#this was really fun please enjoy everyone šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
PersonificationĀ parent of the international countries frequently mentioned or that have physically appeared in WTTT
I wanted to figure out who would be Louisiana and Floridaā€™s paternal grandparent and decided it wouldnā€™t be fair to the other countries. While there have been more countries mentioned than the one listed here; these are the countries that have appeared (Canada and Italy), mentioned multiple times (Spain and England), or were a running gag/important plot point/otherwise significant for another reason (Mexico and France)Ā 
I am a very strong proponent of each country having two government level personifications- one that handles national duties and one that handles international duties.Ā 
P.S Various sources are linked so history fans go nuts!Ā 
1) Canada - Prince Edward Island. Unable to link the main source which was the Foundersā€™ Hall Exhibit in Charlottetown, PEI that I went to when I was vacationing there a few years ago. It was a fantastic museum that has sadly shut down.Ā  But we always have the Canadian government to keep the personified parent dream aliveĀ 
2) Spain - Castile and LĆ©on. This was interesting as, if Spain wasnā€™t mentioned to be Floridaā€™s Dad (and Juan Ponce de LĆ©on his step-dad) I would have gone with Andalusia due to the Constitution of CĆ”diz in which representatives from all over the Spanish Empire came together but Florida among others was already in existence when that happened. So I went with good old Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon forming a dynastic union and setting up the foundation for a unified Spain. Why Castile and LĆ©on and not Aragon? Because Isabella was born first and the castle in which they lived in El Alcazar de Segovia is in Castile and LĆ©on AND the rumored inspiration for Cinderella'sĀ castle in Walt Disney World.Ā 
3) France - Ǝle-de-France. Because love is stored in naming your child junior. Iā€™m actually beefing with the entire country of France right now because the French loved to centralize and decentralize their country. Philippe II was the first king to call himselfĀ ā€œKing of the Frenchā€Ā and by the time he was in power France had long had Paris as itā€™s capital even if it wasnā€™t necessarily the geographic France that we know of today and Philippe II even lived in Paris in his castle which is now the LouvreĀ 
4) Mexico - Guanajuato. Guanajuato even rang church bells to celebrate Mexicoā€™s birth.Ā Also this has nothing to do with history and more to do with cultureĀ  but Guanajuato has a Kiss Alley where couples go to smooch to ensure 7 years of happiness and Iā€™m- šŸ„ŗ
5) England- Hampshire.Ā Horrible Histories might have helped us remember William the Conqueror as the first English king (although he came from France)Ā historians actually say Alfred the Great was the first one and the unifier of Anglo-Saxon EnglandĀ either way, Wessex was the birthplace of EnglandĀ Winchester was the capital of Wessex and that is way out of all the counties that make up what used to be Wessex, Hampshire is home to WinchesterĀ 
6) Italy- Piedmont.Ā Ā This is also controversial as I am going with the unification of the Italian kingdom as the birthdate which makes Piedmont home to the first capital of Italy.Ā Consequentially for all you IDC/Inter Italy shippers (me, itā€™s just me, I know but thatā€™s OK) this means that the USA was already independent and was even able to recognize Italian independenceā€™s credentials. IDCā€™s a cougar but like we been knewĀ 
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frozenjokes Ā· 1 month
Cub and mumbo is a ship I really want to like extremely badly but it hasnā€™t quite clicked in my brain how they would work so I just need to take a moment to ramble and brainstorm and make it happen.
I think they have a kind of vibe thatā€™s like ā€˜I saw cub at the ā€˜eating peopleā€™ club!ā€™ ā€˜what were YOU doing that the ā€˜eating peopleā€™ club?ā€™ I imagine cub being charmed by S8 mumbo and his quite frankly insane workaround to stealing Grianā€™s soul instead of just cannibalism normal style. Cub might keep tabs on Mumbo after that, just curiosity with little interaction, and he ends up witnessing multiple instances of Technically Not Cannibalism? that leave him kind of baffled?? mumbo jumbo why are you jumping through hoops like this. I am fascinated by you but I think also you are in desperate need of tearing someone apart (and god Iā€™d love to watch). Theyā€™ve said a total of five words to each other when cub wanders over to him and is like hey. if you wanted to šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ you could āœŒļø rip scar into a million pieces with me :) for fun :)
mumbo goes ?????????no????????"? and cub comes away from this interaction dejected and also with the impression that the issue here is that mumbo is simply repressed and is in desperate need of help and nothing else. commence slutfan135 (attraction and eating people are integrally linked which is a universal for everyone cub has decided)
from Mumboā€™s perspective this is coming out of fucking nowhere and heā€™s deeply deeply confused until heā€™s chatting with scar one day and the subject comes up and scarā€™s like oh yeah lol he wants you to eat him soooooo bad heā€™s been talking my ear off about for weeks and mumbo goes Why. W hy. And scar shrugs. (Unhinged cubfan monologue would not have been understandable to anyone especially not scar but heā€™s just happy to listen to cub talk. Nothing is more fun than listening to an autistic person go off the rails about something insane.)
Mumbo just approaches cub the next day and goes dude I do not want to eat you and Iā€™m not going to. And cub goes šŸ„ŗ please? Somehow this leads to a conversation about desire and carnal attraction and gore and shit and itā€™s nice probably. Mumbo doesnā€™t really want to hurt people so instead he chooses to hurt people in extremely convoluted ways instead. Cub suggests he go apeshit instead. youā€™ve been cannibalism edging me for weeks mumbo jumbo I am begging you. Something something guilt and shame and itā€™s all an extremely poorly disguised allegory for catholic guilt and shame in regards to sex. maybe it ends with mumbo suggesting cub eat him instead. This might fix him??? I enjoy a predator hunter/hunted dynamic so I think that would go hard with cub being like okay :3 only if I can chase you through my gay little labyrinth. Even better if the turns get tabled on cub and mumbo ends up killing him instead. I havenā€™t mentioned mumbo is a vampire yet but he is. Then they eat each other the end. cumbo win
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sochawrites Ā· 9 months
Hello, everyone! It's been a long time, hasn't it?
This one is for @justagenderfluidstuff, based off of a prompt from them.
Please, forgive me for how long it took! šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
I wish you all a happy New year!
Bane x Male!reader
"Awfully convenient, you know. I have an empty hand... you have an empty hand..."
