#this was supposed to be “gaku comes out to his father specifically” but it ended more general
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keicordelle · 3 months ago
While we're here: thinking about Gaku coming out.
Gaku who is bisexual and more or less comfortable with that fact. It's a part of him, why shouldn't he be?
But he knows full well that his father would not be.
Sosuke's not a strictly prejudiced man. He is perfectly comfortable with Anesagi, and with Re:vale, and receiving affection from another man bothers him no more than receiving affection from anyone.
But if it were Gaku...
Gaku's supposed to be a sex symbol. It's what he was trained for. What he was bred for, the singular reason his father bothers with him at all. It's been drilled into him from adolescence, ever since he hit puberty and graduated from generalized "how to be a star" into "how to make women love you."
And Gaku doesn't really care that his father would disapprove. At least, he tells himself he doesn't. The old man never approved of anything he did; why should he start now?
But still. He wishes he would. Wishes he could be as true to himself as he pretends to be. Loud and open and proud.
But it's fine. He likes women. Loves women, even. And if he has to keep his interest in men a secret, well. Just another sacrifice for the sake of his image. His father's image.
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osakaso5 · 6 years ago
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Momo 12 SONGS GIFT Rabbit Chat Part 3: Tell Us, All Stars! 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Yuki: Momo, happy birthday.
Mitsuki: Momo-san, happy birthday!
Riku: Happy birthday, Momo-san!
Tamaki: Momorin, hbd!
Yamato: Momo-san, happy birthday!
Tenn: Momo-san, happy birthday.
Nagi: Happy birthday, Mister Momo!
Ryunosuke: Happy birthday, Momo-san!
Iori: Happy birthday, Momo-san.
Sogo: Momo-san, happy birthday. I hope that we can continue to rely upon your guidance.
Gaku: Happy birthday, Momo-san!
Kaoru: Momo, happy birthday.
Banri: Momo-kun, happy birthday!
Momo: Thanks, everyone!!!!
Rinto: Thank you all for gathering here to celebrate Momo-kun! Takanashi-san, I'm sorry to entrust this to you like Anesagi-san did, but could you continue things from here, since you're so good at it?
Tsumugi: Alright!
Mitsuki: Momo-san, what kind of solo song did you pick?
Momo: It's a secret~!
Momo: I'll give you just the title! It's called "100% Happiness"!
Ryunosuke: That sounds great! It's perfect for you, Momo-san!
Tamaki: 'Cuz you're like, totally happy!
Momo: I know, right! Look forward to it!
Mitsuki: I'm sure the solo event will be a piece of cake to you, too! You're not going to have any trouble with the MC parts, live, or handshake event.
Momo: It's been a while since I did a handshake event! But that only makes me more excited!
Yuki: Maybe I should secretly participate, too
Rinto: You have work elsewhere, Yuki-kun!
Gaku: I think you'd be pretty easy to spot once you got in line (lol)
Sogo: It's surprisingly easy to go unnoticed if you wear a disguise.
Momo: Have you guys gone to see the other members' events?
Mitsuki: We've gone to see Iori and Tamaki's sports meet. We were in disguise, so it was all incognito.
Gaku: You and Osaka?
Mitsuki: No. Riku, Yamato-san, and Nagi came too.
Tenn: That's practically an all star crew.
Tamaki: You weren't fooling anyone...
Iori: You certainly weren't... I'm glad the students at our school are considerate about those sort of things...
Nagi: Iori and Tamaki have also come to study one of my shoots.
Tamaki: We did! That's the one where Nagicchi did a fashion mag shoot with a cat.
Riku: I heard about that! Apparently it was this rare, high-class cat. Did you go too, Iori?
Iori: Only as Yotsuba-san's chaperone.
Momo: You guys are so sneaky! lololol
Tsumugi: Well then, do you have anything to ask the others, Momo-san?
Momo: I wanna know what part of Yuki you like the most!
Yuki: It's your birthday, so you should make this about yourself for once lol
Momo: But this was the most exciting question I could come up with!!
