#this was superr fun to do :D
mttonex · 3 months
the rest of Joanfucius Week!!!! :3
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I love how day 7 turned out 😸
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bonus day I did not try at all I'm sorry 💀
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(once again created by @nessie-bessie !!!!)
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egokillr · 1 year
hi babis 💞
after going hiatus i wanted to say i rlly miss the community on here and im FINALLY at a place where i have stable beliefs in my view of spirituality that align with me!!
i might not be on here as much as i used to be (bc life n stuff,) but i rlly wanna open this space back up to discussions and having a community yk!! :3 im open to talking thru inbox chats or if you’ve ever wanted to be friends, feel free to say something!! :) i luv tumblr tbh, i thought abt leaving bc i lost my passion for what i was posting but honestly i just think i need to post more of what aligns with me for now.
so, recently i noticed some ppl in the loa community looking into nondualism philosophies so i was like omg wuts that (creds to yall on yt and insta btw)
and basically it just fits my beliefs much more now and i feel a lot better!! i no longer believe in certain terms like subconscious, 3d or 4d, states, or rlly any terminology involving the law. i honestly don’t have any terminological beliefs anymore, i just believe we are all one god and that’s it. consciousness is the only reality, so nothing has to be done to manifest. you already have anything you want and thats it!
if you disagree with me that’s okay! you can do what u will and follow ur own beliefs, thats what we’re all meant to do!! 💖
anyhow, i think im less interested in teaching my beliefs, but more interested in advocating for people to find their own way and sharing experiences within the community. i love and appreciate all of my followers sm btw!! i rlly jus want to create a lighthearted community in here where we can talk abt manifesting/ shifting experiences and just chat abt all things :D im open to helping ppl casually too, im just less of a teacher/ coach kinda person imo.
extra lil info abt me recently:
lately ive j been making lil improvements in my life, and im superr excited bc im about to do a lot of traveling that ive been wanting to do for a v long time!! besides that, ive been working on my yt subs a lot and its become a rlly fun little outlet for me! ill link it jus incase anyone wants <3
anywaysss, to close this off, im excited to have my little blog on here and do literally whatever!! im open to a lot of things, just lmk!! ❣️🪬☮️
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sukirichi · 3 years
Sukiiii here’s layk my part two-ish well something of the sort HAHAHAHA
How are yaaa?? Fine and well, I hope since people, family and friends are getting sick here—left and right, btw You play genshin? I PLAY GENSHIN TOO!! Yes Asia server, Imma send u my UID tmrw since Im alr lying down as I type this HAHAHAHA okay setting that aside
OKAY I’VE FINALLY CAUGHT UP and Read both chapter two and three and Prince Kiyoomi 🥰🥰🥰🥰 OKAY BUT I LOVE HOW each prince have their own secret/problem. Just waiting for Akaashi’s and Ushijima’s 🤭🤭🤭🤭 but alas to be Airi in your story rn ahahahaha—:”D screw being a lady of a high status lemme be a maid who falls for Prince Kita and have a forbidden love story 😍😍😍😍 HAHAHAHA
I mean Kiyoomi, I love you but Shinsuke, I love more HAHAHAHAHA okay but can we talk about why an arranged marriage usually happens and why a girl (yeah cursing her will take too much and the other readers are alr doing it HAHAHAHAHA) like Iris is married to Kiyoomi whom she doesn’t deserve btw—I smell a scandal that can disrupt the not so peaceful royal family even more. I alr have my theories and suspicions but Imma keep them at bay first and read a few more chapters or atleast before the reason is revealed.
OKEI THEN Do I see a sprout or a Seed Planted for YN’s Char. Development at Chapter 3? Like when she smiled and Suna couldn’t read it, is that a sign or like a foreshadowing of her slowly just slowly like superr slowly growing—It’s too early-ish for an actual growth but I smell a foreshadow or a little sprout but at this point I think Im just sprouting nonesense—haha—get it? Lame? Yeah ik but I still laugh HAHAHAHA
I have no words for suna—laykkkk—nada, it’s just too much rage and whatnot cuz laykk—Oh so you’re just gonna promise to care for YN in exchange for using her and breaking her heart??? Ano yon pang palubag-loob kay YN?.? (To Make her feel better in English to anyone else actually interested in reading this long ass ask)
I feel bad for Princess Maiko though—she reminds me of the main character of Empress Ki except she isn’t a maid nor does she lose her fam (Idk if she gonna grow but hey Im rooting for her just don’t do anything stupid to help and plot to hurt YN or else screw u HAHAHAHA) and as the saying goes (Honestly idk I prolly just made it up) “The Royal Harem/Family is not for weak-willed/hearted or for the innocent, else you suffer” and Princess Maiko is layk the living example of this
BUT I DO NOT feel anything LIKE NOTHING at all—not a single shred or an ounce of sympathy for Iris—no girl and when you said we’re gonna hate her more? Let me guess—she does one of these or all of these; annoy YN or embarrass YN or taunt or even take Suna away or well fk him during their honeymoon (wouldn’t be surprised—Im sure Suna will find some stupid excuse to disappear anyways)
OKAY THAT is all for this super duper long ask—Always stay safe and keep urself healthy, hydrated well fed and well rested!! amd ofc always Take Careee!!