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Reconnaissances were always so boring, so tedious, so monotonous. The hours stretched on and on as if the days didn't want to end, and the weather was seldom in your favour. It was safe to say you hated being sent on surveillance, even to the point of your blood boiling whenever someone mentioned it around you, bitching and whining and doing all you could to convince someone to go instead of you. But even then, there was one exception.
No one ever dared to refuse a direct order from the boss. So whenever he came to you with a command to join him on sentry, you couldn't say no, or, rather than that, didn't want to.
Everyone could tell Bane treated you differently than the rest of his mercenaries, but besides speculations, nobody really knew why. He was known to be ruthless whenever someone made the slightest mistake, made one wrong move or dared to talk back. But you? He let you off easy, rarely ever giving you any punishment. And you were always more than happy to exploit this.
You enjoyed pushing the boundaries, and he hardly ever stopped you. At times, when there weren't ears around, Bane even tested the waters himself, which entertained you even more. You grew rather fond of him, some would say you even developed a little crush. And although occasionally his wit could be a bit irritating, going on a reconnaissance together was guaranteed to be fun.
Or at least it would be if it wasn't cold, wet and foggy night. You could hardly see the targeted site, everything was damp, and you were freezing. Yet there was Bane, leaning against a wall with binoculars in his hand, patiently looking out into the mist and waiting for any sign of movement. Hot breath making its way through the slits in his mask was the only sign of outside elements on him, even though he was dressed in less layers than you.
You just couldn't help but throw him a very irritated look.
"That expression will freeze on your face if you keep it any longer." Bane hissed, watching you out of the corner of his eyes, though there wasn't any real menace in his voice. You chuckled as you continued to pace around, pulling on your gun strap to adjust it once again. "It would be a miracle if it was just my face that would freeze. It's so cold I can't feel my hands, and I don't know how you expect me to notice anything when I can't see shit!" you thrashed your arms around as you exclaimed the last words, being shushed immediately after.
"If you dressed up more, like I have told you-" Was he really criticising you for something he did himself? "Oh, you're the one to talk, mister 'exposed skin all day, every day'. Don't tell me you don't feel the cold-ass air at all." you looked at the masked man in a slight disbelieve.
You both locked eyes momentarily before he stared forward once more "The weather has not concerned me for a long time now, Y/N. You, on the other hand, have a tendency to turn blueā€¦". You could practically hear the smirk, and it made a little smile appear on your negligibly blue lips.
"Come on, you make it sound like I'm some baby that cries at the slightest of inconveniences!" you whined. "Yet you complain." Bane fired right back, looking at you once more, "Do not come to me when you fall ill.".
He sounded serious, but deep down, you had a feeling he wouldn't complain if you did. But that didn't change the fact that you would definitely benefit from warming up, even if just barely. "Why don't we start a little fire then! There's some junk around that-"
Bane cut you off, starring you down, clearly against the idea. "Why not? It's not like those idiots over there will notice the light from the flames, and if they do, I may be able to at least pull the trigger." you tried to argue, but it was to no avail. He kept silently gazing at you as if he was done with the conversation.
Hanging your head low in defeat, you made your way slowly up to the tall man, leaning against the wall right beside him, whispering, "Awfully convenient then, you know. I have an empty handā€¦ You have an empty handā€¦". You looked up to meet Bane's half-lidded gaze with one of your own, reaching out with your fingers to brush against the back of his hand. It was so warm it stung. "You are playing with fireā€¦" Bane threatened in a low voice.
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of him, even though there was still some space between you, "Please, Bane, I'm so fucking coldā€¦". The man closed his eyes, contemplating, the mask letting out a long, soft hiss, as his hand slowly turned, enveloping yours tightly.
A bright smile crept onto your face immediately, your body practically vibrating. The connection between you had been unspoken for a long time, but until now, actions were never truly made. "See? It wasn't so hard, was it?" you beamed at Bane, whose only reply was a groan and an averted gaze. You caressed his skin with your thumb, enjoying the sensation of the returning feeling in your hand and savouring every moment.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Bane cramming his binoculars into his pocket, but his body was just as stoic as before, still turned towards the warehouse. You tilted your head and furrowed your brows in confusion, about to ask what was happening, when he reached out and held your other hand softly right below the elbow.
Bane tugged gently, pulling you in front of him, "Not one word." was all he said when he met your gaze. You nodded, curious about where this was heading. He pulled your arms behind himself, hiding them in the warmed-up space between his back and his coat, before letting go and wrapping his hands around you.
It was a hug, and you happily reciprocated as you hid your face in the crook of his neck, or as close as you could. Bane slowly shifted the weight of his head over to the top of yours, and you couldn't help but grin. You fought against every sound that threatened to escape your throat, fearing Bane would cut the moment short.
"Have you considered that going on surveillances with me was meant as your punishment?" Bane spoke in a hushed voice. Of course you thought of that. What's a better way to punish someone who hates going on reconnaissance so much than to send them on one? Shame it was with the wrong person.
You nuzzled closer to his skin, daring to leave a soft kiss on his collarbone, "At first, but it never felt like it". You were breathing as one, calm and long breaths separating the gusts of steam. Listening to his heartbeat, you let your body soak in the heat.
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marky-iplier Ā· 5 months
Bactor, wholesome Bactor? Pretty please with a cherry on top šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
Of course! Here u go :3 I'm not sure if this counts as wholesome but I tried sobs
Unexpected Confession (Actor!Mark x Butler Ben)
Valentine's Day. A day filled with love. However, not for Mark, perhaps. His, well now, ex-wife, had divorced him so he wasn't sure what to do on the day. He didn't have any ongoing project, he couldn't just stay in his manor for Valentine's Day. That would be sad. But, in reality, he did have someone to spend with and he finally knew what to do.
Ben's POV
I just finished dressing up in my room, just another day being a butler. It was around 8 in the morning and Master was not awake yet. He told me he wanted to go out and get some things for tonight. He wanted me to wake him up if he hadn't woken up after 9 AM.
After weeks of him, being alone, it felt miserable to see him being broken and sad. I also had this feeling that I tried to push away to maintain professionalism over being personal. It was hard, really hard but I couldn't help it. It was a job I needed to face. The news of the divorce saddened me but somehow I felt relieved. I wasnā€™t sure what I was feeling.