Nagi: I know the feeling. I also want to collect an assortment of praise for Cocona, and preserve it for all eternity.
Momo: Right! Well then, I wonder what I should choose~!
Momo: I've decided!
Momo: Tell me how you make up with someone after a fight!
Sogo: A fight...
Momo: Yep! I'll be using these answers for reference in my daily life!
Yamato: When I think of you trying to make up with someone you fought with, only one person comes to mind.
Yuki: Oh. And who would that be?
Tsumugi: Ways to make up with someone after a  fight, it is! Understood!
Momo: I don't see you as the type to fight, Maneko-chan, but how would you do it? Like when the other person is at fault, for example.
Tsumugi: You're starting with me!? Well then...
1. I'd be the one to apologize!
Momo: Typical Maneko-chan! You don't want the fight to drag on for too long, after all!
2. I'd demand that the other person reflects on their actions!
Momo: You're pretty confident, huh!? I just hope that the other person really does think of what they did, instead of getting even angrier!
3. I'd let the problem solve itself!
Momo: That might be a good method, too! Even if you're fighting, you'll still talk to the other person when you really need to, and sometimes you just hve to force yourself to get along with other people!
Tsumugi: I hope my answer was fine... I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions, too!
Tsumugi: Let's start with you, Okazaki-san!
Rinto: Personally, I'd just apologize. Even if I believed I was in the right, I'd apologize for turning it into a fight.
Rinto: And on top of that, I'd try to discuss the matter with them once more.
Yamato: What an adult.
Momo: Totally! Okarin doesn't go back on his opinions, but he'll apologize as soon as things get awkward! That way, both parties will calm down at the same time!
Tsumugi: Thank you, Okazaki-san! What about you, Anesagi-san?
Kaoru: I'd never do that. When I have a fight off work, I'll never apologize...
Tenn: Is that so. You're more impartial at work, so that's a bit surprising.
Kaoru: I do know when I should just give in. I'm sick of fighting, and acting stubborn is just making me feel lonely.
Kaoru: But I tend to take on the stance that I can't forgive the other person that easily.
Momo: You want to make the other person realize that you're hurt or angry, right! I think that part of you is pretty cute, Kaoru-chan!
Tsumugi: I act like that with my father sometimes, as well... Thank you, Anesagi-san! Banri-san, you're next!
Banri: So, am I allowed to make this answer a more specific piece of advice for when you fight with a certain someone?
Momo: Honestly, yeah. Go ahead, Ban-san.
Yuki: Who is this "certain someone?"
Banri: Got it. This is the type of person who lives according to their own rhythm and beliefs, so if you try to force them to be on time when they're feeling off, or disrespect their beliefs, they become overstimulated.
Banri: When they're overstimulated, they may seem like a stubborn and overly desperate blockhead who doesn't listen to advice, but they're really just genuinely trying to stick to their principles no matter what.
Banri: So, as long as they have somewhere they can be alone, they'll bounce back on their own. Once they've done that, they'll be able to give a sincere apology.
Momo: I screenshotted that!! Thank you so much!!!
Tsumugi: Banri-san, thank you! Yuki-san, you're next!
Yuki: Me?
Yuki: I'll wait for the other person to apologize
Momo: Aaaaaaargh I'm gonna lose my mind
Momo: But I love you!!!!!*:.。..。.:*・゜ (*´▽`*)゜・:.。..。.:*
Yuki: Me too ^^
Tenn: Have you never been the one to apologize?
Yuki: I have. But those times aren't really fights, it's just that I'm more likely to apologize when the other person stops listening to me, storms off somewhere, or starts crying.
Sogo: It's important to cool down.
Yuki: I'm a musician, right? So I get more stimulated by loud noises.
Momo: What's that got to do with you being a musician!?
Yuki: I think. That when people yell at me, it sends an unstoppable rush of blood into my head.
Momo: When I get mad, I yell really loud!
Yuki: I know. Which is why fighting with you will make the blood vessels in my head nearly burst on their own.
Momo: I'm seriously considering buying a punching bag for whenever we fight!
