed gifts from a secret admirer. Basically, Derek is totally oblivious and angsty, Stiles does a lot of planning off-screen, and Erica and Scott are awesome friends who are awesome.
❤Not So Much Coffee and Books as it is Hot Chocolate and Erotica by knaval 15,783❤
AU in which Stiles is an erotica novelist, and Derek is the sexy fireman he daydreams about. He sees Derek daily at the coffee shop, writing out his fantasies about Derek, basically Derek is his muse. All goes well until Derek starts talking to him and trying to read his books. Little does Stiles know, Derek is already a fan of his books.
❤Quit Playing Games With My Heart by themistymountainsong / @themistymountainsong 16,764 T❤
“I am not paranoid Lydia! You’re the ones who are totally fucking with me- with us! You can’t say that this last month has been a series of weird, random happenstances!” Lydia ignores him, moving to open the car door, but before she can reach it Stiles hits the driver’s side lock. “No. No getting out of the car until you admit that you’ve had a hand in this.”
❤❤Vappy Halentines by bioloyg / @bioloyg 18,457 M❤❤
Derek woke in the morning to a note on his table and the sound of the front door clicking shut. He blinked, scrubbing a hand over his face, and grabbed the paper. “Hey, thanks for letting me sleep over last night. I appreciate you coming to get me, too. I promise I’m not always a crying drunk, btw. Also, thanks for the clothes, but don’t think it escaped my notice that this was my shirt anyway.” Derek smiled fondly and kept reading. “Don’t tell the others about Ethan. I’ll tell them myself.”
❤Secret Valentine (Series) by Moonbeam 26,512 E❤
Stiles wakes up one morning to a dead deer on his back doorstop. It’s the first in a string of gifts designed to get Stiles’ attention but he, and the rest of the pack, aren’t sure if the attention is a negative as it seems. When Stiles finally finds out who has been leaving the 'gifts’ he realizes that the mystery isn’t quite solved yet.
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