I went up to his room and opened the curtain, he just rolled over under his blanket, facing away from the window. I grabbed his iconic dark red silky robe and hung it on the bed frame,
ā€œCan you turn off the lamp, please?ā€ he groaned, plumping his face on the pillow.Ā 
ā€œSir, itā€™s already past 8. I am afraid you need to wake up due to your schedule today,ā€ I said. I grabbed some of his clothes on the floor and put them away in the laundry basket, then stood beside him to give him his robe when he finally stood up,
ā€œFuck, is it today? What date is it?ā€ He wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand, ā€œ14th February. It is Valentineā€™s Day.ā€
ā€œOh, yeah. Is the driver here already?ā€ he asked while standing up on the side of the table, I gave him his robe as he covered his half-naked body was only covered with negligees. I looked at my watch, ā€œHe will be here in 15 minutes, sir.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s enough time to get ready. Oh yeah, youā€™re coming with me for today,ā€ he blurted. I was surprised, usually when he went out, I would stay in the manor to make sure everything was okay.
ā€œPardon?ā€ I needed to make sure what I heard was correct. Him? Asking me to go with him?
ā€œYes, youā€™re coming with me to go out today. Now, will you excuse me, I need to get ready.ā€ He went past me, heading to his bathroom.
I just stood there, trying to process what was going on. I did not expect that. This was going to be nice. I went downstairs to make sure the chef was already cooking breakfast for all of us.
ā€œIs the breakfast ready?ā€ I asked, walking inside the kitchen. The chef put down a plate of bacon, egg, and toast on the counter. Then, another plate of pancakes. I just grabbed two pieces of toast for myself from the stack of cooked toast, since I hadnā€™t had my breakfast.
"Oh yeah, have fun on your go out," the chef teased, smiling to himself while cooking breakfast for himself. I just turned around and looked at him confusingly, "How did you know?"
"I know everything in this house. Don't ask." Huh. Although I tried not to think about it too much, he was right. The chef knew about everything and everyone in this house because of his little buddy. I put down the plate of breakfast on the dining table, along with the utensils. I went to the bar to make his favorite morning cocktail, Mimosa.
It took me a couple of minutes to make the drink, and without delay, after finishing it, I went to the dining table to put down his drink. Everything was settled. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump a bit, "Well, isn't this a wonderful morning, don't you think, Ben?"Ā 
I exhaled, "Yes, indeed. I should check on the driver to get us ready, sir." Before I walked out of the room, he called my name, "Ben. Hold on. Why don't you sit down here with me? You can have these pancakes. Enjoy the morning with me,"
"Oh, I don't think that is necessary. I already had my own feast for this morning." He was still insisting, pushing the plate of pancakes to the empty side of the table in front of him,
"Please, I insist. I don't want to get too full." He took a bite of his toast. I couldn't resist his plead. I smiled and sat down in front of him, grabbing the utensils in the middle of the table.Ā 
"Thank you," I said before eating the pancakes. He opened his mouth which was slightly full from the meal, "Yeah, yeah, no problem."
The breakfast was silent. This wasn't the first time he did this, it was pretty common so it wasn't something special. He just wanted to have someone to eat with after his divorce. I finished my food faster than him, oddly, because his food had less portion than mine.Ā 
"I shall check on the driver now." I wiped my mouth and got up from my seat, heading to the front door.Ā 
The car was ready and parked perfectly. I smiled and headed back to the dining table, "Sir, the car is waiting for you." He just finished drinking, "Oh my god, you know me so well, Ben. I will wait for you in the car, okay?" He tapped me on the shoulder. I grabbed the empty dirty plates, glasses, and utensils on the table to put them away in the sink. The chef was enjoying his food on the counter, "Here are the dirty dishes. I will go now."
"Yeah, man. Enjoy your time," he said. I went outside to where the car was, the passenger front seat was empty because Master took the back seat, his favorite seat.Ā 
"Good Morning, Butler Ben," the driver greeted me when I got in.
"Good Morning."
"So, are we going to the Boutique, Mr. Iplier?" He looked up while reading a magazine, "Oh yeah, yeah. You know which one. Also, can you play another radio channel too? I'm kinda getting bored with this one. You know, to try something new," he said as he continued reading the magazine.
"Of course, anything for you, sir." The driver changed the radio channel as the car started, driving to one of the most popular department stores, I. Magnin.
The day went on, it was about a 45-minute drive from the manor. We went through the department store to get a new suit but the size seemed to be bigger than his. Odd. He also got a box of chocolate, a flower bouquet, and a wrapped gift. It wasn't much for him, was he going on a date? He looked at the time, we had been there for more than an hour. Why did it hurt me a bit knowing he got a new date?
"It seemed like that's all. We should head back now, don't want to miss my afternoon nap," he said while stretching his body. The Driver and I were just assisting him with his shopping bags. We just walked around the department store for quite a long time now.Ā 
We headed back to the car, putting the items beside him as I went to the front passenger seat. Master was just sitting there in the back while crossing his legs while we drove back to the manor.
Third Person POV
Time passed by, and Actor Mark was getting ready for something. It was almost sunset, Ben on the other hand was cleaning up the house. The thought of Mark going on a date was stuck in his head, hurting him inside. He had been on the first floor for the whole afternoon since Mark had told him not to go upstairs because he didn't want to be bothered? So, he did what he asked, not going upstairs.Ā 
After cleaning, Ben decided to head back to his room and clean up, taking a shower. He didn't have much plan that evening, perhaps, reading a book would help past the time.
There were knocks on the door while he was fixing his tie after showering, and he wasn't sure who it was, the door was then opened, and it was The Chef, "Ben, Mark wants to see you upstairs on the balcony, he said that he needed help to prepare for his date or something." Ben looked at him, he needed to examine his facial reaction just in case he was messing around with him since he always did that to him,
"How can I be sure that you're not messing with me?"
"See it for yourself, man. You know how it is when Mark is mad." He narrowed his eyes as he walked past him, heading upstairs to the balcony.
The sun was slowly setting, it was a beautiful view along with dim lights from the city in the distance. He walked out to see a table set, the tablecloth, a vase of roses, candelabra, utensils, glasses, and plates. He didn't set this for sure. There was also the chocolate box and bouquet on one of the chairs. Ben felt relieved knowing Mark wouldn't be as miserable as he was after the divorce but again, a scar was made along the relief.Ā 
'Wait, he's not here. Chef, I'm gonna come for yo-'
"Ah! Ben! There you are!" The familiar voice appeared behind me, he was admiring how amazing Actor looked in the suit, it was a different suit that I hadn't seen before, it wasn't the one that he bought. He shook his head a bit to brush off the thoughts, noticing he was holding two boxes that were wrapped beautifully.