Tsumugi: P-please don't fight, you two! ><
Momo: We're not! This is a totally normal conversation for us!
Yuki: We're not fighting ^^
Yuki: In that case, I'll buy you a punching bag as a present.
Momo: Thanks! I'll get you cooling sheets  for your head, too!
Yamato: As usual, I can't tell if these two get along really well or really badly....
Tamaki: Do you get stimulated when you hear loud noises too, So-chan?
Sogo: If anything, I think I get stimulus from fast tempos? That's why my head goes blank when I get nervous.
Yamato: So whenever you get nervous, we should all sing bossa nova together, got it.
Tsumugi: I'm glad you weren't fighting! Tsunashi-san, you're next!
Ryunosuke: How to make up after a fight, huh. I don't think I'd really be the one to apologize...
Momo: Really!? That's a surprise!
Gaku: Ryu's more stubborn than he looks.
Ryunosuke: If I think I'm in the wrong, I won't start a fight in the first place. So if I get into a fight, that means that I think I'm right.
Ryunosuke: I think it's pretty weird to go back on my own opinion just because it made someone else angry...
Momo: That's true...
Ryunosuke: So I think I'd try to compromise until the end. Listen to the other person's perspective, and tell the mine. We're not supposed to be fighting, after all.
Tenn: Right. You barely ever fight, anyway.
Ryunosuke: I guess I don't get angry a lot!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, thank you! Yaotome-san, you're next!
Tenn: I'll do this in his stead.
Gaku: Why!?
Tenn: He's awfully aggressive, isn't he?
Gaku: And why are you talking like I'm not here.
Tenn: As surprising as it may be, he isn't actually trying to pick fights.
Yamato: I know what you mean!! There's been times when he came up to me and started talking all aggressively, and I got defensive because I didn't get that he was just greeting me.
Riku: Yaotome-san's really nice, but he feels kind of like a yanki at first!
Gaku: I wonder why. I'm just trying to act casual.
Tamaki: But I feel like it wouldn't help much if Gakkun started talking all politely...
Gaku: I'm just doing what comes naturally.
Ryunosuke: Gaku's cool, so maybe that's just the impact he has on people?
Momo: So Gaku, what would you do if you got into a fight?
Gaku: I think I'm about the same as Ryu. I'll apologize if I'm wrong. If I'm not wrong, I won't.
Iori: Then, if you and Tsunashi-san fought, how would you settle things?
Gaku: Who knows?
Ryunosuke: Have we ever had a fight?
Ryunosuke: We've never really had any major disagreements, either...
Gaku: I wouldn't mind if we disagreed on something for once. Like whether we prefer bread or rice for breakfast, or whether we like cats or dogs.
Riku: Then, what if you fell in love with the same person?
Ryunosuke: Me, falling in love with the same person as Gaku!? I guess I'd withdraw once I find out about Gaku's feelings?
Gaku: Why? I don't wanna win by default. We need to settle it fair and square.
Ryunosuke: I wouldn't want to bother you or the other person by forcing my own feelings on either of you. I guess that's what makes the two of us different.
Gaku: We really don't have a lot to fight over, huh.
Gaku: We didn't fight just now.
Momo: Thanks for the info! lol
Riku: Don't you fight with Tenn-nii?
Gaku: I do. But I think he tends to be right more often, at least when it comes to work.
Tenn: How honest of you.
Gaku: I'm right about private stuff more.
Tenn: That last part was unnecessary.
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, thank you! Yamato-san, you're next!
Yamato: Sorry, wait a sec. I think my phone's running out of battery.
Yamato: Who here took the charger cord I keep in my room?
Nagi: Sorry, Yamato. My cord burned out, so I borrowed yours.
Yamato: I don't mind if you borrow it, but why is it connected to a USB plasma globe?
Momo: Lmao, lolololol I'll have to do that at Yuki's place sometime, lol
Nagi: Touching it makes me feel like a wizard :-)))
Mitsuki: Now Nagi's impulse purchase is in Yamato-san's room, lolololol
Tsumugi: Well then, let's take a 15 minute break!
Tsumugi: Until then, everyone!
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