With lots of love,
HEADPHONES ANON AHSJKA I WAS GONNA ANSWER THIS A WHILE BACK BUT IM SORRY I REPLIED LATE :<< also, yes, I’m fine! lots of family friends here are also getting sick, but thankfully I’m safe from covid rn and I hope you are too! YES BESTIE I PLAY GENSHIN DROP YOUR UID LET’S GO PLAY! I’m excited to play with you omg (but heads up that I’m not great at it, I’m a newbie and I might be slower in keeping up. aka I get lost a lot and my game loves to glitch and freeze so it’s a fun experience to coop with me <33)
YES TO BE AIRI. IMAGINE BEING THE BEST PRINCE’S LOVE OF HIS LIFE. LIKE WOW. how to be airi rn. and hmm yes, there’s definitely…something behind Kiyoomi and Iris’ marriage that’ll be revealed soon. also theories? yes yes, I’m listening if you ever wanna share! HELP THE SPROUTING NONSENSE PUN AHSJAA but yeah, it’s foreshadowing! I agree it’s too early to make her grow that fast and at this rate, like I’m going to break her completely first, and we’re not at the stage yet where she totally breaks down. but yeah, the part about her smiling and rintaro not knowing what it means, it was foreshadowing that she’s getting better at hiding her feelings…and mayhaps even being manipulative towards rintaro… omg yeah, pampalubag loob for YN like no thank you, Rintaro. but at the same time, the truth hurts a lot, I kind of understand why we stick to the great fantasy even if it’s a lie. YN hurts less when she just lets herself be happy in his arms and decide to overlook the fact he has someone else in his heart sobs
oooh for Iris being more hateable in the future, you guys will definitely just what she does! or more like, what is rintaro gonna do that involves iris. HEHEHEH. omg take care too, have a nice day / night <33
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elytrafemme · 2 years
I would love to hear about anything you want to rant about! I’m so happy because I finished the chapter and tomorrow I have to share my writing with my class. I’m really nervous but excited
super excited for the next chapter OMG (guys you should read Broken Bench Kids fucking banger like its got the most vibes ever) also saw your BBK michael art earlier <333 love
BEST OF LUCK W THE WRITING SHARING!!! stuff like that can be scary as SHIT but it's also kinda exciting i bet itll go superr well keep me posted if u want :D
i dunno if i have anything to rant about RN like i mean maybe some fic stuff but i dunnoo right now frustrated asf with like "natural buildups" and "good writing" and "time and place" and WHATEVER bc i just want to write like all the fun scenes in my fics but i gotta wait. except for one of my fics which is AT the fun scene but i have no energy for it shit sucks!!!!! but not really <3
umm yeah idk just vibing! gen super happ to hear from u im SO glad ur doing well rn and im excited for the chapter and everything
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bbysamu · 3 years
all i’m saying is the truth my darling 😌 i’m not sure if you saw what i was talking about w ky but i’m vv introverted when i first meet ppl and i was hesitant to come off of anon w her. but! she’s superr nice and easy to talk to, and you are too, so i’d like to thank you for that :) i haven’t been on tumblr v long but i feel like i’ve already been able to make a few good friends, and i hope that we can become closer as well :D <3
and yeah haha. tbh i’ve been both physically and mentally done w hs for a while? my school has a program where some students can choose to do entry level courses at a local community college instead of having the “real hs experience” so i chose to do that lol. i basically didn’t have any classes at my hs for the past two years and instead went to the college campus :) it was nice to be able to get away from ppl at my hs, and i was able to choose from a wider variety of classes as well as to make my own schedule
my fave memories are from the couple years i was in marching band! it was a lot of work and definitely some not so fun moments (especially bc i wasn’t too fond of my section haha) but it was super fun to go to competitions and to see our hard work pay off while running the shows!
and yeah i am! i’m not too sure what exactly i’m doing yet, but i’m thinking i’ll either do accounting or programming. possibly something science as well, but that’s less likely lol
wby? any good memories from hs / college? :)
you don't have to thank me darling! You're super easy to talk to and I'm really glad you're able to talk to more ppl on this platform! There's so many nice people on here, so let me formally welcome you to the HQ community on here ❤️
oh wow that program sounds awesome!! I wish my school offered something like that too. It would've been nice to get some exposure to college instead of just being thrown into the and mix and be like "okay you're independent now - now soar!" 😂
ooooooooo those sound like a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll be a superstar in whatever you choose. When you mention programming, you mean like computer right?
Thank God I have a lot of good memories from HS and college. Its hard to pinpoint just one. but there was one time I went to get IHOP with my sorority sisters at the wee hours of the morning. It was very empty and just us and some pancakes 😂
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