"What do you need me for, sir?" he asked. Actor sat down on the opposite chair from where the bouquet and chocolate box were,
"How do I look?" he asked while facing me. 'Beautiful'Ā 
"You look amazing, sir. Who is the lucky one if I may ask?"Ā 
"Well..." He got up and looked down at the boxes, Ben was waiting for the answer nervously and anxiously.Ā 
"One of the most amazing people I ever met." He smiled to himself, "I'm sure the person must've felt lucky to have you, si-"
"... and he's standing in front of me."Ā 
Ben's POV
I was shocked by what he said. Me? No. The feelings that I had pushed aside came back at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up, I mean, he meant it as a friend, perhaps,
"I wasn't sure when the feeling appeared but every time you were there for me, it was like the first time feeling love again. I love you, Ben. Happy Valentine's Day," he softly said. His hands extended to me, lending me the boxes of gifts.
"You should try the suit, I'm sure it looks good on you," I was still speechless about what was going on but gracefully accepted the gifts. All this time, he also had the same feeling as me, perhaps burying it down. Or was he waiting for this moment to come?
"I... I am sorry. I am out of words. Thank you. I..." He was waiting for my answer, I couldn't form words in my head, "I also have been feeling the same way. I was just afraid that it would ruin my job." There I said it.
"Oh, Ben..." he stopped for a moment, "I noticed it, I was just waiting for this moment. I just thought that maybe it'd be more romantic if we do it right here, at this moment, during Valentine's Day." I smiled to myself, what were these butterflies feeling in my stomach? Should I just do it? Do it, Ben. Kiss him.
I put down the boxes on the chair. I turned around to face him as we both got closer, I could feel my heart beating faster, slightly sweating. I was taller than him so I needed to look down to see his eyes, I put my hand on his waist and slowly leaned down, planting my lips on his. He smiled and kissed me back.Ā 
After waiting, it felt amazing. All those emotions just felt fulfilled. The connection and chemistry were strong, I could feel them. It was passionate. It wasn't long until I let go, "I should try on the suit now. Again, thank you, sir."
"Please, call me Mark from now on." I grabbed the bigger box, "I will."
I went to change to the new suit for the date tonight. The date that I didn't expect.Ā 
It was truly planted as a core memory for me.
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xianyoon Ā· 5 months
hi ying!!! i actually have a confession to make šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
can we honestly e date? youā€™re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that iā€™ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I donā€™t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isnā€™t as fun when youā€™re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please iā€™m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
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justmochi Ā· 2 years
can we see what the members said in their messages šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
Hello, itā€™s GOT7ā€™s Mark. Jenn, itā€™s crazy to know that we used to go on world tours together and now youā€™re holding your very first solo concert. I feel bad that I canā€™t be there to witness it in person but I hope you know that I am watching it online from home.
Ahgases, I hope you treat her well and enjoy the show because she has been working extremely hard these past few months to make an unforgettable experience. I hope everyone has an amazing time together and remember to give Jenn a green ocean. We love you!
Hey Jenni, itā€™s Jackson! Did you successfully complete your first concert safely? Was it fun? I can only imagine how breathtaking and fun the show is. I apologize for not being there to support you in the crowd! I bet you performed beautifully for ahgases. Although I have some duties to attend to and I canā€™t make it, I will make sure to watch through clips and tune in online!
Thank you for sharing your artistry with the world. I hope we can hang out again real soon and talk about all the memories you made during your first concert. Fighting!
Hello, this is GOT7ā€™s Jinyoung. Jennifer, I hope youā€™re not too bitter. Iā€™m currently away meeting ahgases in a different country so I canā€™t attend your first concert. My message will be a bit different compared to our other members. Instead, let me tell you how hardworking and dedicated our Jenn is. We are always talking and discussing in the GOT7 group chat, and ever since she learned of my military service, she talked to her superiors and made sure her concert was in the early stages of being arranged. This was months ago and even though she tried everything in her power to accommodate all the members schedules, it still didnā€™t play out the way she wanted it to. But thatā€™s okay. What matters is that at the end of the day, we donā€™t need to attend your concert to know how special, talented, and down to earth you are. Our Jenn.
Of course, I would love to still be there and support you, but I hope you know that even though we are not there, we are supporting you from afar and watching you on our devices. We love you, and I hope you have lots of fun.
Hey, it's JAY B. How has your concert gone the past two days? I hope it went well. I know I canā€™t be there and youā€™re probably really saddened by that fact but I will be making time at the end of my day to watch clips from the concert. So ahgases, please do me a favor and send me everything you have from your shows because I want to see them!
You probably imagined that we wouldnā€™t be as close in contact once I enlisted, but I hope you know that Iā€™m always here for you. I am always thinking of you and the group throughout the day. Youā€™re never alone as long as you are a member of GOT7. It feels like yesterday we were just celebrating your solo debut, and now youā€™re holding your first solo concert. We will forever be proud of you and we love you so much. Thank you for being GOT7ā€™s pride and joy. We love you.
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apollotronica Ā· 1 year
can we honestly e date? šŸ‘‰šŸ„ŗšŸ‘ˆ
can we honestly e date? youā€™re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that iā€™ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I donā€™t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isnā€™t as fun when youā€™re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please iā€™m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life. (/joke /ref)
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lyranova Ā· 1 year
Hi Lyra! I hope you're doing well. For your writer's ask game, can I have 3, 8, 23, 40, and 45 please? (I hope that's not too many šŸ˜…). Thank you so much, dear! Cheers!! šŸ„°
Hiya Acacia! Iā€™ve been doing well I hope you have been too šŸ„ŗšŸ’•! Of course you can, and this isnā€™t too many donā€™t worry šŸ˜, I hope you enjoy them!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Iā€™m not too sure if these are tropes but I notice I like to include head pats and wearing each others clothes in my fics šŸ˜†! I also notice I tend to write people sighing a lot whichā€¦is a very bad habit of mine that iā€™ve been trying to break *for years*. But the headpats and clothes is what i notice I tend to include in my fics so I think those are probably the most characteristic things in my fics!
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I have so many of these šŸ˜­! But this one would be perfect imo šŸ‘€.
ā€œHave We Met Before?ā€ By Eric Nam and Sarah Barrios!
