#this was supposed to be a 500 words explanation and became a 1k battle scene
rainingskyguy · 5 years
Missing Scene for Counting the Seconds
So a lot of people were asking me how had Asagiri “fuck manual labor” Gen managed to kill Hyouga in my Counting the Seconds fic (link be here)
In a very Gen-like fashion apparently.
Sneaky and manipulation people’s attention.
This is a little bit more graphic than the fic itself, tw listed on the tags.
Gen watched all the enraged Ishigami villagers following Kohaku into the raid with grim satisfaction. He let them rush past him, hands itching to draw his katana– to fucking murder everyone on sight– but if he wanted to save Senku, if he wanted to make Hyouga pay, he needed to calm down.
So he waited.
He waited until the cloud of dust of Senku’s people died down. He waited until he could hear pandemonium running wild down in Hyouga’s dumpster. He waited until his blood stopped boiling, until he could smile again. Non-threatening, non-aggressive. Exuding nothing but the calmness of the forest, nothing but the wispy mist of the morning.
When he could breathe without choking on his anger, he finally began walking forward.
He weaved his way between combats, his aura so passive and unaggressive nobody looked twice at his drawn blade. He ducked from stone staffs, he side-stepped bodies falling around him. He let the spray of life blood stain his clothes, as the smallest disturbance would draw attention to him. He moved through the world as if he wasn’t even there, tricking himself into believing that the emotion at his core was not pure, seething anger.
He breathed in deeply– blood, sweat, the smell of death– and calmed down before continuing on his way.
He began checking tent after tent, seeking a mop of white hair, warm red eyes. He was going to get him out.
He was so late, but he had come for him. 
They had come for him.
He would get him out. 
When he noticed Chrome out of all people, exiting one of the tents, panicked, frantic and carrying a skeletal Senku on his back– he almost lost control of everything.
Senku was beaten bloody, his white hair heavy with grime and blood and sweat. His eyes were covered in leather, tears of blood running down from under the blindfold. His cheekbones were so sharp; he was vaguely certain they would impale Chrome’s head.
He looked to be on Death’s door.
They had taken so long.
Gen gritted his teeth, his lips pulling back in a grimace– his scar taut against his skin. Taut like the anger threatening to course through his veins.
Senku was safe.Chrome had gotten him out.He was going to be just fine.
Gen had a mission to fulfill.
Hyouga would pay. 
After he had managed to calm down again, Gen continued on his trek, as distant to the violence around him as he’d be in a field of flowers.
His eyes scanned his surroundings, and soon enough he had found his target. 
Kohaku –of course it was her– was fighting Hyouga, struggling against his all-reaching spear. Like the moon reflecting off the surface of a pond, nothing but a deadly illusion.
Hyouga may be the all-powerful moon, but he was so self-assured, so certain in his own power, relishing on his own reflection off the water, he did not see what was lurking underneath the surface.
Lurking, and dying to unhinge his jaw and swallow him whole.
Gen stepped forward. 
Kohaku was struggling, receiving minor slashes every time she tried to draw close, her fury, her rage only growing with every foiled attempt.
How was she going to end him?
She parried an overreaching attack and lunged– Hyouga wasted precious seconds realizing his mistake even as he stepped back, trying to put a second of distance between them to take his spear back.
Kohaku slithered under his arms and was driving the katana – through his face, through his eye and through his brain, make him suffer, make him squirm– but Hyouga stepped and suddenly there was a knee in her chest.
It drove the breath out of her lungs, her ribs– already hurt, injured from before– creaking ominously. Her hold weakened, the attack did not reach and she was sailing through the air to land heavily on her back.
Kohaku gasped in pain, shock– but she was already jumping to her feet before her body finished processing the assault. And just in time, as Hyouga’s spear hurtled to bury itself where she had been. 
Kohaku saw the chance and let her body follow the movement of the spear, her eyes firmly trained on her target. She saw him clutch the weapon with both hands, and she rolled out of the way before he had time to send her flying again. 
She jumped to her feet, a feral grin on her face when she realized at the same time as Hyouga. 
She had a clear hit. 
As did he. 
She ran forward, a war cry on her lips to give herself courage– Hyouga stepped back, his face twisted in murderous anger, as he tried gaining back control over the situation. 
His spear was going to sever her head and-Kohaku’s face was suddenly drenched in blood, a thing so disconcerting, she actually stumbled, stopped on her tracks– but the spear did not strike her dead.
She stared, uncomprehending as she realized that piercing her enemy’s chest– right over the heart– protruded the bloody end of a katana.
From where…?
Hyouga’s face twisted in futile rage, as he bared his teeth down at the weapon. With a cry of rage, knowing that it was over– he raised his spear and aimed it at Kohaku’s defenseless face. She was too shocked, too tired to react in time– but the katana embedded in his body twisted and Hyouga writhed, blood coming out of his mouth. His spear clattered to the ground.
“This… is not…over.” Hyouga sneered– but just a second later the light finally vanished from his eyes and with his final exhalation he crumpled to the ground.
Kohaku just stared, panting, exhausted and confused as none other than Asagiri Gen greeted her sight. Bathed in blood, no real expression on his face after just murdering a man– and actually she hadn’t been able to sense him, where had he come-?
When Hyouga’s body hit the ground, the illusion broke and a macabre grin spread over bloody, bruised lips. His eyes widened, the shadows on his face lengthened and suddenly Kohaku was choking on the murderous aura he was exuding as he laughed. Short, deep chuckles that sounded way too much like a sob, a cry of anguish.
It came as no surprise what he did next.
He took his katana back– a foot against his back as he pulled It free, splashing gore everywhere. Gen stumbled back, a step, two, then he screamed in outrage and cleanly severed his head in a single hit and proceeded to punt it away with his foot.
The rage vanished almost as fast as it had appeared and with it, the grief was back. It created new shadows on his face, letting the adrenaline dissipate and he crumbled to the ground. 
The entire world was silent. 
The moon had fallen. Had been swallowed whole from the sky. 
Nothing remained in its wake, except the subtle ripples of a deceptively calm pond. 
Nothing except the asphyxiating void of the sky overhead.
 The entire world was silent. 
Kohaku rushed after him, making sure he wasn’t injured, while around them– the remaining members of Hyouga’s empire surrendered their weapons, their leader gone, their will broken.
Kohaku didn’t care, she could no longer afford to care.
Senku was safe.
Gen was okay.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she collapsed on top of Gen.
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