I can already imagine it being either a fantasy or just modern fic where these two meet and feel this strange pull towards one another and they keep asking themselves (and each other) have we met before? And it turns out that they actually used to be lovers or friends in a past life before they were tragically pulled apart šŸ¤§!
The fantasy aspect could be where only one of them recognizes the other and tries to keep them at a distance so they wonā€™t have to go through the pain of losing their lover again in this life (like they did before) and aaahhh I would love to read or write it šŸ˜­šŸ¤§šŸ’•!
23. Whatā€™s a trope, AU, or concept youā€™ve never written, but would like to?
I have so many šŸ˜­! Right now as far as AUā€™s that Iā€™d like to try and writeā€¦maybe medical? I like watching medical shows and have some medical knowledge (not much admittedly) and I think it would be fun and chaotic to imagine everyone being in a hospital and as doctors and nurses šŸ˜!
Also Iā€™d love to write a ā€œShakespeare in Loveā€ type fic someday, although, I doubt iā€™ll be able too šŸ˜…!
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Hm it depends šŸ¤”! Iā€™m usually a ā€œone and doneā€ kind of person, but if I really like a fic Iā€™ll re-read them šŸ˜! For example Iā€™ll re-read a lot of the collabs Iā€™ve done or Iā€™ll re-read a lot of works my mutuals have put out (especially their next gen stuff šŸ˜…šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ)! So it depends, but I do love re-reading fics šŸ˜!
45. Whatā€™s something youā€™ve improved on since you started writing fic?
Besides researching I think my vocabulary is something Iā€™ve improved on šŸ˜! I tend to google or look at thesarusā€™s now when i write more than I used to and I think itā€™s made my writing a little better and a little more interesting!
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alice-hanzakou Ā· 2 months
can we honestly e date? šŸ‘‰šŸ„ŗšŸ‘ˆ
can we honestly e date? youā€™re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that iā€™ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I donā€™t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isnā€™t as fun when youā€™re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please iā€™m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
~ Ur clone ^^
Oh -! I uhm- i-
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sillyrabbit81 Ā· 3 years
Hiiiiiii. Your bio says your take requests. I was wondering if you could write something with Syverson with a s/o who is really tall like just under 6 feet. šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆplease. and no worries if not
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Thanks Anon! This was fun!!!! Iā€™m not short being about 5ā€™6ā€ so slightly above average but I have no idea what its like being nearly 6 foot. I hope you enjoy this little drabble. I have no doubt Syā€™s BDE wouldnā€™t care for a moment if his girl was as tall as him or even taller! More of her to love in his opinion šŸ„° Oh and I couldnā€™t help it being a bit smutty. I hope you donā€™t mind!
Thanks to @amberangel112 for a quick beta read.
Summary: Sy likes tall girls.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Tall!Female Reader
Word Count: approx. 450
Warnings: Oral sex (f receiving)
Sheā€™s got Legs
ā€œYou ready, Bean?ā€ Sy says, sticking his head into the bedroom. You look down at your feet clad in odd shoes, one with a small kitten heel, the other a six-inch heel. You like the tall heel but werenā€™t sure. You stand up and check in the mirror turning from side to side. Pursing your lips, you turn from side to side.
Your little black dress is slightly too short but isnā€™t scandalously so. Being nearly six foot tall has some advantages but finding a short skirt that doesnā€™t become a micro mini on you is difficult. So was finding the right shoes sometimes. Yeah, your legs and ass look good in the high heels, but you knew youā€™d be taller than nearly everyone at the party if you wore them, including Sy.
Sy comes in and sits on the bed behind you. ā€œYou want a manā€™s opinion?ā€ he asks with a smirk.
ā€œGo on then,ā€ you grin. You make eye contact in the mirror and watch as he reaches down and grabs the other six-inch heel. He holds it up so you can see, and you let out a chuckle. ā€œNow how did I know you were going to pick that one?ā€ You turn around and he looks up at you.
ā€œIā€™m a simple man,ā€ he says reaching out and placing his hands on your hips pulling you closer. He lifts your leg with the kitten heel, takes it off and replaces it with the taller heel. ā€œI like long legs and slutty shoes.ā€
Laughing out loud now you say, ā€œYou know Iā€™m taller than you in these.ā€
Sy places your foot on his thigh, the point of the heel digs into his knee. Starting at your ankle he runs his hand up your calf. With hooded eyes and a languid grin, he says in a throaty voice, ā€œOh believe me Bean, I know.ā€
Your breath catches as his hand slides up your thigh, pushing your already short skirt up over your ass. He leans in and kisses you just above the knee, slowly working his way up to your apex.
ā€œWeā€™re going to be late,ā€ you remind him. Your eyes close and you throw your head back as his beard tickles the delicate skin of your inner thigh.
ā€œItā€™s your fault,ā€ he says. You feel his fingers skim over the thin lace of your thong as he gently pulls it aside. His words are muffled as he breathes onto you. You hear something about long legs and heaven before you feel his tongue against you. You no longer care if youā€™re late as Sy brings you closer to God.
Tag List 1
@henryobsessed @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @posiemax @nostalgicb-txh @moonlacebeam @anitababi @agniavateira @blakerogue @shadesofarrogance @mansaaay @stxlemate @wheretheriversrunintothesea @amberangel112 @madbaddic7ed @eldarwen333 @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @summersong69 @littlefreya @littlebirdofrivia @luclittlepond @myloveforhenrycavill @mary-ann84 @tellingyouastory @beck07990 @zealoushound @sofiebstar @sweetlybigdragonn @bloodyinspiredfuck @marantha @diegos-butt @greensleeves888 @endofalldays01 @justaboringadult @ysmmsy @offroadinjandals @littlewrenofrivia @pussyverson @foxyjwls007 @kebabgirl67
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arknights-imagines Ā· 3 years
The Valentine's Day Letter and Date Event has ended!! šŸ’•šŸ’Œ
+ what's going on after the event
(most important parts are in bold!)
Hiya everyone! I hope you guys are safe and well šŸ„°
My Valentine's Day Letter and Date Event has now concluded (it ran from February 18th to February 28th)!! šŸ„³šŸ„ŗ
The support for this event was awesome just like it was for the Christmas event šŸ„³ Tysm to everyone who participated in the event by sending in a request, reading the letters, etc!! šŸ„°
Of course I couldn't get to every request but I really appreciated every one that was set in shjsjs šŸ„ŗ and I really hope everyone enjoyed the letters and dates aaa I tried my very best with them šŸ’Œ
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Writing the letters was of course lots of fun for me as well sgsjgshs!! I'm really glad there was such a wide variety of Operators being requested and that I got to write for Operators I've never written for svshbshs šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
I'm already brainstorming about what the next event for the blog will be šŸ¤” if any of you guys have any sort ideas for future events please please feel free to tell me about them!! šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ I'd really love to hear ideas any of you might have abjshs dw and please don't be shy!
Anywho, I'll be creating a masterlist for all the Valentine's letters when I'm able! All the letters are also tagged under #exe's events - valentine's day letter and date event 2022, so they can be easily found that way
With the event concluded I'll be back to my normal imagines and headcanon pieces now, and I also have some blog maintenance I'd like to do (one thing I want to get done is making rules about my taglists šŸ¤”)
And finally I have a small post-event thing planned that I'd like to do and I want to start doing after every event hosted on the blog!! šŸ„³ I'll post more about that soon sgsjgshs ty for your patience
That's all! Again tysm to everyone for the support on the Valentine's Day event šŸ„ŗšŸ’• please have a good day!! šŸŒø
Yours truly,
- a busy and excited Exe šŸ„°
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artekai Ā· 3 years
There's been so much negativity online lately so feel free to use as an excuse to gush about your mutuals and anything they do. Whether it be art, writing, crafts, being a little cutie, making you laugh, making ocs that you love so much you basically adopt them, making a hella good grilled cheese, anything really. I've been sending this to a handful people and it's been so nice reading all the things people have to say. Btw feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna do it but at the same, if you want to you could send this to someone else and spread it more, you could do that too. The possibilities are endless.
As a little starter/something I've wanted to say for quite a while now: I really really love Artekai. He's somehow a sweetheart and a little shit at the same time and I just deeply resonate with this weirdly wholesome yet chaotic energy he gives off. He's incredible. 10/10. Would give a big old hug and smooch on the cheek.
anon this is SO SO SWEET šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ It's so nice of you to take this initiative!!! I really appreciate it!! :') <3
And that's so??? That's so great to hear??? I'm always SO SO HAPPY to hear when other people enjoy Artekai T-T
"Somehow a sweetheart and a little shit at the same time" is RIGHT!! Kai's very transparent about his emotions, whether positive or negative, and he also does have kind of a big ego, but he's determined to use it for good, so that's certainly one of the combinations of all time, haha! He's one of those OCs that basically develop themselves, and I'm very proud of him :') Kai would definitely appreciate your hug and smooch a lot. Thank you SO so much and I hope you continue to enjoy him! <333
Okay... so it's my turn to gush about my mutuals... I'm just gonna do it on this post bc I'm embarrassed (//Ļ‰//) I have definitely said these things before though, so if I'm getting too repetitive, please ignore me, I just can't pass this up :')
@woolmasterleel Hi yes I would like to nominate you for Great Art and Great Writing and Great OCs thank you! You already know how much I love Kisaki but your OCs are all so creative and so interesting and have such cool designs! And you're also such a sweet and encouraging person??? And a chemist??? PLEASE leave some talent for the rest of us ;-; I think we should talk more, if you want? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
@akeshuharu You are SUCH a sweet and lovely person and have such good takes, not just about P5R but about things in general, I LOVE seeing you on my dash, and your enthusiasm about your interests is so contagious!! I do very much enjoy seeing your cats or your pics or hearing about what you've been up to or about your interests... Thank you for the chance to brainstorm my silly AUs with you šŸ„ŗ I really do wanna talk to you more but I'm just bad at initiating conversation ;-;
@aceredshirt13 Hi, I hope you don't mind tagging you here! I really appreciate you and our talks about P4 ^^ You have such good takes about Adachi and about fandom, and talking about headcanons or developing AUs with you (whether serious ones or crack ones lmao) is so much fun! Thank you for your patience <3 Sometimes I think about how this all started just because I reblogged your post about Adachi and ranted in the tags and I think... wow, I'm so lucky, haha.
@nicxan I know I sound like a broken record, but I really DO love your fics! :D You're also a really nice person and the way you see Takuto is just *chef's kiss.* You have such good concepts, I love seeing everything you put him through and how you characterize him, and how he breaks down as a result, hehehe. I wanna talk to you more too, but I'm very awkward and don't know what to talk about :')
@almightyrozenidiot Itā€™s really nice to see you in my notifs, especially your comments on my posts, haha, theyā€™re always fun/sweet! And Iā€™m very curious about your OCs too! I know we donā€™t talk much, but I do want to get to know you better, if thatā€™s okay with you ^^
Anyways, sorry to everyone for being so sappy all the time, I literally can't help it T-T It's kinda hard to show someone how much you appreciate them over the internet, unless you say it directly ;-;
And of course, thank you for the ask, anon, this is all very very sweet T-T
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mikailo666 Ā· 3 years
Hello everyone and happy Valentine's day!! Since it's a day of love I figured I'd share all the love I have for you guys here ~
I love every single one of my mutuals and I very much appreciate all my followers for being here ā™” Tumblr is such a safe and loving space, thank you for being kind and understanding <33 I have made so many good friends in here and I sincerely wish I could just go and hang out with all of you šŸ„ŗ
I wrote down short letters for some of you, so please read them, and if you didn't get one I'm super sorry, my vocabulary is way too limited to write more, it already feels like i just keep repeating the same things over and over again šŸ˜” (if you want one tho you can ask i guess? I'll try heh)
I hope you have a great day!! ā™”ā™”ā™”
my precious rainie ~ i count you as one of my closest friends, thank you for putting up with me all the time! we've had so many precious conversations and I'm so so glad to have you in my life šŸ„ŗšŸ’ž i hope school isn't too hard on you lately and please know you can always come to me with anything ā™”
hello sunshine ā™” even tho we mostly talk on Instagram i obviously have to mention you here as well hehe. you're always so sweet i just wanna wrap you in a blanket and give you anything you could possibly ask for šŸ„ŗ and I'm super glad you're working on putting your happiness first! i hope life treats you kindly so you can spend most of your time on things you enjoy doing and don't have to worry about other stuff:) and even though I tell you so often i still mean it fully, i appreciate and love you so much! i must be truly blessed to have befriended you <33
nani dear, thank you for checking up on me every once in a while ā™” i really enjoy talking to you, doesn't really matter what about. you're fun and you're very kind and it makes it so easy to talk to you <3 thanks for being by my side ~
buddyyy! we don't interact very often (i know i keep posting mostly kpop ahah sorryy) but it's always nice to see you on the dash! I'm glad we're friends, you definitely deserve to be mentioned as well <3
my love! you're so precious and always super supportive šŸ„ŗ thank you for being here for me in some of my lowest moments this year, i appreciate you so much ā™” i hope life gives you just as much love as you're constantly putting out in here, you truly deserve just the nicest things ever. you have such a comforting vibe around yourself and i admire it so much <33 (and you're so beautiful too!! pretty sure you aren't real hehe)
hello my not-secret-anymore tumblr crush šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ thank you for being such a lovely presence on my dash <33 you're always super sweet and your posts are hella relatable. 100/10 reliable source for everything seungsik ā™” thank you for being you here, thank you for subbing vlives (i love watching them so much) and thank you for being kind to me! i still think you're cool btw you cannot change that even if you disagree ^^
hey mari ~ i don't know if you come to tumblr at least once in a while nowadays and i know we haven't talked in like eternity, but i just wanted to let you know you're still a great friend for me and if you happen to see this, you can still find me if you ever wanna talk <33
ohh and if anyone remembers @/neolights and is still in contact with them, please tell them i miss them and wish them a nice day for me! šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
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chryzure-archive Ā· 3 years
30,22,24,25,26,18? (I love hearing all ur book thoughtsšŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ¤)
(Iā€™m so glad, because I often have heated thoughts on anything Iā€™m reading and I hate overwhelming people šŸ˜– so I very rarely talk about them. Iā€™m thinking of talking about them more on a blog setting though,,, not sure though!)
18. A book thatā€™s well-written that you dislike.
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. It was pretty easy to get through, well-written, an interesting take on Jane Eyre (which I loved, but I was very icked out by Rochester (rightfully))ā€”but it felt very flat for a ā€œfeministā€ retelling. I was disappointed by the plot twist, I didnā€™t care about any of the characters (even Jane??? Bad sign, and I really didnā€™t like her personalityā€”which was something I adored about her in the original book), and, despite the beautiful cover, I couldnā€™t help but think it was taking up space on my bookshelf that would be better suited for a worse-written book that Iā€™d enjoyed more. Also, this book didnā€™t have the same punch to some of the trauma Jane experienced as it did in the original book. Like, the ā€œred roomā€ from the original book? Itā€™s inspired concepts in my own stories because of how fascinating it is! There was nothing fascinating to me in this book.
Now, Iā€™m also going to add this, even though I donā€™t think itā€™s well-written. Others think it is though, hence why I think it counts for this question, but I highly disagree with themā€”A Court of Thorns and Roses. Oh my god. Holy hell. I mean, do I need to go on? It has the worst fucking pacing Iā€™ve ever seen in a series, they did the whole ā€œswitch up the love interest and demonize the old oneā€ thing that I complained about earlier, they acted as if this new love interest wasnā€™t toxic, and for everyone raving about it being a ā€œfeministā€ story and a fascinating, ā€œwell-writtenā€ Beauty and the Beast story, it sure was Absolutely Fucking Awful! Feminist?? Absolutely not. And donā€™t even get me started on the ā€œhotā€ sex scenes. WHAT!!!! NO??? Itā€™s not! Itā€™s cringe and it makes me so uncomfortable.
In conclusion: I very obviously gave away my copies to my secondhand bookstore for store credit and got my childhood favorites instead.
22. A book that got worse on reread.
My condolences to my younger self, but Ruined and Unbroken by Paula Morris. I donā€™t regret buying them or anything, but the love interest is in two chapters, the ghosts arenā€™t even scary or magical?? Itā€™s a lot of personal drama rather than ghost drama, and thatā€™s pretty unfortunate for a duology (??? If Iā€™d even go so far as to define it as that.) that revolves around the book being in a paranormal category. All the buildup is boring on the reread, and I keep screaming at the main character to stop being so naĆÆve when everyoneā€™s made it clear that they hate her because sheā€™s an outsider. Sheā€™s all, ā€œOh, maybe theyā€™re not so bad!ā€ Girl, theyā€™re plotting your murder and theyā€™re being randomly nice because theyā€™re planning on getting you to a secondary location to kill you.
Itā€™s not that it gets worse on reread, but I keep on thinking How to Hang a Witch and Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather are better than they are, then I go back and reread them and Iā€™m reminded that she doesnā€™t know how to write convincing characters, nor does she know how to properly pace her novels. BUT this is an example of one of my guilty pleasure book, since I love the AU potential.
ā€¦ Actually, I think a huge reason I think these books are better than they are is because my AU is so fun and interesting. I do this a lot with movies where I hype it up because Iā€™m remembering my AU (and I love my AU so much, so of course the movieā€™s going to be good!!!). Then I watch the movie, turn to my sister and Iā€™m like, ā€œPlease donā€™t judge me. My AU is so much better than this.ā€ And sheā€™s like, ā€œEvery time, Memorie. You do this every time.ā€ ā€œI know and I am ashamed.ā€
24. A book where you agree with its message but dislike the story.
A Witch in Time by Constance Sayers. Yes, you are not your past (past lives, in this case), and you can break the cycle! However, the romance wasā€¦ really weird, in that I never felt there was a payoff for the actual love interest, but the crappy (and sometimes abusive, in certain lives) boyfriendā€”who was very clearly not the love interest, I cannot stress this enoughā€”got romantic scenes. It wasā€¦ a mess. I canā€™t go into depth about it here because I have way too many thoughts. Most of them are confused and disappointed. Itā€™s not actual anger. But youā€™re telling me you had a fun story where the main character keeps getting reincarnated, her love interestā€™s torture is that he has to watch her fall in love with a scumbag then have her heart broken, and she has a curse where she can only live to 34 before she dies and restarts again, and you managed to make it boring??? I understand making it confusing, but boring. I was bored! The most interesting part was the beginning, when her magic started lashing out because she didnā€™t even know she had it! And then suddenly, she knew how to use it fifty pages later?? In a 500 page book??? Okay. ://///
25. A book on your B-tier: Not one of your favorites, but one you enjoyed.
I have so many of these. Like, a lot of these. I love a lot of books that Iā€™d never say are my favorites simply because clunky prose, stories that fall just slightly short, or are otherwise lackluster. I call a lot of them popcorn reads to defend myself.
(This isnā€™t a weird thing, since every reader has these, but I feel extra shame since Iā€™ll adore a book and hype it up, only to have someone read it and tell me they thought it was only meh. I feel like I have to defend myself.)
A non-extensive list includes:
The Ghost and the Goth (plus the other two books in the trilogy) by Stacey Kade
Night Music by Jenn Marie Thorne
The Beholder by Anna Bright
Iā€™ll stop here, but I haveā€¦ 100+. I was counting on my ā€œReadā€ list andā€¦ yeah. Yeah.
26. An author on your B-tier: Not one of your favorites, but one you enjoyed.
Hmm, so I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say B-list, since these authors Iā€˜m going to mention are all authors that I have read and will continue to read every single one of their books, but Katie Alender, Marissa Meyer, Heather Dixon, and Esther Friesner. Theyā€™re all dependable authors and I highly enjoy their books. I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re all my favorite books though.
ā€¦ I do feel bad for putting Marissa Meyer there though. I rescind that, just because I own all her books and Iā€™ve read all of them with great enjoyment. Even the stories that arenā€™t normally in my typical wheelhouse.
30. A fictional book that taught you about/increased your interest in a real-life subject.
Bad Girls Donā€™t Die by Katie Alender! Iā€™ve become extremely fascinated with photography because of it. Thatā€™s actually why Azureā€™s a photographer nowā€”because I loved the way the main character in this series talked about photography!!!
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arknights-imagines Ā· 3 years
9 and 18 for the ask meme!!
Hi anon! Aaa tysm for joining the After-Party šŸ„³!! You're the fifth one here sbsjjs
Here's some ice cream for you šŸ’•
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So two numbers from the ask meme this time aahjsw yay šŸ„³!! Number 9 and 18 from the Party's Character Ask Meme, let me get started āœØ
9- Whatā€™s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
Sgsjgshs so this one has already been asked for but I have lots and lots of Executor headcanons šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ so I'm more than happy to answer it again with different ones!! (I'll do some shorter ones this time shjssh)
So first:
Because he's a Sankta, Executor can definitely bake but in his opinion he's not so good at it anymore sjjsje he doesn't have time to be baking very often considering he's a very busy angel
But even so he can follow instructions extremely well and so he can still bake just about anything even given a baking book to follow directions from šŸ„³! Whenever he bakes stuff from a baking book it always looks just like the picture šŸ˜®
If you praise him about this he just shakes his head and assures you its no big deal hsjshhs he just knows how to follow instructions is all, he says
"I appreciate your praise, however this is nothing worth a standing ovation as I simply did as the baking instructions in the book said. However if you insist...thank you, in any case."
And the second one:
A funnier one I have is that if you touch his halo or wings without warning he just goes completely still - no matter what he is doing - , then just stands and waits while he silently hopes you stop poking at them sbsjbsjs šŸ˜­
(I like to imagine touching a Sankta's wings or Halo feels a little like tickling lolol)
If you keep on touching them he'll squirm a little then gently grab your wrist while narrowing his eyes at you just a bit, probably asking you if that's really necessary lolol šŸ˜¶šŸ˜­
"....if you require something of me or are for whatever reason curious about a Sankta's wings and halo, you can simply just ask me. Hm, I'm sure you are aware of that?"
18- Whatā€™s something you associate this character with? E.g. a certain colour, object or scenery?
Omg this one is going to be a lot of fun sbjshs šŸ„³šŸ„ŗ since I'm a writer after all I'll try to describe what I have in mind as vividly as possible
Okay sgshhss so I associate these three specific sorts of sceneries with Executor:
A busy city of white buildings, where everyone has something to do or something they're doing. It's one you feel safe in - you're not sure why that is, but in any case you feel protected while you're in the city
Stained glass windows designed intricately and with small bits of colour; they almost appear as if irregularly shaped painted canvases with complex frames
And lastly, the inside of an empty cathedral made up of white arches and pillars. Your shoes click on the floor as you walk, and every noise that's made echos out gently
Something like this maybe sgshhs??:
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I can't really explain exactly why but sbjshs those three sceneries are ones that remind me the very most of him sbjshs šŸ’• I hope it all doesn't sound like nonsense aaa šŸ˜­
But anywho anon tysm for sending in an ask (with two numbers too and really good choices on top of that aaa šŸ„ŗ) and Executor thanks you sincerely as well šŸ’•
I really appreciate you coming to join the After-Party and I hope you enjoy your ice cream šŸØ Please have a great day and I hope you'll stick around šŸŒø!!
Yours truly,
- Exe (and also a pleased Executor šŸ„ŗ!!)
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arknights-imagines Ā· 3 years
hi exe!! hows the dossoles event? i got summer chen on 20+ rolls!! (yes i thought i was gonna get after 10 rolls šŸ˜­).. also i hope you get summer chen and mizuki!! and have fun in the event!! <33
Hiya mahribee avshss!! šŸ„ŗ Aaaa it's super good to see you sticking around šŸ’ž I hope you're safe and well
But anywho I've been waiting to talk about the Dossoles Holiday event so sbjshsj šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ I finally get a chance to lolol
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So aaa the Dossoles Holiday event is amazing!! šŸ„³ I'm really really enjoying every part of it avhsvs the whole theme of the event is lighthearted and fun but the story behind the event fits the Arknights universe perfectly āœØ and the characters in the event are all super cool too!! So I'm having tons of fun with the event, ty svshgs!! šŸ„ŗ
This event was definitely worth the hype svshsghs šŸ„³
But moving on, congrats on Ch'en the Holungday coming home to you sgsjsh!! šŸ„³šŸŽ‰ And in less than 60 pulls too šŸ˜Æ that's super good luck!!
As for my own pulls, I didn't get Ch'en the Holungday but that's okay since I was only hoping for Mizuki and La Pluma anyways bajshs šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ and thankfully they both came home on the first day of the event aaa!! šŸ„³šŸ˜­ And Tequila has of course joined me too sbshhss šŸ’ž
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Like always I'm looking forward to writing for these new characters so feel free to send in requests for them!! šŸ’ž
Speaking of which sbsjshs someone please send in requests for Ernesto/Tequila omg šŸ˜­šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ I really like his character and design and he's just grown on me super fast lolol golden retriever man is just super cool to me, just look šŸ„ŗ
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Anywho sbjss that's all!! Tysm for your ask and I hope you and everyone else are enjoying the event too šŸ„ŗšŸ’ž
Please have a good day and I hope you'll keep sticking around! šŸŒø
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